On behalf of our Board of Directors, we extend our gratitude to the Greater Bexar County Area, the City of San Antonio, our neighboring Eastside community, and every volunteer and supporter invested in Gardopia Gardens. With your continued and unwavering support, our mission of growing healthy communities through garden-based learning is flourishing.
Gardopia Gardens' proudly presents our Annual Impact Report for 2021-2022, highlighting our new and continued projects, partnerships, and progress made throughout the past year. As our city evolves, so do our efforts to meet the needs of our community. We remain steadfast in our mission; we recognize that the connections and relationships made will allow us to effectively work to build a sustainable society, empowered and educated to lead healthy lifestyles through gardening.
As we continue with Covid-19 recovery, we are collectively challenged to learn how to implement resiliency regarding issues like this in the future, such as disturbance to the supply chain for daily goods. With the rising cost of produce, dairy, meat products, and eggs, it is essential to teach our children and community to become more self-sufficient through garden-based learning solutions that are practical and effective.
This year, Gardopia Gardens continues to advance these efforts, building on the foundations made at sites like Democracy Prep at the Stewart Campus, Blessed Sacrament Academy, Young Women’s Leadership Academy Primary, and many other learning institutions we’ve had the privilege of serving. We are blessed to expand our partnerships with local businesses and organizations, such as the City of San Antonio, San Antonio Independent School District, University Health, and many other organizations working in conjunction to envision a healthier environment.
The following report is a culmination of the efforts of the Gardopia Gardens Staff, Board of Directors, and Partnerships made and cultivated to make San Antonio a more healthy and community-focused city.
- Gardopia Gardens Board of Directors65.7%
of adults are overweight or obese in Bexar County 1 in 7
are estimated in San Antonio have Type 2 Diabetes
of Black and Hispanic children are obese, while only 12% of white children are obese in Bexar County
of all the withdrawals from rivers, lakes, and groundwater is used to produce food
global reduction of crop yields are predicted from land degradation and climate change and up to 50 percent in certain regionse
Gardopia Gardens is a 501(c)3 nonprofit agency based in the Near Eastside of San Antonio. The mission of Gardopia Gardens is to grow healthy communities through garden-based learning. We envision a sustainable society, empowered and educated to lead healthy lifestyles through gardening.
Gardopia Gardens has proudly serviced the community for 8 years, promoting health and environmental stewardship by implementing garden-based learning programming in schools, businesses, and community organizations - offering tools, materials, and best practices to ensure the garden's sustainability.
Gardopia Gardens provides 5 programs: Garden-Based Learning, Build-A-Garden & Optimization, Garden Volunteer, Garden Media, and Farmers' Market. These programmatic efforts strategically align with 10 of the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
Goal 2: Zero Hunger
Goal 2: Good Health and Well-being
Goal 4: Quality Education
Goal 9: Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure
Goal 10: Reduced Inequality
Goal 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities
Goal 12: Responsible Consumption and Production
Goal 13: Climate Action
Goal 15: Life on Land
Goal 17: Partnerships to achieve the Goal
Gardopia Gardens seeks to grow healthy communities through garden-based learning. VISION
A sustainable society, empowered and educated to lead healthy lifestyles through gardening
The 2020 - 2023 Strategic Plan provides a detailed narrative of the organization’s direction and outcomes for the next three years. In December 2019, the Board of Directors began the key process of strategic planning. Adhering to the Washington Nonprofit Institute guidelines for Strategic Planning In Nonprofits (SPIN), the board implemented the six elements of planning: preparing, listening, envisioning, executing, and evaluating. This progress resulted in creating 5 Strategic Goals, their related objectives, and outcomes for furthering the future success, impact, and scale of Gardopia Gardens.
As a nonprofit organization, the agency understands that resources are valuable and that these assets must be continuously moving in the aligned direction of the nonprofit’s mission and vision.
