European, Asian, and American Furniture and Decorative Arts: July 2015

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European, Asian, & American Furniture & Decorative Arts

Auctioneers & Appraisers

July 24-25, 2015

July 24-25, 2015

Inside Back Cover: 229 Back Cover: 476

Front Cover: 276 Inside Front Cover: 750

The ColleCTion of The laTe Shirley MCGill of Geneva, illinoiS Friday, JULY 24, 2015 at 2:00 PM The lifeTiMe ColleCTion of ThoMaS GlaSS of ColuMbuS, ohio Friday, JULY 24, 2015 at 4:00 PM european, aSian & aMeriCan furniTure & DeCoraTive arTS Saturday, JULY 25, 2015 at 10:00 AM Featuring: SeLectionS FroM A MidweSt coLLection; the coLLection oF the LioneL And the LAte corAL MciLwAin; the coLLection oF JUdith And JAMeS MiLLer, ALexAndriA, VirginiA; the coLLection oF toM & MArY Beth PAStoriUS, SewickLeY, PA; the wALter e. PAtton LiVing trUSt; the Pewter coLLection oF roBert S. FAStoV, wAShington, dc; And SeLect conSignMentS FroM ALASkA, ArizonA, FLoridA, georgiA, iLLinoiS, indiAnA, kAnSAS, kentUckY, MASSAchUSettS, MichigAn, MinneSotA, MiSSoUri, new York, ohio, oregon, PennSYLVAniA, SoUth cAroLinA, texAS, VerMont, VirginiA, wAShington, weSt VirginiA, wiSconSin, wYoMing, And itALY.

M o n dAY

Preview times: F r i d A Y , J U LY 17, 1 0 : 0 0 A M t o 5 : 0 0 P M – w e d n e S dAY, J U LY 20- 22, 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM t h U r S dAY, J U LY 23, 10:00 AM to 8:00 PM F r i dAY, J U LY 24, 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM S At U r dAY, J U LY 25, 9:00 A M to 10:00 AM

FuLLY iLLustrateD, OnLine CataLOg gart & Live internet BiDDing avaiLaBLe terms:

PO Box 369, Delaware, Ohio 43015 P: 740-362-4771 F: 740-363-0164 email: ©coPYright – garth’s Auctions, inc. 2015

20% Buyer’s Premium (25% online) cash, check, Visa® & Mastercard Accepted Absentee and fax bids accepted and bid competitively. For your convenience, we will be able to answer your questions about specific items and take your absentee bids by phone. call (740) 362-4771 or email inquiries: Principal Auctioneer: richard “Jeff” Jeffers Auctioneers: Amelia Jeffers, Steve Bemiller & Andrew richmond

friday, July 24, 2015 lots 1 - 194 beginning at 2:00 pM The Collection of the late Shirley McGill

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1 LanDsCaPe witH HOuse (ameriCan sCHOOL, 1st HaLF-19tH CenturY). oil on canvas, unsigned. detailed image of a wellkept Federal brick house. Some restoration. 25.5”h. 31.5”w., in a frame, 29.5”h. 35.5”w. $1,000-$1,500

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PennsYLvania CHiPPenDaLe taLL CHest OF Drawers. ca. 1800, walnut and poplar. three over two over four drawers on ogee bracket feet. the topcenter drawer is inlaid with “MP.” Period brasses. 64”h. 44”w. 23”d. $1,000-$2,000

set OF tHree Brass arganD LamPs. American or english, 2nd quarter-19th century. central lamp with double arms, 22”h. 20”w., and two side lamps with single arms, 22”h., all decorated with flowers and acanthus leaves. with faceted prisms and frosted cut shades. Unsigned but similar to those by Messenger and hooper. Some imperfections. $600-$800

twO ameriCan FeDeraL mirrOrs. Second half-19th century. reverse painted tablets. Applied half turning and painting of dancing girl, 25”h. 12.75”w., and reeded with gilt landscape, 34”h. 19.5”w. imperfections. $100-$250


6 staFFOrDsHire FOOtBatH. Late 20th century. Blue transfer landscape. 18”l. $75-$125

FeDeraL mirrOr. American, 19th century, pine. round “fish-eye” mirror with an eagle crest. imperfections. 46”h. $400-$800


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FaLL LanDsCaPe (ameriCan sCHOOL, Late 19tH CenturY). oil on canvas, partial signature “h. hulst...” lower right. harvest scene with haystacks and pumpkins. 9”h. 14”w., in a frame, 16”h. 21”w. $200-$400

Five staFFOrDsHire Figures anD CHimneY vases. england, 2nd half-19th century. Shepherd, 12.5”h., Scotsman, 11.5”h., and three sets of double figures. Man and woman, two men with dog and “darby & Joan”. Average 11.5”h. imperfection. $150-$300

tHree PieCes OF engLisH BristOL gLass. Late 19th-early 20th century. gilt trim. Vase, 13.75”h., and a pair of dresser bottles with underplates decorated with foliage, 5”h. overall. $100-$200

BrOnZe BeLL sHaPeD sHeLF CLOCK. American, ca. 1900. cast medieval-style decorative bands with Latin inscriptions. enameled numerals on the face. 11.5”h. $250-$500



twO Pair OF eurOPean CeramiC animaLs. Late 19th century. Staffordshire cats with gilding, 7”h., and porcelain dogs carrying baskets with hand painting and gilding, 6.5”h. $100-$200

LanDsCaPe aFter asHer BrOwn DuranD (ameriCan, 1796-1886). oil on canvas, signed and dated 1865 lower right. tree on a hillside. restoration. in a frame, 22.5”h. 19”w. $400-$800

8 FOur engLisH staFFOrDsHire Figures. Mid 19th century. chimney vase, 13.5”h., couple in bower, 13.5”h., and horse and rider, 7”h. together with a small figure of a woman. $150-$250

9 autumn LanDsCaPe BY CarL ruDOLPH KraFFt (OHiO/ iLLinOis, 1884-1938). oil on canvas, signed lower right. wooded lake. 30”h. 28”w., in a frame, 35”h. 33”w. $500-$700

10 DeCOrateD immigrant’s trunK. european, 19th century, pine. dometop with a paint-decorated front and original lock and key. 20”h. 34”w. 16”d. $150-$250

12 tHree Prints BY n. Currier inCLuDing wasHingtOn. hand colored lithographs. Small folio “the Young continental” c#6850 and two of george washington c#6536, 2261. imperfections. Framed. Average size 16.5”h. 12.5”w. $75-$150

13 Five ameriCan CiviL war reLateD Prints. hand colored lithographs. two small folio currier & ives “Fort Pickens” c#2088 and “grand Banner...” c#2470. together with two by kellogg “Forward March” and “the great remedy” and “Bombardment of Port hudson” by Lloyd. imperfections. Framed. Average size 13” x 17.5”. $150-$350

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ameriCan CLassiCaL Dressing taBLe. 1815-1830, mahogany and pine. Shaped backsplash, four drawers, and a shaped skirt, all on turned and carved legs. Pressed glass pulls. imperfections. 43”h. 38.5”w. 21.5”d. $300-$600

twO ameriCan sHeratOn One-Drawer stanDs. Mid 19th century. walnut and pine with a Bennington-type pull, 29”h. together with a cherry stand with a bird’s-eye maple drawer, 27.5”h. $200-$400

LanDsCaPe BY BenJamin FranKLin trYOn (massaCHusetts, 1824-1896). oil on wood board, signed lower right. wooded stream. 23”h. 15.5”w., in a frame, 26”h. 33”w. $400-$600



OHiO Or PennsYLvania sHeratOn CHest OF Drawers. 1820-1840, cherry and pine. Four graduated drawers, turned legs, and blown glass pulls. 48”h. 40”w. 21”d. $300-$600

FOur FrameD PiCtures. American and european, late 19th-20th century. Birch trees, 8”h. 6”w., shipwreck, watercolor of flowers, and watercolor and feather picture of a songbird. 4”h. 3.75”w. to 5” x 5”. $100-$300

19 twO ameriCan CLassiCaL stanDs. 1820-1840, mahogany and poplar. Figured veneer, two drawers. one with carved legs and one with turned legs, both with brass casters. 28.5”h. $250-$500

20 ameriCan CLassiCaL wasHstanD. 1820-1840, mahogany, pine, and poplar. Shaped gallery and carved and turned columns and feet. one drawer over two doors. older finish. 39.5”h. 28”w. 16.5”d. $200-$400

21 nesting QuaiL (ameriCan sCHOOL, Late 19tH CenturY). oil on canvas, unsigned. two quail. in a walnut frame,16.25”h. 20.25”w. $75-$125

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24 wintersCaPe BY geOrge Jensen (OHiO, 1878-1977), oil on artistboard, signed lower right. Snow covered field. 30” x 30”, in a frame, 33.5” x 33.5”. $400-$600


27 twO stiLL LiFes (ameriCan sCHOOL, Late 19tH-earLY 20tH CenturY). oil on canvas, unsigned. Vases of flowers. imperfections. Framed, 28.75”h. 25.5”w. and 30.5”h. 22”w. $75-$125


28 LAKE SUPERIOR BY KatHarine Pearman (iLLinOis, 1893-1961). gouache on paper, signed lower left. Framed, 21.5”h. 19.5”w. $200-$300

29 Pair OF ameriCan trumPet vases in HOLDers. Mid 19th century. Brass figural holders of couple on marble bases. green sanded glass vases. chips. 15”h. $200-$400 29 - 30

30 Pair OF ameriCan trumPet vases. Mid 19th century. cobalt trumpet vases ending in bronze women’s hands on marble bases. Minor flaking. 6.5”h. $150-$250

31 inLaiD new engLanD sHeratOn server. Probably Massachusetts, 1810-1820, mahogany, bird’s-eye maple, cherry, and pine. Six drawers and two doors, figured veneer and inlaid quarter fans, patera, and urns, all on turned feet. 50”h. 43”w. 18.5”d. $1,000-$2,000

32 saiLOr anD mermaiD signeD “a.C. giLBert” (OHiO, earLY 20tH CenturY). watercolor on paper, signed lower right. in a gilt frame, 14.25” x 14.25”. $100-$200

34 FOur Currier & Currier anD ives Prints. hand colored lithographs. “winter evening”, c# 6735, “the Burning of chicago” c#738, “the Bewildered hunter” (uncolored) c#514 and “woodlands in winter” ce6779. imperfections. Framed. 13”h. 16.5”w. to 16.5”h. 19.5”w. $100-$250


35 twO Prints BY Currier & ives. hand colored lithographs. Small folio “Stages of woman’s Life...” c#3501 and “Stages of Man’s Life...” c#3498. imperfections. Framed. 12.5”h. 16.25”w. $75-$150

36 33 tHree ameriCan Prints. hand colored lithographs. two small folio currier & ives.”View o the St. Lawrence” c#6452 and “Scenery of the Upper Mississippi” c#5422. together with “Bridal Veil Falls” by gemmell. imperfections. Framed. 12.5”h. 15”w. to 15.5”h. 19.5”w. $75-$150

FOur Prints BY Currier & ives. hand colored lithographs. Small folio “the Frontier Lake” c#2153, “View from Fort Putnam” c#6379, “the rocky Mountains” c#5195 and “night by the campfire” c#4472”. imperfections. Framed. 12.5”h. 16.5”w. to 16.75”h. 20.5”w. $200-$300 31 | 7



PennsYLvania CHiPPenDaLe taLL CHest OF Drawers. early 19th century, walnut and poplar. three over two over three drawers, all on high bracket feet. Period brasses. 54.5”h. 41.5”w. 21.5”d. $800-$1,200

siX ameriCan Prints OF FamOus PeOPLe. hand colored lithographs. death bed scenes. three small folio by currier & ives. two Andrew Jackson, c# 1479 and 1480 and robert e. Lee (uncolored) c#1484. together with henry clay by kellog, and two more Jacksons. imperfections. Framed. Average size 13” x 16”. $100-$200

38 twO ameriCan CHairs. An 18th-century banister-back chair in maple with a rush seat, 17”h. seat, 40”h. overall. together with a 19th-century shaped slat-back chair in bird’s-eye maple with a rush seat, 16”h. seat, 32”h. overall. $150-$250

39 twO PeDestaLs. American, 20th century, pine. tall and slender example with faux marble paint. 46”h. together with a short pedestal with worn paint, 17.5”h. $100-$200

41 seven ameriCan Prints OF FamOus PeOPLe. hand colored lithographs. death bed scenes. Four small folio by n. currier. taylor, c#1485, harrison and harrison, c#1486 and washington 1516B. together with harrison and webster by kellogg and washington by Baille. imperfections. Framed. Average size 12.5” x 16”. Largest 16.5”h. 21”w. $100-$350

42 a seLeCtiOn OF antiQues reFerenCe BOOKs, inCLuDing LigHting, gLass, sHaKer, anD Furniture. $100-$200

43 POrtrait OF a CHiLD BY garDner COX (massaCHusetts, 1906-1988). oil on canvas, signed lower right. Blonde haired girl. 27”h. 22”w., in a frame, 32.5”h. 28”w. $200-$400


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44 - 47



tHree ameriCan BirD Carvings. twentieth century. Swan, 12.5”l., preening duck, and woodpecker, 15”h. including base. $150-$300

tHree ameriCan Brass giranDOLes. Mid 19th century. Assembled set with cathedrals. Pair of candlesticks, 13.75”h., and a similar candelabra (electrified), 20”h. overall. $150-$300


45 FOur CarveD ameriCan sHOreBirDs. Late 20th century. original paint. 10.5” to 14”h. including bases. $150-$250

46 grOuP OF ameriCan CarveD BirDs. twentieth century. twelve birds with original paint, mostly shore and songbirds on wooden bases. 2.5” to 9”h. $100-$150

47 CarveD ameriCan sHOreBirD anD DOve. twentieth century. original paint. Shorebird with wrought iron nail beak. 14”h. including driftwood base. And a dove on a post finial. repaired neck. 12.5”h. overall. $200-$400

48 ameriCan miniature BLanKet CHest. 1820-1840, walnut. well over drawer, on turned feet. older finish. 12”h. 14”w. 10.25”d. $200-$400

50 ameriCan sHeratOn CurLY maPLe CHest OF Drawers. 1820-1840, poplar secondary wood. Four graduated drawers and turned feet. 40”h. 42”w. 20”d. $400-$800


51 LanDsCaPe BY FreDeriCK James BOstOn (COnneCtiCut, 1855-1932). oil on artist board, signed lower left. wooded stream. 20”h. 16”w., in a frame, 25”h. 20.5”w. $300-$600

52 marBLe Bust anD twO reLieF POrtraits. european, 19th-20th century. white marble bust of young child with cap. Unsigned. 6.25”h. And two framed profiles. dante in white marble, 6.25”h. 6”w., and paste or ceramic image identified as “Admiral Adam, Viscount duncan of camperdown”. 3”h. $150-$300

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ameriCan HePPLewHite CHest OF Drawers. early 19th century, cherry and pine. Four drawers with unusual, reeded fronts, and cutout feet. Period brasses. 34”h. 43”w. 17”d. $400-$800

miDwestern JeLLY CuPBOarD. nineteenth century, poplar. one drawer over two doors, all on cutout feet. imperfections. 43”h. 44”w. 18.5”d. $150-$250

Five ameriCan FOLK art FiguraL Carvings. twentieth century. comical busts of men on a metal base. 7”h. 12”w. $100-$300



twO Paintings (ameriCan, miD 20tH CenturY). oil on artist board. Autumn landscape signed “Leonard rodowicz”, 14.5”h. 17.5”w., and a town street signed “o. Van Young” (oscar), 22.5”h. 27”w. Framed. $100-$300

siX ameriCan eQuestrian Prints. hand colored lithographs. Five small folio by currier or currier & ives. taylor c# 2329, Banks c#3924, Jackson c#2235Bgrant c#3491 and taylor c#2299B. together with taylor by Baille. imperfections. Framed. Average size. 12” x 16.5”. $100-$250

54 CLassiCaL twO-Drawer stanD. American or canadian, cherry, curly maple, poplar, and pine. ebonized and stenciled upper drawer over a solid curly maple drawer, and carved and turned columns and legs. 29.5”h. 23.5”w. 17.25”d. $250-$500

58 55 FOur Paintings (ameriCan, 19tH-20tH CenturY). three oils on artist board. Landscape, illegible signature, 9”h. 12.5”w., still life with initials, 11”h. 15”w., and quail signed by wilson irving. damage. 13.5”h.16.5”w. together with an oil on canvas of sailing ship. repairs. 19.5”h. 23.5”w. $150-$350

Five PresiDentiaL Prints BY n. Currier. hand colored lithographs. Small folio. two of tyler c#3281, Polk c#3160, John Adams, c#3251 and John Quincy Adams, c#3278B. imperfections. Framed. 16.5”h. 12.5”w. to 18”h. 14”w. $100-$250

61 Five ameriCan POrtrait Prints. hand colored lithographs. Statesmen, presidents and generals. three small folio by n. currier. Birney c#3155, Polk c#3166 and clay c#2782 B. together with rosecrans by ensign and taylor & Fillmore by kellog. imperfections. Framed. Average size 17”h. 13”w. $100-$300

62 eigHt ameriCan BirD Carvings. twentieth century. A decoy, 13”l., two ducks and five assorted birds by the same hand including two ibis and a cockatoo. $100-$300

63 Five PieCes OF ameriCan sterLing. twentieth century. Pair of shell shaped nut dishes, bowl with decorated rim, 1.75”h. 7.25”d., and a pair of weighted compotes, 6”h. $100-$250 53 10 | gartH’s the mcgill Collection: July 24, 2015


64 - 69



tHree ameriCan merCurY gLass wig Or Hat stanDs. Late 19th century. two globes and one oblong. 8”, 9”, 15”h. $150-$250

grOuP OF ameriCan merCurY gLass. Late 19th-20th century. Miniature vases, bowls, and covered dishes. 2.5” to 9”h. $100-$200

65 seven PieCes OF ameriCan merCurY gLass. Late 19th century. etched with vermeil interiors. three salts, goblet, vase and two candlesticks, 3” to 9.5”h. $300-$600

66 seven PieCes OF ameriCan merCurY gLass. Late 19th century. Large vase with painted flowers, 15”h., and a pair of candlesticks, two vases and a single candlestick with painted or etched designs. together with one plain candlestick, 10”h. Varying wear. $100-$200

69 FOur ameriCan merCurY gLass nOveLties. Late 19th-20th century. Bust of colonial gentleman, 10.5”h., Mary, artichoke garniture (repair), and a pistol candy container. wear. $200-$300

70 ameriCan COrner CuPBOarD. nineteenth century, pine. two-piece cupboard: the upper section with shaped shelves (lacking doors), the lower section with a double-paneled door. 87”h. 52”w. 25”d., requires a 35” corner. $600-$900

67 Five PieCes OF ameriCan merCurY gLass. Late 19th century. All with etched designs and vermeil interiors. two vases, 8.5”, 9.25”h., goblet, salt, and cup and saucer. $250-$500

71 Pair OF ameriCan Jigsaw wOrK BraCKet sHeLves. early 20th century. ornately decorated with a dog, ladder and birds in trees. original gold paint. Breaks. 23”h. $150-$350

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twO FOLK art Hanging sHeLves. early 20th century. tramp art demilune shelf with original green and cream paint, 13”h. together with a northern european rosemalled shelf, 27.5”l. $150-$300

ameriCan sHeratOn DrOP-LeaF stanD. Probably Midwestern, 19th century, cherry and poplar. one drawer and delicately turned legs. 28.5”h. $150-$250

77 73 LanDsCaPe (ameriCan sCHOOL, 20tH CenturY). oil on canvas, illegible signature lower right. trees and white house. 16”h. 20”w., in a frame, 21”h. 25”w. $250-$450


BeaCH sCene in tHe manner OF eDwarD POttHast (new YOrK, 1857-1927). watercolor on paper, signed lower right. women and children on a beach. Framed, 16”h. 19”w. $200-$400

78 74 FOLKsY ameriCan waLL POCKet. early 20th century. carved wooden pocket with openwork crest of man on horse and a front panel with carving of man playing a fiddle. Some repairs. 15”h. 11”w. $200-$400

BeaCH sCene PrOBaBLY BY CHarLes Lesaar (CaLiFOrnia, 1884-1941). oil on canvas, signed lower right. two boys with rowboats. 25”h. 30”w., in a frame, 33.5”h. 39”w. $300-$600

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stiLL LiFe BY LOvrien gregOrY (new YOrK, 20tH CenturY). oil on canvas, signed lower right. Flowers and bird figurines. 20”h. 24”w., in a frame, 26.5”h. 30.5”w. $100-$250

twO Paintings (ameriCan, miD 20tH CenturY). watercolor on paper of street signed “carl Junge”, 27”h. 23”w. And an oil on canvas of a city lake, 23.5”h. 28”w. $200-$400





Five BLaCK-PainteD winDsOr CHairs. All 20th century, mixed woods. includes a pair of bamboo-turned continuous arm windsors, 17.5”h. seat, 37.5”h. overall. together with three balusterturned bowback windsors, 17.5”h. seat, 39.5”h. overall. $400-$800

tHree ameriCan CLOCKs. Second half-19th century. two ogee mantel clocks with paper labels. one by henry Sperry & co, new York with hand tinted print in the door. 25.5”h. and one by Seth thomas with reverse painted panel. 25”h. together with a small shelf clock with small reverse panel. 11.5”h. imperfections. $200-$300

81 POrtrait OF a girL BY PauLine PaLmer (iLLinOis, 1867-1938). oil on canvas, signed lower right. Seated girl. restoration. 32”h. 26”w., in a frame, 39”h. 33.5”w. $900-$1,200

85 twO ameriCan FeDeraL mirrOrs. Second quarter-19th century. Applied half turnings and reverse painted panels. gilt with landscape, 36.5”h. 18”w., and cleaned with birds, 28”h. 13”w. $100-$300

82 twO staFFOrDsHire Figures OF sCOtsmen. england, mid 19th century. “the Lion Slayer”, 16”h., and a man with a deer, 17”h. $150-$300

83 tHree staFFOrDsHire PieCes. england, mid 19th century. inkwell with greyhound, 5.5”l., incense burner, 5”h., and a match holder, 4.25”h. $100-$200

86 Five FrameD ameriCan PiCtures. Late 19th-20th century. two reverse glass paintings with abalone. Shipwreck and medieval town, 14.5”h. 8.5”w., and a pair of oils on panel of birds, 12”h. 8.5”w. together with an embossed painting of a parrot, 11.5”h. 9.5”w. $75-$150


87 SUNNY FIELDS, VA BY eLiOt CLarK (new YOrK/virginia, 1883-1980). oil on canvas, signed and dated 1933 on back. in a frame,14”h. 16”w. Framed. $300-$600

88 STILL LIFE BY eLiOt CLarK (new YOrK/virginia, 1883-1980). oil on canvas, signed lower left and dated 1918 on back. two vases. in a frame, 15”h. 19”w. $150-$350 | 13

89 ameriCan taLL Case CLOCK. 1815-1830, cherry and pine. Shaped crest with faux dentil cornice and a shaped skirt. riley whiting wooden movement with decorated dial. 87”h. $800-$1,200

90 meDium FOLiO Currier & ives: MINNEHAHA FALLS. colored lithograph, c#4141. Matted and framed, 19”h. 22.25”w. $150-$250

91 tHeOrem On PaPer OF naPOLeOn. Probably American, mid 19th century, watercolor on paper. Silhouette of napoleon in trees with title and presentation “napoleon viewing his tomb, Presented by John d. clarke to Mrs. r.c. May”. in a frame, 12”h. 10”w. $100-$300


