Next Step The
September 2013 • Vol. 22, No. 12
Letter From The School Director
September 2nd – Labor Day SCHOOL CLOSED 3rd 1st Day of School 5th Parent Night 6:30 pm 16-17th School Pictures 19th Family Picnic 5:30-7pm (School closes at 5:00pm) 24th Field Trip to Apple Jacks Orchard (bus leaves at 9:00am and returns at about 11:30am) LOOKING AHEAD
16th MN Arboretum- Fall in the Forest Field Trip 23rd Parent Child Night 6:00pm 28th Fall Conferences begin 31st Halloween Parties
Dear Parents, Welcome to the new school year at Step By Step! I have always loved this time of year; autumn smells are creeping in with cooler days, harvest time is beginning and children become excited because school has started and we can become reacquainted with friends. I’d like to offer you and your family a warm welcome to the new school year at Step By Step Montessori! Welcome to our school where your child will grow and learn while participating in the Montessori Method of education. I wanted to take the opportunity to introduce myself. I have been with Step by Step for over 5 years, working in Plymouth as a preschool teacher, and I am very excited to begin this school year as the Director of the Wayzata School. I look forward to working with the many wonderful families and children. My husband, Louis, and I along with my children, Salvatore and Grazia have lived in Plymouth for the past 5 years. Since moving here, we have found a new love for snowshoeing, hiking in the fall through the woods and playing Bocce ball. At the beginning of each month during the school year, you will receive our monthly newsletter, “The Next Step” via e-mail. Please take the time to read each newsletter as they are packed with valuable information about your child’s education as well as important dates and upcoming events. We utilize the newsletter as a primary method of communication with you,
so please let me know if we need to add or update your e-mail address because we wouldn’t want you or your child to miss out on anything. We encourage parents to become involved at Step By Step Montessori. We welcome parent chaperones on field trips, assistance during classroom parties and volunteering your time to share any special talents with us. Parents have talked to classes about their heritage, culture, played instruments, shared a cooking project with us – We really appreciate your contributions! Please speak to your child’s teacher to learn how you can contribute. Your first opportunity to involve yourself is on Thursday, September 5th at 6:30pm for our Parent Night. Our teachers and enrichment program
Welcome to our school where your child will grow and learn while participating in the Montessori Method. of education.
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Melissa Caramucci
School Director I am so excited for this school year and want to ensure it is a very positive experience for you and your child. Please feel free to stop by my office, give me a call or send me an e-mail with any thoughts, concerns or questions at any time.
specialists will be available to tell you more about their Children’s Houses, classes and what we have to offer. One of our goals is to educate parents about the Montessori philosophy. Please join us for our annual fall picnic on Thursday, September 19th from 5:30pm-7:00pm at Brookview Park in Golden Valley. Our school will be closing early this day at 5PM. This is a great opportunity to meet the children and parents from your child’s class and school so we hope that all families will be able to join us. Bob the Beachcomber will be entertaining our children with music and dance. Our first field trip for the school year is on Tuesday, September 24th. We will be going to Apple Jacks Orchard in Delano, where we will taste apples, apple cider, have a wagon ride through the orchard and watch a puppet show on the apple lifecycle. Your child must be four years old and be wearing a red Step By Step t-shirt to be eligible to go on the field trip. Please look for a permission slip soon. Also, please reference the “Dates to Remember” section each month and display it in an easily accessible area for quick reference. We will list all upcoming activities here: field trips, events, school closings, etc.
Welcome new and returning Step By Step families!
NOTES from the Office
Here are some reminders from Step By Step • Parent Handbook: You will receive a Parent Handbook in September. It will answer many questions that come up throughout the year. It also has a 20132-14 Parent Calendar insert with all our school closings this year. • Program Change Form: Please complete a Program Change form for any schedule changes or withdrawals. Any reductions in schedule or withdrawals from school require a 30 day notice. Your Director might be able to accommodate an addition to your schedule in less time so discuss your needs with her. • Step By Step is on Facebook! Become a fan of Step By Step on Facebook - we’ll share photos and events throughout the year!
