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May 2012

INSIDE • Dead or Alive: Chapter 18 • Student to Know: Hannah Kienbaum • Teacher to Know: Paul Marszalkowski • Author Spotlight A product of the Stevens Point Journal & Boys & Girls Club


May 2012

Is lack of patriotism our new patriotism?


e witness irony almost every day. Examples of this happening include drawing trees on paper, or when skinny people complain about being overweight. One example of irony that I still remember was By Kaylyn Kluck at a 9/11 memorial service I went Our Voice Staff to in fourth grade. Every child Pacelli High School Ninth-Grader who went got an American flag. When you pressed a button on the bottom the handle lit up with red, white and blue flickers. However, the ironic thing was the “Made in China” sticker on the side of it. In a way, this occurrence can represent the attitude of our country at this point Editorial in time. The evident lack of pride in the United States only grows bigger. Anyone who flips through a national newspaper will probably see more articles on controversial topics than positive things. Anyone who watches the national evening news can listen to an anchorman saying, “Good evening,” before they proceed to tell you why it is not. I’m not suggesting we are a lost country, I’m

pointing out that too many negative things are weighing us down. I think the 2012 presidential election is what it is all going to boil down to. We’re at such a critical point in the country’s history that whoever is elected is going to represent what direction we go in. With the endless whiplash between the Republican and Democratic parties, people question whether we are making any progress at all. I believe we have, to some degree. Our economy that dipped so low around 2008 is slowly recovering. New jobs for the unemployed continue to grow. Advances have been made in the fields of science and energy. These are only a few things that are improving. Is it enough? Not yet. So many issues have been fought over and debated time and time again, I’m not sure if we’ll ever see the end result. You’ll find very few people out there who are completely satisfied with how America is right now, perhaps to the point where lack of patriotism is sort of our patriotism. If we don’t like the way America is headed, we can

fight it because we possess the right to stand up for what we think is wrong. We can make fun of ourselves, about how obese and lazy we are. We can laugh about how all the college students will have to move back in with their parents after they graduate. We can joke about how one day China will rule us. We can say all this and more thanks to our freedom of speech. The USA is obviously not perfect. Here in the Land of the Free our biggest problems are supposed to be dealing with annoying people on Facebook, or that our hands are too big to fit in Pringles cans. If only this was the case. There are still children who suffer from abuse and hunger. There are still families struggling to make ends meet. We are trillions of dollars in debt. And yet, there are still a lot of good things. How we can speak out when we don’t like something. Don’t like the people who run the country? You can rally to get them recalled. Look at the Gov. Scott Walker scenario. I don’t really have an opinion about that matter, but I admire all the people on either side who

care enough to take a stand for what they think is right. Life isn’t always easy here, but we have it much better than other nations. We aren’t war-torn or completely impoverished. I wouldn’t want to live in any other country. Here in the U.S. I feel that our expectations toward what we deserve can be a little high. We’ve all seen the online comics making fun of our “First World Problems.” This is where irony comes in, since we are one of the wealthiest countries in the world. Many people simply expect the government to provide everything. Then there are people who work hard without expecting that much in return. We have a mix here of American Pride and American Greed. I think once we find common ground with all the different types of people here in the U.S., we’ll be OK. Will that ever happen? I doubt it. But even with all the negatives, be proud of our country that people die defending, that has such a rich and remarkable history. Have some pride. What the country’s future holds just might depend on the attitude of its citizens today.

Are you proud to be an American? Laura Kelble, ninth-grader at Pacelli High School: “Yes. I’m proud of what we stand for.”

Camille Jurgella, ninth-grader at Pacelli High School: “Yes. We have good food and our flag is pretty!”

Zach Brocken, ninth-grader at Pacelli High School: “Yes, because we have a modern society and forces of education.”

Kaylee Krostag, ninth-grader at Pacelli High School: “Yes, a lot of people fought for us.”

Michael Tulickas, 10th-grader at Pacelli High School: “Yes, we have a good army.”

