The Garfield Messenger: Volume 95, Issue 6

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February 17, 2017

Volume 95, Issue 6

An Open Forum for Student Expression

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Editorial and Letter Policy The purpose of The Garfield Messenger is to present student perspectives on issues and events related to the Garfield High School community. The Messenger’s editorial responsibility lies not in presenting a particular viewpoint or agenda, but in representing a variety of opinions. Views expressed in publications by The Messenger do not necessarily represent those of our staff, supporters, or the Garfield High School student body and faculty. The Garfield Messenger welcomes responses to our publications as well as opinions concerning issues relevant to Garfield. Please send editorials, opinion columns, or letters to the editor to Contact The Garfield Messenger The Garfield Messenger Garfield High School 400 23rd Ave Seattle, WA 98122 Phone/Fax: (206) 252-2270 E-mail:


The Garfield Messenger 02/17/2017


Volume 95 Issue 6 February 17, 2017



Get to Know: Andres Godinez. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Anticipating the Academy Awards. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

by Alex Ferry

by Lily Laesch

News Briefs. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Inspired Natives, Not Native Inspired. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

by Julia Reguera

A Long Season . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 by Jessica Morales

A Growing Issue. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5

by Hannah Tacke

You Can’t Stop the Beat. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13

by Cipher Goings

Bulldog Love. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13

by Claire Boudour

by Alex Ferry

Know Your Rights. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

13th. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14

by Julia Lin

by Delphi Drake-Mudede

Protest Songs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 by Susana Davidson

Valen-Tunes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14 by Delphi Drake-Mudede

It’s a Lifestyle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 by Ana Matsubara & Ruby Seiwerath

FEATURES Hidden in the Walls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 by Josh Chestnut

Upstander of the Issue. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 by Quinn Sullivan

Ahead of Schedule. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 by Ann Shan & Flora Taagen

SPORTS The Athletic Body Image. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 by Sydney Santos

She’s a Shooting Star . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19 by Esther Chien

Gotta Catch ‘Em All. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19


by Bella Rowland-Reid

A Citizen’s Duty. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 by Charlotte Gong

Where’d You Hear That?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 by Elena Orlando

Writing Executive Bella Rowland-Reid Graphics Executive Cora Andersen Bicknell Graphics Editor Elliott Hoppe Section Editors Hannah Tacke • Quinn Sullivan Elena Orlando • Emma Cooper Business Executive David Willner Advisor Corey Allan Martin

Writers Alex Ferry • Ann Shan • Charlotte Gong • Cipher Goings • Claire Boudour Delphi Drake-Mudede • Esther Chien Flora Taagen • Jamaica Aych • Jasmine Fernandez • Jessica Morales • Josh Chestnut • Julia Lin • Lily Laesch Susana Davidson • Sydney Santos Photographers Freya Wiedemann • Peter Kubiniec Ruby Seiwerath • Toby Tran Illustrators Ana Matsubara • Ariel Cook • Brianna Kleckner Business Staff Paulette Argeres • Julia Reguera

A Citizen’s Duty pg. 9 Art by Ariel Cook

Cover photo by Ruby Seiwerath

The Garfield Messenger 02/17/2017



Get To Know

News Briefs

Andres Godinez.


ndres Godinez moved to Seattle last year, and is known as the new kid from Chicago and his skills on the lacrosse field. Being the humble guy he is, most are unaware of his unique skills in aviation. “I started flying planes in early July,” Godinez said. “Right now it’s really on and off because I hurt my arm, but before, I’d fly in a simulator at Seatac everyday after school.” Andres never planned to invest himself in the field of aviation, but when given the opportunity to fly, it became a regular hobby. “My sister works at boeing and she found this aviation class sponsored by Alaska Airlines. It was only supposed to be a two day class but Photo by Toby Tran on the second day they asked if we wanted to actually learn to fly a plane–of course we all said yes.” This “two day class” ended up turning into an adventure of a lifetime. “We ended up flying for two weeks and then on the last day of the second week, they told us to pack our bags and get ready to go to Europe,” said Godinez. “Our first stop was Dubai. From there we flew to Spain, Italy, Germany, France, and the UK. Each person was in charge

of doing their own flight to each area. I was in charge of germany to france.” Getting on a plane is usually a tedious process, including lines, baggage, security, etc. However, Andres and his aviation class got to skip this altogether. “It was really weird, you just walk into this building, open a binder with that holds a key to the plane, and you write down flight time. We fly out of boeing, and we never once went through security, just the Alaska Airline hangars,” said Godinez. Although Andres is now a piloting pro, it didn’t come naturally to him at first. “I’m terrified of heights, It’s been something that been pushing me to be a lot safer. I make sure everything’s working perfectly,” said Godinez Andres has been practicing hard in order to achieve his goals for next year and years to come. “I’ve been practicing in a commercial plane which is cool and they also let us use their simulators. I get to fly 737’s now,” said Godinez. “Western michigan has a good aviation program and Alaska is writing me a letter of recommendation and are pushing for me to go there. I’d be able to get a career right after college–which would be ideal.” Fasten your seat belt, Andres, looks like you have an adventurous future ahead! -AF

TUTORING & TEST PREP Lessons by Chris Morris-Lent • GHS ‘06 • Columbia ‘09 Guaranteed gains:

+200 SAT • +4 ACT • 1 academic letter grade

Chris possesses the qualities of an inspirational and worthy tutor; and we highly and unequivocally recommend him to others! —V. Nori, Redmond

I was lucky enough to be Chris’ journalism teacher on the Messenger ... a remarkable writer who knows how to make learning fun.

—Steve Miranda, Franklin High School • • 206-551-7843


The Garfield Messenger 02/17/2017

By Julia Reguera

Cats! Declaw or Nah?

While declawing feline nails may seem like a easy way to keep a pet from ruining furniture, most people do not understand the painful effects it has on cats. Because cat nails include part of the last bone in their toes, certain declawing surgeries resemble cutting off a finger or toe for humans on their last knuckle. Cats can also face a range of psychological and physical damages following these surgeries including anxiety, urination problems, and personality changes. Most of the time these surgeries are given to benefit the owner solely despite the pain and complications that the pet experiences. New Jersey could be the first state to ban these surgeries as a bill has cleared the lower chamber of the Legislature this January. Scratching is part of a cat’s nature and removing their nails could be substituted with clipping them once in awhile, or purchasing a scratching post. While these ways are more work for the owner, they are much more beneficial to the health and well being of the pets.

Where Does Your Wasted Coffee Go?

Seattle consuming more coffee than any other city in America, is starting to face the effects of its extensive caffeine consumption. Traces of caffeine are being being found in our waters however the effect it has on our marine life is unknown. After Seattleites pour their unwanted coffee down the drain, the caffeine is given a second life and eventually ends up in the Puget Sound. This problem may route from the lack of regulation in wastewater treatment plants. While the effects of caffeine pollution as it is now is unknown, aquatic life that is exposed to higher rates of caffeine levels is expected to face a multitude problems including higher stress levels, changes in growth rates, and reproductive problems.

Qatar Spends Big on Sports Infrastructure

Qatar is facing a great deal of controversy as it is preparing to host the world’s biggest soccer tournament. The country is planning to spend about 500 million each week for the next four years in order to prepare for the hosting of the 2022 World Cup soccer tournament. These funds are set aside for not only soccer stadiums, but other infrastructure like roads, airports, hospitals and more. Even though Qatar has looked to tighten its budget since the 2014 drop in oil prices, the state budget was approved for a 7.7 billion deficit due to world cup preparation. While the amount may seem extensive, it was cut by about 4 billion from the previous year’s estimation. This deficit will be the first one Qatar has faced in 15 years.