Strategic Goal 1 - Increase Organizational Resources for Capacity Building
Objective 1.1: Employ Core Administrative Staff
Objective 1.2: Acquire Headquarters Property & Establish Satellite Offices
Objective 1.3: Develop Organizational Headquarters Property
Strategic Goal 2 - Enhance Educational Programming
Objective 2.1: Utilize Evidence-based & Promising Practices For Academic Curriculum
Objective 2.2: Increase Program Attendance & Reach
Objective 2 3: Integrate Technology Into Programming
Objective 2 4: Develop Program Performance Measures
Strategic Goal 3 - Increase Brand Awareness
Objective 3 1: Redesign Brand Guideline
Objective 3 2: Revise Organization Website
Objective 3 3: Improve Content Marketing
Objective 3 4: Elevate Partnership Branding
Strategic Goal 4 - Modernize & Formalize Data Collection Processes and Analysis
Objective 4 2: Onboard & Implement Data Collection Systems/Procedures
Objective 4 3: Onboard & Implement a Database Management & Analysis System
Objective 4 4: Onboard & Implement a Data Visualization Tools
Strategic Goal 5 - Foster Long Term Sustainable Ecosystem Change at the City & Regional Level
Objective 5 1: Champion Sustainable Consumption Habits
Objective 5 2: Create a Collective Impact in the SA Metro Region
Objective 5 3: Ensure equality and diversity within leadership and staffing
Objective 5 4: Research Autonomous Microfarm Technology Integration
The Garden-Based Learning Program is an evidence-based practice that empowers youth to grow their own food while implementing STREAM academic activities. Topics range from soil science, entomology, composting, sustainability, botany, tool safety, intercropping, and waste reduction. The Garden-Based Learning Program curriculum strongly emphasizes reducing childhood obesity/malnutrition and environmental stewardship.
The Build-A-Garden Program provides garden consultations, custom designs, builds, and ongoing maintenance for the successful growth and longevity of athome, community, school, and business gardens.
The Garden Media Program expands outreach efforts through differentiated media outlets such as the Growing Our Future Podcast and Cultivate San Antonio Magazine This program increases accessibility to educational awareness of the food system, climate science topics, and inspiring stories that move us all to grow healthier communities through collaboration and the sharing of ideas!
The Farmers Market Program is an educational outreach initiative at the North New Braunfels Micro-Farm and The Pearl. On a monthly and seasonal basis, the markets serve as a community resource for exchanging horticultural information, including seasonal vegetation, organic gardening practices, youth activities, consultations, and garden builds & designs.
Gardopia Gardens hosts multiple volunteer days weekly, fostering a sense of community wellness through organic urban agriculture. Community members are welcome to engage in an annual series of educational workshops led by local experts. The ultimate goal is to increase self-sufficiency by empowering individuals and families to grow their own food. Participants are encouraged to 'Adopt-A-Plot' at Gardopia Gardens or build gardens in their homes
8,050 children educated (In-person at schools) & 31,037 individuals educated (Online)
375 classes taught to the community
56 School Garden Beds / Vegetable Beds / Farm Beds Built
6 Internship opportunities provided
2,382 individuals served
8 families/organizations served
92 gardens built/optimized
211 trees planted
3,703 Cultivate San Antonio (Digital Magazine) Readers
168,439 impressions made on Cultivate San Antonio
373 Growing Our Future Podcast Listeners
10,428 total followers on Instagram and Facebook Combined
9 farmers' markets provided
765 individuals reached
42 small businesses supported
36 hours of garden education provided
1294 individual volunteers
2594 hours volunteered
71 garden volunteer workdays
$72,995 16 in-kind revenue generated
17.69% increase in followers from (4045) 2020 - 2021
24.93% increase in followers from (4357) 2020 - 2021
Barkley / Ruiz Elementary - Educational Garden
Baskin Elementary - Educational Garden
Bethel AME - Community Garden
Blessed Sacrament Academy - Educational Garden
Cotton Elementary - Educational Garden
Democracy Prep at the Stewart Campus - Educational Garden
Douglass Elementary - Educational Garden
Ella Austin Community Center - Education Garden
Essence Prep Public School - Educational Garden
Gus Garcia - Educational Garden
Herff Academy - Educational Garden
Highland Park Elementary - Educational Garden
JT Brackenridge Elementary - Educational Garden
Maverick Elementary - Educational Garden
PharmTable - Culinary Garden
Sam Houston High School - Educational Garden
South BBQ - Pollinator Garden
Stonegate Pharmacy - Pollinator Garden
University of the Incarnate Word - Educational Garden
Washington Elementary - Educational Garden
Whiskey Cake - Culinary Garden
Winston Intermediate School of Excellence - Educational Garden
Young Men's Leadership Academy - Educational Garden
Young Women's Leadership Academy Primary - Educational Garden
In the Fall of 2021, the City of San Antonio's Office of Innovation made an impactful investment to support a SMART Irrigation System and Greenhouse for the students, families, and community members of Young Women's Leadership Academy Primary.
