Thursday 25th May 2023 at 11am

Thursday 25th May 2023 at 11am
Wednesday 24th May 2023 at 10am
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Mahogany four glass wheel barometer signed P. Ramos, 281 Holbn, London, the principal 10" silvered dial within a shaped case inlaid with boxwood lines and surmounted by a swan neck cornice
Mahogany inlaid wheel barometer/thermometer signed Cetti & Co. London, the principle 8" dial within a shaped case inlaid with reserves of circular flowerheads and oval conch shells, surmounted by a broken arch pediment with brass urn finial
Oak stick barometer/thermometer, the silvered angled scale signed Davis, Leeds, over a flat trunk and circular stepped turned cistern cover (thermometer missing); also an oak aneroid barometer, the 8" white dial signed W. Gregory & Co. 51, Strand, London, within a carved oak case (2) £60£100
Mahogany inlaid banjo barometer/thermometer, the 8" silvered dial indistinctly signed ...London £30£50
Mahogany inlaid wheel barometer/thermometer, the 8" silvered dial signed Angel Carioli £50£80
1006-1100 NO LOT
French ATO style battery wall clock, the 5.75" cream dial signed Clairetta with subsidiary seconds dial, ser. no. 500658, within a mahogany glazed case, 17" high
CharvetDelorme electric wall clock, the 6.5" square dial with centre seconds within a grey metal case with marble slab back, 16.75" high £30£50
Lepaute Electrique electric wall clock, the 6" silvered dial with centre seconds, fitted to a marble slab and within a dark metal casing, 17.75" high, with plywood wall bracket; also an Electrique Brillie 12" slave dial within an octagonal surround (2)
Magneta electric master clock, the 8" silvered dial inscribed Patent no. 19701, U.S.A. July 5th 1900, July 24th 1901, the movement back plate stamped no. 2033, within a panelled oak glazed case fitted with a rectangular brass plaque inscribed 'Societe Anonyme, Magneta, Horloges, Electriques sans Batterie ni contacts, Zurich (Suisse), Agence á Paris 110 rue Reaumur', surmounted by a rounded arched cornice, 87" high (wooden rod pendulum and two weights)
Magneta electric master clock, the 8" cream dial signed Magneta, London, within a mahogany double glazed panelled case surmounted by a moulded stepped cornice, 86" high (pendulum with steel rod, two large brass cased weights and winding key)
*The movement of this clock is complete but in need of rebuilding
BulleClock electric mantel clock, the silvered chapter ring signed and inscribed O. Wehrle, Market Hill, Cambridge, enclosing a skeletonised centre and supported upon a cylindrical brass battery housing, under a glass dome and upon a mahogany turned base, 16.5" high overall
Eureka electric mantel clock, the 4.25" cream chapter ring enclosing a skeletonised centre, the movement upon slender brass baluster supports, under a glass dome and upon a stepped rectangular mahogany base, 15.5" high
Electric BulleClock, the 4.25" silvered dial within a rounded arched inlaid walnut case, 9.75" high
Electrique Brillie electric wall clock, the 9" signed white dial with subsidiary seconds dial (hand missing) and recessed pierced gilt dial, fitted onto a white and grey marble slab and within a painted wooden glazed case, 18" high £40£80
Two TR Services 9" and 1/6" TR Services slave dial clocks in metal cases; also a Chloride Gent 6" dial in Bakelite case (24 volt) and a Synchronome GPO 9" dial slave clock in metal case (5) £50£80
Three Gillett & Johnson 10" dial slave clocks, two with early swing armature movements and one with a cast brass bezel and bevelled glass, all in turned oak cases (3) £60£100
Three Gillett & Johnson 8" dial slave clocks, two with early swing armature, all in turned oak cases (3) £60£100
Three Gillett & Johnson 8" dial slave clocks with early swing armature movements, all in turned oak cases (3) £60£100
Two Synchronome 8" dial slave clocks in oak cases; also a D.E.H.O 7" dial slave clock within a mahogany case (3) £50£80 *
Leningrad Electric Clock Works 16" dial slave clock within a blackened metal case; also a Leningrad Electric Clock Works 5" dial slave mantel clock within a light oak case, 7.75" high (2)
Bulle electric mantel clock, the 5.25" chapter ring enclosing a skeletonised centre, upon a cylindrical brass battery column, under a glass dome and upon a turned oak stepped base, 16" high overall £80£120
Eureka large balance wheel electric mantel clock no. 9430, the 4.5" cream dial over a brass support inscribed Patent no. 14614, 1906, Made in England, with fast/slow star control, within a lancet mahogany glazed case, 15" high £800£1200
Frank Holden 'Exact Patent' electromagnetic mantel clock, the 3.5" silvered chapter ring enclosing a brass centre with toothed wheel, upon a brass cylindrical support, under a glass dome and upon a square stepped walnut base, 12" high overall £600£800
ATO industrial electric wall mounted master clock with unusual electromechanical mercury switch, the 7.5" silvered chapter ring enclosing a skeletonised centre and with centre seconds, mounted on a green marble metal plate and under a Plexiglass case, 20" high overall £250£350
Gents electric master wall clock, the 8" square dial within a glazed light oak case, 50.5" high £40£60
*This clock used to be working at Marlborough college
On view in the cabinets
Repeater carriage clock, the movement back plate stamped Patent Surety Poller within an oval, also stamped Paris no. 3063, the dial inscribed Goldsmith's Company, 112 Regent Street, London W., Paris Made, within a stepped pillared case, 7.5" high
French carriage clock timepiece, stamped with the Richard & Co. maker's trademark logo, the dial inscribed Whytock & Sons, Dundee, within a plain brass case, 5.5" high (key); also with outer Morocco leather travelling case
Contemporary Woodford carriage clock timepiece, within a corniche style brass case, 6.25" high (key)
French repeater carriage clock striking on a gong, the 2" silvered dial within a plain silvered mask and corniche style brass case, 7.25" high (key)
Fine Leroy & Fils underwound Patent no. 9501 repeater carriage clock timepiece, the movement striking on a bell and stamped no. 61222 on the back plate, base plate and foot, the 2.25" white dial within foliate engraved gilded mask and gorge case, 6.5" high (alterations)
Good French oval repeater carriage clock with alarm, the Pons movement striking on a bell and stamped no. 3311, the principal and alarm dial dials within a foliate engraved gilt mask, within an oval foliate engraved case, 7.25" high (key)
French miniature carriage clock timepiece, inscribed beneath the base L. Contreau, 36, Boulevard des Italiens, Paris no. 26793/5676, within a gilt metal foliate pierced case cast with caryatids to each corner, 2.5" high, within an associated walnut case (keys)
Rare and unusual French carriage clock striking on a bell, the dial and movement back plate both signed Hy Marc á Paris, within a rosewood stepped case surmounted by a bevelled glazed window and carrying handle, 9.5" high (keys)
* this lot is sold with an insurance valuation from Heritage Restoration Ltd dated 11th August 1984 for £2500. There are also some old service papers included too.
