Volume 5
S pecial I ssue 2019
Celebrating 5 years of publication!
An Executive Profile: Meet Ariane Kirkpatrick One of the Region’s Most Successful Serial Entrepreneurs and a Leading Philanthropist! CAREER & LIFESTYLE MAGAZINE
MORE INSIDE: Planning for 2020: Siobhan Sudberry Shares Vision Board Strategies V. Billione Frē Speaks Out About His Journey in Search of Unconditional Love Hospice of the Western Reserve Offers Healing Arts Workshops
Ariane Kirkpatrick, President, The AKA Team and CEO, Harvest of Ohio, Harvest Grows & Harvest Processing
COMMUNITIES. At Dominion Energy Ohio, going the distance for our customers means more than just delivering safe, affordable natural gas. It means being a positive force in the communities we serve. Our EnergyShareÂŽ program has raised $6.8 million and helped more than 70,000 people in Ohio alone. These resources, combined with more than 6,300 volunteer hours from our employees, have benefited organizations as diverse as the American Red Cross, the Boy Scouts of America and the Ohio & Erie Canalway Coalition.
Meet Ariane Kirkpatrick: One of the Region’s Most Successful Serial Entrepreneurs and a Leading Philanthropist! Contributing writers: Aria Johnson and Marcia Pledger Kirkpatrick is making it happen in industries that are not traditionally dominated by women! A Life with Purpose is on Purpose! by Montrie Rucker Adams The world needs you and the purpose for which you were born.
One Community Reads Cuyahoga County cities, organizations join forces to encourage reading and dialogue about issues affecting our society
Healing Arts Workshops Provide a Creative Space for Expressing Grief Certified Art Therapist Mollie Borgione facilitates
Vision Boarding Your Future and Tracking Your Progress! by Siobhan Sudberry Tips about using a Vision Board as a strategy for effectively defining and achieving your dreams and goals.
Should You Do Your Own Graphic Design? by Jennifer Coiley Dial Hire a professional or do it yourself? Some basics to get started.
CONTENTS continued on page
CL Magazine Team Publisher and Chief Editorial Officer Alexandria Johnson Boone
2020 Book Club Suggestions Scale your business, change bad habits, and expand your worldview with these best-selling books!
Making a New Year’s Resolution You Can Keep: Eat Healthy & Exercise by Linda D. Bradley, MD Dr. Linda Bradley, a renowned professor of Ob-Gyn and Reproductive Biology at The Cleveland Clinic Women’s Health Institute, is also skilled in the kitchen! Read about how you can cook and eat the foods you love and be healthy too!
In Search of Unconditional Love by V. Billione Frē A queer, black speaker, writer and performance poet chronicles his journey in search of unconditional love.
Creative Director Jennifer Coiley Dial Senior Copy Editor Michelle E. Urquhart Business Manager Paula T. Newman Assistant to the Publisher Bernadette K. Mayfield Senior Strategist, Subscriber & Community Development Simone E. Swanson Database and Information Coordinator Cheretta Moore For advertising information please contact us at: advertising@CL-Magazine.com Subscribe free online: www.CL-Magazine.com
CLMagazine_ CLMagazine_ CLMagazine C L Magazine is published digitally on a quarterly basis by the Women of Color Foundation (WOCF), a 501 (c) (3), tax-exempt organization, for the benefit of women and girls of all colors. Our offices are located at 4200 Warrensville Center Road, Medical Building A, Suite 353, Cleveland, Ohio 44122. Toll Free Phone number: 866.962-3411 (866.WOCF.411). Copyright © 2014-2019. All rights reserved. No portion of this publication may be distributed electronically, reproduced or duplicated in whole or in part, without written permission of the publisher. Readers and advertisers may subscribe for free at: www.CL-Magazine.com Magazine Production: GAP Communications Group
Publisher’s LETTER Dear Friends and Supporters, As I am sure you will agree, 2019 just flew by. And, we all experienced some personal and professional victories and challenges throughout the year: • Some babies were born (my first great grandson, Ashton Lamar Mason); Some friends and family members passed on • Some new friendships developed; Some old friendships ran their course • Some plans were realized; Some plans failed to materialize • Some careers skyrocketed; Some careers failed to launch • Some resolutions were achieved; Some resolutions were never conceived • Some of us thought we were healthy; Some of us were way off course (I survived a mini-stroke, and now I have a new attitude of gratitude!) Looking ahead, I am inspired more than ever to focus on things and people that matter in my life and career, and supremely motivated to take care of me, FIRST. I encourage all of you to do the same. My 2020 new year’s resolutions include: • Focusing more on my mental and physical health (eliminating stress and drama, scheduling regular check-ups and examinations; reevaluating medications annually and checking my blood pressure daily) • Living a life of gratitude • Building exercise into my daily routine • Creating my own happiness
• Being especially kind to others and offering words of encouragement, comfort & solace • Eating and cooking more healthy foods (low sodium, less fat, no processed foods, more vegetables, nuts and fruits) • Doing things that are fun and make me happy (cooking, baking, watching movies and traveling) I just bought a new KitchenAid Mixer, so amateur bakers beware! • Renewing my faith and spirituality • Focusing more on family, and less on work (I’ve retired at least five times already) Why don’t you “reflect to correct” too? There is no time like the present. So, make a list of new year’s resolutions about things that really matter in your life, and commit to achieving them. Finally, in terms of our work in the community; thank you for making 2019 another great year for the Women of Color Foundation and C L Magazine. Because of YOU, we have inspired, motivated and impacted the lives and careers of women and girls of all colors, around the Globe! Sincerely,
Alexandria Johnson Boone Publisher/Chief Editorial Officer and Chairwoman/Founder, Women of Color Foundation SPECIAL ISSUE 2019
Montrie Rucker Adams, APR Visibility Marketing info@visibilitymarketing.com www.visibilitymarketing.com
A Life with Purpose is on Purpose! The world needs you and the purpose for which you were born. Everything in life and everyone created by God has a purpose – from the smallest grain of sand, to the largest mammal in the sea. When man creates a product, the purpose precedes production. Purpose is the original intent for creation. It is need, desired result, objective, expectation and final destination. We all have a purpose. continued on page 8
