Country Americana Auction: September 2015 Garth's Auctions

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GARTH’S AUcTiOnS, inc.

Auctioneers & ApprAisers


Country Americana: Painted Furniture, Folk Art, Pottery & Textiles

September 11, 2015

Auctioneers & Appraisers

Since 1954

Front Cover: 69, 250, 333, 440 Inside Front Cover: 162, 517-533

COUNTRY AMERICANA: PAINTEd FURNITURE, FOlk ART, POTTERY & TExTIlEs Friday, SEPTEMBER 11, 2015 Lots 1 - 535 beginning at 12:00 PM FEaturing: Property of a southwest Pennsylvania institution; Selections from the collection of the late Barbara Mitchell; Selections from the Beatrice Powell Gregory collection; Pottery from the collection of Jack and Susan Batdorff; And select consignments from Arizona, California, Florida, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, Washington DC, and Wisconsin


PrEviEw timEs: F R I D A Y , S E P T E M B E R 4, 1 0 : 0 0 A M T O 5 : 0 0 P M – W E D n E S DAY, S E P T E M B E R 7- 9, 10:00 A M TO 5:00 PM T H u R S DAY, S E P T E M B E R 10, 10:00 AM TO 8:00 PM F R I DAY, S E P T E M B E R 11, 10:00 AM TO 12:00 PM

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tErms: 20% Buyer’s Premium (25% online) Cash, Check, Visa® & MasterCard Accepted Absentee and fax bids accepted and bid competitively. For your convenience, we will be able to answer your questions about specific items and take your absentee bids by phone. Call (740) 362-4771 or Email inquiries: PO Box 369, Delaware, Ohio 43015 P: 740-362-4771 F: 740-363-0164 Email:

Principal Auctioneer: Richard “Jeff” Jeffers Auctioneers: Amelia Jeffers, Steve Bemiller & Andrew Richmond

©COPYRIGHT – Garth’s Auctions, Inc. 2015

Cover Lots: Front 264, Front inside 43, Back inside 121, Back 2



POrtrait OF a girL (amEriCan sCHOOL, 2nD QuartEr-19tH CEnturY). Oil on poplar panel, late 1830-early 1840s, unsigned. Seated girl, dressed in pink, her dark hair in ringlets. Minor imperfections. 24”h. 20”w., in a grain painted frame, 28”h. 24.5”w. $1,500-$2,500

masOniC marBLE KEYstOnE. American, dated 1910. Carved Masonic symbol on front, and the underside inscribed “Presented to Liberty Chap. no. 41 F. & A.M. by G.E. Stevenson High Priest 1910.” 9”h. $200-$400

6 2 mainE sHEratOn DECOratED stanD. Second quarter-19th century, pine. Striking original red and black grain decoration with yellow leaves. One dovetailed drawer with original brass. 29”h. 19” x 19”. $1,000-$2,000

3 LanDsCaPE Painting (amEriCan sCHOOL, 2nD HaLF-19tH CEnturY). Oil on canvas, unsigned. Fantastical landscape with a snow covered mountain, steam locomotive on a trestle, European castle ruins and cottage and a woman in the foreground seated by a lake. 36”h. 60”w., in a frame, 44”h. 67”w. $600-$900


LaP DEsK BELOnging tO Otis DaniELL, BOstOn BusinEssman. England, mid 19th century, mahogany. Brassbound and typical form. Original retailer’s label from Dyer, a “pocketbook and fancy paper box” manufacturer and retailer on Washington Street in Boston. Old finish. 20”l. On the lid of this desk is a brass plaque engraved “Otis Daniell,” and accompanying the box is a ninth plate daguerreotype believed to be of Daniell, and taken by noted Boston photographers Southworth and Hawes. Daniell is listed in the 1860 Census in Boston’s 4th Ward, and working as a seller of paper manufacturing supplies. $400-$800

7 4 nEw HamPsHirE LEatHEr FirE BuCKEt. Early 19th century. Original red on red paint “new Hampshire WR.R.” Metal rim with leather covering and leather handle. Imperfections. 10.5”h. without handle. $100-$300

aPPLiQuE QuiLt. American, ca.1875, cotton. Red, green and bright yellow Rose of Sharon with vining border, inked notation on muslin backing reads “Betsey Buswell, Whiting, Kansas 1875 , M Mae Burgess”, hand appliqued and hand quilted. 78” x 79”. $400-$800

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amEriCan DECOratED OPEn-tOP CuPBOarD. Early 19th century, chestnut and pine. One piece, with shaped sides on the open top, the lower section with two drawers and two doors. Old blue-green paint with floral decoration on the doors. 89”h. 54”w. 16”d. $1,500-$3,500

twO amEriCan stOnEwarE CrOCKs. Vermont, mid 19th century. Both have cobalt flowers, impressed labels and two handles. “E & LP norton, Bennington”, 10”h., and “L & AK Ballard, Burlington”, 9”h. $150-$350

tHrEE EngLisH PEwtEr CHargErs. Eighteenth-19th century. Hammered booges. Largest is polished. One is a “bishop’s hat” form. 15”, 16”, 18”d. $150-$300

tHrEE PiECEs OF amEriCan rOCKingHam. Second half-19th century. Two Toby pitchers, 7”h., and an inkwell with two spaniels. Flakes. 5”l. $150-$300

9 twO amEriCan stOnEwarE PiECEs. Mid 19th century. Both with two handles. Jar with cobalt on the shoulder, 8”h., and butter crock with Remmey-type cobalt decoration. 6”h. 10”d. $150-$350

10 twO amEriCan stOnEwarE CrOCKs. new York, mid 19th century. Both slightly ovoid with double handles and impressed labels. Cobalt flowers. “S.T. Brewer, Havana” and “G. Apley & Co., Ithaca”. Both 11”h. $150-$300

11 amEriCan stOnEwarE Jug. Mid 19th century. Impressed “Saml. W. Clifford...Boston, 2”. Cobalt flower. 13”h. $150-$300

12 amEriCan stOnEwarE CrOCK. Mid 19th century. Impressed “Burger-Lang, Rochester, nY”. Brushed cobalt “2” and flower. Two handles. Chips. 12”h. $200-$300

14 nEw EngLanD PaintED BLanKEt CHEst. Circa 1800, pine. Six-board chest with shaped ends and old black paint. “JRW” painted on the back. 23.5”h. 45.5”w. 17”d. Ex Marge Stauffer (Ohio). $200-$400

15 EngLisH Hat BOX. First half-19th century, mahogany. Fits a napoleonic-style hat. Small pieced repair. 7”h. 24”w. $100-$350

16 nEw EngLanD PaintED BLanKEt CHEst. Eighteenth century, pine. Six-board chest with bootjack ends, interior till, and old red paint. Retains remnants of early, or original, leather hinges. 27.5”h. 41”w. 17.5”d. $300-$600

17 sEvEn PiECEs OF EngLisH PEwtEr. Eighteenth-19th century. Basin with hammered booge, 9”d., and six plates with marks for Buckby & Hamilton. Armorial shield. 9.5”d. $150-$300

8 - 13 | 3

20 POrtrait OF a POLitiCian (amEriCan sCHOOL, miD 19tH CEnturY). Oil on canvas, unsigned. Gentleman wearing a cameo and holding a document. In the background is a government building with an American flag. Restoration. 30”h. 25”w., in a frame, 41.5”h. 36.5”w. A plaque on the frame states this is a man named Woodfin, “a former member of the West Virginia Legislature”. nicholas Washington Woodfin (1810-1876) was a north Carolina senator and this portrait bears some resemblance to him. $1,000-$2,000



siX signED PEnnsYLvania DECOratED siDE CHairs. nineteenth century. Plank seat chairs with original grain decoration. Stenciled label “Geo. Hay, Chair, Cabinet, Coffin maker, York, PA.” Joints tightened by added dowel rods. 16.5” seat, 30.5”h. $900-$1,200

22 nEw EngLanD DECOratED DrEssing taBLE. Mid 19th century, pine. Yellow decoration appears original. Three dovetailed drawers and shaped crest. Small patch. 42.25”h. 36”w. 19”d. $400-$800

23 amEriCan DECOratED COrnEr CuPBOarD. Mid 19th century, pine. One-piece cupboard: the upper doors with eight panes, the lower doors with raised panels, on bracket feet. Old red, yellow, and black paint. 79”h. 48”w. 25”d., requires a 33” corner. $800-$1,200



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amEriCan FEDEraL CanOPY BED. nineteenth century, maple. Reeded and turned foot posts, turned head posts, with an arched canopy. Refinished. 66.25”h. (posts), 54”w., original rails are 70.25”l. $200-$400


25 HaLF PLatE DaguErrEOtYPE OF us rEPrEsEntativE PEtEr wiLsOn straDEr. Cincinnati, Ohio, 1845-1850. A seated portrait of Strader in his pre-beard days. no case. $800-$1,200

26 Pair OF BaLtimOrE FanCY CHairs. 1815-1830, mixed woods. Tablet tops, caned seats, and original black paint with gold grape decoration. Reproduction squabs. 17.5”h. seat, 31”h. overall. Sold at Brunk Auctions (north Carolina), February 2010, lot 62. $250-$500

27 aPPLiQuE QuiLt. Possibly Paris, Kenosha County, Wisconsin, ca.1860, cotton. Red, green and teal blue Whig Rose variant with embroidered details and vining border, muslin backing, handsewn and hand quilted. Inked notation on back “Mary A Buswell, Paris, Wis 1860, M Mae Burgess”. 81” x 84”. $350-$650

28 Pair OF POrtraits (amEriCan sCHOOL, 2nD QuartEr-19tH CEnturY). Pastel on paper, unsigned. Most likely husband and wife, both dressed in blue with blue eyes. Some imperfections. In matching frames, 22.5”h. 19.5”w. $600-$900

29 Pair OF amEriCan DuCK DECOYs. Made by Walter “Tube” Dawson (Putnam, Illinois, 1882-1955). Mallard drake and hen. Hollow with original paint. Wear from use. $1,000-$1,500


30 amEriCan CHiLD siZE CHEst OF DrawErs. Second half-19th century, pine and poplar. Two dovetailed drawers and applied half columns. Old yellow paint is flaking. 22.5”h. 19.5”w. 7.5”d. $150-$350

31 amEriCan BLanKEt CHEst. Mid 19th century, pine. Six-board case with square nails, molding on lid and till. Original blue and red paint. Imperfections. 13”h. 39”w. 14.5”d. $200-$400

32 amEriCan PaintED BLanKEt CHEst. Mid 19th century, pine. Six-board dovetailed case with applied lid and base molding and shoe feet with chip carving. Old red and blue paint. Some loss to molding. 21”h. 38”w. 21.5”d. $200-$400


29 - 32

unusuaL DECOratED EngLisH taLL CasE CLOCK. Early 19th century, pine. Broken-arch pediment with carved finials, canted case corners and turned feet. With later 19th-century Eastlake paint decoration on a black ground. Brass movement signed “George [?] Borough of northampton.” 94.5”h. $1,000-$2,000

33 | 5




PEnnsYLvania stEP-BaCK CuPBOarD. Early 19th century, walnut, pine, and poplar. Twopiece cupboard: the upper section with ebonized door frames flanked by quarter columns, the lower section with three drawers over two doors flanked by quarter columns, all on bracket feet. 83”h. 68.5”w. 20.5”d. $1,000-$2,000

twO amEriCan mirrOrs anD Pair OF siLHOuEttEs. nineteenth century. Cutouts of husband and wife, 7.25”h. 6.25”w., and two wall mirrors, larger with traces of red paint. Wear. 6”h. 5.25”w. and 9”h. 6”w. $100-$300

FOur PEwtEr POrringErs anD a FOOtstOOL. American, 19th century. Four unmarked porringers with varying handles including new England and Lee or Gleason type, 2” to 5”d., and a wooden footstool with turned legs and original graining. Minor wear. 8.5”h. 13”w. $150-$350

38 35 amEriCan COrnEr CuPBOarD. Mid 19th century, curly maple, walnut and pine. Two-piece cupboard: two doors on top with eight panes of glass each and two paneled doors below. Two dovetailed drawers with scroddleware handles. Reeded molding. 87”h. 54”w. 18”d. $1,500-$2,500

36 tHrEE amEriCan POttErY DOgs. Second half-19th century. Pair of white clay spaniels. Flakes. 7”h. And stoneware dog with blue accents, 7.5”h. $150-$300


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tHrEE FOLK art Carvings. American and European, late 19th-20th century. Two relief carved plaques. One of American Indians on horseback hunting a buffalo. Traces of paint. 8”h. 36”w. And a deer in the forest with original polychrome paint, 12.5”h. 15.5”w. Together with a carving of a woman wearing a cap, with jointed arms. Dark patina. Imperfections. 13”h. $250-$450

40 amEriCan BurL BOwL. nineteenth century. Deep bowl with rim. Old mellow refinishing. Age splits. 3.5”h. 8”d. $200-$500

41 Pair OF siLHOuEttEs. American or English, 2nd quarter-19th century. Cutout husband and wife identified as “Mr. J Hall Parlby”and “Mrs. Parlby”. In frames, 11.5”h. 8.5”w. $100-$300








PEnnsYLvania JaCQuarD COvErLEt. Woven by William ney, Meyerstown, Lebanon County, mid 19th century, wool and cotton. One-piece tied Beiderwand. Tomato red and natural. Signed on bottom border. 84” x 87” $200-$400

tHrEE sunDErLanD LustEr PLaQuEs. England, 2nd quarter-19th century. Black transfers with handcoloring. Two with religious verses, one for the Manchester Odd Fellows Lodge. Minor flaking. 8.5”h. 9.5”w. $200-$300



grOuP OF EngLisH CEramiCs. Late 18th-early 19th century. Three pieces of handcolored Prattware. Two creamers with molded scenes, 5”, 6”h., and a figure of a sleeping woman, 2.75”h. Together with a porcelain teapot with floral hand decoration. Silver spout. 6.5”h. Imperfections. $250-$500

inDiana JaCQuarD COvErLEt. Woven by Matthew Rattray, Wayne County, 1845, wool and cotton. Two-piece double weave. Trademark eagle corner block, birds feeding young foot border, peacocks on the side borders. 73.5” x 89”. $250-$500

tHrEE sunDErLanD LustEr PLaQuEs. England, 2nd quarter-19th century. Black transfers with handcoloring. Two with Farmer’s Arms and one “The Pensioner’s Yarn”. Minor imperfections. 8”h. 9”w. $150-$300

47 44 PEnnsYLvania JaCQuarD COvErLEt. Woven by Henry Oberly, Womelsdorf, Berks County, mid 19th century, wool and cotton.. Two-piece tied Beiderwand. Tomato red and natural, Signed with Oberly’s trademark turkey-peacock. 73” x 77”. $250-$500

FOur sunDErLanD LustEr PLaQuEs. England, 2nd quarter-19th century. Black transfers, two with handcoloring. nautical themes including “Sailor’s Return”, the “Mariner’s Compass”, and one with French and English sailors. 8.5”h. 9”w. Together with round ship, 8”d. Imperfections. $150-$350

49 twO amEriCan gamEBOarDs. Late 19th century. Single pine boards with original paint. Checkerboard with incised lines for another game on the back, 12.5” x 17.75”. And homemade “Halma” board with gallery edge and playing pieces in original box. Board is marked “M.C. White, Maker”. 15.5” x 16”. $400-$600

50 Pair OF POrtraits OF HusBanD anD wiFE. American or European, 2nd quarter-19th century, oil on canvas. She wears a cap and gold jewelry, he wears a hair jewelry watch chain. 12”h. 9.5”w., in a frame, 16.25”h. 13”w. $300-$600 | 7

51 FamiLY siLHOuEttEs BY augustE EDOuart (FranCE, 1789-1861). Signed and dated 1840 lower left. Three full-length cutouts of the Jenkins family, Mathias, his wife Annabelle, and their daughter Matilda, aged 12. On an ink wash background. In a bird’s-eye maple veneer frame, 14.5”h. 16.5”w. $600-$900

52 - 56





tHrEE PiECEs OF PEwtEr. Late 18th-19th century. A basin, 2.5”h. 10”d., and plate, 8”d., with the Philadelphia Love mark. And a plate with partial Continental mark, 8.25”d. $200-$400

tHrEE PEwtEr CHargErs. Late 18th-early 19th century. One marked for Samuel Danforth (Connecticut, 1795-1816), Jacobs 106, 13”d. Together with two unmarked. American, 13”d., and English with hammered booge, 17.5”d. $200-$400

amEriCan HEPPLEwHitE inLaiD CarD taBLE. Early 19th century, mahogany veneer. Demilune top with swing leg. Refinished. 29”h. 36”w. 17.5”d. $400-$800

59 54 amEriCan PEwtEr taLL POt. Marked for Roswell Gleason (Massachusetts, 1822-1871). Repainted handle. 10.5”h. $150-$350

55 tHrEE amEriCan PEwtEr POts. Early 19th century. Two marked for Rufus Dunham (Maine), 7.5”, 12”h., and one for William Lyman (Connecticut), 11.5”h. Imperfections. $250-$450

56 FOur OHiO PEwtEr CanDLEstiCKs. Cincinnati, Ohio, ca. 1840s. Very similar, unmarked candlesticks by Homan. Missing push ups. 10”h. $100-$250

CHiPPEnDaLE BOwFrOnt CHEst OF DrawErs. Possibly the Chapin School, Connecticut, late 18th-early 19th century, cherry, pine and poplar. Four graduated and cockbeaded drawers flanked by fluted quarter columns, all on bold ogee feet. Retains period brasses. 35”h. 43.25”w. 24”d. $3,000-$5,000

