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Electrical Engineering

Electrical Engineering is essential to modern society, driving innovation in fields of robotics, autonomous systems, health care, consumer electronics, and artificial intelligence. Electrical Engineering has applications in almost all industries, such as communication, consumer, energy, infrastructure, health care, manufacturing, military, robotics, and transportation. Hence, students can find jobs in this vast array of industries. Our ABET accredited curricula emphasize hands-on and project-based learning experience. Our students enjoy extracurricular research experience through numerous research projects, including but not limited to • intelligent ground vehicle and micro-mouse • near-space ballooning payloads (through PA Space Grant Consortium-NASA) • hardware-in-the-loop flight simulator • Internet-of-things (IoT) • smart sensors and smart antenna • intelligent healthcare devices • image and object recognition • smart grid • and secured embedded systems, etc.

Program Educational Objectives

Our program integrates the Liberal Studies Core and emphasizes holistic student development in accordance with the mission of Gannon University. The program educational objectives, which leads to a Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical Engineering, are to produce graduates who: 1. Demonstrate professional ethics and personal values in daily and professional life that exercise informed literary and aesthetic judgments by leveraging diverse cultures and societies 2. Demonstrate teamwork and leadership qualities and/or attainment of leadership roles in a global work environment 3. Demonstrate technical competency in applying comprehensive engineering knowledge for their successful career in rapidly changing professional environment 4. Demonstrate passion for life-long learning through engaging in the rapidly changing and emerging areas of technology, and/or continued professional development To achieve these objectives, the ECE Programs maintain a modern curriculum, well-qualified faculty, a strong advising system, and the state-of-the-art laboratories. The following laboratories are fully equipped and available for teaching and student projects. • The Communications lab houses Gannon’s near-space ballooning team. It’s a modern facility for research in design, simulation, and implementation of communication systems and networks. • The System Integration lab, equipped with industry-standard tools such as Cadence Pspice,

NI-LabView, Matlab/Simulink, and PCB making station, offers hands-on experiments and projects in test and measurement, circuits, and electronics system design and integration. • The Embedded Software lab, equipped with DSP, FPGA, Xilinx ISE, VHDL, MAPLAP, provides integrative projects from fundamental digital logic design to emerging embedded computing system design. • The Electric Drives and Renewable Energy lab consists of platforms for integration of wind and solar power into electrical systems, advanced HiTL digital control of electric drives, power electronics technology, and real-time simulator.

• The Senior Design lab, facilitated with 3D printers, a state-of-the art PCB maker, and a minielectronic vehicle platform, is for students to test and implement their project designs. The close partnership with local engineering industry allows for inputs from experts for our current and new course offerings. It also provides students with opportunities for internship, co-ops, and full-time employment upon graduation. Our graduates are prepared to play an important role in emerging new fields, such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, and internet of things; to hold challenging positions in medical and healthcare industry, aerospace, nuclear, automotive, railway, petroleum, as well as computers, electronics, communications, renewable energy, robotics, and other electrical industries.

Student Learning Outcomes

The Bachelors of Science degree in Electrical Engineering is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET, http://www.abet.org. This program of study has been specifically developed to achieve the following ABET student learning outcomes: 1. an ability to identify, formulate, and solve complex engineering problems by applying principles of engineering, science, and mathematics 2. an ability to apply engineering design to produce solutions that meet specified needs with consideration of public health, safety, and welfare, as well as global, cultural, social, environmental, and economic factors 3. an ability to communicate effectively with a range of audiences 4. an ability to recognize ethical and professional responsibilities in engineering situations and make informed judgments, which must consider the impact of engineering solutions in global, economic, environmental, and societal contexts 5. an ability to function effectively on a team whose members together provide leadership, create a collaborative and inclusive environment, establish goals, plan tasks, and meet objectives 6. an ability to develop and conduct appropriate experimentation, analyze and interpret data, and use engineering judgment to draw conclusions 7. an ability to acquire and apply new knowledge as needed, using appropriate learning strategies.

