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New dawn for growing seeds

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Innovation matters

Innovation matters

Aningenious reusable modular system, designed by Frenchman Eric Baudouin, for germinating seeds has received invaluable supportfromGIMA to help the businessgrow.

Marketed as Germie, it consists of frames that slot together to create hexagonalcells which, when filledwith growing media, provide the perfect environment for growing seeds. When germinated the frames can be easily dismantled to access theplug plant which can be transplanted with no disturbancetothe roots. The frames can then be cleaned ready to be used again and again.

Germie is nowthe eighthrecipientofthe GIMA Innovators Seed Corn Fund. Eric and his team will nowreceive an incredible prizefund package, comprising agrant of up to £6,000 which includesayear’s fullGIMAmembership, plus awiderange of businesssupporttools including free exhibition spaceatGleeand free PR supportduring theevent.Inaddition, thewinners package also includesdesign developmentand manufacturing or marketing cost support up to thevalue of £3,000;access to an industrybusiness consultant; one-year Anti Copying in Design membership, and an advert in thenextGIMAProduct Digest. “The team is bringing to market aconcept that is provenin other markets and is set to open up newsales opportunities forUKgarden retailers,”says

VickyNuttall,GIMA Director.“The approachto growing is clearly very considered,whilst the environmental impact of thematerialinnovation is heartening to see. It’sa strongproposition that offers acomplete, easy-to-followprocess that will increase consumer confidence with gardening.”

Eric has been refining the design for some time and set up the company just overa year ago. Sincethen, it has been taken up by around 200 stores in Francewhereithas also helped increase sales of growing media and seeds. It’s also available in Sweden and The Netherlands and thereisinterestfromNew Zealand. “I looked at all the products already on the market and took thebestbits of them all,”says Eric. “I’m 100% sureitworks.”

Currently,the Germie is available in three kit sizes with 13 to 41 cells. Prices vary with RRP’sbetween £16.90-£24.90. Thelist of other benefits is impressive. It reduces the need for pricking out, which makes moreefficient use of seed, it’smade from locally sourcedrecycled plastic, fully recyclable and guaranteed for 10-years. It uses growing media efficiently and buyers can use trays theyalready haveinwhich to sit the cells so watering is even.

Eric adds that Germie has a30-40 year lifespan allowing kits to be passed through the generations. “Wehope that Germie will become synonymous with producing anew generation of confident gardeners that areadvocates of reducing waste,”says Eric.

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