May 2012

By Ciana Rose Our Voice Staff Pacelli High School 10th-Grader


Let your light shine to make the world a better place “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There’s nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within

of fate, us. It’s not just but in realin some of us; Editorial ity people’s it’s in everythoughts one. And as we let our own light shine, and actions dictate their deswe unconsciously give other tiny? The world consists of people permission to do the so many dimensions, opporsame. As we’re freed from tunities and just plain fun! our own fear, our presence It’s wasteful to be fearful of automatically frees others.” our own power. If anyone wants to change — Marianne Williamson something in the world, they Why have people become need to get rid of that fear so negative about the world and be bold. Be courageous around them? It’s not a per- and take a risk! We, as “chilfect place, but why don’t dren of God,” are meant to people start doing things to make the glory of God noticechange it? Why are they con- able in ourselves. Everyone vinced that they are victims might not believe in a high-

If you could do anything in the world, what would you do?


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Maria Baumann, 10th-grader at Pacelli High School: “Go skydiving.”

er being or a God, but why would they hide in the dark, afraid of their own light? What I take out of this quote is the true definition of the world today. There are people who are scared of their own power, and there are people who have swallowed the Great Fear, and impacted the world in many ways. There are more people out there. More people who have dreams, goals and ideas that could make the world we live in a better place. The only choice they have to make is to either let their own light shine, or let it

Alexa Haynes, 10th-grader at Pacelli High School: “Go to Africa and stay in a tree house.”

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Nikki Zeitzmann, 10th-grader at Pacelli High School: “Become a special-needs teacher.”

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slowly dim. Looking at the timeline of older adults in my life, it seems very boring to me. I do not want to work at the same job for 30 years if I dislike it. I want to help and teach as many people as I can, and in as many ways as I can. I want to make friends with movie stars as well as homeless people, climb mountains and skydive. Most importantly, I want to let my own light shine, and by doing that, unconsciously give others permission to do the same. This is my choice I have made. What is yours?

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May 2012

Dead or Alive

By Hanna Burch Our Voice Staff Ben Franklin Junior High School Ninth-Grader


ender led Angela to a huge set of doors with locks and bolts covering the surface. He stopped and pawed on the door, whining. Angela cautiously knocked on the door. The quiet buzzing sound coming from behind it stopped and absolute silence filled the air. She knocked again. “It’s me, Angela,” she said to the door in a medium-tone voice. After a few minutes of no response, she looked at Fender with helpless eyes.

“I guess they’re not there, buddy,” she told him. He looked at her with sad eyes, and then leaned back and howled the loudest howl she had ever heard. “SHUT UP!” she screamed over his howl, but it wasn’t loud enough to be heard. The piercing sound went on for a few seconds before he lay down in exhaustion. She sat down and petted him. “What was that? Was that necessary?” she asked him, muffling her face in his neck. She didn’t want to cry, but she was lost in an

underground operation of some sort and couldn’t find anyone she knew. Her kidnappers could find her any second, and she could be taken hostage. Again. Lying down on Fender, she closed her eyes. After a couple minutes, a rough hand covered her mouth and grabbed her shoulders from behind. She tried to scream and bite, but it was hard skin and the grip didn’t let up. The person pulled her up, facing away, and started walking down the hallway around a corner she hadn’t noticed before. She couldn’t

Members of the P.J. Jacobs Junior High School Pom Team, which earned the National Grand Champion title at the 2012 DX Americup National Championships on Feb. 25 are: (kneeling, from left) Mackenzie Burroughs, Lamu Ryavec, Hanna Rottier and Megan Wysocki; and (standing, from left) Ashleigh Thomason, Carly Gruber, coach Heather Roberts, Alia Murillo, Regan Duffin, Versace Martin. (CONTRIBUTED PHOTO)

Pom team earns National Grand Champion title For Our Voice

Months of intense preparation paid off Feb. 25 in Minneapolis when the P.J. Jacobs Junior High School Pom Team participated in the 2012 DX Americup National Championships. Competing in the Pom and Hip-Hop categories against other middle schools from as far away as Mexico, the girls were beaming with energy during their performances. The team’s technique, execution, choreography and costuming in the Pom routine garnered the title of National Grand Champion, a first for a P.J. squad. Along with the national title,

the team received champion coats, plaques and banners. First-year coach Heather Roberts, formerly of the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point Dance Team, said the P.J. group definitely deserved to win. “The girls worked hard during long hours of practice and accomplished their goals together,” she said. Congratulations on the successful conclusion to a great season. — Submitted by Rosemary Francsis, volunteer communications liaison for P.J. Jacobs Junior High School.


