16 minute read
Middle Level 4-8......................................................Bachelor of Science
SENIOR Fall 3 Methods/Materials ESL/ELL/ EDCR 420* 3 History without Borders/LHST 111 3 Philosophy II Series/LPHI II 3 The Bible: An Intro/LTHE 201 3 Low Incidence Disabilities/SPED 307** 2 Transitions/SPED 333* 17 Spring 3 Professional Seminar/EDCR 401 12 Student Teaching/EDFL 410
Total credits: 133
* Field experience embedded throughout the semester (6-15 hrs.) + Field experience embedded throughout the semester (60 hrs.) ++ Field experience embedded throughout the semester (30 hrs.) ** Three-week field experience (90 hrs.)
MIDDLE LEVEL 4-8 EDUCATION Bachelor of Science Degree
Mission of the Middle Level Program: Gannon University’s Middle Level Grades 4-8 program prepares skilled professionals who improve the educational experiences of young adolescents by designing and delivering multifaceted, integrative, challenging, and engaging curricula, instruction, and assessment. Gannon’s Grades 4-8 Middle Level Certification programs lead to a Bachelor of Science degree with certification in nine possible areas. The curriculum provides extensive fieldbased experiences in both self-contained and content-specific classrooms in rural, urban and suburban classrooms. The professional education core creates a foundation for successful clinical practice. This core set of courses emphasizes middle level philosophy and strategies for success with young adolescents, regardless of whether the school is an elementary, middle or junior high school. The curriculum includes courses designed to provide content-area expertise as well as foundational knowledge in all core subject areas. These courses require field-based experiences that total approximately 340 hours before student teaching.
Middle Level Education 4-8 Concentration: English/Language Arts and Reading Curriculum
(Numerals in front of courses indicate credits) FRESHMAN Fall 1 Foundations of Teaching/EDCR 103 2 First-Year Seminar/EDCR 104 * 3 College Composition/LENG 111 3 History without Borders/LHST 111 3 College Algebra/MATH 111 3 Public Speaking/SPCH 111 15 Spring 3 Psychology of Learning/ Teaching/EDCR 101 3 Critical Analysis/ Composition/LENG 112 3 Foundations of Theology/Morality/ LTHE 101 3 Fundamentals of Mathematics/MATH 105 3 Special Education Overview/SPED 101 15
SOPHOMORE Fall 3 Instructional Design/Classroom Management/EDCR 105+ 3 Introduction to Literature/LENG 247 3 Introduction to Philosophy/LPHI 131 3 Applied Statistics/MATH 213 or Psychological Statistics/PSYC 211 3 Meet Needs Students Exceptionalities/SPED 245*
15 Spring 3 Child/Adolescent Literature/ EDCR 220+ 1 Leadership Seminar/EDCR 240 3 World Geography/GEOG 201 3 Philosophy of Ethical Responsibility/ LPHI 237 or any LTHE 300 Course 3 Adolescent Development/MLED 202 3 U.S. Government/Politics/POLI 111 16
JUNIOR Fall 3 General Biology/BIOL 101 or Human Biology/BIOL 104 or Essentials of Anatomy/Physiology I/ BIOL 108 3 Advanced Composition/ENGL 211 3 Introduction to Linguistics/ENGL 217 3 Quantitative Literacy/MATH 103 3 Literacy Dev, Strategies/ Assessment: 4-8/MLED 301++ 3 Data Driven Instruction/SPED 306*
18 Spring 3 Environmental Issues/BIOL 103 or General Chemistry I/CHEM 111 or Issues in Science/Technology/CHEM 166 or Ecology of Yellowstone National Park/ BIOL 384 and Special Topics in Biology/ BIOL 492 3 Expressive Arts/EDCR 302 3 Philosophy II Series/LPHI II 3 The Bible: An Introduction/LTHE 201 3 Program Plan/Assessment/SPED 343* 3 Elective 18
SENIOR Fall 3 Archaeology Methods/Lab/ ARCH 202 or Intro to Organic/ Biochemistry/CHEM 102 or Chemistry of Life 1/CHEM 103 or Concepts in Physics/PHYS 101 1 Methods/Materials Seminar/EDCR 321* 3 Structure of English Language/ EDCR 419 3 Methods/Materials ESL/ELL/ EDCR 420 3 Concepts Natural Science/ MLED 302 ++ 3 Elective 16 Spring 3 Professional Seminar/EDCR 401 12 Student Teaching/EDFL 410
Total credits: 128
* Field experience embedded throughout the semester (6-15 hrs.) + Field experience embedded throughout the semester (60 hrs.) ++ Field experience embedded throughout the semester (30 hrs.)
