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membership of approximately 300 psychiatrists, most of whom are organized in the form of a number of working committees. These committees direct their efforts toward the study of various aspects of psychiatry and the application of this knowledge to the fields of mental health and human relations. Collaboration with specialists in other disciplines has been and is one of GA P's working principles. Since the formation of GAP in 1 946 its members have worked closely with such other specialists as anthropologists, biologists, economists, statisticians, educators, lawyers, nurses, psychologists, sociologists, social workers, and experts in mass communication, philosophy, and semantics. GAP envisages a continuing program of work according to the following aims:
1. 2. 3. To collect and appraise significant data in the fields of psychiatry, mental health,· and human relations To reevaluate old concepts and to develop and test new ones To apply the knowledge thus obtained for the promotion of mental health and good human relations
GAP is an independent group, and irs reports represent rhe composite findings and opinions of its members only, guided by its many consultants.
PHARMACOTHERAPY AND PSYCllOTHERAPY: PA RA DOXF.S, PROBLEMS AND PROGRESS wasformulated by the Cornmittee on Researr:h, which acknmuledges on pa.ge 269 the participation rj
others in
preparation of this report. The mem,bers of this committee,
as well as
other committees
and the o,[ficers of the GAP, are
listed below.
C.OMMlTTEE ON RESEARCH Morris A. Lipton, Chapel Hill, Chr. Stanley H. Eldred, Belmont, Mass. Louis A. Gottschalk, Irvine, CaliL 2 64
Donald F. Klein, Glen Oaks. N.Y. Gerald L. Klerman, Boston Ralph R. Notrnan, Jhookline, Mass. Eberhard H. Uhlenhuth, Chicago 2 6 5
COMMITTEE o:,..• ADOLESCENCE. Joseph D. Noshpitz, Washington, Chr. Maurice R. Friend, New York Warren J. Gad paille, Englewood, Colo. Charles A. Malone, Philadelphia Silvio J. Onesti, Jr., Belmont, Mass. Jeanne Spurlock, Silver Spring, Md. Sidney- L. Werkman, Denvr.r COMMITTH ON AGING Prescott W. Thompson. San Jose, Chr. Roben N. Butler; Washington, D.C. Charles M. Gaitz, Houston I .awrcnce F. Grecnleigh, Los Angeles Maurice E. Linden. Philadelphia Robert D. Patterson, Lexington, Mass. f. Conyers · rhompson, Jr., Atlanta Jack Weinberg, Chicago
Co:-.-tMITTE£' ON C1111.o PSYCHIATRY Joseph M. Green, Tucson, Ariz., Chr. Paul L. Adams, Miami E. James Anthony, St. Louis James M. Bell, Canaan. N.Y. Harlow Donald Dunton, :-.Jew York Joseph Fischoff, Detroit John F. Kenward, Chicago Ake Mattsson, Charlottesville John F. McDermott, J r., Honolulu Theodore Shapiro, New York Exie E. Welsch, New York Virginia N. Wilking, New York
CuMMITTE.E O;"I:· TIIE COLLEGE- STUOF.:-.IT Rohen L. Arnstein, Hamden, Conn., Chr Harrison P. Eddy, New York Malkah Tolpin Notman, Brookline, Mass. Gloria C. Onque, Pittsburgh Kent E. Robinson, Towson, Md. Earle Silber, Chevy Chase, Md. Tom G. Stauffer, White Plains, N.Y.
COMMITTEE ON THE FAMILY .Joseph Satten , San Frnncisco, Chr. C. Christian Bccls, Bronx, N.Y. Ivan Boszormenyi-Nagy, Wyncote, Pa. Murray Bowen, Chevy Chase Henry U. Grunebaum, Boston \!argaret M. Lawrence, Pomona, N.Y. David Mendell, Houston Carol Nadelson, Boston Norman L. Paul, Carnbridg,e Israel Z:werling, Phila<lclphia CoM\fIT'TEE ON GovER"'"MENTAL AcEJ\'CIES Sidney S. Goldcnsohn, Jamaica, N.Y. Chr. William S. Allerron, Richmond Albert M. Biele, Philadelphia Paul Chodoff, Washington, D.C. John E. Nardini, Washington, D.C. Donald B. Peterson, Fulton, Mo. Harvey I.. P. Resnik,.Chevy Chase, Md. Harold Rosen, Baltimore Harvey Lee Ruben, New Haven COMMITT£E ON INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS Bryant M. Wedge, Washington, D.C., Chr. Francis F. Barnes, Chevy Chase Eric A. Baum, Cambridge Alexander Gralnick. Port Chester, N.Y. Rita R. Rogers, Torrance, Calif. Bert.ram H. Schaffner, New York i\1ottram P. Torre , Nev .. ' Orieans Roy M. Whitman, Cincinnati Ronald M. Wintrob, Hartford
CoMMI1TEE ON MEDl(,AL EnucATION Saul I. Harrison, Ann Arbor, Chr. Raymond Feldman, Boulder, Colo. David R Hawkins, Charlottesville Harold I. Lief, Philadelphia John E. Mack, Chestnut Hill, Mass. Herbert Pardes, Brooklyn, N.Y. Robert Alan Senescu, New York Bryce Templeton, Philadelphia Paul Tyler Wilson, Bethesda, Md. CoMMrrTr.E ON MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES W. Walter Menninger, Topeka, Chr. Allan Beigcl, Tucson. Ariz. Eugene M. Caffey, Jr., Washington, D.C. Merrill T. Eaton, Omaha James 13. Funkhouser, Richmond. Va. Robert S. Garber, Belle Mead, N j. Stanley Hammons, Frankfon, Ky. Donald Scherl, Boston Herzl R. Spiro. Princeton, N.J . Jack A. Wolford, Pittsburgh COMMITTEE ON MENTAL RETARDATION Henry H. Work, Washington, D.C., Chr. Howard V. Bair, Parsons, K:ms. Norman R, Bernstein, Boston