GTN June 2016

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JUNE 2016


Great reasons to stock Award Winning Petface Wild Bird Care products Turn the page to find out


Great reasons to stock Award Winning Petface Wild Bird Care products...

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Strong support with our 22 professional field sales agents and dedicated sales admin team.


Watch this space for our NPD launch… coming soon! tel: +44(0)1462 744500

garden Advice and information for garden centre professionals

JUNE 2016

trade news

Trade’s first Chelsea project wins silver-gilt


The garden industry’s collaborative exhibit in the Great Pavilion at the RHS Chelsea Flower Show, which was awarded a Silver-Gilt Medal, has been hailed as a potential model for future consumer-facing projects. The project, championed by The Sun’s gardening correspondent Peter Seabrook and co-ordinated by the HTA in association with the Garden Centre Association, brought together more than 120 suppliers, growers and garden retailers and featured more than 40 new plants. It showcased four model garden displays featuring landscape ideas, hanging baskets contributed by GCA member centres, a Seed Garden featuring varieties supplied by major seed brands and a Rising Stars Grow your Own Exhibit supported by Westland Horticulture. More on pages 3-4

Remain 57%

Remain tops GTN poll

A majority of GTN Xtra readers say they will vote to stay in the EU p2-3

Chelsea in pictures

People, plants and products from last month’s big show p6-7

Get your skates on!

Gold for Burncoose – but Hands stays silent on Dobbies deal

New tulip is Taylors tribute to the Queen – full story on page 6

Terra Firma’s Guy Hands politely declined to answer questions about Wyevale’s anticipated purchase of the Dobbies group from Tesco as he posed for the paparazzi with Naomie Harris (‘Miss Moneypenny’) on the Burncoose Nurseries stand on press day at Chelsea. GTN understands the deal is taking longer than anticipated during the due diligence process. In the meantime, Hands will be able to celebrate Burncoose’s Gold medal for its garden marking the 100-year anniversary of the first meeting of The Rhododendron Society (whose first AGM was at Chelsea in 1916). Terra Firma Capital Partners, a sponsor of Burncoose since 2003, is a patron of The Prince’s Trust Enterprisie Programme, for which Naomie Harris is an ambassador. The Chelsea exhibit was designed by Geraldine Hood-Leeder and Louisa Lazarowicz.

Can’t decide if a skating rink is for you? This will help... p8-9

SOLEX preview

Breaking news from July’s outdoor living show p15-20

garden trade news • SOLEX & NATIONAL PLANT SHOW PREVIEWS • JUNE 2016

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in touch

Garden industry news, views and people

Stay in EU say majority in GTN Xtra Brexit poll With referendum polling day a few weeks away, GTN decided to test the water to find out which side its readers are on at this stage in the campaign. We conducted a poll through our widely-read and increasingly popular weekly digital newsletter, GTN Xtra, asking the same question that will appear on the ballot paper: Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the European Union or leave the European Union? Opinion in the wider business community has tended towards the Remain camp, although the Leave campaigners have been making enough noise to suggest that the vote could be difficult to call by the time we get to 23 June. As the garden industry brings together two key components of the UK economy – horticulture and retailing - we were certain that our retailers, manufacturers and distributors would welcome a chance to make their voices heard away from the hustle of the hustings. And we were right! The number of Xtra readers taking part in the poll quickly ran into

Leave 43%

the hundreds and continued to soar. While we initially set a 24hour limit on the poll in order to create a snapshot of the moment (as distinct from a result predictor), it soon became clear that more people wanted the opportunity to ‘cast their vote’ - so we extended the deadline to create an even more robust sample. As the first flush of votes

Remain 57%

came in, it looked as though the Leavers might run away with it but then the Stayers staged a fight-back to overtake them - a position they held right up to the point where this issue of GTN went to press. We were curious to know why the Leave camp had won so much early support. In conversations with others in the industry, we conjectured that

the desire for change is such a strongly-held view that the best way to achieve your goal is to lead the debate. On the other hand, those in favour of maintaining the status quo perhaps (and only perhaps) feel the best way to victory is to avoid rocking the boat, but get the oars out before it capsizes. So far, as you can see from the pie chart, well over half the readership has pinned its colours to the Remain mast. The figures vary from region to region (see the table at the foot of the page) with more Leavers in England than in the rets of the UK (although this could be because our sample is weighted towards England). In a future issue of GTN Xtra, we aim to analyse the data to discover if there is a significant difference between the views of retailers and suppliers. Each will have their own ideas of how Brexit might affect our livesd and businesses, for better or for worse. We would welcome your further views in GTN Xtra. In the meantime, see the opposite page for a selection of comments received to date

GTN Xtra referendum survey, week-ending 20 May - overall voting Region Remain a member of European Union Leave the European Union
















Polling sample breakdown Region Manufacturer/distributor























2 JUNE 2016 • SOLEX & NATIONAL PLANT SHOW PREVIEWS • garden trade news

in touch Let’s get back control of our pesticides By leaving the EU, we would get back control of our pesticides. Having owned and managed a weed control and lawn care company since 1994, we have seen dramatic changes to the list of pesticide control products available to us in the professional amenity sports turf industry, on

UK growers might benefit from Brexit but other prices would rise I’d say remain, butwould qualify that and say that if we leave the EU, English growers could see a boom as the euro would appreciate against the pound and price out the Dutch plant market for a while. The Dutch garden centre buildings the industry imports from suppliers such as Thermoflor and Smiemans would also be priced out, benefiting UK building companies. The dollar would appreciate against the pound, meaning garden furniture, barbecues, pots, Christmas (products sourced from the far east) would cost us more as there would be a price cost increase on imports. However I think the devaluation of the pound would be short- to medium-term and eventually recover, so in the long term the effect would negligible but in the short medium term it could be difficult for garden centre retailers of the aforementioned categories to maintain margins if the consumer was resistant to price increases. Alan Roper, Blue Diamond Group

Money better spent here There may be a short term blip if the pound loses value due to uncertainty but in the long term I would see more prosperity and more funding for the UK infrastructure rather than monies being applied elsewhere. Guy Topping, Barton Grange GC

account of EU member states banning active ingredients year by year. The possibility of getting any long term residual effect from total weed killers is nowadays almost non existent. Some actives did need greater control, some not. Now they are trying to ban glyphosate! Do these decision

makers EVER go outside into the countryside or like fresh vegetables and fruit? I really do wish the UK Government would stand up to the EU and look after Number One. Mike Seaton, Weed Free and The Lawn Company

To stay as world leaders, we don’t need the EU I am not so thrilled because of the lack of democratic purpose within the EU establishment. These are difficult times and the question being put to voters lacks transparency and should have contained an additional box: Do you vote to stay in a reformed Europe? I am certain most people would vote for that, leaving the government in an extremely strong footing to renegotiate our membership. As it is, Cameron has let us all down by coming back from Europe with a nothing solution. We all know it and so

does he! When I voted to join the EEC I did not vote for political union and, until now, by this backdoor method, I never have been asked. Basically the British people are being asked to ratify our membership of a political union that none of us signed up for and most of us really do not want! We’re British after all and have always been world leaders and we don't need the EU for that! Robin Tuppen, Cuckmere Trug Company

