OCTOBER 2014 Daily Bible Reading

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Garden Oaks Church of Christ * OCTOBER 2014 Daily Bible Reading


OCTOBER 2014 Daily Bible Lesson Guide Table of Contents Daily Bible Discussion Questions………. Pages 3-17 October 1 – October 2 .… Page 3 October 3 – October 4 .… Page 4 October 5 – October 6 .… Page 5 October 7 – October 8 .… Page 6 October 9 – October 10… Page 7 October 11 – October 12… Page 8 October 13 – October 14… Page 9 October 15 – October 16… Page 10 October 17 – October 18… Page 11 October 19 – October 20… Page 12 October 21 – October 22… Page 13 October 23 – October 24… Page 14 October 25 – October 26… Page 15 October 27 – October 28… Page 16 October 29 – October 31… Page 17 Daily Bible Discussion Answers….…… Pages 18-25 Daily Life Lessons Applications………. Pages 26-55

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Garden Oaks Church of Christ * OCTOBER 2014 Daily Bible Reading


Daily Bible Reading: October 2014 ! BOOKS OF THE BIBLE (Schedule by Day/Chapters) October 1 1 Corinthians 1-4

October 2 1 Corinthians 5-7

October 3 1 Corinthians 8-11

October 4 1 Corinthians 12-14

October 5 1 Corinthians 15-16

October 6 2 Corinthians 1-4

October 7 2 Corinthians 5-8

October 8 2 Corinthians 9-13

October 9 Galatians

October 10 Hosea 1-7

October 11 Hosea 8-14

October 12 Joel

October 13 Amos 1-5

October 14 Amos 6-9

October 15 Obediah

October 16 Jonah

October 17 Michah

October 18 Nahum

October 19 Habakkuk

October 20 Zephaniah

October 21 Haggai

October 22 Ezra 1-3

October 23 Ezra 4-6

October 24 Ezra 7-8

October 25 Ezra 9-10

October 26 Nehemiah 1-3

October 27 Nehemiah 4-6

October 28 Nehemiah 7-8

October 29 Nehemiah 9-10

October 30
 Nehemiah 11-13

October 31 Job 1-5

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Garden Oaks Church of Christ * OCTOBER 2014 Daily Bible Reading


Daily Bible Discussion Questions ! October 1


1 Corinthians 1-4


1. Whose house reported contentions in Corinth?

2. Paul was not sent to baptize but to do what?

3. What is the preaching of the cross to those who perish?

4. What do the Jews require?

5. What of God's is wiser than men?

6. What does the natural man not receive?

7. Paul planted, Apollos watered, Who gave the increase?

8. What will try men's works to see what sort they are?

9. Who will God destroy?

10. What is required of a steward?

! ! October 2


1 Corinthians 5-7


1. How much leaven will leaven the whole lump/loaf?

2. Why did Paul say there is utterly a fault among you?

3. What is the body not for?

4. What are we commanded to flee?

5. What is the temple of the Holy Spirit?

6. In what are we to glorify God?

7. What is a husband not to do regarding his wife?

8. In what should every man abide?

9. What of this world passes away?

10. How long is a wife bound by law to her husband?


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Garden Oaks Church of Christ * OCTOBER 2014 Daily Bible Reading

! ! October 3

1 Corinthians 8-11


1. What edifies?

2. What are we not to muzzle?

3. Why is he that thinks he stands to take heed?

4. What does God provide in every temptation?

5. What tables can you not be partaker of at the same time?

6. What is to be done to the glory of God?

7. Who is the head of the woman?

8. What is a shame to man?

9. What is long hair to a woman?

10. Whose death do we show in taking the Lord's Supper?

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October 4


1 Corinthians 12-14


1. What are there diversities of by the Spirit?

2. How were we baptized into one body?

3. What does one become if his speech is without love?

4. In what does love not rejoice?

5. In what does love rejoice?

6. Which is the greatest of faith, hope, and love?

7. How must you speak if you would be understood?

8. Who is not the author of confusion?

9. Who are to keep silent in the churches?

10. What is it a shame for women to do in the church?

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October 5


1 Corinthians 15-16


1. Who said he was least of the apostles?

2. What did Paul persecute?

3. What is vain if Christ be not risen?

4. What are we if in this life only we have hope in Christ?

5. What is the last enemy that shall be destroyed?

6. What corrupts good manners?

7. What ignorance shames us?

8. What is the sting of death?

9. In what are we to always be abounding.

10. Who is under an anathema?

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October 6

! 2 Corinthians 1-4 !