You’ve been at this place before. You have witnessed a purposeless life. A very close friend just cannot seem to find her way. She moves from job to job, seeking the right “fit.” There is always an excuse. The boss didn’t like her, the hours weren’t right, the money wasn’t enough, and the co-workers were a “pain.” She is always “fitna” do something. She just can’t place her finger on what it is. You think, It wouldn’t be so bad if this were a teenager or a twenty-something. Her peers are speaking of retirement and/or starting second careers. Her first career has not yet left the ground. She’s searching for her purpose. Know that your individual purpose is linked to a greater purpose. Often there is more than one purpose that exists within us. For instance, a father’s role is to be the provider; a friend and lover to his wife; a teacher, disciplinarian and encourager to his children. Life without purpose is haphazard because knowing your purpose is the key to peace. Purpose sets the course and direction in which a person is to go. It also paves the way toward the goal. Purpose is often tied to our dreams. The desires we felt as children to do something, be something or become something are still within us. That dream to help the homeless, serve as a doctor or nurse, become a teacher, write the next bestseller, is also tied
what is my 8 | CL MAGAZINE
to your purpose. Do not ignore the dreams you have for your life. They are there for a reason. They are there to give you purpose. Purpose is not necessarily something to do. It’s often who you are. A great listener, encourager, friend or helper. These attributes are also your purpose. Sometimes it’s difficult to begin our purpose or dreams. They may seem larger than life, unattainable, much too big for where you are now. Know that nothing worth having is easy. It will take sacrifice. It will take commitment. It is a journey with life lessons. If God placed your dream in you, it’s there for a purpose. It is your purpose. It’s there to bless others. To help you move forward, get focused and experience freedom from the doubts that can hinder your progress, remember the acronym for PURPOSE. P-Preparation. Do as much as you can to prepare for the journey. It will take time. It will take commitment. Prepare for the challenges you will face along the way. U-Unyielding. Stay the course. Don’t let circumstances or people take you away from your destiny. Be unmovable. Unstoppable.
y purpose? SPECIAL ISSUE 2019
R-Research. Read. Engage with others. Seek the answers to your questions. They are out there. P-Patience. Manifesting your purpose takes time. Know that it will happen. Maybe not when you think it should. Stay the course. O-Open Mind. It may not happen the way you envisioned. Keep an open mind. The journey is not a straight line. There may be detours. There is more than one road to your destination. S-Sacrifice. Your purpose may take you away from your friends, social media, socializing, parties, anything that helped fill your time. There are only 24 hours in each day, 16 hours if you sleep eight. Replace some of your “play” time with “purpose” time. E-Encouraged. Sometimes a little pick-me-up is what we need. Talk to people who encourage you, listen to encouraging podcasts or videos, read encouraging books. Seek out affirmations and recite them daily. The obstacles and roadblocks won’t seem so daunting. If you are unclear about your purpose, think about your dreams and desires. We must seek our Creator for our life’s purpose – the reason we were created and the reason we are here. To know purpose is to know the path we’re to take that will ultimately lead to our fulfillment. Just Do Your Dream.
Montrie Rucker Adams, APR, DTM, MBA is the president of Visibility Marketing Inc. and author of Just Do Your Dream! A 7-Step Guide to Help You Do What You Always Wanted
what is my purpose? 10 | CL MAGAZINE
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Scale your business, change bad habits, and expand your worldview with these best-selling books!
Book Club Suggestions Scale or Fail BY ALLISON MASLAN Scaling a business is not for the faint of heart. It’s a mind-bending journey that causes millions of business owners around the globe to either throw in the towel—or avoid risk entirely and suffer from smallness and mediocrity. Most of these businesses fail because they are ill prepared to face the real challenges involved in scaling. To truly scale, you must upsize your strategic practices, implement new marketing strategies, find new ways to build your team, and expand your mindset to break through whatever is keeping you stuck at the same level. Then you must be willing to take the leap into the giant unknown – to make your impossible possible. In Scale or Fail, author Allison Maslan—who has successfully scaled ten companies from scratch and has guided thousands of small businesses to do the same—shares her revolutionary SCALEit Method® for successfully growing, replicating, and expanding your business. She also shares pivotal mindset strategies she’s used to break the fear barrier as a trapeze artist so you can move past any obstacle, take strategic risks, and fulfill your dreams of business expansion and skyrocketing profit. Scale or Fail is adaptable to any type of business—manufacturing, consumer goods, a brick and mortar, a digital service, a wholesaler, a consulting service, and everything in between. Educated: A Memoir BY TARA WESTOVER An unforgettable memoir about a young girl who, kept out of school, leaves her survivalist family and goes on to earn a PhD from Cambridge University. Born to survivalists in the mountains of Idaho, Tara Westover was seventeen the first time she set foot in a classroom. Her family was so isolated from mainstream society that there was no one to ensure the children received an education, and no one to intervene when one of Tara’s older brothers became violent. When another brother got himself into college, Tara decided to try a new kind of life. Her quest for knowledge transformed her, taking her over oceans and across continents, to Harvard and to Cambridge University. Only then would she wonder if she’d traveled too far, if there was still a way home. continued on page 14 Photos and summaries courtesy of Amazon.com
Scale your business, change bad habits, and expand your worldview with these best-selling books!