Middle Level Education 4-8 Concentration: Mathematics Curriculum
(Numerals in front of courses indicate credits) FRESHMAN Fall 1 Foundations of Teaching/EDCR 103 2 First-Year Seminar/EDCR 104* 3 College Composition/LENG 111 3 Foundations of Theology/LTHE 101 3 College Algebra/MATH 111 3 Trigonometry/MATH 112
SOPHOMORE Fall 3 Instructional Design/Classroom Mgmt/EDCR 105+ 3 Introduction to Philosophy/LPHI 131 3 Calculus 2/MATH 141 3 Discrete Mathematics/MATH 222 3 U.S. Government/Politics/POLI 111 3 Meet Needs Students Exceptionalities/SPED 245*
JUNIOR Fall 3 General Biology/BIOL 101 or Human Biology/BIOL 104 or Essentials of Anatomy/Physiology I/ BIOL 108 1 Methods/Materials Seminar/ EDCR 321* 3 Calculus 3/MATH 242 3 Literacy Dev, Strategies/Assessments/ MLED 301++ 3 Philosophy II Series/LPHI 3 Data Driven Instruction/SPED 306*
16 Spring 3 Psychology of Learning/ Teaching/EDCR 101 3 Critical Analysis/Composition/ LENG 112 3 History without Borders/LHST 111 3 Calculus 1/MATH 140 3 Public Speaking/SPCH 111 3 Special Education Overview/SPED 101 18
Spring 3 Child/Adolescent Literature/ EDCR 220+ 1 Leadership Seminar/EDCR 240 3 World Geography/GEOG 201 3 Applied Statistics/MATH 213 3 History of Mathematics/MATH 260 3 Adolescent Dev./MLED 202 *
Spring 3 Environmental Issues/BIOL 103 or General Chemistry 1/CHEM 111 or Issues in Science/Technology/CHEM 166 or Ecology of Yellowstone National Park/BIOL 384 and Special Topics in Biology/BIOL 492 3 Expressive Arts/EDCR 302 3 Philosophy of Ethical Responsibility/ LPHI 237 or any LTHE 300 course 3 Linear Algebra/MATH 252 3 Applications of Math/MLED 303+ 3 Program/Plan/Assessment/SPED 343* 18
SENIOR Fall 3 Archaeology Methods/Lab/ ARCH 202 or Intro to Organic/ Biochemistry/CHEM 102 or Chemistry of Life 1/CHEM 103 or Concepts in Physics/PHYS 101 3 Methods/Materials: ESL/ELL/ EDCR 420* 3 The Bible: An Introduction/LTHE 201 3 Geometry/MATH 226 3 Concepts of Natural Science/ MLED 302++
15 Spring 3 Professional Seminar/EDCR 401 12 Student Teaching/EDFL 410
Total credits: 131
* Field experience embedded throughout the semester (6-15 hrs.) + Field experience embedded throughout the semester (60 hrs.) ++ Field experience embedded throughout the semester (30 hrs.)
