17 minute read

Software Engineering

thermal comfort and indoor air quality will be covered and various methods of heating and cooling load calculations for buildings will be presented. Prerequisites: ME 336, ME 337 3 credits

ME 465: Computer Assisted Engineering

Topics include the application of Matlab and Excel software to multi component mechanical and thermal/fluid system design, analysis and synthesis, static and transient systems. Mathematical techniques include nonlinear equation solution, non-dimensional analysis, lumped vs. distributed models, optimization and design sensitivity analysis, probability and statistics, and Monte Carlo simulation. Examples are taken from industrial mechanical engineering problems of current interest. Prerequisites: ME 204, ME 214, ME 337, ME 403 3 credits

ME 466: Turbomachinery Design

Application of general principles of fluid mechanics to fluid machinery design. Design principles of centrifugal and axial compressors, degree of reaction estimates, blade design, state performance calculations, axial flow turbines. Design calculations of blade stresses, disc stresses and thermal stresses. Prerequisites: ME 312, ME 337, ME 336 3 credits

ME 470: Heat Exchanger Design

Application of general principles of heat transfer and fluid mechanics (pressure drop) in design of heat exchangers. Different types of heat exchangers will be studied in designoriented projects. Prerequisites: ME 336, ME 337 3 credits

ME 490-499: Special Topics in Mechanical Engineering

Special courses developed from student interest in all areas of mechanical engineering. Brief description of current content to be announced in schedule of classes. Prerequisite: Permission of the Department Chair is required. May be taken more than once. 3 credits

SEECS (101, 102, 201, 202, 301, 302, 401, 402): Professional and Personal Enrichment Seminar

Course description is listed in Computer and Information Science section of the catalog. 0 credit


The Software Engineering (SE) major is designed to produce graduates capable of developing high-quality software systems with a focus on the Mobile Application domain. Gannon software engineers learn how to apply the principles of computer science, engineering, and analysis to the design, creation, testing, and evaluation of software and digital systems. The program includes developing technical competency as well as the leadership and communication skills necessary to analyze, design, verify, validate, implement, and maintain software systems. As the societal dependence on software systems grows, the students will have the foundations necessary to face ethical dilemmas and act responsibly as part of their professional training. The Software Engineering curriculum is delivered in five different ways – 1. SE-MSCIS: Accelerated 5-year program culminating in a four year BS degree followed by one year to complete one of the MS-CIS program options, described here. 2. SE: four-year degree program, described here. 3. SE-CoOp: five-year cooperative mode, described in the CIS Department section above 4. CS-SE: dual degree program where students complete both the Computer Science and the

Software Engineering degree requirements simultaneously described in the Computer

Science-Software Engineering Dual Degree section.

5. SEID-SE: multi-degree, where students additionally completed the requirements for a

Bachelors of Engineering (B.Eng) degree in Software Technology at Esslingen University of

Applied Science described in the Software Engineering International Degrees section.


Software engineers specialize in the specification, design and development of quality software systems. Software systems now serve in life-critical as well as business-critical domains, and require professionals who are prepared to develop systems in a reliable manner, balancing business needs, technology, and human factors in order to yield a successful product. Software engineering continues to be listed as one of the fastest-growing occupations.

Aims and Objectives

The SE major prepares its graduates to achieve significant career and professional accomplishments in four ways: as employable and accountable professionals, competent problem solvers, and selfless contributors. Employable Professional: SE graduates are well prepared for employment or graduate work in their field and to continue working in that field or related fields. This includes adaptability to different disciplines, environments, and tasks. They are fully prepared for employment in chosen post-graduate pursuits. Accountable Professional: SE graduates are accountable for their professional roles, and pursue their profession in an ethical manner. This includes giving and receiving professional critique and review, communication and the responsibility for, and/or leadership in: • Research/development projects or teams, • Aspects of major system components, or • Business development work. Competent SE Problem Solver: SE graduates focus on software-based systems. They innovate, analyze, design, verify, validate, implement, and maintain software systems. SE graduates apply current computing knowledge, technology, skills, techniques, and methods to: • Identify, analyze and develop effective solutions for problems, • Improve product, process and/or organizational elements, and • Apply creativity in design thinking and innovate where appropriate. Selfless Contributors: Graduates value collaborative teamwork and contribute to team accomplishment that goes beyond personal development. They voluntarily give their time, talent, and/or resources to their community, profession, church and/or society.

