The Garden Oaks Christian Academy is now accepting applications for all positions. The first day of school is August 18th. We serve students from two -2nd grade. Contact Wanda Cook or Margie Matthews @ 713.694.8679 or
CD’S & DVD’S Available in the Garden Book Store, located in the front lobby.
Sermon Topic: Topic:
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Ages two years thru second grade. Call 713.694.8679 and ask for Wanda Cook.
Week 1. 8/3
Bible School 1. Kathy Gee 2. ____________
Sunday Worship 1. 2.
Wednesday Worship 1. 2. __________________
2. 8/10
1. Susan Powers 2. ___________
1. Cherryl Foster 2 Anita Winston 3. Darla Vasquez
1. Susan Powers 2. __________________
3. 8/17
1. Susan Powers 2. _____________
1. Tabitha Parks 2.
1. 2. __________________
4. 8/24
1. 2.
1. 2.
1. 2.
August 3, 2014
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There will be a Breakfast Meeting on Sunday, August 17th, at 8:30 a.m., with all of the New Converts (college age and above) that were Baptized in 2013 thru to date. Please come and help restart our New Convert Class with a prayer breakfast in the Café de Lord. Thanks, Bro. Roberson (Gal 6;9) And let us not be weary in well doing; for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.
● Sat., August 16 –Go to the Liberty Opry House. Departure Time: 4:30 p.m. ● Sat., August 23 - Hold their monthly meeting at 5 p.m.
Confessions and stand in need of prayers: Christian Holden; Dino Maldonado; Lee Spiller; Lynessa Wynn. Stand in need of prayer: Adrianne Gibbs; LaKeisha Green; Shirley Washingtn.
Traveling Grace: Dora Mendoza; Andrew and Valerie Keys; John and Marcia Tillman; Armando and Theresa Ramirez; Robert and Alvanetta Reed (military); Marshall Williams. t
● Welcome back campers!!! We pray that your camp experience was truly enlightening and helped you to get a better understanding of just how much our Heavenly Father loves you. ● Sat., Aug. 16th – Youth field trip. Stay tuned for details.
Winston Burnett, grandfather of Andrea Tillman; Richard Freeman, resident of the Winter Haven Nursing Home; Valerie Keys is recovering from knee replacement surgery; John Love, brother of Bessie Love; Rudy Rosales, brother-in-law of Norma Nava. Felix Brown, brother of Erma Carey-Bay; Annette Broxton (Trinity Gardens C of “ C), mother of Bruce Broxton, is battling severe health issues; Ervin (Joe) Citizen (of Dallas, TX), friend of Tony and Evelyn Richards; Maggie Gascey podiatric challenges; Paschal Igwe needs of a kidney; L C Webb is experiencing optical challenges; Melquiades Acosta (a long-time faithful member); Randy Black (resides in “ California), a cousin of Oscar and Renita Davis; Diane Collins, sister of Alice Riser; Geraldine Conner; Jeannie Coreathers; Gina Cumpian’s infant nephew; Melvin Driver recovering from knee surgery; Geraldine Frazier, mother of Debra Lacy; Ellen Gatlin, the mother of Robert Buttrill; Alcadio Gonzalez is suffering from severe migraine headaches; The family of Trish Griggs: her mom, her son, George; Jean Jammer’s sisters - Lillie Dansby and Betty Hawkins; John Matz (Candlelight C of C) recovering from third degree burns; Juanita Huckaby, sister of Nadine Tillman; Hazel Johnson, aunt of Susan Powers; Sonny Jones, brother of Annie Jones; LaShonda Keys (sister of Andrew and Lawrence Keys); Erma Lewis, mother of Coleman Lewis and Doretha Shelvin; Bessie Love’s brother; Kimberly Mason; Reginald Moss; Cecil Poole, Jr., brother of Evelyn Richards and Alvin Poole; Cathy Powers’ father; J.D. Richards, Jr., oldest brother of Tony Richards; Walter Richardson (brother of Natasha Williams); Betty Slaughter - 16203 Kintyre Point Rd. (77095), 832-3170821; Don Spikes and family, friends of Tony and Evelyn Richards; Lee O. Spiller family: his sister, Viola Miles; Nadine Tillman, home # 713-812-1240; Samuel “Sammi” Vasquez (born 8/15/12 to Dorian and Darla); Those with cancer: Elizabeth Cortez and her two brothers; Leann Deimer, daughter of a friend of Oscar and Renita Davis; Shirley Ebow, sister of Deborah Craig; Bobbie Ewing, cousin of Deloise Talton; Eva Mae Gallagher, grandmother of LaNette Mangum; Linda Powers (sister of Avis Deliphose), battling stage 2 breast cancer; Tony Richards; Sharon Stewart (DeRidder, LA), sister IN of HEALTH Carolyn Bailey; Watson’s mother; Elizabeth Charles THOSE CARE FACILITIES: Evelyn (Shepherd, TX), mother of Willie, Jr.; Paschal Igwe is in Manor Care – 7505 Bellerive – room 115– 77036; Rosie Rogers (aunt of Marcia Tillman & Donna Crockett).
