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Evaluating ! Professional Practice! ! By Gareth Bulger! ! !


Lesson objective:!

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•To understand keyboard shortcuts and what they do! •To know how to save files! •To know how to combine files into a PDF format!

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Ctrl+P-Print-Enables you to print the document.! Ctrl+ALT+ ‘Prt Scrn’-This button can be used If your computer has problems with the ‘PRT SCRN’ button.! CTRL+Z-This combination allows you to undo your last move or step.! Ctrl + C-Once a pice of text or image is highlighted, this command will copy the object which can be immediately pasted somewhere else.! Ctrl + V-This command enables your highlighted object to be pasted.! Ctrl + B-Creates your text bold.! Ctrl + U-Underlines your text.! Ctrl + A-Selects all contexts on your screen.! Ctrl + S-Saves your current work.! Ctrl + ‘O’-This enables you to open your documents and then enables you to select which one to open.! ALT + F4-This enables you to Quit a programme.! Ctrl + J-enables you to lign text or images to the centre! Shift + ctrl + arrows-To select specific lines! ALT + TAB- To Switch Between screens!

Resolution-Dots (DPI Dots per inch)!


72 dpi-Standard screen resolution!

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96dpi-Iphone (Hires display)! 150dpi-newspaper Quality! 300dpi-Magazine quality! 600dpi-Photo Quality!


! ! ! !

Below shows an example of a page setup.! When saving, save your work on this file, it should be your personal folder which should contain some initials from your first and second name. It should appear underneath ‘Local Disk (C)’! After completing your document, save the work as a PDF. It should enable you to save it in other formats too. Once the Adobe Acrobat Pro comes on, it offers multiple options. Click ‘Combine files into PDF’.! Then a documents browser comes on, enabling you to select which files to combine.!

Below shows the setup when it comes to combining your completed files

21/12/92 With this method, you can create examples like this below: !

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Automating contact sheets

! When on Adobe Photoshop, Click on file, automate, contact sheet.

NOTE: The contact sheet should be in pixels/inches

! !

make sure the page setup is on ‘Auto Select’

This allows you to scale images and rotate. The Auto Select Layer/Group feature is found in the Options bar when the Move tool is selected. By default, the Auto Select feature is set to Auto-Select Groups (as opposed to Auto-Select Layer). To change this behaviour, with the Move tool selected, check the Auto-Select box in the Options bar and choose Layer from the pull-down menu.

To start a contact sheet, go to>file>Annotate>Contact sheet

Above shows an example of a contact sheet. The quality (Resolution) in pixels/inch. You can also improve the quality of the finis when it comes to printing. To add, it also enables the user when it comes to scaling also by allowing them to determine the height, line weighting and also the width of the sheet easily. !


Below shows some examples which photoshop can create. Photographers especially use this technique when collaborating their pictures to present at the end of a project.

! Tilt Shifting What is tilt shifting? “(Tilt & shift) Tilt–shift photography is the use of camera movements on small- and medium-format cameras, and sometimes specifically refers to the use of tilt for selective focus, often for simulating a miniature scene”-Author unknown-http:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tilt_&_shift

Above shows some quick pictures where found on the internet which have each been through the ‘Tilt Shifted’ setting.

When creating a focal blur into an image, Adobe photoshop allows you to create blurred effects around an image and to give a zoomed illusion.

The circle in the middle enables you to control the opacity of the image. Once opacity levels are satisfied, click ‘ok’ and photoshop will do the final rendering and create this below.

Creating ! an online blog! !

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To start, after finding many different blogging sites Issuu seemed to be fast, easy and user friendly. !


http://issuu.com! !


After signing up for the free version, it then allows you to publish your PDF’s straight from your computer.!

Once files are combined according to format and are placed into a PDF, they can then be sent to be published. To do this, The green link which say’s ‘Upload a publication’ would need to be clicked and then it would direct you to your personal documents on your computer. To add, it then allows you to select the PDF you wish to publish online.

