HISTORIC FIREARMS and M I L I TA RY AC C O U T R E M E N T S S a t u r d a y, O c t o b e r 3 1 , 2 0 0 9 a t 1 0 a . m . PREVIEW TIMES: Fine wheel lock pistol signed “Wolf. Hoch. Arnstat”. $ 3,000- 6,000
Monday, October 26 thru Thursday, October 29 ~ 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM Friday, October 30 ~ 10:00 AM – 8:00 PM Saturday, October 31 ~ 9:00 AM -10:00 AM
English flintlock blunderbuss. $ 2,000-3,000
PO Box 369, Delaware, Ohio 43015 P: 740-362-4771 F: 740-363-0164 Email: info@garths.com
FULLY ILLUSTRATED, ONLINE CATALOG via www. g a r t h s . c o m & LIVE INTERNET BIDDING AVAILABLE via www.artfact.com TERMS: 17.5% Buyer’s Premium - Cash, Check, Visa & MasterCard Accepted Absentee and fax bids accepted and bid competitively. Call a day or two before the auction to make arrangements. Lunch Counter Available For your convenience, we will be able to answer your questions about specific items and take your absentee bids by phone until 9 a.m. Saturday, October 31st. Call (740) 362-4771. Email inquiries: questions@garths.com Auctioneers: Jeff Jeffers, Steve Bemiller, Andrew Richmond Apprentice Auctioneer: Amelia Jeffers Pair of inlaid wheel lock pistols. $ 3,000- 5,000
©COPYRIGHT – Garth’s Auctions, Inc. 2009
Inlaid and carved wheel lock rifle. $ 2,500-3,500
Inlaid powder flask made for the Middle Eastern market $ 500-1,000 Queen Anne screw barrel pistol. $ 300-600
Relief carved flintlock pistol signed “Joh. Jac. Rucenreuter”. $ 2,500-3,500
Pair of Middle Eastern flintlock pistols. $ 2,000- 4,000
French flintlock pistol signed ”Boulanger, St. Etienne”. $ 2,500-3,500
Fine flintlock belt pistol. $ 1,500-2,500
European relief carved flintlock pistol. $ 3,000- 5,000
Flintlock fowler signed “Christian Thorber”. $ 600-1,200
Cased pair of English flintlock dueling pistols. $ 1,800-2,500
Percussion pistol signed “Nicholson Cornhill London” $1,500-2,500 Cased and engraved pair of double barrel percussion pistols signed “Smith London”. $ 2,000-3,000
Pair of screwbarrel pistols by “Twigg, London”. $ 1,000- 2,000 Rare case $ 1,000-1
Cased set of percussion pistols including pepperbox with Damascus barrels. $ 1,000-2,000
Cased and engraved percussion revolver signed “R. Watmough”. $ 1,200-1,800
Spanish Miquelet percussion pistol. $ 600-1,200
Percussion pistol signed “D. Egg�. $ 1,500-2,500
Flobart parlor pistols. $ 600-1,200 Pair of cased percussion pistols by Gastinne Renette. $ 10,000-15,000
Cased pair of percussion dueling pistols by Westley Richards. $ 4,000-7,000
ed Charles Warner pocket revolver. 1,500
French Zouave presentation rifled musket. $1,200-1,800
Engraved Manhattan revolver with ivory eagle grip. $ 3,000 -5,000
Engraved Manhattan revolver. $ 3,000 -5,000
Smith & Wesson Model 3 single action revolver with nickel plating and MOP grips. $ 1,200-1,800
Cased pair of gilt damascene Smith & Wesson Model 2 revolvers. $ 15,000 – 25,000
L AT E - N I N E T E E N T H C E N T U R Y
Engraved nickel plated Remington 1875 single action Army revolver. $ 2,500- 3,500
Rare Colt 1861 engraved Navy revolver with eagle ivory grip. $ 4,000- 8,000 Cased Webley revolver. $ 1,200 – 1,800
Single shot rifle signed “Jno. Righy & Co.” with case. $ 2,500- 3,500
Selection of American uniforms.
