Garfield Messenger: Volume 97, Senior Wills

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senior wills



6-7-19 garfield messenger



senior wills

B Grace Babonas

T Tran: I leave you much less entertaining rides to crew, all of the Post Malone to fill the void, and all of the baker drama I left behind, Jack: I leave you emptiness in our family without my amazing and vibrant presence to light up your life, 2020 Yearbook Editors: I leave you the popcorn in the back cabinet, Ollie: I leave you my keys so you can key your own car form now on, Freshman Fern: I leave you my blue nats headband and hope you don’t lose it, Malcom and Chris: I leave you endless tourmention of Jack for however long you want and the car

Nicholas Bishop

Simone, have fun with tennis next year. It only gets better. Frisbee team, thanks for a fun senior year memory. Sam T, I will miss your caring soul and your ego that is slightly too high. You are so nice and I love hanging with you. Donny and friends, big hugs for you guys. Have fun next year. Yatin, I will miss your constant out of pocket comments that occasionally make me laugh. Miss you. Katie, Helena, Lulu, Mena, Cler, lead the team next year. Maybe if you combine all your voices together someone will hear you. Treat Coach Eric nice. Thea, call me during advisory so I can say hi to you and Yatin. Taylor, you are hilarious. Survivor Club, you all are so fun to converse with, even though most of your opinions suck. Please keep it going next year. Georgia and Julia, you guys are amazing and hilarious. Carry POST and 020 forward. Aaron and Eric, thanks for all the car

rides. You guys will need to carry tennis next year. Will miss you. Max M, thanks for encouraging me to do swimming. Pearl and Nicole, you guys are legit. Gabbi, you are the funniest sophomore. We will fight eventually. Lily Tran, you are lit. Jack, thanks for spending so much time with me this year. You are a light in the dim tunnel that 020 is. Every time you skip school next year, please think of me. Bring energy to the tennis team and start practicing, lots of big matches next year. Come visit. August, you are literally the best doubles partner I could have ever asked for. Sorry for those times I tanked, that was rough. Playing in state with you is some of the best high school memories I will have. Carry the team with Jack please, and don’t forget to come visit me. I lastly want to shout out all the students and teachers that helped make my experience at Garfield joyful. You know who you are. Peace out.

Nicole Burns

Carmelita, I leave you cake frosting and field trips to the playground (remember—it’s ok to skip class if there’s a sub and you’re not doing anything)! Sho, I leave you random math problems, lightbulb moments, and cello spins. Remy, I leave you all of my pancakes in Lovre’s advisory. Ciara D.,enjoy the random things I’ve left at your house over the past 18 years. I give them to YOU, not your sister. Shannan, Gemma and all of Green Team, I’m so excited for everything you’ll do! Remember to pick up the mighty-o donuts. Ava R, Zoe T, Iris L, and Georgia, go kill it on the lax field and kick some SASS a** . Simon, you get another year of Scouts insurance forms, First Student

Buses, and Penske trucks. Good luck with that. Georgia, I leave you D-school. Skype me anytime to talk about crazy parents, mango budgeting, or Washington State Parks. Lastly, a big thanks to the class of 2022!! Y’all were a delight on Desert School and I know you’ll do amazing things.

Zach Burpee

To Chander: I leave you LoVi and the boomstick, treat them well. To Malcolm and Conor: I leave you Lidgard’s advisory, try not to drive her too crazy. To Alex: I leave you all of my 2k skills, I know you need them. To Ian: I leave you the offensive specialist role, go ball out next year.

C Ariel Cook

Georgia- I leave you the ability to laugh at yourself and the knowledge that nothing is that serious. I’ll miss you but not as much as you’ll miss me. Luv ya Georgie. Julia Laverde- I’m leaving you racial ambiguity and a hug. You are wise beyond your years. I know you’re going to do big things! Jack and Donny- Now that I’m gone, you are West Seattle’s best out. Treat that inconvenient island with care. I also leave you a can of campfire fuel and a broken moral compass. Never stop being chaotic. Oscar- Even though according to you are a sociopath and a weeb, I‘ll still miss you. I’m leaving you my humble nature and a spot on my dorm floor. Come visit. Zierna, Rebecca, Iris, Theaplease keep my spirit alive by

dancing throughout warmups and being a constant distraction. Remember all you need to succeed in lacrosse is beauty, charm, grace, charisma, uniqueness and talent. You are all simply genius. Daniel Chen- I leave you a break from all the objectification and freedom from Delphi. I’m also leaving you my phone number in case you wanna tell me who you like. Thanks for putting up with me. Chander- I leave you a questionable power ranking and the best icebreaker of all time. You remind me of a young me, super awesome and really cool. Owen Tiffany- I leave you an appreciation for lil tjay and extreme amounts of swagger. You are the chillest person I’ve ever met. Ria, Jyotika, Abby- Seeing your smiles always brightens my day. Never stop the team 6 Ihop runs. Sophie Reichert- I’m leaving you an almost concerning amount of money, endless dishes, a skepticism towards allergies and the most rewarding job ever! Remember a little embezzleing is healthy. I can’t wait to see what you do next year! Owen Averill- Ill mis you toothless, your heart is almost as big as daniels you know what. Yatin and Navi- it’s now your job to rally the Indians when I’m gone. Strengthen our numbers and unionize. Make aunti Ariel proud. Sam Treat- The backpage is now your baby, I hope you say everything we couldn’t and more. I’m glad we’re leaving it to an absolute unit of a guy. To anyone I forgot- Just know that jealousy is a disease and ill miss you too <3

6-7-19 garfield messenger

D Delphi Drake

Sam T: I leave you Garfield’s prized possession, the backpage. This is an enormous honor, but with great power comes great responsibility. Remember that no matter what the haters say, you are fighting the good fight. Be bold and be brave lion cub. Annika E: I leave you my earlobes. Go crazy. Sara J: I leave you the best section of The Messenger, A&E. I know you will do amazing things with it. Good luck with student submissions, you’ll need it. Georgia S: I leave you gossip, scams, and a left flip flop. I can’t wait to see you conquer the world next year. Get excited to rule the school, you are a shining star and will do amazing. There will always be a place on my dorm floor for you. Yatin K: I leave you the position of tweakiest person at Garfield. Chander BF, Owen T, Daniel C: I leave Chander the iron throne and Sansa Stark, Owen all of the supreme the world has to offer, and Daniel everything else there is to give. I also leave all three of you all of the burnt hamburgers, pancakes, and grilled cheeses you can eat. Keep up the good work goats, Garfield is depending on you. Owen A and Daniel C: I leave you that picture of us with me as santa, it’s so funny.Oscar F: I leave you the title of chips and guac champion. I hope you can soon learn to stop carrying kayaks and rock climbing while on crutches. Remember to always bully everyone but don’t ever let anyone know you’re bullying them. Georgia S and Oscar F: I leave you House Party and metameme. Don’t let them die. Please come visit me . I

will miss seeing both of your beautiful faces very dearly. Aidan P and Isaiah R: Please stop bullying Aaron. Jack H: I trust you to provide Garfield with the chaotic energy it needs. The Editors: The Messenger is yours now and I cannot wait to see all the amazing things you do next year. She needs you and you all need her. Team 5: I love you endlessly, never stop rabble dabbling. Julia L and Xavier M: I leave you choreography skills and My House by Flo Rida. Dance your heart out. Thank you Garfield for this free education, it was magnificent.