Program Outcomes

Gannon’s Software Engineering program is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET, http://www.abet.org. Similarly, Gannon’s Software Engineering program is built around the successes enjoyed by the successful Computer Science and Engineering programs whose students enjoy a long history of success in solving problems and building systems. The program has a strong focus on problem-solving beginning with the very first course in computing (CIS 180 Problem Solving and Computer Programming) and carried through into the senior design sequence (CIS 457/458 Senior Design). Throughout the learning process, students learn how to effectively define and represent both problems and the solutions needed to solve those problems. Throughout the course of study, students learn to and practice making ethical decisions. All students learn the art and science of specifying, designing, building and testing software for high-quality systems. In addition, they learn how to utilize information and computer technology while developing and maintaining comprehension of the changing technology used in computer-based systems, as well as its global and local impacts. Through this learning process, we expect students to own a desire for continuous improvement and demonstrate effective verbal, written, and listening communication skills.

Specifically, Software Engineering students completing our program learn to: • Realize and manage high-quality software development lifecycle processes • Apply discrete mathematics, computer science and engineering principles to systems development. • Demonstrate an ability to design, implement and analyze testing and other experimental measures to assess the quality of software and computing systems.


One of the hallmarks of Gannon’s SE degree is its integration with traditional liberal-studies education. Gannon’s SE majors learn computing well and learn how to synthesize, think critically, and communicate well.

The Program

The SE degree requires 129 credits to graduate. These are divided into two primary sources, a Computer and Information Science (CIS) core and a Software Engineering core. These, integrated with the Core of Discovery, provide the breadth and depth to the program. The program also provides a one-semester study abroad option.

All CIS course descriptions are provided in the section Computer and Information Science All CSC course descriptions are provided in the section Computer Science All CYSEC course descriptions are provided in the section Cybersecurity

CIS Core Courses

CIS 180/181 Problem Solving and Comp. Prog. and Lab CIS 182/183 Object-Oriented Prog. and Lab CIS 219 Linux Programming CIS 255 Database Management Sys.

Computer Science Courses

CSC 220 Data Structures and Algorithms CSC 223 Algorithm Development Lab Development CIS 326 Formal Methods in Software

Software Engineering Courses

CIS 239 The User Experience CSC 330 Operating Systems CIS 277 Mobile Application Dev. I CIS 287 Object-Oriented Design Lab CIS 377 Mobile Application Dev. II CIS 290 Introduction to Networks CIS 350 Req. and Project Management CIS 457 Senior Design I CIS 458 Senior Design II Lab

CSC 390 Distributed Programming ECE 337 Computer Architecture MATH 310 Number Theory and Cryptography MATH 314 Numerical Analysis

CIS 387 System and Network Security SOFT 320 Software Architecture SOFT 310 Software Testing and Quality Assurance SOFT 410 Software Maint. and Deployment

Suggested Science Course Sets

To complete their degree, students choose a two-course sequence in a science including labs with their academic advisor’s approval. Science sets are two-course sequences in a particular science and include the appropriate experimental (laboratory) component, minimally 8 credits.

1. PHYS 210 Fund of Physics 1: Mechanics

PHYS 211 Fund of Physics 1:

Mechanics Lab

2. PHYS 210 Fund of Physics 1: Mechanics

PHYS 211 Fund of Physics 1:

Mechanics Lab

3. CHEM 111 General Chemistry I and CHEM 112 Chemistry I Lab

4. BIOL 122 Molecular Cell Biology and BIOL 123 Molecular Cell Biology Lab PHYS 214 Fund of Physics 3: Electricity and Magnetism and PHYS 215 Fund of Physics 3 Lab