Middle Level Education 4-8 Concentration: Science Curriculum
(Numerals in front of courses indicate credits) FRESHMAN Fall 1 Foundations of Teaching/EDCR 103 2 First-Year Seminar/EDCR 104* 3 College Composition/LENG 111 3 Foundations of Theology/LTHE 101 3 College Algebra/MATH 111 3 Public Speaking/SPCH 111
SOPHOMORE Fall 3 General Biology/BIOL 101 or Ecosystem Biology/Evolution/ BIOL 126 3 Human Biology/BIOL 104 or Essentials of Anatomy/Physiology/ BIOL 108 3 Instructional Design/Classroom Management/EDCR 105+ 3 Introduction to Philosophy/LPHI 131 3 Quantitative Literacy/MATH 103 3 Meet Needs Students Exceptionalities/ SPED 245*
18 Spring 3 Psychology of Learning/Teaching/ EDCR 101 3 Critical Analysis/Composition/ LENG 112 3 History without Borders/LHST 111 3 Fundamentals of Mathematics/ MATH 105 3 Special Education Overview/SPED 101 15
Spring 3 Environmental Issues/BIOL 103 3 Instructional Technology/EDCR 102 3 Child/Adolescent Literature/ EDCR 220+ 1 Leadership Seminar/EDCR 240 3 The Bible: An Intro/LTHE 201 3 Adolescent Dev/MLED 202
JUNIOR Fall 3 Archaeology Methods/Lab/ ARCH 202 or Intro to Organic/Biochemistry/ CHEM 102 or Chemistry of Life 1/ CHEM 103 or Concepts in Physics/PHYS 101 1 Methods/Materials Seminar/ EDCR 321* 3 Principles of Environmental Sci/ ENV 120 or Principles of Energy/Climate Change/ENV 121 3 Reading Dev, Strategies/ Assessments/MLED 301++ 3 Applied Statistics/MATH 213 or Psychological Statistics/PSYC 211 3 Data Driven Instruction/SPED 306* 16
SENIOR Fall 3 General Chemistry 1/CHEM 111 3 Methods/Materials: ESL/ELL/ EDCR 420* 3 Physical Geology/ENV 101 or Historical Geology/ENV 104 1 Physical Geology Lab/ENV 102 or Historical Geology Lab/ENV 105 3 Philosophy II Series/LPHI 3 Concepts of Natural Science/ MLED 302+
17 Spring 3 Issues in Science/Technology/ CHEM 166 or Intro to Astronomy/PHYS 102 or Ecology of Yellowstone National Park/ BIOL 384 and Special Topics in Biology/BIOL 492 3 Expressive Arts/EDCR 302 3 World Geography/GEOG 201 3 Philosophy of Ethical Responsibility/ LPHI 237 or any LTHE 300 course 3 U.S. Government/Politics/POLI 111 3 Program/Plan Assessment Special Education/SPED 343*
Spring 3 Professional Seminar/EDCR 401 12 Student Teaching/EDFL 410
Total credits: 129
* Field experience embedded throughout the semester (6-15 hrs.) + Field experience embedded throughout the semester (60 hrs.) ++ Field experience embedded throughout the semester (30 hrs.)
Middle Level Education 4-8 Concentration: Social Studies Curriculum
(Numerals in front of courses indicate credits) FRESHMAN Fall 1 Foundations of Teaching/EDCR 103 2 First-Year Seminar/EDCR 104* 3 College Composition/LENG 111 3 History without Borders/LHST 111 3 College Algebra/MATH 111 3 Public Speaking/SPCH 111 15 Spring 3 Psyc of Learning/Teaching/EDCR 101 3 Critical Analysis/Comp/LENG 112 3 Fund of Mathematics/MATH 105 3 U.S. Government/Politics/POLI 111 3 Special Educ. Overview/SPED 101
SOPHOMORE Fall 3 General Biology/BIOL 101 or Human Biology/BIOL 104 3 Instructional Design/Classroom Management/EDCR105+ 3 Introduction to Philosophy/LPHI 131 3 Foundations of Theology/LTHE 101 3 Quantitative Literacy/MATH 103 3 Meet Needs Students Exceptionalities/ SPED 245*
JUNIOR Fall 3 Archeology Methods/Lab/ ARCH 202 or Intro to Organic/Biochemistry/ CHEM 102 or Chemistry of Life/CHEM 105 or Concepts in Physics/PHYS 101 3 History of U.S. to 1865/HIST 221 3 Philosophy II Series/LPHI 3 Literacy Dev, Strategies/ Assessments/MLED 301++ 3 Inquiry/Analysis in PA History/ Government/MLED 304+