60 FEDEraL LOLLing CHair. Probably Massachusetts, early 19th century, mahogany. Serpentine and molded arms and supports, molded legs and upholstered in faux crewelwork. 17”h. seat, 43”h. overall. For a similar chair, see Montgomery, American Furniture: The Federal Period, 1788-1825, figure 111. $800-$1,200


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amEriCan PiLLar anD sCrOLL CLOCK. Second quarter-19th century, mahogany veneer. Partial paper label for Mark Leavenworth (Connecticut). Old, if not original, reverse painting in door, painted face. Seamed brass finials. 31”h. $300-$600

61 amEriCan CanDLE HOLDEr. nineteenth century, mixed woods. Turned base with threaded post and arm with two candle holders. Good patina. Some edge loss. 12.5”h. $250-$450

62 AMERICAN WROUGHT IRON ANCHOR. New Harbor, Maine, mid 19th century. Multiple spikes. 15.5"h. 11.5"d. 17.5"h. including base. $150-$250

63 AMERICAN CARVING OF A MAN AND DOLL CHAIR. Early 20th century, pine. Seated figure of a man in hat and dress coat. Attributed to New England. Original paint, articulated arms. 8"h. And a ladderback side chair with original red paint and splint seat. 10"h. $150-$300

64 AMERICAN STEAM TUG MODEL. Found in New Hampshire, ca. 1930, pine. Original alligatored paint. Boat has tin nameplate "Scotten". Minor loss. 14"h. 21"w. 6"d. $300-$600

65 CONNECTICUT BLANKET CHEST. Initialed and dated 1823 on the back, poplar. Six-board chest with cutout feet. Original apple green paint with desirable surface. Interior till. Wear. 24"h. 45"w. 16"d. $600-$1,200

66 FOUR AMERICAN MEASURES/PITCHERS. Late 19th century. Set of three molded measurers by the United Indurated Fiber Co., Lockport, New York. With tin handles. Marked on the bottom, one has a paper label. One has chip .5", 7", 10"h. And a blue sponge pitcher. Flake. 6.5"h. $100-$250

67 NEW ENGLAND DOCUMENT BOX. Second quarter-19th century, walnut. Original red paint has wear. Open till. Added battens in lid, hinges reset. Age splits in lid. 7"h. 16.5"w. 9.5"d. $150-$300

68 AMERICAN PAINTED PANEL. Mid 20th century, plywood. Decorative round panel with original red paint and white stars. Edge chips. 33"diameter. $150-$350




WHALE CARVING BY BYRON BRUFFEE (MASSACHUSETTS, LATE 20TH CENTURY). Initialed on the back. Humpback whale wall plaque with original paint. 13"h. 36"w. $250-$500

AMERICAN GAMEBOARD. Made by Gus Wilson, South Portland, Maine, ca. 1920s, pine. Parcheesi board with original paint. Two boards with breadboard ends. 20"x 20".

70 AMERICAN DECORATED DOME TOP DOCUMENT BOX. New England, 2nd quarter-19th century. Dovetailed box with original red and black sponged paint. Brass Chippendale bale handle on top. 7"h. 18"w. 9"d. $300-$500

71 AMERICAN WORK TABLE. Mid 19th century, maple and pine. Oneboard top with breadboard ends, turned legs and single dovetailed drawers. Minor replacements. 28"h. 44"w. 31"d. $300-$600

Bought by the consignor from Wilson's cousin. Wilson, a famous decoy maker, made this board for his own use when he was keeper of the Great Duck Light, southeast of Bar Harbor, Maine. $400-$800

73 NEW ENGLAND COUNTRY HEPPLEWHITE TABLE. First quarter-19th century, pine. One-board top with breadboard ends and single dovetailed drawer. Original red/brown paint. 28"h. 41"w. 27"d. $400-$800 | 9



amEriCan DECOratED muLE CHEst. Mid 19th century, pine. Old grain painting over blue/grey. Cyma curve cutout feet and thumbmolded edge on lid. Dovetailed drawer. Some loss to feet. 34”h. 43”w. 18.5”d. $400-$800

nEw YOrK stOnEwarE CrOCK anD Jug. Second half-19th century. Brushed cobalt flowers and impressed labels. Crock with lid and two handles “new York Stoneware Co. Fort Edward, nY”. Chip. 11.5”h. Jug “n. White & Co., Binghamton”, 11”h. $200-$400

75 nEw YOrK stOnEwarE Jug. Second half-19th century. Impressed “White’s utica, 3”. Brushed cobalt bird. Applied handle. 15.5”h. $150-$300

77 amEriCan DECOratED saCKBaCK winDsOr armCHair. Late 18th century, mixed woods. Baluster legs and arm supports. Old green paint with red on the seat. 18”h. seat, 37.5”h. overall. $400-$800

74 - 77



wiLLiam anD marY sLant FrOnt DEsK. American, 18th century, mixed woods including pine, oak and curly maple. Old dark green over red wash. Four graduated dovetailed drawers (pulls removed) and a fitted interior with pigeonholes, drawers and a secret compartment. Imperfections. 29” writing height, 39”h. 36”w. 18.5”d. $2,000-$4,000

CarvED nOrtHErn EurOPEan trunK. Late 19th century, pine. Sarcophagus top. Front panel has roughly carved compass stars and panels. Scratch carved flag resembling the union Jack on the lid. Old red paint. Wear and some imperfections. 21.5”h. 30”w. 17”h. $200-$300

81 79 amEriCan PiE saFE. Attributed to Wisconsin, 2nd half-19th century, pine. Old blue paint. Four shelves. Screens missing on sides and two doors. Some loss. 53”h. 50.5”w. 17”d. $400-$600 78 10 | gartH’s Country americana: september 11, 2015

amEriCan DrYsinK. Mid 19th century, pine. Old white paint. Gallery over a built in base with door and shelf. no back boards. 32”h. 48.5”w. 22”d. $400-$800

82 - 86



amEriCan PaintED PantrY BOX. Second half-19th century. Round bentwood box with lapped seams and original yellow paint. Wear. 4”h. 8.5”d. $200-$400

PEnnsYLvania CHiPPEnDaLE taLL CasE CLOCK. Second half-18th century, walnut. Scroll top bonnet with rosettes. String inlay and compass star on the case. Ogee feet. Hand painted wooden face with a ship. Faint chalk note on the door dated 1823. 93”h. $1,500-$2,500

83 PEnnsYLvania tOLE sYruPEr. Second quarter-19th century. Original floral design on dark japanning. Wear. 4”h. Green Valley Auctions, June 28, 2008, lot 279. $200-$400




COnnECtiCut tOLE DOCumEnt BOX. Second quarter-19th century. Dome-top with wire handle. Original blue swag decoration on japanned ground. Some wear. 4.5”h. 8”w. $400-$700

amEriCan HEPPLEwHitE inLaiD CHEst. Second half-18th century, cherry with pine secondary. String inlay on four dovetailed, graduated drawers with replaced brasses. Refinished. Minor imperfections. 35.5”h. 38.5”w. 18.5”d. $400-$600

amEriCan COuntrY sOFa. Second half-19th century, pine. Cutout feet with repair. Blue upholstery. 31”h. 74.5”w. 24”d. $100-$300

85 amEriCan wrOugHt irOn tOastEr. Late 18th century. Scroll and twisted details. 15”l.


Ex James Sorber, sold at Pook & Pook, May 13, 2005, lot 204. Pictured in Colonial Wrought Iron the Sorber Collection by Plummer, pg. 58, fig. 1-113. $1,200-$1,800

amEriCan COuntrY stEPBaCK CuPBOarD. Mid 19th century, pine. One-piece cupboard with two doors. nine glass panes above, panel below. Several layers of old paint. Worn with some loss. 80”h. 40”w. 21”d. $400-$800



POttErY DOg anD Cat. Probably Ohio, 2nd half-19th century. Seated mastiff with sponged decoration, 6.5”h., and a small cat with Bristol glaze, 2.75”h. $300-$500

nEw EngLanD QuEEn annE CHEst OF DrawErs. Mid 18th century, maple. Bandy legs on a chest with four graduated, dovetailed drawers with original brasses, and on bandy legs. Reconstruction. 51”h. 39”w. 19”d. $600-$800

87 | 11



FOur wEstErwaLD-stYLE stOnEwarE PitCHErs. Probably Germany, late 19th-early 20th century. Graduated sizes with brushed cobalt designs. Largest is incised. All marked with liter sizes, one through four. 8.5”, 10”, 11.5”, 13.5”h. $200-$400

twO amEriCan COuntrY HEPPLEwHitE stanDs. First quarter-19th century. One-board tops and single dovetailed drawers. Original red stain. Poplar. Worn. And curly maple and pine. Lightly scrubbed top. Both 27”h. 19”w. 18.75”d. Ex Harold Cole. $150-$300



tHrEE wEstErwaLD-stYLE stOnEwarE PitCHErs. Probably Germany, late 19th-early 20th century. Incised and brushed cobalt designs. The two smallest have pewter lids with thumbpieces. 11”, 12”, 13.5”h. $300-$400

amEriCan CanDLEstanD. Early 18th century, oak and walnut. Turned top on paneled post and block base. 22.25”h. 11.5”d. $200-$400

amEriCan sawBuCK taBLE. Mid 18th century, pine. Three-board top and single drawer. Old white paint. Wear. 31”h. 48”w. 26”d. $200-$400



nEw EngLanD CHiPPEnDaLE taLL CHEst OF DrawErs. 1775-1785, curly maple and pine. One drawer with three faux fronts (with shell carving) over a deep drawer with two faux fronts, over three drawers, all on high shaped bracket feet. Imperfections. 57.5”h. 39.5”w. 19.5”d. $1,000-$2,000

amEriCan BamBOO winDsOr rOCKEr. Attributed to Philadelphia, 19th century, mixed woods. Armchair with original black paint with enhancement. Rockers restored. 32”h. $100-$300


96 amEriCan QuEEn annE-stYLE taBLE. Pine base with old red and an oval, twoboard curly maple top with scrubbed surface. Reconstruction. 27.5”h. 40”w. 28”d. $250-$450


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100 amEriCan DiminutivE CHEst OF DrawErs. nineteenth century, mahogany and pine. Three graduated dovetailed drawers with beaded edges and replaced pulls. Old refinishing, top reattached. 31.5”h. 21 “ x 21”. $200-$400

92 - 94

amEriCan PiE saFE. Mid 19th century, cherry. Six punched tins with stars in the doors, cut out feet. Refinished with patched repairs. 61.5”h. 41.5”w. 15.5”d. $300-$600

102 amEriCan CrOCK stanD. Mid 19th century, pine. Mortised construction with bootjack feet. Old red paint on base. 34”h. 51.5”w. 19.5”d. $200-$400

103 twO amEriCan BEDwarmErs. nineteenth century. Engraved brass pans. Turned wooden handle, 43”l., and wrought iron handle, 40”l. $100-$300





OHiO sEwErtiLE PiggY BanK. Early 20th century. Large standing pig with incised eyelashes. 13”l. Ex Jack Adamson(Ohio). $600-$1,200

DECOratED BEnCH BY LEw HuDnaLL (OHiO, 1918-1995). Late 19th century pine bench. Red grain painting with family vignette and cat and dog on the top. 20”h. 60”w. 14”d. $150-$350


105 amEriCan CarvED wOODEn FisH. Twentieth century. Pine with incised scales and painted glass eyes. Age split. 14”h. (with stand), 24”l. $200-$400

106 stiLL LiFE BY BartOn stOnE HaYs (miDwEst, 1826-1914). Oil on canvas, signed lower right. Apples. Repairs. 16”h. 20”w., in a frame, 21.5”h. 25.5”w. $600-$1,200

107 amEriCan COrnEr CuPBOarD. Mid 19th century, walnut with poplar secondary. One-piece cupboard with two doors above with six glass panes each and two paneled doors below. One dovetailed drawer flanked by two false ones. Refinished with replaced brasses. 77”h. 45.5”w. 18”d. $800-$1,200

109 amEriCan CHiPPEnDaLE sErPEntinE sLant FrOnt DEsK. Possibly Connecticut, mid 18th century, mahogany and pine. Oxbow front with graduated dovetailed drawers with original brasses. Fitted interior. Ogee bracket feet. Small split at one hinge. 34” writing height, 44”h. 42”w. 23.5”d. $1,500-$2,500

110 amEriCan taLL CasE CLOCK. Possibly Virginia, 1st half-19th century, pine. Carved scroll top bonnet and carved fans on the case. Hand painted wooden face with flowers, brass works. Refinished, replaced finial. 92”h. $600-$800

107 | 13




amEriCan rOCKingHam DOg. Mid 19th century. Seated spaniel with freestanding front legs and an incised tail. 10”h. $100-$300

amEriCan CarvED FOLKsY EagLE. Early 20th century. Wooden eagle with original paint. 20”h.

amEriCan wagOn anD stOrE CratE. nineteenth century, pine. Flat bed wagon or hand cart with iron wrapped wooden wheels. 56”l. 29”w. Together with a crate with stenciled label “Apsley Rubber Co. Dry Shod” and gameboard. 12”h. 30”w. $150-$300

See American Folk Sculpture by Robert Bishop, pg. 176, for a similar style gull from Dixfield, Maine. $250-$450

113 twO amEriCan maLLarD DECOYs. Both made by Judge Glen Cameron, Peoria, Illinois. Drake and hen both marked “FWT, Peoria” and dated 1900 and 1901. Original paint, tack eyes. The hen has areas of working repaint. Imperfections. 15”l. $1,000-$1,500

117 amEriCan DrY sinK. Mid 19th century, walnut. Well with backsplash, two paneled doors and an interior shelf. Turned feet. 36”h. 61”w. 18”d. $600-$900

118 114

111 - 114

nEw EngLanD CHiLD-siZED muLE CHEst. Dated 1811, pine. One drawer, cutout feet. Old red paint. Signed “EB 1811” in red on back, inscribed “Elizabeth Blake / Taunt[on]” in pencil on lid interior, also note stating family history.19”h. 26”w. 12.5”d. Elizabeth was the youngest girl of the fifteen recorded children. She was born October 13, 1801, to Edward Blake (1736-1818) and Mercy Thayer (17621842) of Taunton, Bisitol County, Massachusetts. $500-$1,000

amEriCan Hanging sHELF. Second half-19th century, pine. Scalloped front edges and shaped sides. Cleaned down to wood. 35”h. 23.5”w. $100-$200

118A FivE POLitiCaL CartOOns BY waLtEr KrawiEC sr. (POLanD/amEriCa, 1889-1982). Mixed media on paper, signed. Five cartoons focused on American politics, including guns in Chicago, LBJ, and electoral races. All for thePolish Daily news. unframed, 11"h. 7.5"w. $500-$1,000

118B 115 amEriCan COuntrY CHiPPEnDaLE CHEst OF DrawErs. Late 18th century, curly maple with pine secondary. Dovetailed drawers. two over four with period brasses. Refinished. Minor imperfections. 47”h. 38”w. 17.5”w. $600-$800 115 14 | gartH’s Country americana: september 11, 2015

POrtrait OF a YOung wOman (amEriCan sCHOOL, 2nD QuartEr-19tH CEnturY). Oil on canvas, unsigned. Half-length portrait of a woman wearing a coral necklace and bracelet. In a gilt frame, 40"h. 33"w. $400-$800



samPLEr. Probably European, early 19th century, silk on linen. Large narrow sampler , closely stitched decortive bands include a Crucifixion, eight point stars and flowers, peacock and a unicorn worked with silver threads, 28"h. 12"w. , in a frame 31.75"h. 15.5"w. $350-$700

irisH samPLEr. Droughtville, Kings County, 1807, silk on wool. Closely worked sampler with bands of acorns, flowers, and elaborate lettering over plinth with oval flower basket and urns of vining flowers. Signed “Mary Anne Drought Droughtville Forest 1807”. Framed, 14.75”h. 12.75”w.

