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GARTH’S AUCTIONS, INC. American Antiques & Decorative Arts featuring the Fourth Annual Ohio Valley Auction May 29, 2010
P.O . Box 369 D elaw are, Oh io 43015
Early American A ntique s a nd De c ora tive A r ts featur ing
The Fourth Annual Oh io Valley Auctio n May 2 9 9,, 2 0 1 0
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E A R LY A M E R I C A N F U R N I T U R E & D E C O R AT I V E AC C E S S O R I E S f e a t urin g
T h e F o u r t h A n n u a l O h i o Va l l e y A u c t i o n S a t u r d a y, M a y 2 9 , 2 0 10 a t 1 0 a . m . ~ L o t s 1 - 4 70 PROPERTY
Urs ula and The Late Thomas P. Blankenshi p, Char l est on, West Vi r gi ni a; Darrell & C a r ol yn D i ck of Far w el l , Mi chi gan; D usel l Fam i l y of Cant on, O hi o; C harles & Nellie Mom chi l ov of Jer om esvi l l e, O hi o; Nancy Pogue of Bl uf f t on, Sout h Car ol i na; Janet Gage & the Late Fr ed G age, Ft . Wayne, I ndi ana; J i m & D ebbi e McAr dl e; A Kent ucky Col l ect or ; A Sout h Car ol i na Coupl e. A nd s elect cons ignments from C alifornia, C olorado, Flor i da, I l l i noi s, I ndi ana, Kent ucky, M as s achus etts , M ichigan, M innes ota, M is s o ur i , N ew Yor k, O hi o, O kl ahom a, Penns ylvania, South C arolina, Tennes s ee, V irgin i a, West Vi r gi ni a and Wi sconsi n
PREVIEW TIMES: S U N D AY, M AY 2 3 1 : 0 0 – 4 : 0 0 P M T H U R S D AY, M AY 2 4 - 2 7 1 0 : 0 0 A M - 5 : 0 0 P M F R I D AY, M AY 2 8 1 0 : 0 0 A M – 8 : 0 0 P M S A T U R D AY, M AY 2 9 9 : 0 0 A M - 1 0 : 0 0 A M
SPECIAL MEMORIAL: Join us at Garth’s on Sunday, May 23 from 1 pm to 4 pm as we spend the afternoon remembering Tom Porter. Visit with the Porter family, watch a retrospective slide show honoring Tom, share your favorite stories, and enjoy refreshments. FULLY ILLUSTRATED, ONLINE CATALOG via www.garths.com & LIVE INTERNET BIDDING AVAILABLE via www.garthslive.com TERMS: 17.5% Buyer’s Premium ~ Cash, Check, Visa & MasterCard Accepted Absentee and fax bids accepted and bid competitively. Call a day or two before the auction to make arrangements.
PO Box 369, Delaware, Ohio 43015 P: 740-362-4771 F: 740-363-0164 Email: info@garths.com
Cert no. SW-COC-001530
©COPYRIGHT – Garth’s Auctions, Inc. 2010
For your convenience, we will be able to answer your questions about specific items and take your absentee bids by phone until 9 a.m. Saturday, May 29. Call (740) 362-4771. Email inquiries: questions@garths.com Auctioneers: Jeff Jeffers, Steve Bemiller, Andrew Richmond Apprentice Auctioneer: Amelia Jeffers
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The Fourth Annual Oh i o Va l l e y A u c t i o n L OTS 1 - 100
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1 DECORATED CHEST OF DRAWERS. Marked for Jeremiah Stahl, Soap Hollow, Somerset County, Pennsylvania, dated 1864, poplar. Of typical form with three bowed drawers over four graduated drawers, scrolled backsplash, and resting on turned feet. Retains its original painted decoration including stenciled birds and flowers on a red ground, the side panels initialed “SL” and dated “1864”. Imperfections. 53 1/2”h. 40 1/2”w. 20 1/4”d. For a similarly decorated example, see Muller, Soap Hollow: The Furniture and Its Makers, p. 40. The present example appears to be the earliest dated piece of furniture signed by Stahl and may have, according to Muller, been made by Stahl while in partnership with Peter K. Thomas. The two men served together in the Civil War and this chest was made between their tours of duty, during which time, according to an affidavit by Stahl, they worked together (see Muller, p. 41). $4,000-$6,000
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2 DECORATED BLANKET CHEST. Soap Hollow, Somerset County, Pennsylvania, dated 1871, pine. Dovetailed box resting on bracket feet. Retains its original painted decoration, including stenciled flowers on a red ground. Initialed “JB” and dated “1871.” Imperfections. 21”h. 37 3/4”w. 19”d. The present chest is nearly identical to the “DB/1872” chest illustrated in Muller, Soap Hollow: The Furniture and Its Makers, p. 66. The wreath at center is similar to the wreaths used by Jeremiah Stahl (see Muller, p. 40), thus he is a good candidate for the maker. Given the similar form and decoration and the same second initial, it would seem possible that this chest and the chest in Muller are from the same family. $2,000-$4,000 2
2A PORTRAITS OF JOHN AND CAROLINE BROKAW BY ROBERT SEEVERS (OHIO, BORN 1807). Pencil on paper, Caroline is signed on verso and dated August 15, 1831. Fine pair of profile portraits of the Brokaws, he has coiffured hair and she is wearing a tortoise shell hair comb. Imperfections. 10”h. 8”w., in their original walnut frames, 12 3/4”h. 11”w. John Brokaw was born in New Jersey and migrated to Ohio with his father in 1823. When his father died, he returned to New Jersey. In 1827 he married Caroline Bush and the couple set their sights on Ohio once again. They settled in or near Smithfield, Jefferson County, in 1831, presumably where these portraits were drawn. By mid century they had removed to Morrow County where they are listed in the 1850 and 1860 Censuses. Caroline died about 1885 and John died in 1893; they are buried in Mount Gilead. See Kern, Warwick, et al, “Four Ohio Nineteenth-Century Folk Artists” in The Magazine Antiques, August 2007, pp. 90-97. $600-$900
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3 THE TOMB OF GENL W.H. HARRISON AFTER NATHANIEL CURRIER (NEW YORK, 18141888). Pencil and ink on paper, signed lower right “Sarah J. Denison.” After the Currier print of 1842 (C# 6101), including the riverboat Queen of the West, but lacking the three figures in the lower left. 9”h. 12 1/4”w. (sight), in a painted frame, 15 1/2”h. 12”w. Genealogical research has identified a couple Sarah Denisons, including a Sarah J. Denison, born in Ohio about 1830, who was, by the 1850s, living in Iowa. Denison was her married name, and she had a daughter also named Sarah. $250-$450 3-4
4 PAIR OF WATERCOLORS BY MARIA HYDE HUMPHREY (OHIO, 1839). Both signed in pencil “Maria Hyde Humphrey 1839, Norwalk Academy, Norwalk, Ohio”. Countryside cottage scenes. 5”h. 7 1/4”w. and 5 5/8”h. 8 1/4”w. Matching paint-grained frames, one mid 19th century and the second ca.1960, each measuring 9”h. 11 1/4”w. Ex Earl and Rhea Knittle (Ohio), ex Joe Dush (Ohio), and sold at Garth’s, November 28-29, 1997, lot 1, ex Richard and Susie Burmann (Ohio/New Hampshire). The artist, Maria Hyde Humphrey, is mentioned in a Magazine Antiques article by Rhea M. Knittle, January 1966, pages 32-35. $400-$600
5 FANCY SIDE CHAIR. American, 2nd half-19th century, wicker, reed and mixed wood. Large sunburst design on back, caned seat and wicker wrapped legs and stretchers. Retains old, if not original, grungy surface. 17”h. seat. 44 1/2”h. overall.
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According to tradition, this chair was used in a photographer’s studio in Medina, Ohio. $225-$450
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Detail 10
ONE-DRAWER WORK TABLE. Midwestern, mid 19th century, figured cherry, walnut and poplar. Two-board top over one drawer, resting on “bandy” legs. Minor imperfections. 29”h. 42”w. 24”d.
SHERATON TALL CASE CLOCK. Ohio, 2nd quarter-19th century, curly maple, cherry, and poplar. The case has a broken-arch pediment, fully turned quarter columns, and rests on turned feet; the wooden movement signed for Garry Lewis, Warren, Trumbull County. 91 1/2”h.
The appearance of cabriole or bandy legs on MidwesternGerman furniture is an outgrowth of the restrained neoclassicism found in Biedermeier furniture of Germany and Austria. Such furniture is typically found in Germanic communities from Ohio to Missouri, as well as beyond the Midwest—south to Texas, and north into Canada. For two footstools with similar legs, see lots 19 and 22. $600-$900
7 PAIR OF BOOKENDS. Ohio, 2nd quarter-20th century, white pottery. Handformed dog head bookends with tinted glaze. Inscribed on the bottom, “Olive Jean Boufford, 1932”. Imperfections, 4 1/2”h. $150-$300
Garry Lewis (born 1800), the brother of clockmakers Lamber and Wheeler Lewis, appears to have mostly sold clocks made by others, but Spittler et al ( American Clockmakers and Watchmakers , page 188) reference a 30-hour wooden tall clocks signed, as this one is, “G. Lewis”. $4,000-$6,000
11 JACQUARD COVERLET. Midwestern, 1830-1860, wool. Two-piece doubleweave, all wool coverlet in blues and red. Double border of steamboats with classical capitol building centerfield. 74” x 81”. $150-$300
8 PAPER CUTOUT BY JOHN BROWN WALKER (OHIO, 1815-1908). Unsigned. Blue paper with hand overlayed by a red heart. Rose and foliate scrolls with “Remember Me, Addie”. In a decorated frame, 17 3/4”h. 14 1/8”w. $800-$1,200
9 STONEWARE FOOTWARMER. Found in and attributed to Summit County, Ohio, late 19th-early 20th century. Made to be filled with hot water. Cast foliate design, 10”h. 12”w. $150-$350
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12 PRESENTATION PHOTOGRAPH ALBUM. A Journey to Marietta, O. Via Pittsburgh, Pa., photographs by W.J. Kerstetter (June 1896) and presented to Sidney Lawrence on his 51st birthday, September 18, 1897, at Berea, Ohio. Includes thirtytwo albumen photographs mounted in an album and accompanied by handwritten notes identifying each of the images. Most images are 4 5/8”h. 7 7/8”w., the album is 7 1/4”h. 11 3/4”w. Kerstetter (b. 1846) was from Ashland County, Ohio, and, as a boy, worked in his father’s blacksmith shop. He fought in the Civil War and was graduated from Baldwin “University” in 1873 and Mount Union in 1878. He would patent over one hundred optical instruments in his life, many of which were in the field of photography. The album is a fascinating and rare collection of views of the Ohio River just prior to the turn of the 20th century. Included are views of Pittsburgh and the steamer Rush on which Kerstetter made the voyage, as well as numerous views of Marietta, including Campus Martius, Mound Cemetery, the lock on the Muskingum River, Main Street (with young girls on bicycles), and the First Congregational Church. The album and the accompanying notes provide a wonderful glimpse into turn-of-the-century life on the upper Ohio River. $400-$800
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DECORATED BLANKET CHEST. Ohio, mid 19th century, poplar. Paneled construction, interior till and resting on turned feet. Retains its original paint decoration, consisting of vases of tulips in all of the panels, against a ground of red, green, and cream, with a grungy surface. Imperfections. 28”h. 47 1/4”w. 21 1/2”d.
FIVE PAINTINGS BY JAMES YOKO (DAYTON, OHIO, 20TH CENTURY). Acrylic and collage on canvas, signed on the back. Abstracts, four with figures. In strip frames, 48 1/2”h. 24 1/2”w.; 31”h. 20 3/4”w.; 24 1/2”h. 36 1/2”w.; 25”h. 31”w., and 24 1/2”h. 30 1/2”w. $100-$200
This chest was undoubtedly decorated by the same hand as a small group of chests, two of which are illustrated in Hageman, Ohio Furniture Makers 1790-1860 (pp. 27 and 40). Most of this group are of the same tri-paneled construction, and all have nearly identical vases of tulips. This group has traditionally been associated with the Long family of Ada, Allen County, Ohio, however the present chest has a history of ownership in the Holmes-Harrison-Coshocton County area. It descended in the family of Lemon Joseph Ames (1903-1958) and was probably originally owned by either his paternal grandparents, Henry and Malinda Ames, or his maternal grandparents, Daniel and Elizabeth Levengood. Henry and Malinda were both born and then married in Northumberland County, Pennsylvania, and moved to German Township, Harrison County, Ohio, while Daniel was born in Somerset County, Pennsylvania, and moved to Berlin Township, Holmes County where he married Elizabeth. Their children, James Ames and Ella Leavengood, married and settled in Coshocton County where Lemon Joseph was born. $3,000-$5,000
14B FIVE PAINTINGS BY JAMES YOKO (DAYTON, OHIO, 20TH CENTURY). Acrylic on canvas, signed on the back. Landscapes, three with figures. In strip frames, 25”h. 37”w.; 31”h. 24 1/2”w.; 21”h. 24 3/4”w.; 25”h. 37”w., and 24 1/2”h. 35”w. $100-$300
14C FIVE PAINTINGS BY JAMES YOKO (DAYTON, OHIO, 20TH CENTURY). Acrylic on canvas, signed on the back. Similar geometric abstracts in vivid colors. In strip frames, 43”h. 26”w.; 43”h. 26”w.; 45”h. 25”w.; 28”h. 45”w., and 37”h. 29”w. $100-$200
BLANKET. Possibly Ohio, late 19th-early 20th century, wool. Heavy blanket woven in a tan and gold plaid. 80” x 88”. Similar to horse or buggy blankets woven by the Northern Ohio Blanket Mill in Cleveland. $50-$100
15A CUTLERY BOX. Attributed to Muskingum County, Ohio, 19th century, cherry and poplar. Dovetailed with heart cutout and retaining its original finish. Minor imperfections. 16 1/2”l. Ex Kyle and Doris Fuller (Ohio). $200-$300
14 OHIO BLANKET. Northern Ohio Blanket Mills, Cleveland, Cuyahoga County, Ohio, late 19th -early 20th century, wool. Barred pattern in bright colors of red, green and black. Two sewn-on labels. 76” x 80”. Ex Darwin Bearley (Ohio). Started in the late 19th century, the mill was the one of the nation’s largest makers of horse blankets and carriage robes. $75-$150
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MILTON W. HOPKINS AND THE COLLINS FAMILY The Connecticut-born artist Milton W. Hopkins (1789-1844) spent most of his life in Connecticut and New York. He began his career as a portraitist in earnest when he advertised himself as a portrait painter and instructor in Albion, New York in 1833. In 1836, Hopkins packed up his wife and ten children and headed west to Ohio, settling in Clermont County. Though he never sold the Clermont County farm (he would die there in 1844), he would later set up a studio in Columbus (1840-1843) and then in Cincinnati (1843-1844). Based on identified portraits, Hopkins clearly traveled throughout the region for commissions. Hopkins was a fervent anti-Mason and temperance advocate, and according to research by Jacquelyn Oak, it may have been his growing abolitionist sentiment that drove him to Ohio. She further postulates that it is through his anti-slavery efforts that Hopkins met fellow abolitionist and lawyer James Collins, Jr. while in Clermont County. Collins (b. 1802 or 1803), a lawyer, married Angelina (apparently sometimes called Margaret) in 1830 and had four children. Documenting their location(s) is somewhat challenging, but Oak’s research places them in Clermont County during Hopkins’s residency, and later in Illinois (always as an active member of the abolition movement). As an attorney, 10 | GARTH’S May 29, 2010
Collins may well have spent time in Columbus (perhaps visiting Hopkins in his studio, which was very near the Ohio Statehouse). The 1850 Federal Census locates the Collins family in New Albany, Indiana, along the Ohio River (and in their household was an African-American girl named Anne Robertson). Hopkins painted portraits Mr. and Mrs. Collins and of their sons Alfred and James in 1842. The portrait of the younger child was painted by another artist after Hopkins’s death. All of the present portraits remained together and were “discovered” in a Missouri attic years ago. These portraits are among the few identified examples from Hopkins’s Midwestern period, a fact made more important because of the shared abolitionist efforts of both artist and sitter. Additionally, the double portrait of James and Alfred is the only known double portrait by Hopkins. In short, this family group of portraits should be considered among the most significant Midwestern portraits of the 1840s period. References: Face to Face: M.W. Hopkins and Noah North, 1988 Joy-Dyer, Cornelia C., Some Records of the Dyer Family, 1884 Williams, Byron, History of Clermont and Brown Counties, Ohio, 1913.
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16 RARE DOUBLE PORTRAIT OF ALFRED AND JAMES J. COLLINS BY MILTON W. HOPKINS (CONNECTICUT/NEW YORK/OHIO, 1789-1844). Oil on canvas, signed on the back. The two sons of the Collins family, identified on the back with their ages of six and four in 1842. The boys hold a small whip and the pet dog. Conservation report available. 25 1/4”h. 30”w., in its original gilt frame, 29 1/2”h. 35 1/2”w. Ex Sumpter Priddy III (Virginia). $15,000-$20,000
17 PORTRAIT OF A COLLINS FAMILY CHILD (OHIO, MID 19TH CENTURY). Oil on canvas, unsigned. Charming portrait of a young child seated on a blanket. Conservation report available. 30”h. 25”w., in its original gilt frame, 35”h. 30”w. Ex Sumpter Priddy III (Virginia) Given the birth date and age of the child, this charming portrait was painted after the death of Milton W. Hopkins (1789-1844), but was framed identically to the other Collins family portraits. $6,000-$9,000
18 TWO PORTRAITS OF JAMES COLLINS AND WIFE BY MILTON W. HOPKINS (CONNECTICUT/NEW YORK/OHIO, 1789-1844). Oil on canvas, signed and dated on the back with sitters’ identities. Pleasant portraits of the parents, James Collins Esq., aged thirty-nine in 1842, and Mrs. A. Collins, aged thirty-six. Conservation report available. Both are 30”h. 25”w., in their original gilt frames, 35”h. 30”w. Ex Sumpter Priddy III (Virginia). $4,000-$6,000 17
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22 19 FOOTSTOOL. Zoar, Tuscarawas County, Ohio, mid 19th century, cherry. Wonderful form with “bandy” legs and an “S” cutout in the top. Retains its original finish. 10 3/4”h. 14”w. 11”d. Ex Hilda Morhart (Ohio, author of The Zoar Story), ex Mark Keily (Ohio).
This stool is among the best of the Midwestern-German footstools known, and is one of the few examples of Germanic furniture with cabriole or “bandy” legs that also has a solid history of ownership in Ohio, having once been in the Number 18 House in Zoar. It is illustrated in Snyder, Snyder, and Goudy, Zoar Furniture 18171898: A Preliminary Study, p. 22, a copy of which is included in the lot. $500-$700
20 FOLKSY CANDLESTAND. Zoar, Tuscarawas County, Ohio, mid 19th century, poplar and walnut. Two-tiered top with turned shaft and scroll-cut feet. Retains its original salmon paint with grungy overvarnish. 29 3/4”h. 20”w. 13 1/2”d. Descended in an Ohio family. For nearly identical examples, see Snyder, Snyder, and Goudy, Zoar Furniture 18171898: A Preliminary Study, p. 87. $300-$600
21 SPENCERIAN PEN AND INK. Ohio, late 19th century. Birds and feathers signed “Executed by Paul B. Chaney, Circleville High School, Aged 15”. Chaney graduated from the school in 1886 according to the Circleville Democrat & Watchman. 6 1/2”h. 7 1/2”w., in a reeded frame, 11 1/2”h. 13 3/8”w. $200-$300 20 12 | GARTH’S May 29, 2010
THREE PIECES OF WOODENWARE. All Ohio River Valley. Includes a turned maple bowl, 19th century, retaining traces of yellow paint, 11”d., found in a cabin in West Virginia; and a diminutive walnut and pine cutlery tray, 19th century, of dovetail construction, imperfections, 10 3/4”l., found in Fairfield County. Together with a walnut footstool, ca.1900, with “bandy” legs, 7 3/4”h. 9” square, found in Indiana. The bandy legs on the footstool are of a type found in several Germanic communities in the Midwest. For a Zoar example, see lot 19. The construction of the present stool indicates a late date given the style, but such Germanic communities often held fast to older styles long after they had fallen out of fashion elsewhere. $250-$450
23 PAIR OF COBALT CASTERS. Attributed to Pittsburgh, mid 19th century. Ribbed with pierced tin caps. One cap has small splits, 4 1/2”h. Ex Christopher Rebollo, (Pennsylvania). $200-$400
24 TWO SALESMAN’S SAMPLE BACKDROPS. From Tiffin, Ohio, late 19th-early 20th century, painted linen. Examples of painted theater curtains or backdrops in the classical taste with figures in gardens. Blank spots were probably for local advertising. Folded with minimal wear, 9 3/4”h. 11 3/4”w. $300-$500
25 OHIO JACQUARD COVERLET. Benjamin Lichty, Bristol, Wayne County, 1852, wool and cotton. Blue, red and white seamless tied Beiderwand with alternating motifs in the centerfield and bordered by vining roses on sides, plumes and stars at the foot. Signed in rectangular corner blocks. 78” x 91”. $225-$500
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21 - 24
OHIO MIRROR. Retains its original label for W.L. Jones, Cincinnati, Hamilton County, dated 1830, mixed wood and glass. Two-part wall mirror having deep cornice with acorn drops and turned half columns. 35”h. 20 1/2”w. 4”d. Ex Mark Keily (Ohio).