• Automatic Payment Option: If you are interested in using our Electronic Funds Transfer method for payments, ask your Director for a form. You will still get an invoice each month so you will know exactly what amount will be charged. Our preferred method for payments is a checking or savings account withdrawal, but you may also pay by credit card or debit card for payments. • Go Green! If you are interested in receiving your invoices via e-mail, just e-mail a request to If you sign up for invoices via e-mail, there is also a link on each invoice to pay your bill online via debit/credit card or checking/savings account.
Montessori Corner
By Steven J. Hughes Ph.D. Diplomate, American Board of Pediatric Neuropsychology, Assistant Professor of Pediatrics and Neurology, Division of Pediatric Neuropsychology University of Minnesota Medical School
Brain Development and Montessori
y conclusions about Montessori education are based on my review of scientific research, my experiences in Montessori classrooms and observation of my own daughter’s growth as a child educated in Montessori schools. Over the several years that I have been aware of the Montessori model of education, I have concluded that this method offers a developmental experience that is simply unparalleled. As a pediatric neurophsychologist, my role in patient care is to assess the cognitive functioning of children with developmental medical or neurological conditions that impact their mental development and ability to learn. A natural consequence of this work is an interest in, and appreciation of, the developmental potential of various educational and social experiences. For this reason, I believe it is no accident that many of my colleagues with young children also have their children in Montessori schools. We’re in the “brain business” and we pediatric neuropsychologists love Montessori education. Our respect for Montessori education is based on our appreciation of the remarkable sophistication, depth and breadth of the Montessori curriculum and educational materials. Early in her discovery of the Montessori method, one of my colleagues exclaimed, “You know, it’s like education invented by a gifted developmental psychologist!” I couldn’t agree more. I drew the same conclusion, and I’ve observed other colleagues make this discovery as they investigated Montessori education for themselves. Research on the academic benefits of Montessori education show that it is at least comparable, and in many regards superior to conventional educational approaches. This is a replicated finding, and confirms my own routine observation of fluent reading and sophisticated math and language development in Montessorieducated children by age five or six. This seeming “advanced” state of academic performance is much less surprising when one understands the richness of the Montessori preschool environment, and the way it so thoroughly lays the conceptual foundation for math and reading development. While the early development of math and reading skills is remarkable, Montessori education offers far more in the domains of emotional and social development. This finding is supported by methodologically-sound research that was recently published in STEP BY STEP MONTESSORI SCHOOLS – WAYZATA
the prestigious, peer-reviewed journal, Science. Montessori educated children play more constructively and kindly, fight less, are more creative, and demonstrate more advanced development of the class of cognitive functions known as “executive functions” which are critical for the demonstration of effective goal-directed activity. The fundamental respect and caring for children and the brilliant (there is no other word to describe it) design of the Montessori curriculum and materials combine to form an environment that is, in the deepest sense of the word, developmental. We all know that children “soak up” the emotions, intentions, and behavior displayed in their environment. The social environment of a Montessori classroom is based on values of kindness, courtesy, harmony, and growth. Children of all backgrounds see these values played out, and internalize them in a Montessori school. The result is seen on the playground and throughout their lives. I have seen children from Montessori classrooms develop a kind of genuine self-esteem that is quite different from that which our culture has so emphasized in recent years (and which fosters a degree of entitlement that makes those of us working in higher education cringe). In fact, children educated in Montessori classrooms actually demonstrate a kind of self- and other- esteem that surely reflects their experiences at school. In my career as a child development specialist, I have not seen and educational “intervention” or methodology that equals a classical Montessori learning environment. Nothing comes close. As a developmental psychologist who specializes in the assessment of cognition in children, I simply cannot understand why anyone would want to do primary education in any other way. Maria Montessori anticipated so much of what we now know about how the brain functions and learns. She was decades ahead of her time, and I believe that neuroscience may still have something to learn from her work. Thank you for the opportunity to share some of my thoughts on Montessori education. Please invite anyone who might be interested in hearing more from me (or some of my similarlyenthusiastic colleagues!) to call me at 612-895-4802, or to write to me via e-mail at