119A amEriCan sEwErtiLE DOg. Twentieth century. Dachshund incised "W", possibly for White (West Virginia). 12.25". Sold at Garth's, november 1997. $150-$300

The maker was probably the daughter or granddaughter of Thomas Drought (ca. 1755-1833) and his wife naomi Fraser of Droughtville Forest. $250-$500


tHrEE PiECEs OF amEriCan sEwErtiLE. Twentieth century. Pair of American Indian bookends, 6"h., and a figure of Jiggs. Imperfections. 7.75"h. All stamped "Lehigh". $250-$450

samPLEr. Probably England or Scotland, dated 1797, silk on wool. neatly stitched motifs include detailed birds, flowering urns, fruit trees bordering friendship verse over a architecturally precise house and fenced lawn. Signed “Barbara Hendarson”, the names George and Jean Hercules also appear. In a frame, 15.75”h. 13”w. $225-$400



amEriCan sEwErtiLE BirDHOusE. Mid 20th century. Painted roof (edge loss). 8"h. Ex Jack Adamson (Ohio). $100-$300

amEriCan warDrOBE. Mid 19th century, cherry with poplar secondary. Onepiece with paneled double doors above and two dovetailed drawers below. Turned feet. Peg hooks on interior. Turned feet. 83”h. 54”w. 25”d. $1,000-$1,500




inLaiD HEPPLEwHitE CarD taBLE. Probably American, mahogany veneer and pine. Shaped top and conforming apron. Swing leg. Refinished with minor imperfections. 28.5”h. 36”w. 17.5”d. $600-$800

120 121

122 | 15





PEwtEr CHargEr. Faint mark is reputedly for Ebenezer Crossman (new England, early 19th century). 13.5”d. $300-$600

tHrEE PiECEs OF amEriCan PEwtEr. Late 18th-19th century. Marked. Pitcher by G.B. Smith (Boston), 8”h., plate by Richard Lee (Vermont), 8”d., and charger with Philadelphia Love mark, 13.5”d. Wear. $250-$450

twO amEriCan PEwtEr PLatEs anD a DisH. Late 18th-early 19th century. Marked plates from the Danforth family (Connecticut). Dish by Samuel, 11”d., and two plates by Thomas Danforth II and Joseph, 8”d. $250-$450

inDiana JaCQuarD COvErLEt. Woven by Matthew Rattray, Wayne County, 1845, wool and cotton. Two-piece double weave. Trademark eagle corner block, birds feeding young foot border, lilies on the side border. 74” x 92”. $200-$400

132 127

124 - 128

twO amEriCan PEwtEr taLL POts anD a FLagOn. Early 19th century. Marked. Pots by Freeman Porter (Maine), 11”h., and Ashbil Griswold (Connecticut), 12”h. Together with a communion flagon attributed to William Calder (Rhode Island), 10.5”h. Some imperfections. $300-$500

FivE EngLisH PEwtEr PLatEs anD a Basin. Late 18th century. All marked for Townsend & Compton except for one plate marked “John Townsend”. Some pitting. 8” to 11.75”d. $300-$600



amEriCan PaintED rOPE BED. Mid 19th century, pine. Cannonball finials and shaped headboard. Old blue/grey paint. 54”h. 51.5”w. 67” rails. $200-$400

tHrEE amEriCan PEwtEr tEaPOts. First half-19th century. All marked. Roswell Gleason (Massachusetts), Willis Humiston (new York), and Isaac Lewis (Connecticut). Imperfections. 8”h. $150-$350


16 | gartH’s Country americana: september 11, 2015

133 tHrEE PiECEs OF amEriCan PEwtEr. nineteenth century. Two marked teapots from related Boston pewter companies. “Smith & Co”, 8.5”h., and “Morey & Ober”, 8”h. Together with an unmarked inkwell., 7”d. Some wear. $150-$350


129 - 131

sEvEn amEriCan PEwtEr PLatEs. Late 18th-19th century. Three are marked. Richard Austin (Boston), Samuel Kilbourn (Baltimore), and Thomas D. Boardman (Connecticut). Together with five unmarked plates, 8”d. $300-$500

PEnnsYLvania JaCQuarD COvErLEt. Woven by Samuel Gilbert, Trappe, Montgomery County, 1849, wool and cotton. Two-piece tied Beiderwand. Corner block with client’s name, Sarah Cresinger. 79” x 88”. $250-$500

135 ZanEsviLLE, OHiO, BLOwn gLass BOttLE. Second quarter-19th century. Aqua glob with twenty-four tightly swirled ribs. 7.5”h. $150-$350

136 - 138



amEriCan tHEOrEm. Watercolor on paper, signed and dated “Painted by Mary Curtiss 1820”. Strawberries and peach. Overall toning with spots. In a stenciled frame, 9.75”h. 11.25”w. Ex Joanne Boardman. $200-$400

QuEEn annE CHEst-On-FramE. new England, 18th century, maple and pine. Four drawers, shaped skirt, and cabriole legs ending in pad feet. Imperfections. 64”h. 43”w. 20”d. $500-$800


141 137 COnnECtiCut tOLE DOCumEnt BOX. Second quarter-19th century. Original floral decoration including a bird. Worn. 4.5”h. 8”w. Sold at northeast Auctions, August 7, 2010, lot 515. $200-$400

amEriCan BLanKEt CHEst. nineteenth century, pine. Six-board chest with cutout feet and old grey paint. Wear with repaired hinge rail. Ex Bob Jessen and Jim Hohnwald. 22.5”h. 32.5”w. 14.5”d. $200-$500



FivE EngLisH Brass CanDLEstiCKs. Eighteenth-early 19th century. Four single candlesticks with seamed construction. One ex Schiffer Collection. 6.5” to 8”h. And a chamberstick, 8.5”l. $400-$800

EigHt DECOratED amEriCan sHEratOn CHairs. Second quarter-19th century. Original black paint with stenciled gold designs including fruit. Rush seats. Varying wear. 18” seat, 34”h. $400-$800

139 gErman nOaH’s arK. Late 19th-early 20th century, pine. Original paint, hinged lid. One hundred-eleven carved animals (from various sources) and noah. Original paint. Imperfections. Ark, 9”h. 18.5”l. $600-$800

143 DECOratED PEnnsYLvania BLanKEt CHEst. Mid 19th century, pine. Dovetailed sixboard blanket chest with mid 20th-century graining and decoration. Imperfections. 21”h. 39.5”w. 20”d. $400-$600

140 | 17




Pair OF COntinEntaL Brass CanDLEstiCKs. Seventeenth-18th century. Domed bases and threaded posts. Extractor holes in sockets. 9.5”h. $400-$800

amEriCan waLLPaPEr sEwing BOX. Second quarter-19th century. Cardboard box with colorful blue and yellow wallpaper. The lid has a worn velvet pincushion. Partial penciled notations “Addies___” and “Keepsakes”. 3.5”h. 4.5”w. Ex Margaret Canavan. $300-$500

amEriCan tavErn taBLE. nineteenth century, maple. Scrubbed one-board top with breadboard ends and refinished curly maple base with dovetailed drawer. Wear and loss of height. 24”h. 39”w. 24”d. $200-$500

145 amEriCan wOODEn CaKE BOarD. Attributed to John Conger (new York, 2nd quarter-19th century), mahogany. Well carved with bird and basket of fruit. 10.75” x 10.75”. Ex Tripp Collection, Butterfields, June 3, 2001. $400-$800

146 CHiP CarvED LOCK BOX. Probably American, 2nd half-19th century, mixed woods. Well carved on all sides and lid. 5.5”h. 9.5”w. $200-$400

147 Pair OF POrtraits in tHE mannEr OF Justus DaLEE (amEriCan, 1793-1878). Watercolor on paper, unsigned. Well-detailed couple dressed in black. In matching frames, 9”h. 8”w. $800-$1,200

148 POrtrait OF a man attriButED tO Justus DaLEE (amEriCan, 1793-1878). Watercolor on paper, unsigned. Detailed profile of a young man. In a frame, 5”h. 4.5”w. Ex White & White Antiques (new York). $600-$800

144 - 149

18 | gartH’s Country americana: september 11, 2015

154 150 PEnnsYLvania tOLE aPPLE traY. Second quarter-19th century. Original decoration on japanned ground with crystallized center. 12.5”l. Ex Richard Smith, Pook & Pook, October 30, 2010, lot 47. $900-$1,200

wasHstanD DECOratED BY LEw HuDnaLL (OHiO, 1918-1995). Late 19th century, pine. Later grain painting with scene on the top of people fishing. 28”h. 24”w. 17.5”d. $150-$350

155 151 CarvED amEriCan CHiPPEnDaLE siDE CHair. 1770-1780, mahogany. Elaborately carved splat and crest on straight legs and a box stretcher. 17.5”h. seat, 40”h. overall. $500-$1,000

152 amEriCan COuntrY COrnEr CHair anD HEPPLEwHitE stanD. nineteenth century, mixed woods including maple. Chair with rush seat. Refinished. 15” seat, 25.5”h. And a stand with old red paint and one dovetailed drawer. Imperfections. 29.5”h. 18.5”w. $150-$350

amEriCan COuntrY sOFa. Twentieth century sofa made from a 19th-century hired man’s bed. Mustard colored upholstery. 28”h. 75”w. 23”d. Ex Ray Marion. $150-$300

156 amEriCan trEstLE taBLE. Second half-19th century, mixed woods including pine. Breadboard end top and shoe feet on the base. Refinished. 28”h. 91”w. 35.5”d. $300-$600

157 twO EngLisH COaCHing Prints. Published in London, March 1, 1837. Hand colored engravings of “The Royal Coach - Going up Hill” and “The Royal Coach - Going Down Hill”. In modern frames. 15.5”h. 19.5”w. Sold at Garth’s February, 1996. $100-$200

158 inDiana JaCQuarD COvErLEt. Woven by Samuel Graham, Henry County, 1848, wool and cotton. Twopiece double cloth. Eagle on leafy branch trademark in corner blocks, 73.5” x 81”. $250-$500

159 inDiana JaCQuarD COvErLEt. Craig Family weavers, Floyd or Decatur County,1852, wool and cotton. Two-piece double-weave. Courthouse trademark in corners. 78” x 84”. $200-$400





DECOratED PEnnsYLvania CHiPPEnDaLE BLanKEt CHEst. Late 18th century, pine. Dovetailed case with two drawers and bracket feet. Appears to retain its original blue-green paint with faux tombstone panels with urns of tulips. Imperfections. 29”h. 52”w. 23”d. $1,000-$2,000

amEriCan DECOratED sLiDE-LiD BOX. First half-19th century, pine. Dovetailed box with raised-panel lid and lollipop handle. Retains its original faux mahogany graining with green trim. 6"h. 12"w. 19"l. Ex Fendelman collection; ex Wade and Stephanie Anderson, sold at Ken Farmer Auctions, September 1995. $500-$1,000 160a

160B amEriCan HEPPLEwHitE BLanKEt CHEst. Late 18th-early 19th century, walnut with pine secondary. Dovetailed six-board chest with French feet. Interior till. Dark surface has wear. 26"h. 49"w. 21.5"d. $800-$1,200

160C amEriCan muLE CHEst. Late 18th century, pine. Old red paint. Lift lid with staple hinges, two dovetailed drawers with original brasses. Pieced repairs to feet. 42.5"h. 37.5"w. 19.5"d. $400-$800

160D sEvEn PEwtEr COmmuniOn rELatED itEms. American and European, 19th-20th century. Assembled grouping of chalices including four by "Reed & Barton", 6" to 9"h., and a flagon. Dented lid. 13.5"h. $150-$300 160 | 19



POrtrait OF a wOman BY rOBErt strEEt (PEnnsYLvania, 1796-1865). Oil on canvas, signed and dated 1832 at right. Well-done image of a woman in a lace bonnet, holding a hymn book. Imperfections. 30”h. 25”w., in a frame, 37”h. 31”w. $900-$1,200

wELsH samPLEr. Ystrad Mynach, Caerphilly County, 1857, silk on wool. neatly worked motifs include lions, hearts, birds, floral baskets and crowns, the Welsh motto “Heb Dduw Heb Ddim”, a pious verse and signed “Margaret Williams / work’d this sampler / at the Ystrad School / aged 10 years / 1857 “. In a figured maple frame, 22.5”h. 15.5”w. $300-$600






COmiCaL gEnrE sCEnE (amEriCan Or EurOPEan sCHOOL, EarLY 19tH CEnturY). Oil on canvas, unsigned. Wife finding a husband in a tavern. Painted dialogue “Roger in the hen-peck’d club”, “You drunken rascal (some) shape to go home” and “Oh, patience sweet wife and I’ll never”. Imperfections. 24”h. 30”w., 28”h. 34”w. $400-$800

amEriCan BLanKEt CHEst. Mid 19th century, pine. Six-board chest with cutout feet and staple hinges. Old red stain. Removed till. Repairs. 28”h. 50.5”w. 18”d. $250-$500

164 OHiO BOnnEt CHEst OF DrawErs. Likely Dayton, mid 19th century, cherry and poplar. Dovetailed drawers, four over three, and ring turned feet. Old dry varnish surface. Imperfections. 45”h. 43.5”w. 22”d. $500-$900

165 EngLisH gEOrgian taLL CasE CLOCK. Ca. 1800, mahogany. Architectural bonnet, case has reeded quarter columns. Brass face with dolphins is marked “Aun Hon & Rot Knox Irvine.”. Pieced repairs. 87”h. $1,000-$2,000 164 20 | gartH’s Country americana: september 11, 2015

167 amEriCan COmmODE. Second half-19th century, curly maple and cherry. Thumbmolded top, paneled doors, and scalloped crest with applied cutout folksy decoration. 38”h. 36”w. 19”d. $200-$400

168 amEriCan DrOP LEaF taBLE. Curly maple with oak and pine. Assembled from early 19th-century parts with enhancements. 27”h. 48”w. 17”d. with 15.75”leaves. $200-$400

169 amEriCan DECOratED DrOP LEaF taBLE. Mid 19th century, pine. Original red grain paint. One drawer, turned legs. Wear. 28.5”h. 54”w. 20.5”d. with 13” leaves. $300-$600

170 nEw YOrK samPLEr. Probably Kings County, 1802, silk on linen. neatly done large sampler, multiple borders surrounding a pious verse, “Alletta Polhemus was / born December 26th 1788 Finished / This Work April 8th 1802” . Old, if not original, gilt frame, 23”h. 20”w. Born in Brooklyn to Jacob and Gertrude Polhemus, Alletta married John S. Van Alst (1781-1851) on February 7th, 1807. The 1850 census for Queens County, new York, lists Van Alst as a wealthy farmer with three of their eight children living at home. Alletta died in 1873 and is buried in Elmhurst, Queens County. $350-$700

171 170

171 samPLEr. Kesgrave School, probably Suffolk County, England, 1847, silk on wool gauze. Potted flowers and baskets surround a pious verse over recumbent deer resting among trees, signed “Sarah Ann Stevenson Kesgrave School / October 6th 1847”. In a bird’s-eye maple frame, 13.75”h. 14.25”w. $225-$450

172 twO amEriCan stOnEwarE CrOCKs. Second half-19th century. Similar with brushed cobalt clover designs. One with two applied handles. 11.25”, 12”h. $150-$350

173 twO nEw YOrK stOnEwarE CrOCKs. Second half-19th century. Similar brushed cobalt flowers, impressed labels. “CW Braun, Buffalo, nY”, 11.5”h., “Biedinger Caire, Poughkeepsie, nY”, 10.5”h. $250-$450

174 wiLLiam anD marY muLE CHEst. Early 18th century, pine. Old grain painting. Wrought iron strap hinges, interior till, two dovetailed drawers. Replaced pulls. Wear and age splits. 37.5”h. 38”w. 18.5”d. $400-$800

172 - 175



siX amEriCan BamBOO winDsOr CHairs. nineteenth century, mixed woods. Five sides and a similar armchair. Original black paint with enhancements. Wear. 18” seat, 38.5”h. $600-$900

amEriCan BLanKEt CHEst. Mid 19th century, pine. Six-board chest with staple hinges, interior till, cutout feet, and base molding. Original blue paint is worn. 25.5”h. 52”w. 17.5”d. $400-$800 | 21



amEriCan HutCH taBLE. Mid 19th century, pine. Old black paint over red. Mortised construction and cutout feet. Multiple board top has been cleaned down to red. Some loss to feet. 28”h. 63”w. 34.5”d. $400-$800

twO amEriCan stOnEwarE CrOCKs. Second half-19th century. Brushed cobalt floral designs. Impressed “2”. One with lid, 12.25”h., one with two handles, 12”h. Small flakes. $150-$350



vErmOnt stOnEwarE Jug. Second quarter-19th century. Impressed “Julius norton, Bennington 2”. Ovoid with strap handle. Brushed cobalt moth. Some imperfections. 13”h. $200-$400

CarvED wOODEn rOOstEr. Twentieth century. Of grand size with good details. On a later base, 36”h. $250-$500

179 twO amEriCan stOnEwarE Jugs. Second half-19th century. Impressed labels and similar brushed cobalt flowers. Applied handles. “E & LP norton, Bennington, Vt 2”, 13.5”h., and “West Troy nY Pottery 2”, 13.75”h. $150-$350

182 amEriCan COuntrY sHEratOn DrOP LEaF taBLE. Mid 19th century, pine. Old red paint. Minor wear. 30”h. 38”w. 17.5”d. with 9.25” leaves. $200-$400

177 - 181



nOrtH amEriCan sHEratOn LaDY’s writing DEsK. 1815-1830, maple and mixed secondary woods. One-piece with solid bird’s-eye drawer fronts and fall front, the interior with nine drawers, the case with three drawers, all on turned feet. 46.5”h. 40”w. 18.5”d., writing surface is 32”h. $800-$1,200

DECOratED EurOPEan CraDLE. nineteenth century, pine. Dovetailed cradle suspended from two removable posts in a base with shoe feet. Original grain painting, wrought iron hardware. Wear with some loss. 37”h. 44”w. 29”d. $400-$800

184 amEriCan tavErn taBLE. Early 19th century, yellow pine. Scrubbed breadboard top, one drawer, and a stretcher base. Old red/brown paint. Imperfections. 27.5”h. 38.5”w. 24.5”d. $300-$600

187 nEw EngLanD COuntrY HEPPLEwHitE DrOP LEaF taBLE. First half-19th century, pine and birch. Original red paint on base with swing legs, scrubbed top has stains. 27.5”h. 42”w. 14.75”d. with 12.5” leaves. $300-$600

188 185

183 22 | gartH’s Country americana: september 11, 2015

amEriCan sawBuCK taBLE. Mid 19th century, pine. Old white paint. Two-board top. Square nails. 29”h. 56”w. 25.5”d. $300-$400

amEriCan QuEEn annE DrOP LEaF taBLE. Mid 18th century, mixed woods including walnut and oak. Small size. Traces of old black paint. Imperfections. 26.25”h. 34.5”w. 10”d. with 12.5” leaves. $300-$600

189 - 192

189 twO amEriCan mErgansEr DECOYs. Carved wood with original paint. One attributed to Massachusetts, 2nd half-19th century. 16.5”l. The other attributed to Samuel Archer, new Jersey, 1st quarter-20th century. 17”l. Imperfections. $400-$800

