MBA Viewbook

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MBA viewbook

D a v i d Ec c l e s S c h o o l o f B u s i n e s s

Experience Innovation.

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MBA viewbook D a v i d Ec c l e s S c h o o l o f B u s i n e s s


Come b e a p ar t o f a n

Innovative Environment.



MBA viewbook D a v i d Ec c l e s S c h o o l o f B u s i n e s s

The MBA program at the David Eccles School of Business are more than just the usual classroom experience. Nestled in one of the most inspiring environments in the United States, the school provides an innovative approach to learning through real world experience, faculty interaction, and the flexibility to customize an education to meet personal goals. For the second year in a row, The University of Utah has ranked 2nd only to MIT for starting companies based on institutional research. Surrounded by more national parks than any other state in America, a finance faculty ranked in the top 20 worldwide, AACSB International 4

MBA viewbook D a v i d Ec c l e s S c h o o l o f B u s i n e s s

accredited programs, the largest studentrun venture fund in the country and students who are eager to put learning into action, it’s no wonder you’re considering experiencing innovation in the David Eccles School of Business MBA program.


MBA viewbook D a v i d Ec c l e s S c h o o l o f B u s i n e s s



Get involved with programs that give you the opportunity to experience every type of business innovation.

MATTHEW KRULL | M B A 2 0 0 8 Occupation

Wealth Manager Associate, JP Morgan Chase


Matt has seven years of experience in meeting clients’ investment needs, as well as those of their business or profession. Matt is also an active member of the Park City Mountain Ski Patrol and donates time to instruct new patrollers.

Experiences Chosen

are trained in the various disciplines involved with early stage business development, from intellectual property to market analysis and strategy to writing a business plan. While receiving this training, students work in teams to evaluate and develop business opportunities based on real technologies coming out of the labs at the University of Utah. The result is an unparalleled real world education in technology entrepreneurship that will create future leaders in the high tech industry. www.lassonde.

Blend your scientific background and interest with a joint MBA and Engineering Degree. w w w. E n g i n ee r i n g M B A . u t a h . ed u

The Pierre Lassonde Entrepreneur Center The center provides and teaches real world business experience to help entrepreneurs better prepare themselves to understand and assume the risks of business ownership and management.


MBA viewbook D a v i d Ec c l e s S c h o o l o f B u s i n e s s

Opportunity Quest Opportunity Quest provides University of Utah students interested in learning how to start a business the chance to learn the process and compete to earn a share of $10,000 in start-up cash. Online resources and professional mentors give students an edge in starting their business. Lassonde New Venture Development Center Students in the Lassonde Center assist researchers with breakthrough technologies and determine the commercialization potential of those ideas while providing students a unique educational experience in new business development. The Lassonde Center is comprised of both graduate and undergraduate students from engineering, science, and business. Students

Utah Entrepreneur Challenge Compete against the best of the best in the State of Utah with the possibility of going on to compete in the nationwide MootCorp Competition. The Utah Entrepreneur Challenge is a business plan competition for all college and university students in Utah. Students compete for a chance to win up to $50,000 in startup funding.




Beta Alpha Psi Board Fellows WorkNet Association for Corporate Growth MBA Curriculum Committee

Why the David Eccles MBA? “I was originally drawn to Utah for beauty and landscape, but as I started my graduate work I realized there was much more to the atmosphere and programs than meets the eye. As part of the Board Fellows program, I became an active member of the Finance Committee for the Utah Symphony and Opera. There, I was regularly exposed to discussions on solving various financial questions typically faced by the non-profit community.”

Sorenson Discovery & Innovation Center The James LeVoy Sorenson Center celebrates the genius of discovery and supports studies that help mankind better understand the mental and organizational processes that support successful innovation. We aim to challenge the limits of knowledge and produce fresh insights that can form the basis for future innovations. Sorenson Inventor Showcase Utah’s premier networking event for inventors, entrepreneurs and the business community. The annual conference highlights technologies from Utah universities – from concept, to prototype, to well-established companies – and provides a venue for local industry leaders to connect with researchers and scientists, encouraging collaborative commercialization efforts. Tech Titans This statewide design and idea competition is open to all graduate and undergraduate college students in Utah. Ten to fifteen finalists are chosen and invited to present to a second panel of industry experts, followed by a question-and-answer session. Winners receive a cash prize to help further their ideas.


MBA viewbook D a v i d Ec c l e s S c h o o l o f B u s i n e s s

SMART Start This mentoring program gives students an opportunity to form a collaborative relationship with a community business leader. Students meet with their mentor several times throughout the academic year to gain insights to apply their educational knowledge to real-world experience.