A Long Season

Seasonal depression hits hard in Seattle.


By Jessica Morales

n the throes of winter here in Seattle, it your brain,” said Moore. “That doesn’t hapcan be hard to catch a glimpse of blue pen with Seasonal Affective Disorder, so it skies and sunshine. While the gray rainy affects the way your serotonin “feel good days may leave some with the urge to head hormones” work.” over to their local coffee shop with a We have about forty million brain cells, friend, others can become socialand many of those cells, including ly isolated and depressed those related to mood balance, sex due to changes in weather. drive, sleep, memory and learning, According to Mental and level of socialization, tend to Health America, in a given be affected by the amount of seyear, approximately five rotonin we are making. If there percent of the U.S populais a shortage of serotonin, which tion experiences Seasonal Afhappens during the winter, it can cause fective Disorder or SAD. The those with SAD to fall into depreslikelihood of developing SAD sion. is more prevalent in Seattle Art by Brianna Kleckner As stated by Everyday Health, due to the lack of four distinct serotonin also acts as a neurotransmitter, seasons and our high northern altitude. it responds to light cues due to its responsiSAD can be perpetuated by little exposure bility to communicate signals from one part to sunlight which causes a decrease of sero- of the brain to another. Lack of light stumps tonin in the brain. Researchers regard sero- our circadian rhythm, or the twenty-four tonin as the chemical in our bodies that con- hour cycle of our biological clocks that lets tributes to one’s well being and happiness. us know when it’s time to sleep and when The Teen Health Center’s therapist, Rosie it’s time to wake. That clock can spur durMoore added more insight on SAD. ing seasons in which the sun sets earlier and “DSM is the way your brain assimilates rises later, causing feelings of exhaustion, light, kind of like your smartphones and sadness, irritability, increase in appetite, blue screens, how they activate the part of and so on.

Although there isn’t an actual diagnosis for SAD, symptoms are said to last from late fall to late spring, however the occurrences of SAD and how depressed one is depends on how far away one lives from the equator. Moore noted that even if there isn’t a real diagnosis, it also shouldn’t be self-diagnosed until you’ve further analyzed your own mood. “They may not be able to pinpoint SAD until they break things down into what time of year they feel the mood, wheth- er it’s gray days or sunny days. It’s not just a top of your head kinda diagnosis.” WebMD also suggests something similar to Moore. It’s possible one may have SAD if you have felt depressed during the last two or more winters, but have felt your mood improve towards the end of spring and throughout the summer. SAD affects different people in a multitude of ways. Student Jonny Sabath explained how the weather affects them personally saying,

“I deal with a lot more self loathing over winter break and some of that also comes from being alone. I get a lot of my energy from other people, so I can’t be alone for more than a day without losing almost all of my motivation to do anything.” While SAD or any mood disorder does affect a student academically due to lack of focus and disinterest in hobbies or activities, the impacts vary from person to person. “For me, it’s the worst when we don’t have school, because the structure of school keeps me somewhat grounded,” said Sabath. SAD can be combatted through self-care and other therapeutic resources. There are many who rely on light therapy, one of the most common and effective ways of treatment. Still others find comfort in going on walks during the day, sticking to sleeping habits, increasing exercise, or simply talking to a counselor.

cina, coordinator of King County’s Commercially Sexually Exploited Children (CSEC) task force. Seattle isn’t the only city affected by human trafficking, the growth of the internet has led to an international problem. “The internet has dramatically altered the means by which children are sold for sex. Preinternet, a buyer of commercial sex needed to travel to the “track” (think Aurora Ave. North or Pacific Highway South) where exploited people were sold,” said Mangiaracina, “Today a buyer can comfortably sit in the privacy of their own home/office/car and access one of over 100 websites in the Seattle area where commercial sex is sold. They can order an

exploited person with the same ease of ordering a pizza.” Although sex trafficking is a growing issue, there are resources available and significant effort is being made on a local, national, and global scale to stop human exploitation. “There is a coordinated response of Seattle and King County Government officials and agencies working closely and collaboratively with NGOs who provide direct victim services. Trainings are open to the public and free and provided frequently. Community organizations do outreach and awareness raising events,” said Mangiaracina. NGOs, or non-profits, provide housing, counseling, job interviews, and other vital services for trafficking victims. Resources like these are making a real difference for the people in King County and around the world who have been victimized by human trafficking.

A Growing Issue

Seattle’s human trafficking problem.

By Claire Boudour Human trafficking is a worldwide illegal industry, in which people are sold for domestic agricultural, and industrial labor as well as sex work, that creates up to 150 billion dollars in revenue every year. In recent years, King County, especially Seattle, has become a hub of sex trafficking. Many people have heard this problem mentioned, but are confused as to what sex trafficking actually entails, or confuse it with prostitution. While prostitution is an exchange of money, goods, or services for sexual interactions between two consenting adults, sex trafficking occurs when people “recruit, entice, obtain, provide, move, harbor, solicit or patronize a person or to benefit from such activities knowing that the person will be caused to engage in commercial sex acts where the person is under 18 or where force, fraud or coercion exists,” according to federal law.

Seattle’s location, especially its proximity to Asia and other major West Coast cities, has led to the rise of a human trafficking industry within King County. Anyone can become a victim of sex trafficking, but some groups are targeted more than others. “Marginalized communities are more likely to be victimized by sex trafficking. Here in Seattle/King County the victims of charged Commercial Sexual Abuse of a Minor crimes are disproportionately youth of color. Additionally LGBTQ youth are overly represented as victims of sex trafficking,” said Kelly Mangiara-

Art by Ariel Cook

Statistics courtesy of King County CSEC Task Force

The Garfield Messenger 02/17/2017



KNOW YOUR RIGHTS How to stand up. By Julia Lin


n the past year, all kinds of movements have inspired millions of people around the world to protest. From Black Lives Matter to immigrants rights to gender equality, slogans and chants of “water is life” and “my body, my choice” have filled the streets. According to Seattle Public Schools, just last November, over 5,000 students walked out of school in response to the election of President Donald Trump. Protesting has been an important, direct way for people to express their opinions for centuries. Over the past few years, protest has become even more intense as more and more political issues spur people to take action. Recently, Garfield students and thousands of others across the country have taken to the streets to make their voices heard. However, protesters’ rights are not always sufficiently protected. The American Civil Liberties Union aims to defend the rights of all people. Here’s a look into what they have to say about the basics of protest rights.


The Garfield Messenger 02/17/2017

INTERACTING WITH POLICE YES: You CAN film police NO: The police cannot search your person or your phone without a warrant YES: Tell them you are practicing your First Amendment rights. Remember the constitution gives you the right to peacefully assemble, protest in public spaces and protest without a permit. NO: You do NOT have to show them your ID or any paperwork YES: You can ask why you are being arrested and you have the right to remain silent.

FREEDOM OF SPEECH It is your First Amendment right. But when it comes to this, there are a few things to remember. Number 1: if you have the right to free speech, so does everyone else (including people who have different opinions than you). Number 2: sometimes, when it comes to law enforcement, it’s not what you say but how you say it. If you are deemed “disruptive” or “dangerous” to government you could potentially run into trouble with the law.

IF YOUR IMMIGRATION STATUS IS QUESTIONED - You do NOT have to let the police into your house unless they have a valid warrant. - You do still have the right to remain silent. If they request to see your immigration documents and you do not have them, do NOT pretend that you do, instead say that you wish to remain silent (if you do have your documents, you must show them). - If you feel as if the police are not respecting your rights during an interaction, keep detailed records of all conversation and interactions and file a complaint with the ACLU.