TODAY’S EVENTS ● Please disengage ALL portable electronic devices during services (except electronic Bibles and medical) ● No food or beverages. Thank you
● 9:00 a.m.- BIBLE STUDY FOR ALL AGES 1st Floor – Women/Men (worship center); New Converts; Nursery (6 mos. – 3 yrs.) and 4 & 5 yrs. Olds; New Converts. 2nd Floor – Middle School; High School; Spanish.
UPCOMING EVENTS ● Tues. 5 & 19 – Congregation visitation ● Sun. 10 – Care Group J – MC fellowship ● Fri., 15 – Sun. 17 – 6th Annual Texas Women’s Empowerment Conference in Plano, TX ● Sat. 16 – 1) Youth field trip;
2) Wise Owls’ field trip. ● Sun. 17 - New Converts’ Breakfast
● Sat. 23 – Wise Owls’ meeting
● 10 a.m. – Morning Worship (Auditorium) ● 10 a.m. - Children’s Bible Hour ● City-Wide Spanish Fellowship @ Lawndale after morning worship ● Care Group J – MC meet after morning worship ● 5 p.m. - Evening Worship.
● Sun. 24 – Bible Class Promotion Day ● Aug. 31 – Sept. 3 - National Fab 5 Revival
(Fund Raiser for SwCC)
► 5 p.m. - Evening Worship
Sunday Morning Bible Class . . . 9:00 a.m. Sunday Evening Worship . . . . . . . . . . 5:00 p.m. Sunday Morning Worship . . . 10:00 a.m. Wednesday Mid-week Bible Class . . . 7:00 p.m. A Non- Denominational, Bible-based, Multi-cultural Christian Fellowship
► W. Janisch visitation 4926 N. Shepherd Dr. / Houston, TX 77018 / 713-694-2349 / e-mail ► 6:00 p.m. - Choral Practice Web-site -
August 3 Don Breaux, Sr. Bryce Powers Reginald Hooey Roderick Price
Chester Bonner Don Breaux, Sr.
August 10 Andrew Keys Cornelius Bryant Rick Adamus Sean Richardson James Cook Kirk Gails
August 17 Roderick Price J. Cook / J-M Cook Don Johnson Sean Richardson Walter Hardy Henry Matthews
August 24 L C Webb R. Johnson/A. Poole Tony Richardson Ben Cooksey Rodrick Price Victor Simon
John Tillman, Jr. Isaac Gonzalez Raymond Roberson
John Tillman, Jr. Alford Powers Robert Johnson
John Tillman, Jr. Robert Johnson Obdulio Mendoza
John Tillman, Jr. Raymond Roberson Alford Powers
Don Breaux, Sr. Bryce Powers Reginald Hooey Roderick Price John Tillman, Jr. Isaac Gonzalez Raymond Roberson Care Group “D thru I”
Andrew Keys Cornelius Bryant Rick Adamus Sean Richardson John Tillman, Jr. Alford Powers Robert Johnson Care Group “D thru I”
Roderick Price J. Cook / J-M Cook Don Johnson Sean Richardson John Tillman, Jr. Robert Johnson Obdulio Mendoza Care Group “D thru I”
L C Webb R. Johnson/A. Poole Tony Richardson Ben Cooksey John Tillman, Jr. Raymond Roberson Alford Powers Care Group “D thru I”
Care Group Leader Obdulio Mendoza
Care Group Leader Obdulio Mendoza
Care Group Leader Obdulio Mendoza C-E-R-T TEAM
Baptismal Committee
July / August / Sept. Marcia Tillman
Demetra Davis, Belinda Hadnot, Lanette Mangum, Tracy Phillips, and Exie Price Patrick Austin, Quinten Robertson
Attendance July 27
* EVENING --*Campaign for Christ @ The M. O. Campbell Center
● ● Vickie Williams ● Kathleen Belford
Care Group Leader Obdulio Mendoza
The Legacy Town Center ~ Plano, TX THEME: “The Bridal Party: Preparing For The Groom” Our own, Bianca Vinson, will speak on Sat., Aug. 16th, on the topic of Becoming His Flower Girl.
For more information on this exciting event, visit the website at
The AUGUST food pantry items: Peanut Butter And Jelly
Foster Belford, Chester Bonner, Don Breaux Sr., Robert Burrell, Willie Charles, Walter Hardy, Henry Matthews, Grady Moore Jr., Sean Richardson, Victor Simon, and Jerrell Vinson.
“There is a great difference between worry and concern. A worried person sees a problem, and a concerned person solves a problem.”