Resume (2014)

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r es ume

GARGI S ANJ AY T HAKUR Mob-9820191588 emai l i d gar gi . cons ul t i ng. engi neer s @gmai l . com

Bor non 12t hDecember1991 BL OG ar chi t hakur . bl ogs pot . i n

H23/ 101,I ndr apr as t haCHS .L t d Nr .Pr at i ks hanagarBES TBusDepot , Pr at i ks hanagar S i on-22



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El ement ar yGr ade Dr awi ngEx ami nat i on:A


I nt er mi di at eGr ade Dr awi ngEx ami nat i on:A

F i r s tYearB.Ar ch

Ci t ys t opatL .P.J unct i on Bachel or ’ sHous e

S econdYearB.Ar ch

F ol l y Communi t yEx hi bi t i on Cent er Communi t yhous i ngatAl i baug Nat i onal Memor i al

T hi r dYearB.Ar ch Ol dAgeHome Dr amaT heat er

F our t hYearB.Ar ch

Mi x edUs eDevel opment Hous i ngatKhar ghar

F i nal yearB.Ar ch. :Ci nemus eum

COMPUT ERSKI L L S Mi cr os of tOf fi ce Aut odes kAut oCAD Googl eS ket chup Rhi nocer os AdobePhot os hop Cor el Dr aw Revi tAr chi t ect ur e AdobeI l l us t r at or

Kat hak:MadhyamaPr at ham f r om Akhi l Bhar t i ya Gandhar vaMahavi dyal ay

OT HEREXPERI ENC CE ES S Par t i ci pat edi n:Ret hi nki ng Kal anagarT r af fi cJ unct i on Compet i t i on S econdPr i z e:Gr oupent r y Par t i ci pat edi n1s tEnvi r onment S ympos i um on“Des i gnasa Cat al ys tf orS oci al Change”by AgaKhanPl anni ngandBui l di ng S er vi ce,I ndi a

I NT EREST S S ket chi ng,Phot ogr aphy Cycl i ng,T r ekki ng,Pr oduct Des i gn,F ur ni t ur eDes i gn Gr aphi cDes i gn,Bi kes

L ANGUAGES Mar at hi ,Hi ndi ,Engl i s h


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