Rare French repeating musical carriage clock striking on a gong, playing two tunes on a musical box fitted in the base and activated by levers positioned beneath the dial, within a stepped case with Corinthian columns, 8" high (keys)
French carriage clock timepiece with alarm, the movement with duplex escapement (faulty), the back door fitted with four winding shuttered apertures and a fast slow lever to the top, within a foliate engraved case surmounted by an ornate handle, 6.25" high (at fault)
French repeater carriage clock striking on a gong, the 2.25" white chapter ring enclosing a filigree centre and within a gilt mask and fluted pillared stepped case, 7.25" high
Miniature carriage clock timepiece mounted to the front and sides with ornithological painted porcelain panels, within a fluted pillared stepped case with dentil bands, 4.25" high (key)
French carriage clock striking on a gong, within a corniche brass case, 7.25" high
1214-1240 NO LOT
Miniature carriage clock timepiece within a corniche gilded brass case, 3.75" high
Miniature carriage clock timepiece, the movement back plate signed E.C. Seble...Ambridge, within a corniche brass case, 3.75" high
Carriage clock timepiece within a corniche brass case, 5.75" high
Carriage clock timepiece within a corniche brass case, 5.75" high (key); also with outer Morocco leather travelling case
Good French Drocourt repeater carriage clock with alarm, the movement back plate stamped with the maker's trademark logo and no. 8941, also stamped on the bottom plate and foot, within a gilded gorge case, 7" high (key)
Good Henri Jacot carriage clock striking on a gong, the movement back plate stamped with the maker's trademark logo, no. 9032, also stamped on the bottom plate, within a gilded gorge case, 7" high (key)
Interesting and unusual French repeater carriage clock with alarm, the Pons movement striking on a bell and bearing the trademark maker's stamp, possibly Brunelot, within a corniche brass case, 7.25" high (key)
Good single fusee carriage clock, the silvered dial plate stamped G & W Yonge, London below the chapter ring and again on the back door with two winding shuttered apertures and a slow/fast lever, within a brass case, 7.5" high (key)
Interesting and rare French repeater calendar carriage clock, signed Charles Oudin, Palais Royal 52 to the centre of the principal dial over calendar and alarm subsidiary dials, the movement back plate also stamped Charles Oudin, Palais Royal 52 and with advance/retard lever, striking on a bell beneath the base, within a gilded brass case, 5.75" high (key)
*Charles Oudin trained in the workshop of Abraham-Louis Breguet
Good Rollin of Paris repeater carriage clock with alarm, indistinctly signed Bennett...Cheapside on the dial, the movement back plate stamped Rollin á Paris, striking on a bell, within a foliate engraved corniche brass case, 6.75" high (key); also within an outer Morocco leather travelling case
*This clock was sold in the Tim Wonnacott Auction at Sworders
Good English mahogany double fusee library clock, the 6.25" square silvered dial signed James McCabe, Royal Exchange, London no. 2519, the movement also signed on the back plate with pull repeat, locking pendulum and striking on a bell, within a stepped case surmounted by a bevelled glass window, 12.75" high (pendulum and keys)
Good English mahogany double fusee library clock, the 6" square silvered dial signed James McCabe, Royal Exchange, London no. 2431, also signed on the movement back plate with locking pendulum and striking on a bell, within a stepped case surmounted by a bevelled glazed window, 12.75" high (pendulum and keys)
Good English burr walnut double fusee library clock, the movement back plate signed Barrauds, Cornhill, London, with locking pendulum and striking on a bell above, the 5.75" square silvered dial within a stepped case surmounted by a rectangular panelled glazed top, 11.75" high (pendulum and keys)
1252 1253
English light oak and ebony bound double fusee library clock, the 7" silvered dial signed Dela Salle Christie, Cannon Street, London, the movement with locking pendulum and striking on a bell, within a stepped case surmounted by a caddy top, 14.25" high (pendulum and keys)
Good English mahogany double fusee library clock with matching bracket, the 7.5" silvered dial signed Dent, London, no. 1856, the movement striking on a large gong, within a stepped case with canted corners surmounted by a bevelled glazed window, 15" high (pendulum and keys)
Good small English rosewood single fusee library clock, the 4" silvered square dial signed C.J. Wagstaff, London, the movement with locking pendulum, within a stepped case surmounted by a bevelled glazed window and brass carrying handle, 12" high overall (pendulum and keys)
Good small English rosewood single fusee library clock, the engine turned gilt dial plate signed Robt Molyneux, Southampton Row, London above twelve o'clock on the chapter ring, also signed on the movement back plate, within a stepped case surmounted by a bevelled glazed window and gilt brass carrying handle, 7" high overall (pendulum and keys)
*Robert Molyneux was also a highly regarded marine chronometer maker
Good small English ebonised single fusee campaign table clock, the 3" silvered arched dial signed Hay, Davies St, Berkeley Square, London beneath the dial, the movement back plate also signed, with locking pendulum, within a plain stepped case surmounted by a brass recessed handle, 7.75" high overall (pendulum and keys)
Good small rare English ebonised library clock with chronometer escapement, the 4" square silvered dial signed S. Warwick, 8 Britannia Row, Islington within a stepped case surmounted by a bevelled glazed window, 9" high (keys)
Fine rare English bronze cased double fusee table clock, the 5" cream arched dial signed James Mc.Cabe, Royal Exchange, London no. 1818, the movement back plate also signed, with pull repeat and locking pendulum, within a stepped case with scrolling canted corners, 12" high (pendulum and keys)
1261-1300 NO LOT
1259 1260
(Section starts approximately 11:45am)
English brass hook and spike lantern clock, the 7.5" brass chapter ring signed 'In: Crucefix, London' and enclosing a foliate engraved centre with single iron hand, surmounted by pierced foliate engraved frets, strapwork bell and finial, 15.25" high (pendulum and weight)
Interesting English brass hook and spike winged verge lantern clock, the 7.25" brass chapter ring enclosing a foliate engraved centre with central alarm dial and iron hand, surmounted by pierced foliate frets, strapwork, bell and finial, 14.75" high (pendulum)
19th century English brass hook and spike lantern clock, the foliate engraved dial signed Thos. Savidge, Exeter fecit with single iron hand enclosed by a silvered chapter ring, surmounted by pierced foliate frets strapwork bell and finial, 14.5" high (pendulum and weight)
Interesting English antique brass hook and spike verge winged lantern clock, signed John Ebsworth at Ye In Lothbury Londini Fecit to the foliate engraved centre, fitted with an alarm dial and single iron hand, surmounted by pierced dolphin frets, strapwork bell and finial, 15.25" high (with centre anchor pendulum, no weights) (alterations)
Interesting and unusual reproduction brass verge threesided hook and spike lantern clock, the three 4.25" brass dials enclosing matted centres with single iron hands, surmounted by pierced engraved entwined dolphin frets, strapwork bell and finial, 12" high (pendulum, no weight)
Good English brass verge hook and spike lantern clock, the 7" brass arched dial signed Windmills, London on a silvered disc to the arch over a brass chapter ring enclosing a matted centre and single iron hand, pierced side frets, strapwork bell and finial, 13.25" high (pendulum and brass cased weight) (alterations and missing parts)
Interesting, rare and large period English brass lantern clock, the 10.25" silvered dial enclosing a fine foliate engraved centre signed Robert Seignior, Londini, with iron hands and central alarm, associated chapter ring surmounted by pierced engraved foliate frets, strapwork bell and finial, 22" high (pendulum and weight) (alterations)
