GARTH’S AUCTIONS, INC. American Furniture & Decorative Arts featuring The Ninth Annual Ohio Valley Session
May 15, 2015
Auctioneers & Appraisers
MAY 15, 2015
The Ninth Annual Ohio Valley Session
Front Cover: 69, 250, 333, 440 Inside Front Cover: 162, 517-533
Inside Back Cover: 129 Back Cover: 44, 134, 137, 143, 315
The Ninth Annual Ohio Valley Session
Friday, MAY 15, 2015 at 12:00 P.M. Ohio Valley Session: Lots 1 - 203 American Furniture & Decorative Arts: Lots 204 - 547 Featuring: Fine AMericAnA FrOM the cOLLectiOn OF JuDith AnD JAMeS MiLLer, ALexAnDriA, VirginiA; OhiO POtterY FrOM the cOLLectiOn OF the LAte JiM MurPhY; iteMS FrOM the cOLLectiOn OF the LiOneL AnD the LAte cOrAL MciLwAine; OhiO Sewer tiLe FrOM the cOLLectiOn OF JAck AnD SuSAn BAtDOrFF; A MiDweStern cOLLectiOn OF AMericAn AutOgrAPhS AnD MAnuScriPtS, incLuDing iteMS reLAteD tO cOLOneL eLMer eLLSwOrth; PLuS SeLect cOnSignMentS FrOM inDiAnA, ALABAMA, ArizOnA, cALiFOrniA, FLOriDA, geOrgiA, kentuckY, MArYLAnD, MichigAn, MinneSOtA, new YOrk, OhiO, OkLAhOMA, OregOn, PennSYLVAniA, SOuth cArOLinA, tenneSSee, VirginiA, AnD the uniteD kingDOM
Preview times: F r i D A Y , M AY 8, 1 0 : 0 0 A . M . t O 5 : 0 0 P. M . – w e D n e S DAY, M AY 11- 13, 10:00 A .M. tO 5:00 P.M. t h u r S DAY, M AY 14, 10:00 A .M. tO 8:00 P.M. F r i DAY, M AY 15, 10:00 A.M . tO 12:00 P.M.
FuLLY iLLustrateD, OnLine CataLOg gart & Live internet BiDDing avaiLaBLe terms:
PO Box 369, Delaware, Ohio 43015 P: 740-362-4771 F: 740-363-0164 email: ©cOPYright – garth’s Auctions, inc. 2015
20% Buyer’s Premium (25% online) cash, check, Visa® & Mastercard Accepted Absentee and fax bids accepted and bid competitively. For your convenience, we will be able to answer your questions about specific items and take your absentee bids by phone. call (740) 362-4771 or email inquiries: Principal Auctioneer: richard “Jeff” Jeffers Auctioneers: Amelia Jeffers, Steve Bemiller & Andrew richmond
Friday, May 15, 2015 beginning at 12:00 P.M. ohio valley session: Lots 1 - 203 American Furniture & Decorative Arts: Lots 204 - 547
Jim Murphy (1941-2012) Jim spent more than three decades researching Ohio pottery, often publishing his findings in short but highly important articles in various publications, including the Journal of the American Art Pottery Association, as well as several self-published pamphlets (some of which, along with his notes were posthumously published by his friends Jeff carskadden and richard gartley as James L. Murphy's Checklist of 19th-Century Bluebird Potters and Potteries in Muskingum County, Ohio). his devotion to collecting was just as passionate, and Jim amassed an encyclopedic collection of Ohio pottery. garth's has been honored to have offered small selections of Jim's collection over the past couple of years, but this offering represents the final installment, and it includes some rare and important examples of Ohio pottery. 2 | gartH’s early american: may 15, 2015 | 3
1 westHaFer anD LamBrigHt, tusCarawas COuntY, OHiO, stOneware Jug. Second half-19th century. Ovoid jug with wide mouth, two strap handles, and cobalt decoration. 18.5”h. $300-$600
2 natHanieL CLarK, ParKersBurg, west virginia, stOneware CrOCK. Dated 1852 in the mark. 9.75”h. clark also worked in Marietta, Ohio. See garth’s, May 2014, lot 546. $500-$1,000 5
3 twO PieCes OF miDDLeBurY, OHiO, COBaLt-DeCOrateD stOneware. Second half-19th century. Jug marked for A.P. rhoads, 15”h., and a straight-sided crock marked for william rowley, 14”h. $300-$600 1
4 tHree PieCes OF COBaLt-stenCiLeD CinCinnati, OHiO, stOneware. Second half-19th century. crock marked for James Benjamin’s Stoneware Depot, 9.5”h., a crock marked for george e. Jackson and company, 10”h., and a jug marked for c.w. weaver’s Stoneware Depot, 11”h. $200-$400
5 BuCK anD russ, new LisBOn, OHiO stOneware CrOCK. Second half-19th century. Ovoid with applied handles and cobalt floral decoration. 13”h. $300-$600
6 2
inCiseD summit COuntY, OHiO, stOneware Jar. Dated 1848. Slightly ovoid jar of small size, inscribed “ezria[?] warner’s Pot november 19, 1848 Springfield, Summit co. Ohio.” 6”h. $400-$800
7 twO DOuBLe-HanDLeD musKingum COuntY, OHiO, stOneware CrOCKs. third quarter-19th century. Slightly ovoid crock marked for Abraham griffith, 14”, and a crock marked for reuben german, with strap handles, 15”h. $400-$800 4 | gartH’s the ninth annual Ohio valley session: may 15, 2015
twO PieCes OF OHiO stOneware. Second half-19th century. crock marked for the captina Pottery (B. russell), Belmont county, 15”h., and a jug marked for J.w. triplett, trumbull county, 13.5”h. $250-$500
Large uZiaH KenDaLL, CinCinnati, OHiO, stOneware CrOCK. Second half-19th century. Slightly ovoid with applied handles. 14.5”h. $250-$500
DaviD aLBrigHt, trumBuLL COuntY, OHiO, stOneware Jug. Mid 19th century. Ovoid jug with cobalt floral decoration. 17”h. $300-$600
J. ZiegLer, LuCas COuntY, OHiO, stOneware CrOCK. Second half-19th century. Applied handles. 12”h. $300-$600
neFF BrOtHers, taYLOrsviLLe, OHiO, stOneware CrOCK. Second half-19th century. Double-handled crock with stenciled mark.17”h. $200-$400
9 twO PieCes OF COBaLt-stenCiLeD OHiO stOneware. Second half-19th century. includes the “Schuyler churn” marked for J. hosford, Monroeville, 17”h., and a jug marked for h.c. ward’s Stoneware Depot, zanesville, 15.6”h. $300-$600
10 Large uZiaH KenDaLL, CinCinnati, OHiO stOneware Jug. Second half-19th century. Slightly ovoid, with strap handle and narrow spout. 15.5”h. $250-$500
11 uZiaH KenDaLL, CinCinnati, OHiO, stOneware PitCHer. Second half-19th century. with cobalt decoration. 10.5”h. $250-$500
14 Diminutive musKingum COuntY twO-HanDLeD stOneware Jar. Marked for Mark Fountain, 3rd quarter-19th century. Baluster jar with two handles. Albany-type interior. 6.5”h. $250-$500
twO PieCes OF OHiO stOneware witH inCiseD DeCOratiOn. Mid 19th century. Probably from the same potter, a footed bowl incised “eLS canfield 1844” on the underside, 3.75”h., and a handleless cream pitcher incised “SAe” on the front, 4.75”h. $250-$500
twO B. russeLL CaPtina POtterY, BeLmOnt COuntY, OHiO, stOneware CrOCKs. Second half-19th century. 12”h. and 8”h. $200-$400
tHurstOn anD CLemmer, mOgaDOre, OHiO, stOneware CrOCK. Second half-19th century. Ovoid with applied handles. 13”h. $150-$300 | 5
tHree PieCes OF traCY FamiLY, tusCarawas COuntY, OHiO, stOneware. Second half-19th century. A jar and a cobalt-decorated crock marked for nelson tracy, 9”h. each, and a crock marked for nelson’s son, John tracy, 11”h. $250-$500
J.e. sawYer, aKrOn, OHiO, stOneware Jug. Second half-19th century. Ovoid with bold cobalt tulip. 15.5”h. $200-$500
tHree PieCes OF OHiO stOneware. Second half-19th century. cylindrical jar marked for McDonald and Benjamin, cincinnati, 10”h., a squat jar marked “Oak-Dale-O,” 6.5”h., and a jug with incised name “c. Stine” with a flourish, white cottage, 11.75”h. $250-$500
DateD 1874 OHiO stOneware CrOCK witH COBaLt Heart. Second half-19th century. Applied handles. 11”h. $250-$500
OHiO stOneware CrOCK anD Jug. Second half-19th century. A jug marked for Jacob welch, Mogadore, with a cobalt tulip, 15”h., and an ovoid crock with applied handles marked for “w. welch,” 13.5”h. $200-$400
twO PieCes wait anD riCKetts, sPringFieLD, summit COuntY, OHiO, stOneware. Second half-19th century. crock with applied handles, 14”h., and a jug, 13.5”h. $250-$500
DaviD aLBrigHt, trumBuLL COuntY, OHiO, stOneware Jar. Mid 19th century. with cobalt decoration, 10.5”h. $250-$500
twO HenrY PurDY, summit COuntY, OHiO, stOneware CrOCKs. Second half-19th century. 12” and 12.5”h. $250-$450
29 anDrew mCCHesneY, summit COuntY, OHiO, stOneware CrOCK. Second half-19th century. Slightly ovoid. 10”h. $150-$250
27 23 tHree PieCes OF COBaLt-stenCiLeD OHiO stOneware. Second half-19th century. crock marked for John conley, white cottage, 11”h., a crock marked for Viall and huggins, Middlebury, 9.5”h., and a crock marked for chapman, zanesville, 9.5”h. $250-$500
twO COBaLt-stenCiLeD OHiO stOneware CrOCKs. Second half-19th century. Both with applied handles. One marked for J.M. Milligan, McLuney, Ohio, 13.25”h., and the example marked for howerth and Bowers, crooksville, 13.75”h. $200-$400
24 26
6 | gartH’s the ninth annual Ohio valley session: may 15, 2015
twO PieCes OF inCiseD OHiO stOneware. Late 19th-early 20th century. A dated 1902 pitcher marked for Potter ridge, Vinton county, 8.75”h., and a squat jug incised on the bottom “F.P. Akron Ohio June 15, 1890 Love Oro,” 7.75”h. $200-$400
twO PieCes OF summit COuntY, OHiO, stOneware. Second half-19th century. Ovoid jug marked for P.h. Smith, 13.5”h., and a crock marked for A.P. rhoads, Middlebury, 12.5”h. $200-$400
twO OHiO sgraFFitO-DeCOrateD stOneware Jugs. Late 19th-early 20th century. Of similar form, one with incised squiggle at the neck, the other with “Potter ridge whhr 1902,” and flourishes, Vinton county. Both 7.5”h. $250-$500
tHree PieCes OF OHiO stOneware. Second half-19th century. A jug marked “P. McDannell”, 13”h., a small crock marked “F. Young,” 10”h., and a crock marked for westhafer and Lambright, tuscarawas county, 11”h. $200-$400
33 mOOre anD COLvin, miDDLeBurY, OHiO, stOneware CrOCK. Second half-19th century. Slightly ovoid with applied handles and cobalt decoration. 12”h. $200-$400
34 twO PieCes OF OHiO COBaLt-DeCOrateD stOneware. Second half-19th century. A straight-sided crock marked for thoms exby, tuscarawas county, 12.25”h., and a jug with cobalt inscription “t. Lawler,” 13.25”h. $200-$400
35 twO PieCes OF sOLOmOn PurDY, POrtage COuntY, OHiO. stOneware. Second half-19th century. Both with applied handles, a churn, 13.75”h., and an ovoid crock, 10.5”h. $250-$500
40 Diminutive anD inCiseD OHiO stOneware Jar. Mid 19th century. Slightly ovoid jar with applied handles and incised “Salurates[?] nansy ross made by george Meek.” 7.25”h. $150-$250
41 FOur PieCes OF eastern OHiO sgraFFitO-DeCOrateD stOneware. Late 19th-early 20th century. includes a cup dated 1893 and made for Louis wheeler, Salineville, columbiana county, 4”h., a low bowl incised “Sir knight hc kuntze kOtM O tw Simanville tent no 122,” 9”d., and two whimsies dated Lisbon, 1904, an oversized bead, 2.25”h., and a heart, 4”l. $150-$250
DanieL FisK, CLeveLanD, OHiO, stOneware Jug. Second quarter-19th century. Ovoid jug with strap handle. 15”h. $200-$400
sgraFFitO-DeCOrateD wHite COttage, OHiO, stOneware Jar. Late 19th century. Straight-sided jar inscribed “A.J. Boswell white cottage Ohio newtonville.” 7.75”h. $150-$250
tHree sPringFieLD, POrtage COuntY, OHiO, OvOiD stOneware CrOCKs. Second half-19th century. two marked for Bennage and Sutherland and one marked for J. Bennage, all with cobalt highlights. 11.5”h., 12.5”h., and 15”h. $250-$500
twO mCCareL anD Burns, riCHmOnD, OHiO, stOneware CrOCKs. Second half-19th century. the same form, one with cobalt decoration, the other a bit lopsided, 10”h. $200-$400
44 stOneware BOttLe anD Jar BY uZiaH KenDaLL, CinCinnati, OHiO. Second half-19th century. Bottle, 8”h., and a jar, 6”h. the jar sold at garth’s, April 1989, lot 226. $200-$400 | 7
twO miDDLeBurY, OHiO, stOneware CrOCKs. Second half-19th century. churn marked for Alvin Moore and Seymour colvin, with cobalt decoration, 14.5”h., and a crock marked for william t. Moore (Alvin’s father), 16.5”h. $250-$500
twO PieCes OF CHaunCeY tuPPer, mOgaDOre, OHiO, stOneware. Second half-19th century. crock with applied handles, 11”h., and a jug, 11”h. $250-$500
James Or JOsePH ramBO, musKingum COuntY, OHiO, stOneware CrOCK. Second half-19th century. Straight-sided, applied handles. 15”h. $250-$500
geOrge BairD, summit COuntY, OHiO, stOneware CrOCK. Second half-19th century. Applied handles, 14”h. $200-$400
52 47 twO tHOmas reeD, tusCarawas COuntY, OHiO, stOneware CrOCKs. Second half-19th century. crock with handles, 11.5”h., and a crock with cobalt floral decoration, 11”h. $300-$600
48 twO PieCes OF g. martin “1835” OHiO stOneware. Mid 19th century. Both ovoid, a diminutive jug, 11”h., and a crock, 13.5”h. the crock sold at garth’s, May 2011, lot 179. $400-$800
49 twO PieCes OF uZiaH KenDaLL, CinCinnati, OHiO, stOneware. Second half-19th century. includes a churn with cobalt decoration, 19.5”h., and a jar, 10.25”h. $300-$600 8 | gartH’s the ninth annual Ohio valley session: may 15, 2015
twO OHiO OvOiD stOneware Jugs. Second half-19th century. One marked for g. Baird, Mogadore, and the other marked “e. gaffney” with the “n” backwards. 14”h. $150-$250
53 tHree PieCes OF i.m. meaD, POrtage COuntY, OHiO stOneware. Second half-19th century. All ovoid, includes a jug, 11.5”h., and two crocks, 10.25”h. and 10.75”h. $200-$400
54 twO OHiO stOneware CrOCKs. Second half-19th century. Ovoid crock by L. worbs, tuscarawas county, 13”h., and a churn by n.B. Pearse, Middlebury, 15”h. $150-$250
55 Dustman POtterY, nOrtH BentOn, OHiO, ten-gaLLOn CrOCK. Second half-19th century. Straight-sided, applied handles, and stenciled label. 18.5”h. $250-$500
56 gLOBe POtterY, CrOOKsviLLe, OHiO, CHurn. Dated 1902. white glaze with cobalt inscription and banding, reminiscent of the seated mastiffs attributed to the crooksville area. 20.25”h. $300-$600
57 twO PieCes OF OHiO stOneware. Second half-19th century. Small jug with an Albany-type glaze marked t.A. Packer, new Philadelphia, 11”h., and a jar marked “Springfield, Ohio,” 10.5”h. $150-$250
58 tHree musKingum/HOCKing COuntY, OHiO, stOneware CrOCKs. Marked for A. Dollison, 2nd half-19th century. two slightly ovoid, 8.5”h. and 10.5”h., and one straight-sided, 11.5”h. $150-$300
59 DaviD aLBrigHt, trumBuLL COuntY, OHiO stOneware CrOCK. Mid 19th century. Slightly ovoid, 11.5”h. $150-$250
60 tHree PieCes OF OHiO stOneware. Second half-19th century. narrow-necked crock by graham and hower, Doylestown, 14”h., a narrow-necked crock marked for t.J. hall, Mt. Sion, 11”h., and a pitcher marked for the uS Stoneware company, Akron, 11.5”h. $200-$400
61 tHree PieCes OF Diminutive OHiO stOneware. Second half-19th century. includes a w.B. Dowry, roseville jar, 8”h., a narrow-rimmed jar marked by D. Sowers, Muskingum county, 8.5”h., and a jug marked “h.M. wilber,” 11”h. $150-$250
62 tHree miDDLeBurY, OHiO, stOneware BOttLes. Late 19th century. two e.h. Merrill paneled bottles for Dr. cronk’s Sasparilla Beer, 10”h. (one marked), and a small Boss Brothers bottle, 7.5”h. $150-$250
63 mauriCe KnigHt, aKrOn, OHiO “CHemiCaL stOneware” FunneL. early 20th century. Of large size. 16.26”d. $150-$250
64 rOseviLLe, OHiO, 20-gaLLOn CrOCK. Second half-19th century. Straight-sided with partially legible cobalt stenciling. 21.5”h. $250-$500
65 tHree musKingum COuntY, OHiO, stOneware CrOCKs. Second half-19th century. One marked for Prosper rich, 12.5”h., and two marked for henry Lewis, each with an Albany-type glaze, 8.5” and 10”h. $200-$400
66 twO nOrtHeast OHiO stOneware CrOCKs. Second half-19th century. cobalt-decorated crock marked for P. rodenbaugh, Summit county, 11.5”h., and a crock marked for hall and thomas, Springfield, 13”h., ex Jack Adamson (Ohio). $150-$250
67 tHree PieCes OF OHiO stOneware. Second half-19th century. includes an ovoid jug marked for J.A. Sumner, Mogadore, 15”h., a small ovoid jug marked for h.k. Miller, and a jar marked for J. Buck, coldrun, 9”h. $150-$250 | 9
avOn FaienCe “sPring” JarDiniere anD PeDestaL. Frederick hurten rhead or william P. Jervis, unmarked, tiltonville, Ohio, ca. 1902. wonderful Art nouveau squeezebag decoration, inscribed “the Splendid raiment of the Spring Peeps Forth.” 40”h.
avOn FaienCe POtterY vase. Frederick hurten rhead or william P. Jervis, marked with the incised Avonwheeling Pottery logo, tiltonville, Ohio, ca. 1902. Squat vase (shape 128) with squeeze-bag decoration, 4.75”h. $300-$600
illustrated in Murphy, “the Variety of Vance and Avon Faience: Part ii,” in Journal of the American Art Pottery Association, 2005. $2,500-$5,000
69 avOn FaienCe POtterY vase. Frederick hurten rhead or william P. Jervis, marked with the Avon-wheeling Pottery logo, tiltonville, Ohio, ca. 1902. Baluster vase (shape 164) with slip-trailed floral decoration and inscription “Fringing the Dusty roads with harmless gold.” 9”h.