News PROTEST PLAYLIST By Susana Davidson 1. Drone Bomb Me - ANOHNI 2. Too High to Riot - Bas 3. Hands Up - Blood Orange


4. Breathe - Shamir 5. It Ain’t Me Babe - Ke$ha cover 6. Picking Cotton - cupcakKe 7. I Don’t Wanna Be Funny Anymore - Lucy Dacus

- Permits: A permit is a document that authorizes you to hold a protest. If you are organizing or attending a protest that is potentially large enough to cause disruption or traffic problems, you (or the organizer) should apply for a permit so that local officials are aware. - Warrants: A warrant is a document that allows police to enter a building to perform a search or arrest. A warrant is only valid IF it is signed by a judge and has your name, address and the date and location of the search (there are some exceptions and additional requirements). - If you do not express consent for the police to search your phone, they have to get a warrant before they legally can. - If you get into trouble with the police, the constitution gives you the right to legal counsel. You can get an attorney even if you cannot afford one.

Art by Ana Matsubara

8. No Hablo Español - Fea 9. It’s My Brown Skin - Helado Negro 10. Untitled 03 | 05.28.2013 - Kendrick Lamar 11. Borders - M.I.A. 12. 100% Feminista - Mc Carol In our pursuit of ju stice, it is important to remem ber that even when we may no t agree with the government or the system, the Constitution allows us to express our conc erns through direct action. It is a privilege to be able to speak up in disaccord with the governm ent so we must utilize but not abus e this ability if we want our voice s to be heard.

13. 16 Shots - Vic Mensa 14. 6 Shots - Mistah F.A.B. 15. Your Best American Girl - Mitski 16. Smiling (Quirky Race Doc) - Open Mike Eagle & Paul White 17. Mexica - Prayers 18. Valhalla (Outro) - Dawn Richard 19. Get a Yes - Sad13 20. Can’t Stop Fighting - Sheer Mag 21. Don’t Touch My Hair (feat. Sampha) - Solange 22. Ebony and Ivory - Esperanza Spalding 23. T5 - Swet Shop Boys 24. Tumbamurellas - Systema Solar 25. 40 Acres (feat. B Rossi & Killer Mike ) - T.I. 26. We the People…. - A Tribe Called Quest 27. In the River: A Protest Song - Raye Zaragoza 28. Sinner Man - Nina Simone 29. Freedom! ‘90 - George Michael 30. Mother Earth - Memphis Slim 31. Be Free - J. Cole

The Garfield Messenger 02/17/2017


Features Hidden in the Walls

Garfield conservatives speak up.


By Josh Chestnut

n Seattle, a total of 8% of registered voters voted for Donald Trump in November of 2016. In comparison to the large cities in the U.S. this number is incredibly low, effectively creating an environment dominated by liberals. This same environment can be found within the historic purple and white covered walls that lay the foundation for one of the most racially diverse schools in the state. But what Garfield has in racial diversity, it lacks in political diversity found in the general liberal consensus shared by the students and staff. What this does is puts conservatives at an obvious minority and forces them to face the difficult decision of whether to stand strong in their beliefs or to keep their opinions to themselves. One anonymous student, *John a senior at Garfield, identifies as a conservative. After recently moving from a conservative state, John has been faced with this very issue. “I would describe my political beliefs as center to right wing. I am pro abortion and women’s rights but stand with Trump’s policies in regards to gun control and taxes,“ said John. “[If I could vote] I would have voted for Trump because I had issues with Hillary.” However, this student claims he is often forced to choose whether to express his own opinions based on the people that he’s around in the school. “It depends on the person of whether I voice my political opinion. I have noticed that the best way to have or keep friends is by keeping my political beliefs to myself. In general, I can filter myself well,” said John. Additionally, a whole new culture with an emphasis on political correctness has emerged through social media platforms Art by Ariel Cook such as Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. “I generally stay away from the drama in the media, but I have noticed how others talk differently on Twitter, specifically at Garfield,” said John. “It’s not scary, just different [than talking in person] and I’d rather talk to someone face to face, it’s more civil.” Unlike John, Garfield junior Ryan Browning is unafraid to speak up about his conservative beliefs in his conservative beliefs. “If someone approaches me and asks if


Upstander of the Issue Meet Hannah Phelps. By Quinn Sullivan

I support Trump then I will say I do and that I support some of his policies. In general I am very open to talk about it with people, but no one [brings it up],” said Browning. The impact of being politically different does have an effect on the way conservatives are treated and viewed. “A lot of people are fine with [me being conservative] but others actually look at me differently and form stereotypes without knowing me,” said Browning. Another anonymous student, *Lisa, a junior at Garfield often feels defensive due to the connotations of being conservative put on by the Garfield students. “Students at Garfield and Seattle in general automatically link racism and sexism with being conservative, but this is really incorrect most of the time,” said Lisa. “I’m not a racist or a sexist person, so when I want to give my opinion on something I usually retract it.” At Garfield, the reality is that the majority of the teachers are liberal and this leads to the possibility of it coming off in their teaching. “I think it affects all students because it is important to learn both sides of the story, although it doesn’t affect me specifically because I stand strong in my beliefs,” said Lisa. In a school that preaches diversity and student expression, a crucial part of our population’s opinion is restricted based on a negative stigma and hostility in general towards conservatives by liberals. The fact that anonymity was requested by conservative students in this article just goes to prove how many conservatives feel their voices are respected at Garfield. *Student names have been changed

The Garfield Messenger 02/17/2017

Photo by Elliott Hoppe

An Upstander is someone who acts to make positive change. Senior Hannah Phelps is working with elementary school students to educate them about aquaponics and develop a working system within their school. Here is what Hannah has to say, and one among many reasons that she is an Upstander:

How did you get this opportunity? Junior year I had an internship for the Institute for Systems of Biology and it was all about food security and how to supply food to our growing population. The end goal was to have me go out and teach this to other high schoolers. We didn’t have to, but I decided to partner with my old elementary school [Montlake]. What inspired you to develop a program? I thought that little kids really don’t understand where their food comes from and there’s no education around it until you’re in high school. I thought they would find building their own aquaponics system interesting and engaging. What is aquaponics? Aquaponics is a closed system which means all the organisms, which are plants and fish and bacteria, have a symbiotic relationship where the fish’s waste fertilizes the plants and the plants purify the water for the fish through the nitrogen cycle.

What do you do with the kids? Every Wednesday during lunch and half of fifth period I go and teach the kids about a different part of food security, the nitrogen cycle, and why we need to develop new ways for farming. I also built a system for the kids to have and maintain in their classroom. What is the goal of this project? The goal is for the kids to realize why we need to use less land in farming and how aquaponics wastes much less than traditional farming and uses ninety-five percent less water. The kids will hopefully end up being able to eat the kale, baby greens, and spinach that they are growing. Why is this important work? Sustainable farming is important because we don’t want more people to drop below the poverty line and not have a reliable food source. Aquaponics is an environmentally sustainable way to grow food and account for population growth. I think elementary school kids, as part of the next generation, should understand these upcoming problems. To learn more about aquaponics and other sustainable farming methods visit or talk to Hannah in person!


A Citizen’s Duty

How to be an activist.


By Charlotte Gong

n our current political climate, it’s easy to feel like the country is turning upside down and that the gap between Americans is wider than ever. In response to many of the actions of the current administration, people are taking to the streets. The day after Inauguration Day, more than four million people marched in cities around the world, breaking records for biggest single-day protests in history. More recently, people crowded the streets and airports to protest the ban on people from seven predominantly Muslim nations. These events have captured national headlines. And there are more stirring. In a time like this, it is more important than ever to remember the freedoms, obligations, and voluntary abilities each person holds as a citizen of this country. Despite the frequent shaming of protests by certain critics, the truth is, it is not only legal to disagree with legislation and executive actions, but important to resist when these become harmful to the social and political health of our country - and even the world. In the words of the American Civil Liberties Union, “Dissent is Patriotic.” But what exactly does dissent mean? Dissent is opposition to current and popularly held political or social beliefs. Despite criticism from those in power, it is patriotic to express one’s point of view. Protest is one of the many ways to get involved.

