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Investment Analysis Report…

Black Knight™ Investment Data Services has provided this report on the request of our Partner ABC Financial Services Prepared for: Mr. John Williams Date Prepared: 01/12/2013 Next Analysis Due: 01/03/2013

Black Knight Investment Data services is a trading name and registered trade mark of Black Knight Data Services, registered office 3rd Floor, 207 Regent Street, London W1B 3HH. Email The content of this report is factual, and is not regulated advice. This report is Private & ConfidenZal.

Why You need this service…. 1.  Some fund managers are able to maintain top performance by conZnually being ranked at the top 25% of funds in their sector over the period of 1, 3 & 5 years. It should be every investor’s target to be invested in these funds. 2.  Out of 3,000 funds available in the UK, only 0.05% of funds (approx. 200 funds) achieve this standard. 3. Only 11% of total monies invested in UK funds are invested in ½ percent of top performing funds. 4. 89% of investors invest in funds that are not top performing. 5. Black Knight Investment Data Services will provide you the necessary informaZon regarding top performing funds in the sector you’re invested in. Our reports will enable you to make the correct investment choices to maximise the growth of your porholio. 6. Black Knight is currently the only company in the UK offering this customised service.

Black Knight Investment Data services is a trading name and registered trade mark of Black Knight Data Services, registered office 3rd Floor, 207 Regent Street, London W1B 3HH. Email The content of this report is factual, and is not regulated advice. This report is Private & ConfidenZal.

Your Fund Analysis Report…… You are invested in 18 funds in total, not including cash holding funds in your pension. Out of these 18 funds, only 1 has been able to conZnually hold a top quarZle posiZon (top 25% performance in its sector) over the Zme periods analysed (1, 3 & 5 years). Funds that are able to maintain this level of performance are marked with a First State Global Emerging Market Leaders is the only fund that has achieved the Black Knights Standard.

1st QuarZle top 25% of performers in sector

3rd Best 25% of performers in sector

2nd Best 25% of performers in sector

Worst 25% of performers in sector

Black Knight Investment Data services is a trading name and registered trade mark of Black Knight Data Services, registered office 3rd Floor, 207 Regent Street, London W1B 3HH. Email The content of this report is factual, and is not regulated advice. This report is Private & ConfidenZal.

Your Next Steps…. 1.  You only have 1 fund that has been able to maintain a top 25% performance in its sector over the last 1, 3 & 5 year periods. 2.  Overleaf is a summary of the recent Best Funds Report, detailing funds that have been able to maintain top 25% posiZon conZnuously in their sector. 3.  If you manage your own porholio, you may wish to amend your fund selecZon based on our findings. 4.  If you have a financial adviser you may wish to discuss the findings in this report to improve your porholio. 5.  On the basis of these findings, you may wish to go through the Black Knight Process overleaf, seek advice, or commence the reconstrucZon of your porholio to be invested in top performing funds. 6.  InformaZon provided by Black Knight should be used to ensure you invest efficiently and maximise your growth, allowing you to put your monies only in best performing funds at all Zmes.

Black Knight Investment Data services is a trading name and registered trade mark of Black Knight Data Services, registered office 3rd Floor, 207 Regent Street, London W1B 3HH. Email The content of this report is factual, and is not regulated advice. This report is Private & ConfidenZal.

Building an Investment Porholio…. 1


Know Your Risk Level.

Establish Suitable Sectors

We like to use the Risk Profiler provided by Which? See SecZon ‘IdenZfying Your Risk Profile’.

Once you choose your suitable risk level, the porholio will idenZfy where you should invest. This is the asset allocaZon suitable to your risk profile.


3 Know The Best Funds Assign the best funds to your chosen asset sectors. The enclosed Best Funds Report will idenZfy top performing funds in each sector.

Decide on a PlaCorm At this stage, you need to find a fund supermarket with the lowest charges or seek financial advice.



Choose a Suitable Vehicle

Review Fund Choice Regularly

You may wish to consider different investment vehicles to hold your fund choice, such as pension or ISA, use taxable allowances or a porholio wrapper if used.

This may be the most important point moving forward. The best performing funds do not always remain the best funds. Carry out this exercise every 3 months!

Black Knight Investment Data services is a trading name and registered trade mark of Black Knight Data Services, registered office 3rd Floor, 207 Regent Street, London W1B 3HH. Email The content of this report is factual, and is not regulated advice. This report is Private & ConfidenZal.