*This clock is believed to be unique and possibly a special commission
**The maker, Robert Seignior, was regarded as quite a rogue and of some notoriety in his working life, however he was also a highly regarded clockmaker, initially apprenticed to John Nicasius and was Freed from the Clockmakers' Company in April 1667. He then took on apprentices Richard Wright and Thomas Cruttenden, who was then passed over to John Fromanteel. He worked in Exchange Alley and was constantly in trouble with the clockmakers' company administration. On the 10th October 1682 he got paid twenty pounds for a clock commissioned for the Treasury Chambers, which is thought most likely to be this clock. He finally died in 1685 and by 1686, Daniel Quare had taken over Seignior's former premises in Exchange Alley
Good English period lantern clock frame, the 6.5" silvered chapter ring enclosing a foliate engraved centre, surmounted by pierced dolphin frets and four turned urn finials, 10.25" high
Good French bronzed mystery clock, the movement housed in a powder blue globe casing over a pendulum held aloft by a winged figure supported upon a stepped turned wooden socle, 39.5" high; also with an associated 19th century mahogany tapered pedestal carved in relief with scrolling fruiting foliage supported upon a square stepped base with canted corners, 46" high (overall height 85.5")
Russian deck watch by Novet, the 2.25" silvered dial with Arabic numerals, outer minute markers with five minute divisions and centre seconds, gilt 2-91 22 jewel lever movement with compensated balance and regulator, dust cover, within a nickel and red metal case, 64mm * within a wooden hinged three-part display case
Rare mahogany night watchman's clock, the 5.5" silvered dial signed Jas Whitelaw, Edinburgh, within a stepped scrolling case applied with carved foliage, surmounted by a recessed handle and plunger, 14.75" high overall (pendulum and door key)
1308 1311
Good rare miniature double fusee skeleton clock, the pierced silvered dial signed J. Smith, Ashbourne beneath six o'clock, the movement with pull repeat striking on a bell, raised upon plinth supports, under a glass dome and upon an ebonised oval base, 7.5" high (pendulum)
English ebonised double fusee verge table clock, the movement back plate signed James Clowes, Londini Fecit, fitted with outside countwheel engraved to the centre with a Tudor rose, the 6.75" square brass dial with silvered chapter ring enclosing a matted centre and calendar aperture, within a later stepped case surmounted by a caddy top and ornate brass carrying handle, 15" high (pendulum and door keys)
Good English two day marine chronometer, the 3.25" silvered dial signed Simmons, 26, Coleman Street, City, London, no. 815, with subsidiary state of wind and seconds dials, within a three part brass bound hinged case, inscribed on a circular inset ivory disc to the front Thomas Didsbury (key)
* Ivory sale submission reference 7SJJ6R1P
English mahogany double fusee bracket clock with five pillar movement, the 8" convex cream dial signed Skinner, the movement with pull repeat, locking pendulum and striking on a bell, within a rounded arched panelled case inlaid with stylised foliate brass lines, 15.75" high (pendulum)
English ebonised double fusee bracket clock with bracket, in need of restoration, the 8" brass arched dial signed Andrew Prime, London to the centre of the strike/silent silvered disc to the arch, over a silvered chapter ring enclosing a matted centre with false pendulum bob and calendar apertures, the movement back plate finely engraved with scrolling foliage, within a stepped case surmounted by a caddy top and brass carrying handle, 20" high (keys, but no pendulum)
Good cast iron three train turret clock playing on five tubular bells, bearing a maker's silver plated plaque inscribed W Carter, Stavely Bank, Halifax, 1920, the steel and bronze movement 24" wide x 7" deep sitting in front of the framework housing the tubular bells, all within a well constructed bespoke glazed oak cabinet upon a beaded edged panelled base and stepped plinth, surmounted by a wavy carved cornice, 83.5" high x 34" wide x 25.5" deep (pendulum with bob, three weights and keys)
English mahogany double fusee verge bracket clock, the 7" brass arched dial signed Robert Ward, London on a silvered arch at twelve o'clock, the silvered chapter ring enclosing a matted centre with calendar aperture and subsidiary dial to the arch, the movement back plate with chinoiserie meandering foliate engraved decoration, within a stepped case surmounted by a caddy top and four pineapple finials, 21.5" high (pendulum, weight and door keys)
English mahogany double fusee verge bracket clock, the 7" brass arched dial signed Norton, Ipswich to the foliate engraved silvered centre with false bob pendulum aperture, strike/silent dial to the arch, with fine foliate engraved movement back plate, within a stepped case surmounted by a caddy top, four acorn finials and a carrying handle, 21" high (pendulum and door key)
Reproduction ormolu and silvered turtle table clock, the 5" silvered chapter ring enclosing a recessed centre with turtle pointer, upon a hexagonal ormolu stand engraved with egg and dart borders and raised upon six lion feet, the movement with platform escapement signed Planchon, Palais-Royale no. 5872, bearing a plaque under the base inscribed Magnetic Clock of Baron Grollier de Serviere, From an Old Book Published Paris 1751, also inscribed Planchon, Palais-Royale to the side, 3.5" high
French ormolu, bronze and white marble novelty 'Drunken Sailor' mantel clock timepiece, the 3" white dial inset into a barrel casing attended by a standing drunken sailor holding a bottle in one hand and a pipe in the other, supported upon a rounded breakfront ormolu and marble base, 10.25" high
Novelty bronze mantel clock timepiece in the form of a fountain, the 2" gilt dial within a foliate bezel over a pillared brick recess with lion's head gargoyle, upon an egg and dart demi lune cast base, 11" high (keys)
Fine novelty clock timepiece modelled as a lighthouse probably by André Romain Guilmet, the movement with double wheel duplex escapement, the 1.5" dial fitted into the front of the silvered tapered brickwork case, upon a square base and surmounted by a domed glazed top, 9.5" high £3000£5000
Good English oak triple fusee boardroom clock, the 7" brass arched dial with silvered chapter ring enclosing a matted centre surmounted by chime/silent and eight bells/four bells subsidiary dials, the movement playing on a nest of eight graduated bells and striking the hours on a large gong, with locking pendulum, within a stepped gilt metal mounted pillared case surmounted by a rounded arched cornice and pineapple finial, 26.5" high (pendulum and keys)
Interesting rare ships binnacle clock, used for striking eight bells, the 4.5" white dial signed Maurice Tobias, London, Patentee no. 356, with outer Arabic numeral minutes and three eight hour shift watch sections surrounding a Roman numeral and baton hours dial, the fusee watch movement also signed Maurice Tobias, London no. 356, within a drumhead casing and later mahogany square glazed travelling case (alterations)
Fine English ormolu giant double fusee repeating carriage clock, the 3.25" gilt chapter ring within a pierced ormolu foliate mask, signed J.W. Bell, Leeds on a foliate shaped plate beneath six o'clock, the five pillar movement with maintaining power, the back door with vertical release mechanism and three shuttered apertures, also with slow/fast lever to the top and inscribed 'Mary Clarke, the Gift of her Husband 17th Jan 1877', also inscribed to the movement back plate J.W. Bell, within an elegant case with applied fluted sweeping canted corners and four matching swept bracket feet, the sides and top with bevelled glazed panels, 11" high overall (original key)
*For a similar clock made by Dent London see Carriage Clocks by Allix and Bonnert. P. 262 Plate IX/38.
