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English Teaching Certificate ..................................Bachelor of Arts

Legal Career Track

(Numerals in front of courses indicate credits) FRESHMAN Fall 3 Foundational English/ENGL 101 3 Foundational Philosophy/PHIL 101 3 Quantitative Reasoning 3 Global Language 3 Introduction to Law/LEGL 111 0 Gannon 101/FRSH 101 15 Spring 3 Integrative English 3 Foundational Theology/THEO 101 3 ENGL American Literature 3 Global Language 3 Elective 15

SOPHOMORE Fall 3 Integrative Communication 3 Integrative History 3 Linguistics/ENGL 261 3 Legal Research and Writing I/LEGL 211 3 Elective 15 Spring 3 Integrative Philosophy 3-4 Scientific Reasoning 3 Pursuits of English (WI)/ENGL 200 3 Legal Research and Writing II/LEGL 212 3 Elective 15-16

JUNIOR Fall 3 Integrative Theology 3 ENGL International Literature 2-3 Elective 3 Elective 3 Elective 14-15 Spring 3 Global Citizenship 3 English Internship/ENGL 380 3 Elective 3 Elective 3 Elective 15

SENIOR Fall 3 Professional Ethics and Leadership 3 Research and Oral Presentation/ ENGL 400 3 ENGL British Literature 3 Elective 3 Elective

15 Spring 3 ENGL Writing/Professional Communication 3 Trial Preparation and Procedure/ LEGL 345 3 ENGL Elective 3 Elective 3 Elective 15

English Curriculum with Secondary Education Students majoring in English qualify for Teacher Certification in English/Secondary Education.

Aims and Objectives

The objectives of the program are: (1) to give the student an opportunity to become broadly educated in the areas of language, literature and writing, and (2) to provide a program of teacher education which promotes growth, development, professionalism and expertise for successful teaching. Students who wish to prepare themselves as secondary English teachers must make formal application to the teacher education program through the School of Education. For a detailed explanation of all requirements refer to the catalog portion under Education.

English/Secondary Education 7-12 Curriculum

(Numerals in front of courses indicate credits) FRESHMAN Fall 3 Foundations of Education*/EDCR 106 3 Quantitative Reasoning (Math 103 or higher) 3 Global Language 3 Foundational English/ENGL 101 3 Foundational Philosophy/PHIL 101 0 Gannon 101/FRSH 101 15 Spring 3 ENGL American Literature course 3 Special Education Overview/SPED 101 3 Foundational Theology/THEO 101 3 Global Language 3 Integrative English 3 Applied Statistics/MATH 213 or Psychological Statistics/PSYC 211


SOPHOMORE Fall 3 Instructional Design/Classroom Mgmt/

EDCR 105

0 Secondary Educ Field Experience I+/

EDFL 101

3 Advanced Composition/ENGL 211 3 Linguistics/ENGL 261 3 Integrative Communication 3 Integrative History 15 Spring 3 Pursuits of English (WI)/ENGL 200 3 Drama of Shakespeare/ENGL 345 3 Literature for Young Adults/ENGL 374 3 Integrative Philosophy 3-4 Scientific Reasoning


JUNIOR Fall 3 Literary Criticism/ENGL 381 3 ENGL International Literature 3 Literacy Dev, Strategies/Assessments++/ MLED 301 3 Global Citizenship 3 Integrative Theology Spring 3 Methods/Materials for Instruction/

EDCR 320

0 Secondary Educ Field Experience II+/

EDFL 102

3 Methods of Teaching English/ENGL 389 3 ENGL Elective 3 Adolescent Development (WI)/MLED 202 3 Meeting Needs Students w/ Exceptionalities: 7-12*/SPED 340

15 15

SENIOR Fall 3 Assessment/Evaluation/EDCR 330 0 Secondary Educ Field Experience III+/

EDFL 103

3 Methods/Materials: ESL/ELL*/ EDCR 420 3 Research Project/Oral Presentation/ ENGL 400 3 ENGL British Literature 3 ENGL Writing course 15 Spring 3 Professional Seminar in Education (Prof. Communication)/ECDR 401 12 Student Teaching (Prof. Ethics/ Leadership)EDFL 410


Total Credits: 123-124

* Field experience embedded throughout the semester (6-15 hours) ++ Field experience embedded throughout the semester (30 hours) + Field experience embedded throughout the semester (60 hours) Field experiences requires a grade of P (passing)

• All education courses require a grade of C or better. • Foundational and Integrative English, Literature, and the six credits of math (Math 103 and

Qualitative Reasoning or higher level math) require a grade of C or better. • A GPA of 3.0 or greater is required of all students seeking teacher certification. • Education majors must apply for SOE formal acceptance between 48 and 60 credit hours.

