Pills and procedures vs health

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Pills and Procedures VS. Health GWilkerson01/02/2015 Plant Based Nutrition

What are they teaching in Medical Schools? Medical schools seem to be teaching about disease, pills and procedures. Do they teach

anything about ‘health’? My only ‘health’ advice from a Dr. was to ‘eat less red meat’.. and to ‘drink more water’ from another.(this one has since gone plant based!) This is FAR from providing optimal health advice. The VA sent me home with bags full of pills more than once… though started to discontinue them as I got to where most of them were not needed. What I have: Hyperaldosteronism, they say is incurable.. except to cut out my adrenal, or maybe even both! Many other pills, I quit on my own: the 6 per day Gabapentin capsules for pain, which never seemed to help at all, the 4 per day calcium tablets, the baby aspirins and others. They only wanted to know when I did that, knowing that many will quit some pills and never report it. This, preceeded by over eight months in a nursing home in Arlington, Texas where nurses AND unqualified, untrained Certified Nurses Aids were dumping pills in us several times a day, often improperly or incorrect pills. Some remain aware enough to catch that something was not right. Others were not. For those who trust your Dr.s to keep you going and healthy, while taking bowls of pills every day;

THERE IS A BETTER WAY! They don’t make you healthy. They only attempt to treat symptoms, usually with pills. Health is not being not sick, health is feeling vibrant, energetic and realizing how poorly you have felt before attaining this status. While not healthy, we rarely realize how unhealthy we are. Only once we’ve attained a Healthy condition will we realize this. Let food by your medicine. I do NOT mean the things or beings you may be eating already, thinking it is health promoting. Adhering to the USDA’s food pyramid won’t get you better health. Nor the American Heart Association. That only delays the same outcome as not doing Anything differently. The Diabetics recomendations; same thing. The beef, dairy & chikin & egg & fast food industries are not out to make us healthy.. Monsanto is out to make obscene profits by controlling our ‘food’ supply and by selling highly toxic chemicals.. This only feeds the Medical and Pharmaceutical industries even more lifetime customers. If you think ‘fast food’ is healthy, it can be; grab an apple or pear, bowl of berries or grapes, mushrooms or sweet potatoes, BEANS or lentils, whole grains or raw unsalted nuts, kale or collards. Given the right fuel, your body can heal itself of Many diseases. Why would you want to continue feeding the

very industries that keep us sick? Don’t forget the Beans! They have soluble and insoluble fiber; plus resistant starch, which resists being digested, so they essentially act like a starch too. Conclusion

I highly suggest consuming a 100% Whole food, plant-based diet. or WFPB as decribed in other posts on this blog site. Not only this, but to stop putting in ‘foods’ that make you sick and toxic. Although, Dr. Joel Furhman now allows up to 5% animal based or unhealthy foods in your diet if you can NOT do this 100%.


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