190 BEnningtOn tOBY PitCHEr. Vermont, ca. 1850. Grapevine handle and Rockingham glaze. Impressed “uS Pottery Company” mark on the bottom which was rarely on anything other than scroddleware. 6.125”h. $600-$1,200

191 BEnningtOn tOBY snuFF Jar. Vermont, ca.1850. Seated Toby with hat lid. Impressed mark on bottom. Small rim chip. 4”h. $250-$450

192 twO amEriCan PaintED PantrY BOXEs anD a mirrOr. Second half-19th century. Round bentwood boxes. Original alligatored green paint with single fingers, 3.5”h. 7”d. And blue over red. box with lapped seam on base and finger on lid, 5”h. 10”d. Varying wear. Together with a mirror in a grain-painted frame. 16.5”h. 12.25”w. $250-$450

193 amEriCan aPOtHECarY witH taBLE. nineteenth century, pine. Both with old white paint. Fifteen graduated drawers with paper labels. 19”h. 20”w. 8.5”d. Together with a small child-size table with tapered legs. 24”h. 24”w. 19”d. $300-$600




amEriCan PaintED stEPBaCK CuPBOarD. First half-19th century, pine. Two-piece cupboard: the upper section with two eight-pane doors, the lower section with two paneled doors. Old green paint with good wear. 81”h. 49.5”w. 24”d. $1,000-$2,000

Pair OF amEriCan FEDEraL CanOPY BEDs. First half-19th century, cherry. Rope beds with reeded and turned posts and shaped headboards. 73”h. 42.5”w., 76” replaced rails. With testers and late crewelwork canopies. $600-$800 | 23





navaJO rug. Early 20th century, wool. Stepped diamonds with gold and pale blue highlights. Wear and some stains. 3’5” x 6’1”. $600-$800

nEw EngLanD CHiPPEnDaLE muLE CHEst. Second half-18th century, mixes woods including cherry, oak and curly maple. Two false drawers over three graduated dovetailed drawers with original brasses. Dovetailed bracket feet. Old refinishing with wear. 48”h. 38.5”w. 18.5”d. $900-$1,800

197 EngLisH gEOrgE iii taLL CasE CLOCK. Late 18th century, oak. Flat top with decorated cornice, paneled base and bracket feet. Brass movement. 80.5”h. $800-$1,200

198 amEriCan sEwErtiLE EagLE. Mid 20th century. Bald eagle with spread wings and yellow and white glazes. Flakes. 11”h. $200-$400



24 | gartH’s Country americana: september 11, 2015

nOrwEgian DECOratED CraDLE. nineteenth century, pine. Tall legs and scrolled crest. Original tulip decoration has wear. Edge loss. 35”h. 43”w. 25”d. $300-$600

201 amEriCan FEDEraL rEvErsE PaintED mirrOr. First half-19th century. Gilt architectural frame with gilt image of flute player and dancer. Wear. 37.5”h. 19”w. $100-$350

202 amEriCan QuEEn annE DrOP LEaF taBLE. Attributed to new York, mid 18th century, maple and pine. Two-board top with shaped leaves. Old refinishing. Imperfections. 27’h. 51”w. 15”d. with 19” leaves. $250-$500







OHIO JACQUARD COVERLET. Woven by William Van Gorden, Covington, Miami County, 1853, wool and cotton. Onepiece tied Beiderwand. Signed corner blocks. 74” x 85.5”. $200-$400

GEORGIAN INLAID BOWFRONT CHEST OF DRAWERS. Early 19th century, mahogany veneer. Dovetailed drawers, three over three with bone escutcheons and high feet. Imperfections. 44’h. 46.5”w. 22”d. $400-$800

PENNY RUG. American, late 19th-early 20th century, polychrome wool felt on cotton twill. Hexagonal, mounted on wood stretcher. 24.5” x 48”. $150-$300

204 OHIO JACQUARD COVERLET. Woven by Mathias Klein, Jefferson Township, Montgomery County, 1845. wool and cotton. Two-piece tied Beiderwand. Rooster side borders, birds eating fruit on bottom border. 82” x 93” $250-$500

208 AMERICAN PIN TOP WORK TABLE. Attributed to Philadelphia, 19th century, walnut. Turned legs, stretcher base and two dovetailed drawers. Restoration. 29”h. 63”w. 32.5”d. Sold at Skinner, October 30, 1994, lot 58a. $900-$1,200

205 OHIO JACQUARD COVERLET. Woven by Dennis Cosley, Xenia, Greene County, 1852, wool and cotton. One-piece tied Beiderwand. Large signed corner blocks. 83”x 92” $200-$400

206 AMERICAN DOME TOP BOX AND COVERLET. Mid 19th century. Pine dome top dovetailed trunk with original robin’s egg blue paint. Loss. 11”h. 24”w. And a geometric jacquard coverlet with pine tree border, 74” x 82”. $150-$350

211 OHIO JACQUARD COVERLET. Woven by John Wunterlich, Summit County, 1847, wool and cotton. Two-piece tied Beiderwand. Tomato red and cream. Eagle side borders. Other names in corner block include possible clients, “Daniel Witner Plasz and Alzinae Arnold”. 75” x 90”. $300-$600

212 209 TWO JACQUARD COVERLETS. Probably Craig Family weavers, Indiana, mid 19th century, wool and cotton. Two-piece double weave. Craig trademark in corners and side borders of a man and cow under palm-like tree. 78” x 90”. And Agriculture and Manufactures coverlet, 19th century, wool and cotton. Twopiece double weave. 73” x 92”. $200-$400

JACQUARD COVERLET. Probably Pennsylvania or Ohio, 1844, wool and cotton. Two-piece tied Beiderwand. Triple bird and bush borders, corner block of nine stylized flowers. “C. Reist / I W B “ on foot border. 78” x 96”. $250-$500 | 25

213 massaCHusEtts QuEEn annE HigH CHEst OF DrawErs. Mid-18th century, mahogany and pine. Two-piece chest: the upper section with a bonnet top and a shell-carved central drawer, the lower section also with a shell-carved central drawer, all on cabriole legs ending in pad feet. Imperfections. 80”h. 39”h. 21”d. Ex Momchilov (Ohio). $3,000-$6,000

214 massaCHusEtts taLL CasE CLOCK. Abraham Edwards, Ashby, early 19th century, poplar. Flat top bonnet. Hand painted dial. Worn surface, loose bonnet door. 89”h. $600-$1,200

215 amEriCan stOnEwarE CrOCK. Mid 19th century. Double handles and brushed cobalt fuchsia. 11”h. $100-$350

216 twO amEriCan QuEEn annE CHairs. Mid 18th century, maple. Vase splats and rush seats. Refinished. Side chair, 41”h., and a slipper chair, 13”seat, 39”h. Some imperfections. $100-$300

217 amEriCan DECOratED QuEEn annE DrOP LEaF taBLE. Mid 18th century. Old red and black grain paint. Pad feet. Battens added under top. 27”h. 42”w. 15”d. with 13.5” leaves. $300-$600

218 PEnnsYLvania Hanging sHELF. East Berlin, 19th century, pine. Old white paint. Three shelves with chip carved detail. 28”h. 21.5”w. 6”d. Ex Hoffman and Woodward. $150-$300

219 BLOwn gLass HaLF-POst BOttLE. Probably European, 19th century. Pale green with applied lip and medallion with an “S”. Copper wheel cut deer and bird with trees and naive scrollwork. 14”h. $200-$400


213 26 | gartH’s Country americana: september 11, 2015

nEw EngLanD taLL CasE CLOCK. nineteenth century, poplar. Original red paint. Flat top bonnet. Face has original paint with gilt design. Wear. 83”h. $400-$800



amEriCan DECOratED taLL CasE CLOCK. First half-19th century, poplar. Hand painted original face marked “S. Hoadley, Plymouth”. Original red and black grain painting. Folksy scrolled crest on bonnet. 84”h. $800-$1,200

samPLEr. English or American, silk on linen. Large red breasted birds perch atop fruit baskets, rows of alphabets, and signed “Sarah Stubbs Aldoth 1811”, in a frame, 13.5”h. 11”w. $200-$400



amEriCan HEPPLEwHitE inLaiD siDEBOarD. Late 18th century, mahogany veneer with poplar secondary. Serpentine front with dovetailed drawers, doors and string inlay. Replaced period brasses. Refinished with minor imperfections. 39”h. 70”w. 24.5”d. $1,000-$2,000

samPLEr. Probably English, 1817, silk on wool. Stylized sunflowers flank hexagonal cartouche with maker’s inscription “Kezia Gooch March th 2. 1817” Large central potted flowers and paired motifs of birds, pines, and spotted dogs,. I a frame, 15”h. 13”w. $200-$400

223 PEnnsYLvania HEPPLEwHitE “CastLE-tOP” CLOCK. Early 19th century, cherry. Shaped door and skirt, crossbnded inlay, French feet. Earlier brass movement with repainted dial. 95”h. 19”w. The “castle” top was popular in the Harrisburg area from about 1810 until about 1835. $2,000-$4,000

226 nEw YOrK samPLEr. Bethel School no 2 , 1824, silk on linen. Pious verse and paired floral motifs bordered by floral vine. “Cathar[i]ne A P[illegible] 6(?) years / new York Bethel [S]chool no 2 / A D 1824”. Possibly Quaker. In a frame, 18” x 18”. $150-$250


223 | 27



amEriCan CarvED sanDstOnE rELiEF POrtrait OF a YOung girL. Probably Connecticut, mid-19th century. Folksy profile portrait in high relief. 19”h. 12”w. Ex Fred Giampietro (Connecticut); ex David Schorsch (Connecticut), see Excellence in American Design, 1991, p. 46; sold at Sotheby’s (new York), June 1994, lot 434. $1,000-$2,000

tHrEE amEriCan PantrY BOXEs. nineteenth century. Round bentwood boxes with interlaced seams, one also has copper tacks. One is stamped “P.A. Dodge”. Some wear. 7”h. 14”d., two 6.5”h. 12.5”d. $100-$300

228 amEriCan waLL CuPBOarD. Mid 19th century, pine. One-piece cupboard with two paneled doors and interior shelves. Applied molding. Old grey paint has wear. Imperfections. 84”h. 40”w. 18”d. $800-$1,200


234 amEriCan BasKEt, sHELvEs anD BEDwarmEr. nineteenth-20th century. Splint basket with cover and bentwood handle, 14.5”h., and a brass pan bedwarmer with engraved rooster. Turned handle. 43”l. Together with two sets of mahogany shelves with shaped sides. 17”h. 23”w. and 30”h. 22”w. $200-$400

235 229 amEriCan HEPPLEwHitE CanDLE stanD. Early 19th century, birch. Oval top and three legs on a turned post. Cleaned old finish. Imperfections. 29”h. 24”w. $100-$150

twO amEriCan CanDLEstanDs. Late 18th-early 19th century. Hepplewhite maple tilt top, 29”h. 22”w., and a Queen Anne cherry dishtop, 8.5”h. 22”d. Imperfections. $100-$300

236 230 amEriCan FirEsiDE BEnCH. Eighteenth century, chestnut with others secondary. Scroll arms with some reeded detail and two paneled doors in the seat. Scraped down to wood with old refinishing. Imperfections. 55”h. 73.5”w. 19”d. $800-$1,600

231 FirEsiDE BEnCH. Probably American, 18th century, pine. Tongue and groove paneled back, shaped sides and two paneled doors in the seat. Worn. 70”h. 69”w. 17.5”d. $600-$1,200

tHrEE amEriCan PantrY BOXEs. Second half-19th century. Round bentwood with lapped seams and iron tacks. Old paint. Imperfections. Green, 6”h. 10”d., red, 4.5”h. 9.5”d., and blue, 3.5”h. 7”d. $150-$350

237 FOur amEriCan PantrY BOXEs. Second half-19th century. Round bentwood with lapped seams and iron tacks. Old paint. Imperfections. Red, 8”h. 13”d., blue, 6”h. 95”d., green, 4”h. 8.5”d., and traces of black, 2.75”h. 6”d. $150-$300

238 232

228 28 | gartH’s Country americana: september 11, 2015

amEriCan PantrY BOX. nineteenth century. Round bentwood box with interlaced seams. Original green paint. Scratch carved “C.E. Pratt”. Imperfections. 7”h. 16”d. $100-$300

FOur amEriCan PantrY BOXEs. Second half-19th century. Round bentwood with lapped seams and iron tacks. Old paint. Imperfections. Green, 7.5”h. 13”d., red, 6”h. 12”d., grey (no lid), 4”h. 8.5”d. ,and brown, 4.5”h. 8”d. $100-$350


239 amEriCan CanDLE mOLD in FramE. nineteenth century. Six pewter tubes in a pine frame with cutout feet. Some loss to frame. 15.5”h. 17.5”w. $150-$350




virginia Cast irOn tEtE-a-tEtE garDEn sEat. Late 19th century. Cast ferns. Marked “James W. Carr, Richmond, Va.” 31”h. 40”w. $400-$800

FOur wEstErwaLD-stYLE stOnEwarE PitCHErs. Probably Germany, late 19th-early 20th century. Graduated sizes with brushed cobalt designs. One is incised, three have impressed sizes “1/2 L, 1, 1 1/2L”. 6”, 7”, 7.5”, 9”h. $100-$300

241 amEriCan CarvED FisH. Attributed to Portsmouth, new Hampshire, late 19th-early 20th century. Carved wooden trout with original paint. Repairs. Attached to later oval plaque. 24”l. $300-$600

242 amEriCan stEPBaCK CuPBOarD. Mid 19th century, pine. One-piece cupboard with open top, paneled door below and interior shelf. Cleaned down to old red. Imperfections. 76.5”h. 39”w. 17”d. $400-$600

243 FOur wEstErwaLD-stYLE stOnEwarE CrOCKs. Probably Germany, late 19th-early 20th century. Graduated sizes with brushed cobalt designs and double handles. One is impressed “1”, another “3”. 5.5”, 6.5”, 8”, 10.5”h. $200-$400

245 FOur wEstErwaLD-stYLE stOnEwarE CrOCKs. Probably Germany, late 19th-early 20th century. Graduated sizes with cobalt designs and double handles. Flakes. 6”, 5.5”, 5”, 4”h. $150-$300

246 stOnE Fruit in a wOODEn BOwL. American or European, 19th-early 20th century. Eighteen pieces of stone fruit with coloring including banana, figs, walnuts, pears, etc. Carved wooden bowl with some burl figure. Age split. 4.5”h. 9.75”d. $400-$800

247 LanDsCaPE Painting (amEriCan sCHOOL, LatE 19tH CEnturY). Oil on canvas, unsigned. Rustic scene with shepherd and milkmaid near a lake. Imperfections. unframed, 25”h. 30”w. $100-$300

242 - 245 | 29

248 POrtrait OF a man BY BiLL traYLOr (aLaBama, 1854 -1947). Mixed media on paperboard, signed. Portrait of a man in a hat. 10” x 8”. Ex Luise Ross (new York), purchased from them in 1984 (retains gallery label on verso). $20,000-$40,000


30 | gartH’s Country americana: september 11, 2015




amEriCan stOnEwarE CrOCK. Mid 19th century. Impressed “J. Burger, Rochester, nY”. Cobalt flower and “2”. 9.5”h. $100-$300

amEriCan taLL CasE CLOCK. First half-19th century, pine and cherry. Hand painted original face marked “S. Hoadley, Plymouth”. Old varnish surface. Flat top bonnet. Imperfections. 80”h. $400-$600

amEriCan stEPBaCK CuPBOarD. Possibly new York Shaker, mid 19th century, walnut and pine. One-piece cupboard with four raised-panel doors and a cutout base. 89”h. 50”w. 19”d. $1,500-$2,500

250 Pair OF amEriCan OvErsiZE DuCK DECOYs. Ohio, ca.1940. Cork with wooden heads. Mallard drake and hen. Original paint. 29”l. $150-$300

251 amEriCan HutCH taBLE. nineteenth century, pine. Round three-board top, base has dovetailed drawer. Old red grain paint is worn on top and seat. 28”h. 42”d. $300-$600

253 HanDwOvEn BLanKEt anD OHiO JaCQuarD COvErLEt. Center seam red and teal green blanket with attached history stating a Bedford, Pennsylvania, origin and date of 1855. 75” x 92” And a John Hartman, Richland County, coverlet, two-piece tied Beiderwand dated 1837. 68” x 80”. $150-$300

254 amEriCan DECOratED sEt OF FLOOr sHELvEs. nineteenth century. Applied half turnings. Original paint with vinegar sponging. Four shelves. Areas of repaint. 69”h. 43.5”w. 16.5”d. $400-$800

249 - 251

255 | 31







OHIO JACQUARD COVERLET. Woven by L. Hesse, Perry County, 1843, wool and cotton. Two-piece tied Beiderwand. Corner blocks with client’s initials. 69” x 88”. $250-$500

JACQUARD COVERLET. Probably Ohio or Pennsylvania, mid 19th century, wool and cotton. Two-piece tied Beiderwand. Double town border on foot with eagle corner blocks. 87.5” x 89”. $200-$400

PORTRAIT OF A MAN (AMERICAN SCHOOL, 2ND QUARTER-19TH CENTURY). Oil on canvas, unsigned. Middle aged man seated in a chair. Imperfections. Unframed, 33.5”h. 27.5”w.