Using technology to create real-world solutions is at the forefront of the Office of Innovation. Their contribution continues to uplift the Young Women's Leadership Academy Primary to grow over 1000+ pounds of organic produce annually using sensors that respond to moisture, rainfall, seasonal shift, sunlight, wind, and weather.
As student, Mia Aceves, said, " you just have to press two buttons, and boom, you can water!" "When you ' re away on vacation or something, you can just easily water your plants with your IPad.", mentioned Zoe Collin, a student at Young Women's Leadership Academy Primary.
Elizabeth and Floyd McGown Charitable FundThe financial well-being of Gardopia Gardens is a high priority, and as such, the agency takes ample strides in diversifying its revenue streams apart from grants and donations.
In the fall of 2021, the nonprofit was gifted a stable wooden frame by the Howard Family. Through support from the Cook Family Foundation, volunteers were able to relocate the 15x15 frame to Gardopia Gardens and begin construction on the Garden Shop.
With the additional support from San Antonio for Growth on the Eastside, the organization began insulating, covering, and constructing the interior and exterior of the Garden Shop, allowing for ADA accessibility and building a brand new stage.
This Garden Shop is now a retail location for the nonprofit to sell plants, fertilizers, books, garden apparel, worms, irrigation equipment, and more!
The Garden Shop enhances the ability of the organization to meet the need of Near-Eastside inner-city nursery!
As the organization grows to manage over 25 sites in the 2022 - 2023 fiscal year, securing assets such as a truck and a trailer are essential to reduce the bottom line for schools and community entities by maximizing staff efficiency/project implementation.
Transportation and tools are critical parts of our operations and contribute to the enhancement of overall programming These assets serve as non-recurring costs with a high return-on-investment for Gardopia Gardens and the community at-large.
Through the generous support from our private donors and our annual GoFundMe Champaign, in the 20212022 fiscal year, Gardopia Gardens purchased its first truck and trailer, allowing us to expand our services such as soil, plants, and garden deliveries
These capacity-building enhancements provide the safe utility and transportation of tools, materials, and staff, as the organization continues to expand operations to new locations within the Greater Bexar County Area and beyond.
Gardopia Gardens is proud to celebrate our partnership with San Anto Cultural Arts through the addition of a community mural! This mural was born and brought to life in the beautiful gardens of Gardopia, located at 619 N New Braunfels on San Antonio's Eastside.
With the help of community input and painting, San Anto Cultural Artist, Nomas, used his skills to transform what was a dream into a reality.
See this mural in-person by driving by the gardens, stopping for a visit, volunteering, or attending one of the Gardopia Gardens' upcoming events.
As Gardopia Gardens continues its partnerships to address environmental degradation and locally sourced/accessible nutritious foods, the organization joined the Core Team of the City of San Antonio Parks & Recreation Department's Compassion Tree Project SA We are proud to have adopted-out/planted 211 trees in 2021 - 2022! (See the map above for the locations)
The Compassion Tree Project starts at a local level as a symbolic representation of the commitment and responsibility to re-green the world. It then expands beyond its own location and moves to support already-existing re-greening efforts locally and around the world. The Compassion Tree Project joins us in a single global effort, connecting us all in our common humanity. It mobilizes us to take action to do something about devastated lands and the climate crisis. We will be planting more than bio-diversity –we will also be planting compassion, peacemaking, and economic freedom, thereby restoring our planet’s ecological balance.