92 ameriCan sHeratOn server. 1820-1830, cherry and pine. three drawers flanked by biscuit corners and columns, on rope-turned legs ending in brass casters. 39.5”h. 32.5”w. 21.5”d. $400-$800



tHree Prints BY Currier & ives. hand colored lithographs. Small folio “the Fall of richmond...” c#1822, “terrific combat between the Monitor...” c#5997 and “the Sinking of the cumberland...” c#c#5530. imperfections. Framed. Average size 13.5”h. 17.75”w. $100-$350

94 FOur PieCes OF ameriCan LigHting. Mid 19th century. Pair of petal socket glass candlesticks with pewter inserts. Some imperfections. 10”h. And two oil lamps. Fluted brass column, 14.5”h., and pattern milk glass with comet font, 12.25”h. $200-$400



twO LanDsCaPes (ameriCan sCHOOL, Late 19tHearLY 20tH CenturY). oil on artist board of river and fields signed “c.h. Lancaster”. 12.5”h. 14.5”w. And oil on canvas of lake shore signed “c.A. Bond”. 12.5”h. 16”w. $100-$200

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83, 96 - 97



Bust OF a wOman (earLY 20tH CenturY). Bronzed white metal. titled “winter.” 20”h. $200-$400

Five staFFOrDsHire Figures anD watCH HutCH. england, 2nd half-19th century. Pair of seated cats (may be later), 7.5”h., woman with deer, milkmaid with cow, 7”h., and watch hutch with cherubs, 10”h. imperfections. $100-$350

102 stiLL LiFe anD Kitten Paintings (ameriCan sCHOOL, Late 19tH CenturY). oil on panel of kittens. cross corner frame. 14.25”h. 16.5”w. oil on canvas still life with flowers. illegible signature. in a frame, 19”h, 15”w. $75-$150

97 ameriCan sewing CaDDY anD BanK. Late 19th century, mixed woods. caddy with dovetailed drawer and needlework pincushion, 9”h. 10”w., and a bank in the form of a chest of drawers with attached mirror. Loose crest. 10”h. $100-$300




Queen anne tiLt-tOP tea taBLe. American or english, 18th century, mahogany. Birdcage mechanism over a baluster shaft and cabriole legs ending in pad feet. 28”h. 30.5” diameter. $400-$800

ameriCan COPPer Pan anD tHree KettLes. Second half-19th century. All have dovetailed construction. Pan has rim splits. Largest kettle, 8”h., stamped “MrL gB”. $100-$250

99 miDwestern CLassiCaL wOrK taBLe. 1820-1840, bird’s-eye maple, cherry, and poplar. two drawers, turned shaft, and splay legs. imperfections. 27”h. $200-$400

100 Pair OF ameriCan CLassiCaL CHairs. 1820-1840, curly maple. Slat backs and rush seats. 17”h. seat, 32”h. overall. $100-$200


100 | 15

104 eigHt santOs. Probably South or central America, late 19th20th century. carved wood with old polychrome paint. Figures include angels, Jesus and the Virgin Mary. imperfections. 8” to 16”h. $200-$400

105 tHree santOs anD a CruCiFiX. Probably South or central America, late 19th century. carved wood with old polychrome paint. Figures of saints and Jesus. 17.5” to 28.5”h. And a crucifix. imperfections. $100-$250







retaBLO. South American, late 19th century. original paint on tin panel. religious image which appears to be an exorcism. wear. in a late frame, 17.25”h. 13”w. $250-$450

twO retaBLOs. Probably South American, late 19th century. original paint on tin. Mary and holy Family. wear. 14”h. 10”w. $150-$300

111 107 retaBLO. South American, late 19th century. original paint on tin panel. religious images including saints, lambs and various symbols. wear. in a late frame, 17.25”h. 13.5”w. $200-$400

108 Diminutive eurOPean DeCOrateD COrner CuPBOarD. nineteenth century, pine. one-piece cupboard with high, shaped legs, and later green paint with a windmill on the door. 60”h. 29”w. 17.5”d., requires a 21” corner. $400-$800


108 16 | gartH’s the mcgill Collection: July 24, 2015

twO retaBLOs. Probably South American, late 19th century. original paint on tin. Mary with a dove, 7”h. 5”w., and Mary and child, 14”h. 10”w. $150-$300

BLaCK FOrest-tYPe CarveD sewing BOX. Late 19th-early 20th century. well-carved basket form with flowers and grapevine feet. Velvet lined interior. glued repairs. 9.25”h. 9”l. $75-$150

112 grOuP OF CeramiC Figures inCLuDing staFFOrDsHire. nineteenth-20th century. Animals, dresser box, copper luster cat, 9”h. imperfections. $50-$125

113 tHree assOrteD ameriCan Paintings. Late 19th-early 20th century. two oils on canvas. Still life of flowers signed “george cape, 1906”, 10.5”h. 8.5”w., and a young woman, 13.5”h. 11”w. together with a watercolor of a rose, 2.5”h. 4”w. All framed. $75-$125



Pair OF staFFOrDsHire LiOns. england, mid 19th century. reclining lions with glass eyes. 12”l. $200-$350

grOuP OF CeramiC Figures inCLuDing staFFOrDsHire. nineteenth-20th century. Animals and people including yellowware toby pepperpot. imperfections. $50-$125

115 set OF tHree ameriCan giranDOLes. Mid 19th century, brass. American indians on white marble bases with prisms. Some imperfections. 17.5”h. $250-$450

116 miDwestern CLassiCaL tHree-Drawer stanD. ca. 1840, cherry and poplar. three graduated drawers and boldly turned legs. Period blown glass pulls. 29”h. 26”w. 17.5”d. $250-$500

117 ameriCan CLassiCaL siDeBOarD. Possibly Midwestern, 1820-1840, curly maple, cherry, and pine. Five drawers and four doors, with turned and carved columns and feet. Period pressed glass pulls. 54”h. 26”w. 78”l. $800-$1,200




stiLL LiFe BY FranCesCO sPiCuZZa (wisCOnsin, 1883-1962). oil on artist board, signed lower right. Flowers. Presentation on backing paper. in a frame, 15.5”h. 11.5”w. $300-$400

121 twO ameriCan CurLY maPLe stanDs. 1820-1840, with poplar secondary wood. one drawer and turned legs. 28.5” and 29.5”h. $250-$500

122 FrenCH PinPriCK PiCture. Second half-20th century. Urn of flowers and birds with watercolor accents. “A Moi o douce Amitie Partage des Ames Sensibles. AM”. Light stains. in a frame, 11.5”h. 9.25”w. $75-$125


ameriCan sHeratOn PemBrOKe taBLe. early 19th century, mahogany and pine. rounded leaves and turned legs. 29”h. 35”l. 17.5”w. (closed) 34”w. (open). $150-$250


117 | 17



CarveD asian Figure. indonesia, late 20th century, soft wood. Standing robed figure with original paint. 34”h. $100-$200

twO asian BrOnZe BuDDHas. twentieth century. gilt surfaces. Standing, 19”h., and a bust on a wooden base, 10”h. overall. Varying wear. $200-$400



Large CHinese CLOisOnne egg. Late 20th century. Flowers and birds. 19”h. $150-$250

venetian sCene BY wiLLiam meaDOws (ameriCan, Ca 1861-1895). oil on canvas, signed lower right. canal scene. 12”h. 24”w., in a frame, 21”h. 32”w. $1,000-$1,500

125 siX asian DeCOrative items inCLuDing FOO DOgs. twentieth century. Pair of blue and white porcelain foo dogs. Signed.10”h. two black cloisonné vases, 4”, 7”h. together with cast resin shrine and Persian miniature on faux ivory. $150-$350


128 ameriCan sawBuCK taBLe. nineteenth century, pine. of typical form with a breadboard top. refinished. 28.5”h. 43.5”w. 72”l. $500-$900

129 LanDsCaPe BY OLDriCH FarsKY (CaLiFOrnia, 1860-1930). oil on canvas, signed lower right. Springtime fields. 28”h. 36”w., in a gilt frame, 39”h. 47”w. $400-$800



LanDsCaPe BY rOBert aLDen reaser (ameriCan, 1898-1980). oil on artist board, signed lower right. Summer field with lake. 10.25”h. 16”w., in a frame, 17”h. 22.5”w. $400-$800

131 Five PieCes OF ameriCan BLue gLass. Late 19th century. Various glass including cornflower blue. two vases, 6.5”, 11.75”h., egg shaped salt (?) on stand and master salt, 5”h., and a hanging vase on brass holder, 12”h. overall. $50-$100



18 | gartH’s the mcgill Collection: July 24, 2015

tweLve PieCes OF gLass Fruit. American or european, 20th century. nine pieces (including eggs) of milk glass with blue accents and three pieces of translucent clambroth-type glass. Fruit includes apples, pears and grapes. 3” to 5”l. $100-$300

133 twO new engLanD CHiPPenDaLe CHairs. eighteenth century. connecticut chair, cherry, later upholstery, 17.5”h. seat, 39.5”h. overall. together with a rush-seated maple chair with an old finish, 17”h. seat, 39”h. overall. $200-$400

134 engLisH CHiPPenDaLe settee. nineteenth century, mahogany. Shaped skirt, ball and claw feet, later red and white upholstery. 18.5”h. seat, 53”h. overall, 56”l. $1,000-$2,000

135 ameriCan CLassiCaL taLL Case CLOCK. 1815-1830, mahogany and poplar. Broken-arch pediment with fluted columns on the hood and case, and on turned feet. 100”h. $800-$1,200

136 Pair OF DeCOrateD CHairs anD twO stOOLs. American and english, 19th-20th century. includes a pair of rush-seat chairs with decoration on a black ground, 18”h. seat, 31”h. overall. Small folksy black-painted footstool, 12.5”l., and an oak stool with curved legs, 15”h. $200-$400


137 ameriCan Brass stuDent LamP anD tHree CanDLestiCKs. Second half-19th century. Student lamp with removable font and milk glass shade. “Miller’s ideal #1 Burner, Made in U.S.A”. electrified. 20.25”h. And a large chamberstick with push up. Added weight to bottom. 9.5”h. together with a pair of beehive candlesticks with push ups. repaired splits. 12”h. $100-$300

138 ameriCan HOrn FOOtstOOL anD miniature CHest. Late 19th-20th century. Pine fivedrawer chest, 13.5”h. 13”w., and a footstool with horn feet, 6”h. 12”w. $100-$200 134

135 | 19



Pair OF ameriCan rOCKingHam DOgs. Mid 19th century. Seated spaniels. 10.5”h. $100-$200

seven assOrteD items inCLuDing inKweLLs. Mostly American, late 19th-20th century. three faceted glass obelisks, 3” to 5.25”h., glass whimsey with cornflower blue base, and a mother-of- pearl articulated fish, 8”l. together with two inkwells. tortoise shell with Birmingham, england, hallmarked silver trim. 5”l., and Victorian papier mache with hand painted flowers and glass ink. 7”l. $150-$300

140 LanDsCaPe BY rutH FOrD (iLLinOis, 1897-1980). oil on masonite, signed lower right. clapboard house with trees. 30”h. 32”w., in a frame, 38”h. 40”w. $200-$400 139

141 ameriCan CarveD CLassiCaL stanD. 1820-1840, mahogany and poplar. two drawers, carved legs, and a lower shelf. 27.75”h. $150-$300

142 twO miniature FOLK art CHests. early 20th century. tramp art chest with mirror and applied decoration, 19.5”h. together with a spice or valuables cabinet with a central decorated door, 21.5”h. $150-$300

143 ameriCan CLassiCaL wOrK taBLe. Possibly Midwestern, 1820-1840, curly maple and pine. Single drawer with figured cherry crossbanding, over a turned shaft and scrolled legs. imperfections. 27”h. 23”w. 20.5”d. $200-$400


145 THE SCHOONER EDWARD A. HORTON LitHOgraPH. haskell and Allen, 1873. handcolored. “As she appeared rounding eastern Point Light, gloucester, Mass.” Framed, 26.5”h. 32.5”w. $150-$250

146 seven ameriCan Prints OF aBraHam LinCOLn.

hand colored lithographs. Six small folio by currier & ives. c#2206, 291, 4880, 20, 2137, 1471. And one oval portrait by kellogg in a grain painted frame. imperfections. Framed. Average size 13” x 17.5”, largest, 18.5”h. 23.5”w. $200-$300

147 DeCOrateD sCanDinavian aPPLe BasKet. early 20th century, pine. original hand painted flowers on white ground. Bentwood handle. 8”h. 10” x 10”. $75-$150


141 20 | gartH’s the mcgill Collection: July 24, 2015


POrtrait OF a wOman (ameriCan sCHOOL, Late 19tH CenturY). oil on canvas, illegible signature dated 1896. woman in a white dress. in a frame, 21.5”h. 17.5”w. $50-$100

149 Large ameriCan merCurY gLass PitCHer anD BOwL. Late 19th-early 20th century. Bulbous pitcher with applied handle, 31”h., and a bowl, 7”h. 13.5”d. $150-$300

150 ameriCan merCurY gLass COnDiment set anD sHaKer. Late 19th-early 20th century. Mercury glass base with five pattern glass bottles, 12”h. overall, and a large shaker, part of a pair. 6”h. $50-$125

151 ten PieCes OF ameriCan merCurY gLass. Late 19th century. Five vases and three candlesticks with hand painted flowers, 13” to 8.5”h. together with a tazza and bowl shaped vase, 4”h. imperfections. $150-$250




152 ameriCan merCurY gLass CanDLe HOLDer anD mirrOreD OBeLisK. Late 19th-20th century. obelisk with reverse etched designs, 20.5”h., and an etched candle holder on later wooden base, 23”h. $75-$150

153 Five ameriCan merCurY gLass vases. Late 19th century. two have worn hand painted flowers or etched designs. 9” to 12”h. $100-$300

154 ten PieCes OF ameriCan merCurY gLass. Late 19th century. one vase, 9”h., a lamp base, and ten candlesticks, 9.5” to 11.5”h. imperfections. $50-$125





tHree OversiZe ameriCan merCurY gLass vases. Late 19th century. ribbed with applied double handles. Varying wear.12”, 14.5”, 18.5”h. $100-$300

twO FrameD waterCOLOrs anD twO Prints. American, 19th-20th century. watercolors of an adobe house and bird with butterfly. And two prints of a train and birds. the birds are handcolored. 8.25”h. 10.25”w. to 5.5”h. 8.5”w. $50-$125

FOur LanDsCaPes (ameriCan anD eurOPean, 19tH-20tH CenturY). watercolor and gouache on paper. caribbean scene signed “Sessions”, 12.5”h. 14.5”w., trees with illegible signature, 9.5”h. 10.25’w., trees (unsigned), 9.5’h. 12.5”w., and a temple in karlsbad signed “F. robler”. 14.5”h. 11.5”w. $150-$350

156 ameriCan HePPLewHite sLant-FrOnt DesK. early 19th century, mahogany and pine. interior with six drawers and a central prospect, over four drawers, all on French feet. imperfections. 44.5”h. 46”w. 21.5”d., writing surface is 32”h. $800-$1,200 | 21



160 - 161




FOLK art sQuirreL sCuLPture. Attributed to Sig ziebart, Middletown, kentucky, mid 20th century, mixed materials. gold-painted squirrel on a stump. 27”h. $150-$250

FOLK art ameriCan CarveD BirDs. twentieth century. carved wood with original paint. two groups on branches and a single on a wooden plaque. 17”h. $100-$300



ameriCan FOLK art Carving OF BirDs. Mid 20th century. Six birds on branches with original painted accents. 7.5”h. 10”w. 7”d. $200-$400

tHree ameriCan BirD Carvings. twentieth century. crow decoy, 17”l., heron, 27.5”h., and a swan by charles Moore. repair. $100-$250

ameriCan arCHiteCturaL tin Hanging mirrOr. Late 19th-early 20th century. interesting mirror with pediment, scrolled sides and thimble drops. Mirror and drawer with ring pulls. Four tin type and cdV portraits of men are fitted into the piece. old worn gold paint. 18”h. 13”w. 8.5”d. $300-$600

161 ameriCan FOLK art BirD sCuLPture. Mid 20th century. Stylized birds on a driftwood base. 19.5”h. $100-$250

162 twO Lines OF ameriCan FOLK art FisH. Second half-20th century. carved wood with original paint on chains. glass and painted eyes. Minor loss. Average fish 9”l. $200-$400

22 | gartH’s the mcgill Collection: July 24, 2015

165 Hunt sCene BY H. PetersOn (ameriCan Or engLisH, 20tH CenturY). oil on canvas, signed lower left. Autumn landscape with horses and riders. 35” x 35”, in a frame, 40” x 40”. $400-$600

166 WEST SWAZEY, NEW YORK, SEPTEMBER 1925 BY FreDeriCK DetwiLLer (new YOrK/maine, 1882-1953). oil on canvas, signed lower right, signed and titled on back. Landscape. 28”h. 36”w., in a frame, 33.5”h. 42”w. $1,000-$1,500






ameriCan waterCOLOr OF a CHiLD. Signed “e.J. newell, 1846”. Sleeping child with cat and a poem on the back titled “infancy”. in a gilt frame, 10.5”h. 11”w. $150-$350

Five assOrteD PaPier maCHe anD CarveD items. American and european, 19th-20th century. wooden birds, two wall pockets and a papier mache cat head, 7”l. wear. $50-$100


169 miniature POrtrait OF a eurOPean nOBLewOman. Second half-19th century. Finely detailed portrait of a woman in elizabethan clothes, wearing a pearl necklace. in an oval brass frame, 4.5”h. $300-$500

173 CHiPPenDaLe-stYLe CameLBaCK sOFa. twentieth century, mahogany. Serpentine front and molded legs. exotic green upholstery. 16”h. seat, 35”h. overall, 84”l. $400-$800

174 170 POtrait OF a muse aFter wiLLiam aDOLPHe BOuguereau (FranCe/itaLY, 1825-1905). oil on canvas, signed lower right. Young classical woman with holly wreath. restorations. 28.5”h. 23.5”h., in a late frame, 37”h. 32”w. $2,000-$3,000

171 eurOPean COrner stanD. Late 18th-early 19th century, pine. Marble-top stand with carved and gilt legs. imperfections. 31.5”h., requires a 20” corner. $250-$500

ameriCan FOLKsY Hanging sHeLF. Late 19th-early 20th century, mahogany. three tiers with hanging pendants. Losses. 43”h. $150-$250


175 seven ameriCan BirD anD sHOreBirD Carvings. twentieth century. carved wood with original paint. Songbirds, duck and two shorebirds, all on wooden bases including branches and driftwood. $100-$250

176 FaLL LanDsCaPe BY FranCis FOCer BrOwn (inDiana/new JerseY, 1891-1971). watercolor on paper, signed lower right. Framed, 215.5”h. 27”w. $200-$400 | 23



miDwestern DesK-anD-BOOKCase. 1820-1840, walnut and poplar. two piece, the upper section with two fourpane doors and four drawers; the lower section with a lift lid and a deep drawer, all on high turned legs. 68.5”h. 45”w. 24.5”d., writing surface is 32”h. $400-$800

Five wasHingtOn reLateD Prints BY Currier & ives. hand colored lithographs. Small folio, some by n. currier. c#’s 5904, 6503, 6100, 6527 and 6509. the latter two are uncolored. imperfections. Framed. Average size 12.5” x 16.5”. $150-$250

179 seven ameriCan CiviL war reLateD Prints. hand colored lithographs. Four small folio by currier & ives. “Surrender of genl. Lee...”c#5909, “hail columbia”, “Surrender of Port hudson...” c#5915 and “the Union Volunteer” c#6288B. together with two of Jefferson davis and “the Young Volunteer” by kellogg. imperfections. Framed. Average size, 16”h. 12”w. $200-$300

180 grOuP OF Currier & ives Prints anD a LeDger Drawing. nineteenth-20th century. handcolored and uncolored prints including memorials, children and presidents. All unframed. together with a late ledger drawing of native American indians on horseback. Framed, 14.75”h. 19.25”w. And a reprint of currier & ives “American homestead winter”. Framed, 12.5”h. 16.5”w. $50-$125

181 new engLanD CHiPPenDaLe tea taBLe. eighteenth century, maple and pine. rectangular top with shaped corners, on molded legs. 28”h. 35”w. 23.5”d. $600-$900

182 ameriCan CHiPPenDaLe sLant-FrOnt DesK. Late 18th-early 19th century, mahogany and pine. interior with eight drawers and a central prospect, the case with four graduated drawers, all on bracket feet. 43”h. 38”w. 21”d., writing surface is 32.5”h. $800-$1,200

183 Five PieCes OF engLisH CeramiCs. Second half-19th-20th century. doulton Lambeth wine merchant’s bottle in the form of a sailor. impressed “eh Blay, wine & Spirit Merchant...Shadwell”. 9.5”h. And four Staffordshire figures. Pair of dogs, hunter and dog, 10.5”h., and late miniature toby. repairs. $100-$300

184 177

24 | gartH’s the mcgill Collection: July 24, 2015

BrOnZe Crane (asian, earLY 20tH CenturY). Unsigned. well detailed. 64”h. $800-$1,200



BirD tree BY DanieL anD BarBara strawser (PennsYLvania, Late 20tH CenturY). Signed on the base. Four carved wooden birds with original paint seated on a tree branch. Some loss. 22.5”h. $100-$200

ameriCan BarOmeter, Letter HOLDer, CLOCK anD sHeLF. nineteenth-20th century, walnut and pine. Small letter or magazine holder with pierce-carved sides. 16.25”h. 9”w., small barometer with flowers, 17”l. and a steeple clock by gilbert with repainted rose on door. 19.75”h. together with shelf with carved leaves. Split. 7”h. 19.25”w. $100-$250

186 LanDsCaPe BY JOHn aDams sPeLman (minnesOta, 1880-1941). oil on canvas, signed lower right. Autumn lake scene. 20”h. 24”w., in a frame, 23.5”h. 27.5”w. $900-$1,200

187 tHree CarveD CHiPPenDaLe-stYLe CHairs. centennial-era, mahogany. two side chairs with carved and pierced splats and ball and claw feet, 17”h. seats, 40”h. and 43”h. overall. together with an armchair with a shell-carved splat and ball and claw feet, 17”h. seat, 40.5”h. overall. $400-$800

189 IDEAL HEAD BY eDwarD a. BeLL (new YOrK, 1852-1963). oil on board, signed lower right. Profile portrait of a young woman. gilt frame with old exhibition label and a St. Louis framer’s label on verso. 23”h. 19”w. $1,000-$2,000 189

190 Pair OF staFFOrDsHire DOgs anD a Dresser BOX. Second half-19th century. Seated black and white spaniels, 7.5”h., and a box with child and tea set on the lid and an eagle on the base. Flakes. 5”h. $100-$200

191 BrOnZe FOX (ameriCan Or eurOPean, earLY 20tH CenturY). Unsigned. good detail and patina. 15.5”h. 24”l. $300-$600





stiLL LiFe BY CarL ruDOLPH KraFFt (OHiO/ iLLinOis, 18841938). oil on canvas, signed lower left. Flowers and statue. 20”h. 18”w., in a frame, 23.5”h. 21.5”w. $150-$300

ameriCan HePPLewHite CHest OF Drawers. early 19th century, cherry and pine. two over three drawers, over a shaped skirt and French feet. imperfections. 40”h. 40.5”w. 21.5”d. $400-$800

nine assOrteD wOOD anD Cast irOn animaLs anD BOOKenDs. American, 20th century. includes doves, pig, tin fish, two wooden dogs and a fish, and bronze American indian bookends, 5.5”h. $150-$300

193 | 25

friday, July 24, 2015 lots 195 - 314 beginning at 4:00 pM The lifetime Collection of Thomas Glass