twO avOn FaienCe POtterY vases. Frederick hurten rhead, incised Avon mark, tiltonville, Ohio, ca.1902. Squat vase (shape 126), 5”h., and narrownecked vase (shape 125), 6”h., both with the same decoration. this decorative treatment is illustrated in Murphy, “the Variety of Vance and Avon Faience: Part ii,” in Journal of the American Art Pottery Association, 2005. $500-$1,000
72 illustrated in Murphy, “the Variety of Vance and Avon Faience: Part ii,” in Journal of the American Art Pottery Association, 2005. $800-$1,200
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vanCe Or avOn FaienCe POtterY vase. unmarked, tiltonville, Ohio, 1900-1903. Shape 126 used by both Vance and then Avon, with squeeze-bag floral decoration. 5”h. $200-$400
73 art POtterY vase attriButeD tO avOn FaienCe. Probably Frederick hurten rhead or william P. Jervis, unmarked, tiltonville, Ohio, ca. 1902. Squat vase with narrow neck and relief decoration. 6”h. $200-$400
74 twO PieCes OF OHiO art POtterY. An Avon Faience cream pitcher, probably by Frederick hurten rhead, with the Avon-wheeling stamped logo, and with squeeze-bag decoration, 5”h., and a cabinet vase, possibly Avon Faience, with squeeze-bag decoration, 7.25”h. $200-$400
75 twO OHiO art POtterY vases. One marked “Athen,” probably Avon Faience Pottery or craven Pottery, both signed by artist Albert cusick, early 20th century. Both with squeeze-bag decoration, one with butterflies, one with stylized flowers. 8.5”h. $800-$1,200
76 avOn FaienCe POtterY vase. Frederick hurten rhead or william P. Jervis, unmarked, tiltonville, Ohio, ca. 1902. narrow-necked vase (shape 125) with slip-trailed floral decoration. 6”h. illustrated in Murphy, “the Variety of Vance and Avon Faience: Part ii,” in Journal of the American Art Pottery Association, 2005. $250-$500 79
77 vanCe POtterY vase. Marked, tiltonville, Ohio, ca.1900. Shape 126 used by both Vance and then Avon, with squeeze-bag swirled decoration. 5”h. $200-$400
vanCe POtterY vase. Faintly marked, tiltonville, Ohio, ca. 1900. Shape 126 used by both Vance and then Avon, with squeeze-bag floral decoration. 5”h. $200-$400
tHree ameriCan enCaustiC arCHiteCturaL tiLes. zanesville and new York, late 19th-early 20th century. Blue-glazed porcelain tile with a portrait of a gentleman, 6” square, and a large redware tile with a relief-molded classical woman, 16”h. 11.5”w. together with an oval portrait tile labeled by charles t. harris and his celadon terra-cotta co. Ltd., new York, 9.25”h. 7.5”w. $150-$250
tHree ZanesviLLe maJOLiCa COmPanY tiLes. Marked, 1882-1884. A pair of portrait tiles in deep relief with a medium brown glaze, 11” square, and a tile depicting musicians with a green glaze, 6.25”h. 11.5”w. the musicians tile is illustrated in Schneider and Purviance, Zanesville Art Tile and Zanesville Art Pottery. $400-$800
Five PieCes OF ZanesviLLe, OHiO art POtterY. Late 19th-early 20th century. Large pitcher marked for the Mosaic tile company, 12.75”h., and a weller Dickensware vase, 10.75”h. together with three pieces of Lonhuda, including a 7” squat vase, a 9” thinnecked vase, and a 4” mug, all with artist’s monograms. $300-$600 | 11
avOn FaienCe POtterY vase. Signed by Frederick hurten rhead, marked with the Avon-wheeling Pottery logo, tiltonville, Ohio, dated 1903. Squat vase with slip-trailed tree decoration. 4.5”h.
twO avOn FaienCe POtterY vases. Frederick hurten rhead, no pottery mark, tiltonville, Ohio, ca.1902. Squat vase, 6”h., and a baluster vase, 6.5”h.
illustrated in Murphy, “the Variety of Vance and Avon Faience: Part ii,” in Journal of the American Art Pottery Association, 2005. $300-$600
this decorative treatment is illustrated in Murphy, “the Variety of Vance and Avon Faience: Part ii,” in Journal of the American Art Pottery Association, 2005. $500-$1,000
avOn FaienCe POtterY vase. Frederick hurten rhead or william P. Jervis, unmarked, tiltonville, Ohio, ca. 1902. Baluster vase (shape 164) with slip-trailed decoration.” 9”h.
vanCe-avOn FaienCe POtterY vase. Possibly william P. Jervis, marked with the Vance logo, tiltonville, Ohio, ca.1901. Large vase with squeeze-bag decoration. 8”h.
illustrated in Murphy, “the Variety of Vance and Avon Faience: Part ii,” in Journal of the American Art Pottery Association, 2005. $600-$900
illustrated in Murphy, “the Variety of Vance and Avon Faience: Part ii,” in Journal of the American Art Pottery Association, 2005. $600-$900
avOn FaienCe POtterY vase. Frederick hurten rhead or william P. Jervis, marked “Avon”, tiltonville, Ohio, 1902. Baluster vase (shape 164) with slip-trailed floral decoration. 9”h.
inCiseD mOgaDOre, OHiO, snuFF Jar. Second half-19th century. inscribed “Brought written 1 gal Snuff Jar c. Jackson Mogadore Summit county Ohio.” 9”h. $250-$500
illustrated in Murphy, “the Variety of Vance and Avon Faience: Part ii,” in Journal of the American Art Pottery Association, 2005. $600-$900
85 twO avOn FaienCe POtterY vases. Frederick hurten rhead or william P. Jervis, marked with the Avon-wheeling Pottery logo, tiltonville, Ohio, ca. 1902. tall vase with narrow neck and squeeze-bag decoration, 7.5”h., and an ovoid vase with the same decorative treatment, 5.5”h. $500-$900
avOn FaienCe POtterY JarDiniere. Avon-wheeling Pottery logo, tiltonville, Ohio, or wheeling, west Virginia, early 20th century. white glaze with bold purple and pink flowers. 9.5”h. $200-$400
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FOur PieCes OF raDFOrD POtterY, ZanesviLLe, OHiO. Late 19th-early 20th century, earthenware. three tall vases with floral decoration, all monogrammed or signed, two marked “thera” and one marked “Velvety,” 14”h., and a small baluster vase with floral decoration marked “Velvety,” 6”h. $300-$600
91 tHree OHiO Peaseware COvereD COntainers. Late 19th century. treenware with urn-shaped finials. two with dark patina, 3.5”, 4”h., and one with old, worn refinishing, 4”h. $150-$350
92 OHiO sewertiLe seateD DOg. Late 19th-early 20th century. Stylized dog with a long nose. unglazed. Listed as a rare form in the Illustrated Handbook of Ohio Sewer Pipe Folk Art by Jack Adamson. 11.5”h. $300-$600
93 OHiO sewertiLe LiOn. First quarter-20th century. Mogadore, Ohio-style lion on an oval base. initialed and dated “er 1921”. imperfections. 8.5”h. 14.5”l. $250-$450
94 OHiO sewertiLe LamP Base BY J.m. mOOre. First half-20th century. tree trunks on a drilled base. Script signature on the underside “J.M. Moore, uhrichsville, O.” One trunk has a removable cap. Small flake. 13.75”h. $250-$450
90 - 93
95 FOur OHiO Peaseware COvereD COntainers. Late 19th century. Footed containers. three in maple, one in mahogany. 2.5” to 6.5”h. $250-$450
96 mOrLeY & COmPanY weLLsviLLe, OHiO, maJOLiCa sPanieL DOOrstOP Or CHimneY Ornament. Late 19th century, earthenware. Freestanding legs and polychrome glaze. Base chip. 9.5”h. For information on Morley, see richmond, A Tradition of Progress: Ohio Decorative Arts 1860-1945, entries 59 and 60. For a related example, see Strawser Auctions (Ohio), April 2004, lot 275. $1,000-$2,000
97 OHiO sewertiLe DOg. early 20th century. Seated spaniel on solid oval base. 8.5”h. $150-$250
98 ameriCan reDware LOg CaBin. Probably Ohio, late 19th-early 20th century. Shaped flask with molded features and open chimney. edge wear. 4”h. this cabin is similar to those made by the houghton Pottery in Dalton, wayne county. $150-$300
94 - 98
Five PieCes OF “miLLer” OHiO stOneware. Second half-19th century. Slightly ovoid jar with applied handles, marked “B.c. Miller,” 9.5”h., and a straight-sided jar marked “J. Miller,” 8.5”h. together with three pieces marked “r. Miller,” including a small jug, 7.5”h., a jar, 9”h., and a bowl, 10.25”d. the bowl sold at garth’s, March 1994, lot 276. $200-$400
FOur PieCes OF OHiO stOneware. Second half-19th century. Jar and crock marked for g. gill, 9” and 12”h., a jar marked for c. watts, 9”h., and a jar marked for h.h. Melick, roseville, 8.5”h. $200-$400 | 13
101 tHree OHiO Peaseware COvereD COntainers. Late 19th century, maple. two with wire bale handles, 3”, 4”h., one a cylindrical form, 3”h. Old varnish finish. Some wear and age splits. $200-$400
102 OHiO Peaseware COvereD COntainer. Late 19th century, maple. treenware with urn-shaped finial. Footed jar with refinishing. 8”h. $150-$350
103 gLOBe POtterY east LiverPOOL, OHiO YeLLOwware “JumBO” eLePHant Figure. Late 19th century, stamped twice on the underside. good detail with a rockingham glaze on the base and tree trunk. hairline on front. 9.5”h. $800-$1,200
104 OHiO POtterY eLePHant. twentieth century, yellow clay. Scarce elephant with raised trunk and yellow glaze. incised “rL” on bottom. Small in-the-making separation. 5.5”h. ex Jack Adamson, (Ohio). $150-$250
105 YeLLOwware BOwL attriButeD tO east LiverPOOL, OHiO. Mid 19th century. unusual combination of mocha earthworm decoration under a rockingham glaze. repair. 5”h. 11”d. $200-$400
101 - 105
Large OHiO Peaseware COvereD COntainer. Late 19th century. treenware with original dry surface. Partial branded initials in the side. wear and lid has age split. 11.5”h. 12.5”d. $1,000-$1,500
DeCOrateD arts & CraFts vase BY Craven, east LiverPOOL, OHiO. 1905-1910, earthenware. Low vase with “squeezebag” floral decoration., 2.5”h. 5.5”d.
107 reDware Cat attriButeD tO Peters & reeD, ZanesviLLe, OHiO. First quarter-20th century. Seated cat with black glaze and added red paint on the face. Old Lexington, kentucky, florist sticker on the underside. Flakes. 10.75”h. $250-$450
Slip-trailed decoration such as this was used by noted designer william P. Jervis at the Avon Faience pottery in tiltonville, and he presumably brought to craven during his time there (1905-1908). $250-$500
109 twO Craven, east LiverPOOL, OHiO arts & CraFts vases. 1905-1910, earthenware. Dark matte green vase with tooled floral cartouche, signed also by designer w.P. Jervis, 6.5”h., and a green and purple drip glaze vase, 4”h. $200-$400
106 - 110
14 | gartH’s the ninth annual Ohio valley session: may 15, 2015
tHree Craven, east LiverPOOL, OHiO, arts & CraFts vases. All marked, and also signed by designer william P. Jervis, 1905-1910, earthenware. tall vase with a light blue glaze, 6.5”h., a squat vase with applied handles and a blue glaze, 2.25”h., and a matte green double-handled vase, 4”h. $300-$600
111 anna POtterY Pig FLasK. Anna, illinois, 2nd half-19th century. typical form with “Fine Old Bourbon” on the side and “hard oil drill” on the underside. 7.5”l. $2,000-$3,000
112 DeCOrateD OHiO miniature CHest OF Drawers. carroll or harrison county, Ohio, ca. 1830, curly maple and poplar. rolled drawer over three graduated drawers, all flanked by half columns with gold stencil-decoration on a black ground, and turned feet. 27.5”h. 24.5”w. 11”d.
in the top drawer is a presentation note, “Presented to Misses Margaret Deming by David Brookman and Butler Deming As a token of Friendship.” Additional pencil notations by Margaret (now in knightstown, indiana) indicating that the chest was made in1830, and her instructions on to whom the chest should pass. Margaret Masters Deming (b. 1805 in Pennsylvania) married Lot Deming (b. 1790 in new York) in 1825 in carroll county, Ohio. their children were listed in nearby harrison county in 1850, including Martha, to whom Margaret bequeathed the chest. By 1880, Margaret had moved west to knightstown, living with one of her married daughters. Butler Deming (b. 1815 in connecticut) was a nephew of Lot Deming. Both he and David Brookman (b. 1816 in Pennsylvania) were listed in later censuses in the furniture industry (Deming in iowa and Brookman in carroll county). it is likely that Deming and Brookman made the chest as teenage apprentices and gifted it to Margaret. $400-$800
FOur OHiO stOneware Jars. Second half-19th century. narrow-mouthed jar marked for J. Dillon, Burlington, 7.5”h., a small jar marked for Jacob Morfoot, Muskingum county, 7.5”h., and a half-gallon jar marked for J.w. triplett, trumbull county, 8”h. together with a jar with partially legible sgraffito decoration, including “P.M. Mcgough” and “Sept. [?] 186[?]”, 8”h. the last sold at garth’s, november 1993, lot 866. $200-$400
wHeeLer Lewis, trumBuLL COuntY, OHiO, taLL Case CLOCK. walnut and poplar, ca. 1830. Broken-arch pediment and columns on the hood, the case with canted corners and a shaped base. 30hour wooden movement retains its original decorated dial. 90”h.
114 tHree PieCes OF wHite-gLaZeD OHiO stOneware. Second half-19th century. includes a large A.J. weeks, Akron jug, 18.5”h., a smaller weeks jug, 10.5”h., and a ransbottom Brothers, roseville, chicken waterer, 10.5”h. $150-$250
wheeler Lewis (working ca. 1825-1834) came with his brothers to trumbull county, Ohio, from connecticut. the brothers owned multiple factories producing both 30-hour wooden tall clocks movements and pillar and scroll movements. $2,000-$4,000
115 | 15
116 eXerCise BOOK. Possibly Ohio, 2nd quarter-19th century, pen, ink, and watercolor on paper. Owned by David cochran and dated 1831-1832. in addition to mathematical problems it has some pages with colorful calligraphy and one with an elephant and camel. imperfections. 12”h. 8”w. $900-$1,200
Detail 116
Detail 116
riCHmOnD, inDiana, wOODen sign. Second half-19th century. Single-sided with original paint. Small hand painted landscape with stenciled “richmond champion, wayne Agr’l. co. richmond, ind.”. Details include an owl and a butterfly. wear. 8.5”h. 65”w. $600-$800
Pair OF OHiO CLassiCaL CurLY maPLe stOOLs. Attributed to Delaware county, ca.1840. c-scroll legs and original, alligatored finish. Later upholstered cushions. 10.5”h. 17.5”l. $250-$500
reDware CHamBerstiCK attriButeD tO samueL rOutsOn. Doylestown, Ohio, 2nd quarter-19th century. Deep saucer. Albany slip glaze. 3”h. $200-$300
122 120
118 sewertiLe memOriaL PLanter. Probably Ohio, 2nd quarter-19th century. hollow tree stump incised “Alva S. riley April 7- 1866 January 20 - 1929”. 19”h. Such memorials were likely made both for cemeteries and for home use in the towns where sewer tile factories operated. For another example, see richmond, A Tradition of Progress: Ohio Decorative Arts 1860-1945. $300-$600
twO vintOn COuntY, OHiO, sgraFFitODeCOrateD Jugs. Late 19th-early 20th century. Miniature jug, dated 1898, and with the inscription “[?] c. rambo, Stella, O,” 4.25”h., and a larger jug marked for Potter ridge, and dated 1901, 6.5”h. $250-$500
16 | gartH’s the ninth annual Ohio valley session: may 15, 2015
tOLeDO, OHiO, stOre Bin. Late 19th-early 20th century, tin. Original green paint with gold stencil “the J.M. Bour co’s. celebrated Moniter teas” with a removable label on the slant lid “gunpowder”. Additional label on the interior. Some wear. 19.5”h. 16.25”w. 12.5”d. $250-$500
123 twO HaLF PLate DaguerreOtYPes OF us rePresentative Peter wiLsOn straDer anD His FamiLY BY James PresLeY BaLL. cincinnati, Ohio, ca.1855. in one portrait is Peter w. Strader, his wife, cornelia Frances hubbard Strader, their eldest son, Jacob, and their second son, william M.; in the other portrait is cornelia’s niece, Fanny Smith, and two of the Straders’ daughters, Julia and Mary. in one leather case (hinges now separated), each brass mat with Ball’s stamp, and accompanied by 19th-century handwritten identifications.
123 - 126
127 HaLF PLate DaguerreOtYPe OF us rePresentative Peter wiLsOn straDer. cincinnati, Ohio, 1845-1850. A seated portrait of Strader in his pre-beard days. no case. $800-$1,200
Strader (1818-1881) was born in new Jersey and moved to Lebanon, Ohio, as a child. in 1835, he was in cincinnati working in the steamboat industry as a clerk and engineer, and later as a ticket agent for the Little Miami railroad. he served one term as a Democrat in the house of representatives from 1869-1871, after which he moved to Ashtabula. Ball (1825-1904) was born in Virginia and learned the daguerrean trade from another African-American in Boston, John Bailey. he moved to cincinnati in 1845 and found little success, so he traveled for a couple of years before returning to the Queen city in 1847, now partnering with his brother, thomas. Ball had a successful career in cincinnati until the 1870s when he moved throughout the South and west, finally relocating to hawaii in 1902, just two years before he died.
Based on the age of Strader’s children, these portraits were likely taken about 1855, a time when African-American artist robert S. Duncanson was working in Ball’s studio, retouching and coloring photographs. $2,000-$4,000
Detail 128
OHiO Peaseware COvereD COntainer. Late 19th century. treenware with urn-shaped finial. wire bale handle. Lightly scrubbed surface. 7”h. 6.5”d. $300-$500
128 KnOweLL LinneLL, st. aLBans, OHiO, BanJO CLOCK. ca. 1825, cherry and pine. Of typical form with scenic and foliate-decorated tablets, and a gilt surface. 40”h.
125 twO engraveD FLagg anD HOman, CinCinnati, OHiO, Pewter CanDLestiCKs. Mid 19th century. typical form with similar floral engraving. One with push up. 10”h. $400-$800
Linnell was born in 1788 in granville, Massachusetts, and came west, settling near granville, Ohio, establishing his clock factory in St. Albans township about 1825.
126 seLLew & CO. OHiO Pewter teaPOt. Mid 19th century, marked “Sellew & co., cincinnati” on the bottom. Old black paint on handle and wafer finial. 7.5”h. $100-$300
An old note inside indicates that the clock was in the possession of “Judge reeves” of Lancaster and purchased at that house sale by harold cain of newark, and then purchased at his estate sale in 1979, and is signed by gus heisey. $4,000-$8,000 | 17
POrtrait OF a mOtHer anD CHiLD (ameriCan sCHOOL, miD 19tH CenturY). Attributed to Ohio, ca.1845. Oil on canvas, unsigned. Young mother with a child dressed in white sitting on her lap. the background includes a rowboat on a canal or river with brick buildings along the edge. restored in 1965. 30”h. 25”w., in a frame, 31.5”h. 26.5”w. $800-$1,600
PreBLe COuntY, OHiO ParQuetrYveneereD stanD. 1820-1840, walnut and poplar. two drawers and turned legs, the case facade decorated with geometrically arranged veneers. 28.5”h. 21”w. 18”d.
