SENIOR Fall 3 Methods/Materials ESL/ELL/ EDCR 420* 3 History without Borders/LHST 111 3 Philosophy II Series/LPHI II 3 The Bible: An Intro/LTHE 201 3 Low Incidence Disabilities/SPED 307** 2 Transitions/SPED 333* 17
Spring 3 Professional Seminar/EDCR 401 12 Student Teaching/EDFL 410
15 Total credits: 133
* Field experience embedded throughout the semester (6-15 hrs.) + Field experience embedded throughout the semester (60 hrs.) ++ Field experience embedded throughout the semester (30 hrs.) ** Three-week field experience (90 hrs.)
MIDDLE LEVEL 4-8 EDUCATION Bachelor of Science Degree Mission of the Middle Level Program: Gannon University’s Middle Level Grades 4-8 program prepares skilled professionals who improve the educational experiences of young adolescents by designing and delivering multifaceted, integrative, challenging, and engaging curricula, instruction, and assessment. Gannon’s Grades 4-8 Middle Level Certification programs lead to a Bachelor of Science degree with certification in nine possible areas. The curriculum provides extensive fieldbased experiences in both self-contained and content-specific classrooms in rural, urban and suburban classrooms. The professional education core creates a foundation for successful clinical practice. This core set of courses emphasizes middle level philosophy and strategies for success with young adolescents, regardless of whether the school is an elementary, middle or junior high school. The curriculum includes courses designed to provide content-area expertise as well as foundational knowledge in all core subject areas. These courses require field-based experiences that total approximately 340 hours before student teaching.
Middle Level Education 4-8 Concentration: English/Language Arts and Reading Curriculum (Numerals in front of courses indicate credits) FRESHMAN Fall 1 Foundations of Teaching/EDCR 103 2 First-Year Seminar/EDCR 104 * 3 College Composition/LENG 111 3 History without Borders/LHST 111 3 College Algebra/MATH 111 3 Public Speaking/SPCH 111
Spring 3 Psychology of Learning/ Teaching/EDCR 101 3 Critical Analysis/ Composition/LENG 112 3 Foundations of Theology/Morality/ LTHE 101 3 Fundamentals of Mathematics/MATH 105 3 Special Education Overview/SPED 101 15