4 RINGBIT ROAD WEST Warm Season Vegetable Bed
CURRENT SPACE 4x4 Edible Garden: Trellis all peas and cucumber (tallest plants) on north side edge of bed so plants are planted on south side of it. Thin basil seedlings to five plants per row in two rows opposite sides of peppers near the irrigation lines. Move squash to far corner diagonal from cucumber so it grows out of bed not into bed. Train watermelon to grow out of bed up side of the hill. Add only one or two nasturtium seeds on water connection side of bed at the far edge and train to trail out onto hill not into bed. Landscape pins for brown line. Interplant calendula between basil/pepper/peas/squash.
BASIL Basil (Ocimum basilicum) a member of the mint family has glossy, deep green, pointed leaves and a sweetand-savory flavor with hints of anise, mint, and pepper. Varieties include sweet basil, Thai sweet basil, lemon basil, and holy basil. Basil is used in both fresh and dried form to flavor dishes ranging from Italian sauces to meat dishes to Asian curries. This popular herb is also one of the main ingredients of pesto, a sauce made with fresh basil, Parmesan cheese, pine nuts, garlic, kosher salt, black pepper, and olive oil.
CALENDULA The calendula flower is a longblooming addition to any modern garden. Its gold and orange flowers bloom from spring to fall on fairly drought- and heat-tolerant plants. Grow it for attracting pollinators and its sunny beauty in the garden, then save some blooms for fresh or dried floral arrangements; dried petals can be used for baking, teas, food or medicine.The flowers need to be picked every two to three days to promote and prolong the plant’s flowering season. If you let the plants go to seed, they will stop making new flowers. As you’re picking, be sure to deadhead the flowers that have started to go to seed.
CUCUMBERPERSIAN Persian cucumbers are thin-skinned and only grow to be about five to six inches long and remain quite narrow. These baby cukes are nearly seedless and extra crisp rather than watery, and have a mild, sweet flavor.Persian cucumber grows as a creeping vine that appreciates a trellis or other vertical support to increase spread as well as reduce the risk of powdery mildew and other soil-borne diseases.Harvest when cucumber is reaches 4 to 6-inches. If it's allowed to grow bigger, bitter seeds may develop that will compromise the flavor. Harvesting encourages the production of more cucumbers.
NASTURTIUM Nasturtium plants are best known for their intensely bright yellow, orange, and red flowers, but their lush, round leaves are also edible and incredibly delicious.Nasturtium carries a mildly peppery flavor with an aroma reminiscent of mustard. they are a great way to kick up your salads, adding a brilliant punch of color. Chefs around the world are using it to create absolutely stunning plates of art. Both the leaves and petals of the nasturtium plant are packed with nutrition, containing high levels of vitamin C. It has the ability to improve the immune system, tackling sore throats, coughs, and colds, as well as bacterial and fungal infections.
PEAS-SUGAR SNAP Peas are are one of the first things you can plant in the spring, but getting the timing right is tricky. Plant too early and your peas may be stunted by cold soil and frost. Plant too late and your plants may start to shrivel up from the heat just as you get ready to start picking peas.Peas climb with 1" tendrils that they wrap around anything that's less than about a quarter inch. String, twine, trellis netting or wire mesh with a grid no less than 1" square, all work well. For highest yield, plant peas on both sides of the trellis.
PEPPER-BELL Bell peppers (Capsicum annuum) are fruits that belong to the nightshade family.Also called sweet peppers, bell peppers can be eaten either raw or cooked.Like their close relatives, chili peppers, bell peppers are sometimes dried and powdered. In that case, they are referred to as paprika.They are low in calories and exceptionally rich in vitamin C and other antioxidants, making them an excellent addition to a healthy diet.Bell peppers come in various colors, such as red, yellow, orange, and green — which are unripe.Green, unripe peppers have a slightly bitter flavor and are not as sweet as fully ripe ones.
PEPPERPOBLANO Poblanos (pronounced poh-blahnos) are mild chili peppers named after the Mexican state of Puebla where they were first grown. They’re one of the most popular peppers used in Mexican and Tex-Mex cooking because they’re not very spicy, but have a really great flavor, especially when roasted! Poblanos are dark green in color, wide at the stem and narrow along the length of the pepper. When they’re mature, they’re about four inches long and two inches wide.When left to fully ripen and dry out, the dehydrated and dried poblano peppers are called ancho chiles.
SQUASHYELLOW CROOKNECK Yellow crookneck squash is a variety of summer squash in the Cucurbita pepo family. Crookneck and many of the summer squash varieties are bush plants. They do not grow on long giant vines like many winter squashes and pumpkins do. Summer squashes are large bushy plants that set fruit at their base. As long as you’re removing fruit from your squash plant, crookneck squash plants will continue to produce all season. You only need 1 or 2 plants to feed your family for the summer.
WATERMELON Watermelons need space. A lot of space, in fact. Not only do most watermelon plants grow large fruit, but they also need a lot of space for their vines.While it's normal for watermelon leaves to wilt during the hottest part of the day, they shouldn't still be wilted by nighttime. If so, your plants are dehydrated.When you've got watermelon fruits growing, you'll want to make sure they don't touch the soil. In order to grow great watermelons, you'll need to put a barrier between the watermelons and the ground. This is to reduce the risk of rot and disease. Good ground barriers are straw, or even cardboard.
RESOURCES Soil/Amendments: Malibu Compost Bu's Blend (Available at Aqua Flo, Torrance or Roger's Gardens, CDM) Kellogg Garden Amend for soil refresh Kellogg N'Rich or Grow Power for clay soil Kellogg Patio Plus Premium Potting Mix Fox Farm Ocean Forest Potting Mix Plant Supports/Materials: gardeners.com (supports, tools) groworganic.com (great diy videos) terrain.com (pretty things) Seeds: Baker Creek Botanical Interests Johnny's Seed Needs Territorial Seeds Nurseries: Elwood Nursery, RHE Armstrong, Torrance Rogers Gardens, Corona del Mar
MAY/JUNE TO DO Cucumber: Pinch out tip when seven leaves have formed. Once flowering, water regularly and feed every two weeks once fruits begin to grow. Melon: Pinch tip after four shoots growing in opposite directions. Pinch side shoot after five leaves to encourage growth. Feed when flowering. Peas: Plant close together inside the trellis line to keep plants cool at the roots in warmer months. Runner Beans: Plant to grow up arched trellis if added. All Plants: Water, weed, succession plant, side dress with compost, feed compost tea/fish emulsion or fertilize around drip line of plants (imaginary ring on ground below tips of leaves). Book follow up session for July 2020.