Fiona Drum

Ciara Drum, aka “String Bean”. Ha. It looks like height, maturity, and parental affection can’t get you everything. Enjoy another three years in the dog house! Love, Big Sister

Jaya Duckworth

Sam, I leave you courage to finally publish an uncensored backpage. Stir the pot like it’s never been stirred before. Julia, I leave you the family name. You are a wise soul and I’m lucky to call you my sister. To my darling Team 3, I leave you the Panem whistle and the art of guilt-tripping Nick. Thanks for filling my last POST trip with joy. To Betsy, my cleats ;). To Yatin, Chance’s axe. Use it to keep people in line, especially during Women’s Herstory Month. For Oscar, I leave Beatrix the destroyer, a GPS to navigate Camp Edwards, and the hardest, best job on EC. You’ll bring so much good to POST, see you at DeVry next year. To my 021 POST babies, I leave you Type 2 Ligma, J Harlen Bretz, and my most prized possession: my spoon. I expect you all to eat at least one meal with

it each trip. Joey, I leave you fire ants and the satisfaction that I’m finally the froshee. Remember you’re cooler than everyone here. Amarra, you got it all, so there’s nothing I can leave you except Coach Jen’s socks. You’re gonna rule this place. Jack, Donny and Leo, I leave you Meeples, Chrysanthemum tea, and the greatest quintuple known to man. I’ll miss you fools. To Annika, a rubber chicken, a rubber snake, and the worst Australian accent Asia has ever seen. You’re one of the few truly funny ones. Georgia, I leave you my sociopathic tendencies and ownership of the world’s biggest and most unhelpful group chat. I have complete faith that you’ll lead the next generation of POST with dedication and love. CORE staff, I leave you the program that changed my life. You are incredible leaders and I know you’ll keep the magic of cultural relations alive. To everyone I’ve forgotten, I offer my final advice. Do cheers at basketball games three times, and only three times. Don’t stand at assemblies unless you’re a senior. Shmoop is better than Sparknotes, but reading the book is better than both. Unexcused absences don’t really matter. You don’t need to study for that AP test. You don’t even need to take that AP test. Trust the curve. ASB is trying their best. Go on Desert School. Go on Cultural Relations. Keep doing Latin. Lovre keeps blank hall passes in his top desk drawer. There are snacks in the back cabinet of 203a. Every day is a travel day if you leave. The elevator is almost always unlocked. You will get a ticket if you park in front of that yellow house on 26th. And if you can’t be good, be careful.

G Olivia Goss

To Purple Haze, I leave you the pride of our sport, regardless of what the haters say. Do me a favor and learn the full Thotiana dance. Poppy, Bryn and Jess, I leave you the grass field at Jefferson, make her your b***h.Betsy, I leave you the strength to conquer anything, not that you need it. Sadie, aux practice whenever you want, as long as it’s country. Keep Grady in line, and order a Blizzard from the DQ Grill and Chill for me. Sophia Chrys, I leave you the carpool--the Tesla is quite an upgrade. Don’t forget to pick up Conor every now and then. Don’t use google maps, regardless of how lost you get. The conversations we had were worth it. Posy, I leave you the jammy pack, if it ever works. Olivia R, cool name bro, wear it with honor. To all three of you, I leave you the TJ runs, ice baths and gossiping with Derek. Have fun managing the 020 boys. Come find me for the insta password :) Jackson, you run Waite St. now. That’s a big responsibility. Conor M, you are the last survivor of West Seattle Montessori, congrats. I hope you find your doppelganger parents, wherever they are. You two are hilarious, never change. Oscar F, I leave you my deep understanding of coding, a gallon of milk, and the sound of your invisalign clicking in. System.out.println <3 Sam T, I leave you the entire nation of Russia, more kinds of jerky than I’ve ever seen, and the education of women everywhere. Bickering always brightened my day. Spencer, I leave you goodwill t-shirt puns and boutonnieres that don’t require pins. Cheers to

senior wills

the empty place in our brains where calculus is supposed to be. Text me “brawl?” anytime. Annika and Clare, Ouija club better be official next year, just don’t let the spirits _____ in your ________ ;) Georgia, and Julia La, take care of Ramby, she loves you just as much as you love her. Ria, all of POSTs money belongs to you now, don’t embezzle too much of it. Shai, you are going to be the youngest captain of the Matzah Ballerz in franchise history, I fully expect to see you win it all. Don’t go around scissoring people, okay? Keaton, I’m giving your upstairs living room back, enjoy the peace and quiet. It’s kinda cool not going to school with your older sibling, so get used to it. Chander, my darling Jaundice Thunderbaby, I leave you the biggest bütter of them all, a pasta machine that only performs level 5, a poop stained t-shirt, and the coed “pasta” party. Give Alyssa a hug for me. Maybe when I come back you’ll finally be able to sky me. Peace out GHS, it’s been something.