130 Pair OF HOman Pewter OiL LamPs. cincinnati, Ohio, mid 19th century. Acorn fonts with whale oil burners. One is marked “homan & co., cincinnati”. imperfections. 8.5”h. $100-$300
Other stands of this type are known, and some have provenance to the Preble county area. thomas Morgan of eaton was the most prominent and prolific cabinetmaker in the county at the time, and is a possible candidate for the maker of this group of distinctive stands. $800-$1,200
132 OHiO vaLLeY inLaiD CHest OF Drawers. 1815-1825, walnut and pine. three over four drawers, on turned feet, and with banded inlay on the drawers and vine inlay terminating in tulips on the case stiles. 50”h. 42.5”w. 20.5”d. the overall form of the chest and the style of the vines suggests an upper Ohio origin, possibly southeast Ohio, although western Pennsylvania is not out of the question. $1,500-$3,000
133 OHiO Cast irOn garDen BenCH. Late 19th century. curved floral back. Seat is labeled “Mfgs. by the kramer Bros. Fdy. co, Dayton, O.” Old green paint. 16” seat, 30”h. 45”w. $400-$800
133A OHiO eLevatOr traDe sign. Late 19th-early 20th century, pine. Single board with original paint "h.L. reedy's elevators...cincinnati, O." Some wear. 11"h. 82"w. 3"d. $200-$400
132 18 | gartH’s the ninth annual Ohio valley session: may 15, 2015
DeCOrateD OHiO CHeese Press. Stone and collins, ravenna, 2nd half-19th century, poplar. Patented press with original red paint and gold stenciled "Buckeye Press" and "Stone & collins Patent." 26"l. Sold at Jeffrey S. evans (Virginia), February 2013, lot 20. $200-$400
134 - 138
FOur earLY OHiO vaLLeY imPrints. Discipline Of The Society of Friends, Mount Pleasant, Ohio: elisha Batses, 1819; thomas Vincent, Christ’s Sudden and Certain Appearance To Judgement, wheeling, Virginia (now west Virginia), 1823; thomas chalmers, Application of Christianity, Lexington, kentucky,1822, and History of Cosmopolite; or the Four Volumes of Lorenzo Dow’s Journal, washington, Ohio: Joshua Martin, 1848. All in full, period leather. imperfections. $150-$300
siXtH PLate DaguerreOtYPe BY wiLLiam s. POrter, CinCinnati, OHiO. ca. 1850. Portrait of a mother and child, brass mat stamped with Porter’s mark. in a leather case (cover missing).
Pair OF marKeD FLagg & HOman, CinCinnati, OHiO Pewter CanDLestiCKs. Mid 19th century. typical form, marked on the bottom. Missing push ups. 8”h. $300-$400
138 Porter is perhaps best known for being one of the two photographers (the other being charles Fontayne) who were responsible for the cincinnati Panorama of 1848. $150-$300
OHiO POtterY mug “Hauser, Brenner & FatH”. Late 19th century, yellow clay. tree trunk-shaped mug with branch handle. raised name on the outside “hauser, Brenner & Fath cooperage, cincinnati, O.”. 5.75”h. $150-$350
OHiO sewertiLe LiOn anD DOg. early 20th century. reclining lion from the Belden Brickyard, newcomerstown, 9.5”l., and a pug-like dog (see Illustrated Handbook of Ohio Sewer Pipe Folk Art by Jack Adamson for the same form), 7”l. Both unglazed, the lion has traces of old green paint. edge flakes. $250-$450
gOLD-HanDLeD Cane OF OHiO LegaL interest. American, ca. 1875. ebony stick with nickel silver ferrule and gold-plated handle. 35.5”l. the handle of this cane is engraved “ScOtt” at the top and around the sides: Day, white, welch, and Mcilvaine. the cane originally belonged to Ohio Supreme court Justice Josiah Scott, and was presumably presented to him in late 1871 or early 1872, at which time the other Ohio Supreme court Justices were william white, John welch, and george Mcilvaine. included in the lot are Scott’s docket books for the February and December terms in 1876 and the December term of 1877, as well as an 1881 biography of Scott by r.c. colmery, three envelopes addressed to Scott, and a Society of the Army of the cumberland certificate for an Alexander w. Scott (presumably Judge Scott’s son). $400-$800
139 | 19
140 ZOar, OHiO, CuPBOarD. Mid 19th century, walnut and poplar. two-piece cupboard: the upper section with two doors, the lower section with four small drawers and two doors, all on blocked feet. 78”h. 50”w. 17 1/2”d. this cupboard was purchased, along with the cabin in which it stood (near the northwest corner of the garden), in the 1940s by a Dr. groh and remained in his possession until the Plice family purchased the cabin and cupboard in the 1950s. the Lacroix family purchased the cupboard in the 1970s, and they then sold it to Jack and Pat Adamson in 1980, who sold it to a private collector in 1996. that collection was sold at garth’s in May 2007, and this cupboard was lot 106. illustrated in Snyder and goudy, Zoar Furniture, p. 69. $2,000-$4,000
141 ameriCan FOLK art riverBOat mODeL. early 20th century, wood and paper. Folksy model of a sternwheeler loaded with barrels and bales of cotton. 27.5”l. $250-$500
142 seLLew & CO. OHiO Pewter PitCHer. Mid 19th century, marked “Sellew & co., cincinnati” on the bottom. Scrolled handle. 8”h. $100-$350
140 20 | gartH’s the ninth annual Ohio valley session: may 15, 2015
OHiO Peaseware COvereD COntainer. Late 19th century. treenware with urn-shaped finial. unusual tapered cylinder with floral and chip carving. Alligatored varnish. 4.5”h. $250-$450
new Bremen, OHiO, Hanging waLL sHeLF witH Drawers. Second half-19th century, walnut. Shaped back, scrolled sides, and three drawers with applied ripple molding. Old or original finish, replaced pull. 19.75”h. 21”w. 7”d. $200-$400
KentuCKY sewertiLe urn. Probably Lee clay Products, clearfield, kentucky, 1st half-20th century. Molded Art Deco design around shoulder. edge chips. 19”h. Sold at garth’s, May 1997, lot 284.
145 sPanisH-ameriCan war QuiLt. Possibly Midwestern, 1898, cotton. Boldly embroidered “war was declared April 22 1898” in red, marking the start of SpanishAmerican war. Large eight-point center star, u.S. flags on green ground. handsewn. hand quilted in parallel lines, muslin backing. 72” x 73.5”. $400-$800
146 PieCeD anD aPPLiQue QuiLt. Attributed to Lebanon, warren county, Ohio, 1846, cotton. red and green on white “carolina Lily” with floral vine border, signed in ink on reverse “hannah noble / Sept 17 1846”. Muslin backing, handsewn and hand quilted in triple rows. 84” x 84”. the 1850 Lebanon census lists nineteenyear-old hannah nobel living with edward nobel (b. 1798 in new York) and his wife caroline (or charlana) nee terrill. hannah married Marrit Sweny (1831-1892) in 1853 and began a life of relocating, first to cincinnati, then Put-in-Bay, and by 1880 living in iowa. $450-$800
147 aPPLiQue QuiLt witH BirDs. Possibly Midwestern, mid 19th century, cotton. “rose of Sharon” with charming vining border composed of floral baskets and crested birds and berries. handsewn and neatly hand quilted in parallel lines and wreaths. Muslin backing. 91” x92”. $350-$650
For a similar, marked pair, see garth’s, August 2007, lot 497. $150-$300
149 OHiO territOrY LanD grant signeD BY JOHn QuinCY aDams. ink on vellum, dated August 14, 1827. Land granted to edward Bissell of Livingston county, new York; the land being “the island near the mouth of the Maumee river” and transferred at the Monroe, Michigan territory land office. Signed by President John Quincy Adams. Fold lines. unframed, 9.75”h. 14.75”w. $250-$500
150 COLtOn’s 1855 maP OF OHiO. new York: J.h. colton. handcolored map of the state, with an inset of cleveland. Matted and framed, 17.5”h. 20.5”w. $150-$250
151 HePPLewHite inLaiD twO-Part Dining taBLe. American, early 19th century, cherry and mixed woods. two demilune ends with drop leaves, all with tapered legs, and decorated with string inlay. imperfections. 30’’h. 46”w. 90”l. with two 22.5” leaves. According to an old appraisal accompanying this table, it was part of the estate of Asa Bushnell (1834-1904), who served as governor of Ohio from 1892-1896, and were purchased as his auction in Springfield. $800-$1,200
152 german wag-On-tHe-waLL CLOCK OF OHiO interest. Mid 19th century. typical form with a floral decorated dial and inscribed “J.c. Dilger of canton.” 18”h. 13”w. $150-$250
153 twO 19tH-CenturY waYne COuntY, OHiO, auCtiOn BrOaDsiDes. Both livestock auctions in 1876, and include “milch cows,” “work horses,” “fat cattle,” and a “rob roy mare.” 25”h. 19”w. $200-$400
154 tHree 19tH-CenturY waYne COuntY, OHiO, auCtiOn BrOaDsiDes. includes one large 1873 broadside for “milch cows” and “fat sheep” near Orrville, 36.5”h. 24.5”w., an 1873 small broadside on yellow paper for a livestock sale in Milton township, 17.5”h. 12”w., and an 1878 real estate broadside for an auction in easton, 18.5”h. 12.5”w. together with a fragmentary livestock broadside on blue paper, 14.5”h. 19”w. All unframed. $250-$500 | 21
155 156
WINTER SUN BY CarL ruDOLPH KraFFt (OHiO/ iLLinOis, 1884-1938). Oil on canvas, signed lower right. Snow covered landscape of trees by river, 26”h. 34.5”w., in a gold frame, 33.25”h. 41”h. $1,500-$2,500
unusuaL PrinteD COttOn raiLrOaD maP. American, mid 19th century. Oblong map depicting numerous rail lines from new York to St. Louis, centered on the central Ohio railroad that ran from wheeling to columbus. the legend indicates that the Adams express Line is due for completion by 1854. Framed, 13”h. 36.5”w. $150-$250
KirtLanD saFetY sOCietY $3 BanK nOte. Ohio, dated March 7, 1837, and signed by Joseph Smith, Jr. and Sidney rigdon. S/n 773. $1,000-$2,000
156 PORTRAIT OF AN OZARK MAN BY CarL ruDOLPH KraFFt (OHiO, iLLinOis, 1884-1938). Oil on canvas board, signed upper right. white bearded man, seated and holding a gun, 20”h. 16”, in a frame, 24.25”h. 20.25”w. $800-$1,200
157 LanDsCaPe BY rOBert J. smitH (OHiO/CaLiFOrnia, 1901-1985). Oil on artist board, signed and dated 1968 lower right. two boys fishing in a stream. 27.5”h. 31.5”w. $300-$500
158 OHiO Beer aDvertising sign. Late 19th-early 20th century, tin. For wagner’s Lager Beer, original gold paint on a black ground, with a central chariot. 33.5”h. 23.5”w. $200-$400
160 FrenCH HistOriCaL maP OF inDiana. Attributed to Lea, carey, and Buchon, Paris: carez, 1825. titled “carte geographique, Statistique et historique De L’ indiana.” central map of the state, surrounded by historical information in French. Framed, 21.5”h. 27.5”w. $150-$250
161 unusuaL Brass OHiO meCHaniCaL CaLenDar tOKen. Dated 1855. Obverse with the state seal surrounded by “Population 2,000,000. Ohio. 40,000 Square Miles.” reverse with a perpetual calendar with the days of the week around the perimeter and the rotating dial with the days of the month at center. 1.375”d. $100-$200
22 | gartH’s the ninth annual Ohio valley session: may 15, 2015
163 twO PieCes OF OHiO sewertiLe. Second quarter- 20th century. Advertising wallmounted match holder with a woman’s head. impressed “Made by national Sewer Pipe co., Barberton, O. e.M. Buel Akron, 25”. Small edge flakes. 8”h. And an incised square with four incised names and a skull and crossbones “1949 Dare Devils”. 8”h. 8.75”w. $200-$400
164 autumn LanDsCaPe BY rOBert BruBaKer (DaYtOn, OHiO, miD 20tH CenturY). Oil on canvas, signed lower left. wooded road. 20”h. 24”w., in a frame, 29”h. 33”w. $100-$300
165 stiLL LiFe BY rOBert J. smitH (OHiO/CaLiFOrnia, 1901-1985). Oil on canvas, signed lower left. Fruit with redware and softpaste. in a frame, 30”h. 42”w. $200-$400
tHree stiLL LiFes BY rOBert J. smitH (OHiO/CaLiFOrnia, 1901-1985). two are oil on canvas, signed and dated 1979. Strawberries with glass pitcher and lemons with ironstone teapot. in matching frames, 21.5”h. 26”w. One is oil on masonite of watermelons. Signed and dated 1956. 18”h. 20”w. $200-$300
atwater OHiO stOneware water Jug. Brushed cobalt label “Atwater, 1871” with tulip and “10”. Missing handles, flakes. 23”h. $400-$800
Peaseware Jar, BasKet anD PiPe HOLDer. American, late 19th-early 20th century. covered jar with bale handle, 3.5”h., and a miniature splint basket attributed to kentucky, 3.5”h. together with an oak, clover-shaped, wall-hanging pipe holder with old white paint. wear. 9.25”h. $150-$300
167 twO James HamiLtOn stOneware CrOCKs. American, 2nd half-19th century. Stenciled cobalt labels with roses for James hamilton, greensboro, Pennsylvania. Applied handles. the three-gallon has repair. 13.5”h. $200-$400
168 Diminutive CuPBOarD DeCOrateD BY Lew HuDnaLL (OHiO, 1918-1995). cupboard is late 19th century, decoration is signed and dated 1981. Agricultural scene on the door and the case and backsplash with strawberry decoration. 33”h. 21”w. 14”d. $300-$600
171 DOnaggHO stOneware Jug. American, 2nd half- 19th century. Applied handle. Stenciled cobalt label with American eagle “A.P. Donaggho, Parkersburg, w.Va.” Minor surface wear and lip flakes. 14”h. $200-$300
172 wiLKinsOn anD FLeming stOneware Jug. American, 2nd half-19th century. Stenciled cobalt label with rose “wilkinson & Fleming, Shinnston, w. Va. 3”. repaired lip and handle. 17”h. $150-$300
175 OHiO stOneware Jug. Second half-19th century. Brushed cobalt “5, Mogadore” and stylized insect or face. impressed “n” on the back. 16.5”h. $400-$600
176 LanDsCaPe BY rOBert J. smitH (OHiO/CaLiFOrnia, 1901-1985). Oil on canvas, signed and dated 1939 lower left. Pasture. the back of the canvas has a study of a man’s portrait. in a frame, 19.5”h. 25”w. $100-$300
173 COOPer stOneware CrOCK. American, 2nd half-19th century. Stenciled cobalt label with roses “wD cooper & Bro. no. 7, Diamond Pitts”. two handles. 13.5”h. $200-$300
sewertiLe PiggY BanK. Probably Ohio, 20th century. Seated pig incised “now you’ve got me on a diet, nov. 26, 1967”. holes to hold missing base. 10.25”h. Sold at garth’s, January 1989, lot 495. $150-$350
167 - 169 165 | 23
177 OHiO sewertiLe BirD HOuse. First half-20th century. made from an actual piece sewerpipe partially stamped “Superior… uhrichsville”. 7”h. ex Jack Adamson (Ohio). $100-$300
178 OHiO sewertiLe BirD HOuse. First half-20th century. hanging with wooden base, 7.5”h. $100-$300
177 - 182
OHiO sewertiLe BirD HOuse. twentieth century. Shaped roof, 5.5”h. Sold at waasdorp Auctions, March 2011, lot 130. $100-$300
OHiO sewertiLe seateD DOg BY waLter smitH. early 20th century. impressed “Superior clay corp. uhrichsville, Ohio. handcrafted by walter Smith”. incised on the front “Samatha” (sic). in-themaking hairlines. 13”h. Sold at garth’s, March 1999, lot 9. $200-$400
180 OHiO sewertiLe BirD HOuse. twentieth century. cylindrical, 10”h. ex Jack Adamson (Ohio). $100-$300
182 OHiO sewertiLe COLLie. early 20th century. hand formed with yellow glaze detailing the face. 8”h. $150-$300
183 OHiO CurLY maPLe sHeratOn CHest OF Drawers. Second quarter-19th century, poplar secondary. Four graduated dovetailed drawers with old brass bale handles and cockbeading. two-board top, turned legs. wood has good figure. refinished. 39.5”h. 41”w. 22”d. $1,500-$2,500
184 ameriCan reDware PitCHer. Found in an estate in Bellefountaine, Ohio, mid 19th century. nice form with applied ribbed handle and manganese speckles. incised “Lee” on the bottom. Some glaze wear. 7.5”h. $100-$300
185 uHriCHsviLLe, OHiO sewertiLe garDen urn. early 20th century. two-piece. urn on pedestal with storks (or herons) on four base panels. chips. 40”h. 24”d.