In an interview with Glamour magazine, co-chair of the Women’s March, Linda Sarsour, emphasized the importance of action. “I’ve been telling people to do three things that I think are really important. Number one, we can’t protect each other if we don’t know each other. Do you know who your next-door neighbor is?” said Sarsour. “Number two, donate... And number three, know who your elected officials are. Our members of the House and the Senate are our direct lines to the government. Find out who they are and call them.” Jacquelien van Stekelenburg, Professor of Social Change and Conflict at the University of Amsterdam, and one of the world’s experts on protest and the psychology behind it, explained that connecting protest to tangible change is difficult. “[Determining] the outcomes of protest is a tricky area,” said van Stekelenburg in a telephone interview. “You will never know whether things do or do not change be-

Where’dYou Hear That?

cause of a demownstration..” We can look at the immediate impact of a protest and ask whether it affected a specific decision, or we can look at the longer term effect. For example, the Occupy Movement, which confronted vast economic and social inequalities through protests around the world, shifted the global conversation about inequity. William Gamson, a professor at Boston College, tracked news coverage before and after the movement and saw a significant increase in the use of the word “inequality.” With millions moved to act, the obvious question on many minds is whether all these crowds with signs make any difference. Fabio Rojas, a professor of Sociology with a focus on social movements at the University of Indiana, said concrete goals were critical to the success of the Civil Rights Movement. “The civil rights movement came up with a concrete set of strategies that imposed a cost on the other side,” he said. “In any situation with a protest, the protestors are more likely to win if they have a

concrete goal, a clear strategy that connects their actions to concrete outcome, and if they have the willingness to pursue it. The introduction of social media has evolved activism, providing a completely new platform for dissent. Now, someone can be “political” without leaving the house. Still, being active on Twitter isn’t enough. Focused actions are necessary for large scale change. In an interview with New York Magazine, DeRay Mckesson, a civil rights activist who uses his vast social media platform as a forum for education and organization, said protest is instinctive. “For so many of us, protest — the act of confronting and disrupting systems whose impact is oppression — is a way of life,” said Mckesson. “You don’t learn to protest; protest is the response to the experience of injustice,” said McKesson. You learn to sustain protest, to build coalitions, to think creatively about tactics.” It is too easy to fall into complacency when it comes to social and political issues. Yet it is crucial to listen to our internal voices - to pay attention to injustice and oppression, and stand up to it - wherever it appears. Rather than simply getting angry, we can, contribute to positive change through protest, donations to local, national, or global organizations, and calls to politicians. It’s our duty to use the power of our voice. Resist, resist, resist.

Art by Ariel Cook

How to get reliable news. By Elena Orlando With politics as divisive as they are right now, separating fact from fiction has become more difficult, but also more important. In the mass quantity of information and viewpoints that the internet allows to be shared, fake news has become a political weapon that people often do not know they are encountering. Here are some indicators that a news article may be misinforming you. Double, Triple Check

Before you let a shared article on Facebook freak you out, do your own research. Find out if the source is credible and see if sources you know to be reputable have written anything on the subject. If the article is summarizing information taken from another article, go to the first article and give that a read. It’s easy to spin something that was once trustworthy into liberal or conservative garbage. Another way to verify information is to look at fact checking websites. Some great

options include Politifact, Snopes, and Washington Post’s Fact Checker. The Company Behind the Curtain to learn more about the ownership of news outlets. Look for Evidence

Political arBecause bias is ticles, internot always easy views, sciento pinpoint, findtific articles, ing out who the most if not news source is all types of araffiliated with ticles should can be illuminathave quotes. ing. There may be If the only political or ecoviewpoint in nomic reasons for the issue is the Graphic by Elena Orlando the stance of an article. FOX News, one that the the writer for example, is owned by News Corp which is presenting, there’s a problem. If there is owned by Rupert Murdoch; a conserva- are quotes, pay attention to the contributive who backed Trump for the presidency. tor. Sources should be experts in their field, Looking at the values of a corporation and or those who witnessed an event first-hand. its owner will help you to determine which When the author uses quotes or statistics, is stance a news source is taking and why. Visit there a source cited? Without evidence, an

article is just speculation. When and I

If you see an “I” followed by “think” or any variation of the word in a political article, click off right away. When an author injects their opinion into an article, their political, social, or economic leanings are revealed. You want your news to be without bias so that you can form your own opinions and pick your own side of an issue. Articles should provide equal evidence on both perspectives of the incident in question to be unbiased. Another thing to look for is when the article was published. You want to read articles that were published soon after the event in question or articles with extensive research that were published a little after the first wave of articles. With the passage of time comes the opportunity to spin information or for witnesses and experts to forget what happened.

The Garfield Messenger 02/17/2017


Ahead of Schedule


It’s up to each district to make sure their schools all make the cut, but compared to the rest of the state and even the nation, SPS schools have relatively short school days. Thus, the whole district is facing schedule changes next year. Most notable are the changes decided as a result of the negotiations between SPS and Seattle Education Association (SEA) at the beginning of the 2015-16 school year. These changes include a 20 minute longer school day and a one hour early release or late start once a week, both of which will begin in the 2017-18 school year. The district’s Superintendent, Dr. Larry Nyland, confirmed the reasoning behind the additional 20 minutes. “This change will make our day comparable to other districts and help us meet state requirements for the length of the school year,” With an early release or late start every Nyland said. week, the possibility of a formal advisory peHowever, the district has surprisingly regarding the seat time sturiod, and an additional twenty minutes to the dents receive. Sherri Kokx, the district director of school operations, school day, Garfield’s schedule is up for major mentioned only one School Board policy that requires that students receive 150 hours of a class to earn credit. changes in the coming school year. But isn’t it Clover Codd, the Assistant Superintendent of HR, certainly thinks about time that Garfield makes these schedulsynchronized schedules across schools would be helpful for maning alterations? When compared to the other agement. But due to a contract with SEA, many scheduling decisions public high schools in our district, Garfield are not the district’s to make. has a significantly longer day. While most high “We don’t operate with the central office determining the school schools in Seattle Public Schools (SPS) start schedules for the individual high schools. That actually is determined and end at the same times, Garfield students by the Building Leadership Team,” Codd said. endure a longer daily class time overall. This team, specific to each school, consists of administrative staff, teachers, a PTSA representative, and a student representative, who are in charge of scheduling, budgeting, and other building goals. The end result is that high schools across the district can have vastly different schedules with up to eight periods in a day. In order to understand bell schedules at Garfield and within SPS, one must first view the story through a state lense. The Washington State Board of Education institutes many of the guidelines that public schools throughout all of Washington state must comply to. Current state legislature defines that all Washington state public schools must meet an annual standard of 1,080 instructional hours. Parker Teed, Data Analyst for the Washington State Board of Education, stated, “There was a change to increase the number of hours required in high schools from 1,000 to 1,080 per grade level. About 97.3 million dollars went into funding the increase.” This jump in required instructional hours was followed in 2014 with the passing of bill 6552 by the Washington State Legislature. This bill further articulates the minimum requirements that all Washington state public schools must follow in order to meet state standards. The regulations defined in bill 6552 will affect many of the scheduling decisions made at local high schools like Garfield. The passing of bill 6552 instituted a new way of calculating instructional hours and increased the graduation credit requirement from 21 to 24. According to the bill, high schools can now meet state standards by maintaining a district wide average of 1,027 instructional hours. This alternative option gives schools like Garfield more scheduling flexibility, allowing the implementation of longer passing periods and meal times. The new graduation credit requirement also affects Garfield, pointing our school towards the direction of longer school days that will present more credit gaining opportunities to incoming Freshman.

