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Products to stealthe show this year

Suppliers wereout in force at The Garden Press Event last month, to show and introduce their new products and ideas to members of the press. The event gives journalists ideas and inspiration to promote the 2023 gardening season on all media platforms. It’s agreat way for suppliers to get their products noticed.

Environmentally conscious products and ways of gardening remain keyfor today’s gardeners which wasevident at The Garden PressEvent in London earlier on this spring.This is the 18th year theevent has taken place, organised by the HTAand GIMA, bringing together journalists and photographers who contributetoall media outlets and platforms. Much of what theysee will end up in gardening magazines, vlogs, blogs and on social media sites providing fantastic exposureoffuturetrends directly to gardeners.

Wool Pots is the show’sfavourite Graham Hull from Wool Pots was delighted to receivethe Best NewProduct Award for his Wool Pots. Lookinglikea squareended sock, theyjoin the increasing number of wool products already in gardening Made without chemicals, the pots arealso biodegradable so can stay on the plant when it’sput into the ground or ornamental container.Theyare also agreat way to use wool which currently has little market value.

“Theyare also anatural barrier against slugs and snails, retain moisturesothereis lesswatering and theyare azerowaste alternativetoplastic,”says Graham. Each pot measures roughly16cmx8cm and retail prices range from £7.99£49.99 forpacks of 10,20, 50 or £100 Although knitted at afactoryinEgypt, Graham is looking to bring manufacture to theUKand introduceother pot sizes and biodegradable tree guards. “They won’tlookpretty but theywilllast two years and then flop and drop.”

Melody makers

Bred in CambridgeshirebyKerley& Co,which introduced of the popular Tumbelina series of trailing petunia, comes the newMelody series of Nemesia.

In fivecolours, these versatile, easy-to-grow plants arenot only free floweringbut also delightfully scented and suited to container or border planting.

TimKerleywas apast recipient of TheColegraveSeabrook Foundation and in recognition of the training and supporthereceived, is donating it half the income from the Melody series. Melody Nemesias will be available for garden centresales this summer.

Working together for the love of nature

Blue Diamondand theNational Trust wonthe

Bob Maker Memorial Awardfor Best Stand Display created to highlight their newcollaboration. Acurated range of products from seeds through to bulbs, roses and trees, all inspired by National Trust gardens, will be sold through Blue Diamond Garden Centres from this spring

Blue Diamond’sAlanRoper says the idea was first muted in 2019 and he knewitwould be a good relationship because the National Trust is such an important partofthe UK

The range has been developed overseveral years because, says Alan: “Wedidn’twant it to turn intoabadge slapping exercise.”Plants are being propagated and grownatBlue Diamond’s nursery at Bridgemere and at its Fryers Roses siteinKnutsford. Some, likethe Powis Castle collection of fiveroses and the perennial selection from borders including Nymans and Hidcote, arejoinedbymoreunusual choices being nurtured at the Trust’sPlant Conservation Centresuchasyoung trees propagated from the original Newton’sapple tree growing at Woolsthorpe Manor

In July anew rose ‘Mottisfont’ will be launched and in 2024 plants of the Ankerwyke Yew, wherethe Magna Carta wassigned,will be auctioned. “It’slikegoing intothe Natural HistoryMuseumand bringing things to life that people can put in their gardens,”says Alan. The National Trust will benefit with 10% of everything sold.


MelcourtIndustries, supplier of peat-free composts,celebrates its 40th anniversary thisyear.Aswell as receiving acake, it was one of thecompanies visitedbyrepresentativesfromthe House of LordsSpecial InquiryCommittee into horticulture. Lord Redesdale was visiting with BaronessWillisand Lord Carter to see forthemselves thebreadth and diversityofthe industry. “The Lordscommitteewillbelaunching an inquiryintothe futureof horticulturewithafocus on technology andclimateand we will be taking evidencefromthe industry.Speaking directly to many HTAmemberstoday wasreally helpful,”said Lord Redesdale.

