GTN June/July 2024 - SOLEX Preview - Garden Trade News UK

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SOLEX2024PREVIEW ISSUE Summer starts at SOLEX2024 JUNE/JULY 2024 Advice &information for garden centreprofessionals 26 Page SOLEX Preview CHELSEA INSPIRATION Blue Diamond and Bridgerton star at the show CHARITY GOLF DAY GIMAswings into action for Greenfingers BRING ON THE PLANTS Hannah Cook interview

Summer must start soon!

It’snow starting to get beyond ajoke. More rain and seemingly constant cold winds during the first partofJune. Surely summer will arrivesoon? An optimistic viewisthat awarm July and August will see an uptick in sales, but it may not nowmakeupfor lost sales during May and early June. I’ve got my rosetinted glasses on, fingers crossed and wearing aluckyfloralshirt. If that doesn’twork, well It was greattosee so many industry folkraising moneyfor Greenfingers at theGIMACharityGolf Dayearlierthismonth. The mood was upbeat, but

the cold wind blowing acrossthe course underlined the ongoingproblemfor retailers andsuppliers. Nextstopfor the GTNteamisSOLEX, where we will be based for all threedays to bring you theSOLEX SUN live from theshow..Wehope the 26-pageShowPreviewinthisissue prompts youto registerand attend. There willbeplenty of outdoor living newnesstosee in Hall 5atthe NEC. We look forwardtoseeing many of youthere,and at either the Euros SOLEX afterpartyonthe Tuesdaynightor theBBQ evening on the Wednesday night Seeyou at SOLEX!


Garden Trade News

Potting Shed PressLtd DairyDrove ThorneyPeterboroughPE6 0TX Tel01733 775700


Editor Trevor Pfeiffer

Advertising Sales Alan Burdon

Features Editor Anisa Gress

Digital Editor Neil Pope

Subscriptions Karen Pfeiffer

Design &Production AT Graphics Ltd

Kirsty Craner –Design AlunJones –Production Manager

RobertTipping –Managing Director

James Tipping –Technical Director

Printing CG Print Ltd

Do youqualify for acopyofGTN?

Ifyou’dliketobeaddedtotheGTNdistributionlist,pleasesendyourdetails Alternatively,ifyoupreferyourGardenTradeNewsdigitally,signupforGTN Xtra,

Potting Shed PressLtd

Garden Trade News is published by Potting Shed PressLtd who also publish: GTNBestsellers, GTNXtra, PetTrade Xtra, Glee Daily News and the Glee Catalogue, and the Solex Sun. Potting Shed Pressalso supply Garden Radio to over100 garden centresacrossthe country.

Director Trevor Pfeiffer

SMALL PRINT:All material ©Potting Shed PressLtd 2024 No partofthis publication may ereproduced in any form whatsoever, either for sale or not, without the expresspermission of the publishers. The information supplied in this publication is published in good faith and everyefforthas been made to ensure its accuracy.Potting Shed PressLtd cannot acceptresponsibility for any error or misrepresentation. All liability for loss, disappointment, negligenceorother damage caused by relianceoninformation contained in this publication or in the vent of any bankruptcy or

or cassation of the trade of any company, individual

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or firmmentioned,
4 Bring on theplants–GTN talksto Hannah Cook 7 Welcome to NOVA’s new ExperienceCentre 8 ABridgertonChelsea FlowerShow 12 Moreshowrooms to visit 15 Outdoor adventures with Fandango FireTools 17 SOLEX 2024 –GTN’s26-pageshow preview 20 SOLEX showfloor plan 22 Welcome to the SOLEX Afterparty andAwards 23 Celebrating BBQ Hero’s at SOLEX 24 Bramblecrest on amission 28 News and latest products from SOLEXexhibitors 39 SOLEX greeninitiatives 43 Greenfingersopens newgarden 44 NOVA brandand business model revamp 46 GIMA golf day 52 Glee’s 50 Year Hero’s 56 Chelsea’splantwinners- GTN’s Planteria 58 Promotingthe industry-HTA Viewpoint 59 Innovation driving retail –GIMA Viewpoint Advertisers in this Issue 2 Museums &Galleries 11 Hozelock 12 Kaemingk 13 EdelmanUK 14 Autumn Fair 16 Fordingbridge 18 Celtic Leisure 26 Norfolk Leisure 29 Hartman 31 Zest 32 Woodlodge -W Garden Living 35 Outback BBQ’s 36 TomChambers 38 LeisureGrow SmashGrill 41 LOFA 42 SOLEX 2024 45 NOVA 48 Plantworks 49 Handy Distribution 50 PATS Aquatics Zone 51 QD Group –CherryLane 53 MeadowviewStone 53 Glee 54 PATS 57 Garden Girls 57 Four Oaks Trade Show 60 SOLEX 2024 June/July 2024 3 Blue Diamond, British Garden Centres and Hilliersmadethe most of the marketing and sales opportunities at BBC GardenersWorld Live2024
In this issue...

Bring on the plants

In Worcestershire, Cook’s Garden Centreisbucking an industry trend and has ditched its gift department in favour of using the space to sell moreplants. GTN talks to Hannah Cook to find how it’s working.

Cook’s Garden Centrehas always put plants first, so it’sinteresting to learn, unlikemany retailers expanding gift and café offerings, it is has decided to focus 100% on plants, pots, compost and growing sundries.

“This morning someone's been in and bought three trolleys of houseplants. One customer! We would neverhavesold three trolleys of giftwareto one customer,” says Hannah Cook, who manages the business with her parents Paul and Sally.“Isee giftwareassomething that tends to attract dust. It doesn't really move that quickly.I see trolleys and trolleys of plants leavehere but Idon't see trolleys of giftwareleaving the other garden centres Ivisit,”she says

Thereare severaldrivers behind this decision perhaps the most important being the centre’sreputation for growing its own and selling value for money, quality plants. Some arebought in, but its nurseryis working to capacity producing plants to sell in the garden centre.

Local customersand those further

afield,betheyexperts or beginners, know Cook’s Garden Centre in Stourport is theplacefor everything they need to fill their gardenswith happy, healthyplants. Theplantrange is based on what looks good rather than traditionalA-Z benches.

“Other centreswith anurseryfeedinginto thegarden centrewill stockevery shrub under the sun lined up alphabeticallyall year round. Butwetend to stockplants that look good.Wedon’thaveroomfor A-Z,”says Hannah.She adds customers appreciateseeing what’slooking good and visualise it in their owngardens.

Next is thequestionofspace. With just 30 car parkingspaces,the businesshas to make everysquare inch work hard. “Every square foot of carparkand retail spacecounts. We haveto look at thatspaceand think howmuchmoney it canmakefor us. For us,spacecan turn overstock alot quicker if it’splants. Evenonarainy day, we'vegot a fullcar park,”saysHannah. “Wedon’t have acaféora restaurant because we simply haven'tgot thecar parking spaces.”

This leads Hannah on to believe shoppers adopt adifferentattitude when theygotoacentrewith catering.“We don’thavethe teaand pee brigade which go home without buying athing,” says Hannah. “I regularly spend aweekend on the till to keep an eyeonwhat’sselling, and Ican see that 95% of our customers leavehaving bought asubstantial amount of plants.”

Benefiting from the newregime isthe expanded houseplant section, which is selling through exceptionally well, and Cook’s nowhas moreroom to accommodatea larger range of pots and containers. Seed sales areup an impressive 130% up on last year,growing media up 30% and pot sales haveincreased by a staggering 250%. “Wealso havemoregaps

4 June/July 2024 Interview
Hannah Cook.

on the nurserycompared to last year,so things aredefinitely selling through quicker, and overall sales figures aredefinitely up,” says Hannah.

Marketing,social media and Christmas

At Cook’s things arekept simple and there arenocomplicated messages. “Wedid think about branding ourselves as the ‘gardeners garden centre’ but Ifelt this would discourage beginners. We havea lot of customers just starting out which we love helping and it’sgreat seeing them come back because theyhavegot into gardening,” explains Hannah. Today the businessprides itself on being Cooks Garden Centre. “That should be descriptive enough. We areabout plants, compost pots and sundries,”says Hannah.

Customer engagementishigh, and Cook’s customers arehappytouse social media and technology,evenif theydoneedabit of help.Thiswas aptly illustrated at Christmas whenCook’s won second placeinGTN’sGreatest Garden CentreChristmasTeam,voted for by customers. “Wedid alot of facetoface helping with the QR code butwealso printed leafletsfor people to takehome andwill definitely be doing apapervote forthis year…solookout!” saysHannah. Eventhough gifts aren’tanoffering, Christmas is still important, and if anything, pressureto giveitmorespaceisincreasing Although extraspacecomes from a

June/July 2024 5 Interview
Hannah with her dad Paul. Pot sales are up 250%. Seed sales are up 130%.

Customershave come to rely on Cook's foroffering great pots, plants and value formoney.

marquee, thereis abalancing act to be maintained with the overflow carpark. Cook’s has been offering aChristmas range for around 30 years, as Paul Cook saw it as away to bring in the sales during aquiet time on the nurseryand keep everyone employed. “It works perfectly,” explains Hannah. The nurseryteam stop growing around August and work on Christmas until the second week in Januarywhen the nurserystarts to get busy again.

This Christmas may be abit different though as Hannah can see the new importregimes affecting the availability of poinsettias. SinceApril, Hannah has noticed delays in stock coming in from Europe. “Things area lot slowerand delayed,”she says adding thereislesschoiceassuppliers restrict what theyoffer in abid to reduce the instances of having trollies being unloaded and checked at border control points. “I havecustomers wanting Venus fly traps, but I’ve told them if theysee them anywhere, to just buy them. It's all very well and good saying get behind British growing, but as acountrywejust don't grow enough. Every squareinch of our nursery is coveredinplants and we turn it round three times in aseason, and we aregrowing baskets in the roof spacetoo.”

There’salso the question of value for money. Buying British, especially for houseplants, doesn’talways offer aprice advantage to allowCook’s to offer value for money. Over many decades, Paul has garnered great relationships with other growers and is aparticularly good buyer.“We do operateonalowermargin,

especially on the big plants, because I'd rather theyweresold than getting obsessed with percentages. Good quality and value for moneyare the biggest drivers for dad and Iwould rather drop the margin and shift something -Idon't want to be looking at it all year.”

The newdirection is certainly working for Cook’s,but what do customers think? “Theylove it,”says Hannah. “Weseem to be gaining lots of newcustomers coming from other centres that oncehad a reputation of being plant growers but have slowly movedintogifts and leisure. We are just selling moreplants than ever.”

Below: Peat-free growing media is sold at the same priceaspeat-based products. “We don't want acustomer’s decision to be price driven so we'vegiven them the opportunity to makeuptheirown mind without pricebeing a factor,” says Hannah.

6 June/July 2024 Interview
Above and below: Plant and pot paradise with everything looking good.

Welcome to the NOVA Experience Centre

Opened this summer,the new NOVA Experience Centreisthe UK’s largest showroom for garden furnitureand outdoor living.