Children House 1
horter days, falling leaves, crisp air and a new school year is here. Welcome to our current, new and returning students and their families to another great year at Step By Step Montessori School! We have some new faces this year and children who have transitioned recently to our class. With many new faces, this gives an opportunity for older students to be the role models for the new children in our classroom. All of us are excited the school year to be in full swing! I had a great vacation in Canada and the East Coast with my kids this summer and I am glad to be back with a fresh mind to start a new year full of excitement with your beautiful children. I am sure the children are as excited as I am to begin this year’s learning journey. It is important to know that in the Montessori environment, each child is working at her/his own pace. I look forward to conferences during the year and a report card at the end of the year to share with you about your child’s progress. We will spend the first month building new friendships and renewing the old. The goal is always to respect teachers and friends, love each other and be a great friend to everyone! We will learn the classroom and playground rules and introduce the materials and Montessori areas – Practical Life, Sensorial, Math, Language, Science, Geography and Art. In September, our theme will be apples. We will talk about different kinds of apples and we’ll do some projects with apples like baking apple crisp. We will also take a nature walk, collect leaves and make leaf booklets. We will begin letter recognition and learn sounds with younger children and continue reading activities with older children. Also, every day we will do the calendar and talk about the weather. We will count numbers and talk about shapes and colors. If children have show and tell to share, they can do so on Thursdays. We encourage educational items and books; such as shells, rocks, leaves, books, coins and family pictures. No toys please. Throughout the year, I will post a list of items we may need
Refer a family and receive $100 credit towards your tuition if they enroll.
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Henry and Ian learning how to cut fruit for fruit salad. for the classroom activities or holidays on the bulletin board near the classroom door (these items are optional, not required). Any other classroom news will also be posted on this board. In addition, the Star of the week list will be posted and please make sure you remember your date to bring your child’s poster. This is an activity to spend with your child collecting the pictures of her/his favorite moments. Highlights of this week include your child presenting the poster to the classroom and being the leader of the class for a whole week. Please try to add pictures of family members and things your child is interested in. Our Montessori work cycle begins promptly at 8:30 am. In order for us to help your child develop independence, we ask that you drop your child by the door and let the child walk in the classroom all by her/himself. We are here to help your child “do things all by him/herself”. If you need assistance, Ms. Sudha will greet and help your child enter the classroom. If you have any concerns or questions, please write it in the notebook provided by the door. I will check that several times a day. The best time to call me during the day is after 12:00 pm or you can leave a message with Ms. Melissa. We are here to serve your children and provide an educational safe environment. Please make an appointment to talk to me if you have any questions or concerns regarding your child. A busy year has been planned. It will be exciting watching your children grow and learn. I am looking forward to a delightful year! – Ms. Azy, Ms. Vidya, Ms. Jennifer and Ms. Sudha STEP BY STEP MONTESSORI SCHOOLS – WAYZATA
Children House 2
elcome back to Children’s House 2! The summer flew by with many new projects and themes that kept us busy every day. The children enjoyed going on several field trips and learning about a variety of artists, while working on classroom summer themes (Ocean Life, Life on the Farm and Bugs). The children really loved the sprinkler days, ice cream truck visits and making an ocean snack using blue Jello and Swedish fish. September is always a fun month for children and teachers. It is a time to welcome back our friends who had the summer off and introduce them to many friends who joined our classroom this summer. As a class, we will be working on rules and guidelines to keep our classroom a peaceful and educational environment. It is crucial to establish such routines at the beginning of the year in order for “normalization” to occur. Normalization is achieved when children know and do what is expected in the Montessori classroom. Please help your child follow such guidelines by having them at school by 8:30am and enter the classroom by themselves. This gives your child independence and helps keep distractions at a minimum. If you would like to
“Tell me and I’ll forget; show me and I may remember. Involve me and I’ll understand.” – Chinese proverb