Tips and tricks on AutoCAD! ! 14/10/13!

Keyboard commands ‘Z space A space’ zoom out to full page ‘L’


‘C’ Circle ‘RE’ Regenerate ‘F’




‘REC’ Rectangle ‘O’ Ofset ‘X’ ‘REA’ ‘Tr’

‘Explode’ = to break down the shapes after the ‘Array tool’-To reverse explode just press ‘ctrl Z’ ‘Regen all’ ‘Trim’

‘CO’ ‘Copy’ ‘Ctrl Right click’ - select all take off nearest ‘Mi’





‘Ortho’>’On’ or ‘Off’

‘Angles’ - e.g – 1000< 30 =1000 units at an angle of 30 degrees. To bring into lower quadrant, type in minus. ‘Polar’ – For circles ‘Path’ – To multiply object along the line that you have created.

Changing the print settings and customisation Right click on the layout page of AutoCAD for print page and click on modify to change print settings. View ports-to make a view port, firstly click on layout and on layout viewports, select a shape and draw the shape, then press space to paste the image inside the shape. To get other shapes like a circle, you tart off by drawing a circle on the layout viewpoints. Then, click on objects and click onto the circle. When rotating an object after hitting space bar, click reference and select another corner or point of reference to gain an angle on the shape. Click RO for rotate, then click on the shape and hit space bar, then click reference and select the corner point you want the shape to pivot on and select a reference point. To do this you have to make sure the snap setting is off. To trim select the all the lines you want to trim and keep and then type in TR and space, then click on the line you want to trim.

How do I create a new file? !

! To create a new file on AutoCAD, Go to>File>New>’acadiso.dwt’! !This specific page setup is a standard metric page.

Above shows the highlighted file to choose and select.

Genereal shortcuts and meanings; •Line tool – Press L and space bar to create a line and press enter or space to stop line tool • reactive your last move, press the space bar on your keyboard •Esc – to close finish command •Mouse scroller zooms in and out-forward scroll zooms in and scrolling out zooms out •To delete line - Highlight line and press delete •By typing in ‘ortho’ it gives you the option of turning it off or on, when ‘On’ it makes any form of line straight or vertical. if you turn ‘ortho' ‘off’ then it makes your work more free hand and makes lines for example to become loose and easy to move about. To get accurate results un your work, it is essential ‘ortho’ is ‘On’

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•Ctrl+n-New Drawing •Ctrl+s-Save drawing •Ctrl+o-Open drawing •Ctrl+p-Plot dialog box •Ctrl+Tab/Ctrl+Shift+Tab-Switch to next / switch to previous drawing •Ctrl+Page Up/Page Down-Switch to next tab / switch to previous tab in current drawing •Ctrl+q-Exit •Ctrl+a-Select all objects

This text box enables you to type any length to create an accurate line. With ‘ortho’ on, it means the line is straight all of the time


These tools are simple shapes which you can use to draw curvaceous objects and patterns

This is a crop tool. once more than one line crosses, you can then erase a certain area of that line which you do not need easily by selecting this tool on the left hand side

To turn to line jumping off press F3 or click into the green square and drag down to the selected location. Or click CTRL + Right Click to open osnap settings.

Ctrl+n New Drawing Ctrl+s Save drawing Ctrl+o Open drawing Ctrl+p Plot dialog box Ctrl+Tab/Ctrl+Shift+Tab



" "

To create a template or object, select ACAD ISO template sheet needed on setup for right metric/ millimetre units! This to the left shows some boxes which have been duplicated multiple times and then connected together to create some form of net


Press CTRL + copy Then when pressing CTRL + V to paste, keep your curser in the green square (which will automatically appear) and keep pressed and drag over to required place .

" "


To make circles press C+space , type in the size, press enter. Then select the circle and press M and space for move and grab the top of the circle and drag to location.