Electrical Engineering students are required to complete a total of 124-125 credits depending on their technical option for the BS degree. This includes 30 credits of Liberal Studies Core composed of humanities and social science, 31 or 37 credits of basic science and math, and 63 or 58 credits of engineering courses. The breakdown of courses in the categories is given in the course descriptions below. There are two technical options in Electrical Engineering. These are Electrical and Electronics Option and Bioelectrical Engineering Option. The freshmen year is the same for both options. Students should select one of the two options by the beginning of their sophomore year. The student can switch options, but this may require additional coursework. A five-year Electrical Engineering cooperative program is available. Student must meet the same requirements for the four-year program, plus spend a minimum of three co-op semesters in industry.

Electrical and Electronics Option of BSEE Curriculum

(Numerals in front of courses indicate credits) FRESHMAN Fall 3 Foundational English 3 Foundational Theology 3 Calculus I/MATH 140 3 Foundational Philosophy 1 Eng Tools Applications/ECE 105 1 Eng Tools Applications Lab/ECE 106 1 Intro to Engineering and Computing/ ENG 102 0 Gannon 101 15 Spring 3 Integrative Communication 3 Intro to C and C++ Programming/ ECE 111 3 Calculus II/MATH 141 3 Digital Logic Design/ECE 140 1 Digital Logic Design Lab/ECE 141 3 Circuits I/ECE 228 1 Circuits I Lab/ECE 229 17

SOPHOMORE Fall 3 Integrative History 3 Calculus III/MATH 242 3 Test, Measurement and Control/ ECE 243 3 Circuits II/ECE 240 1 Circuits II Lab/ECE 241 3 Microcontroller Apps. with IoT/ ECE 245


JUNIOR Fall 3 Physics 2/PHYS 212 3 Electromagnetic Fields/ECE 335 3 Automatic Control/ECE 326 1 Automatic Control Lab/ECE 329 1 Project Experience/ECE 381 3 Power Electronics/ECE 465 3 Global Citizenship 17

SENIOR Fall 3 Senior Design I/ECE 357 3 Eng. Analysis/ECE 351 3 Technical Elective 1 3 Integrative English 3 Technical Elective 3 15 Spring 3 Signals and Systems/ECE 330 3 Electronics/ECE 238 1 Electronics Lab/ECE 239 3 Integrative Theology 3 Physics 1: Mechanics/PHYS 210 3 Calculus IV/MATH 243 1 Physics 1 Lab/PHYS 211


Spring 3 Integrative Philosophy 3 Electric Drives/ECE 327 1 Professional Seminar/ECE 380 3 Differential Equations/MATH 304 1 Eng. Lab Experience/ECE 331 1 Electric Drives Lab/ECE 328 3 Intro to Thermal Science/ME 212 15

Spring 3 Senior Design II/ECE 358 3 Math/Science Elective 3 Aesthetic Reasoning 3 Technical Elective 2 +


Total Credits: 124

+ Can be replaced by a Math/Science elective course

Students are expected to complete 2 courses also designated as wellness from either major or core requirements (or both).

Electrical and Electronics Option of BSEE Study-Abroad Curriculum

(Numerals in front of courses indicate credits) FRESHMAN Fall 3 Foundational English 3 Foundational Theology 3 Calculus I/MATH 140 3 Foundational Philosophy 1 Eng Tools Applications/ECE 105 1 Eng Tools Applications Lab/ECE 106 1 Intro to Engineering and Computing/ ENG 102 15 Spring 3 Integrative Communication 3 Intro to C and C++ Programming/ ECE 111 3 Calculus II/MATH 141 3 Digital Logic Design/ECE 140 1 Digital Logic Design Lab/ECE 141 3 Circuits I/ECE 228 1 Circuits I Lab/ECE 229 17

SOPHOMORE Fall 3 Integrative History 3 Calculus III/MATH 242 3 Test, Measurement and Control/ ECE 243 3 Circuits II/ECE 240 1 Circuits II Lab/ECE 241 3 Microcontroller Apps. with IoT/ ECE 245