SENIOR Fall 3 Prin of Microeconomics/BCOR 111 or Prin of Macroeconomics/BCOR 112 1 Methods/Materials Seminar/EDR 321* 3 Methods/Materials: ESL/ELL/ EDCR 420* 3 Concepts of Natural Sci./MLED 302++ 3 Cultural Anthropology/SOCI 292 3 Data Driven Instruction/SPED 306* 16 Spring 3 Child/Adolescent Literature/ EDCR 220+ 1 Leadership Seminar/EDCR 240 3 World Geography/GEOG 201 3 Adolescent Development/MLED 202 3 The Bible: An Intro/LTHE 201 3 Intro to International Relation/POLI 133
Spring 3 Environmental Issues/BIOL 103 or General Chemistry I/CHEM 111 or Issues in Science/Technology/ CHEM 166 or Ecology of Yellowstone National Park/ BIOL 384 and Special Topics in Biology/ BIOL 492 3 Expressive Arts/EDCR 302 3 U.S. History 1865 to Present/HIST 222 3 LPHI 237 or any LTHE 300 course 3 Applied Statistics/MATH 213 or Psychological Statistics I/PSYC 211 3 Program/Plan Assessment Special Education/SPED 343 *
Spring 3 Professional Seminar/EDCR 401 12 Student Teaching/EDFL 410
Total credits: 128
* Field experience embedded throughout the semester (6-15 hrs.) + Field experience embedded throughout the semester (60 hrs.) ++ Field experience embedded throughout the semester (30 hrs.)
Middle Level Education 4-8 (Dual Concentrations) Concentration: English/Language Arts and Reading & Mathematics Curriculum
(Numerals in front of courses indicate credits) FRESHMAN Fall 1 Foundations of Teaching/EDCR 103 2 First-Year Seminar/EDCR 104* 3 College Composition/LENG 111 3 Foundations of Theology/LTHE 101 3 College Algebra/MATH 111 3 Trigonometry/MATH 112 15 Spring 3 Psychology of Learning/ Teaching/EDCR 101 3 Critical Analysis/ Composition/LENG 112 3 Calculus 1/MATH 140 3 Public Speaking/SPCH 111 3 Special Educ Overview/SPED 101 15
SOPHOMORE Fall 3 General Biology/BIOL 101 or Human Biology/BIOL 104 or Essentials of Anatomy/Physiology I/ BIOL 108 3 Instructional Design/Classroom Mgmt/ EDCR 105+ 3 Intro to Literature/LENG 247 3 Introduction to Philosophy/LPHI 131 3 Discrete Math 1/MATH 222 3 Meet Needs Students Exceptionalities/ SPED 245*
18 Spring 3 Child/Adolescent Literature/ EDCR 220+ 1 Leadership Seminar/EDCR 240 3 Calculus 2/MATH 141 3 Applied Statistics/MATH 213 3 The Bible: An Introduction/LTHE 201 3 Adolescent Development/MLED 202
JUNIOR Fall 3 Archaeology Methods/Lab/ARCH 202 or Intro to Organic/Biochemistry/ CHEM 102 or Chemistry of Life I/CHEM 103 or Concepts in Physics/PHYS 101 3 Introduction to Linguistics/ENGL 217 3 Geometry/MATH 226 3 Literacy Dev, Strategies/Assessment/ MLED 301++ 3 Philosophy of Ethical Responsibility/LPHI 237 or any LTHE 300 course 3 U.S. Government/Politics/POLI 111
18 Spring 3 Environmental Issues/BIOL 103 or General Chemistry/CHEM 111 or Issues in Science/Technology/ CHEM 166 or Intro to Astronomy/PHYS 102 or Ecology of Yellowstone National Park/ BIOL 384 and Special Topics in Biology/BIOL 492 3 Expressive Arts/EDCR 302 3 World Geography/GEOG 201 3 Program Plan/Assessment Special Education/SPED 343 * 3 Philosophy II Series/LPHI 3 Application of Mathematics/MLED 303+ 18
SENIOR Fall 1 Methods/Materials Seminar/ EDCR 321* 3 Structure of English/EDCR 419 3 Methods/Materials: ESL/ELL/ EDCR 420* 3 History without Borders/LHST 111 3 Concepts Natural Science/MLED 302++ 3 Data Driven Instruction/SPED 306* 16 Spring 3 Professional Seminar/EDCR 401 12 Student Teaching/EDFL 410
Total credits: 131
* Field experience embedded throughout the semester (6-15 hrs.) + Field experience embedded throughout the semester (60 hrs.) ++ Field experience embedded throughout the semester (30 hrs.)
