Tuesday, 28 June - 9:00 - 18:00 Wednesday, 29 June - 9:00 - 18:00 Thursday, 30 June - 9:00 - 16:00
Organised by
Show Guid de
Discover our NEW range at
Stand 20C40-D41 Miracle-Gro® is a registered trademark of OMS Investments and is used under license from OMS Investments.
20C 64
20H 70
20J54 20J52
2022 Floorplan
20J 22
20F20 -G21
20J14 20J10
Bar & Ice Cream
Fire, Grill & Chill
20H10 -J11 19A41
20H02 -19A41
20C 02
20D 02
20E 02
19A 61
19A60 19C61
Hall 20 Entrance
19A62 19A64 19B61
19C 23
19C60 19D60
19D34 19E35
Hall 19 Entrance
19G 20
19G 24
19G 28
19G 32
Innovators Zone
19F01 19G01
19F 19G 24 25
19F63 19F61 19F60 19G61 19G63 19H61
New Product Showcase
19H 60
19H 36
19H 42
19H 44
19H 46
19H 54
19H 56
19H 58
Press Lounge
7B 86
7C87 7C83 7B82 7C81 7B 80
7B75 7A 71
7B 7B72 7B 70 76
7C73 7C71
7D67 7D65
7E62 7E60
7F67 7F65
7G 83
7G71 7G70
6B66 -C65
7G 85
6A72 -B73
6A76 6A74
6B68 -C67
6B70 6B70 -C71 -C61
6D 6D70-E71 72E75
6F 6F70 72
6C 6C70 72- -D71 D73
6F76 6F78
6G 6G73 75
20A 72
6H 6H75 77
6J 75
6H 74
6D82 -E83
6E 6E82 84
6F83 6F81
The Stage
7B 7B53 55
7A 7A54 56
7B73 7B71
7C57 7C55
7C 7C52 54
7A41 7A40
Glee TV 7A42
7E 40
7E 42
7E 44
7E 46 7E34
7A 7A 7A 7A33 39 37 35
7C 31
7B39 7A36B37 7A38
7C33 7B30
7C 7C30 32
7E33 7D30
7F 7F31 33 7F 35 7E30 7E 32
7F32 7F30
7G 7G31 33
7G 7G32 30
7B34 7B32
7C 7C36 38
7D 7D36 38
7E37 7E35
7F37 7F39
7F 41
7F 43
7F 45
7F 47
7F46 7F44
7G37 7G35
7G36 7G34
6A 6A21 25
7E 20
20B 02
6D 02
6G 02
6G 04
20A 02
Hall 06 Entrance
Hall 07 Entrance
6B20 -C21
6J38-20A39 6J34
6G61 6G59
6A52 -B53
6J42 6J40-20A41 -20A 43
6J50 6J44-20A 20A45 51
7D57 7D55 7D53
6H 6H54-J55 60J61
Sales Lounge
6G 65
6G 6G63 67
6H6 6H 4-J 62 65 -J 63
UK Buyers Connect
International Buyers’ Centre
Visitor Entrance
Green Heart
A-Z Quick guide AAA Merchandise............................................... 7D38
Corona Tools ...............................................6E30-F31
Abbey Tile Supplies ............................................ 6A70
Cotswold Timber Products .......................... 6D72-E75
CPL Distribution ............................................... 19G01
ACID (Anti Copying In Design).............................19B60
Craigmarloch Nurseries Ltd ............................... NB48
Adfix Ironmongery ............................................. 6E84
Creative Products Ltd ............................... 20C60-D61
Airflow Ltd .........................................................7F64
Creekwood ................................................6D22-E23
Ajay Industries ....................................................7B76
Crescent Garden ........................................ 6D80-E81
AJR EXIM ......................................................... 7B86
Crikey Mikey .................................................... 20J02
Albero Forte Composite, S.L. .............................. 7F80
CSY Retail Systems Limited................................. 6G67
Altico .....................................20F20-G21, 20F30-G31
DACHSER UK.......................................................6J75
Ames UK - Kelkay Ltd .................................. 6C40-F41
Dalefoot Composts ............................................ 6J02
Anglo Aquatic Plant Ltd ............................NB60, NB62
Davidson Richards ............................................ 20A61
Apac Group ............................. 19A30-B31, 19B30-C31
De Ree UK Ltd ............................................ 6F30-G31
Apsley Farms Sales Ltd ...................................... 7D57
Deco-Pak ...................................................6G50-H51
Art Wow ............................................................ 7F46
Deluxe Homeart................................................. 7G35
AutoPot Global Ltd ...................................... 7F70-G71
Derco Horticulture Inc ..................................... 20J30
AVA of Norway ........................................ 19A50, 19A51
Devgan Overseas ............................................... 7C73
Azpects Ltd ........................................................ 7F21
Ditsy Pet Ltd.......................................................7A38
B Green by Callapor.........................................20D02
Dizmezs Ltd......................................................19F30
Barking Bags...................................................... 7C33
DJ Turfcare Equipment Ltd.................................6H02
Barrus Ltd ................................................ 20D40-E41
DLF Seeds Ltd (Johnsons Lawn Seed).........20H34-J35
Benchmark Kennels Ltd ...............................7A40-B41
Doff Portland Limited .................................20H10-J11
Bermuda .....................................................6E72-F73
Dream’z Gardend (T.R.B Group) ........................... 7B77
Bio Green Products Ltd.....................................20J70
Durston Garden Products Ltd ...........................20C02
Bioefekts........................................................... 7D32
Dymak........................................................ 7E52-F53
biohort GmbH ............................................6B68-C67
Bizzotto .................................................... 19E50-F51
Easigrass Distribution Ltd ...................................19A41
Black Yak Ltd ..................................................... 7D33
Easihold ..................................................... 6B10-C11
Bloomin Amazing ............................................... 6A25
Easitill Ltd ........................................................ 6G60
Bobnod Stall.......................................................7A65
Eastern Connections.......................................... 6J23
BonFeu ............................................................19D34
ebay........................................................... 6F80-G81
Bronte Heritage Collection.........................19B50-C51
Edelman BV ...................................................... 19F42
Bulldog Tools Ltd .................................... 6J42-20A43
Eden Horticulture ...............................................6A76
Burgon & Ball...............................................6E30-F31
EKJU Ltd .................................................... 6H40-J41
Burstenhaus Redecker GmbH...................... 6B60-C61
Elho International B.V........................................19B24
Cadac Leisure Ltd.............................................19C23
Ellipse Fabrications Ltd ......................................6G63
Campingaz ................................................ 19A20-B21
Elsatex Quality Home Textiles ............................. 7D37
Candlelight Products Ltd............................. 6A20-B21
Emily Victoria Candles........................................ 7A54
Capi Europe .............................................20C30-D31
Empathy by Plantworks ...............................6G30-H31
Carbon Gold.......................................................7F37
English Tea Shop................................................ 7C38
Cheeky Charlie Oven Company.................. 19F61, OS13
Enigma Home and Garden Ltd ..................... 6C20-D21
Chive ..................................................... 6J44-20A45
Espira (UK) Ltd ................................................ 20J50
Christies Direct ................................................. 7C37
Evercreatures / Rouchette / Julie Dodsworth ..... 7D36
CJ Wildlife.................................................. 7F50-G51
Evergreen Garden Care (UK) Ltd ................20C40-D41
Clever Pots ....................................................... 6A60
Evergreen Horticulture......................................19A03
Coconut Products Impex ....................................7B72
Fallen Fruits Ltd........................................ 20D20-E21
Concept Research Ltd ....................................... 7E46
Fandango Fire Tools .......................................... 19A07
A-Z Quick guide Fargro Limited.........................................6J40-20A41
GreenSmart Pots ............................................... 7G33
fenceBUDDY .................................................... 19H44
Grow Buddha .................................................... 7G83
FIEO (Federation of Indian Export Organisations) ..7B75
Growmoor Better Growing ............................... 20H70
FireDragon .........................................................7F33
GRS Footwear.............................................6A52-B53
Firma Handlowa/Produkcyjna Antoni Wnuk ......... 6E82
Guardian Mont Alpi ...............................19F33 - OS 20
Firmans Direct Ltd ............................................ 19A42
H G Gladwell & Sons Ltd...................................20B02
First Franchise ................................................... 6H75
Hamac Trading .......................................20F02-19A21
Flat Pack Sheds ................................................. 7B44
Handy ......................................................20G30-H31
Flower Tower..................................................... 7F45
Hanson’s Garden................................................ 7F30
Fordingbridge .....................................................6H61
Happy Plants .................................................... NB40
Formbar Limited ...............................................6G64
Hellman Versand Gmbh ............................... 6A40-B41
Forum Lighting Solutions ...................................19E02
Fountasia ................................................6J20-20A21
Hempe® ............................................................7A42
Freckleface Home Fragrance Ltd ........................ 7E30
Henry & Co Home Fragrance ...............................7F39
G Plants Ltd..........................................20A72, 20C64
Henry Bell ................................................ 20H60-J61
Garantia UK - Graf UK Ltd.......................... 20H20-J21
HEX Living ................................................ 19C40-D41
Garden Centre Retail ......................................... 7A40
High & Dry........................................................ 19F60
Garden Connect ......................................... 6H60-J61
Hill Brothers ......................................................NB52
Garden Furniture Global............................ 19D52-E53
HJ Hall ....................................................... 6H50-J51
Garden Needs .................................................... 7B51
Holsteintanne .................................................... 6J34
Garden Pride Marketing.................................... 20G70
Home & Garden UK ..................................... 6D60-E61
Garden Trade News........................................... 19H61
Horticultural Trades Association ................... 6H70-J71
Gardeners Beehive Ltd......................................19H42
Hortiwool.......................................................... 7F44
Gardenex .......................................................... 7E80
HotHands (Kobayashi Healthcare) ........................7D41
Gardening Naturally Ltd......................................6G24
Hozelock .................................................. 20D60-E61
Gardenstone ..................................................... 7B56
Husqvarna UK Ltd ..................................... 20H40-J41
Gardiner Bros. & Co. (Leathers) Ltd......... 20H02-19A41
HydroGarden Ltd ........................................ 6D20-E21
Garland Products Ltd................................ 20H30-J31
Hygeia Chemicals Ltd............................. 20G02-19A31
Giftware Trading ................................................ 7D30
GIMA ........................................................ 7G40-6A41
Impulse Plants B.V. ............................................ 6A04
Glee Sales Lounge....................................... 7D50-E51
Innovators International Ltd ............................. 19C60
Global Journey Ltd ..................................... 6A72-B73
iQ Grills ................................................... 19D44-E45
Gold Leaf ........................................................ 20J34
Ivyline Ltd.......................................... 6E64, 6E60-F61
Golden Grove Nursery Ltd ........................NB44, NB46
Jacobi Jayne® ................................................... 6B71
Goodchap’s ....................................................... 7C43
Jagram............................................................. 19E35
Gorse Lodge/ Asiastyle .............................. 6B20-C21
Jardinopia Ltd ....................................................6A31
Gralyn Joinery Ltd ..............................................6F78
Javado UK ......................................................... 6E02
Green Coir Hub ................................................. 7B80
Jiangsu Zgrills Technology Co Ltd - ZGRILLS inc...19E01
Green Decore................................................... 19F24
JT England......................................................... 7B55
Green Digit Ltd ............................................6D70-E71
Juakali ....................................................... 6H20-J21
Green Feathers................................................... 7A31
K S Gangadhara Iyer & Co ...................................7C81
Green Inspiration Plants Ltd. .......................6B80-C81
Kadai Ltd...................................................19A24-B25
Green Olive Firewood Co ..................................19D60
Kaemingk .................................................20G20-H21
Green Tones...................................................... 7E44
Kamado Joe ...................................... 19B20-C21, OS7
Greenfingers Charity ......................................... 7G63
Kapiteyn B.V ...................................................... 6F02
Greenkey Garden & Home Ltd ............................ 7D55
Key Essentials Ltd ...................................... 6B66-C65
Greenman Garden Tools..............................6C66-D67
Khost and Spirit Clothing.................................... 7C20
A-Z Quick guide Kidzplay ............................................................ 7D65
Onduline Building Products Ltd........................... 7F42
KIEFT & SONS LTD ............................................ 20E02
Opaxa Crafts Pvt. LTD ........................................ 7B50
Kiln Fired Pottery...............................................6H25
Open Retail Solutions.........................................6H65
Kings Seeds ...................................................... 20J14
Oregon Tool UK...................................................6A21
Kingston Tools ................................................. 20J22
P&R Horticultural............................................... 6A06
Kink Out Ltd .................................................... 19H60
Panacea Products Ltd ................................. 6F40-G41
Klass .......................................................6J30-20A31
PARK LiFE Pet Limited.........................................7C31
Landmann UK .......................................... 19E22, OS10
Paysagea ........................................................... 6H74
Laurica-Plants ...................................................6D02
Pelsis ......................................................... 6B70-C61
Lava-Lite......................................................... 20J32
Leon Boots Co (UK)............................................7G45
Link2Home UK Limited....................................... 7C57
Pit Boss.....................................................19C20-D21
Little Hay Company............................................ 7B39
Pittards Plc ....................................................... 7E35
Lodi UK ............................................................20J10
Plantgrow.......................................................... 7E36
MADE BY ZEN® .................................................. 7C36
Plantsmith .........................................................7E37
Madison International ....................................... 19E32
PlayMonster UK Ltd............................................ 7C30
Malcolm Scott Business Consultants ....................6F76
Plenty Gifts ....................................................... 6A02
Marissa’s Garden & Gift ...................................... 6J04
Pleydell Smithyman Ltd ...............................6H54-J55
Mayfield Stone ................................................... 7G85
Popcorn Kitchen................................................ 7E34
Mayhem UK Ltd................................................... 7C71
Poppy Forge ...............................................6H32-J33
Meadow View Stone .................................... 6E20-G21
Premier Decorations Limited...................... 19D20-E21
Melcourt Industries Ltd ..................................... 6G02
Press Lounge............................................. 7C84-D85
Melitta Professional Coffee Solutions...................6G71
Primeur Ltd ............................................ 6J38-20A39
Mercer Agencies......................................... 6A30-B31
Primo Grills UK Ltd............................................ 19B01
MNP Flowers............................................. NB14, NB12
Primus .......................................................6B40-C41
Mood Bears ........................................................7A56
Mookie Toys .................................................... 19H43
PTMD ....................................................... 19G40-H41
MORSØ UK....................................................... 19D30
Purisoo .............................................................. 7A72
Mower Magic Ltd ................................................ 6A71
QCR Recycling Equipment Ltd .............................6F72
Mr Fothergill’s Seeds Ltd ........................... 7G50-6A51
Qingdao Reayon New Materials Co Ltd .................6A74
Quaint & Quality S.L. ........................................... 7B71
Museums & Galleries Ltd .............................7C46-D47
N Smith Packaging & Display ............................... 6F64
Qwickhose ...................................................... 19H58
Napoleon Grills.......................................... 19E20-F21
Rago Industrial Ltd............................................. 7C55
Natura Grow...................................................... 7G32
Red Gorilla ..................................................... 20J60
Natural Grower..................................................7G30
Redfish Group Ltd..............................................6G59
Neat Ideas....................................................... 20A02
RetailVista ......................................................... 6J62
New English Teas ................................................7F47
Riverco Trading Ltd ............................... 19F34, 19G38
New Leaf Compost .................................... 6C22-D23
Riverside Woodcraft Ltd.............................. 6C72-D73
Newbridge Premium Pots ............................ 6B30-C31
Newspan Building Solutions .........................6H64-J65
NewVision Manufacturing ................................... 7G65
Root Pouch / IKON Horticulture ......................... 7D53
Noel Tatt .......................................................... 7E20
Rowlawn Ltd/BioScapes.............................. 6C70-D71
Norfolk Leisure Lifestyle Ltd...................... 19C50-D51
Rowlinson Garden Products Ltd.........................20H61
Northwest Sourcing Asia Limited ........19A44-B45, OS3
Rubi UK Ltd .................................................6B70-C71
NuEPOS Ltd....................................................... 6G75
S & S Garden Designs Ltd ................................... 7E40
OFYR................................................................ 19F23
Salepoint Ltd ..................................................... 6J60
A-Z Quick guide Salike Limited .................................................... 7A50
The Walnut Tree................................................. 7E32
Santino Service............................................7C70-D71
Thermapen....................................................... 19F63
Sapana Polyweave Pvt Ltd ................................ 19C02
Thorndown........................................................ 7G37
Scheurich Ltd ............................................20E30-F31
Tildenet Gardenware.................................20F22-G23
Scruffs .............................................................. 7B30
Tilnar Art........................................................... 6A35
Scrunch .............................................................7B73
Timber Displays Ltd................................. 6J64-20A65
Secret Garden Distillery ..................................... 6B65
TJ Home Decors ................................................. 7G71
Seedball............................................................ 7E42
Toucan .............................................................. 6F83
Seeds of Italy Ltd.................................................7A71
Tramontina UK Ltd ............................................ 19F20
Seven Seas India ................................................ 7C83
Treadstone Products........................................ 20J52
Sicura ............................................................... 7B34
Trellis Horticulture International Pvt ltd .............. 7C87
Sincere UK Ltd ............................................6C60-D61
TriMower ......................................................... 20J66
SIP - Outdoor Heating ........................................ 7G34
Tripod Home Ltd................................................ 6B75
Sipcam Home & Garden Ltd.........................6G20-H21
Tudor Tea & Coffee ............................................. 6F81
Smart Garden Products............................ 20G40-H41
UCC Coffee UK .................................................. 6F60
Smartedge Manufacturing ...................................7G21
UK Bamboo Supplies Ltd. .................................... 7F31
Smartwares Safety and Lighting Ltd.....................19E31
UK Garden Buildings.................................. 7G80-6A81
Smiemans Projecten ...................................6H62-J63
UK Greetings Limited .................................. 7D42-E43
Smith & Munson Ltd............................................7G31
Unison (ENGG) Industries .................................... 7A51
SoilWorx Natural Fertilisers................................. 7D67
Solar Centre ..............................................20E60-F61
VegTrug .......................................................... 20G60
Soulet ................................................................7F65
VENT for Change................................................ 7F43
Southern Trident ........................................6H52-J53
Veritable Indoor Gardens .................................... 7F67
Spear & Jackson UK .............................. 20G04-19A33
Vertak ...............................................................6D64
Stagecraft Display Ltd ........................................ 6G76
Vidhi Exports .................................................... 7B53
Stormafit Ltd - Jane Austin @JACKDAW .............. 7C42
Vishal Garments ................................................ 7B82
Streetwize....................................................... 20J40
Vitax Ltd................................................... 20E40-F41
Stubbs Mugs ...................................................... 7C22
Weatherbeeta Group ...................................7A36-B37
STV International ..............................................19E40
Weenect GPS ................................................... 7E62
Summit International/PMS International....... 6D30-E31
Westland Horticulture Limited..... 20F60-G61, 20F40-G41
Suntime ....................................................19B40-C41
White Food Service Equipment..........................19D62
Super Ninja...................................................... 19H46
White Pebble International .......................... 7C80-D81
Swan Retail........................................................ 6F70
WHM Pet Group.......................................... 6F50-G51
Wild ID ............................................................... 7F41
Talking of Plants..................................................7B70
Wildlife and Birdcare ..........................................7F34
Taylors Bulbs......................................................6H22
Wildlife World Ltd ...................................... 6B62-C63
Telluria UK .................................................. 7C50-D51
Willowstone Ltd.......................................... 6A50-B51
TGW Distribution Ltd ......................................... 7G36
Willsow ............................................................. 7F40
The Bransford Webbs Plant Company .................NB46
Woodlodge Products. 20A20-B21, 20A30-B31, 20A60-B61,
The Christmas Cabin Ltd/ Cadeby Tree Trust ......6A22-B23
20B30-C31, 20B20-C21, 20B60-C61, 20B40-C41
The Garden Village Ltd ...................................... 6A62
Woodmansterne Publications .....................20E20-F21
The Gifted Stationery Company.......................... 7G70
Xinya Outdoor ................................................... 7B42
The Magic Molecule Co ..................................... 6G04
Yardcare Robotic ........................................6C80-D81
The Patio Black Spot Removal Co................. 6A80-B81
Yingly Group UK Ltd ........................................... 6A08
The Real Soil Company ....................................... 7E33
Yorkshire Flowerpots ................................ 20C20-D21
The Satchville Gift Company ........................ 6H30-J31
YPHA .................................................................. 7A61
The Sock Shop................................................... 7C32
Zest ......................................................... 20D30-E31
Show information
Inside your show guide
GIMA Business Village ......................24
Show sectors .....................................8
Meet with Key Suppliers ..................25
The Stage ......................................... 10
Giving at Glee ..................................28
Glee Connect .................................. 14
Fire, Grill & Chill...............................29
New Product Showcase ................... 16
Glee Partners.................................. 30
Buyers Power List ............................ 18
General Information ........................32
Green Heart.....................................20
A to Z of Exhibitors ..........................35
Innovators Zone...............................23
Join the conversation @Glee_Birmingham
Glee_Birmingham Glee.Birmingham1
Opening Times
Tuesday, 28 June 9:00 - 18:00 Wednesday, 29 June 9:00 - 18:00 Thursday, 30 June 9:00 - 16:00
gleebirmingham.com 5
Show information
Welcome to Glee 2022 Hello and welcome to Glee 2022! We’ve got hundreds of garden and outdoor living suppliers ready to meet you, and thousands of new products to inspire you from across 8 key buying sectors. We’re certain you’ll have a successful time sourcing at Glee, all whilst getting first-hand insight into the latest gardening trends to grow your offering. With over 100 new exhibitors joining us this year, get ready to add some brand-new names to your favourites list. That’s not all, with our new June dateline, Glee 2022 has opened a whole new field of opportunity. There’s a wider pool of products to choose from, more time for planning and exciting new features to explore including, Fire, Grill & Chill outside Hall 20, our exciting outdoor demonstration area where you can see the latest grills, barbecues and firepits in action. Keep up to date with the latest industry knowledge by attending expert-led seminars at The Stage in Hall 6. See the best new innovations at the New Product Showcase in Hall 19 and join us in celebrating the garden retail community at the Buyers Power List Awards.