24 | gartH’s the ninth annual Ohio valley session: may 15, 2015
For a single stork/heron plaque that is signed, see garth’s, January 2015, lot 2099. $800-$1,200
186 miDwestern-german CuPBOarD. Possibly southern indiana, mid 19th century, cherry and poplar. two-piece cupboard: the upper section with two doors and two drawers, the lower section with three over three drawers, all on blocked feet. 92”h. 51”w. 22.5”d. Blocked feet such as on this cupboard and the zoar cupboard in lot 140 are often found on germanic furniture made in the Midwest in the middle of the 19th century, particularly in the communities of zoar and new Bremen in Ohio, Oldenburg in indiana, and hermann in Missouri. $1,500-$3,000
187 OHiO sewertiLe LiOn. early 20th century. reclining lion on a stamped, two-tier base. 5”h. 7”l. Sold at garth’s, April 1999, lot 506. $800-$1,200
188 OHiO sewertiLe DOg. Late 19th-early 20th century. Flat top-type seated spaniel with good detail, including incised collar. Base chips. 12”h. Sold at garth’s, October 1997, lot 433. $1,000-$2,000
189 geOrge BagnaLL, newCOmerstOwn, OHiO, sewertiLe seateD DOg. 1860-1890. Seated spaniel with later white and black paint. 10”h. Sold at garth’s, October 1995, lot 521. $1,000-$1,500
190 OHiO sewertiLe stumP witH OwLs. early 20th century. three owls on a stump. two have empty eye sockets, one has rhinestones. Flakes. 8.75”h. $100-$300
191 OHiO sewertiLe Pig. First half-20th century. Standing pig with incised eyelashes. unmarked national Sewer Pipe company (Barberton and Akron, Ohio). 8”h. 13”l. $1,000-$2,000
192 sewertiLe Bust OF a man. trenton, illinois, ca.1920s. hand molded with worn original black paint. 8.5”h. $200-$300
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warDrOBe attriButeD tO ZOar, OHiO. Mid 19th century, cherry and walnut. raised-panel doors with rattail hinges, interior shelves, and an old finish. imperfections. 71”h. 44”w. 20”d. $500-$1,000
OHiO vaLLeY sHeratOn CHest OF Drawers. Probably western Pennsylvania or eastern Ohio, 1815-1830, cherry and poplar. two over three drawers, period pressed glass pulls, and turned legs. 51”h. 41”w. 21”d. $600-$900
OHiO sewertiLe BirD HOuse twentieth century. unglazed with applied vines and tooled tree bark. 8.5”h. ex Jack Adamson (Ohio). $100-$300
195 OHiO sewertiLe DuCK. early 20th century. Primitive goose. Purportedly one of only two known. repaired beak. 14.5”l. ex Betty Dorow (Ohio), sold at garth’s, november 1997, lot 440. $400-$800
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197 OHiO sewertiLe BirD HOuse. twentieth century. Acorn shaped. 8.5”h. Sold at garth’s, January 1989, lot 493. $100-$300
198 OHiO sewertiLe Basset HOunD. First half-20th century. initialed “eJe” (edward J. ellwood, tuscarawas county, 1926-1998) and “cr” for celso kreiger (ellwood’s kiln fireman). 15”l. $300-$600
199 miDwestern COrner CuPBOarD. Mid 19th century, walnut and chestnut. One-piece cupboard: the upper section with two eight-pane doors and a dentilated cornice the lower, section with two doors with double-arched panels, flanked by chamfered corners with lamb’s tongues, on a shaped base. 81”h. 47”w. 22”d., requires a 38” corner. $1,000-$2,000
200 POCKet maP OF OHiO in tHe Year BeFOre tHe tOLeDO war. Ohio and the Settled Parts of Michigan 1834. Possibly Augustus Mitchell or Anthony Finley, and published the year after Finley’s map of the same name. Original handcoloring and original leather binding. 13.5”h. 10”w. During Michigan’s statehood process in 1835, it claimed a strip of disputed land along the Ohio-Michigan border. Over the next year, the so-called toledo war was nearly bloodless, and amounted to mostly legislative and military posturing. it was resolved when congressed admitted Michigan, which now included the upper Peninsula, as a state in 1836, in exchange for the new state ceding the disputed territory to Ohio. $500-$1,000
201 GRIFFITHS’ TWO YEARS’ RESIDENCE IN THE NEW SETTLEMENTS OF OHIO, NORTH AMERICA; WITH DIRECTIONS TO EMIGRANTS. London: wesley and Davis et al, 1835. in period full cloth. $500-$1,000
202 OHiO LanD grant tO generaL DunCan mCartHur, signeD BY PresiDent James maDisOn. Partially printed on vellum, dated October 12, 1812. Land granted to Duncan McArthur, who obtained the military grant from Lt. isaac Browning. Signed by President Madison, countersigned by former governor, now commissioner of the general Land Office, edward tiffin. Framed, 18”h. 13.5”w. Duncan McArthur served as governor of Ohio from 1830 until 1832. $800-$1,200
203 twO gLass PLate negatives OF a wrigHt BrOtHers FLYer. 1911-1913. Front and side views of a wright flyer, with old envelopes that identify them as “elton’s Aeroplane” and are dated September 1911 and note that they were exhibited at the Ashtabula centennial celebration. 5”h. 7”w. Albert elton (1888-1975) first soloed in november of 1911 in a wright Model B, and later purchased a wright Model e for exhibition purposes. $150-$300
enD OF OHiO vaLLeY sessiOn
199 | 27
204 HuDsOn river vaLLeY LanDsCaPe (ameriCan sCHOOL, 2nD Quarter19tH CenturY). Oil on canvas, initialed on back. wonderfully naive image of boats on the hudson and a man with farm animals in the foreground. notation on back “hudson river. Burying ground at Peeks kill, nY and monument to John Paulding, Snh”. imperfections. 19”h. 24”w., in a late frame, 24”h. 29”w. John Paulding was a revolutionary war hero, one of three who captured John Andre. $1,500-$2,500
205 ameriCan CHiPPenDaLe CHest OF Drawers. Second half-19th century, walnut with poplar secondary. Four dovetailed graduated drawers with replaced brasses. Single board thumb molded top. Four ball and claw feet with scrolled returns. Mellow refinishing. 38”h. 40”w. 22”d. $1,000-$2,000
LanDsCaPe BY wiLLiam CrOtHers FitLer (ameriCan, 1857-1915). watercolor on paper, signed lower left. group of cows standing alongside a body of water. 9”h. 12”w., in a gilt frame, 14”h. 18”w. $400-$800
CHiPPenDaLe mirrOr. American or english, 18th century, mahogany. Scrolled ears with phoenix crest and gold liner. imperfections. 35”h. 19.25”w. $200-$400
207 twO Pewter POrringers. American, 1st half-19th century. Flowered handle, 5.5”d., and hearts used by richard Lee and roswell gleason, 4.5”d. Minor dents. $200-$300
211 new engLanD tavern taBLe. Late 18th century, maple and pine. top with breadboard ends over one drawer and turned legs with a box stretcher. 26”h. 46.5”w. 28”d. ex Pam Boynton (Massachusetts). $300-$600
212 208
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Pair OF Brass anDirOns. American, 1st half-19th century. Lemon-style finials and iron penny feet. repair. 12”h. $100-$300
engLisH regenCY BraCKet CLOCK. nineteenth century, mahogany. Arched top with handle, brass inlay, and ball feet. Double-fusee movement. 16.5”h. $300-$600
CraDLe. American, 1st half-19th century, curly maple. Spindle sides and acorn finials. 32”h. 20.5”w. 40”l. ex garth’s. $400-$600
engLisH regenCY Fire sCreen. Second quarter-19th century, mahogany. Shield-shaped screen with black fabric, on a pole with an urn finial and a tripod base. 59.25”h. $150-$300
214 - 217
nanKing tea CaDDY anD BOwL. china, 19th century. Both have ribbing. caddy, 4.5”h., bowl, 2.5”h. 5”d. $150-$350
transitiOnaL mirrOr. American or english, mid 18th century, mahogany. Queen Anne to chippendale molded frame with scrolled crest and corners. Open, gilt phoenix crest. two-part mirror with beveled edges. Some imperfections. 44”h. 22”w.
215 Brass eurOPean CHamBerstiCK anD snuFF BOX. eighteenth century. Large chamberstick with raised petal design and engraving, 15.5”l., and a double lidded brass and copper snuff. engraved garland, initials and 1808. Split. 1”h. 3”l. $400-$600
216 twO CHinese CanDLestiCKs anD a vase. nineteenth-20th century. Pair of canton tapered candlesticks. imperfections. 10.25”h. And a late vase with phoenix. underglaze Yongzheng mark. 9”h. $600-$1,200
217 Pair OF engLisH sOFtPaste sOuP PLates. early 19th century. Blue shell edge soups hand decorated with william of Orange and Princess wilhelmina. Dutch verse below. wear. 9.5”d. ex Margo Antiques (St. Louis). $400-$600
A pen and ink note on the back reads “this glass belongs to my grandmother Olive gilbert-Lincoln, my father’s mother, and wife of my grandfather, capt. Barnabas Lincoln. 1894 emily g. Bou___”. captain Lincoln and his wife lived in hingham, Massachusetts. $800-$1,200
219 CHinese eXPOrt LaCQuereD tea CaDDY. nineteenth century. Octagonal with black lacquer and gilt figural designs. carved wooden feet. two pewter interior compartments. imperfections. 5.5”h. 8”w. $100-$300
220 Five PieCes OF CantOn. china, 19th century. two leaf -shaped dishes, 8”l., mug (possibly nanking), and a scalloped edge creamer. together with a small covered dish, 5”l. Flakes. $150-$300
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massaCHusetts CHiPPenDaLe DesKanD-BOOKCase. ca.1775, mahogany and pine. two-piece: the upper section with a broken-arch pediment, corkscrew finials, and the interior with shells, shelves, slots, and drawers; the lower section with a serpentine and shellcarved interior with well, four drawers, all on ogee bracket feet. 98”h. 41”w. 23”d. $4,000-$8,000
engLisH Creamware BOwL anD tea CaDDY. early 19th century. hand decorated with portraits of william of Orange and Princess wilhelmina. the caddy has Dutch text on the back. wear and caddy missing lid. Bowl, 2.5”h. 6”d., caddy, 3.5”h. $150-$300
222 set OF eigHt CarveD CHiPPenDaLestYLe CHairs. twentieth century, mahogany. Six side chairs and two armchairs, all with carved and pierced splats, acanthus-carved knees, and ball and claw feet. 18”h. seat 39”h. overall. $800-$1,200
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224 tHree DutCH tOBaCCO BOXes. eighteenth century. two are copper and brass, one is brass and oval. All have worn engravings and some text. 4.75”, 5”, 6”l. $400-$600
225 twO siLHOuettes anD a miniature POrtrait. American or european, 2nd quarter-19th century. hollow cut portraits of a man and woman with inked details including her dress. in matching brass frames, 5”h. 4.5”w. And a portrait of a young man dressed in black. in a brass pendant frame. Dents. 2.5”h. $150-$350
POrtrait OF a girL witH FLOwers (ameriCan sCHOOL, 2nD Quarter-19tH CenturY). Oil on canvas, unsigned. Pleasant image of a girl dressed in blue with ringlets and a coral necklace. Professional restoration. 30”h. 25”w., in a late gilt frame, 34”h. 29”w. $1,000-$1,500
tHree Brass sCissOr wiCK trimmers anD HOLDer. Probably england, mid 18th-19th century. includes a scalloped edge tray and petal base standing holder, 4”h. $200-$400
227 twO Pair OF eurOPean Brass CanDLestiCKs. eighteenth-19th century. Octagonal bases (one with repaired stem), 7”h. and scalloped bases, 8.5”h. imperfections. $200-$400
228 Five Brass items inCLuDing FOOt warmer, teaPOt anD emBer tOngs. Probably england, 19th century. revolving dish cross, 14”h. 12”d.; foot warmer with wooden foot rests, 9.5”w.; ember tongs with twist detail, 11.5”l., and an individual teapot. together with a kettle stand with pierced phoenix design. Loss to handle. 11”h. $250-$450
230 twO Brass FirePLaCe tOOLs anD JamB HOOKs. American, early 19th century. tongs and shovel with seamed ball finials, 28”, 29.5”h. And a pair of jamb hooks with urn finials. $200-$400
231 Brass mOrtar anD PestLe. American or european, 19th century. Flared rim. 4.5”h. $100-$250
232 POrtrait OF a man (eurOPean sCHOOL, 19tH CenturY). Oil on artist board, unsigned. Profile of a man dressed in black. Some crazing. 6.75”h. 5.75”w., in a frame, 10”h. 8.75”w. $500-$700
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233 - 237
twO Pair OF engLisH Brass CanDLestiCKs. Mid 18th century. Scalloped bases and lips. 9.25”, 10.25”h. $600-$900
HistOriCaL BLue staFFOrDsHire PLate. england, 2nd quarter-19th century. eagle border with center scene Fair Mount near Philadelphia. 10”d. $100-$300
234 engLisH inLaiD tea CaDDY. Late 18th-early 19th century, mahogany veneer. Oval with line inlay and oval paterae. Single compartment with worn foil lining. Lid relined. 5”h. 5.5”w. $400-$600
235 engLisH inLaiD tea CaDDY. Late 18th-early 19th century, mahogany veneer. inlay includes vines and burl medallions. Single compartment with worn foil lining. Lid relined. 5”h. 4.5” x 4.5”. $250-$450
237 FOur PieCes OF HistOriCaL BLue staFFOrDsHire. england, 2nd quarter-19th century. Pitcher, Lafayette at the tomb of Franklin, 5”h.,and three plates. Winter View of Pittsfield Mass, 8”d., “gilpin’s Mills on the Brandywine creek, 9.25”d., and City Hall, New York from ridgway’s Beauties of America, 9.75”d. imperfections. $150-$300
238 HistOriCaL BLue staFFOrDsHire PLate. england, 2nd quarter-19th century. The Baltimore & Ohio Railroad on an incline with shell border. wear. 9”d. $200-$300
239 HePPLewHite-stYLe inLaiD siDeBOarD. twentieth century, mahogany. Serpentine front with three drawers over four doors, all on six tapered legs. 39”h. 60.5”w. 24”d. $800-$1,200
240 sHeratOn seCretarY. new england, early 19th century, mahogany and pine. two-piece secretary: the upper section with a broken-arch pediment over two doors and two drawers, the lower section with three drawers. All on high, turned feet. 67”h. 37.5”h. 18”d., writing surface is 34”h. $600-$1,200 238 32 | gartH’s early american: may 15, 2015
241 maine LanDsCaPe BY setH w. stewarD (ameriCan, 18441927). Oil on canvas, signed and dated 1914 lower left. Fishermen on Moosehead Lake (a favorite of the artist). 15”h. 27”w., in a frame, 21.5”h. 34”w. $1,000-$2,000
242 BOwBaCK winDsOr CHair. American, late 18th century, mixed woods. Beaded bow and baluster legs. refinished, imperfections. 17”h. seat, 38.5”h. overall. $250-$500
243 sHeratOn One-Drawer stanD. American, early 19th century, pine. Single dovetailed drawer over delicately turned legs. retains its original dark red wash and a grungy surface, as well as its original pull. 29”h. 18”w. 16”d. $200-$400
244 ameriCan tOLe DOCument BOX. Mid 19th century. green ground with stenciled stone building with turrets. wear and missing part of hasp. 6”h. 9.5”w. $100-$250
FOur siLHOuettes. American or european, 19th century. two hollow cut women (light stains), an inked gentleman, and a full-length cutout of a colonial man with a walking cane and gold inked details. in frames, 5.5”h. 4.5”w. to 9”h. 8”w. $200-$400
ameriCan BeDwarmer anD Brass PLanter. nineteenth century. Brass and copper bedwarmer with wood handle, 40”l., and a planter with raised eagle and lion head handles, 11”h. 15”d. $100-$300
247 sOutHern HePPLewHite CHest OF Drawers Late 18th century, cherry and curly maple with poplar secondary. Four graduated and dovetailed drawers, flanked by applied reeded molding, over a scalloped apron. imperfections. 40’’h. 41”w. 19.5’’d. $600-$900
248 ameriCan CurLY maPLe sHeratOn stanD. Mid 19th century, poplar secondary wood. two graduated and dovetailed drawers over four turned legs. replaced hardware. 28’’h. 19”w. 18.5’’d. $250-$450 247 - 248 | 33
249 Pair OF engLisH Brass taPer stiCKs. eighteenth century. Petal bases. 4.5”h. $400-$600
250 engLisH tea CaDDY. Late 18th-early 19th century, tortoise-shell veneer. Shaped front, silver inlay and bone feet. Lid has old velvet lining. two interior compartments with traces of foil lining. imperfections. 4.5”h. 5”w. $400-$800
251 sCHOOLgirL sewing BOX. Probably england, mid 19th century, pine. Dome lift-top and single dovetailed, fitted drawer. interior lined with salmon paper. Swing handle. Original gold and black-painted surface with rose vines and building on the lid. Some wear. with key. 6.75”h. 7.5”w. $500-$700
249 - 252
Pair OF ameriCan CHaLKware DOves. Late 19th century. Original paint. Doves on cherry branch bases. wear. 11.25”h. $400-$800
ameriCan CHaLKware Deer. early 20th century. Large reclining deer with enhanced tan paint. 13.5”h. 16.5”w. $300-$500
257 253 ameriCan Pie saFe. Mid 19th century, walnut with pine secondary. tapered feet, single drawer with square nails. twelve punched star tins, three on each side and each door. refinished, old black paint on inside of tins. 60.5”h. 41”w. 18.5”d. $400-$800
254 Pair OF FOLK art irOn CHiCKens. American, 20th century. Made from repurposed farm equipment parts. 23” and 28”h. $200-$400
255 ODD FeLLOws LODge PODium. Found in Front royal, Virginia, 2nd half-19th century, pine. Original red and yellow paint with dry, slightly crackled surface. Applied gavels below three painted chain links. Drawer in the back. wear. 32.5”h. 27.5”h. 18.5”w. $600-$900 253 34 | gartH’s early american: may 15, 2015
engLisH reDware DOLL CraDLe. Second half-19th century. Slab construction with yellow slip designs including alphabet. 4”h. 7”l. $150-$300
258 tHree Brass waLL sCOnCes anD a LamP. American or european, 19th century. Make-do from an engraved bedwarmer lid with two added candle arms, 11”d., and a pair of cast scrolled candle arms with acanthus and floral details, 7”l. together with a Lucerna lamp refitted as an electric table lamp. no accessories. 23”h. overall. $150-$300
259 ameriCan Cast irOn griDDLe anD KettLe. nineteenth century. round griddle with fish handle, 22”l., and a kettle with swivel lid “iA Sheppard & co., Baltimore”, 9”h. not including handle. Black repaint. $150-$350
ameriCan HePPLewHite inLaiD CHest OF Drawers. Late 18th-early 19th century, mahogany with poplar secondary. Four dovetailed graduated drawers with replaced eagle pulls. French feet. refinished with veneer repair. 5.5”h. 35”w. 19”d. $400-$800
Pair OF ameriCan Cast irOn wHiPPets. Late 19th century. reclining dogs. Black repaint. 17”h. 37”l. $1,500-$3,000
261 POrtrait OF a YOung wOman (PrOBaBLY eurOPean sCHOOL, 2nD Quarter-19tH CenturY). Oil on canvas, unsigned. woman dressed in white with a gold hair ornament. She’s seated at a piano with sheet music. Professional restoration. 28”h. 22”w., in a late gilt frame, 34”h. 28”w. $1,000-$2,000
262 ruraL LanDsCaPe attriButeD tO new HamPsHire (2nD HaLF-19tH CenturY). Oil on canvas, unsigned. Bucolic scene with cattle at a river, 12”h. 22”w., in a frame with old gold paint, 16.5”h. 26.5”w. $300-$600
264 tHree CantOn serving PieCes. china, 19th century. Oval platter, 15”l., and a bowl with incised brown glazed foot and rim, 4.5”h. 10”d. together with an oval vegetable. imperfections. 3”h. 11”l. $100-$300
265 LaDLe, gLass DeCanter anD CHinese eXPOrt BOX. eighteenth-19th century. round covered box with American eagle. restored. 3.25”d. Silver ladle with Queen Anne 1711 sixpence coin and baleen handle, 13.5”d. together with a cut and engraved decanter. Stopper is stuck. 11”h. $150-$300
266 twO CHinese eXPOrt stiLL LiFes anD a sHaving mirrOr. nineteenth century. gouache on pith paper of blossoming branches with butterflies. tears. in gilt frames, 15”h. 11”w. And a black lacquered mirror with gilt landscapes in a faux bamboo frame. 27.5”h. 18”w. $250-$450
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267 - 268
BLue FitZHugH COvereD vegetaBLe anD PLatter witH insert. china, 19th century. covered vegetable with gilt finial and trim, 6.5”h. 10.5”l., and an oval platter with pierced insert, 12” x 18.5”. $800-$1,200
FOur PieCes OF CantOn. china, 19th century. covered vegetable, 5.5”h. 9”l., round dish with scalloped edge, 10”d., open vegetable, 2”h. 12”l., and a lobed tray, 11” x 14.5”. $200-$400
FOur PieCes OF BLue FitZHugH. china, 19th century. Pair of lobed dishes with orange peel glaze, 11”l., and two oval platters. Larger has repair. 14”, 17”l. $100-$350