Book Club Suggestions Blowout BY RACHEL MADDOW With her trademark black humor, Maddow takes us on a switchback journey around the globe, revealing the greed and incompetence of Big Oil and Gas along the way, and drawing a surprising conclusion about why the Russian government hacked the 2016 U.S. election. She deftly shows how Russia’s rich reserves of crude have, paradoxically, stunted its growth, forcing Putin to maintain his power by spreading Russia’s rot into its rivals, its neighbors, the West’s most important alliances, and the United States. Chevron, BP, and a host of other industry players get their star turn, most notably ExxonMobil and the deceptively well-behaved Rex Tillerson. The oil and gas industry has weakened democracies in developed and developing countries, fouled oceans and rivers, and propped up authoritarian thieves and killers. But being outraged at it is, according to Maddow, “like being indignant when a lion takes down and eats a gazelle. You can’t really blame the lion. It’s in her nature.” Blowout is a call to contain the lion: to stop subsidizing the wealthiest businesses on earth, to fight for transparency, and to check the influence of the world’s most destructive industry and its enablers. As Maddow writes, “Democracy either wins this one or disappears.” Atomic Habits BY JAMES CLEAR James Clear, one of the world’s leading experts on habit formation, reveals practical strategies that will teach you exactly how to form good habits, break bad ones, and master the tiny behaviors that lead to remarkable results. If you’re having trouble changing your habits, the problem isn’t you. The problem is your system. Bad habits repeat themselves again and again not because you don’t want to change, but because you have the wrong system for change. You do not rise to the level of your goals. You fall to the level of your systems. Here, you’ll get a proven system that can take you to new heights. Clear is known for his ability to distill complex topics into simple behaviors that can be easily applied to daily life and work. Here, he draws on the most proven ideas from biology, psychology, and neuroscience to create an easy-to-understand guide for making good habits inevitable and bad habits impossible. CL Summaries courtesy of Amazon.com
Cuyahoga County cities, organizations join forces to encourage reading and dialogue about issues affecting our society What happens when nine public library systems, Playhouse Square and The City Club of Cleveland get together? One Community Reads. It’s a Cuyahoga County-wide initiative to encourage reading and cultivate dialogue about social issues affecting our communities. One Community Reads kicks off Monday, January 20 and runs through May 2020. This year’s book is Palaces for the People: How Social Infrastructure Can Help Fight Inequality, Polarization, and the Decline of Civic Life by Eric Klinenberg. Cuyahoga County Executive Armond Budish serves as the Honorary Chair of the One Community Reads program. “As County Executive, it is vitally important to me that we identify and support the places that make our county strong and connected. Please join us as we celebrate the power of social infrastructures, and how they can shape our future through education, information, and access,” said Budish. The One Community Reads celebration will be held on Monday, January 20 at 4:30 p.m. at Cleveland Public Library in downtown Cleveland. The backdrop is an exhibition called Cleveland 20/20: A Photographic Exploration of Cleveland which showcases everyday life in our great city. Located on the 1st Floor of Main Library in Brett Hall, “This exhibition highlights diversity, the changing faces of Cleveland and social infrastructure which is the essence of this year’s One Community Reads book, Palaces for the People,” said Felton Thomas, Jr., Executive Director and CEO of Cleveland Public Library. “We hope this photography exhibit along with Klinenberg’s book will spark thought-provoking conversation about how we build powerful relationships across the county, open doors for people to help them achieve success as well as protect and invest more resources in public institutions such as the Library.”
“I’m honored Cuyahoga County has chosen Palaces for the People as its One Community Reads book. It’s a book about how we rebuild common ground and revitalize our democratic culture, and I can’t think of a better place to do that than Cleveland, which will play such a big role in American politics during the next year,” said Klinenberg, who is also a social science professor at New York University. 2020 is the year to make sure voices are heard; votes are cast, and households get counted. “I hope readers in Cleveland find new ideas in the book - not just for intellectual stimulation, but for practical action and policy-making, too,” Klinenberg remarks. Cuyahoga County Public Library Executive Director Tracy Strobel agrees. “The One Community Reads collaboration strives to ignite interest in an issue of social importance and foster conversations that will lead to solutions for strengthening Greater Cleveland. I hope that reading and talking about this year’s One Community Reads title, Palaces for the People, highlights the value of public libraries and other civic spaces and encourages participants to invest in social infrastructure,” said Strobel. Participating Libraries, Playhouse Square and The City Club of Cleveland will hold events during One Community Reads. Author Eric Klinenberg will visit Cleveland on Monday, March 9, 2020 for a book discussion at the Playhouse Square Mimi Ohio Theatre at 7:00 p.m. Registration is required. Our streaming partner, Ideastream, will broadcast the Playhouse Square event live at the following libraries: Euclid, Heights Lee Road Branch, Lakewood Main Library, Rocky River, and Westlake Porter. Call (216) 241-6000 or visit onecommunityreads.org or playhousesquare. org for registration and information. SPECIAL ISSUE 2019 | 15
One Community Reads Programs and Events Include Monday Morning Movie: The Public An act of civil disobedience turns into a standoff with police when homeless people in Cincinnati take over the public library to seek shelter from the bitter cold. Written and directed by Emilio Estevez and starring Michael K. Williams and Alec Baldwin (PG-13; 119 min) Euclid Public Library - Shore Meeting Room, Monday, January 27, 10:15 a.m. Palaces for the People Book Discussion Join us for a discussion of the One Community Reads title, Palaces for the People: How Social Infrastructure Can Help Fight Inequality, Polarization, and the Decline of Civic Life, led by Senior Rabbi Robert Nosanchuk and Shaker Heights City Councilwoman Juliana Senturia. Please RSVP to Staci Cohen, (216) 464-5890 or scohen@fairmounttemple.org Anshe Chesed Fairmount Temple, Monday, January 27, 7:00 p.m. Lakewood’s Shared Spaces: Panel Discussion Lakewood is a thriving city known for its progressive, vibrant and diverse community. Join us for a panel discussion highlighting the physical places, organizations, and individuals who shape the way our community interacts and add to our own social infrastructure. Hear how we can use our communal sense of belonging to strengthen our city, spaces and citizens. Lakewood Public Library - Main Library Auditorium, Wednesday, February 5 at 7:00 p.m. Palaces for the People Book Discussion Join us for a discussion of Dr. Eric Klinenberg’s book, Palaces for the People: How Social Infrastructure Can Help Fight Inequality, Polarization, and the Decline of Civic Life. Westlake Porter Public Library, Wednesday, February 12, 7:00 p.m. The City Club of Cleveland Book Club Join The City Club of Cleveland Book Club for lunch and conversation as we join the rest of our community in reading Palaces for the People: How Social Infrastructure Can Help Fight Inequality, Polarization, and the Decline of Civic Life by Eric Klinenberg. $10 fee. Lunch included. The City Club of Cleveland – 2nd Floor, Thursday, February 13, 12:00 p.m. Palaces for the People Book Discussion Join us for a discussion of Dr. Eric Klinenberg’s book, Palaces for the People: How Social Infrastructure Can Help Fight Inequality, Polarization, and the Decline of Civic Life. Heights Libraries Lee Road Branch – Levey Room, Thursday, February 27, 7:00 p.m.