Matthew Mein Event Director
This is what makes Glee so much more than a trade show! And we’ll continue to carry these features and so much more over to next year’s event, as Glee 2023 is set to be bigger than ever. It will truly be the International Festival for Garden and Pet. I hope you find everything you’re looking for at Glee 2022, and I look forward to welcoming you back next year for a brandnew Glee experience!
Show information
The Glee Show Catalogue is produced by: Garden Trade News Potting Shed Press Ltd Dairy Drove, Thorney, Peterborough PE6 0TX. T: 01733 775700 E: trevor@pottingshedpress.co.uk alan@pottingshedpress.co.uk W: www.gardentradenews.co.uk
The team at Garden Trade News will be bringing you daily news updates from Glee, so make sure you register to receive the Glee Daily News e-newsletter with up-tothe-minute stories. The Glee Daily News office is in Hall 20, office 20.1.
All material copyright Hyve Group. Any part or parts of this catalogue may not be reproduced in any form whatsoever either for sale or without the express permission of the publishers, Hyve Group. The information contained in this publication has been published in good faith and every effort has been made to ensure its accuracy. Neither Potting Shed Press as producers and printers nor Hyve Group as publishers can accept any responsibility for any error or misinterpretation. All liability for loss, disappointment, negligence or other damage caused by reliance on the information contained in this publication, or in the event of any bankruptcy or liquidation or cessation of the trade of any company, individual or firm mentioned is hereby excluded. Listings compiled 16th June 2022.
Show information
Show sectors Food & Catering
Garden Care
Across the show in Food & Catering, you’ll find tableware, cooking equipment and unique beverages to ensure your hospitality offering stands out from the crowd.
Help your customers keep their gardens green by visiting Garden Care in Halls 6, 7, 19 & 20 - your source for garden maintenance products.
Home, Gift & Clothing
Outdoor Entertaining
Diversify your offering with outdoor clothing, wellies, greeting cards, garden gifting, candles, stylish interior accessories and lots more from Home, Gift & Clothing across all halls.
Bring the excitement of Outdoor Entertaining to your customers by visiting Hall 19 for barbecues, garden furniture, hot tubs and more. Plus, see some of these products in action at our new outdoor demonstration area, Fire, Grill & Chill, outside Hall 20.
Along with Halls 6 & 7, head to the Green Heart area of Glee in the Atrium of the NEC for an extensive range of fresh florals, shrubs and fauna from UK and international suppliers.
Expand your pet collection with innovative new products and accessories from PAW: Pet and Animal Wellbeing in Hall 7.
Landscaping & Garden Decoration
Retail Experiences & Services
Inspire imaginative gardenscapes with pots, decking and sculptures from Landscaping & Garden Decoration in Halls 6, 7 & 20.
Discover new ways to maximise your customers’ shopping experience by visiting Retail Experiences & Services in Hall 6.
cleverly designed pots to make growing easier
Come and see what’s new for clever pots We’re in Hall 6 Stand A60
Growing in pots is as easy as 1 2 3 Step 1 - Pot Choose your clever pot - available in a range of colours
Step 2 - Hydration Add clever pots reservoirs or hydroballs to keep plants watered for longer
Step 3 - Location Make the most of your growing space with clever pots accessories
Find out why clever pots are clever and how they can help both novice and experienced gardeners • make growing in pots easier • make the most of their outdoor space contact@kinbrands.com
@kinbrands www.kinbrands.com
clever pots
What’s On
The Stage Keep up to date with new developments in the garden industry by heading to The Stage in Hall 6. Hear from industry professionals and experts as they discuss the latest trends and topics in garden retail. Sound good? Make sure you’re there to take a front row seat.
Tuesday, 28th June 2022 11:00 – 12:00 The opportunity for growth in the current environment Even before the pandemic, outdoor living was on an upwards trajectory, however over the last 12 - 18 months it has accelerated in growth. Few would disagree that garden retail has benefitted from this positive trend. As consumers were forced to spend more time at home, they started to look to their outdoor space (no matter how small) as an extra room for them to enjoy. The question on everyone’s mind is how does the industry continue to engage with this new consumer group, and can they maintain this continuous growth? David Denny, Head of Research, HTA 12:15 - 13:00 In conversation with Katie Rushworth Over the last few years, we have all taken note of the things that bring us joy, and TV presenter Katie Rushworth is no different. Known for her love of the outdoors and her journey in transforming over 100 gardens, Katie talks to Nina Mason, Editor at Garden Centre Retail, about her career to
date, her experience as a Bronte Heritage The Stage Collection Ambassador and her work supporting an organic range of products. Join us as we find out what type of gardener Katie is, hear about her own inspirations and the landscape gardening trends currently developing. Katie Rushworth, Gardener, Garden Designer, TV Presenter, Moderator 13:30 – 14:15 Sustaining and managing growth By 2019 the world was changing at an exponential rate. Along came COVID-19 to speed it up even more. Retail in particular has experienced dramatic changes as a result, as online stores continue to perform at the expense of bricks and mortar. In this session, Alan O’Neill shares his experiences of supporting iconic brands like Ann Summers, Fenwick, Harrods, Primark and Selfridges to grow their physical store sales. You will leave this session equipped with practical ideas and tactics to help you embrace change and manage growth sustainably. Alan O’Neill, Managing Director, Kara Change Management
What’s On 14:30 – 16:30 Glee New Product Awards: The Pitches Part 1 For the first time, we’re giving you the chance to see the pitching behind the New Product Awards. Each year Glee exhibitors pitch to a panel of expert buyers in order to be recognised as having the best new product at the show. This year you’ll be able to see this in person. Hosted by Trevor Pfeiffer, Editor, Garden Trade News 17:00 – 17:20 The Glee Buyers Power List Awards Join us as we announce the winners from each category of the Buyers Power List Awards, as voted for by readers of Glee Daily News and GTN Xtra and via the gleebirmingham.com website. Hosted by Trevor Pfeiffer, Editor, GTN Matt Mein, Event Director, Glee
What’s On
Wednesday, 29th June 2022 9:30 – 13:00 New Product Awards: The Pitches Part 2 Tune in for the second round of pitches for the New Product Awards. Watch Glee exhibitors pitch to a panel of expert buyers in order to be recognised as having the best new product at the show. Hosted by Trevor Pfeiffer, Editor, Garden Trade News 13:30 – 14:15 Trend Update: 2023 Home and Outdoor Living Trends As we look ahead to 2023, factors like the growing cost of living, sustainability fears and the need for reconnection will drive
homeowners to seek comfort and get creative in their homes and gardens. As we work to improve our mental wellbeing, the consumer need for maximising and utilising outdoor space and nature will be greater than ever. Join Trend Consultant Rebekah Hutchinson from global forecasting agency TrendBible as she outlines the macro trends influenced by key social and cultural shifts which will shape outdoor living behaviours in 2023. Get informed on pivotal new behaviours such as hack life, rewilding and upskilling to help inspire your products and marketing for 2023. Rebekah Hutchinson, Trend Consultant, Trend Bible
What’s On 14:45 – 15:15 How to Build a Strong Retail Brand
Thursday, 30th June 2022
Meet Bryony Fletcher and Clive Rose of Fletcher & Rose to find out how to build a strong retail brand that can stand the test of time. Their most recent project was the transformation of Oxford Shopping and Garden Village to Yarnton Home & Garden, a thriving and profitable home and garden store. Come and join the conversation as they share some branding insights from this journey.
11:00 – 11:30 Omni Channel Retail - How To Approach and Maximise Customer Sales Online & Offline For Your Garden Centre
Bryony Fletcher, Head of Brand & Gift, Home Buyer & Consultant - Fletcher Rose Clive Rose - Fletcher Rose 15:45 – 16:30 The practicalities of developing a sustainability plan The Horticultural Trade Association explore how to develop a sustainability plan. 17:00 – 18:00 The New Product Awards Join us as we announce the winners of the New Product Awards from each category. Hosted by Trevor Pfeiffer, Editor, GTN Matt Meiin, Event Director, Glee
Online, in store, social media, phone calls, the list goes on! There are so many routes to market your garden centre and sell products in today’s market. Whether you’ve dipped your toe in the water of omnichannel marketing and want to know how to improve sales or you have focused on online marketing and are not sure how to encourage people into your store, Lynsey will share with you how to approach and maximise customer sales for your garden centre. Lynsey Sweales, CEO, Social B 11:45 – 12.15 Responsible Sourcing Find out how you can support the Responsible Sourcing Scheme with HTA. 12:30 – 13:15 Building a brand people want to work for One of the longest standing questions within garden retail is how do you create a business that attracts new talent? Furthermore, how can it attract great people who want to build a long-term career within it? To find the answer, businesses must learn what young retailers want in an employer. Join us for this session as the Young People’s Horticultural Association explores the steps you can take to create a business that attracts, and retains, new talent for the long term. 13:30 – 14:00 Floral Thursday: GreenFingers Charity Draw
*Stage agenda correct as of 14/06/2022.
Join us in your best floral attire as we announce the winners of the Floral Thursday Greenfingers Charity Draw.
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Download the official show app now from the Apple Store or Google Play. The app puts Glee 2022 in the palm of your hands. • Search products and suppliers. • Network and source smarter with personalised recommendations. • Locate exhibitor stands quickly and easily while at the show. • Use the chat function to send messages before, during and after the show. • View the seminar schedule and plan your visit. • Stay in the loop with push notifications so you can make sure you don’t miss out on what’s happening on the show floor.
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How to get started in 5 steps
Download Glee Connect from the Apple Store, Google Play Store or scan the QR code above.
Use the interactive floorplan to locate exhibitor stands and find your way around the show.
Set up your profile and start discovering brands and products with the use of advanced filters.
All confirmed visitors are sent log-in details automatically in a separate email.*
Shortlist exhibitors you’d like to meet, send messages and plan your visit in adva ance.
*Check your inbox for an email from noreply@connect.gleebirming gham.com.
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New Product Showcase One of Glee’s most popular features, the New Product Showcase is a platform for exhibitors to launch brand-new developments and unique products. It’s THE place for you to discover the most innovative ideas in the garden industry. All featured products are entered into the New Product Awards competition where awards are presented for each category based on innovation, design, promotion and saleability.
New Product Awards Wednesday, 29th June 2022 5pm, The Stage, Hall 6
New Product Award Categories • Plants, Seeds and Bulbs • Growing Materials • Growing Accessories • Garden Growing Containers • Garden Decoration • Garden Tools & Machinery • Landscaping & Garden Buildings • Garden Leisure & Entertaining • Wild Bird Care and Wildlife Products • Homewares, Giftware, Toys & Games, • and Clothing • Pet Food • Pet Health & Beauty • Pet Accessories • Retail Services & Experiences • Sustainability Award • Best of British Award • Best Overall New Product at Glee
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The Buyers Power List The Buyers Power List is a celebration of the retailers making an impact within the garden retail industry. Each year, we ask suppliers to highlight the individuals and buying teams who are helping the industry to thrive. It’s our way of saying thank you, as we recognise the outstanding talent of buyers and their influence on the market.
Buyers Power List Awards Tuesday, 28th June 2022 5pm, The Stage, Hall 6
Show information
Buyers Power List 2022 Categories • Plants Buyer/Buying Team of the Year • Garden Care Buyer/Buying Team of the Year • Outdoor Leisure Buyer/Buying Team of the Year • Landscape Buyer/Buying Team of the Year • Home & Gift Buyer/Buying Team of the Year • Pets Buyer/Buying Team of the Year • Retail Food & Drinks Buyer/Buying Team of the Year • Christmas Buyer/Buying Team of the Year • Overall Multiple Buying Team of the Year • Overall Independent Buying Team of the Year • NEW: Overall Multiple Retailer Buying Team of the Year (Hardware, DIY, High Street) • NEW: Online Buyer/Buying Team of the Year
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Green Heart Giving you a warm welcome back to Glee, is the popular Green Heart, located within the Atrium and the entrances to the show. The Green Heart display truly is the horticultural hub of Glee, featuring a huge selection of British-grown plants. This year’s display is made up of over 80 carefully curated benches of beautiful products and new varieties for you to browse. The vibrancy of the Green Heart stands out a mile away. You can’t miss it!
Green Heart Exhibitors • Anglo Aquatic Plant Ltd NB60 - NB63 • Craigmarloch Nurseries Ltd NB48 - NB51 • Golden Grove Nursery NB44 – NB47 • Happy Plants NB40 – NB42 • Hills Plants NB52 - NB55 • MNP Flowers NB12 – NB14 • The Bransford Webbs Plant Co NB21 – NB22
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Innovators Zone Get inspired by visiting our Innovators Zone, in Hall 19, a dedicated area for start-up companies looking to break into the gardening sector. The Innovators Zone provides a platform for product design at Glee, where pre-commercial product ideas are transformed into market-ready product launches. Make sure you take a look and experience the growth of the newest and most exciting developments in the garden retail industry.
Visit our Innovators Zone exhibitors Cheeky Charlie Oven Company .............................................................................................. 19F61 fenceBUDDY UK Ltd.............................................................................................................. 19H44 Garden Beehives Ltd .............................................................................................................19H42 High & Dry.............................................................................................................................. 19F60 Kinkout ltd ............................................................................................................................ 19H60 Super Ninja ........................................................................................................................... 19H46
Show information
GIMA Business Village The GIMA Business Village allows small businesses to exhibit as part of a larger group, enjoying all the benefits that showcasing under GIMA has to offer. Located in Hall 7, The Village is home to the GIMA Business Lounge, where you can take a break, arrange meetings and catch up with suppliers. It’s also home to GIMA Buyers Connect, a speed networking programme where buyers can take part in pre-arranged 1:1 meetings with selected exhibitors.
GIMA Innovators’ Seed Corn Fund The Garden Industry Manufacturer’s Association (GIMA) continues to encourage grassroots innovation by helping small businesses with its GIMA Innovators’ Seed Corn Fund, in partnership with Glee. The £6,000 prize fund has helped several businesses over the years achieve commercial success, so we look forward to witnessing the growth of this year’s winner.
GIMA Buyers Connect Hosted by our event partners GIMA, the Buyers Connect programme (located at Hall 7, Stand 7G40-6A41) consists of short but highly effective 1:1 speed networking sessions, designed to link buyers with premium suppliers in minutes. Effective and efficient.
Show information
Meet with key suppliers International Buyers’ Centre In partnership with Gardenex and PetQuip, the International Buyers’ Centre (Hall 7, 7E80) is a fantastic resource at Glee, providing helpful support and advice to international visitors.
International Buyers Connect Run by Glee’s show partner, Gardenex, the International Buyers Connect programme matches international buyers with UK and international brands in quick appointments hosted at the International Buyers’ Centre.
Right Time, On Trend, In Stock Visit the UK’s marketplace for wholesale home, gift, fashion and sourcing.
Get your FREE ticket at autumnfair.com or visit us onsite at Glee, Stand 6G73.
Show information
Giving at Glee Sustainability and wellbeing are at the centre of Glee, which is why we’ve launched Giving at Glee, a series of initiatives that give back to the community.
Giving at Glee doesn’t end there. We’ve partnered with Grow My Tree who work with partners in the Global South to plant trees at scale. All attendees at Glee 2022 will be able to take part and have their own tree planted as part of this initiative.
As part of this, we’re working with Event Cycle to help exhibitors repurpose any items that would otherwise be thrown away. We’re also continuing to fundraise for the Greenfingers charity, who build magical gardens for children’s hospices around the UK. Join us for Floral Thursday, 30th June at Glee and come dressed in your brightest floral attire to raise money.
Show information
Fire, Grill & Chill Soak up the sun and see some grills in action as Glee opens its brand-new outdoor entertainment demo area, Fire, Grill & Chill, located outside Hall 20. Relax in between meetings, grab a refreshment and some food from our exhibitors themselves as they demonstrate their barbecues, grills, and pizza ovens. Hungry for more? Stop by after 5pm, Tuesday 28th June for the Glee party, where there’ll be music and complimentary drinks.
Show information
Glee partners gardentradenews.co.uk
Advice & information for garden centre professionals
Eco-friendly - recycled & recyclable Fairtrade & handmade by Indian craftsmen
Tilnar Art is very proud to have designed and now be launching our new AluminArk Collection of Recycled Aluminium Butterflies and Bee along with our new AluminArk Plant and Pot Stakes & additions to our current collections
GLEE NEC – 28-30 June 2022 - Hall 6 Stand A35 Harrogate Home & Gift Harrogate -17-20 July 22 – Hall/Marquee DP4 Stand DP4-76 Autumn Fair NEC – 4-7 September 2022 - Hall 6 Stand J30 01277 297259
General Information
ACCOMMODATION For competitive hotel rates and help with your accommodation needs, book through our official travel partner Event Express: T: +44 (0) 190 573 2737 E: reservations@eventexpressuk.com W: www.eventexpressuk.com/e/glee-2022/ RESTAURANTS AT THE NEC A number of restaurants will be available in the halls and around the Atrium. For more information please visit: www.thenec.co.uk/visitors/food-and-drink/ GETTING AROUND THE NEC A free regular shuttle bus operates from the car parks to the nearest Atrium entrance. Alternatively, the Sky Walk links the Piazza and Atrium Halls with a moving walkway. Entrances to the Sky Walk are located between halls 4 and 5 (Piazza) and halls 8 and 9 (Atrium). Head to the Piazza side to access the link to the train station and airport. MOBILITY LOAN The NEC have a fleet of mobility equipment available to hire on a first come, first serve basis. Wheelchairs are available free of charge for blue badge holders and £5 for all other visitors. Scooters are available for £15 per hire for all visitors. Please note: Mobility equipment hire is only available during the show opening times and only card payment is accepted for any equipment hired. Visit the loan point by the Atrium 2 entrance, opposite Hall 8 for more information. RAIL/COACH/AIR Birmingham International train station is a five-minute walk from the Piazza. Birmingham International Airport (BHX) has direct access to the NEC via a free airrail link. National Rail: T: +44 (0) 3457 48 49 50 W: www.nationalrail.co.uk National Express Coaches: T: +44 (0) 871 781 8171 W: www.nationalexpress.com Birmingham International Airport: T: +44 (0) 871 222 0072 W: www.birminghamairport.co.uk TAXIS TOA Taxis are the NEC’s official taxi partner. Book over the phone by calling: +44 (0) 121 427 8888. TOA Taxis can be picked up by the main entrance. Alternatively, other taxis can be picked up at the clearly marked taxi ranks outside the main entrance, and privately hired cars from the Private Hire pick up area at either the Piazza or Atrium. PRESS LOUNGE The Press Lounge is located in Hall 7, on stand 7C84-D85. GLEE SALES LOUNGE The Sales Lounge is located in Hall 7, Stand 7D50-E51 THE CLUB The Club is located in Hall 7, Stand 7F81.