Scientists postulate that by 2050, the world population will reach 10 billion people, yielding a higher demand for earth's precious and finite natural resources. Creating a paradigm shift to meet this need for nutritious and ample food stabilization might further environmental degradation if not aligned with sustainable agriculture practices. An alarming 19% of all greenhouse gasses (9 88 billion tons of 52 billion tons globally produced) are contributed by the agricultural and forest industries, according to Breakthrough Energy.
Gardopia Gardens realizes and acts against the growing effects of climate change by using education as an equity tool to enable great change on the city and regional levels
These practices include empowering our communities with the knowledge base to implement more sustainable methods in Urban Agriculture such as SMART irrigation installations, mitigation of waste through compost creation, rainwater harvesting, aqua/hydroponics utility, organic fertilizing methods, local/seasonal variety selections, tree care, and many other essential components.
Gardopia Gardens is a proud partner with the City of San Antonio's Climate Action and Adaptation Plan, which was created to address the present and future impacts of climate change.
This comprehensive plan is the result of a total community engagement effort, moreover, it provides pathways for the following:
Strategies for ensuring economic prosperity and quality of life.
Prioritization of clean air, public health, water quality and conservation, good jobs, transportation choices, clean and secure energy, and emergency preparedness
Supporting market transitions and consumer options, while preparing businesses, residents, and institutions for an unpredictable climate.
Affirming equity and affordability in all strategies to ensure that a Climate Ready San Antonio benefits all residents.
We’re incredibly excited to begin our partnership with Democracy Prep at the Stewart Campus, San Antonio Independent School District, and Democracy Prep Public Schools to implement a brand new garden-based learning program!
The program works alongside the students to provide hands-on learning in irrigation, raised bed preparation, composting, mulching, tree care, and even pollinator gardens!
We love working with the students and staff, uplifting the beauty, education, and environmental care of the campus.
Our young people are taking wide steps forward in leading healthy lifestyles through garden-based learning in their communities!
It s through collaboration and awareness that we are all able to advance the conversation of a healthy food system for individuals and families in the City of San Antonio and the Greater Bexar County Area
Ensuring equitable recovery postCOVID-19 and Winter Storm Uri in a manner that promotes sustainability and resiliency in the midst of acute shocks and chronic stressors is the obligation of all people when planning for a more vibrant future.
Gardopia Gardens' plays a vital role in the mechanism that is the food system.
It s our mission to share best practices and education with individuals to enable them to know the how-tos of organic gardening in urban agriculture.
We are positioned best to serve the community through the education of individuals to lead healthier lifestyles through garden-based learning. This includes servicing over 25+ educational sites, holding community learning opportunities, and advocating for a healthier community environment.
It's here that we strive each day to inspire positive changes in the health behaviors, skills, circumstances, and knowledge of all ages.
The Food System Social at Pharm Table was an incredible experience!
This Food System Social is part of the Annual Gardopia Gardens Food and Nature Education Conference, aimed at raising awareness about our innate connection to what we eat and where it’s sourced from.
The event encouraged engagement from a network of stakeholders. From producers, chefs, educators, advocates, NGOs, and more, the panel offered their insights into the opportunities and challenges the food system is facing in its need to sustain a growing population amid COVID-19 recovery and environmental stressors.
Engaging in dialogue in the food systems addresses multiple aspects of equity regarding land usage, workers' rights. ethical treatment of livestock, transportation practices, CO2 production, accessibility, policy, conservation, and more.
These conversations allow individuals to think bigger and reflect on the interconnection of various aspects of the food system to create a holistic perspective that can raise awareness of healthy norms in the community and culture.
Gardopia Gardens is excited to begin our Gardenbased Learning partnership with Blessed Sacrament Academy, engaging learners as little as 1-years old!
Every week, these scholars are provided hands-on project opportunities and educational classes to help plant, water, and experience the living laboratory. Both guardian and child are engaged in the garden, expanding the love of gardening at a young age and harvesting fresh organic fruits and vegetables for their at-home cuisine!