Booking is nowopen to visit the new NOVA ExperienceCentreinCambridge.

At 44,000 sqft, it’sthought to be the largest in the UK devotedasashowroom for garden furnitureand outdoor living sector

As the company is not attending any trade shows this year,the ExperienceCentreisthe only placewherebuyers and retailers can see NOVA’s full range, its collections and new designs. In arelaxed and informal setting,visitors can immerse themselves in all things NOVA,get to knowthe team and witnessupcoming trends and materials for 2025 and beyond.

“I believe the ExperienceCentrenot only highlights the confidencewehaveasa business but also in my team to deliver atotally new product range without clinging to any of our familiar designs.,”says Carl Smithers, NOVA’s Operations Director.“This huge investment shows the strategic longevity we haveput in place. We’readifferentNOVAtowherewe were before. My strategy for NOVA is to build long-term partnerships with retailers. Our job is to makesureretailers havea completeoffering of outdoor furniture, catering for all garden settings and themes with the latest trends.”

Behind the scenes, NOVA has not only been working on afresh newlook for its products and brand but also refining its serviceand enhancing buying experiences. This includes the

Our job is to make sure retailershave acomplete offering of outdoor furniture, catering forall garden settings and themes with the latest trends.

newExperienceCentrewhich opened on June 3rd. If youare,orwant to be, aretailer of outdoor furniture, havea dedicatedspaceand sales team and want to see howNOVA’snew philosophy aligns with your business, then avisit to its newExperience Centrethis summer is an absolutemust.

To book aday at the ExperienceCentrevisit www. and choose the booking option. Formoreinformation, contact Ian Read, NOVA’s Sales Director.Email:

June/July 2024 7 Promotion
The Heidi range Part of The Griffin collection

Give your garden centre aBridgerton makeover

The RHS Chelsea Flower Show always delivers adose of gardening inspiration. GTNpicks out afew of its favourites and sees that ataste of Bridgerton in the planteria could delight customers.

Eventhe weather couldn’tdampen the spirits of visitors and exhibitors to the RHS Chelsea FlowerShow, which has officially kicked off the gardening season. If gardeners hadn’tgot the gardening bug before, theywill certainly haveit nowand be in their garden centres buying up awardwinning plants and some old favourites.

It’salways interesting to see which gardens and plants get morethan their fair shareof the media frenzy,and this year it had to be The BridgertonGarden, designed by Holly Johnston –afirst timer at Chelsea. Aclever trick for sponsor Netflix, which streams the Bridgertondrama, to use the garden to promoteseriesthree, released just afew days beforethe show.

Interestingly,the demographic of those watching Bridgertonisnot dissimilar to garden centrecustomers. Although it certainly appeals

8 June/July 2024 RHS Chelsea FlowerShow
Burgon and Ball were busy toowith lots of interest in its range of tools. As wellasmaking sales, the companywon a 4Star Trade Stand Award. With the Chelsea barracks as abackdrop, the sighting of The BridgertonGarden at the RHS Chelsea Flower Showcouldn’thavebeen better.A beautiful garden filled with easy to grow favourites.

to ayoung audience, it’salso lovedbywoman aged 40 years plus so creating athemed shop floor or planteria display would certainly be on trend. Another reason the garden waspopular wasbecause the plants areeasy to source and grow.Holly used roses, foxgloves, lupins and iris, birch, ferns and campanula to great effect and elements of stone, fountains and apond areall ingredients most retailers already have.

Colour collective

Colour is also coming back with pops of orange, purple and whitebrightening up subdued tones of previous year.How to slow, contain and use rain waterwas also high on the agenda.

Iris were also very much in evidencewith varying tones of Siberian iris at the forereflecting the popularity of waterfeatures. Foxglovestoo were afavouriteand thereweretrees aplenty.Even the winner of the Chelsea Plant of the Year wasa tree (see page 28).

Winning product

Gardening products also get time to shine. In the 2024 RHS Sustainable Garden Product of the Year,aself-watering,flat packed pot covertook the prize. Based on the Japanese artoforigami, POTR is aself-assembly pot coverwith internal wick to makeplant watering efficient.

Andrew Flynn, Designer and aFounder of POTR,explains the minimal packaging means retailers need to display an assembled POTR to showcustomers howitworks. In three sizes, retailing at £16 (11cm), £20 (15cm) and £24,they come in arange of colours. “The biggest we currently sell is 18cm diameter,but we would love to go bigger as it makes even moresense from asustainability point of viewand in terms of transport.”Itwould also help with garden centredisplays. “It’sone of the things on our hit list,”hesays. Pots aremanufactured in

Edinburgh and currently retailers areselling at a 55%-60% margin.

Judge and Dragon’sDen ‘dragon’, Deborah Meaden says: “It is truly,madly and deeply sustainable from the get-go.Ituses abrilliant material –polyproline –which uses recycled product and is recyclable. But none of that matters if it isn’tacool looking product. Youcan havethe most sustainable thing in the world, but if nobody wants to buy it, it doesn’thaveany impact whatsoever. I’malways looking for the reasons a product won’twork. But I’ll be honest -I’vestruggled finding anything.”

In achange to previous years, aHighly Commended wasalso given and presented to Kim Stead from Twool for its 100% British wool, Sustainable Garden Net. Retailing at £14.99, it’sperfect for supporting sweet peas and other annual climbers.

Above:Congratulations to Blue Diamond and the National Trust forcoming away with not only a Silver-Guilt medal, but also the People’sChoiceand the Children’sChoiceAward.Seen herewith designer Anne-Marie Powell, areAlan Roper of Blue Diamond and Andy Jasper from the National Trust. Theidea behind TheOctavia Hill Garden wastopromotegardening and access to green space, regardless of location, something which Octavial Hill, the Trust’sfounder fought for.

“I’ve been comingtoChelsea for20yearsand just looking at the complexity and variety and the colour paletteofthe planting,I knewinmyheartthat this was agardeners’ garden,”saysAlan Roper,Blue Diamond Managing Director.A team from Blue Diamond has been working with Anne-Marie and have learnt alot along the way. “It’sbeing partofsomething that’squite special,”saysAlan. Thegarden is nowonits waytobe rebuilt at Blue Diamond’sBridgemereShowGardens to be enjoyedbythe public foryearstocome.

At the show, Alan also hinted at aplan forBlue Diamond to createits owngarden in 2027.“Threeyears gives us plenty of time to do justicetoMain Avenue,” says Alan.

Deborah Meaden and Andrew Flynn with POTR,the flat pack, self watering pot that ticks all the right sustainable boxes

June/July 2024 9

As well as plantable books (one of which he gave to King Charles) Tom WilldayfromWillsowwas promoting newgreetings cards and a2025calendar with apage of seeds for each month.

Daffodil fit for aking

Launching anew daffodil and getting it’swelldeserved31st consecutive Gold medal wasTaylors Bulbs. The showteam selected over100 varieties to grow for the show, planting 22500 bulbs last autumn and cutting 5565 perfect flowers to use for the display.It’snew introduction, Narcissus ‘King Charles’was one of the stand’shighlights. A pale yellowwith slightly reflexed petals with aflared amber cup,itissuited for large pots or in aborder en-masse. 10 June/July 2024 RHS Chelsea FlowerShow
Above:Another gold medal is nowwinging its waytoThe GuernseyClematis Nurseryafter asuccessful show. In pride of placeinthe displayweretwo newintroductions, the white ‘GuernseyFlute’ seen herebehind Andrew Jeanes and deep purple/blue ‘Lindsay’ Theteam from Taylors with Narcissus ‘King Charles’(inset)

More Showrooms open for business

Following the publication of GTN’sSummerShowrooms Directoryinthe May issue of GTNwenow haveanupdatefor moreshowrooms that areopenfor businessinEurope and the UK.

Discoverthe latest Spring Summer2025Trends at their UK Showroom, openfrom July 1st2024. Hall3Stoneleigh Park,Kenilworth andatAalten, Netherlands.

Come andexploretheirlatest colourful trends andthemesinthe 7,000m2 showroom.Reeuwijk, Netherlands.

NOVA’s ExperienceCentre –Open for business

As this issue went to pressGTN called in to see theexpansive 44,000 sq ft brand newNOVA showroominRoyston, near Cambridge. (Pictured below) “We’ve been keepingour furniture collectionstightly under wraps,” explained NOVA’s Sales Director, Ian Read. “Wewant people to walk in andfeelthat impact head-on, nothaving already pre-analysed everything online.” “We’ve separated ourrangecompletely from that which we supplyWhite Stores, giving ourcustomers much morefreedom to dictate theirown margins,”explained Ian.NOVA is allocating half days and full days for bookings. Ifyou wish to book your visittothe ExperienceCentre, visit

12 June/July 2024 Summer Showrooms update Discover the latest PRING SUMMER 2025 TRENDS with aday visit to our UK showroom. Contact us today to schedule your visit. Send an email to Hall 3 NAECStoneleigh Park Kenilworth S OPEN FROM THE 1ST OF JULY



You are invited for our new spring summer range 2025!

Professionalism is what makes Edelman atop partner in business, for 125 years already. We are proud of ourselves for developing highly recognizable designs, bringing distinctive brand to the market, and fulfilling aleading international role in the supply of decorative products for all seasons. We are based in Reeuwijk, the Netherlands which is a35minutes drive from Schiphol Airport Amsterdam.


Our 7.000m2 showroom beautifully showcases our products and launches two seasonal ranges annually. Edelman has astrongpresenceattrade shows, including Spoga and Gafa (from June 16 to 18, 2024, Hall 10.1, stand A050) and Christmas World in Frankfurt, highlighting our commitment to staying at the forefront of industry trends and innovations.

Pierre van der Kroon –UnitedKingdom andIreland

T+(31) 611 490209

We support our two main seasons, which are Spring Summer Garden and Autumn Winter Christmas, with 2.600 essential SKUs available year-round, ensuring acomprehensive product offering for every occasion. Our brands are available wherever consumers shop, and we strive to reassure our customers with reliable deliveries, high quality, and excellent service. With our commercial and inspiring collections, successful store concepts, shelf plans, and presentations, we aim to meet all customer needs.

Spring Summer Garden 2025

From 3rd of June we have opened our showroom for the Spring Summer season 2025 which we will continue to exhibit until the middle of September. We invite you to come and explore our latest colorful trends and themes in outdoor pottery, furniture, decoration, plants, flowers and solar.

Autumn Winter Christmas 2025

From 2nd of December Edelman will offer an extensive selection of Christmas products, including artificial Christmas trees from Black Box Trees, lighting by Luca Lighting, ornaments from House of Seasons, and the miniature world of Luville collectables.

Year-round collection

We consider ourselves one of Europe’s top suppliers in indoor pots and ceramics. Alarge rangewhich is always available both handmade and machine

David Brett –Wales, North West and South West England

T+(44) 759744 1964

made from Germany, Portugal, China and Vietnam. Basic evergreens and trendy bespoke containers, something for each and everyone. Next to ceramics we provide awide range of home decor products such as textiles, glassware, small furniture and artificial flowers, plants, and trees from Mica Decorations.