? 32
For further visitor information on Glee contact us on: E: visitor@gleebirmingham.com W: www.gleebirmingham.com/contact-us
STAND 6C40-F41 We’ve been busy… and will be unveiling a variety of new products for 2023 from across our heritage brands Apta, Kelkay and La Hacienda. We can’t wait to welcome you and walk you through the whole AMES UK product experience
SAVE THE DATE See you next June!
A to Z of Exxhibito ors
A-Z of exhibitors AAA Merchandise
Cradley Heath, UK Simon Ward contact@aaamerchandise.com www.aaamerchandise.com AAA Merchandise is a manufacturer and distributor of licensed merchandise from brands such as Harry Potter, DC Comics, Marvel, Disney, Games Workshop, NASA, and more.
Abbey Tile Supplies
Essex, UK Ray Smith 01992 768868 sales@abbeytilesupplies.co.uk www.abbeytilesupplies.co.uk Abbey Tile Supplies was established in 2010 and now incorporates our ATS Porcelain Paving brand.
ajrexim.com AJR EXIM (International Exports & Imports). Leading eco coir product manufacturer and exporter of coco coir, coco peat, coco pots and coco chips.
Albero Forte Composite, S.L.
Alicante, Spain Gino Egerton +34 635 871681 joana.amoros@plasticforte.com plasticforte.com/en Plastic Forte is a family business based in Alicante. We are one of the leading manufacturers of plastic household products “Made in Spain”.
20F20-G21, 20F30-G31
We have ever-increasing ranges of 2CM paving and decorative wall cladding.
Southampton, UK John Hartley abitquackers@hotmail.co.uk www.abitquackers.com ABitQuackers; A friendly place for all your garden ornament needs - with an everexpanding range and good stock levels
ACID (Anti Copying In Design)
Malvern, UK
Adfix Ironmongery
Airflow Ltd
Eastrington, UK Edward Hazell 01482 222100 sales@adfixironmongery.co.uk www.adfixtrade.co.uk We are manufacturers and designers of vintage and authentic hardware goods for the DIY and home improvement market. New Milton, UK Lionel Huish 01425 611547 sales@airflow-vent.co.uk www.airflow-vent.co.uk Introducing Bertie - Airflow’s NEW, all-in-one, quality, supporting Christmas tree stand.
Ames UK - Kelkay Ltd
Ajay Industries
Jalandhar, UK A. Ajay docu@ajayind.com www.ajayind.com Chenai, India J. Balaguram +91 9655221173 +91 87780 28519 info@ajrexim.com
Doncaster, UK Richard Pyrah 01302 354500 richard.pyrah@altico.co.uk www.altico.co.uk Altico is a national supplier of Landscape and Garden products, backed by years of industry expertise and with an ambition to offer Garden Centre Retailers even more choice. Our dedicated team of professionals work hard to uphold our promise to operate with complete transparency, guarantee same-week delivery and maintain 98% minimum stock availability. Our comprehensive portfolio includes Decorative Aggregates, covering both Core and Premium lines, Rockery, Horticultural Grits and Sands, Pot Toppers and a Builders Range. New categories for 2023 include Paving and Accessories, with a focus on volume sellers and Water Features, which also backs best-sellers and includes exclusive new designs. Visit: www.altico. co.uk For Sales information, please contact: richard. pyrah@altico.co.uk Tel: 07968 275972
Pollington, UK Paul North 01405 869333 liza.goucher@ames-uk.com www.ames-uk.com AMES UK is leading the way in brand development within the garden retail sector. Brands in its stable include La Hacienda, Kelkay, Apta and Woodshaw, together presenting one of the most comprehensive product portfolios anywhere in the market today.
A-Z of exhibitors From aggregates to outdoor heating and water features, to pots and planters for the home and garden, decor and timber furniture, the combined offering is inspired by the latest trends and backed by unrivalled quality, leading manufacturing and logistics facilities and market leading customers service levels. Join the team as they unveil groundbreaking new product introductions, benchmark setting retail support tools and find out why AMES UK should be your partner of choice today, tomorrow and always.
Anglo Aquatic Plant Ltd
Middlesex, UK Caroline Everett caroline@angloaquatic.co.uk www.angloaquatic.co.uk
Apac Group
NB60, NB62
19A30-B31, 19B30-C31
Rothley, UK Roger Mackay 0116 2302555 sales@apacgroup.com www.apac.co.uk Great selection of garden products, planters, ceramics, silk flowers, candles, garden furniture, basket ware, zinc ware and much more.
Apsley Farms Sales Ltd
Andover, UK Louise Gillman-Wells 01264 554433 sales@apsleyfarms.com www.apsleyfarms.com Located near Andover, Apsley Farms is a family-run farming and green energy company. This year at GLEE, we’re proud to present our own Natural Plant Food, a genuinely sustainable liquid fertiliser which provides outstanding plant nutrition. Certified for organic use by the Soil Association, Natural Plant Food is made during the process of biomethane production. Sustainability is now the most important trend in gardening, and Apsley has drawn on 11 years of low-carbon farming expertise to create the environmentallyfriendly fertiliser that today’s consumers want.
A-Z of exhibitors Art Wow
Epping, UK Laura Bush 01992 676590 hello@artwow.co artwow.co ART WOW® is an online gifts and homeware wholesaler that supports and promotes independent artists by selling their beautiful designs on a variety of homeware, gifts and art.
AutoPot Global Ltd
Hampshire, UK Rae Jones 0127 6534894 dave@autopot.co.uk www.autopot.co.uk An environmentally sustainable automated watering systems which is plant controlled with no power needed and no water wasted.
AVA of Norway
Barking Bags
Milton Keynes, UK Debbie Greaves 01908 104977 info@barkingbags.co.uk www.barkingbags.com Barking Bags are the ultimate, multifunctional dog walking bag. Carry everything you need while out with your dog, without compromising on style.
Barrus Ltd
Ipswich, UK Kevin Ager 01473 760777 info@azpects.co.uk www.azpects.co.uk At Azpects Ltd, we specialise in developing and manufacturing products to create and maintain outdoor living areas. From hard landscaping to garden furniture care, Azpects have you covered. Our mission is simple to deliver products that make hard landscaping EASY! Our comprehensive range includes products to help complete patios, paths, and driveways and clean and protect those surfaces - including garden furniture, decking, and ornaments. We’ve developed unrivalled experience within our sector by listening to customers and answering their needs. Our team employs extensive skills developed within the chemicals industry to formulate solutions that solve our customers’ challenges quickly and effectively.
19A50, 19A51
Kleppesto, Norway Steinar Fosen +47 9220 0595 steinar@avaofnorway.com www.avaofnorway.com AVA of Norway strives to design pressure washers and accessories that are made to last, easy to use, and easy to maintain.
Azpects Ltd
B Green by Callapor
Hasselager, Denmark Christian Iversen 0757 9023486 christian@bgreen.dk bgreen.dk/bgreen-english B•GREEN by Callapor is a distributor of Europe’s largest range of genuine and naturally patinated pots. We always have a large and exciting assortment in stock.
Bicester, UK Ian Seager 01869 363636 Marketing.services@barrus.co.uk www.barrus.co.uk Barrus offers an extensive range of quality gardening products from the well-respected brands of Town & Country, WOLF-Garten, Wilkinson Sword, Energizer and Velcro. Town & Country is recognised as one of the UK’s leading gardening brands and offers one of the most comprehensive collections of gardening gloves, footwear and accessories. The WOLF-Garten gardening tool collection includes the internationally regarded multi-change system whilst the Wilkinson Sword gardening tools collection reflects over 100 years of cutting excellence. Barrus also supplies a range of alkaline, lithium and promotional Energizer batteries along with distributing VELCRO® Brand ONE-WRAP® Garden Ties, into the garden sector.
Benchmark Kennels Ltd
Barnsley, UK Megan Plowman 0122 6805995 sales@benchmarkkennels.co.uk www.benchmarkkennels.co.uk High quality kennels at affordable prices. Our kennels are made to order, with professional fitting to give you peace of mind that your kennel will withstand the elements.
A-Z of exhibitors Bermuda
Wigan, UK Phil Jolly 01942 216554 phil@bermudawatergardens.com www.bermudawatergardens.com The Bermuda brand is one of the UK’s most recognisable water gardening brands - all types of pond pumps, pre-formed ponds, liners, water features, solar pumps and treatments.
Bio Green Products Ltd
Preston, UK Alfred Brusius 01772 368023 info@biogreen.co.uk www.biogreen.co.uk Bio Green is the reputable and reliable provider of innovative, high quality garden products to customers all over the world – in both local retail and online.
Salaspils, Latvia Silva Dolmane +37 1283 31011 silva.dolmane@bioefekts.lv bioefekts.lv BIOEFEKTS Ltd. is a Latvian company with 29 years of experience in microbiological product development and production for professional, retail and hobby market.
biohort GmbH
Neufelden, Austria Trent Kieser +43 7282 77880 uk@biohort.at www.biohort.at Quality at its best. High quality design combined with optimum funtionality.
Dorchester, UK Nick Finding 01305 267886 hello@bloominamazing.com www.bloominamazing.com This dig free soil enricher is produced at our renewable energy plant near Poundbury in the beautiful Dorset countryside, run by local farmers and the Duchy of Cornwall. So you can be sure that, just as Bloomin Amazing’s unique triple action gives your garden the best care and attention possible, you are also protecting the wider eco-system in which every garden thrives and belongs. Our commitment to sustainability also means that every bag of Bloomin Amazing soil enricher is guaranteed 100% peat-free, as well as being organic and vegan friendly. You will be amazed at how plants which have never bloomed before will grow taller and more vigorously - Bloomin Amazing!
Bobnod Stall
Bukhara city, Uzbekistan Bobir Avezov bobnodstall10@gmail.com
Romano d’Ezzelino VI, Italy Lolly Lee +44 78726 06299 sales@theorangery.org www.bizzotto.com/en Purveyors of outdoor and indoor furniture since 1946, Bizzotto creates 1000’s of design led pieces with a commitment to high quality, sustainability and beauty.
Black Yak Ltd
Bloomin Amazing
Bradford, UK Janet Harrison 01377 217777 info@blackyak.co.uk www.blackyak.co.uk Black Yak specialises in Fairtrade, sustainable hand made wristwarmers, hats, headbands, gloves, jumpers and jackets made from first cut wool in glorious colours and designs.
Tilburg, The Netherlands Jeroen Nouse +31 1333 33006 info@bonfeu.nl www.bonfeu.com The BonFeu brand stands for a recognisable and high quality design combined with a focus on outdoor cooking.
Bronte Heritage Collection
Colne, UK Alistair Jowett 01282 501293 sales@bronteheritage.com www.bronteheritage.com Bronte Heritage Collection is an impressive collection of gardening products that lead the way in horticultural innovation.
Bulldog Tools Ltd
Harlow, UK Sarah Cottle 01279 401570 sarah.cottle@rollins.co.uk www.bulldogtools.co.uk www.pedigreegarden.co.uk Strength, British heritage and reliability reflect the traditions upon which Bulldog has been built for over 242 years. All our ranges are backed by a “Lifetime Guarantee “.
A-Z of exhibitors Burgon & Ball
Burstenhaus Redecker GmbH
Versmold, Germany H. Thornton harry@redecker.uk www.redecker.de
Cadac Leisure Ltd Sheffield, UK Nina Best 0120 2684141 sales@burgonandball.com www.burgonandball.com Founded in Sheffield in 1730, Burgon & Ball is the UK’s oldest manufacturer of premium garden tools, gifts and accessories. Today the company enjoys an enviable reputation for quality and innovation, offering a consistent ‘best’ positioning. High-profile partnerships further enhance the brand’s appeal. Burgon & Ball’s productive partnerships with the RHS and Sophie Conran go from strength to strength, with regular launches designed to make garden and home trends work harder for retailers. The most recent collaboration, with the National Trust, has created a licensed range of highcarbon steel garden tools with a heritage look; a durable, colourful children’s range; and new giftware options.
Come and visit the team to discuss your opportunities for 2023 FIND US IN HALL 8, STAND 19C23
Clitheroe, UK Iain Harris 0333 2000363 sales@cadacuk.com www.cadacuk.com CADAC, the South African BBQ Company, design and engineer a range of premium barbecues that are easy to build, use, clean and stow, with a range of modular, interchangeable cooking surfaces to offer unlimited cooking freedom. In 2022 Cadac became a part of the Dometic group; a global leader in the mobile living industry with a long history of offering customers a complete outdoor solution where high quality remains key. Cadac barbecues offer a unique style with a premium finish all supported by an extensive POS programme and UK based warranty support.
A-Z of exhibitors Campingaz
Bristol, UK Andrew Marshall 07827 838578 Christopher.stuckey@newellco.com Campingaz.com/uk Since 1949 we have enhanced outdoor cooking experiences Europe-wide and continue to innovate and inspire through our garden, balcony and portable barbecue range.
Candlelight Products Ltd
furrish.com Christies Global is the largest pet grooming distributor in Europe. Our pet retail brand Furrish is the complete at-home grooming range. We also offer private label.
CJ Wildlife
Rotherham, UK Sean Metham 01709 723000 contact@candlelight.co.uk www.candlelight.co.uk Candlelight is a market leading designer, importer and wholesale supplier of design-led giftware and home accessories to fit every room and every lifestyle.
Capi Europe
Carbon Gold
Tilburg, The Netherlands Kate Ebbens +31 1351 15050 Marketing@capi-europe.com www.capi-europe.com Most of our designer planters are sustainably produced in our own factory in Tilburg, the Netherlands. The Made in Holland flowerpots are completely CO2 neutral produced.
Bristol, UK Mike Hartshorn 01172 440032 info@carbongold.com carbongold.com Carbon Gold’s range of enriched biochar-based composts, fertilisers and soil improvers is 100% peat free and both Soil Association Approved and FSC® certified.
Shropshire, UK Lisa Veale 01743 708031 emma.johnson@birdfood.co.uk birdfood.co.uk UK manufacturer of wild bird food and wildlife products
Clever Pots
Worksop, UK Shaun Dubberley 0778 0708426 alishia.shacklock@wilko.com kinbrands.com Clever pots is an award-winning brand with thoughtful product design features to transform any outdoor space. From propagating seeds to nurturing and caring for established plants, clever pots supports the whole growing season with products which are unique, sustainable, and great value.
cleverly designed pots to make growing easier
Come and see our new decorative pots and sow & grow kits - we’re in Hall 6 Stand A60
Cheeky Charlie Oven Company 19F61, OS13
London, UK Tara Quick tara@charlieoven.com charlieoven.com
Toronto, Canada Alex Roberts alex@chiveuk.com www.chive.com Chive has been designing pots, vases & floral accessories since 2004. In 2012, the Toronto based organisation opened in the UK and has been growing rapidly ever since.
Christies Direct
Ballymoney, UK Amy Donaghey 028 2766 6879 globalsales@christiesdirect.com
7C37 contact@kinbrands.com @kinbrands
clever pots
A-Z of exhibitors Coconut Products Impex
Tamil Nadu , India Sajeer +91 99616 08474 sales@coconutimpex.com coconutimpex.com Coconut Product Impex is a leading manufacturer and exporter of coir products used for the horticultural, gardening, landscaping, erosion control and industrial sectors.
Concept Research Ltd
Stevenage, UK Chris Blackburn 01438 727183 main@conceptresearch.co.uk www.conceptresearch.co.uk Support British business and come and see our range of quality UK manufactured animal deterrents, including the only cat deterrent tested and approved by The RSPB.
Corona Tools
Sheffield, UK Nina Best 0120 2684141 sales@burgonandball.com www.burgonandball.com Founded in California in 1928, Corona is America’s leading tool innovator, manufacturing premium tools of long-lasting durability and performance. A by-word for quality in North America, generations of professionals and keen gardeners alike have relied on Corona cutting tools, hand tools and long-handled tools. Corona’s ‘best’-quality ranges include the MAX Forged range of drop-forged tools manufactured in the hardest, most durable steel to stay sharper for longer, and the feature-rich ComfortGEL® range of high quality everyday garden tools, designed to make gardening more enjoyable for the domestic gardener. Corona tools are available in the UK through Burgon & Ball.
Cotswold Timber Products
Tewkesbury, UK Jon Horsfield 01684 368213 info@cotswoldtimberproducts.co.uk www.cotswoldtimberproducts.co.uk Cotswold Timber Products has decades of experience in producing quality timber products sourced from sustainable Scandanavian redwood.
CPL Distribution
Craigmarloch Nurseries Ltd
Sheffield, UK Josie Claxton 0345 450 0778 trade@cpldistribution.co.uk www.homefire.co.uk Homefire is the UK’s leading smokeless fuel and kiln dried firewood manufacturer and supplier, putting sustainable warmth and comfort at the heart of your home. Glasgow, UK Douglas Moore 01236 821355 dougie.moore@craigmarloch.co.uk www.craigmarloch.co.uk We are growers of high-quality basket plants, heathers, shrubs, fruit and more at the foot of the Campsie Hill. We produce healthy and hardy products.
Creative Products Ltd
Grantham, UK Mark Hall 01476 564230 traceybeale@creativeproducts.ltd.uk www.creativeproducts.ltd.uk Creative TV is the UK’s leading supplier of InStore TV promotions. We offer great products with even greater merchandising solutions. We are here to help you boost sales.
Crescent Garden
Horsham, UK Mike Randall sales@creekwood.co.uk www.creekwood.co.uk Miami, USA Dito Loret de Mola +1 305 477 0024 customerservice@crescentgarden.com crescentgarden.com Crescent Garden is one of the premier container gardening providers and a pioneer in self-watering solutions.
Crikey Mikey
Nottinghamshire, UK Mike Irwin 0330 6781234 trade@crikeymikey.co.uk www.crikeymikey.co.uk UK manufacturers and distributors of top quality chemical products for gardens, the home, garage and outdoor spaces.
A-Z of exhibitors CSY Retail Systems Limited
Nottingham, UK Deanna Snowden 0115 9484848 deanna.snowden@csy.co.uk www.csy.co.uk With a 34-year pedigree, CSY work with over 140 garden centres. Offering a wealth of management reports, loyalty/gift cards to seven day support and a dedicated Account Manager.
Northampton, UK Charlotte Estall +44 16044 33100 peter.vickers@dachser.com dachser.co.uk DACHSER is a global market leader in logistics - thanks to a corporate culture focused on sustainable growth and constant innovation.
Dalefoot Composts
Brighouse, UK Craig Hall 01422 204 394 sales@deco-pak.co.uk www.deco-pak.co.uk Showcasing a range of water features, decorative aggregates and eco gravels.
Deluxe Homeart
Nr Penrith, UK Pauline Lewington 01931 713281 sales@dalefootcomposts.co.uk www.dalefootcomposts.co.uk Award winning Dalefoot Composts offers a premium range of peat-free growing media perfect for sustainable and organic growing.
Davidson Richards
De Ree UK Ltd
Bolton, UK Steve Walton 0772 5414417 sales@deree-uk.com www.deree-holland.com Suppliers of a full range of flower and vegetable seeds, pre-packed flower bulbs and perennials along with roses, shrubs and fruit for garden centre and high street retailer.