195 FrenCH POrCeLain PLate FrOm tHe aBraHam LinCOLn wHite HOuse serviCe. haviland, Limoges (unmarked), ca. 1861. in the “Solferino” or “royal Purple” pattern, with an eagle and shield over “e Pluribus Unum” at center, and with a purple and gilt border. imperfections. 9.5”d. Mary todd Lincoln ordered this extensive service from e. V. haughwout & co. in the spring of 1861, at a total cost of nearly $3,200. Both Presidents grant and Arthur ordered china in this pattern during their administrations (these pieces all carry haviland backmarks), and Benjamin harrison ordered a similar pattern (same design but different colors). $2,000-$4,000






Pair OF OLD Paris mantLe vases. France, 3rd quarter-19th century. Porcelain with floral handles, painted reserves of priests in polychrome colors, and heavy gold decoration. 16.5”h. $200-$400

ameriCan renaissanCe revivaL seven-PieCe ParLOr suite. Late 19th century. includes six armchairs and a settee, all with an ebonized finish, trimmed in brass and mother-of-pearl. Later upholstery. chairs, 16”h. seats, 33”h. overall, sofa has 16”h. seat, 36”h. overall, 61”l. $800-$1,200

197 Large FaienCe COvereD urn witH BrOnZe mOunts. continental, 4th quarter-19th century. green and rose floral decoration with courting scenes and bronze lion head ring handles. Anchor and circle mark on reverse of foot. 24”h. 16”w. across handles. $200-$400

202 eastLaKe viCtOrian BLaCK sLate mantLe CLOCK. european, 4th quarter-19th century. case has red marble trim, engraved line decoration in gold, open escapement brass movement, and porcelain face. 9.5”h. 12.5”w. 6.5”d. $175-$350

198 OLD Paris DOuBLe-HanDLeD vase. France, mid 19th century. tan and blue with painted and applied floral decoration and heavy gold trim. 15.25”h. $200-$400

199 Pair OF FOur-BranCH Brass CanDeLaBras. european, 4th quarter-19th century. heavy cast fire gildings with floral designs. 17”h. $150-$300

200 ameriCan BarOQue-stYLe Cast irOn HaLL tree. third quarter-19th century. heavily cast brackets and foliage, six hooks, umbrella stand, and chip insert in base. Missing mirror and retains old worn black-green paint. 79”h. 32”w. 16”d. $300-$600 28 | gartH’s the glass Collection: July 24, 2015

203 eastLaKe viCtOrian BLaCK sLate mantLe CLOCK. France, 4th quarter-19th century. case has engraved line decoration in gold, open escapement brass movement, and porcelain face. 8”h. 10.25”w. 5.25”d. $150-$250

204 ameriCan neOCLassiCaL sLeigH BeD. Second quarter-19th century, mahogany and mahogany veneer with pine secondary. Bold figuring to book binding veneers, nicely detailed head and foot with ratchet tightening rope rails on head and foot boards. 40”h. 45”w. 82”l. $250-$500


208 205 212




Pair OF aestHetiC PeriOD FOur-BranCH CanDeLaBras. european, 4th quarter-19th century. nicely cast detail with swags of chains, and red marble bases. 19.5”h. $150-$300

gOtHiC revivaL Cast Brass DisPLaY Case witH CrYstaL steePLe. england, 3rd quarter-19th century. Beautifully cast architectural detail. 29.5”h. 11” square. $300-$600

smaLL BatHtuB-sHaPeD PLanter. european, 4th quarter-19th century. Pink marble with bronze claw feet. 3.5”h. 8.25”w. 3.75”d. $150-$300

212 209

206 tHree BrOnZe PieCes inCLuDing JeweLrY BOX anD Pair OF CanDLe HOLDers. France, 4th quarter-19th century. heavily embossed lidded box on added green marble base with worn velvet interior. 7”h. 7.75” square. enameled candle holders with alabaster bases and faun stems. 7.5”h. $150-$300

ameriCan HePPLewHite FrenCH FOOt CHest. First quarter-19th century, mahogany with pine secondary. Sapwood inlays around top. three reeded front glove drawers, over four graduated drawers with applied beaded edges. 42”h. 46”w. 21.5”d. $200-$400

210 207 OPaLene gLass sOuvenir FrOm tHe CrYstaL PaLaCe eXPOsitiOn. england, mid 19th century. wire overlay decoration with reserves of historic buildings of London. 6.25”h. 7.75”d. $150-$300

PiCture Frame CLOCK. France, mid 19th century. ebonized finish with gold leaf gesso trim and decoration. Applied brass decorations. 20.5”h. 17.75”w. 5”d. $200-$400

tHree CHinese eXPOrt LaCQuereD BOXes. Mid 19th century. Shallow boxes with scalloped sides and gilt decoration on red and black lacquer. one has Shanghai textile seller's label. 4”h. 22.5” x 25” and two 4”h. 21” x 22” $400-$600

213 DunCan PHYFe-stYLe CLassiCaL BenCH. henry Ford reproduction by colonial, 2nd quarter-20th century, mahogany. needlepoint upholstery. 17”h. seat, 38.5”l. $150-$250

214 sOLar LamP. American, 2nd quarter-19th century. Marble base, brass fluted column stem, and lotus petal font. round clear glass etched shade and cut prisms. 24”h. $200-$400 | 29








BeautiFuL CaseD traveLLing Dressing set. Paris, 3rd quarter-19th century. ebonized rosewood box with brass corners and line inlays with recessed handles. Fitted interior contains vermeil-lidded cut-glass jars and bottles. Second layer includes various grooming implements. third layer includes fitted boxes and vials. 6.5”h. 14”w. 10”d. $1,000-$1,500

BrOnZe taBLe LamP witH tHree mOtHer-OF-PearL sHeLL sHaDes. First quarter-20th century. cast tripod leaf base with three snailshaped shades. 17”h. $200-$400

asian LaCQuereD CarrYing COntainer. Second half-20th century. three compartments with a bentwood handle secured by a metal rod with a figural lock. 18”h. 15”w. 8”d. $75-$125

Pair OF waLL sCOnCes. european, 2nd quarter-20th century. cast brass with heavy cut prisms and prism swags. 30”h. 17”w. 9.5”d. $250-$500



Pair OF FOur-BranCH Cast Brass CanDeLaBras signeD “J. mOignieZ” (1835-1894). France, 4th quarter-19th century. heavily cast with trunk-like stems, bird feet tripod bases, and swag chain decoration. 24”h. $800-$1,200

CHinese rug. First half-20th century. room size green ground with bamboo design. imperfections. 8’10” x 11’4”. $300-$600

216 CHinese-stYLe POrCeLain Figure. Probably european, 1st half-20th century. hand decorated image of a chinese warrior with gilding. Some imperfections. 31”h. including wooden base. $250-$450

217 POrCeLain LamP. china, 1st half-20th century. orange porcelain with gold decoration and brass mounts. 23”h. $150-$300


220 CHinese LaCQuereD FOur PaneL sCreen. Mid 20th century. red lacquer hand painted on both sides with birds and trees on one side and a palace complex on the other. imperfections. 72”h. 18” panels, 72”w. overall. $250-$450

30 | gartH’s the glass Collection: July 24, 2015

223 aestHetiC PeriOD-stYLe COrDiaL set On siLver PLate traY. england, 1st quarter-20th century. cut and etched with greek key and gold enameled decoration. decanter, six cordials, and tray. includes three extra mismatched cordials. decanter, 10”h. cordials, 5”h. $150-$300

PairPOint tHree-PieCe COnsOLe set. American, 1st quarter-20th century. Black glass with controlled bubble ball stems. Pair of candlesticks with rough pontils. 12”h. console bowl with ground pontil. 6.5”h. 12”dia. $200-$400

226 siX PieCes OF BLOwn gLass witH gOLD LeaF etCHeD DeCOratiOn. england, ca.1900. Pair of footed cruets. 14”h. three footed mint dishes. 10”h to 7.5”h. Footed bowl with starcut foot. 6.75”h. $150-$300



siLver PLateD BrOnZe Figure OF a greeK gODDess. continental, mid 19th century. Full-bodied with a diaphanous robe. 12.5”h. $250-$500

ameriCan BrOnZe FLOOr LamP. First half-20th century. trefoil base with griffons. electrified. 57”h. $100-$300

234 228 BrOnZe Figure OF a greeK gODDess. continental, mid 19th century. Full-bodied with a diaphanous robe and holding an ewer and chalice. indistinct mark on top of base. 11.5”h. $250-$500

tHree FrenCH CHairs. includes a 20th century, Louis xVi-style easy chair with green upholstery, 15”h. seat, 47”h. overall. together with a pair of Louis xVi armchairs with oval backs and tapered and fluted legs, later silk upholstery, 16”h. seat, 37”h. overall. $400-$800



ameriCan renaissanCe revivaL CaBinet Or server. Late 19th century. Marble top over one drawer and one door, with an ebonized finish trimmed in brass and mother-ofpearl. 43”h. 47.5”w. 20”d. $1,000-$2,000

CarveD marBLe Bust OF Queen viCtOria On an eastLaKe PeDistaL. england, 4th quarter-19th century. well carved depiction of the Queen in later years wearing a brooch of Prince Albert. on ebonized pedestal with line carvings and fluted column with gold highlights. the Queen is 24”h. on a 39.5” pedestal. 63.5”h. overall. $400-$800

230 gOtHiC revivaL waLL CLOCK. england, 3rd quarter-19th century. Mahogany with ebonized highlights and trim. gothic arch with architectural detail. Porcelain face, brass key wind movements, and three weights. 57”h. 15”w. 7”d. $300-$600

227 - 228


231 Pair OF Cut OPaLene gLass PeDestaLs witH Brass mOunts. european, 3rd quarter-19th century. Panel cutting with baluster stems, embossed brass tops, and brass rims around feet. 7.5”h. 6.5”dia. $100-$200

232 Pair OF FiguraL Brass anDirOns. France, ca.1900. Fire gilding with full-bodied putti and foliage. 22”h. $150-$300

234 | 31



mOnumentaL ameriCan sHaDeD KerOsene stOre CHanDeLier. Second quarter-19th century. tin and iron with twelve burner font carousel roof-style shade, and green taupe, blue, and red paint. 59”h. 40”dia. $350-$700

aLaBaster mantLe CLOCK marKeD “DuHme & CO.” On FaCe. cincinnati, ohio, 4th quarter-19th century. Beige veined stone with heavy cast brass ormolu, feet, and handles, with an urn shaped finial. 18.5”h. 11”w. 6.5”d. $250-$450



sHeratOn easY CHairs. American or english, 19th century, mahogany. turned legs and brass casters. Later red upholstery. imperfections. 17”h. seat, 43”h. overall. $200-$400

Pair OF FiguraL tHree-BranCH CanDeLaBras witH POrCeLain inserts. France, 2nd half-19th century. Beautifully cast foliage and boy and girl figures with Sevres-like porcelain inserts. inserts have blue fields, cherubs, and floral reserves. 18.5”h. $300-$600

238 marBLe-tOP PLant stanD. American, early 20th century, cast iron. Black and white marble top and purple-painted iron base. 22.5”h. $100-$200

241 viCtOrian musiC CaBinet. Late 19th century, rosewood veneer and oak. Shaped panel and fluted quarter columns, with ebonized and ormolu trim. imperfections. 44”h. 32”w. 18”d. $250-$500


242 LaminateD OaK “rCa viCtOr” HOrn. American, 1st quarter-20th century. old finish with “Victor talking Machine” decal, and nickel plated coupling. 26”h. 21.5”dia. $250-$500

243 taBLetOP “graPHOPHOne” CYLinDer PLaYer BY “COLumBia PHOnOgraPH CO”. American, ca. 1900. Spring wind movement, painted tin horn, on cast iron base. 10.5”h. 8.5”w. 14”d. includes a box of cylinders. $150-$300

244 “rCa viCtOr” winD-uP taBLetOP reCOrD PLaYer. American, 1st quarter-20th century. oak case with carving, brass, tin, and nickel plated horn, and manufacturing plate on front. 24”h. 13”w. 23”d. $200-$400 237 32 | gartH’s the glass Collection: July 24, 2015




giLDeD CarveD waLL CLOCK. American, mid 20th century. nicely detailed reeded columns, foliage, and finials. key wind brass movement with chime. 28”h. 15”w. 5”d. $150-$300

Pair OF amBer Cut gLass Lusters anD a Pair OF vases. england, ca.1900. hand blown with panel cutting. Lusters have long cut clear prisms. 12.5”h. classical urn-shaped vase. 11”h. $200-$400



tiFFanY FavriLLe trumPet vase in BrOnZe DOre Base. American, ca.1900 Pulled feather design signed “Lct” on bottom surface. Foot stamped “tiffany Studios, new York” and numbered “1043”. 11.5”h. $400-$800

twO Pairs OF CanDLestiCKs. France, mid 19th century. Baroque-style heavy brass castings of foliage. one retains old worn silver plate. 10”h. nicely cast brass with Sevres-like blue porcelain inserts with gold decoration. 9.75”h. $150-$300



tiFFanY FOOteD BrOnZe DOre CaLLing CarD HOLDer. American, 1st quarter-20th century. Arts and crafts design marked “tiffany Studios, new York” and numbered “1744”. 9.75”dia. $150-$300

twO seateD PatinateD BrOnZe sPeLter Figures On marBLe Bases. european, 2nd half-19th century. Female figures with classical detail. one figure depicts demeter, the goddess of harvest, and the other depicts Athena, the goddess of industry. 9.5”h. 8.5”w. 5”d. $200-$400

248 BrOnZe CLassiCaL maLe Figure. France, 3rd quarter-19th century. Fire gilded figure with laurel wreath and broad sword seated on a rocky plinth with black marble base. 13.5”h. 13.5”w. 8.5”d. $250-$500

249 nine-LigHt CHanDeLier. France, 2nd quarter-20th century. cast brass with pressed glass bobeche, central column, and cut prisms and prism swags. 24”h. 18”wide. $200-$400

250 FrenCH arCHiteCturaL sLate mantLe CLOCK. Fourth quarter-19th century. dial marked “Spiridion, Paris”. columned portico with arched ends and domed center. 16”h. 16.75”w. $150-$300


254 eDisOn stanDarD PHOnOgraPH CYLinDer PLaYer witH mOrning gLOrY. American, 1st quarter-20th century, oak. wind-up movement with cast iron works plate and tin horn. refinished and restored. 31”h. 13”w. 39”d. $250-$500

246 - 247

255 Pair OF BarOQue-stYLe maJOLiCa BraCKets. Possibly France, 4th quarter-19th century. Bold colors in yellow, blue, green, red, and purple. illegible impressed circle and crown mark on reverse. 10”h. 8”w. 6.5”d. $150-$300

248 | 33



Pair OF CHinese temPLe urns witH BrOnZe mOunts. early 20th century. Fire gilded mounts, dusty rose background with butterflies, birds, and foliage decoration. 28”h. $400-$800

ameriCan assemBLeD nine-PieCe Dining set. Late 20th century. Federalstyle double pedestal dining table with mahogany top and banded inlay, pedestals with turned columns, tripod base with reeding, and brass casters. 29”h. 44”w. 68”l. with two 14” leaves. eight late-Victorian sidechairs with matching upholstery; six matching with open carved back splats, and carved front legs. 18” seat, 36”h. Pair with upholstered backs, fruit carved crests, and carved front legs. 16” seat, 38”h. $500-$700

257 BrOnZe eigHteen-LigHt regenCY CanDLe CHanDeLier. european, mid-19th century. Verdigris patinization on heavy castings with gilt highlights. 41”h. 32”dia. $500-$1,000


258 eigHt imari PLates. china, 20th century. rust and blue decoration. 8”dia. $100-$200


260 ameriCan renaissanCe revivaL DesK Or Dressing taBLe. Late 19th century. central mirror flanked by small doors, over two drawers and lower shelves. ebonized finish with brass mounts and inset handpainted porcelain medallions. imperfections. 51”h. 41”w. 19.5”d. $1,500-$2,500

261 twO Cut gLass OPen COmPOtes. england, 2nd half-19th century. cobalt cut to clear with scalloped rim, thumbprint pattern bowl, hollow stem, and hexagonal foot with ground pontil. 8”h. 9”dia. ruby red paneled cut with scalloped rim, octagonal monument base with gold enamel decoration. 7.5”h. 9”dia. $200-$400

262 marBLe tOP inLaiD COnsOLe taBLe. england, 2nd half-19th century. carrara marble scalloped top. Base with three mirrored doors, applied decorations, and geometric sapwood inlays. 33.5”h. 49”w. 15”d. $250-$500


260 34 | gartH’s the glass Collection: July 24, 2015

Brass eigHt-sOCKet CanDLe CHanDeLier. european, mid 20th century. nicely cast frame with cut prisms and center column. 27”h. 19” dia. $250-$500



DOuBLe POrtrait OF CHiLDren (eurOPean sCHOOL, miD 19tH CenturY). oil on canvas, unsigned. Boy and girl seated under a tree. She carries a basket, he is dressed in plaid and carries a bow. restoration. 49”h. 40”w., in a frame, 60”h. 51”w. $1,500-$2,500

ameriCan renaissanCe revivaL DrOP-LeaF Center taBLe. Late 19th century. ebonized base with brass mounts, the top with four drop leaves and decorated with elaborate, colored, marquetry inlay with a central musical trophy. 31”h. 34”d. when open. $400-$800



mOnumentaL Pair OF OLD Paris COmPOtes. France, mid 19th century. oval reticulated bowls with fleur de lys cutouts supported by two winged angels kneeling on double-pointed oval plinths with paw feet. heavy gold decoration. indistinct mark on bases. 14”h. 14.5”w. 10.25”d. $300-$600

tHree-PieCe Brass giranDOLe set witH FiguraL stems. American, mid-19th century. cast female stems on marble bases. includes two single, and one threebranch candle holders. 16”h. $150-$300

266 Pair OF OLD Paris Figurines. France, 3rd quarter-19th century. Bohemian costumed man and woman with bold polychrome decoration and heavy gold trim. 14”h. $250-$500

272 Pair OF Five-BranCH BrOnZe anD marBLe CanDeLaBras. France, 4th quarter-19th century. Aesthetic period embossing with fire gilding on red marble bases. 25”h. $300-$500


273 267 ameriCan renaissanCe revivaL COrner taBLe. Late 19th century. Shaped top on five columns, and an ebonized finish trimmed in brass and gilt. 32”h. 37”w. 25.5”d. $300-$600

Late sHeratOn siDeBOarD. england, 1st half-19th century, mahogany with pine and oak secondary. high dovetailed gallery, unusual horizontal reeding on doors and drawers, and nicely turned legs. 41”h. 70”w. 26”d. $300-$600


274 268 FrameD BLaCK LaCe Fan. european, ca.1900. intricately woven lace with mother-of-pearl ribs in a shadow box frame. 18.25”h. 30.5”w. 2.25”d. $150-$300

DeCOrateD terra COtta water BOttLe witH unDertraY. england, 4th quarter-19th century. Stoppered bottle has bulbous body, turquoise trim, and flora and fauna decoration. tray has turquoise trim. 12.5”h. $100-$200



inLaiD viCtOrian stanD. American, late 19th century, mixed woods. ebonized with colored marquetry inlay and brass mounts. 29.5”h. $200-$400

sevres COvereD urn witH BrOnZe mOunts. France, 4th quarter-19th century. dark green body with floral reserve on back and courting scene, artist signed “Max” reserve on front. Sevres mark on base. 12.5”h. $150-$300

266 | 35




regenCY FiguraL BrOnZe mantLe CLOCK. France, 1st quarter-19th century. Portico-style case with seated roman female figure seated upon green plinth with anthemion decorations. Porcelain face marked “Le roy”. 17”h. 11.5”w. 7”d. $300-$600

POrtrait OF a man (ameriCan sCHOOL, 2nD Quarter-19tH CenturY). oil on canvas, unsigned. Young man in a grey vest. repairs. 30”h. 25”w., in a frame, 39”h. 33”w. $300-$400



Pair OF OLD Paris POCKet vases. France, 3rd quarter-19th century. cobalt and floral decoration with heavy gold gilding. 11”h. $150-$300

tHree inLaiD BOXes. Playing card case. 3”h. 4.5”w. 2.5”d. Ballot box, 4.75”h. 7.25”w. 4”d., and a mahogany box, 3.25”h. 7.5”w. 5.25”d. $125-$250

278 Queen anne JaPanneD Dressing mirrOr. england, 19th century, pine. Slant lid and a single drawer, with its original chinoiserie decoration. imperfections. 42”h. $400-$800

279 tHree PieCes: twO LamPs anD a PaPerweigHt. Brass lamp standards made from english sword hilts. 24.5”h. Bronze cat with captured prey on white and red marble base. 4”h. 6.25”w. 3.75”d. $200-$400


280 twO FiguraL sPeLter CLOCKs. european, 4th quarter-19th century. Seated classical lady on alabaster base. 11.5”h. 16”w. 5.25”d. And a young man with tricorn hat and heavily cast foliage. 10.5”h. 10.5”w. 4.5”d. $150-$300

281 Pair OF FiguraL waLL sCOnCes. european, 1st quarter-20th century. Patinated bronze with cast foliage brackets, winged goddess stems, and etched glass shades. 25”h. $250-$500

278 36 | gartH’s the glass Collection: July 24, 2015

284 tHree BOXes. european, 1st quarter-20th century. Burl veneer box, 2”h. 5.5”w. 4”d. Music box with bird’s-eye veneer and ball feet, 3”h. 4.75”w. 3.75”d. Marquetry box with two cologne bottles, 4”h. 4.25”w. 3”d. $125-$250

285 BieDermeier Pier mirrOr. european, 2nd quarter-19th century, mahogany. Line inlays and stylized lotus blossom column capitals. Mirror is in three sections. 97”h. 41”w. 12.5”d. $400-$800

286 FOur inLaiD BOXes. european. exotic woods with sapwood and bone inlays. two playing card cases. 1.5”h. 6”w. 4.75”d. and 2”h. 4.75”w. 3.5”d. two cigarette boxes. 4”h. 6.5”w. 5”d. and 2.5”h. 3.75”w. 4.75”d. $150-$300

287 FrenCH rOCOCO-stYLe sOFa. Late 19th-early 20th century, mahogany. camelback sofa with carved skirt, arms and legs, and scrolled feet. old, dry finish. Later upholstery. 14.5”h. seat, 42”h. overall, 84”l. $400-$800



POrtrait OF a man (ameriCan sCHOOL, 1st HaLF-19tH CenturY). oil on canvas, unsigned. Young man. imperfections. in a frame, 30”h. 23.5”w. $100-$200

arCHiteCturaL Cast irOn Hanging CaBinet. european, 4th quarter-19th century. romanesque-style portico doorway design with scrolled gallery. 12.5”h. 12”w. 5.75”d. $200-$400



DeCOrative ameriCan waLL PaneL. Late 20th century. handpainted Adams-style floral medallion on panel. enhanced crackling. Framed. 52”h. 28”w. $100-$300

inLaiD Case OF Drawers. european, 1st quarter-20th century. rosewood with sapwood geometric inlays. three interior drawers with recessed hardware. 12.5”h. 10.5”w. 8”d. $150-$300



Pair OF FrenCH LOuis Xv armCHairs. nineteenth century, softwood. carved and painted, with needlepoint upholstery. imperfections. 17”h. seat, 41.5”h. overall. $500-$1,000

twO inLaiD BOOK BOXes. european, ca. 1900. Larger has bird inlays. 4”h. 6.25”w. 4.75”d. Smaller has tumbling block inlays. 1”h. 4”w. 3”d. $150-$250



geOrge iii-stYLe POLe sCreen. Mahogany. carved base and frame with needlepoint panel depicting birds. imperfections. 50”h. $200-$400

twO inLaiD BOXes. American, 2nd half-19th century. Lap desk with nickel and abalone inlay with fitted interior. 4.5”h. 11”w. 7.5”d. walnut with diamond inlay and bun feet. 7.25”h. 15”w. 10”d. $200-$400