“The programs in our entrepreneur center give students the opportunity to experience every stage of the business development process. We are quickly becoming one of the best entrepreneur programs available.” Troy D’Ambrosio, Director Pierre Lassonde Entrepreneur Center


MBA viewbook D a v i d Ec c l e s S c h o o l o f B u s i n e s s


Utah Venture Fund The University Venture Fund is an innovative fund; a collaborative effort of the best investors, university students and private equity funds. In addition to being the largest fund of its kind, UVF is the first fund for which students raise all the capital and the first student-run fund that has a traditional limitedpartner relationship with its investors.

J Willard Marriott, JR. | B.S. B a nki ng & Finan ce 1954 Marriott International, Inc.

Utah Real Estate Challenge A real estate development plan competition for collegiate, university and graduate students throughout the state of Utah. The competition fosters the understanding of real estate development at the college and university level by giving students a chance to organize, direct and present a plan to develop a real estate project to a panel of judges. A grand prize of $20,000 will be awarded to the team with the most plausible and promising real estate development plan. Low Income Tax Payer Clinic The students in the Utah LITC provides free tax assistance to low income taxpayers in the greater Salt Lake area.

American Marketing Association The AMA is a collegiate chapter of a world-wide professional organization that prepares students for the marketing business climate of the twenty-first century. The activities of the chapter center on organizing professional development seminars, marketing-oriented field trips, fundraising events and social activities. The chapter members participate in national competitions and perform public service. Board Fellows Students are matched with community not-for-profit organizations. The students act as an ex-officio board member and are mentored by current members of participating boards. The program provides an introduction to boardsmanship and in-depth exposure to resources within the community. DEX DEX is an international professional organization for students of marketing, management and entrepreneurship. The organization focuses on leadership development, competition and community involvement. Financial Management Association Established in 1970, the FMA is a global leader in developing and disseminating knowledge about financial decision making. The mission of the FMA is to broaden the common interests and opportunities for academicians, practitioners and students. Graduate Business Student Association The GBSA’s goal is to promote interaction between students across departmental affiliations through social interaction. This interaction creates a support system as well as develops networking opportunities among participating students. The organization also provides opportunities to interact with the business community. Hispanic Business Student Association The Hispanic Business Student Association strives for the development of Hispanic business students by networking and creating leadership opportunities within the business community.


MBA viewbook D a v i d Ec c l e s S c h o o l o f B u s i n e s s

w w w. M B A M H A . u t a h . ed u Information Systems Club Designed to provide students with critical skills including networking, security databases, web design, business intelligence and programming.


MBA viewbook D a v i d Ec c l e s S c h o o l o f B u s i n e s s

International Business Student Association This is an organization that promotes international awareness and interaction among students interested in international business. The organization provides information about international and cultural activities and informs students about international opportunities such as field studies, international exchanges and internships.

Net Impact Aims to develop and inspire a network of leaders who promote socially responsible practices that succeed in the global marketplace. Net Impact accomplishes this by providing University of Utah graduate students with knowledge, support and career network that will help them pursue careers in socially responsible businesses, nonprofit organizations and public management. National Association of Women MBAs The NAWMBA University of Utah chapter is dedicated to promoting women in business and increases communication among graduate business schools through specific initiatives to educate and support women and business. Society for Human Resource Management SHRM represents a great opportunity for students interested in working in the field of human resource (HR) management. The Society’s mission is to serve the needs of HR professionals by providing the most essential and comprehensive resources available. One of the most important benefits of the student chapter of SHRM is the opportunity to network with HR professionals through the Salt Lake Chapter.

STORMY SWITZER | M B A 2 0 0 6 Occupation


Want to end up in the healthcare industry? Get fundamental management skills coupled with specialized training in health services. Get a joint Masters in Business and Healthcare Administration.

Master’s Entrepreneur Club The Master’s Entrepreneur Club is a student driven organization that promotes the development of business ideas from University of Utah students across the campus. The aim is to bring together entrepreneurs with varying skill sets and match student interests such that business ideas gain a foothold become a reality. Regular meetings are held to enhance student understanding of business plans and ownership in preparation for various local, state, and nationwide competitions.

Sole Proprietor, Stormy Switzer Consulting President/Managing Member, Maoomba, LLC Consultant, HealthInsight


With a love for education and a passion for social responsibility, it was a natural fit for Stormy to come to the David Eccles School of Business to get a master’s degree.

Experiences Chosen

Net Impact Smart Start

Why the David Eccles MBA?

“My education at the David Eccles School of Business allowed me to explore interests in sustainability and other subjects by focusing my class projects on these topics, taking classes in other departments, and by being involved in student organizations like Net Impact. My education helped me gain confidence in my ability to start a business...or two.”


