Friday 9th September 2022 at 10:30am

G ARDINER H OULGATE TH E SP ECIA LIST A UCT ION EER S This auction will be open for the public to attend as well as being online for bidding. VIEWINGMonday5th September – 9am-5pm Tuesday 6th September – 9am-5pm Wednesday 7th September - 9am-5pm Thursday 8th September - 9am-5pm Friday 9th September - 9am-10am Please scan the code above to view the full illustrated online catalogue FREE ONLINE BIDDING • Bid Live with One-click Bidding • Leave Auto Bids & Absentee Bids • FREE Emailed Auction Alerts • Manage Wish List, Won Lots & Bids Please visit to register BUYER’S PREMIUM 22% + VAT (26.4% inclusive of VAT @ 20%) OTHER BIDDING METHODS Absentee commission bids may be left with us to bid on your behalf Telephone bids may be possible on lots estimated £300 and above subject to availability PAYMENT DETAILS All lots must be paid for within 7 days of the sale Direct to bank, please contact the office for our bank details Debit or credit card (including American Express) **Restrictions apply Cash up to £8500 in one transaction Cheques will be accepted at the discretion of the auctioneers *Please see Terms & Conditions Section 6 for further CONDITIONdetailsGUIDANCECommentsonconditionand originality in descriptions are our opinion only and not necessarily fact. Buyers that cannot view in person are encouraged to ask for a condition report and/or images before placing any kind of ENQUIRIESbid.01225812912 or email: Find us on Facebook @gardinerhoulgate @musicalinstrumentauctions Cover illustration lots : 2402 & 2437

Lord of the rings interest to be offered in our Guitar DecemberThursdayauctionMemorabiliaon8th2022
Please contact the auction house for further details about the provenance of this instrument
*The vendor of this instrument, Dermot Crehan, used this instrument, thought to have been made by Halland, for a solo instrumental piece for the main theme tune of Lord of the Rings, the epic film trilogy. The instrument was particularly chosen by Dermot for the films' soundtrack after Howard Shaw (composer of the soundtrack) made a special request that he should acquire a Hardanger fiddle.
Howard was particularly impressed by the haunting sound that the Hardanger produces and felt that this sound would very much be in empathy with the spirit of the film. The fiddle has since become known as 'The Rohan Fiddle' after the name of the main theme tune of Lord of the Rings.
Dermot Crehan was born in Dublin into a family steeped in the traditional music of Ireland. His formative years were spent making the hay, cutting the turf and generally getting in the way of his uncle Junior's farm near Milltown Malbay in County Clare. Dermot, under the wing of a famous Clare fiddler and his father Vincie, went on to become 'All Ireland Champion Fiddle Player', holding the coveted award for three years.
Interesting Norwegian Hardanger fiddle (known as 'The Rohan fiddle'), labelled Helland Bro's Violin Manufacturers, Cameron, W1S, 1905, decorated allover with geometric foliate designs within chevron and dot painted purfled borders; also with mother of pearl foliate inlaid fingerboard and tailpiece, the head terminating in a carved mythical beast's head with gilded foliate finial, 13 3/4", 34.90cm, case

Musical Instruments

4 Buyer's Premium of 22% + VAT (26.4% Inclusive of VAT) GARDINER HOULGATE David William Wade 1954-2021
The banjo became a passion for him, especially the zither banjo, which he researched and became an authority on. He played an active part in the revival of the Clifford Essex company.
five string travel banjo, sunburst finish, replacement tuners, original gig bag
Essex/Windsor five string resonator banjo, with Clifford Essex Imperial neck upon a Windsor body, with 10.75" skin and 26.5" scale, gig bag
Clifford1507.£50-100Essex zither banjo, with 8" skin and 25.5" scale, gig bag
Orb1508.£60-100fivestring open back banjo, with 11" skin and 26.25" scale, within a Tom & Will gig bag £100-200
Collection Instruments 1501 -
The guitar remained a favourite instrument and he commissioned two custom instruments from Mark Lythgoe and Florian Jegu. David returned to early music and had several instruments made by Paul Baker as well as discovering the theorbo.
1503 1505
David’s first instrument was the guitar. He and his father took lessons from Eric Kershaw, the jazz guitarist when David was in his teens. He went on to add many other fretted instruments to his repertoire: mandolin when playing in folk clubs with a friend, several early instruments in ensembles, banjo for Morris dancing. Following on from playing for Morris dancing David played in ceilidh bands on bass guitar, banjo, cittern and bazouki. He had a twin neck instrument made for ceilidh band playing.
VB-400 banjo bass guitar, made in Korea, ser. no. 2501259, with original gig bag £200-400
Tenor1504.£200-400banjo inscribed 'The Clifford Essex Sharpe, Norfolk, UK, D66D' to the inner tone ring, with 11" skin and 22.75" scale, within a Deering banjo gig bag
Latterly, he played ukulele and again acquired an interesting selection of instruments. He also began learning the hurdy-gurdy with the help and expertise of Mil Marie Mougenot.
Seven1501. string open back fretless banjo inscribed J.Viner, Maker to the heel edge, with 12" skin and 26" scale, soft bag; together with an interesting unknown hand made five string banjo, gig bag
Early1506.20th century Windsor seven string zither banjo, with 9" skin and 26" scale, within an Ashbury compressed foam case
David’s collection of instruments reflects a lifetime of playing and appreciating both the quality and the quirkiness of the diverse range of fretted instruments.

Fylde1514.£80-120casemandolin, made in England, ser. no. 4486, gig bag £300-500
Countryman1518.£70-100 Pro F Style mandolin, within a fitted Gator hard case
lute, bearing a Luke Ernst refurbishment label to the inner back, with multi-section maple bowl back, spruce top and ebony fingerboard, within a fibreboard hard case
19th1516.£200-400pulling)century Neapolitan mandolin by and labelled C.F. Kisslinger...anno 1891, within a contemporary hard case
double neck mandolin bouzouki, made in England, with walnut back and sides, spruce top, mahogany necks, ebony fingerboards, within a shaped gig bag (at fault, bridge movement and table
Gordon Giltrap D-Day mandolin, within original compressed foam case
*Sold with a receipt from Tony Johnson, Luthier for converting the lute from eight courses to seven courses in 2015
Aria1521.£300-500AM-20E electric mandolin, with Roksak gig bag; together with a Laka by Vintage VUV2 electric ukulele, with original gig bag (2) £60-100 1514 1515 1520 1523
Perfected Patent five string banjo, with engraved aluminium body and neck, inscribed S. Rose & Co, Bombay to the centre back, within a contemporary gig bag
J.G.1509.Abbott & Co no. 2 plectrum banjo, with 11" skin and 27" scale, within a TGI gig bag
Fretless1510.£80-120five string banjo with old neck and contemporary rim; together with a contemporary plectrum zither type banjo (2) Reilly-Baker1511.£80-120
Sharpe five string open back banjo, with 11" skin and 26.5" scale, gig bag
zither banjo by and stamped A. Weaver, Maker, London, with 8.25" skin and 26.5" scale, within an Ashbury compressed foam
(See page 6)