" Then click onto the circles with shift, and then press CTRL + C, then CTRL + V to paste circles , instead of creating and copying each individual circle. By highlighting with blue, it will only select within the chosen marquee. Then green slection tool selects all with in the marquee.


To switch between views select ALT + TAB Click O + Space to offset and form a bigger area around the shape you are making. It also replicates a line across again and again.

Week 6 EPP

! What is a Basepoint?

! ! Point on X,Y. It’s a point where you pick up the objects from. Highlight an object, press CO + space to multiple paste.

! How to use the cutting edge tool.

! How to use the cutting edge tool.

! Prompt: Select objects: Click on object(s) you wish to move with left mouse button and press Enter.

! !

--Prompt: Select objects: Select additional objects or press Enter to move to the next prompt. --Prompt: Specify base point or displacement: Select a reference point on the object you are moving by using an Absolute Coordinate, a Relative Rectangular Coordinate, a Relative Polar Coordinate, an Object Snap (Osnap), or by clicking the LEFT mouse button on the screen.


*NOTE: The BASEPOINT can be either on an element in the drawing or a coordinate in space. AutoCAD uses the BASEPOINT as the position it moves the object/s from. It will move the object/s either the distance you specify from this basepoint or place the BASEPOINT at a new position you specify (the end of a line, coordinate point, etc).

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If you have selected more than one item to move, these items with be moved the same distance, but the relative distance/s and position/s of the items to each other will remain the same. --Prompt: Specify second point of displacement: Use a coordinate (absolute, relative rectangular or relative polar) or an Osnap to indicate where you want the item/s to be moved to. The object(s) will move to the new location.

!! Offset tool

Make a circle and type in size of circle. Click O for offset and space bar Then click enter or space again Type in offset distance. To zoom out REG to regenerate Then Z to zoom To produce a brick already made press REC

Type in length measurement, then coma, type in height measurement Press enter. Done.


! above shows an example of an ‘offset’


! To construct this, I first of typed in ‘rec' to select a rectangle. I then typed in 1200,600 mm and then pressed enter to finish the rectangle. Then, I drew three circles, each with a diameter of 600mm and a radius of 300mm.Then I typed in ‘TR’ and clicked space bar twice and selected the lines that I wanted to erase.After that I used the rectangle tool to construct squares where the circles would be; to find out the centre for the circles.Then I drew the circles at a diameter of 80mm and placed it into the centre. Then I copied and pasted the circles into the centre points of the squares.And finally I used the trim tool, by selecting TR and space twice, to delete the squares that I drew to find out the centre points of the circles.

Additional notes! To zoom out, press ‘Z + Space’ and ‘A + Space’


The mirror tool-what is this? The Mirror command allows you to mirror selected objects in your drawing by picking them and then defining the position of an imaginary mirror line using two points.!


To start, we first begin to select;

! ! ! ! !

•Toolbar •Modify •Pull-down •’Modify Mirror’ Keyboard •’MIRROR’ short-cut-‘MI’

Below is an example;

! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Above shows one half of a drawing complete. Then, we select ‘mirror>spacebar then select which side of the drawing you wish to complete

Above now shows the completed shape after selecting the mirror tool.

The ‘Fillet’ tool What is a fillet tool?

! The Fillet command is a very useful tool which allows you to draw an arc between two intersecting lines or adjacent polyline segments. You first need to use the command to set the required radius and then a second time to select the two lines.


Below show an incomplete example. the gap between the two symmetrical lines needs completed with a radius. firstly, we enter fillet>spacebar then we enter the edges in which we want to be joined.

! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Below shows the shape as a completed object after using the ‘fillet tool’

! ! ! ! ! ! ! !


Creating a layer How do we create a new layer in AutoCAD and To add a new layer or change ‘layer properties’ through the ‘Layer & Linetype Properties’ dialogue box you can: Click on the ‘Layer’ button OR, Click onto ‘Select Layer’ under the Format Menu.