Mica Decorations

Everyone is unique and everyone loves to shape his or her place into areal home. The Mica Decorations collection offers home deco to transform your house and garden into awonderful place to enjoy with family and friends. Mica Decorations brings you versatile and innovative items made of surprising and appealingmaterials. Mix and match to your heart’s content, for the possibilities are boundless.

In conclusion, ourdedicated team, including Ron, David, and Pierre are committed to serving our customers with passion and expertise and we look forward to continuing or starting our partnership and enhancingyour experience with Edelman.

Ron Allison –North East and South East England

T+(44) 750 089 6254

The perfect outdoor living partnership

Sales of the ingenious Kindling CrackerTM and Scandi-inspired Espegard range of firepitsfromFandangoFireTools aresoaring. Make sureyou arepartofthe success and show customers why ditching the axein favour of the Kindling Cracker is anobrainer.

All around the world, gardeners and lovers of outdoor living areenjoying the synergy of tworanges bought to theUKbyFandango FireTools. What could be better than cookingoutside on an Espergardfire pit, fuelled by wood cuteasily and safely with the Kindling Cracker?

Sales of both the Kindling Cracker and Espegardfire pits, with comprehensiverange of accessories, continue to grow as moreand more stockists havecome on boardsince seeing the range on Fandango’sstand at Glee in 2023 Both ranges fit perfectly in camping supply shops through to outdoor kitchen specialist and homeware stores, and garden centres are proving to be integral too. Newstockists include thePughs garden centres, Cambridge Outdoor Living and Yarnton Home &Garden. These add to thealready impressivelist including Blue Diamond, the Perrywood sites, the Burford Garden Co.and Fairways garden centres -one of which is a2023GCA Garden Centreofthe Year

Fuelling sales

Sincethe introduction of the patented Kindling Cracker in 2021,Fandango has witnessed sales increases everyyear.Morethan 60,000 sold in European in 2023,with sales topping 10,000 in the UK alone! It’snow also becoming astaple for sellers and users of firepits, fireplaces, pizza ovens, chimineas etc.

Another positivemove was in spring 2024, when Fandango FireTools wasable to reduce the RRP of both the Kindling Cracker Original and the larger Kindling Cracker King while still maintaining the same margin to stockists.

Patents for the Kindling Crackers arealso proving to be extremely effectivemaking it easier for lawyers to remove copies from the marketplaceand strengthen thequality of the brand in stores. And garden centre customers love agood storyabout sustainability so why not shout about Kindling Crackers being made from recycled scrap metal in afoundry poweredbyrenewable energy? Not only that, but theyalso last for generations.

To findout morecontact Fandango Fire Tools: Phone 0161 3273984 or email

June/July 2024 15 Promotion
Lots of UK customershavealready decided it’stime to ditchthe axeand chose thesafe andeasytouse Kindling Cracker. TheEspegardclean burning range, like the Pilar50, is proving to be very popular -customerslikethe European made quality and Scandi design.

Awet summerahead? Notaproblem!

Sunny weather is the dream, but even if we get the wet summer forecast, you can still draw in the crowds!

Ourcanopysolutionsareaffordable andbuilttoyourbespokerequirements. CoveredinouruniqueOpal60 fabrictheyprotectcustomersfrom downpoursandharmfulUVrayswhile allowing60%daylightpenetrationto keepyourplantshappy.

Three reasons to choose Fordingbridge for your canopy project:

Trusted: Wearechosenbysector leaderstocompletetheirprojects andover50%ofourworkisrepeat customers.

Sustainable:Weusesustainably sourced,FSCaccreditedtimberand lookafteryourbuildonasinglesite toreduceitscarbonfootprint.

Value for money: Allourbuilds comewithasectorleading25-year lifetimeguarantee.

Make your summers bright whatever the British weather has in store.

Contactustodaytoarrange acomplimentarysitevisit.

Popbyandsayhelloandfindouthowwemight beabletohelpyoudrawinthecrowd. We’rein Hall 9onstand G90-F9. 01243554455
Summer starts at SOLEX2024 JUNE/JULY 2024 Advice &information for garden centreprofessionals SOLE X2 024 PREVIEW ISSUE 26 Page SOLEX Preview


~ E QualityOutdoorLiving


Are you ready for SOLEX?

Welcome to the 26-page GTN SOLEX 2024 Preview, which denotes that the number one showfor outdoor living in theUKisjust around the corner.HereatGTN we arelooking forwardtonot only meeting everyone,but also seeing whatnew outdoorliving trends, designs andinnovations will be in garden centres for thissummer and2025.

Being in just one hall (Hall 5) makesSOLEX so easy forvisitors to navigate butthat doesn’t mean there’snot muchtosee.Weknowfromthe Exhibitor News pages in thispreview(p??) that suppliersare bringing awealthofproducts which all need to be scrutinised as possibilitiesfor the shop floor. And there’s the Loving Outdoor LivingAreawhere bbq’s willbeflaming under the mastery of some of thecountry’sbest outdoor cooking chefsprovidinggoodfoodand great adviceonhow to promotebbqs. It seems it’s not just the industrythat appreciates theevent. SOLEX has also been shortlisted as afinalist in the BestAssociated Event categoryinthe Conference and Events Awards 2024.Winners will be announcedon5 Julysolet’skeep our fingers crossed that SOLEXtakes home theprize And don’tforget that when youpre-register, youwillbeautomatically enteredintoaprize draw forthe chancetowin a£200 voucherfor Virgin ExperienceDays. Thereare also tworunner-up vouchersworth £75.Also,aspartofthe preregisterprocess,don’tforgettofill in the questions about transporttothe venuetohelp SOLEX on its mission to become acarbonneutralevent. Seeyou in at theNEC!

In this SOLEX 2024 Preview

Garden Trade News

Potting Shed PressLtd DairyDrove ThorneyPeterboroughPE6 0TX Tel01733 775700


Editor Trevor Pfeiffer

Advertising Sales Alan Burdon

Features Editor Anisa Gress

Digital Editor Neil Pope

Subscriptions Karen Pfeiffer

Design &Production AT Graphics Ltd

Kirsty Craner –Design

AlunJones –Production Manager

RobertTipping –Managing Director

James Tipping –Technical Director

Printing CG Print Ltd

Do youqualify for acopyofGTN?

Ifyou’dliketobeaddedtotheGTNdistributionlist,pleasesendyourdetails Alternatively,ifyoupreferyourGardenTradeNewsdigitally,signupforGTN Xtra,

Potting Shed PressLtd

Garden Trade News is published by Potting Shed PressLtd who also publish: GTNBestsellers, GTNXtra, PetTrade Xtra, Glee Daily News and the Glee Catalogue, and the Solex Sun. Potting Shed Pressalso supply Garden Radio to over100 garden centresacrossthe country.

Director Trevor Pfeiffer

SMALL PRINT:All material ©Potting Shed PressLtd 2024 No partofthis publication may ereproduced in any form whatsoever, either for sale or not, without the expresspermission of the publishers. The information supplied in this publication is published in good faith and everyefforthas been made to ensure its accuracy.Potting Shed PressLtd cannot acceptresponsibility for any error or misrepresentation. All liability for loss,

negligenceorother damage caused by relianceoninformation contained in this publication or in the vent of any bankruptcy or liquidation or cassation of the trade of any company, individual or firmmentioned, is herebyexcluded.
June/July 2024 19
SOLEX 2024 Preview 20-21 Exhibition plan and exhibitor list 22 SOLEX Afterparty and Awards 23 SOLEX BBQ Hero’scompetition 24 Bramblecrest for the good times 34 Exhibitor news 40 SOLEX news AdvertisersinthisIssue 18 Celtic Leisure 26 Norfolk Leisure 29 Hartmann 31 Zest 32 Woodlodge -W Garden Living 35 Outback BBQ’s 36 TomChambers 38 LeisureGrow SmashGrill 41 LOFA 42 SOLEX 2024 SOLEX 2024 Hall 5, The NEC, Birmingham Tue9am –5.30pm Wed9am –5.30pm Thur 9am –3pm @solexexhibition
@solexexhibition @solex-exhibition @solexexhibitionNEC
20 June/July2024 SOLEX 2024 Preview 300 Entrance Organisers Office Organiser Office (in the Piazza) Information Desk Emergency Exit hall 5 FLOORPLAN 2024 100 200 210218 105 110 130 140 220 225 515 520 535 625 7 622 620 715 700 710 804 805 810 410 420 415 510 310 315 320 Exhibition
June/July 2024 21 SOLEX 2024 Preview 4SO:4Seasons Outdoor UK 410 AEL Solutions 622 Amir &CoLtd –Royalcraft 520 Alexander Rose 540 Ascalon Design Ltd 320 BBQ Gourmet 700 Bizzotto 665 Bramblecrest 240 Beefeater Europe- Cabinex 800 Celtic Leisure 350 Char Broil Europe GMBH 640 Charles Taylor 300 CheekyCharlie Ovens 830 Dansons -Pit Boss 745 Daro 625 Eco Fuego 100 Extreme Lounging 315 Firepits UK 130 Firestorm Heaters 810 Firmans Direct Ltd 560 Forum Lighting Solutions Ltd 105 GardecoLimited 740 Garden FurnitureGlobal 735 Garden Impressions Outdoor UK 330 Glencrest Seatex Ltd 230 Glendale Garden &LeisureLtd 750 Hartman Outdoor Products 715 Hex Living 510 Innovators International 660 Instashade 670 Kadai Ltd 820 Leisuregrow Products Ltd 210 LifestyleGarden &Scancom 140 Maze 310 MercerLeisure 218& 220 MinsterStylish Living 840 Miriad Quest Leisure 360 Pagoda by MunroImporters Limited 245 Napoleon Grills 755 Norfolk LeisureLifestyle 415 OutbackUKLimited 355 Pacific LifestyleLimited 420 Bbqube @Percy Doughty 805 Rago UK 804 Riva Home 110 Rotospa Limited 535 SignatureLifestyle 620 Supremo Ltd 225 The Old Basket Supply Ltd 150 TomChambers Ltd 440 Traeger Grills 748 Tripod Home Ltd 200 Woodlodge -WGardenLiving 450 Zest Outdoor Living 538 The Loving Outdoor Living Zone -open from 11am -5pm Tuesday&Wednesday -11am -2pm on Thursday 150 230 240 245 538 540 665 660 640 670 740 745 748 750 755 735 800 840 830 820 440 450 560 330 350 355 360

Everyone’s invited

The SOLEX exhibition is whereit’satthis summer,showcasing all the best brands within the outdoor leisureindustry under one roof.Tocelebratesummer, SOLEX is hosting an Awards Ceremony andAfterparty on Tuesday 9Julyat6.30pm in the Kings Suite, Hilton Metropole, Birmingham NECwhich is just ahop skip and ajumpfromHall 5.