291 | 37



297 - 298




aLaBaster CLOCK witH niCeLY matCHeD Pair OF OPaLene urn vases. england, 4th quarter-19th century. clock has gilded brass trim, porcelain face marked “chapman, Port Sea”. 13.5”h. 12”w. 4”d. Pair of Bristol acid-etched with scalloped rims, oval reserves of buildings, and gold trim. 14.5”h. 8.25”d. $250-$500

swiss musiC BOX. Late 19th century. Burlwood veneer and ebonized case with colored wood and motherof-pearl inlaid medallion. 39”l. on a later iron base with a musical theme. $1,500-$2,500

BOuLLe-stYLe inLaYeD BOX. european, ca.1900. Yew wood with finely engraved brass, mother-of-pearl, burl, and tortoiseshell inlays. 5.5”h. 11”w. 8”d. $200-$400

297 CHinese LaQuereD tea CaDDY. First quarter-20th century. red with finely detailed bird decoration and bat feet. interior has two pewter lidded tea jars. 5.25”h. 8.75”w. 6.5”d. $250-$450

298 BLaCK LaCQuereD writing BOX. Asian, 4th quarter-19th century. Black with finely detailed foliage and Asian farm scenes. Fitted interior, single drawer, and carved paw feet. 6”h. 12.75”w. 9.5”d. $250-$450

38 | gartH’s the glass Collection: July 24, 2015

303 300 venetian gLass CHanDeLier. italy, 1st quarter-20th century. clear, white, and blue glass tubing with clear, ruby, and blue cut prisms. 42”h. $150-$300

HeXagOnaL Hanging HaLL LamP. American, 3rd quarter-19th century. ruby cut to clear floral panels in a pressed tin frame. 13”h. 13”w. $200-$400

304 301 ameriCan renaissanCe revivaL ParLOr taBLe. Late 19th century. oblong table with ebonized finish and trimmed in brass and mother-of-pearl, including an inlaid design on top. imperfections. 29”h. 20.5”w. 49.5”l. $300-$600

BLaCK sLate witH green marBLe trim mantLe CLOCK. european, 4th quarter-19th century. open escapement brass movement, porcelain face, and pendulum with “rA” marking in porcelain reserve. 17”h. 17.5”w. 6.5”d. $300-$500



engLisH renaissanCe revivaL CaBinet. Late 19th century. two-piece cabinet: the upper section with an arched cornice over two glass doors, the lower section with two paneled doors, all with brass mounts and gold trim. 91”h. 41”w. 22.5”d. $1,000-$2,000

tHree stanDstOne CarveD arCHeteCturaL COLumn CaPitaLs. American, 2nd half-19th century. composite style, ionic and corinthian with nice detail. 21”h. 20”w. 17.5”d. $300-$600

306 viCtOrian neeDLewOrK. Probably American, late 19th century, wool. image of a medieval saint with lilies. in a frame, 41”h. 37”w. $150-$300

311 Pair OF Carrara marBLe CarveD PLanters. european, mid-20th century. rolled top edges. Sides carved with bushels of wheat and flowers. 9.5”h. 21.5”w. 13.5”d. $200-$400

312 307 Pair OF FrOsteD anD Cut trumPet vases in Fire giLDeD BrOnZe Bases. continental, 4th quarter-19th century. Scalloped and panel-cut rims with floral embossed bases. 14”h. $150-$300

308 Large amPHOra DragOn vase. Austria, 1st quarter-20th century. Yellow-beige body with gold dragon and frog. Marked “Amphora, Austria” with a crown on bottom. 22.5”h. $250-$500

309 tHree matCHing Cast COnCrete PeDistaLs witH JarDinieres. American, 4th quarter-20th century. Jardinières have molded classical figures, pedestals have fluted columns and foliage capitals and bases. Jardinières. 8”h. 14.5”dia. Pedestals. 36.5”h. $200-$400

viCtOrian gOtHiC Cast-irOn taBLe. Late 19th century. gothic arches on the black-painted base, and a stone top. 32”h. 27”w. 20”d. $200-$400

313 Pair OF FOrgeD irOn PLant stanDs. european, c. 1900. twisted square stock, curled decoration, applied flowers, cut out shelves, and cloverlike feet. gray-green repaint. 50”h. $150-$300

314 COuntrY emPire CurLY maPLe CannOn BaLL rOPe BeD. American, 2nd quarter-19th century. Paneled headboard with scalloped crest, and footboard with turned stretcher. 54”h. 53”w. 77”l. $200-$400

305 | 39

Saturday, July 25, 2015 lots 315 - 795 beginning at 10:00 aM european, asian, & american furniture & Decorative arts including 20th Century Design and fine & vintage Jewelry

40 | gartH’s Furniture & Decorative arts: July 25, 2015

315 ten LIBEROTTI IMPRONTE BOOKs OF PLaster CameOs. italy, late 19th century. Book-shaped boxes with marbleized paper covers and two sets each of plaster cameos on the interior with handwritten titles. the outsides of the boxes have the owner’s name printed on labels, the insides have the name and date written in pencil “ch collins, 1883”. Musei vols. 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 6, and Uommini Illustri vols. 1-4. Varying wear, some plasters are loose but complete. $1,000-$2,000 | 41






sCene OF HaarLem BY BartHOLOmeus JOHannes van HOve (netHerLanDs, 1790-1880). oil on wood panel, signed on the boat. Building and bridge over a canal. Vixseboxse label on back. Varnished with small scuffs. 19.5”h. 26.5”w., in a late frame, 25.5”h. 32.5”w. $1,500-$2,500

LanDsCaPe witH gOtHiC ruins (eurOPean sCHOOL, 2nD HaLF-19tH CenturY). oil on canvas, unsigned. half-timber cottage and two boys within ruins of gothic abbey. Minor imperfections. 27”h. 25”w., in a frame, 33”h. 31”w. $600-$900

set OF siX Queen anne CHairs. england, 18th century, oak. typical form with pierced splats and rush slip seats. old finish. imperfections. 18”h. seat, 37”h. overall. $800-$1,200

318 42 | gartH’s Furniture & Decorative arts: July 25, 2015




viLLage sCene BY LeOn riKet (BeLgium, 1876-1938). oil on canvas, signed lower left. Street with cottages and a cathedral in the distance. 31.5”h. 47”w., in a frame, 39.5”h. 58”w. $600-$800

grOuP OF twO mODern teXtiLes. Possibly American, 2nd half-20th century. A nativity entitled “Jesus Birthday” and an abstract example with chickens. each framed. Larger, 17.5”h. 21.25”w. together with a cut paper collage depicting a man and woman with animals and trees. Framed, 13.5”h. 23”w. $100-$200

320 POrtrait OF a wOman in tHe stYLe OF Jean BaPtiste Pater (FranCe, 1659-1736). oil on canvas, unsigned. Serene woman with a blue cloth over her head. name plaque for Pater on the frame. imperfections. 19”h. 25”w., in a frame, 22.75”h. 28.5”h. $600-$900

323 engLisH Pewter warming DisH. Second half-18th century. touch marks for thomas giffin, London. hammered booge. 13”d. $200-$400


321 twO reLigiOus Paintings. Crucifixion in the manner of Matthias grunewald (germany, 1480-1528). oil on canvas, unsigned. christ on the cross. 46”h. 32”w. together with an oil on board of a saint. 31”h. 21”w. $800-$1,200

324 engLisH Queen anne settee. eighteenth century, oak. Paneled back and baluster-and-block legs. rope seat. imperfections. 18”h. seat, 42”h. overall, 72”l. $800-$1,200

325 weLsH Dresser. england, 19th century, oak. two-piece dresser: the upper section with a scalloped cornice and ends and plate rails; the lower section with three drawers over lower shelves. old finish. Losses. 80”h. 60”w. 17”d. $800-$1,500 | 43

326 NEAR COOMBE MARTIN DEVONSHIRE BY JOsePH HOrLOr (uniteD KingDOm, 1809-1887). oil on canvas, unsigned. Fishing cottages near the shore. two later labels on stretcher. revarnished. 13.5”h. 26”w., in a frame, 18.5”h. 31”w. $300-$600

327 326

POrtrait OF an OFFiCer (engLisH sCHOOL, miD 19tH CenturY). oil on canvas, unsigned. Young officer in red dress uniform. Small tear. 31”h. 24”w., in a frame, 37.5”h. 32.5”w.


An old note on the frame states the portrait may be attributable to either Sir Francis coates or henry raeburn but the uniform appears to be 2nd quarter-19th century, ruling out coates and making raeburn unlikely. $400-$800



CarveD engLisH geOrge iii-stYLe CarD taBLe. Late 19th-early 20th century, mahogany and pine. double flip top (mahogany surface and a felt gaming surface), one drawer, gadrooned skirt, acanthus-carved knees, and ball and claw feet. 30”h. 35”w. 17”d. (closed). $500-$1,000

329 BACCHANALIA BrOnZe aFter miCHeL CLauDe CLODiOn (FranCe, 1738-1814). Signed and dated 1762 on base. contemporary casting of maenads and faun with applied surfaces. green marble base. 23”h. $600-$800

330 Brass “marLY HOrse” aFter niCOLas COustOu (FranCe, 1658-1733). Unsigned. rearing horse with groom. hole for missing accessory. 25”h. 328

44 | gartH’s Furniture & Decorative arts: July 25, 2015

named after a pair of statues at the chateau de Marly. $250-$500


331 THE BUCKER AND THE BUCKAROO aFter CHarLes mariOn russeLL (ameriCan, 1864-1926). Bronze, signed. cowboy and bronco. 15”h. including marble base. $800-$1,200



OFF THE DEVON COAST BY geOrge CHamBers (uniteD KingDOm, 1803-1840). oil on wooden panel, signed lower left. rocky shore with ships in the background. 8”h. 12”w., in a gilt frame, 14.5”h. 18.5”w. $400-$800

seven earLY BOOKs, mOstLY arts anD Letters. includes: Reglas de los Cinco Ordenes de Arquitectura de Vignola..., Madrid: Manuel gonzalez, 1792, full leather; Brongniart, Traite des Arts Ceramiques ou des Poteries..., Paris: Bechet, 1854, quarter leather over marbled boards;Arte de Escribir por Reglas y con Muestras..., Madrid: Joaquin ibarra, 1802, full leather; vol. 3 of Les Antiquites d’Athenes..., Paris: didot, 1812, folio in quarter leather over marbled boards; reinaud, Histoire de L’Artillerie...du Feu Gregeois des Feux de Guerre.., Paris: dumaine, 1845, quarter leather over marbled boards; and Le Docteur Dimanche and Le Robinson du Bois de Boulogne, Paris: courcier, n.d. (late 19th century), printed paperboard. $1,000-$2,000

333 saiLing sHiP BY rOBert HOPKin (miCHigan/sCOtLanD, 1832-1909). oil on canvas, signed lower right. Ship in rough seas. 20”h. 24”w.., in a frame, 31”h. 36”w. $1,000-$1,500

334 LanDsCaPe witH wasHerwOmen (eurOPean sCHOOL, 19tH CenturY). oil on wooden panel, unsigned. two women drying clothes near a river in a mountain valley. 14”h. 20.25”w., in a late frame, 21.5”h. 27.5”w. $600-$800

335 sCarCe COPY OF CasPar CaLvOr’s RITVALIS ECCLESIASTICI... Rituals from All Over the World, Jenae: Johan christoph konig, 1705. 2 vols., bound in full period vellum. includes numerous illustrations (some fold-outs). $250-$500



337 tHree earLY BOOKs. includes Alberto grawero, Absurda absurdorum absurdissima Calvinistica absurda : hoc est: invicta demonstratio logica..., Jenae: typis Steinmannianis, 1612, bound in full vellum; erdmann neumeister, Pietismus a Magistrate Politico Reprobatus et Proscriptus...., hamburg, 1736, remnants of a 19th-century binding; and a 1752 german communion book bound in marbled boards. $150-$250




sea BattLe (nOrtHern eurOPean sCHOOL, 17tH-18tH CenturY). oil on canvas, unsigned. Large painting of galleons in a battle, one flies the dutch flag. imperfections. 45”h., 69”w., in a later frame, 52”h. 76”w. $800-$1,600

engLisH wiLLiam anD marY gateLeg taBLe. nineteenth century, oak. round leaves, one drawer, and turned legs. imperfections. 29”h. 16”w. (closed) 56.5”w. (open) 48.5”d. $250-$500



LanDsCaPe in tHe stYLe OF Jean BaPtiste CamiLLe COrOt (FranCe, 1796-1875). oil on copper plate, signed lower right. Lake shoreline with trees. 14.5”h. 20.5”w., in a frame, 20.5”h. 26.5”w. $300-$400

BrOnZe HOrse aFter JuLes mOignieZ (FranCe, 1835-1894). Signed. green marble base. 13”h. 15”l. $250-$450 | 45

342 twO russian iCOns. nineteenth century, pine. Single boards with original paint and gilding. one with saints and inked cyrillic notation on the back, 14”h. 12”w., and one of Jesus with a goblet and cyrillic text on the front, 16”h. 13”w. imperfections. $400-$600

343 twO russian iCOns. nineteenth century, pine. Single boards with original paint depicting Mary and child. the larger is a single board with gilding and cyrillic text. Flaking. 17.5”h. 15”w. the smaller has an inscribed brass risa and velvet cover over the back. 10.5”h. 8.5”w. $300-$600


344 engLisH geOrge iii-stYLe CarD taBLe. Probably 19th century, mahogany and pine. Flip-top with one drawer and arched returns. imperfections. 27.75”h. 23.25”w. 13”d. (closed). $250-$500

345 343

engLisH regenCY Hanging COrner CuPBOarD. nineteenth century, mahogany and pine. dentilated and fretwork cornice over geometric doors, and shaped shelves. imperfections. 49.5”h. 32”w. 18.25”d., requires a 24” corner. $300-$600


346 angeL BY uLisse De matteis (itaLY, Late 19tH CenturY). oil and gilding on board, signed and dated 1894 lower right. Angel after Fra Angelico in a gesso and gilt niche. Most likely a grand tour souvenir. enclosed in a shadow box frame under glass. 26.25”h. 10.25”w. 4”d. $400-$800

347 344

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THE SUGGESTION aFter auguste mOreau (FranCe, 1834-1917). Signed on the base. A boy and girl with flowers. on a marble base. 18”h. $800-$1,200


350 349




ameriCan FOLK art Carving OF a sPHinX. twentieth century. reclining stylized sphinx with two spheres in outstretched hands. hole for pole through the back. weathered surface with traces of red and green paint. wear and minor loss. 18”h. 29”w. $400-$600

BrOnZe NOCTURNE aFter eDOuarD LOuis COLLet (switZerLanD, B. 1876). Signed on the base. nude woman with star tiara. Applied verdigris patina. 38”h. $1,000-$2,000

351 349 greeK reD Figure vase. reputedly 4th century Bce. images of travellers with staffs. imperfections. 10.5”h. $600-$1,200


FrenCH emPire-stYLe ParLOr suite. Late 19th-early 20th century. Brass mounts, including caryatids, and yellow and green silk upholstery. includes a settee, 17”h. seat, 39”h. overall, 52”l., a pair of armchairs, 17”h. seat, 39”h. overall, and a pair of side chairs, 17”h. seat, 37.5”h. overall. $2,000-$4,000




tHree-PieCe art nOuveau POrCeLain manteL set. France, early 20th century. cobalt glaze and brass fittings. Urn-shaped clock with brass works, 21”h., and a pair of candelabra with five candle sockets on vining foliate arms. 24”h. $400-$700

twO eurOPean Brass mOrtars anD PestLes. nineteenth century. Flared rims and double handles. 4.25”, 5”h. $300-$600

Pair OF marBLe urns anD an agate vase. twentieth century. two, onepiece pink marble urns with brass fittings including handles with women’s heads. Marked “Made in Belgium”. 15”h. And a late green striated agate vase. 7.5”h. $250-$450

354 eurOPean DrOP-LeaF taBLe. nineteenth century, oak. round leaves and square legs. 28.5”h. 41.5”w. 61”l. (open). $300-$500 | 47



PaPua/new guinea CarveD masK. twentieth century. Black stained mask with cowrie shell eyes, surrounded by a mud covered basketry border, and fringed with feathers. Some loss. 26”h. $300-$500

twO aFriCan CarveD wOODen Figures. ghana, mid 20th century. two Akan seated figures. Man with incised scarification marks and reversed feet. original pigment. 12.5”h. And a woman with a necklace. dark patina. 15”h. imperfections. $200-$400

357 PaPua/new guinea CarveD tOtem masK. twentieth century. elongated wooden mask with original pigment, cowrie shell eyes and carved bird crest. wear. 28”h. $200-$400 356


358 PaPua/new guinea CarveD masK. twentieth century. wooden mask with original pigment and female figural crest with cowrie shell eyes. 31.5”h. $250-$500

359 twO PaPua/new guinea CarveD masKs. twentieth century. wooden masks with original polychrome pigment and cowrie shell eyes. one has missing shell. Varying wear. 17.5”, 30”h. $250-$450

364 aFriCan CarveD wOODen HeaDDress Crest. nigeria, mid 20th century. idoma crest in the form of a Janus (two faced) head. nicely detailed with original pigment. Some wear with loss to top of crest. 15”h. $600-$800

365 west aFriCan CarveD wOODen masK. Mid 20th century. Mask with original pigment, topped by elaborate headdress. 14”l. $150-$350

366 aFriCan CarveD wOODen masK. Burkina Faso, mid 20th century. elaborate mask with original pigment and tall crest topped by a kneeling woman. 24.5”h. $400-$600

360 360


PaPua/new guinea CarveD tOtem. twentieth century. crocodile plaque with original polychrome pigment and cowrie shell eyes. 24”l. $250-$450

361 twO PaPua/new guinea BarK BeLts. First half-20th century. chip carved geometric designs with original paint. 5.25”w. $400-$600


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FOur eastern BeLts. Late 19th-early 20th century. Leather with applied metalwork decorations. one is also covered with red felt. Varying wear and breaks. 28” to 48”l. $300-$600

367 BeaDeD HeaDDress. Africa, mid 20th century. Beaded Yoruba chief’s headdress. cone shaped with multiple faces and a bird finial. the bottom and the bird have multicolored beaded fringe. green ground with red and blue faces and bird. 16”h. plus fringe. $150-$250

368 rattLe. Late 20th century. American indian-type turtle shell wrapped in leather with turkey feathers. 25”l. $75-$150



THREE AFRICAN CARVED WOOD MASKS. Mid 20th century. Two Senufo masks with dark stain. Minor edge chips. 15”, 15.5”h. And a Dan mask with white painted incised design and tack decoration. Good patina. 10.5”h. $250-$450

WATERFORD CRYSTAL CHANDELIER. Ireland, 20th century. Nine arms with signed prisms. 33”h. $400-$800

370 PAPUA/NEW GUINEA CARVED MASK. Twentieth century. Wooden mask with elongated nose and original black pigment. 21”h. $150-$300

371 THREE PAPUA/NEW GUINEA CARVED MASKS. Twentieth century. Cowrie shell eyes. One is earlier and has figural crest and good patina.18”h. Two are later and have black stain. Split. 15.5”, 16”h. $100-$300

372 TWO PAPUA/NEW GUINEA FIGURES AND AN AFRICAN COMB. Twentieth century. Two standing figures with black stain and cowrie shell eyes. 14”, 16.5”h. And a carved wooden comb with incised designs and figural handle. 13.5”h. Imperfections. $100-$300

373 CARVED AFRICAN HELMET MASK. Twentieth century. Kuba carved wooden mask with horns and tin mouth and eyes. Raffia trim. Imperfections. 16”h. $150-$350

373A EGYPTIAN USHABTI. Carved wooden figure with traces of original paint and hieroglyphics. Wear. 8.25"l. $600-$900

375 FOUR CRYSTAL CHANDELIERS. Twentieth century. Includes three matching with twelve lights, and one with nine lights. Some damage. Each 40” high. $800-$1,200

376 CRYSTAL CHANDELIER. Twentieth century. Eight lights in a single tier. Some damage. 40”h. $300-$500

377 SUITE OF THREE PIECES OF FURNITURE. Twentieth century. Console or serving table with high relief carving, 32”h. 20”w. 61.5”l., a similar mirror, 62”h. 31.5”w., and a cast plaster bracket shelf with Greenman decoration. $2,500-$3,000

378 GEORGE III-STYLE CHAMBER TABLE. England, 2nd half-19th century, mahogany. Shaped gallery over a chamber pot compartment over a drawer, all on molded legs. Imperfections. 31.5”h. 23.5”w. 18”d. $250-$400

379 THREE RUSH-SEAT CHAIRS. European, 19th century, mixed woods. Includes a pair with shaped slats, 17”h. seat, 39”h. overall. Together with a single chair with baluster spindles, 17”h. seat, 37” h. overall. $100-$200


380 TAPESTRY “THE CANAL OF BRUGES”. Probably woven in Belgium, 20th century, wool. Depicts a mounted Louis XIV and his army victoriously crossing the canal after defeating Spain in 1667. Based on the original tapestry now at Versailles. 54”h. 78”w. $300-$600

381 TAPESTRY “MEDIEVAL SCENE”. Probably woven in Belgium, 20th century, wool. Depicting groupings of elaborately dressed lords and ladies attended by trumpet blowing pages. 102”h. 64”w. $400-$700

376 | 49



Parisian street sCene BY HarrY maLFrOY-savignY (FranCe, 18951944). oil on board, signed lower left. Flower vendors. 8.75”h. 10.5”w., in a frame, 13”h. 15”w. $900-$1,600

Pair OF german POrCeLain CanDLestiCKs anD a CanDeLaBra. Late 19th century. hand painted. “dresden” two-part candelabra with putti, 17.5”h., and a pair of candlesticks marked for Sitzendorf with women and cherubs. imperfections.14.5”h. $400-$700

383 POrtrait OF a wOman BY FranK neeL (new YOrK/OHiO, 1874-1933). oil on canvas, signed “FJ neel, new York” top right. Study of a woman in black. repairs. 21”:h. 17”w., in a hackman, whistler-type frame, 28”h. 23.5”w. $400-$600


384 geOrge BeLLOws (new YOrK/OHiO, 1882-1925), THE ACTRESS. Lithograph on paper, signed and titled along with printer, Bolin Brown. Backing has an Associated American Artists sticker. Minor imperfections. in a frame, 22”h. 18.5”w. $700-$900 384


385 geOrge BeLLOws (new YOrK/OHiO, 1882-1925), PRAYER MEETING. Second stone lithograph, signed by the artist’s widow, emma S. Bellows. numbered 39. image, 18.25”h. 22.25”w., in a frame, 32”h. 35”w. $1,500-$2,500


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seLF POrtrait BY CLYDe singer (OHiO, 1908-1999). graphite on paper, initialed and dated 7-15-31 lower right. Study with notation in red pencil “Self”. 13”h. 9”w., in a frame, 20.5”h. 17”w. $350-$550

388 twO german POrCeLain COmPOtes anD a Center BOwL. Late 19th century. hand painted, compotes have applied roses. twopart compote with cherubs, 13”h., and one with attached seashell bowl, marked for carl thieme, 16”h. together with a rococo-style bowl with cherubs and lovebirds marked for Sitzendorf, 10.5”h. 12”w. restoration. $400-$700

389 stiLL LiFe BY rOBert J. smitH (OHiO/CaLiFOrnia, 1901-1985) oil on canvas, signed and dated ‘57 lower right. Apples in a basket. in a frame, 31”h. 35”w. $100-$300