Meet Author Colum McCann The award-winning author will discuss the novel, Apeirogon, set against the backdrop of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and is rooted in the real-life friendship between two men united by loss. Cuyahoga Co. Public Library - Parma-Snow Branch, Thursday, February 27, 7:00 p.m. One Community Reads Trolley Tour Enjoy a trolley tour focusing on the places that bring us together as a community in the MetroWest and Tremont neighborhoods. Tours depart from and return to the South Branch. Trolley Tours are free. Registration is required - onecommunityreadstrolleytour.eventbrite. com Cleveland Public Library – South Branch, Sat., March 7, 12:00 p.m., 1:00 p.m. or 2:00 p.m. Palaces for the People Book Discussion Join us for a discussion of Eric Klinenberg’s book, Palaces for the People. Books will be available at the Bertram Woods Circulation desk one month before the discussion. Shaker Public Library – Bertram Woods Branch, Saturday, March 14, 2:00 p.m. Palaces for the People & 2020 Census Celebration Join East Cleveland Public Library as we celebrate and participate in the first online census. In addition, tune in for a podcast discussion of the book, Palaces for the People. East Cleveland Public Library, Saturday, March 14, 1:00 p.m. Battle for the Ballot: Cleveland’s Suffragette Movement Learn about a band of women who dedicated themselves to the public interest and grew into an organization that won the respect and confidence of the nation. This program will tell the story behind the Cleveland women who advocated for suffrage as members of the League of Women Voters. Presented by The Western Reserve Historical Society. Rocky River Public Library – Auditorium, Thursday, March 26, 7:00 p.m. Celebrate National Census Day! Join us on National Census Day by coming to the Library and filling out your Census with help from library staff. What’s at stake? Billions of federal dollars for schools and other community programs as well as accurate Congressional representation. Get counted! Participating Public Libraries: Cleveland, Cuyahoga County, East Cleveland, Euclid, Heights Libraries, Lakewood, Rocky River, Shaker, Westlake Porter Wednesday, April 1, ALL DAY.
For a complete list of events, visit onecommunityreads.org 16 | CL MAGAZINE
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Healing Arts Workshops Provide a Creative Space for Expressing Grief Healing Arts Workshops offered by Western Reserve Grief Services help those who have lost loved ones to work through their grief. Anyone in the community who is grieving the death of a loved one can participate; they need not have had any previous connection to hospice. Most of the workshops are either free or suggest a very small donation to help cover the cost of art supplies. A $22,550 grant from Cuyahoga Arts & Culture helps fund the program.
Workshop participants are not required to talk about their grief, but by the end of the group, many who did not feel comfortable in the beginning want to talk about their art and what it means to them. Talking about the art is a step removed from talking about a lost loved one. The art becomes a vessel to hold emotions, making the grief easier to talk about.
“Grieving is a process that allows people to reconstruct the meaning of their lives According to Mollie Borgione, the Board- following their loss,” Borgione explains. Certified art therapist who facilitates the workshops, many people find it difficult to Consider Joan’s story: “After I experienced talk about the death of their loved ones. two losses in my family, I reached out for The workshops offer a creative space for help and support,” Joan said. “I started going the expression of feelings providing comfort to the one of the Healing Arts Workshops, and healing on the grief journey. ‘Fabric and Feelings.’ I was interested in learning how to make a quilt in memory of “One of the assumptions people make my loved ones. I started working on a few about art therapy is that they must be quilt ideas, but I needed an easier project good at drawing, painting or sculpting,” to begin with. It was then that I was given Borgione says. “Nothing could be further patterns to make stuffed bears. I sewed from the truth. In art therapy, the process together three small bears that same day! It of creating art is much more important than felt so good to start and complete a project.” the resulting product. There are no critiques or judgements made of the art. It’s all about Joan made a large bear for herself, and one for what the artist learned in their experience of her daughter out of clothing that belonged creating.” to their loved ones. “I also made other bears for people out of their loved one’s clothing. Borgione says the workshops take a holistic A flannel nightgown was made into a cute approach. They are not only concerned bear for a friend. I made six bears from four with creativity, but also with the emotional, different dresses for another friend. Each psychological, mental, physical and spiritual bear has a unique appearance and its own aspects of healing. “While they are in the personality with the use of various fabrics process of creating art, or when they have and buttons,” she adds. completed a piece, people often discover feelings that were previously hidden,” she explains.
Joan says creating the bears out of clothing brought her comfort and healing. “It has helped me work through the strong emotions of grieving. I enjoy meeting at ‘Fabric and Feelings’ with other people who have also experienced a loss. I can talk about my thoughts and feelings openly while focusing on a project and setting a goal to complete it. I feel accepted and encouraged to move through my grief.” Joan has also participated in several other Healing Arts Workshops offered by Western Reserve Grief Services, including the creation of a handmade journal and a painted candle. At the end of the workshop, participants are invited to talk about their creation as much or as little as is comfortable for them. Those who were reluctant to talk prior to making art sometimes find the art enables them to share more easily afterward. “We’re grateful to Cuyahoga Arts & Culture for supporting this program and making these resources available to those who are grieving,” Borgione says. CL For a full listing of Healing Arts Workshops, visit the website at hospicewr.org/ griefandloss or call Western Reserve Grief Services at 216.486.6838.