ONE-DRAWER STAND. Midwestern, 1815-1835, walnut and pine. Single drawer stand with turned legs ending in delicate feet. Rich color. 29 1/2”h. 22 1/2”w. 17 1/2”d. $200-$400 26
According to his label, Jones was engaged in carving and gilding, as well as making looking glasses and various repair work, including “Old frames re-gilded.” He was located on “Market Street, one door from Main Street, adjoining Sanders Corner.” The mirror also has a later painted name on the back of the crest “E. Perlee Smith.” $1,500 - $2,500
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LANDSCAPE BY JEANETTE G. CARICK SWING LEWIS (OHIO, 18681942). Oil on artist board, signed lower right. Autumnal fields with a barn in the background. 16”h. 11 1/2”w., in a gilt frame, 23 1/4”h. 18 3/4”w.
LANDSCAPE BY JOHN R. JOHNSTON (OHIO, 1826-1895). Oil on heavy stock, signed and dated 1895 lower left. Expansive river scene with two African Americans in the foreground. Imperfections. 15”h. 20”w., in a gilt frame, 19 1/2”h. 24 1/2”w. $700-$900
Lewis (sometimes listed as Jeanette G. Carick Swing) worked as an artist for Rookwood between 1900-1904. $400-$600
29 LANDSCAPE BY JOHN R. JOHNSTON (OHIO, 1826-1895). Oil on canvas, signed and dated 1892 lower right. Autumn riverside landscape. Imperfections. 10”h. 7 7/8”w., in a gilt frame, 13 3/4”h. 11 3/4”w. $250-$450
29A PORTRAIT OF THREE DOGS BY EDMUND H. OSTHAUS (OHIO, 1858-1928). Watercolor on paper, signed lower right. Charming portrayal of a St. Bernard, a cocker spaniel, and an English setter. 18”h. 26 1/2”w., in a period gilt frame, 27”h. 35 1/2”w. $3,500-$4,500
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29B SAN MIGUEL ALLENDE, MEXICO BY KATHARINE CALVIN (OHIO, B. 1875). Watercolor on paper, signed lower left, titled and dated ca.1930 on the back. Women washing laundry. In a gilt frame, 25 1/2”h. 21 1/2”w. Ex Jane Steiner( Illinois ).. $200-$400
30 SUMMER AFTERNOON BY LESLIE COPE (OHIO, 1913-2002). Oil on masonite, signed and dated 1973 lower right, labeled on reverse. Two pintos standing in a stream. 6”h. 8”w., in a frame, 9”h. 11”w. $250-$450
31 LANDSCAPE BY ISRAEL ABRAMOFSKY (TOLEDO, OHIO, 1888-1975). Oil on artist board, signed lower left. Modern landscape in vibrant colors. On the back of the board is a second unsigned landscape of houses in winter. 8”h. 10”w., in a gold-painted frame, 13”h. 15 3/4”w. $400-$800
32 CITY SCAPE OF CHARLESTON, WEST VIRGINIA BY LYLE HATCHER BENNETT (WEST VIRGINIA/CALIFORNIA, 1903-1988). Oil on canvas, signed lower right. Nighttime scene over a bridge. Small patched hole. 18”h. 24”w., in a frame, 21 1/2”h. 27 1/4”w. $150-$300
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33 RIVER LANDSCAPE WITH TOWN (OHIO RIVER VALLEY, LATE 19TH CENTURY). Oil on academy board, initialed “MPW” and dated 1894. Early autumn landscape of a wide river with a covered bridge and small town in the background. Minor craquelure. 28”h. 22”w., in a period frame, 33 3/4”h. 27 3/4”w. Although the specific location of this view remains unknown, it is very likely a southwestern Ohio scene. Two identified artists have painted this same scene and both have connections to that region. In the 1860s, Robert Scott Duncanson (1821-1872) painted this view adding a couple of figures (see Cowan’s, October 2008, lot 25); and in the 1870s, E.A. Sumner (late 19th century) painted this same view (see Cowan’s, May 2003, lot 752). Duncanson is known for his Ohio River Valley landscapes, and Sumner worked throughout Ohio executing views that appeared in county atlases of the 1870s, including Greene and Montgomery Counties. $300-$600
33A STILL LIFE BY ALBERT FRANCIS KING (PENNSYLVANIA, 1854-1945). Oil on canvas, signed lower right. Fruit including grapes and a cut watermelon. Rebacked on artist board.4 3/4”h. 7”w., in a gold-painted frame, 12 1/4”h. 14 1/4”w. $1,500-$2,500
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34 FINE SHERATON SIDEBOARD. Possibly Cincinnati, Ohio, dated November 13, 1822, figured cherry, cherry and poplar. Peaked pediment flanked by cutlery drawers, over two long drawers flanked by bottle drawers, over four doors, and resting on reeded and tapered feet. The doors, drawers and backsplash are all veneered with highly figured cherry. Minor imperfections. 52 1/2”h. 55 1/2”w. 20 1/4”d. This sideboard is an exceptional example of veneer work, the facade being completely covered in a combination of matching and contrasting veneer. Additionally, the reeded and tapered legs are unusual on a southern Ohio case piece. A possibly related bowfront chest with figured cherry veneer and reeded and tapered legs was part of the collection of John Auraden (Ohio) and sold at Cowan’s, October 2004, lot 806. Each of the long drawers bears period chalk inscriptions, including the date November 13, 1822. The top drawer appears to also read “J. West” and “C_____ R. Cole Eqr.” $8,000-$12,000
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35 CHEST OF DRAWERS. Probably Midwestern, 1820-1840, walnut, poplar and pine. Applied molding on the one-board top over four cockbeaded drawers. Inlaid panel on top drawer, reeded insets, and turned half columns ending in high feet. Good rich color. 45”h. 39 1/2”w. 19 1/2”d. $350-$600
BLANKET CHEST. Ohio Valley, 1825-1850, poplar. Small size chest has oneboard lid with applied molding, two drawers and high turned feet. Retains an old surface. 27”h. 37”w. 18 1/2”w. $250-$500
DECORATED BLANKET CHEST. Signed Noah Wehrly, New Manchester, Preble County, Ohio, and dated 1881, poplar and pine. Six-board dovetailed chest on turned feet and retaining its original brown over cream vinegar graining (likely to imitate burl). 25”h. 41 1/2”w. 20”d. Noah Wehrly was born in 1838 in Preble County, the son of Samuel and Polly Wehrly, who had migrated to Ohio from Virginia. Noah served in the Civil War as a private in the 81st OVI. He is listed as a farmer in Preble County in the 1880 and 1900 Censuses. He died in 1917. $1,000-$2,000
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SEWERTILE LION. Ohio, 1st half-20th century. Molded lion on a base initialed “EJE” for Edward J. Ellwood, Tuscarawas County (1926-1998). 6 1/2”. $300-$600
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SEWERTILE ROOSTER. Attributed to Ohio, early 20th century. Well-formed, molded rooster initialed “RLW, Original” possibly Robert Wilson, Uhrichsville, Ohio. Hairline, 9”h. $200-$400
NATIONAL SOLDIER’S HOME, NEAR DAYTON, OHIO CHROMOLITHOGRAPH BY KREBS. Late 19th century, printed by Krebs Lithograph Co., Cincinnati. Panoramic view of the buildings, parade ground and surrounding landscape. 24”h. 33”w., in a gilt frame, 29 1/2”h. 39 1/4”w. $400-$800
40 DECORATED WINDSOR SETTEE OR SETTLE. Pennsylvania, 1st half-19th century, mixed woods. Shaped crest, turned half spindles and scrolled arms, turned legs and stretchers. Retains its original mustard paint with angel wings on the crest and freehand peaches. Minor imperfections. 15 1/2” seat, 34 3/4”h. overall. 73”w. 22 1/2”d. This settee was originally in the Cross Keys Inn (near Shelbyville, Kentucky, on the road from Louisville to Frankfort). In 1934, the inn burned and this settee was saved and moved to the Old Stone Inn in Simpsonville. It remained there until the family sold the inn in the 1960s. $1,000-$2,000
42 DRESSING TABLE. Ohio, 2nd quarter-19th century, cherry and poplar. Two drawers and an attached folding mirror, and resting on well-turned legs. One drawer is illegibly inscribed “James M. Cu____son 1841 [or 1847]”. Older finish with good color. Imperfections. Ex Kemble’s Antiques (Ohio). 56”h. 39 1/2”w. 31”d. From an old house in Worthington, Ohio. $800-$1,200
43 SERVER. Midwestern, 1825-1845, walnut and poplar. One-board top overhanging two over one drawers, supported on turned legs. Rich color in an older finish. 29 1/2”h. 34”w. 23 1/2”d. $250-$500
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44 RARE AND IMPORTANT MAP OF THE WESTERN RESERVE. Map Of The Western Reserve Including the Fire Lands In Ohio. Engraving on wove paper with watercolor decoration. Engraved by William Savery, Pittsburgh, published by William Sumner, Nelson, Portage County, Ohio, September 1826, first edition. Mounted on linen, with original hangers, and embellished with watercolor flowers and vignettes. 34 1/2”h. 27”w. (excluding hangers). Ex Bill Samaha (Ohio/Massachusetts). The Savery-Sumner map is one of the earliest locally printed maps of the Western Reserve. The map, itself, is extremely scarce, but the present example, with its watercolor decoration, is seemingly unprecedented. It is most likely that this map was originally used in an academy. The map was mounted to linen, comprising only about one-third of the space between the hangers. The remaining area was then pieced together from nine watercolor drawings, presumably by one or more of the students, including two strips of flowers, two sprays of flowers, a basket of strawberries, a shepherdess, Queen Elizabeth, a tableau (the figures are labeled Peace, Plenty, Justice, Liberty, Religion, and Hope), and a landscape that is labeled “Lady of the Woods” and may be a romanticized view of the Lake Erie shoreline. The combination of watercolor decoration with a New England “flavor” and a map of the Western Reserve make this object an exceptional artifact of the settlement of northeastern Ohio by Connecticut émigrés and the transmission of culture and style from east to west.
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In volume 3 of The Thomas Winthrop Streeter Collection of Americana, Ernest J, Wessen (noted proprietor of Midland Rare Book Company in Mansfield, Ohio) opined that this map was “the finest map by an Ohio engraver and pioneer printer” (Streeter entries 1364 and 1371). This decorated map is illustrated and discussed in Studebaker, Ohio Is My Dwelling Place: Schoolgirl Embroideries 1800-1850, p. 204. $30,000-$50,000
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46 - 48
OHIO JACQUARD COVERLET. George Heilbronn, Lancaster, Fairfield County, 1852, wool and cotton. Blue and white center seam tied Beiderwand with four rose, star and plume centerfield, and bird and bush border. Corner block states “Fancy Coverlet” as well as giving the weaver’s information. 68” x 86”. $150-$250
HANGING CABINET. Probably Ohio, 2nd half-19th century, curly maple. Serpentine shaped top and bottom with molded edges and applied curved pilasters flanking a paneled door. The interior is fitted with pigeonholes. Small split with loss on top. Cleaned of old paint and refinished. 23 3/4”h. 19 1/4”w. 8”d. $400-$600
46 WORK BOX. Probably Ohio, mid 19th century, curly maple. Heavy, dovetailed case with dovetailed molding and a lift lid with beveled edges. The interior has two lift out, dovetailed trays. Old refinishing and the handles and hardware are included. A few age splits, 8 1/2”h. 20 3/4”w. 9 1/2”d. $300-$500 49
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48 HOUGHTON POTTERY LOG CABIN. Dalton, Ohio, late 19th-early 20th century. White glazed cabin with green and blue glazed details. Some edge loss, 6 1/2”h. Ex Joe Dush (Ohio), ex Charles and Nellie Momchilov, (Ohio). $900-$1,200
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51 50
ONE-DRAWER STAND. Midwestern, 2nd quarter-19th century, walnut and poplar. One-board top overhangs a deep drawer on tapered legs. 27”h. 18 1/2”w. 19”w. $250-$500
TWO-DRAWER STAND. Midwestern, 1825-1845, walnut and cherry. Rounded corner top overhangs two drawers, all supported on turned legs. Wooden pulls are pinned to drawer. 33”h. 26”w. 26”d. $200-$400
49A RENAISSANCE REVIVAL CAST-IRON BENCH. Probably Kramer Brothers, Dayton, Ohio, late 19th-early 20th century. Tripartite back with floral crests and a Gothic skirt. Old white paint. 15 1/2”h. seat, 36 1/2”h. overall, 41 1/4”l. $250-$450
50 FEDERAL INLAID CHEST. Ohio Valley, early 19th century, cherry and pine. Top with rounded edge molded over two over four cockbeaded drawers with diamond escutcheons. Scalloped skirt and slightly flared feet. Narrow band inlay outlined in double stringing ornaments the front of the case. Mellow finish and color. 43”h. 41 1/2”w. 19 1/2”d. $800-$1,200
52 PAINTED STEPBACK CUPBOARD. Ohio, 3rd quarter-19th century, poplar. Onepiece, good small size, with two six-pane doors over two drawers, and resting on cutout feet. As-found condition, with later cream over early blue over original red paint. Imperfections. 78”h. 51”w. 20”d. Has a history of ownership in Wilmington, Clinton County, Ohio. $600-$1,200
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TALL CASE CLOCK. Attributed to Caldwell, Noble County, Ohio, 2nd quarter-19th century, cherry, walnut and poplar. Broken-arch pediment with carved rosettes, fluted quarter columns, and resting on bun feet. German brass movement has brightly painted floral decoration on the dial. Retains an older finish with great color. 91 1/2”h. $2,000-$3,000
TWO STUDIES OF THE TILDEN HOUSE BY EVYLENA NUNN MILLER (CALIFORNIA, 1886-1966). Oils on artist board, one signed lower left. Both show the same house identified on the back of one as the Tilden Home, located in Lytlesburg, Muskingum County, Ohio. Signed example, 8”h. 10”w., in original frame, 8 3/4”h. 10 3/4”w. The unsigned oil has a paper studio label on the back, 8”h. 9 3/4”w., in a modern gilt frame, 16 1/4”h. 18 1/4”w. Both paintings were found in Columbus, Ohio. $600-$900
54 LANDSCAPE BY CHARLES EDWIN COOKMAN (COLUMBUS, OHIO, 1856-1913/1915). Watercolor on paper, signed lower left. Rural landscape with a woman walking near a stream. In a mat and gilt frame, 17 3/4”h. 25”w. $350-$450
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SERVICE BUILDING BY EDWARD RYNEAL GROVE (PENNSYLVANIA, B. 1912). Gouache on heavy stock. Text in lower left “Designed by Edward Grove, Cleveland, Ohio”. Brick building ca.1940. Unframed, 19”h. 29”w. Thought to be a scene from Charleston, West Virginia, south Hills Bridge Road. $200-$300
AMUSEMENT PARK PLACARD. American, mid 20th century, tempera on masonite. Minnie Mouse and flowers from a fence line at Vollmer’s, a miniamusement park near Grand Rapids, Ohio. Minimal wear with an image of an old label. 45”h. 30”w. $150-$350
SHERWIN WILLIAMS CHEMICAL PLANT BY STEPHEN KNAPP (OHIO, MID 20TH CENTURY). Gouache on paper, signed and dated 1962 lower right. Detailed scene of the plant in Chicago. Identified on the backing paper. In a mat and frame, 25 1/2”h. 31”w. $200-$400
59 CORNER CUPBOARD. Midwestern, possibly western Pennsylvania, early 19th century, cherry and poplar. Good small sized two-piece cupboard has reeded half round crown molding and twelve-pane door opening to three shelves on the top, and base with two drawers, double doors and high cutout feet. Beaded openings. Rich color. 88”h. 35”w. 21”d. $3,500-$4,500
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AUTUMN BY PC SMITH (AMERICAN, LATE 19TH-EARLY 20TH CENTURY). Oil on artist board, signed and dated 1927 lower right. Farm field with haystacks and pumpkins. Has a paper label for the “Annual Exhibition of Kentucky and Southern Indiana Artists...” from the Speed Museum, Louisville, Kentucky. 10”h. 14”w., in a frame, 11 3/4”h. 15 3/4”w. $250-$500
61 JACKSON PRESS. Ohio Valley, 2nd quarter-19th century, figured cherry, cherry, poplar and pine. Two over one drawers over two paneled doors flanked by fully turned columns, all veneered in crotch cherry. Imperfections. 49 1/2”h. 46 1/2”w. 22 1/4”d. $600-$900
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BLANKET CHEST. Ohio Valley, 2nd quarter-19th century, walnut. Six-board chest with cleated lid, till and turned feet. Soft mellow surface. 26 1/2”h. 52”w. 20 1/2”d. $250-$500
CURLY MAPLE FULL STOCK RIFLE. Marked on the lock and the barrel for Lewis Rogers, Xenia, Greene County, Ohio, 2nd quarter-19th century. Stock with good curl, silver inlays, and an engraved brass patchbox, lock plate with engraved bird. Imperfections. 59 1/2”l.
According to family history, the original owner of this gun was Samuel Johns (born ca. 1813) who was married to Elizabeth Ann Denver (18211902, the younger sister of General James W. Denver). It then descended in the Johns family until acquired by the current owner.