JUNIOR Fall 3 Differential Equations/MATH 304 3 Electromagnetic Fields/ECE 335 3 Integrative Philosophy 3 Physics 2/PHYS 212 1 Project Experience/ECE 381 3 Power Electronics/ECE 465

16 Spring 3 Signals and Systems/ECE 330 3 Electronics/ECE 238 1 Electronics Lab/ECE 239 3 Integrative Theology 3 Physics 1: Mechanics/PHYS 210 3 Calculus IV/MATH 243 1 Physics 1 Lab/PHYS 211


Spring 3 Automatic Control/ECE 326 (EUAS4012) 1 Automatic Control Lab/ECE 329 (EUAS4020) 3 Technical Elective 1 3 Technical Elective 2+ 1 Eng. Lab Experience/ECE 331 (or equivalent) 1 Professional Seminar/ECE 380 12

SENIOR Fall 3 Senior Design I/ECE 357 3 Eng. Analysis/ECE 351 3 Aesthetic Reasoning 3 Integrative English 3 Global Citizenship 3 Math/Science Elective 18 Spring 3 Senior Design II/ECE 358 3 Intro to Thermal Science/ME 212 3 Electric Drives/ECE 327 1 Electric Drives Lab/ECE 328 3 Technical Elective 3


Total Credits: 124

+ Can be replaced by a Math/Science elective course ** Hocheschule Esslingen University of Applied Sciences

Bioelectrical Engineering Option of BSEE Curriculum

(Numerals in front of courses indicate credits) FRESHMAN Fall 3 Foundational English 3 Foundational Theology 3 Calculus I/MATH 140 3 Foundational Philosophy 1 Eng Tools Applications/ECE 105 1 Eng Tools Applications Lab/ECE 106 1 Intro to Engineering and Computing/ ENG 102 0 Gannon 101 15 Spring 3 Integrative Communication 3 Intro to C and C++ Programming/ ECE 111 3 Calculus II/MATH 141 3 Digital Logic Design/ECE 140 1 Digital Logic Design Lab/ECE 141 3 Circuits I/ECE 228 1 Circuits I Lab/ECE 229 17

SOPHOMORE Fall 3 Integrative History 3 Calculus III/MATH 242 3 Test, Measurement and Control/ ECE 243 3 Circuits II/ECE 240 1 Circuits II Lab/ECE 241 3 Microcontroller Apps. with IoT/ ECE 245

16 Spring 3 Signals and Systems/ECE 330 3 Electronics/ECE 238 1 Electronics Lab/ECE 239 3 Integrative Theology 3 Physics 1: Mechanics/PHYS 210 1 Physics 1 Lab/PHYS 211 3 Human Anat. and Phys. I/BIOL 115 1 Human Anat. and Phys. I Lab/BIOL 116 18

JUNIOR Fall 3 Human Anat. and Phys. II/BIOL 117 1 Human Anat. and Phys. II Lab/BIOL 118 3 Automatic Control/ECE 326 1 Automatic Control Lab/ECE 329 1 Project Experience/ECE 381 3 Electromagnetic Fields/ECE 335 3 Global Citizenship 15 Spring 3 Integrative Philosophy 3 Technical Elective 1 1 Professional Seminar/ECE 380 3 Differential Equations/MATH 304 3 Chemistry 1/CHEM 111 1 Chemistry 1 Lab/CHEM 112 3 Physics 2/PHYS 212 17

SENIOR Fall 3 Senior Design I/ECE 357 3 Eng. Analysis/ECE 351 3 Technical Elective 3 3 Integrative English 3 Technical/Science Elective 15 Spring 3 Senior Design II/ECE 358 3 Intro to Thermal Science/ME 212 3 Aesthetic Reasoning 3 Technical Elective 2


Total Credits: 125

Students are expected to complete 2 courses also designated as wellness from either major or core requirements (or both).