“Wehaveplanned the ultimateparty night to coincide with the UEFAEuro2024Semi-Finals. As the who’swho of the industryget together, expect the prestigious SOLEX Awards and an environment wherebusinessmeets the beautiful game,”says Gina Hinde, who has recently been promoted to become LOFA’s General Manager

Come along to the first SOLEX 24 Awards and Afterpartytocelebrate summer outdoor living.

Adding to the hype, football legend Dion Dublin will be aguest,and after your welcome drink Dion will be, offering his takeand predictions on the semi-finals and engaging in afun Q&A.Dion will then present the SOLEX Awards ahead of the kick off at 8pm. It’sset to be afantastic opportunity to relax and connect ina laid-back setting

And if football’snot your thing, no worries. Enjoygreat food and drinks, entertaining activities, and the chancetohangout and chat with both exhibitors and visitors alike.

We really hope youcan join us for this exciting event. Add your name to the guest list, it’sfree, by visiting

22 June/July 2024 SOLEX 2024 Preview

Come along to an evening of grills, chills and acooking showdown

Get readytoindulge in afantastic evening of great food and an exciting competition at SOLEX’s highly anticipated FireFood and Outdoor Living Evening.

The FireFood and Outdoor Living Evening guarantees an unforgettable experience filled with competition, great food, refreshing drinks, and lively entertainment. It’sagreat opportunity to unwind after a busy day at the showwhile connecting with industryprofessionals in arelaxed and friendly atmosphere. Gain valuable insights from experts on howtomarket and promoteBBQ brands in stores, and why not bring your colleagues and expand your network while enjoying all the industryhas to offer.?

The eveningalso hosts the BBQ Hero competition which marks atriumphantreturn forits second year on Wednesday 10 July from 6pm to 8pm. It’sorganised in partnership with BBQ magazine and takes placeinthe Loving Outdoor Living Zone.Inanod to the UEFA Euros tournament, six teams will takepartinthe Chicken Euros competition in hopes of winning the covetedBBQ Hero Trophy

But the excitement doesn’tend there. Television personality and horticulturist David Domoneywill be hosting the event alongside BBQ Magazine’sesteemed chef,farmer,and events guru Ian Jones (BEM). Together,theywill ensureeveryone has afabulous time.

Join us for athrilling cookingshowdown, cheer on your fellowcompetitors, and of course, indulge in all the mouth-watering dishes. Register nowand get yourselfonthe guest list of the FireFood and Outdoor Living Evening for a memorable experience. www.solexexhibition. m/e nts/


June/July 2024 23 SOLEX 2024 Preview
David Domoney and Ian Jones will ensureagoodtime is had by all.

To findout morevisit Phone 01285 760974 or email sales@ or visit us at SOLEX on stand 240

Get ready for good times with Bramblecrest

Product launches, partnerships and marketing campaigns arebuilding the Bramblecrest brand, ensuring garden centres continue to tempt customers with exciting ranges.

With the launch of its Good Times campaign, alicensing deal with theRoyal Horticultural Society (RHS),a finger on the pulse of innovation, and partnerships with like-minded businesses, Tim Pennell,Bramblecrest’s HeadofSales andMarketing, is certainly on a mission. His aimistopromote Bramblecrest’s extensivegarden furnitureand outdoorliving productsand be one of thesectors most recognised brands.

“Exciting times areahead forBramblecrest,” says Tim, about Good Times, its firstintegrated marketing campaign acrossall channels. “We often find things areprice driven, but we wantto promotepersonality and feeling,” he says. Now in around 300 nationwide retailers, the Good Times lookbook is astylish lifestyle magazine which customers can takehome. With beautiful, aspirational photography,recipeideas, floristry suggestions and tips to makethe most of the season, its contentalso forms the basis of social

media marketing.“Wherever we arepositioning ourselves through whatever channel, we’reusing the same look and feel, and saying ‘look at the good times youcan havewith Bramblecrest’”. Many of the images include people. “In the past, we haven’tused people much in our photography,but people sell furniture. It’s seeing people sitting around afire pit that sets the scene and really helps customers reach theirGood Times potential. Retailers havesaid it’sworking and setting us apart,”says Tim. Additionally,Bramblecrest can provide garden centres with some of the images in 3mx3m formats for display backdrops. “Seeing people just brings ever splay backdrops Seeing rything to life.” Promotion 24 June/July 2024
J /J l
Head of Sales and Marketing, TimPennell. Garden centres can displaythe Good Times lookbook in branded cardboardPOS holders TheRHS Rosemoor 2-seater sofa set.

Launches and innovation

Bramblecrest is also gearing up to launch three ranges under anew licencing agreement with the RHS.Buyerswillbeable to see, for the first time, the RHS Wisley, RHS Bridgewaterand RHS Rosemoor ranges at Bramblecrest’sshowroom this month, and at SOLEX in July.“We feel theRHS member is very much likeour target customer,soitfits really well and adds credibility to ourbrand,”says Tim.

TheRHS Bridgewateraluminiumrange includes stacking chairs in astone or black colour, while amorenatural looking, open weaveset has been chosen to carry the Rosemoorname. The RHS Wisleyrange is also aluminium but of amorecontemporary design. “We’re noticingagreater demand forcolour andseeing moregreens, so have chosen‘ash’ forWisley’ssoft furnishings and‘sage’for theframe paint colour,” says Tim. Colourful scattercushionsinfive exclusivefloral designsinspiredbythe RHS LindleyCollectionsare also being finalised.

“The RHS by Bramblecrest collection will be offered as apremium range. It’san attractiveproposition,”headds. Orders need to be confirmed by the end of July to be in garden centres from early 20 Theywill also be promoted on the Bramblecrest stand at RHS Chelsea FlowerShownext summer

SOLEX and the Bramblecrest showroom will also be the places to newZurich Mocha range to recognise towards colour innovation. “We’re definit seeing an increased demand for traditional dining sets, and alternativecolours creeping in because people want something different to the greys. Our stylish Zurich will nowalso be available in mocha.”

membrane because, he says: “People want an easy life and don’twant all of their cushions to be taken in and out everytimeitrains”.

Sustainability is also keytothe messaging as the brand’smajority of outer cushion covers aremade from 70% recycled plastic bottles, while scatter cushion fillers aremade from 100% recycled materials. “Weare moving in the right direction. We recognise whereweare, and we knowwhere we want to go,” says Tim. Environmental changes arealso being made to point of sale materials. It might only be asmall consideration but when youhave 300 garden centrestockists, POSontables arenow madefromcardboard rather than plastic. Lookingtothe future, Bramblecrest works in apartnership initiativewith Ecologi,

Moreranges arealso featuring piston adjustable-height tables that being developed by the Bramblecrest product team. These will be at SOLEX along with Bramblecrest’scushion ranges, the majority of which arenow ‘Season-proof’. Tim explains they arebacked with awater-resistant

Society. Trade ofThe

the social enterprise for real climate action. “Weplant atreefor everyset we sell,”says Tim. So far it has supported the planting of around 75,000 trees in the UK and acrossthe world.

Supporting other businesses

“Building our brand is critical to our longevity and partnerships form avital part,”says Tim. Bramblecrest is working withDormy House Hoteland Spa at Farncombe Estateinthe Cotswolds wherethe Bramblecrest Back Garden features multiple garden furniture zones fordrinking, dining,and relaxing outdoors.“Again, their customer base is similar to the RHS and ours,”says Tim. Here visitors havebeen able to enjoythe comfort of the furniture and abespokeBramble cocktail.

Bramblecrestisalso partnering with Cotswold-basedWoodchester Valley Vineyard, LaurenGilberthorpeInteriors and Cotswold Distillery, to celebrateits 10th anniversarythis year.LocaltoBramblecrest is thetownofMinchinhampton, where the company sponsors the rugbycluband golf club.“It really goesalong waytogivinga good feeling behindthe brand,”saysTim.

Putting together the jigsaw

underlicen for ranges 2025. o see the ise ashift definitely aditional are omething urich range ” are est EX ow g Bramblecre between 50 year regard businessan company Consider Bramblecre andsales. T Tim sees cu Bramblecre stockis the look pres partn Once i elevatin driving consu

estruns aprettytightship,with 50-60 employees,and just over a ar ago itestablished an employee ownership trust which has been abig success.Every employee, dlessofrole, has astake in the nd apersonal ambition forthe to succeed idering 2024’schilly and wetstart, estisrecording steady growth The marketingispaying off as customersare nowspecifying est whentheyarriveata ist.“It’s not always tangiblebut emarketing initiatives, themed ookbook, socials, exposure at estigious events, andall our nerships arelikeabig jigsaw it’s puttogether alongside ng the brand, it’s ultimately ng footfall and sales because the nsumer isrecognisingthe brand.” Promotion June/July 2024 25 ®The
No 222879/SC038262) used under licencefromRHS
RoyalHorticulturalSociety.Trade marks of TheRHS (RegisteredCharity
S “ lo p w w f ac se th
p p g ,
RHS (Reg tered Charity In the RHS Wisley range, an L-shape sofaisanoption. A stylish two-seater set in the RHS Bridgewater aluminium range TheZurich Mocha range offersa fresh colour palette.

Outdoor living at its best

Hall 5atBirmingham’s NEC is the place to go for SOLEX 2024 to keep abreast of new ideas, innovation and trends for this year and 2025. GTNbringsyou thefreshest furnitureranges, bbq’s and accessories so you can makethe best of your SOLEX visit.

Timelesswrought iron classics from Ascalon

Looking forwardfromabusy 2024 season, AscalonDesign is excited to be participating in theupcoming SOLEXexhibition with its distinctivecollections of wrought-irongarden furniture and structures.SOLEX 2024 provides theideal platform for Ascalon Design to show a largecross-section of productsand showcase its commitment to inspiring designs atcompetitive pricepoints. Featuringa timeless aestheticat prices designed for today's market, Ascalon's exquisite range is perfect to help your customers createabeautiful and inviting outdoor space. Visitors canexpect to seeastunning selection of newarchesand tunnels, alongside exciting updates to furnitureranges,and amarket-leading collectionofdecorativepieces including stakes, trellises and garden mirrors Stand 320

DiscoverCharlie. Pure outdoor cooking pleasure

The Charlie Oven is the oventhat does it all -BBQ grill, smoker, charcoal ovenand pizza oven. Agame-changing innovation in outdoor cooking, therange has been inspired by charcoal ovens used by professional chefs. It lets youcook incredible-tasting food, in an incredibly fuel-efficient way that’seffortlesstouse, all year round, day in, day out. Hand-built in Britain and built to last.

Stand 830

BBQ Gourmet is full of American flavours

BBQGourmet is the UK’s leading importer of American BBQ rubs, sauces, brines and injections. We supply all the famous brands youknowand love from television’sfamous Pitmasters series competition winners and award-winning BBQ Joints. Including: Meat Church, Killer Hogs, Heath Riles, Sucklebusters, Whiskey Bent,Lanes, Texas Pepper Jelly, Plowboys, Blues Hog,MeatMitch, RufusTeague, Kosmo Q, 2Gringos andSlap Ya Mama.