Vision Boarding
your future and tracking your progress! 2020 is right around the corner and I want to help you get ready for the new year. I am a firm believer in writing down what you want for your life and putting it out in the universe so your desires become your reality. I believe that there’s a lot of power in creating vision boards and visualizing what you want for your life, but that’s only if your vision board has a purpose. When creating a vision board you want to be really clear about the goals you want to accomplish and the ideal life you want to live. You also want to have purpose and intention behind your board. Don’t think just because you add inspiring words and pictures to your board that your life is going to miraculously change. Nope, it doesn’t work that way. You have to do the work in order to create the life you envision for yourself. Let’s first start by defining what is a vision board… A vision board is simply a visual representation of your goals, dreams and ideal life. Typically people add pictures from magazines and inspiring words to a poster board and hang it up so they can see it often. Your vision board represents what you want your life to look like. What I’ve noticed after having conversations with others about vision boards is that often times people create them and never look at them again. They have fun putting it together but never really put thought behind the action steps they need to take in order to accomplish what’s on their board.
Siobhan Sudberry Clarity Cultivator befreeproject.com SPECIAL ISSUE 2019 | 21
I want to share 6 steps you need to take to create a vision board with purpose and intention.
Before you start clipping images and words you need to define what do you want for your life and the goals you want to accomplish. Believe it or not, so many people have no idea what the heck they want for their life so they’re just going through the motions of life without a purpose. Take time to answer the following questions… • What do I want my life to look like a year from today? • What goals do I want to accomplish and why? • What makes me internally happy? • What do I want for my life? Keep reading because I created a freebie for you to download to help you with step one. I was having a conversation with a friend the other day and she told me I was the only person in her life that asked her about her goals and consistently motivated her to be better. She went on to say that she didn’t know of anyone in her life that’s working on goals and trying to better their life. Everyone she knew other than me was unhappy working their 9-5 and complained about it often. I started wondering, how many other women don’t have anyone in their life to motivate and push them to reach their goals. You’d be surprised when I chat with women in the BeFree Inner Circle they tell me I’m the first person that has asked them what they want for their life. And truth be told this is very common because we as women tend to put everyone else’s needs before our own and as a result, we lack clarity. If you can relate, now is the perfect time to get crystal clear about what you want for your life and then create a vision board that aligns with your purpose.
Now that you’ve identified what you want, it’s time to have fun, grab some magazines and start cutting out pictures and words that match the goals you want to achieve. Think about what you want to attract in your life and the goals you want to see become your reality. Materials you’ll need to get started: • • • • • •
poster board, corkboard or even a journal with blank pages glue or tape magazines scissors pictures of you markers
These are just a few things but you can be as creative as you want and just have fun with it. Again, I want to emphasize that the images and words that you cut out should line up with the goals that you said you wanted to accomplish in step one. Once your vision board is complete then you want to jot down the action steps you’re going to take in order to achieve what’s on your board. Last year, in addition to creating a vision board, I also created a goal list and wrote down everything I wanted to achieve and what I needed to do to make it happen. In order for your vision board to become real you have to have a plan of action so your board can come to life. I recommend writing this down on a blank sheet of paper and post it where you can see it so you know what you’re working on. You thought about what you want to accomplish next year, you created your vision board, you’ve written down your action steps now you have to BELIEVE that you can have what’s on your board.
Belief is everything. If you created the board just for fun and you don’t believe that you can really have what’s on your board then it’s not going to work. You have to believe like no other that you can have whatever it is on your vision board as long as you’re PUTTING IN THE WORK.
Your board needs to be visible everywhere you go. At the upcoming BeFree Life Class, we’re creating vision journals so the ladies can carry their vision boards with them in their purse and have a constant reminder of what they’re trying to get done. Post your vision board in a place where you have no choice but to see it every day. Last year I used a corkboard for my vision board, I found some cute little heart push pins at Target and added a few pics and positive quotes. It hangs right above my desk and I have no choice but to see it daily.
You want your vision board to be visible and seen frequently. My friend Christine shared that she takes a picture of her vision board and uses it as her screensaver on her phone. You can do the same thing on your computer, tablet whatever just makes it visible. When you accomplish something on your board be sure to check it off. When we’re so busy working we sometimes forget to celebrate our small wins. Get you a cool colored pen or fun stickers and mark off your goals as you complete them. Trust me, you’ll be surprised at how much you start checking off. Vision boards don’t just magically come to life. You have to be intentional about doing the work. You have to be consistent and disciplined and I can guarantee that this time next year you will have reached the goals you set for yourself. CL
Connexions Consulting, Inc. is an organizational development firm dedicated to creating inclusive, culturally competent workplaces. We help organizations achieve their mission, goals, and objectives by optimizing talent, unleashing creative and inclusive environments and enhancing organization’s reputation in the marketplace. At Connexions Consulting, we focus our services on helping our clients to define the end goals. Along the way, we tap into some, or all, of our core services, including:
◉ Customized strategic plan consulting ◉ Inclusion and Diversity strategic plans, audits and assessments ◉ Development and implementation of diversity councils and employee resource groups ◉ Alignment of talent management with diversity ◉ Inclusion and Cultural Competence education and training ◉ Community capacity building facilitation ◉ Human resource compliance Together we can achieve your mission. Find out how: Charmaine Brown President / CEO Connexions Consulting, Inc. 216-970-6740 charmaine.brown@connexconsultinginc.com
Ariane Kirkpatrick 26 | CL MAGAZINE
One of the Region’s Most Successful Serial Entrepreneurs and a Leading writers: Philanthropist! Contributing Aria Johnson and Marcia Pledger Ariane Kirkpatrick is president and CEO of The AKA Team, a full service commercial construction and facilities company. Based in Cleveland, the 10-year-old multimillion dollar firm partners with its clients to provide collaborative management and construction services through three divisions. No matter the scale of a project, the mission is to offer solutions with the company motto in mind: Always Known As the Team you can depend on.