Industry will lose out when older consumers have less to spend Brexit will depress the garden industry because not only will the pound fall but tarrifs are likely to rise. As we are a net importer of garden products, prices will increase. In the longer term, the industry will suffer because pensioners' return on UK investments will fall and the economy will shrink, so the upper-age brackets willhave less to spend while prices will be higher. Double whammy. Jema Poulter

Pros and cons both ways, but if in doubt...stay in We know where we are staying in the EU. Leaving is an unknown entity and might or might not cause issues, such as buying from abroad, travel, import of plants. The issue of immigration is being blown into a major issue. Being out of Europe will not mean an end to immigration and we do need more workers and a bigger market if we are all to survive. As with anything there will be

advantages and disadvantages of any decision, hence the counter arguments. If in doubt, stay. You can always leave in the future. I doubt if you would ever be allowed back in. Anon

Brexit is like leaving a bad marriage...painful but the right way Short term, there are likely to be financial consequences [after Brexit]. However long term, it will balance out. It's a bit like leaving a bad marriage; you have to consider the short term pain, but in the long term it's probably the right way. Anon Quite simply, prices are linked to USD, which has already lost 10% If we exit this will push up to 20%. Nearly all products would have to sustain this increase. Julian Windsor, Bellagio UK It could make exporting, especially to France, a little harder, mainly due to the disaffection that would result towards UK suppliers. Furthermore, a likely weakened pound would create inflation that is never a good thing in terms of the likely shrinking volumes that result. Paris Natar, Smart Solar I see no advantage in staying within a failed union that is 100 miles away from its original concept. Anon More control of our borders will help to keep plant pests and diseases on the European mainland and a weaker pound will give home producers more of a chance to compete. Also helps exporters. Anon 95% of UK businesses do no trade in the EU. 100% of businesses must comply with its regulations. Vote leave. Anon

Radical reform unlikely – so it’s safer outside The EU is unlikely to survive without radical reform, which seems unlikely. We are safer outside. Warren Haskins, Haskins GC

garden trade news • SOLEX & NATIONAL PLANT SHOW PREVIEWS • JUNE 2016


back office

Property & Planning

ProPerty advice by allen evans of gilbert evans

Majority of garden centre rateable values anticipated to rise With only 10 months to go before the next business rates revaluation comes into effect on 1st April 2017, the majority of garden centre rateable values are anticipated to increase as rental values have risen significantly since the previous valuation date of 1st April 2008. 1.8 million business properties in England, Scotland and Wales will be reassessed based on rental values as at 1st April 2015. A revaluation was carried out in Northern Ireland in 2015. Traditionally the Government adjusts the value of business rates every five years to reflect any upward or downward shifts in the property market. The most recent revaluation came into effect in England and Wales in 2010 based on rental values as at 1st April 2008. The planned 2015 revaluation was postponed for two years by the Government in the belief that the delay would back businesses by helping them to be more competitive. The move led to an outcry as it meant the majority of businesses

continued to pay high business rates based on pre-recession peak values rather than revised rates that would have been calculated having regard to lower 2013 rental values. One of the most significant proposed changes in the current revaluation process is the introduction of a multi-stage challenge process known as ‘check, challenge and appeal’, placing far greater onus on the ratepayer or their advisor to provide more detailed information right from the outset. As yet unconfirmed, there is also a proposal to charge a fee to move to a final appeal stage if the appeal cannot be resolved through negotiation. For all previous rates revaluations since 1990 there has been a scheme of transitional relief for England cushioning both increases and decreases in liability. Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland have all removed transitional arrangements. A transitional

scheme for England has not yet been confirmed but it would come as little surprise if there was no transitional relief scheme for 2017. As any occupier of commercial property knows only too well, business rates represent one of the most significant outgoings for a business and it is therefore vital that every opportunity to reduce the annual liability is fully investigated. Material changes to the property or within the locality such as new developments in the area, a new competing garden centre, or new roads and access routes can bring opportunities for reductions. Finally, it should always be remembered that rating assessments can go up as well as down. If you are considering an appeal into your new rating assessment, we recommend seeking the advice of a specialist

garden centre rating advisor. And don’t be afraid to ask potential advisors for evidence of a successful track record in garden centre rating. Allen Evans is a Partner in Gilbert Evans. Email: Web:

Planning notes by tracy hubbard of malcolm scott consultants

Framework for sustainable development The Communities and Local Government Committee has recommended that a comprehensive review of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) be undertaken. It is now four years since the Framework was adopted and the Committee recommends the review should take place before the end of the current parliament. The Committee is reported as finding there has not been “sufficient robust, objective and evidence based monitoring, evaluation or review of the NPPF since it was published in 2012.” Clive Betts, chairman, said: “It’s important people are reassured that the NPPF works effectively and that it supports sustainable development in their communities.” Four years after publication of the NPPF, 17% of local planning authorities have still not published local plans 4

JUNE 2016


and 44% have not yet adopted plans. The default position in this situation, according to the NPPF, is the granting of planning permission unless any adverse impacts of doing so would significantly or demonstrably outweigh the benefits. We have seen this policy in action across the country – for example the granting of planning permission for significant housing development in rural areas and indeed the Green Belt because a Local Planning Authority cannot demonstrate a 5-Year Housing Supply. The report requires the government to set out how it will use its powers of intervention to deal with Local Planning Authorities who fail to have an adopted Local Plan in place by


early 2017 and how many Local Planning Authorities this power may affect. The Committee have recommended greater clarity of what constitutes a brownfield site, as it proposes a presumption in favour of development of such sites. It is expected that the Government will release guidance for Local Planning Authorities on when and how it will be appropriate for Local Planning Authorities to review Green Belt boundaries, release existing Green Belt land and replace it elsewhere. In the long term this could affect garden centres and nurseries that lie close to but outside existing Green Belt areas, where you may find your site is designated as Green Belt land, as well as those

sites which are in the Green Belt but in sustainable locations close to existing settlements which may be released and become more developable. The report recommends that changes to the NPPF should not be delayed beyond the summer of 2016 but there should be a two stage consultation process on any re-wording, the first covering principles and the second the exact wording. Time will tell how these changes affect the planning environment for those in the garden trade Industry. Meanwhile, the Budget Document released by the Chancellor George Osbourne states that the government intends to “legislate to ensure that pre-commencement planning conditions can only be used with the agreement of the development”. The government will review the process of deemed discharge of conditions as reported here at the end of 2014.

in touch

Garden industry news, views and people

The RHS Chelsea Flower Show 2016 in pictures

The industry shows what collaboration can achieve... Clockwise from above: HTA CE Carol Paris and The Sun’s Peter Seabrook launched the industry’s Grand Pavilion display by cutting (and tasting) a new variety of cabbage. The Rising Stars section sponsored by Westland paid tribute to the Queen on her 90th birthday. The Love the Plot You’ve Got corner offered great landscaping ideas. Colin Squire on the GCA’s hanging basket display.

Taylors present the Queen with Royal Celebration tulip...and Johnny Walkers wins 23rd Gold for daffodils...

6 JUNE 2016 • SOLEX & NATIONAL PLANT SHOW PREVIEWS • garden trade news

in touch

Working Miracles... Left: Scotts Miracle-Gro’s chairman and CEO Jim Hagedorn flew in to meet the company’s UK general manager Sheila Hill on their Grand Pavilion Exhibit the Miracle-Gro’wers Urban School Garden. Above: the team highlight results of a carrot experiment carried out by schools in the Miracle-Gro’wers Academy.