Middle Level Education 4-8 (Dual Concentration) Concentration: English/Language Arts and Reading & Science Curriculum
(Numerals in front of courses indicate credits) FRESHMAN Fall 1 Foundations of Teaching/EDCR 103 2 First-Year Seminar/EDCR 104* 3 College Composition/LENG 111 3 Foundations of Theology/LTHE 101 3 College Algebra/MATH 111 3 Public Speaking/SPCH 111 15 Spring 3 Psychology of Learning/Teaching/ EDCR 101 3 Critical Analysis/Composition/ LENG 112 3 Introduction to Philosophy/LPHI 131 3 Fundamentals of Math/MATH 105 3 Special Education Overview/SPED 101 15
SOPHOMORE Fall 3 General Biology/BIOL 101 or Ecosystem Biology/Evolution/ BIOL 126 3 Instructional Design/Class Mgmt/ EDCR 105+ 3 Intro to Literature/LENG 247 3 History without Borders/LHST 111 3 Philosophy II Series/LPHI 3 Quantitative Literacy/MATH 103 18 Spring 3 Instructional Technology/EDCR 102 3 Child/Adolescent Literature/ EDCR 220+ 1 Leadership Seminar/EDCR 240 3 World Geography/GEOG 201 3 The Bible: An Intro/LTHE 201 3 Adolescent Dev/MLED 202
JUNIOR Fall 3 Human Biology/BIOL 104 or Essentials of Anatomy/Physiology I/ BIOL 108 3 Methods/Materials: ESL/ELL/ EDCR 420* 3 Introduction to Linguistics/ENGL217 3 Applied Statistics/MATH 213 or Psychological Statistics I/PSYC 211 3 Literacy Dev, Strategies/ Assessment: 4-8/MLED 301++ 3 Meet Needs Students Exceptionalities/SPED 245*
18 Spring 3 Environmental Issues/BIOL 103 or General Chemistry I/CHEM 111 or Issues in Science/Tech/CHEM 166 or Intro to Astronomy/PHYS 102 or Ecology of Yellowstone National Park/ BIOL 384 and Special Topics in Biology/BIOL 492 3 Expressive Arts/EDCR 302 3 Philosophy of Ethical Responsibility/ LPHI 237 or any LTHE 300 course 3 U.S. Government/Politics/POLI 111 3 Program Plan/Assessment Special Ed/ SPED 343*
SENIOR Fall 3 Archaeology Methods/Lab/ ARCH 202 or Intro to Organic/Biochemistry/ CHEM 102 or Chemistry of Life I/CHEM 103 or Concepts in Physics/PHYS 101 1 Methods/Materials Seminar/EDCR 321* 3 Structure of English Language/ EDCR 419 3 Physical Geology/ENV 101 or Historical Geology/ENV 104 1 Physical Geology Lab/ENV 102 or Historical Geology Lab/ENV 105 3 Concepts of Natural Sci/MLED 302+ 3 Data Driven Instruction/SPED 306* 17 Spring 3 Professional Seminar/EDCR 401 12 Student Teaching/EDFL 410
Total credits: 129
* Field experience embedded throughout the semester (6-15 hrs.) + Field experience embedded throughout the semester (60 hrs.) ++ Field experience embedded throughout the semester (30 hrs.)