the seed to become a community leader with various economic, educational and civic organizations. But the path to entrepreneurship has never been easy. She attempted several businesses including a copy and printing business, a restaurant, and a residential rehab business. In between entrepreneurial pursuits, she was Chief of Housing for the City of Warrensville Heights Building Department, where she received several accolades for her commitment to the housing industry, With services ranging from commercial as well as performing building inspections waterproofing, pre-construction, con- for commercial and residential buildings. struction management to postconstruction, Ariane selected a team with In 2007, Ariane’s dream to go into business over 100 years of combined experience with her family came true when her sister in general contracting, construction and brother-in-law became franchise management and design build experience. owners of ServiceMaster by Davis. The As a serial entrepreneur who is passionate cleaning service had the honor of servicing about small business, Ariane offers a the plane used by President Barack small projects division. Larger projects Obama’s Campaign for Change in 2008, as include the Cleveland Clinic Foundation, well as presidential candidate Joe Biden’s Cleveland Museum of Art, Thistledown plane. That same year the company was Racino, Horseshoe Casino, Lakewood City recognized by the National Urban League Schools, Cuyahoga Community College, with the Entrepreneur of the Year award. and most recently the Quicken Loans In 2009, Ariane started a construction Transformation. business that began by cleaning up sites. When President Obama was elected to Ariane’s goal to become an entrepreneur office, she was invited to the Winning the started at an early age. In 1969, at age five, Future Forum held in Cleveland to discuss she recalls joining her family boycott of obstacles that affect small business. Early the neighborhood McDonald’s because clients included the Cleveland Museum of African Americans were banned from Art, Flats East Bank, CMHA Administration owning franchises. She didn’t understand building and the Cleveland Medical Mart the impact then, but that moment planted Convention Center. SPECIAL ISSUE 2019 | 27
AFFILIATIONS National Association of Minority Contractors Board President Cuyahoga Community College Board of Visitors Cleveland State University Foundation Board Trustee Contractors Assistance Association Immediate Past President The President’s Council Board Member Warrensville Heights High School Alumni Association Board Member Leadership Cleveland Alumni 2015 GCP Construction Diversity & Inclusion Co-Chair of Entrepreneur & Enterprise Committee Greater Cleveland Partnership Government Affairs Council 11th Congressional District Community Caucus Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society Governor Kasich Ohio Construction Advisory Committee Co-Chair for Catholics for Obama and Small Businesses in Ohio Minorities for Medical Marijuana Minority Cannabis Business Association AWARDS & RECOGNITION Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year Finalist Flourish Entrepreneur of the Year Hard Hatted W Women on the Rise Kaleidoscope Entrepreneur Award
In her continued quest to get into industries that minorities find themselves almost shut out of, Ariane started exploring Ohio’s new medical marijuana industry. A few years ago she started researching and meeting with various potential partners to help meet capitalization requirements, considering barriers to entry into this fast-growing industry are significant, and only a handful of minorities nationwide have been awarded licenses. She wanted to get into the industry for a variety of reasons. For years she followed stories of minorities, including family and friends, who were disproportionately impacted by the war on drugs. Ariane decided to play a role in positively impacting those communities. Ariane is the CEO of Harvest Grows, Harvest of Ohio, and Harvest Processing, companies with provisional large-scale medical, cannabis cultivation, dispensary and processing licenses, for operations in Ironton, suburban Dayton, Columbus, and Athens, Ohio. Her plan is to create economic development opportunities that come with marijuana and its ability to change lives, transform economies and provide jobs for people who desperately need work. Ariane loves the city of Cleveland and she’s been recognized by several organizations as a result of her efforts to play a role in improving programs, including diversity and inclusion efforts in various industries. She earned her Bachelor of Arts in Urban Studies at Cleveland State University and is also an alumni of Cuyahoga Community College. But her proudest accomplishment is being the mother of two sons, Ali and Kristopher. She is the proud wife of Danny Couch, and stepmother of Camille and Jazmine.
Who’s Who in Black Cleveland President’s Council John Bustamante Emerging Entrepreneur of the Year Award Diversity Matters Julian Earls Community Achievement Award Heineken Tastemakers 25 Influential Women in Cleveland Warrensville Heights High School Hall of Fame Crain’s Cleveland Business Women of Note
While the journey is far from complete, Ariane focuses on keeping things in perspective. She’s learned that a sense of humor helps, whether she’s focusing on commercial construction: a complex world of critical schedules, firm budgets, dozens of disciplines and countless personalities; or volunteering in the community; or exploring a new industry. Ariane is adept at working with people at all levels and from diverse backgrounds. So far, she’s learned that business development boils down to passion and persistence. CL
Ariane’s goal to become an entrepreneur started at an early age. In 1969, at age five, she recalls joining her family boycott of the neighborhood McDonald’s because African Americans were banned from owning franchises.
The AKA Team at work
Harvest of Columbus (at left), one of the dispensaries (center), and Harvest Grows facility in Ironton (bottom).