Stand 700

Championing Italian aesthetics the Bizzottoway

Bizzotto, European innovator in outdoor lifestyle since1946,presents an ever evolving and expanding outdoor furnitureand accessories collection of over1000pieces. Championing Italian aesthetics in the outdoor living market, Bizzotto’scollection presents exceptional dining sets, expertly engineered parasols, luxurious lounge sets, relaxing sunloungers and stylish outdoor carpets. Its extensivecollection is presented acrossthree price tiers, Homemotion, BizzottoSignatureand Yestofulfil Mr Bizzotto’s core principle of ‘creating abeautiful and original home for everyone’. Bizzottoisalways excited to hear from independent businesses. If you'reinterested in viewing the 2025 collection, please come and say hello at SOLEX or book an appointment at our showrooms.

Stand 665

28 June/July 2024 SOLEX Exhibitor News


1 2 3 4 5
Purchase Hartman garden furniture from approved stockist. Register product for Extended 5 Year Warranty Enjoy 5-10 years
relaxation with their Hartman product Request
to buy a new set
approved stockist Arrange
product directly from the consumer to be responsibly recycled by Hartman UK Howitworksforyourcustomers nearer tonature
an R R Voucher
from an
collection of old Hartman
For more infomation book an appointment at our showroom 17th -28th June, or visit us at SOLEX
Hartman launch it’s Return Recycle initiative with the commitment of encompassing the whole life cycle of the products. We are dedicated to help the consumer maximise their length of ownership and levels of enjoyment of our products. When the time comes, we pledge to help them dispose of old products responsibly and sustainably The innovative 360° product lifecycle scheme is a defining moment in our overarching Nearer to Nature sustainability strategy


outdoorsfor longer with Celtic Leisure’sSaturn Pergola

Aheavy-duty,4-season ready,rustfree, fully aluminium open close roof pergola, the Saturn Pergola allows customers to embracetheir dream outdoor lifestyle. Best in classand available in multiple sizes.

Stand 350

Eco Fuego firepits take the sector by storm

Thereare millions of gardens in the UK and globally that until nowhavenot had the space or permissions to useafire pit. All that has now changed with the award-winning Eco Fuego firepit. The world’smost eco-friendly firepit, it produces 90% lessCO2 emissions than a standardwood firepit, is moreconvenient to use and three times lessexpensivetorun. It’stakingthe firepit segment by storm as it replaces traditional wood fuel withavegetable waxrefill thatproduces aseriously hot, consistent flame that lights and extinguishes in seconds. It’szeropresenceofwood smoke, ash or burning embers also makes it suitable for any garden, townpatio or outdoor event. Stocked by morethan 100 UK garden centres, it is distributed in Australia, Canada, France and Ireland whereretailers areexcited by the repeat refill businessand additional upsells from frequently returning customers.

Stand 100

Charles Taylor brings its full range and showoffers

Charles Taylor,the UKsleading supplier and manufacturer of outdoor woodenproducts which has established astrong footprint within the industry, will be showcasing itsfullrange at SOLEX. “2024has been another tremendousyear with Charles Taylorleading itscompetitors with atimely delivery servicewhich has helpedwith continuedgrowth, says RichardBall, Director “Wefeelit’simportanttoshowcase at SOLEX and supportthe LOFA organisation.”The team is lookingforward to meetingcustomers old and newand presenting arange of showoffers.

Stand 300

Dansons has outdoor cooking covered

Dansons strives to be disruptiveinthe barbecue market as aleading manufacturer of value-engineered, technologically innovativeproducts under its Pit Boss® and Louisiana Grills® brands. This includes wood pellet, gas, charcoal, and combination-fuelled grills, barbecues, smokers, and portable grills. Within those brands arefull lines of griddles, pellet fuel, cookingaccessories, and spices available in 35 countries worldwide (and growing) through multiple leading retailers, garden centres and specialist retailers.

Stand 745

30 June/July 2024 SOLEX Exhibitor News

Woodlodgecelebratessuccessfuldeliveries ofWGardenLivingFurnitureRange

Woodlodge’slaunch of its WGardenLiving range has revitalised the leisuremarket with unique offerings, hitting appealing retail prices for maximum sell through. The collection, featuring traditional weaves, rattan, aluminium, and modern aesthetics, was an immediate success at SOLEX, with the first orders placed within an hour of the show’sopening.

At launch, the Panama range gained most traction in terms of orders, whilst the premium weave Antigua also shone due to its quality,style and comfort, featuring deeper and softer cushions.

Woodlodge have had great

feedback from our customers:

“When Idiscovered the Antigua range from W Garden Living, Iwas instantly impressed. Available in 3 colour options, (with mix and match variances), asolid variety of best-selling skus, along with the quality of the weave (style, textureand the colour blend) it looked great. What put the icing on the cake was the price! Having been buying weave furniture for several years, Iwould say it was by far the best value premium looking range Ihad seen, which makes it an easy sell to the consumer!” Graham Green, Brampton Plants

“The new range of WGarden

Living furnitureisexactly what we have been looking for Garden furnituredesignedwith attention to detail, great quality and fantastic prices.” Kate Daniels, PacificNurseries

The WGardenLiving brand is focused on corevalues that leverage offthe Woodlodge service with merchandising support, in-storePOS and afocus on garden centres never selling to online only furnitureretailers. WGarden Living is focused on finding retail solutions for customers, with pricing, merchandising and packaging that work well within agarden centre. Stuart Whalley,appointed

Head of Product last year, has significantly contributed to the success of WGarden Living. Stuart comes to family-owned Woodlodge with morethan25years’ experience in garden retail Michael Wooldridge commented, ‘Weare delighted that Stuart has joined our team and equally excited with the launch of WGarden Living. Stuart has been agreat addition to the team, filling a gap in the business to help us view products from aretailer’s perspective.”

Woodlodge as well as many other suppliers have faced challenges this year due to the

RedSea. They have supported customers and absorbed costs not imposing any shipping surcharges, emphasising their commitment to the importance of maintaining the right retail price to maximise sales.

To furtherbolster Woodlodge’sWGarden Living service and after-sales support, Sophie Liebthal has joined the team, bringing her knowledge and expertise to the field.

The 2025 collection promises many exciting developments with a

significant increase in the range which will be unveiled at the new 20,000 sqft showroom at TetburyHQ, opening on Monday 17th June. The showroom will showcase WGarden Living outdoor furnitureand many new and exciting products that have been in development, as well as existing bestsellers.

To book appointments for the showroom or SOLEX, please contact your local sales representative or e-mail showroom@

BRANDNEWSHOWROOM OPENINGSUMMER2024 17thJune-4thJuly&15thJulyOnwards VisitusatSolex:stand450

Visit Hartman for 16 newranges and agame of shuffleboard

With16new ranges, Hartman is coming to SOLEXwithanimpressivecollection overhaul. Proudofits 2025 Collectionwhich continues product development momentum from the very popular Eden range and Crucible,the new collectionintroducesPavilion, anew shuffleboard multi-use gamestable,sister to theCruciblePool Table. Therewillbeanon-stand shuffleboard competitiononPavilion forthose of youwith acompetitivestreak.Hartmanwillalsolaunch its ultracomfortableCloudCushion®ranges which youwillnot wantto getupfrom.Allranges fromthe 2025 collection come with afive-year extended warranty andare eligiblefor Hartman’s exciting newindustrypioneering 360°Set-Cycle scheme Return.Recycle.which forms partofits Nearer to Naturesustainability strategy Stand 715

Style, comfortand quality from Mazenew collections

Since2009, Mazehas been dedicated to delivering outdoor relaxation.Its unique approach ensures it provides exceptional products and services tailored to customers' needs. As Mazelooks forward to an exciting year ahead, it is thrilled to introducenew outdoor collections for 2025.Meticulouslycurated to deliver style, comfort, and quality,thisdiverse range offers afantastic opportunity for lifestyle retailers looking to elevatetheir outdoor categorysales and profits. Pull up achair and visit us at SOLEX to explore the range and discoverwhy Mazeisa trustedpartner in the furnitureindustry. Additionally,visit its newtrade showroom in Haverhill to experience innovative products and retail concepts for 2025 Stand 310

Experiencemeets innovation at Firmans Direct Ltd

As athriving family-run businessand a dynamic force in the outdoor furniture sector for morethan 40 years, Firmans Direct has solidified its position as aleading supplier,catering to distributors acrossthe marketsofthe UK, Europe, and the USA. Its commitment to excellenceisreflected in its extensiverange of furniture, encompassing both timelessclassics and cutting-edge designs. Whether youseek the allureof traditional Rattan dining sets, the comfort of cosy corner sofa sets, or the sleekness of modern aluminium seating solutions, Firmans Direct has it all. 2024 marks anew chapter brimming with excitement and innovation as boundaries arepushed and outdoor furnitureredefined Stand 560

34 June/July 2024 SOLEX Exhibitor News

Stand Number 355

Outback® will launch anew range of high-end Outdoor Kitchens, Build-In BBQ’s, Dual Fuel,Portable Camping Grills plus afull range forged handle BBQ tool at Solex2024.

Anewly designed Dual-Fuel 3Burner including side burner and three new storage drawers adds to the existing Dual Fuel selection.

Elite modular Outdoor Kitchen, Sear burner, three drawers, four burner and responce to market demand and ongoing

Adding to the highly successful Signaturerange Outback® include two additional models. The new Signature Elite modular Outdoor Kitchen, including Sear burner,three drawers, four burner grill and fridge. In responce to marketdemand and ongoing growth in creating personal outdoor cooking space Outback® introduces the Signaturefour burner 304 stainless steel Build-In BBQ.

Threenew coloursare added to the Comet charcoal kettlerange, red, blue and green. The new fully forged range of BBQ tools, camping stove and BBQ Hostess trolley completes the new 2025 line up!

Premium and British made for quality cooking from Firepits UK Firepits UK designs and manufactures firepits, outdoor kitchens, pizza ovens, asado grills and accessories in its Monmouthshireworkshop from high quality British steel. The premium grade steel and exacting construction methods result inthe finest quality firepits available. Many of the firepits areideal for cooking over, with unique features such as the Swing Arm BBQ Rack. Firepits UK also sells an extensive range of clevercooking accessories to kit out even the most ambitious outdoor chefs and area favourite with seriouscooks such as TomKerridge and James Martin. Made from premium grade steel, the Firepits UK range is designed to withstand all weathers providing garden enjoyment all year round. Stand 130

Newpizza ovenjoins Norfolk Leisureoffer JoinNorfolkLeisure at SOLEX 2024to exploreits latest innovativeproducts. Experiencethe brand-newOoniKoda Max 2, featuring an impressive24-inch cooking area.Witnessthis amazingoveninaction andsavourdeliciouscreations prepared by Norfolk Leisure’stalented chef, Richard. Alongside tastydelights, explore awiderange of newproductsfromLife OutdoorLiving, Royce,Keter,and the Norfolk Collection.Don’tmissthe chance to see, taste, and discoverthe futureof outdoorliving Stand 415

Following the successful launch of TomChambers lifestyle,we have extended existing ranges of furniturewith wonderful and innovativeproducts all createdtofitseamlessly intoany garden space, patio or garden room. Collections featureelegant, wovendesigns including premium ‘Twist’ weave, asuper strong weavewith averynatural look and feel, we have also added newcolours to the ranges, all in neutral tones of browns and greysto complement anysetting. Throughout the newcollections thereare extradesign accents such as sustainable timber,faux concretetops and stunning boucle fabrics.

