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ADMINISTRATION & LEADERSHIP Continued. meetings, etc. For virtual attendees, a Zoom link has been provided and was also included in the agenda. We exchanged notes on changes in our roles/ responsibilities and what is going on in our communities. We discussed several areas including continued impact of COVID-19; current mental health crisis (e.g., CNN study that 90% fear that we have a mental health crisis); workforce shortages; closure of mental health care delivery systems across the nation; role of the leadership in the current healthcare systems; how non-profit systems feel isolated in the current macroeconomic environment with the difficulty that non-profit organization are not in competition with for-profit organizations as they work for the most vulnerable, the very critically mentally ill patients; role of the behavioral health “service lines” in the changing healthcare environments; and how we need to advocate for behavioral health. We also discussed some keywords/phrases, including common threat, value proposition, service line, bent the cost curve, wellbeing, diversity, and inclusion, etc.
• International survey on psychiatric administration and leadership (VB & JP) and the effects of COVID-19 pandemic on the needs of psychiatric administrators. We discussed whether the survey still had added value and if it was not too out of date, as we lost a lot of time on the process. The questionnaire was based on the previous published work of our committee when we surveyed an American sample. The international survey was first disseminated in 2019. The members of GAP also filled out the survey at one of the GAP meetings. The survey has been previously reviewed by the GAP publication board and an IRB exemption has been secured. We also collaborated with the International Initiative for Mental Health Leadership (IIMHL). In the meeting today, it was agreed upon that we will request the IIMHL to participate again. If the IIMHL agrees we will disseminate the survey and finalize the analysis before the next GAP Spring meeting. If not, we will discontinue this international survey project.
• Follow-up on the survey of residency training directors (FM, VB, TW and BO). The idea was to work on a basic handbook for residents on administrative issues. Stu previously reviewed over 200 residency training programs websites to get a “feel” for what the training programs offered in training on administration and leadership to their residents, both in didactics and electives. We developed a survey for the training directors after this review. It was decided to send out the survey in February. FM and TW will meet the directors at AADPRT in March to bring it to their attention again and to ask them to fill it out. We hope to have the very preliminary data at the Spring meeting. JL will also inform Dr. Girkin, the new training director at Jefferson, about this project.
• APPI Textbook of Administrative Psychiatry. This project is finished, and the textbook promotional materials and order forms are now available at the APA website. The print copy is anticipated to be out between February and May 2023, hopefully by the next GAP Spring meeting. While the textbook is not a GAP publication, many committee members were heavily involved in writing chapters. GAP is acknowledged in the book. Also, GAP’s immediate past president wrote a review of the textbook which is on the cover. Saul Levin, APA CEO and Medical Director, wrote the introduction and mentioned the connections of the textbook to the committee and GAP.
• Meetings Presentations. Possible presentations at international congresses and the APA. When the textbook book is out, we could submit a symposium at the Institute of Psychiatric Services or for the APA annual meeting, like we did on a special theme issue on papers we published on administrative subjects in Psychiatric Quarterly.
• Other ideas for future committee projects. Britta suggested to start a workgroup to write an article on administrative psychiatry. The administrative psychiatry project would be rather pertaining to the role of psychiatry in university/ health care systems, service line organization (keep psychiatry/psychology/psychiatric SW together), and to ensure that psychiatry (the highest trained mental