PHYS 212: Fund of Physics 2: Fluids and Thermodynamics and PHYS 213 Fund of Physics 2 Lab

CHEM 114 General Chemistry II and CHEM 115 Chemistry II Lab

BIOL 124 Animal Forms and Function and BIOL 125 Animal Forms and Function Lab

Software Engineering Curriculum

(Numerals in front of courses indicate credits) FRESHMAN Fall 1 First Year Seminar/ENG 102 2 Prob Solving and Computer Prog./ CIS 180 1 Prob Solving and Computer Prog. Lab/ CIS 181 3 Calculus 1/MATH 140 3 Introduction to Networks/CIS 290 3 Foundational English 3 Foundational Theology 0 Gannon 101 16 Spring 2 Object-Oriented Programming/CIS 182 1 Object-Oriented Programming Lab/ CIS 183 3 Integrative English 3 Foundational Philosophy 3 Science 1 1 Science 1 Lab 3 Calculus 2/MATH 141


SOPHOMORE Fall 3 Data Structures and Algorithms/ CSC 220 3 User Experience/CIS 239 3 Applied Statistics/MATH 213 or MATH 312 3 Discrete Mathematics 1/MATH 222 3 Mobile Application Develop. I/CIS 277 1 Object-Oriented Design Lab/CIS 287 16 Spring 3 Database Management and Admin/ CIS 255 1 Algorithm Development Lab/CSC 223 3 Discrete Mathematics 2/MATH 223 3 Mobile Application Develop. II/CIS 377 3 Numerical Analysis/MATH 314 3 Science 2 1 Science 2 Lab 17

JUNIOR Fall 3 Formal Methods in Software/CIS 326 3 Requirements and Project Mgmt./ CIS 350 3 Professional Ethics/Leadership 3 Linux Programming/CIS 219 3 Software Testing and Quality Assur./ SOFT 310 3 Integrative Communication 18

SENIOR Fall 3 Senior Design I/CIS 457 3 Operating Systems/CSC 330 3 Software Maintenance and Deploy./ SOFT 410 3 Professional Communication 3 System Network and Security/CIS 387 15 Spring 3 Integrative History 3 Integrative Theology 3 Software Architecture/SOFT 320 3 Integrative Philosophy 3 Computer Architecture/ECE 337 1 Professional Seminar/ENG 380


Spring 3 Senior Design II Lab/CIS 458 3 Distributed Programming/CIS 390 3 Aesthetic Reasoning 3 Global Citizenship 3 Number Theory and Cryptogr./ MATH 310


Total Credits: 129

Suggested Science Course Sets

1. PHYS 210 Fundamentals of Physics 1: Mechanics and PHYS 211 Fundamental Physics 1 Lab

PHYS 214 Fundamentals of Physics 3: Electricity and Magnetism and PHYS 215 Fundamentals of Physics 3 Lab. 2. PHYS 210 Fundamentals of Physics 1: Mechanics and PHYS 211 Fundamental Physics 1 Lab

PHYS 212 Fundamentals of Physics 2: Fluids and Thermodynamics and PHYS 213 Fundamentals of Physics 2 Lab. 3. CHEM 111 General Chemistry I and CHEM 112 General Chemistry I Lab CHEM 114 General

Chemistry II and CHEM 115 General Chemistry II Lab. 4. BIOL 122 Molecular Cell Biology and BIOL 123 Molecular Cell Biology Lab.

Software Engineering (BS-SFEN) Study Abroad Curriculum

(Numerals in front of courses indicate credits) FRESHMAN Fall 1 First Year Seminar/ENG 100 2 Prob Solving and Computer Prog./ CIS 180 1 Prob Solving and Computer Prog. Lab/ CIS 181 3 Calculus 1/MATH 140 3 Introduction to Networks/CIS 290 3 Foundational English 3 Foundational Theology 16 Spring 2 Object-Oriented Programming/CIS 182 1 Object-Oriented Programming Lab/ CIS 183 3 Integrative English 3 Foundational Philosophy 3 Science 1 1 Science 1 Lab 3 Calculus 2/MATH 141 16