MBA viewbook D a v i d Ec c l e s S c h o o l o f B u s i n e s s


An MBA With Great Experiences Leads to a great career


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Utah Real Estate Challenge

Utah Entrepreneur Center

University Venture Fund

Tech Titans

Sorenson Inventor Showcase

Sorenson Discovery and Innovation Center

Society for Human Resource Management

Professional MBA Student Association SMART Start

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Opportunity Quest

Why the David Eccles MBA? “The quality of education I received, coupled with our leadership’s vision to bring national visibility to the school made my decision to obtain my MBA from the David Eccles School of Business effortless. The preparation I recieved while at the school has helped propel me past many of my colleagues that received MBAs from other Universities.”

National Association of Women in Business

Experiences Chosen MBA Student International Night University of Utah Football Team

Net Impact

Master’s Entrepreneur Club

Background Mbe’s family immigrated to the United States from Nigeria to seek educaitonal opportunities. After getting his MBA, Mba joined Unilever where he helps the company grow its largest retail chains including Walmart and Sam’s Club.

Low Income Taxpayer Clinic

Lassonde New Venture Development Center

Trade Marketing Manager, Unilever

viewbook D a v i d Ec c l e s S c h o o l o f B u s i n e s s


IS Club


International Business Student Association




Hispanic Business Student Association

Graduate Business Student Association

Global Knowledge Management Center

Future Health care Leaders of America

Financial Management Association

Commercialization Internship DEX

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Case Competition Consulting

Board Fellows

Beta Alpha Psi Accounting Society

American Marketing Association

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om or m k M un en i t y to In Pr rin vo lv of g em e Ex ssio en pl t or nal Id Ne e ea Ca re two P r M itch er O kin ar pt g ke io Fi t R ns na es nc ea Pr ia r od l F ch o u Co ct rec ns De ast i u v Bu lti elo ng sin ng pm en Ca ess t pi De ta v Pr l I elo es nv p en es m ta tm en tio en t Tr ns ts av el i Sc ng ho O la pp rs hi ort ps un Tim iti es eC om m itm en tH r/W ee k

Customize your experiences to target your unique career goals.



MBA viewbook D a v i d Ec c l e s S c h o o l o f B u s i n e s s

Ivory-Boyer Utah Real Estate Center: The Center provides students with educational opportunities in all aspects of the real estate industry, including investment, development and asset management. Future Healthcare Leaders of America FHLA is a student run organization at The University of Utah. FHLA prepares students for a successful career in healthcare through education, networking and real-world exposure. Members regularly visit with local healthcare executives, attend guest lectures, seminars and attend the ACHE Conference. Case Competition Consulting Case Competition enhances analytical, logic, business and presentation skills and provides students with opportunities to solve business cases in a competitive setting. Students sharpen their case analysis abilities and presentation skills through monthly competitions and interaction with local business professionals who act as judges and provide on-going feedback.


Professional MBA Student Association The Professional MBA Student Assocation organizes social, academic and networking events for our part-time students. Events coordinated by the PMBA-SA include Power Breaks, an annual golf tournament and a family zoo day. WorkNet WorkNet arranges 5-6 visits per semester to local companies and sponsors out-of-state company visits to provide students the opportunity to speak with upper management, learn about industrial standards and trends, gain insight into career opportunities within various function areas.

To find out how to apply or enroll in one or more of these programs, visit their websites or come speak with an academic advisor.


What do you want to

BEN NOLTE | M BA 2 0 0 8



Background 14

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Chairman, Amazon River Guide & Managing Director, Big Amazon Fish, LLC CSR Consultant, Aesthetic, PLLC

Ben grew up most of his young life on a Navajo Reservation in Arizona where he learned the value of culture, hard work and fun. He likes to call himself a Humangineer - helping for-profit companies integrate socially responsible elements into their corporate strategies.

Experiences Chosen


MBA viewbook D a v i d Ec c l e s S c h o o l o f B u s i n e s s

The Lassonde New Venture Development Center

Why the David Eccles MBA?

“I chose to get my MBA from The University of Utah for the outstanding entrepreneurial program and the excellent environment. I couldn’t ask for a more socially-minded and entrepreneur-friendly school. My education allowed me to bring innovation and articulate creativity in everything I do as an entrepreneur.”

mba class of 2010 annual fall service project


Customize your education.


Not every MBA needs to look the same . Electives allow you to customize your education.