Houseplants from Geb &Green

Houseplants from & Green

A new wholesale grower, Geb & Green, is now extensive choice of than 40 di erent peat-free houseplants. The Cambridgeshire company uses no virgin and is just 100% free Growing media made on site using green waste from the cut flower with fertiliser. Co-founder said: “There’s no reason now buy your and ship them over from Holland can do them

Anew wholesalegrower,Geb &Green,isnow offering garden centres an extensivechoiceof more than40differentpeat-freehouseplants. TheCambridgeshirecompanyusesnovirgin plastic, 100% recycled packaging andisjust 3% off being 100% peat free.Growingmedia is madeonsiteusinggreen wastefromthe large cutflower enterprise at nearby Bury Lane that’s sterilised and boosted with slowrelease fertiliser.Co-founder Will Clayton said:“There’snoreasonnow to buyyour houseplants andship themoverfromHolland when we candothem at the same price.”

Houseplants aplenty

By growing on rooted cuttings from countries such as Sri Lanka and Costa Rica, Opperman Plants Ltd, Spalding offers garden centres an enviable range of morethan 400 skus. At the showitlaunched an online direct to consumer serviceunder the banner of Tropical Plants UK. Ranges include akit (£60) with everything youneed to grow variegated Monstera‘Thai Constellation’

Promise of introductions from David Austin Roses

Look outfor twonew roses being introduced by David Austin Roses this summer. The first at May’s RHS Chelsea FlowerShowand the second at the RHSHampton CourtGarden Festival in July.The companyiskeepingdetails of thevarieties under itshat forthe time being in readiness fora big reveal at theshows. As a taster,itsaysone combinesquietsophistication in colourand form with aprofusion of flowers, while theother is elegant witha striking colour and fragrance

Newwatering innovation hits the market

Garden centresthat ordered stockofthe intuitive QwickHose connectors introducedatthe endoflast summerwillsoonhavethem forsaleontheir shelves. JasonWilkinson said response had been positiveand that the companywas nowlooking to develop atwin wing connectorsogardeners canwater and runa sprinkler at the sametime.

With over 55 years experience, Fordingbridge arepassionate about helping Garden Centres transformtheir retail offerings to increase commercial potential and enhance the customer journey

We provide the in-house expertise and understanding to provide you with inspiring, durable, and proven solutions. We offer

Sustainable products for the garden and home

Wildlifehomes,specifically forbirds and insects plus birdbaths,havebeen the mostpopularintroductions from Earthy Sustainable’snew rangemade from agricultural waste.

Thedifferentflecks of colour created by combining resin withpowered bamboo, wheatchaff,straw,coffee and nuthusks, resultsinattractiveand sturdy pot covers,watering cans,vases andnow dogbowls. Thecompany is looking to extend the rangeofproducts and colourswith moreitems planned forlaunchatGlee

Adrian Bloom’spush to promoteplanting

With morethan sixdecades of gardening underhis belt and famedhorticultural heritage, Adrian Bloom is hopingtoget garden centresand their customers enthused aboutplantingand garden design. His new book, FoggyBottom –A Garden to Share,ishis personal tour around thegardengivingreadersthe chance to see howitchangesthrough theseasons. He is workingon acampaign with designed posters forgardencentres to display alongside thebookfromJuly. It will peak in September with FoggyBottom Week to giveplant sales and extra pushwhencentres areoften quiet

Refinements from Hozelock

With small garden spaces in mind, Hozelock is bringingthe Superhose City to the market. The 7.5m, hose that stretches to 15m, fitssnuggly intoa plastictrug so along with itsspraygun and connectors,itand canbestoredwith minimal fuss

This monthitisalsomaking available the kink-freeWonderhoze,a softwoven hose stretching to 25m. Other developments include itsoutdoor showerwitha base holding 8-litres of water which takes justtwo hoursto warmuptoacomfortable temperature, new softergrip nozzlesand rose adjustmentsand improvements to itssprinklers.

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