Israel Marches on To Victory! I have read The Mystery of the Shemitah, the Four Blood Moons, and what prophecy says about Iran. The book Psalms 83 says Israel will attack a Arab confederacy in a pre-emptive strike that takes them completely by surprise destroying men and weapons allowing Israel to take the spoils of war, expanding their territory four fold bringing Iran to its knees. The attack will be so complete that it causes an earthquake in Iran because the attack blows up the nuclear reactor that lies on a earthquake fault line causing nationwide destruction.
Israel is offered a 7 year peace treaty by the Anti-Christ that starts the Great Tribulation. This is where we stand now, just on the brink of War, Famine, Pestilence and Death; the coming Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse are ready to ride in which 25% of the earth's population, about 1.7 billion are killed, leaving the world devastated and peace only a dream!
God tells us in scripture of a time in the near future when Israel amasses an 'exceedingly great army' that develops out of the need for national defense to protect against the continued advance of Arab aggression. At some point this army unleashes deadly force against its aggressors to achieve complete victory. Its victory sets up a four fold increase in its land, prosperity increases and national stature is enhanced.
Israel will then experience a condition of regional superiority,which enables it to dwell securely in the land. The Jews dispersed to other places in the world will start to return to the safe haven of Israel and with this new influx of new population Israel will exploit the resources (oil) of the conquered Arab territories. The people then will be set to experience the "restoration of their fortunes." At that time, in the near future, Israel will become one of the wealthiest nations in the world, perhaps of all time!
When Israel finds itself in this prosperous position, with seven years of peace guaranteed, tearing down their walls of protection, rebuilding the temple, while wallowing in oil wealth, the War of Gog & Magog is staring it down ready to pounce 3 1/2 years into this peace treaty. That, however, is a story for another day, stay tuned for our redeemer is approaching!