1. Why does God comfort us in our tribulations/trials?

2. Who is the earnest/down payment in our hearts?

3. Of whose devices was Paul not ignorant?

4. What kind of speech did Paul use?

5. Where is there liberty?

6. What had Paul renounced?

7. To whom is the gospel hid?

8. What is renewed daily though the outward man perish?

9. How long is our light affliction?

10. What are the things that are seen?

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Garden Oaks Church of Christ * OCTOBER 2014 Daily Bible Reading

! ! October 7


2 Corinthians 5-8


1. We must all appear before what?

2. What constrained/compelled Paul?

3. What is a man who is in Christ?

4. What ministry has God given us?

5. For whom are we ambassadors?

6. With whom should we not be unequally yoked?

7. What are we not to touch?

8. What kind of sorrow worketh repentance to salvation?

9. What does the sorrow of the world do?

10. What did Christ become so we could be rich?

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October 8

! 2 Corinthians 9-13 !

1. Who shall reap sparingly?

2. What kind of giver does God love?

3. The weapons of our warfare are not what?

4. What should we bring into captivity?

5. In whom should we glory?

6. Into what does Satan transform himself?

7. How many times did Paul receive thirty-nine stripes?

8. How many times did Paul experience shipwreck?

9. How many times did Paul ask for the thorn removal?

10. Why are we to examine ourselves?

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October 9




1. With whom did Paul not confer?

2. Whom did Paul withstand to his face?

3. By what is man not justified?

4. From what has Christ redeemed us?

5. When did God send forth His Son?

6. In what is the law fulfilled?

7. How do we walk to not fulfill the lust of the flesh?

8. What shall a man reap?

9. In what should we not be weary?

10. To whom should we especially do good?

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October 10

Hosea 1-7


1. Hosea ministered during the reign of what five kings?

2. What was the name of Hosea's wife?

3. What was the name of Hosea's three children?

4. What valley was a door of hope for Israel?

5. What had Israel rejected?

6. What takes away the heart?

7. Who slide back as a backsliding heifer?

8. How had Israel dealt with the Lord?

9. God desires mercy more than what?

10. What is Ephraim like without a heart?

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October 11


Hosea 8-14


1. What has Israel cast off?

2. What did Israel reap from sowing wind?

3. What did Israel count a strange thing?

4. What had Israel forgotten?

5. What did Israel love on every corn floor?

6. Whose heart was divided?

7. God's people were bent to what?

8. By whom did God bring Israel out of Egypt?

9. What did God give Israel in His anger?

10. Who shall walk in the right ways of the Lord?

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October 12




1. What four insects destroyed the land?

2. Where were all the inhabitants of the land to gather?

3. What were the people to rend instead of their garments?

4. What will God pour out upon all flesh?

5. What will the old men do as a result?

6. What will the moon be turned into?

7. Who will be delivered?

8. In what valley will God gather all nations?

9. To whom were Judah and Jerusalem sold?

10. What is the hope of God's people?

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October 13


Amos 1-5


1. What was the home town of Amos?

2. What was the sin of Damascus?

3. What did Tyrus/Tyre not remember?

4. Who was punished for pursuing his brother with a sword?

5. Who burned the bones of the king of Edom into lime?

6. For what did Israel sell the righteous?

7. What did the people give the Nazarites to drink?

8. To whom did God reveal his secrets?

9. For whom are we to prepare to meet?

10. What are we to hate and what are we to love?



October 14


Amos 6-9


1. Woe is to them who are at ease where?

2. For whose affliction were the people not grieved?

3. What did Amos see in the Lord's hand?

4. What priest was opposed to Amos' preaching?

5. He told Amos to not prophesy where?

6. What kind of songs would be in the Temple in end times?

7. What kind of famine would God send in the land?

8. Where was the Lord standing when Amos saw Him?

9. The plowman would overtake who?

10. Who would not be pulled out of their land again?

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October 15




1. To what nation did Obadiah prophesy?

2. What deceived Edom?

3. What awaits if thieves come in the night?

4. What will become of allies and friends?

5. What will the Lord not do to the wise men of Edom?