390 stiLL LiFe BY rOBert J. smitH (OHiO/CaLiFOrnia, 1901-1985). oil on canvas, signed and dated ‘70 lower left. Sunflowers and stoneware. 30”h. 40”w., in a frame, 36”h. 46”w. $250-$450

391 twO HarBOr sCenes BY HarOLD waLKer (OHiO, B. 1890). oil on board, signed lower left. one of a Provincetown, Massachusetts, dock, 10.25”h. 14.25”w., and one of a Moroccan shoreline, 12”h. 13”w. Framed. $400-$800

392 HEBE BY aDamO taDOLini (itaLY, 1788-1868). white marble, signed on the base. A statue after one by Antonio canova (italy, 1757-1822). repaired hand. 37”h. canova did several versions of hebe and those were copied by studio assistants. one of his assistants was Adamo tadolini. included with the statue are two letters and a post card of the studio of Adamo’s son, enrico. $3,000-$6,000

393 392

Over tHe manteL mirrOr. Probably italy, 2nd half-19th century. gesso and gilt with carved acanthus leaves. imperfections. 37”h. 90”w. $350-$500 395





Print OF FLOwer seLLer aFter manueL rOBBe (FranCe, 1875-1936). etching, signed in pencil lower right. Street vender and customers. in a frame, 23”h. 30”w. $400-$600

Bust OF a LaDY BY marY BerrY Barnes (ameriCan, 20tH CenturY). Bronze, signed on the shoulder. woman with shoulder length hair wearing pearls. on a green marble base. 27”h. $1,000-$2,000

nOrtHern eurOPean DeCOrateD CHest. dated 1830, pine. dome top with original rosemaled decoration. 27.5”h. 35”w. 19”d. $200-$400



seventeentH-CenturY maP OF itaLY. F. Bertin, Illyricum Occidentis. Cujus Partes IV. Rhaetia, Noricum, Pannonia..., Padua, 1694. Matted and framed, 27”h. 31.5”w. $150-$250

POrtrait OF a wOman BY aLBert LYnCH (new YOrK, B. 1851). oil on canvas, signed lower right. dressed in white, holding a chrysanthemum. restoration. oval in a gold painted frame, 38”h. 31”w. $2,000-$4,000

POrtrait OF a man attriButeD tO LuCY DieCKs (ameriCan, 1907-1998). oil on canvas, unsigned. Seated man wearing an Arabian-style outfit. 27.5”h. 21.5”w., in a molded frame, 37.5”h. 31”w. $300-$500

396 ameriCan FeDeraL inLaiD PemBrOKe taBLe. Mahogany and poplar, early 19th century. round leaves, one drawer, one faux drawer, and on tapered legs. ends of oak and acorn as well as bellflower inlay. 28”h. 19.5”w. (closed) 42.5”w. (open) 35.5”d. $600-$900

399 POrtrait OF a wOman BY raPHaeL strauss (OHiO/ germanY, 1830-1901). oil on canvas, signed and dated “July 1873” lower right. Matronly woman in a high backed chair. revarnished. 35”h. 29”w., in a frame, 42”h. 35”w. $400-$800

396 | 51

404 402 engLisH Queen anne DesK-anD-BOOKCase. First half-18th century, walnut veneer and oak. two-piece, the upper section with a double-arched pediment and mirrored doors; the lower section with a desk interior over two drawers over two doors, all on bracket feet. imperfections. 80”h. 40.25”w. 21”d., writing surface is 29.5”h. $2,000-$4,000

403 marBLe Bust OF CiCerO witH COLumn. italy, late 19th century. white marble bust, 17”h., and three-piece column, 39.5”h. $300-$600

egYPtian sarCOPHagus masK. Soft wood. carved face below part of a headdress. three out of four attachment pegs remain. Softly weathered surface with loss. 9.5”h. $400-$600

405 winter HarBOr sCene BY HeinriCH HasseLHOrst (germanY, 1825-1904). oil on canvas, signed lower right. Ship being hauled across ice. imperfections. 18.5”h. 34.5”w., in a frame, 28”h. 44”w. $600-$1,200

406 twO Paintings BY verena HuBLeY (ameriCan, 2nD HaLF-20tH CenturY). oil on canvas, signed. Fall landscape, 23”h. 27”w., and floral still life. rebacked on board. 24”h. 28”w. in frames. $200-$400

407 STUDY OF A NUDE DANCER BY antOine BOuraine (FranCe, 20tH CenturY). Bronze, signed on base. A nude female figure dancing, the whole raised on rectangular marble base. 18”h. $300-$600

408 Pair OF waterCOLOrs BY martin LOuis LinseY (ameriCa, 1915-2010). watercolor on paper, each signed lower left. the first depicting La regla, cuba. 19.5”h. 14”w., in a wood frame, 27.5”h. 21.5”w. the second depicting a fishing village and harbor. 13.25”h. 21”w., in a gilt wood frame, 21.5”h. 29”w. $200-$300 402 - 403

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GORHAM STERLING SILVER FLATWARE SERVICE IN THE SOVEREIGN PATTERN. American, mid 20th century. Partial service for twelve. One hundred-seven pieces including twelve inner knives, twelve dinner forks, eleven salad forks, twelve cocktail forks, twenty-four teaspoons, twelve soup spoons, eleven butter knives, four serving spoons, two serving forks, two ladles, two lemon forks and single sugar spoon, sugar tongs, and a cake slicer. Toegther with a fitted wood box. 135 ozt. 6.25”h. 14.75”w. 11.25”d. $2,000-$4,000

DECORATED LEATHER FIRE SCREEN WITH HUNT SCENE. Second half-20th century. Hand painted hunt scene on one side with horses and riders. In a black painted frame, 35.25”h. 39”w. $100-$300

411 CONTINENTAL LANDSCAPE PICTURE CLOCK. Time and strike movement marked for A. Villemsens, Paris, ca.1830-1845, set in the church tower depicted in an oil on canvas, pastoral landscape, with several figures in the foreground. In its original gilt and hinged frame. 36"h. 41 1/2"w. $1,250-$2,000




TWO BRONZE HORSES AFTER JULES MOIGNIEZ (FRANCE, 1835-1894). Signed on the base. Similar saddled race horses on green marble bases. 12”, 12.5”h. 15”l. $600-$1,200

BRONZE EAGLE AFTER JULES MOIGNIEZ (FRANCE, 1835-1894). Signed on the base. Eagle on a log. Black marble base. 33”h. With a neoclassical composition column. 31”h. $1,000-$2,000



BRONZE HORSE AFTER PIERRE JULES MENE (FRANCE, 1810-1879). Signed. Prancing horse on green marble base. 12”h. 15”l. $400-$600

AMERICAN CLASSICAL CARD TABLE. 1820-1840, mahogany. Flip-top table with a gadrooned skirt and paw feet. 27.5”h., top is 36” square when open. $300-$500



414 | 53

416 twO LaLiQue swans. France, 2nd quarter-20th century. Frosted swimming swans. inscribed script marks. 7”h. 14.5”l., 9.5”h. 13”l. $2,500-$3,500

417 LaLiQue nemOurs BOwL. France, 2nd quarter-20th century. Frosted with black enamel accents. residue of paper sticker remains. 4”h. 10”d. $200-$400




wOmen at a stream BY F. menDeLL (FranCe, miD 19tH CenturY). oil on canvas, signed and marked “Paris” lower left. romanticized image of women washing laundry at a stream, in the manner of the Barbizon school. Minor inpainting. 14”h. 23”w., in a modern gilt frame, 24”h. 29”w. $600-$800

twO ameriCan giLt Frames. early 20th century. the smaller is newcombMacklin. 14.5” x 16.5” (opening 10.5” x 12.5”). the larger is rococo-style with shells. regilt. 31” x 34.5” (opening 20.25” x 24.25”). $300-$600

419 LanDsCaPe BY DanieL sHerrin (uniteD KingDOm, 1868-1940). oil on canvas, signed lower left. cottage with town in the background. Minor flaking. 30.5”h. 50”w., in a frame, 37”h. 56”w. $600-$1,200


421 nine ‘gOing tO BeD’ LamPs anD a PePPer POt. Mostly American, 19th century. Seven are turned lignum vitae, five with bone accents or holders. 3” to 5”h. one is english, tin with postal rates, 2.5”h., and one is a brass column with compass star on top. 5.25”h. together with an incised treen pepperpot. $250-$450

422 ameriCan CeramiC taBLe LamP. Second half-20th century. Black with gold flecks and applied gesso leaves. Matching shade. electric. 49”h. $100-$250

423 DeCOrateD FirePLaCe manteL anD surrOunD. twentieth century, wood and plaster. cast plaster with allegorical figures, and a faux marble surround with columns. 52”h. 53”w. 32”d. $300-$400


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metrOPOLitan OPera HOuse BY rOY BaiLeY (ameriCan, B. 1933). oil on canvas, signed lower left. Modernist view. in a strip frame, 51”h. 39”w. $400-$600


425 METROPOLITAN OPERA FINE ART: A COLLECTION OF ORIGINAL GRAPHIC WORKS BY EIGHT CONTEMPORARY ARTISTS. Limited edition published by circle gallery and Met opera, 1978. eight prints numbered 78/250 and artist signed in pencil. carmen, intaglio print by Antionio clavé; tristan und isolde, serigraph by Léonor Fini; der rosenkavalier, color lithograph by richard Lindner; La traviata, color lithograph by Merino Merini; don giovanni, color lithograph by André Masson; Madama Butterfly, mixed media print by Larry rivers; Aida, color lithograph by Paul wunderlich and La Bohème, color lithograph by Jamie wyeth. Approximately 22.75” x 30”. with a portfolio and cover sheet listing the artwork, each print has been individually framed. ranging from 27” x 39” to 35” x 45”. $3,000-$5,000 | 55



BrOnZe in tHe stYLe OF Dimitri CHiParus (rOmania/FranCe, 1886-1947). Unsigned. Art deco woman with applied verdigris patina. on a black marble base with plaque “... Breuse”. 8”h. 14.5”w. $300-$600

twO Paintings BY OHiO artists. watercolor on paper. Still life Autumn Flowers signed by kate Brainard Lamb (1862-1955). 23”h. 22”w. And a landscape with stream signed by karl kappes (1861-1943). 11.5”h. 13.5”w. Framed. $200-$400



BrOnZe DanCer aFter Dimitri CHiParus (rOmania/FranCe, 1886-1947). Faint signature and “Paris” on plinth. Art deco woman with applied verdigris patina. on a green marble base. 17”h. $400-$800

mOuntain viLLage BY wiLLiam C. grauer (OHiO, 1896-1985). oil on board, signed lower right. Mexican mountain village. 48”h. 36”w., in a frame, 52”h. 40”w. $350-$700




twO art nOuveau BrOnZes signeD “C. BOnneFOnD” (FranCe, 20tH CenturY). Signed on bases. nymphs with flowers. green marble bases. 16.5”h. $200-$400

FOur BOOKs reLateD tO COL. eLLswOrtH, LinCOLn, Or tHe CiviL war. Exercises Connected with the Unveiling of the Ellsworth Monument at Mechanicville, May 27, 1874, Albany: Joel Munsell, 1875, original cloth; a leatherbound copy of Byron’s Works bearing a facsimile presentation bookplate to “carrie” (reputedly carrie Spafford, ellworth’s fiancee); a leatherbound copy of James whitcomb riley’s The Lockerbie Book of Riley Verse, 1911, with a handwritten copy of riley’s poem “Lincoln” in the front, and The Wide-Awake Gift: Know-Nothing Token for 1855, ed. by “one of ‘em,” 1855, original cloth. $150-$250



ameriCan BrOnZe BOwL witH snaKe DanCe Design. First half-20th century, unsigned. cast images of hopi dancers with snakes. three feet in the form of snakes. 6.5”h. 9.5”d. $300-$400



twO LanDsCaPes BY JaCOB rOYer (OHiO, BOrn 1883) oils on board, signed and titled on back. includes Deerfield Meadows June 1925 and Along Phila. Road-Stillwater Valley Oct 18 1920. in matching painted oak frames, 12”h. 13.5”w. $200-$400

431 twO LanDsCaPes BY JaCOB rOYer (OHiO, BOrn 1883) oils on board, signed and titled on back. includes River-Bend at Powell’s (Miami) May 13 1925 and Junction-Hughes River & L. Kanawha Sept 24 1940. in matching painted oak frames, 12”h. 13.5”w. $200-$400 428 56 | gartH’s Furniture & Decorative arts: July 25, 2015

grOuP OF ePHemera reLateD tO COL. eLmer eLLswOrtH anD His ZOuaves. Second half-19th century. includes printed broadside with the lyrics to “ellsworth’s Avengers” under an illustration of the Marshall house and the killing, printed by Magnus in new York; a circular letter to the people of new York from state officials in which they use the killing of col. ellsworth to inspire the raising of troops (this would lead the the creation of the 44th nY, the so-called ellsworth’s Avengers); 11th nY general orders 82, in which ellsworth is posthumously promoted; a broadside “telegraph Bulletin!” dated May 28, 1861, that announces the arrival of col. ellsworth’s body in Albany the previous day, and an early piece of ellsworth-ania, the program for the 1860 funeral of illinois governor Bissell, in which elmer ellsworth and his zouave cadets form part of the procession. $300-$600



twO western LanDsCaPes (ameriCan sCHOOL, miD 20tH CenturY). oils with desert and mountain scenes. “el Monte Foothills” on canvas, possibly by Steven Mummert (california, b. 1955), with a note by Mackenzie Mummert on the stretcher. in a gilt frame, 19.75”h. 23.75”w. And impasto painting on masonite with illegible signature. in a frame, 25”h. 28.5”w. $400-$800

Farm sCene BY ettY HOrtOn (uniteD KingDOm, Ca 1882-1905). oil on canvas, signed lower right. Barnyard with horses and chickens. restoration. 16”h. 24”w., in a frame, 28”h. 34”w. $250-$450

437 NEAR THE JEWISH GHETTO; ROME 1998 I BY t. KeLLY wiLsOn (ameriCan, Late 20tH CenturY). oil on board, signed and titled on the back. Stylized view of buildings. 9.5”h. 11.5”w., in a gilt frame, 16.5”h. 18.5”w. $250-$450

438 NEW YORKER COver art BY artHur KimmeL getZ (new JerseY, 1913-1996). watercolor on paper, signed lower right. Antique and bookstore that was the cover of the September 1, 1980, issue. in a frame, 27”h. 21”w. included is a copy of the magazine and a letter from getz to the original purchaser of the painting. $750-$1,250

439 POrtrait OF a man BY marianna vOLZ (new YOrK/OHiO, 1930-2003). oil on canvas, signed lower right, dated 1964. Young man in a blue sweater. in a strip frame, 46.5”h. 34.5”w. $400-$600

440 seasCaPe BY geOrge HOweLL gaY (new YOrK, 1858-1931). watercolor on paper, signed lower right. Beach. overall toning. Framed under glass. 31”h. 38”w. $300-$600

441 winter sCene BY arnOLD KOning (netHerLanDs, 1860-1945). oil on canvas, signed lower right. Field with cottage. 6.5”h. 10.5”w., in a frame, 14.75”h. 18.5”w. $200-$400

443 LanDsCaPe signeD “F. maire” (ameriCan sCHOOL, earLY 20tH CenturY). oil on canvas, signed lower right. impressionistic blossoming trees. 1926 exhibition tag on the back. 18”h. 23”w., in a frame, 24.5”h. 29.5”w. $150-$300



AMERICA’S CUP Print BY LerOY neiman (ameriCan, 1927-2012). Serigraph on paper, signed and dated 1964 on plate, countersigned lower right. Framed, 32.75”h. 38.25”w. $400-$600

445 HanDCOLOreD Print BY JOHn wOODHOuse auDuBOn (ameriCan 1812-1862). Large lithograph, “columbia Pouched rat”, plate cV, J.t. Bowen, printer, 1846. in a frame, 23”h. 29”w. $300-$600



HairDresser aFter LOvis COrintH (germanY, 1858-1925). watercolor on paper, signed upper right. in a frame, 13”h. 10.5”w. $100-$300

447 Diminutive HePPLewHite-stYLe siDeBOarD. Possibly england, 1st half-20th century, mahogany. Bowfront with drawers flanked by doors, all on tapered legs and spade feet. 36.5”h. 21.5”w. 48”l. $400-$800

448 sPanieL (ameriCan sCHOOL, 20tH CenturY). oil on masonite, unsigned. king charles-type spaniel. in a frame, 23.5”h. 27”w. $100-$300

439 | 57



STREET SCENE N THE MANNER OF EDOUARD LEON CORTES (FRANCE, 1882-1969). Oil on canvas, signed lower right. Busy Parisian street. 21”h. 25”w., in a frame, 27”h. 30”w. $300-$600

HERSCHEDE NINE-TUBE HALL CLOCK. Cincinnati, Ohio, 1916, mahogany. Arched top over a silvered and brass dial with a ship dial arch, fluted columns, and flattened bun feet. Original finish. 78”h.

450 INTERIOR BY ALICE SCHILLE (OHIO, 1869-1955). Watercolor on paper, signed lower right. Dutch domestic scene with woman, child and sleeping cat. In a frame, 28.25"h. 34.5"w. $8,000-$10,000 449

451 LANDSCAPE BY CHARLES DUVALL (OHIO, 1864-1966). Oil on canvas, signed and dated 1913 lower right. Sunset with woods. 20”h. 29”w., in a frame, 28”h. 38”w. $600-$800

452 STREET SCENE (EUROPEAN SCHOOL, LATE 19TH CENTURY). Oil on canvas, unsigned. Winter scene with church. 16.5”h. 14”w., in a late frame, 23”h. 20”w. $100-$300 450

451 58 | GARTH’S Furniture & Decorative Arts: July 25, 2015

Exhibited and illustrated in Richmond, A Tradition of Progress: Ohio Decorative Arts, 1860-1945, entry 47. $1,000-$2,000

454 LANDSCAPE BY JOHN T. BARLOW (AMERICAN SCHOOL, MID 20TH CENTURY). Oil on artist board, signed and dated 1945 lower right. Impressionistic scene. 16”h. 20”w., in a frame, 21.5”h. 25.5”w. $100-$300

455 TWO PAINTINGS BY GOSTA FALCK (SWEDEN, B. 1920). Oil on canvas, signed. Modernist. Framed. 27"h. 23"w., 26"h. 21.5"w. $100-$200



THREE DUTCH TOBACCO BOXES. Seventeen-18th century. Two brass, one with floral and one with religious engraving. 4.75”, 5.5”l. And one copper with text and women. 6.25”l. Wear. $300-$600

STREET SCENE BY AKIBA EMANUEL (AMERICAN, 1912-1993).Oil on canvas, signed upper right. Framed. 24"h. 27.5"w. $100-$300

457 EUROPEAN BRASS TAPER JACK. Early 18th century. Large size with tooled base. 8.5”h. Ex Mrs. Jerome Blum (Connecticut). $250-$450

458 CENTRAL PARK POND BY H. BLUMENTHAL (AMERICAN, 1ST HALF-20TH CENTURY). Oil on canvas, signed and dated (1947) lower left. Boys at a boat pond. Framed. 24.5"h. 28.5"w. $100-$300

460 LANDSCAPE BY MARY COSTANZA (AMERICAN, 20TH CENTURY). Oil on canvas, signed lower right. A mountain-side lake seen in tones of pink, grey, blue, and white. 53.5”h. 59”w., in a modern gold frame, 58.75”h. 64.25”w. $200-$400



460A LANDSCAPE (AMERICAN OR EUROPEAN SCHOOL, MID 20TH CENTURY). Oil on canvas, signed "Bayre". Field with trees. 24"h. 36"w. Framed, 33"h. 46"w. $500-$700 461

461 CHIPPENDALE-STYLE DINING SUITE. Twentieth century, mahogany. Henredon Rittenhouse Square dining table with two drawers and ball and claw feet and a set of eight side chairs with carved crests, knees, and ball and claw feet, 18”h. seat, 40”h. overall. $1,500-$2,500 461 | 59

462 massaCHusetts neeDLewOrK memOriaL. early 19th century, silk and watercolor on silk. Finely stitched memorial with mourners at a tomb “in Memory of Lucy Mason, died February 26th 1809 Aged 25 Years”. the two women and man have watercolor faces, town in background. the eglomise mat is marked “wrought by clarissa watson”. imperfections. 21.75”h. 23.5”w. State vital records list Lucy Mason (nee watson) dying 8 months after marrying ebenezer Mason in Spencer, worcester county. watson families were numerous in bordering towns of Spencer and Leicester. the records also list a clarissa watson, born in 1790 in Leicester to Benjamin watson and ruth Bancroft. $900-$1,500

463 DeLFt BOwL. netherlands, late 18th century. Polychrome decoration with urn of flowers and birds. Blue mark appears to be for hugo Justusz Brouwer. Small glaze flakes. 2.25”h. 13.5”d. $1,000-$2,000






engLisH Queen anne Dressing taBLe. eighteenth century, oak. three drawers and a shaped skirt, on cabriole legs and pad feet. imperfections. 28.5”h. 36”w. 19.5”d. $400-$800

mOnumentaL CYPress taBLe. Southern, 20th century. turned legs and breadboard top. 30”h. 46”w. 216”l. $1,800-$2,500

OrientaL rug. Second half-20th century. Art silk with colonnade design. 19" x 27". $100-$300



twO COntinentaL serving DisHes. First half-20th century. hand painted. Porcelain rococo-style oblong center bowl with flowers and gilt. Blue maker’s and retailer’s mark “guaranteed hand Painted dresden Saxony, S & g gump, San Francisco”. 10.5”h. 21”w. And a figural ceramic compote with attached bowl. 16”h. 14”w. $400-$700

auBussOn-stYLe rug. American or european, second half-20th century. Flatwoven in shades of salmon, ivory and black. 7’8” x 9’2”. $200-$300

467 464

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OrientaL rug. Second half-20th century. room size kilim in muted colors including rose, green and ivory. 6’4” x 9’4”. $200-$400

469 FrenCH LOuis Xv-stYLe DesK. early 20th century, kingwood. three drawers and brass mounts and a leather insert in the top. 32”h. 55”w. 30”d. together with Louis xV-style carved chair, 18”h. seat, 41.5”h. overall. $800-$1,500



FrenCH Brass wag-On-tHe-waLL CLOCK. Late 19th century, sheet brass. Face has tin dial and repousse birds and flowers, the pendulum has floral designs. Brass works. with key and weights. 60”l. $300-$500

BaKer Furniture Demi-Lune server. American, late 20th century, mahogany veneer. historic charleston line with banded inlay. Labeled. 37.5”h. 48”w. 20”d. $600-$800

471 engLisH Queen anne JaPanneD taLL Case CLOCK. Second quarter-18th century, oak. Sarcophagus top and molded base, retaining old/original chinoiserie decoration. Brass movement with sun/moon dial, signed “roger Parkinson, richmond.” imperfections. 91”h. $800-$1,500

472 twO FrameD PasteLs American, mid 20th century. the first depicting the new York skyline with the chrysler Building prominently displayed, signed indistinctly. 21.25”h. 17.75”w., in a silver gallerystyle frame, 22”h. 18”w. the second depicting flowers in a field. 13.5”h. 13.5”w., in a silver gallery-style frame, 20.5”h. 20.5”w. $200-$400

473 470

tHe CitY gOing mOOn BY angeLO saveLLi (itaLian, 1911-1995). embossed paper, signed and dated “64” lower left, numbered “28/210” lower right. organic white shapes embossed on white paper. 20”h. 25”w. $100-$200

476 miXeD metaL inDian FOOtstOOL Or LOw taBLe. chhaganlal & Vrajlal tribhovan, Visnagar gujarat, 1898-1905, brass, silver, and copper. Foliate scrolls and paw feet. the underside is inscribed “Prepared by chhaganlal & Vrajlal, sons to Mistry raghunath tribhovan, Visnagar - gujarat, Baroda State, no. 2”. 12”h. 17” x 17”. Stools/tables covered in brass and other metals such as this appear to have been a specialty of this shop. For two similar examples, see christie’s (London), May 2008, lot 310. $1,000-$2,000