***Major Electives options: Major electives may include any of the following courses and should be selected in consultation with the advisor, based on program outcomes and students’ professional interests and goals. ENGL 220 Creative Writing ENGL 212 Business and Professional Communication ENGL 281/COMM 252 Photojournalism ENGL 214/COMM 214 Writing for Print/News Media ENGL 215/COMM 215 Editing/Production of Print Media ENGL 316/COMM 216 Advanced and Specialized Reporting ENGL 261 Introduction to Linguistics ENGL 314/COMM 218 Feature Writing ENGL 301 Workshop: Special Topics in Writing ENGL 321 Poetry Writing Workshop

ENGL 322 ENGL 317 ENGL 363 Fiction Writing Workshop Writing for Social Change The Structure of English

ENGL 353

Immigrant World Literature ENGL 382 Mass Media and Popular Culture ENGL 383/ADVC 372 Public Relations ENGL 273 Literature and the Healing Arts ENGL 253 Introduction to World Literature

LEGL 212 COMM 235 COMM 313 Legal Research and Writing II Interpersonal Communication Intercultural Communication

COMM 314 COMM 322 COMM 356 COMM 359 BCOR 240 EDCR 419 CIS 171 CIS 172 CIS 180/1 CIS 210 CIS 239 CIS 240 CRJS 261 Persuasion Argumentation and Debate Digital Graphics Intermediate Graphics Marketing in the Global Environment Structures of English PC Word Processing PC Electronic Spreadsheet Problem Solving and Computer Programming Introduction to Data Analytics The User Experience Web Management and Design Introduction to Crime Mapping

From the above elective courses, students must elect one course designated as a professional communications course. This requirement may also be fulfilled by Major Requirement courses.

* Aesthetic Reasoning and Professional Communication are met in the major. ****If students are double majoring in English, Computer Science, or one of the Communication

Majors, they would need to select electives that would allow them to have 21 unique credits in each major. ENGL 100 Foundations of Academic Writing ENGL 200 Pursuits of English ENGL 219 Photojournalism ENGL 220 Creative Writing ENGL 253 Introduction to World Literature ENGL 261 Introduction to Linguistics ENGL 272 Fantasy and Science Fiction ENGL 273 Literature and the Healing Arts ENGL 274 Women Writers ENGL 281 Photography ENGL 341 Feature Writing (cross-listed with COMM 218) ENGL 315 Advanced Specialized Reporting (cross-listed with COMM 216) ENGL 317 Writing for Social Change ENGL 318 Writing for Digital Environments ENGL 321 Poetry Writing ENGL 322 Fiction Writing ENGL 345 Drama of Shakespeare ENGL 353 Immigrant World Literature ENGL 355 Contemporary World Literature ENGL 373 Literature and Film (Cross-listed with LFIN 258) ENGL 374 Literature for Young Adults ENGL 380 English Internship ENGL 382 Mass Media and Popular Culture ENGL 383 Public Relations (Cross-listed with ADVC 372)

(Numerals in front of courses indicate credits) FRESHMAN Fall 3 Foundational English/ENGL 101 3 Foundational Philosophy/PHIL 101 3 Quantitative Reasoning 3 Global Language 3 Elective 0 Gannon 101/FRSH 101 15 Spring 3 Integrative English 3 Foundational Theology/THEO 101 3 Writing Elective 3 Global Language 3 Elective


SOPHOMORE Fall 3 Integrative Communication 3 Integrative History 3 Advanced Composition/ENGL 211 3 Upper-Level Literature course—300 level 3 Elective

15-16 Spring 3 Integrative Philosophy 3-4 Scientific Reasoning 3 Pursuits of English (WI)/ENGL 200 3 Writing for Digital Environments/ ENGL 318 3 Elective 15-16

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