Plant of the Year... A new clematis, C.chiisanensis ‘Amber’ entered by Taylors Clematis, was named as Chelsea’s Plant of the Year 2016. It’s a double-flowered variety with nodding heads of yellow-cream. Flowering from May to midsummer with a second flush in September, it is described as fully hardy.

Product of the Year... Dragon’s Den’s Deborah Meaden congratulates the Hozelock team on winning Chelsea’s Product of the Year award for their Cloud Controller, which allows you to control your garden irrigation system remotely via an internet router.

In his 81st year.... Downton Abbey star Jim Carter, pictured in the Grand Pavilion with his wife (co-star) Imelda Staunton, is an active patron of the garden industry’s Greenfingers charity and a Chelsea regular. He celebrates his 80th birthday this year a milestone he shares with Peter Seabrook.

garden trade news • SOLEX & NATIONAL PLANT SHOW PREVIEWS • JUNE 2016


event planning

temporary skating rinks

Time to get your

skates on?

Are you debating whether to hire an ice rink next winter? We asked Rebecca Owen of Arena Ice to give us the cold facts to help you make the right decision. Arena Ice’s in-house experts offer over 20 years of expertise in the design and delivery of temporary ice rinks, rink management and staff training. Within Arena Group, temporary structures, interior design and fit-out is a speciality, enabling us to provide truly unique stand-alone events. In 2015, Arena Ice supplied over 14,000 metres of aluminium-based rink mat from our own stock holding, during one of the mildest winters since meteorological records began; a great testament to our equipment, crew and support systems.

Venue requirements

We can build ice rinks to any size, based on full meter increments. However we most often work to the popular 1:2 ratio (e.g. 15m x 30m for a 450m2 ice rink). Square rinks are also practical and can be extremely attractive with the installation of decorative centrepieces such as Christmas trees or

illuminated sculptures. Venues will need to have access to a water supply – just a garden hose is all that is required to fill a rink but a strong water pressure will speed it up. During the installation process, good vehicle access is always desirable, preferably with enough room to manoeuvre a forklift to unload palletised equipment into a secure ‘holding bay’ on site. However, the team is experienced in accommodating site restrictions like steps or low barrier heights. As the majority of Arena Ice equipment is modular, it is often possible to ‘carry’ or ‘skate’ the kit to the build location. Technical Zone equipment like chillers, generators, buffer tanks, pumps and hoses are heavier and therefore less manoeuvrable by hand, requiring vehicular support.

Ice Installation

The time it takes to set up an ice rink can vary between two days and two weeks,

depending on the scale and the complexity of the project; however the breakdown is quicker, typically taking between one day and one week, depending on requirements for the ‘melt’. The melting process of the ice governs when the rink equipment and substructure can be removed. Clients have the option of a ‘natural melt’ (whereby the ambient temperature melts the ice of its own accord after the chiller units have been switched off) or an ‘assisted melt’ using a boiler or heat pump chiller to warm the refrigerant Glycol circulating within the rink mat. This allows the ice to be removed within 24–48 hours of closure.

Rink maintenance

The ice rink requires daily maintenance, including checks at the beginning and end of each day, as well as between each skate session, to ensure public safety. We recommend an ice pad is resurfaced between skate sessions, during an allocated 15-minute changeover period every hour. ‘Redressing’ or ‘resurfacing’ the temporary ice rinks involves the removal of ‘snow’, (the formation of small chips of ice caused by the action of the skate blades running over the hardened ice surface). The quantity of ‘snow’ varies, depending on the ambient temperature and skater numbers, and can be controlled to some extent by adjusting the refrigerant set-point temperature of the chiller units. Rinks are typically ‘redressed’ by hand up to 450m2 in size, with larger rinks able to utilise mechanical resurfacing machines to speed up the job.

Staff training

Whether supplied by us, or recruited within the garden centre, an Ice Technician or Rink Manager tasked with maintaining the rink will need to be on site up to one hour before the rink opens in the morning to complete the daily safety and infrastructure checks. Ice maintenance is also required, including filling in any localised damage caused by skate blades. The main resurfacing work is carried out at the end of the day, when the rink is clear. The resurfacing team could be on site for up to one hour after closing, clearing the ‘snow’ and laying a thin layer of water across the rink surface to effectively form a fresh, perfectly level, smooth surface ready for the following morning. Arena Ice provide staff training covering everything that a rink manager needs to know, plus additional tailored support packages to suit individual needs and levels of experiences, including 8 JUNE 2016 • SOLEX & NATIONAL PLANT SHOW PREVIEWS • garden trade news

event planning Is it worth it? Calculating ROI

Arena Ice launchged its under-ice LED technology at Van Hage’s Great Amwell centre last year, to great acclaim from the public. Lighting effects in general work well with the medium of ice and often brings out the creativity in many a conceptual designer. visits to other rinks and training on resurfacing equipment.

The costs

For a basic hire package, prices generally start around £30K for an entry level 180m2 rink, up to £200K plus for a 1000m2 rink with all supportive infrastructure, Ice Café Bar, Skate Exchange, Zamboni & Garage, Melt Pit, Skates, Skate Aids, etc. The event duration has a bearing on rental cost, to cover the equipment’s operational hours. Chiller ‘red diesel’ usage costs can be approximated by allowing 1 litre of fuel per square metre of ice, per day. This would also ensure sufficient power to operate lighting, sound and a basic structure heating package, taking into consideration that varying weather conditions will have an impact on total fuel usage. We recommend allowing 80-120 litres of water per square meter to fill the rink; this again may vary depending on the thickness required for a mechanically resurfaced rink, after which regular ‘flooding’ can perfectly resurface the rink using minimal quantities of water. It is important to include a fresh drinking water supply to your hospitality or refreshment areas, insulating all outdoor pipework to protect against freezing winter temperatures. At Arena Ice, we can provide temporary structures for pop-up cafe’s, bars, restaurants all seamlessly kitted out to the theme or interior design of your choice – whether you want a Lapland environment, alpine lodge, cosy lounge or ice bar - the limitations are set only by budget, space and the client’s imagination!

Skating sessions

We recommend a typical skating session lasts 45 minutes, starting on the hour and leaving a 15 minute period for resurfacing the rink before the next session and the changeover of skates. Arena Ice offer a full ‘turnkey’ service, including the provision of

It is important to keep in mind that in reality, some sessions will be quieter than others, while peak pre-Christmas weekends and school holidays will often reach capacity throughout. Here’s an initial formula for skating return on investment: 4Rink size/capacity (divided by 3) x No. of sessions per day x No. of operational days x average ticket price. For example: 4A 600m² Ice Rink has a recommended maximum capacity of 200 skaters per 45-min session,allowing a capacity of 3m² of ice per skater. 4200 skaters multiplied by 12 Sessions per day = 2,400 potential ticket sales per day. 4Multiply by 55 operational days = 132,000 potential ticket sales for the event. 4Multiply by an average ticket price of £7.50 = £990,000 maximum ticket sale revenue. Plus skate aid rental (at £4 - £6 per aid, per 45minute session).

metal hand scrapers with every rink package, leisure skates and fun skating aids for younger children available in two-seater ‘bananas’ or standing ‘benguins’. Optional rink access gates, DDA compliant ramps with safety handrails, skate racks, service counters and benches to kit out Skate Exchange areas can also be supplied.