6. What should you not do over your brother?

7. To whom is the day of the Lord near?

8. What will be on mount Zion?

9. Who will occupy the mountains of Esau?

10. To whom will the kingdom belong?

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October 16




1. Where did God tell Jonah to go?

2. Where did Jonah rise up to flee to instead?

3. What did God do to the sea?

4. What did Jonah tell the sailors to do to him?

5. What did the sailors do instead?

6. What had God prepared to swallow up Jonah?

7. Where did the fish vomit out Jonah?

8. How many days before God would destroy Nineveh?

9. Why was Jonah angry?

10. What did God prepare to give shade for Jonah?

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October 17




1. Micah ministered during the reign of what kings?

2. What would God make Samaria?

3. To whom do God's words do good?

4. What did the house of Israel hate and love?

5. For what did the heads of the land judge?

6. When the Lord rules the swords will be beaten into what?

7. Out of what small town would a ruler of Israel come?

8. What does the Lord require of us?

9. What men are said to be full of violence.

10. Where does God cast our sins?

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October 18




1. Who will the Lord not acquit?

2. What is the Lord in the day of trouble?

3. What does the Lord do to the sea?

4. How is His wrath poured out?

5. In judgment what city was like a pool of water?

6. What has been decreed of Nineveh?

7. What is Nineveh like?

8. What filled the bloody city?

9. What will those do that look upon Nineveh?

10. To whom are the gates open?

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October 19




1. What is slacked in the land?

2. What people are called the bitter and hasty nation?

3. To whom are the Babylonians a law?

4. God is of purer eyes that to look upon what?

5. How are the just to live?

6. What becomes of one who piles up stolen goods?

7. With what will the earth be filled?

8. What will God's glory cover?

9. Where did the sun and moon stand?

10. What did He do to the leader of the land of wickedness?

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October 20




1. What has the Lord prepared?

2. What men in Jerusalem would God punish?

3. Of whom is the great day newr and coming quickly?

4. Why did men walk like blind men?

5. Who are the meek of the earth to seek?

6. What city shall Moab be like in judgment?

7. What will distant nations do?

8. What shall devour the earth?

9. What will God give in lands where they have suffered shame?

10. What will God do before their very eyes?


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October 21

! Haggai


1. Who was governor of Judah when Haggai ministered?

2. What where people saying about building God’s house?

3. What did Haggai say to consider?

4. What did God want from the mountains in order to be pleased?

5. What did God call for on the fields and the mountains?

6. On what day did the word of the Lord come to Haggai?

7. What did God say He would shake?

8. Which house/temple would have the greater glory?

9. On what day in the year of Darius did the word of God come to Haggai?

10. What will God do to the power of foreign kingdoms?

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October 22


Ezra 1-3


1. Of what nation was Cyrus the king?

2. What did God charge Cyrus to build in Jerusalem?

3. What king had taken the vessels from God's house?

4. How many men of Anathoth returned to Judah?

5. How many men of Bethel and Ai returned to Judah?

6. How many horses came with the people back to Judah?

7. In what month was the altar built and set up?

8. What feast was kept by those who returned to Judah?

9. From where were cedar trees obtained for the temple?

10. What year after the return did the temple building start?

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October 23


Ezra 4-6


1. Who wanted to help build the temple?

2. Who did the adversaries hire to frustrate the work?

3. To what king did the adversaries write a letter?

4. What did Artaxerxes command about building the temple?

5. What two prophets prophesied unto the Jews?

6. What two men rose up to build the house of God?

7. Who was the governor who opposed the building?

8. In what city was the scroll found with Cyrus' decree?

9. What day and month was the house of God finished?

10. What was observed on the 14th day of the first month?

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October 24


Ezra 7-8


1. Of what famous chief priest was Ezra a descendent?

2. In what was Ezra a ready scribe?

3. What did Ezra prepare to seek the law of the Lord?