Greek Masks from art with Cassandra. talk with the teacher, a notebook is always located outside the classroom door. It is checked often and the teacher will call back at a more convenient time. We will be presenting many grace and courtesy lessons throughout the year. Such lessons include, how to politely interrupt a teacher, how to roll out a work mat and how to introduce yourself. Many of these lessons not only help the children prepare for classroom living, but everyday life as well. Every month new works are changed throughout the classroom. This month our focus is on apples and leaves. We will have a couple of cooking activities that include apples. Keep an eye out for sign-ups to bring such items. Parents who contribute in bringing in food items and crickets for our fire-belly toads are a big help and the children enjoy helping and feeling part of the classroom environment. This year our Kindergartners are Pranisha, Roy and Luke. The kindergarten year is known as the most productive year of Montessori education. The children have an important role as leaders of the classroom, thus improving their self-confidence and responsibility. They will have the opportunity to use the basic knowledge from prior years and add complexity to all areas of the classroom. – Ms. Kylee, Ms. Brittany, Ms. Alicia
Transition Toddlers
ell it’s that time again. Didn’t summer go quickly? discussing what happens throughout a day in school. We will be I’m afraid that those 16 inches of snow we got in April posting a chart of the order for the day so that the children will really messed things up. Perhaps we will be lucky and know what happens next. Of course, there will be days when have an extended fall. It’s going to be a bit hard this year to say things don’t go exactly as planned. For example, there will be goodbye to so many of our toddlers as they move up to preschool. times when we have scheduled a work or group time, but the Of course, we will also be welchildren need and want to move; coming many new faces from the hence, music and movement is Young Toddler room. Some have bumped up. already made their way over to our For “An Apple a Day” we will room, and others have been tranbe looking at proper nutrition. sitioning. It won’t take long for Each day of the week, we will be the children to adapt to their new taste testing something new. On classrooms, friends and teachers. Monday, we will be doing the This summer we had so much traditional apple testing, by trying fun playing outdoors and enjoya variety of apples and deciding ing some very special events and which ones are our favorites. On activities such as Sprinkler Day Tuesday, we will be tasting differand the Ice Cream Truck. When ent kinds of grains. On Wednesindoors, we buckled down and day, we will be checking out worked. There were many times cheese. On Thursday, some raw that the children impressed visiting vegetables, and on Friday berries. onlookers as they love to show Anything to do with food is always what they are capable of doing. a big hit, and I am really looking It’s their room, and they are proud forward to it. of it. Another accomplishment is Lastly, for “First Signs of Fall” that a large number of children in we will be observing the change in One of the themes in September is our class are now using the toilet. colors in nature, begin collecting It’s amazing how quickly it comes leaves and learn songs and read “An Apple a Day” where we’ll be looking at about. It is good to remember that books about what happens in the proper nutrition. Each day of the week, you don’t have to train your child, Fall. We will go on a short nature we will be taste testing something new. they will do it when they’re readywalk and look to see what we can and rather quickly, I might add. find for our nature collection jar, In addition, the children have cultivated many new friendships which we will then keep on our science shelf. This is certain to during their stay in the classroom–friendships that will continue be a very rewarding experience. to grow and blossom throughout their preschool years. We love The beginning of the school year is always a busy, but exciting them all. time. With our family picnic and two days of school pictures, it The themes for the month of September are: “All About starts with a bang. But in no time at all, things settle down and we Me”, “Back to School”, “An Apple a Day” and “First Signs of get into a groove. The older children, who were once the “little Fall”. For “All About Me” we will be taking down the children’s ones”, will now be mentors for the fresh faces entering our room. heights and weights, and getting their handprints and photos. It’s what makes it a family. And it’s exactly how Maria MontesThese stats will be charted along with their birthdays, and posted sori wanted it. I am so proud of our children. I am proud of how for all to see. It is one of their favorite units. We will also be they care about each other, and about how they grow up to be asking the children to bring in photos of themselves to share at such bright and responsible little individuals. And I thank you group time, as well as beginning the “Star of the Week”. When for choosing Step By Step and entrusting your little treasures it is your child’s turn to be “The Star”, you will be getting a little to our care. You are what makes our school the best. note along with instructions on how to go about it. Have a great Fall! For “Back to School” we will be reading stories about and – Ms Lisa, Ms Jodi and Ms Tina
Infant/Toddler Room & Infant Room This month, we will focus on the color red, apples and trees. Be sure to quiz your kiddos on things that are red. They might even be able to point at the color in Spanish!