Middle Level Education 4-8 (Dual Concentration) Concentration: Mathematics and Science Curriculum
(Numerals in front of courses indicate credits) FRESHMAN Fall 1 Foundations of Teaching/EDCR 103 2 First-Year Seminar/EDCR 104 * 3 College Composition/LENG 111 3 History without Borders/LHST 111 3 College Algebra/MATH 111 3 Trigonometry/MATH 112 15 Spring 3 Psychology of Learning/Teaching/ EDCR 101 3 Critical Analysis/ Composition/LENG 112 3 Foundations of Theology/LTHE 101 3 Calculus 1/MATH 140 3 Public Speaking/SPCH 111 3 Special Educ Overview/SPED 101 18
SOPHOMORE Fall 3 General Biology/BIOL 101 or Ecosystem Biology/Evolution/BIOL 126 3 Instructional Design/Classroom Management/EDCR 105+ 3 Introduction to Philosophy/LPHI 131 3 Discrete Mathematics 1/MATH 222 3 U.S. Government/Politics/POLI 111 3 Meet Needs Students Exceptionalities/ SPED 245*
18 Spring 3 Instructional Technology/EDCR 102 3 Child/Adolescent Literature/ EDCR 220+ 1 Leadership Seminar/EDCR 240 3 Calculus 2/MATH 141 3 Applied Statistics/MATH 213 3 Adolescent Dev/MLED 202
JUNIOR Fall 3 3 General Chemistry I/CHEM 111 or CHEM 166 Issues in Science/ Technology or PHYS 102 Intro to Astronomy or BIOL 384 Ecol/Yellowstone Natl and BIOL 492 Sp Topics 1 Materials/Methods Seminar/ EDCR 321* 3 Physical Geology/ENV 101 or Historical Geology/ENV 104 1 Physical Geology Lab/ENV 102 or Historical Geology Lab/ENV 105 3 The Bible: An Introduction/LTHE 201 3 Geometry/MATH 226 3 Literacy Dev, Strategies/Assessments/ MLED 301++
17 Spring 3 Expressive Arts/EDCR 302 3 Applications of Math/MLED 303+ 3 World Geography/GEOG 201 3 Philosophy of Ethical Responsibility/ LPHI 237 or any LTHE 300 course 3 Program/Plan Assessment Special Ed/ SPED 343*
SENIOR Fall 3 Archaeology Methods/Lab/ ARCH 202 or Intro to Organic/Biochemistry/ CHEM 102 or Chemistry of Life/CHEM 103 or Concepts in Physics/PHYS 101 3 Human Biology/BIOL 104 or Essentials of Anatomy/Physiology I/ BIOL 108 3 Methods/Materials: ESL/ELL/ EDCR 420* 3 Philosophy II Series/LPHI 3 Concepts Natural Science/MLED 302+ 3 Data Driven Instruction/SPED 306* 18 Spring 3 Professional Seminar/EDCR 401 12 Student Teaching/EDFL 410
Total credits: 132
* Field experience embedded throughout the semester (6-15 hrs.) + Field experience embedded throughout the semester (60 hrs.) ++ Field experience embedded throughout the semester (30 hrs.)
Middle Level Education 4-8 (Dual Concentration) Concentration: Social Studies and Mathematics Curriculum
(Numerals in front of courses indicate credits) FRESHMAN Fall 1 Foundations of Teaching/EDCR 103 2 First-Year Seminar/EDCR 104* 3 College Composition/LENG 111 3 History without Borders/LHST 111 3 College Algebra/MATH 111 3 Trigonometry/MATH 112 15 Spring 3 Psychology of Learning/ Teaching/EDCR 101 3 Critical Analysis/ Composition/LENG 112 3 Foundations of Theology/LTHE 101 3 Calculus 1/MATH 140 3 Public Speaking/SPCH 111 3 Special Educ Overview/SPED 101 18
SOPHOMORE Fall 3 Archaeology Methods/Lab/ ARCH 202 or Intro to Organic/Biochemistry/ CHEM 102 or Chemistry of Life I/CHEM 103 or Concepts in Physics/PHYS 101 3 Instructional Design/Classroom Mgmt/EDCR 105+ 3 Introduction to Philosophy/LPHI 131 3 Applied Statistics/MATH 213 3 Discrete Mathematics 1/MATH 222 3 Meet Needs Students Exceptionalities/SPED 245*