Company Synergy Uke carbon fibre harp ukulele, made in Ireland, with gig bag with original purchase papers
The Gambler soprano ukulele, with fitted hard case ukulele, within a compressed foam case
Favilla1529. baritone ukulele, within a contemporary compressed foam
Clifford1522. Essex
upcycled tin ukuleles, with soft bags; together with a Lanikai LU-22TS ukulele, gig bag (3)
The Gambler concert ukulele, within a fitted hard Nelson resonator ukulele, with soft bag £100-200
oud made with Gamil Georges..., within a fitted bag
The Gambler tenor ukulele, within a fitted hard case
hurdy-gurdy by and branded Mougenot, within a fitted hard case
seven course cittern, with exotic wooden back and sides, spruce top, ebony fingerboard and 25.25" scale, within a custom made Pegasus Cases hard case
*A seven course cittern based on Oakwood's Zaitaz Model 20101535.£800-1200Helmut
OU57 concert ukulele, within a TGI hard case; together with an Applause by Ovation UA20 ukulele, within a fitted Stagg hard case (2)
Fylde1532.£50-100rosewood cittern, made in England, ser. no. 5201, with rosewood back and sides, spruce top, ebony fretboard and gold fittings, with gig bag
boat shaped six string hurdy-gurdy, within a Fusion Cases gig Contemporary1539.£300-500bag
6 Buyer's Premium of 22% + VAT (26.4% Inclusive of VAT) GARDINER HOULGATE
Rheinganz Ban sitar, within a TGI gig bag
soprano electric ukulele, natural finish, with original gig
medieval style five string vielle by and labelled Michael Foulds..., with bow and contemporary compressed foam £80-120case 1532 1534
luthier made cittern type instrument bearing a maker's label to the inner back, with tapered maple ribs and back, within a Cobra gig bag

1547 1548
Turkish1543.£100-200cumbus by and branded Zeynel Abidin, within a fitted gig bag
1970s1546.£200-400bandora bearing a label to the inner back inscribed Mr Walton's Bandora, Made by Robert Hadaway at Gayton in Norfolk, December 1973, with shaped multi-section back, spruce top, fan fretboard and carved head peg box, within a fitted Kingham Cases hard case £200-400
*Made for David Wade by Paul Baker of Diabolus in Musica and sold with original invoice dated Wednesday 4th November 2020
Kendal Irish style bouzouki, with walnut back and sides, spruce top, mahogany neck and ebony fingerboard, within a shaped hard Contemporary1550.£300-500case Celtic harp, unbranded, within soft bag Dulcimer1551.£200-400by and inscribed Christophe Touissaint, 3.2016, Dommartin, Vosges, within a customised KBS case £200-4001546
zither banjeaurine by and branded A. Weaver, Maker, with 8" skin and 19.75" scale, within an Emerald gig bag
BID LIVE AT: 7 1537 (See page 6) 1538 (See page 6) Seagull1540. M4 Merlin mahogany stick dulcimer, with original gig bag
Contemporary1542.£100-200 hand made five course Baroque style guitar, with 500mm scale, within a compressed foam case
Clifford1544.£80-120Essex banjeaurine, within a Travel Planet gig bag
Paul Baker (Diabolus) Gittern, within a fitted hard case
Baker (Diabolus in Musica) Renaissance orpharion, made in England, bearing maker's label to the inner back; with seven piece back, maple sides, spruce top, rosewood fretboard and brass frets, within a bespoke ebonised case
19851547.Neil W. Brook bandora, with stained maple back and sides, stained spruce table, fan fretboard and carved head peg box, within a fitted hard case

Early£100-2001561.20th century German Theorbo seventeen string lute, with ribbed satin maple wood bowl back, spruce table, scalloped fretboard and chipped carved peg boxes terminating in a floral finial, 53" long overall £150-300
8 Buyer's Premium of 22% + VAT (26.4% Inclusive of VAT) GARDINER HOULGATE
Four£150-3001558.string unnamed banjo, with 12" skin and 26.5" scale length (possibly a cello banjo)
dulcimer by and labelled Bob Stuber, within a fitted wooden case; together with another hand made dulcimer, within a wooden case (2)
Paul1552.Baker (Diabolus in Musica) Medieval Symphony Instrument, no. 1201, made in April 2012, within felt bag
Vega£120-1801559.fourstring banjo neck stamped Vegaphone 80481, with foliate carved heal and original geared tuners
Contemporary1571.£400-600 oud labelled Gamil Gelrges..., the spruce table with three fretwork pierced oval sound holes £100-150
German concertina in need of restoration, with forty-four buttons on foliate pierced ends (six buttons missing), twelve-fold bellows £60-1001567.Neapolitan mandolin indistinctly labelled and dated Anno 1900; also another guitar shaped mandolin labelled The Neapolitan Patent Mandoline Co. no 2272, transfer printed with a seated lady on the back (2)
Good1568.£60-100Neapolitan mandolin by and labelled.. Vinaccia, Fabbricant di Strumenti Armonici di S.N.LA Regina D'Italia, Rua Catalina Napoli Anno 18**LO 53, with fluted bowl back and faux tortoiseshell mother of pearl inlaid scratchplates, the spruce table with mother of pearl cable banding, hardwood fitted case
Circular1562. piano stool supported upon foliate carved tripod curving legs, 19.5" high Soprani1563.£20-30
Fender1569.£200-400five string guitar shaped mandolin, with sunburst tiger striped table, faux tortoiseshell scratchplate and mother of pearl dot position markers to the fret board, within a Kinsman soft case; also a Harmony ukulele, soft case (2)
Old£400-8001555.ukulele bearing the trademark label of Jose Alvares, case; also another old ukulele, unlabelled and a Neapolitan mandolin, unlabelled (3) Ashbury£30-501556. Gibson F-style electric mandolin, with two pickups no. GR 31022K, soft case also a Stagg electric ukulele with guitar shaped sunburst body, soft case (2)
Good1570.£80-120Lachenal & Co English concertina with forty-eight metal buttons on rosewood ends, with five-fold bellows and within original case **This concertina and case are in exceptionally good condition.
fourteen string theorbo lute, unlabelled, with multi-section bowl back, spruce top with three fret carved sound holes and stylised long neck, within a bespoke Kingham hard case, total length 71"
Settino 120 bass piano accordion, green marble finish, also a Vissimio 120 bass button piano accordion, green marble finish, both in need of restoration (2)
Late£60-901557.19th century five string banjo, inscribed Geo P. Matthew, maker on a silver plate attached to the neck heal with 12 1/2" skin and mother of pearl star and dot inlay to the fretboard
mandolin circa 1900 by and stamped Mario Casella, Catania on the spruce table, with butterfly scratchplate, chevron and mother of pearl bandings, case
English1564.£20-40concertina with forty-eight bone buttons on rosewood ends, five-fold bellows, rosewood case £100-1501565.Pearshaped mandolin with decorated spruce table and open peg box, Old1566.£30-50caserosewood
Gibson Uke-1 ukulele inscribed 'The Gibson' to the head, with ivory banded table and ivory pegs, within the original fitted case
Martin 3-K ukulele, stamped C.F. Martin & Co, Nazareth, P.A. to the back of the headstock, with ivory bound table, back and sound hole, within a fitted case
ukulele labelled 'Keech' Longscale Ukulele, Model B no. 134...Sole Distributors John E. Dallas & Sons, Ltd, also bearing the Keech trademark shield to the headstock, with ivory bound table, back and sound hole, within a fitted case £150-200
Antique1573.£200-300lute in need of restoration, unlabelled, the bowl back with thirteen maple ribs, original hard case
'The Waikiki Ukulele', with herringbone banded table and sound hole, bearing the maker's trade label and badge to the head, within a fitted case
Kumalae1576.£180-240ukulele with herringbone banded table and sound hole, bearing the maker's trademark brand to the head, within a contemporary fitted case
Good1572.contemporary lute, unlabelled, the bowl back with eleven alternating wooden ribs, within original bespoke fitted hard case
1570 (See page 8) 1578 1579 1574
Guzheng1574.£150-250Chinese zither harp (raft), with twenty-one strings, within a red lacquered case, with black lacquered recessed panels decorated in relief with flowering trees, 64" long overall, cased
Scarlatti1575.£300-400forty-eight button piano accordion with three switches, cased