French champlevé and porcelain mounted small two train mantel clock, the Vincenti movement striking on a gong, the porcelain dial painted with a semi-robed reclining lady and cherub in a lakeland landscape, within a coloured stylised floral champlevé decorated case surmounted by a rounded arched cornice and vase finial, 10.5" high (pendulum and key)
Good small English rosewood single fusee library clock, the 4" silver foliate engraved dial within a stepped bevelled glazed case, 8.75" high (no pendulum)
Good English mahogany double fusee bracket clock, the 6" silvered arched dial signed John Taylor, London to the centre with alarm dial, with strike/silent dial to the arch, the movement with silent verge escapement also signed on the back plate, with pull repeat and locking pendulum, within a rounded arched stepped case surmounted by a carrying handle, 14" high (pendulum)
Fine and rare French ormolu and porcelain mounted year going mantel clock timepiece, the 5" chapter ring enclosing a foliate engraved centre signed Achille Brocot, within a fluted drumhead casing upon scrolling supports with cherub painted porcelain panels over a reverse breakfront base, 10.75" high (pendulum)
Interesting brass mystery swinging pendulum clock timepiece, the 5.5" black marble chapter ring signed Huguenin á Paris enclosing a skeletonised centre, suspended upon a grid pendulum and supported upon a cylindrical column and square coloured marble base, under a glass dome, 34.5" high overall (key)
French pottery two train mantel clock, the movement back plate signed Jacot Petit á Paris, with outside countwheel and striking on a bell, the 3.25" white dial within a painted gilded light green balloon shaped case, upon a fixed base and surmounted by a foliate finial, 12.75" high
Small attractive French white marble and gilt metal mounted clock timepiece with platform escapement, the 2.5" white painted dial enclosed by a hinged paste set bezel, within a white marble circular stepped case surmounted by a wreath handle
Good JaegerLeCoultre Vendome Model Atmos clock, the 4.25" white chapter ring enclosing a skeletonised jewelled movement, within a green fluted pillared case decorated with egg and dart bands and supported upon a black white veined marble base, ser. no. 218451, 9.5" high
English ebonised double fusee bracket clock with wall bracket, the 7" brass arched dial signed Francis Dorrell, London on a silvered shaped arched plate to the matted centre with subsidiary calendar dial, with strike/silent dial to the arch, the movement with pull repeat, finely engraved back plate and striking on a later gong, within a stepped case surmounted by a caddy top, four acorn finials and a carrying handle, 21" high (pendulum and keys)
Rare small English ebonised single fusee bracket clock, the 4" convex white dial signed Charles Haley, London, within a rounded moulded arched case inlaid with brass lines and supported upon four brass ball feet and surmounted by a foliate cast brass handle, 11" high overall (pendulum and keys)
Good English mahogany double fusee bracket clock, the movement striking on a large bell, the 7" cream dial and movement back plate signed Scott, Charing Cross, London, within a rounded arched stepped case surmounted by a pad top and brass carrying handle, 15" high (pendulum)
English ebonised double fusee bracket clock, the 8" brass arched dial signed Kerridge, Wimborne to the foliate engraved centre with serpent shaped hands, enclosed by a brass chapter ring and surmounted by engraved flowering foliage to the arch, the movement striking on a gong, within a stepped case surmounted by a caddy top and five turned brass urn finials, 26" high (pendulum and keys)
*This clock bears a strapwork brass presentation plaque to the front of the base inscribed Presented to the Honourable & Reverent A.G. Douglas.M.A. by the parishioners on his leaving Scaldwell Northamptonshire, October 1872
** There is also some historical literature that accompanies the clock
English ebonised double fusee boardroom clock, the movement striking on a gong and with locking pendulum, the 8.5" square brass dial with silver chapter ring enclosing a matted centre, within an architectural stepped case surmounted by a triangular pediment, 21" high (pendulum and key)
Good Austrian mahogany large two train portico mantel clock, the 6" convex white dial with centre seconds, the movement with pinwheel escapement (one pin missing), striking the hours and quarters on two gongs, within a stepped case inlaid with a paterae to the base and surmounted by a plain stepped pediment, 23.5" high (pendulum and original foliate pierced iron key)
*This clock is sold with a repair and service receipt from Times & Chimes of Stroud dated 25/09/2019
Good triple fusee clock movement, the 10" brass arched dial with strike/silent dial to the arch, the movement playing on a nest of eight bells and striking the hours on another (pendulum)
French brass two train mantel clock, the F. Marti movement with outside countwheel striking on a bell, the 3.75" white floral painted dial within an ornate stepped case surmounted by an acorn finial, 11.25" high (pendulum and key)
Good English rosewood double fusee bracket clock, the 8" cream dial and movement back plate both signed Tho's Smith, London, with strike/silent lever above twelve o'clock, the movement with locking pendulum and pull repeat, within a rounded arched panelled case inlaid with brass lines, 16" high (pendulum and keys)
Ebonised double fusee boardroom clock, the 8.75" rounded arched brass dial with silvered chapter ring enclosing a matted centre under slow/fast and chime/silent subsidiary dials, the movement striking on two gongs, within a stepped case surmounted by a caddy top and five brass urn lamp finials, 29" high (pendulum and keys)
German ebonised three train mantel clock, the movement back plate stamped with the Lenz Furtwangler & Son trademark logo, the movement playing on four small gongs and striking the hours on a larger gong, the silvered chapter ring under slow/fast and strike/silent subsidiary dials, within a stepped bevelled glazed case, 14.25" high (pendulum and key)
Unusual French mahogany and walnut month going two train bracket clock, the 7.5" white convex dial signed Higer á Paris, with centre seconds, the month duration movement with rare Coup Perdu escapement, striking the hours and half hours on a bell, within a pillared rounded arched case applied with cherub and foliate cast metal mouldings surmounted by a caddy top and acorn final, 27.5" high (pendulum and keys)
French ormolu, bronze and white marble figural two train mantel clock, the movement with silk suspension and outside countwheel striking on a bell, the 3" white dial surrounded by a foliate pierced ormolu mask, surmounted by a lady standing with clasped hands by an altar, under a glass dome and upon an ebonised base, 16.25" high overall (pendulum and key)
Good faux tortoiseshell and brass mounted two train Neuchatel balloon bracket clock and bracket, the verge movement with outside countwheel and striking on a bell in the arch, the 9.5" white dished dial within a balloon shaped glazed case cast with gilt metal mounts and surmounted by a two handled urn, clock 30.5" high and bracket 12" high (pendulum and key)
Early 20th century calendar clock rehoused into a later mahogany casing, the 4.75" white clock dial with Pons movement striking on a bell and signed Lepine á Paris no. 1833, over the perpetual calendar dial with 4.75" chapter ring displaying years and leap years enclosing a recessed centre with days of the week, months of the year and dates of the month subsidiary dials under a moon phase aperture, within a plain case upon a stepped plinth, 13.25" high (pendulum and key)
Good French ormolu four glass two train mantel clock, the movement striking on a gong, the 4" white dial in a bevelled glazed pillared stepped case cast with egg and dart borders and surmounted by a stepped flat plinth, 13.25" high (pendulum)
French Boulle two train mantel clock, the Japy Freres movement with outside countwheel striking on a bell, the 3.75" gilt dial with Roman cartouche enamel numerals, within a gilt metal mounted glazed case surmounted by a floral urn finial, 14.5" high (pendulum)
Good French green onyx and champlevé two train four glass mantel clock, the Mougin movement striking on a gong, the 3.75" gilt chapter ring and cloisonne dial within a bow fronted bevelled glazed stepped case, upon wooden stand, 14.5" high overall (pendulum and keys)
Attractive cloisonne easel clock timepiece, the 5" brass dial plate with Arabic cartouche enamel numerals, within a decorative surround inlaid with flowering prunus blossom beneath a bird of paradise with outstretched wings to the arch above the dial, with Mougin movement with platform escapement, 16.75" high
French bronze figural two train mantel clock striking on a bell, the 3.5" chapter ring enclosing an engraved centre, fitted into the side of a fluted pillar with scrolling supports and surmounted by the figure of a standing sailor holding a net and anchor, 20.25" high (pendulum)
Good French ormolu two train four glass mantel clock, the movement striking on a bell and stamped with the maker's trademark logo TR & C within an oval, the 4" white chapter ring enclosing a recessed centre with visible escapement, within a bevelled glazed case raised upon ornate foliate hoof feet and surmounted by a classical two handled compressed urn, 17.25" high (pendulum)
French ormolu and porcelain mounted two train small mantel clock, the Japy Freres movement signed Henry Marc, Paris, with outside countwheel and striking on a bell, the 3.25" painted dial within a porcelain mounted breakfront cast case surmounted by a compressed globe finial, 15.25" high (pendulum and key)
*This clock is sold with purchase receipts from The Old Clock Shop in West Malling, Kent dated 29th/30th September 1992
