mid-March. Faculty donated medical supplies from their classroom laboratories to hospitals. And some innovative staff and faculty even used 3D printers to create face shields for regional health care workers. Students are also humbly stepping forward, including one who is creatively promoting literacy to local children through online videos.
from the
Home has taken on a whole new meaning for many of us this spring. Stay-at-home orders drove most of us there to help deter the spread of COVID-19, the disease caused by the novel coronavirus. But judging from the messages I received from many students and alumni, the idea of “home” is not necessarily limited to a house or an apartment. For many, this university is home – and a profound blessing through all of this experience has been hearing from those who miss Gannon, who miss the ability to come back to this home. And though the immediate future seems cloudy, sunnier days are ahead. We will get through this moment together even if – for now – together means keeping six feet apart. In spite of the distance, there are clear signs of how our Gannon family continues to inspire and transform the lives of those around them. On these pages are stories of members of our Gannon family who’ve embraced a spirit of courage to become bearers of light. In humility, they’ve given their talents, resources, ambitions and faith to a community of vulnerable, uncertain, but hopeful people. Hundreds of our Gannon family members generously provided funding to meet students’ basic needs and to help them return home when our campuses closed in
Doug Oathout Chief Marketing and Communications Officer Brianna Mariotti Marketing and Content Strategist
Vol. XXXV, No. 1 • May 2020 Gannon University • 109 University Square Erie, Pennsylvania 16541 • (814) 871-7000 www.gannon.edu
We’ve seen lives and traditions disrupted in these last several weeks. We recently celebrated our Class of 2020 through a virtual degree conferral in advance of our inperson events planned for August and October. When we reunite at that time, we will honor our graduates not only for their determination in completing their educational journeys, but also for how they’ve stepped boldly into their communities to make a meaningful difference. Our campus landscape is changing, too. We’re blessed that I-HACK’s renovations are once again underway. Construction of the first and second floor Pierre McCormick Cyber Learning Center classroom and laboratory spaces are expected to be complete in Fall 2020. We welcomed our first company, Extreme Networks, to their home in this building to elevate the delivery of our cyber programs and to provide professional training opportunities. We’ve also continued the transformation of the Mary, Seat of Wisdom Chapel, which is scheduled for a wonderful reopening this fall. This continued movement of the gears of progress show that even when the world seems to stop around us, positive change continues to happen at home at Gannon. Much of what you read in these pages are stories of incredible accomplishments and admirable resilience. They are reflections of a Gannon family that creates lifechanging opportunities through moments of innovation, leadership, service and togetherness. How honored I am to share these stories with you in this issue of the Gannon Magazine. Ever grateful for God’s and your blessings and support,
Keith Taylor, Ph.D., President
Gannon Magazine is published by University Marketing and Communications: Mallory Bottoni ’14 Haley Figurski Michael Gorski ’11M Laura Hinsdale Matthew King Andrew Lapiska ’09M Nicole Lossie ’11 Raechel Miller Kristine Rilling
We value your input; please direct any comments, questions or feature ideas to magazine@gannon.edu.
photography student, staff and alumni contributors Rick Klein ’84
printing Royle Printing
class notes and address changes Jana Hunt Assistant Director, Gift Recording hunt001@gannon.edu • (814) 871-7469