Kolding, Denmark Ed Smith 0781 7206590 zenagenciesuk@gmail.com www.deluxehomeart.com DeluxeHomeart distributes LED Candles to retailers in most of Europe, United Kingdom and Switzerland. At DeluxeHomeart you do not have to buy huge quantities to get good prices.
cleverly designed pots to make growing easier
Derby, UK Jo Bateman 01332 383231 retail@davrich.co.uk davrich.co.uk As EPoS specialists for garden centres and nurseries, we can help you manage your entire retail operation from a single cloud-based solution. Whether you have a single store, multiple sites, or destination centres, you can deliver a connected customer experience. Using the latest technology, our OpSuite solution ensures you can manage your operations and bottom line. Providing powerful point-of-sale, customer loyalty, reporting, apps, and seamless integration with your webshop; subscriptions flex in line with your usage. Established in 1977, our team includes ex-garden centre retailers to ensure our advice and approach is real-life. We’d love to see you at Glee!
Growing in pots is as easy as 1 2 3 Step 1 - Pot
Choose your clever pot available in a range of colours
Step 2 - Hydration
Add clever pots hydration to keep plants watered for longer
Step 3 - Location
Make the most of your growing space with clever pots accessories
Come and see what makes clever pots clever We’re in Hall 6 Stand A60 contact@kinbrands.com @kinbrands
clever pots
A-Z of exhibitors Derco Horticulture Inc
Quebec, Canada Yvon Ferland yvon@derco.ca www.derco.ca
Devgan Overseas
Ditsy Pet Ltd
Delhi, India Rahul Devgan devganoverseas@gmail.com
Nottingham, UK Aaron Stuart 0772 5869658 aaron@ditsypet.co.uk www.ditsypet.co.uk Ditsy Pet is a stunning brand of pet collars and accessories, using unique fabrics and trims to create an individual product for your canine and feline friends.
Dizmezs Ltd
Krustpils novads, Latvia Gunars Mitris +37 1265 51195 info@dizmezs.lv www.winterfuels.co.uk Manufacturer of premium winter fuels based in Latvia with 25 years of experience in producing sustainably sourced timber products. Products have ready to burn accreditation.
DJ Turfcare Equipment Ltd
Godalming, UK David Jenkins 01483 200976 david@djturfcare.co.uk www.djturfcare.co.uk DJ Turfcare offers UK consumers access to one of the most respected organic-based lawn care product portfolios available on the market today.
DLF Seeds Ltd (Johnsons Lawn Seed) 20H34-J35
laboratories. The Johnsons Lawn Seed product portfolio represents the most advanced lawn seed innovations on the market today. From Luxury Lawn to After Moss, Shady Place to Tuffgrass with Dog Patch Resistance, Johnsons Lawn Seed has a solution for all lawns.
Doff Portland Limited
Dream’z Gardend (T.R.B Group)
Durston Garden Products Ltd
Street, UK Dan Durston 01458 442688 info@durstongardenproducts.co.uk www.durstongardenproducts.co.uk Durstons is both a manufacturer of growing media and supplier of complementary gardening products. Its reputation for quality and service is recognised throughout the UK.
Odense SV, Denmark Martin Kragh +45 63170 083 info@dymak.dk www.dymak.dk Dymak is a supply chain partner with more than 25 years of experience. We are experts at creating unique and customisable products for and with our customers. Leeds, UK Hannah Wakefield +44 79288 18699 hannah@dyes.co.uk www.dyofix.co.uk/ www.dyes.co.uk Dyofix is a non-toxic algae and weed growth inhibitor for ornamental ponds, lakes and fisheries.
Easigrass Distribution Ltd
Inkberrow, UK Guy Jenkins 01386 791113 info@johnsonslawnseed.com www.johnsonslawnseed.com Part of the DLF Seeds family, Johnsons Lawn Seed was established in 1820, making it the oldest lawn seed brand in the UK with a long and prestigious record of product innovation and grass breeding. Johnsons Lawn Seed mixtures are carefully designed and tested to ensure the best performance using the latest grasses from its dedicated research and development
Hucknall, UK Christine Clarke 01159 834300 sales@doff.co.uk www.doff.co.uk Doff Portland Limited, founded in 1946, is the UK’s largest independent manufacturer of insecticides, weedkillers and garden care products.
Southall, UK Matthew Spedding matthew@easigrass.com easigrass.com Easigrass are the UK’s leading supplier and installer of Artificial Grass. Chelsea Flower Show Gold Medal Winners.
A-Z of exhibitors Easihold
Beverley, UK Tim Watson 01482 778897 sales@easi-hold.com www.vubaresinproducts.com Easihold is a revolutionary stabiliser for loose stones and small rocks in the home, garden and landscape, bonding and providing a protective coating to stones and rocks.
Easitill Ltd
Brixworth, UK Keith Plekker 01604 881881 sales@easitill.co.uk www.easitill.co.uk Easitill is an EPoS and retail solutions provider, working with over 180 garden centres and nurseries. The one stop shop for your retail system needs.
Eastern Connections
Malvern, UK Ice Xu 0748 3450970 ice@eastern-connections.com www.eastern-connections.com Eastern Connections design and wholesale steel wall art, garden screens and stakes and bird feeders and hangers. Also natural stone water features and bird baths etc.
Bern, Switzerland Max Carter monyejiaka@ebay.com www.ebay.co.uk www.ebay.co.uk
Edelman BV
Reeuwijk, The Netherlands Andre Theuns +31 611209 pierre.vd.kroon@edelman.eu www.edelman.eu To make the world more beautiful, warmer and cosier, in an around the house in all seasons.
Eden Horticulture
Telford, UK Luke Storey 01952 455725 info@eden-horticulture.com www.edenhorticulture.co.uk Eden Horticulture has been supplying specialist hydroponic equipment to the trade since 2012. As a leading wholesaler, our priority is excellent customer service.
HALL 8-20 6H40-J41 www.ekju.com
We are timber garden furniture experts with 30 years experience supplying garden retailers. Join us at our stand to celebrate our birthday year, whilst we show you our 2023 furniture and grow your own range.
A-Z of exhibitors EKJU Ltd
Amatas, Latvia Laura Galzone +37 1266 68066 laura.galzone@ekju.lv www.ekju.com EKJU is a Latvian company founded in 1992, dedicated to manufacturing practical and long-lasting outdoor wooden furniture of the highest quality. We believe that wood of great quality creates a profound connection with nature. With Northern European wood, we keep our ancient Latvian woodworking traditions alive. Since the very beginning, we have had high standards for our materials, only using wood with high density and quality. Every EKJU product is carefully produced with love for nature, detail and craftsmanship. From picnic tables to raised beds, we have quality products and designs that are perfect for UK consumers to utilise in their gardens.
Elho International B.V.
Tilburg, The Netherlands Celine Jansen +31 1351 57800 sales.uk@elho.nl www.elho.com We are a Dutch family business who produce sustainable design flowerpots. Everything to make sure that people surround themselves with as much greenery as possible.
Ellipse Fabrications Ltd
Elsatex Quality Home Textiles
Barnard Castle, UK Elaine Riding info@ellipsefabrications.co.uk ellipsefabrications.co.uk
Rochester, UK Shelley Saunders 01634 297134 shelley@elsatex.com www.elsatex.com We are an award winning business in Kent, who specialise in quality home textiles from tea towles to bedding and throws.
Happy to meet you!
Your mo sustainable par tner in the category
Hall 8 – 20 19B24 46
A-Z of exhibitors Emily Victoria Candles
Warrington, UK Sue Jeeves 0192 5818792 emilyvictoriacandles@yahoo.co.uk www.emilyvictoriacandles.co.uk Emily Victoria Candles was established in 2015, just after Emily finished university and turned 21. Her love for all things scented inspired her to open her very own business.
Empathy by Plantworks
Sittingbourne, UK Simon Taylor 01795 411527 info@rootgrow.co.uk www.rootgrow.co.uk If you are keen to be retailing products that offer a true alternative to traditional chemical based plant nutrition then look no further than the Empathy range by PlantWorks Ltd. As producers of rootgrow™ mycorrhizal fungi, beneficial bacteria and biologically active feeds, we are perfectly placed to meet the needs of forward thinking retailers that care about the demands of eco-friendly gardeners.
English Tea Shop
London, UK Nicholas Alexander 0203 9252411 ranjeeva@etsteas.co.uk www.etsteas.co.uk English Tea Shop organic is an independent speciality tea company with a global presence in over 45 countries. Celebrating the world we live in, English Tea Shop puts sustainability at the core of all activities and only uses 100% organic ingredients, predominantly sourced from small scale organic farmers in Sri Lanka. Its purposeful tea revolution celebrates its community from farm to cup by empowering its farmers and employees while offering consumers tantalising blends crafted with love and care.
A-Z of exhibitors Enigma Home and Garden Ltd
St Just, UK John Strowger 01736 786008 sales@enigmahomeandgarden.com www.enigmahomeandgarden.com We specialise in manufacturing the finest statues and ornaments which we supply to garden centres and associated retailers.
Espira (UK) Ltd
Corby, UK Jonathan North 01536 268630 jonathan@espirauk.com www.greatoutdoorgoods.co.uk Importer and distributor of copper and brass 3D weathervanes and 2D black silhouettes weathervanes.
Evercreatures / Rouchette / Julie Dodsworth
Alford, UK Tony Bailey 01507 499195 tony@evercreatures.co.uk www.evercreatures.co.uk Distributors of fashionable rubber wellies, gardening gloves, kneelers and tools. UK Based. Stocking Evercreatures, Rouchette & Julie Dodsworth for 2023.
Evergreen Garden Care (UK) Ltd 20C40-D41
Frimley, UK Geraint Thomas 01276 401300 info@lovethegarden.com www.lovethegarden.com Evergreen Garden Care is the leading garden care company outside North America, producing high quality, garden care products. All of their merchandise is designed to help people create their own green oasis amid the rush of modern life. Within the Evergreen Garden Care group, there is: MiracleGro®, Levington®, Clear ™, Round Up ®, Home Defence®, Patio Magic® and Weedol®. Evergreen Garden Care believe in the beauty of a green space - whether it’s a garden, a balcony or potted plants indoors, and want to inspire anyone, anywhere to be able easily to create and maintain their own.
Evergreen Horticulture
Dungannon, UK Justina McCuskey 028 8774 0950 sales@evergreeenhorticulture.co.uk www.evergreenhorticulture.co.uk Evergreen Horticulture is delighted to be exhibiting at this year’s Glee, Stand No. 19A03. We’ve taken our time, done our research, worked with industry experts and conducted extensive trials to deliver the very best Peat Free Formulas with quality and sustainability at the fore. The range includes an All Purpose, All Purpose JI, Potting, Ericaceous and Fruit & Veg Compost as well as a brand new Deep Fill Tomato Planter with plans to further extend the range. Take the opportunity to view our new range of Peat Free products and to discuss your growing media requirements for the 2023 season
headed to
Fallen Fruits Ltd
19A03 48
Ludlow, UK Michael Hall 01584 873377 lucy@fallenfruits.co.uk www.fallenfruits.co.uk With over 2500 products and new, exciting items for 2022, we look forward to seeing you at GLEE in person this year!
FANDANGO fire tools
ARE COMING TO GLEE FOR THEE FIRST TIM ME IN 2022. • European Distributor for tw wo outstanding ranges that go handd in hand. • The star of the show is the patented firewood splitter, the Kindling Cracker. Invented by New w Zealander Ayla Hutchinson almo ost ten years ago. • Hundred of thousands sold around the world. • Highh quallity castt iron. • Came to UK in November 2021. Thousands sold already. Growing list of UK Dealerrs. • This Summer Fandango Firre Tools have brought the Espegard range to the UK K. This Norwegian brand produce high quality fire pans, whicch offer an authentic Norwegian way to live outdoors. • High quality products. • Small, but passionate team m. • Warehouse in North Wesst of England.
Stand 19A07
A-Z of exhibitors Fandango Fire Tools
Tallinn, Estonia Paul Jenkinson 0770 2409748 info@fandangofiretools.co.uk fandangofiretools.co.uk Fandango Fire Tools is the European distributor for the Kindling Cracker firewood splitters. We supply everyone, from small individual stores to large chains all over Europe. Our main warehouse is located in Gothenburg Sweden and in 2021 we opened another warehouse in Manchester in the United Kingdom. We are a small but passionate team based in Sweden, Norway, Great Britain and Estonia. Our relationship with Ayla who invented the Kindling Cracker, and her family in New Zealand, goes back a long way. Kjell Gabrielsen, our Norwegian sales manager, is a close friend of the family. After living in New Zealand and building these connections, it was Kjell who brought the Kindling Cracker to Europe back in 2015. Fandango Fire Tools was founded by brothers Christian & Niklas Harrysson in 2017. Together with our team: Kjell, Tanja and Paul, we are now working to provide the whole of Europe with what we think is the world’s best invention, the Kindling Cracker!
Fargro Limited
Arundel, UK Melanie Wood 01903 726100 ask@fargro.co.uk www.fargro.co.uk We are specialist importers and wholesalersof decorative pots, planters, baskets and gifts for retailers, garden centres and online shops.
Urmstom, UK Kim O’Brien 07815 563493 kimob13@aol.com www.fencebuddy.co.uk Re-imagined garden accessories, for every level of gardener that are recyclable and no tools required. Long lasting, weatherproof, multi purpose and colourful garden products.
FIEO (Federation of Indian Export Organisations) 7B75
New Delhi, India Ashish Jain ashishjain@fieo.org
Rumney, UK Paul Davies 02920 433700 jayr@bcbin.com www.firedragonfuel.com FireDragon - green and clean, eco-friendly Fire Lighters. For the fire and flame lovers, BBQ enthusiasts and outdoor adventurers.
Firma Handlowa/Produkcyjna Antoni Wnuk 6E82
Nad Sanem, Poland Antoni Wnuk +48 1587 61175 kontakt@wiklina-wnuk.com.pl www.wiklina-wnuk.com.pl The offer from F. H. i P. Antoni Wnuk includes classic models but also modern styles of wicker baskets. All of them are hand made using the best quality raw materials.
Firmans Direct Ltd
Eastbourne, UK Jilly Firman 01323 430043 enquiries@firmansdirect.com firmansdirect.com Based on the South East corner of the UK, Firmans Direct Ltd offers a broad range of outdoor furniture, embracing both contemporary styles alongside the classic.
First Franchise
Flat Pack Sheds
Flower Tower
Farnham, UK Kerry Ellis 01252 819711 enquiries@firstfranchise.com firstfranchise.com First Franchise are the leading property services consultancy in the horticultural sector. Birmingham, UK Jay Singh jay@totalsheds.co.uk totalsheds.co.uk Essex, UK Mike Hurley 07795 334084 mike@flower-tower.co.uk www.10minutegardener.co.uk
www.fordingbridge.co.uk info@fordingbridge.co.uk 01243 55 44 55
With our 55 years experience in designing & building canopies, we are fully confident in exceeeding your expectations and requirements to o deliver a building solution you willl be proud of.
Contact us today for your FREE consultation Fordingbridge are renowned within the garden centre sector as the market leaders, providing innovative designs, stunning buildings / canopies across the whole of the UK for over 55 years. The versatility of our canopy range gives the option for either steel, glulam timber or a hybrid frame, the canopy roofs can be clad with our exclusive Opal 60 fabric, or 16mm polycarbonate.
A-Z of exhibitors Fordingbridge
Arundel, UK Charlotte Bennett 01243 554455 Info@fordingbridge.co.uk www.fordingbridge.co.uk Fordingbridge are incredibly proud of their canopy installations within the garden centre industry. They are dedicated to helping their clients trade whatever the weather! Their design and build experience can help open new opportunities for your garden centre throughout the year. The belief in delivering quality is proven with their industry-leading 25-year guarantee, as well as making their structures environmentally sustainable. If you are looking to refurbish your existing site, expand your customer offering or weatherproof your business, contact Fordingbridge!
Formbar Limited
Forum Lighting Solutions
Freckleface Home Fragrance Ltd
Bourne, UK Simon Carlile-Swift 01778 393699 hello@frecklefacehomefragrance.com frecklefacehomefragrance.com Luxury handmade home fragrance and bath and body products for you and your home.
G Plants Ltd
20A72, 20C64
West Hagbourne, UK Hannah Lewis 01235 850368 info@formbar.co.uk www.formbar.co.uk Formbar stock traditional and modern, innovative trolleys and baskets so garden centres can give a true impression of their brand values from the first moment a customer arrives. We have a range of trolleys that are suitable in garden centres and our customers love. We have traditional wire garden centre trolleys that your customers will be familiar with as well as some unique new products. We stock all plastic polycart trolleys and Marsanz Hybrid Trolleys specifically designed for garden centres. Come and see what we have available. Most products can be branded. Chadderton, UK Derek Taylor 0161 628 6622 derek.taylor@cascadehl.com www.forumlightingsolutions.com Suppliers of outdoor radiant heaters and lighting
Five Oak Green, UK Michael Weedon 01892 838888 info@fountasia.com www.fountasia.com Fountasia is a small family business based in Kent. We supply the garden, gift and toy industries with innovative design-led gifts and decor for the home and garden.
Blackburn, UK Adele Hewitt 01254 790350 sales@gplants.com www.gplants.com G Plants Ltd is a UK based business producing easy gardening solutions, year round growing gifts and pollinator friendly collections. This year at Glee, G Plants will be exhibiting over two stands to show their wide range of product to suit different areas of the garden market. BEES® Seed & Bee Friends® branded premium growing gifts are perfect for garden centre market and gift shop customers (stand 20A72). Speedy Seed® product lines are perfect for volume sales with easy delivery options. Own branding solutions and multilanguage packaging is perfect for unique sales and exporting to European markets. (20C64).
Garantia UK - Graf UK Ltd
Banbury, UK Matthew Rolph 01295 675490 info@garantiauk.co.uk www.garantiauk.co.uk Make the most of any garden with our decorative water butts, compost bins, raised beds, growing aids and much more.
Garden Centre Retail
Planting for Pollinators eco-friendly products from G Plants
Easy Gardening Solutions with pollen-rich flower varieties to help entice and protect pollinators and other garden wildlife. All packaging is recyclable or re-usable.
Visit us at GLEE Hall 20 Stand A72
www.gplants.com Designed and packed in the UK contact: sales@gplants.com
A-Z of exhibitors Garden Connect
Luton, UK Edwin Meijer 0207 008250 marny@gardenconnect.com www.gardenconnect.com For over 20 years, Garden Connect has been creating innovative and effective online solutions to connect ambitious garden centres with their customers. Let’s grow!
Garden Furniture Global
Aylesbury, UK David Worricker dave@gardenfurnitureglobal.com www.gardenfurnitureglobal.com
Garden Needs
Delhi, India Gautam Malhotra bhawnamalhotra@gardensneed.com
Garden Pride Marketing
West Sussex, UK Stephen Vincent 01903 761222 sales@gardenpridemaketing.co.uk www.gardenpridemarketing.co.uk Garden Pride Marketing are a family run business, proudly manufacturing in the UK.
Garden Trade News
Peterborough, UK Alan Burdon 01733 775700 alan@pottingshedpress.co.uk www.gardentradenews.co.uk GTN is proud to be the Official Media Partner of Glee producing this Glee Show Guide, the Glee Planner and Glee Daily News. Read the GTN Xtra e-mail newsletter every week at www.gardentradenews.co.uk and sign up for the printed GTN monthly magazine. GTN Bestsellers collates and analyses garden centre sales data every week to produce the most up to date garden retailing tarding information. Contact trevor@ pottingshedpress.co.uk to buy a subscription.
Gardeners Beehive Ltd
Stansted, UK Kevin Hancock 01279 814301 thebigflyin@gmail.com gardenersbeehive.com ECO-BEEHIVE. The honey bee nest-box beehive people.
Gardening Naturally Ltd
Kent, UK Amanda Sizer Barrett 01959 565995 amanda@gardenex.com www.gardenex.com Gardenex is the UK trade association for exporters. It provides a wide range of UK and international business events and information and invaluable exporting advice to UK exporters.
