For Newly Admitted Students
Community Amenities
As soon as you move into our brand-new residence halls, you’ll feel the excitement of other new
n Safe environment, including emergency
students who are starting their academic adventure. Our themed floors – such as our Honors,
call centers and escort service
Leadership, Arts District, and Sustainability – put you in the company of students pursing similar
n New, state-of-the-art dining commons with
goals. In addition to your shared room, you’ll have access to quiet study space and group study
food stations, late-night dining menu and
areas. Need a break from studying? Every floor has a recreation area with a selection of fun
all-day snacks and beverages
activities, including gaming stations, Ping-Pong, billiards, air hockey and flat screen TVs.
n Community market n High-speed Internet access
Meals are healthy and hearty at our new Gastronome dining facility. You’ll have a meal plan
n Computer lab
that grants you unlimited, all-day access to menus that feature a wide variety of nutritious,
n Fitness room
freshly prepared meals served buffet-style. The Late Night Café serves blended coffee
n Group barbecue areas
beverages, grilled items, sushi, sandwiches and other grab-and-go items to assist with
n Group recreation areas
late-night studying, and the Community Market offers an array of snacks, beverages
n And much more!
and household items. The Gastronome also sponsors and hosts many fun events throughout the year to keep the dining experience fresh and exciting. As an added bonus, two faculty members have apartments in the residence halls, giving you a chance to get better acquainted with professors and to attend special academic events designed just for resident students.
Live and Learn On and Off Campus When you live on campus, you’re close to campus resources, such as the Pollak Library, Performing Arts Center, Student Recreation Center and Titan Sports
I highly recommend living on campus. It’s an
Complex. And, you’re just steps away from the Fullerton Arboretum, a 26-acre botanical paradise, where you can relax, study or stroll.
opportunity to understand how other people live. And it’s a lot of fun!” – Maria Kreit, freshman
Make CSUF Your Home
Welcome to the Titan family! Live on campus and you’ll join a special group of students who make up a vibrant, living-learning community. As a resident student, you’ll have the unique opportunity to learn skills and build relationships that will last you a lifetime. For example, on-site faculty and staff members can help you become more engaged in your own education. And, you can learn more about yourself, others and how to function more effectively in society. Living on campus, you’re more likely to achieve academic success. Research shows that resident students have higher grade point averages and are more likely to complete their education than other students. Of course, you still have to study hard and be responsible. Plus, you can take advantage of many opportunities available only to resident students, including participating in social, academic and recreational events.
Learn more at
Shopping is convenient – much of it within walking and biking distance. If you’d rather leave your walking shoes or bike at home, public transportation is plentiful with local bus transportation and nearby MetroLink train service. There are plenty of nearby attractions, including Disneyland, downtown Fullerton, Angels Stadium,
For Upper-Division Students If you’re a sophomore, junior, senior or transfer student, you’ll enjoy the
and beautiful beaches, for starters. Plus, additional cultural and tourist attractions in Orange County and Los Angeles are just a short commute away.
independence of our apartment-style living. You’ll feel right at home in either a three-bedroom apartment accommodating six students or a four-bedroom apartment shared by four students. All rooms are fully furnished with two full bathrooms, living room, dining area and kitchen. If you need groceries or sundries, stop by our on-site Community Market, stocked with everyday necessities as well as fresh fruits and vegetables. Of course, you’ll also have a meal card for our dining facility that entitles
Living in the residence halls is an experience every student should have. Making friends is easier, and you learn to be more responsible.” – Ashley LeBlanc, student and resident adviser
you to a select number of delicious meals per semester.
Learn more at
Learn more at
Dear Students, Thank you for your interest in living at Cal State Fullerton. We invite you and your parents to explore this wonderful living-learning opportunity. Among its many benefits, student housing provides a clean, safe and secure environment in which students can achieve their academic goals. We also offer a variety of learning-centered themed communities that promote intellectual stimulation in a small, intimate environment. We have trained professional staff and student staff who are committed to your overall and cultural – as well as helping you adjust to university
Apply Online
life and make new friends.
It’s easy to apply online for housing at Cal State Fullerton.
development – personal, intellectual, social, professional
Apply at Even though our space is limited,
Living on campus gives students
If you are interested in becoming a resident student, please don’t wait.
a full college experience that
Apply now.
supports their personal growth,
Live to Learn. Learn to Live.
Current Students: go to
strengthens academic goals, develops leadership skills and gives them direction in their lives to make a difference in society
Newly Admitted Students (Freshmen and Transfers): Applications open March 1 and extend through March 22. Review of applications begins March 22. A waiting list will begin March 23.
once they graduate.”
2012-2013 Meal Plan*
If you’d like a tour of our outstanding facility, please contact us. We look forward to sharing the Cal State Fullerton experience with you.
Residence Halls
Double Apartments Single Apartments
80 Block with $200 Declining Balance
Not Available
112 Block with $200 Declining Balance
Not Available
5 Day Continuous with $100 Declining Balance
7 Day Continuous with $200 Declining Balance
Fred Lipscomb
DISCLAIMER Please understand that applications for housing are separate from any other application process. Expressing interest in student housing via CSU Mentor or stating that you anticipate on-campus housing on financial aid forms does not initiate your housing application.
For detailed information and details about meal plans, visit
Director of Housing and Residence Life
WEB EMAIL PHONE 657-278-2168
T H E C A L I F O R N I A S T AT E U N I V E R S I T Y D O E S N O T D I S C R I M I N AT E O N T H E B A S I S O F R A C E , C O L O R , N AT I O N A L O R I G I N , S E X , R E L I G I O N , S E X U A L P R E F E R E N C E , M A R I T A L S T AT U S , P R E G N A N C Y, A G E O R D I S A B I L I T Y I N T H E E D U C AT I O N A L P R O G R A M S O R A C T I V I T I E S I T C O N D U C T S . S U C H P R O G R A M S A N D A C T I V I T I E S I N C L U D E B U T A R E N O T L I M I T E D T O A D M I S S I O N O F S T U D E N T S , E M P L O Y M E N T A N D I N T E R C O L L E G I AT E AT H L E T I C S .
we make every effort to give you the opportunity to live on campus.
Housing and Residence Life