4. Who gave Ezra a letter for his trip to Jerusalem?

5. What could not be imposed on ministers of God's house?

6. By what river did Ezra proclaim a fast?

7. What was Ezra ashamed to require of the king?

8. What day and month did Ezra's group leave Ahava?

9. Who delivered Ezra's group from the hand of the enemy?

10. What was delivered to the lieutenants and governors?

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October 25


Ezra 9-10


1. What had the people not done?

2. Who was chief in this failure?

3. What did Ezra pluck off himself because of this failure?

4. At what time did Ezra fall on his knees and pray?

5. How had God punished Israel's for their iniquities?

6. Who told Ezra there was "hope" concerning this thing?

7. From what did Ezra command the people to separate?

8. What was the weather like at this time?

9. When did Ezra begin to examine this separation matter?

10. When was the separation process completed?

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October 26


Nehemiah 1-3


1. Who did Nehemiah ask about the Jews and Jerusalem?

2. What was the condition of Jerusalem's walls?

3. What was Nehemiah's reaction to this news?

4. What was Nehemiah's position?

5. What king did Nehemiah serve?

6. What did the king notice about Nehemiah's countenance?

7. What three men laughed at and despised Nehemiah?

8. At what gate did Eliashib the high priest work?

9. Who did not put their necks to the work of the Lord?

10. How many gates are mentioned in chapter 3?

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October 27


Nehemiah 4-6


1. Who was angry about the wall being built?

2. Who said a fox could break down the wall?

3. What did the people have a mind to do?

4. What did Judah say was hindering the work on the wall?

5. When was the only time the builders put off their clothes?

6. What did Nehemiah tell the nobles to stop doing?

7. How long was Nehemiah governor in the land of Judah?

8. How many Jews and rulers were at Nehemiah's table?

9. What two men thought to do mischief to Nehemiah?

10. In how many days was the wall finished?

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October 28


Nehemiah 7-8


1. What two men were in charge of Jerusalem?

2. When were the gates to be opened?

3. What was few in the city of Jerusalem?

4. What king of Babylon had taken Jews into captivity?

5. How many were in the whole congregation?

6. By what gate did Ezra read the book of the law?

7. What did the people do when Ezra opened the book?

8. What was the people's strength?

9. What was Israel to dwell in the feast of the 7th month?

10. How many days was the feast kept?

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October 29 Nehemiah 9-10


1. What fraction of the day was the book of the law read?

2. What fraction of the day did the people confess their sins?

3. How did God lead Israel by day?

4. How did God lead Israel by night?

5. On what mount did God speak to Israel?

6. What did not become old during the wilderness years?

7. What did the Israelites cast behind their backs?

8. What days would Israel not do any buying?

9. What was each to pay yearly for the house of God?

10. What did the Israelites pledge to not forsake?


October 30 Nehemiah 11-13


1. How did the people decide who would live in Jerusalem?

2. In what two places were the divisions of the Levites?

3. Who were brought to Jerusalem for the wall dedication?

4. What princes were to give thanks on the wall?

5. What two peoples were not to come into the congregation?

6. Who was hired to curse Israel?

7. Who was allied to Tobiah?

8. Where was Tobiah permitted to live?

9. What were the Jews profaning?

10. What caused Solomon to sin? 


October 31 Job 1-7


1. Where did Job live?

2. How many children did Job have?

3. Who came with the sons of God before the Lord?

4. How many calamities came upon Job in one day?

5. Who smote Job with great sores?

6. Who said to Job, "Curse God and die?"

7. What were the names of Job's three friends?

8. How many days did these friends remain silent?

9. What day did Job want to perish?

10. Who was the first friend to speak to Job?  

Garden Oaks Church of Christ * OCTOBER 2014 Daily Bible Reading: Study Answers

! Daily Bible Discussion Answers

October 1

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! October 2

1 Corinthians 1-4

1 Corinthians 5-7

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

House of Chloe (1:11). Preach the Gospel (1:17). Foolishness (1:18). A sign (1:22). Foolishness of God (1:25). The things of the Spirit of God (2:14). God (3:6). Fire (3:13). Those who defile the temple of God (3:17. 10. To be found faithful (4:2).

