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The Library
Students that receive all F’s for a semester, who did not formally withdraw, will be reviewed by the Financial Aid Administrator to establish the students’ last date of attendance. If a student ceased attendance for all classes before 60% of the semester was over, that last date of attendance will be used. If a last date of attendance cannot be determined, the Financial Aid Administrator is required to process an “unofficial” withdrawal date using the mid-point of the semester to calculate unearned federal funds that must be returned to the appropriate federal aid program.
Students need to understand that, although they can withdraw from a semester with X grades, the Financial Aid Administrator must review and adjust federal aid disbursements made to any student receiving federal grants and/or loans based on their last date of attendance or unofficial withdrawal date. The student is responsible for any returned federal funds that results in a balance due on their student account. If payment is not made, the student will be liable for all reasonable collection costs, including attorney fees and other charges necessary for the collection of any amount not paid.
The Msgr. Wilfrid J. Nash Library and Student Learning Commons is a dynamic and engaging learning environment that provides resources, spaces, and support to students of Gannon University to foster learning and academic success.
Nash Library’s collections contain over 200,000 book volumes and more than 3,000 audiovisual items. Special collections include the University Archives. The library provides online access to over 45 databases, 80,000 periodicals, and 250,000 ebooks. Other learning resources such as laptops and anatomical models are also available for checkout. Research assistance and information literacy instruction are also integral components of the library’s educational mission.
The STEM Center and Writing and Research Center are also located within the building to provide individual and course-integrated group tutoring both online and in-person.
Nash Library and Student Learning Commons opened in spring of 2018 after an extensive modernization project. The building contains spaces for quiet study as well as spaces for collaborative work. There are 49 study rooms in a variety of sizes and configurations designed to accommodate 2 to 10 students. Urban Brew, a new café with its own distinctive menu, is also located in Nash. The library is open 104.5 hours per week during the Fall and Spring semesters.
Student Services
All enrollment services at Gannon University are available to students on campus and online. These enrollment services include course registration, student financial aid, student accounts and billing. Gannon students are able to purchase books, supplies, and apparel from the Gannon bookstore in Erie at the Palumbo Academic Center located at 824 Peach Street. Students are also able to order books, supplies, and apparel from the Gannon bookstore online. When ordering textbooks on www.gannon.bkstr.com, students can purchase new or used books to be shipped to their residence or for store pickup. Books ordered online may be filled by one of over 900 Follett stores or from the Follett distribution center in Chicago. The bookstore website lists all of Gannon’s offerings each semester with corresponding text information.
The mission of Gannon’s Information Technology Services (ITS) department is to provide the technology infrastructure and tools to enhance the productivity of students, faculty and staff. Students who have specific needs or problems related to online instruction can contact the ITS Helpdesk Monday – Friday 8:00AM – 9:00PM at (814) 871-7501. This information is provided to the students in the new student orientation, registration information as well as published at the bottom of each Blackboard screen.
Any student who requires instructional accommodations can contact the Student Services Office at (814) 871-7597 (http:// www.gannon.edu/depts/nss/accommodations.ihtml). This office is responsible for maintaining disability related documentation, certifying eligibility for receipt of services, determining reasonable accommodations, and ensuring the provision of those services. Gannon’s learning management system also includes a prominent link to an accessibility statement that contains helpful information on accessibility resources.
Gannon’s Student Success Center provides support services, including academic advising, career counseling, tutoring, programming, and resources for campus and distance students attending the University.
Professionally trained peer consultants who reflect respect for the individual writer staff the Writing Center in the Student Success Center. Consultations promote the recognition of an elemental rhetorical situation, the ability to understand and apply corrections, and the stimulation of critical thinking. The Writing Center consultants have a strong commitment to service and regard language as fundamental to the holistic development of the Gannon University student.
Math and Writing Centers are located at the Palumbo Academic Center, 824 Peach Street. Both Centers offer synchronous tutoring services available online. Tutoring is facilitated over the phone and through the Web. Appointments can be made from any Internetconnected computer or mobile device.
Career Services and academic advising are also available to students on campus and from a distance.