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Information Systems

IR 495: Capstone

This course provides the student with the challenge of integrating and synthesizing general engineering knowledge, particularly in industrial and manufacturing disciplines, into creatively solving real-world, open-ended problems in a team setting. This requires defining a project work plan, developing the problem statement, objectives and evaluation criteria; data collection; selection of appropriate analytical and production techniques; developing and integrating recommendations; justifications of the recommended course of action; and written and oral presentation of results. The project could involve production systems or product design where the planning can extend to product realization. Prerequisite: IR 201 3 credits, Spring

IR 499: Independent Study in Industrial Engineering

Special courses developed based on (a) student(s)’s interest, relating to all areas and core of industrial and robotics engineering. Brief descriptions of the specific content to be covered within the course will be announced while providing the schedule of classes, prior to the semester within which the course will be taught. Prerequisite: Permission of the Program Director. This may be taken more than once. 3 credits


The Information Systems (IS) major is designed to prepare the student for careers in the information processing and technology industries. Students develop skills in the design, modeling, and development of computer-based information systems. These include two primary areas of study: computing and business. To support the development of computing skills, the students learn to utilize and to critique technology associated with the systems and apply them to business. To support the development of business skills, a portion of the curriculum emphasizes the role and concepts of the different functional areas of business. In addition, students develop communication and interpersonal skills to interact positively with their organizations. Students incorporate the facets of their professional education with the facets of the social awareness and make ethical – professional and personal – decisions. Ultimately, the students leave with the foundations to define a high quality of life by integrating their professions with lifestyle decisions. The Information Systems curriculum is delivered in three different ways – 1. IS: four-year degree program, described here. 2. IS-MSCIS: Accelerated 5-year program culminating in a four-year degree followed by one year to complete one of the MS-CIS program options, described here. 3. IS-CoOp: five-year cooperative mode, described in the CIS Department section above.


The field of information systems is one of the fastest-growing employment markets in today’s society. Individuals are needed in professional roles including, but not limited to: • Systems Analysts • Database Administrator • Business Analysts • Data Analyst, • Business Systems Analyst, • Information Systems Manager, • Support analyst, • IT administrator, and • Web application developer. IS majors can address the information processing and technology needs of any business organizations, whether it be service, financial, manufacturing, or virtual.

In order to prepare for these roles, our IS program is structured to equip students with a variety of computing competences in the following areas: • Programming Languages e.g., SQL, Python, HTML, Java, R, etc. • Systems Modeling and Design Technologies: UML; Visual Paradigm; CASE tools, etc. • Big Data and Analytics Platforms: SAS, Tableau, NVivo, JASP, etc. • Integrated Development Environment: Visual Studio; Eclipse, NetBeans; WAMP/MAMP; • Mobile Computing Platforms: Android Studio; Swift; • Industry Required Certifications : SAS, AWS, COMPTIA+, IIBA, Oracle, TOGAF • Information Systems Research

Aims and Objectives:

The IS major prepares its graduates to achieve significant career and professional accomplishments in four ways: as employable and accountable professionals, competent problem solvers, and selfless contributors. Employable Professional: Our IS Curriculum aims to develop the various competencies that are required in the job markets. Each IS Course is designed to help students to acquire at least 3 skills required in the job market. This is why top organizations have employed our IS graduate, including Fortune 500 companies like Erie Insurance, Progressive Insurance, and others. IS graduates are well prepared for employment or graduate work in their field, and to continue working in that field or related fields. This includes adaptability to different disciplines, environments, and tasks. They are fully prepared for employment in chosen postgraduate pursuits. Accountable Professional: IS graduates are accountable for their professional roles and pursue their profession in an ethical manner. This includes giving and receiving professional critique and review, communication and the responsibility for, and/or leadership in: • Research/development projects or teams, • Aspects of major system components, or • Business development work. Competent IS Problem Solver: IS graduates solve business problems using data and computing principles. They innovate, explore, analyze, automate and manage information systems, technology projects. This includes data and business process modeling as well as requirements and project management. IS graduates apply current computing knowledge, technology, skills, techniques and methods to: • Identify, analyze and develop effective solutions for problems, • Improve product, process and/or organizational elements, and • Apply creativity in design thinking and innovate where appropriate. Selfless Contributors: IS graduates value collaborative teamwork and contribute to team accomplishment that goes beyond personal development They voluntarily give their time, talent, and/or resources to their community, profession, church and/or society.