Written by Flora Taagen and Ann Shan Graphic Design by lily Laesch


words to Know

Instructional Hours

By Washington state definition, instructional hours encompass the time spent at school from the start of the first period to the end of the last, excluding meal or nutrition time. State defined instructional hours include time spent during passing periods, advisory, and even recess.

Class Time/Seat Time

Class time is defined as “traditional” seat time, as it includes solely instructional periods. Class time excludes meal or nutrition breaks, passing periods, advisory, and other noneducational breaks.


Advisory can be defined in countless different ways, as it greatly varies from school to school. Sometimes referred to as “homeroom,” it often takes the form of a routinely scheduled period during which teachers meet with small groups of students to work on assignments surrounding academic or social topics.


Comparing Minutes of Class Time per day Across Seattle Public Schools


Nathan Hale rainier Beach INgraham Cleveland franklin Ballard Garfield

garfield So how does this all translate to Garfield? The new requirements at both the state and district level make it certain that Garfield’s bell schedule will be facing changes next school year. In addition, Garfield is planning some internal scheduling changes of it’s own. Kris McBride is the Academic Dean and Testing Coordinator at Garfield High School. She is an active member of numerous committees, both at the school and district level, that are invested in issues surrounding class time and instructional hours. One notable group is that surrounding the push for an advisory period at Garfield. McBride shared that about seven or eight years ago, Garfield experienced a big push for an advisory period. McBride put together surveys, held meetings, and sent info out to teachers in an attempt to quantify the argument of instituting an advisory. “A bunch of us got on a committee and tried to see if advisory could fly here and there was a big thumbs down,” McBride said. “For a lot of different reasons, teachers said no.” Despite past pushback, Garfield is once again looking to the option of advisory. “Fast forward to now, where we thought ‘our climate is a little different’ and ‘our school has different needs than we did seven or eight years ago,’” shared McBride. “[Now] there is overwhelming support for advisory.” McBride and her colleagues serve on a Garfield advisory committee. Recently,

this committee compiled a staff survey that gathered teacher responses to the prospect of an advisory period. McBride found this survey to be a crucial aspect of the committee as in her opinion, “[advisory] really does come down to if staff want it or not because they’re the ones that have to make it work.” According to the survey results, staff were heavily in favor of the institution of an advisory period, as 88% of surveyors were interested in the prospect. However, the push for advisory is still in its earlier phases and it will be some time before staff are willing to commit to what that advisory will look like. “We’re not ready as a group to put together what advisory means yet so that we can couch it in a way so that students understand what we mean,” McBride said. According to teacher and fellow committee member Jerry Neufeld-Kaiser, the faculty is currently exploring the merits and drawbacks of different time frames for advisory in order to move forward with the decision making process. “Advisory could be every day for ten minutes, or twice a week for an hour, or once a month for an hour. It could be really anything we want, but the schedule will be really different depending on what we decide,” NK said. Teachers have also raised concerns about what exactly Garfield’s advisory will look like and how it will be carried out, as the term advisory is used very loosely and can take many forms.

“Teachers [have said] ‘Okay, let’s do advisory, but only if we’re going to do it well. Let’s not have a crappy, lame, stupid thing that is a waste of our time,’” NK said. “And there were also teachers expressing concern that they were going to be expected to put in a ton of additional time now, to try to have their advisory be some cool and impressive thing that takes a lot of work, because they’re all like ‘Look, we’re maxed out, don’t go adding some whole ‘nother thing I’ve got to prepare every day.’” Another variable to consider is how added advisory will fit in with the rest of the changes that will be happening at Garfield. The bell schedule for the 2017-18 school year will have to juggle additional early releases on Wednesdays and a possible advisory while still meeting the state’s 1,080 instructional hours requirement, a fact NeufeldKaiser was conscious of when forming this advisory committee. “I was aware that we had multiple things pushing us to change our bell schedule, and that if we made any one of those changes but not all the others, then whatever new schedule we made would instantly be a failure, because it didn’t meet all the requirements,” NK said. Staff are continuing to refine possible schedules that incorporate all the necessary requirements and hope to have clear proposals to share with the Garfield community soon.

A&E Anticipating the Academy Awards How to predict results on Oscars night.

By Lily Laesch s the pinnacle of awards season rapidly approaches, we must mentally prepare ourselves for questionable red carpet choices, shocking results and, as always, unnecessarily drawn out acceptance speeches. Thousands of gamblers are getting ready as well, abandoning their usual horseraces and sports games to focus their attention — and money — on the Academy Awards. Although there are occasional outliers, eight decades of this event have crafted a series of trends that winners rarely deviate from. These patterns have created a series of unwritten rules behind the Oscars. This year, the race for Best Picture is competitive, with nine films going head to head. To take home the night’s highest honor, a film tends to also need nominations for director, screenplay, and editing. Following these indicators, the race becomes less close. Out of the


five films with a director nomination, war thriller Hacksaw Ridge misses a screenplay nod and the heart wrenching Manchester by the Sea lacks an editing nomination. Another critical piece of the puzzle is an Best Ensemble nomination from the Screen Actors Guild awards, which space drama Arrival does not have. Since La La Land lacks this nomination as well, Moonlight would seemingly hold the front position. However, because the popular movie musical revolves around two char-

acters instead of a full cast, this hindrance does not tarnish the film’s frontrunner status. La La Land took home the top awards at the Producers Guild Awards, Critics Choice Awards and the Directors Guild Awards. In the last twenty-five years, nineteen of the Best Picture winners had previously won at the Directors Guild Awards. Acting nominations increase Best Picture chances, with the reverse also proving true; the more prominent and well recieved a movie is, the better chance actors nominated for that film will have compared to those who stared in less popular movies. For this reason, Emma Stone’s lighthearted and fun performance in La La Land has a slight edge over Natalie Portman’s tragic and intimate role in the less acclaimed Jackie. In terms of predicting winning actors, examining awards shows that precede the Academy Awards help to create a clearer picture. However, lead acting categories this year are complicated, since the Golden

Globes, Critics Choice Awards, and the Screen Actors Guild awards have refrained from producing a unified result in both the male and female categories. Nevertheless, the supporting actors groups are more clear-cut, as Moonlight’s Mahershala Ali and Fences’ Viola Davis have remained the strong favorites throughout the award season. Although there will always be surprises and upsets, a plethora of factors can be taken into consideration so that one can better weigh the chances of nominees on Oscar night. Anticipating these results is difficult—the Academy is a body made up of thousands of people whose opinions cannot be predicated— however, by looking at other award shows and patterns from past years, you can figure out the chances of your favorite flick taking home the golden statuette on February 26th.