SOPHOMORE Fall 3 Data Structures and Algorithms/CSC 220 3 User Experience/CIS 239 3 Applied Statistics/MATH 213 or MATH 312 3 Discrete Mathematics 1/MATH 222 3 Mobile Application Develop. I/CIS 277 1 Object-Oriented Design Lab/CIS 287 16 Spring 3 Computer Architecture/ECE 337 1 Algorithm Development Lab/CSC 223 3 Discrete Mathematics 2/MATH 223 3 Mobile Application Develop. II/CIS 377 3 Numerical Analysis/MATH 314 3 Science 2 1 Science 2 Lab 17

JUNIOR Fall 3 Formal Methods in Software/CIS 326 3 Requirements and Project Mgmt./ CIS 350 3 Professional Ethics/Leadership 3 Linux Programming/CIS 219 3 Software Testing and Quality Assur./ SOFT 310 3 Integrative Communication 18

SENIOR Fall 3 Senior Design I/CIS 457 3 Operating Systems/CSC 330 3 Software Maintenance and Deploy./ SOFT 410 3 Professional Communication 3 Integrative Philosophy 3 Integrative Theology 18 Spring (Semester abroad @ EUAS) 3 Database Management and Admin/ CIS 255 3 System Network and Security/CIS 387 3 Software Architecture/SOFT 320 3 Distributed Programming/CIS 390 1 Professional Seminar/ENG 380


Spring 3 Senior Design II Lab/CIS 458 3 Integrative History 3 Aesthetic Reasoning 3 Global Citizenship 3 Number Theory and Cryptogr./ MATH 310


Total Credits: 129

Suggested Science Course Sets

1. PHYS 210 Fundamentals of Physics 1: Mechanics and PHYS 211 Fundamental Physics 1 Lab

PHYS 214 Fundamentals of Physics 3: Electricity and Magnetism and PHYS 215 Fundamentals of

Physics 3 Lab 2. PHYS 210 Fundamentals of Physics 1: Mechanics and PHYS 211 Fundamental Physics 1 Lab

PHYS 212 Fundamentals of Physics 2: Fluids and Thermodynamics and PHYS 213 Fundamentals of

Physics 2 Lab 3. CHEM 111 General Chemistry I and CHEM 112 General Chemistry I Lab CHEM 114 General

Chemistry II and CHEM 115 General Chemistry II Lab 4. BIOL 122 Molecular Cell Biology and BIOL 123 Molecular Cell Biology Lab BIOL 124 Animal Form and Function and BIOL 125 Animal Form and Function Lab

Accelerated 5-Year SE-MS-CIS Program

The SE program provides an excellent pathway to the M.S. program in Computer and Information Science. Students apply to the accelerated MS program during sophomore or junior year, prior to registration as a junior or senior for GR courses. The Accelerated Program Application will be approved by the department and the dean and sent to the registrar’s office to make a note on the student’s profile. In the Senior Year, students apply to the graduate program through Graduate Admissions to officially become a graduate student. Students have to select one of the available MS Program options: Data Science (DS), Information Technology (IT) and Software Engineering (SE). To remain in the accelerated program, students are required to maintain a 3.00 GPA in their undergraduate courses. When accepted, students rearrange their graduation plan to match one of the patterns provided below. Six credits of identified UG work can be counted toward the MS-CIS degree; other MS-Equivalent courses can be counted for placement, but not credit toward MS-CIS degree requirements. The total credit count to complete the BS-SE and the MSCIS is 129 + 24 = 153 credits.