Chalford, UK Jenny Hughes 01285 760505 sales@gardening-naturally.com www.gardening-naturally.com Gardening solutions and alternatives to help your customers grow fruit and vegetables without the use of pesticides. Own branding available on most of the range. Shropshire, UK Vicky Braddock 01978 711 017 info@gardenstone.co.uk www.gardenstone.co.uk Gardenstone is a leading supplier of garden landscaping products. Stockists are offered a direct to site service. We are taking orders for delivery before Spring 2023.
Gardiner Bros. & Co. (Leathers) Ltd 20H02-19A41
Hardwicke, UK Matt Martin Matt.Martin@gardinerbros.co.uk www.gardinerbros.co.uk The Original Muck Boot Company® provides 100% waterproof boots and footwear that withstand the muckiest situations in every season.
Garland Products Ltd
Kingswinford, UK Mark Dedman 01384 278256 mark@garlandproducts.com www.garlandproducts.com Garland Products is launching over 50 new products at Glee 2022. The items comprise new garden furniture covers, additions to its garden basics range, plant support trellis and a budget friendly propagator. We look forward to welcoming you on to our stand.
GLEE 2022 Stand J34 Hall 20
GLEE 2022 Stand J34 Hall 20
The World’s Finest Gardening Gloves
Superior Deerskin Gardening Gloves by GOLD LEAF Endorsed by
® The Royal Horticultural Society. The Royal Horticultural Society, and its logo, are trademarks of The Royal Horticultural Society (Registered Charity No 222879/SC038262) and used under licence from RHS Enterprises Limited.
Telephone: +44 (0)23 8040 2025 Website: www.goldleaf-gloves.com DISCOVER • REVIEW • SHARE
A-Z of exhibitors Giftware Trading
Bristol, UK Benjamin Jeffery 01179 720506 info@giftwaretradingco.co.uk www.giftwaretrading.co.uk Giftware Trading are super excited to be showing at Glee for the first time. We will be showing all our new Spring and Easter ranges.
Kent, UK Vicky Nuttall 01959 564947 vicky.nuttall@gima.org.uk, geraldine@gima.org.uk www.gima.org.uk The Garden Industry Manufacturer’s Association (GIMA) is a dynamic and proactive membership organisation representing the majority share of suppliers and manufacturers operating within the UK gardening industry.
Glee Sales Lounge
Global Journey Ltd
0203 545 9786 marketing@gleebirmingham.com www.gleebirmingham.com Come and visit us at Glee 2022 in the sales lounge.
Manchester, UK Ian Samuels 07703 557781 isamuels@global-journey.com globaljourney.co.uk Quirky and wonderful gift products that sell and sell and provide a great return for our customers.
Gold Leaf
Golden Grove Nursery Ltd
NB44, NB46
Boston, UK Roger Ward roger@goldengrovenursery.co.uk www.goldengrovenursery.co.uk Golden Grove Nursery grows over 1 million conifers from approximately 200 varieties with a wide range of shape, colour, texture and habit, including for small urban gardens and patio planting.
Chelston, UK Mark Goodwin 01823 618635 info@goodchaps.co.uk www.goodchaps.co.uk Goodchap’s is family run,eco-friendly, plastic free brand specialising in healthy, high-quality treats, toys and gifts, based in Somerset.
Gorse Lodge/ Asiastyle
County Cork, Ireland James Dunne +35 38792 61023 james@gorselodge.ie www.gorselodge.ie Gorse Lodge Ltd is a manufacturer and supplier of high end concrete garden statues and ornaments, selling full containers FOB.
Gralyn Joinery Ltd
Green Coir Hub
Leeds, UK Jayne Wilson 0113 2537307 jayne@gralynjoinery.com Gralyn-joinery.co.uk Specialising in indoor garden centre display equipment, welcome desks and servery counters, we manufacture and design to the client needs and abilities. Kerala, India Sunitha Sreemayan greencoirhub@gmail.com
Southampton, UK Peter Cooney 02380 402025 info@goldleaf-gloves.com www.goldleaf-gloves.com Launched in 2004, by Jayco, a family owned and managed company, the RHS endorsed range of Gold Leaf Gardening Gloves has now become recognised as the world’s premier brand of gardening gloves, elevating hand wear in the garden to never previously seen levels of quality, comfort and style. This has been achieved through the use of some unique and innovative designs in association with exceptionally high quality deerskin leather, which is both comfortable and durable. The result - gardening gloves which are both hard wearing and a joy to wear, resulting in unparalleled levels of repeat purchase.
Green Decore
Pinner, UK Manish Khandelwal 0203 2398895 sales@greendecore.com www.greendecore.co.uk Supplier of outdoor rugs.
Green Digit Ltd
Gateshead, UK Dan Robson dan@green-digit.com Everyone, everywhere, should have the opportunity to grow and eat their own fresh herbs and vegetables, no matter what level of experience, or how much space is available.
Glee Floral Thursday
Remember to pack your best Floral gear so that you can celebrate Floral Thursday for Greenfingers at Glee! Text GLEE to 70450 to donate £10.
Texts will cost the donation amount plus one standard network rate message, and you’ll be opting into hearing more from us. If you would like to donate but don’t wish to hear more from us, please text GLEENOINFO instead. Registered Charity Number: 1076640
A-Z of exhibitors Green Feathers
Bristol, UK Joe Murphy 01173 258128 marketing@green-feathers.co.uk www.green-feathers.co.uk Green Feathers are the UK’s number 1 supplier of bird box cameras while also supplying European wholesalers, garden centres and online retailers.
Green Inspiration Plants Ltd.
JE Hazerswoude-Dorp, The Netherlands Micquel Groen 01865 521641 info@greeninspirationplants.co.uk www.greeninspirationplants.co.uk A family plant wholesale business that has been supplying quality house and garden plants as well as high-quality services to UK’s independent plant retailers since 2004.
Green Olive Firewood Co
Sussex, UK Andrew Fisher 07867 974498 dan@greenolivefirewood.co.uk www.greenolivefirewood.co.uk Green Olive Firewood Co. is an approved and assured manufacturer of superior home heating firewood and flavour-filled cooking woods and charcoals.
Green Tones
Greenfingers Charity
Greenkey Garden & Home Ltd Lydney, UK Alex Mangan 01594 560200 sales@greenkey-garden.co.uk www.greenkey-garden.co.uk We are a leading supplier to the garden industry throughout the UK and Europe for lawn care, sprayers, watering, wildlife and decor.
Stand 6C66 Visit one of the fastest ds. growing gardening brand
Beaconsfield Old Town, UK Linda Petrons 01494 674749 info@greenfingerscharity.org.uk www.greenfingerscharity.org.uk Greenfingers Charity has created over 60 inspiring gardens in children’s hospices around the country and has a waiting list of hospices that need their help now.
ut o b a s u o i Serardening? g 58
Horam, UK Jason Frost 01323 573265 sales@greentones.co.uk www.greentones.co.uk Green Tones supply eco-friendly homeware, typically in bright and bold colours. The range, moulded in recycled plant fibres, includes eco-friendly pots and picnic ware.
Quality tools Unrivalled marketing support In-store set-up and merchandising WWW .GR EE NMA NGA RDE NTO OLS.C OM
Come and see what’s new for 2023 on tthe he new new Handy stand at GLEE this summer. Featuring brands from leading garden manufacturers including Greenworks, Webb, Q Garden & The Handy. With a choice of over 800 garden equipment products, we off offer er the widest choice in the industry, from light domestic to heavy duty commercial. Whatever your showroom needs are, we have the right products and the right price.
Find us on stand 20G30-H31
The home of Distributor of for information on any of these brands or how Handy can help grow your business, please contact us on 01793 333220 or email sales@handys.co.uk
A-Z of exhibitors Greenman Garden Tools
Brighouse, UK Daniel Shaw info@greenmangardentools.com www.greenmangardentools.com Greenman Garden Tools are a 4th generation family tool manufacturer developing a range of high-quality artisanal garden tools for all types of gardeners. After being acquired by agricultural fencing and hardware giant, Eliza Tinsley in 2019, Greenman have rapidly become the fastest growing gardening tool brand in the UK. With such a wide range of products and backed by unrivalled marketing support, Greenman will be showcasing all that they can offer to their trade partners to assist them in the selling of the Greenman range.
GreenSmart Pots
Matlock, UK Nick Harrison nick@greensmartpots.eu Greensmartpots.eu
Grow Buddha
Growmoor Better Growing
Dungannon, UK Danielle Nixon 02838 852346 brian@bettergrowing.com www.bettergrowing.com Growmoor Better Growing is a rapidly expanding company which has developed a range of hobby gardener composts and professional grower substrates of the highest quality.
H G Gladwell & Sons Ltd
Hamac Trading
Ballymena, UK Philip Nicholl 02825 831201 sales@hamactrading.com www.hamactrading.com Hamac Trading are the distributors of garden, large display, Hansa Creation plush products and Creation Group animation. A showroom visit is highly recommended.
Cramlington, UK Martin Rye 01670 716878 info@grs-footwear.co.uk www.grs-footwear.co.uk GRS footwear are the UK distributors of Lunar, Lazy Dogz, Goodyear, Grisport and Laurence Llewelyn-Bowen footwear. With over 500 new styles per season and single pair repeats.
19F33 - OS 20
Ipswich, UK Mark Wootton mark.wootton@copdockmill.co.uk copdockmill.co.uk
Edgware, UK Ageeban Kobalasingam 02036 335123 hello@growbuddha.co.uk growbuddha.co.uk Grow Buddha is a UK-based manufacturer of Grow Your Own kits, gardening gifts, nutrients and products to bring out the gardener in everyone, regardless of age, or experience.
GRS Footwear
Guardian Mont Alpi
Dublin, Ireland Stephen Obrien 01332 296844 sales@guardianbp.co.uk guardianbp.co.uk UK and Ireland suppliers and distributors of high-quality landscaping, roofline, safety, and décor products.
Swindon, UK Mark Mosely 01793 333220 sales@handydistribution.co.uk www.handyonline.co.uk Since the company’s creation in 1938, Handy has grown to become one of the UK’s largest independent garden machinery wholesale distributors, supplying specialist dealers, large national retailers, garden centres and mail order companies, from its purpose-built 60,000ft Swindon site which is home to more than 45 full-time staff. More recently, Handy has launched its own branded products under the Webb, Handy and Q Garden brands, all of which are designed and manufactured by the company. To this day, Handy remains a family-owned British business. Its experience, expert knowledge, and dedicated customer service – which includes carrying over 70,000 spare part lines - have enabled it to build a team driven by high performance and family values.
birD Care
2022/23 Henry Bell’s Wild Bird Collection is a premium quality range of wild bird feeds and accessories created to encourage wild bird wellbeing.
Please come and visit out Stand at Glee 2022, 28th30th June 2022, NEC Birmingham. Hall 8-20 20H60-J61
For further information please contact: Paul Barker, National Sales Director Paul.barker@henrybell.co.uk / 07305 562171 / www.henrybell.co.uk Henry Bell & Co Ltd, Dysart Road, Grantham NG31 7DB
A-Z of exhibitors Hanson’s Garden
Daventry, UK Belinda Maidment 01327 878625 sales@hansonsgarden.co.uk www.hansonsgarden.co.uk Supplier of a complete range of garden gloves to suit any task. In addition to planters and garden fabrics. Next day free delivery available.
Happy Plants
Formby, UK Natalie Porter 01704 874231 orders@happyplants.co.uk happyplants.co.uk Happy Plants is geared towards independent garden centres and national garden centre groups. Our range includes everything from pot and pack bedding to planted containers.
Hellman Versand Gmbh
Erlangen, Germany Gerald Hellmann vertrieb@hellmann-versand.de hellmann-versand.de We are a German company based in Bavaria and for more than 20 years have specialised in designing and producing translucent glowing candle holders and candle holders.
Henry & Co Home Fragrance
Derby, UK Charlotte Leatherland Hello@henryandcompany.co.uk www.henryandcompany.co.uk Wonderful Aroma oils and fragrance products hand poured and made in the UK.
Grantham, UK Tony Clare 0730 5562171 paul.barker@henrybell.co.uk www.henrybell.co.uk Henry Bell’s Wild Bird Collection is a premium quality range of wild bird feeds and accessories created to encourage wild bird wellbeing. Our Wild Bird Collection has been developed from our depth of knowledge and passion for garden birds. The Henry Bell range of Wild Bird Care has been designed to appeal to both bird enthusiasts and for customers who are new to wild bird care.
HEX Living
High & Dry
Hill Brothers
Stafford, UK Rupert King 01889 272056 rupert.king@hexliving.co.uk www.hexliving.co.uk HEX Living is the UK’s leading manufacturer of premiumquality metal sheds and garden storage and is a division of the award-winning business, Alpha Manufacturing.
Draperstown, UK John Higgins 07542 934961 kevin@highdry.co.uk highanddryonline.co.uk Outdoor washing lines that make your life easier. Move it to follow the sun.
Derby, UK Jozsef Lakatos 0740 3374166 info@hellostone.co.uk hellostone.co.uk With many designs, a new family-run garden ornament manufacturer and wholesaler has emerged. Poole, UK Farard Darver 0776 6380570 info@hir.global www.hir.global Perfect for gardeners! HEMPE is a range of innovative natural and effective therapeutic products designed for alleviating tired muscles and joints alongside sore damaged skin.
Henry Bell
Chichester, UK Greg Hill 07825 763494 lauramarner@gmail.com www.hillsplants.com UK grown houseplants all year round.
A-Z of exhibitors HJ Hall
Dobersdorf, Germany Christian von Burgsdorff burgsdorff@holsteintanne.de holsteintanne.de
Home & Garden UK
Horticultural Trades Association
Didcot, UK Tim Bell 0333 0033550 services@hta.org.uk www.hta.org.uk The Horticultural Trades Association is the UK industry’s leading membership organisation. It welcomes all sectors of horticulture – to join please contact services@hta.org.uk.
by The In s
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With 140 Years’ experience , HJ Hall, The Sock Specialists know their socks. Our best-selling Softop® eliminates constriction lines on the legs. The health range features extra wide options and diabetic friendly socks with mesh knit tops and smooth toes seams. Whilst perfect for the Outdoors our Protrek™ and Workwear range offer choice from boot socks to wellington socks.
C t e of h i rop
Leicester, UK Jo Mason 0116 2831111 jbrown@hjhall.com www.hj.co.uk Celebrating 140 Years, HJ Hall, The Sock Specialists offer a comprehensive and commercial stock supported range and are proud to be members of GIMA. Ever since ‘Honest John’ Hall built his factory in the rural farming community of Stoke Golding in Leicestershire in 1882, HJ Hall have been associated with making the best in hardwearing socks. Combining 140 years’ experience and technical innovation, HJ Hall continue to offer a growing range of quality socks to suit all lifestyles from technical walking socks to wellington and rambling socks together with a new Loungewear range. Our experience, along with constant innovation, creativity and attention to detail has allowed us to grow and become one of the UKs leading manufacturer and distributor of quality socks.
Mildenhall, UK Steve Dowling 01638 711070 sales@ourcollections.co.uk www.gardencollection.co.uk Manufacturers and importers of unique garden ornaments and statues from life size elks and deer to table top field mice.
NEW FOR 2022 Loungewear, Festive and Comfort Top styles, plus a new stand package to house 160 pairs of socks.
A-Z of exhibitors Hortiwool
HotHands (Kobayashi Healthcare)
Stone, UK Laura Bush 01782 262031 hello@hortiwool.com www.hortiwool.com B Corp certified Hortiwool are a UK based family business. We are focused on sustainable gardening, using natural materials to replace man-made products where we can.
London, UK Mike Warner 020 89879976 infouk@kobayashi.com www.kobayashihealthcare.co.uk Introducing the UK’s number 1 warmer brand, HotHands (hand, foot and body warmers) to Glee 2022! Come and try them for yourself at Stand: Hall 8-20 7D41.
Sutton Coldfield, UK Sarah Dixon 0121 3134242 marketing@hozelock.com www.hozelock.com For over 60 years, Hozelock has combined a knowledge and passion for gardening with a pride in craftsmanship, specialising in finding and meeting the needs of gardeners. One of Britain’s favourite gardening suppliers, our comprehensive range of watering, spraying, plant protection and pond solutions help gardens to flourish.
Husqvarna UK Ltd
Newton Aycliffe, UK Taryn Griesse 03448 444558 info.gardena@husqvarna.co.uk www.gardena.com/uk For over 50 years GARDENA has provided everything that passionate gardeners need with a broad assortment of innovative and sustainable solutions for watering and lawn care.
HydroGarden Ltd
Coventry, UK Dale Smith 0753 8179647 dale.smith@hydrogarden.co.uk www.hydrogarden.com HydroGarden has been supplying premium brands and innovative products to the horticultural industry and commercial growers, since 1996.
Hygeia Chemicals Ltd
Galway, Ireland Tom Stolworthy t.stolworthy@hygeia.ie www.hygeia.ie Hygeia is a company with +80 years’ experience in developing and delivering a results-driven range of home and garden products, including lawn fertilisers, plant food and hard surface cleaners.
Leyland, UK Greg Couling 0776 4309777 greg@dalesman.uk.com dalesman.uk.com IGLOO coolers are the number one cooler brand in the world, celebrating 75 years designing and manufacturing best in class ice chests and coolers. Proudly made in the U.S.A.
Impulse Plants B.V.
Wijk en Aalburg, The Netherlands Rens Broeren +31 4163 55622 info@impulseplants.nl www.impulseplants.nl Impulse Plants utilises unmatched knowledge and broad experience so we can offer our customer base a diverse range of plants and trees.
Innovators International Ltd
Elstree, UK Neil Russell 0208 7362700 sbeasant@innovators-international.co.uk www.innovators-international.co.uk Our range of garden furniture is created with elegance, comfort and functionality in mind by professionals with more than 30 years experience in furniture, gardening and design.
iQ Grills
Blokker, The Netherlands Richard Dicker 07510 702859 richard@logandloadbbq.co.uk www.iqgrills.co.uk iQ Grills produce Kamado Grills, accessories and kitchens of the highest standard.
Ivyline Ltd
6E64, 6E60-F61
Kereseley, UK Scott Thomas 02476 339 180 marketing@ivylinegb.co.uk www.ivylinegb.co.uk Since 1976, Ivyline has dedicated itself to making functional products beautiful for both the home and garden.
A-Z of exhibitors Jacobi Jayne®
Herne Bay, UK Darren Dance 01227 714314 darren@jacobijayne.com www.jacobijayne.com Jacobi Jayne is Europe’s leading quality birdcare company, offering non-stop innovation with beautifully packaged products that customers love.
Warsaw, Poland Magdalena ŚledŚ +48 57575 0037 magdalenas@jagram.com www.jagramgroup.com At Jagram we design, manufacture and distribute high quality timber garden products. With 30 years experience, we create beautiful, functional and durable products.
Jardinopia Ltd
Stockland, UK Tony Barnett 01935 826622 info@jardinopia.com www.jardinopia.com Products include award winning plant pot accessories Potty Feet, Pot Buddies, Cane Companions and Feeder Friends. garlands, Eco Pots, garden wear, Diffuser Decor and Garden tools.
Javado UK
Honselersdijk, the Netherlands James Woodham 07712 436972 office@javadoplant.com www.javadoplant.co.uk Supplier of quality indoor and outdoor plants from the Netherlands. Large assortment sourced direct from growers direct to customers accross the UK and Ireland.
Jiangsu Zgrills Technology Co Ltd - ZGRILLS inc 19E01
YangzhouY, China Jessica Xia +86 18668 289959 zeke@zgrills.com www.zgrills.com.cn ZGRILLS dedicated to wood pellet grills research, innovation and production. We already have built good reputation for our own brand Z GRILLS in North America.
JT England
Derbyshire, UK Sarah hart 07843 577944 info@jtengland.co.uk jtengland.co.uk Offering an extensive range of luxury candles, diffusers, soaps and lotions. Perfect for home décor. All of our items are hand poured in Derbyshire.