Come and see us Stand 440 at SOLEX 2025, July 9th–11th

36 June/July 2024 SOLEX Exhibitor News

TomChambersbrings innovation to any garden space

Following the successful launch of Tom Chambers lifestyle, it has extended existing ranges of furniturewith wonderfuland innovativeproducts all created to fit seamlessly intoany garden space, patio or garden room.Collections featureelegant, wovendesigns includingpremium ‘Twist’ weave, asuper strong weavewith avery natural look and feel. Newcolours have also been added to TomChambers ranges in neutral tonesofbrowns and greysto complement any setting.Throughout the newcollections thereare extradesign accents such as sustainable timber,faux concretetops and stunning boucle fabrics.

Stand 440

Miriad Products brings the SkyPod to SOLEX

Apowerhouse dedicated to retailersuccess has been created by merging the extensiveproduct knowledge and experienceofQuest Leisurewith the industry-leading and businessfocus of Miriad Products. It’senhanced group offerings and improvedservice combined with aperfect blend of quality, service, and innovation has been designed to streamline and grow your business.Latest innovations include the brand-newQuest Elite3DPro furniturerange and exciting SkyPod roof tent product line which is newthis year andnever seen beforeatSOLEX.

Stand 36

Parasol perfection from Glatz Glatzisa Swissfamily company with morethan 125 yearsofexperience. As its exclusiveUKpartner,AEL is chosen and trusted by discerning customers to offer the mostcomprehensive and innovative choiceofparasols on the market. Our network of retailershas been fully trained at our purpose-built training centreand showroom in Reading,gaining adeep understanding of Glatzparasols from top to bottom. With this extensiveproduct knowledge and the value of howSwiss technology is applied by Glatz, your customers will receiveexpertadviceon choosing the correct parasol for their home and garden.

Stand 622

Furnitureand baskets galore from tobs

The Old Basket Supply Ltd(tobs)willbe showing its successful, design-registered range of garden furnitureand additions to itsquality rattan baskets. These include huge baskets for storing logs or toys, planting baskets for indoors or outside, linen and stair baskets.

Stand 150

June/July 2024 37 SOLEX Exhibitor News

Eleganceand style the Supremo way

Supremo is the essenceofstyle, redefining outdoor luxuryfurniture exclusively for trade buyers. By conceptualising newdesigns that bring detail and function to life, Supremo products arecarefully crafted from the finestmaterials to ensuretheyare both beautiful and high quality.Enhancing the consumer’s spacewith groundbreaking and elegant designs, Supremo offers an extensiveproduct rangeto allow its partners to cherry-picktheir collections and cater to all budgets and styles. From dining sets to loungers, pergolas, and sunshades, Supremo has everything needed to create the perfect outdoor space. Forthe 2024-2025 season, Supremo will continue its ongoing charitable supportbydonating £10.00 per set sold on apurposely designed garden set to the Greenfingers Charity Stand 225

Zest provides nature-inspired outdoor entertaining Timber outdoor leisurespecialist, Zest is majoring on a‘cook, eat, relax’product collection to provide anature-inspired outdoor room for entertaining.Products include the TerrazaOutdoor Kitchen Range with units that can be purchased individually,orasa set comprising two doubles with stainlesssteel countertops, plus acorner unit, and optional side table. The Garden Pizza Oven Tablehas acentral tabletop for the pizza oven, fold up sides for preparation or serving,and shelves for drinks. The Garden Bar &Two Stool Set has doors that supportthe counter. It’sside panelcontains shelving,and the stools can be stored within. Made from sustainable slow-grownsoftwood from PEFCcertified (PEFC/16-37-1490) forests, merchandised and promoted in national media.

Stand 538

NewLifestyleGarden® concept for urban living

LifestyleGarden® is gearing up for its busiest SOLEX yet, showcasing groundbreaking material innovations and responsible furnituresolutions. While many details remain secret, exciting teasershave been revealed. LifestyleGarden® will launch a newconcept catering to the growing trend of compact living,drivenbyurbanisation, rising house prices, and abooming rental market. This conceptfeatures stylish, responsibly manufactured products for smaller outdoor spaces, creating newsales opportunities for retailers. Thebrand, known for its material advancements, will also introducea newgeneration of wicker and achair made from repurposed plastic.Visitors will also learn about LifestyleGarden®'s ongoing partnerships with the Eden Projectand Plastic Bank. Stand 140

June/July 2024 39 SOLEX Exhibitor News

Abrighter shade of green

Gina Hinde, Event Director for SOLEX, tells GTNabout the steps to transform SOLEX into acarbonneutral event.

In2022, we took abold decision and started, on what we knewwould be adifficult challenge,tomakeSOLEX acarbonneutral event.We were determined to makeithappen, soincollaboration with Planet Markand its guidelines,wewereabletomeasureour carbon footprint. We realised data gatheringwas keyto achieving ourgoal, so we beganbyaskingmodes of transport forall visitors whentheyregistered. Although the firstyearwas abit of achallenge, with someattendees neglecting to include their detailsor postcode, we were delighted that last year,nearly everyone got on board. We also measuredthe electricity,gas,water,waste,and courierfreightusage.

We were thrilledtosee our travel carbonfootprint dropped from 97.9 to 95.5,thankstothe efforts ofour exhibitors, and visitors alike. While ourwaste emissionsstayed thesame and our water usage went up slightly, our courierfreight dropped significantlyfrom20.3to17.5.

Theresult? Atotal scoreof19out of 20,which we’reextremely proudof.

We’regratefultoall exhibitors and visitors who attended SOLEX and helped us to monitor our carbon footprint. We couldn’t have achieved this without youand want to say ABIG THANK YOU to everyone,you’ve made arealdifference So,when youregister forSOLEX 24,please take an extra minutetokey in your postcode or let us knowhow you’re travelling to theshow.

Toptips from Planet Mark

• We encourage visitor to travel by train.The NEChas its very owntrain stationthat drops youright in thecentreofthe venue.

• If you’re comingbycar,why not car share withcolleagues?

• Consider using transport routeoptimisationsoftware to findthe most efficient routes and reduce mileage

• Whenloading vehicles, reduceempty truck space and optimise product density

Newlook website

As partofour SOLEX 2024 makeover, we'vecompletely redesigned our website to embody the vibrant and summery atmosphereofthe event. The user-friendly layout ensures aseamlessbrowsing experience, providing easy access to all the information youneedabout SOLEX.

Newexhibitor page

This revamped section will serve as a comprehensivehub of information for each visitor.Asthe clock starts ticking down towards SOLEX this newA-Z listingwill start to reveal allyou needtoknowabout our exhibitors, and their innovativenew products forthe 2025 season.

Register today

To streamline the SOLEX experience, we have updated our registration process. Simply navigatetothe dedicated 'Registration' page and secureyour placeat this year's SOLEX with just afew clicks.Log on today to familiarise yourself with the exhibitor list, plan your itinerary, stay updated with news, and soak in the atmosphereofprevious events through our gallery.

40 June/July 2024 SOLEX 2024 Preview
Discover the UK’s ultimate authority on luxury outdoorliving Garden Furniture|Barbecues |Shading |Outdoor Living Accessories |Garden Decoration |Garden LeisureBuildings |OutdoorHeating |Outdoor Health Outdoor Entertaining Sour ce: Fir epits UK
Summer is in the air Thebest outdoor living trade eventinthe UK Garden Furniture|Barbecues |Shading |Outdoor Living Accessories |Garden Decoration Garden LeisureBuildings |Outdoor Heating|Outdoor Health |Outdoor Entertainment TRADE EVENT 9-11July 2024 NEC, Birmingham Sour ce :4S ea s on s O u td oo r UK Limited

Open for awoodland and wildlife safari

Greenfinger’s newest garden and fundraising events for your calendar.

Inits 25th year,the Greenfingers Charity has celebratedthe completion of the Woodland Wildlife Safari Garden at Demelza Kent in Sittingbourne.Officiallyopened in May with the customarystrongsupportfromthe garden centresector,the gardentransforms apreviously landscaped area,bringing it up to datetomeetthe evolving needs of familiesand those being caredfor

Achallenge for designer Fisher Tomlin & Bowyer were the existing maturetrees, all of which remained, and the changing levels of the site. Nowwith meandering pathways, pagodas and lawns for picnics, the newgarden is aplace for adventures, activities and the making of happymemories.

The ribbon wascut on 13 May by Elkie with the help of Greenfingers Ambassador and actressFiona Dolman and ahost of supporters including Greenfingers founder RichardJackson. Demelza Kent also has other green spaces, one of which is the very first Greenfingers garden built in 1999 so Richardwas keen to see howthat garden had developed. An appreciativeHayley Richardson, Demelza Kent CEO, thanked all those involved in creating the garden especially considering it wasdelayed by Covid, spiralling building costs and planning

issues. “I knoweverybody hereat Demelza cannot wait to see this garden bloom. Rest assured it be it be well used by our families, our volunteers, our children and our staff.”

SueAllen, GreenfingersChair said the financial support,fundraising,donationsof plants, products and gifts in kindplus hands-on volunteersfromthe garden centreindustryand beyond wasmuchappreciated.She thanked British Garden Centresfor itscontinued support, Millbrook Garden Centrefor themorethan £30,000 of fundraising, Baylis Landscapes, Decco Pak, Taylors Bulbsand Rowlan. “It reallymakes us think howmuchgardens have changedin25 years.It’sjust lovely to see howour Greenfingers gardens arenow developing and suiting theneeds of the hospices morethan ever.”

Clubs, oarsand dinner suits at the ready

The GIMA golf day is always agreat day for sportand sportsmanship and this year it was held on June 6th at Belton Woods Hotel and Golf Course, Grantham. GTNwas thereto photograph the players and reportonwinners and fundraising achievements –see page 46 June also sawthe return of theGreenfingers Dragon Boat Raceonthe 23rd with up to 14 teams competing on the Grendon Lakes in

Northamptonshire.GTN hopesa great day and muchFUNdraising was had by everyone taking part including BritishGarden Centres, Westland,Evergreen, Woodlodge, the YPHA and the AMESCompanies.

Looking ahead, thereare still plenty of ways to supportthe charity.The annual Wing Walk takes placeonSeptember 3rd, there’sanother chance to get on your flowery attirefor Floral Thursday at Glee on September 12th, and why not reserve atable at the Greenfingers Fundraising Dinner set for Thursday 28th November?