Program Outcomes:

Gannon’s Information Systems degree program is accredited by the Computing Accreditation Commission of ABET, http://www.abet.org. Gannon’s IS program has enjoyed a long history of successful students who have learned to specify, design, and build information systems. The program has a strong focus on problem-solving, beginning with the very first course in computing (CIS 180 Problem Solving and Computer Programming) and carried through into the senior design sequence (CIS 457/458 Senior Design). Students learn how to effectively define and represent both problems and the solutions needed to solve those problem throughout the learning process. Throughout the course of study, students learn and practice making ethical decisions.

All students will learn how to utilize information and computer technology while developing and maintaining comprehension of the changing technology used in information systems and their application in business, as well as its global and local impacts. Through this learning process, we expect students to own a desire for continuous improvement and demonstrate effective verbal, written, and listening communication skills. Specifically, Information Systems students completing our program learn to: • Apply problem identification and problem-solving strategies to the development of complex information systems. • Apply tools, technologies and techniques to design, implement and deploy Information

Systems to meet enterprise requirements • Use information systems to support enterprise processes and solutions. • Evaluate and manage existing and new information systems in an enterprise.


One of the hallmarks of Gannon’s IS degree is its integration with traditional liberal-studies education. Gannon’s IS majors learn computing well and, learn how to synthesize, think critically, and communicate well.

The Program:

The IS degree requires 127 credits to graduate. These are divided into two primary sources, a Computer and Information Science (CIS) core and an Information Systems core. These, integrated with the Core of Discovery provide the breadth and depth to the program. The program also provides a one-semester study abroad option. All CIS course descriptions are provided in the section Computer and Information Science All CYSEC course descriptions are provided in the section Cybersecurity

CIS Core Coursework

CIS 180/181 Problem Solving and Comp. Progr. and Lab CIS 182/183 Object-Oriented Programming and Lab CIS 219 Linux Programming CIS 255 Database Management and Admin CIS 290 Introduction to Networks CIS 355 Web Programming and Implementation CIS 457 Senior Design I CIS 458 Senior Design II Lab

Information Systems Core Coursework

IS 195 Principles of Systems IS 270 Information Technology and Operations CIS 305 Essentials of UNIX Admin. CIS 350 Requirements and Project Management CIS 375 Server Management IS 335 Systems Analysis and Design IS 336 Business Analytics IS 337 Intro to Enterprise Architecture IS 340 Managing IS in the Cloud IS 365 Advanced Database IS 460 Business Process Mgmt and Modeling

Business Domain Coursework

Students complete a significant set of business coursework, as part of the Dahlkemper School of Business. MATH 115 Calculus for Business BCOR 105 Foundations of Bus. Enterprise BCOR 214 Principles of Accounting1 Business elective BCOR 220 Business Statistics (or MATH 213) BCOR 240 Marketing in the Global Env BCOR 250 Mgmt Theory and Practice

Business Elective

Students must select a business elective with approval of their academic advisor. The goal of the business elective is to cap their business core and complete a business minor. Students should select from a thematic set of courses to focus their studies on a particular business area related to their interests. Students must declare their minor in Business Administration.

Common Business Elective Themes:

• Accounting ACCT 215 • Entrepreneurship: ENTR 310 • Global Business: IMGT 306 • Risk Management and Insurance: BCOR 303 or RISK 300 • Supply Chain Mgmt: SCMG 310 or SCMG 250 • Marketing: MKTG 400 or MKTG 305 or other marketing course • Economics: ECON 443 or ECON 431 or BCOR 112 or other economics course

Business electives can be any set of related business courses, e.g, BCOR, ACCT, MGMT, SCMG, ENTR or other related courses that meet the requirements for a business minor. See an advisor for details.