RIVER LANDSCAPE (AMERICAN, 19TH CENTURY). Oil on canvas, unsigned. River with a small outbuilding and bridge at Maysville, Kentucky. 16”h. 30”w., in a frame, 24 1/4”h. 38 1/4”w. $600-$900
For information on Rogers, see Hutslar, Ohio Gunsmiths and Allied Tradesmen, volume 2, p. 24. $1,500-$2,500
65 DECORATED CHEST OF DRAWERS. Ohio, mid 19th century, pine. Large overhanging drawer over three graduated drawers, with applied half columns and resting on high turned feet. Retains its original, red over yellow, faux mahogany grain-painted decoration. 49 1/2”h. 42 1/2”w. 21 1/4”d. $400-$700
66 SHERATON ONE-DRAWER STAND. Midwestern, mid 19th century, curly maple, cherry, and poplar. One-drawer with solid, chamfered front, and resting on finely turned legs. Imperfections. 28 3/4”h. 22 1/2”w. 19 1/4”d. $150-$250
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67 OHIO WESTERN RESERVE SAMPLER. Martha Wilmot, Mantua, Portage County, 1846, silk on linen. Rows of alphabets separated by lines of stitching, these lines are also worked to form the striped border. Trees bearing strawberry-like fruit decorate the lower portion of the sampler. Framed with two skeins of the original silk thread used on the sampler. In a frame, 16 3/4”h. 18”w. Retains an older Cleveland, Ohio, framing label on verso. Martha was born in Mantua in 1829 to Elia Wilmot and Lucretia Blair Wilmot, both of whom were born in New England. In 1850, she married Dr. Andrew Jackson Squire, who was born in Portage County in 1815, also to New England parents. They had two children: Andrew Jackson Squire, Jr. (b. 1850) and Marian (1857-1865). Andrew, Jr. went on to become a successful Cleveland attorney. Additional information is included with the lot. $1,500-$2,500
67A PAIR OF DECORATED BLANKET CHESTS. Northwest Ohio, 3rd quarter-19th century, poplar. Wedge dovetailed cases, each with an interior till and drawer, and resting on turned feet. Retain their original faux mahogany paint decoration. Minor paint wear. Purchased from a homestead in Northwestern Ohio. 24 1/2”h. 49 1/2”w. 22 3/4”d. The use of wedged dovetails indicate a maker of Germanic descent. Northwest Ohio was populated by large numbers of German and Swiss settlers in the middle of the 19th century. These communities often held fast to older styles well after mid century, as suggested by the use of Victorian brass escutcheons on these chests. $1,500-$2,500
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68 OHIO WESTERN RESERVE SAMPLER. Huron (now Erie County), ca. 1829, silk on linen. Twelve-year-old Amanda Rogers filled the linen ground with elaborate alphabets, her family record, and a moral verse. The exquisitely stitched two-story Federal brick house is situated in a fenced garden. The adjacent river is spanned by a bridge and sports a small sailboat. In a frame. 18 1/2”h. 20”w. According to extensive family research Amanda Rogers was the youngest child of Thomas Rogers (1778-1818) and Hanna McCowen (d.1819). Originally from Massachusetts, the family lived in New York before locating a few miles south of Sandusky City in 1812 or 1816. After the death of their parents the five siblings were taken in by separate families, one-year-old Amanda going with her oldest sister, Emerancy, or “Nancy” who was about fourteen at the time. Nancy married George Santus and it appears that Amanda lived with them when she executed this sampler. The 1826 birth date of couple’s daughter Martha is recorded, but not her death 1 1/2 years later. Amanda married George W. Smith (b.1819) in 1841: the 1850 census for Portland, Erie County, lists George’s occupation as that of sheriff, and records five children in the household. $2,000-$4,000 68
68A PAIR OF PORTRAITS SIGNED CLIFFORD (POSSIBLY R.A. CLIFFORD, WISCONSIN, 1833-1895). Oil on canvas, signed and dated 1874, lower right. The sitters are Mr. and Mrs. Major, parents of Guy G. Major, Mayor of Toledo from 1893-1897. Imperfections. Unframed, 39 1/2”h. 32”w. Descended in the family of the sitters. $1,000-$2,000
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FLASH, CASH & CO. BY JOSEPH ORIEL EATON (OHIO, 1829-1875). Oil on canvas, signed lower left. Disheartened young boy seated on a crate with a broken jackknife wedged in a board. Some professional restoration. 17”h. 14”w., in a modern gilt frame, 22 1/2”h. 19 1/2”w. Ex Sumpter Priddy III (Virginia). The charming boy depicted here may be modeled after the artist’s son, Frank Miller Eaton. Eaton painted a portrait of the boy in 1870 and the similarities are apparent. The portrait is illustrated in Cincinnati Art Museum, Exhibition of Paintings by Joseph Oriel Eaton and Sculpture by Hiram Powers, catalog number 14. Eaton was perhaps best-known for his genre pictures with children. For information on Eaton, see Haverstock et al, Artists in Ohio, 1787-1900, pp. 255-6. $2,000-$4,000
70 - 73
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70 PANELED BLANKET CHEST. Probably West Virginia, mid 19th century, walnut and poplar. One-board top, interior till, resting on high, turned feet, and retaining a good, old finish. 20 3/4”h. 38”w. 18 1/2”d. Ex Charles and Nellie Momchilov, (Ohio). Descended in the Poling family of West Virginia. $300-$500
71 SHERATON ONE-DRAWER STAND. Midwestern, 2nd quarter-19th century, curly maple and poplar. One-board top over a bowed drawer and resting on turned legs, all in solid curly maple. Retains a fine patina. 29”h. 22”w. 21 1/2”d. Ex Charles and Nellie Momchilov, (Ohio). $800-$1,200
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72 STONEWARE CROCK. American, 2nd half-19th century. Cobalt stenciled label “Wilkinson & Fleming Shinnston, W.Va”, 9 1/4”h. $300-$500
73 STONEWARE CROCK. American, last quarter-19th century. Stenciled cobalt label for “A.P. Donaghho, Parkersburg, W.Va, 2”. 11”h. $200-$300
74 OHIO SPENCERIAN ADVERTISING WATERCOLOR. Doylestown, Wayne County, Ohio, 1905-1915, pen and ink, watercolor on paper. Spencerian eagle in the center with banner and text for Postal Regulations surrounded by hand painted illustrations of various Doylestown establishments including The Moon automobiles. In a frame, 27 1/2”h. 31 1/2”w. Ex Jack Adamson (Ohio), ex Charles and Nellie Momchilov, (Ohio). $400-$800
FOLKSY INLAID CHEST OF DRAWERS. Probably southern Indiana, mid 19th century, cherry and poplar. One over four over one drawers, resting on turned and reeded legs. Decorated with folksy inlay, including an eagle on the top drawer. Imperfections. 47”h. 45”w. 19 3/4”d. Found in Orange County, Indiana. $800-$1,200
76 CHIMNEY CUPBOARD. Probably Ohio, 19th century, poplar. Double-paneled door, interior shelves and a bracket base. Retains an older red wash. Imperfections. 71 1/2”h. 23 1/4”w. 13 1/4”d. $300-$600
77 HIGH-BACK DRYSINK. Attributed to Smithville, Wayne County, Ohio, 19th century, cherry, chestnut and poplar. Four beveled drawers over two paneled doors and resting on cutout feet. Imperfections. 46 3/4”h. 48 1/2”w. 17 1/2”d. $400-$800
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STORE LEDGER FROM THE KANAHWA SALINES. Ledger #3 of John F. Hubbard, dated 1870. Folio, with leather binding and marbled endpapers. Imperfections.
DECORATED LAP DESK. Possibly western Pennsylvania or Midwestern, 3rd quarter-19th century, pine. Of typical form with interior compartments. Retains its original black over red paint with gilt stenciling. 6 1/4”h. 16”w. 9 3/4”d. Found near Johnstown, Somerset County, Pennsylvania. $300-$500
According to a typewritten note accompanying the ledger, Hubbard operated the general store at the Kanahwa Salines, in present day Malden, West Virginia. Because of the scarcity of salt in the early 19th century, the Kanahwa Salines were able to establish a virtual monopoly on salt production in the United States, but by 1870 steamboat and railroad transportation had ended the West Virginia “salt boom.” $75-$125
PORTRAIT OF A YOUNG MAN. Ohio, mid-late 19th century, watercolor and pencil on paper over heavy stock. A portrait reproduced after a photograph (which is probably underneath) with the original mat stamped “Copied and painted by E.J. Price, Greenfield, O” (Ross County). The back of the image has a penciled identification “John Vanhuff, Killed at Battle of Kennesaw Mountain, Tenn. Brother of Mrs. Solomon Shipley”. Light foxing. 10”h. 8”w., in a frame with gilt liner, 13 1/4”h. 11 1/2”w. Included with the lot is an unrelated handcolored photo of a young child in an oval frame, 13 3/4”h. 11 3/4”w. $250-$450
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81 TWO MAPS OF VIRGINIA, INCLUDING WEST VIRGINIA. “A Correct Map of Virginia” from Matthew Carey’s General Atlas (Philadelphia: M. Carey, 1814), 13 1/2”h. 19 3/4”w., in a walnut frame, 14 1/2”h. 21”w.; and “Virginia” from Joseph Scott, The New and Universal Gazetteer; or, Modern Geographical Dictionary (Philadelphia: Francis & Robert Bailey, 1800), 6 1/2”h. 7 1/4”w., matted & framed, 12 3/4”h. 9 3/4”w. West Virginia was admitted to the Union as a new state on June 20, 1863, after the Wheeling Convention, a series of meetings in 1861 held in what is now Wheeling, West Virginia. At the convention, which was attended by representatives of twenty-seven northwestern Virginia counties, it was decided to repeal the Ordinance of Secession passed by Virginia in 1861, to form the Restored Government of Virginia, and to appoint new government officials, effectively seceding from the seceded state of Virginia in order to rejoin the Union as West Virginia. $300-$500
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83 - 85
DRESSING TABLE. Ohio or Indiana, mid 19th century, walnut with poplar secondary. One-board top with peaked backsplash, single dovetailed drawer and turned legs with attached shelf. 32 3/4”h. 34”w. 17 1/2”d.
PAINTED ONE-DRAWER STAND. Probably Midwestern, 19th century, cherry and poplar. Resting on stoutly turned legs. Retains older, alligatored, red paint over the original varnish. Lacking pull. 28 3/4”h. 20 1/2”w. 18”d. $200-$400
TWO BANK OF CHARLESTON $1 NOTES. Charleston, Virginia (now West Virginia), dated June 1, 1861, signed A. Spencer Nye. Wonderfully engraved, with agricultural vignettes at center. Uncut and uncirculated. 9 3/4”h. 11 1/2”w. (framed).
The peaked pediment is a feature often found on Germanic furniture, particularly in the Midwest. $200-$400
These notes were found in Scott’s Drugstore in Charleston when it closed in 1957. $150-$250
83 SHERATON ONE-DRAWER STAND. Probably Midwestern, 2nd quarter-19th century, walnut, poplar and chestnut. One dovetailed drawer, resting on delicately turned legs. Replaced pull. 29 3/4”h. 19”w. 19 3/4”d. $200-$400
PAINTED CRADLE. Ohio, 19th century, walnut and pine. Heart cutouts and acorn finials, and retaining an old, black-painted surface. Minor imperfections. 41 3/4”l. According to tradition, this cradle was made in Cincinnati and descended in a local family. $200-$400
84 SHERATON TWO-DRAWER STAND. Signed “J. Layton,” probably Midwestern, 2nd quarter-19th century, cherry, mahogany and poplar. Two drawers with mahoganyveneered fronts and resting on turned legs. 28 1/2”h. 21 3/4”w. 19”d. $200-$400
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88 - 91
REDWARE LAMP. Rare fat lamp attributed to Samuel Routson, Doylestown, Wayne County, Ohio, mid 19th century. Double spouted with applied strap handle and saucer base. Interestingly finger marks can be seen in the slip glaze, 5 1/2”h.
STONEWARE JAR. West Virginia, late 19th century. Stenciled cobalt label “Marmet Mining Co., Raymond City, W.VA”, 10”h.
HEPPLEWHITE STAND. Probably Midwestern, early 19th century, cherry and curly maple. Cherry top with good overhang, reeded skirt and splayed curly maple legs. 29”h. 25 3/4”w. 19 1/2”d. $300-$600
For similar examples, see The Late, Great S. Routson and his Pottery by Locher, pgs. 24-26. $1,500-$2,500
89 STONEWARE CROCK. Tuscarawas County, Ohio, mid 19th century. Ovoid crock impressed “2 T. Reed” with cobalt accent. Applied double handles and a replaced lid. Minor edge flakes, 12”h. $150-$250
90 MINIATURE BLANKET CHEST. Illegibly signed on the lid, attributed to northwest Ohio, mid 19th century, poplar. Wedged dovetail construction with faux panels, resting on turned feet. Retains its original red and Spanish brown paint with a dry, crazed surface. Minor imperfections. 6 1/2”h. 12 1/4”w. 6 1/2”d. $600-$900 34 | GARTH’S May 29, 2010
Raymond City is in Putnam County, at the mouth of the Pocatalico River. The Marmet Mining Company was based in Cincinnati. In 1891, the company enlisted the Ohio National Guard to help protect non-union miners during a United Mine Workers strike. $400-$800
92 TALL CASE CLOCK. Probably Ohio River Valley, 2nd quarter-19th century, cherry, poplar and yellow pine. Broken-arch pediment with carved rosettes, turned quarter columns, and resting on turned feet. German brass movement has a floral-painted dial. Imperfections. Found in West Virginia and retains an older railroad shipping label from Muncie, Indiana. 93 1/4”h. $800-$1,200
94 PAINTED GRAIN BIN. Midwestern, late 19th century, poplar. Slant lid with two interior compartments. Retains an older mustard-brown paint over an earlier red. 39 3/4”h. 39 3/4”w. 19 3/4”d. $200-$400
95 DECORATED ONE-DRAWER STAND. Midwestern, 2nd quarter-19th century, walnut, maple, and pine. Small size, one-board top, and cleaned down to old red paint with black squiggles. Minor imperfections. 27”h. 18 1/2”w. 17 1/2”d. $600-$900
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96 ORRVILLE, OHIO BROADSIDE. 1885 print on paper advertising the celebration of Andrew Jackson’s victory at the Battle of New Orleans. Some imperfections. Framed by Joe Dush, 40”h. 21 1/2”w. Ex Alan Wainwright (Ohio), ex Charles and Nellie Momchilov, (Ohio). $200-$400
97 CHIPPENDALE SLANT-FRONT DESK. Ohio, early 19th century, cherry and poplar. Fluted quarter columns flanking four graduated drawers and a pair of pinwheel-carved drawers (lid supports), and resting on bracket feet. The interior with a central prospect flanked by document drawers and serpentine-front drawers. Imperfections. 42 1/4”h. (without casters) 39”w. 22”d., writing height is 34 1/2”. Ex Charles and Nellie Momchilov, (Ohio).
94 - 95
According to family tradition, the desk was made by John Ross in Addison (now Christiansburg), Clark County, for his daughter, Phoebe when she married Daniel Howell. The desk then descended to their son, David, his daughter, Elizabeth Howell Ream, her daughter, Mary Ream Snyder, and then her daughter, Erma Snyder Hirsch. It was then purchased by the current owner from a descendant of Erma Snyder Hirsch. $800-$1,600
98 LARGE APOTHECARY AND DISPLAY CABINET. Ohio, 3rd quarter-19th century, pine. Dovetailed case with two shelves over thirty-six dovetailed drawers. Good, as-found condition, retaining buff over cream over red paint and most of its original pulls. Some imperfections. 48 1/2”h. 109”w. 13”d. Ex Charles and Nellie Momchilov, (Ohio). $1,500-$2,500
TWO PAINTINGS. American, 20th century, watercolors on paper. Probably illustrations. Revolutionary War soldier in uniform. Illegible initials. In a mat and frame, 24”h. 20”w., and a double portrait of Wilbur and Orville Wright signed “Nannett Sherrit”. In a mat and frame, 22”h. 17 3/4”w. $150-$350
99 APPLE BUTTER BUCKET. Cincinnati, Ohio, late 19th-early 20th century, pine. Stave construction with bentwood bands and swing handle. Old paper labels for the Lippincott Co., Cincinnati. Refinished with some damage to labels. 12”h. $75-$100
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Oil on canvas, initialed “HE Pa” on verso and dated 1860. Rustic scene with farm buildings and animals on the banks of a river. Minor imperfections. 18”h. 24”w., in a period gilt frame, 26 3/4”h. 33”w. The tantalizing inscription on the back of the canvas remains a mystery, but given the exceptional detail in landscape, architecture, and figures, it seems likely that this view represents a specific place, probably along one of the major rivers in Pennsylvania. $1,500-$2,500
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102 HEPPLEWHITE HUNTBOARD. Southern, early 19th century, walnut and pine. Rectangular huntboard having two deep bottle drawers flanking a lockable single door cabinet on four long square tapered legs. Old pulls. Rich color in a mellow finish. 41”h. 46 1/2”w. 19 1/2”d. $6,000-$9,000
Elisabeth Lesage, Digby, Nova Scotia, 1796, silk on linen. Tenyear-old Elisabeth included alphabets, numbers, and a verse in the upper portion of her sampler. In the lower part she gave her name, age, and date as well as her parents’ names, Mento and Rachel Lesage, and stitched an impressive two-story house, a small cottage, two-toned birds and multiple pine trees. In a frame, 18”h. 19”w. Elisabeth’s father Mento Lesage was among the United Empire Loyalists who settled Digby after the American Revolution in 1783. He married Rachael Bell, the widow of Captain Jeremiah Bell, in 1786. $1,500-$2,500 103 38 | GARTH’S May 29, 2010
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VUE DE PHILADELPHIA AFTER AMBROISE L. GARNERAY (FRENCH, 1783-1857). Handcolored aquatint on paper, signed on the plate lower right. Riverview with a ship flying an American flag in the foreground. Approximately 17”h. 21 1/2”w., in a gilt frame, 19 1/2”h. 24”w. $250-$450
VUE DE BALTIMORE AFTER AMBROISE L. GARNERAY (FRENCH, 1783-1857). Handcolored aquatint on paper, signed on the plate lower right. View from a hilltop over looking the city. Approximately 17”h. 21 1/2”w., in a gilt frame, 19 1/2”h. 24”w. $250-$450
106 TWO PAINTINGS (EUROPEAN SCHOOL, LATE 19TH CENTURY) Oil on artist board, unsigned. Pleasant scene of large brick building near a bridge, boys fishing in foreground. In a frame, 16”h. 23”w., and a painting of a row of town houses with figures strolling a treed boulevard. In a frame, 19”h. 22 1/2”w. $250-$500
107 CHIPPENDALE TALL CHEST OF DRAWERS. Pennsylvania, late 18th century, walnut and poplar. Three over two over four drawers flanked by fluted quarter columns and resting on ogee bracket feet. Retains an older finish. Imperfections. 65”h. 42 1/4”w. 23”d. $2,000-$4,000
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108 HEPPLEWHITE TALL CASE CLOCK. American, 1st half-19th century, walnut. The case with a broken-arch pediment and a scroll-cut door crest and base; the wooden movement marked for Riley Whiting, Winchester, Connecticut. Imperfections. 92”h. $800-$1,200
109 SHERATON WASHSTAND. American, early 19th century, curly and bird’s-eye maple, pine and poplar. Dovetailed gallery over a lower shelf and drawer, resting on delicately turned feet. Minor imperfections. 36”h. 20”w. 16”d. $500-$800
110 FOUR-PIECE STAFFORDSHIRE TEASET. England, 1st half-19th century. Dark blue transfer of a bird and nest with floral border. Teapot, 6 1/2”h., covered sugar, creamer, and a handleless cup and saucer with partial impressed label “Warranted”. Minor edge damage. $400-$600
WASHINGTON’S TRIUMPHAL ENTRY INTO NEW YORK... BY P.S. DURAL & SON. Chromolithograph on paper. Large folio print of a parade, published by William Smith, Philadelphia, ca.1860. Overall toning and stains, 33 3/4”h. 46”w., in a painted frame, 39”h. 51”w. Ex Jean Massar (Ohio), ex Charles and Nellie Momchilov, (Ohio). $600-$900
114 DECORATED BOX. Attributed to Joseph Lehn (Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, 1798-1876), softwood. Figured wood veneer on the lid and applied decals to the front and side panels, including an American eagle on the front. The lid interior is painted with a soft yellow and freehand painted trim and fruit and flower decals. Interior and lift-out tray painted red. Finely alligatored varnish, minor edge wear, 6 1/4”h. 15”w. 9”d. $2,000-$3,000
111 FOUR PIECES OF STAFFORDSHIRE. England, mid 19th century. Light blue pastoral transfer scenes of shepherds and a milkmaid. Three handleless cups and saucers and a sugar with shell handles, 3 1/2”h. Imperfections. $200-$300 108
112 TWO POTTERY PIECES. American, late 19th century, yellowware. Pictured is a chamber pot with white band, 5 1/4”h. 9”d., and a cuspidor with gold/amber glaze, 3 1/4”h. 7”d. $100-$200
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115 SHERATON TALL CHEST OF DRAWERS. Probably Pennsylvania, 1820-1840, curly maple and poplar. Three over four cockbeaded drawers and resting on turned feet. Imperfections. 50”h. 42”w. 20 1/2”d. $800-$1,200
116 SHERATON-STYLE HARVEST TABLE. American, signed “Howard Cochran June 1959,” curly maple and pine. Of a good, large size, with strong figure, a single drawer, and resting on turned legs. 30”h. 84”l. 21 1/2”w. (closed), 43 1/2”w. (open). $1,500-$2,500
117 HORSE PULL TOY. American, 2nd half-20th century. Carved horse frame covered in brown felt on a sponge decorated base, 25 1/2”h. $100-$200
118 MOCHA CREAMER. English, mid 19th century. Black seaweed designs on tan and blue bands. “Pint” label. Edge flakes, 4 3/4”h. $100-$200
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120 - 124
SHAKER CUPBOARD. Attributed to Albert Battles, Tyringham, Massachusetts, ca.1830, pine. Onepiece with two raised-panel doors and retaining an old red wash. Imperfections. 84 1/4”h. 40”w. 20”‘d. Ex Rosemary Shea (Connecticut).