H Cecilia Hammond

Bye Garfield!! Sophia: I leave you the graphics corner. My sweet sweet Messenger/advisory queen, thank you for keeping my sixth period attendance record slightly better, keeping me updated on your life and drama, and getting me re-addicted to 2048. Carry on the legacy of the Mess art section and don’t forget your daily stretches!!! Owen: I leave you the daunting task of replacing Angelena and me with two top notch players and taking Kolk’s Advisory Angels to the top next year. I don’t know what I’ll do without you asking me how I’m doing every day!! Stay #woke and #educated and maybe tone down the POST propaganda? Ava: I leave you infinite pomelos! You are one of the most caring people I’ve been lucky enough to get to know in high school and I seriously know you’re gonna make senior year your B****! Ilana and Fern: I leave you the responsibility of conducting freshman bonding

as flawlessly as Delphi and I did, and keeping the fakes at MBC in check. Natalie and Mason: I challenge you to form carpools as #lit as SNC. #rip. And Natalie, maybe try a littttle harder than I did when running WIT. And finally, my one and only unnaturally tall brother Zach: I leave you the world’s bougiest 1997 Toyota Corolla, and the impossible task of filling my shoes (good thing you’re already smarter than me). Take good care of Cory (she’s still mine when I’m home) and make sure she’s ALWAYS stocked with lifesavers mints! Who’s gonna help you pop the gas door? Enjoy all the only child perks like unloading the dishwasher every single time and dealing with mom and dad on your own :)) I’ll miss grumpy morning car rides, bubble tea and Chipotle outings, and sharing gossip way more than you know. Maybe you’ll actually respond to my texts when it’s our only mode of communication next year???

Julia Haralson

First, to my dearest Mimi. I give you three special keys. One has all the tools you could ever need. The other contains all the proper things for any show. The last holds all the secrets of a show, labeled carefully with gaff tale. I give you all the standbys and go’s you will ever call, a watch to know when to call places, and several detailed to-do lists. Finally, I give you the deep love and beautiful spirit of every good stage manager (though I know you already have

it). Sophia: I give you a thousand secret lines of love, a car full of rants, and a coupon for good hugs (don’t worry it has infinite uses). Keya: I give you a thousand rides to school in a car that smells a little like birdseed but has a whole lot of love. Logan: I give you the fashion of every dad, several bad puns, and the tradition of skipping 6th period to come to tech class. Juliet: I give you one million hugs, the responsibility of being religious at GHS, and a megaphone to yell at everyone during choreographing. Also, I give you half of all lesbianism. Sofia: I give you the other half of all lesbianism, a good internet connection to watch The Bold Type during yearbook block, and all the Instagram captions you will ever need. Jilly: I give you plenty of Marvel memes, to make you both laugh and cry. I want to give you the organization and savvy needed to help lead LGBTQ arts club, but you’ve already had that for a long time. Marisa: I give you the entire tech shop, plenty of gaff tape (the kind that smells nice), and headphones to wear during orchestra concerts in the sound booth. Most importantly, I give you Bekah and Katie. Watch out for them while I’m gone! Bekah: I give you the responsibility of being the oldest Haralson sibling, the wisdom of determining the CSOTD, and a thousand nights around our dining room table procrastinating on our homework. Nikko: I give you the joy and burden of leadership for two chaotic but wonderful groups. To help, I also leave you a thousand meeting agendas, a complete conflict resolution toolkit, and the power to say “everything is going to be okay” and mean it. And finally to the 2018-2020 theatre officers. I give you my most prized possession, the beautifully messy

6-7-19 garfield messenger

Garfield Theatre Department. Love her well, we know she needs it.

Cameron Houghton

Chander, Daniel, and Keaton: (AKA the frizbros) I leave you the strength to play a sport that no one cares about, give them hell next season. Alex Nelson: I leave you my respect since i took it away so long ago. I’ll cheer for you when you’re playing D1 basketball. Nick Bukovec: You’ll have a lacking drumline, but I leaf you with the medicine to get you through those tough friday nights ;) Olaf Morrison: The man of many names. Boggy, slide to bellingham for a good time next year and stay lanky. I leave you my good choices in your two years of upper class. Liam Hyde: Start practicing for the SB dance early, it’s gonna be a wild ride. I would leave you my enthusiasm on POST trips, but you’ve already got that, so i’ll leave you all of the laughs that you gave me. Betsy Siegal: I leave you with the skills to pay the bills, have a good last year of high school, and leave it all on the field for your senior season.

Rakila Hunter

Success will find you no matter where you go or what you do! As we prepare for a new chapter, just know my heart will always find you in it!!

Miquela Hughes

Lady Green - I leave an abundance of game day chipotle lunch dates and a softball team that you will be able to call family forever. As well as our softball dance video we never made, therapy sessions, and practically daily Starbucks runs. You are one of the most welcoming, kind hearted people I know.

Amelia Collet - I leave you with our legendary Friday night fight nights. You are literally psycho. Love you forever. You are one of the most compassionate and selfless people I know. Nicola Simpson - I have two things to say: STFU and TIME CHECK!!! I leave you with another Hughes sister and I know together you two will do amazing things. You are one the most hard working people I know. Jackie Harris - I leave you my baby sister! Take care of each other. Being best friends during this time of your life truly means something and you both will create memories together you will talk about for the rest of your lives. Cherish every moment. Jade Peterson - I leave you with so much love, appreciation, and admiration. Our tea time talks, nights in the Hughes bas ment, and moments of hyping each other up will always be remembered. Rebecca Jessup - I leave you the legacy of the beater cars of Garfield High School. It’s truly a very special role to have. Kelsey Leamer - I leave you with a whole lot of snacks because you always eat mine. I leave you with the memories of the legendary innies and being outnumbered by every team during warm ups. At least we never have to drive a door less minivan together ever again. Lots of love. Softball team - I leave you with the legacy we have created for Garfield softball. Metro champions. District champions. State champions. History makers. We have achieved every accomplishment we set our minds too and I know you all are not done yet. Never take for granted just how special this team is because I already miss every moment.

I leave you with my love and hope for this program that you all will take over. Bulldog fever forever. Gabbi Hughes - I leave you the legacy of the Hughes girls. The first one of us entered this school in 2013 and you will be the last to leave in 2021. I believe in with you with every piece of my being. Anything you can do you can set your mind to. Whether that’s throwing the best Halloweekend rager and getting grounded with me, beating me in ping pong, or one day becoming one of the best film makers in the business, success will find you every time because that’s just who you are. It’s how I know you will make it these next two years without me no matter how difficult the distance makes it. You will never know how much I truly love you Gabs. This will come as a shocker but YOU are my favorite 021.

J Stella Jarvis

Everything in my name goes to Wynsome. Protect her at all costs. Love you, dear.

Sophie Josephson:

To Sam Gelpi, Claire Torgelson, and Oscar Westneat I leave the Jazz band. Oscar and Sam, try not to ruin any more hotel rooms with your addiction to Insomnia Cookies, and Claire...try to stay sane without Ellie and me. I’ll be honest, the Reno trip next year will probably be rough as always, but you’ll have amazing time in Europe and I am insanely jealous! Thanks for sticking it out with me these past three years. I’ll miss you guys. To

Ella Parker, Jyotika Chung, Linda Phan, and the rest of the track girls I leave Coach Crain’s incredibly evil and inaccurate workouts...have fun with them. You guys have been such amazing teammates over the years, and I am so proud of everything you have accomplished. I’ll be cheering you guys on when you kick butt again next year, but also be very thankful that’s not me anymore. Lastly to Conor Manley, who has crammed with me the night before every single math test in the last three years, I leave my Kahn Academy account. Hopefully it will be more helpful than I ever was.

