Cultivate San Antonio Winter 2021

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Rituals and Reflections for the Winter Solstice by Victoria Houser

Many ancient pagan traditions consider the winter solstice to be the most profound, spiritual event of the year. It is the start of the new astronomical year when the dark of winter reaches its peak and the days slowly begin to shift into light. In the Northern Hemisphere’s deep heart of winter, the earth’s axis comes into perfect balance as the North Pole points directly away from the sun. In a moment of balance between light and dark, the earth rests in perfect equilibrium. In the stillness and quiet of winter, the solstice beckons us to mindfully align our bodies with the spirit of change and new beginnings. The winter solstice is a time to open our hands and release the weight of darkness. What new life waits for us as sunlight thickens? While the advent of longer, brighter days inspires hope for the horizons of a new year, the work of inviting this hope into our bodies, our homes, and our communities is a process that requires no small amount of endurance on our part. Hope is a precarious feeling and an even more precarious practice. To create room for hope in the darkest days we must pay attention to the things we’re carrying that keep hope at arm’s length. At the time of the solstice, I invite you to breathe in the rich, deep beauty of the calm hours of the earth. Slowly release feelings of doubt, anxiety, and fear. The days will start to gradually grow brighter as new life forms on the horizon. Plants and trees will begin new cycles, and our bodies will start to turn toward the chilly touches of winter’s sun. The world will transform. The transformation out of darkness and into light happens at an almost imperceptible rate. We will start to see minutes of daylight creeping back into the world day by day, like the slow and steady movement of the tide changing. For now, though, our bodies are still in the deepest part of winter. Much like the trees and plants around us, growth slowly occurs under the surface of our daily lives as we breathe in and out each moment. The winter solstice highlights turning points in our external cycles of darkness and light, showing us the capacious nature of life. Nothing lasts forever, which is the blessing of seasons. This is an invitation to listen to the movement happening within ourselves. For the briefest moment, the world is suspended in a perfect balance of light and dark. Our bodies hang in the delicate suspension of the ever

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turning, ever changing earth cycles. Since most of our lives are organized around the busyness of our daily tasks and moments of introspection can be difficult to find, it is crucial to take the quiet space of earth’s transformation to center yourself in the equilibrium of the winter solstice. As you read this, listen to what your body feels right now. Breathe in deeply and then release the breath in your lungs slowly. Take a moment to be still. What have you learned this year about your body? What is your body holding for you while you move through your life, taking in the events of the world and navigating the on-going pandemic? Where does your body feel tense? These are all pieces of you. These are the fragments of many seasons full of sadness, joy, contentment, and longing. You’ve carried the configuration and fractures of the year with your body all this time. Take a moment to rest with these pieces. Suspend judgment as you observe the thoughts that arise. As we move through the following reflections, lore, and rituals for the winter solstice, let the soft animal of your body rest in a balance of feelings and thoughts. Beiwe: Scandinavian Goddess of the Winter Solstice Indigenous people of Finland, Sweden, and Norway,

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