Five1586.£80-120casestring zither banjo with rosewood inlaid resonator, the fretboard and open head profusely inlaid with geometric mother of pearl designs, 8.75"
10 Buyer's Premium of 22% + VAT (26.4% Inclusive of VAT) GARDINER HOULGATE
The1584.£600-800Windsor Model 3 Banjolin, stamped to the headstock and inscribed The Windsor Pyxe, 94 Newhall St B'ham.Inc on the silver plated tail plate, also bearing the Windsor 'Premier' trademark plate screwed to the perch pole, 10.5" skin, within a fitted case
unique Bacon & Day Montana Silver Bell Ne Plus Ultra No. 6 banjo, with ornate gold plated pierced and engraved resonator, inscribed B & D Silver Bell no. 6 Ne Plus Ultra on the resonator ring guard, also inscribed on the headstock, with ivorine inlaid back, 11" skin and decorative inlay to the fretboard, also carved with a dragon to the heel, within the original fitted case
158215871581 1583
Dallas E banjolele, with geometric mother of pearl inlay to the fretboard, bearing an inlaid mother of pearl scroll plaque to the headstock inscribed George Formby and stamped E/1130 verso, within a fitted case
** One of only three of this particular model made
Dallas E banjolele, with geometric mother of pearl inlay to the fretboard, bearing an inlaid mother of pearl scroll plaque to the headstock inscribed George Formby and stamped E/1108 verso, within a fitted case
Early1585.20th Century Slingerland banjolele, with birds eye maple resonator,
Rare1581.A. de Vekey & Son longscale style 4 ukulele labelled the 'de Vekey' ukulele (Foreign, Style 4, Specially designed for the sweetness and quality of tone by A. de Vekey & Son, Bournemouth, England) in four styles nos. 1, 2, 3 and 4, with decorative mother of pearl entwined banded table and sound hole, with geometric mother of pearl inlay to the fretboard and open peg box inscribed de Vekey, within a fitted case

**This mandolin is in generally very good condition and has professionally made later bridge There are no visible cracks or repairs to the instrument, just some slight wear on the table above the bridge £5000-7000 Hofner1588. F-Style mandolin with sunburst finish, within a fitted case
1589. Fine and rare Gibson F-5 style mandolin, made in May 1957 and bearing the standard Gibson Guaranteed label no. A 27908, also inked U1293 1 to the inner back ,with maple back and sides and spruce table, sunburst finish, mother of pearl rectangular slot inlay to the fretboard, within original brown rectangular hardshell case
Paramount Style A banjo, with ebony and boxwood banded maple resonator, 11" skin, geometric mother of pearl inlay to the fretboard and inscribed to the headstock 'Wml Lange, Paramount Style A' within scrolling foliage, hard case
The1590.See1589.£500-750insertWindsor Model 4 Banjolin, stamped to the headstock and bearing the Windsor 'Popular' trade plate screwed to the perch pole, also inscribed The Windsor Pyxe on the tailpiece, 10.75" skin and mother of pearl dot markers to the fretboard, case
Framus1591.£80-120electric mandola, the faux marble scratchplate with three tuners and two pickups, sunburst finish, soft case
Good1593.£600-800contemporary ukulele by and labelled Blackbird, Clara Concert, serial 20320216BCUE, Made in San Francisco, with pear shaped body and original semi-rigid case£600-8001588 1592
1595 (See page 12)1596 (See page 12)

12 Buyer's Premium of 22% + VAT (26.4% Inclusive of VAT)
Romanian bouzouki labelled Ozark, for Stentor Music Co. Ltd, soft case; also a contemporary Blue Moon pear shaped mandolin, model no. GR3120, soft case (2)
renaissance seven course lute by and labelled B. Thomas, Luthier, Hereford; also signed and dated in pencil on the label 26.12.82, the satinwood bowl back with nine ribs and with spruce table, hard case (case at fault)
Four1603.£300-500piece drum kit; also a Boosey & Hawkes Ajax snare drum (5)
circa 1890 stamped Artist Banjo, Made by Thompson & Odel & Co, Boston, no. 3591 on the perch pole, with 11" skin, case
Laydie style banjo, with faux tortoiseshell and inlaid segmented maple resonator, 11" skin and mother of pearl position markers on the fretboard, within a contemporary case
English ukulele by and labelled Robert Aldington, Great Missenden, no. 12 date 18 Jan 2021..., with walnut back and sides, spruce table and mother of pearl marker dot inlay to the fretboard, gig bag
£20-401600.Largequantity of mainly lute sheet music
five string zither banjo, with 10.5" skin, soft case £40-80
Fusion£700-9001599.semi-rigid banjo case; also a double Gretsch ukulele gig bag and two boxed Barnes & Mullins T.G.I. Musicians gig bags, new/old stock (4)
UB2 banjo ukulele circa 1930s, with mahogany resonator, fourteen tension rods and 8" skin, with a Hunleth Music Co. retail plate to the headstock, within a Savage & Hoy fitted case
£250-450 1607 (See 13) 1608 (See 13)
Good1602.four piece Sonor drum kit; also two Boosey & Hawkes Ajax snare drums, foot pedal and a stand
TB2 tenor banjo circa 1925, with dark stained resonator, serpentine flange, mother of pearl stylised foliate inlay to the fretboard, no. 8066-14, within original fitted case
**This banjo also retains the original case which is worn and taped

- 1800
**This piano has been officially registered with GOV.UK Reference DXHBUX3H
early 19th century French mahogany square piano, inscribed L'Epine, Boulevard Montmartre no. 10 á Paris, 1806 on the satinwood fascia board; also inscribed internally on the sound board Jean Caspar Kiening, Rue St Martin, no. 245 á Paris, 1805, with ivory naturals and ebony accidentals, supported upon circular brass bound tapering legs, 60.5" wide
Zachary1610.£300-500Taylor electro-acoustic tenor ukulele; Back and sides: Ziricote; Top: spruce; Neck: maple; Fretboard: rosewood; Electrics: working, Fishman Kula pickup; Case: original hard case; Scale length: 430mm; Overall condition: very good
**This piano also bears a partially legible label stuck to the pine sound board cover inscribed Lement Dan... £2000-4000
Victorian1611.£300-400mahogany and rosewood duet adjustable music stand, the pierced lyre ledges supported upon a gun barrel column and three fluted scrolling legs Victorian£300-5001612.mahogany duet music stand, the ledges decorated with lyres and with brass candle sconces to either side, supported upon an adjustable baluster turned column and triform plateau raised upon bun £500-700feetLOTS1613 NO LOTS 1611 1612 1609
Good1609.mid 19th century mahogany grand piano by and inscribed Boisselot & Fils, Facteurs du Roi, Marseilles on the fascia board, also inscribed with the maker's name and no. 635 on the sound board, straight strung, within a fine figured mahogany case with boxwood banding, supported upon slender baluster turned legs terminating in brass caps and castors, 68" long overall, 45.5" wide
*Designed by Zachary Taylor and made in Vietnam under his supervision
Professional B22 electronic musette piano accordion, with one hundred and twenty bass buttons, twentyseven switches and six volume controls, case; also with an electric Midi controller, case Good1607.£300-500contemporary fiddle back mahogany cased clavichord by Hugh Gough of London, inscribed Hugh Gough + London + MCMLI on the fascia board and stamped Hugh Gough Maker inside, within an attractive crossbanded case supported upon a trestle stand, 57.25" wide Interesting£300-5001608.