*The Layer & Linetype Properties dialogue box will appear*

To Create a New Layer: Open the Layer & Linetype Properties dialogue box, click on the New button in the Layer window. A layer named Layer 1 will appear in the list of layers. While the Layer 1 name is highlighted, type a new name for the layer. Click on ‘OK’ to exit the dialogue box.

! ! ! !

How can we change a colour of a layer? Open the ‘Layer & Linetype' Properties dialogue box. Click on the ‘square’ in the list of configurations next to the layer name in the ‘Layer’ window. The ‘Select colour’ dialogue box appears with a display of the colours you can choose. Click on an appropriate colour. (NOTE: The colour assignment is related to the printing line thickness.) Click on ‘OK’ to return to the Layer window of the Layer & Linetype Properties dialogue box. Click on ‘OK’ to exit this dialogue box.

! The Polar Array!

*’ALT ’N’ creates a new layer*

! !

The polar array works in a similar way to the rectangular array. The main difference is that rather than specifying the number and offset for rows and columns, you must specify a centre point and the total number of objects in the array (including the original object).

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Select objects: Select the item/s you wish to copy.


Select objects: Either select additional items or press Enter to move to the next prompt.
 Rectangular or Polar array (<R>/P): Type P and Enter. Centre point of array: Use a locating method to identify the centre for the array. Number of items: Type in the number of copies needed (including the original). Angle to fill (=+CCW, -=CW) <360>: Type in the number of degrees (positive or negative) or press Enter to accept 360 degrees. Rotate objects as they are copied? <Y>: Type Y or N and Enter and it will create something like this below

Original rectangular example

! !

! Exercise; To use the array tool for a lot of repeating circles, you firstly draw a rectangle with four squares on each side.

! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Then we crop 50% of the example using the ‘trim’ tool

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! ! After looking into different keyboard shortcuts and exercises which AutoCAD includes, we then looked at replicating a floor plan of a bar and restaurant. Below shows my 50% of my floor plan completed.

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Week 8 Quick Recap

! ‘F’ ‘AR’ ‘REC’

‘Fillet’ ‘Array’ ‘Rectangle’





! ! Below shows examples of creating two different sets of furniture

! ! ! ! ! ! ! Then use the trim tool by selecting TR for Trim and pressing space twice, then clicking on the lines that you want to delete. The next page shows the completed transformation.

Then we would use the ‘fillet tool’> click ‘F’ and then the Space bar, then change radius to ’50’ by selecting ‘R’ and typing in ’50’ and then click the spacebar. Then we would use the fillet tool to select both lines to curve the lines.

! After creating one tool, we would then need to multiply the chairs around the table, use the array tool by firstly selecting ‘AR’ (for Array) and the press the spacebar, then, click on the object or line and then click on space, then ‘P0lar’ (this is how it is spelt) and then click the centre green triangle of the circle.


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Filling and hatching What is filling and hatching?

You can hatch an area using a predefined hatch pattern, define a simple line pattern using the current linetype, or create more complex hatch patterns. One type of pattern is called solid, which fills an area with a solid colour. You can also create a gradient fill, which uses a transition between shades of one colour or between two different colours. Gradient fills can be used to enhance presentation drawings, giving the appearance of light reflecting on an object.


press ‘H’ To bring up the editing box for hatching, click space bar and double click the inside the area. MA - Matches the layer ( Colour / hatch etc) Below is an example of what the hatch tool can create;

! To Add dimensions to your work click on annotate, dimensions. Make sure that the dimension box is set to annotative and make sure that you are on the outside of the view space. To get onto the dimension style manager, click on the bottom right diagonal arrow.

To change the print settings, go to file>print settings


Click this to open up different viewports, for example model space to print layout. To add, you can also change the scaling which has that option along the bottom of the screen.

Below are some examples which have been ‘hatched’

Shows what material is used-this specific hatch is representing some form of metal

side view of object (does not need any hatching)

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