477 HenKLe Harris marBLe tOP COnsOLe taBLe. American, late 20th century, mahogany veneer. Shaped front with four paw foot legs topped with lion heads. Black marble with white striations. 34”h. 72”l. 19.5”w. $400-$800

478 twO HanD COLOreD engraveD maPs. eighteenth-19th century. A map of “zaara or the desart...” by herman Moll. 14”h. 17”w. and “Sweden and norway”, 8.75”h. 10.5”w. Framed. $300-$600


474 untitLeD BY miCHaeL rOtHenstein (BritisH, 1908-1993). Serigraph signed and dated “46” lower right, numbered “139/210” lower left. Abstract in tones of brown, green, red, blue, and cream. 22.5”h. 27”w. $200-$400

479 tHree COmiCaL engLisH engravings. eighteenth-19th century. Black and white “A coalition betwixt the Fox & the Badger”, 15”h. 19”w. and two hand colored prints. “Swimming for the Ladies”, 10”h. 13”w. and a man losing his hat and wig, 11.5”h. 14”w. $150-$350 | 61

480 inLaiD BOX. American or english, early 20th century, mahogany. inlay of diamonds and zigzags on all surfaces. Bone escutcheon. 5”h. 10”w. 6”d. $300-$400

481 ameriCan sPiCe BOX. Late 19th century, walnut. case with two nailed drawers and a spinning tin drum with compartments and a lift lid. 8 1/2”h. 11 3/4”w. $450-$650

480 - 481




Pair OF FrenCH rOCOCO-stYLe armCHairs. twentieth century, mahogany. highly carved with scrolled feet and floral upholstery. 18”h. seat, 41”h. overall. $2,000-$3,000

taBLe LamP. china, late 20th century. Sang de boeuf glazed vase. electrified. 29”h. overall. $50-$100

HOrse anD riDer aFter Pieter wOuwerman (netHerLanDs, 1623-1682). oil on wooden panel, unsigned. Man drinking outside a tent. 8”h.10”w., in a late frame, 14.5”h. 17”w. $600-$900

488 483 Queen anne Dressing mirrOr. American or english, late 18th century, mahogany veneer. Molded frame in a shoe foot base. Beveled edge mirror. 19”h. 12.75”w. $150-$350

484 COntinentaL POrCeLain urn. Second half-19th century. handles in the form of women’s busts with floral garlands. gilt bordered, hand painted images of military camps. no lid. 13”h. $250-$500

485 twO COntinentaL POrCeLain FiguraL grOuPs anD a CLOCK. Late 19th-early 20th century. classically dressed woman with two cherubs. Unmarked. 9”h. courting couple marked for Voight-Sitzendorf. 7.5”h. Both with imperfections. together with a latticework clock with cherubs and anchor mark. 13”h. $300-$500

486 engLisH geOrge iii CHest OF Drawers. eighteenth century, mahogany and pine. dressing slide over three drawers, all on bracket feet. imperfections. 31”h. 37”w. 21”d. $300-$600 62 | gartH’s Furniture & Decorative arts: July 25, 2015

Pair OF taBLe LamPs. twenty-first century. Bronzed surface. Marked “Made in china”. 13”h. overall. $50-$75

489 eurOPean PaLLisY maJOLiCa ewer. Late 19th century. green coleslaw covered ewer and underplate with insects and lizards. imperfections. 11”h. $150-$350

490 twO eurOPean PaLLisY maJOLiCa PLates. First half-20th century. Similar, one with a crab and one with a lobster. Both have impressed labels, the crab reads “caldas, Portugal”. Minor loss. 11.5”, 12”d. $250-$500

491 engLisH Barrister’s wig. Probably late 19th-early 20th century, horsehair. grey hair on a mesh foundation. Pen and ink label “M.n. woodard esq.” $100-$300

492 ameriCan COntemPOrarY wrOugHt irOn FLOOr LamP. tripod base. electrified. 61”h. overall. $50-$100

494 eigHt sets OF DeCOrative antLers. American, late 20th century. Seven are cast resin with realistic color. 26” to 34”l. one is authentic, 27”l. on wooden plaques. $275-$425

495 ameriCan COntemPOrarY Brass CHanDeLier. two tier, twelve arms. electrified. 36”h. $200-$300

496 DeCOrateD tOLe traY. American or english, mid 19th century. original Asian themed hand decoration of a woman and servant in a garden. wear. 18.5” x 27”. $250-$450

497 neeDLewOrK PiCture. Probably england, 18th century, wool and silk. oval tent stitched rural scene of a couple, she balancing a jug on her head and a flock of resting sheep including a spotted one, possibly a Jacob. A large windmill towers over a village in the background and the whole is framed with an undulating floral border. oval, 22”h. 16”w., framed, 31.75”h. 26.25”w. $400-$800





LARGE NEEDLEWORK. England, 18th century, wool. Finely stitched petit point depicting a blue and white urn brimming over with flowers. Initialed “M C”. Possibly made as chair back or fire screen. Professionally conserved and mounted, 25”h. 20.5”w, framed, 24.25”h. 21”w. $400-$600

AMERICAN FEDERAL TESTER BED. Early 19th century, mahogany. Reeded posts with carved ribbon, and Marlborough feet. 86”h., rails are 72”l. $400-$800

JACOBEAN-STYLE THREE-DRAWER CHEST. England, mid-19th century. Oak. Paneled ends, geometric moldings applied to faces of three dovetailed drawers upon turned bun feet. 32”h. 33”w. 21”d. $350-$700

ENGLISH BURL SLANT FRONT DESK. Mid19th century, mixed wood secondary. Small size with turned legs, single dovetailed drawer and fitted interior. Bone pulls and escutcheons. 29” writing height. 39.5”h. 29”w. 17”d. $800-$1,200

499 CAST IRON HORSE HEAD. American, late 19th century. Old paint. Bit for attaching reins. On a wooden wall plaque. Wear. 12”h. $150-$300

500 TWO CARVED CHAIRS. European, 18th century, mixed woods. Turned and carved frames with caned backs and seats. Imperfections. 18”h. seat, 47”h. overall and 18”h. seat, 51”h. overall. $150-$250

501 PAINTED AMERICAN CRADLE. Early 19th century, maple and pine. Dovetailed with a shaped headboard and old red paint. 37”l. $150-$250

502 EUROPEAN ENGRAVING AND FRAMED DELFT TILES. Eighteenth-19th century. Print of the Calydonian Boar Hunt after Le Brun, 22”h. 27”w., and six blue and white tiles with a farming scene. 15”h. 20”w. Both in frames. $300-$600

503 EIGHT STUDIES AND LITHOGRAPH BY MAROHN AND CUMBERLAND. Pencil on paper. Six landscape studies and a litho of a milkmaid signed by George Cumberland (United Kingdom, 1754-1848), 5”h. 8”w., and two men in a dining room signed by Ferdinand Marohn (France, active 1839-1842), 9”h. 11”w. Unsigned. $250-$450

505 FRENCH FAIENCE STOVE. Nineteenth century. Colorful three-part stove in blue and purple with scenic reserves. Iron plate door. 22”d. 81.5”h. $1,500-$2,500

506 LOUIS XVI MUSIC CHAIR. Stamped “Costaz,” France, 19th century, fruitwood. Lyre-form back and later red upholstery. 18.5”h. seat, 35.5”h. overall. $1,000-$1,500

512 FOUR CRYSTAL SCONCES. Twentieth century. Threearm sconces with chrome back plates. 17”h. 17”w., with a selection of extra parts. $80-$160

513A AMERICAN HOOKED RUG. First half-20th century. Grid pattern with flowers. Some wear. 6' x 9'. $150-$300

507 EUROPEAN CARVING. Nineteenth century. On a mahogany board (possibly a table leaf), with a carved crest at center. 18”h. 54”w. $150-$250

508 ENGLISH CHIPPENDALE-STYLE DRESSING TABLE. Mid-19th century. Oak with pine secondary. Square tapered legs. One over two overlapping drawers with central knee hole with four applied fans on front. 29.5”h. 33”w. 20.25”d. $400-$800

509 FRENCH LOUIS XVI-STYLE HEAVILY CARVED ARMOIRE. Mid-19th century. Oak with pine secondary. Molded cornice, paneled sides, and foliage carving on doors, apron, ends, and legs. 83.5”h. 67”w. 27”d. $600-$1,200

510 AUBUSSON-STYLE RUG. Second half-20th century. Floral with ivory ground. 11’6” x 20’. $1,000-$2,000

513 | 63

520, 526, 532, 539

540, 537, 541, 542A




TWO CONTINENTAL PEWTER CASKETS. Nineteenth century. Earlier forms of pieces with religious purposes. Tooled decoration. 3.25”h. 6”l. and plain, 5”l. $400-$800

FOUR SWISS PEWTER WINE FLAGONS. Eighteenth-20th century. Similar with ring handles. One has repousse decoration. Partial touchmarks including one for Salomon Wire. 9” to 14”h. $300-$600

CONTINENTAL BRASS LIDDED URN. Late 19th century. Double handled classical style urn with figural design and finial. Removable insert. On a marble base. Minor flakes. 18.5”h. $200-$400

515 CONTINENTAL EMBOSSED PORRINGER AND DISH. Probably 19th century. French double handled, covered porringer. 11.5”l. and a broad rim dish with engraved initials. 12”d. $300-$600

523 519 SIX GERMAN COFFEE POTS AND CREAMERS. Late 18th-19th century. Partial touchmarks. Similar forms with swirled ribs and applied handles. Two handles are wicker wrapped. Minor imperfections. 4” to 11”h. $200-$400

516 520

FIVE GRADUATED ENGLISH PEWTER PLATTERS. Late 18th century. Scalloped edge. Partial touch for Townsend & Reynolds, “Made in London, Super Fine Hard Metal”. Hammered booge. Repair. 9” x 12.5” to 16” x 21”. $1,000-$1,500

MONUMENTAL SWISS PEWTER FLAGON. Nineteenth century. Possible a display piece. Brass figural spout and swing handle with brass applied armorial shields. Applied medallion on the interior. 22”h. overall. $600-$1,200



SCOTTISH PEWTER TANKARD. Late 18th century. Attributed to Stephen Maxwell (Glasgow). Simple form with partial touch in the bottom. 9.5”h. $400-$600

GERMAN PEWTER WATER URN. Eighteenth century. Engraved foliate and scenic decoration. Three legs with brass ball feet and three spouts. Lid has cast finial. 16.25”h. $600-$800

64 | GARTH’S Furniture & Decorative Arts: July 25, 2015

ORNAMENTAL PEWTER GUILD CHALICE. Dated 1750. Applied cherubs with figural finial and cask maker’s banner. Inscribed with names. Splits.17”h. $250-$450

524 PAIR OF SCOTTISH COMMUNION CHALICES. Engraved “United Associate Congregation Kelso, 1836”. 9”h. $200-$300

525 SIX ENGLISH PEWTER PLATES. Second half-18th century. Touch marks for Bourr. & Richd. Cleeve, “Made in London”. Armorial stag. Hammered booge. 9.75”d. $300-$600

526 MONUMENTAL EUROPEAN PEWTER EWER. Nineteenth century. Gothic style decoration with armorial designs on each side. 27”h. $250-$500

527 TWO EUROPEAN PEWTER PLATES. Partial hallmarks. One has incised Hebrew letters on the back. Light scratches. 9.5”, 10.25”d. $150-$300

528 THREE COPPER AND BRASS SERVING PIECES. Eighteenth-19th century. Hammered basin, 18”d., engraved pitcher, possibly for ale, with swivel handle, 13”h. and a repousse tea urn, repair. 13.25”h. $250-$500

529 PAIR OF ECCLESIASTICAL CANDLE HOLDERS. European, late 19th century. Trefoil bases with relief images of Jesus. Drilled for electricity. Imperfections. 31”h. $100-$300

530 FIVE EUROPEAN PEWTER CANDLESTICKS. Late 18th-20th century. Two pair. Trefoil column, 9.75”h. and twisted, 9.25”h. and a single with partial touch, 7.5”h. $150-$250

531 ENGLISH COPPER CANDLESTICK. Second half-19th century. Large candle holder with shell and dolphin decoration and shell base. Worn silver plate. 18”h. $300-$600

532 FIVE GERMAN PEWTER COFFEE POTS AND CREAMERS. Late 18th-19th century. Partial touchmarks. Similar forms with swirled ribs and applied handles. One pot is bulbous and one handle is wicker wrapped. Minor imperfections. 4” to 11.5”h. $200-$400

533 FOUR ENGLISH WARMING PANS. Late 18th-early 19th century. Touch marks including Townsend and Reynolds and Richard Norfolk. Minor loss. Two 8”d, two 9.5”d. $250-$450

539, 518, 528, 515



FOUR EUROPEAN PEWTER MEASURES. Nineteenth century. Tankards with fleur de lys thumb pieces. One marked “Hobson” on the rim. 5” to 8”h. $250-$500

FIVE EUROPEAN PEWTER PLATES AND CHARGERS. Mostly German, 19th century. All but one have engraved or repousse decorations ranging from floral to figural. One is oval. Round, 8.5” to 12.5”d. $200-$400

535 EUROPEAN PEWTER EWER AND VASE. Nineteenth century. Touch marks. Tall ewer with elongated neck, 25”h. and a bulbous vase with double handles, 14”h. $250-$350

536 TWO EUROPEAN PEWTER SALVERS. Eighteenth-19th century. Both are footed. One with engraving and twig rim, 11”d. and one with cast rococo style shell rim. 13”d. Imperfections. $200-$300

537 THREE GERMAN PEWTER GUILD PIECES. Nineteeth century. Two similar flagons with elaborate three dimensional occupations including wine making. Engraved shield finials. 12”, 12.5”h. Together with a mallet shaped flask engraved for a cask maker’s guild. Mermaid feet. 19”h. $400-$800

538 TWO SWISS PEWTER FLAGONS. 18th-20th century. Similar forms. The later has a ram finial and chain. Touchmarks.11”, 11.5”h. $150-$300

540 SEVEN EUROPEAN PEWTER PLATES. Mostly German, 19th century. Repousse armorial designs. One with French touch marks. One oval, 10”l. Round, 8” to 10”d. $150-$350

541 TWO CONTINENTAL PEWTER STEINS AND A FLAGON. Late 18th-19th century. One stein engraved “AL, 1693, 8.5”h., the other with a four leaf clover and engraved tower, 8”h. Together with an armorial and engraved flagon with acorn thumb pieces. 10.5”H $250-$450

542 THREE GERMAN PEWTER FLAGONS. Late 18th-19th century. Two are engraved and one is reputedly a guild flagon with armorial designs. Minor dents. 11.5”, 13”, 14”h. $200-$400

542A EUROPEAN PEWTER CHARGER. Nineteenth century. Classical images including Mars, god of war. 18.5"d. $150-$300 | 65



ParK sCene BY wiLLiam meYerOwitZ (new YOrK, 1887-1981). oil on masonite, signed lower right. People on park benches. Mounted on a stretcher in a frame, 24”h. 48”w. overall. $1,000-$1,500

GOLDEN FEATHERS BY Javier marin (meXiCO, B. 1962). oil on canvas mounted on board, signed and dated 1986 lower right. two figures surrounding a third. 42.5”h. 36”w., in a frame, 47”h. 40.5”w. $1,000-$2,000





mirrOr. china, late 20th century. rustic frame made from weathered wood with iron hanger. 52”h. 35”w. $100-$350

ameriCan Cast irOn griLL. twentieth century. openwork floral grill. cleaned. 29”h. 20”w. $150-$300

550 546 PAINTED BUNTING Print BY CHarLes HarPer (ameriCan, B. 1922). color print signed and numbered 101/1500 in pencil. Unframed. 19.5”h. 17”w. with booklet. $100-$200

Over tHe manteL mirrOr. American or european, 2nd half-19th century. original black paint with gilt decorations. two-part mirror with beveled edge. corner repair. 83”h. 59”w. $200-$350

551 OrientaL rug. Second quarter-20th century. Sarouk. Floral on a burgundy ground. Minor edge wear. 4’4” x 6’5”. $300-$600

PETIT PALAISE, PARIS BY israeL aBramOFsKY (russian FeDeratiOn/OHiO, 1888-1976). oil on canvas, signed lower left. Street view. 13”h. 16”w., in a frame, 18”h. 21”w. $200-$300



twO OrientaL rugs. Second half-20th century. hamadan runner with light camel ground. 2’5” x 10’. And a room size garden Bakhtiari. 8’ x 10’. Minor bleeding. $400-$600

PORTRAIT OF AN OZARK MAN BY CarL ruDOLPH KraFFt (OHiO, iLLinOis, 1884-1938). oil on canvas board, signed upper right. white bearded man, seated and holding a gun, 20”h. 16”, in a frame, 24.25”h. 20.25”w. $800-$1,200


66 | gartH’s Furniture & Decorative arts: July 25, 2015

553 LA FAMILLE BY VU CAO DAM (VIETNAM/FRANCE, 1908-2000). Oil on canvas, signed and dated 1973 lower right. Three family members and a horse. 15.5”h. 18.5”w., in a frame, 23”h. 26”w. $8,000-$12,000

554 CARRY 2 BY MING WAI (CHINA, B. 1938). Oil on canvas, signed front and back. Bringing a fishing catch to shore. 24”h. 35”w., in a frame, 25.5”h. 36”w. $500-$700

555 COLLECTING SHELLFISH 6 BY MING WAI (CHINA, B. 1938). Oil on canvas, signed lower left, titled on back. Families digging at shoreline. 24”h. 32”w., in a frame, 25.5”h. 33”w. $400-$800

556 GAMBLE NO. 8 BY MING WAI (CHINA, B. 1938). Acrylic on canvas, signed front and back. Group of women playing a game. In a frame, 45”h. 51”w. $300-$600


557 ASIAN PAINTING OF A BUDDHIST DEITY. Mid 20th century, watercolor and ink on paper. Seated three-headed figure. In a frame, 31”h. 35.5”w. $200-$400

558 FOUR JAPANESE WOODBLOCK PRINTS. Mid 20th century. All have red seals. Three by the same artist of farmers. 14.25"h. 17.25"w. And one of cranes. 22"h. 26"w. $200-$400 554

555 | 67



CHinese eXPOrt CarveD DesK anD siDe CHair. reputedly from the 1893 columbian exposition, teak. two-part desk. heavily carved with dragon legs and dragon and phoenix crest. the top has two doors with carved bone chrysanthemums and a single drawer. the base has two drawers with bird pulls. Some loss. 30” writing height, 53”h. 46”w. 27”d. Matching chair with carved back. 39”h. $600-$900

CHinese siDe CaBinet. Late 19th-early 20th century, elm. Mortised construction. carved fretwork apron. Four dovetailed drawers over two sets of double doors. refinished. 35”h. 63”w. 16”d. $400-$800

563 CHinese CiZHOu vase. Attributed to 18th century. Brown slip design on white ground. wear. 24”h. $250-$500

560 559

twO CarveD CHinese eXPOrt taBLes. reputedly from the 1893 columbian exposition, teak. each has stylized dragonform legs. the larger has shaped top and inlaid bone and mother-of-pearl eyes in the dragon. refinished. 31”h. 32”w. 25”d. and 29”h. 17” x 17”. $400-$600



561 68 | gartH’s Furniture & Decorative arts: July 25, 2015

CHinese COFFer CHest. Late 19th-early 20th century, elm. Mortised construction. worn red lacquer. Scroll ends, scalloped sides and double doors on pintel hinges. interior shelf. 29.5”h. 26”w. 15”d. $300-$600

564 twO PieCes OF terra COtta. china, probably 20th century. Molded robed figure with remnants of paint, 8”h., and a red slip decorated bowl with handle, 4”h. $100-$300

565 irOn saKe KettLe anD teaPOt. Japan, 20th century. tall teapot, 10”h., and a sake pot with lacquered wooden lid. wear. 7.5”h. $100-$300




CHinese rePuBLiC POrCeLain vase witH DragOn. Second quarter-20th century. impressive size with three-toed dragon chasing a pearl around the circumference of the neck. deep peacock blue glaze. 47”h. $800-$1,200

Pair OF CHinese siDe CHairs. Late 19th-early 20th century, elm. Stretcher bases, yoke crests. traces of black lacquer. 18” seat, 41”h. $150-$300

570 CHinese CHOPPing BLOCK. Late 19th-early 20th century, elm. Massive tree trunk cross section supported by three pole legs with stretcher base. refinished with repaired split. 28.5”h. 38”d. $300-$600

567 CHinese POrCeLain PiLLOw BLOCK. twentieth century. hand decorated with berries and flowers in shades of blue and green. Flake. 5.5”h. 11.5”l. $100-$300


568 Five PieCes OF CHinese POrCeLain anD a rOse meDaLLiOn tea set. twentieth century. hand decorated. two chargers featuring birds and animals. the smaller is glazed in yellow and green. 14”, 16”d. two small marked vases. Scenic, 5”h., and blue and white, 6”h. And a blue and white scenic bowl. Marked. 2.5”h. 7.5”d. together with a small teapot and two demitasse cups in a wicker carrying case, 6”h. imperfections. $250-$450

LaCQuereD CHinese CaBinet. Late 19th-early 20th century, elm. Mortised construction. dovetailed drawer over double doors. Brass hardware. red lacquer has wear. 34”h. 24.5”w. 17.5”d. $150-$300

572 CHinese CaBinet. Late 19th-early 20th century, elm. Mortised construction. traces of red lacquer. carved floral apron. 37.5”h. 37”w. 18”d. $200-$400


573 CHinese siDe CaBinet. Late 19th-early 20th century, elm. dovetailed construction. red lacquer. three sets of double doors. interior shelf. wear. 38”h. 82”w. 17.5”d. $600-$800

574 Pair OF CHinese POrCeLain COvereD urns. twentieth century. hand decorated with blue and white landscapes. 14.5”h. 10”d. $100-$250

573 | 69




POtterY BOwL attriButeD tO sHOJi HamaDa (JaPan, 1894-1978). Stoneware, unsigned. oblong bowl with branch design and shaped wooden cover. 3.5”h. 9.5”l. $600-$1,200

POtterY BOwL attriButeD tO sHOJi HamaDa (JaPan, 1894-1978). Stoneware, unsigned. Large bowl with branch designs. repair. 6”h. 20”d. Stand included. $300-$500

POtterY vase attriButeD tO KanJirO Kawai (JaPan, 1890-1966). Stoneware, unsigned. Bottle form with raised bamboo design. chipped. 8.75”h. $300-$600


578 twO CHinese eXPOrt CarveD armCHairs. reputedly from the 1893 columbian exposition, teak. Similar designs of phoenix backs with dragon arms with inlaid bone and mother-of-pearl eyes. Minor wear. 18” seat, 42”h. and 17.5” seat, 35”h. $400-$600

579 Pair OF CarveD CHinese armCHairs. Late 19th century. Pierced and carved splats, side drawers, and traces of gilt and red lacquer. 16.5”h. seat, 34”h. overall. $400-$800

580 578

LaCQuereD CHinese sCreen. early 20th century. Four panels with hand painted landscape of travelers in gardens and mountains. Low relief landscape features in green with gilt details. the back panels have gilt designs on black lacquer. Some edge loss. each panel is 78”h. 25.5.”w. included is a custom made display base with electric lighting. 17”h. 83”w. 24”d. $1,000-$1,500

581 CarveD CHinese eXPOrt sCreen. reputedly from the 1893 columbian exposition, teak. two panels with carved floral frame and lacquered panels with carved bone birds and branches. Black-painted trees on backs. imperfections. each panel 68”h. 31”w. $200-$400

