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Engineering Management (MSEM
GECE 515 Software Testing & Quality Assurance
3 credits This course is concerned with understanding the role of quality assurance in the software development cycle and applying these techniques to software products. Course topics include test design methods, test planning, automated test support, quality measurement and quality tracking techniques.
GECE 539 Real-time System Implementation
3 credits This is a project-oriented course. It is designed for students to get familiarity and hands-on experiences with the real-time system implementation process using Matlab Real-time Workshop and Real-time Workshop Embedded Coder tools.
GECE 545 Advanced Digital Design
2 credits Co-requisite: Take concurrently with GECE 546. Advanced topics in top-down digital design and bottom-up verification are introduced. Combinatorial and sequential logic design, circuit aspects of logic devices, families, and interfaces are reviewed. CAD tools using schematic and hardware description language based design entry for simulation, synthesis; post-synthesis analysis and implementation on a programmable target device are exposed. Industry-standard integrated design and development environments will be used throughout the course.
GECE 546 Advanced Digital Design Lab
1 credit Laboratory to accompany GECE 545 Advanced Digital Logic. Must be taken concurrently with GECE 545.
GECE 547 Embedded Systems Design
3 credits This is a project-oriented course. It is designed to deliver the concepts of microprocessor-based design flow and hardware/software design integration. Discussions include CPU architectures, instruction sets, interrupts, peripheral configurations, software development, realtime operating system, as well as hardware-in-the-loop debugging and testing.
3 credits This is an introductory course for the VHDL hardware description language that targets the programmable logic and ASIC design. The usage of the language in representation, simulation, verification and synthesis areas is studied with extensive lab assignments. Essential syntax and semantics of the VHDL language including design entity, architectural bodies, concurrent and sequential statements, processes, data types, packages, configurations, register transfer level design are among the covered topics.
GECE 550 Hw/Sw Co-Design
3 credits Top-down system level embedded design for large-scale systems containing hardware and software components are considered. Development flow shall include a) requirements to design specifications b) hardware and software partitioning c) trade off analysis between self-development and reuse for intellectual property and real-time OS d) HDL-based hardware design, simulation and testing, e) OO software design, simulation and verification.
GECE 551 Rapid Prototyping with FPGA
3 credits Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) has become an essential part of the digital system design flow for many applications. They provide inexpensive solutions for hardware prototypes and the fastest time-to-market. The novelty and programmability also allow design explorations towards optimal architecture. This course will cover the FPGA features and architectures, rapid prototyping aspects of FPGA use, FPGA configuration techniques, hardware simulation and debugging, as well as the modern digital synthesis and hardware analysis skills and tools. Other commercial programmable logic devices (PLD) will also be discussed.
GECE 552 Data Integrity on Computer Networks
3 credits This course provides the concepts, theory (algorithms) and techniques (protocols/standard) to deliver data integrity on computer networking. Topics include Data Integrity on data communication (i.e., Transmission Media, and Transmission and Multiplexing) and on computer network (i.e., Data Security, Flow Control, Wire/Wireless network, and Internet Protocols/ Applications/Programming). Students perform Data Integrity on data communication (1/2) and on computer network (1/2).
GECE 553 Real-Time Simulator
3 credits This course provides the concepts and hardware/software modeling techniques to deliver real-time data processing and signal acquisition on real-time applications. Topics include hardware modeling based on FPGA implementation in VHDL and software modeling based on Matlab/Simulink.
GENG 586 Object-Oriented Modeling
3 credits**
** Please see course description in the Course of Interest for All Options