Field Study Second year students in teams of four to six students are teamed with a faculty advisor to engage in a business consulting project with a real-world client. Teams provide analysis and recommendations in areas across the firm. Entrepreneurship and Emerging Business (MGT 6810) Students complete a preliminary analysis for an entrepreneurial business idea. The course involves extensive exposure to entrepreneurs and entrepreneurial ventures and will require a formal business concept paper. Students are encouraged to develop new venture teams with both classmates and outside business partners. Building the Entrepreneurial Venture (MGT 6820) This course takes the student through the process of writing a business plan and establishing a new business venture. The course also covers the process of building a company from the business plan. Concerns about legal, human resource, financing, marketing, location, and other relevant issues will be addressed. This course will be very hands-on and focused on the practical aspects of turning a technological promise into a viable business. The outcome of the course will be, at a minimum, a complete business plan. Students will be ready to start a company on completion of this course.


MBA viewbook D a v i d Ec c l e s S c h o o l o f B u s i n e s s

Entrepreneurial Counseling (MGT 6840) A practicum for qualified graduate students in counseling small entrepreneurial companies. Students are assigned in teams to work on a variety of problems ranging from the broad development of new working strategies to specific needs in marketing, finance, etc. Counseling teams prepare written recommendations and plans and present an oral report to clients. Managing the Venture Process (MGT 6840) This capstone course provides students with hands-on experience in managing the process of evaluating and funding a start-up company with venture capital funds. Working in teams, the class will place funds from the David Eccles School of Business Student Venture Fund and work with the managers of funded companies and with the board of the Fund. The class will be structured as a year-long venture capital management project supported by a series of seminars taught by regular faculty, venture capitalists, and new venture service providers from the community.

Marketing in the Information Age (MKTG 6300) This course uses reading, cases, guest speaker, and a project to examine the impact of the Internet and related digital technologies on marketing and business. Specifically, it covers the marketing implication of information intensive products and services, business models for the information economy, and use of the Internet to perform marketing functions. Entrepreneurial Marketing (MKTG 6715) Develops the initial business concept from the entrepreneur’s point of view, including idea generation, market analysis and segmentation, consumer behavior and research of competitive conditions and product evaluation. Students will conduct feasibility studies, initial business mock-up and consumer research. Strategic Sales Management in an eCommerce World (MKTG 6740) This course is designed to provide a solid foundation for understanding how companies can create value for customers in the highly competitive market place. Emphasis is placed on managerial decision making, how the sales function is aligned to the strategic direction of the firm, the role of technology in sales forced design and management, why the sales force is critical to adjusting to rapidly changing environments, how to apply problem-solving models, how to recruit, select, higher and retain the best sales people, what is required to forecast sales and profits, how to map and measure sales results to increase productivity, what variable drives sales success, as well as what sales incentives and compensations systems require to line the sales organization to the strategy of the firm. New Product Development (MKTG 6800) Managerial and marketing issues surrounding new product and service development in established companies. Creating an innovative climate; managing new-product development. Generating ideas from consumers, concept and product testing, test marketing, and new-product introduction. eBusiness (IS 6470) Topics will include how to “dotcom” existing businesses as well as new business forms and ideas. Customer relationship management and strategy will also be covered, with a focus on value chain analysis. Students will do an in-depth analysis of an e-business opportunity, and will have some hands-on exposure to e-business technical architecture.

CHIAO-IH HUI | MB A 2005 Occupation Strategic Planning Manager, L-3 Communications

Background Chiao-ih joined the David Eccles School of Business coming from an engineering background with no prior “business” experience.

Experiences Chosen DESB Women’s MBA Association

Why the David Eccles MBA? “Everything I learned was new to me. The business education not only rounded out my formal education, but also rounded out how I view the world. Before my MBA, my own business experience had been working within companies in a research capacity. The best part of my experience was the people I met through the program. The caliber of my peers was impressive and I learned from them just as much as I did from my professors.”


MBA viewbook D a v i d Ec c l e s S c h o o l o f B u s i n e s s

Negotiations and Conflict Management (MGT 6153) The purpose of this course is to understand the theory and processes of negotiation in a variety of managerial contexts. The course is designed to be relevant to the various kinds of negotiation problems that are faced by managers. The course complements the technical and diagnostic skills learned in other courses. A basic premise of the course is that while a manager needs analytic skills to discover optimal solutions to problems, a broad array of negotiation skills is needed for these solutions to be accepted by others and implemented in collaboration with them. The course will allow participants the opportunity to develop these skills experientially and to understand negotiation in useful analytic frameworks.

Emerging Web Technologies and Strategies (IS 6471) Web 2.0 virtualization, cloud computing, mashups, widgets, web marketing, microblogging, blogs, wikis, VolP applications and others; Do you want to understand these terms? Do you want to know how emerging technologies can help you in increasing your web presence? Increasing the awareness about your company? Getting your work done at lower cost?