Information Systems Curriculum

(Numerals in front of courses indicate credits) FRESHMAN Fall 1 Intro to Engineering and Computing/ ENG 102 2 Prob. Solving and Comp. Prog./CIS 180 1 Prob. Solving and Comp. Prog. Lab/CIS 181 3 Calculus for Business/MATH 115 3 Intro. Networks/CIS 290 3 College Composition/LENG 111 3 Foundation of Theology/LTHE 101 16 Spring 3 Principles of Systems/CIS 195 2 Object-Oriented Programming/CIS 182 1 Object-Oriented Programming Lab/ CIS 183 3 Critical Analysis and Comp./LENG 112 3 Intro to Data Analytics/CIS 210 3 IT and Operations/IS 270 3 Foun. Business Enterprise/BCOR 105


SOPHOMORE Fall 3 Linux Programming/CIS 219 3 IS Security Foundations/IS 230 (or CYBER 306) 3 Discrete Mathematics 1/MATH 222 3 The Bible: An Intro/LTHE 201 3 Web Management and Design/CIS 240

15 Spring 3 Database Management and Admin/ CIS 255 3 Tech Elective 3 Applied Statistics/MATH 213 (or BCOR 220 ) 3 Server Management/CIS 375 3 Introduction to Philosophy/LPHI 131 3 Integrative Communication 18

JUNIOR Fall 3 Systems Analysis and Design/IS 335 3 Web Programming and Impl./CIS 355 3 Requirements and Project Mgmt/CIS 350 3 History Without Borders/LHST 111 3 Managing IS in the Cloud/IS 340

15 Spring 1 Professional Seminar/ENG 380 3 Philosophy II Series/LPHI 1 Essentials of UNIX Administration/ CIS 305 3 Intro to Enterprise Architecture/IS 337 3 Marketing in the Global Env/BCOR 240 3 Business Analytics/IS 336 14

SENIOR Fall 3 Senior Design I/CIS 457 3 LPHI 237 or any LTHE 300 course 3 Mgmt Theory and Practice/BCOR 250 3 Advanced DBMS/IS 365 3 LS Science 15 Spring 3 Senior Design II Lab/CIS 458 3 Business Process Modeling/IS 460 3 Business Elective 3 Fine Art Series/LFIN 3 Literature Series/LENG 15

Total Credits: 126

1 May take any LS Approved SPCH course

Study Abroad

Information systems and information systems program abound throughout the world. Gannon IS Students are encouraged to consider spending a full semester abroad at any of our partner institutions around the world. We have partner institutions who offer IS and Business coursework in English. Please work with your advisor to find the best partner institution and courses. If you are interested in study abroad, it is best to plan this 2-3 semesters in advance. The CIS department also offers international trip courses, such as CIS 353 which meet IS program requirements. These options may be more suitable for students who would like an international learning experience, but are not prepared to spend a full semester abroad.

Information Systems Curriculum Study Abroad Curriculum

(Numerals in front of courses indicate credits) FRESHMAN Fall 1 Intro to Engineering and Computing/ ENG 102 2 Prob. Solving and Comp. Prog./CIS 180 1 Prob. Solving and Comp. Prog. Lab/ CIS 181 3 Calculus for Business/MATH 115 3 Intro. Networks/CIS 290 3 College Composition/LENG 111 3 Foundation of Theology/LTHE 101 17 Spring 3 Principles of Systems/CIS 195 2 Object-Oriented Programming/CIS 182 1 Object-Oriented Programming Lab/ CIS 183 3 Critical Analysis and Comp./LENG 112 3 Intro to Data Analytics/CIS 210 3 IT and Operations/IS 270 3 Found. Business Enterprise/BCOR 1052 18

SOPHOMORE Fall 3 Linux Programming/CIS 219 3 IS Security Foundations/CIS 230 (or CYBER 306) 3 Discrete Mathematics 1/MATH 222 3 Systems Analysis and Design/IS 335 3 The Bible: An Intro/LTHE 201 3 Web Management and Design/CIS 240

18 Spring 3 Database Management and Admin/ CIS 255 3 Principles of Accounting 1/BCOR 214 3 Applied Statistics/MATH 213 (or BCOR 220) 3 Intro to Enterprise Architecture/IS 337 3 Introduction to Philosophy/LPHI 131 3 Server Management/CIS 375 18

