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Update from the Publication Board Meeting
Present: Drs. Adler, Appel, Casoy, Drescher, Dube, Erlich, Landess (remote), McIntosh
Remote: Robinson, Jackson, Wong, Sumner
1. Since April 2022 committees may have been active but reviews sent to us have slowed down considerably.
2. Update on Manuscripts: a. There were only 4 approved manuscripts in the past six months (3 to Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease). i. Adolescence: Stigma and Pregnancy (Published 9/22). ii. Women and Gender: Roe v Wade fallout. iii. College Student: Covid Fallout. iv. Professional and Ethics: Vaccine Hesitancy (Psych Times). b. CL submitted a manuscript that is undergoing revision.
3. The Psychiatry and Law committee completed and had approved an outstanding series of short pieces introducing MH professionals to the major legal issues facing us that will be on a website.
4. The Planning, Marketing and Communications Committee is gathering all websites that currently house GAP products as we redo the GAP website to maximize visibility of GAP products. All Chairs are encouraged to review and send Frances Bell updates on their committee membership and work.
5. We have entered the Blog world with a series of approved pieces that will/have appear in Psychology Today as a GAP Blog: Gender Affirming Care (LGBT); What happened to adolescent therapy (Psychotherapy); why your brain needs a workout (Aging); Weighing in with two more in the works and 13,000 hits in one month. Jack presented to the membership the following information:
How Does the Blog Work?
• Any GAP member
• Blog Writing Group all welcome—perhaps Zoom meeting in new year
• Publications Subcommittee: Jack, Carol, Tom and Amy Franklin
• Approval by David Adler and GAP President Cal Sumner
What We’ve Done Since First Post on September 28 (post twice a month) > 13K:
• Tom Franklin on Adolescence >3K
• Sehba Husain-Krautter and Bob Roca Aging: Why Brain Needs a Workout almost 7K
• Jack Dresher Puberty Blockers about 1,500
• Jeff Freedman—Letter-writing to newspapers, almost 2K since last week
• Upcoming: Chris Heath How to talk to family members about difficult topics during holiday gatherings
• General Audience interested in Mental Health Issues
• Mental Health Professionals
• Journalists (blog makes GAP products more accessible)
• Policy Makers
• Show people what psychiatrists think about in a think tank
• Address topical issues: abortion, immigration, addiction
• Publicize recent GAP publications
Format: Take a Look at Posted Blogs
• 400 to 1800 words
• Offer a vignette or summarize recent news story outlining issue/problem
• Minimize first and second person (“we think that you”) approaches—makes unwarranted assumptions about your reader
• Links to research that supports your opinions— as many links as you think are helpful
• Be persuasive rather than polemical or didactic • When appropriate, offer some solutions
What We Need:
• Volunteers—1, 2 or more committee members willing to write
• Inventory
How to Get Started: Contact Jack Dresher About Possible Blog Topics
6. For the retreat David Adler put together a spreadsheet of all committee productivity since our last retreat in 2016 which will be updated and circulated to the membership in the post meeting circular.
and Virtual Meeting
Members attending: Victor Buwalda, John Lauriello, Farooq Mohyuddin (virtual), Britta Ostermeyer (virtual), Jorge Petit, Sy Saeed, John Santopietro, Stu Silver (virtual), and Tobias Wasser.
Fellow attending: None
Guests attending: Aliya Jones
Approval Of The Agenda
The following agenda was approved:
• Welcome and Introduction
• Approval of the Agenda
• Minutes from Spring 2022 meeting
• Current Projects
• International survey on psychiatric administration and leadership, and the effects of COVID-19 pandemic on the needs of psychiatric administrators.
• Follow-up on the survey of residency training directors
• APPI Textbook of Psychiatric Administration and Leadership
• Current Status of the textbook perspectives
• Meetings Presentations
• Possible presentation at international congresses and the APA
• Committee membership and leadership discussions
• Potential Guests at the Spring 2023 Meeting
• Other business
• Adjourn
APPROVAL OF MINUTES (Committee Chairs Report) from Spring 2021 meeting
Approved as previously recorded and submitted
Welcome And Introductions
After the introductions and a special welcome to Dr. Jones as a firsttime guest to our committee, the minutes from the Spring meeting were approved as submitted electronically.
Sy provided an update from the general membership meeting this morning and emphasized the importance of the retreat, “reimagining GAP” scheduled for Saturday at this fall meeting. He mentioned that everybody was invited, and encouraged, to participate. It will be about reimagining GAP, in an ever-changing world with the availability of new technologies and expanding field of psychiatry. It will also address practical areas like dues, number of meetings per year, location of