258 JACQUARD COVERLET. Woven by Peter Lorenz, Ohio or Indiana, 1841, wool and cotton. Two-piece tied Beiderwand. Signed corner block. 78” x 86”. $200-$400

259 DECORATED PHILADELPHIA “BIRDCAGE” WINDSOR ARMCHAIR. Early 19th century, mixed woods. Bambooturned, with a medallion crest and old polychrome paint. 17.75”h. seat, 34.75”h. overall. Sold at Garth’s, April 1994, lot 408. This chair is illustrated in Santore, The Windsor Style in American, vol. 2, plate 163. $400-$800



32 | GARTH’S Country Americana: September 11, 2015

THREE GERMAN PIPSQUEAKS. Late 19th-early 20th century. Chicken coops with printed paper roofs and felt covered chickens. Two move, but only one has working bellows. Minor wear. 4”, 5.5”, 6,75”h. $100-$150

Typed family history on the back “Columbus Haines, East Liverpool, Maine, son of Peter Haines, brother of Mrs. Job Haskell who was Jerusha Haines (later Jessie)”. $200-$400

262 KESTNER DOLL. Germany, late 19th-early 20th, bisque. Brown eyes, open mouth, mohair blond wig, kid body. 22.5”h. $75-$150

263 OHIO JACQUARD COVERLET. Woven by John W. Weaver, Rowsburg, Ashland County, 1859, wool and cotton. One-piece tied Beiderwand. Centerfield of stylized floral wreaths in blocks, tulip borders with cornerblocks, 70” x 88”. $250-$450

263A FOUR BOWBACK WINDSOR SIDE CHAIRS. Nineteenth century, mixed woods. Refinished. 16" seat, 38"h. $150-$350

264 nEw EngLanD trOmP L’OEiL FirEBOarD. Likely Sutton, Massachusetts, late 18th century, pine. Two-board, set in a covemolded base. Retains its original marbleized and faux brick paint, surrounded by tromp l’oeil delft tiles. 30.5”h. 44”w. Ex Mrs. Gordon Wood; ex Bertram K. and nina Fletcher Little, sold at Sotheby’s, January 1994, lot 292. In Little By Little (p. 91 and fig. 106), Ms. Little discusses a trip to the Ebenezer Waters House in Sutton and the Winthrop Chandler overmantel picture located in the upper southwest chamber—the same room in which she found the present fireboard. Exhibited: Old Sturbridge Village, 1952. $8,000-$12,000

264 | 33

267 266





EngLisH LaDDErBaCK siDE CHair. Late 18th-early 19th century, m mixed woods. Shaped slats, turned stretchers, and front cabriole legs and pad feet. Older finish and rush seat. 18”h. seat, 28.5”h. overall. $150-$250

POrtrait OF a gEntLEman (EngLisH sCHOOL, LatE 18tH CEnturY). Oil on canvas, unsigned. Gentleman seated near a red curtain. Restoration. 12”h. 9.5”w., in a frame, 15.5”h. 13”w.

266 POrtrait OF JOsEPH HinKs (amEriCan sCHOOL, 19tH CEnturY). Gouache on brown paper, unsigned. Elderly gentleman with a cane carved from a tree branch. The back has a label “Aged 81” and a family record written on the backing paper “The Legend. Joseph Hinks was wounded in the Taking of Quebec...” The record notes his descendants through 1881. Imperfections. In grain painted frame, 12.75”h. 11.25”w. $400-$800

A late penciled note on the stretcher reads “Possibly Robinson, a pupil of Reynolds. (Mr. Hardy), (national Gallery)”. $300-$600

269 amEriCan DECOratED BraCE-BaCK winDsOr armCHair. Late 18th century, mixed woods. Baluster legs and arm supports, continuous arm. Retains alligatored old red over earlier green paint. 17.5”h. seat, 37”h. overall. $500-$1,000

267 miDwEstErn miniaturE BLanKEt CHEst. First half-19th century, cherry, walnut, and poplar. Dovetailed case with unusual trim around the top of the case, and on a shaped bracket base. Minor imperfections. 12.75”h. 19.75”w. 10.5”d. Sold at Garth’s, August 1997, lot 185. $800-$1,200

270 inDiana JaCQuarD COvErLEt. Woven by Charles Adolph, Wayne County, 1849, wool and cotton. Two-piece tied Beiderwand. Capitol building trademark in corners. 70.5” x 79”. $200-$400

271 269

34 | gartH’s Country americana: september 11, 2015

PEnnsYLvania JaCQuarD COvErLEt. Woven by Philip Schum, Lancaster County, mid 19th century , wool and cotton. One-piece double weave. Signed on top and bottom borders. 77.5” x 82.5”. $200-$400








AMERICAN FOLKSY WHIRLIGIG. Mid 20th century, pine. Man sawing wood. Original paint with weathered surface. 29”h. 21.5”w. with modern stand. $200-$300

ENGLISH SAMPLER. Twyford School, possibly Hampshire, dated 1816, silk on wool. Finely worked sampler with charming scene of large brick house, a pair of red-eyed swans on pond , black dogs with white collars, a couple holding shepherd crooks, and a hen on her nest. The maker thanks her uncle in the verse and signs the piece “L. / Whitear her / work Feb. 6th / 1816 Twyford / School “. Framed, 19”h. x 16”w . $400-$800

TWO AMERICAN WEATHERVANES. First half-20th century, sheet metal. Cutout silhouettes of a sheep and a longhorn cow. Rusted, the cow has splits. On modern bases. Cow, 40”l., sheep, 45”h. overall. $300-$600

AMERICAN DECORATED SERVER. Mid 19th century, poplar and cherry. Scrolled backsplash and one drawer over two doors flanked by columns, on turned feet. Original faux mahogany and curly maple paint. 48”h. 41.25”w. 19.25”d. $600-$900

273 AMERICAN WEATHERVANE OF WITCH. Late 20th century, sheet metal. Silhouette of a witch with a crescent moon. 17.5”h. 36”l. on base. $150-$350

274 SAMPLER. Probably Cambridge , Middlesex County, Massachusetts, 1808, silk on linen. Wide floral border and undulating inner border surrounds the verse and alphabets, signed “Wrought by Mary A. Lerned Cambridge aged 8”. A painted blue sky over three-story house with one-story wings set in a treed lawn, gazebo on the hill. In a frame, 18”h. 17.5”w. $800-$1,200

276 VIEW OF THE MILITARY ACADEMY AT WEST POINT (AMERICAN SCHOOL, MID-LATE 19TH CENTURY). Watercolor on paper, unsigned. Colorful view of spectators watching cadet exercises, with the Hudson River in the background. Period frame, 25.25”h. 31.5”w. $600-$900

278 | 35

279 amEriCan wEatHErvanE OF FLYing witCH. Mid 20th century, sheet metal. Silhouette of a witch and her cat on a broom. Added candle holder to base. 42.5”h. $200-$400

280 COnnECtiCut tOLE DOCumEnt BOX. Second quarter-19th century. Dome top with brass bale handle. Red ground with original paint including two birds. Wear. 6”h. 9.5”w. Sold at northeast Auctions, August 7, 2010, lot 500. $900-$1,200

279 - 282



amEriCan FLint EnamEL DOg. Second half-19th century. Seated spaniel with green glaze accents. 10.5”h. $200-$300

twO amEriCan BanD BOXEs. Second half-19th century. Oval with wallpaper covering. Smaller has Victorian black straw hat. Repapered. 5”h. 12”l. The larger has block printed wallpaper with woman and beggar. 10’5”h. 17.5”l. $200-$300

282 twO amEriCan tHEOrEms. Mid 19th century, oil on velvet. Still lifes of fruit. Some stains. In gilt frames, 9.5”h. 12”w. $400-$800

283 amEriCan wEatHErvanE. From a meeting house in Maine, early 20th century, copper. Arm with a book “Holding Forth”. 19”h. 42”l. on modern stand. $600-$900


284 - 285

36 | gartH’s Country americana: september 11, 2015


amEriCan sHEratOn DrOP LEaF taBLE. Mid 19th century, curly maple. Good figure and boldly turned legs. Old refinishing, minor loss at hinge rail. 28.5”h. 42.25”w. 22.5”d. with 14” leaves. $600-$1,200

286 LanDsCaPE witH stEam LOCOmOtivE (amEriCan sCHOOL, 2nD HaLF- 19tH CEnturY). Oil on artist board, unsigned. naive mountain view with deer and train. Framed, 23.5”h. 29”w. $200-$400

287 amEriCan FOLK art CarvED PiPE. Late 19th-early 20th century. Possibly native American. Detailed snake with original paint on the bark carved stem and an eagle head at the end. Both with bead eyes. Copper and brass bowl. Good patina with some wear. 24”l. $400-$600

288 DiminutivE amEriCan Hanging CuPBOarD. Late 18th century, pine. Double-lollipop crest over a dovetailed case with raised-panel door and one drawer. Original red paint and brass pull. 22”h. 14”w. 9”d. Ex Clark Garrett (Ohio), sold at Clum Auctions, June 2002, lot 892. $10,000-$20,000

288 | 37





sEt OF FivE amEriCan CHiPPEnDaLE CHairs. 1770-1780, mahogany. Carved strapwork splats, shell-carved knees, and ball and claw feet. 17”h. seat, 37”h. overall. $1,500-$3,000

amEriCan HEPPLEwHitE armCHair. Ca. 1800, mahogany. Shield back with sheaf of wheat, on tapered and molded legs. Overupholstered seat rails with brass tack decoration. 17”h. seat, 37”h. overall. $800-$1,200

twO EurOPEan PEwtEr LamPs. Probably Germany, 1st half-19th century. One with open font and brass wick support, 10”h., and one with double spouts and reeded column. 12”h. $100-$250

290 amEriCan rOOstEr winDmiLL wEigHt. Made by Elgin Wind Power and Pump Co., Elgin, Illinois, early 20th century, cast iron. Marked “Hummer” with a long stem. Repainted and put on post. 31”h. overall. $100-$350

291 amEriCan sEwErtiLE sOLDiEr. Mid 20th century. unusual standing soldier in uniform with possibly a sword in his hand. 13.5”h. Exhibited at the Ohio Sewer Tile exhibit at Dennison Depot. $1,500-$2,000

292 mOuntain LanDsCaPE (amEriCan sCHOOL, 1st HaLF-20tH CEnturY). Oil on canvas, unsigned. Southwestern mountains with American Indian camp on a lake shore. 12”h., 24”w., in a carved frame, 20”h. 32”w. $300-$600

293 CriCKEt taBLE. Probably north American, late 18th-early 19th century, maple and beech. Octagonal top over three turned legs. Old finish. 24”h. 24”d. $600-$800 38 | gartH’s Country americana: september 11, 2015

295 rOCOCO-stYLE tEa taBLE. Likely England, early 20th century, mahogany. Carved skirt and legs and a shaped top. 30”h. 35.5”w. 22.5”d. $350-$500

299 FOur EngLisH PEwtEr tanKarDs. Late 18th -19th century. All are marked, one for Grimes & Son. Lidded with scroll handles. One worn. 5.5”, 6”, 7”h. $150-$300

300 296 FivE EngLisH PEwtEr PLatEs. Late 18th century. Marked for Joseph Spackman. Varying wear. 8” to 12”d. $200-$300

297 sEvEn EngLisH PEwtEr PLatEs anD CHargErs. Late 18th-early 19th century. Marks include Ellis, Betterman, Richard King, Thomas Fasson, Burgh & Cacott, Robert Bush and Bush & Perkins. Varying wear. 9” to 13”d. $250-$450

ninE PEwtEr COmmuniOn rELatED itEms. American and European, 19th-20th century. Eight chalices including one engraved “Baptist Chapel, Hersa....”, 4.75” to 8.25”h. And a flagon, 12”h. $100-$350

301 Pair OF amEriCan PEwtEr CHaLiCEs. Marked for Israel Trask (Massachusetts, 1813-1856). Polished. 5.75”h. $200-$350



35-STAR US FLAG. Second half-19th century, wool. Machine-sewn canton and stripes, canvas hoist, and 35 stamped stars (gold over red). Imperfections. Approximately 54”h. 95”w.

TWO ORIENTAL RUGS. First half-20th century. Karaba. Brown ground with red and abrash blue medallion. 4'9" x 7'. And Karaja. 3'4" x 4'4". $300-$600

The 35-star flag became official in 1863 with the addition of West Virginia after the state had seceded from Virginia and the Confederacy during the Civil War. $400-$800


303 TWO ORIENTAL RUGS. Second half-20th century. Similar Hamadans in shades of blue and burgundy. 3’4” x 4’10” and 3’2” x 4’11”. $250-$450

304 TWO ORIENTAL RUGS. Second half-20th century. Anatolian mat, 1’ x 2’8”, and Hamadan with muted colors and dark blue ground, 2’11”x 5’2”. $200-$400

VIRGINIA CHIPPENDALE SLANT FRONT DESK. Second half-18th century, walnut with pine secondary. Dovetailed drawers, two over three graduated with original brasses. Fitted interior with carved fan on center door. Turned feet. 32” writing height. 42.5”h. 36”w. 20”d. $3,000-$5,000

311 NEW ENGLAND FAMILY RECORD. Probably New Hampshire, ca. 1820, silk on linen. Details the births of Nathan Barker (1773- 1849) , his wife Lucy, and their eight children. Worked in a horizontal format, including rows of alphabets. In a frame, 12”h. 20”w. Records list several Nathan Barker, but the most likely is the one born in Cheshire County, New Hampshire, and died in Rutland County, Vermont. $150-$300

305 ORIENTAL RUG. First half-20th century. Geometric floral on a dark blue ground. 4’4” x 6’2”. $450-$850

306 ORIENTAL RUNNER. First half-20th century. Northwest Persian with dark blue ground. A few worn areas. 3’4” x 14’6”. $800-$1,200

307 ORIENTAL PRAYER RUG. First half-20th century. Caucasian with green accents. Edge wear. 3’ x 4’10”. $600-$800

308 ORIENTAL RUG. First half-20th century. Turkish with three medallions on abrash brown ground. 3’2” x 4’8”. $400-$800

310 | 39

312 - 315 316

312 twO amEriCan sEwErtiLE trEE trunKs. Early 20th century. Desk set with three hollow trunks, snake and bird’s nest with eggs. Inscribed “JRA”. Flakes. 4”h. And a lamp base. Tree with vines. 9”h. $200-$300

313 KEntuCKY sEwErtiLE LiOn. First half-20th century. Relief lion impressed “Lee Clay Products, Clearfield, KY”. 11.5”l. Ex Charles and Katharine Hagler, sold at Garth’s, October, 1984. $200-$300

314 OHiO sEwErtiLE DOg. Ca.1880. Seated hollow form spaniel. 11.5”h. Ex Jack Adamson (Ohio). $400-$800

315 rarE amEriCan sEwErtiLE sKuLL. Signed and dated “Selzer 12-25-39”. Life-size human skull. 6”h. $1,000-$2,000

316 SMUGGLER & JUDGE FULLERTON BY CurriEr & ivEs. Handcolored lithograph. Vignette harness racing print, C# 5574. In a frame, 18.5”h. 23.25”w. Sold at Garth’s March 19, 1994 lot 332. $150-$350



40 | gartH’s Country americana: september 11, 2015

miDwEstErn stEPBaCK CuPBOarD. nineteenth century, pine. One-piece cupboard with open top and shelves, reeded quarter columns with lamb’s tongues and two doors with diamond panels. Reconstructed. 80.5”h. 66”w. 20”d. $800-$1,200

318 mCKEnnEY & HaLL Print aP-Pa-nOO-sE sauKiE CHiEF. Handcolored lithograph published by F.W. Greenough, Philadelphia, and printed by L.T. Bowens. In a frame, 20.5”h. 15.5”w. $400-$600



samPLEr. American, 1827, silk and chenille on linen. Large needlework sampler depicting two fashionably attired women under a bird filled painted blue sky, massive trees being nibbled on by deer, signed “Isabella Fullerton Aged Eleven Anno Domini 1827”. In a figured maple frame, 25.5”h. 22”w. $400-$800


320 nEEDLEwOrK PiCturE. Probably American, early 19th century, silk on satin with ink details. Folksy depiction of Adam and Eve, serpent wound around apple tree, and lion, rabbits and deer at their feet. In figured maple frame, 26”h. 21”w. $350-$700



Pair OF nEw YOrK FEDEraL Brass anDirOns. Stamped “Bailey,” early 19th century. Faceted spire upon a ball, and resting on spurred legs and ball feet. 26.25”h. Sold at Christie’s (new York), October 1994, lot 74. $1,000-$2,000

322 amEriCan COrnEr CuPBOarD. Mid 19th century, walnut with poplar secondary. One-piece cupboard with two doors above with six glass panes each and two paneled doors below. One dovetailed drawer. Refinished. 82”h. 54”w. 20”d. $600-$1,200



LanDsCaPE witH miLL (amEriCan sCHOOL, 1st HaLF-20tH CEnturY). Oil on canvas, unsigned. naive scene of a red-painted watermill. 12”h., 24”w., in a carved frame, 20”h. 32”w. $250-$400

322 | 41






PORTRAIT OF S. PIERSON BALDWIN OF PAINESVILLE, OHIO (OHIO, 2ND QUARTER-19TH CENTURY). Oil on canvas, unsigned. Half-length portrait of a lovely young woman wearing a cameo brooch. 30.5”h. 25.25”w., in a gilt frame, 34”h. 28.75”w.