Blessed Sacrament Academy is home to amazing programs and people who are committed to the development of children and families through hands-on, authentic experiences in a nurturing and safe atmosphere that will build individuals who come to recognize their worth and help them grow in self-love and self-belief.
Gardopia Gardens thanks Woody and Andrew of Earth Repairian for their time spent capturing the story of Gardopia Gardens titled "Food Forest In a Food Desert".
The mini-documentary showcases the growth of Gardopia Gardens from its inception until the present. CEO and Founder, Stephen Lucke, and Brandon Vondera, share insights on diabetes, obesity, and unhealthy lifestyle associated with the Standard American Diet (SAD) "The garden is a special place of renewal and joy," Brandon Vondera comments.
Individuals may watch the mini-documentary on YouTube on the Earth Repairian Channel.
In the Spring of 2022, Gardopia Gardens partnered with Community First Health Plans to found the Inaugural Community Food Pantry at the Gardopia Gardens Headquarters on 619 N. New Braunfels Avenue.
This Food Pantry remains an essential feature of the headquarters, providing non-perishable foods, hygiene products, and more to the thousands of individuals who walk the North New Braunfels Corridor.
Community First Health Plans championed the Spring Farmers Markets, sponsoring the events which provided a safe space for community members to engage in activities such as yoga, music, healthy eating, Zumba, and connections with local organizations that strive to make San Antonio vibrant.
Gardopia Gardens has the privilege of working alongside Alamo Colleges District, the University of Texas at San Antonio, Trinity University, the University of the Incarnate Word, and Texas A&M University-San Antonio in developing high-quality internship opportunities for their students.
Through the capacity of these internship opportunities, these scholars helped transform various projects both at Gardopia Gardens and nearing communal sites.
These internships boost the students' alignment in their career path, refine their skills for future job markets, and expand the network potential to meet with our professional work in the fields of urban agriculture, nutrition, sustainability, education, and more.
Gardopia Gardens held its first annual Garden Awards Gala in August 2021. The Garden Awards Gala honors the extraordinary urban agriculture individuals and organizations that make San Antonio an educated, healthier, and more environmentally sustainable place to work, live, and play!
This celebratory event supports Gardopia Gardens to continue the expansion of its high-quality programming and services to assist individuals in leading healthy lifestyles through garden-based learning.
Cheers to this inspiring occasion that reminds us to continue making the world a better place!
Gardopia Gardens is proud to partner with United Way of San Antonio and Bexar County, the American Rental Association, Texas A&M San Antonio, and Edgewood Independent School District - Winston Intermediate School of Excellence for a garden renovation!
Together the organizations converted roughly 2,000 square feet of grass into a high-production outdoor classroom and garden space.
The garden renovation called for installing 18 raised garden beds, dripline irrigation installation, adding organic compost/fertilizer, and planting over 200+ fruits and vegetable seedlings!
A big thank you to the 75+ volunteers who gave their sweat equity to ensure that this school was able to realize an incredible educational garden that will benefit the students, families, and community for years to come.
The power and presence of community stewardship continue to uplift the advancement of greenspaces as resources for innovation and learning.
What an incredible showcase of community spirit and action as Able City partnered with Gus Garcia and Texas A&M University-San Antonio to plant an entire fruit orchard of 25 trees!
Together with the City of San Antonio's Parks and Recreation, Able City is converting San Antonio into a food forest, one school at a time, transforming spaces into more vibrant and nutritious locations.
These trees have automatic irrigation with bubblers and added t-posts to ensure they grow healthy for the years to come.
By the end of the decade, this asset will become a food forest for students, families, and community members in the Westside of San Antonio and beyond.
Fruit trees provide shade, air purification, stress reduction, habitat, aesthetic beautification, and, most importantly, access to high-quality organic food!
The following data was collected following the language and procedures outlined in the SA2020 Recommendations for Collecting Inclusive Demographic Data.
The City of San Antonio Office of Innovation is proud to support technology advancements at Young Women's Leadership Academy Primary. The students utilized ArcGIS to geo-pin 98 trees on their campus and measure the lengths of their corresponding canopy coverage.