siX engLisH Brass CanDLestiCKs. Mid 18th century. good forms including scalloped and square bases. two have repairs, one has a split at the seam. 7” to 9”h. $600-$900
FOur CantOn serving PieCes. china, 19th century. three trays, 8.5”, 11”, 11.5”l.,and a small covered vegetable, 8”l. Largest tray has a stapled repair. $150-$300
CHinese eXPOrt FitZHugH BrusH BOX. First half-19th century. underglaze blue Fitzhugh pattern with overgilding and rose Famille flowers and butterflies. Divided interior. Small bruise with hairlines. 3”h. 7.5”w. $250-$450
siX PieCes OF CantOn. china, 19th century. two teapots, 7.5”, 4.5”h.; pitcher, 7”h.; shrimp bowl, 9”l., and two bowls, lobed, 9.5”d., and square, 8.5”. repairs. $200-$300
274 twO imari serving PieCes. Japan, late 19th-early 20th century. Scalloped edge bowl, 4”h. 10.75”d., and an octagonal platter. wear. 13” x 16.5”. $100-$350
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grOuP OF CantOn anD CHinese POrCeLain. nineteenth century. nine assorted canton plates, 7.5” to 9”d., five cups with three saucers and two covered possets, 3.75”h. together with three sauces and six dishes, 6”d., with blue and white hand decoration. imperfections. $100-$300
twO ameriCan HanDCOLOreD Prints OF west POint. nineteenth century. Aquatint “west Point Military Academy” after catlin, 22”h. 26”w., and lithograph “west Point on the hudson” published by h. Schille. Painted mat. 24.5”h. 30.5”w. Both have stains and tears. $300-$500
Queen anne DisH-tOP CanDLestanD. American or english, 18th century, mahogany. tilt-top stand with a dished top, ball-turned shaft, and cabriole legs ending in pad feet. 27.25”h. ex Levy (new York). $400-$800
277 POrtrait OF a gentLeman (ameriCan sCHOOL, 2nD Quarter19tH CenturY). Oil on canvas, unframed. Dapper young man with a gold stick pin. rebacked on oval stretcher. regilt frame has partial Philadelphia retailer’s label. 31”h. 27”w. $400-$800
280 DeLFt CHarger. holland, 18th century. Asian-style landscape. edge damage. 14”d. $250-$500
281 smaLL Queen anne mirrOr. Probably American, mid 18th century, walnut. Molded frame with scrolled crest. worn frame is period, if not original. Old refinishing. 14.5”h. 9”w. $200-$400
278 ameriCan Queen anne Dressing taBLe. eighteenth century, mahogany and pine. Single drawer, shaped skirt, and cabriole legs ending in pad feet. 27.5”h. 30”w. 17.5”d. $1,000-$2,000
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282 PennsYLvania stePBaCK CuPBOarD. nineteenth century, walnut or butternut. two-piece cupboard: the upper section with raised-panel doors, the lower section with three drawers over raised-panel doors, all on bracket feet. imperfections. 85.5”h. 59”w. 22”d. $1,000-$2,000
283 Heart in HanD Carving. twentieth century, balsa wood. Decorative piece with applied patina. 12”h. $100-$300
284 ameriCan eagLe CarveD PLaQue. First half-20th century, pine. traces of original gold paint. repaired wing. 14”h. 33”w. $100-$350
285 ameriCan stOneware PitCHer anD CrOCK. Mid 19th century. Pitcher has remmey-type cobalt tulips. 11.5”h. crock has two handles and cobalt flower. indistinct impressed name and “worcester”. 7”h. hairlines. $150-$350
286 ameriCan DOLL CraDLe anD sLiDe LiD BOX. Mid 19th century, poplar. cradle has original bittersweet paint, heart cutouts. 8”h. 17”w. Box is cherry with dark stain. Dovetailed with lock in one end. 6.5”h. 16.5”w. imperfections. $100-$300
287 ameriCan Hanging CanDLe BOX. Mid 19th century, chestnut. Dovetailed with molded bottom board and shaped crest. Slant lift lid. Old worn red paint. imperfections. 9.5”h. 16.25”w. $100-$300
288 tHree ameriCan stOneware CrOCK LiDs. Mid 19th century. Brushed cobalt leaves. the largest attributed to grier (Pennsylvania), both smaller ones have restoration. 10.5”, 10.5”, 12.5”d. $100-$200 282 38 | gartH’s early american: may 15, 2015
289 LANDSCAPE, FRUIT AND FLOWERS BY Currier & ives. Large folio handcolored lithograph. good colors. c# 3440. One of the Old and new Best 50. imperfections. 23.25”h. 30”w., in a frame, 32.5”h. 39.5”w. $2,000-$4,000
290 twO mirrOrs witH grain DeCOrateD Frames. American, mid 19th century. Applied half turnings with original paint. two-part with reverse glass painting of a bird in a tree, 21.5”h. 11.5”w. the other with gilding and brass rosette corner blocks, 12.5”h. 10.5”w. Varying wear. $150-$350
291 tHree LanDsCaPe Paintings (ameriCan sCHOOL, Late 19tH-earLY 20tH CenturY). Signed oils of wooded lakes or waterfalls. two on artist board. One “t. griffin”, 25”h. 13”w., and one “hr Burdick”, possibly horace robbins Burdick (new england, 1844-1942), 18”h. 14”w. And one on canvas by “A. hires”. Flake. 16”h. 14”w. All framed. $300-$500
292 tHree ameriCan Prints OF west POint anD new YOrK. nineteenth-20th century. two aquatints. “new-York taken from the north west Angle of Fort columbus, governor’s island” after Frederick catherwood, 30”h. 38”w., and “united States Military Academy west Point”. Signed on the plate richard rummell, dated 1907. his prints were reproduced in the 1940s. 30”h. 39”w. together with a limited edition print Class Dismissed by Ben Maile. Signed on the plate and countersigned and numbered 1954/2085. 31”h. 37”w. All framed. $250-$500
293 POLitiCaL HOOKeD rug. American, 1st half-20th century, wool and cotton. red, white and blue drum shaped with stars and stripes shield. wired for hanging on reverse. 31.5”h. 20”w. $200-$300
294 twO ameriCan stOneware merCHant’s Jugs. Second half-19th century. Applied handles and stenciled labels. white glaze, “thomas Pepper’s Sons...Ashland, Pa.”, 14.5”h., and two-tone “the triaca co., Baltimore, MD”, 10”h. chips. $100-$300
ameriCan Print AMERICAN FIELD SPORTS BY CHarLes Hart. handcolored lithograph published by J.M. Delavan. Large folio with duck hunters and dogs. imperfections. in a frame, 26”h. 30”w. $200-$400
tHree ameriCan HOOKeD rugs. twentieth century. two geometric, 43” x 45” and 23” x 35”. together with a small mat with a train. 8.5”h. 23”w. $100-$200
296 ameriCan Print HOME IN THE COUNTRY BY CHarLes Hart. handcolored lithograph published by J.M. Delavan. Large folio print subtitled “Summer”. Stains. in a frame, 26.5”h. 32.5”w. $200-$400
297 DeCOrateD BeD. new england, 1820-1850, maple. Shaped headboard, turned posts with cannonball finials, and original red and black paint decoration. 55”h. 53”w. $250-$500
299 sCene OF OwasCO LaKe, new YOrK (ameriCan sCHOOL, Late 19tH CenturY). watercolor on paper, illegible signature. titled and dated 1891 lower right. Fishermen on the beach. in a frame, 23”h. 33”w. $100-$300
300 BOwL witH POtterY Fruit. American, late 19th-early 20th century. Scrubbed bowl, 4.5”h. 11”d., filled with molded ceramic fruit with old realistic colors. wear. $100-$250 | 39
307 - 308
navaJO rug. Mid 20th century. Stepped center diamond on grey ground. natural dyes. 3’10” x 5’8”. $800-$1,200
aCOma POtterY vesseL. First half-20th century. Polychrome slip with stylized birds. worn. 9.25”h. 11”d. $150-$300
navaJO rug. First half-20th century. Finely woven expanding diamonds in natural shade dyes with gold and grey. wear. 3’1” x 5’2”. $500-$800
twO HOPi POtterY BOwLs. First half-20th century. Polychrome slip designs. One with flared rim has spirit breaks in the rim design. worn. 4”h. 11”d., 3.5”h. 10.5”d. $200-$400
303 navaJO rug. Mid 20th century. unusual green and grey center. Spirit line. 2’8” x 4’8”. $600-$800
304 302
navaJO rug. early 20th century. natural tan dyes. Stepped diamonds with whirling logs. wear and small hole. 3’2” x 5’. $300-$600
305 navaJO rug. early 20th century. Finely woven with stepped central diamond in natural tan dyes. Some imperfections. 3’ x 5’. $400-$800
306 303
40 | gartH’s early american: may 15, 2015
navaJO rug. Second half-20th century. Lightning design in grey, black, red and natural. 4’1” x 6’3”. $400-$700
309 twO ameriCan inDian POtterY vesseLs. nineteenth century or earlier, redware. unglazed pot with two loop handles, 6”h. 6.5”d. And a tall pot with applied geometric design and some flecks of mica, 9.5”h. $150-$350
310 twO navaJO rugs. Mid 20th century. natural dyes. grey ground. color bleeding. 2’10” x 5”. And a striped saddle blanket. Some damage. 2’ x 4”. $300-$600
311 navaJO mat. First half-20th century. natural dyes in a diamond grid. corner loss. 2.2” x 2’5”. $150-$300
siLHOuette OF a girL BY auguste eDOuart (FranCe, 1789-1861). Full-length cutout of a girl with sticks. identified on the back of the silhouette as “Marguerite Anne Molesworth, eaton, kinsale. 10th December 1834”. collection stamp of Mrs. nevill Jackson. Minor damage to arms and sticks. in a gilt frame, 10”h. 8”w. $800-$1,200
wiLLiam anD marY-stYLe gateLeg taBLe. english, 19th century, oak. Diminutive size with round leaves and turned legs and stretchers. imperfections. 26.25”h. 10”w. (closed) 28”w. (open) 24”d. $150-$250
ameriCan mirrOr in grain-DeCOrateD Frame. Mid 19th century, poplar. Original wavy grain painting. Late mirror glass. 20”h. 16.5”w. $100-$300
323 319
tHree ameriCan CanaDa gOOse DeCOYs. Mid 20th century, canvas with metal ribs and wooden bases. Old paint. two are marked “ronald Stowe, hatteras, nc”. Flaking. 28”l. And one is unmarked by a different maker. with line and weight. 25”l. $200-$400
ameriCan CHaLKware Cat. Late 19th century. Seated cat with original paint depicting a collar with hanging bells. 7”h. $600-$900
twO wiLLiam anD marY-stYLe COuntrY easY CHairs. the Seraph, 20th century, maple. turned legs and stretchers with distressed black paint and natural-color upholstery. 17”h. seat, 50”h. overall. $200-$400
twO ameriCan DeCOrateD treenware Jars. Mid 19th century. covered jars with original vinegar sponge decoration in shades of dark red and yellow. Varying wear. 3.5”, 5.25”h. $200-$400
engraveD eurOPean Pewter Basin. early 19th century. Partial key touch mark. wrigglework flowers with initials and date 1812 on rim. 2.5”h. 13.5”d. $250-$450
virginia stOneware CrOCK. Second quarter-19th century. impressed label “J. keister & co., Strasburg, Va.” with brushed cobalt garland around the shoulder. Flared rim and two applied handles. 12.5”h. $300-$600
ameriCan wiLD west sHOw BeaDeD LeatHer JaCKet. early 20th century. Man’s jacket with fringe and floral polychrome beading. Lined with beige fabric. Antler buttons. 28”h. $200-$400
Pair OF ameriCan mirrOreD tin waLL sCOnCes. Mid 19th century. Oval sconces with segmented mirror reflectors. Single arm candle sockets with crimped pans. Some imperfections. 11.5”h. $600-$800
315 ameriCan DeCOrateD treenware Jar. Mid 19th century. covered jar with original fan shaped vinegar sponge decoration in shade red and mustard. Minimal wear. 3.5”h. $250-$450
316 ameriCan DeCOrateD treenware Jar. Mid 19th century. covered jar with original vinegar sponge decoration in red/brown and mustard. 4”h. $150-$350
317 miniature emPire siDeBOarD. American or english, 2nd half-19th century, mahogany, pine secondary. Folksy crest with acorns and a small lift lid compartment. Seven drawers and two hidden drawers surround a single door. turned feet. worn refinishing, some glued repairs. 15”h. 17”w. 6.5”w. $200-$400 312 - 317 | 41
326 CHinese eXPOrt Painting OF tHe sHiP COMMODORE (2nD HaLF19tH CenturY). Oil on canvas, unsigned. Brass plaque “commodore entering the Port of hong kong, built Bath, Maine 1856 J.h. McLellan Owner”. Sailing ship flying American flag with chinese junks in the background. Professional restoration. 15.5”h. 22”w., in a late frame, 18.5”h. 22”w. $800-$1,600
327 Painting OF tHe sHiP NANCY HeaDing Out tO sea (ameriCan sCHOOL, earLY 20tH CenturY). gouache on illustration board, unsigned. Sailing ship flying American flag “nancy glover Broughton master leaving Marseilles for Marblehead”. Foxing and stains. 13.5”h. 18.5”w., in a frame, 19”h. 24”w. Several versions of this image exist. this painting was done on Bainbridge no. 80 illustration board. the brigantine nancy was sold in 1830. $400-$600
328 inLaiD FeDeraL sewing stanD. Attributed to Massachusetts, 1st half-19th century, mixed woods including mahogany and walnut, pine secondary. reeded legs, two dovetailed drawers. reconstructed from old parts. 29.5”h. 19.5”w. 14.5”d. $200-$400
ameriCan HePPLewHite inLaiD CarD taBLe. Late 18th-early 19th century, mahogany with pine secondary. Single board shaped top and leaf with swing leg and conforming apron. String inlay on apron and legs. refinished with area of wear on top. 29”h. 36”w. 17”d. Opens to 34”. $400-$800
engraveD POrtrait OF HenrY CLaY. Labeled on back “great national engraving of the u.S. Senate chamber, Published by e. Anthony...” and dated 1848. Appears to be in its original gilt frame with eagle-and-shield eglomise mat. 7”h. 6.25”w. $150-$250
42 | gartH’s early american: may 15, 2015
DutCH tOBaCCO BOX. eighteenth century, brass and copper. engraved hunt scenes and the four seasons. wear. 6”l. $250-$450
engLisH tea CaDDY. early 19th century, tortoiseshell veneer. Silver inlay, lid has old velvet lining. two interior compartments with traces of foil lining. imperfections. 4.75”h. 7.75”w. $400-$600
332 sPanisH Brass stanDisH/DesK set. Late 18th century. Scalloped base with four removable pieces including ink, sander, and quill holders. Attached candlestick and bell hook. 7”h. $350-$650
333 Pair OF CantOn CanDLestiCKs. china, 19th century. two-part candlesticks with wide drip pans. 9”h. $400-$600
335 tHree engLisH Hunt Prints. Mid 19th century, handcolored aquatints. two after tnh walsh “get Away Forrard” (sic) and “Drawn Blank”, 20.5”h. 25”w., and “the high Mettled racer in training” after h. Alken, 20”h. 22.5”w. imperfections. All framed with eglomise mats. $200-$400
331 - 334
ameriCan FeDeraL CarD taBLe. First half-19th century, mahogany with pine secondary. Shaped, single board swivel top and leaf with conforming apron opens to octagon. reeded legs with brass casters. Flame grain veneer with banded edge. imperfections. 28.75”h. 36”w. 18”d. Opens to 36”. $300-$500
Pair OF POrtraits (ameriCan sCHOOL, miD 19tH CenturY). Oil on canvas, unsigned. husband with drafting tools and his wife with a book. restoration. 30”h. 25”w., in a frame, 36”h. 31”w. ex Jane Sykes hageman. $500-$1,000
337 ameriCan HePPLewHite inLaiD CarD taBLe. Late 18th-early 19th century, mahogany veneer. Flip top, tapered legs, line inlay. two swing legs. imperfections. 29”h. 36”w. 17.5”d. Opens to 35”. $200-$400
338 Queen anne mirrOr. england, 1st half-18th century, mahogany. Scrolled molded frame and scrolled crest. two-part replaced mirror. Age splits. 37”h. 16”w. $400-$600
HePPLewHite-stYLe sOFa. twentieth century, mahogany. Arched back with scrolled arms, and tapered legs ending in spade feet. colorful printed upholstery. 18” seat. 32”h. 74”w. $250-$500
341 POrtrait OF a gentLeman (ameriCan sCHOOL, 2nD Quarter-19tH CenturY). Oil on canvas, unsigned. Middle aged man dressed in black. rebacked. 34”h. 27”w., in a frame, 42”h. 35”w. $400-$800
342 sCHOOLmaster’s DesK. American, mid 19th century, pine. Shaped gallery over slant front with two lift lids, a single drawer, and on tapered legs. Old red paint. 42”h. 32”w. 20”d. $250-$500
343 ameriCan sHeratOn COrner wasHstanD. early 19th century, mahogany and poplar. Shaped backsplash and stretcher, and one drawer. 41.5”h., requires a 17.5” corner. $200-$400 | 43
CantOn CHestnut BasKet anD unDertraY. nineteenth century. reticulated basket and similar tray. the tray has applied rosettes. Both have orange peel glaze. Basket has imperfections. 5.5”h. 11”l. overall. $400-$800
Pair OF engLisH Brass CanDLestiCKs. Second quarter-18th century. classical style, column form with seamed construction. 11”h. $900-$1,200
Brass sPanisH CanDLestiCK. Mid 18th century. Square base with paw feet. 9”h. $300-$600
CantOn COvereD vegetaBLe. china, 19th century. Octagonal with boar’s head handles. 7”h. 12”w. $300-$500
344 - 347
ameriCan sanDwiCH gLass ametHYst OiL LamP. Mid 19th century. Pressed loop font and octagonal baluster stem, attached with a wafer. Amethyst Sandwich glass fluid lamp. Burning fluid burner. 9.5”h. $400-$600
ameriCan Cast irOn garDen BenCH. Late 19th century. in the form of twisting vines. Old brown paint. 17” seat. 30”h. 49.5”w. $300-$600
ameriCan Cast irOn garDen urn. Late 19th century. One-piece pedestal base. rusted surface. 35”h. 25”d. $350-$450
ameriCan inLaiD tea CaDDY. third quarter-19th century, curly maple veneer. Multiple floral inlays with green accents. Some imperfections. 5”h. 7.25”w. $150-$300
352 Pair OF ameriCan HePPLewHite siDe CHairs. early 19th century, mahogany. urn-carved backs and tapered legs. 17.5”h. seat 37.5”h. overall. $300-$600
352 44 | gartH’s early american: may 15, 2015
ameriCan HePPLewHite armCHair. early 19th century, mahogany. carved and pierced back, reeded and tapered legs and spade feet. upholstered frame with brass tack decoration. 17.5”h. seat 38”h. overall. ex Levy (new York). $250-$500
354 stiLL LiFe attriButeD tO severin rOesen (PennsYLvania, 1815-1872). Oil on wood panel, unsigned. Finely detailed fruit on a glass compote. 13.5”h. 18”w., in a frame, 19”h. 23”w. retains a copy of catalogue description from Sloan’s, December 9, 1984. $4,000-$6,000
355 Pair OF eurOPean POrtraits. Second quarter-19th century, oil on canvas. well-dressed husband and wife. She wears a white and blue bonnet. the man has illegible inked notation on the stretcher. imperfections. 13.5”h. 10.75”w., in matching frames, 17.5”h. 14.75”w. $400-$600
356 POrtrait OF rOBert Lees (engLisH sCHOOL, 2nD HaLF-19tH CenturY). Oil on artist board, unsigned. Young man seated at a desk. Portrait is later than the typed label with sitter’s identification and dates of 1755-1793. 18.5”h. 14.5”w., in a gilt frame, 23”h. 18”w. $250-$450
Pair OF ameriCan Brass anDirOns anD a FenDer. nineteenth century. Double lemon top andirons with seamed construction, 19”h., and a wire fender with brass top, 12.5”h. 37”w. $300-$400
ameriCan HePPLewHite CanDLestanD. early 19th century, mahogany. Oval top, turned column and three legs with spade feet. repairs. 26”h. 13.5” x 19”. $100-$300
359 Pair OF ameriCan Brass anDirOns. First quarter-19th century. Double lemon top with seamed construction. 26”h. $300-$500 355
359 | 45
LANDSCAPE, FRUIT AND FLOWERS BY Currier & ives. Large folio handcolored lithograph. good colors. c# 3440. One of the Old and new Best 50. 24.5”h. 32”w., in a bird’s-eye maple veneer frame, 32”h. 38”w. $2,500-$5,000
rHODe isLanD CHiPPenDaLe COnsOLe taBLe. 1770-1780, mahogany and chestnut. Single board top with thumb molding, legs with stop fluting and inside chamfer. Pierced returns. imperfections. 29.5”h. 34”w. 18”d. ex Levy (new York). $1,500-$2,500
362 ameriCan CHiPPenDaLe sLant FrOnt DesK. nineteenth century, cherry with pine secondary. Dovetailed case with three graduated dovetailed drawers with original brasses. Bracket feet with scrolled returns. Fitted interior with drawers and pigeonholes. replaced hinges and some loss to drawer edges. 35”h. 29.5” writing height, 38.25”w. 19”d. $600-$1,200
363 ameriCan CHiPPenDaLe PemBrOKe taBLe. Late 18th century, walnut, poplar, and pine. Shaped leaves, one drawer, and shaped cross stretchers, and on molded legs. imperfections. 28.25”h. 20”w. (closed) 39.25”w. (open) 29.5”d. $800-$1,200
364 CHiPPenDaLe-stYLe traY-tOP tea taBLe. Late 19th-early 20th century. in the Massachusetts taste, with delicate cabriole legs ending in pad feet. 27.5”h. 32”w. 20.5”d. ex Levy (new York). $800-$1,200