Solihull, UK Chris Canaan chris@akamba.co.uk www.akamba.co.uk
K S Gangadhara Iyer & Co
Alleppey, India Gangadhara KS Iyer k.iyer@ksgiyer.com www.ksgiyer.com
Kadai Ltd
Shrewsbury, UK Jenny Pearson 01694 771800 jenny.pearson@kadai.com www.kadai.com The Kadai firebowl is presented with its range of accessories and beautifully designed outdoor living products. Our garden range includes gazebos, plant supports and frames. Aalten, The Netherlands Kirsten Thuis info@kaemingk.com www.kaemingk.com As a leading importer and exporter of seasonal decorations, our collection covers more than 20,000 decorative items for home and garden.
Kamado Joe
19B20-C21, OS7
Kapiteyn B.V
Farnham, UK Ben Forte 0208 0363201 ben.forte@kamadojoe.com uk.kamadojoe.com Kamado Joe make world-renowned ceramic grills that pack the latest technology and meticulous craftsmanship inside each iconic red barbecue.
Anna Paulowna, The Netherlands Leo Kapiteijn +31 22352 1841 info@kapiteyn.nl www.kapiteyn.nl We innovate, inspire and develop concepts to ensure that together with our customers, consumers are and stay inspired to buy flower bulbs.
Key Essentials Ltd
Willian, UK Mauro 01462 675858 amanda@keyessentials.co.uk www.keyessentials.co.uk Key Essentials supply the garden centre industry with LoveTillys their brand of Air Plants. We are also the UK distributor of Giromagi Cacti and Succulents.
A-Z of exhibitors Khost and Spirit Clothing
Renfrewshire, UK Lisa Cosford 07795 343928 lcosford@mandco.com www.mandco.com Khost - to release your playful side and put a smile on your face and spirit -timeless classics to let you live your life and forget your age.
Wetherby, UK Lisa Mee karen@kidzplay.co.uk kidzplay.co.uk
Norwich, UK Anthony Bird 07768 414656 anthony@kieft.co.uk www.kieftandsons.co.uk Kieft & Sons Ltd are an established flowerbulb company based on the outskirts of Norwich, offering a wide range of flowerbulbs in various retail formats.
Kiln Fired Pottery Barnstaple, UK S Fox kfcosales@gmail.com
Kings Seeds
Kingston Tools
Kink Out Ltd
Colchester, UK Chris Paul 0782 7772900 chris.paul@kingsseeds.com www.kingsseedsdirect.com We are now the last surviving wholesale horticultural seed merchant in the country. We supply a wide variety of vegetable seeds, flower seeds herbs and sundry items. Yorkshire, UK Andre Jarema O1482 869587 sales@ajmctrading.com www.ajmctrading.com AJMC Trading LLP is a company based on the outskirts of Hull in Yorkshire. Come to Glee to discover our two brands Kingston Tools and Lilywoods. London, UK Racquel Milan 0779 6106458 kinkoutltd@gmail.com www.kinkoutltd.com Removes kinks from your hosepipes, available in three colours green, yellow and grey. The packaging is plantable too as it is impregnated with wild flower seeds. Sustainability first!
A-Z of exhibitors Klass
Rochdale, UK David Cohen 01706 868002 david.cohen@eleganze.com www.klass.co.uk Klass is the go-to ladies’ wear brand. Our range is made to fit and flatter not forgetting jewellery and accessories, all designed to complement and complete the look.
Landmann UK
19E22, OS10
Huntingdon, UK Richard Carr 01480 421720 Richard@landmann.co.uk www.landmann.co.uk Experience special moments every day with LANDMANN: through good food and a good time with family or friends.
Jabbeke, Belgium Elie Devisch +32 50811743 info@laurica.be www.laurica.be Laurica-plants cultivates high-quality topiary baytrees in all kind of shapes and sizes. From crown on stem to pyramid, spiral stems and columns.
Upper Saxondale, UK Kieron Tompkin 0115 933 3193 enquiries@lava-lite.co.uk www.lava-lite.co.uk New this year: clever pots decorative pots in sage and orchid. Whether you need to cover an old fence, unusable drainpipe areas or the drainpipe itself, clever pots help maximise outdoor growing space clever pots edible sow and grow kits in partnership with G Plants Come and say hello and find out why clever pots are clever.
Leon Boots Co (UK)
North Somerset, UK Kevin Burgess 01934 315386 kevin@leonbootsco.com leonbootsco.com We are Leon Boots Co (UK) - the lightest wellingtons you will ever wear!!
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A-Z of exhibitors Link2Home UK Limited
West Sussex, UK Mike Hynd 0330 3325112 sales@link2home.co.uk link2home.co.uk More and more of us are looking to make our homes and gardens that bit smarter. But that doesn’t have to mean complicated costly technology. For us it means taking the electrical products we use every day and improving them. With our range of devices, you can switch on and off your pumps and water features, illuminate your garden with up 16 million colours, keep an eye on the local wildlife and check your home, sheds and outbuildings are all secure with our cameras and security systems all under one easy to use app.
Little Hay Company
Oxfordshire, UK Charlie Hands 07512 725351 ch@littlehayco.com www.littlehayco.com We make the freshest, greenest and tastiest hay available today, perfectly suited to rabbits, guinea pigs, degus, chinchillas, hamsters and more!
Lodi UK Kingswinford, UK Sam D’Angelo 01384 404242 sales@lodi-uk.com lodi-uk.com LODI UK is a subsidiary of LODI Group who are one of Europe’s largest family owned manufacturers of pest control chemicals.
Cheadle, UK Cindy Williamson 0161 2573644 ask@madebyzen.com www.madebyzen.com Combining beautiful materials with the latest technology, MADE BY ZEN ultrasonic aroma diffusers fill the air with scent, calming the senses with the benefits of aromatherapy.
Madison International
Almelo, The Netherlands Erik Boertien +31 61992 3691 sales@madison.nl www.madison.nl Madison® is a manufacturer and supplier of garden cushions, parasols and accessories. Madison Home, manufacturer of trending interior cushions. Madison Friends, developer and manufacturer of cushions for our four-legged pet friends
Malcolm Scott Business Consultants
Marissa’s Garden & Gift
Edgaston, UK Andrew Burton 01905 726353 andrewb@malcolmscott.co.uk www.malcolmscott.co.uk Business development and town planning consultants. Upland, UK Sophie Suleman 0203 4880740 enquiries@marissasgifts.co.uk www.marissasgifts.co.uk Marissa’s Garden & Gift was launched with an aim of offering popular gift and garden decor with an added element of design and quality.
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A-Z of exhibitors Mayfield Stone
Exeter, UK Geoff Fielding 0777 4180852 / 0781 3484455 mayfieldstone@gmail.com www.gleebirmingham.com Manufacturer of high quality stone garden ornaments, including 11 new products.
Mayhem UK Ltd
London, UK Jo Bradley 020 8752 1499 sales@mayhemuk.com www.mayhemuk.com Indoor plant accessories combining a techy edge and a sense of humour. Impulse buy price points of £5-£20.
Meadow View Stone
Melitta Professional Coffee Solutions
Mercer Agencies
Melcourt Industries Ltd Tetbury, UK Andy Chalmers 01666 502711 mail@melcourt.co.uk www.melcourt.co.uk Melcourt is the UK’s leading supplier of peatfree growing media, mulches, soil improvers, play and equestrian surfaces based on bark, wood and other natural materials.
Moira, UK Iain Mercer 028 9261 9881 sales@merceragencies.com www.merceragencies.com Mercer Agencies is an importer that has been distributing quality garden and Christmas products to the garden and retail trade for over 30 years based in both Moira and Coventry.
MNP Flowers
Whitchurch, UK Sarah Hill 01948 841607 sales@meadowviewstone.co.uk www.meadowviewstone.co.uk Meadow View Stone will be showcasing a range of quality products and merchandising solutions. New products: Over twenty new products will be added to their premium aggregates and pebbles collections. Ranges: Two new ranges will also feature. An Alpine miniature gravels collection, in full colour, metallic packaging and a range of eight pot-topping aggregates in full colour, fully recyclable packaging. Packaging: The company’s foundation bags get a new impactful design. Retail solutions: A new rockery display crate will also be unveiled that gives retailers and customers a much-improved safer way to display, shop and replenish stock of this range.
Corby, UK Paul Blakeman 01628 829 888 professional@melitta.co.uk www.melitta-professional.com Fully integrated. Individual. Future-proof. Powerful coffee machines. Refined coffee specialities. In-house customer service. Finance service. Digital solutions.
NB14, NB12
Leimuiderbrug, The Netherlands Paul Jackson 0788 6951167 p.jackson@mnpflowers.com www.mnpflowers.com Breeding, testing, selecting and introducing new and innovative ornamental plants
Mood Bears
Mookie Toys
Markfield, UK Jo Proud 0777 2939821 info@moodbears.co.uk www.moodbears.co.uk The Mood Bears wear their very own internationally recognised mood and we hope that in time they will encourage us all to talk, listen and understand feelings and emotions.
Flitwick, UK Christina Aikman help@mookie.co.uk www.mookie.co.uk At Mookie you will find us bringing children’s dream toys to life. We work with global companies to distribute the next big thing that all children want in their toy box. Rugby, UK Declan Walsh dew@morsoe.com www.morsoe.com
A-Z of exhibitors Mower Magic Ltd
Lincoln, UK Paul Chandler 01522 283 020 sales@magicdistribution.co.uk www.magicdistribution.co.uk Come see BucketBarrow and our best selling Sherpa Tools products, including quality carts, barrows and powered garden tools, cordless sprayers and weed burners.
Mr Fothergill’s Seeds Ltd
Newmarket, UK David Turner 01638 751161 sales@mr-fothergills.co.uk www.mr-fothergills-trade.com Established in 1978 Mr Fothergill’s has grown from humble beginnings to become one of Europe’s biggest suppliers of seeds to the hobby garden market and now trades with many countries across the world. Despite this success the company remains British owned and run by Managing Director, David Carey whose father was one of the two founders.The values that have helped to bring success for our customers are as relevant now as they have ever been. Service, choice, quality and innovation are core to everything we do.
Hitchin, UK John McVey 07917 711669 john@shatchi.co.uk www.mspauk.co.uk We sell Christmas goods, MSpa hot tubs and garden furniture.
Museums & Galleries Ltd
Corby, UK Sophie Bylina 07833 240733 sales@mgml.co.uk www.museumsgalleries.co.uk Museums & Galleries Ltd is the UK’s leading producer of quality art cards and design-led gift stationery.
N Smith Packaging & Display
Oldbury, UK Kerry Tyers 01215 71891 nsmith@nsmithbox.co.uk www.nsmithbox.co.uk We manufacture cardboard packaging and point of purchase solutions for retail and multiple other sectors including ecommerce.
Napoleon Grills
Berkswell, UK Martin Sobey 01676 522788 lconstable@napoleon.com www.napoleongrills.co.uk Established in 1976 by businessman Wolfgang Schroeter, Napoleon is one of the world’s leading barbecue and outdoor kitchen brands.
Natura Grow
Natural Grower
Chittering, UK Ian Riggs 07368 134605 ian.riggs@naturagrow.co.uk www.naturagrow.co.uk Natura Grow provide Bio-Active, naturalplantbased fertilisers and soil conditioners. We are a by-product of green energy production. Medbourne, UK Charlotte Beaty 0333 8005450 sales@naturalgrower.co.uk naturalgrower.co.uk Certified organic, biodynamic and vegan compost and fertiliser. Approved by the Soil Association, BioDynamic Association and the Vegan Society. Peat free, chemical free.
Neat Ideas
Grantham, UK Colin Higgs 07825 530972 colin@neatideas.tv www.neatideas.tv Neat Ideas consistently deliver exceptional sales through a winning combination of innovative products and in-store media promotion, maximising return per square foot.
New English Teas
Coventry, UK Adrian Woodley 02476 691414 sales@newenglishteas.com www.newenglishteas.com Discover our beautiful collection of tea gifts, tea tins and tea caddies. Perfect for tea lovers!
New Leaf Compost
Belfast, UK Gavin Saunders info@newleafcompost.com www.newleafcompost.com Peat Free New Leaf Compost is crafted from a sustainable resource, is perfect for all gardening needs, improves soil health and is friendly to the environment.
A-Z of exhibitors Newbridge Premium Pots
Newspan Building Solutions
Willington, UK Ken Chen 01908 221888 sales@newbridgepots.co.uk www.newbridgepots.co.uk All of our products are pre-priced with clear eye-catching labels, along with excellent stands and matching POS.
Eastleigh, UK Dan Woods 02380 269944 sales@newspan.co.uk www.newspan.co.uk Newspan specialises in the design, supply and erection of commercial clad and glazed structures, including the refurbishment of existing buildings.
NewVision Manufacturing
Xiaolan, China Alex Findlay 07523 966547 alex@newvision.com.cn www.newvision.com.cn Indoor hydroponics and decorative growers with smart soil technology and full spectrum LED grow lights. Available for white label.
Noel Tatt
Canterbury, UK Michael Griffiths 07813 195052 michael@noeltatt.co.uk www.noeltatt.co.uk A long established greeting card publisher that specialises in providing greeting card display solutions.
Norfolk Leisure Lifestyle Ltd
and manufacture some impressive portable pizza ovens. A variety of sizes and fuel options are available including Gas, Multi Fuel, and Wood Pellet. It’s so simple to cook a truly delicious traditional Neapolitan pizza. Cook King offer a selection of handmade crude steel firepits, stoves, baskets and wood storage. The versatility of each product is what makes Cook King stand out among the rest. Use it as a outdoor heater bbq or tripod grill, using the array of accessories.
Northwest Sourcing Asia Limited 19A44-B45, OS3
Aylesbury, UK Gaelle green-garandel +852 28150739 /+ 852 28150430 Sales@nwsourcing.com Haloobrands.com Innovation and original design result in only the best outdoor fireplaces and outdoor decors for global distributors and retailers.
Wallasey, UK Cherie Lupu 0333 111 0778 sales@nuepos.com nuepos.com We are an EPOS company based near Liverpool in the UK, who specialise in providing customised EPOS solutions to many different types of customers. Haarlem, The Netherlands Arno Hoefnagels 0494 911370 inquiries@fyrongroup.com fyrongroup.com With its brands OFYR, The Bastard, Grill Guru and Grizzly Grills, Fyron Group creates moments around the fire as Europe’s biggest independent player in the barbecue sector.
Onduline Building Products Ltd
Kings Lynn, UK Deborah Waudby 01553 811717 sales@norfolkleisure.co.uk www.norfolkleisure.co.uk Norfolk Leisure are one of the leading suppliers of Garden Furniture and Accessories in the UK. Their catalogue is extensive and includes a variety of exciting brands all unique in their own way. Norfolk Leisure have recently added their very own range of high-quality BBQ’s, rightly named Norfolk Grills. Naming Michelin star chef Galton Blackiston a Brand Ambassador, together they are encouraging folks around the nation to cook something delicious. Ooni Pizza Ovens is an award-winning worldwide Pizza Oven brand who design
London, UK Nisha Kumar 0207 7270533 enquiries@onduline.net www.onduline.co.uk Onduline’s lightweight bituminous corrugated roofing system is a popular choice with DIYers who are looking for an attractive, long-lasting and easy to install solution for refurbishing their garden sheds, summer houses, children’s playhouses and housing for pets. Visitors to Onduline’s stand will be able to see first-hand how these attractive, striking and free-standing displays are the ideal solution for helping retailers make an impact
A-Z of exhibitors with customers, influencing impulse purchases. The retail friendly EASYLINE PoS displays look fantastic and are simple to stock on the shop floor, perfectly showcasing the popular EASYLINE range for customers.
Opaxa Crafts Pvt. LTD
Amroha, India Nadeem Ahmad Chaudhary +91 99170 98902 info@opaxa.in www.opaxacrafts.com Opaxa - The world renowned company in the field of manufacturing and export of home and garden decor. We are social, environment/ sustainable, technical and CTPAT complaint
Open Retail Solutions
Oregon Tool UK
Nottingham, UK Russell Wilkins 0115 9677439 sales@openretailsolutions.co.uk www.openretailsolutions.co.uk We are setting ourselves apart from the rest. We do things properly, not cutting corners just to win business. We give honest answers, coupled with a hard work ethic.
Tewkesbury, UK James Oliver 01684 855490 customerservice.uk@oregontool.com www.oregonproducts.com/en Whether you’re looking for a replacement part to get your machine back up and running, or you’re looking to take your equipment’s performance to the next level, Oregon offers a full range of professional-grade parts to fit nearly every make and model. There’s a reason why, 75 years since our company started, we’re still a market leader in saw chain, guide bars, sprockets, forestry accessories, lawnmower blades and outdoor equipment parts. We perform 25,000 hours of product testing each year to make sure our products work as hard as you do.
A-Z of exhibitors P&R Horticultural
Oldham, UK Hannah Rothwell 0754 0287244 rothwellh@patterson-rothwell.co.uk www.pr-horticultural.com Welcome to P&R’s garden range of premium plastic planters. Our large range of plastic planters and ground slates is designed to suit every taste and budget.
Panacea Products Ltd
Swindon, UK Malcolm Andrews 01793 781423 malcolm.andrews@panaceaproducts.co.uk www.panaceaproducts.co.uk Manufacturer of garden décor and birding. New product development introduces our contemporary Urban Gardener™ brand into a fast-growing trend of bringing the outdoor indoors.
Yeovil, UK Debbie Burton 01935 474321 pittards1826@pittards.com www.pittards.com Pittards 1826 collection of leather gardening gloves are made in Ethiopia, by Pittards, using its own leather to deliver superior quality and comfort.
Attleborough, UK Ashley Day Ashley.day@plantgrow.co.uk www.plantgrow.co.uk PlantGrow is a producer of an award-winning range of organic approved fertiliser products made through a renewable energy process. No peat. No animal waste. Plenty of natural goodness.
Pittards Plc
Puget-sur-Argens, France Frederic Morisset +33 6637 05264 frederic.morisset@paysagea.fr mygardendesigner.com Garden centre digital transformation, we provide an online white label software, which helps your customers create their garden with your proucts.
Knaresborough, UK Rob Henry 0776 1072956 charlotte.biggs@pelsis.com www.pelsis.com Pelsis develops innovative pest control products for commercial and retail customers globally. Showcased at Glee are Pest-Stop, Green Protect, and Insect-O-Cutor. Leatherhead, UK Phil Swainston 0753 4617582 pswainston@perennial.org.uk www.perennial.org.uk Perennial is the UK’s only charity dedicated to helping everyone who works in horticulture, and their families, when times get tough. Perennial provides free and confidential advice
Pit Boss
PARK LiFE Pet Limited
Stockport, UK Darren Rivers 07873 981483 sales-eu@dansons.com uk.pitboss-grills.com Pit Boss® Grills BIGGER. HOTTER. HEAVIER. ™ are the fastest growing brand in the grilling industry and Louisiana Grills® strive to elevate your outdoor culinary experienece.
Westmeath, Ireland Richard Marles +35 38346 58639 Richard@parklie.dog parklife.dog At PARK LiFE we pride ourselves on making great tasting, guilt free treats, with more benefits than you can shake a stick at!
Kent, UK Pat Flynn 01959 565995 pat@petquip.com www.petquip.com The UK’s trade association for suppliers of pet products, accessories and services. Providing a wide range of UK and international business events, information, research and invaluable exporting advice to exporters.
A-Z of exhibitors Plantsmith
London, UK Nick Jackson 07825 611878 Nick@plantsmith.co.uk plantsmith.co.uk The first Houseplant care products designed to look as good as they perform. Launched just 18 months ago and winner of two GIMA product of the year categories in 2021, Plantsmith is based on our 40 years of horticultural experience, combining professional formulations with easy application to provide everything houseplants need to thrive. Our Glee stand features a full range of care products as well as the launch of new smaller size impulse purchase bottles and gift packs including our very special gift crackers.
PlayMonster UK Ltd
Plenty Gifts
Buckinghamshire, UK Justin Clasby 01628 488944 trade@playmonster.com playmonster.co.uk PlayMonster UK® is a multi-awardwinning company positioned at the quality end of the toy and games market.
Voorschoten, The Netherlands Ken Voskuilen 0715 622174 ken@plentygifts.nl www.plentygifts.nl Plenty Gifts is a producer and distributor of gift products.