ARTIST MODEL. American or European, late 19th-early 20th century, pine. Articulated human figure with carved feet, hands and face. Good patina, 17”h. $300-$600
This cupboard began life the North Family dwelling and was later used at the broom factory, which is currently called Nicholas Lodge. For a similar example, see Rieman and Burks, The Encyclopedia of Shaker Furniture, fig. 460. $1,000-$2,000
120 SHAKER DOCUMENT BOX. Enfield, Connecticut, mid 19th century, cherry with pine bottom. Dovetailed with a single board lid, brass bale handles and inlaid bone escutcheon. Old refinishing with minor surface wear. 8”h. 18”w. 12”d. Ex Hazel Hayes (Connecticut). $400-$600
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TWO STONEWARE JARS. American, 2nd half-19th century. Both have cobalt stenciled labels for T. F. Reppert, Greensboro, Pennsylvania. 9 3/4”, 10 1/4”h. $100-$150
123 THREE TREENWARE CONTAINERS. American, late 19th-early 20th century. Two Peaseware urns, footed, 5 1/4”h., and a miniature, 2 1/2”h. Imperfections. Together with a beehive form, 3”h. $100-$300
124 FIVE PIECES OF TREENWARE. American, late 19th-early 20th century. One Peaseware container, 5 1/2”h., and four round boxes, 3”h. 5 1/4”d. to 1 1/4”h. 2 1/2”d. $150-$300
125 CHILD’S BLANKET CHEST. American, early 19th century, walnut. Dovetailed case with lidded till. Breadboard ended top slides off, appears never to have been attached. Ball feet. Rich color. 16 1/2”h. 26 1/2”w. 12 1/2”d. $250-$500
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125 126
HOMESTEAD BY HATTIE M. JONES (AMERICAN, 19TH CENTURY). Oil on canvas, signed lower right. Folksy rural house with couple in the yard. Rebacked on canvas. 20”h. 26”w., in a frame, 25 3/4”h. 32”w. $600-$800
DECORATED SIDE CHAIR. American, 2nd quarter-19th century, mixed woods including poplar. Rod-back and shaped plank seat with old painted decoration. 18”h. seat, 33”h. overall. $125-$250
127 LANDSCAPE (AMERICAN SCHOOL, MID 19TH CENTURY). Oil on canvas, unsigned. Pleasant scene of a winding river with a town in the background. Surface scuffs and small indentation. 18 1/4”h. 24 1/2”w., in a frame, 23”h. 29”w. $500-$700
129 FEDERAL DECORATED ARMCHAIR. American, 1815-1835, mixed woods. Rush seat armchair with original gilt decoration. 17 1/2”h. seat, 33 1/2”h. overall. $250-$450
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130 PORTRAIT OF J.J. VAN RENSSELAER BY RANDALL PALMER (NEW YORK, D. 1845). Oil on single poplar board, signed on back. Handsome young man identified on the back with his age of “20 years, 11 months” and “R. Palmer Pt., Seneca Falls 1832 March —”. Untouched except for revarnishing. 26”h. 22 1/4”w., in a mahogany veneer frame, 31 1/2”h. 28”w. $2,000-$3,000
131 BARREL-BACK CORNER CUPBOARD. American, late 18th-early 19th century, pine. One-piece, good small size with three shaped shelves in the upper section and a raised panel door in the lower section, all flanked by fluted pilasters. Imperfections. 75 1/2”h. 40”w. 20”d., requires a 30” corner. $600-$900
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132 PAIR OF PORTRAITS ATTRIBUTED TO WILLIAM MATTHEW PRIOR (MASSACHUSETTS, 1806-1873). Oils on artist board, unsigned. Half-length portraits of a handsome couple, both dressed in black. 15”h. 10 1/2”w., in black-painted frames, 17 1/2”h. 13”w. Ex Bob Ketelhut (Michigan). $9,000-$13,000 | 45
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133 PAIR OF PASTELS. Probably France, 19th century, pastels on paper. Wigged gentleman and a young lady with a pigeon. Well done, possibly taken off wooden framed fans. Some edge tears. Approximately 9” x 7”, in modern gilt frames, 14 1/4”h. 11 3/4”w. $300-$500
134 GEORGE III ARMCHAIR. English, 18th century, oak. Shaped crest, pierced splat, and resting on squared legs. Imperfections. 18”h. seat, 44 1/2”h. overall. $150-$250
135 133
GEORGE III COMMODE STAND. English, late 18th century, mahogany and pine. Scroll-cut gallery with two doors and a sliding compartment. Imperfections. 31”h. 20”w. 17 1/2”d. $200-$400
136 KUTANI VASE. Japan, late 19th-early 20th century, porcelain. Predominately red and gilt ground with two white reserves, one decorated with scholars, the other with birds. Red and underglaze blue marks on the bottom, 11 1/8”h. $200-$400
137 CARVED BELLOWS. Probably European, 19th century, mixed woods including walnut. Professionally releathered by Howard Barber. Old surface, rich color. 21 1/2”l. $200-$400
134 - 137
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SET OF EIGHT CHIPPENDALE-STYLE CHAIRS. American, 2nd half-19th century, mahogany. Finely hand carved with mortised and pinned construction. Carved crests, pierced tassel splats, stop fluting on the posts, carved shell aprons, acanthus carved knees and ball and claw feet. Slip seats with faux leather upholstery. Six side and two armchairs with scrolled hand rests. 18” seat, 39 1/2”h. overall. $1,500-$2,000
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139 FEDERAL-STYLE DINING TABLE. American, early 20th century, mahogany. Double pedestal base with tripod, saber legs and brass castors. Two-piece top with supports and two 24”w. leaves. Overall 29”h. 72”w. 54”d. Expands to 120”w. The lot includes table pads. $500-$900
140 PORTRAIT OF A WOMAN (PROBABLY EUROPEAN, CA. 1800). Oil on copper panel, unsigned. Woman dressed in black with a window in the background looking out to a hill and woods. Surface scuffs. 12 1/4”h. 10 1/4”w., in a gold painted frame, 20”h. 18”w. $900-$1,200 138 - 139
141 MIRROR. England, 19th century, pine. Broken arch pediment with acanthus leaves and shell and feather crest. Base has tulips in addition to shell and acanthus. Two brass candle holders have age. Imperfections. 59”h. 34 1/2”w. $600-$1,200
142 CHIPPENDALE-STYLE SOFA. American, late 19th century, mahogany. Camelback sofa with scrolled arms and three front cabriole legs with “C” scrolls, shell and bellflower carved knees, and ball and claw feet. Yellow reupholstery. Minor edge loss. 38”h. 84”w. 34”d. $350-$650
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143 CARVED CHIPPENDALE-STYLE TILT-TOP TEA TABLE. Labeled for Potthast Brothers, Baltimore, Maryland, early 20th century, mahogany. Shell-carved top, fluted and foliate-carved pillar, and acanthus-carved legs ending in claw and ball feet. Surface imperfections. 28 1/2”h. 27”d. See Beckerdite (ed.), American Furniture, 2000. $400-$800
144 LATE CLASSICAL WORK TABLE. Philadelphia or Baltimore, 1815-1825, rosewood, mahogany and pine. Two drawers backed by two faux drawers, carved and gilt quarter columns, turned pillar and resting on gilt paw feet. Imperfections. 28 1/4”h. 19”w. 16”d. Ex Richard and Ellen Dubrow (New York). $1,500-$1,800
145 SHERATON DESK-AND-BOOKCASE. American, early 19th century, mahogany, poplar and pine. Two-piece, the upper bookcase with geometric mullions and gilt brass appliques, the lower section with two over one drawer and a fold-out writing surface, all resting on reeded and turned legs. Imperfections. 82 1/2”h. 40 1/4”w. 23”d., writing surface is 28”h. $800-$1,200
146 PEWTER PLATE. Touch for William Danforth (Middletown, Connecticut, ca.1792-1820), J# 123. Polished surface, 8"d. $150-$250 144 145
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146 - 151
SGRAFFITO MUG. England, mid 19th century, slip glazed pottery. Similar to Doulton Lambeth ware with tooled bands and inscription “Mr. John Armishall Half Pint, October 21 + 1788”. Small chip at base of handle. 5 3/4”h. $200-$300
FOUR PIECES OF PEWTER. Mid 19th century. Two bellied measures, “1/2 pint” and “1 gill”, and an inkwell with glass insert, 2 1/4”h. All with English or European touches. Together with an unmarked pepper pot, 5 1/2h. $150-$250
CHILD-SIZE GAUDY WELSH TEA SET. England, mid 19th century. Oyster pattern with teapot, 5 1/4”h., covered sugar, 4 1/2”h., waste bowl, six plates, 5 1/2”d. and six cups and saucers. $300-$600
FEDERAL MIRROR. Possibly American, 1st quarter-19th century, pine. Gilt frame with fluted columns and reverse glass eglomise panel featuring a seaside fort with cannons and a sailing ship in the background. Imperfections. 32”h. 17 1/2”w. $150-$350
149 PEWTER TEAPOT. Touch mark for “Smith & Co. 2”, Massachusetts, mid 19th century. Small teapot with polished surface and black repaint on the handle and finial, 6 1/2”h. $150-$250
150 PAIR OF STAFFORDSHIRE CATS. England, 2nd quarter-19th century. Seated on cobalt and gilt pillows, with fine spatter spots of yellow and black, 7 1/8”h. $300-$500
153 CARVED CHIPPENDALE-STYLE SIDE CHAIR. American, 19th century, walnut and pine. In the Philadelphia taste with shell-carved crest and seat rail, openwork splat with two hearts, floral-carved knees, and resting on ball and claw feet. Fine alligatored surface. Imperfections. 18”h. seat, 41 1/2”h. overall. According to an accompanying family history, this chair originated in Hagerstown, Maryland, and descended in the original family until 1991. $800-$1,200
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154 FEDERAL PATENT TIMEPIECE OR “BRIDE’S” CLOCK. Marked for Simon Willard, Roxbury, Massachusetts, ca.1810, cherry and pine. Of typical banjo form, gilt and white-painted case with reverse-painted tablets with white grounds, the lower glass with a shield-breasted eagle and “S. Willard Patent.” Imperfections. 39 1/2”h. 154
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White-painted banjo clocks are sometimes referred to as “bridal” or “bride’s” clocks, and are uncommon. Although the white paint on the present clock has been restored, there are traces of an earlier white paint present. $20,000-$25,000
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ENGLISH SILVER SERVING SPOON. King’s pattern with London hallmarks for 1830. The faint maker’s mark appears to be for Paul Storr (1771-1844). 8 1/2”l. $300-$500
TIFFANY STERLING TAZZA. American, ca. 1907-1947. Small, low tazza with rose bands and central “B” monogram. Marked for “Tiffany, Sterling Silver”, 2 1/2”h. 6 1/2”d. $400-$600
156 TWELVE SHEFFIELD SILVER KNIVES. King’s pattern with hallmarks for James Ellis, 1819. The blades are marked for “W&P Cunningham”. Some loose blades with loss to handle cement, 10”l. $200-$300
161 HANGING BOX WITH SPOON RACK. England, mid 19th century, mahogany. Shaped backboard of a single piece of mahogany with three attached spoon racks. Dovetailed box with lift lid with breadboard ends. Refinished. 30”h. 14”w. $250-$550
FIVE ENGLISH SILVER FORKS. King’s pattern with London hallmarks and made by Fearn & Eley. Three are dated 1821, two are dated 1820. 8 1/4”l. $250-$450
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158 FOUR SILVER FORKS. Coin silver dessert forks in the King’s pattern marked for William H. Ewan (Charleston, South Carolina, ca.1849-1859). 6 1/2”l. $400-$600
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159 TWO SILVER SPOONS. Both are in the King’s pattern and have London hallmarks. Serving spoon marked for George Adams of Chawner & Co., 1862, 8 3/4”l., and a tablespoon marked for William Eaton, 1843, 7”l. $200-$300
160 FOUR-PIECE TIFFANY STERLING TEA SET. American, 20th century. Neoclassical form teapot with ebonized wood handle, 11 1/4”h., creamer and covered sugar, and a round tray, 13 1/2”d. All marked “Tiffany & Co. Makers, Sterling Silver”. The creamer has a director’s mark for 19561965. $900-$1,200
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162 TWENTY SILVER TABLESPOONS. American, 19th century. Six are marked “H&S” possibly for Harris & Stanwood, Boston; four “C. Parker”; one “Jn. B. McFadden & Co. Pittsburg” (sic); two “G. Loomis”, Erie, Pennsylvania; three “T. Gowdey” and four “W&H Sterling, Frear & Woolworth”. A few minor splits. $100-$200
163 FEDERAL STYLE SETTEE. American, early 20th century, mahogany. Fluted front legs, saber back legs. Striped reupholstery. 31 1/2”h. 51 1/2”w. 31”d. $250-$500
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164 - 166 167
MINIATURE ON IVORY. American, 2nd quarter-19th century. Portrait of a young boy with curly blond hair. A late note on the backing paper identifies him as Edward Frohner of Peekskill, New York, 1830-1915. In a brass frame, 4 1/8”h. 3 1/2”w. $300-$600
MINIATURE ON IVORY. American or European, 2nd quarter-19th century. Charming portrait of a young woman wearing her hair in ringlets with a tortoise shell comb. In a frame with brass liner, 5”h. 4 1/2”w. $400-$700
MINIATURE ON IVORY. American or European, 1st quarter-19th century. Dapper young gentleman wearing a necktie and jeweled stickpin. In a frame with seed pearls, 2 1/2”h. 1 7/8”w. $300-$500
167 PORTRAIT OF A GENTLEMAN (AMERICAN, 19TH CENTURY). Watercolor on heavy stock, unsigned. Full-length portrait of a man in dress clothes. Identified on the back as “George S. Smith born Pennsylvania 1832”. Overall toning. 11 1/2”h. 8 1/2”w., in a frame, 13”h. 9 3/4”w. $150-$350
168 PAIR OF PORTRAITS (AMERICAN OR EUROPEAN, 1ST QUARTER-19TH CENTURY). Watercolor and pencil on heavy stock, unsigned. Studies of a man seated at a drum table and a woman in a garden. The paper has a partial embossed label with a crown. 11”h. 8”w., in matching gilt frames, 13 1/4”h. 11 1/4”w. $300-$500
169 168
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FEDERAL CANDLESTAND. American, late 18th-early 19th century, walnut. Round top stand with vase and ring turned pedestal on spider legs. Good rich color. 28”h. 19” dia. $125-$250
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172 MINIATURE PORTRAIT OF A WOMAN (AMERICAN OR EUROPEAN, 2NDQUARTER 19TH CENTURY). Watercolor on paper, unsigned. Delicate profile of a woman dressed in blue. Stains. In a frame, 8 1/4”h. 6 3/4”w. $150-$350
170 SILHOUETTE. Cut by Auguste Edouart (French, 17891861). Full-length cutout silhouette of a boy with a hoop. Identified on the back of the profile as well as a separate added label as “Frederick Carter 8 yrs. Birmingham (England), 6th March, 1836”. Imperfections. In a frame, 6 7/8”h. 5 3/4”w. Though unsigned, Edouart made duplicates of his silhouettes, often with the subject’s name, age, and the date and location of the work written in pen and ink on the back of the silhouette. $300-$400
171 TWO SILHOUETTES. American or English, 1st half-19th century. Cutout of a distinguished man with gold ink details. Dated “19 Augst. 1843”. Stains. In a frame, 5 3/4”h. 4 1/4”w. And an inked woman with penciled name “Mrs. Billis”, in a maple veneer frame, 6 3/4”h. 5 3/4”w. $200-$400
PORTRAIT OF GENTLEMAN (PROBABLY AMERICAN SCHOOL, 2ND QUARTER-19TH CENTURY). Watercolor and pencil on heavy stock, unsigned. Study of a man identified on the back as “Mr. Walker, confectioner. Sandy hair, brown eyes, florid complexion”. In a wooden frame, 7 3/8”h. 6”w. $250-$500
170 - 175
174 PORTRAIT OF A WOMAN (AMERICAN SCHOOL, 2ND QUARTER-19TH CENTURY). Watercolor or ink on paper, unsigned. Monochromatic image of a woman wearing her hair up. Inked identification on the back “Mary Wood or the Late Mary Albert”. In a frame, 5”h. 3 1/2”w. $150-$350
175 TWO SILHOUETTES. American, early 19th century. Hollowcut portraits of men with embossed eagle labels for “Peale’s Museum”. Some paper loss. In matching curly maple veneer frames, 7 3/8”h. 6 3/8”w. $250-$450
176 FEDERAL BOWFRONT CHEST. Probably New England, early 19th century, curly maple, curly maple veneer and pine. Outset corner top over conforming case having paneled sides and four graduated, cockbeaded drawers faced in curly maple veneer, flanked by turned, tapered columns ending in high feet. Retains old grungy finish. 38 1/2”h. 39”w. 23 1/2”d. $600-$1,200
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177 STERLING SILVER BOWL. American, mid 20th century. Marked “Georg Jensen Inc. USA, Sterling”. Small bowl with foliate legs, 2 3/4”h. 4 1/2”d. $200-$300
178 STERLING SILVER BOWL. Mexico, 20th century. Large hammered bowl with repousse floral rim and three serpent shaped feet. Marked “Sterling, Made in Mexico, Maciel”, 5 1/4”h. 12 1/2”d. $300-$600
179 SILVER SUGAR BOWL. American, 1st quarter-19th century. Hallmark for Baldwin Gardiner, Philadelphia. Footed sugar with double handles, fluted bowl and foliate bands. Missing lid. 7 1/2”h. $600-$800
177 - 181
FIVE SILVER SALT CELLARS. American and Continental, late 19th century. Three are marked “Sterling”, including one with paw feet, 2 7/8”l., and two round with cobalt glass inserts, 2 7/8”d. Together with two having Continental marks, one with paw feet and a lid with ivory finial, 3 1/8”h. $300-$400
ENGRAVED SILVER TEAPOT AND CREAMER. Netherlands. Both marked for .833 fineness. Individual teapot with ivory insulators dated 1877, 5 1/4”h., and a small creamer dated 1872, 3 7/8”h. $250-$500
182 SIX-PIECE SILVER TEA AND COFFEE SERVICE. Marked “Plateria Alameda Juarez 58”, Mexican, mid 20th century. Includes an 11”h. coffee pot, a 7 1/2”h. teapot, a 5”h. covered sugar bowl, a 5”h. cream pitcher, a 4”d. waste bowl, and a 24”l. footed tray. Total weight approximately 210 ozt. $2,500-$3,500
183 PAIR OF SILVER CANDELABRA. Mexico, mid 20th century. In the rococo taste, each with two arms and three candle cups. 10”h., total weight approximately 45 ozt. $400-$700
184 CHINESE EXPORT PAINTING. Mid 19th century, watercolor on pith paper. Botanical image with flowers including a lily and a swallowtail butterfly. Tears. In a modern mat and gilt frame, 13 3/4”h. 18 3/4”w. $200-$400 182 - 183
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185 SILHOUETTE. American, 1st half-19th century. Hollow-cut image of a boy or young man with an embossed “Museum” label for the Peale Museum. Light water stain. In a gilt frame, 5 7/8”h. 4 7/8”w. $150-$250
186 THREE SILHOUETTES. American, 1st half-19th century. Hollow-cut portraits. Facing pair, most likely husband and wife, in oval frames, 5 1/8”h. 4”w., and a woman wearing a bonnet. Overall toning, in a gilt oval frame, 6 3/4”h. 5 3/4”w. $100-$300
187 PAIR OF SILHOUETTES. Probably European, mid 19th century. Cutout portraits of a woman and bearded man, most likely husband and wife. Pen and ink notations appear to be unrelated to the silhouettes. In matching frames, 3 3/4”h. 3 1/8”w. $100-$150