18 Spring 3 Child/Adolescent Literature/ EDCR 220+ 1 Leadership Seminar/EDCR 240 3 The Bible: An Introduction/LTHE 201 3 World Geography/GEOG 201 3 Calculus 2/MATH 141 3 Adolescent Dev/MLED 202
JUNIOR Fall 1 Methods/Materials Seminar/ EDCR 321* 3 History of U.S. to 1865/HIST 221 3 Geometry/MATH 226 3 Literacy Dev, Strategies/ Assessments/MLED 301++ 3 U.S. Government/Politics/POLI 111 3 Data Driven Instruction/SPED 306*
16 Spring 3 Environmental Issues/BIOL 103 or General Chemistry/CHEM 111 or Issues in Science/Technology/ CHEM 166 or Intro to Astronomy/PHYS 102 or Ecology of Yellowstone National Park/BIOL 384 and Special Topics in Biology/BIOL 492 3 Expressive Arts/EDCR 302 3 History of U.S. 1865 to Present/HIST 222 3 Philosophy II Series/LPHI 3 Applications of Math/MLED 303+ 3 Program/Plan Assessment Special Ed/ SPED 343*
SENIOR Fall 3 General Biology/BIOL 101 or Human Biology/BIOL 104 or Essentials of Anatomy/Physiology I/ BIOL 108 3 Methods/Materials: ESL/ELL*/EDCR 420 3 Philosophy of Ethical Responsibility/ LPHI 237 or any LTHE 300 course 3 Concepts Natural Science/MLED 302++ 3 Inquiry/Analysis in PA History/ Government/MLED 304+
15 Spring 3 Professional Seminar/EDCR 401 12 Student Teaching/EDFL 410
Total credits: 131
* Field experience embedded throughout the semester (6-15 hrs.) + Field experience embedded throughout the semester (60 hrs.) ++ Field experience embedded throughout the semester (30 hrs.)
Middle Level Education 4-8 (Dual Concentration) Concentration: Social Studies and Science Curriculum
(Numerals in front of courses indicate credits) FRESHMAN Fall 1 Foundations of Teaching/EDCR 103 2 First-Year Seminar/EDCR 104* 3 College Composition/LENG 111 3 History without Borders/LHST 111 3 College Algebra/MATH 111 3 Public Speaking/SPCH 111 15 Spring 3 Psychology of Learning/Teaching/ EDCR 101 3 Foundations of Theology/Morality/ LTHE 101 3 Critical Analysis/Composition/ LENG 112 3 Fundamentals of Math/MATH 105 3 Special Ed Overview/SPED 101 15
SOPHOMORE Fall 3 General Biology/BIOL 101 or Ecosystem Biology/Evolution/BIOL 126 3 Instructional Design/Classroom Mgmt/ EDCR 105+ 3 Introduction to Philosophy/LPHI 131 3 World Geography/GEOG 201 3 Quantitative Literacy/MATH 103 3 Meet Needs Students Exceptionalities/SPED 245 *
18 Spring 3 Instructional Technology/EDCR 102 3 Child/Adolescent Literature/ EDCR 220+ 3 The Bible: An Intro/LTHE 201 3 Philosophy of Ethical Responsibility/ LPHI 237 or any LTHE 300 course 3 Applied Statistics/MATH 213 or Psychological Statistics/PSYC 211 3 Adolescent Development/MLED 202 18
JUNIOR Fall 3 Archaeology Methods/Lab/ ARCH 202 or Intro to Organic/Biochemistry/ CHEM 102 or Chemistry of Life/CHEM 103 or Concepts in Physics/PHYS 101 3 Human Biology/BIOL 104 or Essentials of Anatomy/Physiology I/ BIOL 108 1 Materials/Methods Seminar/EDCR 321 3 History of U.S. to 1865/HIST 221 3 Literacy Dev, Strategies/Assessments/ MLED 301++ 3 Inquiry/Analysis in PA History/ Government/MLED 304+
16 Spring 3 Environmental Issues/BIOL 103 or General Chemistry I/CHEM 111 or Issues in Science/Tech/CHEM 166 or Intro to Astronomy/PHYS 102 or Ecology of Yellowstone National Park/ BIOL 384 and Special Topics in Biology/ BIOL 492 1 Leadership Seminar/EDCR 240 3 Expressive Arts/EDCR 302 3 History of U.S. 1865 to Present/HIST 222 3 U.S. Government/Politics/POLI 111 3 Program Planning/Assessment/ SPED 343*