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FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
How do I get a library card?
Local Residents
A library card is available to residents of Garland and surrounding communities. You must be 18 with a valid photo ID to get your own library card. Otherwise, a parent or legal guardian with ID would need to cosign. Please bring your unexpired official state photo ID (Texas driver’s license, Texas ID, Matricula, out of state license) with your full name and current address on the ID. If the ID does not show your current address, you must present proof of address. Acceptable items for proof of address include current utility bill, lease agreement, auto insurance or bank statement. The proof of address has to have your name on it.
Replacing a Card
If you had a card and need to replace it, bring your current, unexpired official state photo ID and a $2 replacement fee to any Garland library to get a new card.
What types of identification do I need to get a library card?
Please bring your unexpired, official state photo ID (Texas driver’s license, Texas ID, Passport, Matricula, out of state license) with your full name and current address on the ID. If the ID does not show your current address, you must present proof of address. Acceptable items for proof of address include current utility bill, lease agreement, auto insurance or bank statement. The proof of address has to have your name on it. People with addresses in Northeast Texas will be eligible for full library cards. If you have any questions, call the Circulation Desk at 972-205-2524.
Do library cards expire?
Yes, they do. Every four years we require patrons to present an unexpired official state photo ID with current address at any Garland Library. If you go to My Account in the library portal and click on the Personal Information tab, you can see the date your library privileges expire. Please renew on or before that date for continuous service.
Will I get charged if I don’t return an item?
While we are not charging late fines, we are charging for lost items. When an item is seven days overdue, your account will be charged the replacement cost of the item, plus a processing fee. You will be responsible for those charges until you bring back the overdue item.
Is there a library app?
Garland PL is Garland Public Library’s mobile app. Access the library from your phone. Available through Apple’s App Store and Google Play.
What can I do with Garland’s library app?
• Search the Garland Public Library’s catalog for books, DVDs, audiobooks and more
• Search for e-books and audiobooks
• Place holds on library materials
• Access your account to see what you have on hold, have checked out and renew your materials
• View locations and hours
• Go to the Garland Public Library’s Facebook and Twitter pages
• See upcoming events
• Access and use your digital library card from your phone
• Link family members’ cards to your app
• Rearrange these options in Preferences so that what you use most is front and center
FREE with your library card!
Help with Homework from The Library Online
Homework does not have to be a struggle. Students who want or need extra help can receive free homework assistance through the Garland library’s HelpNow online resource.
HelpNow is part of The Library Online. The resource offers students several ways to get help with their schoolwork, including a tutoring service, statealigned skills building, a writing lab, and study and collaboration tools.

The popular online tutoring service allows students of all ages to connect one-on-one with a carefully screened tutor. Tutoring sessions can be in English or Spanish. Tutors are available for students in kindergarten, first through 12th grades and college in a wide range of subjects including math, science, social studies, English and reading.
HelpNow’s skills-building service goes beyond general homework assistance. It uses state-aligned lessons to help students master core academic skills, such as reading, writing and mathematics.
The writing lab allows students to receive live writing assistance or to upload papers or reports for analysis related to word choice, sentence fluency and organizational structure. Papers are returned to students within 24 hours with constructive criticism.
HelpNow’s study and collaboration tools include resources to record and archive student work, create or select flashcards from a vast library, or set up group study areas for live tutoring with friends and colleagues. Students can set up their own test center to study for state and national tests and create Learning Accounts to save test results to share with a tutor for personalized skills-building lessons.
The Library Online’s HelpNow resource can be accessed at the Garland libraries or from home computers. Services are available seven days a week from 3 to 10 p.m.
To access HelpNow, visit Library.GarlandTX.gov and select Online Resources. A Garland library card can be obtained by presenting a valid Texas driver’s license or ID. Patrons under the age of 18 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian to apply for a library card.
Library Outreach
Request outreach services from your Garland Public Libraries. If you would like library staff to host a booth or present information on library services and resources to your organization, visit our website, Library.GarlandTX.gov, click on Services, then Outreach Services, to fill out our outreach request form.

Stay tuned, the Summer Reading Adventure is coming to you soon!