French1814.£40-80six-holed single key duct flute circa 1920-1930, stamped Kandowski/C.G.I.M/Paris; also another late 19th century six-holed single key duct flute stamped Crown/Model/Shepherd pipe/London/ Improved, within original cardboard box and a late 19th century piccolo with four nickel salt spoon keys on wooden blocks stamped J. Farquharson/London (stopper cap missing) (3) £40-80
Good1803.£2000-2500Selmer model 26 gold lacquered alto saxophone, circa 1928, inscribed Henri Selmer Paris, 4 Place Dancourt, Paris, France, ser. no. 8754, Local Agents Bennett Bros 30 Tuppett Lane, Sheffield, crook and mouthpiece, case C.G1804.£1500-2000ConnLtd.
Fine1801.cocuswood flute by and stamped Wolf & Figg, London, with eight silver keys on wooden blocks and silver turned ferrules, sounding length 23", total length 26.5", within a rosewood case
14 Buyer's Premium of 22% + VAT (26.4% Inclusive of VAT)
Fine1802.£1500-2000cocuswood flute by and stamped Rudall & Rose, no. 15 Plazza, Covent Garden, London no. 1473, with eight silver keys on wooden blocks and silver engine turned embouchure plate, sounding length 23", total length 25.75", rosewood case
Eight1805.£1000-1500casevariousmusical instrument cases comprising fitted case for sixteen mouthpieces, four flute cases, two concertina cases and a trumpet case (8)
Brass & Woodwind
Two1808.£200-300oldrosewood flutes with eight nickel keys (both in need of restoration) (2) £100-150 1804
Odyssey1806.£20-40 metal flute, ser. no. 67513606, case; also a French clarinet stamped F. Buisson, Paris, another unnamed clarinet, both cased and a small selection of various flute and clarinet joints etc
Interesting1809. old rosewood flute in the form of a truncheon, 15.75" long Old1810.£200-300stained maple wood bassoon, unstamped Old1811.£150-300bugleby and stamped A.F. Matthews and an early 20th century antler hunting horn; also various wind instrument sections and parts
18021801 1803
Old1812.£25-50etcblackwood eight key flute
Two1807.£30-60old rosewood flutes with eight silver mounted salt spoon keys on wooden blocks, one stamped T. Harrison, Birmingham (both in need of restoration) (2)
**The piccolo head has a second joint incorporating a turning slide
12M 'Crossbar' Baritone Saxophone, 1925, ser. no. M156704,
Oscar1813.£20-40Adler of Markneukirchen soprano recorder in A stamped Sonora/Musikhaus Koch/Munchen, with German fingering; also a Voglander csakan with alternative interchangeable piccolo head, circa 1930, stamped Wunderlich/Siebenbronn (2)

ebonised alto clarinet, ser. no. P145, with aluminium horn, Selmer1824.£200-400casemodel
Selmer M-Series clarinets in A and B-flat, ser. nos. M8341 and N256, case £500-700 Three1821. cased clarinets; Boosey & Hawkes Regent Model, Normandy plastic model and a Boosey & Hawkes 1010 Symphony Model (3) (17691822.£40-80& 1885) Four various cased silver plated flutes; Boosey & Hawkes Emperor Model, W.T. Armstrong with sterling body and head, Rudall Carte Louis Model A and an Armstrong Heritage Model (4) (1079)1823.£60-100Selmer
Selection1817.£60-100 of nine various brass, tin and white metal whistles by various makers, including Charles Mathieu, I & H of London, Clarke of Manchester, C. Ullman of Paris etc plated alto saxophone, low pitch, no. 70071, with crook, mouthpiece and case; also 'The Regent' brass saxophone, without keywork and a Hawkes & Son blackwood clarinet (3) Old1819.£80-140Italian wooden Cor Anglais by and stamped A.M. Bottali, Milano Pair1820.£60-100ofH.
English1816.£50-100boxwood flageolet with four keys stamped Jewell, England (D sharp key missing); also a six-holed single key duct flute stamped with a Crown and inscribed: Improved/Patent/Voice/Flute/London/D and another duct flute/keyed recorder, possibly late 19th century Italian, within original fitted case (3)
**The duct flute/keyed recorder is a rare instrument with four keys and flageolet style spacing studs. The small first hole and large fifth hole are characteristic of Improved Octave flageolets
26 silver plated tenor saxophone inscribed H. Selmer 4, Place Dancourt, Paris, France, no. 8490 (circa 1928), British Agents J. Heyworth & Son, Blackpool, with crook, Berg Larson mouthpiece, fitted case **This saxophone has been in the same family since 1939 and is sold with the original hire purchase receipt card and some early black and white photographs of the instrument being played £300-500 1820 1823 1824 1825 (See page 1825)
Three1815. various French flageolets stamped Jerome Thibouville-Lamy, Noblet et Thibouville, Gyssens and Ivry-la-Bataille (mouthpiece missing); also an English single key flageolet and a composite piccolo/ Voglander German four key flageolet, within the original cardboard box (the wind cap and head do not fit the body, although the piccolo head does) (5)