French ormolu and ebonised two train ornate mantel clock, the movement with outside countwheel and striking on a bell stamped with the maker's trademark logo CB within an oval, the 3.25" white dial within a rounded arched breakfront pillared case surmounted by a classical urn and cover, 15" high (pendulum and key)
French brass and ormolu windmill two train mantel clock, the 3.5" white dial signed Guston Jolly á Paris over a mask and curtain draped ormolu frieze, the movement with outside countwheel and silk suspension striking on a bell, within a rounded arched case upon a foliate mounted stepped case and surmounted by a windmill finial, 13" high overall (no pendulum)
Good French white marble and ormolu mounted two train portico mantel clock, the 4" white dial signed Hippolite Lapret and the movement with outside countwheel, silk suspension striking on a bell, within a drumhead casing supported upon two ormolu mounted fluted pillars and reverse stepped breakfront base, surmounted by a vase and floral spray finial, 16" high (pendulum)
Good French white marble and ormolu mounted two train portico mantel clock, the 4.5" white dial signed Lefevre suc. rde De Belle á Paris and the movement with outside countwheel, silk suspension striking on a bell, within a drumhead casing supported upon white and black marble ormolu mounted pillars raised upon an oblong black marble base and surmounted by a classical urn and foliate finial, 20.5" high (pendulum)
French black marble and ormolu mounted two train portico mantel clock, the 4" silvered dial within a foliate egg and dart cast bezel, the movement with outside countwheel striking on a bell, within a stepped pillared case, 16.25" high (pendulum)
French cherry wood mantel clock timepiece, the 4.75" white dial signed Hanry Amant, also with centre alarm dial, the verge movement with pull repeat and striking on a bell in the detachable cornice, within a balloon shaped brass and glazed case surmounted by a foliate finial, 16" high (pendulum)
Good English ormolu single fusee mantel clock, the 3.75" chapter ring enclosing an engine turned centre signed Hay, 20 Davies St, Berkerley Sq, London, within a rococo foliate scrolling balloon shaped case upon a fixed bracket and surmounted by a foliate finial, 14.5" high (pendulum)
Good French cathedral two train mantel clock, the 4.25" silvered dial behind a pierced overlaid mask, the movement with outside countwheel and striking on a bell, within a gothic arched pillared stepped case surmounted by a tiled roof cornice and turned foliate finial, 19.75" high (pendulum)
Black Forest two train fusee cuckoo mantel clock, the 6" wooden chapter ring enclosing a carved centre, within a fluted pillared pine and ebonised chalet case surmounted by a pierced foliate finial, 22.75" high
Good French black marble two train calendar mantel clock, the 4" clock chapter ring enclosing a recessed visible escapement signed James Muirhead & Sons, Paris, also signed on the movement back plate over a calendar dial, the 4" chapter ring with months of the year enclosing a recessed centre with subsidiary days of the week and days of the month dials under a moon phase aperture, within a breakfront fluted stepped case, 13.25" high (pendulum)
Mahogany single fusee 12" convex drop dial wall clock, within a turned surround over foliate carved ears and a pendulum window inlaid with brass lines (pendulum)
Good mahogany single fusee 12" convex dial wall clock signed Payne, 35, Crouch St, within a turned surround (pendulum)
Good walnut double weight Vienna regulator wall clock, the 7" cream chapter ring enclosing a recessed centre with subsidiary seconds dial, within a glazed carved turned pillared case, 56" high (pendulum, two weights and winding key)
Mahogany single fusee 12" drop dial wall clock signed Josiah Vickery, Bristol, within a turned surround over foliate carved ears (pendulum and key)
Good mahogany single fusee 12" drop dial wall clock signed Camerer Cuss & Co. 54/6, New Oxford St, London, within a turned surround over the drop with a pendulum window enclosed by brass lines with flowerhead corners (pendulum and key)
Good small French ormolu two train cartel wall clock, the movement bearing the maker's trademark logo G.C, no. 4048, striking on a bell, the 4.5" white dial within an ornate case cast with rams' heads, floral swags and foliage, 18" high (pendulum and key)
Scottish single fusee cartel wall clock, the 9" silvered dial signed Berry Aberdeen, with visible lever escapement beneath twelve o'clock, within a limed oak foliate carved case, 27.5" high
Good mahogany double fusee 12" drop dial wall clock, the convex white dial signed H. Painting, Worcester, within a flat octagonal canted surround inlaid with repeating brass foliate motifs, over two foliate carved ears and a pendulum window (pendulum and key)
Good English ebonised tavern clock with Aframe movement, the 17" dial within a moulded turned surround, over a long rounded arched trunk door, 55" high (pendulum, weight and keys)
*There is an old note attached to the inside bottom of the case door inscribed This clock was in the 'Devonshire Arms' Keighley, and used as the timekeeper for the coaches
**The clock has been fitted with later brass hands, but the original hands have been retained
Mahogany single fusee 12" drop dial wall clock signed J. & J. Cetta, Stroud, within a turned surround over fan carved ears and a shaped pendulum window (pendulum and key)
American rosewood double fusee 12" drop dial wall clock, within an octagonal canted mother of pearl inlaid surround over vine carved ears and a pendulum window
Good mahogany single fusee 12" convex dial wall clock signed Whitehurst & Son, Derby, within a turned surround (pendulum)
(Section starts approximately 12:30pm)
Mahogany three train grandmother clock, the movement playing on eight rods, the 10.5" silver foliate engraved dial with silent/chime lever at nine o'clock and Tempus Fugit boss to the arch, the case with long pointed arched glazed door and the hood surmounted by a rounded moulded stepped pediment, 80" high (pendulum and three weights)
Good oak eight day longcase clock, the 12" silvered dial signed Laurence & Wood, Bath, with subsidiary seconds dial and calendar aperture and later hands, engraved with figures to the spandrels depicting the four seasons and surmounted by a high water at Bristol Quay and moon phase to the arch, the case with long rounded arched door inlaid to the centre with a conch shell, the hood surmounted by a rounded wavy cornice over a blind foliate fret carved frieze, 88" high (pendulum, two weights and winding key)
Good and rare mahogany automata eight day longcase clock, the 12" silvered arched dial signed Isaac Court, Henley to the centre with subsidiary seconds dial and calendar aperture, with a painted automata scene to the arch depicting a man and woman playing with a bat and ball before a rural Lakeland landscape, also bearing the maker's monogram engraved to the movement back plate, the case with blind fret carvings above the long door and to the canted corners, surmounted by an ornate hood with swan neck cornice foliate mounts and three brass ball and eagle finials over pierced fretwork panels, 94" high (pendulum and two brass cased weights)
Oak and mahogany crossbanded thirty hour longcase clock, the 10" square brass dial signed Finney, Liverpool on the brass chapter ring enclosing a matted centre with calendar aperture and single iron hand, the case with long crossbanded wavy top door and the hood surmounted by a moulded stepped cornice, 78.5" high (pendulum and weight) £120£180
Mahogany eight day longcase clock with five pillar movement, the 11.75" brass arched dial signed Peter Nichols, Newport on a circular silvered disc to the arch, over a silvered chapter ring enclosing a matted centre with subsidiary seconds dial and calendar aperture, the case with long rounded arched door and the hood surmounted by a caddy top with two brass fluted spike finials, 91" high (pendulum, two weights and keys) £300£500
Good ebonised eight day longcase clock with five pillar movement, the 11" square brass dial signed Jno Culliford, Bristoll (sic) on the silvered chapter ring enclosing a foliate engraved centre with subsidiary seconds dial and calendar aperture, the case with long beaded moulded edged door and the hood surmounted by a flat moulded stepped cornice over a pierced carved foliate fret frieze, 82.5" high (pendulum and two weights)
Good mahogany eight day longcase clock, the 13" painted arched dial signed Wm Jefferson, Whitby, with subsidiary seconds dial and calendar aperture, the case with long wavy arched crossbanded door and the inlaid hood surmounted by a moulded swan neck pediment and brass ball and spike finial, 90" high (pendulum, two weights and keys)
Good oak eight day longcase clock, the 12" square brass dial signed Willm Brice, Sandwich on an arched shaped plate to the matted centre with subsidiary seconds dial and calendar aperture, the case with long moulded edged door and the hood surmounted by a flat moulded cornice, 85" high (pendulum, pair of brass cased weights and keys)
Good burr walnut grandmother clock with double fusee movement, the 7" brass arched dial with silvered chapter ring enclosing a planished centre under an engraved sunburst disc, the case with long beaded moulded door and the hood surmounted by a moulded rounded arched cornice, 66.5" high (pendulum) £400£600
Fine and rare English walnut marquetry eight day longcase clock with five pillar movement, the 9.75" square brass dial signed Jonathan Tribe, Thackham on the brass chapter ring enclosing a matted centre with subsidiary seconds dial, ringed winding holes and calendar aperture, the case with long floral marquetry beaded edged door and a circular lenticle, the hood with a flat stepped moulded cornice over a blind foliate fret carved frieze and slender barley twist columns, 80.5" high (pendulum, two weights and keys)
*This clock was sold in Matthews Auctioneers House Contents Auction of Rockfield House, Navan on Tuesday 10th May 2022 (lot 218).