Pleydell Smithyman Ltd
Popcorn Kitchen
Woking, UK Andy Valentine 0739 9611112 info@popcornkitchen.co.uk www.popcornkitchen.co.uk Popcorn Kitchen is on a mission to bring pure popcorn happiness across the UK with its deliciously decadent, artisanal popcorn snacks, gift packs and everyday treats.
Poppy Forge
Premier Decorations Limited
Press Lounge
Northamptonshire, UK Grant Mawby sales@poppyforge.net
Ruislip, UK Mira Bhardwaj 020 8624 5555 sales@premierdec.com www.premierdec.com Premier Decorations is a leading importer and distributer of summer leisure products with over 35 years of trade experience and we are proud to release our catalogue for 2023. Kimberley Hornby 07851 610573 kimberley@hornbywhitefootpr.co.uk
Primeur Ltd
Telford, UK Paul Pleydell 0797 6734626 psl@pleydellsmithyman.co.uk www.pleydellsmithyman.co.uk Pleydell Smithyman is a specialist design and business consultancy who help their clients to grow and develop their garden centres, cafes/restaurants, farm shops and rural leisure businesses. They provide bespoke commercial solutions and advice on strategy, design, architecture, planning and project delivery, with a team of 20 in house experienced professionals. Pleydell Smithyman have over 25years experience in garden
centre design and are helping their clients adapt and thrive in this ever-changing retail and hospitality landscape. Pleydell Smithyman provide advice on re-evaluating business, developing site strategies, and creating vibrant, exciting and successful, design led solutions, whether designing amazing restaurants, inspirational retail space, enhancing storage or developing overall site development opportunities.
Bingley, UK Sarah McLafferty 01274 518800 sales@primeur.ltd.uk www.primeur.co.uk Helping to save the world one recycled rubber tyre at a time, Primeur is fast becoming the go-to brand for sustainable garden decor essentials. Visitors to Primeur’s stand will be treated to a first look at the latest additions to join EZ Border and Easy Tile ranges. Also look out for the multi-award winning Tierra Verde planters and Eco Way stepping-stones. Environmentally friendly ranges which are adding profitability for retailers and helping to create an army of amateur garden designers across the nation!
A-Z of exhibitors Primo Grills UK Ltd
Great Yeldham, UK Debs Kibbler debs@primogrilluk.com primogrilluk.com Primo Grills UK Ltd are the UK distributors for Primo Ceramic Grills, Green Mountain Grills, the Meat Stck, the Bison Airlighter and Feuermesieter BBQ gloves.
Cradley Heath, UK Mark Bignell 01384 414069 sales@primus.co.uk www.primus.co.uk Award-winning garden and home décor brand, Primus is revealing its hotly anticipated 2023 products together with some amazing end of season deals for 2022. New releases will include the highly sought-after licensed Wallace Garden Sculpture – a guaranteed crowd pleaser completing the Wallace & Gromit set! There will be new, smaller Feathers, Gromit and Shaun the Sheep sculptures to complement the range. A selection of unique Clock designs are also being released, alongside new designs of Silhouettes, Mirrors and Spinners that will be on display with over 100 new products for the 2023 season. Look out for us in the New Product Awards.
+44 (0)1384 319843
STAND 6B40-C41 28-3 30 June 2022 NEC Birming gham
A-Z of exhibitors Protek
Shepton Mallet, UK Harriet Farquhar 01749 344697 sales@protekproducts.co.uk www.protekwoodstain.co.uk Protek is a British manufacturer of quality wood stains, decorative timber coatings and preservatives. It is Protek’s task to design treatments that are effective and long lasting, while aiming not to harm the user or any flora and fauna that meets it. Protek Woodcare range is the attractive and effective solution to looking after all types of outdoor timber. Each product is skilfully made to minimise any human health and safety risk and the effect on the environment. More than just wood paint, Protek can be applied to masonry, terracotta, and metal.
Oud Gastel, The Netherlands Lolly Lee 07872 606299 sales@theorangery.org www.ptmd.nl The PTMD collection is an independent design house exclusively for the independents. With a boundless love for innovation and craftsmanship, this Dutch lifestyle brand travels.
Quaint & Quality S.L.
San Agustin de Guadalix. Spain Emma Montilla Segovia +34 9184 87440 compras@nuevoborgia.com quaintandquality.com Spanish furniture, lighting and decoration company for more than 20 years. Wenum-Wiesel, The Netherlands Gerrit Brinkman +31 62052 2062/+31 6228 11709 info@quicktreestand.nl www.quicktreestand.nl To kick off this coming christmas season Quicktreestand shows off new models, with even more water content to keep the quality of your tree longer green during Christmas.
Hampshire, UK Michelle Doughty 02380 001 3548 michelle@rivendaleproducts.co.uk www.rivendaleproducts.co.uk
Rago Industrial Ltd
Jason Frost jasonfrostie@gmail.com
Red Gorilla
QCR Recycling Equipment Ltd
Seoul, Republic of Korea Minjin Choi +82 25614986 purisooinfo@gmail.com www.purisoo.com Purisoo Plus, the second version of Purisoo, is a premium-design portable water purification bottle with upgraded usability in terms of pumping and drinking. Cheltenham, UK Rachel Giddings 01242 622938 rachelgiddings@mypoweruk.com www.qcr.co.uk QCR offer rental and purchase options on a wide range of waste and recycling equipment, including cardboard and plastic balers and compactors.
Qingdao Reayon New Materials Co Ltd 6A74
Qingdao, China Tina Gao info@reayonchina.com www.reayonchina.com A professional supplier of landscape and garden products including fabrics, nettings, meshes etc.
Leicester, UK Dean Cox 01455 848184 sales@redgorilla.red www.redgorilla.red Red Gorilla® created the original Tubtrugs® back in 1995, since then our range has grown with innovative garden maintenance equipment at the heart of our offer. Red Gorilla® products are all made in UK and Europe using the best and often recycled materials and sold to over 50 countries worldwide. We’re proud to be still “different” after all these years and we take pride in not only the product itself but the process from start to finish. Our range of quality branded and brightly coloured garden products are built to last and made to the highest of standards.
Garden maintenance products, since 1995 Visit us at stand
Green Range now available! Visit our stand to find out more!
SINCE 1995
Don’t miss our Retro relaunch here at Glee! Did you know? Tubtrugs® Original took the world by storm 25 years ago. Much loved by Alan Titchmarsh, Charlie Dimmock, Tommy Walsh, in fact anyone who was on TV back in the 90’s!
Proudly manufactured in the UK and Europe to the highest industrial, human and ethical standards. | HEAVY DUTY | HIGH-QUALITY | ECO-FRIENDLY | RECYCLABLE | STRONG | WEATHER RESISTANT | For more information contact us on:
+44 (0) 01455 848 184
A-Z of exhibitors Redfish Group Ltd
Beverley, UK Mike Anderson 01482 871846 info@redfishgroup.co.uk www.redfishgroup.co.uk A growth-based agency built to transform your business through proven solutions that improve marketing ROI. Grow your customer base and increase sales. Emmeloord, The Netherlands Martin Tank 02036 950219 sales@retailvista.co.uk www.retailvista.co.uk The all-in EPoS and ERP system for garden centres. RetailVista™ combines EPoS with stock, accounting, sales, buying and much more. For multi-store and single store.
Riverco Trading Ltd
Root Pouch / IKON Horticulture
Heywood, UK Matt Bromley 01925 822503 sales@ikon-international.com www.ikon-horticulture.com Root Pouch is a family run business that turns discarded plastic bottles into a versatile, geo-textile material which is woven into the worlds finest fabric pots.
Rowlawn Ltd/BioScapes
East Riding of Yorkshire, UK Ruth Richardson 01904 202202 info@bioscapes.co.uk www.bioscapes.co.uk BioScapes® offers a range of products that have been designed to quickly boost biodiversity in any residential, educational, community or commercial setting.
Rowlinson Garden Products Ltd
19F34, 19G38
Nantwich, UK Chris Ullmer 01829 262080 sales@rowgar.co.uk www.rowgar.co.uk A leading UK manufacturer and importer of garden structures, buildings and storage solutions, garden furniture, grow your own and landscaping products.
Riverside Woodcraft Ltd
Essex, UK Siobhan Pryor 01708 559609 rubiuk@rubi.com www.rubi.com/en Manufacturer of professional tools and specialists in machines and tools for tilers and landscapers, for cutting, drilling and handling porclain tiles and slabs.
Barrow-in-Furness, UK Philip Wilson 0754 1301683 phil@pot-mate.co.uk pot-mate.co.uk Pot-mate, a pot’s best friend in the garden. A simple new idea that will change container gardening and provide a stylish solution to a range of common garden problems.
Leek, UK Chris Molden 01538 361393 info@riverco.co.uk www.riverco.co.uk Riverco designs and manufactures robust wooden garden furniture by hand. The furniture is ergonomically designed in house with your comfort in mind. Elford, UK Chris Leedham 07730 357651 chris@riversidewoodcraft.co.uk www.riversidewoodcraft.co.uk Riverside Woodcraft is a family run garden, bird and wildlife company operating from our premises in Tamworth, Staffordshire.
Bridgwater, UK Toby Thomas 0793 6928981 hello@rocketgro.co.uk www.rocketgro.co.uk RocketGro are a leading producer of peatfree growing media based in Somerset UK with 10 growing media products which are Soil Association Approved and 100% sustainable.
Saintfield, UK Roy Lucas rlucas@cesquarryproducts.com www.cesquarryproducts.com RockinColour™ is a colour coated stone, ideal for decorative features, plant pot topping and as a colourful background when laid among plants.
Rubi UK Ltd
S & S Garden Designs Ltd
Salepoint Ltd
Hounslow, UK James Stewart 020 8577 3080 info@salepoint.co.uk www.salepoint.co.uk Supplying garden centres for over 40 years with modular and bespoke shop fittings. Benefit from our knowledge and expertise to maximise retail sales across all departments.
A-Z of exhibitors Salike Limited
London, UK Shiran Amunugama +44 73831 19479 hello@coirproducts.co.uk www.coirproducts.co.uk We pride ourselves in becoming one of the first companies in the UK to offer such a wide and innovative range of coir-based products under one platform.
Santino Service
Chisinau, Republic of Moldova Andrei Ursu +37 3791 12254 santino.expo@gmail.com santino.md We produce and develop products for your garden, home or office, we strive to offer you quality, ease and convenience for the care of all types of plants.
Sapana Polyweave Pvt Ltd
Mumbai, India Nishith Gupta +91 9822 061256 nishith.gupta@sapanamats.com www.sapanamats.com We are India’s greenest manufacturer of outdoor polypropylene rugs. Our products are beautiful, fun and functional.
Scheurich Ltd
London, UK Julia Sauer 0787 7223356 julia.sauer@scheurich.de www.scheurich.com Scheurich, the market leader for indoor and outdoor planters and a member of the PlantStyle-Group, stand for quality, reliability and modern, sustainable produced products.
Manchester, UK Katharine Birdseye 0161 7025060 pr@petslovescruffs.com www.petslovescruffs.com Scruffs® is a global brand of premium pet bedding and accessories. The relationship between pets and their owners runs through the DNA of Scruffs®.
Funtington, UK Kay Glennie 0778 8547836 hello@scrunchkids.com www.scrunchkids.com Scrunch is designed specifically to make travelling and storage easy for kids. Roll them, fold them, scrunch them – pop them in your luggage. Award-winning gardening products.
Secret Garden Distillery
Seeds of Italy Ltd
Seven Seas India
Edinburgh, UK Ingrid Jakobsen 0131 285 6833 info@secretgardendistillery.co.uk www.secretgardendistillery.co.uk Secret Garden Distillery: 100% natural gins lovingly crafted in Edinburgh. Our botanicals are hand harvested and dried naturally to ensure the highest quality. London, UK Emily Attlee orders@seedball.co.uk www.seedball.co.uk A simpler way to grow native wildflowers from seed. Great for bees, butterflies and other garden wildlife, and our growing product range includes something for all retailers. Harrow, UK Paolo Arrigo 0777 8804441 grow@italianingredients.com seedsofitaly.com Franchi vegetable and flower seeds. Franchi are established in the UK as suppliers of endangered, heritage, ethical and regional biodiverse veg seed varieties. Est. 1783 and still the same family after 7 generations. Alleppey, India Subramoniyan Ponnampalam +91 95673 77372 vipin@sevenseasindia.biz www.sevenseasmats.com Seven Seas is a socially audited 5th generation manufacturing and exporting of floor coverings and garden articles.
Cheadle, UK Suzanne Lawson 01538 809099 hello@sicura.co.uk www.sicura.co.uk Sicura Pet offers a full range of products to care for your furry friends including shampoo, conditioner and bed sanitiser. Sicura - keeping people, pets and places safe.
Sincere UK Ltd
Clitheroe, UK Simon Lightbown 01200 422488 sjlightbown@gmail.com www.sincerefloral.co.uk We are designers, importers and distributors of artificial floral products. We specialise in seasonal display trees, grave tributes and autumn and Christmas decorations.
A-Z of exhibitors SIP - Outdoor Heating
Loughborough, UK Simon Murphy 01509 500300 marketing@sip-group.com www.sip-group.com Since 1968, SIP has been a trusted specialist supplier of high-quality heating and machinery products. We strive to be a responsible employer, respected supplier and customer of choice, always acting with absolute integrity whilst providing positive solutions for our customers. With decades of product development experience, we pride ourselves on the high quality and reliability that our products demonstrate. Our range of home and garden products provide sleek and stylish solutions that are designed to help users enjoy their outdoor spaces. This year, we are delighted to introduce our new range of powerful and energy-efficient Patio Heaters to Glee.
Sipcam Home & Garden Ltd
Herts, UK Grayston Grayston 01763 212103 enquiries@sipcamhg.co.uk sipcamhg.co.uk Welcome to Sipcam Home & Garden, the home of innovative solutions for home, pet and garden care. We manufacture and distribute a variety of brands across Europe to provide quality assured, cost effective solutions to help deal with the common problems and tasks in and around the home and garden. Supported by Sipcam Oxon, an international specialist in crop protection, we have an unrivalled network from which to utilise new technology and expertise to serve our retail partners. Our extensive portfolio consists of the Child and Pet Safe ecofective range, the SPOT-ON performance led maintenance brand, along with Blumen’s range of Fito houseplant care and Get Off pet care products.
Smart Garden Products
Abingdon, UK Jonathan Stobart 01235 424100 sales@sgpuk.com www.sgpuk.com Smart Garden Products is a leading supplier to garden centres and is well known for delivering significant new product development every year in solar lighting, core gardening, garden décor, pet and wild bird care as well as Christmas. Smart is committed to providing outstanding service, constant innovation, and profitable growth for their many retail partners. This year at Glee we are showcasing 300+ new items across our portfolio. Most notable is our brand-new collection of fire pits, chimineas and electric heating… Feel the Heat! Join us for a showcase of our latest innovation.
Smartedge Manufacturing
High Wycombe, UK Tim Spalton 01494 532335 sales@smartedge.co.uk www.smartedge.co.uk Lawn edging that prevents distortion between the lawn and borders, keeping gardens looking great all year. Now available in sustainable recycled ocean waste material- Oceanedge.
Smartwares Safety and Lighting Ltd
Halesowen, UK Mike Rymarz 0773 0841123 mike.rymarz@smartwaresgroup.com www.smartwaresgroup.com Cupboards, coolboxes, stoves and products for the home and garden, including the new Touch Free doorbell, battery operated lights and designer lights.
Smiemans Projecten
Smith & Munson Ltd
Kwintsheul, The Netherlands Anett Kertesz +31 1746 38000 info@smiemansprojecten.com www.smiemansprojecten.com The builder of innovative and inspiring garden centres and other glass constructions. Spalding, UK Edward Munson 01406 363234 sales@smithandmunson.com www.smithandmunson.com Premium British cut flower growers.
A-Z of exhibitors SoilWorx Natural Fertilisers
Newry, Ireland JP Gilroy +353 4690 96000 info@soilworx.ie www.soilworx.ie New Natural Organic Fertiliser producer from the Island of Ireland. Soilworx Natural Fertilisers are produced from the highest quality locally sourced raw materials which provide balanced nutrients to your growing plants. Our low release pellets are high in organic matter, which improves soil health and fertility. Healthy Soil is the starting point for successful gardening. Soilworx’s Chicken Manure pellets and range of natural and organic fertilisers are 100% chemical free. With a large scale manufacturing facility opening in June 2022, Soilworx provides a wide range of products supplied in buckets and bags, alongside offering custom orders.
Solar Centre
Harpenden, UK David Eaton 01582 363238 trade@thesolarcentre.co.uk www.solarcentre.co.uk Solar Centre was based upon a shared passion to design & create eco-conscious solar lighting of superior quality. Guided by the ethos that good design demands lighting that stands the test of time, we are committed to remaining pioneers of the solar lighting industry at the forefront of innovation. With recent events providing opportunities for customers to spend more and more time outside, we have been working hard behind the scenes to develop our range even further. Our in-house design team strive to curate a collection that represents reliability, simplicity and well-considered design to deliver a product that customers can trust.
Wambrechies, France Thomas Bulcke +33 6899 80879 export@forest-style.com www.soulet.com Soulet’s outdoor games are made of wood from responsibly managed forests. Intended for children aged 6 months to 14 years and up, Soulet products invite fun in the garden.
Southern Trident
Scunthorpe, UK Paula Parker 0203 6337786 info@southerntrident.com southerntrident.com Southern Trident is a manufacturer, producer and supplier of high quality, award-winning, peat-free composts and other growing media, sold under our brand names of Coco & Coir and Harmony Gardens. All products in the Southern Trident portfolio are made exclusively from environmentally-responsible by-products and recycled raw materials. The company is carbon neutral across all areas of the business. We are launching some exciting new products at Glee 2022. You’ll just have to come and see us on stand 6H52-J53 to find out more!
Spear & Jackson UK
Sheffield, UK Karen Abbott 0114 2814242 sales@spear-and-jackson.com www.spear-and-jackson.com High quality garden hand tools for all kinds of gardening jobs, from cutting, cultivating and digging, to watering, maintenance and accessories. The tools to trust since 1760.
Stagecraft Display Ltd
Newtown, UK Dylan Penri 0168 6629096 sales@stagecraft-uk.com www.stagecraft-uk.com Stagecraft – the garden centre retail display specialists. We have been at the forefront of garden centre retail display design, manufacture and installation for over 30 years
Stormafit Ltd Jane Austin @JACKDAW
Bury St Edmunds, UK Joe Austin 01284 811365 joe@stormafit.co.uk www.stormafit.co.uk Over the course of 34 years, Stormafit has provided fashionable, reliable, high quality clothing and accessories whilst maintaining affordability and functionality.
A-Z of exhibitors Streetwize
Manchester, UK Dale Silverman 0780 8770239 chris.heaton@streetwizeaccessories.com www.streetwizeaccessories.com From outdoor soft furnishings to eco-friendly water features, Streetwize’s garden range has you covered. That’s the Streetwize way.
Stubbs Mugs
Holt, UK Martin Glover 01263 713417 trade@stubbsmugs.co.uk www.stubbsmugs.co.uk Stubbs Mugs is home to the iconic ‘I’d Rather Be’ range of quality fine bone china mugs, designed and produced in the UK.
STV International
Thetford, UK Nick Hood 01953 661271 nhood@stvuk.com www.stvuk.com Over the past 25 years STV has grown to become the UK’s leading producer of DIY pest control products for home-use. We supply a comprehensive and effective range of solutions for control of rodent and insect pests, and other nuisance animals, both within the home and out in the garden. STV products are designed, formulated, and manufactured, to exacting standards. Over the years we have built a worldwide reputation for easy-to-use, innovative pest control solutions that can be relied on to get the job done time again. Readily equipped for the day-to-day running of STV’s brands, the main Norfolk site boasts offices, warehousing, production and showroom facilities. Along with a growing team of dedicated professionals, STV continues to deliver innovative products and helpful consumer advice.