Venue considerations

Venue owners and operators need to be aware of the differing levels of service available when selecting their supply partners. It’s often too late when the bad weather hits and any failings in infrastructure are apparent – there is more to ‘good value for money’ than simply cost. Within Arena Ice, becausd we own our aluminium rink system and associated products, we can remain truly competitive. and provide a full turnkey package,including state-of-the-art ticketing systems. An imaginative catering offering delivered professionally can reap great financial rewards as well as creating a reputable name for the venue. Themed ‘popup’ bars, restaurants and cafés seem to appeal to the public seeking new experiences and ways to celebrate with friends and family. Being hands-on enables us to work with our clients to develop innovations; satisfying their ever-growing need to bring originality to their venues. Operators who are listening to their visitors tend to come back to us time and again for new ideas and details of the latest trends in technology. We completely understand the level of outlay a client needs to commit when promoting an ice rink or winter attraction; we are now prepared to offer risk-share models in the right locations, backed by our reliable infrastructure and experienced teams, to give clients the benefit of a truly professional approach.

Final thought... It may sound common sense, but it is important to remember it will be winter – cold, wet, windy and possibly icy! It is easy to forget at the late summer planning stage the significant effects that the UK’s winter weather can have on your venue, including a reduction in footfall, parking, access, and customer dwell time. As a British-based company that owns its own rink and structure equipment, we understand the seasonal the challenges like no other. 4Outdoor areas should be surfaced and where necessary, also covered with a reliable low-slip floor covering such as Astroturf or safety flooring. 4Heating is a must within structures to allow skates to dry out, keep staff warm and customers happy. 4Solid sided glazed structures can help cut drafts, along with cloth ceiling linings, trapping a warm layer of air beneath PVC roof sheets. Linings in general can make a temporary space feel snug and cosy, bringing a feeling of permanence and authenticity to a Christmas experience. Information: Rebecca Owen on 01480 46888 or email

garden trade news • SOLEX & NATIONAL PLANT SHOW PREVIEWS • JUNE 2016


in touch

2000 exhibitors to tempt buyers at Cologne’s big show Around 2,000 exhibitors from 60 countries filling nine halls will draw buyers to spoga+gafa 2016 trade show in Cologne (4-6 September). The event covers four broad categories - garden living, garden creation and care, barbecues and ‘garden unique’. The organisers believe the encouraging visitor registration figures to date reflect the show’s importance as a global marketplace for the garden industry. Around three-quarters of the exhibitors are expected to be from outside Germany, including a very strong British contingent organised by Gardenex. “The high interest from abroad shows us that spoga+gafa is also the leading international platform for the presentation of the garden industry's new products," said Katharina C. Hamma, chief operating officer of Koelnmesse. As GTN’s Greatest Outdoor

Living Award winners (pictured below receiving their awards at spoga+gafa last year), the show covers the entire market, from garden furniture and equipment and decoration to sport and games, camping and leisure time. Suppliers of garden furniture and the constantly growing garden decoration category are the two largest product groups, occupying seven halls. Other halls feature plants and flowers, garden care products machinery, tools and accessories, garden equipment and sheds, water and light technology, garden creation and care and a complete hall for barbecues. GTN will once again be taking the winners of The Greatest Outdoor Living Awards to the show – andthere is an opportunity to join GTN on the HTA study tour (details below).

HTA Study Tour - spoga+gafa Following on from the success of the Netherlands Study Tour in February this year, the HTA will be running another Study Tour that will include a hosted visit to spoga+gafa. The tour departs on Sunday 4 September, returning on Wednesday 7 September. The focus of the trip is on retail and the tour will include a visit to two high profile garden centres, a consumer show called ‘Tag Des Gartens’, VIP entry to exclusive evening networking events, a personalised brief and tour of spoga+gafa as well as free time to work the show. The tour organisation will include accommodation, meals, entry to the event and transport once in Cologne. Numbers are limited so to register interest please email –

garden trade news • SOLEX & NATIONAL PLANT SHOW PREVIEWS • JUNE 2016


retail ideas What happens if you take two Rising Stars, add a ‘Love the Plot

Magical plant area Squires in Milford have two Westland-sponsored Rising Stars in the management team – sparking ideas off each other and trying different things. Ian Boardman, Director of IBBIS (UK) Limited, has been out and about inspecting garden centres south of the Thames for the Garden Centre Association, and also facilitating Rising Stars and Love the Plot Masterclasses. He revealed to GTN he discovered this gem of a garden centre run by Squires in Surrey. Ricky Bowness, the centre manager of Squires Milford, said: “We have lots of creative people. We encourage ideas from everyone in the team – discuss them and develop them and let them have a go. We look for commercial ideas which are also fun. Everyone is creative – it often gets blocked and won’t come out! So we let it out!” George, assistant manager and also a Westland/GCA Rising Star, added: “If it’s fun for us then the customers will have fun – and keep coming back and spending more money. This year we have tried to add in ideas from the HTA/GIMB Love the Plot Masterclass. We are targeting a younger age profile including children – and it’s working very well.” Here Ricky and George share some of the ideas they’ve introduced at Squires Milford.

MAKE IT FUN: Targeting younger age groups to have a go with a fun display.

UPCYCLING: George is into upcycling and wanted to show people how to use things such as old pallets. It fits in with Squires’ Recycling aims – and shows people how to use a pallet as a fun plant pot! 12

JUNE 2016




garden trade news

retail ideas You’ve Got’ Masterclass, and a pinch of magic? You get a...

and extra sales! ADD SPLASH OF COLOUR: “We don’t forget the volume sales,” Says Ricky, “and this year there are some super quality plants around for added colour in the garden.”

GROW SHOP: “We wanted to make it easy for children - or anyone – to have a go at growing their own – so we set up the Grow Shop,” says George. “It’s proved to be very popular and is helping new people to get started.” IN TUNE: “We bought an old unwanted piano for 50p on eBay,” explains Ricky. “We waterproofed it with plastic – and covered it in sphagnum moss. There is a sign inviting customers to play it. So every now and then we hear great live music drifting across the plant area. The acoustics are amazing and it’s still in tune!”

BATH TIME: The people of Milford have never been cleaner thanks to the team at Squires. A bath is available – along with a few aquatic plants – as well as a back brush and rubber duck.

CELEBRATING: It’s Squires’ 80th Birthday this year and every branch has built a super display to celebrate. At Milford it has a wildlife theme and is up a tree. garden trade news




JUNE 2016 13



05-07 JULY 2016 NEC BIRMINGHAM HALL 5 023 9225 8844

SOLEX preview

gtn promotion

By request: midweek dates retained 5-7 July 2016, National Exhibition Centre

...and the show is already 10% bigger than last year SOLEX, the summer outdoor living exhibition, has retained its Tuesday-toThursday slot this year after buyers expressed a clear preference for a midweek show. Research by the Leisure and Outdoor Furniture Association, (LOFA) revealed that last year’s switch of dates to mid-week was a hit with the trade. “We realise that for many businesses Monday is an important post-weekend day and so, with the help of the NEC, we have responded to the needs of visitors to accommodate their wishes,” said the Leisure and Outdoor Furniture Association’s chairman Paul Bevington. Once again, a spectacular New Product Showcase will welcome visitors to the show. Purpose-built and designed to provide visitors with a snapshot of what’s new and exciting at the biggest SOLEX to date, it is the ideal starting point the search for next season’s star products. With more than 60 top suppliers signedup, and more membership applications in the pipeline, this year’s premier outdoor trade show at the NEC Birmingham is already 10% bigger than last year. “SOLEX 2016 will be bigger and better than ever, with more exhibitors, larger stands, and some exciting new features that will guarantee visitors maximum value,” said

Paul Facey, director of SOLEX. Now in its ninth year, SOLEX is an annual three-day trade event attracting national and international retail/contract purchasing directors and managers. It brings together all the leading manufacturers of garden products – furniture, barbecues, gazebos, parasols, outdoor lighting– and provides a showcase for new developments in design and manufacturing.