The Auctioneers were instructed to sell the contents by the executors of the late Trevor Fitzherbert who interestingly had ancestor Maria Anne Fitzherbert (1756-1837) that was a longtime companion of George Prince of Wales (later king George)
The official Auction catalogue of this sale is also included with the lot with some images of the clock in situ at Rockfield House £4000£6000
Mahogany and oak eight day longcase clock in need of rebuilding, the 14" square painted dial signed Leadbrath, Sandbach, with subsidiary seconds dial and calendar aperture, the case with short crossbanded door and the hood surmounted by a moulded swan neck pediment with central conch shell inlaid reserve (pendulum and two weights)
Mahogany eight day longcase clock, the 12" silvered arched dial signed J. Gardiner London to the arch over the chapter rings and subsidiary seconds dial, the case with long moulded edged rounded arched door flanked by quarter fluted columns and the hood surmounted by a rounded arched moulded cornice, 84" high (pendulum and two weights)
Fine English figured walnut eight day longcase clock, the 12" square brass dial signed William Graham, London on an oval silver plate to the matted centre with subsidiary seconds dial, the five pillar movement with maintaining power, shuttered winding holes and calendar aperture, the case with long moulded edged door and the hood surmounted by a stepped moulded cornice over a pierced foliate carved frieze, 90" high (pendulum, two weights, probably original crank handled winding key and door keys)
*William Graham (b. 1692, d. circa 1751) was the son of Richard Graham, whose brother was George Graham, F.R.S. Clockmaker, London. There is a typed reference to the maker adhered to the inside front door of the case
**This clock was sold in the ballroom of The Crown Hotel, Penrith on Thursday 4th November 1976, where it realised £2600. A newspaper cutting recording this event is also included in the lot
Small oak thirty hour longcase clock, the 10" square brass dial signed John Price, Chichester on the foliate engraved centre with central alarm dial, the case with long door and the hood surmounted by a stepped moulded cornice, 72.5" high (pendulum and two weights)
Oak and mahogany eight day longcase clock, the 14" painted arched dial signed William Ellis, Wrexham to the centre with subsidiary seconds dial and calendar aperture, with moon phase to the arch, the short mahogany crossbanded door flanked by quarter fluted columns and the hood surmounted by a moulded swan neck pediment and brass eagle finial, 94" high (pendulum and two weights)
Eight day longcase clock, the 12" painted arched dial signed Henry Cain, Luton with subsidiary seconds and calendar dials, the case with long moulded edged rounded arched door and the hood surmounted by a wavy cornice, 81.5" high (pendulum and two weights)
Mahogany eight day longcase clock, the 12" brass arched dial signed John Hallifax, London on the chapter ring by six o'clock, enclosing a matted centre with subsidiary seconds dial and calendar aperture, with strike/silent dial to the arch, the case with long moulded rounded arched door and inlaid with cable banding, the hood surmounted by a pierced swan neck pediment and two fluted brass ball and spike finials, 84" high (pendulum and two weights)
Mahogany eight day longcase clock, the 13" painted arched dial signed Bartles & Eggert, Bristol, with subsidiary seconds dial and calendar aperture, with moon phase to the arch, the case with long inlaid door and the hood surmounted by a moulded swan neck pediment with central gilded pressed metal vine finial, 87" high (pendulum and two weights)
Good mahogany eight day grandmother clock, the 8" silvered chapter ring enclosing a matted centre with subsidiary seconds dial and maker's name plate inscribed Sinclair Harding, Cheltenham, with an automata marine scene to the arch, the case with long door inlaid with boxwood lines, surmounted by a moulded rounded arched pediment and brass ball and spike finial, 75" high (pendulum and two brass weights)
Mahogany eight day longcase clock, the 14" square painted dial signed Jonathan Hindley, Swinton to the centre with subsidiary seconds dial and calendar aperture, the case with medium length wavy moulded edged door and the hood surmounted by a moulded swan neck pediment, 85" high (pendulum and two weights)
French rosewood and kingwood inlaid eight day Comptoise longcase clock, the 10" cream dial within a rounded hood over a central crossbanded bombé section fitted with a long drawer over the flaring base with repousse foliate frieze and supported upon cast brass lion paw feet, 83" high (pendulum, no weights)
Oak case with aperture for a 13" arched dial, with long pointed arched door and surmounted by a moulded stepped pediment, 84" high; also another oak case with aperture for an 11" square dial, with long door and surmounted by a multiple moulded stepped cornice, 84" high (2)
Eight various provincial cases, all in need of restoration and one with no hood (8)
Antique brass and iron clockmakers topping tool, fitted upon a rectangular mahogany base with single drawer containing accessories (some missing), 12" wide overall, 11" high; also an antique brass and iron mandrill, 14.5" long overall (2)
Eight day longcase clock movement, the 13" raised painted arched dial indistinctly signed ...Scarboro, with subsidiary seconds dial and calendar aperture; also another eight day longcase clock movement, the 13" painted arched dial indistinctly signed ...Stockton, with subsidiary seconds and calendar dials (2)
Eighteen various old wooden clock seat boards (18)
Antique brass double fusee skeleton clock in need of restoration and rebuilding (some movement parts missing), upon an ebonised stepped base, 19" high (dome missing)
Contemporary partbuilt regulator wall clock kit in need of completion, 12" high (pendulum, bob and weight)
*This clock is sold with the book by Peter Heimann - Regulator Clock
Good pair of brass cased longcase clock weights (2)
Pair of brass cased longcase clock weights (2)
Five cast iron crank handle turret clock winding keys, four with wooden handles (5)
Eight day longcase clock movement, the 13" square brass dial signed William Lawson, Newton on a foliate shaped plate to the hatched engraved centre with subsidiary seconds dial, also with moon phase to the arch inscribed Time Shew's (sic), The Way of Life's Decay (two weights)
Thirty hour longcase clock movement, the 11" square brass dial signed Edw. How, Holford 1764 enclosing a centre engraved with birds of paradise
Five various turret clock movement parts (5)
Quantity of various turret clock movement parts; also a pair of large gilt painted turret clock hands (minute 47" long and hour hand 37" long)
Two cast iron turret clock movement parts geared to operate three dials (2)
On display behind the cabinets
Fifteen brass and iron crank keys with turned wooden handles (15)
Good set of fourteen graduated brass bells, fitted onto a cylindrical bar with turned wooden handle
Very large collection of old clock hands; also a small quantity of other clock fittings
Large quantity of various mantel and other clock keys
French porcelain two train balloon mantel clock in need of restoration, 10" high; also a contemporary lantern clock, Swiss, Baumann Limited wooden movement wall clock, eight day longcase clock movement with dial and two other incomplete clock movements (6)
Various small cased clock and watch tools; also a quantity of various other clock parts including platform escapements, dial glasses and movement parts etc
Small complete G. Boley staking set; also three other incomplete staking sets (4)
Good Japanese SS150 staking set within a light wooden glazed case, 7.5" wide
Good M.K.S Standard staking set, within a dark stained glazed wooden case, 7.5" wide
Boley & Leinen staking set, within a light wooden case
Good quality stainless hardened precision metal gauge, fitted with sliding scales and an eye glass, within a light wooden fitted box with accessories, 19" wide overall
Two incomplete clock/watchmakers lathes: also a quantity of various lathe attachments etc
Small watchmakers lathe, within a fitted wooden case with various collets and other attachments (incomplete)
Small electric clock/watchmakers lathe with various attachments and accessories, mounted onto a wooden plinth, 14.25" long, 10.25" wide £200£400
Pultra of Manchester lathe and attachments (no accessories)
Unimat Emico electric lathe with attachments, fitted onto a mahogany plinth, 20" long, 12" wide
Large quantity of various Bergeon and other clock fittings, including bushings, cutting-broaches, smoothing-broaches, brushes, nuts and bolts, wooden clock fittings etc