2008 MBA Class Profile

• 12% International Students


MBA viewbook D a v i d Ec c l e s S c h o o l o f B u s i n e s s


• 22% Female Students

JERRY C. ATKIN | M B A 1 9 7 1 chairman and CEO Skywest Airlines

• Average Age: 28


MBA viewbook D a v i d Ec c l e s S c h o o l o f B u s i n e s s

• Average GPA: 3.42

• Work Experience: 2-6 Years



Y o u r E d u c a t i o n,

your choice

MBA students can customize their degree plans to meet their personal and professional goals through electives. Electives provide students with choices to create a focused interest area of broaden their educaiton with electives from several functional areas. The David Eccles School of Business offers a wide variety of classes in every major field of business including Accounting, eBusiness, Entrepreneurship & Emerging Business, Finance and Financial Accounting, Health Services Administration and Information Systems. Students may also select from a wide variety of electives best suited to meet their unique goals and ambitions.

Course Electives


MBA viewbook

Risk Management

Entrepreneurial marketing

Managerial Accounting II

Inv. & Portfolio Mgt

Product & Brand Management

International Acctg

Cases in Financial Strategy

Marketing for Health Professionals

Partnership Taxation

Adv. Managerial Economics

Consumer Behavior

State & Local Taxation

Venture Capital

Marketing Research

Adv Federal Tax Issues

International Finance

Marketing to Organizations

Tax Practicum

Intro to Inv. Analysis

Organizational Behavior


Real Estate Analysis. Tech

Managerial Negotiation

FS Analysis

Information Systems

Ethics of Management

Bus/Tax Strategies

Information Systems

Leading Responsibility


Database Theory/Design

Managing the Global Workforce

Cases in Fin. Strategy


Adv. Corporate Finance


Operations Management & Quantitative Methods Six Sigma for Managers

D a v i d Ec c l e s S c h o o l o f B u s i n e s s

Investment & Portfolio Mgt

International Marketing

Practical Management Science

Financial Engineering

Marketing Analysis and Decision Making

Strategic Management & Entrepreneurship

Mergers & Acquisition

Investing Marketing Dollars Wisely

Strategy & Technology

Advanced Venture Finance

Promotional Marketing

Building the Entrepreneurial Venture

Venture Capital

Strategic Sales mgt in an eCommerce World

Entrepreneurial Counseling

Credit Institutes

Strategic Marketing Communications

ALEX LINDELL | M B A 2 0 0 4 Occupation

Director of Corporate Development, LineaGen, Inc.




Alex came to the David Eccles School of Business with no prior background in business, but a Bachelor of Science in Genetics and Cell Molecular BIology from the Unversity of Maryland.

Experiences Chosen

University Venture Fund David Eccles School of Business Alumni Board

Why the David Eccles MBA?

“As a professional with a science degree, the David Eccles School of Business helped me obtain the critical business skills, learn and understand the language of business, and recieve hands-on experience in applying these business tools and skills to strategic planning, problem solving, implementation and execution.�


MBA viewbook D a v i d Ec c l e s S c h o o l o f B u s i n e s s

ALEX BROWN | MBA 1998 Occupation



Senior Manager, Accenture VP Communication, Foundation of Fighting Blindness Utah Chapter

Alex leads large scale and complex initatives to help clients improve all aspects of their supply chain performance. He has worked with organizations in several industires and has written and eveloped thought capital on current supply chain topics.

Experiences Chosen

Beta Alpha Psi Field Study

Why the David Eccles MBA?

“The MBA program at the David Eccles School of Business provided me the hands-on experience I wanted while also giving me access to professors who were conducting leading edge research and thinking. The professors and career services staff opened doors for me that ultimately allowed me to pursue my goal of a career in management consulting. I also have to admit the sports scene at the University of Utah hasn’t been to bad either.”


E x p a n d Your eDUCATION

Leverage your education. Why get one master’s degree when you can graduate with two? MBA students can expand their degree plans to meet personal and professional goals through a dual master’s degree program. Partnerships with the College of Law, School of Medicine, College of Arcitecture+Planning, and the College of Engineering integrate elective choices to provide a robust and focused master’s degree. Juris Doctor/MBA The David Eccles School of Business and the S.J. Quinney College of Law offer a joint program where you may earn the MBA and JD degrees in four academic years. The program is offered in recognition of the close relationship between the business and legal industries. Business managers and corporate counsel can significantly benefit from an increased understanding of the other’s concerns, contraints and objectives. The requirements for the JD/MBA joint degree may be met by fulfilling the MBA and Law Core courses plus the necessary elective requirements for each discipline. Twenty four (24) credits are shared between the two programs. Master of Architecture and Business Administration The joint MBA/Master of Architecture program combines the skills and experiences of business administration and the field of architecture. Such a degree is especially valuable for a person considering private practice or a management position in an existing firm, or for an architect interested in development work. Although the basic professional requirements of each program are not altered, areas of common interest are effectively integrated. The program offers a master’s degree in both business administration and architecture.