PORTRAIT OF A YOUNG MAN (PROBABLY AMERICAN SCHOOL, LATE 18TH-EARLY 19TH CENTURY). Pastel on paper, unsigned. Young man with rosy cheeks and shoulder length hair. Some edge damage. Framed under glass, 23.5”h. 19.5”w. $400-$800

326 An old label on verso identifies the sitter as being about 28 years old when this portrait was painted, and that she was the paternal grandmother of Stanley Baldwin (born 1881). Genealogical research has found a Stanley Baldwin (born in Lake County in 1882) whose maternal grandparents were Thomas Baldwin (a jeweller) and Matilda Pierson, both of whom were born in Connecticut, and were, in 1880, living in Painesville, and by 1850, were living in Columbus. $800-$1,500


42 | GARTH’S Country Americana: September 11, 2015

AMERICAN CLASSICAL DROP LEAF WORK STAND. Second quarter-19th century, mahogany. Two dovetailed drawers, the top one fitted, and a pull out wooden compartment on the bottom, covered with felted wool. Legs with carved acanthus leaves. Faint chalked text under one drawer. 30”h. 22”w. with 11” leaves. 19”d. $400-$600

327 AMERICAN FEDERAL INLAID CHEST OF DRAWERS. Ca. 1820s, mahogany with pine secondary. Three-quarter reeded columns with conforming one-board top. Four dovetailed drawers with banded inlay and beaded edges. 40.5”h. 41.5”w. 20.5”d. $1,000-$1,500

328 amEriCan COuntrY HEPPLEwHitE CHEst. Early 19th century, pine. Original red paint. Four dovetailed drawers with wooden pulls. Edge wear. 37”h. 41.5”w. 18”d. $400-$600

329 twO FOLK art animaLs BY siLviO ZOratti (itaLianamEriCan, 1896-1992). Signed and dated 1974 and 1975. Carved wooden bear with hat, 6.5”h. and rabbit with carrot, 11”h. Original paint. $250-$500

330 twO amEriCan DECOuPagE BOXEs. Mid 19th century. Original paint with applied engraved pictures. Document box with black paint, 6”h. 12”w., and a pantry box with ivory paint, 3”h. 7”d. Varying wear. $200-$300


328 - 333

HistOriCaL BLuE staFFOrDsHirE BasKEt anD unDErtraY. England, 2nd quarter-19th century. Reticulated basket and matching tray. Hindoo Pagoda from the Oriental Series by I. Hall & Sons. 4.5”h. 12”l. overall. Ex R. Smith. $400-$800

332 miniaturE POrtrait BY EDwin wEYBurn gOODwin (nEw YOrK, 1800-1845). Young man dressed in brown. Identified by later label “S.S. Allen, Jan. 22, 1833, painted by EW Goodwin”. In an oval white metal locket frame, 3.5”h. White & White Antiques (new York). $600-$800

333 twO amEriCan DECOuPagE BOXEs. Second quarter-19th century, pine. Both have original paint with various cutout engravings applied to them. Document box with light mustard paint and the date “1832” on the lid. Lined with marbleized paper. 4.5”h. 12”w. And a miniature blanket chest with prints on the inside, 4.5”h. 7”w. Imperfections. $200-$400

334 amEriCan CHiPPEnDaLE CHEst OF DrawErs. Attributed to Rhode Island, late 18th century, cherry with pine secondary. Four graduated dovetailed drawers with original brasses featuring a classical temple. Refinished. 33.5”h. 38.5”w. 20.5”w. Ex Estelle Glavey. $1,000-$1,500

334 | 43




amEriCan PaintED stOragE Bin. Probably western Pennsylvania or Ohio, 2nd half-19th century, chestnut and poplar. Paneled box retaining much of its original yellow paint, resting on a shaped skirt and bracket feet. Imperfections. 19.5”h. 62”w. 18.5”d. $350-$450

amEriCan PaintED CHiLD’s DrYsinK. Early 20th century, pine. Two doors and a single small drawer. Old blue paint. 17.5”h. 19.25”w. 10.25”d. $250-$500

amEriCan CHiPPEnDaLE COrnEr CuPBOarD. Early 19th century, walnut and pine. Onepiece cupboard with raised-panel doors and bracket feet. 90.5”h. 47.5”w. 26.5”d., requires a 35” corner. $800-$1,200

336 tEnnEssEE mErCHant’s stOnEwarE CHurn. Impressed “Fowler Beaver PA,” 3rd quarter-19th century. Cobalt stenciled merchant’s label for Spire and Duff, nashville. Imperfections. 21”h. $200-$400

337 inDian Carving BY ErnEst “POPEYE” rEED (OHiO, 1919-1985). Sandstone, signed. Three Indians in a canoe. 17”l. $250-$500

340 EigHt PEwtEr CanDLEstiCKs. American and European, 19th century. Three polished pair, one with bobeches, 6.5”, 9.25”, 9.5”h., and two singles, 6”, 8.5”h. $100-$300

341 FivE EngLisH PEwtEr tanKarD mEasurEs. nineteenth century. Two by Yates (one marked ), 5”h., and three quarts by different makers, all with engraved pub names, 5.75”h. $100-$250

342 338 inDian Carving BY ErnEst “POPEYE” rEED (OHiO, 1919-1985). Sandstone, signed. Pioneer in fringed leather clothing and holding a gun. 11”h. $250-$500

twO EngLisH PEwtEr sErving PiECEs. Marked for Samuel Cocks (2nd quarter19th century). Warming dish, 9.5”d., and oval platter, 15” x 20”. $100-$250

343 THE OLD HOME BY wiLLiam stanLEY (miDwEstErn, 19tH CEnturY). Pencil on paper, signed lower right. Portrait of a log homestead, reminiscent of the work of Ferdinand Brader. Walnut frame, 16.5”h. 23”w. For another work by Stanley, see Bishop, Folk Painters of America, plate 289. $250-$500

336 - 339 44 | gartH’s Country americana: september 11, 2015

345 nEw EngLanD QuEEn annE muLE CHEst. Eighteenth century, pine. Two faux drawers over two real drawers, on high cutout feet, and with an old red stain. 47”h. 40”w. 17.5”d. $500-$900

346 miDwEstErn stEnCiL-DECOratED CLassiCaL CHEst OF DrawErs. 1820-1840, solid curly maple, cherry, and poplar. Four drawers with ebonized half columns and turned feet. Retains an old mailing label on the back “240# Henry Funk Sturgis Mich.” Original finish. 51”h. 42.5”w. 22.5”d. $500-$1,000

347 twO EurOPEan PEwtEr LamPs. Probably Germany, 1st half-19th century. One with curved wick support, 10.75”h., and one with a glass font. 13”h. $100-$250

348 COnnECtiCut rivEr vaLLEY CHiPPEnDaLE DEsK-anD-BOOKCasE. Late 18th century, cherry and pine. Twopiece: the upper section with glazed doors and quarter columns, the lower section with four drawers and a desk interior, all on ogee bracket feet. Imperfections. 79.75”h. 36.5”w. 18”d., 31” writing surface. $2,000-$4,000



amEriCan staDDLE stOnE. nineteenth century, sandstone. Two-piece mushroom shaped stone with weathered surface. 28”h. $600-$800

amEriCan waLL POCKEt anD BED tigHtEnEr. nineteenth century-20th century. Fretwork wall pocket with man on horseback with sword and another with fiddle. Some imperfections. 16”h. 11”w. And a simple rope bed tightener. 10”h. $150-$300

350 mOnumEntaL miDwEstErn PiE saFE. nineteenth century, walnut and poplar. Three doors with punched tins, and old blue paint. 65”h. 66”w. 24”d. $1,500-$2,500

351 siX PiECEs OF PEwtEr. nineteenth century. Three American open creamers, 5.5” to 6”h., and three teapots with Continental marks, two French including “Meunier Martin” and one German. 7.5” to 9”h. Varying wear. $100-$300

358 HanDwrittEn COPY OF tHE DECLaratiOn OF inDEPEnDEnCE. American, mid 19th century, pen and ink, watercolor on paper. Copied after William Woodruff’s 1819 printed version. Text surrounded by a wreath of flowers and medallions with presidential portraits and thirteen state seals. Signed at the bottom “Betsey Jane Smith, —- Point, nY”. Imperfections. In a frame, 33”h. 15”w. $400-$600

359 JaPanEsE wOODBLOCK Print. nineteenth century. Samurai on horseback in the manner of Morinobu. Print with some handcoloring. Rebacked on paper. In a frame, 19.5”h. 25.5”w. $200-$400

352 FOur FrEnCH PEwtEr FLagOns. nineteenth century. Similar forms with acorn-shaped thumb latches on the lids. 7” to 8.5”h. $150-$250

353 sEvEn EngLisH tanKarD mEasurEs. nineteenth century. Varying sizes and marks, three are by James Yates. Wear. 3.5” to 6.5”h. $100-$300

354 OriEntaL rug. Early 20th century. Kuba. Multiple borders and blue ground. Some imperfections. 3’8” x 5’4”. $400-$800

355 OriEntaL rug. First half-20th century. Afshar. Geometric medallion on deep blue ground. 2’11” x 3’8”. $400-$600

356 OriEntaL rug. Mid 20th century. Caucasian. Medallions on dark blue ground. Wear. 4’ x 6’. $200-$400

350 | 45



PaintED amEriCan taLL CasE CLOCK. Likely new England, early 19th century, pine. Arched hood, the case with fluted quarter columns, and resting on French feet. White paint with dry, worn surface. Wooden movement with painted dial. 83.75”h. $1,000-$2,000

CHinEsE EXPOrt PLattEr. Mid 19th century. Oval with mulberry-colored rose border and moth in central medallion. Orange peel glaze. Worn gilt rim. 13.5” x 15.5”. $100-$300

361 amEriCan Drawing OF a minutE man. Second half-19th century, graphite on paper. Interior scene of Revolutionary Minute Man and his family. Stain. In a painted frame, 19.25”h. 26.25”w. $250-$450

362 amEriCan FEDEraL CarD taBLE anD armCHair. nineteenth century. Table, possibly Rhode Island, mahogany, pine, and oak. Demilune form with a double-swing leg and inlaid skirt. Imperfections. 28.5”h. 35”w. 17.25”d. (closed). And an armchair, mahogany. Pierced back, shaped arms, and tapered legs. Silk-upholstered slip seat. 17”h. seat, 35”h. overall. $500-$900

363 nEw EngLanD CHiPPEnDaLE CHEst OF DrawErs. Probably Connecticut, late 18th century, cherry and pine. Four graduated drawers on spurred ogee bracket feet. Retains its original brasses. 39”h. 38”w. 18.5”d. $750-$1,250


360 46 | gartH’s Country americana: september 11, 2015

miniaturE POrtrait. netherlands, 19th century. Iron plaque with gilt image on black with text “Martinharpertztromp”. On the back “Amural de Hollande Tuo dore ... les Anglois ...aout 1653”. Chips. 4.75”h. $200-$300

366 amEriCan inDian wEatHErvanE. Twentieth century. Copper, full-bodied Indian with verdigris patina. 27”h. $250-$500

367 twO amEriCan Hanging waLL BOXEs. nineteenth century, pine. Each with shaped hangers, two compartments, and old red stain. 13.5” and 16.5”h. $200-$400

368 PEnnsYLvania DECOratED stOnEwarE BattEr Jug. Sipe, nichols & Co., Williamsport. Of typical form with cobalt decoration. 10.5”h. $200-$400

369 amEriCan sHEratOn twO-DrawEr DrOP LEaF stanD. Mid 19th century, butternut. Drop leaf stand with two dovetailed drawers and old red stain and a crazed surface. 29”h. 18”w. with 9”leaves. Sold at Garth’s, november 1994, lot 674. $200-$400

370 tHrEE amEriCan Hanging waLL POCKEts. nineteenth century, pine and poplar. One small pocket with two slots and old green paint, 10.5”h.; a lidded box in old blue, 12”h.; together with a larger pocket with faux rosewood graining, 16.5”h. $250-$500



TWO SILHOUETTES ATTRIBUTED TO THE PUFFY SLEEVE ARTIST (NEW ENGLAND, CA 1830). Hollow cut silhouettes of a man and woman with watercolor clothing and accessories. In matching brass covered frames, 5.5”h. 4.25”w. $1,000-$2,000

AMERICAN DECORATED PEDESTAL. Nineteenth century, pine. Square pedestal with original graining and an alligatored surface. 30.25”h. $150-$250

372 PAIR OF WROUGHT-IRON GATES. Early 20th century. Resemble stylized peacock feathers. 45”h. 45”w. $200-$400

373 TWO CHILD’S ITEMS: ROCKING HORSE AND ROCKING CHAIR. American, 19th century. Horse on rockers and wheels, with old paint and horsehair mane and tail, 31”l. Together with a pine rocking chair with old pumpkin orange paint, 7”h. seat, 24”h. overall. $250-$500

374 AMERICAN TABLETOP DESK. Nineteenth century, pine. Dovetailed, with a slant lid and old blue paint. 11.5”h. 22.5”w. 17.5”d. $150-$300


376 OHIO COUNTRY STORE COUNTER. Found in Medina, 19th century, mixed woods. Low counter with three large drawers and old white and black paint. 30”h. 33.5”d. 96.5”l. $1,000-$2,000

378 PAIR OF SILHOUETTES BY ANSON NEWELL (ELLINGTON, CONNECTICUT, MID 19TH CENTURY). Hollow cut portraits of a woman and girl, possibly mother and daughter. Similar scalloped watercolor decoration around the clothing edges. Penciled notation on the backboard of the girl “By Anson Newell, Ellington, Feb. 12, 1849”. In matching frames, 5”h. 4”w. $400-$800


379 SILHOUETTE OF A PHILADELPHIA LADY BY JOSEPH WRIGHT (AMERICAN, 1756-1793). Signed below and dated 1783. In a 19th-century oval frame, 7.25”h. 6”w. Wright is best known for his portrait of Benjamin Franklin, and his bas relief and printed portraits of George Washington. $400-$800

380 SILHOUETTE OF A MILITARY OFFICER BY SAMUEL FOLWELL (PENNSYLVANIA, 1765-1813). Signed below and dated 1780. With white and black ink highlights. In a 19th-century oval frame, 6.5”h. 5.5”w. $400-$800




ORIENTAL RUG. Turkey, 20th century. Kazak-style. Red ground, ivory border and blue medallion. 5’ x 7’4”. $400-$800

ORIENTAL RUG. Turkey, 20th century. Sevan Kazak design in brick red and ivory with green medallion. 5’3” x 7’3”. $400-$800

383 ORIENTAL RUG. Iran, ca. 1930. Room size Gorevan Heriz. Brick red ground and blue border. 9’ x 12’. $1,000-$2,000

385 ORIENTAL RUG. Russia, ca. 1900. Shirvan Kilim. Polychrome bands including brown and blue. 7’ x 9’6”. $500-$1,000

383A 381 ORIENTAL RUG. Iran, 20th century. Heriz. Brick red ground and border. 6’8” x 7’5”. $800-$1,600

TWO ORIENTAL RUNNERS. Twentieth century. Caucasian. Early, 2'7" x 10'3" and later with orange border, 2'6" x 13'6". Imperfections. $300-$600

386 ORIENTAL RUG. Iran, ca. 1910. Room size Heriz. Brick red ground and blue border. 9’7” x 11’6”. $2,000-$4,000 | 47






amEriCan BurL BOwL. nineteenth century. Good figure, lightly scrubbed surface. Traces of a turned band below the rim. Stains and edge loss. 5”h. 15”d. $900-$1,200

wOODLanDs BurL BOwL. Early 19th century. Oblong with carved handles (one missing). Good patina and surface. Hole and age splits. 6”h. 14”l. $800-$1,200

twO amEriCan stOnEwarE PiECEs. Mid 19th century. Ohio crock impressed “T. Reed” with cobalt tulip. Imperfections. 16”h. Butter crock with Remmey-type cobalt decoration and impressed “2” in a circle. 7.5”h. 12”d. $150-$350

390 amEriCan BLaCK HawK wEatHErvanE. Late 19th century, copper. Hollow-bodied weathervane with gilt surface and original post. 25”l. $2,500-$5,000

391 miDwEstErn aPOtHECarY Or HarDwarE CaBinEt. Mid-19th century, cherry and poplar. Dovetailed case with twenty-one drawers over four doors, all on cutout feet. 43”h. 72”w. 12”d. $500-$900

392 tHrEE wOOD Carvings. Late 20th century. Original polychrome paint. Two jockeys on horseback, 9”, 12”h. on modern stands, and an Odd Fellowsstyle heart in hand, 12”h. $100-$300

393 tHrEE amEriCan DuCK DECOYs. Second quarter-20th century. Two Michigan redheads, one with worn original paint, 13”l., and one with repaint, 15”l. And a Lake Winnebago canvasback. Worn original paint. 16”l. Together with a homemade box labeled “Lake Poygan Gunning box”, 18”h. $100-$350 389 - 391 48 | gartH’s Country americana: september 11, 2015



tHrEE DuCK DECOYs. Late 19th-early 20th century. Original paint. Two black ducks. One by John Bowen, Atlantic City, new Jersey, 18”l., and a southern Ontario high head, 17”l. Together with an Illinois canvasback, 15”l. Imperfections. $150-$300

virginia sHEratOn taLL CasE CLOCK. Second quarter-19th century, walnut. Scroll top bonnet, beaded door and chamfered corner case. Hand painted wooden face, brass works. notation on the works “Rockingham County, Joseph Fery no. 9....Repaired 1907, Restored...”. 94”h. $1,000-$2,000

395 EastLaKE viCtOrian ODD FELLOws LECtErn. American, 4th quarter-19th century, pine. Old red finish. Bold applied moldings on top and base, pedestal has chamfered corners, and carvings on front face of the All Seeing Eye, Three Links of Chain, and a Bow and Arrow. 34”h. 15.5”w. 16”d. $250-$450




mOuntain LanDsCaPE (amEriCan sCHOOL, 1st HaLF-20tH CEnturY). Oil on canvas, unsigned. Mountain lake with American Indian camp on the shore. 12”h., 24”w., in a carved frame, 20”h. 32”w. $250-$500