horn by and inscribed Alliance, J.R. Lafleur & Sons Ltd, London.Paris.New York, Foreign, L.P no. 52873, mouthpiece, case; also another French brass horn in need of restoration, mouthpiece, case (2)
Small2006.£50-80early 20th century viola, 15 1/2", 39.40cm
Early2010.£50-8020th century double purfled violin labelled Maggini, 14 1/2", Late2011.£100-15036.80cm19thcentury Bavarian violin with carved lion's head scroll, 14 1/16", 35.70cm, two bows, case; also a late 19th century German three-quarter size violin labelled Aegidius Klotz..., 13 1/8", 33.30cm Contemporary2012.£100-150(2) Czechoslovakian viola, 15 1/2", 39.40cm; also an electric skeleton violin, black finish and a small quantity of violin fittings including pegs and tailpieces etc
Part Violins1 & Violas
Mid2016.£50-8019th century transitional violin, 14", 35.60cm 19th2017.£100-150century violin in need of restoration, bearing an illegible label, 14 3/16", 36cm
Interesting2018.£60-100 19th century violin in need of restoration and labelled Ignatio Bentze..., 13 15/16", 35.40cm £100-200
LOTS£60-1001827 - 2000 NO LOTS
16 Buyer's Premium of 22% + VAT (26.4% Inclusive of VAT)
Contemporary2002.£100-200 Bavarian style eccentric violin, within an old leather case; together with a Maidstone violin, over-painted in blue, case (2)
19th2015.£50-100century violin with tapered fingerboard, 14 1/16", 35.70cm
Stroviols2009.£80-140concert model fiddle with single string and brass horn, bearing the maker's trademark circular disc screwed to the side
Yamaha2001. SV-110 electric skeleton violin, within an associated oversized Silver Lining mandolin hard case
old seven-eighth size violin in need of extensive restoration, unlabelled, 13 13/16", 35.10cm; also a contemporary miniature violin with case and three various bow cases
Two2013.£60-100good double violin cases; also another single oblong violin case
Eastern2007.£300-500European violin circa 1930, 14", 35.60cm £30-50
tenor saxophone by and inscribed on the bell Made by C.G. Conn Ltd, Elkhart-Ind, U.S.A., circa 1928; also inscribed Patd. Dec. 8.1914, 1119954T M253929 L, crook, case **This saxophone is in need of re-plating but all parts appear to be present
Early2003.£50-10020th century Bavarian violin with lion's head scroll, 14 1/8", 35.90cm, case
Amadeus2004.£100-2001 electric violin, within a Hidersine double violin case£100-2002005.Contemporary English boat shaped pochette by and labelled Richard Phipp, August 1997, with bow and tube
Interesting2008. old Stradivari copy violin in need of restoration, 14 3/16", 36cm; also two early 20th century German violins and a three-quarter size violin (three bows)
Three2028.£50-100old violins in need of restoration; also five violin necks and scrolls
Five2029.£200-300goodquality gouges and chisels, one branded Stanley
Small2034.£200-250mid19th century viola, 14 15/16", 37.90cm
19th2033.£200-300century German violin, 14 1/8", 35.90cm
Good2038.£200-250late19th century French violin in need of restoration, 14 1/8", German2039.£200-40035.90cmviolalabelled Hermann Dolling, 15 3/4", 40cm
Small2041.£100-200German viola labelled Jakobus Stainer..., circa 1890, 15 1/16", Late2042.£100-15038.30cm19thcentury German violin, 13 15/16", 35.40cm
Interesting2032.£50-80 and rare matchstick violin, 14 5/16", 36.40cm; also a Stentor student child's violin outfit, 11 1/8", 28.20cm, bow, case (2)
Box2031.of assorted early Strad magazines (around 100)
Early2025.£200-25020th century German violin, 14 3/8", 36.50cm, case
French2022.£100-200violin labelled Breton Brevete, De S.A.R.Me, also branded Breton on the button, 14", 35.60cm
School violin labelled Francisco Lupot..., 14 1/8", Late2024.£200-25035.90cm19thcentury three-quarter size violin stamped Turner, London below the button, 13 3/16", 33.50cm
Box2027.£80-120ofvarious stringed instrument bridges; also a box of violoncello tailpieces, spikes and a bag of Madder root
Early2037.£150-20020th century German violin, 14 1/16", 35.70cm
Early2044.£50-8020th century German violin, 14 3/16", 36cm, within a W.E. Hill & Sons £200-250case
by and labelled Thomas Guil.Barlow.fecit Apud cedis Stonehmenses, Southantoni, Anno 1923, 14 3/16", French2021.£80-12036cmviolin labelled Jacques Leclerc..., 14 1/16", 35.70cm (sound post crack in the back)
Late2019.19th century violin labelled and branded Vuillaume á Paris below the button, 14", 35.60cm; also two other early 20th century full size German violins (3)
Early2035.£200-30020th century German violin, 14 3/16", 36cm
German2043.£150-200violin circa 1900, 14 3/16", 36cm
Box2030.£50-80ofvarious instrument making tools including, planes, files and hammers; also a cased set of drawing instruments £50-80
German2036.£200-250violin circa 1920, 14 1/8", 35.90cm
English2040.£200-300viola by and labelled Robert Raeburn-Smith, Cambridge, Made in 1988, 16 1/4", 41.30cm
Early2026.£100-15020th century German violin labelled Joseph Guarnerius..., 14 1/8", 35.90cm
*This violin is sold with a later table which has been unfinished and in need of varnishing. The violin is sold within an oak case by W.E. Hill & Sons, 140, New Bond Street, London, with fitted green velvet interior
viola labelled Edward Forster..., 1932, 15 3/4", 40cm, case, four bows; also a contemporary viola labelled Gao Chen Shanghai, China 2006, 30 13/16", 40.20cm, case (2)
Early2045.20th century German half size violin labelled Manufactured in Berlin, Special Copy of Antonius Stradivarius, 12 3/16", 31cm, case
19th century violin stamped Brown, London below the button, 14 1/16", 35.70cm
BOOKS Alte2054.Meistergeigen - Beschreriebungen.Expertisen, Band I (Venezianer Schule) and Band II (die Schulen von Mailend Florenz Genua); also Paul de Wit, Leipzig - Geigenzettel Alcer Meister, I and II. Tell and other German stringed instrument reference books
Etienne2055.£60-100(7)Vatelot - Les Archets Francais, Tomes I & II
19th century composite violin in need of completion, stamped A. Murdock twice beneath the button, 14 3/16", 36cm
20th century mahogany fitted coffin shaped violin case by W.E. Hill & Sons, 38, New Bond St, London, with fitted blue velvet interior, the lid fitted with a brass baluster
Early2050.£150-30020th century violin, unlabelled, 14", 35.60cm
18 Buyer's Premium of 22% + VAT (26.4% Inclusive of VAT) GARDINER HOULGATE
**The lock in need of attention, but the zips in good working order
20th century rosewood fitted coffin shaped violin case by W.E. Hill & Sons, 38, New Bond St, London, with birds eye maple and green velvet lined fitted interior, the lid fitted with a carrying handle and foliate pierced oval plate
Early2053.£200-40020th century violin indistinctly labelled and in need of restoration, 14 1/16", 35.70cm £50-80
- The Bow Makers of the Peccatte Family, limited edition 1588/2500; also Richard Sadler - Arthur Bultitude and The Hill Tradition (2) Nine2057.£100-150various books mainly relating to stringed musical instruments (9) Carlo2058.£40-60Chiesa & Duane Rosengard - The Stradivari Legacy, library edition published 1998 Carlo2059.£70-100Chiesa & Duane Rosengard - The Stradivari Legacy, deluxe edition, published 1998 John2060.£140-180Basford & Tim Toft - W.E. Hill & Sons, Violin Makers 1880-1936, library edition Otto2061.£80-120Mockel - Fritz Winckel - Die Kunst Des Geigenbaues, first Jorge2062.£50-80editionPozas - The Golden Age of Violin Making in Spain, limited edition, no. 385-R/1000 LOTS£200-3002063 - 2200 NO LOTS
oblong violin case made by M.A. Gordge, with green lined velvet interior and provision for four bows, light brown outer zipper cover
Twelve2202.£60-100various size nickel mounted contemporary bows, within a twelve division bow case
Bundle2203.£60-100of twenty various size instrument bows (20) Bundle2204.£25-45of twenty various size instrument bows (20)
French2209. silver mounted violin bow stamped M. Lapierre, the stick octagonal, the ebony frog inlaid with silver rings enclosing pearl eyes and with a silver overlaid ebony adjuster, 53gm (without hair)
Early2201.20th century oak and ebony banded six division bow case; also an old mahogany two division bow case bearing the George Withers & Co trademark label, another mahogany single bow case bearing the Hart & Son trademark label and an ebonised single wooden bow case (4)
*Please check CITES regulations regarding export of bows containing elephant ivory prior to purchasing
early English silver mounted violin bow by a member of the Tubbs family with pinned head, unstamped, the stick octagonal, the ebony frog inlaid with pearl eyes (one missing) and with a silver overlaid ebony adjuster, 56gm (without hair)
nickel mounted violin bows in need of restoration to the heads, probably by Ludwig Bausch, one snakewood, unstamped (2)
2207 2208
** The head of this bow has been repaired Nickel2210.£450mounted violin bow stamped C. Thomassin á Paris, the stick round, the ebony frog inlaid with pearl eyes and with a nickel overlaid ebony adjuster, 53gm sale submission reference WYSDB7T4 2210
**This bow is sold with a single wooden bow box bearing the retail label of James Tubbs & Son (Violin Bow Makers, Repairers, Experts & Dealers, 94, Wardour Street, London, W.)
French2208.£300-500violin bow of the Maline School, unstamped, mid 19th century, the stick round, the ebony frog inlaid with pearl eyes and with a bone adjuster, 60gm **This violin bow is sold with a certificate of authenticity from the Cabinet D'Archetiers Experts dated 5th November 2021 £700-1000
Four2205.£25-45nickel mounted German bows 3 stamped Seifert and another Schneider (4)