188 THREE SILHOUETTES. American and European, mid to late 19th century. Cutout historical portraits. George and Martha Washington, probably done for the Centennial or Centennial of his death. Foxing. In frames, 5 1/4”h. 4 1/2”w., and the “Duke of Reichstadt” smoking a pipe (the Duke of Reichstadt was Napoleon II). In a frame, 6”h. 3 3/4”w. $150-$300
189 ENGRAVING OF A MAN. Probably European, 1st quarter-19th century. Handcolored print of a man dressed in a blue jacket. Paper toning. In a frame, 11”h. 8 5/8”w. $100-$300
190 MINIATURE ON IVORY. American or European, 1st quarter-19th century. Young man wearing a black necktie. Imperfections. In a brass frame with empty lens on the back, 2 1/2”h. 2 1/4”w. Together with a painted photo of a young boy, early 20th century, in a frame with embossed brass liner, 5 1/4”h. 4 1/4”w. $150-$250
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MINIATURE CHEST. American, 1820-1840, cherry, walnut and poplar. Child-size chest with four graduated dovetailed drawers with incised bead, reeded stile and turned feet. Old, if not original, knobs. 19 1/2”h. 18”w. 11”d. $250-$500
PORTRAIT OF A WOMAN BY FERDINAND RAAB (NEW YORK, MID 19TH CENTURY). Oil on canvas, signed lower left. Seated woman with ornate gold jewelry. Restoration. Oval, 30”h. 25”w., in a frame, 35”h. 30”w. $600-$900
QUEEN ANNE-STYLE CHILD SIZE HIGHBOY. American, late 19th-early 20th century, mahogany, figured veneer, pine and poplar. Two-piece flat top chest with well-figured drawer fronts, shaped skirt, and cabriole legs ending in carved drake or trifid feet. Retains old surface. 53”h. 27”w. at cornice. 14 1/2”d. $1,500-$2,500
TWO SCOTTISH SAMPLERS. Mary A. Armstrong, Newtown St Boswells, 2nd quarter-19th century, wool and silk on cotton. A threemasted ship is one of the motifs stitched in the center band. In a frame, 14 1/2”h. 11 1/2”w. And one signed “Eliza Pittaway Motherwell Iron Works School” “25 th March 1863”. In a frame, 8 1/4 “h. 21”w. $150-$300
193 SIGNED COPPER KETTLE. American, mid 19th century. Dovetailed construction with swing handle stamped “J. Ebert”. Cleaned. 6 1/2”h. plus swing handle. $200-$400
194 PORTRAIT OF A GENTLEMAN SIGNED “WM. VERBRYCK” (WISCONSIN, 1823-1899). Oil on canvas, signed and dated 1852 middle right. Bearded man dressed in black. Restorations. Oval 30”h. 25”w., in a frame, 35”h. 25”w. $800-$1,200
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197 TWO SAMPLERS. Eliza Pratt, England, 1812, silk on wool. Minute stitches in a lengthy verse and surrounding motifs and borders. In a frame, 13 1/4”h. 12”w. And small marking sampler signed Elizabeth Sunderland dated 1799. In a frame, 10”h. 7 1/2”w. $150-$300
198 INLAID STAND. American or English,19th century, mahogany, veneer. Double string inlay outlines the top edge, drawers and leg fronts. 28”h. 22”w. 13”d. $225-$450
199 TWO ETCHINGS. American, late 19th century. Washington after Gilbert Stuart engraved by William E. Marshall (1835-1906) of New York City. In a frame, 22”h. 20”w. And The Battle of Bunker’s Hill Near Boston after John Trumbull. In a frame, 14”h. 15 3/4”w. $350-$600
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200 SILHOUETTE. American, 1st half-19th century. Hollow-cut portrait of a woman wearing a hair comb. Embossed “Museum” stamp for Peale Museum. Imperfections. In a frame, 5 3/4”h. 4 3/4”w. $125-$175
201 TWO SILHOUETTES. Probably American, 1st half-19th century. Hollow-cut portraits of young men. Some imperfections. Both in frames including one of pressed paper, 5 5/8”h. 4 5/8”w. and 6”h. 4 1/2”w. $100-$250 200 - 205
SILHOUETTE. American, 1st half-19th century. Hollow-cut portrait of a man wearing a top hat. Embossed “Museum” label for Peale Museum. In a frame, 5 3/4”h. 4 3/4”w. $150-$300
THREE SILHOUETTES. Probably American, 1st half-19th century. Two hollow-cut portraits of a young man and a woman. The woman is identified as “Sarah Lake Randall” on the backing board. Imperfections. In gilt frames, 6”h. 5”w, 5 1/4”h. 4 1/4”w. Together with a late print of a man’s silhouette in a frame, 7”h. 5”w. $100-$300
TWO SILHOUETTES. Probably American, 1st half-19th century. Full-length portraits. Cutout man in boots on laid paper, in a gilt frame. 10 7/8”h. 6 1/4”w. And a girl, in an oval frame, 9 1/2”h. 7 1/2”w. $200-$300
204 THREE SILHOUETTES. American, 2nd half-19th century. Full-length cutout of a young girl with later identification on the back “Alice Forbes 1841, After Edouart”, in a metal frame, 5 7/8”h. 4 1/4”w. Together with a facing pair of black stenciled portraits, probably husband and wife, in oval frames, 5 1/2”h. 4 1/4”w. $100-$300
206 - 209
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206 CHIPPENDALE-STYLE CHILD-SIZE CUPBOARD. Probably American, late 19th-early 20th century, mahogany and pine. Two-piece stepback wall cupboard with dovetailed upper case having a single door with divided panes of glass. Lower case with single drawer over two flat panel doors. 65”h. 25”w. 11”d. $1,000-$2,000
207 MINIATURE CHEST. American, 1825-1845, cherry and yellow pine. Child-size chest with four dovetailed drawers having incised beading, applied columns, and turned feet. Retains old red surface. 21”h. 16”w. 11 1/4”d. $250-$450
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208 PAIR OF BRASS CANDLESTICKS. American, late 19th century. Diamond pattern with push ups, 11 3/4”h. $50-$100
209 SIGNED LANTERN. French, 19th century. Polished brass lantern with glass onion globe and a tin font with whale oil burner. Marked on the font “PG Brevete” and on the base “Lanterne Marine”. 10 1/2”h. plus wire bale handle. $300-$500
210 SCRIMSHAW TOOTH. American, 19th century. Small tooth with black ink detailed with red. Floral scrolls and an anchor with “Come to Hope” and “A Present from JD Bill” above initials. 4”h. $400-$600
210 - 212
211 PATCHBOX. American, 2nd quarter-19th century. Round lidded box made from the famous elm tree at the site of William Penn’s treaty. Inside the box is an inked presentation noting the origin of the box and “Presented to John Keefe in the city of Washington Feb. 26, 1833”. Refinished, age splits. 7/8”h. 2 3/4”d. The elm tree fell in 1810. $500-$1,000
212 REDWARE JAR. Virginia, mid 19th century. Small jar with incised wavy lines and illegible name with “Va” and “1858”. Some damage. 4 3/4”h. $150-$300
213 SAMPLER. Probably Pennsylvania or New Jersey, 1826, silk on linen. Signed and dated by sixteen-year-old Rebecca Nixon. Alphabets and moral verse over large yellow house surrounded by birds, baskets, sets of initials and large floral motifs. Good colors. In a frame, 22”h. 22 1/2”w. The maker may be the Rebecca Nixon of Warren, New Jersey, whose parents were Frances F. Nixon (1769-1832) and Elizabeth Stewart (17691813). $600-$1,200
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214 - 220
BENCH TABLE. Pennsylvania, mid 19th century, pine. Threeboard top on a mortised base with cutout feet. Retains an older grey paint over an earlier red. Top has been cleaned of paint. Wear and some loss of height. 28”h. 60”w. 4 1/2”d. Ex Don and Janie Noyes, (Ohio). $1,500-$2,500
DECORATED BOX. Signed “D. Herr Lancaster” [Pennsylvania], dated 1841, pine. Dovetailed construction, molded lid and base, and retaining its original faux mahogany graining with “1841” on the front. Imperfections. 10 1/2”h. 15 3/4”w. 13”d. $300-$500
HORSE WINDMILL WEIGHT. Dempster Mill Manufacturing Company, Beatrice, Nebraska, 1st half-20th century, cast iron. Bobtail, with “58” on its side. On a modern stand, 17”h. $300-$500
215 WILLIAM & MARY BLANKET CHEST. American, 18th century, pine. Single board top with original staple hinges, beaded faux drawers over two drawers and applied base molding all with old red paint. Imperfections. 40 1/2”h. 39”w. 17”d. Ex Marge Stouffer (Ohio). $2,000-$4,000
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217 TWO PIECES OF STONEWARE. American, mid 19th century. Crock impressed “Harrington & Burger, Rochester” with a brushed cobalt flower and “2”. Double handles, 11 3/4”h., and a bottle impressed “A. Tyler”, lip damage, 9 3/4”h. $500-$800
219 MINIATURE BLANKET CHEST. American, mid 19th century, pine. Nailed construction, with scroll-cut skirt and retaining old brown paint. Imperfections. 8”h. 13 3/4”w. 8”d. $150-$250
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220 DECOY. Mason Decoy Factory, Detroit, 1st quarter-19th century. Life-size Brant decoy with original paint and glass eyes. Filled split, minor surface wear, 20 1/2”l. $3,000-$4,000
221 ONE-DRAWER STAND. American, possibly Shaker, early 19th century, cherry with mixed secondary woods including walnut and cherry. One-drawer stand with good overhang supported by delicate tapered legs. Applied bead on top edges. Turned peg knob. Red stain under old varnish. 27 1/2”h. 19 1/2”w. 19”d. This stand has a history of being Shaker and purchased with two other Shaker items in Vermont in the late 1980’s. $250-$500
222 PAIR OF DECOYS. Mason Factory, Michigan, early 20th century. Tack eye mallard hens with original paint. Minor wear including putty around necks, 16”l. $300-$400
223 TWO DECOYS. American, early 20th century, hardwood. Working decoys with associated imperfections, 11”, 13”l. $50-$100
221 - 223
224 APPLIQUED QUILT. Pennsylvania, mid 19th century, cotton. Princess Feather arranged in four large blocks on yellow ground. Handsewn and hand quilted. Yellow print backing. 90” x 90”. $600-$1,200
225 TINSEL PICTURE. American, late 19th century. Large image with floral and fruit wreath with parrots surrounding a medallion with a lakeside scene of a tower. A few flakes. In a frame, 19 1/2”h. 22 1/2”w. $900-$1,600
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226 BOX. American, late 19th-early 20th century, mahogany. Small lock box with applied lid and base molding and turned feet. 5”h. 11 1/2”w. $75-$125
227 EAGLE WEATHERVANE. American, early 20th century, copper. Full-bodied eagle with good verdigris patina. On base with period, if not original, arrow and directional. Imperfections, 54 1/2”h. overall on base. $400-$700
228 PAIR OF BAMBOO WINDSOR CHAIRS. American, early 19th century, mixed wood. “Birdcage” top and bamboo-turned spindles, legs and stretchers. Old refinish. 15 1/2”h. seat, 32 1/2”h. overall. $150-$250
228 - 231
CHILD’S HUTCH TABLE. American, 19th century, pine. Of typical form with an atypical tilting mechanism, and retaining an older red paint. Imperfections. 24”h. 28 1/4” square. $200-$400
FAN-BACK WINDSOR SIDE CHAIR. American, late 18th-early 19th century, mixed woods. Arched crest, seven spindles, and baluster-turned posts and legs. Retains an old, alligatored red paint over an earlier green. 17 1/2”h. seat, 37 1/2”h. overall. $500-$800
231 CHURN. American, 2nd half-19th century, pine. Table-top stave constructed churn with metal bands and wooden paddles. Green over blue/grey paint. Worn. 14”h. 13”d. $150-$300
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AMISH QUILT. Midwestern, early 20th century, chambray and sateen cotton. Evening Star pattern. Deep light blue border with narrow black inner border. Hand quilted in diamond and feathered wreaths. Backed in solid grey. 74” x 77”. $500-$1,000
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233 TINSEL PICTURE. American, late 19th century. Large with colorful floral and fruit wreath with parrots surrounding a central medallion with a lakeside scene of a castle tower. Flaking. In a frame, 22”h. 25 3/4”w. $800-$1,200
234 TURKEY WEATHERVANE. American, 20th century, copper. Full-bodied turkey with dark, mottled patina. 25”h. 65”h. overall with modern base and directionals. $400-$600
235 SIGNED BASEBALL AND PHOTOGRAPH. 1990s. Rawlings official American League baseball (Gene Budig, president) bearing signatures of Mickey Mantle and Joe DiMaggio (on the sweet spot). Together with a photograph of Joe DiMaggio bearing his signature, framed, 12 1/2”h. 14 1/2”w. Both are ex Mr. Baseball and Co. (California) and retain bills of sale. $400-$800 233
236 THREE HOOKED RUGS. American, early 20th century, wool on burlap. A red-coated figure on horseback, accompanied by a brown dog. Some imperfections. 22”h. 33”w., and a semicircular rug featuring a large moose. Imperfections. 24”h. 42”w. Together with an Indian-style rug, 43”h. 32”w. $150-$300
236A PAINTING OF A HOUSE (AMERICAN SCHOOL, EARLY 20TH CENTURY). Oil on artist board, initialed and dated “RB 1927” lower right. White house with autumn trees. 12”h. 16”w., in a period gilt frame, 16 1/2”h. 20 3/4”w. $100-$150
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238 - 241
BRIDE’S BOX. American or European, mid 19th century, bentwood. Oval with laced seams. Original painted decoration of tulips and a couple in colonial style dress on the lid. Imperfections. 7”h. 19”w. $600-$800
BENTWOOD PANTRY BOX. American, 2nd half-19th century, mixed wood. Oval with laced seams and iron tacks. Dark stain with an incised compass star on the lid. Wear. 2 1/4”h. 6 1/2”w. $100-$200
238 TWO BOXES. Oak box for a gold kit, probably English, with impressed hearts in the lid. Faint inked name and date appear to be “John Appleton, 177-”. 1 1/4”h. 5 7/8”w., and a quillwork calling card box of birchbark with floral designs, also likely English, 19th century. Stitch loss, 3 3/4”h. $150-$250
239 SILVER MATERNITY ITEM. Germany, late 19th century. Umbilical cord forceps in the form of a stork in a turtle. Inside is a figure of a baby. Marked “800”, 3 5/8”h. $300-$500
240 BENTWOOD CARRIER. Scandinavia, late 19th century, softwood. Oval with four laced fingers, carved lid and branded designs. Minor edge loss, 5 1/2”h. 8”w. $150-$300 64 | GARTH’S May 29, 2010
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242 BRIDE’S BOX. American or European, mid 19th century, bentwood. Oval with laced seams and original dark blue ground with floral design and a farmer sowing seeds on the lid. Branded heart with “ICE” on the bottom. Imperfections, 7 1/2”h. 18”w. $900-$1,100
243 ENGLISH SAMPLER. Martha Balls, Kidderminster, Worcestershire, 1841, silk on linen. Alphabets and a pious verse signed by eight-year-old Martha. In a frame, 15 1/2”h. 11 1/4”w. Martha was the oldest of four born to George Balls, a pub owner, and his wife Jane. $150-$250
244 SAMPLER AND NEEDLEWORK. Probably English, 1st half-19th century, silk on linen. Marking sampler with verse signed “A.H. Aged 12”. Bright colors. In a frame, 12”h., 9 1 /2”w., and needlepoint of birds and flowers signed “Amy Webster August 1889”. Good colors. Unframed, 12”h. 11”w. $175-$350
245 PEWTER SHELVES. American, late 18th-early 19th century, walnut. Six shelves, some with plate racks, one with spoon cutouts, with scroll-cut ends. Imperfections. 65”h. 64”w. 16 1/4”d. $300-$600
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246 BRIDE’S BOX. European, 2nd half-19th century, bentwood. Oval with laced seams and original blue ground with floral bands and a dog chasing a stag on the lid. Branded heart and “IME” on the bottom. Imperfections. 8 1/2”h. 19”w. $800-$1,200
247 TWO TINSEL PICTURES. American, late 19th century. Large floral wreaths. One has good detail and color with central moss rose, in a frame, 26”h. 21”w. The other is flaking. In a painted frame, 22 1/2”h. 26 1/2”w. $350-$650
MINIATURE TWO-DRAWER STAND. American, 2nd quarter-19th century, cherry, curly maple, figured veneer and poplar. Child-size two-drawer stand with curly maple drawer fronts and cherry cockbeading. Good color. 14 1/2”h. 10”w. 9 1/2”d. $250-$500
249 MINIATURE BLOCK FRONT CHEST. American, 2nd half-20th century, curly maple. Handmade in well-figured maple. Molded conforming top over four drawers on ogee feet. 25”h. 26”w. 12 1/2”d. $800-$1,200
250 MINIATURE ONE-DRAWER STAND. American, 2nd quarter-19th century, walnut. Child size, top overhangs overlapping drawer supported by turned legs. 15”h. 12”w. 12 1/4”d. $200-$400 247
251 STONEWARE CROCK. American, 2nd half-19th century. Impressed “Whites, Utica 2” with a finely detailed cobalt bird. Double handles, 10 1/2”h. $100-$250
252 STONEWARE JUG. American, 2nd half-19th century. Brushed cobalt bird and impressed “Fort Edward Pottery Co.” Applied strap handle, 11 3/4”h. $150-$250
253 STONEWARE CROCK. American, 2nd half-19th century. Simple linear cobalt bird with incised “Hart Bros., Fulton, NY 2”. Double handles, 8 3/4”h. $100-$300 66 | GARTH’S May 29, 2010
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254 STONEWARE BATTER JUG. American, 2nd half-19th century. Bright cobalt brushed bird under the spout and impressed “4”. Wire bale handle, no lids. Minor spaling, 9”h. $350-$650
255 SQUIRREL WINDMILL WEIGHT. Made by the Elgin Wind Power and Pump Co., Elgin, Illinois, early 20th century, cast iron. Seated squirrel on a short base, 17 1/4”h. $800-$1,600
256 BUFFALO WINDMILL WEIGHT. American, early 20th century, cast iron. Standing buffalo marked “A56”, 12 1/2”h. with modern wooden base. $400-$700
257 SHERATON DESK. Attributed to Virginia, early 19th century, walnut and pine. Slant lid with diamond inlay keyhole and applied beaded edging on lid and desk top. Long single drawer. All supported on reeded legs. 37”h. 32 3/4”w. 18 1/2”d. $350-$700
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GRANGE HALL THEATER CURTAIN. New York, late 19th-early 20th century, hand painted canvas. Large curtain or backdrop made in sections and labeled “Nelson Grange No. 1271 —-, Buffalo, New York”. A pastoral scene in the center is surrounded by fourteen advertisements from Cazenovia, New York. Some imperfections. 144”h. 208”w. Included is a modern ten-section curved frame made to display the piece. Each section is 72”h. 39 1/2”w. $1,000-$2,000
COUNTER TOP CIGAR STORE INDIAN. American, mid 20th century, softwood. Carved fulllength figure of an American Indian wearing a feathered headdress. Thick paint under a layer of alligatored varnish. The wooden base has a paper label for “Havana Conchas” cigars. 33”h. overall. $200-$300
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260 CAROUSEL HORSE. Attributed to Herschell-Spillman Company, North Tonawanda, New York, early 20th century. Dapple grey stargazer with carved saddle, horsehair tail and glass eyes. Imperfections. 58”h. overall on base. $800-$1,200
261 THEATRICAL BACKDROP. American, mid 20th century, oil on canvas. High wheeler bicycle ridden by Abraham Lincoln dressed similarly to Uncle Sam. Cut down from a larger piece and mounted on a modern stretcher. Imperfections. 58 1/2”h. 53”w. $200-$400