Art by Freya Wiedemannn

Inspired Natives, Not Native Inspired Energizing the new generation of Native art. By Hannah Tacke Deep within the heart of Seattle stands Native-owned and operated flagship retail store Eighth Generation -- a company that defies categorization. Located in the historic Pike Place Market, the store seeks to provide a platform in which local Native artists can showcase their creations, while emphasizing the existent relationship between contemporary art and long held tradition. Before the store opened in August of 2016, Louie Gong, an artist, activist, and educator founded the project online to showcase his own art. Gong is known for merging traditional Coast Salish art with influences from Seattle’s urban environment to make strong statements about identity. “[Gong] couldn’t find anything that represented who he was,” said Kendra Aguilar. Eighth Generation’s acting store manager. “People saw what he was doing and responded to it, and it grew from there.” Gong’s shoe designs are inspired by Coast Salish iconography- swooping lines and bold black shapes. Realizing the void in art representative of Native culture with utilitarian and traditional aspects, Louie began the creation of Eighth Generation. The project was first initiated in order to support a native wool


business. Gong held a fundraising campaign for the creation of his first Thunderbird blanket, the first wool blanket ever created by a Native-owned company, and the feedback was so positive that he decided to expand the efforts to a shop. “[Gong] wanted the store to be in the heart of Seattle to remind people to remember and honor the first peoples of this place and that they are still here.That they are not only successful artists but successful business people, modern people, who are participating in our contemporary urban society,” said Aguilar. Though Seattle is a sanctuary city, the acknowledgment of the Native people is null. The city has taken part of an exploitative arts economy that dates back to the earliest days of white arrival in Native territory. White expansion has robbed Native people not only of potential profits, but also of the power to tell their own stories. Additionally, it has prevented Native people from living in the contemporary world. In the gallery room hangs a striking painting by Gong. It is a commentary on the increase of gentrification and the little respect that is paid to the Native population, the original people of Seattle.

The Garfield Messenger 02/17/2017

“Our Home”

Photo by Freya Wiedemann

“This unique butterfly- composed of two abstract eagles on either side of the Space Needle - is Gong’s homage to a city undergoing rapid transformation. It stands as a reminder to both long-time Seattleites and recent transplants that the city’s character is rooted in its rich history and communities, and an understanding of this history should lead our decision making as we plan for the future.”


You Can’t Stop the Beat

Music Production: a new class at GHS.


By Cipher Goings

f you like to create your own music and beats, the new Music Production class is the place for you.This year Garfield has received a sponsorship from Microsoft to fund this new elective, creating a space where students can receive the knowledge and the tools needed to express their creativity through music. Kevin Lavitt, the Music Production teacher, has a background in piano and has devoted much of his life to his career in music. While going to school for piano, Lavitt met many people in the Seattle community who he went on to collaborate with and gain experience from. “While in college I was doing a lot of gigs here in Seattle where I met a lot of Seattle MC’s such as Sam Lachow, Raz Simone, Sol, Brothers From Another and just made Seattle my home base,” said Lavitt. Here at GHS, students from different artistic backgrounds find a connection through the Musical Production class. The Music Production class has already caught the attention of students desiring to display their creativity through making their own music. “I get a lot of people interested in

rapping, singing and then a handful that are just interested in how music works,” said Lavitt. As people, when we hear music that has a specific feel or beat that we like, it’s natural to wonder about the process of establishing

that emotion. Lavitt works to teach those steps and help students come up with ways to display their style of music. “My job is to give the students the tools, knowledge, and options where they can take these interest. Many people will listen

to music and vibe but just want to know how the artist pulls off the feel of the music, and that’s what I’m striving to teach,” said Lavitt. Music Production is still a fairly new class here at GHS so the equipment available for the class is pretty limited, for now. These tools range from laptops to keyboards for students to get hands on experience. “We work on these really cool surface books, mini keyboards to perform, a couple mics, a piano and we’re hoping for much more,” said Lavitt. The goal of the Music Production program is to give students the opportunity to explore their musical interest as they learn to use musical instruments and carry out their own visions and ideas. “I hope students take away the experience of putting in the work to discover their unknowns,” said Lavitt. “Put in the work to learn about the unknown and master their craft of music.”

Photo by Elliott Hoppe

Garfield students huddle over keyboards, prodcuing new beats.

Bulldog Love

What GHS couples did on V-Day this year. By Alex Ferry Valentine’s Day has been commercialized as the most romantic day of the year. It’s the one day you’re told to celebrate with those you love (and show them with lots of chocolate and cards). This Valentine’s Day, we decided to ask couples at Garfield what Valentine’s Day means to them, and what they did in honor of this romantic occasion. Freshmen Azure Savage and Tari Eason will be celebrating their four month anniversary this Saturday, and plan on combining that with their Valentine’s plans. “Tari had a game against [Ranier] Beach on the actual day, but I went to the game to cheer him on. On Friday we’re going out to dinner and on the ferris wheel to celebrate,” said Savage. “It’ll be our 4 months on Saturday, but he has another game so I’ll go to that, but we’re combining the two celebrations to make it easier. This is my first Valentines ever that I’ve had a boyfriend so I’m pretty excited, but [Valentine’s Day is] not a huge deal, just an extra special day.”

Seniors Neva Oliffe and Liam Connor have been together for two and a half years. They don’t take Valentine’s Day super seriously, but still made an effort to do something special. “He lives up north so we went to Golden Gardens Park together and got milkshakes from the little restaurant on the beach,” shared Oliffe. “Every year we say we aren’t doing gifts but he always buys me chocolate anyways–I usually just write him a card. [Valentine’s Day] is not really a big deal but we make a point to do Photos by Toby Tran something together.”

Seniors Samantha Urrea and Luis Posadas have been dating for almost two years and had a busy agenda this year. “We went down to the Waterfront Park to walk around , then we went to Seattle Center to the EMP to go to all the exhibits. We then drove to the Smith Tower and went up to the observation deck... We went to Pike Place to go eat dinner. I gave her flowers, a letter, and a ring I made in jewelry,” said Posadas. “It’s nice to celebrate and go out and about but mostly because it’s a special day. I’m not gonna treat Sam extra nice and sweet for just one day, I can do it everyday.”

Sophomores Dana Taub and Lucy Njegovan have been dating for just over a year, and aren’t huge fans of V-Day, but they still celebrate for the heck of it. “Since I work Tuesdays, we didn’t really do anything that day. Instead we’ll do something this weekend,” said Njegovan. “Valentine’s Day isn’t really important to us... but we both love post Valentine’s Day sales. Its mostly a holiday that’s used as a promotional heterosexual tool for marketing. Neither of us think other people need to celebrate the same day as us for it to be special.”

The Garfield Messenger 02/17/2017





Slavery in the 21st century.

Get in the mood for love (or not).

By Delphi Drake-Mudede

By Delphi Drake-Mudede


n 2016, Netflix dropped an eyeopening documentary about the history of mass Incarceration in the US. The film includes shocking facts beginning with the statistic that America currently only makes up 5% of the world’s total population, but 25% of the world’s inmates. The Netflix documentary 13th was directed by Ava DuVernay, who is known for her direction of Selma - a film which allowed her to become the first black female director to have a film nominated for the Academy Award for Best Picture. The story of Selma is about Dr. Martin Luther King’s historical march from Selma to Montgomery, Alabama, and his lifelong fight for equal voting rights. The Academy received a great amount of criticism for the limited nominations and awards given to Selma, which fueled the #OscarsSoWhite campaign. DuVernay is once again telling the story of Black-Americans and contributing to the representation of people of color at a notoriously white awards show. This time she has a film in the category of Best Documentary Feature. 13th is up against O.J.: Made In America and I am Not Your Negro, two other features that deal with race and race relations in America. The documentary focuses on the rise of prison industrial complexes in the United States, and the racism that has influenced the nation’s

For The Sweet

Art by Cora Andersen Bicknell

this loophole throughout history, analyzing historical governmental control over Black-Americans, from Slavery to Jim Crow to modern mass incarceration. 13th scrutinizes the involvement of both Republicans and Democrats in the marginalization and maltreatment of black people in the US. The film references President Ronald Reagan’s War on Drugs and President Bill Clinton’s 1994 Crime Bill for inciting the age of mass incarceration that sends black people to prison at alarmingly high rates, DuVernay leads the audience

tailored to the needs and constraints of the time”said civil rights activist Michelle Alexander,who shares her thoughts on mass incarceration within the film. Other notable speakers in the documentary include Sen. Cory Booker of New Jersey, an advocate for criminal–justice reform, and Angela Davis, an outspoken activist active during the Civil Rights Movement. By combining these insightful voices, a powerful soundtrack– including hits by Nina Simone, Usher and Killer Mike– and