K Peter Kubiniec

To Oscar K: a full book of blue absence slips, my grudging acceptance of Mount Baker Crew, and an unparalleled musical legacy. This school is yours now, put in the hours and never answer “I don’t know” to an application question, you’ll get there. Donny, my most ferocious competitor and a pacy partner to boot, I leave you the streets, my heart, and 19 miles of bliss— also an outrageously sexy mirror selfie. Cheesy and Sam B, the team is yours, get the miles in but don’t sleep on the chocolate milk. Connor M, Sam G, Fleety, Westneat, Teag, Jack H, Josh C, Baby Laird, Jams, Bonsai, Future, and anyone else, State is out there for the taking, get after it this summer boys. In the words of an elder, “party all you want but never miss

WASHINGTON Bellevue College Zeinab Hamido

Seattle Pacific University

Central Washington University

Amanda Ho Delina Tesfai Tsion Belgu

Janelle Gary Joshua Davis Umoya Mckinney

Seattle University Amina Kodah Eva Gugsa Thomas Case Melat Ermyas

Digipen Institute of Technology Lauren Campbell

South Seattle College

Eastern Washington University

Bryce Groen

South Puget Sound College

Angel Hadnot Khabirah Weddington

Jared Fix

Gonzaga University

Washington State University

Jacquelene Sullivan Lauren Hightower Leo Winiecki

Seattle Central College




Abraham Teklemichael Adia Bonkano Aidan Kemper Alan Castaneda Asha Yussuf Ataliana Green Caleb Allen Dalit Martinez Danae Tillman-Green Dazyrah Frazier Deandra Damdin Ebonye Jones Falisha Samuels Haoquan Guan Iruoma Egboh Ivan Dusseau Kalena Riley Katana Peterson Lynette De Jesus Maseo Embry Micheala Johnson Nadya Abraha Nawndy Clewis Naymma Moreno Patrick Mungai Peng Chen Samira Mohamed

Ethan Gold Jaden Paine Leila Adams Marshall Simon Paulos Rakitzis

Western Washington University Alma Watson Cameron Houghton Chanty Skugstad Christopher Leonard Daniel Lesnikowski Elliott Grigg Finlay Morrison Finn Petrak Jennet Mitikie Niko Butt Nora Brown Roslena Hoard Rowan Hale Sierra Green Tate Patten Thea Schaaf Sofia Solorzano Virginia Cornall William Manum Za’Laydreana Sherrell Zuleica Cortes

University of Washington Aaron Tou Aidan Preedy

Alex Reynolds Alina Butler Allison Gu Ana Olsen Armin Magness Asad Tacy Benjamin Ferry Chardonnay Beaver Cipher Goings Conan Brkanac Delgerekh Ariunbileg Elaine Duong Elena Wu Elizabeth Umbach Emilia Garcia-Bompadre Fiona Drum Harriet Sanders Isis Beauregard-Coaxum Jacob Linden James Battison Johann Choy Jonah Silverstein Kevin Sun Lekasia Riley Licsun Wong Lorena Ng Luka Bedalov Mari Morikawa Michael Duan Mileena Ros Milena S. Haile Muna Yase Nicholas Gjording Robert Snow Ruiheng Chen Serena Krivonak Serenity Chan-Hamilton Sharon Cai Shelly Cai Sophia Balaski Soren Dahl Wanda Kuang

University of Washington Bothell George Weir Sosuna Tedros Khonner Holifield

University of Washington Tacoma Angeline Che

North Seattle College Caleb Puls

Cal Poly - San Luis Obispo Aiden Babonas Flannery Connor John Mulligan Kosimo Tonn

CALIFORNIA Eleanor Dunn Erin Croom Hannah Marschell Jaya Duckworth Lucia Njegovan

Pitzer College

Chapman University Arlo Van Liew Angelena Tran

Jacob Neville Micah Tratt

Claremont McKenna College San Francisco Samuel Chotzen Conservatory of Music Occidental College Aidan Siemann Ada Rosen Delphinium DrakeMudede

Santa Clara University Andrew Albrecht

Scripps College Lily Wartman Flora Taagen

University of Redlands Ariel Cook

UC Berkeley

University of San Diego

Hailey Gray Jack Graves Lucy Yang Roland Feng

Hugh Gleysteen

UC San Diego Kaia Simpson

UC Santa Cruz Hazel Borden

University of San Francisco Elina Lingappa Nadia Fox

University of Southern California Chance MacArthur Isabel Woods Julia Lin Peter Kubiniec