WHIRLIGIG. New Hampshire, early 20th century, tin and wood. Multiple figure piece featuring scenes from a tailor shop with worn original paint. Some loose pieces, 25”h. 49”l. Purchased in the 1980s from Worthington Well (Maine). $600-$1,200
ROCKING HORSE. American, early 20th century, hardwood. Carved horse with original tack and white paint with dry surface. Imperfections. 30”h. 33”l. $300-$500
PORTRAIT OF A BOY (AMERICAN SCHOOL, EARLY 20TH CENTURY). Oil on pressboard, unsigned. Young boy with his dog celebrating the Fourth of July with flags and firecrackers. 14”h. 12”w., in a frame, 16 1/4”h. 14 1/2”w. $650-$850
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265 NOVELTY BARREL CLOCK. Massachusetts, late 19th century. Oak barrel with a paper dial marked for Jerome & Co. with “Compliments of L. Franc & Co.”, a Toledo, Ohio, distillery. 1885 patent date stamped on the underside. On top of the clock is an oil lamp with amethyst globe for lighting cigars. Minor wear, globe has small hole. 11”h. $400-$600
266 TOY COW CREAMER. Possibly American, late 19th-early 20th century, leather, wood and tin. Carved body tightly covered with kid-like leather on metal wheels. Small lidded compartment in hindquarters can be filled with cream which would flow out the two tin udders. 6 1/2”h. $150-$300
SHOREBIRD FIGURE. American, 20th century, tin. Cutout silhouette with threedimensional wings. Original paint, 9 1/2”h. overall with base. $100-$200
265 - 267
THREE TINSEL PICTURES. American, late 19th century. Two floral bouquets and a vase of flowers with good detail including lilies. Varying paint flaking. In frames, 16”h. 13”w., 16 3/4”h. 12 1/2”w., and 10 1/2”h. 13 3/4”w. $150-$300
DROP LEAF TABLE. American, mid 19th century, curly maple and pine. One-board top and leaves, drawers at either end, and resting on six turned legs. Refinished. 30”h. 18”w. (closed) 51”w. (open) 36”l. $200-$400
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270 FOLKSY FEDERAL CANDLESTAND. Probably Massachusetts, 1800-1820, maple and curly maple. Square top over a baluster-turned standard and resting on scroll-cut legs. Retains traces of its original finish. 26 1/2”h. 16 1/2”w. 16 1/2”d. The legs resemble those of some of the candlestands made by Nathan Lombard of Worcester County, Massachusetts. See Jobe and Pearce, “Sophistication in Rural Massachusetts: The Inlaid Furniture of Nathan Lombard,” in Beckerdite (ed.), American Furniture, 1998, pp. 188-189. $1,500-$2,500
271 CAST IRON EAGLE. American, late 19th-early 20th century. Architectural spread winged eagle. Brown repaint. Mounted on a wooden board, 11”h. 30 1/2”w. $250-$500
272 PEWTER PORRINGER. New England, 1st half-19th century. Handle with pierced hearts used by both Lee and Gleason. Splits in handle, 4 1/2”d. $150-$300
269 - 271
PEWTER PITCHER. Marked for Roswell Gleason, Dorchester, Massachusetts, ca.1822-1871. J# 148. Good form with old polished surface. 9 1/2”h. $700-$900
DIMINUTIVE PEWTER PORRINGER. New England, 1st half-19th century. Heart pierced handle used by both Lee and Gleason. Small dents, 3 1/2”d. $200-$300
TWO DECORATED BOXES. American, 19th century. A basswood box of nailed construction, with original snipe hinges and original faux graining, 8”h. 18 1/2”w. 9”d., and a pine box of dovetail construction, with original hardware and original faux graining, 6”h. 14”w. 7 1/4”d. $200-$400
TWO STONEWARE JARS. American, 2nd half-19th century. Canning jars with cobalt stenciled labels “Williams & Reppert, Greensboro, PA”. Minor edge flakes, 9 3/4”, 10”h. $100-$150
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277 - 279
HORSE WINDMILL WEIGHT. Made by Dempster Mill Manufacturing Co., Beatrice, Nebraska, early 20th century, cast iron. Bobtailed horse with old black paint. Marked “37J” on the base, 17”h. overall. $400-$600
LANDSCAPE WITH TRAIN AND HOUSE (AMERICAN, 2ND HALF-19TH CENTURY). Pencil on paper, unsigned. Naive depiction of an impressive house with cupola and fanciful front entrance and surrounding landscaping. In the foreground is a steam locomotive approaching a trestle. Imperfections. 19”h. 23”w., in a frame with gilt liner, 23“h. 27”w. $250-$450
278 CAST IRON ADVERTISING SIGN. American, late 19th century. Full-bodied eagle on a globe marked “JI Case Threshing Machine Co., Racine, Wis. USA”. 19”h. with modern wooden base. $400-$600
279 HORSE WINDMILL WEIGHT. Made by Dempster Mill Manufacturing Co., Beatrice, Nebraska, early 20th century, cast iron. Long-tailed horse with white repaint. 16 1/4”h. plus wooden base. $400-$800
281 INLAID FEDERAL TALL CASE CLOCK. American, early 19th century, cherry and pine. Arched pediment, rope-turned columns on the hood, fluted quarter columns on the waist, and an inlaid oval on the base. The brass movement with a floral-painted dial. Imperfections. 91”h. $800-$1,200
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THREE TINSEL PICTURES. American, late 19th century. Bright floral bouquet, two birds in vining branches and a nicely detailed basket of fruit. Imperfections. In frames, 12 1/4”h. 16 1/4”w., 15 1/4”h.18”w., and 17 1/2”h. 14 1/2”w. $150-$350
TWO LANDSCAPES (AMERICAN SCHOOL, 20TH CENTURY). Romanticized frontier scene, oil on canvas, unsigned. Rebacked on plywood, 12”h. 18”w., in a frame, 16 1/4”h. 20 1/4”w., and an oil on artist board lake scene with people in a canoe. Signed “EA Bevan ‘13”, 18 1/2”h. 24 1/2”w., in a frame, 21 1/2”h. 27 1/2”w. $100-$200
283 IMAGE OF A FARM BY “JN DICKEY” (AMERICAN, LATE 19TH CENTURY). Pencil on blue lined paper, signed and dated “Aug. 20, 1882” lower right in banner. Pictorial record of a farmhouse and yard with buildings. Penciled “New Hudson” on the backing paper, probably for New Hudson, New York. Small tears, glued to backing paper. 7 7/8”h. 12”w., in a mat and frame, 14 5/8”h. 18 1/4”w. $100-$200
285 TWO ITEMS. Make-do fat lamp, 19th century, tin. Lamp soldered to tin plate with ABC rim. 5 1/2”h. And a red, white and blue yarn ball. $100-$200
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GREEN FIELD 1944 BY HELEN FARR SLOAN (NEW YORK, B. 1911). Oil on artist board, signed lower right, titled and dated on back. Landscape with mountains in the background outside Santa Fe, New Mexico. 14”h. 16”w., in a gilt frame, 22 1/4”h. 24 1/4”w. $600-$900
287 DIMINUTIVE CHIPPENDALE CORNER CUPBOARD. American, 1790-1810, pine. Two-piece with double-panel doors and resting on ogee bracket feet, interior with buff-colored paint. Imperfections. 75 1/2”h. 34”w. 21”d., requires a 24” corner. $800-$1,200
288 PASTORAL SCENE BY FRANCES FARRAND DODGE (MICHIGAN, 1878-1969). Oil on artist board, signed lower right. Grazing cow near a rocky stream. 20”h. 15 3/4”w., in a frame, 25”h. 21”w. $300-$500 288 287 74 | GARTH’S May 29, 2010
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LANDSCAPE (AMERICAN SCHOOL, MID 19TH CENTURY). Oil on canvas, unsigned. Impressively large tree at sunset. Preparer’s label “Goupil & Co., New York”. 10”h. 12”w., in a frame, 12 1/2”h. 14 1/2”w. $400-$600
TWO LANDSCAPE PAINTINGS. American scene of a wooded lake. Oil on canvas, signed “EG Higgins 1924” lower right. Small hole. 13”h. 17”w., in a frame, 14 1/4”h. 18 1/4”w. And a painting of a field with trees signed “Ward Atkinson” lower left. 8”h. 10”w., in a frame, 12 1/2”h. 14 1/2”w. $200-$300
TWO IMAGES OF NATIVE AMERICANS. American, 20th century. Watercolor on paper of two Plains Indians on horseback, signed “Tutwiler”. In a frame, 17 1/4”h. 23 3/4”w. And a pen and ink drawing portrait initialed and dated “JF ‘68”, in a frame, 15 1/2”h. 11 3/4”w. $150-$350
292 PATRIOTIC STILL LIFE BY CHARLOTTE MORGAN (CALIFORNIA, 1867-1947). Oil on canvas, signed lower right. American flag and dress uniform. Rebacked. 30”h. 40”w., in a gilt frame, 37 3/4”h. 47 3/4”h. $1,000-$1,500
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293 RARE WINCHESTER CARTRIDGE BOARD. Model 1890, “Single W” sign with “Winchester Repeating Arms Co.”, three vignettes and actual cartridges on the front, and original label on verso. Appears to be in untouched original condition and in its original oak frame. 38”h. 51”w. Originally from Saurer’s Hardware, Barberton, Ohio. Ex Charles and Nellie Momchilov, (Ohio). The “Single W” or “Big W” was the first of the W-patterned cartridge boards produced by Winchester, and it includes the rare 70-150 cartridge at the central peak of the W. $10,000-$20,000
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POWDER HORN. American, mid 18th century. Incised geometric designs with a rudimentary face and date “1763”. Tip is carved with a heart in relief. Wooden plug has some loss near drilled holes for carrying cord. Lightly cleaned, 10 1/2”l. $800-$1,000
MINIATURE HORSE WITH SADDLE. American, late 19th century. Hide covering over a carved wooden frame with hair mane and tail. Leather western tack including saddle. Hide has faded from bay to roan. 22 1/2”h. $600-$800
FORT MACKENZIE AFTER KARL BODMER (SWISS, 1809-1893). Hand colored aquatint on paper. American Indian battle. Early 20th century edition with the 1842 publishing date by Ackermann, London. In a mat and gilt frame, 26 14”h. 31”w. $600-$800
WEAVING. Navajo, 20th century, wool. Stepped designs on a natural ground with black border, 48 1/2” x 64”. $350-$550 296
SCALP DANCE OF THE MINATARRES AFTER KARL BODMER (SWISS, 1809-1893). Hand colored aquatint on paper. American Indian battle. Early 20th century edition with the 1839 publishing date by Ackermann, London. In a mat and gilt frame, 26”h. 31”w. $600-$900
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WEAVING. Navajo, 20th century, wool. Stepped diamond design on grey ground with black and brown borders. Edges rebound, 33” x 52”. $200-$400
AMERICAN INDIAN POT. Twentieth century, blackware. Large storage jar with polished surface and bottle bottom. Smudge marks, 10 1/2”h. 11”d. $200-$400
FIVE PIECES OF AMERICAN INDIAN POTTERY. Twentieth century, blackware. The largest bowl is signed “Anna” for Maxmilliana Martinez Montoya, sister to Maria Martinez. Some surface wear, 3 1/2”h.5 3/4”d. Another bowl is signed “Barbara Martinez, Santa Clara Pueblo”, 2 1/2”h. 4 1/2”d. Together with a creamer and sugar with illegible signatures, 2 1/2”h.,. and a miniature bowl signed “Monica Naranjo, SC”, 1”h. $300-$500
301 AMERICAN INDIAN BASKET. Twentieth century. Tightly woven Pima basket with geometric designs. Imperfections, 3 1/2”h. 6 1/2”d. $150-$300
302 TWO AMERICAN INDIAN BASKETS. Twentieth century. Pima with geometric designs. Some stitch loss. 3 1/2”h. 6 1/2”d. and 3 1/8”h. 7”d. $200-$300 299 - 303
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TWO AMERICAN INDIAN BASKETS. Twentieth century. Pima and Papago with geometric designs. Imperfections, 2 1/4”h. 3 3/4”d. and 2”h. 4”d. $150-$350
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AMERICAN INDIAN STORAGE JAR. Twentieth century. Hopi with geometric designs on tan glaze ground. Surface wear, 10”h. 11”d. $300-$500
FIVE PIECES OF POTTERY. Most are American Indian, 20th century. Long-necked jar with leaf designs, 11”h.; small basket shaped bowl, 3”h.; small red glazed vase, 3 1/8”h., and a Hopi bowl, 2”h. 4”d. Together with a geometric decorated bowl, 2 1/4”h. Imperfections. $200-$300
306 BEADED BELT. Probably American Indian, 20th century. Loom beaded belt with geometric and floral designs including some white heart red beads on white ground. Backed with checkered fabric, 1 3/4”w. 39”l. $100-$300
309 THREE FIGURAL PIPE BOWLS. Attributed to American Indians, 20th century, pottery. Similar forms of buff colored clay with different animal decorations. Buffalo, owl and turtle, approximately 4”h. 5”l. $150-$350
TWO AMERICAN INDIAN POTS. Twentieth century. Hopi bowl with geometric designs signed “Nellie Nampeyo”. Minor surface wear, 2 3/8”h. 4 5/8”d. And a San Juan incised jar with illegible signature on the bottom, 5 1/2”h. 6”d. $300-$500
304 - 309
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SET OF FOUR AMERICAN FIELD SPORTS BY CURRIER & IVES. Handcolored lithograph on paper. Large folio hunting scenes. C# 148 A Chance for Both Barrels, 21 5/8”h. 30”w.; C# 149 Flush’d, 22 1/4”h. 29 7/8”w.; C# 150 On a Point, 22 3/8”h. 30”w., and C# 151 Retrieving, 21 3/4”h. 28 5/8”w. Imperfections. In matching burl veneer frames, 30 1/2’h. 37 1/2”w. $15,000-$20,000
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CAMPING OUT BY N. CURRIER. Handcolored lithograph on paper. Large folio, C# 777. Men relaxing after hunting and fishing. Good color. Imperfections. Unframed, 23 7/8”h. 31 7/8”w. $2,000-$3,000
CAMPING IN THE WOODS BY CURRIER & IVES. Handcolored lithograph on paper. Large folio, C# 774. Four men with their catch of fish. Good color. Imperfections. Unframed. 22”h. 30”w. $2,000-$2,500
AMERICAN COUNTRY LIFE, MAY MORNING BY N. CURRIER. Handcolored lithograph on paper. Large folio, C# 121. Family house and surrounding countryside. Good colors. Imperfections, 20 7/8”h. 27”w. $1,500-$2,500
WOODLANDS IN WINTER BY CURRIER & IVES. Handcolored lithograph on paper. Small folio, C# 6779. Two children fending off wolves. Minor imperfections. Unframed, 10 7/8”h. 14 7/8”w. $800-$900
THE GREAT MISSISSIPPI STEAMBOAT RACE BY CURRIER & IVES. Handcolored lithograph on paper. Small folio, C# 2630. Moonlit race between the steamboats Robt. E. Lee and Natchez. One of the New Best 50. Imperfections. Unframed, 12”h. 14”w. $500-$700
VOLUNTEER BY CURRIER & IVES. Chromolithograph on paper. Large folio, C# 6481. Sailing yacht at sea. In a rope turned frame, 27”h. 34 7/8”w. $2,500-$3,000
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SHIP PORTRAIT OCEANUS BY WILLIAM P. STUBBS (AMERICAN, 1842-1909). Oil on canvas, signed lower left. Sailing ship at sea off the coast with a lighthouse in the background. Professional restoration. 24”h. 36”w., in a frame, 28”h. 40”w. $3,000-$5,000
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HANGING ANGLE LAMP. American, ca.1880. Brass with floral repousse design and frosted shades with milk glass chimneys. Marked “The Angle Lamp Co., NY”. Polished and electrified. 15 1/2”h. plus chain. $300-$500
STUDENT LAMP. American, ca.1870. Brass single lamp with acorn font and an etched ruby shade. The wick advance is marked “EM Duplex”. Polished and electrified. 22 1/2”h. $300-$600
INLAID FEDERAL-STYLE SIDEBOARD. American, 20th century, mahogany. Three central drawers flanked by doors, all resting on tapered legs. Retains its original finish. Imperfections. 41 1/2”h. 60”w. 22 1/4”d. $500-$800
DOUBLE STUDENT LAMP. American, ca.1880. Rare small size. Brass with milk glass shades, fonts marked “The Miller Lamp, Made in USA”. Polished and electrified, 20 1/2”h. $400-$600
STUDENT LAMP. American, ca.1880. Brass with cased green over white shade. Peacock blue glass filler bottle marked “Perfection Student Lamp, Nov. 22, ‘81”. Polished and electrified, 23 1/2”h. $250-$500
323 SAILING SHIP (PROBABLY EUROPEAN SCHOOL, LATE 19TH-EARLY 20TH CENTURY). Oil on canvas, unsigned. British sailing ship with steam funnel. Restoration. 12 1/2’h. 18”w, in a painted frame, 17 1/2”h. 22 3/4”w. $150-$300
319 - 322
AGNES SAILING SHIP BY TOMASSI (AMERICAN, 20TH CENTURY). Oil on wooden door panel, signed lower left. Nineteenth century pine door panel with a mid 20th century painted image of a ship. The outer door panel is painted to resemble a frame. Enhanced wear. 14 1/2”h. 17 1/2”w. $200-$400 | 83
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325 THREE TINSEL PICTURES. American, late 19th century. Urns of flowers. One with fruit also has good color. In frames, 15”h. 11”w., 11 1/2”h. 9 1/4”w., 10 3/4”h. 8 3/4”w. $200-$300
326 TWO TINSEL PICTURES. American, late 19th century. Floral bouquet in a frame, 13”h. 10”w., and woven basket of flowers, in a frame, 13 1/2”h. 10 1/4”w. Some flaking. $100-$200
327 TWO BANISTER-BACK CHAIRS. New England, 18th century, mixed woods. Side chairs with old black paint, 17 1/2”h. seat, 42”h. overall. $200-$400
328 PAINTED DRYING OR QUILT RACK. American, 19th century, poplar and pine. Retains old salmon paint. 47 1/2”h. 48”w. Sold at Garth’s, August 2007, lot 304. $200-$300 327 - 331 84 | GARTH’S May 29, 2010
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329 HOOKED RUNNER. American, 1st half-20th century, wool on burlap. Finely worked autumn leaves and fern fronds on dark ground. Bright colors. 30” x 60”. $175-$300
330 TWO HOOKED RUGS. American, 1st half-20th century, wool on burlap. One with large single rose center with sawtooth border. Bright colors. 28” x 38”. And a geometric pattern rug, bright colors, 30” x 39”. $200-$400
331 FOLK ART LOON CARVING. American, 20th century, hardwood. Life-size carving with original paint and red glass eyes. Leather tab and metal plate on the underside. Impressed on the bottom “F&S”. 15 1/2”h. 26”l. $100-$300
332 HARVEST SCENE WITH OX CART BY CLIFF STARK (AMERICAN, 20TH CENTURY). Oil on canvas, signed lower right. Autumn scene with father and son harvesting pumpkins near a road. 24 1/4”h. 34 1/4”w., in a gilt frame, 31 1/2”h. 42”w. $350-$450
333 TWO PAINTINGS (AMERICAN, MID 20TH CENTURY). Oil on artist board of two-horse sleigh in deep snow. In a frame,18”h. 24 1/2”w. And an oil on cardboard of a farmyard with feeding chickens and a sheep, framed, 9 1/4”h., 19”w. $125-$200
334 UNION DECORATED SIDE CHAIRS. Probably Pennsylvania, 1860-1870, mixed woods. Set of four balloon-back chairs with vasiform splats decorated with stenciled eagle above the word “Union”. The remainder of the splat has an ivy vine and multicolor fruit design as well as fruit and striping on rest of chair. 17 1/2”h. seat, 33 1/2”h. overall. Penciled on bottom of one of chairs “Monr[o] Birch, Paris.” There is a Paris, Washington County, Pennsylvania. $300-$600
335 TWO ITEMS. Ladle, probably American, 1st half-19th century, coin silver. 8”l. And a pair of brass eagle curtain hooks. 3”h. $100-$200
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THE LIFE OF A FIREMAN BY CURRIER & IVES. Handcolored lithograph on paper. Large folio, C# 3517. Busy night scene with commercial buildings on fire. Professional restoration. Unframed. 19 7/8”h. 27 7/8”w. $2,500-$3,500