“Black men make up approximately 6.5% of the US population, they make up 40.2% of the prison population” criminal justice system since the days of slavery. The term prison Industrial complex is used to describe the jailing of Americans for profit and the political influence on the criminal justice system. The film’s title is a reference to the 13th Amendment of the constitution which marked the abolition of slavery. DuVernay sheds light on the often forgotten clause in the Amendment which allowed slavery to continue if the individual was deemed a criminal The film follows the impact of


through a collection of heartbreaking statistics on how the American prison system has failed Black-Americans. One of these being that black men make up approximately 6.5% of the US population, but they make up 40.2% of the prison population, and another that one in three black males is expected to go to prison during his life. “Throughout American history, African-Americans have repeatedly been controlled through systems of racial and social control that appear to die, but are then reborn in form

archived footage from as early as the Civil Rights Movement, DuVernay creates a compelling documentary about the history of the Prison industrial complex in the US and draws a direct line connecting slavery to modern day mass incarceration. Unlike many tellings of history, 13th rejects the glorification and romanticism associated with the abolishment of slavery. This film is a must watch for everyone, and it can be found on Netflix along with other online streaming sites.

1.) Power Trip- J. cole 2.) L-O-V-E -Nat King Cole 3.) Ain’t No Mountain High Enough-Marvin Gaye, Tammi Terrell 4.) New Cupid- BJ the Chicago Kid ft. Kendrick Lamar 5.) Can’t Help Falling in Love with YouTwenty One Pilots cover 6.) Sunday Candy- Donnie Trumpet & The Social Experiment ft. Chance the Rapper 7.) You’re the Top- Cole Porter 8.) Lucky- Colbie Caillat 9.) God Only Knows- The Beach Boys 10.) No One- Alicia Keys 11.) I Want To Hold Your Hand- The Beatles 12.) I’m Yours- Jason Mraz 13.) Without Love- Hairspray Soundtrack 14.) Adore You- Miley Cyrus

For The Bitter 1.) Just A Friend- Biz Markie 2.) Bye Bye Bye- NSYNC 3.) Heartless- Kanye West 4.) 50 Ways to Leave Your Lover- Paul Simon 5.) Forget You- Cee Lo green 6.) Last Christmas- Wham! 7.) No Scrubs- TLC 8.) Irreplaceable- Beyoncé 9.) How Come U Don’t Call Me Anymore- Prince 10.) I Will Always Love You- Whitney Houston 11.) I Will Survive Gloria Gaynor 12.) We Belong Together- Mariah Carey 13.) Sorry- Beyoncé 14.) Valerie- Amy Winehouse

Art by Cora Andersen Bicknell

The Garfield Messenger 02/17/2017

oth s smo ’ e r e s th ong a sets “As l e sun c i n nd ent a ng.” pavem skati e b nna ’s go there , 17 Zhang e i d d -E

“I don’t wanna be corny bu t honest it’s lik ly to me e an exp ressive art form life. In or way o f sports l ike foot b a l l o r there’s soccer, a goal o r a spec ific thi ng you want to accompli sh. In s kateboar ding it’ a lot mo s re openended. T here’s m o gray are re of a a.” - Ian Os trowski

, 19


The Athletic Body Image

Society’s most coveted physique.


By Sydney Santos

t isn’t new information that people suffer from body images established by modern culture. From comparing stomach rolls to envying thigh gaps, idolizing a certain appearance has become a societal habit. But as any good health class teaches, having unhealthy body image goals can create a dangerous way of life: severe dieting can become a life-threatening eating disorder, and overexercise can lead to immense exhaustion, injuries like stress fractures, and sometimes depression. Many athletes know the pressure to meet these physique expectations is even more coveted and important since the state of a person’s body determines their success in that activity. In fact, according to the Eating Disorder Hope organization, athletes, especially women, are more likely to develop body image issues than the normal population. A common way that athletes respond to their body insecurities is to alter their food intake, leading to eating disorders; a study done in 2011 by the National Eating Disorder Association found that over a third of Division 1 NCAA female athletes had symptoms of anorexia. While body image issues have the ability to affect all athletes, those who participate in aesthetic (gymnastics, diving, figure skating), endurance (distance running, cycling), and weight class (martial arts, wrestling, lightweight rowing) sports have a greater tendency to develop unhealthy body images. Athletes in these sports, most of which base performance on judging, are ten percent more likely to have eating disorders than those in sports that are refereed, according to the National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders. Uniforms required for those participating in sports also contribute to the pressures of body image. Many athletes are expected to wear clothing that reveals more of their body than they would show on a regular basis, cre-

ating a heightened level of self-consciousness (see Bulldog Bodies to the right). Junior Anna Vinnedge, who started swimming competitively in fifth grade, said that she immediately associated body issues with her sport’s attire: “I’ve noticed [body image issues] since I’ve started. We’re all in swimsuits and there’s not a lot of room to hide.” The outfits for female athletes in certain sports compared to their male counterparts is also a part of the pressure involved with body image; many female uniforms are much

more revealing than the male uniforms of the same sport, like in volleyball, running, and tennis. According to the Eating Disorder Hope organization, the lack of coverage in female uniforms can turn into sexualization or sexploitation. This suggests to female athletes that the focus isn’t necessarily on the athlete’s performance, but rather on how she looks. Female athletes also have to compete with the body images expected by everyday society and the ones expected by their sports, which usually don’t coincide. Senior wrestler QiYi Wu sees this discepancy through the body requirements in her sport: “I think it is very different than the beauty standard society has; they expect girls to be more slim and tall, not too muscular… But in wrestling you have to

Body Image Peek: Track & Field The disparities between body stereotypes of various track and field events is massive: ideal long-distance runners are long and lean to maintain immense endurance; ideal sprinters, short and intensely muscular to create strong bursts of speed; ideal throwers, huge in mass and height to handle large amounts of weight; ideal jumpers, tall and owners of long legs to travel great distances. According to the NCAA website, the percentage of body fat in collegiate track and field athletes ranges from as much as 20% in shot-putters to 5% body fat in long-distance runners (the typical body fat range for adult men is 10-20% and 20-30% of women). All art by Cora Andersen Bicknell


The Garfield Messenger 02/17/2017

be very strong, which isn’t what people would normally expect from a girl.” An anonymous, Garfield athlete also commented on the differing expectancies in a survey (see right): “Society has such a double standard with women athletes. We get strong, healthy, kickass bodies we should be proud of, but instead we get mocked if we look to masculine or get told we look like we can’t handle what we do if we look too ‘delicate’ or if we’re fat and we shouldn’t be playing sports at all.” But the athletes don’t need to adhere to the negative connotations that these sterotypes bring. “Sports in general should help body image a lot. For me whenever I have body image issues, I just think of the things my body can do because of my sport. Like my arms may be the size of men’s and I get made fun of sometimes, but these arms can swim the mile,” said Vinnedge. Wu agrees that sports have the ability to foster a community of athletes that embrace their body: “Many wrestler girls have struggled with that… at first some didn’t want to weigh [themselves] without their clothes on because they were a little the end they were really comfortable with themselves and their own body” Senior runner Henry Milodragovich states that stereotypes set up by different sports aren’t always accurate: “Freshman year when I showed up to captain’s practices, I saw all the tall, skinny senior boys and assumed they were good, but the fastest guy was this big, barrel-chested, stout guy.” (The athlete Milodragovich refers to currently holds the Garfield school record for the 5k). If you are struggling with body image issues, even if you’rew not an athlete, there’s always help- the Teen Health Center’s counselours is a good place to start looking for help and/or information.