JUNIOR Fall 3 Mgmt Theory and Practice/BCOR 250 3 Requirements and Project Mgmt/CIS 350 3 Advanced DBMS/IS 365 1 Technical Communication/SPCH 1101 3 Managing IS in the Cloud/IS 340 13 Spring (At Partner Institution) 3 Marketing in the Global Env/BCOR 240 3 Web Programming and Impl./CIS 355 3 Business Elective 1 Professional Seminar/ ENG 380/ENG 380


SENIOR Fall 3 Senior Design I/CIS 457 3 LPHI 237 or any LTHE 300 course 3 History Without Borders/LHST 111 3 Advanced DBMS/IS 365 3 Philosophy II Series/LPHI

15 Spring 3 Senior Design II Lab/CIS 458 3 Business Analytics/IS 336 3 Business Process Modeling/IS 360 3 Literature Series/LENG 1 Essentials of UNIX Administration/CIS 305 3 LS Science 16

1 May take any LS Approved SPCH course

Total Credits: 125

BS Information Systems + MS Data Science or Information Technology Accelerated 5-year program (127 + 24 credits)

The IS program provides an excellent pathway to the M.S. program in Computer and Information Science. Students apply to the accelerated MS program during sophomore or junior year, prior to registration as a junior or senior for GR courses. The Accelerated Program Application will be approved by the department and the dean and sent to the registrar’s office to make a note on the student’s profile. In the Senior Year, students apply to the graduate program through Graduate Admissions to officially become a graduate student. Students have to select one of the available MS Program options: Data Science (DS) and Information Technology (IT). To remain in the accelerated program, students are required to maintain a 3.00 GPA in their undergraduate courses. When accepted, students rearrange their graduation plan to match one of the patterns provided below. Six credits of identified UG work can be counted toward the MS-CIS degree; other MS-Equivalent courses can be counted for placement, but not credit toward MS-CIS degree requirements. The total credit count to complete the BS-IS and the MS- CIS is 127 + 24 = 151 credits.

(Numerals in front of courses indicate credits) FRESHMAN Fall 1 Intro to Engineering and Computing/ ENG 102 2 Prob. Solving and Comp. Prog./CIS 180 1 Prob. Solving and Comp. Prog. Lab/ CIS 181 3 Calculus for Business/MATH 115 3 Intro. Networks/CIS 290 3 College Composition/LENG 111 3 Foundation of Theology/LTHE 101 17 Spring 3 Principles of Systems/CIS 195 2 Object-Oriented Programming/CIS 182 1 Object-Oriented Programming Lab/ CIS 183 3 Critical Analysis and Comp./LENG 112 3 Intro to Data Analytics/CIS 210 3 IT and Operations/IS 270 3 Found. Business Enterprise/BCOR 105


SOPHOMORE Fall 3 Linux Programming/CIS 219 3 IS Security Foundations/IS 230 (or CYBER 306) 3 Discrete Mathematics 1/MATH 222 3 The Bible: An Intro/LTHE 201 3 Web Management and Design/CIS 240

15 Spring 3 Database Management and Admin/ CIS 255 3 Principles of Accounting 1/BCOR 214 3 Applied Statistics/MATH 213 (or BCOR 220) 3 Server Management/CIS 375 3 Introduction to Philosophy/LPHI 131 3 Integrative Communication 18

JUNIOR Fall 3 Systems Analysis and Design/IS 335 3 Web Programming and Impl./CIS 355 3 Mgmt Theory and Practice/BCOR 250 3 History Without Borders/LHST 111 3 Managing IS in the Cloud/IS 3405 or GCIS 583

16 Spring4 1 Professional Seminar/ENG 380 3 Philosophy II Series/LPHI 1 Essentials of UNIX Administration/ CIS 305 3 Intro to Enterprise Architecture/IS 337 3 Marketing in the Global Env/BCOR 240 3 Business Analytics/IS 336 3 Business Elective 17

SENIOR Fall 3 Senior Design I/CIS 457 3 LPHI 237 or any LTHE 300 course 3 Requirements and Project Management/ CIS 3506 3 Advanced DBMS/IS 3657 3 LS Science 3 Statistical Computing/GCIS 523 18 Spring 3 Senior Design II Lab/CIS 458 3 Business Process Modeling/IS 460 3 Fine Art Series/LFIN 3 Literature Series/LENG 3 GCIS Elective or GCIS 66x/65x


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