Oh No, Cancer! GWilkerson10/27/2014 Disease
No! Not Cancer! I’m Doomed. What is more terrifying than terrorism? The ‘C’ word. Cancer is not so scary to me anymore. My diet is far different now than it used to be, and far from my parent’s diet was. Before 1960 when my mom heard about protein, that became her mantra. Of course, protein was Meat! I was not allowed to even think the word ‘vegetarian’ during my youth. Carnism was taught us, even in Church! This post is primarily about Whole Food, Plant-Based diet. There is plenty research showing plant-strong diet is very beneficial to anyone seeking to prevent or even reverse most cancers. I’m notsaying it will never happen… only that the chances have been reduced by my WFPB diet. T Colin Campell, PhD. is the leading researcher on cancer, causes and cures. I highly recommend reading his books and articles, and watching him on youtube. He has been doing research for decades. I control what I am able to control, mainly what I ingest. There are also environmental issues and the fact that I consumed an animal based product for 40 years. Can ‘C’-Word be prevented or cured?
Prevention and Cure Can Cancer Be Prevented—And Even Cured—Through Diet? This Scientist Is Convinced It Can
T. Colin Campbell is an American biochemist who specializes in the effect of nutrition on longterm health. Campbell has become known for his advocacy of a low-fat, whole foods, plant-based (vegan) diet. He is the author of over 300 research papers on the subject, three books, Whole, Rethinking Nutrition (2013), and The China Study (2005, co-authored with his son), which became one of America’s best-selling books about nutrition, and The Low Carb Fraud in 2014. Dr. Campbell is featured in the 2011 American documentary, Forks Over Knives. A wonderful talk on Youtube by Dr. Campbell is Animal Protein — Meat and Dairy — Cause Cancer Then hear Dr. Campbell speak about cancer genes in Animal Protein “Turns On” Cancer Genes. There is much info on cancer and Whole Food, Plant-Based diet.
Dustin Rudolph, PharmD has this to say about it: “The word makes anyone stop dead in their tracks and shudder, literally, especially when this word comes from their doctor. Cancer is devastating. It’s feared. It’s deadly. It changes everything in life for the individuals affected by it as well as their family and friends. A number of questions follow for everyone involved.” Read the full article in Cancer Answers – Treatment Options For Fighting Cancer Another interesting article posted by Dustin Rudolph starts with: “Earlier this month, I attended Veggie Fest in Naperville, Illinois. Not just for vegetarians, this festival drew over 25,000 people, had food demonstrations, dozens of speakers, and over 100 booths. “One of the speakers was Sara Sukumar, PhD, Professor of Oncology and Pathology and Director of the Breast Cancer Program at Johns Hopkins University. She spoke on anti-cancer properties in specific foods.” Read this post in his blog site at Make Our Food Work For Us If you wish to learn more about preventing and curing it there are many cures and preventions. These are suppressed by those who stand to profit from this disease. Try The Gerson Therapy for only one. Or look into Cannabis oil therapy. More protein is not the answer, especially if you’re thinking ‘more animal protein’. We really don’t need all that much of it. Vegetables have quite enough for us. Go healthy. Sickness is a lousy option.