1. A little leaven (5:6). 2. Because they went to law/court one with another (6:7). 3. Fornication (6:13). 4. Fornication (6:18). 5. Our body (6:19). 6. In our body and spirit (6:20). 7. He is not to put away/divorce his wife (7:11). 8. His calling wherein he was called (7:20). 9. The fashion of the world (7:31). 10. As long as the husband lives (7:39).

October 3

October 4

1 Corinthians 8-11

1 Corinthians 12-14

Charity/love (8:1). The ox that treadeth out the corn (9:9). Lest he fall (10:12). A way of escape (10:13). The Lord's table and the devil's table (10:21). 6. Whatsoever we do (10:31). 7. Man (11:3). 8. Long hair (11:14). 9. Her glory (11:15). 10. The Lord's death (11:26).

1. Diversities of gifts (12:4). 2. By one Spirit (12:13). 3. A sounding brass or tinkling cymbal (13:1). 4. Iniquity (13:6). 5. Truth (13:6). 6. Love (13:13). 7. With words easy to be understood (14:9). 8. God (14:33). 9. Women (14:34). 10. Speak (14:35).

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.



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Garden Oaks Church of Christ * OCTOBER 2014 Daily Bible Reading: Study Answers

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! October 5

October 6

1 Corinthians 15-16

2 Corinthians 1-4

1. Paul (15:9). 2. The church of God (15:9). 3. Our preaching and our faith (15:14, 17). 4. Of all men most miserable (15:19). 5. Death (15:26). 6. Evil communications/company (15:33). 7. Some have not the knowledge of God (15:34). 8. Sin (15:56). 9. In the work of the Lord (15:58). 10. Those who do not love the Lord Jesus Christ (16:22).

1. So we can comfort others who are in trouble (1:4). 2. The Spirit (1:22). 3. Satan's devices (2:11). 4. Great plainness of speech (3:12). 5. Where the Spirit of the Lord is (3:17). 6. The hidden things of dishonesty (4:2). 7. Them that are lost (4:3). 8. Inward man (4:16). 9. For a moment (4:17). 10. Temporal (4:18).

October 7

October 8

2 Corinthians 5-7

2 Corinthians 9-13

1. Those that sow sparingly (9:6). 2. Cheerful giver (9:7). 3. Carnal (10:4). 4. Every thought (10:5). 5. In the Lord (10:17). 6. An angel of light (11:14). 7. Five times (11:24). 8. Three times (11:25). 9. Three times (12:8). 10. To see whether we be in the faith (13:5).

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Seventy years (9:2). Gabriel (9:21). Troublous times (9:25). Sixty-two weeks (9:26). The sacrifice and oblation (9:27). Three weeks (10:2). Hiddekel/Tigris (10:4). Twenty-one days (10:13). Daniel (10:11). Michael (10:13).


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Garden Oaks Church of Christ * OCTOBER 2014 Daily Bible Reading: Study Answers

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October 9

October 10


Hosea 1-7

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Flesh and blood (1:16). Peter (2:11). By the works of the law (2:16). From the curse of the law (3:13). In the fullness of time (4:4). In loving thy neighbor as thyself (5:14). 7. Walk in the Spirit (5:16). 8. What he sows (6:7). 9. In well doing (6:9). 10. Those who are of the household of faith (6:10).

1. Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, Hezekiah, Jeroboam (1:1). 2. Gomer (1:3). 3. Jezreel (1:4), Lo-ruhmah (1:6), Lo-ammi (1:9). 4. Valley of Achor (2:15). 5. Knowledge (4:6). 6. Whoredom, wine, and new wine (4:11). 7. Israel (4:16). 8. Treacherously (5:7). 9. Sacrifice (6:6). 10. Silly dove (7:11).