The Leisure and Outdoor Furniture Association (LOFA) was formed in 1967. The association is engaged in a variety of activities in support of its members, who currently account for more than half of the garden furniture and barbecues sold in the UK. Enquiries about SOLEX 2016 should be directed to the show organiser, Phil Gibbs, at the LOFA Offices on 02392 258844 or

garden trade news • SOLEX & NATIONAL PLANT SHOW PREVIEWS • JUNE 2016


show preview

SOLEX, NEC, 5-7 July 2016 exhibitor news

The world’s oldest teak furniture maker is back for a 9th SOLEX Barlow Tyrie (Stand 315) The world’s oldest manufacturer of teak garden furniture has exhibited at every SOLEX since it started in 2008. The company passed its 90th anniversary a few years back, and is now looking forward to celebrating its centenary in 2020. In the meantime, the focus is on developing new products, hoping to add to its tally of 18 awards for design excellence. The award-winning in-house design team is led by Mark Tyrie but also likes to work with independent designers. Currently, they produce five major ranges designed by internationally-respected designers, each very different in style and approach, but each bringing valuable variation to the catalogue. This year, Barlow Tyrie was chosen by the Royal Academy to complement their exhibition ‘Painting the Modern Garden: Monet to Matisse’, a hugely successful showing running that ran from January to April and attracted almost 400,000 visitors. Many of the individual ‘rooms’ making up the gallery space also contained teak garden furniture. This was an assortment of Barlow Tyrie Glenham teak seats and armchairs, and Balmoral teak tables - 29 pieces in all, and was designed to give visitors the opportunity to sit and reflect on the paintings as if in a real garden setting. Of course, the company also manufactures outdoor furniture in stainless steel, powder-coated aluminium, and handwoven synthetic fibre, with ranges often featuring a combination of materials; chairs

Below: Barlow Tyrie’s Glenham circular teak tree seat. Bottom: The Royal Academy of Arts used Glenham teak benches to create a ‘real garden’ feel for their ‘Painting the Modern Garden: Monet to Matisse’ exhibition this spring.

with a stainless steel frame and teak seat and back, for example, or tables with a powder-coated aluminium frame and a teak top; a ceramic tabletop on an aluminium frame, or cord as on its teak Monterey chairs. “Whichever materials we use, we make sure to source the best available, and to combine ergonomic design with manufacturing expertise,” they tell us. “Our aim is to make outdoor living as comfortable as it is stylish. In fact, to make sure that everything in the garden . . .is lovely!” Information 01376 557 600

Divano Lounge is UK exclusive from Maze

Planter specialists Cadix to diversify into garden furniture

The new-for-2016 luxury outdoor fabric range from Divano Lounge (right) is exclusive to Maze Rattan in the UK. The products are made from Sunbrella fabrics, designed for a long outdoor life. Unlike most cloth, the fibres are dyed before they are woven to give a deeper colour. It can be left outdoors for many years without fading and abrasion. The wide-cell structure of the cushion foam allows the furniture to dry quickly. Every piece receives an antimicrobial treatment. Below: Milan Weave from Maze Rattan.

Cadix Leisure (stand 655) Cadix, established in 1999, a leading trade supplier of contemporary pots and planters for the home and garden, is to launch its first range of garden furniture at SOLEX “Our vision is to supply a complete garden concept,” they tell us. The new range, which will be available from early 2017, will be previewed at SOLEX.

Proud sponsors of GTN’s SOLEX Preview 16 JUNE 2016 • SOLEX & NATIONAL PLANT SHOW PREVIEWS • garden trade news



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We brought Casual Dining to the market and now comes the next innovation. Visit us at Stand 510 at Solex to see what’s new for 2017.

KETTLER GB Limited Merse Road, North Moons Moat, Redditch, Worcestershire, B98 9HL


show preview

SOLEX, NEC, 5-7 July 2016 exhibitor news

More Fancy Flames for stylish spaces

Show debut for gas appliance specialist

Fallen Fruits (stand 450)

Universal Innovations (stand 135)

Fallen Fruits will unveil the latest additions to its popular Fancy Flames collection at SOLEX. Incorporating everything from candles and tealights to chimineas and firepits, the collection brings together traditional and contemporary design influences under a ‘living flames’ theme. Recent additions include a traditional heavy duty Dutch oven, rustic steel fire bowl – a bold centrepiece for a patio or barbecue area (pictured right) – and the innovative barbecue table, which can be transformed from grill to funky bar-style table. SRPs range from £2.99 for a set of small citronella garden torches to £599 for a large wood store. Also new from Fallen Fruits are trompe

Universal Innovations, a leading manufacturer of gas barbecues, Heat Focus patio heaters and indoor portable gas fires, will be exhibiting at SOLEX for the first time. The show will see the launch of its new X and XQ barbecue ranges for 2017. The County Wicklow-based company has been designing and manufacturing high quality gas appliances for the past 20 years and strives to lead the field in design, innovation, quality

l’oeil outdoor mirrors (pictured left) designed to develop a sense of light and space within a garden or patio area of any size. Available in curved Gothic or contemporary rectangular design, SRP £74.99. Information 01584 873377

Proud sponsors of GTN’s SOLEX Preview

and value. Multiple show offers will be available for orders placed on the day. Information (00) 353 12873797

by LeisureGrow

e: t: +44 (0)1462 744500 w:

Come see us on Stand 515, Hall 5, to see our exciting new range of outdoor furniture and barbecues for 2017


18 JUNE 2016 • SOLEX & NATIONAL PLANT SHOW PREVIEWS • garden trade news


gtn promotion

Summer treats in store from at SOLEX 2016 Buyers will be treated to a choice of new products for the 2017 season from LeisureGrow at this year’s SOLEX (stand 515). There will be something for everyone – whether you’re looking for high quality weave, cast aluminium, textilene, or LeisureGrow’s ever-popular Greenroom range that you can truly make your own.

NEW WEAVE: In line with the up-trend in lighter greys and browns, the new LG Outdoor Saigon Pariso (right) and the new Greenroom Soft Touch Weave (below) both come in soft contemporary tones that will be on-trend for 2017. The LG Outdoor Saigon Pariso offers a stylish and grand option with luxurious, extra deep cushions for added comfort that can be left outdoors all year round.

NEW TEXTILENE: The LG Outdoor textilene collection (below) has an innovative and fresh look, in handpainted grey, cocoa and cream colours, contemporary design, and new padded textilene armchairs or recliners for a luxurious feel.