Well done scholars!
$150,204.89 Net Operating
A. Denny
A. Dominguez
A. Duenas
A. Fogel Hammargren
A. Gonzales
A. Riley
A. Toxey
A. Travel
A. Yablonski
B. Bachmann
B. Beardsley
B. Ireland
B. Kirby
B. Rosas
C. Anderson
C. Faulk
C. Ferraro
C. Garza
C. Green
C. Herff
C. Lawton
C. Leafstedt
C. Marriott
C. Payer
C. Puls
C. Queens
C. Rascoe
C. Swann
C. Swann Greif
C. Torres-Stahl
C. Whitaker
D. Brown
D. Diaz De Leon
D. Esparza
D. Gerber
D. Ocon
D. Rodriguez
D. Santos
D. Terrazas
E. Arreola
E. Bunger
E. Dujour
E. Guerra
E. Halff
E. Kelly
E. Sano
E. Silva
E. Urrutia
F. Marriott
G. Simons
G. Zavala
H. Nwarez
J. Baltazar
J. Feik
J. Hinojosa
J. Kaddo Marino
J. Luna
J. Mata
J. Miller
J. Molineaux
J. Ozuniga
J. Paul Villarreal
J. Plotnick
J. Powers
J. Soland
J. Swindell
J. Vassar
K. Armstrong
K. Lewis
K. Martin
K. Mcquiston
K. Stanford
K. Staskawicz
L. Anthony
L. Anzalotta
L. Bartholomew
L. Canady
L. Carpenter
L. Foster
L. Knights
L. Martin
L. San Miguel
L. Swann
L. Taylor
L. Uhl
M. Ballard
M. Cortez
M. Downing
M. Duenas
M. Herdeg
M. Lowder
M. Orozco
M. Patsiner
M. Pena
M. Skornia
M. Smith
M. Trevino Ripper
M. Vaughan
M. Walsh
M. Wolfschlag
N. Blizard
N. Korbut
N. Ramon
N. Rodriguez
N. Strehlow
P. Cary
P. Day
P. Duesing
P. Harvey
P. Krueger
P. Ruth Lares
P. Stahl
P. Swope
R. Bonilla
R. Cabuto
R. Cisneros
R. Copeland
R. Martin
R. Mirabeau
R. Pedraza
R. Quijano
R. Vasquez
S. Athene
S. Cuellarrascoe
S. Gonzalez
S. Lammert
S. Miller
S. Oelsen
S. Rascoe
S. Sandoval
S. Smith
S. Smylie
S. Weingart
T. Herrera-Schneider
T. Kelly
T. Oneill
V. Benavidez
W. Browning
W. Miles
W. Taylor
2 0 2 12 0 2 2
A&D Designs
A&H Apothecary
Alamo Colleges
Alamo Distillery
Alamo Kitchens
Alice Kleberg Keynolds Foundation
American Heart Assoication
American Rental Assoication
Amy Rabold
Artworks Art Studio
Baker Creek Organic Seeds
Bexar County
Bexar County Master Gardeners
Blessed Sacrament Academy
Bowlero San Antonio
BSC America
Can Opener Labs
Cheese and Honey
Chef Danielle
Chef Ted
Cherrity Bar
Child Advocate San Antonio (CASA)
Cielo azul boutique
Cody Masters
Community First Health Plans
Compost Queens
Credit Human
Culligan Water
Cultivate San Antonio
Democracy Prep at the Steward Campus
Democracy Prep Public Schools
Dreamweek San Antonio
Edgewood ISD
Efficent Earthling
Ellis Plants & Landscaping Co
Ellume Gardens
Essence Preparatory Public School
Ez Park
Famous Juice Company
Food Policy Council
Freetail Brewing Co
Frost Bank
Garcia Street Farm
Green Spaces Alliance of South Texas
Green Trees and Honey Bees
Green Vegetarian
Grow Computer
Gus Garcia University School
Health Texas
Healthy Gut Cleanse
Honeydipped Cosmetics
JAG Public Safety
Jason Dady
Jed Craddick
Jeremy Peaches
Johana Hernandez
Josh G.
