Vegetable Gardening & Whole Plant-Based Food GWilkerson03/13/2015 Plant Based Nutrition
Why not grow our own vegetable garden? In 2014, located in New Mexico, just north of Albuquerque, we bought cinder blocks to try Square Foot Gardening. Other than the water use and costs it was somewhat successful. I have discovered a great book and website called Straw Bale Gardens. It is very informative and interesting!
“Are you ready to learn about a transformative garden technology that could change your life – for less than $100?” – New York Times “Since the book was published in March 2013, thousands of gardeners from just about every country in the world have tried his techniques, which he pioneered shortly after receiving a degree in horticulture from the University of Minnesota.” –
Straw Bale Gardens . . . – Get High Yields – Don’t Need Weeding – Do Not Require much Soil – Extend Growing Season – Can Be Conventional or 100% Organic: Your Choice – Can Go Anywhere: Even Balconies and Driveways.
Straw Bale Vegetable Garden Types of Vegetable Gardens raised bed garden traditional soil garden container garden straw bale garden tower garden aeroponic garden hydroponic garden greenhouse garden vertical garden patio garden community garden box garden herb garden wall garden medicinal garden
Of course if you have the space and decent soil you can grow a conventional garden in it, organic or not. The author says one bale may have a tomato cage and up to 60 carrots growing on it. Almost any vegetable may be grown in straw bales. Corn is not recommended. Melons will grow onto the walkway. He describes how to build trellises over the bales; even how to build a baler, basically a lever press to compress your own bales from any organic compostable materials. There are many books in Amazon, free for kindle or inexpensive books on all kinds of gardening. After starting this first cinder block garden I got a couple of them on Square Foot Gardening. These are full of ideas and planting guides that almost Anybody can do. Prior to this patio garden I was attempting growing in the plastic tubs that greens come in right here by the window. I also sprouted some different seeds for eating in salads or wheat berries which we made sprouted wheat bread and cookies with. Prior to this, my last garden was in Texas, north of Fort Worth. I had squash, tomatoes and a few other veggies going‌ also there were hundreds of weeds and millions of fire ants, which made weeding and harvesting extremely challenging. If you don’t have space for five bales per person in the household, then as little as one bale will subsidize the grocery bill! Or build one or more square foot gardens. Our 2014 cinder block garden still has kale growing in some of the cinder block holes! Kale grows almost anywhere under most any conditions. It’s good as an addition to soup, to smoothies, make kale chips or add it to your healthy dark green salads! Conclusion I feel that growing our own vegetable garden will become more and more valuable in the very near future. As long as we can obtain organic or Heirloom seed or saving our own seeds will be a huge asset. Monsanto and their cohorts seem to be aiming to control our food supply and sicken us all with their poison and Genetically Modified seeds. Some of the seeds are actually registered as pesticides! They are also considered food. I am NOT ok with that.