Type A: Runner

The Bulldog Body A survey was posted on the sophomore, junior and senior Facebook pages, asking athletes to anonymously complete questions about their own body image issues. While 136 people filled out the survey, the data collected is just a small representation of the student-athlete body at Garfield.

The amount of surveyers that thought their participation in sports had increased their awareness of how their own/other’s bodies looked.


65.4% of athletes who did the survey felt pressure for their body to look a certain way because of the sport they participated in. The amount of athletes who felt pressure said that the sport’s uniform made them selfconscious of their body.

Type B: Thrower

The amount of athletes that gained pres40% sure from seeing images of athletes in their sport on social media.


She’s a Shooting Star

Meet freshman athlete Sah’cari Davis. By Esther Chien

Photo by Peter Kubinec


ost freshmen are shy when surrounded by upperclassmen on a varsity team, but that doens’t come as a challenge for Sah’Cari Davis. Most of her stats are already higher than the national average, (2.0 steals per game and 1.4 assists per game) and that’s just for playing a few months since the start of the school year. Davis’ motivation stems from her background in basketball. She was first introduced to the sport when she saw it on television and decided to give it a shot. Since then, she has redefined what basketball means to her. “It means life. Everyone has something that [is meaningful],” Davis said. “That’s what my whole [life] is surrounded by.” Here at Garfield, Davis herself feels that the intense environment matches her drive, and further helps her reach her full potential. “Since you’re the youngest on the team you’re expected to do more than the others, so they’re putting you out there instead of themselves. They’re pushing you rather than just going for themselves,” Davis reflected. The support her teammates have provided Davis with have enabled her to display confidence and determination. Jayla Howard, sophomore team captain, admires these attributes.

“Even though she makes mistakes, she keeps trying. Especially when they’re on varsity, a lot of freshmen are scared of the players, the coaches, or even making mistakes, but she pulls herself together and focuses,” Howard asserted. Sophomore Emily Martin agrees, commending Davis for her strong will. “What I like about her is [that] she doesn’t let other people push her around, and she doesn’t crumble under influence or pressure. She is Cari, and does Cari. If someone says something to her and she disagrees, she’s going to stick with her [own] belief,” Martin said. Along with the determination she displays on the court, Davis also has a different side to her, one that is full of witty humor. “She’s very goofy, but not in a bad way. We all say jokes to her, but she doesn’t take them personally because she’ll start laughing,” Howard said. Her positive energy translates well both on and off the court. “You can tell she genuinely cares about people. On the court, she’s like a mini-leader,” Martin later added. For her future, Davis says she’ll just see where

the journey takes her. It all depends on how the next three years go, which will help her decide whether or not she wishes to pursue a professional basketball career. “I see her being a star. She has great potential,” Martin said. In the meantime, Howard looks forward to what Davis will be capable of accomplishing as a bulldog. “She’ll improve a lot in the next couple of years. She’s going to be a big part of the team for Garfield.”

Gotta Catch ‘Em All

Inside the world of competitive Pokémon. By Bella Rowland-Reid If you had a television or Nintendo system growing up, chances are you wanted to be a Pokémon trainer at one point or another. For competitive Pokémon players around the world, and in Seattle, this childhood dream has become reality. The sport of competitive Pokémon where players battle characters headto-head in pool and single-elimination bracket play — has been around for years, but has recently gained more attention as the game, and the glory, has gotten bigger. From cash prizes and scholarships in the triple-digits to worldwide prestige and envy from gamers around the world, the Pokémon gaming craze is in full effect. Garfield senior Markell Thornton started playing the game competitively in late 2014. “I started Pokémon so I could travel around and meet new people,” said Thornton, now a seasoned player who travels around the coast for different events. “Since then I’ve gotten pretty good and I have fun with it.” Most competitive Pokémon players can join and play with an online league, battling each other and other leagues. From there,

players can choose to compete in regional “You have ten minutes to make ten moves.” events, which are held in major cities around In 2016, Thornton was one of approxithe world every year; this year, the Seattle mately one thousands-plus gamers to Regional Championships will be held compete at the Pokémon World Champiin late may at the Washington State onship in San Francisco, California. The Convention center downtown. invite-only tournament, which offered a “People compare [compet pool prize of $500,000, drew itive Pokémon] to Heart competitors from over 35 Switch or chess,” said Thornton. countries and all age ranges. “There’s a luck component Many players often must place at [...] but there’s the national tournament before getways to outsmart ting an invite to the World Chamyour opponent.” pionship. However, A battle is relaThornton’s amount of tively simple: two playChampionship Points, ers select four Pokémon which are determined they wish to battle, and use a by finishing placeconsole to strike their oppoment in local and regional tournent. A match is finished once naments, already guaranteed him one play defeats the opposing a spot in the world competition. player’s four Pokémon -- how“The top sixteen [of a tournament] ever, Thornton says, thing get Championship Points,” explained get more complicated once Thornton. “You get more points and the game moves into brackprizes the higher you place, and that eted, higher-level play. Art by Brianna Kleckner gets you into other tournaments.” “There’s a timer,” Thornton elaborated. Often times, tournaments will live stream

matches on their websites and host viewing sections for spectators to watch the competitions in-person. Tournaments cost little to enter, and most of this money pooled together into a grand prize for the winner. The sport, while popular across all age ranges, has seen particular growth in young adults and college students, as many will save prize money for tuition, bills, and other expenses. While the sport has begun to gain more recognition, there is still a very prevalent stigma surrounding competitive gaming. However, Thornton doesn’t let the cynics get him down “I don’t really care if people bully me about it, because it’s something I’m passionate about,” he said. Grown from a morning television show and trading card game, Pokémon has evolved past the Nintendo DS and into full-fledged competition, where gamers train for months, even years, to get what it takes to become, as Ash Ketchum once said, the very best. For more information on the upcoming Seattle Pokémon Regional and registration, visit

The Garfield Messenger 02/17/2017


The Backpage by Paulette


Valentine’s Day has passed and the cozy winter snow has melted, leaving you and your partner sitting on top of crinkled chocolate wrappers, silently asking yourself why you deleted Tinder. Face it. the Spark is over. It’s time to make some moves.


YOUR OWN RELATIONSHIP -Fake your own death -Listen to Nickelback exclusively every second of the day on full volume -Pose a dramatic break up in a largely popular area (preferably televised, i.e. professional sports game?) -Get with their dad -Kill their mailman and frame and plot all the evidence on them -Vlog every interaction between the two of you and expose all their flaws on the internet -Force them to roleplay with you where you’re the dog and they are the owner and make them take you on walks in public on a leash -Start dressing and acting exactly like their father -Plot an extensive plan to have you parents marry each other so you will become siblings and therefore it is not socially acceptable for the two of you to be together Is your relationship serious? YES NO

Are you their best friend on snapchat? YES Do you have a streak? YES

Not even worth it. DROP.

NO Pop, lock, and DROP.

How often do they use the dog filter?



lol they fake af. drop.

-Kill a man and look into their dying eyes to experince what death truly looks like -Burn things -Watch Marley and Me on repeat until you are unable to cry -Make obsure/morbid memes -Only interact with woodland creatures -Refer to all authrority figures by their first name -Watch Bob Ross without smiling


Are you in a relationship and simply don’t know what to do? Just follow these simple steps to find the answer!

Have they met your parents?





You’re subconsciously embarrassed of them. Drop them.

Do they tell you they love you unconditionally? NO YES Ew. They’re too clingy. Drop.

Just do yourself a favor and drop them before it’s too late.

YOU ARE NOW FREE eat their heart for dinner.

Still fake. Drop them.

this could be you.

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