Fordetails on all Greenfingersactivities visit greenfingers

June/July 2024 43 Greenfingers Charity update
Smiles all round at the Woodland WildlifeSafari Garden is opened in Kent. DesignersAndrew Fisher Tomlin (right) and Dan Bowyer have nowalso been appointed to design aKitchen Garden at Chestnut Tree House in West Sussex.

Exciting future following NOVA brand shake up

With the opening of its new Experience CentreinCambridge, now is the perfect time for NOVA to discuss leadership changes and its new business strategy

Following an insightful and transformativerebranding journey, garden furniturewholesaler NOVA, (formerly known as Nova Outdoor Living), has undergone abrand shake-up, encompassing the boldnessofthe team and dynamic natureof its products andbusiness.

Operations Director,Carl Smithers heads up the brand and has been with NOVA since2023. Sincethen, he has had agreat impact by developing and launching the NOVA ExperienceCentre (NEC). The NECisa 44,000 sqft trade showroom that opened on June 3rd. Available to visitbyappointment only, the NECisfull of NOVA’s entirely new product collection. NOVA launched its 2025 collection at the same time and has unveiled over40new collections and upwardsof200 newproducts.

NOVA’s biggest strategy change amongst this rebrand, is the complete separation of newproduct ranges from retailer WhiteStores. NOVA has designed an exclusiverange for the retailer,which

meansNOVAgarden centrecustomers won’t haveto competewith WhiteStores’ sales prices. “Wewerekeentoseparate these ranges, giving our other customers complete freedom overtheir margins and promotional prices,”explains Carl.

Focus on the ExperienceCentre

NOVA has shared it will not be exhibiting at trade shows thisyearand instead willfocusonbooking visitsfor theNOVAExperience Centre. Full or half-day appointmentsare availableasit’snot possible to see everything on offer in less time

Visitors can expect to meet members of the team includingCarland Sales Director,Ian Read, seethe full rangeofproducts, and spend time learning about new trends. Brochuresand photos of the NECwill not be shared online, so visitinginperson is the only way to see the range.

“Weknowphotos of our ExperienceCentredon’tdo the scaleany justice,which is

why we prefer to letpeople experience it forthemselves forthe firsttimewhen theyvisitus,”explainsCarl. “It’sthe same with our products.Photosdon’t give us thechanceto explainthe intricate details of the productand thematerials chosenorallow anyone to experience the comfort of the set, so we prefer our customers to experiencethisinperson.”

NOVA’s newleadership is clearly having apositive impactonthe brand.The NEC is having thedesired effectoncustomer relations and brand perceptionwiththose who have already visitedbeing blownaway by the sheersizeofthe showroom andthe quality of product on display

NOVA encourages retailerstobookavisit to its ExperienceCentrenow in order to become a2025 customer. www.novaoutdoorliving

NOVA hadpreviously confirmedthe NECwas fully booked in Junewith limited days available in Julyand August

However,due to popular demand, the NOVA team will open additional spaces forJuneand July

44 June/July 2024 Promotion
Ian Read (left) and Carl Smitherslook forwardto welcomingretailersto thenew NOVA ExperienceCentre.

Now open.


TheNOVAExperienceCentre. 40+newcollections. Over200newproducts. 44,000sq.ft.

You’reinvitedtothe NOVAExperienceCentre. Bookyourvisittoday

8Hex Living win the GIMA Golf Day as £000’s raised for Greenfingers Charity

The team from Hex Living, Mark Clews, Rupert King, Neal Lafford and Nick Moss, scored the most points to win the 2024 GIMA Charity Golf Day at Belton Woods in Lincolnshire.

5 golfers from acrossthe industry took parton Thursday 6th June, raising £000’s for the Greenfingers Charity through sponsorships, playing fees, raffles, an auction and other donations. The full amount raisedwill be announced at the GIMA Awards dinner in November

The event was excellently organised by theGIMA team of Vicky Nuttall, Angie Lloyd and Kate Ebbens with the golf managed by Andy Bestwick and Mark Butler and charity drinks stations provided by Meadow View Stone,Primeur and Hornby Whitefoot PR

Sponsors included Durston Garden Products, Smart Garden, Imprint, Premier Decorations, Elho, Ninja, Meadow View Stone, Primeur & Hornby George PR,Vitax, Swift Cloud, Decco, and Maze

Decorations, SmartGarden, Fallen Fruits, Rollins Bulldog Tools, Hex Living, Elho, Burgon & Ball, Gardena, Woodlodge, and Capi – a big thank you for theiramazing contributions GIMADirector Vicky Nuttall said: “The Golf Day is a highlight every year, and it’s always amazing to see everyone having fun competing and raising money for Greenfingers The teamwork on the course was great followed by the raffle and auction in the evening, and most importantly, we raised a lot of money for a fantastic cause We’re incredibly grateful to all the sponsors, participants, and generous donors whomade this event a success”

The fun didn’t stop on the course with a raffle and auction taking place in the evening Donations and all the fantastic prizes for the raffle and auction came from GIMA, Grassgains, Belton Woods, Greenfingers, Shark Ninja, Evergreen, Premier

Linda Petrons, Director of Fundraising and Communications at Greenfingers Charity added: “From all of us at Greenfingers Charity, a heartfelt thank you to GIMA for another incredible event! The members’ generosity throughout the day – from the golf course to the auction –means the world tous, and even more importantly, to the hundredsof childrenand families wesupport”

Go Charity lf Day 46 June/July2024
C D harity June/July 2024 47

Empathy, the pioneering gardening company known for its Rootgrow mycorrhizal fungi, is introducing new products and packaging in its biofertiliser range for 2024

Regenerative farming is becoming a significant trend in modern agriculture, with a fundamental focus on soil health Many of the adopted practices and treatments are designed to enhance the underlying biology. The relationship between beneficial biology and the soil's efficiency in transferring nutrients to crops,


consequently allowing for a reduction in chemical use, represents a new frontier in farming

Empathy, the UK's resource for beneficial soil microbes, has been supporting UK farmers in their transition to regenerative agriculture for ten years and is now pleased to introduce its biofertiliser technology to UK gardening

The AfterPlant Biofertiliser range will feature the new Empathy packaging in 2024 and will include both the Rootgrow mycorrhizal fungi and the refined Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria

Empathyleads the changein this area—we areecological by design.

technologies Segmented for seven plant groups, the plant food components are designed to be optimally converted by the microbes within the products into a form available to plants, ensuring maximum uptake and minimal wastage.

Simple, safe, and effective biofertilisers will increasingly replace traditional fertilisers and plant food in the coming years as the public becomes more aware of their benefits and ecological pedigree, and as restrictions on chemicals drive change in gardening practices

Forfurther information on the EmpathyBio-fertiliser range, pleasecontact: Simon Taylor -Business Development Director PlantWorks Ltd. Unit 930 Cornforth Drive, Kent SciencePark, Sittingbourne, Kent, ME9 8PX Mob: +44(0)7756846578 Off:+44(0)1795 411527 e-mail: 48 June/July 2024
GIMA Golf Day 2024
C D harity Golf ay / w ra n SHOWCASINGOUR TOP BRANDS TommyCross Greenworks Expert dening Expert Woolcott Webb Gar Adam DEMOS LIVE Meet the Experts! Secto Insigh r ts DEALER/RETAILER EVENT 2024 MOULTONGRANGECOUNTRYESTATEPITSFORD NORTHAMPTONSHIRE THURSDAY 5TH SEPTEMBER2024 -9:30am-3:30pm Effective planning for the upcoming year 2025 pricing and on-the-day deals Webb Eco Launch Sector Insights Showcasing top brands - LIVEDemos Book Your FREE Tickets! Sausage&baconbaps Buffetlunch Outdoor Activities Take part in ahost of activies on the day -try your hand at axe throwing, or become atarget expert andhave agoatair rifle shooting, Tryit! Join us for a blend of garden machinery demonstrations, invaluable sector insights, exclusive on-the-day offers great food and engaging activities all set against the picturesque charm of Moulton Grange Country Estate in Northamptonshire Tickets are limited! Secure your spot at the Handy Dealer/Retailer LIVE Event today! Tel: 01793 333220 Email marketing@handys co uk Why Attend This Event? SCAN ME LAUNCH OF Ju e July 2024 49 ww.gardentr f

• The major brands under oneroof

• New Three-dayevent

• Networking events

• NewStarter Zone

The Aquatics Zone –a dedicated showcase for aquatics and watergardeningsuppliers with all of the latestlaunches from the leadi ufacturer nd li manufacturers and suppliers.

• Thousands of

• 100’s of new

• Free entry

• Free showcat

of pr new la show cata gu

• Free parking*

• Beat the Pro at the 11th: Andy MacMillan, Chris Francis, Alwyn Williams, Liam Barrett, Neil Blake, John Styles, BenWalton, TomLay, Josh Novell, Spencer Goodall, Jon Hotson, Dan McAlpine

• Nearest the Pin at the 4th: Chris Francis

• Nearest the Pin at the 8th: David Stagg

• Nearest the Pin at the 15th: Jonathan Stobart

• Nearest the Pin in 2 at the 13th: Nigel Blow

• Longest Drive at the 18th: Jonny Hotson

Charity Golf Day J ga ws entr 50 une/July 2024 www. rd adene GIMA GOLF DAY 2024 FULL RESULTS Full Results 1 Hex Living 86 2 Smart Garden 2 85 3 Zest 85 4 Gardena 82 5 Woodlodge 2 82 6 Glee/Ivyline 82 7 Woodlodge1 82 8 Pure Print 82 9 Henry Bell 79 10 Rocketgro/Swift/ Treadstone 79 11 Graf UK 77 12 Grassgains 77 13 Vitax 77 14 Evergreen 1 77 15 Centurion 75 16 Sunshine/Polhill 75 17 Premier decs 74 18 Ames 73 19 Smart Garden 1 71 20 Charles Bentley 60 21 Evergreen 2 59 22 GIMA 56
To register for FREE entry visit Newfor 2024
up to 1300 cars, on afirstcome, first served basis. Pet&Aquatics Trade Show

Holding out for a Glee Hero

To celebrate Glee’s 50-year anniversary we’ve been asking readers who and which products they would nominate as Glee’s 50 Year Hero’s.

Fromover100 individual nominations we cannow reveal the shortlists of Glee

50 Year Hero’sthatwill be voted for via the GTNXtraand Glee Daily News e-mail newsletters during July and August with the winners being announced at Glee 2024 in September.Thanks to all who took thetime to makenominations.