October 11

October 12

Hosea 8-14


1. That which is good (8:3). 2. A whirlwind (8:7). 3. The great things of the law (8:12). 4. His Maker (8:14). 5. A reward (9:1). 6. Israel's heart (10:1, 2). 7. Backsliding (11:7). 8. By a prophet (12:13). 9. A king (13:11). 10. The just (14:9).

1. Palmerworm, locust, cankerworm, caterpillar (1:4). 2. In the house of the Lord (1:14). 3. Their heart (2:13). 4. His Spirit (2:28). 5. Dream dreams (2:28). 6. Blood (2:31). 7. Whosoever that calls on the name of the Lord (2:32). 8. Valley of Jehoshaphat (3:2). 9. To the Grecians (3:6). 10. The Lord (3:16).


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Garden Oaks Church of Christ * OCTOBER 2014 Daily Bible Reading: Study Answers

October 13

October 14

Amos 1-5

Amos 6-9

1. Tekoa (1:1). 2. They threshed Gilead with instruments of iron (1:3). 3. The brotherly covenant (1:9). 4. Edom (1:11). 5. Moab (2:1). 6. For silver (2:6). 7. Wine (2:12). 8. The prophets (3:7). 9. God (4:12). 10. Hate evil, love good (5:15).

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

October 15

October 16



1. Edom (Obadiah 1:1). 2. The pride of their heart (Obadiah 1:3). 3. Disaster (1:5). 4. Allies will force you to the border; Friends will deceive and overpower you (1:7). 5. Destroy them. (1:8). 6. Gloat in the day of his misfortune (1:12). 7. All nations (1:15). 8. Deliverance (1:17). 9. People from the Negev (1:19). 10. The Lord (1:21).

1. Nineveh (Jonah 1:2). 2. Tarshish (Jonah 1:3). 3. He set a great wind and storm on the sea (1:4). 4. Throw him into the sea (Jonah 1:12). 5. They tried to go back to shore, but the storm worsened. (1:13). 6. A great fish (Jonah 1:17). 7. On dry land (Jonah 2:10). 8. Forty (Jonah 3:4). 9. God did not destroy repenting Nineveh (Jonah 3:10; 4:1). gourd (Jonah 4).

Zion (6:1). Joseph's affliction (6:6). A plumbline (7:7, 8). Amaziah (7:10-13). Bethel (7:13). Howlings (8:3). Famine of hearing the words of the Lord (8:11). 8. Upon the altar (9:1). 9. The reaper (9:13). 10. The people of Israel (9:14, 15).


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October 17

October 18



1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah (1:1). An heap of the field (1:6). He that walks uprightly (2:7). They hated good and loved evil (3:2). For reward/bribe (3:11). Plowshares (4:3). Bethlehem (5:2). Do justly, love mercy, walk humbly with God (6:8). 9. Rich men (6:12). 10. Into the depths of the sea (7:19).

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

October 19

October 20



The law (1:4). Chaldeans (1:6). They are a law to themselves (1:7). Evil (1:13). By faith (2:4). They will become prey to their creditors (2:7). 7. The knowledge of the glory of the Lord (2:14). 8. The heavens (3:4). 9. In the heavens (3:11). 10. He crushed him and stripped him from head to foot (3:13).

1. A sacrifice (1:7). 2. Those that were settled on their lees (1:12). 3. The Lord (1:14) 4. Because they had sinned against God (1:17). 5. The Lord (2:3). 6. Sodom (2:9). 7. Bow down to him (2:11). 8. The fire of God's jealousy (3:8). 9. Praise and honor (3:19). 10. Restore their fortunes (3:20).

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

The wicked (Nahum 1:3). A strong hold (Nahum 1:7). He rebukes it and dries it up (1:4). Like fire (1:6) Nineveh (Nahum 2:8). That it will be exiled and carried away (2:7). 7. Like a pool (2:8). 8. Lies and robbery (Nahum 3:1). 9. Flee (Nahum 3:7). 10. Their enemies (3:13).