Editor’s note: This is the 18th chapter in a continuing series. The 19th installment will appear in the June issue. see behind her, but Fender had gotten up and was running ahead of her, waging his tail. What was wrong with him? Couldn’t he see she was being taken hostage and hurt by her assailer? But instead, Fender ran around the corner and stopped to wait for Angela to catch up. Around the corner stood an identical set of doors that opened when her capturer stood in front of them. There must have been hidden cameras looking at the people waiting to enter through the doors. Entering into a large conference hall, with what looked like it could seat more than 250 people, Angela didn’t know what to

expect. About half the seats were filled with people murmuring with worried looks. This didn’t look like the people here to hurt her ... this looked like employees waiting for a meeting to start. What was going on? The person carrying her walked into a tiny room to the side. There were two chairs, a desk and a lamp. That was all. He placed her in the chair in front of the desk and released her. Locking the door, with the two inside the room, she glared at him while massaging her shoulders. “What was that? Who are you?” she cried. Her capturer turned around. It was her dad, Carlos.


May 2012

Student to Know: Hannah Kienbaum By Juliana Spry Our Voice staff Ben Franklin Junior High School Ninth-Grader



annah Kienbaum is a ninth-grader at Ben Franklin Junior High School. She participates in Yearbook Club, Newspaper Club and Snow Club. Hannah likes to golf and enjoyed playing it at her school. She also is a part of her church’s youth group. Hannah’s favorite class is German. She takes pleasure in learning about a different culture. In addition, she thinks it is exciting to be able to talk in a different language. Hannah wants to make new friends and learn new things to succeed in life and school. She also wants to go to college to get a well paying job to support

her family and friends. She looks up to her family because they are truly supportive and helpful in tough times. They help Hannah to reach her personal goals in life. Hannah’s friends and teachers inspire her to do her best. They teach her to try to have a positive outlook and to never give up. Her knowledge that what she does now will impact her life later motivates her. Hannah cares passionately about her friends and family. “They inspire me to do more and to be a better person,” she said. In Hannah’s free time, she likes to bike with friends and she participates in local piano lessons. She also is an Irish dancer after school. “My advice for students is to be passionate about your future and your dreams will come true,” Hannah said. “Also, if you find everything you’re looking for in life, you will be able to become someone who you want to be.”

NOMINATE A STUDENT Do you know a local junior high or high school student who should be featured as our Student to Know in Our Voice. If so, contact Jamie Jung at 715-345-2256 or email jamie.jung@ cwnews.net.


May 2012

Gardening 101: Tips to grow vegetables and flowers


By Danielle Pederson Our Voice Staff Stevens Point Area Senior High 10th-Grader

get excited and plant before the ground is warm and all the frost at night is gone. One of the most important things is that you should follow the directions on the back of the planting bag or box because they are usually accurate. One of the benefits of growing your own garden is that the produce tastes better because you know you grew them. You also know no preservatives have been added because they are fresh and came right from your garden. You also know Vegetable garden Avid gardener Nancy that there aren’t going to Davidson of Brillion sug- be little bugs and deformagests that when you want to tions on your fruit or vegstart a garden, you should etables. mix a little peat moss and fertilizer in the ground and work up the ground really Flower garden good so it is loose. Never When you are buying plant the seeds too far into flowers that are already the ground or the fruit or growing, make sure you vegetable won’t grow and water them properly and bloom. Even though it is cover the roots. When you getting warmer out don’t first get the plant out you ith warm temperatures arriving earlier this year and the snow disappear from the ground months ago, many people are anxious to plant their vegetable and flower gardens. And while you may need to wait a little longer to plant those tomatoes and cucumbers outside, the following are some tips for a successful growing season.

will flip it over and push it through. Once you are done with that break apart the soil around the root so the root will grow even bigger. Follow the directions on the card of that flower careful-

ly so the flower will grow and bloom into a beautiful flower or bush. Some of the most popular flowers, according to Ly n n ’s G r e e n h o u s e & Garden Center in Stevens

Point, are the geranium and the petunia. If you are more into the therapeutic kind, you may want to do a flower garden so you can watch the flowers bloom and prosper.