FivE amEriCan CarvED tOPs anD a BELL. Late 19th-early 20th century. Lignum vitae bell on a post. Filled in repairs. 11.5”h. overall. And four spin tops with original paint, 4” to 6.5”h. $100-$250

FOur amEriCan FOLK art Carvings. Second half-20th century. Two relief plaques of horse heads by “John Holgrem”, 7.75”d., and two dogs. Relief of running poodle with black paint, 13.5”l., and a dog lying down on a base. Glued. 5”h. 8”d. $100-$300

400 amEriCan CarvED FOLKsY EagLE. Mid 20th century. Spread wing eagle plaque with glass eyes and gold repaint. 24”w. $100-$300



397 | 49




TWO AMERICAN FOLK ART BIRD CARVINGS. Late 19th-20th century. Owl with glass eyes and aged paint, 12.5”h., and a feeding baby bird with traces of original paint, 10.5”h. $200-$400

THREE WROUGHT IRON RUSHLIGHT HOLDERS. Nineteenth century. Two with wooden bases, 10”, 15”h., and a floor light, 24”h. One with treen base may be later. $150-$300

FOUR AMERICAN PAINTINGS AND PRINT. Two oil on canvas portraits, unsigned. Little girl holding a pocket watch, 11.75”h. 10.75”w., and a seated woman dressed in red. Restoration. 18”h. 14”w. And an Illinois country doctor with his wagon, 22.5”h. 27”w. Together with a chromolithograph of featured buildings in Greene County, Pennsylvania, 17.5”h. 21.5”w. $100-$350

402 PAIR OF AMERICAN CARVED PHEASANTS. Late 20th century. Detailed original paint. 6”h. $100-$200

403 THREE AMERICAN DUCK DECOYS. Mid 20th century. Original paint. Black duck by Lou Boldizar, New Jersey, 16”l., and two mallards, 15”, 18”l. Sold with a group of decoy reference books. $150-$300

404 THREE AMERICAN DUCK DECOYS. Late 19th-20th century. Long Island black duck, 22”l., bluebill by F.W. Traeger, Illinois, 12.5”l. ,and a bluewing teal from Havre de Grace, Maryland, 18.5”l. Imperfections. $250-$500

405 NINE AMERICAN BIRD CARVINGS. Late 20th century. Songbirds on wall hanging branches. Original paint. Most appear to be by the same maker. 3.5” to 5”h. $200-$300

406 TEN AMERICAN BIRD CARVINGS. Late 20th century. Songbirds on wall hanging branches. Original paint. Most appear to be by the same maker. 3.5” to 5”h. $200-$350

409 AMERICAN CAST IRON HITCHING POST. Attributed to Fiske, 2nd half-19th century. Figure of an African American boy with old paint. 44”h. $300-$600

410 RUTHERFORD B. HAYES SIGNED APPOINTMENT. Dated 1892. Appointment of Engineer Joseph Morgan, Ensign US Navy, to Companion of the First Class of the Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States. Signed by Hayes as “Commander in Chief.” Unframed, 18.75”h. 23.5”w. Descended in the Morgan family. $250-$500

411 QUARTER PLATE AMBROTYPE LANDSCAPE OF ADDISON, NEW YORK. Ca. 1860. A wonderful bird’s-eye view of Addison, which is located in Steuben County in western New York. Period identification on the back of the plate. In a pressed paper case. $250-$500

412 SIXTH PLATE AMBROTYPE OF AN AMERICAN FOLK PORTRAIT. Ca. 1860. Ambrotype of a ca. 1830 bust-length portrait of a young woman with tinted cheeks. Scratches. Housed in a pressed paper case. $200-$400

412A 407 BARBER POLE. American, early 20th century, pine. Large size with original red, white and blue paint. Wear. Approximately 97” high. $600-$900 50 | GARTH’S Country Americana: September 11, 2015

FOUR WINTER SCENES BY BEULAH HAZELRIGG BROWN (INDIANA, 1892-1987). Gouache on paper, signed lower right. Rustic scenes with farms, the largest has a gathering of people. In frames, 8.75"h. 9.75"w. to 19.75"h. 23.75"w. $300-$600

414 LANDSCAPE (EUROPEAN SCHOOL, 19TH CENTURY). Oil on canvas, unsigned. Naive bucolic scene of shepherds and livestock. Restoration. 25”h. 33.5”w., in a frame, 29”h. 37”w. $250-$500

415 BLACKSMITH WITH HORSE (EUROPEAN SCHOOL, 2ND HALF-19TH CENTURY). Oil on canvas, unsigned. Interior scene with workhorse, family and blacksmith. Restoration. 22”h. 31”w., in a late frame, 29.5”h. 38”w. $200-$400

416 WINTER FARMSTEAD (AMERICAN SCHOOL, 2ND HALF-19TH CENTURY). Oil on canvas, unsigned. Farm buildings with a sleigh and ice skaters in the background. Imperfections. 26.5”h. 32”w., in a frame, 34”h. 39.5”w. $300-$600

417 TWO AMERICAN STONEWARE JUGS. Nineteenth century. Applied handles and brushed cobalt flowers. Earlier ovoid one is impressed “Olean.N-” (probably IH Wands). 14.5”h. The other impressed “2”. 13”h. Imperfections. $250-$450




PENNSYLVANIA STONEWARE CROCK. Second half-19th century. Brushed and stenciled cobalt label “Williams and Reppert, Greensboro, Pa. 2”. 12”h. $100-$250

AMERICAN PAINTED BLANKET CHEST. Mid 19th century, pine. Six-board chest with original blue paint. Cutout feet and applied molding. Wear and some loss to lid molding. 22”h. 48”w. 18.5”d. $300-$600

AMERICAN CARVED TURTLE DECOY AND EARS OF CORN. Mid 20th century. Turtle with purple paint over green, brass tacks and tin feet, 11”l. And five carved and painted ears of corn. One with damage. 11.5”l. $100-$300

419 NEW ENGLAND DECORATED BLANKET CHEST. Mid 19th century, birch. Six-board chest with original red and black graining. Square nails. Cutout feet, interior till. Patch in bottom. 0”h. 37”w. 15.5”d. $300-$600

420 PAIR OF AMERICAN DUCK DECOYS. Hayes Decoy Company, Jefferson, Missouri, ca. 1925. Mallard drake and hen. Original working paint and glass eyes. Wear, age splits. 15”l. $100-$300

421 PAIR OF AMERICAN HITCHCOCK-TYPE CHAIRS. Second quarter-19th century. Original red and black graining with stenciled gold decoration including fruit compote. 18” seat, 35.5”h. $200-$400

424 TWO AMERICAN DUCK DECOYS. Second quarter-20th century. Oversize canvasbacks. One by Frank Strey, Oshkosh, Wisconsin, 18.5”l., and one by Joe Giegl, Fremont, Wisconsin, 22.5”l. Imperfections. $300-$600

427 THREE AMERICAN FOLK ART CARVED ROOSTERS. Mid 20th century. Two are similar and may be by the same hand. Old varnished surface. 4.5”, 7”, 8.5”h. $100-$250

425 FOUR DUCK DECOYS. Second quarter-20th century. Ontario black duck. Repaint. 17”l. And two stamped Evans factory standard grade drakes, mallard, 15.5”l., and bluebill, 15”l. Together with a Sperry factory oversize mallard hen, 18”l. Wear. $250-$450

422 AMERICAN STONEWARE CROCK. Mid 19th century. Impressed “J. Burger Jr”. Cobalt “3” and wing. 10.5”h. $200-$400

417 - 423 | 51



amEriCan DECOratED COrnEr CuPBOarD. Second-quarter 19th century, pine. Two piece, the upper section with a single, 9-pane door; the lower section with two drawers over a single door, on a shaped base. Retains its original red and black paint with salmon paint on the interior. 82.5”h. 42”w. 20.5”d., requires a 29” corner. $1,000-$2,000

amEriCan BurL mOrtar. nineteenth century. Turned mortar with wooden pestle. Good patina. 7”h. $150-$300

429 tHrEE amEriCan DuCK DECOYs. Mid 20th century. Maine surf scooter with weight. Old paint. 14”l. A Michigan swimming mallard, 19.5”l. and a canvasback by Artie Bennett, Lockport, Illinois. 15”l. $100-$300

434 JOHn BurgEr COBaLtDECOratED stOnEwarE Jug. Second half-19th century. Cobalt floral decoration and impressed labels. 14”h., $200-$400

435 amEriCan stOnEwarE CrOCK. Early 19th century. Ovoid with two open handles. Impressed “Charlestown” with two hearts. 10.5”h. $250-$500

430 twO amEriCan DuCK DECOYs. Second quarter-20th century. Wildfowler canvasback drake and hen. Original paint. 16”l. $150-$300

431 Drawing OF HOusE anD sHOP (amEriCan sCHOOL, LatE 19tH CEnturY). Graphite on paper, unsigned. House with picket fence and nearby building with sign “C.Wilder & Son”. Scuff marks. In a frame, 19.25”h. 24.25”w. $100-$300

432 amEriCan Hanging CaBinEt. Mid 19th century. Dovetailed cherry cabinet with single dovetailed door below two doors with two glass panes each.,30.5’h. 34’w. 10.5”d. $200-$400

428 52 | gartH’s Country americana: september 11, 2015

436 twO LanDsCaPEs (amEriCan sCHOOL, 19tH CEnturY). Oil on artist board, unsigned. Hudson River Valley-type scene with sailboat, 17”h. 14.5”w., and oil on canvas, initialed on back “HJP”. Boy fishing in the woods. 13.75”h. 11.75”w. $150-$350

437 amEriCan sEwErtiLE BirDHOusE. Mid 20th century. Tooled bark surface and wooden bottoms. One made at Superior Clay by Ralph Long, 8"h. $100-$300




OHiO sEwErtiLE CamEL. Mid 20th century. Standing camel, 5.5"h. incised "EJE" for Edward J. Ellwood. Ex Jack Adamson (Ohio). $400-$800

twO amEriCan sEwErtiLE PiECEs. Late 19th-early 20th century. Reclining lion on scalloped base. Good detail and incised “MELLInGER FEB 17, 1889”. Loss to base, 9”l. Together with a lion head brick from Tuscarawas County, Ohio. Old paint. 5”h. $250-$450

twO amEriCan DECOratED FramEs. Mid 19th century. Marbleized black and gold frame, 12” x 16”, and grained black and gold frame, 12.25” x 16.25”. $75-$150

439 twO amEriCan sEwErtiLE PiPE stanDs. Mid 20th century. Squirrel with grey glaze, incised “L. Bosio, L. Staley” on the bottom, 6”d., and a German Shepherd. Paper label on underside reading: “Made at the old American Vitrified Products Plant near Lisbon, Ohio about 1920 by Mr. Brownfield.” 9”h. $100-$200

445 amEriCan sEwErtiLE PLaQuE. Twentieth century. Relief plaque of the Last Supper stamped "Moore Ceramics, uhrichsville, Ohio". 6"h. 11.5"w. $250-$450

446 440 tHrEE PiECEs OF amEriCan sEwErtiLE. First half-20th century. Two desk or smoking stands. Chimney, 5.5"h. and tree stumps with rooster and bird, 6.5"h. Together with a Spartan head, incised "EJE" for Edward J. Ellwood. 4.5"h. Ex Jack Adamson (Ohio). Minor imperfections. $100-$300

twO PiECEs OF amEriCan sEwErtiLE witH mOnKEYs. Twentieth century. Hand formed monkey and baby with polychrome glaze on a painted stone base. Some damage. 8"h. 9"l. Ex Jack Adamson (Ohio). And a brick with monkeys 'Hear no Evil, See no Evil, Speak no Evil". Marked "natco", national Tile Co., Ohio. 8"l. $500-$750



amEriCan sEwErtiLE DOg HEaD. Twentieth century. Head of an Airdale. Repair. 5.5"h. $100-$300

FOur amEriCan FramEs. Second half-19th century. Victorian with reverse painted oval glass , 15” x 12.75”, carved folk art, 12” x 13”, gilt, 18” x 21”, and stenciled, 18.5” x 24.5”. $75-$125

442 FOur PiECEs OF amEriCan sEwErtiLE. Twentieth century. Squirrel (hairline), 6”h. Ex Jack Adamson (Ohio). Duck, possibly by Edward J. Ellwood, 5”h., and a pair of small dolphin bookends from Grand Ledge, Michigan, 4”h. $250-$450

451 Pair OF amEriCan DECOratED FramEs. Mid 19th century. Grain-painted and stenciled frames. 16.75” x 12.75”. $75-$125

452 twO DECOratED amEriCan FramEs. Mid 19th century. Faux bird’s-eye, 16.5” x 20”, and ogee frame with painted faux rosewood, 16.5” x 20”. $75-$125

448 ninE amEriCan FramEs. nineteenth-20th century. Includes redpainted, narrow ogee, tan-painted, worn gold paint frame and small gilt frame. From 22” x 28” to 6” x 7”. $75-$150


443 tHrEE PiECEs OF amEriCan sEwErtiLE. Twentieth century. All have tooled bark surface. Log, 7.5"l., cuspidor, 5.5"d., and pitcher with frog spout and partial incised script with "1907", 6"h. $300-$500

449 CarOusEL Pig. American or European, late 19th century. Carved running pig with a saddle and bow on its tail. Old repaint. Some repair. 27”h. 39”h. on late base. 33”l. $800-$1,200 | 53


453 - 455




amEriCan HutCH taBLE. Maine, late 18th-early 19th century. Hardwood base with original red paint and shoe feet. Twoboard scrubbed pine top is a well done marriage with base. 28"h. 48"w. $600-$800

wintEr LanDsCaPE BY CHarLEs DuvaL (EurOPEan, LatE 19tH CEnturY). Oil on canvas, signed and dated 1892 lower right. Titled on the back “Winter in Schlosspovski — Lurenburg (Saxonburg)”. 12.5”h. 23”w., in a frame, 24”h. 34”w. $300-$500

amEriCan FOLK art wHirLigig. Early 20th century. Stylized figures working a seesaw with porcelain animals. Weathered original white paint. 29.5”h. 40”l. $150-$300

454 amEriCan DECOratED DOmE tOP BOX. Probably Maine, ca 1830, basswood and white pine. Good original vinegar and putty decoration in red, green and yellow. Wire handles. Stenciled "K" on one side. Minor wear. 11"h. 24"w. 11"d. $600-$900

457 QuEEn annE POLE sCrEEn. Possibly Philadelphia, mid 18th century, mahogany. Cabriole legs. Victorian needlework in frame. Minor wear. 56”h. $250-$500

458 455 LargE amEriCan wHirLigig. Found in new York, late 19th century, cedar. Policeman with old, weathered original surface. Loss. 33"h., 45"h. with base. $1,200-$1,800

54 | gartH’s Country americana: september 11, 2015

amEriCan Yarn winDEr anD amisH sCruB BOarD. nineteenth century, mixed woods. All wooden with tripod base. 44.5”h. 28”d. And a carved scalloped scrubber. 26”l. $200-$300

460 amEriCan tHEOrEm. Mid 19th century, oil on velvet. Fruit including grapes and watermelon. Imperfections. In a gilt frame, 23”h. 29”w. $300-$400

461 twO amEriCan BOwBaCK winDsOr CHairs. nineteenth century. Armchair with old brown alligatored paint, 17” seat, 37.5”h., and side chair with old green paint and grained seat, 17” seat, 39.5”h. Both have wear. $300-$500




twO Prints BY s. CHEstEr DanFOrtH (iLLinOis, B.1896). Handcolored etchings, titled and signed in pencil. “Three Towers”, 19.25”h. 13.25”w., and “French Mill”, 12.5”h. 9.5”w. $150-$300

twO nEw EngLanD QuEEn annE COrnEr CHairs. Eighteenth century, mixed woods. Turned legs and stretchers and old black paint. Rush seats. 16”h. seat, 30”h. overall and 17”h. seat, 29”h. overall. $300-$600

PaintED nEw EngLanD QuEEn annE COrnEr CHair. Eighteenth century, mixed woods. Turned legs and stretchers and old, dark green paint. 16”h. seat, 30”h. overall. $250-$500



twO Prints BY PriDEauX JOHn sELBY (unitED KingDOm, 1788-1867). Handcolored engravings, signed and dated 1821 on the plate. “Young Goshawk” and “Honey Buzzard”. In late frames, 30” x 24”. $200-$400




EL PASO, TEXAS BY BErLa EmErEE (tEXas, 1899-1948). Oil on artist board, signed. Desert landscape. In a frame, 14”h. 23”w. $400-$800

CHiPPEnDaLE-stYLE EasY CHair. Late 19th-early 20th century, mahogany. Shellcarved knees and paisley upholstery. 13”h. seat, 52”h. overall. $150-$300



amEriCan QuEEn annE siDE CHair. Mid 18th century, mahogany. Pierced splat and cabriole legs with stretchers. needlepoint reupholstery. 17” seat, 37”h. $200-$300

amEriCan CHiPPEnDaLE DrOP LEaF taBLE. Late 18th century, mahogany. Square legs. 28.5”h. 18.5”w. (with 18” leaves) 42.5”l. $200-$400

OHiO vaLLEY HEPPLEwHitE wasHstanD. Early 19th century, cherry and poplar. Small size with one drawer and an old finish. 30.25”h. 12.25” square. Ex Locust Grove (Kentucky). $250-$500

