Wfpb & super immunity

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WFPB & Super Immunity GWilkerson11/29/2014 Plant Based Nutrition How would you like NOT to Get sick? Consuming a Whole Food, Plant-Based diet has many benefits, including boosting our immune systems. Joel Furhman, M D. has an entire book titled SUPER IMMUNITY. Immunity from sicknesses truly is a wealth we can all afford.

What is the Immune System? The immune system is a system of biological structures and processes within an organism that protects against disease. To function properly, an immune system must detect a wide variety of agents, known as pathogens, from viruses to parasitic worms, and distinguish them from the organism’s own healthy tissue. Sometimes this doesn’t work 100%. There are a number of Immune System diseases.

What is Super Immunity? Eating proper nutrition can fend off cold, flu and other infections; the role of the immune system in cancer development; and eating to prevent cancer. Also unique to Super Immunity book is the in-depth discussion of the striking scientific findings about G-BOMBS (Greens, Beans, Onions, Mushrooms, Berries and Seeds), Dr. Fuhrman’s anti-cancer superfoods. Now is the time for

America to win the war on cancer and for you to immediately protect yourself and your loved

ones. “We have scientific evidence that the right raw materials and nutritional factors can double or triple the protective power of the immune system. It is possible to hardly ever get sick, and boosting your body’s defenses to the level of super immunity can save your life.” ~ Dr. Fuhrman, M.D. Too many of us are living with a severely depleted immune function. Our dietary choices are making us sicker, shortening our lives, and costing us billions of dollars in doctor visits, hospital stays, and prescription medications. I’ve been there. Today is NOT a good day to die. Here is Dr. Furhman speaking on the subject of Immunity in Youtube: 13:34 Janice Stanger, PhD. says mushrooms will enhance your immune system to stop colds and flu. And that “lightly cooked vegetable soup is your most potent ally.” Per colds, flu and other upper respertory infections, modern medicine has no effective cure for the patient’s misery. Some drugs can temporarily help with symptoms, but may have unwanted side effects that make things worse in the long-run. See more here: What Kind of Soup is Best for Colds? She posts the recipe here: Cold-Fighting Soup Helps Keep Winter Illness Away What nutrients are important for my Immune system?

Vitamin C, vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid), vitamins B1(thiamin) and B2 (riboflavin), Vitamin B12, B1, B2, folate, Vitamin A, E, K, all are important to our health. Also, Dr Furhman, in Super Immunity suggests taking zinc supplement year ’round, especially in cold/flu seasons. I am in no way suggesting going out to purchase any or all of these, except Vitamin B-12 for vegans, and zinc. As always, it is best to get our nutrients from Whole Food, minimally processed. Also consider iron, copper and selenium minerals in your food supply, as well as manganese. A google search will net what foods these can be found in. I suggest plant-based only. “Superior nutrition is the secret to Super Immunity, and it is relatively simple. It does not take years of study and contemplation to became an expert in human nutrition as long as you understand the principles that govern your basic food choices and food preparation.” ~ Joel Furhman, M. D.

Conclusion Chicken soup for colds? I think I prefer this veggie soup. I do concur that whole food, plantbased nutrition is far better for us than modern medicine is. Although modern medicine does have its place in many lives, including mine. Essentially, we are made from the food we eat.

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