MONTANA Montana State University Edwin Budge Elijah Adorno

ILLINOIS Loyola University Chicago Patrick Furman

Northwestern University Avinash Chung John Volk

University of Illinois


MASSACHUSETTS Boston College Sydney Davis

Bard College

New York University

Antonia Salathe

Patrick Wang

Barnard College of Columbia University

Skidmore College

Boston University Lauren Guthrie

Clark University Lilian Palmer

Mount Holyoke College Audrey Ostenson Eugenia Montsaroff

Smith College

Silu Wang

Columbia University

Phoebe Rawn

University of Rochester

Cooper Union

Liam O’Leary

Jackson Lancaster

Vassar College

Tufts University

Cole Jaynes-Ostrom Zoya Garg

Mira Behar Monique Allen Samuel Patz

University of Colorado Boulder Atkin Arnstein Jacob Phelps

Williams College Daniel Page


RHODE ISLAND Brown University Nicole Burns Trevor Ing

Duke University Magdalena Lundsgaard Phillips Tyler Feldman

Giancarlo Fimmano Hayden Wainwright

Faith Brantley

Muhlenberg College Juliette Jones

Swarthmore College

NEW HAMPSHIRE Dartmouth College

Villanova University Caoimhe Edmark

Sophia Josephson



Utah State University

Carolena Muno

Princeton University

Angelica Arns

University of Utah

Haverford College

Freya Wiedemann

Western New Mexico University


Emma Jassy

Sophie Works

Dakota College at Bottineau


PENNSYLVANIA Drexel University

Lehigh University

Wellesley College

Nicholas Bishop

Spencer Hulsman-Wells

Isabel Schmidt

Fordham University

Karina Zimmerman Maeve Hulsman-Wells

Lily Laesch Matthew Koplowitz Max Hanscom Piper Boss

University of Vermont

The Juilliard School

Catrin Do

Olivia Goss

Marika Gould

Timothy Bernard

COLORADO Colorado College

VERMONT Middlebury College

GEORGIA Georgia Tech Jack Bryant

MISSOURI Webster University Julia Haralson

D.C. Georgetown University


Elisa Rehder Lyric Harris

Wesleyan University


Svend Lundsgaard Phillips

Alaska Pacific University Lucy Berliant

OREGON George Fox University Patrick James

Portland State University Emma Riddick Spencer Kneass

ARIZONA Arizona State University Owen Woodland Roan McCallum

VIRGINIA University of Virginia

LOUISIANA Southern University Sanyh Aaron

Tulane University Cecilia Hammond

Lucy Rayment

Sierra Bradford


Anglo-American University, Prague

D’Imunique Shaw

Georgia Skerritt

University of Oklahoma

Imperial College London, England

Blaise Dagnen


Malini Williams

University of Arizona Aiden McCleary Miquela Hughes

WISCONSIN Marquette University

FLORIDA Bethune-Cookman University Mariah Dixon Teleah Royal

University of Florida

Jacobs University, Bremen Germany Olivia Neumark

University of St. Andrews, Scotland

Rubyrose Gonzalez

Rebecca Salenjus

University of Miami

University of Tartu, Estonia

Sofia Friedlander

Thomas Tolgu


senior wills

a workout.” Also I want to see you all at Montlake. The rest of XC, I leave you an angry menchies employee, illegal poops, community service, and a lifetime supply of imodium, don’t spend it all in one place. To POST, I leave a dead mole. Fleet, a house made of oreo stuffing and the responsibility to keep Shabazz alive— it’s all on you now baby. Sara J, running survival is easy, it’s keeping your friends while you do it that’s hard. Don’t worry though, you got this in the bag. Julia La, Simon W, and Georgia S, you are the top dawgs now, wield your power for good. You three “are what’s up” (in the words of Diego,) the world isn’t ready, but don’t hold back. Taylor, don’t let Oscar eat too much oreo, it’s not good for him. Liam H, keep crackin’ jokes, bud, you’re carrying the team now. Ben, Grace, Daniel: they can try to hold you down, but you don’t speak in words. I might even eat something you cook someday. Grady C, you are an absolute goat, keep the fire alive and never sleep in the cabin. Graham, Yatin, Linda, Owen A, economics is easy, MM=1/MPS, don’t let Mankiw get you down, Khan has the answers. Xavier, don’t let the power get to your head, there is more to life than the AUX. Aaron, never make way for a South Going Zax, you are on the side of truth and justice. JHow, I leave you the entire spanish language, use it better than I did. Paul, I leave you my undying admiration. Finn, you are, and always will be, my bakugan champ. When life gets tough, you get tougher, height isn’t everything. Sho, you’ll get the front lever some day, but you’re gonna have to get in shape first. Jackson, keep the boys in line, our custodians work hard enough

already. Gemma and Shannon you two will do much better than we did, just keep steering for the horizon, progress comes slow. Egeljin, you got this, if anyone can make it you can. To anyone else, named or otherwise I leave you a chicken burger, a handshake, and an anytime game of hacky sack.

Thanks to everyone who made the last 4 years so special, and to all the people who have driven me around everywhere, especially Sophie Jo, Matt, and Chloe, I promise I’ll get my license someday.

Josh Kuh

Lily Laesch

For the Baseball Boys: Levi, I leave you my spot as the lefty in the pitching rotation, you have big shoes to fill, but work hard and maybe someday you’ll touch my velo. Shoot your shot someday Jav. Nate, keep wearing those bomber jackets and spreading cream cheese on the bagel, humbabe. Oscar Kopischke, keep grinding, carry the team next year and find the success we weren’t able to. Jackson protect your head and trust yourself and you’ll do great. Sam, thanks for all the beef jerky dip, step up and be a leader next year. Desmond, please don’t turn out like Cole. To all my PO’s, always be frontside strong, and if you don’t learn anything else by the time you graduate, you’ll sure be good at running laps and field maintenance. As a wise pitching coach once said, “We’re the f---ing Garfield Bulldogs!” and don’t let anyone forget that. For everyone else: Olivia, thanks for keeping me sane during the last 3 years of Spanish, Barbie and Ken had nothing on us. Julia, Conor, Kelsey, and Joey you’re all saints for dealing with me this year in Hathaway, good luck with the rest of high school. Clare, Rachel, and Lydia, Survivor Club is in good hands with you three, keep David’s spirit alive. Oscar Fleet, don’t throw ice at freshmen again, thanks for all the laughs this year.

L Well dog pound, I’m on my way out. To the varsity soccer ladies, I leave you runs to the lake, substituted swear words, & a knee injury record waiting to be broken. To Joey, I leave cobblestones, my untamed road rage, and some morning jams. I hope you can be on time more than I was this year. Clare and Aaliyah get some see-through shorts and a big hug. You are both incredible humans and I love you so dearly. Georgia gets unlimited stressed out gifs, a marshmallow bouquet, a toosmall cheer skirt, & 7:30 morning meetings. You deserve the world G, and I can’t wait to watch you conquer it so fiercely. You inspire me to be a better (and more sustainable) person. Mena and Millan get my pride and joy—some justified text, missing links, and a lot of yellow highlighting. Make me proud! Thea gets FROGS and triangle head. You made my days brighter and kept me hydrated, even when I didn’t say please. Ben gets a lifetime supply of bell peppers ;). Grady gets muddy lei-sure shoes, offbeat clapping, a knife that doubles as a boomerang, and a camel that doubles as a wife. Suraia, I leave you some spray paint and the tallest rock wall in the world to climb. Kyla, I leave you the cliff that you will conquer one day. Rayan gets a slippery and dusty hike descent and lots of laughter.

