Gardiner Gazette Issue #5 Winter 2010

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The Gardiner Gazette Winter 2010 - Issue #5

A call to community ... EDITOR’S NOTE: In an effort to help more Gardiner residents get acquainted with town government, this column will feature comments from different town officials in each issue.

Keeping The Community Safe

by Hank Vance, Gardiner Building Inspector

When I was first asked to provide a short “blurb” about the Building Inspector’s Office, I reluctantly agreed. It was only after a bit of reflection that I recognized an opportunity to provide some insight into local codes, and some information to help keep the community safe. Keeping the communities of the state safe was the premise for creation of what is now known as the New York State Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code, and for the State Energy Conservation Construction Code. The Building Inspector, or more accurately the Code Enforcement Officer, is appointed by the Town Board to enforce the provisions of the codes and must be certified by the Department of State. This certification is obtained through a series of training programs in all aspects of building construction and fire safety. Code Enforcement Officers are also required to attend “continuing education” courses each year to retain certification. I’ve been the Code Enforcement Officer since September 2007 when my predecessor, Don Otis, retired. Don continues to be active with his own construction and remodeling activities and is still seen out and about in town. I review all applications for building permits, Building Inspector ...continued page 3

The Gardiner Gazette Via Email ... They say paper is dead. We’re not sure who “they” is, but by all means, let’s get modern. Opting to receive your Gazette as a .pdf attachment to an email (with clickable links to eliminate the frustration of scrolling around) will save trees, help us keep costs down and give you the superior experience of a full-color Gazette, so please email and give us your name, email address, snail mail address and a phone number (in case of bouncebacks). Help us save a tree and keep costs down so the Gazette can continue. Sign up now!

Help save a tree and keep costs down. Sign up for a color Gazette via email now! Also visit us on the web: www.thegardinergazette. You will find past issues there, a more extensive Community Calendar than the printed version will allow and, best of all, a safe and convenient way to send a donation via PayPal. _____________

The Habitat Team - Goes to the Dump by Angela Sisson

The Gardiner-Shawangunk Habitat Team is a group of volunteers that came together in 2007 after the towns of Gardiner and Shawangunk were awarded an inter-municipal grant from the Hudson River Estuary Program to map the towns’ habitats. As part of the mapping process, we often visit properties in order to evaluate habitat and biodiversity. Early this year we offered to conduct a biodiversity and recreational use assessment of properties owned by the towns of Gardiner and Shawangunk.

Also in this issue ... Property Tax Exemptions, pg 2 Mohonk Carriage Roads, pg 2 Cell Tower, pg 3 Trees of Giving, pg. 4 Art in Gardiner, pg. 4 Weatherizing Your Home, pg 7 Getting Rid Of Mold, pg 9 Awosting Reserve, pg 8 Municipal Loans, pg. 10 Business As Usual ... Majestic’s Hardware, pg 6 Ireland Corners Store, pg 6 Community Calendar, pg 11

field visits confirmed that these sites do not have high biodiversity value. In general, years of disturbance had degraded habitats, reducing native species diversity and increasing invasive species. On the other hand, we discovered that the old town dumps offer unexpected opportunity for light recreational development.

Gardiner’s transfer station encompasses a few acres of a much larger 104-acre property which includes a variety of habitats—upland field, wet meadow, streams, upland forest, wetland forest—along with extensive frontage on the Wallkill River. The Shawangunk site is Team members visited the Gardiner transfer smaller, approximately 35 station in June and followed up with a visit to the Shawangunk transfer station in September. The Habitat Team ...continued page 5

The Gardiner Gazette Issue #5, page 1

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