582 CarveD CHinese eXPOrt sCreen. early 20th century. Four-part floral carved framed panels with lacquered panels and applied carved bone chrysanthemums. Some loss. each panel 44.5”h. 15”w. $300-$500 579 70 | gartH’s Furniture & Decorative arts: July 25, 2015

583 CHinese HuangHuaLi wOOD DesK. twentieth century. Light colored wood, mortise and tenon construction. Six dovetailed drawers over two doors with brass hardware. Lattice work on the bottom and scrolled feet. Age splits. 35”h. 70”w. 24”d. $2,000-$4,000





CHinese taBLe. nineteenth century, elm. Sturdy construction with black lacquer on three dovetailed drawers. Side stretchers. old butterfly repair to split in top. refinished with traces of red lacquer. 30”h. 65”w. 21.5”d. $350-$650

CHinese BenCH. Late 19th-early 20th century, elm. Mortised construction. refinished. 21”h. 68”w. 15”d. $150-$300

CHinese CaBinet. Late 19th-early 20th century, elm. Mortised construction. double doors with latch. interior shelf. refinished with worn black lacquer. 24.5”h. 29”w. 17”d. $250-$450

585 CHinese LOw taBLe. twentieth century, elm. Mortised construction. carved in the form of bamboo with floral returns. refinished. 19”h. 34” x 36”. $100-$300

586 CHinese CeramiC COvereD urn. twentieth century. hand decorated with blue and white dragon around the circumference. 21”h. $100-$300

588 CHinese CamPHOr trunK. early 20th century. dovetailed case with black lacquer. Brass handles and latch. 16”h. 36”w. 21.5”d. $100-$300

589 CHinese stanD. Late 19th-early 20th century, elm. Mortised construction. carved floral aprons. red lacquer has wear. 33”h. 15.5” x 18.75”. $150-$350


591A wOODBLOCK Print BY KiYOsHi saitO (JaPan, 1909-1997). Signed with seal. Monochromatic shrine. notation and number in pencil "design Made in 1955. 5/150".17.5"h. 23"w. Matted. $350-$450

591B FOur JaPanese wOODBLOCK Prints. Late 19th century. two samurai, man with pipe and a geisha. 14"h. 10"w. $100-$300

Pair OF CHinese armCHairs. Late 19th-early 20th century, elm. Mortised construction. horseshoe backs with carved medallions on the splats. worn red lacquer. 16.5” seat, 32.5”h. $150-$300 | 71




twO CHinese Brass JarDinieres. early 20th century. heavy brass with two handles and cast marks. the smaller is marked xuantong. 4”h. 11”w. and 7”h. 10”w. not including one wooden base. $400-$600

set OF CHinese sHeLves. nineteenth century, elm. Mortised construction. three thick shelves and natural slabs of wood on the sides. Scrollcarved front panels. 69”h. 77”w. 11”d. $400-$600

JaPanese tansu CHest. Late 19th-early 20th century. two-part chest with red stain and old, replaced wrought iron hardware including incised disk lock escutcheons. dovetailed cases. one part has two drawers, the other has two drawers and door with interior drawers. 41”h. overall. 35”w. 17. 75”d. $800-$1,200

595 Pair OF JaPanese tansu CHests. early 20th century. dark red/black lacquered five-drawer chests with wrought iron hardware and floral disk lock escutcheons. dovetailed cases. Age splits and minor wear. 42”h. 33.75”w. 16.5”d. $800-$1,200

596 Five JaPanese wOODBLOCK Prints. Late 19th century. three of samurai, a rice paddy and a harbor scene after Ando hiroshige. three are framed, two samurai are not. Average size 10” x 14”, rice paddy in frame is 12.5”h. 10.5”w. $100-$300 592

597 seven asian Prints anD waterCOLOrs. twentieth century. Signed horse, deer and squirrel prints and two prints of birds and animals in tree branches. Average 10.5” x 15.5”. together with two landscapes on silk. imperfections. 15”h. 16.5”w. Unframed. $100-$200

598 Five JaPanese items inCLuDing masK anD sCreen. Late 19th-20th century. wood and gesso mask with original paint and horsehair beard, 9.5”l., and two hand painted fans with bamboo handles, one folding, 30”l. together with a two-panel painted and gilt table screen with garden scene, 20.5”h. 36”w., and a reproduction landscape scroll. $100-$350

599 JaPanese tansu CHest. Late 19th-early 20th century. dovetailed case with red lacquer and three drawers with wrought iron hardware. one part of a two-part chest. Some wear. 24”h. 35.5”w. 17.5”d. $200-$400


593 72 | gartH’s Furniture & Decorative arts: July 25, 2015

Pair OF CHinese stanDs anD smaLL CaBinet. Late 19th-early 20th century, elm. red lacquer. Small stands with pierce carved aprons. 21”h. 14” x 14”. And a double door cabinet. 29”h. 22”w. 12.5”d. $200-$400

601 mOngOLian DeCOrateD CuPBOarD. Late 19th-early 20th century, elm. Possibly used as a shrine. Mortised construction. elaborate gilt decoration on black lacquer. Lined with floral printed paper. imperfections. 51”h. 32.5”w. 14.75”d. $400-$600

602 twO CarveD stOne HeaDs. thailand and possibly cambodia, 19th century or earlier. Fragmentary sandstone heads, the larger of Buddha. 8.5”, 11”h. $300-$600

603 mOngOLian LaCQuereD CuPBOarD. ca. 1880s, elm. Black lacquer with hand painted flower vases on doors. double doors top and bottom with a shelf in each half. wear, one door has repair. 58”h. 39.5”w. 17.34”d. $300-$500 601




twO asian sCrOLLs. twentieth century, ink and watercolor on paper. Abstract hotei. with seals. 18.5” x 46”, 22.5” x 53”. $150-$250

twO CarveD CHinese arCHiteCturaL BraCKets. Late 19th century, hardwood. Figural supports with late red and silver paint. 33”h. 19”d. $100-$300



twO CHinese sCrOLLs. twentieth century, ink and watercolor on paper. Mountains. 17.5” x 73”, 24” x 70”. $200-$400

CHinese DemiLune taBLe. Late 19th-early 20th century, elm. Mortised construction. red lacquer. Scrolled legs with stretcher base. wear and age splits. 33”h. 51”w. 25.5”d. $200-$400

606 asian DeCOrateD CHest anD a DisPLaY CaBinet. First half-20th century. chest of hardwood with gilt and applique decoration, 15”h. 29”w. 14”d. together with a table-top vitrine or display case with glass sides and top and the back lined with light blue chinese silk, 19.5”h. 25.5”w. 9”d. $200-$400

607 CHinese CaBinet. tianjin, late 19th-early 20th century, elm. three dovetailed drawers over double doors, all with heavy brass hardware. refinished with worn black lacquer. 33”h. 46.5”w. 19”d. $200-$400

610 asian sCrOLL anD Print. twentieth century. chinese landscape with a traveler in the mountains. Signed. Small area of loss. Mounted in frame. 56”h. 23”w. and a later color print on cloth of a woman. Framed, 28.25”h. 21.5”w. $250-$450

611 Pair OF CHinese armCHairs anD a BirD stanD. early 20th century, elm. Mortised construction. Pair of diminutive chairs with red lacquer and pierced splats. 17” seat, 35”h. And a stand with gallery top and drawers below. 41”h. 19” x 19”. $200-$400 | 73



612 CHinese aLtar taBLe. ching hi province, late 19th-early 20th century, softwood including pine. Mortised construction. Shaped apron and stretchers. Faint traces of red lacquer. 33.5”h. 78”w. 20”d. $300-$600

613 CHinese stOrage taBLe. Late 19th-early 20th century, elm. Mortised construction. Four dovetailed drawers over three sets of double doors. refinished. 31”h. 71”w. 12.5”d. $400-$800

614 614

Pair OF CHinese LaCQuereD CaBinets. early 20th century, elm. Black lacquer with hand painted flower vases on double doors. Brass hardware. refinished with varying loss. 35”h. 30”w. 15”d. $400-$500

615 CHinese DesK. Late 19th-early 20th century, elm. Mortised construction. Shaped feet. three dovetailed drawers with side latches. old refinishing. 33”h. 69”w. 29”d. $400-$700


615 74 | gartH’s Furniture & Decorative arts: July 25, 2015

mOngOLian CaBinet. ca. 1880s, elm. Mortised construction. traces of red lacquer. two doors over three dovetailed drawers, all with hand painted floral decoration. refinished. Some imperfections. 37”h. 42”w. 20.5”d. $300-$600



Pair OF CHinese siDe CaBinets. Late 19th-early 20th century, elm. Black lacquer with gilt and gold painted designs including figures on the paneled double doors. Some wear. 27”h. 21.5”w. 15”d. $200-$400

twO tea BOwLs. Japan, attributed to 18th century. hagi and Shiraishi ware bowls with crackle glaze. 3.25”h. 6”d. $400-$800

626 618 JaPanese POrCeLain vase anD siX saKe CuPs. twentieth century. hand decorated vase with flowers, birds and a man and woman in garden reserve. Artist signed. ruffled rim. 12”h. And six footed imari cups with paper labels. one flaked. $200-$400

CHinese eXPOrt LaCQuereD BOX. First half-19th century. Lift lid box with lift out tray and brass hardware. Black lacquer with gilt scenes including a village surrounding a palace on the lid and battles on the sides. the interior lid has stands of bamboo. imperfections. 5”h. 18”w. 12’d. $250-$450



sCeniC teXtiLe. Japan, ca.1930-40. ink and watercolor on fabric depicting a lake and house with Mt. Fuji in the background. white painted frame, 24”h. 24”w. $100-$300

CHinese JaDeite graPe PenDant. twentieth century. Large bunch of grapes carved from lavender jadeite. 4”h. $400-$800



FOur asian sCrOLLs. twentieth century, ink on paper. Bamboo with text and seals. 15" x 71", 21" x 57", 22.5" x 82", 13" x 39". wear. $150-$300

CHinese JaDeite eagLe PenDant. twentieth century. white with russet skin and an eagle carved into the stone. 3.5”h. $300-$500



tHree asian sCrOLLs. twentieth century, ink on paper. Abstract calligraphy with seals. 18.5”x 41”, 33.5” x 42”, 19” x 38”. $100-$300

CHinese JaDeite Carving. twentieth century. Pale stone with russet skin and a carving of a scholar under pine trees. 4”h. $250-$500



twO asian sCrOLLs. twentieth century, watercolor and ink on paper. red lilies, 16” x 72”, and birds in branches, 19” x 75”. Some splits in backing paper. $150-$250

CHinese JaDeite PenDant witH BirDs. early 20th century. oval with relief carving of birds in trees. 3.5”h. $200-$300

631 623 tHree asian sCrOLLs. Late 19th-20th century. Fruit in ink and watercolor on paper. the smallest is brush and ink. 11.5” x 36”, 25.5” x 57”, 15.5” x 64”. $250-$450

twO CHinese CarveD JaDeite PenDants. twentieth century. Lavender jadeite. highly polished Buddha’s hand, 2”h. and a dragon, 3”h. $250-$450

632 624 LaCQuereD CHinese eXPOrt Fern stanD. reputedly from the 1893 columbian exposition. Black lacquer with hand decorated, raised prunus branches with gilt accents. 36”h. 18”w. $200-$400

Pair OF CHinese CLOisOnne vases. First half-20th century. Flowers on blue ground. Paper labels “Made in the People’s republic of china”. 15.5”h. $200-$400 | 75

633 634



gustav stiCKLeY arts & CraFts server. early 20th century, oak. Branded mark, #819. three small drawers over one large, all with riveted hammered iron oval pulls, and lower shelf. 39.5”h. 48”w. 20”d. $1,000-$2,000

JaPanese wOODBLOCK Print BY aOYama masaJi (1893-1969). ink on paper. Moonlit bridge scene. in a carved frame, 21.5”h. 17”w. $200-$400

637 634 LiFetime arts & CraFts mOrris CHair. early 20th century, oak. Slat back and sides, later leather cushions. 13.5”h. seat, 41.5”h. overall. $500-$1,000

mODernist Painting (ameriCan sCHOOL, miD 20tH CenturY). oil on canvas, unsigned. Abstract. Unframed, 45” x 57.5”. $100-$300

638 635 arts & CraFts taLL CHest OF Drawers. compact Furniture, 20th century, oak. Five drawers and original hardware. imperfections. 49”h. 33”w. 18.25”d. $300-$600

635 76 | gartH’s Furniture & Decorative arts: July 25, 2015

mODern seCretarY in tHe manner OF PauL mCCOBB. American, mid 20th century. the fall front writing surface over a pair of sliding cabinet doors, raised on circular tapering legs. 40.5”h. 36”l. $300-$500

640 641





DanisH mODern Bar Cart. Mid 20th century. of rectangular form, the glass top over the wood frame above a medial shelf, the whole raised on casters. 27”h. 27”l. $150-$300

stiCKLeY BrOtHers arts & CraFts Dressing mirrOr. Quaint Furniture, 20th century, oak. Pivoting mirror on base, 19”h. 24”w. $150-$250

JaPanese POtterY vase. Stoneware, mid 20th century. impressed stamp on bottom of vase. reddish surface with mica flecks and interior glaze. rim spout. 6”h. 10.5”d. includes original box with red seal on lid. $200-$400



stiCKLeY BrOtHers arts & CraFts LamP taBLe. Quaint Furniture, early 20th century, oak. #2508, with a circular top and lower shelf. 30”h. 30” diameter. $400-$800

Print aFter graCieLa rODO BOuLanger (BOLivia/FranCe, B. 1935). Lithograph on paper, signed and numbered 74/100 in margin. Mother and child on bull. in a frame, 28”h. 34”w. $100-$200



645 CHest OF Drawers BY Lane. American, 20th century. of typical rectangular form set with five drawers and raised on a conforming base. particle board & cardboard backing. 44.5”h. 34”w. 18”d. $150-$300


LimBert sLiPPer CHair. early 20th century, oak. #692, slat back, leather cushion, original finish. 16”h. seat, 33.5”h. $150-$250

642 arts & CraFts BOOK raCK. early 20th century, oak. cut-out sides. 46”h. 21.75”w. $200-$400

646 twO JaPanese POtterY BOwLs. Stoneware, mid 20th century. By the same potter with black glaze and stylized flowers. 8.5”, 10.5”d. $150-$300

twO JaPanese POtterY BOwLs. Stoneware, mid 20th century. Possibly Yamamoto Seinen (1913-1986). Mottled blue glaze, 2.5"h. 8"d., and swallows on white glaze, 2.5"h. 12"d. $200-$300

JaPanese POtterY BOwL anD PLate. Stoneware, mid 20th century. Possibly by Yamamoto Seinen (1913-1986). running green glaze. Bowl with spout, 5"h. 7"d., plate, 9.5"d. $100-$300

650 YamaguCHi wOODen traY. Japan, mid 20th century. round wooden tray impressed on the back “Yamaguchi co., tokyo Japan”. 19”d. $150-$300 | 77




BarCeLOna COFFee taBLe BY LuDwig mies van Der rOHe FOr KnOLL. American, 20th century, chrome. of typical form, the square beveled glass top over an “x” form base. 17”h. 36” x 36”. $600-$800

geOrge rOuauLt (FranCe, 18711958), DEMAIN SERA BEAU DISAIT LE NAUFRAGE’. etching and aquatint on paper, initialed and dated 1922 on plate. in a frame, 28”h. 22”w. $400-$800



FOur B33 siDe CHairs BY marCeL Breuer FOr KnOLL. American, 20th century, chrome. Laced black leather back over a laced black leather seat joined by a chrome frame. 32”h. $400-$600

Pair OF mr armLess LOunge CHairs BY LuDwig mies van Der rOHe FOr KnOLL. American, 20th century, chrome. Laced brown leather back over a laced brown leather seat, the whole joined by a chrome frame.16.5” seat, 30”h. $500-$700






EIGHT HEARTS Print aFter Jim Dine (ameriCan, B. 1935). color lithograph, signed and dated on the plate, signed in pencil. Printed by galerie thomas, Munich. Unframed. 25.75”h. 35.75”w. $800-$1,200

twO Prints BY Peter maX (new YOrK, B. 1937). Serigraphs, signed and numbered in pencil. Figure 112/250 and woman 113/250. embossed marks on paper. in frames, 12.5” x 12.5”. $250-$450



tHree taBLes in tHe manner OF miLO BraugHman. canada, 20th century. A parson-style coffee table of rectangular form and raised on square legs. 18”h. 48”w. 30”d. together with two cube shaped side tables each labeled “Made in canada”. 16.25”h. 18” x 18” $250-$500

Keats SONNETS signeD BY iLLustratOr JOHn BuCKLanD wrigHt. John keats, The Collected Sonnets of John Keats, halcyon Press, 1930, gilt-stamped blue cloth. number 180 (of 325) signed by the illustrator. $150-$300

POESISA TROCADO BY aDeLiO sarrO (BraZiL, B. 1950). oil on canvas, signed and dated 1987 lower right. Man with guitar. 28”h. 20”w., in a frame, 40”h. 32”w. $600-$800

78 | gartH’s Furniture & Decorative arts: July 25, 2015

660 uPHOLstereD sOFa anD armCHair. American, Late 20th century. Armchair has curved back. tear. 18” seat, 30”h. Sofa has ivory upholstery. $100-$300

661 art DeCO LOveseat BY DOnaLD DesKeY FOr rOYaL CHrOme. American, 2nd quarter-20th century. the straight back over the upholstered back and seat flanked by shaped arms set with chrome lines. 26”h. 40”w. 33”d. $600-$800





series 75 BY ernest trOva (ameriCan, 1927-2009). Serigraph, signed and dated “75” lower right, numbered “40/150”. group of three figures in abstract setting. 37”h. 27.5”w., in a silver gallery-style frame, 44.5”h 35”w. $300-$500

OBSESSION OF THE HEART (THE WORLD) aFter saLvaDOr DaLi (sPain, 1904-1989). color lithograph on paper, artist proof with signature lower right. 29.5”h. 21”w., in a frame, 40”h. 31.5”w. $600-$800

664 set OF siX PastiL-stYLe CHairs aFter eerO aarinO. Possibly American, 2nd half-20th century, fiberglass. Six bubble shaped chairs in green, orange, and white. $1,000-$2,000

665 Pair OF CesCa siDe CHairs BY marCeL Breuer. italy, mid 20th century, chrome, wood. the caned rectangular backs over cantilevered seats, the whole joined by a chrome frame. 28”h. 18”w. 19”d. $75-$100

666 664

mODernist LanDsCaPe attriButeD tO HaXin (CHina, 20tH CenturY). gouache on paper, illegible signature lower left. Snowstorm. Framed under glass, 38.5”h. 32.5”w. $100-$300 | 79



siX mODern CHairs. Possibly American, late 20th-early 21st century, chrome. the red upholstered back and seat on a chrome frame. 32”h. $400-$600

BLUE HAWAII BY Peter stiLtOn (ameriCan, 2nD HaLF-20tH CenturY). Acrylic on canvas, signed lower left. Modernist view of hawaiian island volcano. 48”h. 36”w., in a frame, 50”h. 38”w.

668 grOuP OF tHree taBLes BY PauL mCCOBB FOr CaLvin. American, mid 20th century. cocktail table of rectangular form over three drawers raised on square legs joined by a medial shelf. together with two end tables each of square form, the first having two drawers raised on square legs joined by a medial shelf. the second raised on square legs joined by three medial shelves. 16”h. 60”w. 20”d. $400-$600


Purchased in 1998 from the artist. $1,000-$2,000

670 tHOnet-stYLe BistrO taBLe. early 20th century, mixed woods. rectangular top and bentwood base. retains an old, dry finish. 30”h. 43.25”w. 26.25”d. ex helen Porter (ohio). $200-$400





POrtrait OF a wOman BY marianna vOLZ (new YOrK/OHiO, 1930-2003). oil on canvas, signed lower right, dated 1966. grandmotherly woman in a chair. in a strip frame, 50.5”h. 40.5”w. $200-$400

stiLL LiFe BY marianna vOLZ (new YOrK/OHiO, 1930-2003). oil on canvas, unsigned. canned ham. Unframed, 36”h. 36”w. $150-$300

twO Drawings BY marianna vOLZ (new YOrK/OHiO, 1930-2003). graphite on paper, signed. Adam and eve, original sketch for print, 24”h. 18”w., and water lily pods, 24”h. 18”w. $100-$250

674 672 stiLL LiFe BY marianna vOLZ (new YOrK/OHiO, 1930-2003). oil on canvas, unsigned. canned sardines. Unframed, 36”h. 34”w. $100-$300 80 | gartH’s Furniture & Decorative arts: July 25, 2015

tHree POrtraits OF aFriCan ameriCans BY marianna vOLZ (new YOrK/OHiO, 1930-2003). charcoal on paper, signed. Man and woman, 25”h. 19”w., and another woman, signed on the mat. 15”h. 14.5”w. Unframed. $100-$300

676 mODern FOur-PieCe CHrOme teaset “esCaPaDe”. France. retro Art deco teapot, covered sugar and creamer on a round tray, 15”d. Labeled. $100-$200



TWO GENERAL FIREPROOFING GOODFORM CHAIRS. Youngstown, Ohio, mid 20th century, aluminium. Includes a side chair with red vinyl, 17.5”h. seat, 31.5”h. overall. “Propeller” desk chair with green vinyl, 18.5”h. seat, 31”h. overall. $100-$300

DANISH MODERN SIDEBOARD. Mid 20th century, teak. Of rectangular form, having two doors opening to a fitted and shelved interior, the whole raised on block feet. 30.5”h. 44”w. 16.5”d. $200-$400

684 678 PAIR OF SIDE TABLES BY NIELS BACH Denmark, mid 20th century, teak. The square top over the rectangular legs joined by stretchers. 19”h. 27.5”w. 27.5”d. $400-$600

DESK AND CHAIR BY BORGE MORGENSEN FOR KARL ANDERSSON & SONER. Swedish, mid 20th century, pine. The rectangular top over two banks of drawers each set with two drawers, the whole raised on square legs. Together with a straight back chair. $300-$500


679 ROYAL SYSTEM SHELVING UNIT BY POUL CADOVIUS. Danish, mid 20th century, teak. Comprised of fall front desk, banks of drawers, book stand, banks of drawers and shelves. $1,000-$2,000

680 NESTING TABLES BY SVEND MADSEN FOR KARL LINDEGAARD. Denmark, mid 20th century, teak. The rectangular top raised on rectangular legs. 19.5”h. 21.5”w. 17.5”d. $200-$400

681 TEA CART BY HANS WEGNER FOR P. P. MOBLER. Denmark, mid 20th century, teak. The rectangular top over four circular legs joined by a medial shelf terminating in casters. 24”h. 28”w. 18.5”d. $300-$500

682 PAIR OF TEAK TABLE LAMPS. Denmark, mid 20th century. Circular form. 10.5”h. $200-$400

685 ENVIRONMENT AND EVOLUTION BY ALEXANDER CALDER (AMERICAN/FRENCH, 1898-1976). Lithograph, signed and numbered. Abstract geometric shapes with a fish and snake in tones of red, yellow, blue, black and white. 31.5”h. 43.5”w. $1,000-$2,000

686 COGNAC JACQUET BY CAMILE BOUCHET (FRENCH, 20TH CENTURY). Lithograph. A peacock seen standing on a plinth next to a bottle of cognac. 67.75”h. 51.75”w. $1,000-$2,000

687 SECRETARY BY PAUL MCCOBB FOR PLANNER GROUP. American, mid 20th century. The fall front writing surface opening to a fitted interior above a pair of sliding cabinet doors, the whole raised on circular tapering legs. 46.5”h. 36”l. $500-$700




PAINTING BY CARL BERNDTSSON (SWEDEN, 1902-1982). Oil on canvas, signed. Modernist landscape. 18"h. 24"w. $100-$350

PACE GALLERY SPRING TABLE. American, mid 20th century, chrome. The circular glass top over a shaped center standard on a conforming circular base. 18”h. 13”d. $150-$250

689 CIRCULAR BENTWOOD CHANDELIER ATTRIBUTED TO HANS-AGNE JAKOBSSON. Sweden, mid 20th century. The graduated circular bentwood frame encasing a single light. 14.5”h. $150-$300

691 HOME ON THE MOON PRINT BY GEORGE RODRIGUE (AMERICAN, 1944-2013). Lithograph on paper, countersigned lower right. Five seated dogs.16.5”h. 27.5”w. $600-$900 | 81



FaLL-FrOnt DesK BY HJn mOBLer. denmark, mid 20th century, rosewood. the fall-front writing surface opening to a fitted interior above three drawers, the whole raised on square tapering legs. 42”h 35”w. 17”d. $300-$500

DOve DesK LamP BY marCO COLOmBO & mariO BarBagiLa FOr PaF stuDiOs. italy, mid to late 20th century. the adujstable neck and arm raised on two wire supports above a circular base. 11.5” h. 33”w. together with a modern-style floor lamp, having two adjustable arms over a circular standard above a circular base. Approximately 64”h. $100-$300

693 interseCting COFFee taBLe BY nieLs BaCH. denmark, mid 20th century, mahogany and glass. the circular glass top raised on six circular legs joined by intersecting stretchers. 16.5”h. 35.5”d. $300-$500

697 FrenCH-stYLe BeDrOOm suite BY JOHn wiDDiCOmB. American, mid 20th century. comprising two shaped twin headboards, night stand, and dresser with dressing chair. headboard 44.5”h. 42”w.