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Garden Oaks Church of Christ * OCTOBER 2014 Daily Bible Reading: Study Answers

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October 21

October 22


Ezra 1-3


Zerubbabel (Haggai 1:1). It was not time to build it (Haggai 1:2). Your ways (Haggai 1:5, 7). Bring down timber and build His house (1:7). 5. A drought (1:11). 6. On the twenty-first day of the sevent month (2:1). 7. Heavens, earth, sea, dry land, all nations (Haggai 2:6, 7). 8. The latter one (Haggai 2:9). 9. On the twenty-fourth day of the ninth month (2:10). 10. He will overturn the royal thrones and shatter their power (2:20) 1. 2. 3. 4.

1. Persia (1:1). 2. Build God a house in Jerusalem (1:2). 3. Nebuchadnezzar (1:7). 4. 128 (2:23). 5. 223 (2:28). 6. 736 (2:66). 7. Seventh month (3:1, 2) 8. Feast of Tabernacles (3:4). 9. Lebanon (3:7). 10. The second year (3:8).


October 23

October 24

Ezra 4-6

Ezra 7-8

1. The adversaries (4:1). 2. Counselors (4:5). 3. Artaxerxes (4:11). 4. To cease building the temple (4:21). 5. Haggai and Zechariah (5:1). 6. Zerubbabel and Jeshua (5:2). 7. Tatnai (5:3). 8. Achmetha (6:2, 3). 9. Third day of the month Adar (6:15). 10. Passover (6:19).

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.


Aaron (7:5). In the law of Moses (7:6). His heart (7:10). King Artaxerxes (7:11). Toll, tribute, or custom (7:24). Ahava (8:21). Soldiers and horsemen for protection on the way (10:22). 8. 12th day of the first month (8:31). 9. God (8:31). 10. The king's commissions (8:36).


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Garden Oaks Church of Christ * OCTOBER 2014 Daily Bible Reading: Study Answers

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October 25

October 26

Ezra 9-10

Nehemiah 1-3

1. Had not separated from the people of the lands (9:1). 2. Princes and rulers (9:2). 3. Hair of his head and beard (9:3) 4. At the time of the evening sacrifice (9:5). 5. Less than their iniquities deserved (9:13). 6. Shechaniah (10:2). 7. From the people of the land and the strange wives (10:11). 8. Time of much rain (10:13). 9. First day of the tenth month (10:16). 10. First day of the first month (10:17).

1. Hanani and some other men (1:2). 2. Broken down, gates burned (1:3). 3. He wept, mourned, fasted, prayed (1:4). 4. Cupbearer of the king (1:11). 5. King Artaxerxes (2:1). 6. That it was sad (2:2). 7. Sanballat, Tobiah, Geshem (2:19). 8. Sheep gate (3:1). 9. Nobles (3:5). 10. Ten gates—sheep (vv. 1, 32); fish (v. 3); old (v. 6); valley (v. 13); dung (vv. 13, 14); fountain (v. 15); water (v. 26); horse (v. 28); east (v. 29); Miphkad/Inspection (v. 31).

October 27

October 28

Nehemiah 4-6

Nehemiah 7-8

Sanballat (4:1). Tobiah (4:3). To work (4:6). Much rubbish (4:10). To wash them (4:23). Stop exacting usury from the Jews (5:10). 7. Twelve years (5:14). 8. 150 (5:17). 9. Sanballat and Geshem (6:2). 10. Fifty-two days (6:15).

1. Hanani and Hananiah (7:2). 2. When the sun was hot (7:3). 3. The people (7:4). 4. Nebuchadnezzar (7:6). 5. 42, 360 (7:66). 6. Water gate (8:1, 3). 7. Stood up (8:5). 8. The joy of the Lord (8:10). 9. Booths (8:14). 10. Seven days (8:18).

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.


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October 29

October 30

Nehemiah 9-10

Nehemiah 11-13

1. One-fourth (9:3). 2. One-fourth (9:3). 3. Pillar of cloud (9:12). 4. Pillar of fire (9:12). 5. Sinai (9:13). 6. The people's clothes (9:21). 7. The law (9:26). 8. Sabbath day or any holy day (10:31). 9. One-third of a shekel (10:32). 10. The house of our God (10:39).