Small old Boley steel lathe, attachments and collets
Small tin containing assorted clock handles and feet
Seventeen 8mm lathe collets; also six stepped collets
Old staking set, within a rectangular wooden box
Quantity of old French mantel clocks etc
Thirty hour longcase clock movement, the 11" square painted dial signed William Carter, Salisbury (weight); old barometer in need of restoration, also four similar Smiths 6" wall dials in Bakelite cases with various other clock movements and dials
Jeff Darken & John Hooper - English 30 Hour Clocks, Origin & Development, 1600-1800, two volumes (2)
Britten's Watch & Clock Makers Handbook Dictionary and Guide, sixteenth edition revised by Richard Goode; also eighteen other various books on clock and watch repairing (19)
Eric Bruton - The History of Clocks and Watches; also ten other standard horological reference books (11)
Richard C.R. Barder - The Georgian Bracket Clock, 1714-1830; also Cescinsky & Webster - English Domestic Clocks and twelve other various standard horological reference books (14)
(Section starts approximately 1.30pm)
French ormolu and coloured marble two train drumhead mantel clock, the movement with outside countwheel striking on a bell, the 4.5" white painted dial within a drumhead casing over a stepped pillared base, surmounted by foliage with a bow and arrows, 14" high (pendulum and key)
French ormolu and green veined marble drumhead two train mantel clock, the 3.75" white enamel dial signed Le Roy á Paris, the movement striking on a bell, within a drumhead casing surmounted by a cockerel with outstretched wings and supported upon a stepped scrolling base, 15.75" high (pendulum and key)
French black and red marble two train mantel clock, the Japy Freres movement striking on a gong, the 3.75" black slate chapter ring enclosing a recessed gilded centre signed Lyons, Exeter, within a pillared stepped case surmounted by a triangular and scrolling pediment, 12.25" high (pendulum)
French bronze two train mantel clock, the Japy Freres movement striking on a gong, the 3.5" concave gilt dial within a stepped pillared case surmounted by a classical urn, 15" high (pendulum)
Three various brass torsion mantel clocks with ball pendulums and under glass domes, all stamped to the back plate with trademark makers' logos, tallest 13" high; also a Kundo brass electric mantel clock under a glass dome, 10.25" high (4)
Seth Thomas four glass two train mantel clock striking on a gong, the 3.75" cream dial signed Seth Thomas and within a bevelled glazed stepped case, 10.75" high (pendulum and key)
French black slate and gilt metal mounted two train mantel clock striking on a gong, the 4.25" black slate chapter ring enclosing a recessed gilded centre, within a pillared stepped case decorated in relief with classical battle scenes and surmounted by a gallery cornice, 17.5" high (no pendulum)
French black slate and green veined marble drumhead two train mantel clock, the movement striking on a bell, the 3.75" white chapter ring enclosing a recessed visible escapement, within a fluted scrolling stepped case, 10.25" high (pendulum)
Junghans walnut two train mantel clock striking on a gong, within an architectural pillared case surmounted by three vase turned finials, 17" high (pendulum and key)
Junghans walnut two train mantel clock striking on a gong, within an architectural pillared case surmounted by three vase turned finials, 16" high (pendulum and key)
German walnut two train tingtang mantel clock, the RSM movement striking on two gongs, within an architectural case decorated with brass foliate mounts, 19.5" high (pendulum)
Attractive French gilded brass and porcelain panelled two train mantel clock in need of some restoration, the AB movement striking on a gong, within an ornate stepped pillared case painted to the front and sides with rural scenes within jewelled borders, upon a fixed stand and surmounted by five squat urn spiked finials, 15.5" high (missing back door but with pendulum and key)
Good small mahogany mantel clock timepiece with platform escapement, the 3.5" cream dial within a rounded arched case with pierced brass foliate panels, surmounted by a brass carrying handle, 10.75" high (key)
Small French mahogany two train drumhead mantel clock, the movement back plate bearing the Henry Marc of Paris trademark logo no. 53230, the S. Marti movement striking on a bell, the 3.75" white chapter ring enclosing a recessed visible escapement, within a stepped scrolling case, 8.5" high (pendulum); also a German walnut alarm mantel timepiece, the W & H movement with passing strike on a bell, within an inlaid case with cushion base, 9.5" high (pendulum and key) (2)
German torsion brass mantel clock, the 2.75" cream dial and movement upon cylindrical supports over a disc pendulum, under a glass dome and upon a circular stepped base, 12" high; also a Kein torsion clock and a miniature Schatz eight day mantel clock (3)
German oak tingtang mantel clock, the W & H movement striking on two gongs, the 7" brass arched dial with silvered chapter ring enclosing a matted centre, within an architectural scratch carved pillared case surmounted by a triangular pediment, 16.25" high (pendulum and key)
Good contemporary balloon mantel clock timepiece, the 6" white dial within a contemporary well constructed birds eye maple and sapele case inlaid to the front with a paterae and surmounted by a caddy top and brass finial, 21.25" high
Good contemporary lancet mantel clock timepiece, the 8" white dial within a well constructed contemporary burr ash and sapele stepped lancet case, 19.5" high
French two train mantel clock striking on a gong, the 3.75" cream chapter ring enclosing a recessed gilded centre, within a well constructed burr ash and walnut stepped case surmounted by a triangular pediment, 12.5" high (pendulum and key)
French gilded spelter two train figural mantel clock striking on a bell, the 3.5" white dial inset into a drumhead casing surmounted by a seated robed lady clutching wheatsheaves, upon an ornate base moulded and pierced with foliage, under a glass dome and upon an ebonised stand, 20" high overall (pendulum and key); also another French gilded spelter and porcelain mounted two train figural mantel clock striking on a bell, 14.5" high (pendulum and key) (2)
Large French champlevé and gilt metal mounted two train mantel clock, the Vincenti movement with outside countwheel striking on a bell and signed Ollivant & Rotsford, Paris, the 3.75" white dial also signed, within a decorative case surmounted by an urn finial, 27" high (pendulum and key)
French ebonised portico two train mantel clock, the movement with outside countwheel striking on a bell and signed Dillensens á Paris, the 4" silvered chapter ring enclosing an engine turned centre, within a stepped case applied with pierced foliate gilt metal mounts, 18.5" high (pendulum and key)
Ansonia Patent novelty bobbing pendulum clock in the form of a lamppost, the 3.5" white dial with subsidiary seconds dial inscribed Patented Dec. 14th, 1886 and bearing the Ansonia trademark logo, within a drumhead casing supported upon a white metal stand with pierced foliate supporting bracket, 15.25" high (pendulum)
French black slate and green marble two train mantel clock, the 4.25" black chapter ring enclosing a gilt recessed centre signed Foord & Son, Hastings & St Leonards, the Mougin movement striking on a gong, within an architectural stepped pillared case sgraffito with gilt scrolling foliage, 14.5" high (pendulum and key); also another French black slate two train mantel clock with recessed visible escapement, 10.75" high (pendulum and key) (2)
Unusual French red and green marble two train drumhead mantel clock, the S. Marti movement with outside countwheel striking on a bell, the 3.75" white chapter ring enclosing a recessed centre with visible jewelled escapement, within a drumhead casing flanked by carved marble dolphins with limpets, upon a rocky outcrop and stepped rectangular red and green speckled marble base, 10.5" high x 18.25" wide (pendulum and keys)
Small green onyx mantel clock timepiece with platform escapement, the 2" cream floral dial within a stepped case applied with foliate mounts and surmounted by an urn and pineapple wreath finial, 9" high
English oak miniature longcase clock, the timepiece movement with platform escapement and fixed key wind, 16" high
German two train mantel clock, the W & H movement striking on a gong, the 5.5" silvered arched dial with slow/fast subsidiary dial to the arch, within a rounded arched bevelled glazed case, 10" high (pendulum and key)
2329-2500 NO LOT
On display behind the cabinets