365 ameriCan samPLer. American, early 19th century, silk on linen. rows of alphabets and numbers over verse asking for guidance of the efforts of an “infants hand”, the lower portion depicts a large two-story house situated on a treed lawn. heavily worked borders with divided block corners. Signed “Mary Lattin aged 12 yrs”. unframed and backed with silk, 15.25”h. 17.5”w. research located two girls named Mary Lattin in Fairfield county, connecticut, and one in Vetern, chemung county, new York. $600-$900
365A aLLegOriCaL Painting BY sHutt (ameriCan Or eurOPean, 19tH CenturY). Oil on canvas, signed "Shutt" lower left and illegibly dated. classically dressed woman, possibly columbia, and two children flying over a coastal area, with a lighthouse in the background. removed from stretcher, 23"h. 18"w. $250-$500 361
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366 POrtrait OF a BOY BY m.P. BrOaDwaY (ameriCan, 2nD HaLF-19tH CenturY). Oil on canvas, signed on stretcher “Painted by MP Broadway, 1877”. well-done portrait of a boy in a straw hat. Frame has cincinnati preparer’s label. 18.5”h. 16.5”w., in a frame, 27”h. 24”w. $800-$1,200
367 maine samPLer. Lewiston, Androscoggin county, 1830-1835, silk on linen. two-story house is flanked by massive horses and tiered trees topped by birds. Large floral baskets, blue birds under the maker’s name “Louisana D robbins / Lewiston Me”, rows of numbers and alphabets above, triple borders. clean ground. in a frame, 18.5”h. 19”w. 367
Louisiana Daggett robbins was born October 13, 1821, to Luther robbins (b. 1784 in Massachusetts ) and his wife, Mary (Daggett?)in greene, Androscoggin county. $500-$1,000
368 engLisH samPLer. Silk on wool. neatly stitched and detailed floral border surrounds verse. Paired motifs include angels, birds and flowers. Signed “Sarah Potter Finish’d January 23, 1784”. in a frame, 20.5”h. 15.5”w. $175-$350
tHree ameriCan mirrOrs. eighteenth-19th century. chippendale with eagle crest, 30.5”h. 16”w., and two Federal with applied half-turnings and reverse painted landscapes. 22.75”h. 12”w. and 29.5”h. 13.5”w. imperfections. $200-$400
ameriCan saCKBaCK winDsOr armCHair. Late 18th century, mixed woods. knuckled and scrolled arms, over four baluster-turned legs. has old dark green paint. imperfections. 16.5”h. seat, 38”h. overall. $250-$500
369 samPLer. england, 1796, silk on wool. religious verse surrounded by paired flowers, birds, trees, and lions. Signed “Alice cull 1796”. in a frame, 13.75”h. 12.5” . $150-$300
370 massaCHusetts sHeratOn twO-Drawer stanD. early 19th century, mahogany and pine. top with biscuit corners and with delicately turned and reeded legs. 29”h. top is 17.5” square. $300-$600
373 CHiPPenDaLe-stYLe CarveD CarD taBLe. Late 19th-early 20th century, mahogany. Five-legged card table in the new York taste, with a single drawer over a pinwheel-carved skirt, and on cabriole legs ending in ball and claw feet. 27”h. 32”w. 16”d. (closed) 31.5”d. (open). ex Levy (new York). $800-$1,200 373 | 47
wasHingtOn JaCQuarD COverLet. woven by James cunningham, new hartford, Oneida county, new York, 1840, wool and cotton. center seam, double weave. Mounted officer corner blocks read “washington / united we Stand Divided we Fall”. Floral medallion centerfield with eagle borders. knotted fringe. 72” x 83.5”. $600-$1,200
Pair OF ameriCan LaBeLeD mirrOreD tin waLL sCOnCes. Mid 19th century. round sconces with segmented mirror reflectors. Single arm candle sockets with crimped pans. Both have brass labels “i.P. Frink, 551 Pearl St. nY, Manufactured under Frink’s patents”. Mirrors have wear and flaking. 10”d. $1,000-$1,500
378 374
375 new JerseY JaCQuarD COverLet witH eagLe mOtiF. Most probably woven by David D. haring, harrington township, Bergan county, 1833, wool and cotton. center seam, double cloth. Black and white coverlet with starred ovals of eagles and four-rose design in centerfield. end borders contain name “Maria herring, 1833” in oval cartouche and roosters, side borders have tasseled fringe and motifs including birds with hearts, vases, church, and peafowl in floral tree with an attentive cat and squirrel at the base. corners contain rose trademark used by haring. woven striped band at top. 73” x 95”. See Anderson, American Coverlets And Their Weavers, pg 34-35. $600-$1,200
376 48 | gartH’s early american: may 15, 2015
uniteD states CaPitOL BuiLDing JaCQuarD COverLet. American, 1846, wool and cotton. center seam, double weave. unsigned, centerfield features twelve images of the u.S. capitol building, flags, scale and stars above, “capitol in washington” beneath. 77” x 83”. $400-$800
eagLe JaCQuarD COverLet. American, mid 19th century, wool and cotton. One-piece, tied Beiderwand. centerfield of large starburst, spread wing eagles in the corners. 87” x 92”. $150-$300
379 new YOrK eagLe JaCQuarD COverLet. woven by ira hadsell, Palmyra, wayne county, 1852, wool and cotton. One-piece, double weave. Large center medallion with Liberty heads and eagle and shield corners. Dated in all corners and inscribed on one edge with weaver’s information and client’s name, “clarinda w. hunt”. 89” x 90”. $250-$500
380 COnestOga wagOn JaCK. Lancaster county, Pennsylvania, dated 1849. Of typical form. 19.75”h. (body only). $200-$400
381 COnestOga wagOn JaCK. Marked for casper Brunner, Lancaster county, Pennsylvania, dated 1819. Of typical form. 21”h. (body only). $200-$400
382 CariBBean sOFa. First half-19th century, mahogany. Square back and arms and turned legs. Old finish. 15.5”h. seat, 29”h. overall, 73”l. Descended in the Axel holst family, St. thomas, uS Virgin islands. $400-$800
383 CHiPPenDaLe tiLt-tOP CanDLestanD. American or caribbean, 18th century, mahogany. Dishtop over a birdcage tilting mechanism, a turned shaft with a spiral cup, on cabriole legs and pad feet. 26.5”h. 22”d. Descended in the Axel holst family, St. thomas, uS Virgin islands. $250-$500
384 CariBBean HigH-POst BeD. First half-19th century, mahogany. rope-turned posts. Old finish. 97”h. 69”w., retains its original, scrolled, 73”l. rails. Descended in the Axel holst family, St. thomas, uS Virgin islands. $400-$800
385 CarveD CariBBean BeD. 1st half-19th century, mahogany. Paneled and carved headboard, spindle footboard, and turned and reeded posts. Losses. 47”h. 54”w. 80”l. Descended in the Axel holst family, St. thomas, uS Virgin islands. $250-$500
386 POsts FrOm twO CariBBean HigH-POst BeDs. First half-19th century, mahogany. two sets of posts (eight posts total), and a carved headboard. Old finish. 84” and 77.5”h. Descended in the Axel holst family, St. thomas, uS Virgin islands. $200-$400
387 Pair OF Brass waLL sCOnCes. Probably england, 2nd half-19th century. each with three scrolled arms pinned to center. 12.5”h. $400-$800
388 POrtrait OF an artist (ameriCan sCHOOL, 2nD Quarter-19tH CenturY). Oil on canvas, unsigned. Young man with brush and canvas. restoration. 24”h. 19.5”w., in a frame, 27.5”h. 23.5”w. $250-$500
massaCHusetts CHiPPenDaLe CanDLestanD. Late 18th-early 19th century, maple with curly top. turned column, shaped top and tripod base. under the top is an early painted presentation “Originally owned by Mrs. Obedience gay, Stoughton, Mass. 1725, Presented to Mrs. ellen P. wilson by Miss zilpha Shaw 1875”. imperfections. 23”h. 14” x 14”. $400-$600
ameriCan CLassiCaL CanOPY BeD. 1820-1840, maple and pine. Shaped headboard and elaborately turned posts, and an arched canopy. 63”h. (posts only) 55”w., rails are 68”l. $300-$600 | 49
391 CarD PartY BY CLementine Hunter (LOuisiana, 18861988). tempera paint on paper, initialed on right. three women having a card party. in a frame, 11”h. 15”w. $2,000-$3,000
FOLK art Drawing BY Levi sKeLtOn (ameriCan, earLY 20tH CenturY). Pen and ink, colored pencil on paper, signed and dated “Dec. 28th, 1927” lower right. The Two Roads of Life depicting the paths to heaven and hell. Some edge loss. in a frame, 20”h. 29”w. $400-$800
393 aPPLiQue QuiLt. American, mid 19th century, cotton. reverse appliqué details on the floral center pattern and stuffwork berries on the vining borders. neatly handsewn and hand quilted in parallel lines and feathered swags. Bright colors on clean ground. 91” x 92”. $500-$1,000
394 ameriCan sHeratOn CurLY maPLe CHest OF Drawers. early 19th century, cherry, poplar, and pine secondary woods. Four drawers flanked by half columns, and a shaped skirt, all on high, turned legs. imperfections. 46.5”h. 42.5”w. 21.5”d. Sold at cowan’s, October 2007, lot 633. $800-$1,200
395 FOLKsY ameriCan CanDLestanD. Probably new england, 1st half-19th century, maple. round top over a double-baluster shaft and on a turned-spindle base. Old black paint. 31”h. $400-$800
396 wHite On wHite traPuntO QuiLt. American, mid 19th century, cotton. heavily stuffed design of floral baskets and birds with plumed serpentine border, edges hand quilted in hexagon pattern. 74” x 81” $300-$600
394 50 | gartH’s early american: may 15, 2015
ameriCan DeCOrateD tramP art CanDLestanD. early 20th century. Four-part column and top with chip-carved star, and retaining original black paint decoration. 26”h. $250-$500
399 - 402 398
FACE IN A LANDSCAPE BY minnie evans (nOrtH CarOLina, 1892-1987). color pencil and crayon on paper, unsigned. colorful abstract. unframed. 15”h. 10.75”w. $800-$1,200
ameriCan restaurant aDvertising sign. early 20th century, tin. “ the Apple tree restaurant”. Original paint. Alligatored surface has wear. in a wooden frame, 72”h. 15.5”w. $300-$600
ameriCan Cast irOn BOOtsCraPer. Late 19th century. in the form of a duck. traces of old gold paint. 14”l. $150-$300
earLY PieCeD QuiLt. American, ca.1837, cotton. center blocks in “Lend and Borrow” pattern surrounded by deep chintz border. neatly handsewn. 79” x 98”.
400 ameriCan stOneware Jug stamPeD “gOODwin & weBster”. connecticut, 1st quarter-19th century. Ovoid with ribbed neck and applied handle. Some firing imperfections. 13”h. $100-$300
401 twO ameriCan stOneware CrOCKs. Second half-19th century. Both with brushed cobalt foliate designs. two-gallon attributed to rJ grier (Pennsylvania), 12”h., and one-gallon attributed to James hickerson (Virginia), 10”h. $150-$300
402 ameriCan BasKet. Late 19th-early 20th century, woven splint. Bentwood swing handles. Faded green bands with dyed blue birchbark bands. 9”h. 23”w. not including handles. $100-$300
early cloth tag reads “ great, great grandmoth[er] catherine her (missing) about 1837”. $250-$500
405 FaCe Jug BY Lanier meaDers (geOrgia, 1917-1998). Signed on the bottom. Ash glaze and stone teeth. 10”h. $800-$1,600
406 CarveD anD PainteD CarOuseL HOrse. early 20th century, pine. glass eyes, horsehair tail, and old polychrome paint. Modern base. 43”l. $300-$600
407 new engLanD OPen-tOP CuPBOarD. First half-19th century, pine. upper section with late rails and spoon cutouts, lower section with a two-board door. Old brown paint. 69.5”h. 38.5”w. 18”d. $800-$1,200
403 | 51
408 - 409
TWO AMERICAN BLOWN GLASS DEMIJOHNS. Nineteenth century. Olive green glass with applied lips. In-the-making imperfections. Cylindrical, 17”h., and three part mold, 19.5”h. $250-$500
ENGLISH GEORGE III INLAID CARD TABLE. Early 19th century, mahogany and pine. Rectangular top, one drawer flanked by floral paterae, and tapered legs. Imperfections. 29”h. 37.5”w. 17”d. (closed). $250-$500
ENGLISH GEORGIAN SHAVING MIRROR. Second half-18th century, mahogany veneer, oak and pine secondary. Molded mirror with gilt liner, brass urn-shaped finials and three shaped, dovetailed drawers. Ogee bracket feet. Mirror appears period. Some imperfections. 23”h. 14.5”w. $300-$600
AMERICAN CLASSICAL HIGH-POST BED. Possibly Virginia, 1820-1840, cherry. Exaggerated baluster posts and a shaped and paneled headboard. 87”h. 68.5”w., rails are 74”l. $400-$800
410 RIVER LANDSCAPE AFTER CORNELIUS VER BRYCK (NEW YORK, 1813-1844). Oil on canvas, signed lower right “T. C— from an outline by C. Ver Bryck”. River scene at sunset. Restoration. 12”h. 18”w., in a late gilt frame, 15”h. 21”w. $600-$1,200
411 CHINESE CHIPPENDALE TEA TABLE. American or English, 18th century, mahogany. Fretwork top and carved legs ending in Marlboro feet. Imperfections. 30.25”h. 33.5”w. 20”d. Ex Levy (New York). $1,000-$2,000
412 AMERICAN HEPPLEWHITE CANDLESTAND. Early 19th century, mahogany. Oval top and turned column on three spade feet. Victorian era floral decoration on black ground. Top reattached. 29”h. 14” x 19”. $100-$300
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415 SEVEN EUROPEAN SNUFF OR PATCH BOXES. Nineteenth century. Six are Battersea-type enameled boxes, four of them having mirrored lids, and include Admiral Duncan’s Victory, Little Bo Peep, Hunting, a King Charles spaniel and two friendship mottos. One is porcelain in the form of a cat’s head with a Dresden beehive mark, 2.25”l. Imperfections. $600-$800
416 THREE AMERICAN PRINTS OF GEORGE WASHINGTON. Second half-19th century. Handcolored lithograph by Currier & Ives Washington Taking Command of the American Army C# 6545. 18”h. 20”w. A portrait lithograph in oil colors by P.S. Duval. 26.5”h. 21”w. Together with an engraving of Washington leading a charge. 21”h. 28.5”w. Imperfections. All framed. $100-$300
417 TWO AMERICAN DRAWINGS OF MOUNT VERNON AND HOMESTEAD. Second half-19th century. Pastel on sandpaper of Mount Vernon, 13.5”h. 19.5”w., and a pencil on paper panoramic view of houses in the hills, 17”h. 21.5”w. Framed. $200-$400
418 FULL STOCK RIFLE BY SAMUEL MORRISON, NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. Signed on the top of the barrel, 2nd quarter19th century. 56 cal., 44.5” octagonal-toround barrel, full curly maple stock, flintlock to percussion conversion, engraved brass patchbox, nickel silver inlays. Imperfections. 60”l. $1,000-$2,000
Detail 419
419 EARLY POWDER HORN WITH PORTRAIT OF GEORGE WASHINGTON. Probably England, late 18th-early 19th century. Probably an artillery horn, and possibly taken as a war souvenir. Folksy portrait of George Washington with life dates 1732-1799. 18”l. $400-$800
420 CIVIL WAR FLUTE BELONGING TO BYRON HOLTON, 117TH NEW YORK, KIA. American, mid 19th century. rosewood and nickel silver. In its original case with period inscription in the lid identifying the original owner as Byron Holton of Company E, 117th New York Volunteers. Case is 13”l. The 117th NY served nearly the entire war and was quite active, including the siege of Fort Wagner. Holton was the musician for Company E and was killed during the assault on Fort Fisher. $300-$600
421 FIVE HORN CUPS. American, 19th century. 3.5” to 4”h. $75-$125
422 PORTRAIT OF A FRENCH OFFICER (FRENCH SCHOOL, LATE 18TH-EARLY 19TH CENTURY). Oil on canvas, unsigned. Striking portrait of a young officer in uniform displaying a wound to his arm. A besieged city is in the background. Professional restoration. 31.5”h. 25”w., in a late gilt frame, 35”h. 29”w. Sold at Sloan’s, February 1985. $2,500-$4,500 422
423 TWO AMERICAN PRINTS OF GEORGE WASHINGTON. Nineteenth century. The Home of Washington engraved by Thomas Oldham Barlow and published by Henry Williams. In a frame, 29”h. 36”w. And handcolored mezzotint by William Sartain Washington and his Family. In a frame, 28.5”h. 33”w. $250-$500
424 ENGLISH PRINT OF THE DURHAM OX. Late 19th-early 20th century. Restrike of a large ox and its owner originally engraved by Whessell and published in 1802. Toning and stains. In a frame, 30.5”h. 34.5”w. $100-$300 | 53
QUEEN ANNE HIGH CHEST OF DRAWERS. Attributed to Wethersfield, Connecticut, mid 18th century, cherry with pine secondary. Flat top upper section with three over four graduated dovetailed drawers, the lower section with one over three dovetailed drawers, both with central shell carvings, and scrolled apron. All on cabriole legs ending in pad feet. Imperfections. 75”h. 36”w. 20.25”d. $2,000-$4,000
EUROPEAN WALLPAPER PANEL. Attributed to 19th century. Brightly colored block printed classical image with cherubs. In a frame, 30.25”h. 45”w. $400-$800
427 EUROPEAN WALLPAPER PANEL. Attributed to 18th century. Block printed cherubs on scrolls. Old Wadsworth Athenaeum exhibition label. Worn. 24.5”h. 46”w. $400-$600
428 ENGLISH PAPIER MACHE TRAY. Second half-19th century. Well-done original painting of flowers and exotic birds. Lacquered surface and gilt stenciled borders. Handwritten label “Made in England” on the back. Wear. 22.5” x 30”. With a late faux bamboo stand. 20”h. $400-$800
429 PORTRAIT OF A WOMAN ATTRIBUTED TO CHARLES BALTHAZAR SAINT MEMIN (FRANCE/NEW YORK, 1770-1852). Charcoal and pastel on pink paper, unsigned. Typed label identifies her as “Miss Mary Caldwell”, daughter of Samuel and Martha Rownd Caldwell, 1774-1851. Minor surface stain and scuff. In an eglomise mat and gilt frame, 25”h. 19.5”w. $1,000-$1,500
430 LANDSCAPE WITH MOUNTAIN LAKE (AMERICAN OR EUROPEAN, 19TH CENTURY). Oil on canvas. Sunset view of a mountain lake, with a small cottage on the near shore. Period gilt frame, 26”h. 34”w. $300-$600
54 | GARTH’S Early American: May 15, 2015
AMERICAN HEPPLEWHITE DROP-LEAF TABLE. First half-19th century, walnut with poplar secondary. Rectangular top and leaves, with single drawer over tapered legs. 28”h. 37”w. 16.5”d. with two 10” leaves. $250-$450
432 wiLLiam FaDen’s 1796 maP OF tHe uniteD states. United States of North America with the British Territories and Those of Spain. London: william Faden, 1796. includes the “western territory,” in which is listed “Adelphi now Marietta,” and also includes the “State of Franklin” on the north carolina-tennessee border. Framed, 27.5”h. 31”w. $1,500-$3,000
433 BenJamin wiLLarD, BOstOn, BanJO CLOCK. ca. 1835, mahogany and pine. typical form with carved side scrolls and eglomise tablets. imperfections. 33”h. Benjamin Franklin willard (1803-1847) was the youngest son and apprentice of Simon willard. $4,000-$8,000
miD atLantiC inLaiD HePPLewHite CarD taBLe. ca. 1800, mahogany, pine, and oak. Demilune form with an inlaid frieze, and resting on tapered legs with bellflower inlay. 29.5”h. 36”w. 18”d. (closed). $800-$1,200
twO ameriCan FeDeraL mirrOrs. Second quarter-19th century. gilt frames with applied half turnings. One with reverse painting of fruit basket, 32.5”h. 15.5”w., and one with gilt wood grapes, 32”h. 15”w. wear with replaced mirrors. $100-$300
437 434 aarOn wiLLarD, BOstOn BanJO CLOCK. early 19th century, pine. typical form with scenic and scrollwork tablets. 41”h. $1,000-$2,000
435 Pair OF BaLtimOre FanCY CHairs. 1815-1830, mixed woods. tablet tops, caned seats, and original black paint with gold grape decoration. reproduction squabs. 17.5”h. seat, 31”h. overall. Sold at Brunk Auctions (north carolina), February 2010, lot 62. $250-$500
twO ameriCan FeDeraL mirrOrs. Second quarter-19th century. gilt frames with ball drop cornices. reverse painted tablets. half turnings with American eagle, 24.5”h. 14”w., and fort with American flag, 31”h. 18.5”w. $100-$300
439 Pair OF ameriCan tin waLL sCOnCes. Mid 19th century. cutout sconces with punched pinwheels. crimped pans. One support loose. 12.5”h. $600-$800 | 55
440 siLHOuettes OF LawrenCe Lewis anD eLiZaBetH “neLLY” ParKe Custis Lewis. woodlawn Plantation, Fairfax county, Virginia, ca.1805. hollow-cut silhouettes of george washington’s nephew and step-granddaughter. with inked details to nelly, and both identified below. 5.125”h. 4”w., in later gilt frames, 6.5”h. 5.5”w. Lawrence Lewis (1767-1839) was the son of george washington’s sister, Betty. he served during the whiskey rebellion, and in 1797, came to Mount Vernon as the former president’s personal secretary. in February of 1799, Lewis married nelly custis, the granddaughter of Martha washington, whom the washingtons informally adopted after the death of Martha’s son (and nelly’s father) John Parke custis.