1. Cast lots (11:1). 2. In Benjamin and Judah (11:36). 3. Levites (12:27). 4. The princes of Judah (12:31). 5. Ammonites and Moabites (13:1). 6. Balaam (13:2). 7. Eliashib the priest (13:4). 8. In the house of God (13:5-7). 9. The Sabbath (13:17). 10. Outlandish [pagan, foreign] women (13:26).



! ! October 31 Job 1-7

1. Uz (1:1). 2. Ten (1:2). 3. Satan (1:6). 4. Four (1:13-19). 5. Satan (2:7). 6. Job's wife (2:9). 7. Eliphaz, Bildad, and Zophar (2:11). 8. Seven (2:13). 9. The day of his birth (3:3). 10. Eliphaz (4:1).

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Garden Oaks Church of Christ * OCTOBER 2014 Daily Bible Reading: Life Lessons



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Garden Oaks Church of Christ * OCTOBER 2014 Daily Bible Reading: Life Lessons

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Garden Oaks Church of Christ * OCTOBER 2014 Daily Bible Reading: Life Lessons

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Garden Oaks Church of Christ * OCTOBER 2014 Daily Bible Reading: Life Lessons


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Garden Oaks Church of Christ * OCTOBER 2014 Daily Bible Reading: Life Lessons

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Garden Oaks Church of Christ * OCTOBER 2014 Daily Bible Reading: Life Lessons

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Garden Oaks Church of Christ * OCTOBER 2014 Daily Bible Reading: Life Lessons

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Garden Oaks Church of Christ * OCTOBER 2014 Daily Bible Reading: Life Lessons

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Garden Oaks Church of Christ * OCTOBER 2014 Daily Bible Reading: Life Lessons

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Garden Oaks Church of Christ * OCTOBER 2014 Daily Bible Reading: Life Lessons

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Garden Oaks Church of Christ * OCTOBER 2014 Daily Bible Reading: Life Lessons

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Garden Oaks Church of Christ * OCTOBER 2014 Daily Bible Reading: Life Lessons

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Garden Oaks Church of Christ * OCTOBER 2014 Daily Bible Reading: Life Lessons

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Garden Oaks Church of Christ * OCTOBER 2014 Daily Bible Reading: Life Lessons

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Garden Oaks Church of Christ * OCTOBER 2014 Daily Bible Reading: Life Lessons

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Garden Oaks Church of Christ * OCTOBER 2014 Daily Bible Reading: Life Lessons

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Garden Oaks Church of Christ * OCTOBER 2014 Daily Bible Reading: Life Lessons


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Garden Oaks Church of Christ * OCTOBER 2014 Daily Bible Reading: Life Lessons

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Garden Oaks Church of Christ * OCTOBER 2014 Daily Bible Reading: Life Lessons

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Garden Oaks Church of Christ * OCTOBER 2014 Daily Bible Reading: Life Lessons

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Garden Oaks Church of Christ * OCTOBER 2014 Daily Bible Reading: Life Lessons

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Garden Oaks Church of Christ * OCTOBER 2014 Daily Bible Reading: Life Lessons


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Garden Oaks Church of Christ * OCTOBER 2014 Daily Bible Reading: Life Lessons

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Garden Oaks Church of Christ * OCTOBER 2014 Daily Bible Reading: Life Lessons

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Garden Oaks Church of Christ * OCTOBER 2014 Daily Bible Reading: Life Lessons

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Garden Oaks Church of Christ * OCTOBER 2014 Daily Bible Reading: Life Lessons


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Garden Oaks Church of Christ * OCTOBER 2014 Daily Bible Reading: Life Lessons


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Garden Oaks Church of Christ * OCTOBER 2014 Daily Bible Reading: Life Lessons

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Garden Oaks Church of Christ * OCTOBER 2014 Daily Bible Reading: Life Lessons

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Garden Oaks Church of Christ * OCTOBER 2014 Daily Bible Reading: Life Lessons

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Garden Oaks Church of Christ * OCTOBER 2014 Daily Bible Reading: Life Lessons

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Garden Oaks Church of Christ * OCTOBER 2014 Daily Bible Reading: Life Lessons

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