NEW LG OUTDOOR LIVING: NEW to LG Outdoor Living is the Dali Independent Swing Seat, an exciting addition to the textilene accessory range. This swing seat has a contemporary design, reclined sitting position, and allows users to swing independently. Tel: 01462 744500

NEW CAST ALUMINIUM: The LG Outdoor Canterbury range (left) features a delicate cast aluminium design and new glass-topped tables which give cast aluminium a whole new lease of life. The range was inspired by LeisureGrow’s recent trendresearch trip to the United States, and the LeisureGrow team is looking forward to showing it off at SOLEX. garden trade news


NEW GRILLSTREAM BBQS: Grillstream Barbecues for 2017 have all been designed with a monochrome finish that takes inspiration from technology and car design. Made from stainless steel and still featuring unique Grillstream technology, this barbecue range is sure to be a hit with retailers at the show. The Grillstream Gourmet 6 Burner Roaster comes with LED control knobs for a modern feel, and comes complete with a Gastro® Griddle Plate, and Grillstream Steakshelf for BBQ chefs who want to take their barbequing to the next level.



JUNE 2016 19

show preview

SOLEX exhibitor news round-up

Supremo (stand 520)

Bonnington Plastics (stand 535)

Supremo’s success with ‘colour your life, its innovative fabrics and parasols in pastel colours, placed it on the map as a supplier of something different, while keeping design and comfort to the forefront. For 2017, there are fresh new ranges and a greater emphasis on ecological issues. The new Resysta by Supremo collection, uses a material that has been 10 years in the making and has all the good-looking attributes of wood without the inherent drawbacks. Resysta is low maintenance, salt water resistant, weather resistant, frostproof, resistant to pest infestation and fungal decay and, importantly, no impact on tropical rainforests. This material is made into high quality furniture that leads the way in design and durability, together with other products suitable for the garden. Visitors to the stand will be among the first to see this new innovative new product and discuss it with the Supremo team.

Visitors will see product from two new brand ranges developed to meet higher quality market needs than the standard Kingfisher products for which Boningtons have been more traditionally known. Whilst building on the quality aspects, the business has not deserted its core commitment to exemplary customer service, speed and reliability of delivery and value for money. Dusk to Dawn is a range of new outdoor lighting products designed to enhance the outdoor room day and night. Four Seasons Vintage is a collection of garden furniture and decorative items built around elegant wrought iron with an attractive ‘shabby chic’ finish. Garden furniture on the display will include new lines aimed at the children’s market. Information

Information 01952 671100

Desser (stand 420) Desser & Company was founded in 1919 and now in its 97th year, the fourth generation family-run business remains passionate about quality, service and style. The aim is to provide elegant and contemporary cane furniture to suit living rooms, kitchens and conservatories, enhanced by a range of quality fabrics, including the innovative Aquaclean cloth. Crafted to the highest standards, assembled in the UK and with all cushions made at its Manchester warehouse, Desser prides itself on furniture that is versatile, reliable and durable. Desser has also developed its own range of outdoor garden furniture with UK-made waterresistant cushions and attractive points of difference. 0115 985 4119

Information 0161 832 2004

Pagoda by Munro (stand 445)

Cadac (stand 500) Cadac, the South African barbecue company, has revamped the much admired BraaiMaxx and revised the retail price. The award-winning BraaiMaxx is a revolution in outdoor cooking, with two independent cooking areas that allow interchangeable cooking surfaces to be used, two at a time. Six Cadac modular dropin cooking surfaces are included and each burner has a flame failure device. Easy to use and simple to clean, the BraaiMaxx offers unparalleled flexibility and is the choice of many professionals. Information 0333 2000 363

Kadai (stand 250) The Award winning Kadai fire bowl and barbecue in one has become something of an icon in the luxury outdoor living market across Europe. Once used throughout India as ceremonial cooking bowls, they were ‘discovered’ in 2004 by owner Christo and redesigned to release their potential, as a stunning social centre piece for the garden. The new Wilstone Kadai is handcrafted using thick steel to form a robust and versatile fire bowl barbecue. With a new range of visual merchandising, dedicated stockist liaison managers and a team of Kadai cooks ready to share with customers the joys of cooking over an open fire, Kadai Firebowls claim to be the best selling barbecue fire bowls on the market. Information Tel: 01694 771800

Quality and value are the hallmarks of the Pagoda ranges of rattan, steel, aluminium and Textilene products that will be on display, along with the company’s new barbecues. Utilising the buying expertise of its offices in Chinas, the company has been able to reduce its prices on the Toulouse rattan range, making it even more affordable while maintaining quality. All products are inspected after initial production to ensure that they meet exacting standards, and again when production is completed, using inhouse inspectors who check to accepted international AQL standards. Information 01473 292860

Zest 4 Leisure (stand 240) Part of the multi award-winning P&A Group of Companies, with five generations of timber heritage and over 30 years’ experience in the industry, has spent the past decade building a reputation as an outdoor living specialist. The range has expanded and developed to include everything from outdoor benches and arbours to its most recent launches – relaxed outdoor dining furniture. Info 01352 752555

Proud sponsors of GTN’s SOLEX Preview 20 JUNE 2016 • SOLEX & NATIONAL PLANT SHOW PREVIEWS • garden trade news



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Property & planning

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Majority of garden centre rateable values anticipated to rise With only 10 months to go before the next business rates revaluation comes into effect on 1st April 2017, the majority of garden centre rateable values are anticipated to increase as rental values have risen significantly since the previous valuation date of 1st April 2008. 1.8 million business properties in England, Scotland and Wales will be reassessed based on rental values as at 1st April 2015. A revaluation was carried out in Northern Ireland in 2015. Traditionally the Government adjusts the value of business rates every five years to reflect any upward or downward shifts in the property market. The most recent revaluation came into effect in England and Wales in 2010 based on rental values as at 1st April 2008. The planned 2015 revaluation was postponed for two years by the Government in the belief that the delay would back businesses by helping them to be more competitive. The move led to an outcry as it meant the majority of businesses

continued to pay high business rates based on pre-recession peak values rather than revised rates that would have been calculated having regard to lower 2013 rental values. One of the most significant proposed changes in the current revaluation process is the introduction of a multi-stage challenge process known as ‘check, challenge and appeal’, placing far greater onus on the ratepayer or their advisor to provide more detailed information right from the outset. As yet unconfirmed, there is also a proposal to charge a fee to move to a final appeal stage if the appeal cannot be resolved through negotiation. For all previous rates revaluations since 1990 there has been a scheme of transitional relief for England cushioning both increases and decreases in liability. Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland have all removed transitional arrangements. A transitional

scheme for England has not yet been confirmed but it would come as little surprise if there was no transitional relief scheme for 2017. As any occupier of commercial property knows only too well, business rates represent one of the most significant outgoings for a business and it is therefore vital that every opportunity to reduce the annual liability is fully investigated. Material changes to the property or within the locality such as new developments in the area, a new competing garden centre, or new roads and access routes can bring opportunities for reductions. Finally, it should always be remembered that rating assessments can go up as well as down. If you are considering an appeal into your new rating assessment, we recommend seeking the advice of a specialist

garden centre rating advisor. And don’t be afraid to ask potential advisors for evidence of a successful track record in garden centre rating. Allen Evans is a Partner in Gilbert Evans. Email: Web:


Framework for sustainable development The Communities and Local Government Committee has recommended that a comprehensive review of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) be undertaken. It is now four years since the Framework was adopted and the Committee recommends the review should take place before the end of the current parliament. The Committee is reported as finding there has not been “sufficient robust, objective and evidence based monitoring, evaluation or review of the NPPF since it was published in 2012.” Clive Betts, chairman, said: “It’s important people are reassured that the NPPF works effectively and that it supports sustainable development in their communities.” Four years after publication of the NPPF, 17% of local planning authorities have still not published local plans J

and 44% have not yet adopted plans. The default position in this situation, according to the NPPF, is the granting of planning permission unless any adverse impacts of doing so would significantly or demonstrably outweigh the benefits. We have seen this policy in action across the country – for example the granting of planning permission for significant housing development in rural areas and indeed the Green Belt because a Local Planning Authority cannot demonstrate a 5-Year Housing Supply. The report requires the government to set out how it will use its powers of intervention to deal with Local Planning Authorities who fail to have an adopted Local Plan in place by

early 2017 and how many Local Planning Authorities this power may affect. The Committee have recommended greater clarity of what constitutes a brownfield site, as it proposes a presumption in favour of development of such sites. It is expected that the Government will release guidance for Local Planning Authorities on when and how it will be appropriate for Local Planning Authorities to review Green Belt boundaries, release existing Green Belt land and replace it elsewhere. In the long term this could affect garden centres and nurseries that lie close to but outside existing Green Belt areas, where you may find your site is designated as Green Belt land, as well as those

sites which are in the Green Belt but in sustainable locations close to existing settlements which may be released and become more developable. The report recommends that changes to the NPPF should not be delayed beyond the summer of 2016 but there should be a two stage consultation process on any re-wording, the first covering principles and the second the exact wording. Time will tell how these changes affect the planning environment for those in the garden trade Industry. Meanwhile, the Budget Document released by the Chancellor George Osbourne states that the government intends to “legislate to ensure that pre-commencement planning conditions can only be used with the agreement of the development”. The government will review the process of deemed discharge of conditions as reported here at the end of 2014.

garden trade news • SOLEX & NATIONAL PLANT SHOW PREVIEWS • JUNE 2016 •


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GIMA Awards

A night to remember The GIMA Awards have become a key date in the garden retail industry’s diary. Not only do the awards represent one of the main annual industry networking events, but they also work to celebrate the most exciting brands, products and marketing initiatives launched that year by leading garden, home and lifestyle brands, as well as celebrating innovation from little known suppliers. With the 2016 awards fast approaching (14th July, Celtic Manor), we catch up with the GIMA team to find out more about them, plus chat to some previous winners to see how winning a GIMA Award has positively impacted their business. The best of the best Celebrating excellence across 16 categories, each year hundreds of entries are received for consideration. It is the job of the GIMA Awards judging panel – made up of the cream of UK garden retailing and garden media – to sort through all the deserving entries to select the one product that best embodies the values of each award. A full day of judging is the only way to achieve this, with judges getting up close and personal with the products. GIMA director Vicky Nuttall says: “One of the greatest parts of the awards is seeing the number of entries increase year on year. Our judging process is rigorous and fair, with all judges taking the time to view products and offer opinions and feedback. It is this collaborative effort that enables us to choose the most deserving winners. “Our advice to anyone wanting to enter future awards would be to ensure that your supporting material is honest, interesting 24 JUNE 2016


and inspirational. Also, showcase consumer messages as this helps us to better appreciate the commercial value of your product. But more than anything, create stand-out, be proud of your product and have fun with your entry.” 2015 winners – reaping the benefits Double winners of GIMA’s most prestigious award – the Sword of Excellence – Burgon & Ball is one company that knows the true value of winning a GIMA Award. Winning no less than five awards at the 2015 award ceremony, here Heather Culpan, managing director at Burgon & Ball shares her experience of what being a GIMA award winner means to her business. “We were delighted to be recognised in the GIMA Awards, as theymhighlight innovation. We have always sought to bring our customers something different, and we’re extremely committed to our programme of Another multi-award winner at the 2015 awards was Eden Greenhouses, awarded the GIMA Sword of Excellence Special Commendation for its Zero Threshold Birdlip Greenhouse. Eliciting a strong response from all judges thanks to the simplicity of design, this award represented the first time a special commendation has been added to the Sword of Excellence award roster. Marketing manager of Eden Halls Greenhouses, Pete Monahan said: “Winning the award has also enabled additional PR stories in the trade press and effectively extended our trade launch campaign. From a standing start in 2015, the Eden Zero Threshold™ range has attracted over 110 dealers


new product development. Our wins endorse this approach; there will always be a place in the market for genuine innovation. “We’ve been lucky enough to win the GIMA Sword of Excellence twice, with our RHS gifts range in 2014 and our Weed Slice in 2015. Both these products have sold phenomenally well; in fact, the Weed Slice was one of the top-selling garden products in the UK last year. One major garden centre chain was selling a Weed Slice a day – in the off-season. “Undoubtedly, our advice to anyone considering entering the GIMA awards is to go for it! There is a great deal of kudos attached to winning, and it throws the spotlight onto a product of which you’re proud and have put a lot into. It’s a genuine point of differentiation for the product, but also the recognition from the industry means a lot. We shall be entering again this year, as it’s a wonderful opportunity to showcase the innovation of our new products. even before the season has really started. While the range is genuinely ground-breaking and one of only a very few breakthroughs in aluminium framed greenhouse design for many years, the GIMA award has been a real bonus in marketing the range as a whole and the Birdlip in particular, both at home and abroad. “I can endorse the benefits of winning a GIMA award because of its credibility and the instant recognition it commands.” Further information about the GIMA Awards, including booking your place at this year’s awards visit

Business matters

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How suppliers can boost buying decisions Everyone’s under pressure nowadays, so it seems. As the market becomes increasingly competitive, suppliers are finding it an upward struggle to pitch products to garden centre buyers. With buyers’ time being squeezed more and more, the focus seems to be shifting further away from the product itself and more targeted at margin and cost. However, this can only have a detrimental effect on our industry. I appreciate that everyone wants to make money from a competitive margin, but often this quest for profit shifts the focus from the quality and functionality of a product, stripping it of its USPs and leaving in its wake a product that may fail to deliver. For the sake of a few pennies we have potentially created an issue throughout the entire supply chain, which in extreme cases, could end with a disenchanted consumer who vows never to buy that product again, or to shop in the store that stocks lower quality products than expected. Ultimately the squeezing of margins could put consumers off gardening; an extreme and pessimistic view perhaps, but also wholly possible. Of course my suggestion would never be to ignore margins, as an industry we do have to make money, but this should be supported by two things – a better understanding of how we promote our products both within the supply chain, as well as ensuring that product quality does not suffer. Loss leaders, once a mainstay of retailing, are also not a necessity for garden retailing anymore, instead it is this quality message that we should be pushing.

