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Gary Chapman
Gary Chapman has worked in marketing for book publishing for many years focused primarily on non-fiction titles. In the early 1990s he became fascinated with sugar craft and cake making and invented the technique for recreating fabric out of sugar. He became an international teacher and one of the top wedding cake makers in London and published two books. He also launched the first ever mass market cake decorating magazine in the UK. In 2006 he left London for the Cotswolds and his biography about the Dolly Sisters was published. He is now actively involved in his 1920s blog called the Jazz Age Club and has launched Edditt Publishing to publish his books about cake decorating and the 1920s. He is fortunate in being able to follow his three passions - publishing and marketing books, writing and make cakes. Jazz Age website at www.jazzageclub.com Cake website at www.garychapmancakes.com Publishing website at www.eddittpublishing.com