Most Influential Person of the last 50 years

1. Alan Roper

2. Brian Evans

3. EdwardConroy

4. Guy Topping

5. John Ashley

6. Nigel Long

7. Norman Sellers

8. Paris Natar

9.Warren Haskins

The Character of Glee’s50years

1. Anthony Harker

2. Boyd Douglas-Davis

3. Derek Bunker

4. Geoff Wooldridge

5. Nick Davies

6. Nigel Poyner

7. PeterSeabrook

8. StuartKitchen

HeroProduct of the last 50 years

1. Drip Feeders

2. Garden Solar Lights

3. Hozelock Connector

4. Kelkay bagged aggregates and POS

5. Miracle Gro

9. Slug Gone –Wool slug pellets

10. The first Gro-Bag launched by Fisons

11 VegTrug

12. Wildlife World Solitary Bee Hotel

13. Wood Pellet BBQ grills

HeroPlant of the last 50 years

1. Astrantia

2. Choisya ‘Sundance’

3. Kinder Plants

4. Pre-Packed Flowerbulbs

5. Scabious Butterfly Blue

6. Surfinia

52 June/July 2024 Glee Celebrates 50 Years
PLUMSLATE20MM PROMOTION 01948841 607 Termsand conditions apply to this promotion. Contactusfor moreinformation -all supporting POS supplied. Therichest Plum colour in the industry. Aunique opportunitytotrial our Moel Tryfan Plum Slate at an amazingoffer price, set to drive BIG VOLUMES. BEATTHE HIGH STREET! OVER SAVING 45%

Pet&Aquatics Trade Show

• All the major brands under one roof

• New Three-dayevent

• Networking events

• Thousands of products

• 100’s of new launches

• Aquatics Zone

• NewStarter Zone

• Free showcatalogue

Over 300 exhibitors

Where the industry meet to do business

• Free entry &parking* *For

up to 1300 cars,ona first come,first served basis. New Product Showcase Correct at time of goingto press Biggest ever PATS! Seeour website forafull list of exhibitors in association with

Flowering cherry reaches forthe stars

Cream of the crop of new plants at the RHS Chelsea Flower Show 2024

This year the RHS Chelsea Plant of the Year competition underwent a change, with RHS plant Committee and Trials Forum members able to vote for their favouriteonline. Until this point, the final had taken placeatthe showwith breeders and plant representatives taking to the stage to offer abrief presentation of their newintroduction and its attributes. Only those committee members at the showthat afternoon, usually lessthan 100, were able to vote.The newsystem involved 185 members considering 26 entries and the result, says the RHS,gives amorerounded competition drawing on the broad expertise of awider number of people.

Winning this year,and for the first time, wasasingle-stemmed small tree which will be agreat choicefor smaller garden. With its clusters of small, white, star-shaped blossoms, Prunus ‘Starlight’ is likely to be in great demand. Reaching ahight of 12ft, this flowering cherryblossoms in spring and because one of its parents is early flowering Prunus subhirtella,itcan also bloom in late winter if conditions arefavourable. Some autumn colour is also displayed, adding to its garden value.

Prunus‘Starlight’ wasexhibited by Green Jjam NurseryinWorcester.Currently stock in 12L pots is allocated but Frank PMatthews is taking provisional pre-orders and anew season of stock will be available from 1July

Eyecatching runnersup

Customersare going to love thenew chocolatescented cosmos, this time with vibrantcherrycoloured blooms. Bred by Valin Geneticsinthe UK, Cosmosatrosanguineus CHERRY CHOCOLATE is anot onlya breakthrough in flowercolour butalso in improvedhardiness. It hasthe largest flowers of this type, up to 7cmacross, producedfrom May through to thefirst frosts. According to PinnaclePlants International, plants will be available thisyear fromstockist including T&M, Crocus and Hayloft, and available to gardencentres in 2025

Thearchitectural Agave‘Praying Hands’ took awell-deserved thirdplace. Astriking

plant shaped likeanupright, elegant teardrop, it’sagreat choiceiflooking for something drought tolerant. Bred in the USA, it’spart of the Mad about Mangave programme.

Agave‘Praying Hands’and inset avibrant bloom from the new CherryChocolatecosmos.

Rose bench additions

David Austin Roses took the unveiling of the name if its newEnglish shrub rose to the wire. Announced on the Monday morning of the show, Rosa‘Emma Bridgewater’ is nowpartofthe David Austin collection. Pink blooms open to what the breeder describes as a‘crescendo of colours ranging from apricot and coraltomauve and lilac’. Arose decorated mug designed by Emma Bridgewater, and agift pack arenow also available to strengthen both brands.

From Harknesscomes the aptly named Rosa‘Chelsea Pensioner’, ahybrid teawith rich redflowers with up to 50 petals per bloom. Repeat flowering with adelicatefragrance, Harknesswill donate£2.50 to the Royal Hospital Chelsea from the sale of each rose.

56 June/July 2024 Planteria
Prunus‘Starlight’ Emma BridgewaterEnglish shrub rose from David Austin. Thenew Chelsea Pensioner rose is launched in style.
Four Oaks TradeShow FREE VisitorRegistration – EnquireNOW! Mediapartner TheUK’sPremierShow fortheHorticultureTrade...since 1971 Sept3-4 2024 Your colourful world ofheather WWW.GARDENGIRLS.DE

Promoting the industry, in all its guises

Well,that was achallenging spring! It promised so much andasis often the case, it all came down to the weather. Ithink we canall look back and say that it could havebeen alot better.

Forthe second year running,the HTAhad astand at theRHS Chelsea FlowerShow, but thistimein amuch better position on this crowded site.Our message was primarily to promote‘thegift of gardening’and lock moneyintoour sector with ourNational Garden Gift card scheme. Once again, thestandreceivedafour-star rating in its categorythanks to the helpofseveral of ourgrowerand landscaper members.We were also at Chelsea to promote our many Association of Professional Landscapers [APL] members. I’mdelighted so many HTAand APL member categories hadgreat successes in the showgardens andthe Great Pavilion.

Ourpresence at Chelseaalso givesus

the opportunity to invitemembers of both Houses of Parliament alongasour guests to see theshow. Taking small groupsontoshow gardens and chatting with ourexhibiting members providesawonderful chanceto informthem about the value of ourindustry anddiscusswhat morewecould offer the nation. Of course, we areintorealshow seasonnow,and manyofour memberswill be present at otherRHS and BBC liveevents andIwish them well.

Dates in the diary

As Iwrite thisthe HTANationalPlant Show is onlyacoupleofweeksaway.This event has becomethe plant show andgoesfrom strengthtostrength. Whetheryou attend to exhibit, buy,plan ahead or merely network, this two-day show(June19-20) at Stoneleigh Park, Warwickshire, is the placetobeduring thethirdweekofJune

TheGeneralElectionhas been calledfor

July4,and our strong policy team havebeen engaging with politicians acrossall partiesin the UK anddevolved parliaments.

Iwould encourage youtoinvite prospectiveparliamentarycandidates to visityour business and see first-hand what challenges youface, as well as showcasethe value our sector brings to the environment and the economy.Our policy team will be delightedtobriefand assist youwith this. Youmay caretorefertoour Environmental HorticultureManifesto publishedonour

HTAHorticulture–The Conferencewill again be heldatthe ICCinthe centreof Birmingham.The dateisSeptember25and agreat line up of inspirationaland thoughtprovoking speakers is beingfinalised now. Check the @HTANewsfeed on Twitter and Linkedin to followthe speaker confirmations duringthe nextfew weeks.

We continue to supportHTA members by offeringaprogrammeofwebinars, the latest updates, and signpostingtopreferred suppliers on many keyareas, including Extended Producer Responsibility,Border Controls, business technical forums,growing peat-free, effectiveuse of irrigation water, and nutrition of field-grownstock

While primarily of interest to our grower members,Imust also mention thenew FutureGrow one-day eventwehaveplanned forOctober 8. This event, again held centrally at StoneleighPark, Warwickshire, willlookatthe opportunities thatrobotics automation andmechanisation offer growers. Thisisparticularlypertinent with rising labour costs and skillsand labour shortages

Find out more

TheHorticultural Trades Association is the UK industry’sleading membership organisation and welcomes allsectorsofenvironmental horticulture. To learn more or join please visit: or email:

Viewpoint 58 June/July 2024
Alan, Jennifer Pheasey, HTADirectoryofPublic Affairsand RichardMackenna from Provender Nurseries with the four-star awardcertificate.

How innovation is driving success within garden retail

Inthe world of garden retail, innovation is morethan abuzzword—it’sthe driving force behind our industry’scontinued success.AtGIMA, we witnessfirsthand the powerofinnovation as we preparefor the annual GIMA Awards, aprocess that we’re currently in the midst of.The breadth and depth of innovation presented is nothing shortofremarkable, influencing every corner of the marketplaceand highlighting its importancefor suppliers of garden and leisureproducts.

Every year,during the GIMA Awards judging process, we consistently assessin the region of 200 products, services, and marketing initiatives. The diversity of entries highlights the complexity of innovation in our industry. Our judges, drawn from various retail backgrounds, aretasked with the challenging yetexciting job of selecting the most deserving winners from this extensive pool of entries. The fact we neverstruggle to find judges speaks volumes about the value theyfind in this role, in that it offers aunique opportunity to discoverthe latest advancements and trends that can differentiatetheir retail offering and set their storeapart.

Innovation acrossall forms

One of the most fascinating aspects of this processisthe sheer variety of innovation on display and in garden retail -innovation is not

confined to asingle form. Instead, it spans acrossproduct development, sustainability efforts and marketing strategies, with each typically addressing specific challenges or capitalising on newopportunities, rather than merely introducing newnessfor the sakeof newness.

Forexample, some manufacturers innovate to solvecommon gardening problems, whilst others focus on enhancing their existing product ranges to keep them fresh and

Everyinnovativestep, whetherit’saminortweak oramajoroverhaul, contributestothebroader pictureofprogresswithin gardenretail.

relevant in ahighly competitivemarket.

Sustainability is another critical driver,with many companies adopting eco-friendly materials and processes to meet the growing consumer demand for responsible gardening solutions and supporting manufacturing processes.

Moreover, innovation often seeks to expand the gardening customer demographic. By creating products that appeal to younger

generations or those making their first foray intothis popular hobby, companies can broaden their market sharewhilst also driving industrygrowth. Additionally,innovative marketing techniques and consumer facing activities can significantly enhancecustomer engagement and loyalty,further solidifying a brand’sposition in the marketplace.

Every innovativestep, whether it’saminor tweak or amajor overhaul, contributes to the broader pictureofprogresswithin garden retail. These developments not only benefit retailers by providing them with unique selling points but also offer gardeners newtools and products to enhancetheir gardening experience.

Each year the GIMA Awards provide abackdrop to celebratethese efforts, though theyare not our only platform for recognising and promoting innovation. Our GIMA Digest is avaluable resource highlighting the newest products and services available from our members as each season unfolds. Additionally,our regular member columns in keytrade publications offer insight intoboth innovation and the trends driving change in the industry.

Find out more

Anybusinesses interested in joining GIMAcan contact the GIMAteam at 01959 564947 details regarding GIMA’smultiple-member benefits can be found at

Judging inthe region of 200 products is achallenging task.

June/July 2024 59
Summer is in the air Discoverthe latest innovations in outdoor living 9-11July 2024 NEC, Birmingham Garden Furniture | Barbecues | Shading | Outdoor Living Accessories | Garden Decoration Garden LeisureBuildings | Outdoor Heating | Outdoor Health | Outdoor Entertainment TRADE EVENT Sour ce :P acific Lif est yle

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