Should You Do Your Own
? ]
“A logoless company is a faceless man.” – David Airey
I’ve been a graphic designer since I was a
young adult in the 1990s, but, I believe I’ve been a designer at heart since childhood. At around seven years old, I received my first camera, and by the time I hit puberty, I was very interested in creating a typeface from my own handwriting. My mother and older sister were fine artists, so art has always been in my blood and in the house. As a teenager, I would write stories, take pictures, and work on a popular fan club newsletter. Books and magazines filled my world. (They still do, as my Amazon purchases and library fines will attest.) I took Journalism and Photography in high school, studied Mass Communications and Information Technology in college, and all of it fed into what I do now. The graphic designer is a visual communicator whose job it is to solve problems. I have worked on nearly 60 issues of magazines; approximately 25 books; catalogs; brochures; websites; CDs; banners; and I can’t begin to estimate the number of promotional materials. Each project brings with it unique challenges and untold rewards. I love what I do. Jennifer Coiley Dial Creative Director, CL Magazine jen@coyleemedia.com
Since we live in an information age, it too brings certain challenges and rewards. It’s fantastic that we can search the Web to learn how to do many things that were previously kept close to the vest by a select few. As a result, more people are cutting cost corners by doing graphic design work themselves. Sometimes people come up with creative and interesting things. But many times, I have seen confusing messaging and marketing, images and fonts that fight each other, and poorly constructed logomarks. It begs the question: should you design your business materials yourself? I believe the job is best left to professionals, but if you’d prefer to do it yourself, here are some basics to get you started: 1- Who is your audience? This is so important, and the very first question that should be asked. Whether you are working on a design piece, a website, or writing a book, you should always know who is your audience and what is the message. 2- Understand design elements: line, shape, color, size, texture, value. Print or web pages need to be set up so that elements
are visually appealing and balanced. Grids are a good way to help balance pages. Never overuse images, and definitely don’t use bad ones! There is nothing wrong with white space; in fact, our eyes need it as a place to “rest.” Colors evoke emotions, so you should understand what colors you should use and which ones stay away from for a particular project. 3- Using typefaces. When Steve Jobs created unique typefaces (fonts) on the early Macintoshes, people went nuts. I was a kid at the time, and I remember playing with the fonts and paint program (laying the groundwork for what I would do later in life). With the addition of thousands of fonts, people get excited and want to use several. Certain fonts fight with each other, so you should know how to pair them, and limit your usage to no more than two fonts until you understand how they work (or don’t work) together.
pieces? When do you need to have the printed materials in hand and how many? I learned this early on: always work backwards on projects. Know when you need to have everything, and work backwards on the calendar from there. It helps keep the project on track, and you’ll eliminate some stress when it’s two days before you need your materials and they haven’t been sent to the printer yet. There is so much more to design than can reasonably be covered here. To learn more, I’ve seen some great classes on Skillshare. com and LinkedIn Learning (formerly Lynda. com). Really dive deep into as many as you can. If you decide design really isn’t for you, hiring a graphic design professional is worth the money. I once had a client use Fiverr for her materials and was unpleasantly surprised when the bad quality printed pieces came back. She hired me to redo everything that had already been done and paid for previously.
A designer worth her salt will save you time 4- Creating a logo. and energy; she’ll bring a new perspective to David Airey, graphic designer and author of the problem that you hadn’t considered; and Logo Design Love, said, “A logoless company completed projects should turn out as you is a faceless man.” Worse than not having expect. CL a logo, in my opinion, is one that doesn’t communicate what it should. Your mark is part of the brand and spirit of your company; it needs to say something. Throwing something together in Word will not cut it. If you want clients or customers to take you seriously, you need to take this work seriously. Take a look at logos that are out there. Which ones do you like and why? What do they say about the companies they represent? One of my favorite designers, Paul Rand, created IBM’s logo along with this whimsical version. 3- Think from the end: How will materials be used? What is its intention? Will it be exclusively digital, or will you need print
Volume 4
S pecial I ssu e 2018
Karamu House & The Musical Theater Project Collaborate on New Multimedia Event! February 7-10 • EXECUTIVE PROFILE: Erica Merritt, MA, CDP, BCC • What I Know for Sure About Purpose by Siobhan Sudberry
• Finding Your Fitness Niche is a Cinch by Kevin Schmalzried
• 2019 Winter Book Club Suggestions
’Tis the Season to be Jolly... And Organized! California Closets’ Franchise Owners Stephanie and Juan Antunez Can Help
womenofcolorfoundation.com 216.391.4300 ext. 307 or 866.962.3411 (toll free)
6th Annual Women of Color Foundation - Special Prison Outreach Program Thursday, March 26, 2020 • 11:30 am - 1:30pm Ohio Reformatory for Women (ORW) 1479 Collins Avenue, Marysville, Ohio 43040 AURORA, OHIO
4th Annual Women of Color Foundation - C-Suite Executive Women's Summit Sunday -Tuesday, April 5-7, 2020 • 8:00 am - 4:00 pm• Walden Inn and Spa 1119 Aurora-Hudson Road, Aurora, OH 44202 CLEVELAND, OHIO
18th Annual Women of Color Foundation - Personal and Professional Development Retreat "Connections, Community and Career 2020" Thursday, May 14, 2020 • 8:00 am - 4:00 pm• Cuyahoga Community College - Corporate College East 4400 Richmond Road, Warrensville Heights, Ohio 44128 CLEVELAND, OHIO
9th Annual "Speaking ofWomen: A Dialogue Series forWomen in Leadership" Thursday, June 18, 2020 • 11:30 am - 1:30 pm• Women's Leadership Symposium Dominion Energy Ohio, 1201 East 55th Street, Cleveland, Ohio 44103 CLEVELAND, OHIO
5th Annual "Speaking ofWomen: A Dialogue Series forWomen in Leadership" Thursday, August 27, 2020 • 11:30 am - 1:30 pm • Women's Leadership Symposium Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District - Cuyahoga Heights Facility 4747 East 49th Street, Cuyahoga Heights, Ohio 44125 (Pending) MARYSVILLE, OHIO (BY INVITATION ONLY)
5th Annual Women of Color Foundation - Special Prison Outreach Program Thursday, September 10, 2020 • 11:30am - 1:30pm Ohio Reformatory for Women (ORW), 1479 Collins Avenue, Marysville, Ohio 43040 CLEVELAND, OHIO
14th Annual Women of Color Foundation - Leadership Development and Training Institute & Awards Luncheon Thursday, November 5, 2020 • 8:00 am - 2:00 pm (Location to be determined) | CL MAGAZINE WOMEN OF COLOR FOUNDATION, 4200 Warrensville Center Road, Medical Office Building A, Suite 353, Cleveland, OH 44122 34