Technical electives are specialized courses intended to allow students to focus on the breadth or depth of their degree program. Students should plan for these courses well in advance (at least a year) to ensure that the course(s) they are interested in will be offered in the sequence

in which they can enroll. Students should plan their course sequence in order to have the appropriate prerequisites. In all cases, students should select these courses in consultation with their academic advisor. The following table shows technical electives for Electrical Engineering and Cyber Engineering (Note that ‘•’ indicates a pre-approved course for the corresponding option in each column).

Elective Courses Electrical and Bioelectrical Cyber

Electronics Engineering Engineering

ECE 335: Electromagnetic Fields ECE 337: Computer Architecture ECE 340: Micro-Controller Applications ECE 345/6: Advanced Digital Design and Lab • • ECE 347: Embedded Systems Design • • ECE 348: Digital Design with HDL and Lab • • ECE 363: Power System Engineering I

• •

ECE 366: Power System Engineering II • • ECE 390-399: Special Topics in Electrical Engineering • • • ECE 421: VLSI Design • • • ECE 437: Advanced Computer Architecture • • • ECE 449: VHDL Design • • • ECE 451: Optical Devices and Systems • • ECE 456: R F Circuit Integration • • ECE 466: Modeling and Analysis of Electric Drives • • ECE 471: Control of Electrical Machines • • ECE 472: Digital Signal Processing • • • ECE 474: Artificial Neural Networks • • • ECE 483: Communication Theory • • • ECE 485: Advanced Programming in C/C++ • • • ECE 486: Object-oriented Modeling • • • ECE 488: Modern Control Theory • • ECE 489: Digital Control • • Other ECE3xx or ECE4xx course, with advisor approval • • • CYENG 220, CYENG 225, CYENG 237, CYENG 3xx • • and CYENG 4xx, with advisor approval CIS 3xx or CIS4xx Course, with advisor approval • • • CIS 286 Adv. Object-Oriented Techniques • CIS 315 Software Engineering • BME 460 Biosignal Processing • BME 479 Biomedical Robotics and Biomimetics • BME 480 Haptics •

Accelerated 5-Year B.S./M.S. in Electrical Engineering

Only students who have demonstrated unusual maturity and engineering aptitude will be accepted into the Accelerated 5-Year B.S./M.S. Program. Students in their Junior second semester (or one semester before senior standing) with a minimum 2.8 cumulative GPA can apply for this program. The students accepted into this program should plan to complete specific first year graduate courses during the senior year and the summer after the senior year. No more than 9 graduate credits are allowed prior to the completion of the B.S. degree.

Typical 4th and 5th year course matrix of the 5-year combined B.S./M.S. degree program in Electrical Engineering (160~161 credits)

(Numerals in front of courses indicate credits) SENIOR Fall 3 Senior Design I/ECE 357 3 Eng. Analysis/ECE 351 3 Technical Elective 1 3 Integrative English 3 Technical Elective 3 3 Embedded C/GECE 502 18 Spring 3 Senior Design II/ECE 358 3 Math/Science Elective 3 Aesthetic Reasoning 3 Technical Elective 2+ 3 Advanced Eng. Analysis/GECE 704 15

SUMMER 3 GECE required or core or electives++ 3

FIFTH YEAR Fall 3 GECE required or core or electives++ 3 GECE required or core or electives++ 3 GECE required or core or electives++

9 Spring 3 GECE required or core or electives++ 3 GECE required or core or electives++ 3 GECE required or core or electives++ 3 GECE required or core or electives++ 12

Total Credits (MSEE): 30

+: Can be replaced by a Math/Science elective course. Technical Electives cannot be double-dipped under new 125-credit LS Core curriculum. ++:Choose from the Required, Core, or Elective GECE graduate level courses in the Graduate Catalog.

Recommended courses are:

GECE 574 Artificial Neural Networks GECE 530 Sensors and Actuators GECE 547 Embedded System Design GECE 572 Digital Signal Processing GECE 586 Computer Communication Networks GECE 556 RF Circuit Design and Integration GECE 501 Engineering Project and Management GECE 586 Computer Communication Networks GECE 598 Digital Design w HDL and Lab GECE 511 Embedded Kernel GECE 539 Real-time System Implementation

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