Silver2215.£50-80mounted violoncello bow by and stamped J. E. Vickers, the stick round, the ebony frog inlaid with silver rings enclosing pearl eyes and the ebony adjuster with two silver bands, 66gm (without hair)
Nickel2211. mounted violin bow stamped Vtor Fetique á Paris, the stick octagonal, the ebony frog inlaid with pearl eyes and the ebony adjuster with two nickel bands, 51gm (without hair)
page 22)
and nickel mounted violin bow by and stamped Charles Bazin-France on the handle and under the lapping, the stick round, the ebony frog inlaid with silver rings enclosing pearl eyes and with a nickel overlaid ebony adjuster, 52gm (without hair) (at fault) £150-250
20 Buyer's Premium of 22% + VAT (26.4% Inclusive of VAT)
German2217.£200-300silver mounted violoncello bow by and faintly stamped Alfred Knoll, the stick round, the ebony frog inlaid with silver rings enclosing pearl eyes and the ebony adjuster with two silver bands, 75gm (without hair)
German2213.£200-300silver mounted violin bow by and stamped R. Weichold, Dresden on one side of the handle and Imitation Tourte on the other, the stick octagonal, the ebony frog inlaid with silver rings enclosing pearl eyes and with a silver overlaid ebony adjuster, 63gm
nickel mounted violin bow stamped Lupot, 50gm (without hair)
Silver2212.£400-600mounted violin bow, unstamped, the stick octagonal, the ebony frog inlaid with silver rings enclosing pearl eyes and the ebony adjuster with two silver bands, 59.50gm
English2216.£150-250silver mounted cane viola bow by and stamped L. Cocker on the handle, also stamped Pat Pending to the other side of the handle, the stick octagonal, the ebony frog inlaid with silver rings enclosing pearl eyes and with a silver overlaid ebony adjuster, 61gm (without hair)
**Ivory sale submission reference KLTYUS4H
German2221.£300-500nickel mounted violin bow by and stamped Aug. Edwin Prager, the stick round, the ebony frog inlaid with pearl eyes and the ebony adjuster with two nickel bands, 63gm £300-500 2211 2213 2221 2222 (See
English2220.£300-500silver mounted viola bow by and stamped John Walker, the stick octagonal, the ebony frog plain and with a silver overlaid ebony adjuster, 66gm (without hair)
English2219. silver mounted violin bow by and stamped Roy Collins, the stick round, the ebony frog inlaid with silver rings enclosing pearl eyes and with a silver overlaid ebony adjuster, 61gm

mounted violin bow stamped Emile Ouchard, the stick round, the ebony frog inlaid with pearl eyes and the ebony adjuster with two silver bands, 50gm mounted double bass bow by and stamped P.W. Bryant, the stick round, the ebony frog inlaid with pearl eyes and with a silver overlaid ebony adjuster, 142gm
LOTS£300-50057.5gm2228-2400 NO LOTS
silver mounted double bass bow by and stamped E.A. Ouchard Fils, the stick round, the ebony frog inlaid with silver rings enclosing pearl eyes and with a silver overlaid ebony adjuster, 139gm mounted violin bow by and stamped R. Weichold, Dresden, the stick octagonal, the ebony frog inlaid with pearl eyes and the ebony adjuster with silver bands, 55gm (without hair); also another nickel mounted violin bow, 56gm (without hair) (2)
mounted violin bow stamped Candi, the stick round, the ebony frog inlaid with pearl eyes and with a silver overlaid ebony adjuster,
BID LIVE AT: 21 2223 2224 2225 Silver2222.mounted violin bow stamped Charles Brugere, the stick octagonal, the ebony frog inlaid with silver rings enclosing pearl eyes and with a silver overlaid ebony adjuster, 62gm French2223.£400-600silver

violin labelled Stefano Caponnetto, Catania-Via Petriera, 45, premiata fabbrica di Strumenti Musicali, Mandolini-Chitarre-VioleBanjos-Ukuleles Specialita in Genere, the back of very faint medium curl with plainish wood to the sides and head, the table of a medium width grain and the varnish of a plum red colour on a golden ground, 14 3/8",
violin labelled Ludovicus Guersan Propé, Comaedian Gallican Lutetiae, Anno 176*, the two piece back of faint medium curl with similar wood to the head, the sides of plainish wood, the table of a fine width grain and the varnish of a golden-brown colour, 14", 35.60cm, case (table sound post crack)
Good2403.£4500-6500French violin by and labelled H. Emile Blondelet, Luthier á 561, the one piece back of plainish wood with similar wood to the sides and head, the table of a medium width grain widening to the flanks on the bass side, the varnish of a reddish-brown colour on a golden ground, 14 1/4", 36.20cm
22 Buyer's Premium of 22% + VAT (26.4% Inclusive of VAT) GARDINER HOULGATE
**This violin is sold with a modern German violin bow stamped W. Dorfler £1000-2000 24022401
**This violin is sold with a certificate of authenticity (Certificat de Garantie) from H. Emile Blondelet of Paris dated 1926 and signed by E. Blondelet
Good2402.£1500-200036.50cmviolinlabelled Joseph Hel, Luthier á Lille 1891; also inked to the inner back no. 325, Exposition Universelle Paris 1889, Medaille D'or. and branded J. Hel below the end button, the two piece back of medium curl with similar wood to the sides and head, the table of a medium width grain and the varnish of a reddish-brown colour on a golden ground, 14 1/16", 35.70cm

labelled Lutherie Moderne, Louis Poirsons, Luthier, no. 246, 1912, the two piece back of faint medium curl with similar wood to the sides and head, the table of a medium width grain and the varnish of a light reddish-brown colour on a golden ground, 14 1/4", 36.20cm, bow, case **This violin is sold with a purchase receipt from Johan C. Hock dated 10th February 1943
Interesting2408.£500-700 Hardanger fiddle with eight strings (four bowed and four sympathetic), with profuse geometric mother of pearl inlay to the tailpiece, fingerboard and pegs, with animal head carved scroll finial, 14", 35.60cm, old case £500-800
Tertis Model viola by and labelled Wilfred G. Saunders, 93 Julian Road, West Bridgford, Nottingham, no. 23, 1960, the one piece back of faint medium curl with similar wood to the sides and head, the table of a fine width grain and the varnish of a reddish-brown colour on a golden ground, 16 11/16", 42.40cm, case
violin by and labelled William Walton, Maker, Preston.A.D. 1924, no. 65, the two piece back of fine/medium curl with similar wood to the sides and head, the table of a broad width grain and the varnish of a light reddish and golden-brown colour, 14 1/16", 35.70cm
BID LIVE AT: 23 240824024075 2406 Good2405.English

24 Buyer's Premium of 22% + VAT (26.4% Inclusive of VAT) GARDINER HOULGATE
English2413.£300-500violin by and labelled Gordon Campbell, Hereford 1984, no. 5 (21), 14", 35.60cm, case
Interesting2418.£1000-150019th century violin labelled Luigi Carlos, 14 3/16", 36cm, £400-600case 2414
19th2412.£300-500casecenturyfive string viola, 15 1/16", 38.30cm, case
Good2417.£800-1200English viola by and labelled Paul Bowers, Newark 1985, the one piece back inlaid with geometric purfling to the centre and of wild flame with similar wood to the sides, the head of a fine curl, the table of a medium width grain and the varnish of a reddish-brown colour on a golden ground, 16 1/4", 41.30cm, bow, case
19th2410.£300-500Century violin bearing an indecipherable label, 14 1/4", 36.20cm,
English2411.£250-350caseviolaby and labelled T.J. Geever, Leicester 1980, 16 3/8", 41.60cm,
Interesting2409. late 18th/early 19th century violin bearing a repairer's label dated 1953, 14 3/16", 36cm ** This violin has a grafted neck and retains the original scroll
violin labelled Bernhard Fendt, Fecit Anno, 1793, the two piece back of faint medium fine curl with plainish wood to the sides and head, the table of a fine width grain slightly widening to the flanks and the varnish of a reddish-brown colour on a golden ground, 14 3/16", 36cm, bow, case
Interesting2414.£200-300 old viola, unlabelled, the one piece back of plainish wood with similar wood to the sides, the head of faint medium curl, the table of a fine width grain and the varnish of a dark reddish-brown colour on a golden ground, 16 3/16", 41.10cm, matched case
Interesting2415.£4000-6000violin labelled Jacobus Stainer in Absan..., the one piece back of faint medium curl with similar wood to the sides and head, the table of a fine width grain and the varnish of a plum red colour on a golden ground, 14", 35.60cm
**The bow has an ivory face and the sale submission reference is 3Q3Y3NRX