Mahalia, no words can describe the confidence I have in your ability to change the world. I leave you a lifeguard float and all my love. Chander gets the kingdom or high pitched marriage proposals and a swan dive. Oscar, I give you the super kayak and that new leg I promised you. Keep doing you bud, & you’re wiser than you know. Ria, I give you a stolen canoe, yellow lights, and so much faith in all that you offer the world. I see so much of myself in you and I can’t wait to cheer you on, even from afar. Julia, I give you the woodword, skit directing skills worthy of a Ravenclaw comeback, a lot of mid-meeting laughs, women in film, and Brock Omabrama coming out of the boo. You inspire me so immensely. Ian and Posy get the untouched memories of dish crew dance parties, garden hill stargazing, midnight sheep births, a world of snow turned green & so much love (so close to home). Coming back is hard, but often the most rewarding things are the hardest, so revel in your newest chapter and carry that place with you in everything you put your mind to. Olivia, I give you moderately unsafe crowd surfing, fields of cows, country roads, yummy kelp, some big trucks, sunset kayaks, varying bike injuries, dead car batteries, ferry soft pretzels, my best yelling voice, & my finest clipboard. That place has brought me so much wholeness over the last four years, and I’m so glad I get to pass it on to you. And lastly, to Greta/Gretchen/baby G/little sis, if you ever return from the world of rednecks, make the most of every moment here. You cannot have my car, or my room, or my clothes, but I do give you infinite love, support, fa jitas, iron, & blood sugar. You are a remarkable

6-7-19 garfield messenger

soul, and I will never cease to be your biggest cheerleader. Peace out bulldogs. Catch you later, and let’s abolish the school to prison pipeline and the achievement gap in the meantime.

Julia Lin

Rachel A, I leave you the gala and a hug whenever you need one. You are sunshine. Isaiah and Aidan, I leave you both a pinch pot. Julia La, I leave you our name. You’ve always been the better Julia. Ria and Jyotika, I leave you the Lopez beach walk. You two never fail to brighten my day. Tiana T, I leave you the giggles. May you forever find things in life that make you laugh so hard you can’t stop. Xavier, you’re the best and coolest guitar player I know. Aaron and Lampton, I leave you both some ice. Don’t get too injured without me next year. Leif, I leaf you survival naturalist station and some pine needle tea. Jack H, my favorite son, I leave you all of the lyrics to my neck my back and I better see you in socal next year. G Boss, you’re the coolest kid I know. Ava K, I leave you this paper aka my baby and with her I know you’ll do big things. You get the power of the orange bell, awkward announcements to the class and my apologies that I haven’t been in sixth period lately. Cleo K, I leave you the confidence to conquer the world (not that I ever had it, but I know that you will). Team 1, I love you all to our tree and back. To anyone else reading this, I leave you the knowledge that you’re never alone. High school is tough but you’re tougher! In the wise words of my predecessors, fight on.

N Josephine Nguyen

High school for me has been a fun, interesting, and difficult journey. Out of all my years at Garfield, I would say my favorite year was my sophomore year of high school because that was the first time I participating in the schools track and field team! I will never forget time where I won two gold medals at the State championship! And my love for the team (in generally) even though, I resigned from doing track and field last year. I will always love “my track and field family” even I didn’t do track and field this year as a senior. <3 As for my junior year, personally, it was really a difficult and emotional with stress of junior year and also they were times I faced discrimination because of my physical disability but as a person with a disability, you learn to get over that stuff some point in your life. I guess that’s why I fell in love with writing stories, you can just pour out your thoughts and feelings onto paper and then boom! Magic happens… whether or not people love or dislike your stories, and my advice to anyone out there who wants to start writing their own “personal” stories, I say, “just go for it! Do it, put that pencil/ pen and notebook to magic and (most likely), you will fall in love. Besides writing stories as a possible career, currently, I’m also thinking doing fashion modeling for people with disabilities (but I’ll see if I can balance both). I also wanna give a shoutout to these following people for helping me face tough obstacles in all my four years that

I’ve been here: Ms. Snookal: even though physical science (my freshman year) was difficult class, you pushed me to try the best I can. Mr. Young: for making me love the subject of world history (and our class textbook, haha). Mr. Deal: for making math class fun and understanding even though I struggle with math, Mr. Leslie: for always hooking me up by sending our class presentation notes to me (he’s the plug), Mrs. Eastwood and Mr. Washington: for pushing me through a tough class assignment when I feel like giving up on it, and all the coaches on the track and field team: for making our schools track team the best it can be! And always pushing the athletes to work hard. Finally, for my senior year, shoutout to all the boys I had a crush this year (you probably know who you guys areall of them were on the soccer team), haha! And just shout out to the team in generally for working hard and kicking ass this spring. I’d enjoyed coming and watching your games even though I only been to two games. I love it when you guys get some hype before the game with the chant: “Any Dawgs in the House, True dawgs”. #daddysoccer

Lucy Njegovan

O Jacob Orser

To Keaton I leave you morning car rides with Ariana. To Lammy, I leave you the a plot to destroy Ballard and the remembrance of Jesus Christ To Cam I leave you the most drip fit on game days To 3 To Liver good luck. To Oliver good luck too To Tiana I leave you the tiny one. Take care of him. Also deep talks. To Talis I leave you the mustiest smell To Aaron I’ll miss you grandson To Ava I leave deep Cleaning To Lampton I leave the spirit of adventure and an aazing drone To Navi you’re the best staff member I know. Keep up the amazing work To Chandler, I leave you the memories of me dunking on you

P Sam Patz

I would like to send strength to Alice and Tova; long live the Pen and ModelUN. To Thea and Iris, I give you the land of milk and Patz Honey.

Gigi N, I leave you my legacy as a mediocre student. Please don’t make it any worse for Katie’s sake. Don’t let GHS ruin your spirits and don’t Lily Palmer let advisory ruin your lungs. To all my lacrosse girls, I leave I love you dearly and will be 3 hours drives to literally who back soon :) knows where, steal the bacon in the pouring rain, and spaJacob Neville To Clara, I leave you with the ghetti dinners with tons of car, our never ending convos garlic bread. Next time you about anything and every- play Tahoma, make sure to thing, and listening to the chill fracture some wrists for me. rap playlist while gassing the I’ll love my lacrosse fam 4ever <3 incompetent Seattle drivers.

senior wills

To Georgia, Lerner, Ava R., Zoe, Iris, Rebecca, Thea, and Zierna I leave not going to school but still going to lacrosse. Keep up the secret sisters, team lunches, wand amazing spirit. Yerds, I leave you a love-hate relationship wtih eDesign, celebratory pancakes, and Lovre’s snacks from Grocery Outlet (remember to hide them from Messenger). I believe in you guys!