BS Software Engineering + MS Data Science or Information Technology Accelerated 5-year program

(Numerals in front of courses indicate credits) FRESHMAN Fall 1 First Year Seminar/ENG 100 2 Prob Solving and Computer Prog./ CIS 180 1 Prob Solving and Computer Prog. Lab/ CIS 181 3 Calculus 1/MATH 140 3 Introduction to Networks/CIS 290 3 Foundational English 3 Foundational Theology 16 Spring 2 Object-Oriented Programming/CIS 182 1 Object-Oriented Programming Lab/ CIS 183 3 Integrative English 3 Foundational Philosophy 3 Science 1 1 Science 1 Lab 3 Calculus 2/MATH 141 16

SOPHOMORE Fall 3 Data Structures and Algorithms/ CSC 220 3 User Experience/CIS 239 3 Applied Statistics/MATH 213 or MATH 312 3 Discrete Mathematics 1/MATH 222 3 Mobile Application Develop. I/CIS 277 1 Object-Oriented Design Lab/CIS 287 16 Spring 3 Database Management and Admin/ CIS 255 1 Algorithm Development Lab/CSC 223 3 Discrete Mathematics 2/MATH 223 3 Mobile Application Develop. II/CIS 377 3 Numerical Analysis/MATH 314 3 Science 2 1 Science 2 Lab 17

JUNIOR Fall 3 Formal Methods in Software/CIS 326 3 Requirements and Project Mgmt./ CIS 350 3 Professional Ethics/Leadership 3 Linux Programming/CIS 219 3 Software Testing and Quality Assur./ SOFT 310 3 Integrative Communication 18 Spring 3 Integrative History 3 Integrative Theology 3 Software Architecture/SOFT 320 3 Integrative Philosophy 3 Computer Architecture/ECE 337 1 Professional Seminar/ENG 380


SENIOR Fall 3 Senior Design I/CIS 457 3 Operating Systems/CSC 330 3 Software Maintenance and Deploy./ SOFT 410 3 Professional Communication 3 System Network and Security/CIS 387 3 Data Centric/GCIS 516* 15 Spring 3 Senior Design II Lab/CIS 458 3 Distributed Programming/CIS 390 3 Aesthetic Reasoning 3 Global Citizenship 3 Number Theory and Cryptogr./ MATH 310 3 Statistical Computing/GCIS 523* 15

FIFTH YEAR Fall 3 GCIS 66x or GCIS 65x (track dependent) 3 Cloud Architecture/GCIS 583 3 Scholarship Seminar/GCIS 605 9 Spring 3 GCIS 66x or GCIS 65x (track dependent) 3 GCIS 66x or GCIS 65x (track dependent) 3 Directed Research/GCIS 698 9

Total Credits: 129+24

Suggested Science Course Sets

1. PHYS 210 Fundamentals of Physics 1: Mechanics and PHYS 211 Fundamental Physics 1 Lab

PHYS 214 Fundamentals of Physics 3: Electricity and Magnetism and PHYS 215 Fundamentals of Physics 3 Lab 2. PHYS 210 Fundamentals of Physics 1: Mechanics and PHYS 211 Fundamental Physics 1 Lab

PHYS 212 Fundamentals of Physics 2: Fluids and Thermodynamics and PHYS 213 Fundamentals of Physics 2 Lab 3. CHEM 111 General Chemistry I and CHEM 112 General Chemistry I Lab CHEM 114 General

Chemistry II and CHEM 115 General Chemistry II Lab 4. BIOL 122 Molecular Cell Biology and BIOL 123 Molecular Cell Biology Lab BIOL 124 Animal Form and Function and BIOL 125 Animal Form and Function Lab

BS Software Engineering + MS Software Engineering Accelerated 5-year program

(Numerals in front of courses indicate credits) FRESHMAN Fall 1 First Year Seminar/ENG 100 2 Prob Solving and Computer Prog./ CIS 180 1 Prob Solving and Computer Prog. Lab/ CIS 181 3 Calculus 1/MATH 140 3 Introduction to Networks/CIS 290 3 Foundational English 3 Foundational Theology 16 Spring 2 Object-Oriented Programming/CIS 182 1 Object-Oriented Programming Lab/ CIS 183 3 Integrative English 3 Foundational Philosophy 3 Science 1 1 Science 1 Lab 3 Calculus 2/MATH 141 16

