For firms who are looking to employ one or more new financial advisors, a recruiter is an excellent way to help find the right fit for your needs.
Here are five things that a recruiter can give you above and beyond a standard job notice and interview session:
Recruiters often look outside the local area. They are able to use their geographically-wide set of contacts to find a highly qualified pool of applicants for any job that you are wanting to fill.
This means you are more likely to get the perfect person for your open position rather than the best of what local applicants only have to offer.
This may also mean that, if you can't offer the most competitive salary in the area, you may still be able to find an excellent candidate who is happy to work for the money you are offering.
One of the best ways to bring a new technological system into your office is to hire someone already experienced in working with it‌
‌ a d who also has the skills to help our e tire office with the inevitable startup glitches that come with any new introduction to a time-honored way of work.
Recruiters are not limited to searching for those who already have the necessary skill set.
They are often in a position to speak with the instructors in training programs and professors who may be able to recommend a new and promising graduate.
Recruiters often do a series of preliminary interviews with candidates and have candid discussions with professors or other work colleagues.
This means they are more likely to understand the intangibles that you are looking for.
Do you need someone who will work well in a group setting or someone who is happy working alone in a quiet room crunching numbers?
Do you value a highly competitive nature in your financial planners or someone who is collaborative and even-minded?
A discussion with a financial planner recruiter can help give them a fuller picture of your ideal candidate so they are better able to help you achieve your goal.
Recruiters are also well known for their ability to bring in leaders with a certain skill set as well as experienced personnel looking for a change.
Most high-level employees prefer to work through recruiting or head hunting agencies.
This is because of the fact that, as potential employees, they also may have certain criteria on what kind of positio the are looki g for‌
‌ a d to atch the right leaders with the right job opportunities in a mutually beneficial way.
If you are a company who prefers to be on the cutting edge of different theories and technologies of financial planning, but you do 't alwa s k ow what is ew, e t a d hot‌
‌ the a discussio with a recruiter ca help ou to u dersta d what kinds of people will make you more effective and successful as a business.
They can inform you when new forms of training are being offered and help you find successful people who have completed it.
Or, if you prefer to wait until these new things have been proven useful over time, you can use the recruiters as a source of information to keep you up-to-date as changes are made.
Many recruiters are also good at helping to recommend positions and company foci that have become popular in the industry.
They cannot only help you find employees but, through their contacts, they may also be able to recommend training opportunities for your current crew.
Seeking a new financial advisor position? Speak with the experienced financial advisor recruiters of Willis Consulting Inc.
They can many top industry contacts and can help you land the position you want. See open positions at
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