HOwarD nO. 5 BanJO CLOCK. Massachusetts, late 19th century, rosewood grained case. Signed dial and reverse-painted tables. 29.5”h. $800-$1,200

477 sEt OF siX QuEEn annE-stYLE CHairs. Probably early 20th century, maple. Solid splats and rush seats. 18”h. seat, 40”h. overall. $300-$600

478 twO EasY CHairs. Twentieth century, mahogany. Chippendale-style with molded legs and checked upholstery, 16”h. seat, 48”h. overall, and a Queen Anne-style with shell-carved knees and crewel upholstery, 16”h. seat, 45”h. overall. $200-$400

472 466 amEriCan DECOratED COrnEr wasHstanD. Probably new England, early 19th century, pine. Bowfront with one drawer and a shaped lower shelf. Old white paint with blue trim. 42”h., requires a 20” corner. $250-$500

467 nEw EngLanD QuEEn annE COrnEr CHair. Eighteenth century, mixed woods. Turned legs, stiles, and stretchers, and old, alligatored black paint. 17”h. seat, 29”h. overall. Ex Gary Ludlow (Ohio). $300-$600

DiminutivE QuEEn annE-stYLE sOFa. Twentieth century, mahogany. Cabriole legs and pad feet, mauve upholstery. 15”h. seat, 42”h. overall, 45”l. $150-$300

479 CHiPPEnDaLE-stYLE EasY CHair. Woodmark, 20th century, mahogany. Molded legs, burgundy upholstery. 15”h. seat, 41”h. overall. $150-$250

473 CHiPPEnDaLE-stYLE EasY CHair. Twentieth century, mahogany. Molded legs, blue upholstery. 15”h. seat, 43”h. overall. $150-$300

474 Pair OF CHiPPEnDaLE-stYLE COrnEr CuPBOarDs. Early 20th century, mahogany. One-piece cupboards with geometric mullions and bracket feet. 79”h., requires a 19” corner. $1,000-$2,000

480 PaintED amEriCan BarrEL, BuCKEt anD LantErn. nineteenth century. Stave-constructed barrel with wooden bands and a hinged lid. White paint. 28"h. and a stave constructed sugar bucket with swing handle, and a tin lantern with glass panes. Old white paint. 11"h. $150-$350 | 55




PAIR OF AMERICAN DECORATED CUPBOARDS. Nineteenth century, mixed woods. Small size, each with one paneled door, shaped crest, and original red and yellow paint. 53.5”h. 32.5”w. 13.5”d. $1,000-$2,000

ORIENTAL RUG. Second quarter-20th century. Lilihan. Bold floral on dark burgundy ground. 5'2" x 6'. $300-$600

ORIENTAL RUNNER. Second quarter-20th century. Mehriban. Geometric medallions on a blue ground. 2'4" x 10' $200-$600



ORIENTAL RUG. First quarter-20th century. Kamsheh. Ivory medallions. Worn. 4'10"x 9'6". $400-$800

ORIENTAL RUNNER. Second quarter 20th century. Kurdish. with multiple medallions on a red ground. 3'5" x 8'4". And ivory medallions on red. 2'8" x 11'8". Both have wear. $400-$800

482 ZINC LION. Made by A.B & W.T Westervelt (New York), late 19th century. Life size with good detail and separate plaque. Imperfections. 50”h. 75”l. minus tail. $2,000-$3,000

483 ORIENTAL RUG. Second quarter-20th century. Room size Lilihan with burgundy ground. 11' x 17'. $1,000-$2,000

484 ORIENTAL RUG. Second quarter-20th century. Kashan with arch and columns. Blue border. Wear. 4'5" x 6'4". $500-$1,000

488 ORIENTAL RUNNER. Second quarter-20th century. Mehriban. Flowers on an open dark blue ground. 2'6" x 5'10". $200-$400

489 ORIENTAL RUG. Third quarter-20th century. Borchalo. Floral medallion on a dark blue ground. 3'2" x 3'4". $100-$300

492 ORIENTAL RUG. First quarter-20th century. Sarouk. Finely woven with floral medallion on abrash blue and brown ground. Worn pile. 4'4" x 6'8". $800-$1,200

493 ORIENTAL RUNNER. Second quarter-20th century. Serab. Geometric medallions on a blue ground. 3' x 9'7". $500-$1,000

494 ORIENTAL RUG. Second quarter-20th century. Lilihan with floral urns. Worn. 7'7" x 9'3". $500-$1,000

485 ORIENTAL RUG. First quarter-20th century. Sarouk with flower urns. Dark blue ground. Wear. 4'5" x 6'10". $800-$1,200

495 NORTH AMERICAN COUNTRY SOFA. Nineteenth century, mixed woods. Four drawers in the base. Later upholstery. 16”h. seat, 34”h. overall, 74”l. $300-$600

496 DECORATED SHERATON DROP LEAF TABLE. American, 19th century, pine. Turned legs and original red over yellow paint. 29.5”h. 22.5”w. (11” leaves), 43.5”l. $300-$600

497 482

56 | GARTH’S Country Americana: September 11, 2015

OHIO VALLEY SHERATON TALL CHEST. Second quarter-19th century, cherry and poplar. Two over four drawers, on turned feet. 51”h. 42”w. 20”d. $500-$800




amEriCan HEPPLEwHitE taLL CHEst OF DrawErs. Late 18th-early 19th century, cherry with pine secondary. Dovetailed drawers with beaded edges and replaced pulls, cove molded cornice, chamfered corners, and French feet with added pads. Old refinishing. Minor imperfections. 61.5"h. 42.5"w. 20.5"d. $1,000-$2,000

amEriCan DOmEtOP DOCumEnt BOX. Second quarter- 19th century. Wooden box covered with block printed wallpaper and lined with Eastern newspaper. Wire latch. Wear. 5"h. 13.5"w. Ex Charlene Foulkrod. $100-$300

Brass KEttLE stanD. American or English, 19th century. Cabriole front legs and pierced heart designs. Wrought iron frame and back legs. 12"h. 17.5"w. $200-$400

499 siLHOuEttE OF a wOman BY augustE EDOuart (FranCE, 1789-1861). Signed and dated 1840 lower left. Fulllength cutout portrait of a woman with a parasol, identified as "Louella Fremont", on an ink wash background. In a bird'seye maple veneer frame, 15"h. 12"w. $600-$800

504 amEriCan DECOratED BOX anD taBLEtOP DEsK. Mid 19th century, pine. Box with lid. Original black paint and stenciled fruit bowl designs. Damage to lid. 4.5"h. 8.5"w. Ex Clark Garrett Collection. And a dovetailed desk with old red and floral paint. The fitted interior has various applied prints and the penciled name "Freeman O. Mason, Porter, Me." Imperfections. 4.5"h. 10"w. $200-$400

509 amEriCan DrEssing taBLE. Probably Maine, 2nd quarter-19th century, poplar. Original red graining with added yellow trim. One dovetailed drawer with original pulls. Backsplash loose. 31.25"h. 32"w. 15"d. $250-$450

500 siLHOuEttE OF a man BY augustE EDOuart (FranCE, 1789-1861). Signed and dated 1842 lower left. Fulllength cutout portrait of a man with top hat, identified as the "Hon. Rauson Cooke", on an ink wash background. In a bird's-eye maple veneer frame, 14.5"h. 11.5"w. $400-$800

501 EngLisH tEa CaDDY. Mid 19th century, rosewood veneer. Sarcophagus lid and ring handles. Two interior compartments with foil lining. Replaced bowl, one handle repaired. 6"h. 12"w. $150-$350

502 amEriCan trEEnwarE BOwL. Second half-19th century. Dark interior patina, green paint on exterior has age, but probably not original. Splits and some loss to rim. 7"h. 24"d. $400-$800

505 amEriCan BurL mOrtar. nineteenth century. Good figure, old refinishing. 8"h. With wooden pestle. $150-$300

506 sOaP HOLDEr. Attributed to the Shakers, second half19th century, pine. Tapering backboard with hanging hole. Old tan paint. Wear. 12"h. 78"d. $100-$300

507 twO PiECEs OF amEriCan tin LigHting. Mid 19th century. Candle lantern with paneled top and glass sides. 24"h. 5.5" x 5.5". And a large wall sconce with single candle socket and faint punched design. 16"h. 12.5"w. $300-$600 498 | 57



wOrLD war i unCLE sam “i want YOu” POstEr. Lithograph on paper. Iconic poster by James Montgomery Flagg. “Copyright, 1917, Leslie-Judge Co., n.Y.” Stamped “211 Monroe Ave” for the South Bend, Indiana ,recruiting station. 40”h. 30”w. $1,500-$2,500

FivE PiECEs OF PEwtEr inCLuDing inKwELLs. American and English, 19th century. Two inks with wide bases, 7”, 8”d., and a desk set on ball and claw feet. Eagle mark. 3.25”h. 9”l. Together with two chambersticks, 2”, 4”h. $200-$400

511 DECOratED sErvEr Or CuPBOarD. Probably Canadian, 19th century, pine. One drawer over two drawers, with a shaped base and chip-carved details. Old red and blue paint. 54.5”h. 59.5”w. 21”d. $1,000-$2,000 510

513 sEvEn PEwtEr irisH HaYstaCK mEasurEs. Second quarter-19th century. All but one marked “Austen & Son”. Assembled set with varying wear and repair. 3.5” to 12”h. $300-$600

514 EigHt EngLisH PEwtEr mEasurEs. nineteenth century. Five assorted bellied measures from quart to 1/4 gill, 6.25” to 2”h. And three by James Yates. Two tulip measures, 5”h., and a brass rimmed measure, 4.5”h. $150-$350

515 FOur EngLisH PEwtEr CHargErs. Late 18th-early 19th century. Two are marked for Edmund Harvey and Edward Fairbrother. One has an engraved initialed heart. Two 15”d., two 16”d. $250-$450

516 FOur EngLisH PEwtEr CHargErs. Late 17th-19th century. Three are marked for Timothy Cloudsley, Duncomb and A. Carter. Varying degrees of wear and polishing. 14.5”, 16.5”, 17”, 20”d. $400-$800

517 FOur amEriCan PEwtEr POrringErs. First half-19th century. Crown handles with cast “IC”. 4.25”d. $200-$400

518 siX PEwtEr POrringErs. American and European, 19th century. Two with crown handles, one with floral handle and one with pierced handle. 4.25” to 5.25”d. Together with two with double handles, one tab, 6”l., and one pierced, 11.5”l. $150-$350

511 58 | gartH’s Country americana: september 11, 2015



LanDsCaPE (amEriCan Or EurOPEan sCHOOL, LatE 19tH CEnturY). Oil on canvas, partial signature “Kate Clotworthy, 1884” lower right. Country road with traveller. Restoration. In a frame, 27.5”h. 41.5”w. $250-$450

twO Paintings (EurOPEan, 20tH CEnturY). Oil on canvas, signed. Wooded scene by Emanuel Embler (Austria, b. 1894). 24”h. 36”w., in a frame, 31”h. 42”w. And seascape with ships. Illegible signature. Holes. 29”h. 37”w. In frame. $100-$300

520 amEriCan rEDwarE Jar. Coastal Massachusetts, mid 19th century. Dark green mottled glaze. Minor edge chips. 8”h. $200-$400

521 amEriCan BurL BOwL. nineteenth century. Good surface and figure. 5.5”h. 14”d. $600-$800

522 samPLEr. American or English, silk on linen. “Hannah Catherine Crabb her work aged 10 years 1823” with verse. Glued down. 16.75”h. 13.25”w. $200-$400

523 samPLEr. Probably netherlands, 19th century, wool on linen. Marking sampler. unframed, 10.5”h. 25.75”w. $100-$200

524 samPLEr. Italy, silk on linen. “Town of Livorno, 1844”. Finely stitched with the town, bridge, and gardens. Backed on linen, unframed, 19.5”h. 19”w. $300-$600

525 LanDsCaPE witH CastLE (EurOPEan, LatE 19tH CEnturY). Oil on canvas, unsigned. naive scene with castles. 20”h. 28”w., in a frame, 27”h. 35”w. $100-$300

527 POrtrait OF a gEntLEman (amEriCan, 2nD QuartEr-19tH CEnturY). Oil on canvas, unsigned. Man dressed in black. Imperfections. 30”h. 25”w., in a frame, 37.5”h. 32.5”w. $100-$300

528 LanDsCaPE (amEriCan sCHOOL, EarLY 20tH CEnturY). Oil on artist board, partial signature “-auren Austin, 1916” lower left. Impasto river scene. In a frame, 19.5”h. 20”w. $100-$300

529 Drawing VIEW OF ALBANY (amEriCan sCHOOL, EarLY 19tH CEnturY). Graphite on paper, titled below. Ferry scene with the city in the background. In a frame, 15”h. 19”w. $300-$500

530 twO Paintings (amEriCan sCHOOL, miD 20tH CEnturY). Oil on artist board. Still life with marble bust signed “E. Brown”, 30.5”h. 26.5”w., and ships at a pier, unsigned. 12.5”h. 17.5”w. $100-$300


532 Pair OF Brass CanDELaBra anD CHiPPEnDaLE mirrOr. Early 20th century. Six-candle candelabra with classical bases. Electrified. 42.5”h. And late 18th-century mahogany mirror. Imperfections. 14”h. $150-$250

533 BarOQuE BaCK stOOL. European, probably 18th century, oak. Turned legs and stretchers and cream-colored crewelwork upholstery. 19”h. seat, 35”h. overall. $100-$300

534 PEnnsYLvania CHiPPEnDaLE tiLt-tOP tEa taBLE. Late 18th century, walnut. Hexagonal top, birdcage tilting mechanism, baluster shaft, cabriole legs and pad feet. Older finish. 24”h. 26.25”w. 22.25”d. $200-$400

535 CarvED EngLisH sEttLE BEnCH. Likely late 18th century, oak. Paneled and carved back. Old finish. 18”h. seat, 50”h. overall, 65.5”l. $1,000-$3,000

531 LanDsCaPE BY L. siEBErt (POssiBLY LOuis siEBErt, gErmanY/CaLiFOrnia, 1884-1939). Oil on artist board, signed lower right. Farmstead. In a frame, 23.5”h. 27.5”w. $150-$300 | 59

artist and maKEr inDEX American Vitrified Products


Flagg & Homan

Austin, Richard


Flagg, James Montgomery


new York Stoneware Co.

Ballard, L & AK


Folwell, Samuel


newell, Anson


national Tile Co.

446 76 378

Boardman, Thomas D.


Giegl, Joe


ney, William

Braun, CW


Gilbert, Samuel


norton, E & LP

13, 179

Bruffee, Byron


Gleason, Roswell

54, 134

norton, Julius


Burger, John

249, 434

Goodwin, Edwin Weyburn


Oberly, Henry


Burger, John Jr.


Graham, Samuel


Porter, Freeman


Grimes & Son


Puffy Sleeve Artist





Caire, Biedeinger


Griswold, Ashbil


Rattray, Matthew

43, 131

Cameron, Glen


Hartman, John


Reed, Ernest 'Popeye'

337, 338

Carr, James W.


Hay, George

Reed, T.


Clifford, Samuel



Hayes Decoy Company


Schum, Philip


Cocks, Samuel


Hays, Barton Stone


Selby, Prideaux John


Conger, John


Hesse, L.


Siebert, L.


Cosley, Dennis


Hoadley, Silas


Smith & Co.


Craig Family

159, 209

Holgrem, John


Smith, G.B.


Crossman, Ebenezer


Hudnall, Lew

108, 154

Stanley, William


Currier & Ives


Humiston, Willis


Street, Robert


Dalee, Justus

147, 148

Kilbourne, Samuel


Strey, Frank


Danforth, Joseph


Klein, Mattias


Townsend & Compton


Danforth, S. Chester


Leavenworth, Mark


Trask, Israel


Danforth, Samuel

53, 126

Lee Clay Products


Traylor, Bill


Danforth, Thomas II


Lee, Richard


Van Gorgen, William


Dawson, Walter 'Tube'




Weaver, John W.


Dunham, Rufus


Lewis, Isaac


Westervelt, AB & WT


Duval, Charles


Long, Ralph


White, n. & Co.

Edouart, Auguste

51, 63, 64

Lorenz, Peter


Wilson, Gus


Edwards, Abraham


Lyman, William

Wright, Joseph


Elgin Wind Power & Pump Co.


McKenney & Hall


Wunterlich, John


Ellwood, Edward

438, 440

Moore Ceramics


Zoratti, Silvio


Emeree, Berla


Morey & Ober


60 | gartH’s Country americana: september 11, 2015



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The Estate of Dr. Floyd D. Loop & Dr. Bernadine P. Healy Onsite in Gates Mills, Ohio saturday, AUGUsT 29 - 10 AM 800+ lots of Furniture, Fine Art,

decorative Accessories & Household goods  Visit for preliminary listing & images Preview: Fri, August 28 - 3:00-6:00 pm sat, August 29 - 8:00-10:00 am

Terms: 15% Buyer’s Premium Absentee Bidding available limited Phone bidding available  (first come, first serve) Internet bidding not available

This Collection is being sold in conjunction with  John Hobbs of Three Guys & A lady Auctions llC and  dave Pritchard of dave Pritchard Auctioneering

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(Cuyah oga Co unty Pro Case # b 2015EsT 208166) ate

Front Cover: 69, 250, 333, 440 Inside Front Cover: 162, 517-533

GARTH’S AUcTiOnS, inc.

Auctioneers & ApprAisers


Country Americana: Painted Furniture, Folk Art, Pottery & Textiles

September 11, 2015

Auctioneers & Appraisers

Since 1954

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