As a wedding gift, washington gave the couple 2000 acres adjacent to Mount Vernon. there they built their home, called woodlawn, which was completed in 1805. Although the silhouettes are on different paper (Lawrence is on laid paper and nelly is on wove), the ink inscriptions are by the same hand. Lawrence is dated 1805, presumably corresponding to the completion of woodlawn, while nelly is inscribed “Your Mother.” $1,500-$2,500
441 HuDsOn river LanDsCaPe (ameriCan sCHOOL, 19tH CenturY). Oil on canvas, unsigned. Pastoral view. new York artist supply label on verso. in a later frame, 18”h. 28”w. Sold at cowan’s (cincinnati), October 2002. $250-$500
massaCHusetts HePPLewHite CarD taBLe. Probably Boston or Salem, ca. 1800, mahogany, pine, and birch. top with ovolo corners, tapered legs, and inlaid stringing, banding, and paterae. imperfections. 28.25”h. 35”w. 17.5”d. (closed). Sold at garth’s, november 2002, lot 127. $800-$1,200
HuDsOn river sCHOOL LanDsCaPe (ameriCan, 19tH CenturY). Oil on canvas, unsigned. colorful view with a lady and gentleman strolling the river bank. Original gilt frame, 20.5”h. 28.5”w. $250-$500
443 twO ameriCan neOCLassiCaL reLieF DeCOratiOns. Late 19th-early 20th century. cast iron Diana with dog. Old gold paint. 11.5”h. not including stand. Bronze urn, 15”h. $100-$300 442 56 | gartH’s early american: may 15, 2015
445 new engLanD inLaiD HePPLewHite CHest OF Drawers. Late 18th-early 19th century, mahogany with pine secondary. Four dovetailed graduated drawers with banded inlay and replaced brasses. French feet. Old refinishing. Some imperfections. 37.5”h. 39.5”w. 19.5”d. $600-$1,200
DeLFt serving DisH. netherlands, 18th-19th century. trefoil dish with reticulated dividers. Blue landscape with cherubs. Some glaze flaking. Stylized rooster mark. 6”h. 8”d. $200-$400
engLisH inLaiD tea CaDDY. Late 18th-early 19th century, burl veneer. Sarcophagus with line inlay. two compartments relined with cloth. Lid relined. 6”h. 8.5”w. $400-$800
engLisH staFFOrDsHire tOBaCCO Jar. First half-19th century. Magenta transfers of women and children and sailing ships “Success to the British Fleet”. conical lid. with tamper lid. chips. 9”h. $600-$900
Pair OF Brass CanDLestiCKs. Probably england, 1st half18th century. Octagonal stepped bases, baluster stems. 6”h. $400-$800
siX Battersea enameLeD tie BaCKs. england, late 18th-early 19th century. three pair. women’s portraits, urns and courting couples in brass frames. Varying wear and hairlines. Average 2”. $300-$600
446 - 450
452 inLaiD new engLanD HePPLewHite CarD taBLe. ca. 1800, mahogany, pine, and birch. Demilune form with an inlaid frieze, including quarter fans, and resting on tapered legs. 29”h. 36”w. 18”d. (closed). $800-$1,200
453 twO engLisH tOBaCCO Jars. nineteenth century. Pearlware jars in the style of Delft with blue and white hand decoration. “rappe” and “Pompadoer”. with brass lids. hairlines. 14.5”, 15”h. $300-$600 451
451 maiL COaCH BY CHarLes COOPer HenDersOn (uniteD KingDOm, 1803-1877). Oil on canvas, monogrammed on baggage. night scene of four-horse coach. revarnished with some inpainting. 13”h. 24”h., in a late frame, 16.5”h. 27.5”w. included with the painting is a book on the artist. $1,500-$2,500
454 ameriCan grain-PainteD wOOD BOX. American, poplar with pine secondary. Second half-19th century. two-lid top, with two compartments over four feet. Original yellow brown grain paint. 20’’h. 49”w. 16.5”d. $300-$600
455 Pewter HOt water urn. european, 18th century. Scrolled legs and separate trefoil base. wooden urn finial and feet. imperfections. 16”h. overall. $150-$250 | 57
456 PennsYLvania stePBaCK CuPBOarD. First half-19th century, cherry and pine. two-piece cupboard: the upper section with two twelve-pane doors, the lower section with three drawers over two doors, all on turned feet. imperfections. 86.5”h. 65”w. 23”d. $1,000-$2,000
457 sPring LanDsCaPe BY wiLsOn HenrY irvine (COnneCtiCut/iLLinOis, 1869-1936). Oil on canvas, signed lower right. trees by a stream, 23.75” x 27”, in a frame, 31.5”h. 34.5”w. $1,000-$3,000
458 JaCQuarD COverLet. American, 1843, wool and cotton. center seam, tied Beiderwand. “Peace and Plenty” corner block, bird and bush borders, centerfield of multipointed stars and four roses. Full fringe. 74.5” x 93”. $250-$500
459 eagLe JaCQuarD COverLet. American, 1830-1860, wool and cotton. center seam, double weave. repeated spread wing eagles encircled by stars fill the centerfield, borders include double hearts. Full fringe. 83” x 94”. $400-$800
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rHODe isLanD CHiPPenDaLe tiLt-tOP tea taBLe. 3rd quarter-18th century, cherry. round top, birdcage tilting mechanism, baluster shaft, and folksy base with drop finial. 27”h. 29.5”d. Sold at cowan’s (Ohio), november 2004, lot 363. $250-$500
461 ameriCan weatHervane OF CHieF massasOit. Second half-20th century, copper. Full-body standing figure with bow and arrow. Applied patina. 45”h. including base. $1,000-$2,000
462 ameriCan BriCK KiLn Patent mODeL. ca.1870, mixed woods. retains original patent tag and label for John eisele, Ann Arbor, Michigan, dated December 27, 1870. wear and a few missing braces. 11”h. 10”w. 12”d. $250-$500
463 HemPFieLD raiLrOaD COverLet. Probably Pennsylvania, 1830-1860, wool and cotton. center seam, double weave. train borders of locomotives and tenders numbered 240, figure of standing man in cab. corner blocks inscribed “hempfield railroad” with man’s profile. 76” x 83”. $400-$800
464 PennsYLvania JaCQuarD COverLet. woven by Michael kaufman, Springsfield township, Bucks county, 1841, wool and cotton. center seam, tied Beiderwand. repeating centerfield design of eagles perched on shields, bird and bush borders. corner blocks give weaver’s initials, location, date and the client’s name “Mary Lightcap”. 78” x 91”. $300-$600
465 JaCQuarD COverLet. American, 1845, wool and cotton. One-piece, double weave. centerfield of stylized floral and foliate blocks. the four corners read “e. kirk / wove in 1845”. Original tape binding on one edge with full fringe on three sides. 83” x 100” $300-$600
467 set OF FOur BirDCage BamBOO turneD winDsOr CHairs. American, 1st quarter-19th century. Mixed woods with reddish-brown paint. nicely flared backs. in as found condition. 20”w. 16”d. 33”h. Seat height 17”h. $200-$400
466 twO POrtraits OF a HOrse anD a HOuse (ameriCan, 19tH-20tH CenturY). Pastel on paper, unsigned. naive portrait of a small cottage, under which is the name “J. cutler.” Framed, 15”h. 19”w. And a naive brown horse in oil on black pressboard. unsigned. Surface damage. in a frame, 20.25”h. 22”w. $200-$400
468 twO ameriCan winDsOr armCHairs. Late 18th century, mixed woods. A sackback and a bow-back, each with baluster arm supports and legs. refinished. each 17”h. seat 39”h. overall. $400-$800
464 | 59
PennsYLvania CHiPPenDaLe DisH-tOP tea taBLe. Second half-18th century. tilt-top table with dished top, ball-turned shaft, and cabriole legs ending in pad feet. 28”h. 29”d. ex Levy (new York). $800-$1,200
DeCOrateD sLeD. Attributed to Maine, late 19th-early 20th century, pine and iron. ex Pam Boynton (Massachusetts). Pivoting runners and original decoration, including a central winter landscape. 68”l. $300-$600
475 470 new engLanD OPen-tOP CuPBOarD. early 19th century, pine. One-piece with open shelves in top and a single-board door below. Old blue-green paint on the exterior and reddish-brown on the interior. 74”h. 36”w. 18”d. $600-$900
waLLaCe nutting COmB-BaCK winDsOr armCHair. Labeled, early 20th century, mixed woods. Baluster arm supports and legs. 18”h. seat 40”h. overall. $300-$600
471 FOLKsY reLieF CarveD PaneL BY arCHiBaLD maCneiL. First half-20th century. Bird’-eye maple panel with relief carved pine cones. unsigned but accompanying note and photographs state it was made by Archibald Macneil (or Mcneil) at the traverse city State hospital ca. 1930. A brief description of the artist is on the back of the photos. 22”h. 8.5”w. $200-$400
472 ameriCan DeCOrateD miniature CHest OF Drawers. nineteenth century, pine. Scrolled backsplash over one faux drawer over three drawers, all on turned feet. retains its original vinegar paint decoration. “1835” carved into the back of one drawer. 11.5”h. 11”w. 6”d. $400-$800
twO PieCes OF ameriCan stOneware. Attributed to Baltimore, mid 19th century. Both with floral or foliate brushed cobalt designs. Four-gallon crock with two handle, 14”h., and a milk pan, 4”h. 9.5”d. rim flakes. $150-$350
477 ameriCan stOneware CrOCK. Attributed to Baltimore, mid 19th century. two handles. Brushed cobalt flowers similar to wisteria. Small edge flakes. 10”h. $100-$300
478 twO ameriCan PainteD BasKets. Late 19th-early 20th century, woven splint. Both with two bentwood handles. rectangular with original red and green paint, 9.5”h. 17”l., and round with original red, green and brown paint, 9”h. 13.5”d. Varying wear. $200-$300
473 ameriCan sHeratOn CHest OF Drawers. First half-19th century, cherry with poplar secondary. Dovetailed drawers, three over three graduated, all with cockbeading. turned legs, single board top. Original brasses. 45”h. 38.5”w. 20.5”d. $300-$600
470 60 | gartH’s early american: may 15, 2015
479 twO waLLaCe nutting CHiLD’s winDsOr CHairs. early 20th century, mixed woods. includes a labeled comb-back highchair with scrolled ears, 22:”h. seat 38.5”h. overall, and a branded comb-back armchair, 9.5”h. seat, 22.5”h. overall. $400-$800
480 - 482
TWO AMERICAN MERCHANT’S STONEWARE JUGS. Mid 19th century. Applied handles. Impressed labels. “...Austin & Sherman, Dealers in Dry goods, Groceries...Brooklyn, Mich.” Brushed cobalt tulip. 11”h. And “Fuchs Brothers, Importers of Wines, Brandies, Segars...Buffalo, NY”. Brushed cobalt “F.B.s”. 13”h. $250-$500
PENNSYLVANIA SHERATON TALL CHEST OF DRAWERS 1815-1825, cherry and pine. Three over five drawers with paneled sides, and on turned feet. 67.5”h. 43.5”w. 22.6” $1,000-$2,000
481 TWO AMERICAN STONEWARE JUGS. Second half-19th century. Applied handles. Both with cobalt script retailer’s information. The larger has “J.H. Cronin...Troy, NY Depot, for Philadelphia Ale”. 14”h. The smaller an impressed maker’s mark “Farmington, Elmira, NY” and “JJ O’Connor”. 10”h. $200-$400
482 TWO AMERICAN PAINTED BASKETS. Late 19th-early 20th century, woven splint. Both with two bentwood handles. Original green paint. Bushel basket, 18”d., and an oblong basket with later paint on the handle, 11”h. 14”w. $150-$350
484 AMERICAN HEPPLEWHITE INLAID CHEST OF DRAWERS. Late 18th-early 19th century, walnut with pine secondary. Four graduated dovetailed drawers with original thistle brasses. French feet. Old refinishing. 39”h. 45.5”w. 19.5”d. $600-$800
485 AMERICAN BANNISTER-BACK ARMCHAIR. Probably New England, late 19th-early 20th century, maple. Typical form with a carved and painted crest and a caned seat. Old surface. 18”h. seat, 49”h. overall. $250-$500
483 | 61
486 JOHn CrOwLeY, PHiLaDeLPHia HePPLewHite taLL Case CLOCK. early 19th century, figured mahogany and poplar. Broken-arch pediment and crotch veneer on the door and base, with inlaid decoration. 8-day brass movement has a painted dial signed by the maker. 99”h. $2,000-$4,000
487 eLi terrY anD sOns PiLLar anD sCrOLL CLOCK. Plymouth, connecticut, ca.1825, mahogany and pine. typical form, the tablet with a landscape and public buildings. 32.5”h. $400-$800
488 ameriCan FeDeraL sewing stanD. First half-19th century, mahogany. Lift top and fitted interior including a velvet covered lift top compartment and access to both side compartments. reeded sides and legs with brass casters and a door with three pull out shelves. replaced brass pulls on two false drawers. Old refinishing, repaired hinge rail. 29.5”h. 22”w. 13”d. $400-$800
489 ameriCan CurLY maPLe HePPLewHite PemBrOKe taBLe. early 19th century, pine secondary. tapered legs, shaped leaves. Some imperfections. 28”h. 33”w. 17”d. with two 10” leaves, 37” overall. $800-$1,200
FeDeraL ButLer’s DesK. American, 1st half-19th century, mahogany and poplar. two figured mahogany-veneered drawers over the sliding desk compartment, over three drawers, on bracket feet. imperfections. 47.5”h. 48.5”w. 28”d. $300-$600
62 | gartH’s early american: may 15, 2015
491 AMERICAN FEDERAL MIRROR. Early 19th century. Oval mirror with large floral finial. Imperfections. 34.5”h. 25.5”w. $500-$1,000
492 AMERICAN FEDERAL MIRROR. Early 19th century. With reverse-painted tablet and large floral finial. 57”h. 21.5”w. $800-$1,200
493 HEPPLEWHITE-STYLE SHIELD-BACK CHAIR. Late 19th-early 20th century, mahogany. Shield back with Prince of Wales feather splat, and molded legs. 17”h. seat 38”h. overall. $150-$250
494 CRADLE. American, 2nd half-19th century, walnut. Typical form with pegged construction. 22”h. 19”w. 40”l. $100-$300
495 DIMINUTIVE AMERICAN CORNER CUPBOARD. Nineteenth century, mahogany with pine secondary. Paneled door with replaced “H” hinges. Two butterfly shelves. Most likely made to hang. Imperfections. 36.5”h. 27”w. 15”d. $200-$300
496 COOKIE BOARD. American, 19th century, walnut. Carved medallion with basket of flowers. Imperfections. 11” x 11”. $300-$600
497 CHILD-SIZED CHEST OF DRAWERS American, first half-19th century, walnut. Four dovetailed drawers over turned legs. Imperfections. 30”h. 28”w. 18.5”d. $300-$600
491 492
498 ORIENTAL RUG. First half-20th century. Caucasian with medallion grid on red ground. Imperfections. 3’5” x 5’8”. $200-$300
TWO ORIENTAL RUGS. Caucasians. Ca. 1970 with red ground and brown spandrels, 5’4 x 8’4”, and ca. 1920 with dark blue ground, 4’6” x 7’. Varying wear. $300-$500
TWO ORIENTAL RUNNERS. Second half-20th century. Kazaks. Floral on red ground with brown border, 2’4” x 6’, and one with red ground, 2’5” x 8’4”. $300-$600
TWO ORIENTAL RUGS. First half-20th century. Kuba and Gende. Ivory border and abrash blue ground, 3’6” x 5’. And a runner with figural blue ground. 4’ x 10’5”. Worn. $300-$600
ORIENTAL RUG. First half-20th century. Karaba/Gende prayer rug with abrash blue and brown ground. End loss. 3’ x 5’9”. $200-$400
504 501 ORIENTAL RUNNER. First half-20th century. Antique Hamadan with geometric camel ground. Areas of wear. 3’ x 14’. $600-$800
CAUCASIAN-STYLE ORIENTAL RUG. Second half-19th century, wool. Flat woven room size rug with multiple borders and red ground. 9’ X 10’4”. $300-$600 | 63
DOCument signeD BY LOuis Xiv, tHe sun King. Dated Versailles, April 28, 1688. Matted and framed, 20”h. 14.5”w. $250-$500
twO signeD new YOrK miLitarY aPPOintment DOCuments: De witt CLintOn anD wiLLiam H. sewarD. An appointment dated 1817 signed by governor De witt clinton, unframed, 10.25”h. 16.25”w. together with an appointment dated 1841 signed by governor william h. Seward, matted and framed, 12.75”h. 17.75”w. $200-$400
506 PatriOt James Otis, signeD COurt DOCument. Appears to be dated March 1767. Document details the court costs related to a suit filed by John hancock against thomas Foster. Signed “J. Otis.” Matted with an engraved portrait of Otis and framed, 13”h. 18”w.