MBA viewbook D a v i d Ec c l e s S c h o o l o f B u s i n e s s


Twelve hours of the MBA elective requirements may be fulfilled by courses from the Graduate School of Architecture. The Graduate School of Architecture accepts up to 15 hours of MBA courses as electives. Both graduate schools allow six consecutive calendar years for completion of their respective graduate degrees. Master of Healthcare Administration and Business Administration The MBA/MHA program is designed for individuals aspiring to work in the healthcare environment in administrative and management roles. It provides students with an opportunity to obtain both the fundamental set of management skills as well as the specialized training in health services. The joint MBA/MHA program enables students to obtain a foundation in business practice and principles through core and elective MBA courses and simultaneously complete coursework

for the MHA which is an interdisciplinary, multi-department program providing students with analytical skills and content expertise in the field of healthcare administration. By enrolling in the joint MBA/MHA program, students can earn both degrees in less time and with a lower overall credit requirement than if the programs were taken independently. Master of Engineering and Business Administration The University of Utah’s College of Engineering and the David Eccles School of Business have established a joint degree program that enables students to simultaneously pursue the Master of Business Administration (MBA) and the Master of Science (MS) in the Engineering Department of their choice including: Bioengineering Mechanical Engineering Chemical Engineering Electrical and Computer Engineering School of Computing The joint degree program focus is on medical product design, product innovation and entrepreneurial business development. The joint programs are desigend to be an immersion in the experience of innovation and completed as a full-time program with simultaneous and continuous enrollment in the School of Business and College of Engineering. 23

For more information about joint master degree program requirements, highlights and application processes, go to

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15 20 07 02

Princeton Review MBA Operations Department Top 15 for MBA students operations departments. Finance Management Asosciation/ASU Finance Faculty top 20 in the World Princeton Review #7 Family Friendly Business School Forbes Utah is #2 State for Business


Beacon Hill Institute - State Competitiveness Report Most Competitive State for Business Outdoor Magazine Utah has more national parks than any other state in America Women’s Health Best City for Women


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03 02 03

Men’s Health 3rd Best City for Men Association of University Technology Managers University of Utah is #2 for Starting Companies based off of Research CNBC Utah is #3 Top State for Business


MBA viewbook D a v i d Ec c l e s S c h o o l o f B u s i n e s s

Abe Bakhsheshy, ph.d. Professor, Department of Management

kARL lINS, pH.d. Professor, Department of Finance


Kristina diekmann, ph.d.


Join an Innovative Environment

If you are ready to customize your education, the next step is to apply.

Professor, Department of Management


Presidential Professor, Department of Operations and Information Systems

Bob Allen, Ph.D.

Professor/Director, School of Accounting

Randall boyle, Ph.D.


The David Eccles School of Business Masters in Business Administration program is a full-time 62 credit hour program providing a common foundation of business practice and principles complimented by the flexibility to customize an education with electives and real world learning opportunities.

Professor, Department of Operations and Information Systems

Christine Botosan, Ph.D.

Professor, School of Accounting

Application Deadlines: Primary Deadline: January 15 Second Round: February 15 Priority scholarship consideration will be given to applications received by priority deadline. Late admission application are considered on a space available basis.

There are two applications! Candidates applying to the David Eccles School of Business MBA program must submit two application packets.

Our application process is all online! To apply to the DESB full-time MBA program go to We invite you to register with the DESB for news updates, helpful MBA hints, and information session dates 26

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w w w. M B A . u t a h . ed u

1. University of Utah Graduate School - DATE 2. DESB Masters Application - DATE

Admission Requirements: • Four year Bachelor’s degree • Undergraduate GPA of at least 3.0 the average GPA admitted to the program is 3.4 • GMAT (Average admitted is 610) • Applications with professional work experience recieve stronger consideration (2+ years preferred) • Particular weight is given to supervisory and entrepreneurial experience • Approved college-level statistics course with a “B” grade or better • GMAT quantitative score must be at or above the 50th percentile. If not, you must retake the GMAT to meet this requirement or take an approved college alegbra course and earn a “B” grade or better after the GMAT • International Students: TOEFL (600 minimum score)


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Admissions checklist



University of Utah Graduate Admissions Application • Application Fee • Official Transcripts • Questions regarding this application should be directed to the Graduate Admissions Office • This application should be submitted 30 days prior to the David Eccles School of Business application deadline.