Student Council dance a hit with PCHCC residents For Our Voice

The P.J. Jacobs Junior High School Student Council has sponsored a King and Queen of Hearts Dance for residents of the Portage County Health Care Center for 41 years. Originated by longtime P.J. Jacobs social studies teacher Mary Kocha, the event is highly anticipated by the residents. PCHCC staff nominated a king and queen candidate from each section of the facility. All nominees, with a Student Council escort, promenaded around the dance floor before the highest female and male vote getters were crowned King and Queen of

Hearts in a special ceremony. Residents and council members got footloose, partying to DJ spun tunes ranging from swing to polka to rock. Even the residents who chose not to venture onto the dance floor enjoyed the lively blend of music, watching from the sidelines and keeping the beat. The 12 participating P.J. Jacobs Junior High School Student Council members also shared punch and homemade sugar cookies during this festive Sunday afternoon. Submitted by Rosemary Francsis, volunteer communications liaison for P.J. Jacobs Junior High School.

P.J. Jacobs Junior High School School Council member Maria Delgado-Gomez and Leonard Konkol, a resident of the Portage County Health Care Center, sweep through the Valentine arch at the King and Queen of Hearts Dance at the health care center. (CONTRIBUTED PHOTO)


May 2012

Teacher to Know: Paul Marszalkowski

By Molly Wirtz Our Voice Staff Pacelli High School Ninth-Grader


aul Marszalkowski, also known as Mr. Marsz, is one of the newest members of the staff at Pacelli High School. He recently graduated from SUNY Fredonia university in New York with a degree in music. He grew up in Buffalo, N.Y., and moved to Wisconsin to teach choir and music classes at Pacelli High School. He does not have any pets, other than his little brother whom he fondly refers to as a pet. He decided to become a teacher because he likes

being a role model for the students. His favorite parts of teaching are playing and teaching music all day, and all of his students. Though Mr. Marsz has only been at Pacelli for a short period of time, he has already made some great memories, including some students deciding there was a bunny haunting the choir room. Mr. Marsz said one thing his students would be surprised to know about him is that he won the New York Spelling Bee in third grade. Some advice he would like to share would be to never take things too seriously, and to be happy. Mr. Marsz also is a musician at St. Peter Parish in Stevens Point. Some of his


favorite hobbies include playing music and writing music. Through his writing of music he has written a

whole musical. He also enjoys playing ultimate Frisbee with his family and friends.

Do you know a local junior high or high school teacher who should be featured as our Teacher to Know in Our Voice? If so, contact Jamie Jung at 715-345-2256 or email jamie.jung@ cwnews.net.


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May 2012

Author Spotlight: Janet Evanovich


By Danielle Pederson Our Voice Staff Stevens Point Area Senior High 10th-Grader

fairly recent movie that came out was “One for the Money,” starring Katherine Heigl, and this movie is based on a book by an author who has written in a lot of genres. Janet Evanovich is an author that your moms might know. She is a romance novelist as well as a young adult murdermystery writer. She writes things that most girls can read and think, “Wow, I have totally been in that position.” A series I recommend is the Stephanie Plum series. It is a series that is 18 strong right now and still growing. You definitely have to start from the beginning, though.

The first book is “One for the Money,” and each book onward has the number of the book in the title — to give you a few examples, “Hot Six,” “Hard Eight,” “Sizzling Sixteen,” “Finger

Lickin’ Fifteen” and so on. I think you get the picture. Evanovich is really good at getting you started off a little slow for around 20 pages, and then it is a page turner. I have a

book that is hard to put down, you can tell. I have only good things to say about Evanovich’s books. I do have to warn you that her books are for a more mature reader, some of the things are a little too mature for someone who isn’t in high school. I am sure you are all now saying in your head, “I can handle it.” I am not doubting that, but I am only thinking of your parents. Have fun reading! Coming in the next issue friend who takes a week to ... any suggestions? If you read 30 pages in a book, I have a book that you would gave her the first book of like me to read, send an Evanovich’s series and she email with the book title had the whole 200-page and author to Jamie Jung at jamie.jung@cwnews.net, book finished in two days. The minute you get a or just let me know.




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