SOPHOMORE Fall 3 Data Structures and Algorithms/ CSC 220 3 User Experience/CIS 239 3 Applied Statistics/MATH 213 or MATH 312 3 Discrete Mathematics 1/MATH 222 3 Mobile Application Develop. I/CIS 277 1 Object-Oriented Design Lab/CIS 287 16 Spring 3 Database Management and Admin/ CIS 255 1 Algorithm Development Lab/CSC 223 3 Discrete Mathematics 2/MATH 223 3 Mobile Application Develop. II/CIS 377 3 Numerical Analysis/MATH 314 3 Science 2 1 Science 2 Lab 17

JUNIOR Fall 3 Formal Methods in Software/CIS 326 3 Requirements and Project Mgmt./ CIS 350 3 Professional Ethics/Leadership 3 Linux Programming/CIS 219 3 Software Testing and Quality Assur./ SOFT 310 3 Integrative Communication 18 Spring 3 Integrative History 3 Integrative Theology 3 Software Architecture/SOFT 320 3 Integrative Philosophy 3 Computer Architecture/ECE 337 1 Professional Seminar/ENG 380


SENIOR Fall 3 Senior Design I/CIS 457 3 Operating Systems/CSC 330 3 Software Maintenance and Deploy./ SOFT 410 3 Professional Communication 3 System Network and Security/CIS 387 3 Data Centric/GCIS 516* 18 Spring 3 Senior Design II Lab/CIS 458 3 Distributed Programming/CIS 390 3 Aesthetic Reasoning 3 Global Citizenship 3 Number Theory and Cryptogr./ MATH 310 3 Statistical Computing/GCIS 523* 18

FIFTH YEAR Fall 3 Interactive Software Development/ GCIS 639 3 GCIS Elective 3 Scholarship Seminar/GCIS 605 9 Spring 3 GCIS Elective 3 GCIS Elective 3 Directed Research/GCIS 698


Total Credits: 129+24

Suggested Science Course Sets

1. PHYS 210 Fundamentals of Physics 1: Mechanics and PHYS 211 Fundamental Physics 1 Lab

PHYS 214 Fundamentals of Physics 3: Electricity and Magnetism and PHYS 215 Fundamentals of

Physics 3 Lab 2. PHYS 210 Fundamentals of Physics 1: Mechanics and PHYS 211 Fundamental Physics 1 Lab

PHYS 212 Fundamentals of Physics 2: Fluids and Thermodynamics and PHYS 213 Fundamentals of

Physics 2 Lab 3. CHEM 111 General Chemistry I and CHEM 112 General Chemistry I Lab CHEM 114 General

Chemistry II and CHEM 115 General Chemistry II Lab 4. BIOL 122 Molecular Cell Biology and BIOL 123 Molecular Cell Biology Lab BIOL 124 Animal Form and Function and BIOL 125 Animal Form and Function Lab


SOFT 210: Software Engineering

The course provides an overview of software requirements analysis, the software design process, verification and validation, software maintenance, and documentation. The major emphasis of the course is a project that provides experience in the design and development of a significant software project. Prerequisite: CIS 277 and CIS 287 3 credits, Spring

SOFT 310: Software Testing and Quality Assurance

The course is concerned with understanding the role of quality assurance in the software development cycle, and applying these techniques to software products. Course topics include test design methods, test planning, automated test support, quality measurement, and quality tracking techniques. Prerequisite: MATH 223 and CIS 277 and CIS 287 3 credits, Fall

SOFT 320: Software Architecture

The course focuses on the issues, techniques, strategies, representations and patterns used to implement a software component or a large-scale system. Specifically, it emphasizes the defining architectures that conform to functional requirements and that work within defined constraints including resource, performance, reliability, and security. Prerequisite: CIS 277 and CIS 287 3 credits, Spring

SOFT 410: Software Maintenance and Deployment

Introduces the concepts and approaches for the maintenance, refactoring and deployment of software projects, particularly in a rigorous life-cycle process. Focuses on materials associated with software maintenance, process, metrics and quality related to the development, improvement and deployment of high-quality software and systems. The course includes significant project work where students apply a rigorous process to deploy a refactored software product with improved features and quality. Prerequisite: SOFT 310 and SOFT 320 3 credits, Fall

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