IdenZfying Your Aptude to Risk When it comes to invesZng, defining your aptude to risk isn't easy, and only you can decide how cauZous or adventurous you want to be with your money. The enclosed porholios are taken from Which?, the consumer watch dog, and are uniquely designed to show not only how much you could gain, but how much you could potenZally lose, based on an investment of £10,000. This will show you: •  How much you could potenZally lose in one year •  What mix of assets you will need for each level of risk •  How much you could earn over a number of periods (in today's money) •  What might happen to your money if the stock markets take a dip Enclosed are eight porholios, each with a different asset allocaZon and level of risk. Aser establishing your suitable porholio, refer to the Best Funds Report secZon, then choose funds from the relevant sector to build your best funds porholio. You will see in each porholio, the recommended percentage to invest in each sector.

Should you have any queries in regards to this process, please contact your Client Manager or a Financial Adviser. Black Knight Investment Data services is a trading name and registered trade mark of Black Knight Data Services, registered office 3rd Floor, 207 Regent Street, London W1B 3HH. Email The content of this report is factual, and is not regulated advice. This report is Private & ConfidenZal.

Are you Willing to Lose 5% in a year?





0.5% 0.5%





Are you Willing to Lose 10% in a year?

39.5% 21% 11.5%





7% 1%


Are you Willing to Lose 15% in a year?

33% 18% 7%

12.5% 1%


10.5% 3%



Are you Willing to Lose 20% in a year?

27% 15% 0%

13% 1%


13% 5%



Are you Willing to Lose 25% in a year?



12.5% 15.5%

10% 0%





Are you Willing to Lose 30% in a year?

30% 10.5% 0%


12% 0%

17.5% 8.5%



Are you Willing to Lose 35% in a year?

37.5% 19.5% 11% 0%







Are you Willing to Lose 40% in a year?


17.5% 0%






15% 8.5%

DefiniZon of Asset Types Cash Seen as the lowest risk asset class, and osen has the lowest potenZal return. You can invest in cash through savings accounts, ISAs and money market funds.

UK Gilts Also known as government bonds -­‐ essenZally loans to the UK government in return for a fixed rate of interest.

UK Corporate Bonds Loans to large companies in return for a fixed rate of interest. The rate paid depends of the health of the company you lend your money to and its ability to repay its debt.

High yield corporate bonds The companies you lend your money to are less well known and are at greater risk of defaulZng on their repayments, so interest rates are higher.

Property InvesZng in commercial property -­‐ like shopping centres and office blocks -­‐ give you the chance to grow your money through rental payments and increases in the value of the properZes.

UK equiZes Shares in BriZsh companies. Your money grows through increases in share prices and dividends -­‐ a share in the profits of the company. Osen seen as some of the most reliable shares to invest in.

EU equiZes Shares of firms in developed parts of Europe, such as France, Germany and Spain and are seen as slightly riskier than UK equiZes, though companies are osen well developed and high quality.

US equiZes Some of the biggest companies in the world operate in the US, and your money will be invested in shares firms like Microsos, Apple and Nike. Slightly riskier than European equiZes.

Japanese equiZes Shares in Japanese companies round out what’s known as ‘developed market equiZes’, along with the UK, US and Europe. Seen as the riskiest developed equiZes.

Emerging markets equiZes Seen as the riskiest type of shares and largest growth potenZal. You’ll be invested in companies in countries like, Brazil, China, India and Russia. Share prices will be much more volaZle.

Did you Know? 1.  That the majority of funds managed by fund management companies do not reach the standard we require to be part of the Best Investment Fund Report? These fund management companies in most circumstances, bring in majority of their cash inflows to the poor performing funds they manage. 2.  Majority of clients invested in funds in the UK were advised to put their money there by their Financial Adviser, yet 89% of monies invested in Unit Trusts & OEICS are in poor performing funds? These are funds that have not met the Black Knight standard. -­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐NOTE: What if your client shows this to their Financial Adviser? Wouldn’t it offend them? 3.  The biggest goal of the UK financial services sector is to get funds under management so they can charge more annual fees, and that they are less focused on the efficient growth of your money. How do we know this? Well, because we are the only company that studies and analyse this sector to provide you with this service. 4.  The only way to invest for efficient growth is to invest in the efficient and consistently growing funds.

Control your wealth, empower yourself. Contact our Client Manager today.

Black Knight Investment Data services is a trading name and registered trade mark of Black Knight Data Services, registered office 3rd Floor, 207 Regent Street, London W1B 3HH. Email The content of this report is factual, and is not regulated advice. This report is Private & ConfidenZal.

Important: You Must Update Us Once you have amended our built your new porholio, please send an updated snapshot of your porholio to your Black Knight Client Manager so we can update our system for your next report.

“In our opinion, it should be the goal of every investor to ensure they are invested in funds that are consistently in the top 25% of performers in their sector” Research Team (Black Knight)

Black Knight Investment Data services is a trading name and registered trade mark of Black Knight Data Services, registered office 3rd Floor, 207 Regent Street, London W1B 3HH. Email The content of this report is factual, and is not regulated advice. This report is Private & ConfidenZal.

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