Springfield 1896 carbine. $ 900-1,200
Winchester Model 1873 lever action rifle. $ 3,000- 4,000
U N I F O R M S : L AT E - N I N E T E E N T H T O T W E N T I E T H C E N T U R I E S
Selection of Nazi memorabilia.
Cased and engraved Smith & Wesson #1 Third issue revolver with MOP grips. $ 600 – 1,200
WWI and WWII German, Italian and Japanese knives and sword.
Knife pistols marked “Sheffield”. $ 800-1,200 Mughal knife with jeweled handle. $ 3,000-5,000 Selection of hunting swords.
Large handwrought Bowie knife with antler handle. $ 800-1,200
Mughal enameled knife, Kindjals, Kris, Bowie knife marked "Joseph Rodgers & Sons...Sheffield" ($ 300-600), plug bayonet.
Swords including G. Hirsch US Naval sword, silver hilted English officer’s sword marked “Loxham Royal Exchange” ($ 250-500), Napoleonic, Klingenthal and German Imperial. Inlaid horn handled knife, silver and gilt Argentinean gaucho knives ($ 300-600), knife by Henry Sears, English naval dirk.
Yataghan type swords, far eastern swords, ethnographic weapons and a “Manton & Co, Calcutta” boar hunting spear ($ 200-300).
Selection of Presentation Silver including 4th Iowa Cavalry cup($ 600-900).
Tomahawk/matchlock weapon. $ 2,000-3,000
“Day’s Patent” brass hand cannon. S 1,000-2,000
Selection of Trench Art. Wanted Poster for Pretty Boy Floyd. $ 400-800 Japanese hand cannons. $ 400-800
Boxed Ammunition and Horn Cup with eagle
A Return to Arms... This firearms auction is a return to a specialty category for Garth's. We have regularly offered select guns, ammunition and weaponry as a part of our catalogued and eclectic auctions. In fact, the firearms session of our recent Labor Day auction felt a bit like old home week, with lots of friendly faces and fond recollections of auctions past, but it has been quite some time since we have had an opportunity to present a selection as large and diverse as this in its own catalog. A few months ago, I received a call from Bob Haag, an Indian Relic enthusiast. Bob is assembling early catalogs from the largest and most influential Indian Relic auctions into book form, and was hoping to publish a series of Garth's relic catalogs as one edition. Relics are another specialty with which Garth's has a long history. Dolls, toys, outsider art - even buttons, cars, and trains; over our 55 years, we have had an opportunity to successfully sell just about any collecting category one can imagine. I remember once going on a visit to a client's home, with Tom Porter. When the client asked, "What exactly is your expertise?" Tom simply smiled and returned, "The only thing I am expert in is selling your collection." Fifty-five years in, we are wholly focused on one expertise: selling - using cutting edge marketing and creating a bidding arena trusted by buyers worldwide. Although we are proud of the breadth of antiques knowledge and mastery of individual topics possessed by our valued team-members, those 55 years of successful auctions have afforded us hundreds of relationships with the country's leading experts on everything from coins to guns; from fine art to art glass. So when we need it, we can call on their expertise, too - and keep our focus right where it needs to be. Best Regards, Amelia and Jeff Jeffers
Join Garth’s Auctions in 2010 as a consignor, as a bidder, or simply as a student of antiques. We are always accepting quality consignments and always willing to answer your questions about individual pieces or the auction process as a whole.
January 29 - 30: Fine and Contemporary Art and Asian and Continental Furniture and Decorative Arts
February 5: Eclectic March 19 - 20: Early American Antiques and Decorative Arts April 2: Eclectic Spring TBA: Firearms & Military Accoutrements May 28 - 29: Early American Antiques and Decorative Arts featuring the Fourth Annual Ohio Valley Auction
June 4: Eclectic July 23 - 24: Fine and Contemporary Art and Asian and Continental Furniture and Decorative Arts
August 6: Eclectic September 3 - 4: Annual Labor Day Early American Antiques and Decorative Arts October 1: Eclectic Fall TBA: Firearms & Military Accoutrements November 26 -27: 50th Annual Thanksgiving Auction of Early American Antiques and Decorative Arts
December 3: Eclectic
PAID Findlay, OH Permit No. 163
PO Box 369 ~ Delaware, Ohio 43015 w w w . g a r t h s . c o m