THE KING OF THE ROAD BY CURRIER & IVES. Handcolored lithograph on paper. Large folio, C# 3336. Racing print of Dexter driven by his owner. Some professional restoration. Unframed, 22”h. 30”w. $1,000-$1,500
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THE CELEBRATED STALLIONS GEORGE WILKES, AND COMMODORE VANDERBILT BY CURRIER & IVES. Handcolored lithograph on paper. Large folio, C# 897. Racing print with two harness horses. Imperfections. In a mahogany veneer frame, 26 3/4”h. 33”w. $600-$900
MIDNIGHT RACE ON THE MISSISSIPPI BY CURRIER & IVES. Handcolored lithograph on paper. Small folio, C# 4117. Race between the steamboats Memphis and James Howard. One of the New Best 50. Imperfections. Unframed, 11”h. 14”w. $500-$700 341
THE TROTTING GELDING FRANK... BY CURRIER & IVES. Chromolithograph on paper. Large folio, C# 6174. Racing print with double harness team. Imperfections. Unframed, 25”h. 33 1/2”w. $400-$600
A HOME IN THE COUNTRY BY CURRIER & IVES. Handcolored lithograph on paper. Medium folio, C# 2860. Women out for a stroll in front of a grand house. Imperfections. Unframed, 14 3/8”h. 18 1/2”w. $300-$400
342 342
DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE BY N. CURRIER. Handcolored lithograph on paper. Small folio, C# 1532. Founding Fathers with minimal coloration. Imperfections. Unframed, 10 1/2”h. 17”w. $100-$300 | 87
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343 BRIDE’S BOX. American or European, mid 19th century, bentwood. Oval with laced seams and original floral decoration on ivory ground. The lid has a decoupage engraving of a classical couple in boat. Imperfections. 6”h. 18”w. $400-$600
344 BRIDE’S BOX. American or European, mid 19th century, bentwood. Oval with laced seams and original blue/green ground with polychrome tulips and roses. Lid has split, 7 1/2”h. 16 1/2”w. $400-$600
345 BRIDE’S BOX. American or European, mid 19th century, bentwood. Oval with laced seams and original floral designs on bittersweet ground. Lid has split and stitch missing on base, 6 1/2”h. 17”w. $400-$600 343 - 345
346 APPLIQUE QUILT. American, mid 19th century, cotton. Intricately pieced and appliquéd blocks with two border designs, one similar to centerfield and the other has isolated folksy motifs including birds and hearts. Handsewn and hand quilted. Some imperfections. 84” x 99 1/2”. $250-$500
SLANT-FRONT DESK. American, 1825-1840, cherry, pine and poplar. Dovetailed case, molded edge lid, fitted interior with valanced top drawers and applied rope turned half columns. Retains old finish and rich color. On casters, 49”h. 39”w. 21”d. $1,000-$2,000 347
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MINIATURE BLANKET CHEST American, 1st half-19th century, pine. Dovetailed case and single dovetailed drawer, turned feet. Original grain painted decoration has alligatored. Interior has fitted lift-out tray. Imperfections. 9 3/4”h. 18 3/4”w. 10 1/2”d. $200-$300
TWO STONEWARE JARS. American, 2nd half-19th century. Both have cobalt stenciled labels for “Hamilton & Jones, Greensboro. Pa.”, 8 1/2”, 10”h. $100-$150
350 TWO DIMINUTIVE PORRINGERS. American, 1st half-19th century. Both have similar “Old English” handles found in New York and New England. One handle has a color difference. 3 1/4”d. $200-$400
351 PEWTER COFFEE POT. Marked for Josiah Danforth, Middletown, Connecticut, ca.1825-1837 with “No. 15”. J# 100. Lid has wooden wafer, handle has holes. 10 1/4”h. $300-$500
348 - 352
352 DIMINUTIVE PEWTER PORRINGER. New England, 1st half-19th century. Heart pierced handle used by both Lee and Gleason. Small dents, 3 1/4”d. $200-$300
353 TOWNSCAPE BY RHODA L. PEARCE (AMERICAN, LATE 19TH CENTURY). Oil on tin with a japanned background, signed lower right. Detailed scene of Dollar Bay on the shores of Portage Lake in Houghton County, Michigan. In the foreground behind felled trees is a Hancock and Calumet steam engine. Buildings in the background include the Tamarack-Osceola Copper Mfg. Company and the Lake Superior Smelting Company. 10 1/4”h. 21 1/4”w., in a frame, 14”h. 25 1/2”w. $950-$1,250
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355 THREE BASKETS. American, early 20th century, woven splint. Two buttocks baskets and a square bottomed gathering basket, all with bentwood handles. 9”h. 14 1/2”w., 5 1/2”h. 10”w., and 7”h. 11” x 11”. Measurements do not include handles. $150-$300
356 MINIATURE CUPBOARD American, mid 19th century, walnut and southern pine. Child-size cabinet, two drawers with applied molding and tiny pressed glass knobs over two door cabinet on scalloped bracket base. Working locks with key. Retains grungy old surface. 21 1/2”h. 16 1/2”w. 10 1/2”d. $250-$500
354 HOMESTEAD BY JOHN HILL MILLSPAUGH (NEW YORK, 1822-1894). Oil on canvas, signed and dated 187- lower right. Farm homestead with outbuildings in a wooded area. New York preparer’s label on the stretcher. Minor inpainting. 12”h. 18”w., in a frame, 15 3/4”h. 21 3/4”w. $1,000-$1,200
MINIATURE CHEST. American, 1820-1840, cherry, walnut and poplar. Child-size, threedrawer chest having graduated dovetailed drawers with incised beading, paneled sides and turned feet. 20”h. 17”w. 9 1/2”d. $225-$450
358 STONEWARE JUG. American, 2nd half-19th century. Brushed cobalt flower with impressed label “E.A. Buck & Co...Boston, 3”. Applied strap handle. Lip flakes, 16 1/2”h. $200-$400
359 STONEWARE JUG. American, 2nd half-19th century. Impressed “2” with bold brushed cobalt design of foliate wreath and central torch or cornucopia. Applied strap handle, 13”h. $200-$300 355 - 361
360 STONEWARE JUG. American, 2nd half-19th century. Brushed foliage wreath in deep cobalt with impressed label “Cowden & Wilcox, Harrisburg, Pa. 2”. Applied strap handle, 12”h. $350-$550
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361 STONEWARE CROCK. American, 2nd half-19th century. Impressed “4” with a brushed cobalt pecking chicken. Double handles. Rim flakes and in-the-making hairline, 11 1/4”h. $200-$400
362 THREE TINSEL PICTURES. American, late 19th century. Two urns of flowers, one bright blue, the other with yellow daisies. Together with a third depicting floral bouquet. Some paint flaking. In frames, 13 1/4’h. 11 1/2”w., 18 3/4”h. 15 1/2”w., and 20”h. 15 1/4”w. $150-$300
363 TWO PICTURES. American, late 19th century. Tinsel picture of a bouquet of roses in a frame, 16”h. 12 1/2”w., and a reverse glass painting of a vase of flowers. Cracked. In a frame, 18”h. 14 3/4”w. $100-$250
364 SHERATON DROP-LEAF TABLE. American, mid 19th century, walnut and poplar. Six-legged table with single board top and leaves, and turned legs. 26 3/4”h. 21”w. (closed) 61 1/2”w. (open) 44”l. $200-$400
365 FAN-BACK WINDSOR SIDE CHAIR. American, late 18th-early 19th century, mixed woods. Seven spindles and baluster-turned posts and legs. Refinished. 16 3/4”h. seat, 31”h. overall. $200-$400
366 FEDERAL TILT-TOP CANDLESTAND. American, early 19th century, mahogany. Shaped top, birdcage, and urn pillar, resting on a tripod base. Refinished. 30”h. 18 1/2”w. 19”d. $200-$400
364 - 367
DOLL CRADLE. American, 19th century, poplar. Dovetailed and retaining an old brown wash. 20”l. Ex Kyle and Doris Fuller (Ohio). $100-$200
TWO BASKETS. American, early 20th century, woven splint. Round gathering and buttocks with traces of white paint. Both have bentwood handles. 3” and 3 1/2”h. not including handles. $100-$200 | 91
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369 - 371 372
369 PAIR OF PAPERWEIGHT INKWELLS. Attributed to Stourbridge, England, 2nd half-19th century. Millefiori canes in the base and stoppers. Stoppers have edge chips, 5”h. $150-$300
370 CUT GLASS COMPOTE. Attributed to Bakewell, Pittsburgh, mid 19th century. Flint glass with cut bowl and foot. Minor edge flakes, 7 3/4”h. 9”d. $150-$350
371 PAPERWEIGHT. Probably European, late 19th century. Faceted ball with polychrome and extended bubble interior on a baluster shaped stem and round foot. 6 3/4”h. $100-$200
372 PASTEL LANDSCAPE (FRANCE, MID 19TH CENTURY). Pastel on paper. Mountain lake in the spring time. Stamped “Honorable Mention” label from the 1855 “Exposition Universalle...Paris” on the reverse. Taped to the underside of the mat. In a mat and frame, 24”h. 32”w. $200-$400 92 | GARTH’S May 29, 2010
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373 SHERATON DROP LEAF TABLE. American, 1815-1825, curly maple and poplar. Shaped top and finely turned legs. Retains an older finish with good color. 29”h. 20 3/4”w. (closed) 42”w. (open) 36”l. Ex Kemble’s Antiques (Ohio). $1,200-$2,400
374 CUTLERY TRAY. American, 19th century, curly and bird’s-eye maple and walnut. Nailed construction with two compartments and a crescent moon handle. Older finish. 12”l. $200-$400
375 DECORATED HANGING WALL BOX. Probably Pennsylvania, 3rd quarter-19th century, poplar and pine. Two tiered drawers and an arched crest. Retains its original brown paint with decoupage flowers. Losses. 11 1/2”h. The use of a brown ground and decoupage is similar to the work of Joseph Lehn of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. $250-$450
376 PAIR OF FEDERAL ANDIRONS. Marked for Edward Smylie, New York, ca.1830, brass and iron. Seamed construction. 22”h. $400-$800
STUDY OF A RIVERBOAT (AMERICAN SCHOOL, MID 20TH CENTURY). Acrylic on artist board, unsigned. Sketch of men standing at a riverboat with roughed in color. 30”h. 22”w., in a gilt frame, 40 3/4”h. 32 1/2”w. $200-$400
378 SAMPLER. Signed E.D. Bilbrough, probably American,1830, silk on linen. Marking sampler neatly worked by a five-year-old. Framed. 11”h. 81 /2”w. $150-$300
379 TWO SAMPLERS. Probably American,1841, wool on canvas. Signed “Ev Keck”. Rows of fancy alphabets in bright colors. In a frame, 11 1/4”h. 17”w. Together with an American or English example, early 19th century, silk on linen. Signed Margaret Hudson. In a frame, 17 1/4”h. 11 1/2”w. $175-$350
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380 ORIENTAL RUG. Late 19th century, Eagle Karaba. Repeating medallions on a red ground with a main border of alternating rosettes in blues and reds on an ivory ground and two guard borders. Slight Imperfections. 8’ x 5’. $2,000-$4,000
381 ORIENTAL RUNNER. Late 19th -early 20th century, Khamesh. Repeating geometric stepped medallions in cream and rust on a dark blue field that is filled with bird, peacock and geometric motifs. Slight imperfections. 13’4” x 3’3”. $1,000-$1,500
382 ORIENTAL RUG. 20th century, Persian Afshar. Lattice design on a salmon field with geometric panels filled with flower motifs, and three Herati design borders. Slight imperfections. 6’7” x 5’1”. $800-$1,200
383 ORIENTAL RUG. Late 19th-early 20th century, Shirvan. Blue central field has three geometric medallions in an eye dazzler design with peacock, bird, and crab motifs in the rest of the field. Imperfections. 5’1” x 3’6”. $600-$800 381
384 ORIENTAL RUG. Early 20th century, Kuba. Dark blue field with repeating medallions in rust, light blue, and green. Five borders, two in ivory with stylized herati patterns. 6’11” x 3’11”. $600-$800
385 ORIENTAL RUG First half-20th century, Caucasian Karabaugh. Three repeating medallions on a dark blue field filled with birds, humans and trees with a stylized herati pattern in the main border. Slight Imperfections. 5’4” x 3’8”. $300-$500
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ORIENTAL RUG. Late 19th-early 20th century, Afshar. Lattice design in blues, orange, tan and ivory with a main border in a Herati pattern. Imperfections. 5’8” x 3’8”. $250-$500
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ORIENTAL RUG. Late 19th century, Luri/Khamseh grouping. Repeating stepped medallions on a dark blue and rust central field filled with geometric and animal motifs with a Qashqa’i border at one end. Imperfections. 9’3” x 4’3”. $250-$500
ORIENTAL RUG Late 19th-early 20th century Tekke Main. Orange field with repeating Tekke guls in ivory and blue. Imperfections. 4’10” x 3’11”. $150-$250
ORIENTAL RUG. Twentieth century, Qum. Salmon ground with a yellow medallion filled with mina-khani design in reds, black, and blue. 2’11” x 1’ 10”. $200-$400
ORIENTAL RUG. Twentieth century, Hamadan/Dergazine. Red field with all over large format foliate pattern in dark blue and black. Imperfections. 4’8” x 3’2”. $200-$400
TWO ORIENTAL RUGS. Twentieth century. Hamadan with medallion on a light blue abrash ground filled with botehs. 5’8” x 3’7”. The second one with repeating medallions in blue on a plain rust abrash ground is possibly Bidjar. Both have imperfections. 4’1” x 7’. $250-$500
388 ORIENTAL RUG. Twentieth century, Caucasian Karabagh. Red field and a single dark blue cloudband medallion with a red meander main border. Imperfections. 5’5” x 3’ 6”. $600-$1,200
389 ORIENTAL RUG. Late 19th-early 20th century, Turkish. Floral medallions on a two-tone dark blue and tan background. Accent colors of ivory, pink, and dark blue. Imperfections. 4’9” x 3’. $200-$400
390 ORIENTAL RUG. Twentieth century. Room size Heriz. Black border, red spandrels with ivory and a red ground. Edge wear, 8’9” x 11’5”. $600-$900
391 ORIENTAL RUG. Early 20th century, antique Sarouk. Cream field with a central medallion filled with tree motifs all in dark blue, light blue, pink and ivory. Imperfections. 4’10” x 3’3”. $300-$600
392 ORIENTAL RUG Late 19th-early 20th century, Caucasian Kuba. Repeating ivory diamonds on a dark blue field in a panel design. The main border has alternating “crab” guls on an ivory ground. Imperfections. 3’7” x 5’6”. $500-$700
ORIENTAL RUG. Twentieth century, Bidjar. Dark blue and pink medallion on a rust field filled with a Herati pattern. 4’7” x 2’ 6”. $400-$800
396 ORIENTAL RUG. Mid-20th century, Caucasian. Red field with a repeating medallion design and birds and camels in the field. 5’3” x 3’7”. $200-$400
399 TWO ORIENTAL RUGS. Twentieth century, Sarouks. Floral design in pinks, reds, and blues. 2’6” x 1’11”. Together with a rust field and floral designs with vases at each end. Imperfections. 5’1” x 3’’4”. $150-$300
400 TWO ORIENTAL RUGS. Twentieth century, Sarouks. One with salmon ground and floral decoration. Imperfections. 5’1” x 3’ 6”. Together with repeating florals on an ivory/cream field. 4’4” x 2’2”. $200-$400
401 THREE ORIENTAL RUGS. Twentieth century. Persian Sarouk with an all over floral design. Imperfections. 4’ x 2’1”. Together with two mats, the larger possibly Anatolian. 10” x 14” and 17 1/2” x 22”. $100-$200
401A ORIENTAL RUG. Twentieth century, Hamadan. Repeating ivory medallions with blue tree motifs on a rust field. Imperfections. 5’1” x 3’4”. $250-$450
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MOONLIT LANDSCAPE (AMERICAN OR EUROPEAN SCHOOL, 2ND HALF-19TH CENTURY). Oil on canvas, unsigned. Atmospheric night scene with a steam locomotive traveling over a waterfall. Imperfections. 17”h. 34”w., in an oak frame, 26”h. 43 1/2”w. $600-$900
TWO HAIR ART PIECES. Ida Ko[c]pke, American, 1896, hair, wire, cloth. Diamond shadow box covered in pink silk, two sprays of dark hair flowers, ribbon reads “Your Sister”. Signed on back. 10 1/2”h. 8”w. 3 1/2”h. Together with grained shadow box with light colored floral spray on ivory plush background. 15”h. 10 1/2”w. 5”d. $100-$200
STILL LIFE BY WILLIAM BREWSTER CONELY (NEW YORK, 1830-1911). Oil on canvas, signed and dated ‘95 lower right. Peaches and grapes reflecting off a table surface. Minor surface scuffs, 10”h. 12”w., in a gilt frame, 15 3/4”h. 18”w. $200-$350
404 ONE-DRAWER STAND American, 1825-1840, walnut, figured veneer, pine and poplar. Top made from single board with wellfigured grain. One long drawer faced with veneer, all supported by turned legs. Rich color. 29 1/2”h. 28”w. 20”d. $250-$500
404A TWO BOTTLES. American, 1st half-19th century, blown glass. Pale green flask with swirled ribs. Damaged lip, 6 1/4”h., and an olive amber Ludlow-type bottle, 9”h. $100-$300
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404C PATTERN MOLDED GLASS CREAMER AND CRUET. American, 1st half-19th century. Pale green creamer with sixteen slightly swirled ribs, applied solid handle and pontil mark, 4 3/4”h. ; together with a cruet with twenty vertical ribs, applied hollow handle and pontil mark, 6 1/4”h. Minor imperfections. $100-$200
404D CARVED WOODEN FIGURES. Walter Titel, Greenbush, Sheboygan County, Wisconsin, 2nd half-20th century, wood, yarn and paint. Two pair of horses, one white, one brown with matching yarn manes and tails, two men on horseback, an elephant with swinging ears, cows and two apelike animals. Eleven pieces in all. 1 1/2” to 7”h. Mr.Titel (1892-1984) was a selfemployed carpenter and a lifelong resident of Greenbush. His works are in the collection of The State Historical Society of Wisconsin and have been exhibit at the Kohler Arts Center in Sheboygan. $250-$450
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405 TWO TINSEL PICTURES. American, late 19th century. Floral bouquet in frame, 14 3/4”h. 11 3/4”w., and a brightly painted urn of flowers with bird, in a frame, 16 1/4”h. 13 1/2”w. $150-$300 405
INLAID BOX. American, mid 19th century, mahogany with poplar secondary. Small sewing or jewelry box with inlay and satinwood veneer and a silk floral embroidery under glass on the lid. Fitted lift-out tray. 5 1/2”h. 6 3/4” x 6 3/4”. $200-$300
THREE FRAMED ITEMS. American, 2nd half-19th century. Two Currier & Ives handcolored lithographs. Nice and Tempting Oysters, C# 4462. 12 1/2”h. 16 1/2”w., and The Little Sisters, C# 3716, 20 1/2”h. 16 1/2”w. Together with a Berlin sampler. Wool flowers and rooster on punched paper dated 1889, 13”h. 19”w. Imperfections. $100-$200
407 TWO SMOOTHING BOARDS. Scandinavia, 2nd half-19th century, hardwood. Both have hand decorations and carved horse handles. The first with original linear designs, 22 1/2”l., and the second with floral repaint, 24”l. Imperfections. $150-$300
STONEWARE JUG. American, 2nd half-19th century. Brushed cobalt bird below an impressed retailer’s label “- W. Schloss Crockery Store, W. Barre, Pa. 2”. Applied strap handle, 13 1/2”h. $150-$300
409 PAINTED BASKET. American, late 19th century, woven reed and splint. Round with lid and bale handle. Blue over red paint. Some damage. 16”d. $150-$250
WIRE WORK BASKET. Probably American, late 19th century, wire. Oval woven basket with flared rim and foot, bottom lined in zinc. Original ivory paint. 6 1/2”h. 17 1/2” l. $125-$225