Two German novelty mantel clock timepieces modelled as clock vendors, the first with movements attached to his body, upon a stepped rectangular base, 15.5" high (pendulum and key), the other with a square rounded arched dial attached to his tunic, upon a rectangular stepped base, stamped JVE beneath, 15.5" high (pendulum and key) (2)
Two brass cased strut clock timepieces made by The British United Clock Company, both within pierced foliate brass frames, tallest 7" high (2) £20£40
Looping eight day small travelling alarm clock with 15 jewel movement, the 1.75" cream dial signed Tollard Freres, Geneve, within a red enamel and brass casing, with outer travelling leather case; also another eight day travelling clock in a folding faux snakeskin case and two other large watches in need of restoration (4)
French carriage clock timepiece within a corniche brass case, 6" high; also a small French travelling alarm clock within a brass case, 6" high (2)
Mappin & Webb Ltd carriage clock timepiece, within a corniche style brass case, 6" high; also a Swiss eight day travel alarm clock, the 2.5" square silvered dial signed Brook & Son, Edinburgh, within a folding leather case and another small Europa 2 jewels travel alarm clock within a folding leather case (3)
Russian aircraft cockpit clock, the 2.75" black dial with subsidiary hour and seconds hands, also with luminous hour and minute hands and centre seconds, stamped 2 Cytok no. 86853, within a light grey metal casing
*This clock bears the original receipt document dated 27 09 1971 and fitted Polystyrene box
French V.A.P. ebonised and walnut small mantel clock, 6.5" high; also another ebonised V.A.P. mantel clock, brass drumhead timepiece and seven various old travelling clocks (10)
English Arts & Crafts style small planished pewter mantel clock timepiece, within a rounded arched case, 3.25" high
Quantity of assorted 8 day timepieces, Goliath pocket watches, travel clocks etc
Desk compendium within a leather case with shield plaque dated 22724, with nickel cased lever Goliath watch, nickel cased Goliath barometer and a thermometer, 7.5'' wide £150£200
Reproduction porcelain panelled carriage clock striking on a gong, within a corniche brass case, 7.5" high £100£200
Reproduction porcelain panelled carriage clock with alarm, the movement striking on a bell, within a gorge style case, 7" high £100£200
Small brass travel alarm clock timepiece, the 1.75" silvered chapter ring enclosing a gilded centre inscribed Zenith Eight Days, Swinden & Sons, Birmingham, within a striped engraved gilt metal case with push button to the top, 3.5" high
Three similar Russian aircraft clocks, the 3" black dials with two subsidiary dials and centre seconds, within grey metal cases (3) £120£180
Two similar Russian aircraft clocks, the 2.75" black dials fitted with small twin apertures, within grey metal casings (2)
Two similar Russian aircraft clocks, the 2.75" dials with subsidiary seconds dial and centre seconds; also another aircraft clock, the 3" dial with centre seconds (3)
Two similar Smiths M9 aircraft clocks, the 3" silvered dials within a black metal casing; also another similar Smiths M9 aircraft clock stamped P-80.821 to the dial centre, within a blackened metal casing (3) £100£150
Five various small aircraft clocks by; Jaeger, Wakmann, Smiths, Elgin and Nero Lemania (5)
Waltham eight days U.S. Navy aircraft clock, the 3" black dial with subsidiary centre date dial; also four other various small aircraft clocks in metal casings and an altimeter (6)
Six various miniature American steeple shelf clocks, all 14-16" high and in need of some restoration (all with pendulums and five with keys) (6) £60£100
JaegerLeCoultre travel clock, the gilt metal case hinged within a tan leather travel case, case no. 1066xx, Patent no. 36x.88x, 1.75'' dial £100£150
Ships bulkhead single train wall clock, the 7" cream dial with subsidiary seconds dial and slow/fast lever at twelve o'clock, mounted onto a square oak wall block (key)
Mahogany single fusee 12" wall dial clock, within a turned surround (pendulum)
American Arts & Crafts oak Sessions mission clock, the lozenge dial with brass Arabic numerals within a beaded jewelled border, 32.5" high (pendulum)
Mahogany single fusee 8" wall dial clock, within a turned surround (pendulum and key)
Rosewood 12" drop dial wall clock, within a flat canted surround inlaid with foliate mother of pearl repeating motifs, over scrolling carved foliate ears and oval pendulum window (pendulum and key)
Seth Thomas American ogee two train wall clock; also another ogee wall clock in need of restoration (both with weights) (2)
Good contemporary two train wall clock striking on a bell above the movement, the 5.75" brass dial within an ornate surround repousse with scrolling and flowering foliage, the movement contained within a mahogany box with sliding vertical door behind, 15.75" high overall (pendulum and two weights)
*This clock is sold with an H.M. Customs & Excise import document showing the value to be over 300 Deutsche Marks in 1971
Small oak Vienna style two train wall clock, the 5.25" cream chapter ring enclosing a recessed gilded centre, within a glazed pillared case, 25.5" high (pendulum and key)
Walnut double weight Vienna regulator wall clock, the 7" cream chapter ring enclosing a recessed centre with subsidiary seconds dial, within a pillared turned glazed case surmounted by an ornate carved cornice, 51" high (pendulum, two weights and key)
Large walnut double weight Vienna regulator wall clock, the 7" cream dial enclosing an embossed foliate centre, within a large glazed and turned pillared case, 60" high (pendulum, two weights and keys); also an American walnut 10" drop dial wall clock (pendulum and key)
Black Forest wall clock, the 9" painted wooden dial signed J. Schnerer, within a turned wooden stained surround (pendulum and weight)
Vienna single weight regulator wall clock, the 6.25" white chapter ring enclosing a recessed centre with subsidiary seconds dial, within a well constructed contemporary fiddle back sycamore, burr ash and walnut glazed case, 39.5" high (pendulum, weight and winding key); also a small walnut Vienna regulator wall clock within a glazed and turned pillared case, 39" high (pendulum and winding key) (2)
Good walnut two train Vienna regulator wall clock, the 7" cream chapter ring enclosing a recessed plain centre, over a shaped glazed door decorated with butterflies amidst foliage on an opaque glass ground with clear lenticle window, within an architectural fluted and carved pillared case, 48" high (pendulum, key but missing detachable cornice)
Ships bulkhead clock timepiece, the 6" silvered dial with fast slow lever beneath twelve o'clock, within a chrome case (key)
Ships bulkhead clock timepiece, the 7" white dial signed Smith's, Cricklewood, N.W.2., with slow/fast lever beneath twelve o'clock, within a brass case (key)
Ships bulkhead clock timepiece, the 8" cream dial with subsidiary seconds dial and slow/fast lever above twelve o'clock, within a brass case (key)
Mahogany single train 12" drop dial wall clock, within a turned surround over carved ears and a pendulum window (pendulum); also an oak 12" wall dial clock within a turned surround (pendulum) (2)
Oak single fusee 12" wall dial clock, within a turned surround (pendulum)
Mahogany single fusee 12" wall dial clock signed W. Richards, Tavistock, within a turned surround (pendulum)
Black Forest two train cuckoo clock, the 5.5" dial within a chalet style case with applied and pierced foliate carvings, 15" high (pendulum and two weights)
Vienna walnut and ebonised two train regulator wall clock, the 6.5" white dial within a canted glazed case, 45" high (pendulum); also a mahogany two train 12" drop dial wall clock within a flat surround over a pendulum window (pendulum and key) (2)
Small French two train cartel wall clock, the movement with outside countwheel striking on a bell and stamped H & F, Paris no. 3456, the 4.5" white dial within a foliate cast case, 14.5" high overall £120£180
On the A4 from Bath or Chippenham turn off at the mini roundabout by the Hare & Hounds Pub towards Corsham town centre, turn immediately right at the next mini roundabout into Valley Road. After one mile cross narrow railway bridge and round right angle bend. Turn left after 600 yards into Leafield Industrial Estate.
Go straight through the estate and take the last turning on the right beforemeeting the public road again, just past Linpac and opposite Corsham Print. The Bath Auction Rooms are at the end of the road facing you.
Total time from Junction 17 1015 minutes
Total time from central Bath 15 minutes
Travelling by Train we recommend Chippenham Station
Gardiner Houlgate, 9 Leafield Way, Corsham, Nr Bath