Interesting2419. early 19th century violin labelled Andréa Castagneri..., the two piece back of plainish wood with similar wood to the sides, the head of faint medium curl, the table of a fine width grain and the varnish of a light reddish-brown colour on a golden ground, 14 3/16", 36cm
and early 19th century English viola, unlabelled, the two piece back of irregular flame with similar wood to the head, the sides of medium curl, the table of a fine width grain and the varnish of a golden-brown colour, 15", 38.10cm, bow, case by and labelled Mathias Neuner, Geigenmacher in Mittenwald, 1882, Nro. 94, the two piece back of very faint medium curl with plainish wood to the sides and head, the table of a medium width grain and the varnish of a dark plum red colour on a golden ground, 14 3/16", £300-40036cm 24) 2420 2421
Interesting2420.£600-900 violin circa 1820, the scroll carved with an extra turn, the two piece back of very faint medium curl with similar wood to the sides, the head of plainish wood, the table of a fine width grain slightly widening to the flanks and the varnish of a light reddish-brown colour on a golden ground, 14", 35.60cm

26 Buyer's Premium of 22% + VAT (26.4% Inclusive of VAT) GARDINER HOULGATE
violin of the Colin School circa 1900, the two piece back of faint medium curl with similar wood to the sides, the head of a finer curl, the table of a fine width grain widening to the flanks and the varnish of a golden-brown colour, 14 3/16", £800-120036cm 2424
German2423. violin labelled Johann Christian Fiker, Lauden und Geigenmacher, in Neukirchen Bev Adolf, with chevron banded outline, 14 3/16", 36cm English2424.£200-300viola labelled William Forster, the one piece back of fine curl with plainish wood to the sides and later head, the table of a medium/fine width grain and the varnish of a reddish-brown colour on a golden ground, 15 1/16", 38.30cm 19th2425.£1000-1500century violin, possibly Scottish, unlabelled, the two piece back of faint medium/fine curl, the sides of medium curl, the head of plainish wood, the table of fine width grain widening to the flanks and the varnish of a reddish-brown colour on a golden ground, 14", Interesting2426.£300-50035.60cm violin labelled Benardo Calcarnie, Cremona, Anno 1875 and signed on the label, the two piece back of broad curl with similar wood to the head, the sides of plainish wood, the table of a fine width grain and the varnish of a light reddish-brown colour on a golden ground, 14 1/16", 35.70cm, case Neuner2427.£700-1000&Hornsteiner violin circa 1880, the two piece back of very faint medium curl with plainish wood to the sides and head, the table of a medium width grain and the varnish of a dark brown colour on a golden ground, 14", 35.60cm Mittenwald2428.£350-550 violin circa 1890, 14", 35.60cm £300-400 Interesting2429. English violin of the Furber School circa 1800, the two piece back of faint medium curl with similar wood to the sides, the head of plainish wood, the table of a fine width grain and the varnish of a reddish-brown colour on a golden ground, 13 15/16", 35.40cm English2430.£800-1200violin of the Furber School circa 1780, unlabelled, in need of restoration, 13 15/16", 35.40cm **This violin retains its original neck French2431.£400-800Mirecourt

BID LIVE AT: 27 (See2431page 26) 2434 2435 2436 Tyrolean2432. violin labelled Carlo Bergonzi..., 14 3/16", 36cm Dresden2433.£400-600viola labelled Josef Guarnerius...,15 3/8", 39.10cm Mittenwald2434.£400-600 violin circa 1890, the two piece back of very faint medium curl with similar wood to the sides and head, the table of a broad width grain and the varnish of a reddish-brown colour on a golden ground, 14 1/8", 35.90cm Good2435.£500-750French violin labelled Mermillot, á Paris, Universelle de Paris 1889..., the one piece back of wild flame with broad curl to the sides and head, the table of a fine width grain and the varnish of a light reddish-brown colour on a golden ground, 14", Fine2436.£2000-300035.60cmFrenchviolin by and labelled Fait par Paul Blanchard, á Lyon en 188* no.***, the two piece back of medium curl with similar wood to the sides and head, the table of a medium width grain and the varnish of an orange-brown colour on a golden ground, 14 3/16", 36cm £4000-6000

violin by and labelled Thomas Howells Mann, Bedford, 1912, the one piece back of medium/broad curl with similar wood to the sides and head, the table of a fine width grain widening to the flanks and the varnish of a light reddish colour on a golden ground, 13 7/8", £1200-160035.20cm 2437
by and labelled Arnold Voigt, Geigenmacher, Markneukirchen, Sachsen, the two piece back of faint medium curl with similar wood to the sides and head, the table of a fine width grain widening to the flanks and the varnish of a golden-brown colour, 14 3/16", 36cm
by and labelled J. Didelot, Lutherie Lorraine, the one piece back of faint medium curl with similar wood to the sides and head, the table of a fine width grain slightly widening to the flanks and the varnish of a light reddish-brown colour on a golden ground, 14 3/16", 36cm
28 Buyer's Premium of 22% + VAT (26.4% Inclusive of VAT) GARDINER HOULGATE 2438 2439 2440 Fine2437.English
violin by and labelled Joseph A. Chanot, Violin Maker, 157, Wardour St., London, W., Est 1821, the two piece back of medium curl with similar wood to the sides and head, the table of a medium width grain and the varnish of a golden-brown colour, 14", 35.60cm violin is sold with a certificate of authenticity from John Dyke dated February 16th, 1972

Late2448.19th century Mirecourt viola, unlabelled, 16 1/16", 40.80cm Late2449.£300-50018th/early 19th century violin of the Klotz School, the two piece back of faint medium curl with similar wood to the sides and head, the table of a fine width grain and the varnish of a reddishbrown colour on a golden ground, 15 7/16", 39.20cm, case English2450.£600-900viola by and labelled Robert John Ramond, West Bergholt, Essex, 1987, 16 5/16", 41.40cm English2451.£250-450violin labelled W. Glenister, 23 Beak St. London W. 1893, the two piece back of fine curl with faint medium curl to the sides and head, the table of a broad width grain and the varnish of a light reddish-brown colour on a golden ground, 13 15/16", £800-120035.40cm 24492443 2451
French2441. violin by and labelled H. Clotelle, 14 3/16", 36cm
Early2442.£400-60020th century German violin, 14 5/16", 36.40cm
French violin labelled H.C. Silvestre..., the two piece back of fine curl with faint medium curl to the sides and head, the table of a medium width grain widening to the flanks and the varnish of a light reddish-brown colour on a golden ground, 14", of the Berlin School, 14 1/8", 35.90cm circa 1890, 14 1/8", 35.90cm
violin in need of further restoration labelled Joseph Guarnerius..., the two piece back of medium curl with similar wood to the sides and head, the table of a medium grain and the vanish of a light reddish-brown colour on a golden ground, 14 3/16", 36cm English2447.£400-600viola by and labelled Harold Lester Styles, Bath 1979, the two piece back of broad curl with similar wood to the sides, the head of medium curl, the table of a medium width grain and the varnish of a light reddish-brown colour on a golden ground, 16 3/16", £400-60041.10cm

