Gardiner Gazette Issue #2 Spring 2009

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The Gardiner Gazette Spring 2009 - Issue #2

A call to community ...

(Big) Happenings In Gardiner by: Joe Katz, Gardiner Town Supervisor

It is with great pleasure that I begin writing for the Gardiner Gazette. I hope to bring you all up to date on the goings on with the Town Board and in the Town Hall and I’ll start with a piece of very good news: on April 2nd Governor Patterson announced the NYS transportation projects that will be funded through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) and the Transportation Enhancement Program (TEP). One of them is the Gardiner Sidewalks Project, Phase 2. Sidewalks will be 100% funded and will run from the Gardiner Reformed Church to the new Gardiner Library.

Income From Your Woodlands—And Protect Rural Character To Boot! by Christopher Duncan, Executive Director, Wallkill Valley Land Trust

Not long ago I had the opportunity to fly in a two-seater plane over the eight-town area the Wallkill Valley Land Trust works to preserve. Not only was this exciting and beautiful, it was instructive, making obvious the fact that Gardiner has far more woods and forests than it has farmland.

On other matters, the Town Board is working very hard in the areas of Business Development for Gardiner and the improvement of infrastructure. We have begun community meetings to explore ways of bringing new businesses to Gardiner as well as helping to grow those businesses that are currently operating. One of the goals of this effort is to broaden the tax base to provide some relief to homeowners. The new sidewalks in the hamlet, the creation of a sewer district in the Steve’s Lane industrial area, and the erection of a cell tower on Steve’s Lane are infrastructure Former Heddens Lake on Bruynswick Rd. surrounded by forest, summer 2007 projects that also encourage business growth. We are also rebuilding the Transfer Station. This project should be complete The Wallkill Valley Land Trust works with the community to preserve the rural character, the unique sense of place of by June 2009. each of our eight towns—including Gardiner, its hamlets and I would be remiss if I did not mention the current fiscal the outlying areas. Economically productive land, especially situation. This year’s budget is extremely tight and we are in these economically difficult times, will likely stay scenic and constantly monitoring both our expenses and revenues. Like all contribute to the feel of our unique area. This feel is what governments, if we see revenues take a major drop we may have draws businesses, residents, weekenders, and tourists. to take more drastic action. A qualified forester, can design a forest management plan that In other news, laws governing outdoor wood burning stoves, will continually regenerate the woods and produce income from fireworks, sidewalk maintenance, ethics, wetlands and water- the land virtually forever. Foresters understand the complex course regulation are currently being considered, or have recently issues of maintaining a healthy woods. They can guide a been enacted. Zoning and Comprehensive Plan updates are also logger on what trees to cut, and how to take and remove being considered. Spring is here, and Gardiner’s Summer Camp them so the forest stays healthy and productive—healthy for is being planned. Signups for the 175 campers begin on April 17. the many species that use the forest, and productive for the Plans are being made for Gardiner Day on September 12 and we landowner. hope to have a great season at Majestic Park. For further information or help with your woodlands, contact Stay tuned!!! Something wonderful is always happening in Mike Greason ( or Ryan Trapani Gardiner. continued, page 3...

The Gardiner Gazette

Issue #2, page 1

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