ankle and a state-of-the-art sound system. Aviv, I leave you Wendell and a brand-new Secchi Disk. Make us proud! Ainsley, I’m giving you the Southern Residents and all the new YOAs while I’m gone. I know you’ll take care of them and treat them well! Natasha, I leave you all the animal socks you could imagine and lots of grizzly bears with round little ears. Sean, you get my whole freakheart!! Also an autograph Magdalena Phillips ing Emily, I leave you Ellen Page, from Alexis Omega and that some funky little crabs, and one selfie of me in a leather responsibility for making sure jacket. You know the one. that Spang doesn’t drown Annika, the coolest person any students next year in I know- I leave you Jimothy, swimming. It’s a hard job, but Snow Goose Produce, and tickets to a One Direction someone has to do it. Camille, you get an actually reunion tour. Also I give you functional body and all the an admission letter to Duke awful pimple-popping videos so that we don’t have to be all the way across the counyou could ever want. Alessandra, you get tickets try from each other. Problem to Newsies and also all of my solved! gayest flannels so that you can be even more of a fashion icon next year. Carmelita, you get a lead role in the next musical and also complete permission to say Lucy Rayment “worm” at any and all oppor- To Olivia and Katie I leave tunities. you first period concert choir Sam, I leave you my rainbow gossip sessions, a yogurt, the Converse so you can assume phone bin, and the special the mantle of gayest person first row of the alto section. I in the Orchestra A cello sec- will miss seeing all your beaution next year. tiful smiles every morning. To Ruby, you get a little dinosaur Oscar K, I leave you sixth peand oceans that are plastic- riod sushi cravings. To Kate, I free. leave the essential choir latin Kyla, I leave you chill vibes duo, the interesting powderso that senior year doesn’t puff musical review crossstress you out too much. Also, over, and all my love. You are you get a couple inches of my a shining star and one of the height and a force field that funniest people I know. To prevents adults from asking Vocal Jazz, I leave late night about college. and early morning rehearsFor all of the volleyball girls, I als, sunset blush, passive agleave you my endless support gressive groupme messages, and also a scoreboard that the alder doors, and Uni-Scat actually works. I’m so excited sections. Keep pushing to come to a game next sea- through guys you got this. To son! Claire and Lexie, I leave you Marisa, I leave you a new sgc, I could not leave it in


better hands. Cherish every rehearsal! It will go by faster than you can imagine. To Tessa, I leave you the Columbia City neighborhood, vlogmas, and ross dress for less. You are one of the smartest people I know, and the only person who loves christmas as much as I do. Thanks for growing up with me, I can’t wait to see all the big things you do. To Oliver, I leave you my little brother. Take care of him when i’m gone and keep him out of trouble.

bly want on a crepe, as long as it is on the outside. Good luck next year without me.

Antonia Salathé

To Sean I leave a bird that really does say “moo,” ten flannels, and an unbreakable timpani. To Allesandra I leave the cast of Newsies (use this wisely) and the memory of twirling around the orchestra room like maniacs. To Izzy I leave a portion of my own BDE, homegrown. To Ruby unlimited facemasks for self care and... bees. So many bees. To Elena I leave the knowledge that you are enough, and you are loved, always. And to Helena I leave all of my stuffed Hattie Sanders animals (except giraffy), my Hannah Sanders, I leave you room, and the ability to rock everything-don’t let it go to this brand new generation. your head. My final words of advice: don’t take yourself Isabel Schmidt too seriously, and take care of To my absolutely amazing XC my car VERY seriously. ladies, I leave you lake jumps on gorgeous days, countless Becca Salenjus TJ samples on Cap Hill runs, To Thea, I leave you countless grit and sweat on every hill planned trips to Ikea, and as workout, my Woodland PR many lingonberry juice boxes to beat, and the best coachas you can consume. To Ra- es in the business. Keep the chel, the baddest in yearbook ice cream runs crazy and the business, I leave you all the jammypack music loud and love in my heart, a semester proud. To Crys, I leave you of APES and our bee farm, a left buttcheek, uninjured ;). hope that Panera will not be You’re gonna be an awesome closed when we want it next, captain next year! Reichert, and hundreds of emails for you are amazing, and I’m the yearbook, don’t let ede- grateful for all those hours in sign crush your spirit. To So- bio, even when we were suphia, I leave you my third of uuuper bored. Posy, I leave the West. You are now the you with the official title of reigning queen of the car- team sleepover QUEEN and pool, keep it safe and don’t the guts to PR big time senior drive too far out of your way year. Future, go get em. Stay just because they live in West tough and hungry. Ellie W, Seattle. May the og carpool you’ve been the most incredforever live on in your heart. ible secret sister, and you’re To Aaron, wash your feet you such a dedicated, dirty grimy gremlin. Finally, wonderful teammate. I’m so to Olaf, the little brother I lucky to have met you this never wanted but got, I leave year! Torben, you’re the truyou all the times you had to est dawg I’ve everseen. Keep third-wheel, and all of the dying that hair of yours for whip cream you could possi- race day and keep your heart


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big and full of love. Holland, I leave you Shaw in all his glory :). Really though, always keep your spunk and bulldog pride, I’ll be cheering for ya. To Gracious, I leave you anything and everything written in bass clef. Take care of the back of the string section for me and keep putting your heart into everything you do—I’m proud of you in every way, don’t you ever forget it. Hanni, I leave you the confidence and power to become an even more incredible runner. You’re such a lovely, thoughtful person!! To Alyssa, I leave you too many hugs to count, Korean finger hearts from across the hall, an IOU bookstore fieldtrip (!), an emotional, memorable CORE trip, and a tiny piece of my heart. You deserve the world, buddy, and you make everything around you sparkle. Track Girls, may the cake decorating competition live on!!! Tate, keep making everyone’s days better with your killer baking skills, contagious enthusiasm, and big dreams. To Sam Z, I leave you with the unforgettable moment we made it into A Orchestra together. You’re one of the most awesome people I know—keep killing it at life! To Shannan, Gemma, Ruby, Ainsley, Gracious, and the rest of theofficer gang, you’re all such fantastic leaders and I know Green Team is in the best of hands. Keep the conversations meaningful and everyone jacked up on doughnuts :). To Tova, I leave the sickest arts board in the PNW, a perfectly embroidered snail, the purple-flowered carpet in Interlaken, and the perseverance to make it through the end of high school. Camille, you get some rocket fuel to power you through senior year and some killer dance moves. To Carmelita, keep rocking it on cello and bright-

ening everything around you. And to Natasha, I leave you our Arboretum puppy, endless indecision of where to sit at lunch, a million conversations, the fuzziest of blankets, the craziest of days, and so many memories. You know I love you more than anything, and I’m so excited to see where you end up next year and beyond (bear identifier extraordinaire?!). Peace out GHS, thanks for an amazing four years.