Making a New Year’s Resolution You Can Keep: Eat Healthy & Exercise
This year take on an oath and pledge. Make a promise to yourself to try one new healthy habit each week and stick with it. Annually, we all make resolutions usually related to our financial, spiritual, educational, or physical health. I want you to think about your most important possession: your health. It’s the most important asset that you possess and it trumps everything else in life. Health makes wealth. Healthy individuals make stronger communities. It’s just as simple as that. Are you digging your grave with your fork? Each of us can improve our lifestyle choices on a daily basis. Yes, you can make successful changes. How? By making conscious choices about what you select to put in your body. What’s in your refrigerator or handbag? Real food or junk food? Chewing tobacco or cigarettes? Recreation or prescription drugs? Are you consuming too much alcohol? Becoming more intentional about what you do will make a difference. Each week write down one new healthy resolution that you would like to accomplish. Sure it sounds like homework. Putting your thoughts on paper and checking off your accomplishments are more often associated with success than just day dreaming about your goals. Each of us can be the cure. You can cure or modify your risk for premature death and disability by: exercising, losing weight, controlling hypertension, stop smoking, wearing a seat belt, removing firearms from your home, and managing stress. It is as simple as that. Seventy percent of health care dollars are spent on diseases related to obesity, smoking, and diabetes. Almost all of which are controlled by individual choices. When it comes to eating and losing weight, Michael Pollan sums it up best with seven simple and liberating thoughts: Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants. Since reading his best selling book, In Defense of Food, I have changed my eating habits one meal at a time. Having embraced his recommendations, I would like to share them with you. How does this doctor want you to become an empowered patient? • Eat home cooked food more often. Make enough so that you can have it for lunch. Why? Not only will you save tons of money, but you will cook with less salt, fat, and sugar than a similar meal eaten at a fast food or chain restaurant. • Don’t eat standing up. Stop eating in your car; rather eat at a table and not in
Linda D. Bradley, MD Professor of Ob-Gyn & Reproductive Biology Founder/Chair Cleveland Clinic Celebrate Sisterhood® bradlel@ccf.org
front of a TV. Chew your food more slowly. Why? When you are distracted you eat 50% more than when you are aware of what you are eating. • Don’t drink your calories. Did you know that each twelve ounce can of Coco Cola has 10-12 teaspoons of sugar? Imagine coming to my home and watching me prepare lemonade with a similar amount sugar!! Eating an orange rather than drinking orange juice is actually healthier for you. Because fruit has loads of fiber, less calories, and great phytonutrients compared to juice. Fiber makes you feel fuller longer, decreases the hunger urge and will add fewer inches to your waistline. • Eat four servings of fruit and five servings of vegetables daily. I mean fruit in its own skin.
Do for yourself what government, doctors, religious community, or friends can not do for you. Forkful by forkful you will see a difference in your health. Make the extra effort to learn more ways to become healthy, including learning to cook. Advocacy begins with you. Personally, speak to the owners of your local grocer and request that more fresh, local, seasonal fruits and vegetables be stocked in the produce aisle. Boycott stores that don’t listen to your requests. Self care reform means that you choose what to put on your fork. Self care reform means you choose to make an old family recipe more nutritious by trying a new spice or condiment that enhances flavor, thereby using less oil and fat. Dig out of the grave, forkful by Finally, self care reform means that forkful. Make a conscious choice you will share your new wisdom of what to put in your body. These with your friends and family. Self choices embody the essence of care reform is transformative. Taste taking care of self: self care reform. it…you’ll like it. CL Fruit with curves. Apples, oranges, bananas, pineapples, berries, or any fruit in season. If you can’t get fresh fruit, buy it frozen. Read the package label and only purchase frozen fruits and vegetables without added sugar or salt. Frozen fruits and vegetables are picked at the height of the season and have high vitamin content. So go ahead, cut up an apple and put a little cinnamon on it for additional taste and antioxidant health benefit. During the winter months, I always keep a piece of fruit in my car. After a long day at work and long commute home, eating a pear or apple on the way home keeps me from feeling ravenous when I walk into my house.
Healthy Recipes You Should Try: Mean Green Collard Greens (serves 4-6) INGREDIENTS
2-3 bunches collard greens (thick stems removed; do not use collard greens in a bag)
Wash collard leaves in cold water, drain and pat dry. Stack a few leaves and roll tightly into a cylinder (like a cigar). Then use a knife to cut the collard greens cylinder into ribbons about 2 inches wide. Repeat with all of the greens, and put into a large bowl until all cut into ribbons.
In a large skillet over medium heat, heat the olive oil and butter until simmering and don’t let the butter brown. Add the onion, garlic and red chili flakes. Stir until the onion is wilted. Do not let the garlic brown. Takes 2-3 minutes. Do not cover while cooking.
Add the collard greens by a big fistful at a time to the skillet and toss thoroughly with tongs until tender. Keep adding to the pot more collard greens as they wilt. You want the greens to remain vibrant green and crunchy. When finished, add salt and black pepper to taste. This should take less than 5-7 minutes.
2-4 tablespoons olive oil 3-4 tablespoons butter (can substitute with Earth Valley vegan butter) 1 large white or yellow onion, finely chopped 12-15 cloves garlic, finely minced ¼ teaspoon red chili pepper flakes (or to taste) Kosher salt and finely ground fresh black pepper to taste
4. Consider adding chopped fresh tomatoes when plating the dish. 5. Tastes great warm or room temperature. 6. Keeps well in the refrigerator for 2-3 days.
Brussels Sprouts Extraordinaire (serves 3-4) INGREDIENTS
2 cups Brussels sprouts
1. Cook sprouts in boiling water for about 12 minutes, or until firm but tender.
¼ pound fresh shiitake mushrooms
2. Drain sprouts.
2 tablespoons butter
3. Melt butter, then add mushrooms and cook until browned.
¼ cup chopped parsley
4. Add Brussels sprouts to mushrooms and sprinkle with lemon juice.
1 lemon, juiced
5. Garnish with parsley. Serve immediately.
4 cloves garlic chopped
These recipes are from The Cleveland Clinic Celebrate Sisterhood® Cookbook. To purchase a copy, please contact bradlel@ccf.org or call 216-444-4546. 42 | CL MAGAZINE
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