James Otis, Jr. (1725-1783) was an ardent revolutionary probably most famous for his enthusiastic use of the phrase “taxation without representation is tyranny.” $200-$400
507 COntinentaL armY aPPOintment, COLOnY OF massaCHusetts. January 7 and April 23, 1778. Appointing Samuel Parish a lieutenant of an unnamed company under the command of Abner crane “for the Defence of the new england States.” Signed by John Avery and others. Matted and framed, 15.25”h. 16”w. $200-$400
twO 18tH-CenturY ameriCan DOCuments. A naturalization document dated March 1789, Albany, new York, imperfections, framed, 11.25”h. 9.25”w. together with a clipped signature of thomas Mckean, a signer of the Declaration of independence from new castle, Delaware, matted and framed with a portrait of him, 20”h. 12”w. $250-$500
511 arCHive OF Letters anD DOCuments FrOm tHe wasHingtOn FamiLY anD FrienDs. Mostly 19th century, from various friends and relations, including John washington (westmoreland county, 1828), c.B.t. washington (williamsburg, 1858), Lawrence washington (1845 and 1854), (to) Augusta washington (westmoreland county, no date), (to) Lawrence washington (1852), (to) robert J. washington (Oakgrove), william Augustine washington (1785), ___ corbin washington (1826), and others, as well as numerous bills, receipt, and other records. Approximately thirty-four pieces total. $400-$800
512 autOgraPHeD nOte signeD BY generaL winFieLD sCOtt. Dated February 13, 1846, regarding a complimentary ticket to an event. Matted and framed with an engraved portrait, 13.5”h. 19”w. $200-$400
513 siXtH PLate DaguerreOtYPes OF a sOLDier anD YOung wOman. American, ca. 1860. he’s in uniform, and she is presumably a girlfriend or young wife. in a union case. $150-$250
514 509
512 64 | gartH’s early american: may 15, 2015
CLiPPeD signature OF aLeXanDer HamiLtOn. Probably late 18th century. Full signature clipped from a letter, with remnants of a wax seal. Matted and framed with a printed portrait of hamilton, 18”h. 15.5”w. $250-$500
twO PresiDentiaL aPPOintments. An 1860 land grant to Private Micajah Johnson of new York for lands in kansas, signed by President James Buchanan. Matted and framed, 15.5”h. 21.5”w. together with a new York postal appointment dated 1944, printed signature of President roosevelt, and signed by the Postmaster general. Matted, unframed, 14”h. 18”w. $200-$400
CiviL war anD Business arCHive OF Peter HiLL watsOn, assistant seCretarY OF war. 1860s-1870s, including letters, notes, and telegram documents, detailing watson’s time as Secretary of war under edwin M. Stanton, and through some of his post-war business dealings. together with print outs of research and correspondence from the collector.
nintH PLate tintYPe OF aBraHam LinCOLn. American, ca. 1860. half-length portrait, facing to his left. in a pressed leather case. $200-$400
watson (1819-1885) was born in Yorkshire and emigrated to canada with his family in 1830. he came to the uS in the early 1840s, settling in rockford, illinois, and set up a law practice that was short-lived, as he removed to washington, Dc in 1845 to focus on patent law. it was in washington that he worked in the same office building as edwin M. Stanton, and the two became acquainted. Shortly after Fort Sumter, Stanton appointed his friend to be his assistant. watson served in that position until the end of the war, often serving as Acting Secretary when Stanton was away from washington. this archive includes numerous notes from watson in harpers Ferry to Stanton, written on American telegraph company stationery during the spring of 1862. Additionally, the archive includes additional civil war-era correspondence between watson and Stanton and other military and political figures, as well as the 1867 appointment, signed by Stanton, charging watson to “arrange and prepare for publication, the official documents relating to the rebellion” (this project would, of course, lead to the publication of The Official Records of the War of the Rebellion in seventy volumes between 1881 and 1901 Following the civil war, watson entered the iron and coal mining industry, as well as the railroad industry, and he later served as president of the erie railway. the archives contain scattered correspondence and documents related to these activities. this is a broad and deep archive covering a range of important historical subjects and includes correspondence from some of the most prominent men in late 19th-century America. $1,000-$2,000
LOts 517 - 533 elmer ellsworth (1837-1861) was an ambitious young man whose rise to prominence was cut short on May 24, 1861 when he became the first union soldier killed in the civil war. he grew up in illinois and studied law in chicago where he also mustered the cadet Attachment to the 60th illinois Militia. A Springfield attorney named Abraham Lincoln hired young ellsworth as a clerk in 1860, and ellsworth followed Lincoln to washington in 1861. Shortly thereafter, he moved to new York and raised the 11th new York Volunteers, modeling their training, and their uniforms, on the Algerian and French troops fighting in north Africa, called the zouaves. having recruited firemen for his unit, ellsworth nicknamed them the Fire zouaves. On May 24, 1861, ellsworth and his Fire zouaves began their occupation of Alexandria, Virginia. there they encountered a large confederate flag hanging over the Marshall house inn. in ellsworth’s determined attempt to take down the flag, he was gunned down by innkeeper James Jackson, who was promptly killed by zouave corporal James Brownell. ellsworth immediately became a martyr for the union cause, inspiring songs and poetry, and a nation of patriotic souvenir-collectors began seeking out photographs and autographs of the fallen soldier.
517 CertiFiCate OF OrganiZatiOn anD muster rOLL FOr tHe CaDet attaCHment tO tHe 60tH iLLinOis miLitia, signeD BY eLmer eLLswOrtH. Dated chicago, April 29, 1859. Four pages, manuscript on lined paper, including petition and muster roll, signed Maj. e.e. ellsworth. in custom slipcase. 12.75”h. 8.75”w. $1,500-$3,000 517 | 65
manusCriPt new YOrK POLiCe BLOtter FOr 1860, witH mentiOn OF eLLswOrtH’s ZOuaves. Late summer of 1860, bound folio volume. 17th Precinct, the Bowery, new York city. includes regular notes of calls, arrests, etc. Of particular note is an entry on July 19, “roundsman witthack & 8 patrolment left for special duty to escort the chicago zouave cadets to the Academy from their headquarters.” ellsworth’s cadet attachment made an appearance at the new York Academy of Music, and this refers to that appearance. Binding gone, but text and pages largely intact. $150-$250
DOCument reLating tO tHe raising OF a CaDet attaCHment tO tHe 60tH iLLinOis miLitia regiment BY eLmer eLLswOrtH. Partially printed, dated chicago, illinois, May 31, 1859. two-sided document, one side is addressed to illinois governor william h. Bissell that ellsworth has helped organize the cadet attachment; the other is a bond for the use of necessary arms and equipment. Signed by ellsworth twice. Matted with an engraved portrait, double-sided, and framed, 14”h. 20”w. $800-$1,200
HanDwritten LYriCs tO “eLLswOrtH’s avengers” anD a CDv OF eLmer eLLswOrtH. Dated October 12, 1862. two pages, handwritten lyrics to the song by A.L. hudson (and originally sung to the tune “Annie Lisle” by h.S. thompson), on paper with the printed header depicting the Battle of winchester, and page 2 with the stamp of noted historian Samuel P. hildreth. 8”h. 5”w. together with a gurny & Son cDV of a uniformed ellsworth with a landscape background. $150-$250
eLmer eLLswOrtH DeatH reLiCs witH giFt Letter. Dated washington, June 5, 1861, addressed to Ben hopkins, newton upper Falls, Massachusetts. From Julius, addressed to “Bro Ben,” the letter says, “enclosed is a piece of the carpet on which col ellsworth fell when he was killed by Jackson in the Marshall house in Alexandria...i send also a piece of the secession flag staff.” retains the original envelope from congressman e.h. rollins, and accompanies a small scrap of flooring, and three fragments of wood, one of which is supposed to be that which Julius refers to in his letter. $800-$1,200
Letters FrOm COL. eLLswOrtH’s Parents aBOut tHeir sOn’s DeatH. Both to Fred Jackson. the first dated Mechanicsville, new York, January 26, 1862; on one side is a letter from Phebe ellsworth that mentions her son’s death, and on the other is a letter from e.D. ellsworth in which he talks about retrieving his son’s horse from washington. together with a letter dated Vergennes, Vermont, March 22, 1863, to Fred Jackson from Phebe Jackson, who writes “would that i could express my sympathy for the sacrifice you have made in behalf of our afflicted country in her struggle for freedom...” $300-$600
519 tHree eLmer eLLswOrtH FerrOtYPe PenDants anD twO Pins. American, 1861-1865. three double-sided ferrotype pendants in brass fames, each drilled for hanging. includes ellsworth-Brownell, ellsworth-Stryker, and the third with ellsworth on the obverse and an inscription on the reverse. All 1”d. together with two stick pins, both stamped brass with red, white, and blue enamel, the smaller with a tiny ferrotype inset above the eagle. 1.5”h. each. $300-$600
525 522
520 66 | gartH’s early american: may 15, 2015
grOuP OF ePHemera reLateD tO COL. eLmer eLLswOrtH anD His ZOuaves. Second half-19th century. includes printed broadside with the lyrics to “ellsworth’s Avengers” under an illustration of the Marshall house and the killing, printed by Magnus in new York; a circular letter to the people of new York from state officials in which they use the killing of col. ellsworth to inspire the raising of troops (this would lead the creation of the 44th nY, the socalled ellsworth’s Avengers); 11th nY general Orders 82, in which ellsworth is posthumously promoted; a broadside “telegraph Bulletin!” dated May 28, 1861, that announces the arrival of col. ellsworth’s body in Albany the previous day, and an early piece of ellsworth-ania, the program for the 1860 funeral of illinois governor Bissell, in which elmer ellsworth and his zouave cadets form part of the procession. $300-$600
Letter FrOm Carrie sPaFFOrD, FianCee OF COL. eLLswOrtH, COmPLYing witH an autOgraPH reQuest. Dated rockford, illinois, December 4, 186[2], on mourning stationery. Ms. Spafford complies with a request for ellsworth’s autograph, but admits that it was difficult to select an appropriate letter from him with which she could part (the letter is no longer present). together with a cDV of ellsworth in uniform. $200-$400
526 twO COngressiOnaL DireCtOries FrOm tHe LinCOLn aDministratiOn. Second and third Sessions of the 37th congress, 1861 and 1863, respectively. 8vo, in original printed wraps, now with custom folding cases. $150-$250
grOuP OF ePHemera reLateD tO COL. eLLswOrtH anD His ZOuaves. Second half-19th century. includes Manual for the Recruit, in the Light Infantry Drill, Arranged for the U.S. Zouaves, by the Late Col. E.E. Ellsworth, Philadelphia: king and Baird, 1861, in original blue wraps; a broadside for the American Academy of Music exhibition drill of the ellsworth zouave, September 12, 1861; eight printed zouave-related envelopes, and a woven blue silk “chicago zouaves” drill ribbon, Little rock, Arkansas, 1894. $200-$400
tHree CDvs OF eLmer eLLswOrtH. American, 1860-1870 includes an Anthony cDV from the Brady negative depicting ellsworth in civilian dress, an Anthony cDV from the Brady negative of ellsworth in uniform, and a gurny & Son cDV of ellsworth in uniform with a landscape background. $250-$500
stranDs OF aBraHam LinCOLn’s Hair FrOm tHe Dr. CHarLes saBin taFt LOCK. 1865. Several strands, now sealed in plastic.
528 tHree DOCuments reLateD tO COL. eLmer eLLswOrtH. 1861-1863. includes a manuscript poem titled “Death of colonel ellsworth” by A. tavery of tillsonburg, Oxford county, canada, probably in 1861, 2pp., a manuscript titled “ellsworth’s Silent Drill” by e.r. wingate of company g, 13th Maine Volunteers at Fort Jackson, dated April 15, 1863, and a delivery copy of a Magnetic telegraph company telegram from charles catlin to n.w.S. catlin, dated new York, April 27, 1861, that says, simply “ninth do not goellsworth on Sunday”, referring to the departure for washington of ellsworth’s zouaves on Sunday. $300-$600
529 FOur BOOKs reLateD tO COL. eLmer eLLswOrtH, LinCOLn, Or tHe CiviL war. Exercises Connected with the Unveiling of the Ellsworth Monument at Mechanicville, May 27, 1874, Albany: Joel Munsell, 1875, original cloth; a leatherbound copy of Byron’s Works bearing a facsimile presentation bookplate to “carrie” (reputedly carrie Spafford, ellsworth’s fiancée); a leatherbound copy of James whitcomb riley’s The Lockerbie Book of Riley Verse, 1911, with a handwritten copy of riley’s poem “Lincoln” in the front, and The Wide-Awake Gift: Know-Nothing Token for 1855, ed. by “One of ‘em,” 1855, original cloth. $150-$250
531 FOur CDvs reLateD tO COL. eLmer eLLswOrtH. 1860s-1870s. A gurny and Son view of ellsworth in uniform, with a landscape background; a Bowdoin, taylor and co. view of the Marshall house in Alexandria; an unmounted view of Francis Brownell, and a Schmidt view of a uniformed zouave. $200-$400
532 twO stereOviews reLateD tO COL. eLmer eLLswOrtH. 1870s. An Anthony view of the Marshall house in Alexandria, where ellsworth was killed, together with a taylor and huntington view of Francis Brownell, who killed the man who killed ellsworth. $150-$250
During the attempt to save the president’s life, two locks of hair were removed from Lincoln’s head to allow the doctors access to the bullet wound. Both were given to Mary todd Lincoln, who then later gifted them, one to Mrs. ninian w. edwards of Springfield, and the other to Dr. charles Sabin taft, one of the attending doctors. the lock passed to taft’s son, charles c., who, in 1908, sold it to william h. Lambert, a civil war veteran. the lock was then sold out of his estate through the Metropolitan Art Association at the Anderson galleries in 1914, and there purchased by henry c. hines, who sealed the lock in a gold box. the lock was rediscovered in 1993, and was sold off in small groups of strands, including the present strands. the lot is accompanied by color photocopies of letters and other documentation related to the descent of the taft lock of Lincoln’s hair. $800-$1,200
533 autOgraPH OF COL. eLmer eLLswOrtH, PrOviDeD BY His FatHer. Dated Mechanicsville, new York, June 16, 1873. Letter from e.D. ellsworth to John Brown, Jr., complying with his request for an autograph of his martyred son. ellsworth attached a clipped signature (from “his writing book when a child”) to the letter. $250-$500
CDv aLBum witH LinCOLn Bust CLasPs anD LinCOLn CDvs. American, 3rd quarter-19th century. gilt leather album with brass clasps mounted with busts of Lincoln, and containing sixteen photographic and other prints (mostly cDVs) of Lincoln and his family. 6.25”h. 5.5”w. $400-$800
autOgraPHeD nOte signeD BY Harriet BeaCHer stOwe. note dated January 13, [1869] in response to a request for an autograph. the note is trimmed and mounted on a second sheet of trimmed paper, with the requested autograph at the bottom. Matted and framed, 10.5”h. 10”w. $250-$500 | 67
autOgraPH Letters signeD BY HenrY wOrDswOrtH LOngFeLLOw anD JOHn greenLeaF wHittier. Letter from whittier at his home, Oak knoll, in Danvers, Massachusetts, dated January 9, 1879, that includes a page with five signatures. Matted and framed with a letter from henry wordsworth Longfellow, dated “islands,” May 22, 1879. 12.75”h. 14.75”w. $300-$600
HOraCe greeLeY autOgraPH Letter signeD anD signeD PHOtOgraPH OF ignaCY Jan PaDerewsKi. greeley letter dated October 23, 1861, on Tribune letterhead, and matted with the original envelope (lacking stamp) and an engraved portrait, 29.5”h. 13.5”. together with a signed photograph of the Polish pianist, composer, and former prime minister. Matted and framed, 17”h. 14”w. $150-$250
autOgraPH Letter signeD BY BOOKer t. wasHingtOn. Dated May 12, 1898, on tuskegee normal and industrial institute letterhead. Discusses the difficulty in raising funds during the Spanish-American war. included are the original envelope and the circular that washington enclosed with the letter. 10.75”h. 8.5”w. $150-$250
autOgraPHeD Letter signeD BY grOver CLeveLanD. Letter dated September 17, 1889, on the letterhead of the law firm Bangs Stetson tracy & MacVeagh. two pages, with envelope, postmarked the same day. Mounted and framed, 15”h. 21”w.
543 twO autOgraPHs OF eurOPean musiCaL Figures. A manuscript bar of music signed by eugene Albert (1816-1890), a Belgian instrument maker, dated Berlin, January 15, 1918. Matted and framed, 15.5”h. 12.5”w. together with an autograph letter signed by Polish pianist and composer Moriz rosenthal (18621946), on hotel Majestic (nY) letterhead, dated February 14, 1929. Matted and framed, 14.5”h. 11.5”w. $150-$250
During the time between his nonsequential terms as President, cleveland served “of counsel” to this law firm, though he did not participate in their day-to-day work. $200-$400
539 autOgraPH Letter signeD BY JOeL CHanDLer Harris. Dated Atlanta, March 26, 1900, on his letterhead. to Mrs. O.J. hopkins of Amherst, Massachusetts, concerning his “foolish book.” Mated with the original envelope and framed, 12”h. 15”w. $200-$400
540 autOgraPH POem BY COuntee CuLLen. Dated november 23, 1941. “Simon the cyrenian Speaks,” title, seventeen lines, and “Sincerely Yours.” Matted with original envelope and framed, 21”h. 13.5”w. $400-$800
545 saLe BiLL FOr a HOrse FOr use in tHe revOLutiOnarY war. Dated Philadelphia, August 11, 1780. Partially printed document indicating that nicholas Swench sold to the State of Pennsylvania his “brown horse”, which was appraised at twenty-four pounds and ten shillings. noted above is payment of said amount plus one pound and thirteen shillings in interest. 8”h. 7.5”w. $150-$250
546 autOgraPH nOte signeD BY JOHn stuart miLL. Mounted in and clipped from a 19thcentury autograph album, and still retains the collector’s handwritten label below. note dated March 31, signed by John Stuart Mill, on Blackheath stationary, two pages, 5.25”h. 4.25”w. $150-$250
547 540
541 geOrge gersHwin signeD COnCert PrOgram. July 7, 1936. An evening concert of the essex county Symphony Society, erno rapee, conductor, with guest artist, george gershwin. Signed by gershwin under his name. Mounted and framed, 15”h. 11.5”w. $400-$800
68 | gartH’s early american: may 15, 2015
Letter tO LawrenCe wasHingtOn regarDing sLaverY. illegible sender’s name, dated Oakland, February 17, 1847, postmarked union, Alabama, and addressed to Lawrence washington at Oak grove, westmoreland county, Virginia. A rather grim letter discussing farming and the need for “hands.” the author notes that “this certainly is the cotton region. Slaves are out of reach of evil influences, work cheerfully, and are better off in every respect than elsewhere, for the climate suits them.” 4pp. $150-$250
artist and maKer inDeX Ball, James Presley
hudnall, Lew
roesen, Severin
Broadway, MP
hunter, clementine
routson, Samuel
Brubaker, robert
irvine, wilson henry
Sellew & co.
126, 142
currier & ives
289, 360
krafft, carl rudolph
155, 156
Skelton, Levi
edouart, Auguste
kramer & co.
Smith, robert
evans, Minnie
Lewis, wheeler
St. Memin
Fitler, william crothers
Linnell, knowell
Steward, Seth
Flagg & homan
125, 137
Macneil, Archibald
Ver Bryck, cornelius
hart, charles
295, 296
Meaders, Lanier
willard, Aaron
henderson, charles cooper
nutting, wallace
475, 479
willard, Benjamin
Porter, william
157, 165, 166, 176 | 69
gartH’s POLiCY
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70 | gartH’s early american: may 15, 2015
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S SATURDAY, AT U R DAY, MAY M AY 2 23 3 S SUNDAY, U N DAY, M MAY AY 2 24 4&M MONDAY, ON DAY, MAY 25, M AY 2 5, 2015 20 1 5
Fine Antiques Antiquess including furnitur furniture, re, e, rug rugs, gs, por porcelain, rcelain, celain, ne needlework edlew work and mor moree fr from rom om 30 distinguishe distinguished d dealers. PREV PREVIEW IEW RECEPTION y 22, 6 – 9 pm $125 Frida Friday, y, Ma May OUR BRE BREAKFAST AKFAST & T TOUR Plus Ultr ra: a: Mor a avian Tiles of the New Wor ld Ultra: Moravian World Saturda y, Ma y 23, 9 am $30 Saturday, May AP ASSION FOR COLLECTING PASSION COLLECTING:: ealers’ Talks Sunda y, Ma y 24 & Monda y, Ma y 25 Dealers’ Sunday, May Monday, May 10:30 am – 1:30 pm SHO W HOURS SHOW 9:30 am – 5 pm $18 Admission, 3-da y pass $45 3-day
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Front Cover: 69, 250, 333, 440 Inside Front Cover: 162, 517-533
Inside Back Cover: 129 Back Cover: 44, 134, 137, 143, 315
GARTH’S AUCTIONS, INC. American Furniture & Decorative Arts featuring The Ninth Annual Ohio Valley Session
May 15, 2015
Auctioneers & Appraisers
MAY 15, 2015
The Ninth Annual Ohio Valley Session