T Flora Taagen

I leave lax to Ava R, Georgia, Lerner, Zoe - can’t think of a better group to lead the team. Jack, Donny, Leo get pictophone, Sid, the fan, chrysanthemum tea, and ofc kings.

Aaron Tou

To Alyssa, I give you the luxury of not having to hold the school bus every morning for me to get on. Have fun these next two years #makethetousproud

Micah Tratt

To Anders, I leave you my infinite knowledge of meats. To the biggest boy, Shai, I leave you my spot on varsity and the Tratt legacy. Finish strong. Oh and Yatin, my roller is all yours.

V John Volk

To Liam Hyde I leave an autographed copy of Viper’s The Moon Is My Son He Look Just

Like Me II album. It’s in the mail, don’t worry. To Jefferson Ashby I leave El Cap, Booba, and that horrific picture of me as the sun. I also entrust the legacy of doing work in your hands. Make sure the next Messenger generation does lots and lots of work. To Devon Ling-Efird I leave the Geelong Cats, the purple pikmin, and a two-step verification process. May the big three protect you from future German hackers. To Ben Mefford I leave a pineapple roof and a historically low Fortz record. To Remy, Ian, Sho, and any other Bullfrogs I haven’t mentioned yet I leave the blessings of Ed Kim, bottomless steak fries, and target pace. Lots and lots of target pace. To Floyd, Bill, Malcolm, and Deven I leave you a legendary relay and various forms of skips. To Talis Mace I leave ‘Her Day’ and visions of a flag football tournament. Honestly not sure if I could’ve made it 9:45 some days without you. To Caron Rossman I leave my 400 time to beat. I will be checking everyday for the next three years, you got this my friend. To Anisa, Shawnel, Mychael, and all my other ASB friends I leave a whole bunch of Canva posters because I there’s nothing else I can give you. To Ava K, Valerie, and the rest of next years Messenger editors I leave nothing because you don’t need anything. You are all so talented I know the paper is gonna thrive in your hands. I can’t wait to find the October issue in my mailbox. To anyone I might have missed I am very sorry, but I love you all. Peace out Garfield.

W Freya Wiedemann

Jackson G: I leave you all the (cheese)burgers in the world. Go the extra mile and get the most saliva inducing, cheesy, loaded bacon burger ever ;) you deserve it. I also leave you a single wet sock to hit people in the face with and the power to let people know when they make you uncomfortable. Be careful with your head. Betsy Siegel: I leave you with 2 sunburnt knee pits. I know you might not want them, but they make you stronger in the end. I also leave you 3 warm mouth grapes (you may not have saved mine but I will always save yours). Please watch Toy Story, it’s really just embarrassing at this point. Sam Gelpie and Ben Mefford: I leave you advisory, complete with cute baby videos, timelapses, and wayyyy too many texts asking to tell Jones I won’t be there today. Please don’t go too often, it defeats the purpose. If you ever end up doing that presentation facetime me in! I also leave you buckets of tears to cry while I’m away, don’t miss me too much. Shai Tratt: I leave you with the challenge to write a script for second date updates and get it on air. Maybe I’ll believe you then! Latin laddies: I leave you my sincerest apologies and good luck wishes. Vivat academia! Oscar Westneat: I leave you my tiara. Keep your head up, princess. Conor Manley: I’m finally giving you full custody! Remember to feed them this time. Also make sure the secret ginger club meetings on Tuesday nights continue, wouldn’t want that to die out...

senior wills

Ian Holzman-Wiedemann: I leave you home, lil bro. It’s all yours. I’m sure you’ll miss my constant presence. Tell mom and dad bye for me!

ging, and cart runs you can handle. China and Oona, be nice to each other and don’t be too mean to Ms. Solbakken while I’m gone <3. Claire and Lexie, keep the Seattle Girls Choir legacy alive Malini Williams in the doghouse! I leave you To Owen Averill, you were so squished rides to rehearsal close to beating me in Fan- in my fiat and a lifetime of tasy Premier League with two full Macrina punch cards. I games left, and then so far on love you, pass it on. Caroline, the last day. Just some ad- don’t watch too many Miranvice from a champion: may- da Sings videos without me. be think twice about triple- Thanks for an eventful four captaining Heung-Min Son years, Garfield. See ya on the next time. Better luck next flip side! season. To Arie Lin-Goldstein, take good care of the French horn section next year. Continue on our legacy of being the second-best section in the orchestra! To my favorite Karina Zimmerman underclassmen on the Orca Bowl team, Aviv Pinker, Ains- Taylor- you’re such a bright ley Mayo, and Annika Lunds- light in my life, and you nevgaard, I leave you Wendell er leave me without a smile! the Nautilus and the Orca I leave you “your mom” jokes Bowl Team. Don’t forget about at the start line and the clouds Secchi disks and the pacific at the end of the rainbow. spiny dogfish. Also Aviv, don’t Natalie C- you’re a beast and forget that you have to have I’m sad I have to leave before everyone sign the medical re- you break 7, so I’m leaving lease form and don’t leave it you Louisa’s paintbox as an until the night before it’s due early gift. Keep crushing it! to have everyone sign the To the Pearl girls, I hope your form; I swear it will save you next driver is half as good a lot of unneeded panic. Also as me at parallel parking, maybe don’t make concrete and that she can sing along spring break plans so you can to Warm 106.9 as well as we go to nationals next year. Best do. Future carpools will never of luck next year! Don’t forget measure up. I leave you voice to kiss Wendell and win that messages sent to Helen, tailgating coaches, and the coltrophy for us again! lege gear I can’t wear anymore. Model UN gang- you’re Izzy Woods going to rock as leaders, and Clara, my perfect business I’m confident that you’ll pack baby, I leave you endless trips Snyder’s room to the limit to SODO, candy from Ms. with globally-minded peoHurd, and an abundant sup- ple. I leave you leadership, ply of blue butterfly stamps. Western business-style outThanks for being by my side fits, and Hawaiian BBQ with a for 8 years, I love you so much. “needs improvement” rating. Call me if you ever need biz And to my Baker girls- we’ve advice, and most importantly, shared so much laughter, so don’t lose the game. Evelyn many tears, and completed and Gabe, watch over Trader so many impossible workouts Joe’s for me. I leave you all together. I leave you 5x1500 the 2 bells, broken eggs, bag- ergs, early Saturday morn-


ings, and love for the team. Keep working hard and go Baker!

6-7-19 garfield messenger

Class of 2019! You’ve all finally found the Bulldog ;)

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