TWO PIECES OF STAFFORDSHIRE. England, mid 19th century, transferware. Red teapot marked “Copeland” with riverview and steamboat, 5 1/2”h., and a paneled, covered sugar with brown classical scene. Imperfections, 8”h. $75-$150
THOMAS CHIPPENDALE’S THE GENTLEMAN AND CABINETMAKER’S DIRECTOR. Reprint, New York: Towse Publishing Company, 1938, folio. $50-$100 | 97
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416 417
SAMPLER. American, 1847, silk and wool on linen. Marking sampler with a pair of white birds in a potted tree and two little dogs, one red the other blue. Illegible. In a frame, 9 1/4”h. 11 1/2”w. $150-$250
SAMPLER. Sarah Jane Bone, England, 1798, silk on wool. An elaborate flowing border surrounds three rows of minutely stitched, paired motifs including butterflies, baskets, animals, and trees. A building resembling a lighthouse in the lowest band. A religious verse and her name and date in the center cartouche. In a frame, 13 1/2”h. 18”w. $200-$400
415 SAMPLER. American, Maria Catharine Springer, 1832, silk on linen. Marking sampler with sets of alphabets and numbers in a long format. In a frame, 20 1/4”h. 10 3/4”w. $150-$300
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417 SAMPLER. Probably Scotland or England, early 19th century, silk and wool on linen. Long narrow format with a multitude of initials as well as alphabets and a two-story house with roosting peacocks and two little black dogs on the peak. In a frame, 17 1/2”h. 8 3/4”w. $200-$350
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418 PORTRAIT OF A BOY (AMERICAN, MID 19TH CENTURY). Oil on canvas, unsigned. Charming, three-quarter length portrait of a young boy wearing a striped jacket and pants and holding a toy sailboat. Imperfections. 24 1/4”h. 20”w., in a period gilt frame, 29 1/4”h. 25”w. Ex Gail Piatt (New Hampshire). $3,000-$5,000
419 TOLE CANDLESTICK. American, mid 19th century. Two-tier base with original japanning and stenciled foliage sprigs. Finely alligatored varnish, weighted base, 7 1/2”h. $200-$300
420 COMBWARE CHARGER. England, early 19th century, slipware. Brown combed lines on a buff yellow ground with a coggled rim. Shallow flakes, 16 1/2”d. Ex Joanne Boardman (Illinois). $4,000-$6,000
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421 - 427
PORTRAIT OF A MAN (AMERICAN SCHOOL, MID 19TH CENTURY). Pen and ink on paper, signed “Lowell, Sept. 22”. Profile of a man wearing a hat, accented with Spencerian flourishes. Minor imperfections. In a frame, 7”h. 5”w. $150-$300
SILHOUETTE. England, 2nd half-19th century. Cutout profile of Queen Victoria, made according to a late tag by Anton Ristelheuber. Minor paper damage. In a decorated frame with gilt liner, 5 3/4”h. 4 3/4”w. $150-$300
TWO SILHOUETTES. Probably European, 19th century. Cutout portraits. Colonial man, in a compostion frame, 5 1/2”h. 4 3/4”w., and a woman in a bonnet attributed by an old tag to Anton Ristelheuber. In a satinwood veneer frame, 6 1/4”h. 5 1/2”w. $150-$350
SILHOUETTE. American, 20th century. Full-length cutout silhouette of a gentleman resembling Ben Franklin. Attached to a late 19th century ledger sheet. In a modern decorated frame, 12 1/2”h. 10 1/2”w. $150-$300
TWO SILHOUETTES. American or European, 19th century. Two inked portraits of a colonial style man (may be late) in a round wooden frame, 4 1/2”d., and a woman with gold details, in a rosewood veneer frame, 7 1/2”h. 6 1/2”w. $150-$300
THREE SILHOUETTES. American or European, 19th century. Two cutout portraits of men in shadow box frames, 6 3/4”h. 5 1/2”w. and 7 3/4”h. 7”w. Together with an inked portrait of a woman, in an oak frame, 7 1/2”h. 6 1/4”w. $200-$400
SILHOUETTE. American, 2nd half-19th century. Cutout profile of a man wearing a bowler hat, dated in ink “1876”. In an oval frame, 7 3/4”h. 6 3/4”w. $150-$300
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428 PAINTED HANGING WALL BOX. American, ca.1800, mixed soft woods. Open compartment over two lipped drawers, with a “lollipop” back and retaining old dark greenblue over red paint. Minor imperfections. 24”h. 12 1/2”w. 7”d. Ex Michael Whittemore, (Florida). $1,500-$2,500
429 BURL BOWL. American, possibly New England, 19th century, ash. Large size, tall proportions and retaining a wonderful, old patina with good wear on the interior. Minor losses. 5 1/2”h. 13 1/4”d. $1,500-$2,500
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PEACE AFTER WILLIAM STRUTT (BRITISH, 1826-1915). Oil on canvas, bearing signature lower left. Based on Isaiah: 6-7, “The wolf will live with the lamb, the leopard will lie down with the goat...and a little child will lead them.” Unframed, 8”h. 10”w. An etching of Strutt’s image was published in 1896 and this is probably a ca.1900 copy of that etching. $400-$800
431 THREE TORTOISE SHELL COMBS. Probably American, 19th century. All are folding combs, two are in the form of Indians and one is in the form of a Victorian lady. Imperfections. Each 6 1/4”l. closed, 11”l. open. $200-$400
432 DECORATED TRENCHER. American, 19th century, maple. Oblong form, the interior with good scrubbed surface, the exterior with black over white smoke decoration. Minor imperfections. 3 3/4”h. 21 1/2”l. Ex Michael Newsom (Pennsylvania). $1,500-$2,500
433 WHOLE CLOTH QUILT. Probably England, 2nd quarter-20th century, cotton satin. Heavy hand quilted spread reversing red to blue. Imperfections. 87” x 103”. $150-$300
434 DOCUMENT BOX AND SHOREBIRD. American, mid 19th century, pine dovetailed case with original vinegar sponging and brass bale handle. Interior is lined with printed pages and a late fraktur drawing. Minor wear and a partial lock, 5 1/2”h. 11 1/2”w., and a a contemporary Ringed Plover by Harry V. Shourds, 1988. 4 3/4”h. with base. $300-$400
429 - 432
FRANKLIN AUTOMOBILE CATALOG. Full color 14-page booklet printed in 1927. 7” x 9 1/2”. $100-$200
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LANDSCAPE (EUROPEAN SCHOOL, MID 19TH CENTURY). Oil on canvas, unsigned. Romanticized landscape with castle or abbey ruins overlooking a river. Rebacked. 29”h. 35 1/2”w., in a gold painted frame, 32 1/2”h. 39”w. $300-$500
MOUNTAIN LANDSCAPE (AMERICAN SCHOOL, 2ND HALF-19TH CENTURY). Oil on canvas, signed lower right “MAC” and “Raeburn”. Autumn scene of a small waterfall feeding a lake. Some imperfections. 24”h. 34”w., in a gilt frame, 33 1/2”h. 43 1/2”w. This landscape has a history of ownership in Highland County, Ohio, and may have been painted there. $1,500-$2,500
438 CHILD’S LADDER BACK ARMCHAIR. American, early 19th century, mixed woods. Turned posts, arms and legs, 14”h. seat, 34 1/2”h. overall. $150-$250
439 TWO PIECES OF FOLK ART. American, late 19th-early 20th century, mixed woods. Includes an unusual sewing stand with an upper spool compartment and a large lower compartment, resting on scroll-cut legs, 37 1/2”h., and a diminutive hanging shelf, 11”h. $250-$450
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FOLKSY HANGING SHELVES. American, 19th century, pine. Eight shelves with bowed fronts and turned supports. Retains its original finish. 32 1/2”h. 27 1/4”w. 8”d. $200-$400
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BRIDE’S BOX. American or European, 2nd half-19th century, bentwood. Oval with laced seams and original blue ground with white roses and a decoupage chromolithograph of a woman in European costume. Wear and some loss, 8”h. 20”w. $200-$400
UNIFORM OF THE ARMY OF THE UNITED STATES ILLUSTRATED FROM 1774-1889. First edition, square folio, bound in original leather with marbled endpapers. Includes all forty-four chromolithographic plates by H.A. Ogden, printed by Buek and Company, New York, 1885. Imperfections. $300-$600
BRIDE’S BOX. American or European, mid 19th century, bentwood. Oval with laced seams and original rose decoration on red ground. The lid has a decoupage lithograph with a family relaxing near a stream. Some edge loss, 7”h. 20”w. $200-$400
CHIPPENDALE STYLE MIRROR. Probably American, 2nd half-19th century, mahogany with pine secondary. Glued repairs. 12 1/2”h. $150-$300
445 TWO PEWTER PORRINGERS. New England, ca.1800. Crown handles with cast initials “SG” on the underside. One porringer has repairs, 5 1/2”d. $200-$300
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447 446
SAMPLER. Mary A. Cushing, Hingham, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, 183[6], silk on linen. Divided into four sections; alphabets, maker’s information, a pious verse, and a row of flower sprigs. In a frame, 14”h. 11”w.
TWO TINSEL PICTURES. American, late 19th century. Roses with birds and red roses, both with deeply shaded blue leaves. In frames, 13 3/4”h. 10 3/4”w., and 16 1/2”h. 12 1/2”w. $100-$250
There were several Mary Cushings born in Hingham who would have been the correct age to make the sampler. $200-$400
447 448
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SAMPLER. Rebecca Coulter, American, 1838, silk on linen. Signed and dated sampler with bountiful basket of fruit and a bluebird. In a frame, 11 1/8”h. 14”w. $200-$350
449 SAMPLER. Ann Gilbert, York School, England, 1790, silk on wool. Probably Quaker, multiple alphabets, a verse, and maker’s information enclosed in a thin circle. In a frame, 14”h. 15 1/2”w. $150-$250
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449 450
450 SAMPLER. Anna Jane Jones, England, 1794, silk on wool. Moralistic verses alternate with decorative rows of spider-like flowers and acorns. Pairs of butterflies hover over potted flowers. Bright colors on clean ground. In a grain-painted frame, 14 1/2”h. 17”w.
Ann Jones was not an unusual name in late 18th century Britain, however one Anna Jane Jones was recorded as being born in 1784 to John and Ann Jones in Oswestry Parish, Shropshire. $300-$600
NEW HAMPSHIRE SAMPLER. Margaret E. Hall, Manchester, Hillsboro County, c.1825, silk on linen. Marking sampler with maker’s name and birth date forming the lower border. Bright colors. In a frame, 19”h. 15”w.
TWO TINSEL PICTURES. American, late 19th century. Birds and butterflies with flowers, in a frame, 14”h. 11 1/4”w., and a basket of flowers on a table top, in a frame, 11 1/2”h. 15”w. $150-$250
Margaret was the daughter of Daniel Hall and Elizabeth Allison and was born April 17,1814 in Manchester. $225-$400 452 | 105
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453 APPLIQUE QUILT. American, mid 19th century, cotton. Thirteen appliqued blocks alternate with plain blocks. Handsewn and closely hand quilted in triple rows, diamonds, and feathered wreaths. Some imperfections. 92” x 93”. $250-$500
454 THEOREM WITH FRUIT. American, 2nd quarter-19th century, watercolor on paper. Large and graphic basket of fruit, including a pineapple, peaches, plums, and grapes, as well as flowers. Imperfections. 15 3/4”h. 19 1/4”w., in a period frame, 18 3/4”h. 22 1/4”w. Ex Tom Mouser (Maine). $500-$1,000
455 DOUBLE PORTRAIT OF TWO BOYS (EUROPEAN SCHOOL, MID 19TH CENTURY). Oil on canvas, unsigned. Two brothers holding toys including a carved rooster. French preparer’s label on the back. Imperfections. Oval, 26 1/2”h. 21 1/4”w., in a gilt frame, 31 1/2”h. 27”w. $400-$600 455
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456 TWO WINDSOR CHAIRS. Both American, 1st half-19th century, mixed woods. Includes a birdcage Windsor with bambooturned legs and stretcher, 17”h. seat, 35”h. overall, and an armchair with five spindles and bambooturned legs, 17”h. seat, 32 1/2”h. overall. Refinished. $200-$400
457 SHERATON DROP LEAF TABLE. American, mid 19th century, cherry and poplar. Single board top and leaves and resting on turned legs. Refinished. 29”h. 24 1/2”w. (closed) 50 1/4”w. (open) 40”l. $200-$400 456 - 457
458 BRIDE’S BOX. American or European, 2nd half-19th century, bentwood. Oval with laced seams and original floral design on blue ground. The lid has a decoupage lithograph of mother and children. Imperfections. 6”h. 16 1/2”w. $200-$300
459 BRIDE’S BOX. American or European, mid 19th century, bentwood. Oval with laced seams. Original red ground with flowers and decoupage lithograph of wild boars. Imperfections. 5 3/4”h. 15 1/2”w. $150-$300
460 THREE TINSEL PICTURES. American, late 19th century. Floral bouquet on black, in a gilt frame, 15 5/8”h. 13 5/8”w., and a wreath on white, in a gilt frame, 17 1/4”h. 15 1/4”w. Together with a later urn of flowers, 16 1/2”h. 19 12”w. Imperfections. $75-$150
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ENGLISH SAMPLER. Clara Aurelia Nixon, Camden, Middlesex, 1843, silk on linen. Black on white marking sampler with moral verse signed by eight-year-old Clara. In a frame, 16 1/4”h. 19”w.
NEEDLEWORK. American, 1874, wool on canvas. Black ground with brightly colored needlepoint motifs including a little blue man, sailboat, religious symbols, and animals. In a frame, 17”h. 17”w. $150-$250
Her baptismal was recorded on January 1,1835, her parents listed as James Henry Nixon and Frances Nixon. $150-$250
463 CONNECTICUT FAMILY RECORD NEEDLEWORK. Philura Williams Holbrook, West Haven, New Haven County, 1873, wool on paper. Grapevine border circles the family history above the green shuttered house. In a frame, 21”h. 26 1/4”w. Philura listed her parents and twelve siblings dates thirteen years after she married Burton Holbrook in 1860, but surprisingly did not record her husband or two young sons. The West Haven 1870 census lists Burton as a well-to-do brick mason and includes her parents living with them. $150-$300
464 SAMPLER. Kezia Smith, American or English, 1827, silk on linen. Minutely worked pairs of motifs include angels holding crowns, “S” handled baskets of flowers and blooming trees. Adam and Eve appear under the title “The Tree of Life”. Good colors. In a frame, 19 1/2“h. 20”w. $300-$600
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GEORGE II SIDE CHAIR. English, 2nd quarter-18th century, mahogany. Vasiform splat and resting on cabriole legs ending in pad feet. Older finish. imperfections. 16 3/4”h. seat, 39 1/2”h. overall. $250-$450
PAIR OF HEPPLEWHITE STYLE ARMCHAIRS. English, 20th century, mahogany. Strapwork splat and resting on tapered legs. Older finish, later upholstery. 16 1/2”h. seat, 39”h. overall. $200-$400
466 QUEEN ANNE-STYLE WING OR EASY CHAIR. Twentieth century, mahogany. Cabriole legs, pad feet, and retains an older finish. Blue checked upholstery. 15”h. seat, 46 1/2”h. overall. $200-$400
467 PAIR OF HEPPLEWHITE STYLE ARMCHAIRS. Twentieth century, mahogany. Shield-back with carved tassels and resting on tapered legs ending in spade feet. Later pink upholstery. 18”h. seat, 39”h. overall. $250-$450
469 FRAKTUR. American, 2nd quarter-19th century, watercolor and pen and ink on heavy stock. Record for the Bollenkamp family with dates ranging from 1783 to 1831 and two locations “Nieuw Lebonen” and “Nieuw York”. Imperfections. 6 5/8”h. 10”w., in a grain decorated frame, 13 1/8”h. 15 1/8”w. $400-$600
470 TWO PIECES OF GLASS. American, mid 19th century. Cut, flint glass compote with baluster stem, probably Bakewell, Pittsburgh. 7”h. 11”d., and a pillar mold celery, 11 1/2”h. $250-$450
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ARTIST and MAKER INDEX Abramofsky, Israel 31 Adams, George 159 Atkinson, Ward 290 Battles, Albert (attr.) 119 Bennett, Lyle Hatcher 32 Bevan, EA 284 Bodmer, Karl (after) 295, 296 Brevete, P.G. 209 Calvin, Katharine 29B Carey, Matthew 80 Chawner & Co. 159 Clifford, R.A. 68A Conely, William Brewster 403 Cookman, Charles Edwin 54 Cope, Leslie 30 Cowden & Wilcox 360 Currier & Ives 310, 312, 314-316, 336-341, 410 Currier, Nathaniel 311, 313, 342 Currier, Nathaniel (after) 3 Danforth, Josiah 351 Danforth, William 146 Dempster Mill Manufacturing 277, 279 Dempster Mill Mfg. Co. 218 Dickey, JN 283 DiMaggio, Joe 235 Dodge, Frances Farrand 288 Donaghho, A.P. 73 Dural, P.S. & Son 113 E.A. Buck & Co. 358 Eaton, Joseph Oriel 69 Eaton, William 159 110 | GARTH’S May 29, 2010
Ebert, J. 193 Edouart, Auguste 170 Elgin Wind Power & Pump Co. 255 Ellis, James 156 Ellwood, Edward J. 38 Ewan, William H. 158 Fearn & Eley 157 Fort Edward Pottery Co. 252 Frear & Woolworth 162 Gardiner, Baldwin 179 Garneray, Abroise L. (after) 104 Garneray, Ambroise (after) 105 Gleason, Roswell 273 Gowdey, T. 162 Grove, Edward Ryneal 56 Hamilton & Jones 349 Harrington & Burger 217 Harris & Stanwood (attr.) 162 Hart Bros. 253 Heilbron, George 45 Herr, D. 216 Herschell-Spillman (attrib.) 260 Higgins, EG 290 Hopkins, Milton W. 16, 18 Jensen, Georg 177 Jerome & Co. 265 Johnston, John R. 28, 29 Jones, Hattie M. 126 Jones, W.L. 26 King, Albert Francis 33A Knapp, Stephen 57
Kramer Brothers (attr.) 49A Krebs Lithograph Co. 41 Layton, J. 81B Lehn, Joseph (attr.) 114 Lewis, Garry 10 Lewis, Jeanette G.C.S, 27 Lichty, Benjamin 25 Loomis, G. 162 Mantle, Mickey 235 Martinez, Barbara 300 Mason Decoy Factory 220, 222 McFadden, John B. & Co. 162 Miller, Evylena Nunn 55 Millspaugh, John Hill 354 Montoya, Maxmilliana M. 300 Morgan, Charlotte 292 Nampeyo, Nellie 307 Naranjo, Monica 300 Northern Ohio Blanket Mills 14 Norwalk Academy, Ohio 4 Osthaus, Edmund 29A Palmer, Randall 130 Parker, C. 162 Peale Museum 200, 202 Pearce, Rhoda L. 353 Potthast Brothers 143 Price, E.J. 78 Prior, William Matthew (attr.) 132 Raab, Ferdinand 195 Reed, T. 85 Reppert, T.F. 121 Rogers, Lewis 64
Routson, Samuel (attr.) 84 Savery, William 44 Seevers, Robert 2A Sloan, Helen Farr 286 Smith & Co. 149 Smith, P.C. 60 Smylie, Edward 376 Stahl, Jeremhiah 1 Stark, Cliff 332 Storr, Paul (attr.) 155 Strutt, William (after) 430 Stuart, Gilbert (after) 199 Stubbs, William P. 317 Sumner, William 44 Tiffany & Co. 160, 160A Tomassi 324 Trumbull, John (after) 199 Verbryck, William 194 Walker, John Brown 8 Wehrly, Noah 37 Whites 251 Whiting, Riley 108 Willard, Simon 154 Williams & Reppert 276 Wilson, Robert (attr.) 39 Wood & Hughes 162
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Chinese Carved Ivory Temple Surrounded by Dragons
Fine & Contemporary Art and Asian & Continental Furniture and Decorative Arts
Estimate $6,000—9,000.
AUCTION: July 23-24 Consignment Deadline:
June 1
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ARTS & CRAFTS Furniture and Decorative Arts AUCTION: Fall 2010 Consignment Deadline: September 1
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