Summit International/PMS International 6D30-E31
Basildon, UK Tony Goding 01268 505171 info@summitint.co www.summitint.co Our brands have been developed to encourage outdoor recreation, based upon the principles of being able to enjoy the great outdoors, whatever the weather or activity.
Blackpool, UK Lee Kennerley sales@transcon.co.uk transcon.co.uk One of the UK’s top leading outdoor living brand for over 20 years. Offering innovatively designed garden furniture, decor and accessories. SunTime mission is to design and source commercially desirable products to create pioneering new technology which can be adapted into unique and exclusive customer goods. Since 2022 new Garden Exclusive UK distributor. SunTime, premium garden furniture collection. Relax-Made in UK outdoor beanbags, beanbag chairs and outdoor cushions. SolFurniture made in Europe from recycled plastic.
Super Ninja
Swan Retail
Rotterdam, The Netherlands Michael Evans 07971 334253 michael@firstbrandsinternational.com www.superninja.eco Effective and sustainable pest control. Our insect attractant our made with only natural ingredients. No nasty toxins. Waterlooville, UK Hannah Clowes 02393 873170 sales@swanretail.co.uk www.swanretail.co.uk We have more than 25 years’ experience in the retail software industry, developing and delivering powerful retail solutions used by leading garden centres and nurseries.
Notts, UK Jim Leitch 0788 5466703 info@tagshopuk.com tagshopuk.com TagShopUK are specialists in retail tagging systems and consumables.We supply a full range of products at unbelievably competitive prices.
From statement pieces to elegant, atmospheric wall lighting, we are excited to showcase our new range of entertaining essentials at GLEE 2022, including the launch of our very first solar floor light - Rosalind Solar Floor Lamp.
Forest Mushroom Lights
- Award winning solar lighting - Unrivelled performance and durability - State-of-the-art technology - Solar and USB chargeable - High lumen lighting - Remote control & app control capabilities
Come and see us at stand 20E60-F61 For more information: 01582 363238 | trade@thesolarcentre.co.uk
10 Edinburgh USB Solarr Festoon Lights
Lancaster Solar Table Lamp Dartington Solar Garden Light
A-Z of exhibitors Talking of Plants
Stradbroke, UK Hannah Weeks 0782 3885921 hannah@talkingofplants.com talkingofplants.com Beautiful plant-themed home and gardening accessories. Designed and illustrated in Suffolk by gardener and illustrator Hannah Weeks. Proudly eco-friendly and made in England.
Taylors Bulbs
Holbeach, UK Adam Taylor 01406 422266 sales@taylors-bulbs.com www.taylors-bulbs.com Taylors bulb are a leading supplier of spring and autumn flowering bulbs and associated products to the garden centre industry.
Telluria UK
Glasgow, UK Mark Kelly 0736 8807067 mark@telluriauk.com www.telluriauk.com Premium maintenance free garden buildings.
TGW Distribution Ltd
Leicester, UK Richard Scattergood 0116 2867297 sales@tgwdistribution.co.uk tgwdistribution.co.uk We stock exclusive products only distributed by us such as British Organic Bio. We stock products from across the globe, such as Future Harvest, Emerald Harvest and CANNA.
The Bransford Webbs Plant Company NB46
Worcester, UK David Chilvers 01886 833733 sales@bransfordwebbs.co.uk www.bransfordwebbs.co.uk A wholesale nursery based near Worcester and one of the UKs leading growers of ornamental plants, we supply new and innovative plant promotions to garden centres across the UK.
The Christmas Cabin Ltd/ Cadeby Tree Trust 6A22-B23
Grantham, UK Sarah Flamson 01455 292267 sarah@cadebytreetrust.co.uk www.thechristmascabin.com The Christmas Cabin support the sales of retail Christmas trees from harvest to home. Cadeby Tree Trust are the largest growers of Christmas trees in England.
Soilworx Natural Fertiliser : Supporting Plant Growth and Soil Restoration. UK & Ireland’s largest Natural Fertiliser Company.
Healthy Soil is where it all begins. Come visit us at Stand 7D67! 86
A-Z of exhibitors The Garden Village Ltd
Blackburn, UK Caroline Donelan 01254 814343 caroline@thegardenvillage.co.uk thegardenvillage.co.uk TGV brand was established in 2009. We design, develop and manufacture in the UK our own range of timber garden products. All our timber is FSC Certified and pressure treated.
The Gifted Stationery Company
Bath, UK Sarah Aubrey 01225 442608 sarah@thegiftedstationeryco.com www.thegiftedstationeryco.com We design and make beautiful gift stationery, calendars, diaries and jigsaws.
The Magic Molecule Co
Elstead, UK Tony Kelly 01252 279936 customer.services@themagicmoleculeco.com themagicmoleculeco.co.uk Retailer and manufacturer of plant health biostimulants to help the everyday gardener. Your garden will love you when you use our scientifically-proven sustainable supplements.
The Patio Black Spot Removal Co. 6A80-B81
Tilford, UK Alexander Essex 0800 500 3032 info@pbsr.co.uk www.patioblackspotremoval.com The Patio Black Spot Removal Company Ltd was created to solve a specific problem: How do you remove those hideous black spots from your patios and pathways? Over the years the perceived wisdom has been that the stronger the cleaner and the harder the pressure, the more chance you had of removing black spots from your stone. Nothing could be further than the truth. Patio Black Spot Remover gently removes patio black spots, completely restores the colour to garden stonework, of any age, and prevents the return of patio black spot. Our products are biodegradable and acid free. Our expertise in stone led us to develop this unique system and it’s why top garden centres throughout the UK have chosen to stock our pioneering brand.
A-Z of exhibitors The Real Soil Company
Burton Latimer, UK Nathan Hein 01536 510517 info@therealsoilcompany.co.uk www.therealsoilcompany.co.uk The Real Soil Company creates ethically sourced, sustainable and high-quality, natural topsoils that deliver superior performance and environmental excellence.
The Satchville Gift Company
Melton Mowbray, UK Barney Simons 01664 898490 info@thesatchvillegiftcompany.co.uk www.thesatchvillegiftcompany.co.uk We have been supplying garden centres, florists and independents for over 10 years, specialising in home and garden accessories, seasonal decorations and gifts.
The Sock Shop
Cheshire, UK Neil Walton 01270 502860 Contact@osan.co.uk ruia.co.uk Working under licence with some of the best-loved brands out there including SockShop TORE, Sockshop Wildfeet, Pringle, Jeff Banks and Glenmuir.
Join us at Glee 22
The Walnut Tree
Borehamwood, UK Nicholas Crowne 0796 6133071 nick@walnut.gifts www.walnut.gifts Walnut Tree pack dried fruit and natural nuts, caramelised nuts, nougat, marzipan, glace fruits, marron glace and chocolate beautifully packed to make an ideal Christmas gift.
Worthing, UK Nicky Dumbleton 01903 202151 sales@thermapen.co.uk thermapen.co.uk Thermapen is the UK’s number one selling food thermometer and takes the guesswork out of grilling, barbecuing and much more guaranteeing cooking perfection everytime.
Glastonbury, UK Ben Thornborough 0145 8258588 studio@thorndown.co.uk thorndown.co.uk Thorndown is a specialist paint manufacturer that creates technically excellent, water-based wood paints and an innovative peelable glass paint in Glastonbury, UK.
28th - 30th June NEC Birmingham
Stand 19B40-C41
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A-Z of exhibitors Tildenet Gardenware
Bristol, UK Lee Hamber 0117 9341799 gardenware@tildenet.co.uk www.tildenetgardenware.co.uk Tildenet Gardenware are leading independent specialists with an unrivalled range and brands you can trust.
Tilnar Art
Fyfield, UK Tom Hawes 01277 297259 sales@tilnarart.co.uk www.tilnarart.co.uk Tilnar Art are a small team of people who do their utmost to give you the best. We try hard to ensure that you receive a product that is handmade, unique and profoundly different to others in the marketplace. When designing a product and eventually adding it to our collection we do our best to visualise it in the modern home or garden. We never lose sight of the eventual consumer and the retailer. We work hard to find you products that give you the edge and maintain our increasing number of artisans by providing them regular and sustainable trade.
Timber Displays Ltd
Bourne, UK Joanne Kemp 01778 422700 sales@timberdisplays.co.uk www.timberdisplays.co.uk Our products are designed to increase your turnover by showing your merchandise to its full potential and to add an attractive feature to your garden centre or store.
TJ Home Decors
Bracknell, UK Tibor Csik 07470 858286 info@tjhomedecors.co.uk tjhomedecors.co.uk We exclusively specialise in quality garden and home decor ornaments.
Huntingdon, UK Tony Reynolds 0845 1235433 enquiries@toucan-sales.co.uk toucan-sales.co.uk Software solutions for mobile sales, CRM and sales analytics. Increase productivity, maximise sales opportunities, drive profits and improve customer sales and service.
Tramontina UK Ltd
Treadstone Products
London, UK Alexandre Frubel 0203 1764558 contact.tuk@tramontina.com www.tramontina.co.uk Our portfolio is brimming with quality and innovation across wooden and plastic furniture, bistro sets, cutlery, knives, BBQ grills, BBQ utensils, and much more! Threapwood, UK Dean Winters 01978 664 667 sales@treadstoneproducts.com www.treadstoneproducts.com Dare to sell different with Treadstone Products. Our award winning products include Pot Trellis - the Glee 2021 Best Product winner, and the renowned ClipGlove range.
Trellis Horticulture International Pvt ltd7C87
Madurai, India Krishnamoorthi Saranyan +91 8098 899900 sini@trellishorticulture.com www.trellishorticulture.com Trellis Horticulture International is a leading supplier of application centric horticulture products. Trellis Guaranteed EC & Expansion guranateed, we provide direct door-to-door delivery.
Kent, UK Sam Coogan 0772 5129243 info@trimower.com trimower.com UK start-up redesigning garden care. TriMower simply combines a mower and a trimmer to cover two jobs in one. Our patented edge trimming solution is the future of garden care.
Tripod Home Ltd
Clevedon, UK Myles Podmore 01934 877 088 info@tripodhome.co.uk www.tripodhome.co.uk Eclectic mix of garden statuary, furniture and accessories to added the quirky and unexpected to the garden.
A-Z of exhibitors Tudor Tea & Coffee
UCC Coffee UK
UK Bamboo Supplies Ltd.
Aveley, UK Vincent Young vince@tudorcoffee.co.uk www.tudorcoffee.co.uk
Tilbrook, UK Kate Movsessian 01908 275 520 info@ucc-coffee.co.uk www.ucc-coffee.co.uk We create outstanding coffee experiences for the most dynamic businesses in foodservice, hospitality and retail. Get ready to grow your coffee business faster. Framfield, UK Jordan Tapp 01825 890 041 sales@ukbamboo.com ukbamboo.com UK Bamboo Supplies is the UK’s leading supplier of bamboo poles, fencing and plyboards. From gardeners to interior designers and architects, we supply to a range of industries.
UK Garden Buildings
Stafford, UK Jenee Goode 01889 582000 sales@ukgardenbuildings.co.uk ukgardenbuildings.co.uk UK Garden Buildings specialises in manufacturing, delivering, and installing the highest quality handmade garden buildings.
UK Greetings Limited
Dewsbury, UK Robert Marsden 0777 9348196 robert.marsden@ukgreetings.co.uk www.ukgreetings.co.uk We are one of the UK’s largest direct to retail greeting card publishers and we create award winning greeting cards, gift dressings and social expressions products for birthdays, life’s events, special occasions and those ‘saw this and thought of you’ moments. We are passionate about brining the best product to market and providing the best customer service. Whether you are looking for a small curated selection of specific designs from our beautiful licenses such as RHS or Peter Rabbit or a bespoke display with supported category management, we have the solution for your greeting card needs.
Unison (ENGG) Industries
Punjab, India Kirpal Singh ksunison@hotmail.com
Redhill, UK Alex Allen alex@vegepod.co.uk vegepod.co.uk Vegepods are award winning raised vegetable garden beds that make growing your own at home easy and convenient. Vegepods are innovative in design allowing for fast growing results.
Colchester, UK Paul Owen 01206 230025 sales@vegtrug.com vegtrug.com VegTrug is a lifestyle brand providing durable, high-quality raised bed planters. VegTrug will be unveiling several exciting new products at GLEE this 2022 season.
VENT for Change
Veritable Indoor Gardens
Bristol, UK Lucy Heath 07395 284788 lucy@ventforchange.co.uk ventforchange.co.uk VENT For Change is the sustainable stationery company that combines beautifully designed products with an ethical purchasing option for all your customers. Rillieux-la-Pape, France Paul Shelley 01782 572910 info@inthehaus.co.uk www.veritable-garden.com Veritable is the leading startup in urban farming and indoor gardening. We provide innovative solutions which enable everyone to easily grow, harvest and enjoy at home.
Ningbo, China Joel Fu joel@vertak.com www.vertak.com At Vetark our mission is to change the landscape of exotic and companion animal nutrition with our unique range of nutritional supplements and treatments.
A-Z of exhibitors Vidhi Exports
Noida, India Abhishek Jindal +91 9910788355 aj@thebrassmanindia.com www.thebrassmanindia.com Garden hardware, garden accessories
Weenect GPS
Vishal Garments
Delhi, India Vikram Sharma vishalgarments92@gmail.com
Vitax Ltd
Coalville, UK David Griffiths 01530 510060 d.griffiths@vitax.co.uk www.gardenworld.co.uk British business manufacturing and supplying both traditional and organic horticultural products. From organic feeds to pest control, 140+ garden and plant-related products.
Weatherbeeta Group
outside with your four legged friend, with products perfect for walking from Weatherbeeta & Dublin.
Northamptonshire, UK Alice Bowen 01295 226900 sales@weatherbeeta.com www.weatherbeeta.com Wrap up warm and make the most of your time
Paris, France Bénédicte de Villemeur Vieille 01224 976100 sales@weenect.com weenect.com Weenect GPS trackers for pets that go... a little too far…
Westland Horticulture Limited 20F60-G61, 20F40-G41
Dungannon, UK Simon Mcardle 02887 727500 lmallinder@westland.com www.gardenhealth.com Here at Westland we want to make people’s gardening dreams come true. We are for gardeners today and for gardeners tomorrow. Whenever gardeners need us. Westland have it covered.
A-Z of exhibitors White Food Service Equipment
WHM Pet Group
Redditch, UK Tim White pavita@whites-foodequip.co.uk whites-foodequip.co.uk
White Pebble International
Havant, UK Adam Ash 01243 780501 orders@whitepebbleint.com www.whitepebbleinternational.com White Pebble distribute wonderful brands Woodstock Chimes- the world’s favourite windchimes; Ooly a creative range of art and crafts; and Solmate Socks eco-friendly socks.
York, UK James Jackson 0150 7480731 salessupport@marriagesmillers.co.uk www.honeyfieldswildbird.co.uk Honeyfield’s Wild Bird offers a wide range of highquality wild bird feed, feeders, treats and accessories whilst helping wildlife as, where ingredients allow, our feeds contain cereals and seed mixes grown on Fair-to-Nature farms. We’re unveiling something exciting at the show! Marriage’s Feed have sixgenerations of milling experience which has allowed us to develop a comprehensive range of pet foods and small holding feeds focussed on animal wellbeing, nutrition, enrichment, and the environment. RSPB is the authority in wild-bird-care with over 1.2million members, this knowledge means that all food, feeders, and accessories are developed with birds needs in mind.
A-Z of exhibitors Wild ID
Telford, UK Philip Turvil 01952 208910 j.robinson@field-studies-council.org www.field-studies-council.org We’re a leading publisher of wildlife and nature. Our WildID guides are lightweight, splash-proof and rucksack sized. Plus they’re sustainably produced in the UK. Ages 8-80+.
Wildlife and Birdcare
Trentham, UK Sammy Holman 01782 229129 sales@wildlifeandbirdcare.co.uk wildlifeandbirdcare.co.uk UK Wildlife, wild birds and insects home manufacturer and seed ball producer.
Wildlife World Ltd
Tetbury, UK Mark Pitman 01666 505333 info@wildlifeworld.co.uk www.wildlifeworld.co.uk Wildlife World is an award-winning designer and manufacturer of environmentally friendly and sustainable wildlife products based in Tetbury, Gloucestershire.
Willowstone Ltd
Longhope, UK Julian Palmer 01452 830774 sales@willowstone.com www.willowstone.com British manufacturer of high quality cast stone garden ornaments established 1974. Products include bird baths, statuary and planters.
Leicester, UK Thomas Willday letschat@willsow.com willsow.com Willsow are the multi-award-winning producers of the world’s first plantable childrens book! Yes, thats right. You can read the story, plant the book and grow the characters!
Woodlodge Products 20A20-B21, 20A30-B31, 20A60-B61, 20B30-C31, 20B20-C21, 20B60-C61, 20B40-C41
Tetbury, UK Richard Newton 01666 501000 pots@woodlodge.co.uk www.woodlodge.co.uk Woodlodge is the UK’s leading supplier of garden pots, with a reputation for excellence and expertise in the design and distribution of gardenware.
A-Z of exhibitors Woodmansterne Publications
Watford, UK Kate Leach 07810 513335 kirsty@woodmansterne.co.uk www.woodmansterne.com Woodmansterne are a third-generation family business supplying premium greeting cards to leading independent retailers, all designed and manufactured in the UK. They work with the very best of British talent including National Trust, Quentin Blake, RSPB, and Emma Bridgewater. Their W-Select programme offers you a one-stop solution for the planning and management of your greeting card assortment, helping you to create a unique and visually appealing card department with a diverse, exciting range of product from the best publishers in the UK. They would love to explore how they can help your business grow. Get in touch 01923 200 600 or sales@woodmansterne.co.uk
Xinya Outdoor
Changzhou City, China Yanmei Song +86 51985 190068 xinya008@xinya.com.cn www.xinya.com.cn We research and develop new products for your especially those to be widely used in gardening. Our business also encompasses products like driveaway markers.
Yardcare Robotic
Yingly Group UK Ltd
Barnsley, UK Liz Hudston 01226 794059 info@naylor.co.uk www.yorkshireflowerpots.co.uk Barnsley based Yorkshire Flowerpots is the UK’s only volume producer of ceramic flowerpots, producing in excess of 200,000 pots per year. It is part of the 4th generation Naylor Group of Companies, a family business which has been making ceramic products since 1890. Yorkshire Flowerpots are pleased to be attending Glee for the 27th year. Yorkshire Flowerpots will be showcasing their range of British made terracotta planters at Glee 2022. To find out more about the Yorkshire Flowerpots range visit stand 20C20-D21.
Mollie Higginson 07873 517673 yphassocation@outlook.com www.ypha.org.uk YPHA is an association bringing together people under the age of 35 who work in horticulture to network, learn and socialise.
Nanjing, China Julie Hu +86 18952 017208 market4@tengya.com www.touatools.com Nanjing Toua Hardware & Tools Co.,Ltd founded in 2000, located in Jiangning District, Nanjing, Jiangsu, China, focus on design, production and sales of robotic lawnmowers etc. Harlow, UK Shuzen Zhang 07954 827709 santo@vip.163.com vip.163.com We are committed to provide one-stop purchasing service to our customers.
Yorkshire Flowerpots
Mold, UK Alwyn Williams 01352 752555 sales@zestoutdoorliving.co.uk www.zestoutdoorliving.co.uk Zest is a leading supplier of award winning sustainable timber garden products with a family heritage in the timber industry stretching back 5 generations. Zest’s innovative range includes, furniture, planters, arches, fencing, decorative structures and GYO products made from sustainable FSC® (C114990) slow grown soft wood sourced from responsibly managed Forestry Stewardship Council® forests. Zest designs innovative products for outdoor living enthusiasts, positioning itself as the natural choice for timber garden products. Zest sells to garden centres, major retailing groups and online retailers and has a dedicated national sales team of professionals and provides an impressive range of retail support services.
SAVE THE DATE See you next June!
www.patioblackspotremoval.com Rated excellent by more than 2000 0 customers
Hall: 8-20 Stand: 20H34-J35 www.johnsonslawnseed.com Marketed by