Vicky Nuttall Director of GIMA One of the biggest challenges for suppliers is to secure quality time in front of the buyer, and when they do they often comment that the time together is often spent looking at ways to increase margin. However, it is vital that the discussion also always allows time to focus on the product itself, affording the manufacturer time to relay its many USPs, new developments and reasons why consumers need/ want it. This information is vital in helping retailers make sales once the product hits the shelf. At the recent GIMA Knowledge Exchange workshop – How to win space on garden centre shelves – Paula Parker of PP8 Marketing, shared that retailers have just 0.9 seconds to deliver key sales messages instore. Part of this responsibility falls on the supplier to ensure packaging and supporting POS is strong,

Paula Parker but it is also the role of the retailer to supplement with a knowledgeable and passionate instore team. Consumers look to retailers to be a source of information, but this can’t be achieved if there has never been the opportunity to hear it direct from the supplier. As an industry we cannot exist without open communication, so let’s be sure that we take all the available opportunities we can to listen to one another, from retailers taking the time to learn more

garden trade news


about the products they offer, to suppliers ensuring that costs are realistic and offer room for profitability without compromising on quality. This is not an insurmountable request, and will work to ensure long-term consumer loyalty – which surely is our ultimate aim. To keep up to date with GIMA news, visit the GIMA website, get in touch with the GIMA office on 01959 564947 or email



JUNE 2016 25

show preview

National Plant Show 2016

Plant show feature puts spotlight on creative retailing With just weeks to go before the seventh National Plant Show (21–22 June, Stoneleigh Park, Coventry) the HTA say this year’s event promises to be the best yet. The show, supported by headline sponsor Hortipak, is bigger than ever with more exhibitors, more features and, say the HTA, more reasons to visit. The show’s back to basics approach keeps the spotlight on the plants at the best time of year for visitors to plan their ranges for the following seasons. Among new exhibitors this year are The Plant Yard, Butters Group, Kelly’s Nursery, Kildaire Growers, Porters Fuchsias, Rosemasters Ltd (see below) and Premium Christmas Trees. The full exhibitor list is available at: The new HTA Village aims to showcase HTA products and services like market information, National Garden Gift Vouchers, events, horticulture and training as well as affiliated groups, the association’s cost reduction partners and the show’s media office. Also new is the Retail Concept Experience, which aims to create a stimulating retail environment for visitors using the HTA Market Information Garden Spender Segmentation to help in-store sales targeting. Once again, the prestigious New Plant Awards, sponsored by the Royal Horticultural Society, will showcase the best introductions from UK suppliers. The ever-popular Visitor Vote Awards, sponsored by Floramedia, will have more than 100 plants to vote for this year. Focusing on plants, the National Plant

Show seminar line-up includes Michael Perry from Thompson & Morgan, Dave Gillam (general manger of Abercorn Garden Centre and chairman of the National Dahlia Society), horticultural consultant Andy Mcindoe and GTN’s Greatest Plant Retail Awards. There will also be a plant health focus session, growing media spotlight and the British Protected Ornamentals Association’s Home Grown Retailer Award. All talk topics can be found on the website. A new main highlight during the seminars will be an insight into the New Plant Award

Top rose grower from Germany gets new UK promoter Rosemasters Ltd (stand 101) is a new business promoting the world class breeding work of German rose specialists Kordes Rosen in the UK and Ireland. Kordes have been growing and breeding roses since 1887, while Rosemasters’ founder Paul Masters has been involved with rose production and the introduction of new varieties for more than 30 years. Paul says he is particularly excited by the new varieties in Kordes portfolio, especially the Parfuma fragrant rose collection, and the opportunity to promote them to growers, retailers and gardeners here. He believes the Parfuma collection will set new standards of beauty, fragrance and health in the UK rose market. Rosemasters will be showcasing these and other new varieties at the show. 26 JUNE 2016 • SOLEX & NATIONAL PLANT SHOW PREVIEWS • garden trade news

winners, giving an opportunity for the judges, fronted by Andy Mcindoe, to explain what made these plants stand out and how buyers can make the most of them in their planterias. Supporters and sponsors present at the show including Hortipak, APHA, Gardman, RHS, Love the Plot, Timber Displays, Floramedia, Horticulture Week, Garden Connect, Striking Places, XL Horticulture, HTA Insurance, The Growing Media Spotlight, ICL, Joy of Plants and Glee. Visit the website for visitor registration.

seminars Plant health focus Plant health has been added to the topics in the show’s seminar programme on Wednesday 22 June (12 noon) Being aware of plant provenance through all stages of growth is the best way retailers can protect the UK and themselves from diseases such as Xylella fastidiosa. Raoul Curtis-Machin, the HTA’s head of horticulture, will explain more about the increased obligations on retailers and the Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA) will be on stand 159. APHA, an executive agency of Defra, works to safeguard animal and plant health for the benefit of people, the environment and the economy. Its stand will communicate the importance of plant biosecurity best practice and inform about new and emerging plant pests and diseases.


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Business matters

Glee event director Matthew Mein poses the question...

Are we ready for peak season? The day before I wrote this column we’d had one whole week of glorious sunshine. That’s seven continuous days of sunny mornings, long balmy evenings and more importantly seven days in which consumers were getting inspired to improve their outdoor spaces, with everything from plants, garden furniture, garden décor and garden machinery flying off the shelves. There is no doubt that we needed this boost. A gloomy Easter started the season in a less than enthusiastic way. But now with the sun shining again, and the Met Office optimistically predicting that temperatures will stay above the average, we can start to feel positive about the season ahead of us. But are we, as an industry, ready for the peak season and the demands that it brings with it? A tough start to the year may have resulted in lower stock orders, with many retailers hedging their bets. But with the weather picking up and the consumer naturally starting to spend more time

in their gardens, is hedging bets going to be good enough? Supply and demand is difficult to predict, but we have to ensure that we don’t wait for the good weather, only to find shelves empty and stock lead times resulting in delivery post-demand. At the recent GIMA AGM, forecasting product demand was a hot topic of conversation, with a number

The Smart Solar Eureka! Light Bulb has delivered great sales this year, topping the GTN Bestsellers Garden Products chart. 28 JUNE 2016




garden tra

of speakers drawing on their own experiences relating to over demand. One popular culprit of this during the 2015 season was the solar light. With many suppliers upping their game in regards to quality, designs and choice, solar lighting became a much more popular choice for consumers, with demand far outstripping supply. Which begs the question – have we learnt from this, and if so, can we accurately predict what might become the 2016 ‘solar light’? Garden furniture and barbeques are products that I often hear provide retailers with the biggest headache. This isn’t because of the products themselves; we all know that suppliers in this sector have created some of the most stunning lifestyle and design-led ranges. Instead the difficulties lie in the fact that we need long periods of sustained good weather to really drive sales of garden furniture and barbeques. As big ticket items, many consumers also view these products as investment

purchases. With many retailers commenting that they still have 2015 stock to clear there is a real danger that garden furniture will be resigned to the clearance part of the store, resulting in uninspired displays and lack of sales. I’d love to know more about how you as suppliers and retailers get ready for the peak season, and how forecasting helps to convert sales of garden furniture, barbeques, plants, gifts and everything in between. Please feel free to share your thoughts by emailing matthew.mein@ Find out more Glee is the uK’s leading garden retail show, focussing on building year-round profits within core product categories including garden care, landscaping, garden design, pet, speciality food and catering, home, gift and clothing, and plants. each year the show attracts thousands of buyers from top retailers, such as leading uK garden centres, builders’ merchants, multiple retailers, and diY stores. to keep upto-date on all the latest news log onto www.gleebirmingham. com or call 020 3033 2160 to find out about exhibiting.

A fantastic garden furniture display at Blue Diamond’s new look Trentham Home & Garden Centre.

Discover fresh product s le b a lu a v d il u b d n a s e h c laun relationships at Glees


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