694 tHree aBstraCt sCuLPtures BY irving LeHman (new YOrK/russian FeDeratiOn, 1900-1983). Signed. one loose from base. Average 8”h. $100-$300

695 tiZiO taBLe LamP BY riCHarD saPPer FOr artemiDe. italy, mid to late 20th century, metal. the adjustable neck and arm raised on a circular foot. 20”h. 29”w. $100-$200

with original label. $300-$500

698 set OF FOur 40/4 staCKaBLe CHairs BY DaviD rOwLanD FOr Herman miLLer. American, mid to late 20th century, chrome and metal. the white metal splat over the white metal seat joined by a chrome frame. 30”h. 20”w. 18”d. with original label, retailed by office Furniture System. $100-$200

699 COFFee taBLe BY Jens risOm. danish/American, mid 20th century, rosewood. of square form, the black stone top raised on square legs. 20”h. 32” square. $300-$500

692 82 | gartH’s Furniture & Decorative arts: July 25, 2015




waLL sCuLPture BY Curtis Jere. American, mid 20th century, metal. Undulating support with hanging prisms, signed and dated “1985”. 42”h. 36.5”w. $500-$700

twO CHest OF Drawers anD an armOire attriButeD tO C. F. CHristensen. danish, mid 20th century, pine. the chest of drawers each of rectangular form set with three drawers and raised on a conforming base. 25”h. 40”w. 16”d. the armoire having four doors with a shelved interior. together with a hanging wall shelf and low square table. $500-$700

701 Pair OF LOunge CHairs BY miLO BaugHman FOr tHaYer COggin. American, mid 20th century, chrome. the upholstered back and seat raised on a chrome frame. 26.5”h. $800-$1,200

702 Petite CHiLD LOunge CHair BY miLO BaugHman FOr tHaYer COggin. American, mid 20th century. the upholstered back and seat raised on a rosewood swivel base. 27.5”h. $400-$600

703 COCKtaiL taBLe BY miLO BaugHman FOr tHaYer COggin. American, 20th century, chrome. the circular glass top over two shaped supports raised on a circular conforming base. 15”h. 37”d. $300-$500

705 CHIHULY, FORM ON FIRE PainteD BY DaLe CHiHuLY (ameriCan, b. 1941). Book with signature painting on cover. 14”h. 10”w. $1,000-$1,500


706 VENETIANS, DALE CHIHULY PainteD BY DaLe CHiHuLY (ameriCan, b. 1941). Book with signed watercolor abstract on interior pages.14”h. 20”w. $800-$1,200

707 CABEZA BY JOse maria miJares (CuBa, 1921-2004). watercolor on paper, signed lower right. Abstract face. 20.5”h. 17”w. with certificate. $1,000-$1,500


708 LOveseat BY aage CHristiansen FOr erHarDsen & anDersen. Scandinavia, mid 20th century, pine. the rectangular back over the rectangular seat flanked by straight arms transitioning to legs. 24.5”h. 54”w. 20”d. with cover. $200-$400

702 | 83




LaDDer BaCK CHair BY giO POnti. italy, mid to late 20th century. the ladder back over a rushed seat raised on circular tapering legs, the whole in an apple green paint. 41”h. $500-$700

miD CenturY Dining taBLe. American, mid 20th century, chrome and wood. the circular wood top over a chrome standard raised on a circular foot. 9.5”h. 48”d. $300-$500

miD CenturY sOFa in tHe manner OF geOrge neLsOn. American, mid 20th century. the upholstered back and seat on a steel frame. 28”h. 76”w. $200-$400




LOunge CHair BY i. B. KOFOrD Larsen. denmark, mid 20th century. the upholstered back and seat flanked by arms, the whole raised on circular tapering legs joined by stretchers. together with a matching ottoman. $1,000-$2,000

miD CenturY PeDestaL taBLe. American, mid 20th century. the rectangular wood top over a patinated metal standard raised on a circular foot. 28”h. 46”w. 30”d. $300-$500

HOmage tO tHe sQuare: witH raYs BY JOseF aLBers (ameriCan, 1888-1976). Lithograph, unsigned. depicts various squares in tones of yellow. 26.5”h. 26.5”w., in a silver gallery-style frame, 27.25”h. 27.25”w. $150-$300

714 711 Pair OF aLuminum grOuP LOunge CHairs BY CHarLes anD raY eames FOr Herman miLLer. American, mid 20th century, green upholstered backs and seats flanked by arms over the straight standards raised on a four point base. $1,000-$2,000

grOuP OF tHree FLOOr LamPs in tHe manner OF maX ingranD. Possibly American, mid 20th century, chrome. the circular chrome shade over the chrome standard on a circular chrome base. 39”h. 13.25”d. $300-$500

717 BiOmOrPHiC COFFee taBLe aFter isamu nOguCHi. American, 20th century, Shaped triangular glass top raised on wood arms. 15”h. 49”l. $200-$400


718 CaBinet BY HarveY PrOBBer. American, 20th century. two sliding, paneled cabinet doors opening to a fitted interior over two small drawers, the whole raised on square legs joined by a medial shelf. $600-$800 709 84 | gartH’s Furniture & Decorative arts: July 25, 2015


719 sOFa sYstem BY geOrge neLsOn FOr Herman miLLer. American, mid 20th century. Straight back with removable upholstered cushions over removable upholstered seat flanked by built-in tables, the whole raised on a steel frame with circular tapering legs. 16” seat height. 28.5”h. 84”l. $1,000-$2,000

720 Cat in tHe Hat BY tHeODOre geiseL “Dr. seuss” (ameriCan, 1904-1991). Mixed media, signed lower right. 17.5”h. 5”w., framed under glass. 21”h. 8”w. $2,000-$3,000


721 Linus anD snOOPY BY CHarLes sCHuLZ (ameriCan, 1922-2000). watercolor and ink on paper, signed lower right. Framed under glass, 10.25”h. 12.25”w. $3,000-$5,000

722 720




Print BY maX PaPart (FranCe, 1911-1994). color lithograph on embossed paper, signed and numbered 28/125 in pencil. harlequin. Framed under glass. 35”h. 47.5”w. $700-$900

snOOPY BY CHarLes sCHuLZ (ameriCan, 1922-2000). Black marker on paper, signed lower right. Framed under glass, 12.75”h. 12.75”w. $600-$1,200

FiLigree CHair BY angeLO arnOLD. Vermont, early 21st century, steel, wood, foam, fabric. Functional Furniture, with a whimsical design. 48”h. 24”w. 84”l. $3,000-$5,000

726 723 marY CaLLerY eXHiBit POster. exhibit in new York, october 1957. in a frame, 29”h. 17”w. $100-$200

724 Linus anD snOOPY BY CHarLes sCHuLZ (ameriCan, 1922-2000). watercolor and ink on paper, signed lower right. Framed under glass, 10.25”h. 12.25”w. $1,500-$2,500

CHarLie BrOwn anD snOOPY BY CHarLes sCHuLZ (ameriCan, 1922-2000). Felt tip pen on paper, signed lower right. Framed under glass, 11.5”h. 13.5”w. $1,000-$2,000

727 tHe grinCH BY tHeODOre geiseL “Dr. seuss” (ameriCan, 1904-1991). Mixed media, signed lower right. 17.5”h. 5”w., framed under glass. 21”h. 8”w. $2,000-$3,000

728 | 85







DIAMOND SOLITAIRE. American, 20th century. 14k white gold fourprong solitaire set with round brilliant diamond approximately 1.00ct. Ring size 6. $1,500-$2,000

DIAMOND SOLITAIRE RING WITH RUBY JACKET American, 20th century. Yellow gold ring, unmarked, with round brilliant cut diamond in six prong setting approx. 0.85ct, I2 clarity, I-J color. Together with a ruby and diamond jacket comprised of marquise rubies and single cut diamonds. Ring size 6 1/2, 6.8g. $1,000-$1,400

PLATINUM AND DIAMOND RING. American, 20th century. Ring marked PLAT with center Old European cut diamond approximately 0.60ct flanked with baguette diamonds. Size 9. 3.7g. $500-$800


732 UNMOUNTED NATURAL LIGHT PINK DIAMOND. Twentieth century. 0.27 ct round brilliant diamond, natural very light pinkish brown, SI1 clarity and GIA certificate #110189918043. $2,000-$4,000

733 GROUP OF PEARL JEWELRY INCLUDING MIKIMOTO CHOKER. Hong Kong, ca. 1966. 15” Mikimoto pearl choker with 14k white gold clasp and 7.5mm cultured akoya pearls , two pair cultured pearl earrings, pearl ring marked 14k, gold filled pin and silver pendant. Mikimoto strand has original box and receipt. $300-$500

736 GOLD OMEGA NECKLACE WITH EMERALD. American, 20th century. 14k yellow gold 4mm flat omega necklace with 7mm square emerald cut emerald. $1,000-$2,000





THREE-STRAND PEARL BRACELET. Hong Kong, ca. 1966. Three strands of 6.0mm cultured akoya pearls with white gold spacer bars and white gold clasp marked 18k. 7.25”l. 0.75”w. $200-$300

DIAMOND RING. American, 20th century. White gold ring marked 14k with central round old European cut diamond 0.53 ct., H color, SI1 clarity and GIA certificate #110189918043. $1,000-$1,500

SUITE OF CITRINE JEWELRY. American, early 20th century. Ring and pin/pendant marked 10k, together with a necklace and screwback earrings, unmarked. Ring is accompanied by EGL USA Gemstone Report #US69787601C. $800-$1,500

86 | GARTH’S Furniture & Decorative Arts: July 25, 2015

738 twO-tOne gOLD PantHer CuFF in tHe manner OF Cartier. American, 20th century. 14k white and yellow gold cuff marked 14k. white gold satin ground has raised yellow gold borders and dimensional panthers. Measures 0.75” wide, interior is 2.375” in diameter. 72.4g. $2,500-$3,500

739 JaBeL gOLD anD DiamOnD BraCeLet. American, 20th century. 18k yellow gold bracelet with alternating diamond set flower and bar links. 7”l. 0.5”w. $1,200-$1,500 738



FOur rings witH gemstOnes. American and european. gold filled and gold rings, unmarked, with various colored gemstones. $300-$500

twO siLver rings. Mexico and American Southwest, 20th century. high domed ring with hinged compartment set with a round amethyst in a wire scroll design. Marked Sterling and Mexico. Size 4.5. together with an Artisan fabricated ring measuring 2” wide at the top featuring six bezel set oval mother-of-pearl and applied stamped design. ring size 6.5. $100-$200



COCKtaiL ring. American, 20th century. 14k yellow gold ring with large red emerald cut stone flanked by six prong-set round brilliant cut diamonds approximately 0.60ct tw. $300-$400



taCOri DiamOnD sOLitaire ring. American, 21st century. white gold ring marked 18k, tacori, with pave diamond band. 0.41 ct tw. central prong set round brilliant is 0.77 ct, i color, i1 clarity, very good cut, new jewelers' inventory, accompanied by giA certificate. 110107683857. $2,500-$3,500



CameO neCKLaCe anD earrings. American, 20th century. Pendant marked 10k with stamped frame and seed pearls, together with a pair of earrings marked 14k. $200-$400

745 COraL CameO anD earrings. european, 19th century. Yellow gold estruscan revival framed coral high relief cameo pin. Unmarked. together with a pair of carved rose shaped earrings with gold posts and clutch backs. $300-$500

746 suite OF BOHemian garnet JeweLrY. european, late 19th century. Yellow gold and gold filled garnet jewelry including a brooch, ring with fingermate shank and earrings. $400-$600 | 87

747 DUDLEY MASONIC POCKET WATCH. Pennsylvania, 20th century. Open face pocket watch no. 4128 white gold filled, 19 jewels. Skeleton back. $800-$1,200

748 DUDLEY MASONIC POCKET WATCH. Pennsylvania, 20th century. Open face pocket watch no. 2742. Case is green gold filled with skeleton back, 19 jewels. $600-$800

749 UNMOUNTED 3.13 CT GREEN TOURMALINE. Twentieth century. Octagonal step cup transparent yellowish green tourmaline accompanied by GIA report #2151983546. $500-$800 747




DUDLEY NO.2879 OPEN FACE MASONIC SKELETON POCKET WATCH. Pennsylvania, 20th century. 14K white gold filled Masonic skeleton case pocket watch no. 2879. 19 jewels. Original keystone box and certificate. $1,000-$1,500

MASONIC BEAR CLAW FOB. American, 19th century. Egyptian revival bear claw charm with carved citrine sphynx, gold frame and enameled dangling charm. 1.5”h. 1.5”w. 8.0g. $300-$500

752 MASONIC SWORD AND BEAR CLAW PIN WITH STAR CHARM. American, 19th century. Egyptian revival bear claw pin with silver and gold sword, gold sphynx, gold frame and dangling charm. 2”h. 1.5”w. 7.4g. $200-$400

753 TWO MASONIC BEAR CLAW CHARMS. American, 19th century. Egyptian revival bear claw charms, unmarked, with sphynx, gold frame and dangling charm. 0.75”h. 0.75”w. 5.1g. $150-$250 front - 750 - back

754 MASONIC BOX CHARM. England, 19th century. Gold charm, marked 9ct & Sil, opens to a cross formed of silver pyramids engraved with Masonic symbols. 0.5”w. 7.5g. $200-$300

88 | GARTH’S Furniture & Decorative Arts: July 25, 2015



LaDies Cartier 18K gOLD PantHer watCH. Paris, 20th century. Yellow gold quartz wristwatch with panther link bracelet, deployant buckle. 18k. 86691117258. original box and two extra links. $2,500-$3,500

tiFFanY & CO. gOLD mOneY CLiP. American, 20th century. Yellow gold money clip marked 14k, tiffany & co. 2”l. 0.75”h. 15.5g. $300-$600

756 n LeHuraY Fusee OPen FaCe POCKet watCH Philadelphia, 19th century. Silver case with fusee movement engraved n Lehuray Philadelphia. Porcelain dial with Arabic numerals. 144g. $500-$700

757 emeraLD anD DiamOnD PenDant American, 20th century. Yellow gold pendant marked 14k with an oval cabochon emerald approx. 1.20ct, slightly blueish green, surrounded by ten prong set round diamonds approx. 0.50ct tw, suspended from an 18” box chain marked 18k. 3.9g. $300-$500

761 CarveD ametHYst BrOOCH. european, 19th century. Yellow gold brooch, unmarked, with seed pearls and rubies outlining a carved amethyst bust of a woman with rose cut diamond necklace. 1.5”h. 1”w. 12.2g. $200-$400

762 emeraLD anD DiamOnD earrings. european, 20th century. 18k yellow gold earrings with channel set emeralds and diamonds and omega clip backs. 1.0”h. 0.25”w. $400-$600 767

763 unmOunteD 3.64 Ct BLue saPPHire. twentieth century. Square step cut blue sapphire, 7.9 mm x 7.9 mm x 5.8 mm. $600-$1,200



Five PieCes OF JeweLrY anD aCCessOries. twentieth century. two white metal necklaces and a segmented belt, 27”l., and a decorative piece of linked medallions inset with turquoise, coral and lapis. together with a textile panel with sewn on Middle eastern coins. $100-$350

OPaL anD DiamOnD earrings. American, 21st century. white and yellow gold earrings, unmarked, with central 6 x 8 mm oval opal surrounded by twelve round brilliant diamonds, approximately 1.00 ct tw. Post and clutchbacks. $800-$1,200



wHite gOLD LaDies’ Omega watCH. Switzerland, mid 20th century. 14k white gold ladies’ omega watch with linked white gold band set with four emeralds and six single cut diamonds. 6”l. 2” long extra links set with eleven single cut diamonds. $300-$500

DiamOnD HOOP earrings. european, 21st century. white gold inside/outside diamond hoop earrings marked k18. Approximately 2.00 ct tw. 2.5 mm wide, 1.25”d. $1,500-$2,000

766 BLaCK anD wHite DiamOnD BanD. American, 21st century. white gold ring marked 14k, edB. Black diamond pave ground with white diamond overlay pattern. Size 7.5. 8.5g. $800-$1,200

767 Les must De Cartier sterLing tanK watCH. Paris, 20th century. gold plating over sterling quartz tank watch. 681006, 37690. original brown embossed leather strap and original box. $200-$500

768 gOLD sLiDe PenDant. American, 20th century. 14k yellow gold slide pendant with channel set rubies, diamonds, sapphires and emeralds. 0.75”h. 0.75”w. $200-$300

769 swOrD Pin witH Bear CLaw anD star. American, 19th century. egyptian revival bear claw pin with silver sword, carved tiger’s-eye sphynx, gold frame and gold and enamel dangling charm. 1.5”h. 1”w. 6.1g. $200-$400 | 89




DuDLeY masOniC POCKet watCH. Pennsylvania, 20th century. open face pocket watch no. 4131 18k white gold filled, 19 jewels. $800-$1,200

DuDLeY masOniC POCKet watCH. Pennsylvania, 20th century. open face pocket watch type 1, no. 664. green gold or gold filled, 19 jewels. Skeleton back. $800-$1,200

DuDLeY masOniC POCKet watCH. Pennsylvania, 20th century. open face pocket watch type 2 no. 2526 14k white gold filled, 19 jewels. $700-$900






rOse gOLD anD siLver masOniC DaisY CHarm. england, 19th century. gold charm, marked 9ct & Ste, opens to a daisy formed of silver pyramids engraved with Masonic symbols. 0.625”w. 8.10g. $250-$450

triCOLOr HingeD masOniC CHarm. european, 19th century. green, yellow and white gold and enamel hinged charm opens to a two-sided cross. Unmarked. 1.25”h. 1”w. 14.4g. $350-$550


twO PieCes OF gOLD masOniC 33rD Degree JeweLrY. American, 20th century. gold tie tac with red enamel and white gold ring with single cut diamonds. 7.5g. $150-$250

778 masOniC BaLL CHarm. england, 19th century. gold charm unmarked opens to a cross formed of silver pyramids engraved with Masonic symbols. 0.75”w. 11.0g. $200-$400

779 775 gOLD masOniC BaLL CHarm. england, 19th century. gold charm, marked 9ct, opens to a cross formed of pyramids engraved with Masonic symbols. 0.5”w. 6.6g. $200-$400

masOniC Bear CLaw FOB. American, 19th century. egyptian revival bear claw charm with carved jasper sphynx, gold filled and enamel frame and dangling charm. Marked gold filled. 1.5”h. 1.5”w. 6.0g. $300-$500



gOLD masOniC CHarm witH COmPartment FOr COin. American, 19th century. gold and enamel hinged charm opens to a compartment fitted for a Liberty head $1.00 gold coin. Unmarked. 1.375”h. 1”w. 15.1g. $400-$600

gOLD masOniC BaLL CHarm. england, 19th century. gold charm marked 9ct, opens to a cross formed of pyramids engraved with Masonic symbols. 0.75”w. 11.3g. $300-$500

90 | gartH’s Furniture & Decorative arts: July 25, 2015



DIAMOND STUD EARRINGS. Twenty-first century. White gold martini glass three prong settings. 1.00 ct tw $1,000-$2,000

TWO WATCH CHAINS. American, 20th century. One gold filled marked Simmons, one rose gold, unmarked. 21.3g. $150-$250



MASONIC BALL CHARM. England, 19th century. Gold charm ,unmarked, opens to a cross formed of silver and niello pyramids engraved with Masonic symbols. 0.75”w. 9.9g. $200-$400

ELGIN POCKET WATCH. American, 20th century. Open face gold filled pocket watch. Movement no. 22937958. Case no. 5204562. $200-$300



MEN’S GOLD MASONIC RING. American, 20th century. Yellow gold ring, unmarked, with inlaid black onyx and gold masonic symbol. Ring size 9.5. 8.1g. $150-$250

UNMOUNTED RUBY. India, 21st century. Faceted commercial grade corundum 699.00 ct., 53.40 mml., 34.32 mmw., 27.33 mmh. Accompanied by GIA certificate #091713 - cd - ww58 - GAC. $300-$600

784 GOLD MASONIC BALL CHARM. England, 19th century. Gold charm marked 375, opens to a cross formed of pyramids engraved with Masonic symbols. 0.5”w. 4.3g. $200-$300

785 MASONIC GOLD CHARM. American, 19th century. Gold hinged two-sided relief design charm. Unmarked. 1.25”h. 0.75”w. 7.7g. $150-$250

786 TWO RINGS. American, early 20th century. White gold unmarked ring with bezel set sapphire surrounded by diamonds, together with a yellow gold unmarked diamond cluster ring, both size 9. 6.1g. $200-$400

787 THREE BROOCHES. American, late 19th century. Victorian starburst gold brooch set with old mine cut diamonds approx. 1.25ct tw, together with a gold filled chased circle pin and a bar pin with blue stone marked 10k. 8.1g. $300-$600

788 VICTORIAN GOLD PENDANT. American, late 19th century. Yellow gold pendant in the Etruscan Revivalstyle set with pearls and a prong-set round diamond on a 20” 14k gold curb chain. $300-$400

792 UNMOUNTED RUBY. India, 21st century. Faceted commercial grade corundum 685.85 ct., 51.86 mml., 36.97 mmw., 26.81 mmh. Accompanied by GIA certificate #062013 - cd - wf57 - GAC. $300-$600

793 SUITE OF JADE JEWELRY. Asian, 20th century. Graduated strand of round jade beads, no clasp, 6mm to 14 mm, 40”l. together with 9.7 mm bead earrings with 14k post settings and cabochon ring marked 14k, size 6.75, 12.9g. $1,200-$1,800

794 DIAMOND RING. European, 21st century. White gold ring marked 750 with central 0.85 ct round brilliant diamond. Setting includes pear shaped accent diamonds, straight baguettes and round diamonds. Approximately 0.75 ct tw. Size 6.25. 4.8 g. $2,500-$3,500

795 DIAMOND STUD EARRINGS. Twenty-first century. White gold martini glass three prong settings. 0.50 ct tw. $500-$800 | 91

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