David Eccles School of Business Application • Letters of Recommendation (2) • Applicable Essay Questions • Current Resume • Scholarship Request • Questions regarding this application should be directed to the David Eccles School of Business Masters Office

Official GMAT Score • All applicants must provide official GMAT scores. • Official GMAT scores may take 2-3 weeks to arrive • Please fax your unofficial score report to 801.581.3666 if you are concerned your official scores will not arrive before the application deadline.


MBA viewbook D a v i d Ec c l e s S c h o o l o f B u s i n e s s

Undergraduate GPA of 3.0 or above • The University of Utah requires a GPA of 3.0 or above for admitted graduate students. • If a GPA is below 3.0, the David Eccles School of Business must appeal to the University of Utah on behalf of the applicant. These applicants are strongly encouraged to address their GPAs in their essay questions or provide a letter of explanation to the David Eccles School of Business. Course Requirements • Statistics Requirement: Students who have not completed an approved statistics course during their undergraduate careers may receive acceptance contingent upon completion of a statistics course (with a “B” or better) prior to enrollment. • Alegebra Requirement: Students admitted into our MBA program may be required to complete prerequisite coursework to sharpen quantitative skills. Prerequisites are determined by GMAT results.


In addition to the requirements outlined above, international students are required to provide further information for the University of Utah Graduate Admissions Application.

Applicants to a joint degree program (MBA/MHA, MBA/JD, MBA/Arch or MBA/MEG) must complete the application requirements for each graduate school.

University of Utah application(s) • The University of Utah requires joint degree program applicants to turn in a separate application for each program. • For example, an applicant to the MBA/MEG program will submit an application to the University of Utah for the MBA program and a second application to the University of Utah for the Master’s in Mechanical Engineering program.

David Eccles School of Business application The David Eccles School of Business requires only one application. Applicants are responsible for contacting the other program (engineering, law, architecture, etc) for information regarding their specific application processes.

A Day in the Life of

M B A s t u d e n t Va r u n G o w d a . 7:00 a.m................. Wake up and check email over a cup of coffee. Catch up on the news on Wall Street and Times of India 7:30 a.m................. Plan for the day over a light breakfast 8:00a.m.................. Report to business development internship



University of Utah Graduate Admissions Application • Application fee • Official Transcripts • Official Degrees and Diplomas in original language and English translation • Statement of Rank in class • TOEFL score (TSE is not accepted) • Financial Statement for I-20 • Questions regarding this application should be directed to the International Graduate Admissions Office (801.581.3091 or • International applicants to all programs are strongly encouraged to submit their materials by the earliest deadline.

10:30 a.m.............. Class: Negotiations and Conflict Management 12:30 p.m.............. Meet a colleague for lunch 1:30 p.m................. Lassonde New Venture Development Meeting 3:00 p.m................. Class: Risk Management 4:30 p.m................. Report to strategic consulting work at the International Center, attend meetings 5:00 p.m................. Leave campus. Reply to emails over Chai Tea 6:30 p.m................. Business school networking at Lamb’s Cafe 8:30 p.m................. Study time 11:00 p.m.............. Wind down surfing the net, reading blogs and articles of interest 11:30 p.m.............. Call it a day - bedtime


MBA viewbook D a v i d Ec c l e s S c h o o l o f B u s i n e s s


#3 Top State For Business


­­­Year One – Core Courses First year courses provide a solid foundation in the functional areas of business. A week long orientation and Team’s Course precede the Fall Semester.

Spring Semester

MGT 6050 Teams Course (1.5)

ACCTG 6000 Financial Accounting (3.0) MGT 6040 Data Analysis (1.5)

OIS 6060 Production and Operations (1.5)

ACCTG 6001 Managerial Accounting (1.5)

OIS 6010 Information Systems (1.5)

MGT 6051 Productions & Operations II (1.5)

MGT 6041 Data Analysis II (1.5)

MKTG 6090 Marketing (3.0)

FINAN 6052 Finance (3.0)

FINAN 6025 Managerial Economics (3.0)



MGT 6051 Managing and Leading (3.0)



MGT 6052 Business Communication (1.0)

MGT 6052 Business Communication (1.0)

Year Two – Advanced Courses 30

MBA viewbook D a v i d Ec c l e s S c h o o l o f B u s i n e s s

Electives may be taken from all areas within the David Eccles School of Business to broaden your experience and customize your education. With department approval, up to six elective hours may be taken from other University of Utah graduate programs. A Field Study is required in either the fall or spring semester of year two.

Fall Semester

Spring Semester

Field Study or Elective (4.5)

Field Study or Elective (4.5)

MGT 6070 Business Strategy (1.5)

MGT 6071 Corporate Strategy (1.5)















Curriculum subject to change. Students are expected to consult with their academic advisor on a regular basis.