Keandra Johnson
Lemonade Circle
Local Sprout
Magic Wand Candy Co
Mama Janes Botanica
Maples Pet Shop
May First
Medina River Coffee
Meraki Life
Mexico Lindo
MiCielo Market & Craftery
Mission Trail Rotary
Mrs EcoInternational
Natural Bridge Caverns
Nature Loving Home Schoolers
Nerd Alert
Nerd Power
New Image Direct
National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration
North East Lakeview College
Office Of Innovation (City of San Antonio)
Office Of Metrohealth (City of San Antonio)
Office Of Solidwaste (City of San Antonio)
Office Of Sustainability (City of San Antonio)
One Horse Outfit
Orgone Magick
Paige Spencer
Palo Alto College
Parks and Recreation (City of San Antonio)
Pecan Valley WIC
Peerless Events
Power Planter
Quality Organic Products
Renewal by Andersen Republic
Ripley's San Antonio
River Aid San Antonio
Riversong Healing Arts
Robert L Cook
Rose Rodriguez
Ruben C Jimenez - CPA
Rudi Harst
San Antonio Botancial Gardens
San Antonio for Growth on the Eastside
San Antonio Housing Authority
SAISD - Principal Connection
San Antonio Independent School District
SAISD Foundation
San Anto Cultural Arts
San Antonio Area Foundation
San Antonio Botancial Gardens
San Antonio Express News
San Antonio Food and Wine Alliance
San Antonio Food Bank
San Antonio Spurs
San Antonio Zoo
Sekhmet House Of Wellness
Sherry Lim
Sierra Club
Snackscapes Edible Landscaping & Nursery
South Flores Community Center
South Texas Seasonals
Southern Methodist University
San Antonio Spurs
Squeezer Juice Bar
St. Mary's University
Staying Rooted SA
Super Explorers Academy
Sweet Girl Ice
Ten Thousand Villages
Texas A&M AgriLife
Texas A&M Preiere View
Texas Butterfly Ranch
Texas Landscape Cooperative
The Doseum
The Goff Financial
The Lemon Girls
The Mission Continues
Tower Garden / Juice Plus
Trinity University
Twin Liquors
United Health Systems
United Voices
United Way of San Antonio
University of the Incarnate Word
Usborne Books
UT Health & Science
University of Texas at San Antonio
University of Texas at San Antonio - School of Architecture
Veronica G
Victoria Beasley
Virtudes Company
Virutal Productions
White Cloud Drones
Whole Kids Foundation
Winston Intermediate School of Excellence
Wolf Street Dogs
World Hertiage Office
Young Men's Leadership Academy
Young Women's Leadership Academy Primary
Stephen Lucke, MA, Chief Executive Officer
Dominic Dominguez, MA, Chief Operating Officer
Andres Narvaez, Board Chair - Stonegate Pharmacy
Michelle Duenas, Vice-Chair - San Antonio Food Bank
Angelica Gonzales, MBA, Board Secretary - USAA
Jon Hinojosa, Board Treasurer - SAY Si
Brittany Ireland, Board Member - The BIG We Foundation
David Nungaray, MA, Board Member - TNTP
Dave Terrazas, MA, Board Member - The Culinary Arts Institute
Alice Kleberg Reynolds Foundation
American Heart Association
Big Green
City Of San Antonio Office of Innovation
City of San Antonio Office of Sustainability
Community First Health Plans
Culligan of San Antonio
Elizabeth and Floyd McGown Charitable Fund
Greeyhey Family Foundation
Green Spaces Alliance Of South Texas
Mission Continues
Robert L. Cook
San Antonio Area Foundation -
San Antonio Growth On The Eastside
San Antonio Housing Authority
San Antonio Independent School District
SAISD Foundation
San Antonio Spurs
Starbucks Foundation
Texas Food and Wine Alliance
University Health
Whole Kids Foundation
WestCare Texas
2 0 2 12 0 2 2
Thank you for supporting the mission of growing healthy communities through garden-based learning in the most meaningful ways