Interesting2454.£1000-1500early violin with old repairs, unlabelled, the two piece back of faint medium curl with similar wood to the sides and head, the table of a fine width grain and the varnish of a plum red colour on a golden ground, 14", 35.60cm
30 Buyer's Premium of 22% + VAT (26.4% Inclusive of VAT) GARDINER HOULGATE 245324542452
Late2457.£250-35019thcentury child's violin, 11 3/16", 28.40cm LOTS£200-3002458 - 2500 NO LOTS
Harley2501. Benton contemporary electric stick double bass, stand, soft Early2502.£150-200case20th century French violoncello in need of extensive restoration, 29 7/8", 75.90cm Good2503.£100-200English violoncello circa 1830 from The Kennedy Workshop, unlabelled, the two piece back of plainish wood with similar wood to the sides and head, the table of a medium width grain and the varnish of a dark brown colour on a golden ground, 29", 73.70cm £1500-2000
viola by and labelled Antonio Lechi, Cremona 1923; also signed on the label, the two piece back of faint medium curl with similar wood to the sides and head, the table of a medium/fine width grain and the varnish of a light reddish-brown colour on a golden ground, 15 1/2", 39.40cm, bow, case viola by and labelled J.T.L. Geronimo Barnabetti, Paris, the one piece back of faint medium curl with similar wood to the sides and head, the table of a fine width grain slightly widening to the flanks and the varnish of a light reddish-brown colour on a golden ground, 16 1/16", 40.80cm, case
Good2456.£300-500caseMittenwald child's violin circa 1880, 8 13/16", 22.40cm
Violincellos & Double Basses
Good2455.£1000-2000child'sFrench violin by and labelled Grandjon Pere, 10 3/16", 25.80cm,

violoncello labelled Collins 1987, the two piece back of faint medium curl with similar wood to the sides and head, the table of a medium width grain and the varnish of a light reddish-brown colour on a golden ground, 30", 76.20cm
violoncello circa 1890, the two piece back of faint medium curl with similar wood to the sides and head, the table of a medium/fine width grain and the varnish of a plum red colour on a golden ground, 30", 76.20cm, Hiscox hard case £1200-1600 (See2503page 30) 2507 2505
Violoncello2507. circa 1890, unlabelled, the two piece back of faint medium curl with similar wood to the sides and head, the table of a medium width grain and the varnish of a reddish-brown colour on a golden ground, 30 1/8", 76.50cm £800-1200
Early2504.20th century German violoncello labelled Antonius Stradivarius..., 29 1/2", 74.90cm, bow, hard case

32 Buyer's Premium of 22% + VAT (26.4% Inclusive of VAT) GARDINER HOULGATE
violoncello circa 1890, labelled Antonius Stradivarius Cremona..., the two piece back of very faint medium curl with similar wood to the sides and head, the table of a medium width grain and the varnish of a plum red colour on a golden ground, 29 1/2", 74.90cm
circa 1900, unlabelled, the two piece back of very faint medium curl with similar wood to the sides, the head of plainish wood, the table of a medium/fine width grain and the varnish of a reddish-brown colour on a golden ground, 30", 76.20cm
**This violoncello is sold with a certificate of authenticity from the maker
English violoncello by Joseph Merlin and stamped J. Merlin, London below the button, also bearing the repairer's label of J.W. Briggs of Wakefield dated 1887, the two piece back of faint medium/fine curl, with medium curl to the sides and the head of plainish wood, the table of a medium width grain and the varnish of a reddish-brown colour on a golden ground, 28 3/4", 73cm, hard case
£5000-8000 2250951125102508
Italian violoncello by and labelled Dario Aguzzi in Vidigulfo, Anno 2016; also signed on the label, the two piece back of faint medium curl with similar wood to the sides and head, the table of a fine width grain broadening to the flanks and the varnish of a light reddish-brown colour on a golden ground, 30", 76.20cm

BID LIVE AT: 33 Contemporary2512. small double bass labelled The Stentor 1950 Bass..., with leather pouch and soft case Good2513.£250-35019th century double bass, length of back 45", stop length 25", vibrating string length 43" Late2514.£1500-200019thcentury German double bass, back length 43.5", stop length 23", vibrating string length 39.5" German2515.£300-500double bass circa 1890, back length 43.5", stop length 23.5", vibrating string length 41" £1000-1500 Early2516.20th century German double bass, back length 45.75", stop length 25", vibrating string length 42.75" Good2517.£300-50019th century French double bass, unlabelled, the two piece flat back of faint narrow curl with similar wood to the sides, the head of plainish wood, the table of a broad width grain and the varnish of a light reddish-brown colour on a golden ground, length of back 45.5", stop length 24.5", vibrating string length 42.25" Good2518.£3000-5000andinteresting 19th century double bass, back length 43.25", stop length 23.25" and approximate vibrating string length 41.5", soft £1000-2000case 2513 2515 2517 2518

double bass modelled after Vuillaume of Paris, possibly from the Thibouville-Lamy workshop circa 1910, the two piece swell back of faint medium curl with similar wood to the sides and head, the table of a medium width grain and the varnish of a reddish-brown colour on a yellow ground, length of back 48", stop length 26.25", vibrating string length 44"
** This double bass has been owned by professional Musician Roy Babbington since 1967 having previously being owned by Colin O'Brien deceased of Stockton who purchased it in Germany circa 1960. No history is known prior to 1960. Roy has been a professional musician since 1958 and was voted best British bassist in the Melody Maker jazz poll in 1974. More biographical details about the career of Roy can be found on the internet including images of him with the instrument. A well kept secret about this bass is that it was played by Roy and heard on the famous Hamlet cigar advert jingle. This fact, and further provenance about the bass, has been written up in an article by Roy and can be seen in one of the images posted on the internet websites.
Fine2520.£2000-3000Frenchdouble bass attributed to Leon Bernardel of Paris circa 1880, the two piece swell back of handsome medium curl with similar wood to the sides and head, the table of a broad width grain and the varnish of a rich red-brown colour on a golden ground, back length 45", stop length 24", vibrating string length 42.25"
*This instrument is in a very good state of preservation except for an old questionable repair to the neck, so the double bass is sold with a maple neck block which has been carefully chosen to match the wood curl and could be used to replace the current neck block.
34 Buyer's Premium of 22% + VAT (26.4% Inclusive of VAT) GARDINER HOULGATE
Fine2521.double bass ex Roy Babbington made by Albert Volkmann of Schönbach circa 1910, and bearing the maker's trademark monogram stamped on the button on the back; also bearing the retail label of Karl Hammerschmidt & Sohne, Watzkenreuth and various other repair labels to the inner back, the peg box fitted with four separate brass machine heads; also fitted with a Stefan Krattenmacher bridge, (the original bridge carved with Albert Volkmann's monogram is also retained), the two piece swell back of narrow curl with similar wood to the sides and head, the table of a narrow/medium grain and the varnish of a plum red colour on a golden ground, with a bespoke Stephenson hard flight case covered overall with worldwide destination labels
END OF SALE 2519 25252021
*This instrument is generally in a very good state of preservation and the scroll bears four nickel-plated French style machine heads

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