SCOTT SHAEFFER, Ph.D. Professor of Finance “Teaching and research are complements, because being at the forefront of research in your field forces you to be better informed as a teacher. That’s the difference you get at Utah. ‘Management’ isn’t a completely solved problem. Business schools don’t know the answers to all the questions. There are textbooks, of course, but there are lots of really important questions that textbooks are just silent on.


Fall Semester

At Utah, faculty are actively working on filling in those knowledge gaps. When questions come up in the classroom, we’ll have better answers. We’ll be able to help you avoid the common pitfalls. When the answers are developed, you’ll have connections to our faculty and alumni network, to help you use the answers in your career. Our school has literally dozens of professors who are actively shaping how faculty across the world think about their subjects. This just isn’t an imperative for business schools that are not at research universities.”


MBA viewbook D a v i d Ec c l e s S c h o o l o f B u s i n e s s

Businesses Founded by DESB Alumni


MBA viewbook D a v i d Ec c l e s S c h o o l o f B u s i n e s s

Amembal & Associates AdCentives West Associated Title Company Associated Payroll Systems A W Marshall Co BCM Advertising BMW of Murray Butterfield Lumber Clean Machines Inc Culligan Bottled Water of Utah DJB Enterprises, Inc. DoBox, Inc. Dougan & Associates Enteleke Capital Corp. European Connection Farr’s Jewelry Felt Buchorn Ferrone & Associates Fetzers’ Inc Firmco Financial Group Foote, Passey, Griffin & Co Franklin Covey Garff Enterprises Gentner Communications Gutherie Bicycle Company Host Marriott Howells Howa Construction Company Huntsman Container Corp. Huntsman Chemical & Oil Corp. I C Security Printers Internet Properties, Inc. J. Philip Cook & Associates Jans Mountain outfitters Kimball Electronics L. Carlisle Investments LC Lake, Hill & Meyer Listen Technologies Marriott International Megahertz Corporation Muir Roberts Company OCM RACS, Inc. Reagan Outdoor Advertising Richard T. Pratt & Associates Savas Greene Software Technology Group StarVest Management, Inc. Thorpe Capital, Inc.

innovation Wayne Brown Institute WE Inc. Weidner & Associates Western States Management Corp. Wheeler Machinery Company Whitehall Corp Wright Ventures Zevex, Inc.

Companies owned or Managed by DESB Alumni CP Industries C.R. England & Sons Clawson Travel Dan’s Foods Dick Morrison Tire Company Deseret Management Corp. Dunn Oil Company First Security Bank Fred A. Moreton & Co. Garff Construction Corporation Granite Furniture Hasco Inc Health Strategies Inc. Huddart Floral Company Hunt Enterprises Inc. Intermountain Bobcat Interwest Construction Co Inc Interwest Home Medical Knight Brothers Construction Knighton Optical Larkin Mortuary Lagoon Levitz Furniture Corp Modern Display Myriad Genetics Inc. Natural Alternative Inc. Okland Construction Company R.C. Willey Home Furnishings Richardson Sompany Roofers Supply Co Scott Machinery Sentry Financial Group SkyWest Steel Encounters Sweet Candy Company The Tempest Company Timpanogas Regional hospital


UBN Printing Services Valley Research Inc. Wasatch Meats Wasatch Shadow Nursery Wells Fargo Utah Winder Dairy Woodbury Corporation Young Electric Sign Company Zion’s Bank



A Legacy of



MBA viewbook D a v i d Ec c l e s S c h o o l o f B u s i n e s s

robert mcdonald | MB A 1978 Chief EXECUTIVE Officer The Procter & Gamble Company

* 34

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Join Us Experience Innovation


We look forward to seeing you at the David Eccles School of Business. Come and be a part of our innovative community and receive the unique education you’re looking for - one that is customized to meet your personal goals. We’re in the business of changing lives. Join us and we’ll change yours. -Taylor Randall, PhD Dean of the David Eccles School of Business


So you want to be

a CEO, an entrepreneur or a world wide leader? We look forward to seeing you here atThe the David David Eccles Eccles School School of of Business. Business Come and and recieve the education E. Campus Center Driveour students in and out of the classroom. you’re looking for - one that meets your1645 personal goals. We educate Lake City, Utah 84112 We’re in the businessSalt of changing lives. join us. we’ll change yours. Office: (801) 581-7785 Email:

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MBA viewbook D a v i d Ec c l e s S c h o o l o f B u s i n e s s

T he David E ccles S chool of B usiness | the U niversity of U tah | S alt lake city, ut 8 4 1 1 2

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