irst and foremost, we would like to welcome our new students and their families to the toddler room. We are so happy to have you with us for all the exciting things we have planned for this school year. We are also excited to welcome a new lead teacher to our room! Ms. Holly was previously an assistant teacher in another room at Step By Step Wayzata. She is elated to be working with your children in the toddler room this year. Her background is in education and Spanish. We are very eager to begin integrating Spanish into our daily activities. 12-24 months is just the perfect age for your little sponges to soak up other languages alongside their own. Along with language development, we like to focus on building a well-rounded program to aid your child in developing social and cognitive skills. Our daily routine includes a variety of activities intended to engage your child in different ways. We have large groups in which we sing songs, read stories and have “lessons” on things like letters, shapes and colors. In our small groups, we do arts and crafts activities as well as hands-on lessons on more specific practical skills.
During the less structured portions of our day, the kids are free to do Montessori style “works.” We have so many wonderful hands-on teaching tools in our room so every moment is a learning moment! These times are especially designed to encourage independence in our students. Over the course of the year, they learn to share, feed themselves, clean up after themselves and even dress themselves. We also have outside time, lunch and snacks, and, of course, nap time. Overall, we are constantly encouraging our little ones to communicate both effectively and respectfully with friends and teachers. Throughout the year, we will be exploring monthly themes along with the other classes in the building. This month, we will focus on the color red, apples and trees. Be sure to quiz your kiddos on things that are red. They might even be able to point at the color in Spanish! We can’t wait to share all of this excitement with you and yours. We have a wonderful year ahead of us full of fun and learning. Enjoy those last few weeks of summer and we’ll be seeing you in the classroom! – Ms. Holly, Ms. Jenny and Ms. Kaitlyn
he infant room staff warmly welcomes you to the new school year. We have had a wonderfully busy summer and are now ready to settle into fall. Many of our little ones enjoyed exploring the outdoors this summer and will continue to do so as the weather permits! Please remember to provide appropriate clothing, as the weather may be unpredictable. This fall, our room will be busy and we can’t wait to see each important milestone. We are excited to get some new fall activities! As always, the infant staff is here to provide loving care and a stimulating encouragement. Our goal is to be your child’s home-away-from-home. If you every have any questions, our door or phone is always open. Please feel free to drop by any time. – Ms. Jessica and Ms. Catherine
Step By Step Programs Music
s you know, music is a significant part of education. It is also a unique language. It is critical to introduce a child to music during their first years of life. At Step By Step Montessori, music classes are held twice a week for toddlers and preschoolers and once a week for Kindergarteners. During class, your child will be learning and singing folk, traditional, seasonal, and Montessori songs to live piano music. We will be playing musical instruments such as rhythm sticks, tone blocks, drums, triangles, bells, and maracas. We will also dance and play musical games as well as listen to classical music. September is such an exciting month and it is time for new beginnings, new friendships, and new experiences. We will start out with a welcome song and school songs such as “Welcome Friends and How Are You”, “The More We Get Together”, “I Will Be Your Friend” and “A-P-P-L-E”. The dances of the month are “Hokey Pokey” and “Let’s All Clap Our Hands Together”. In Kindergarten Music, we will explore the differences between singing and speaking voices, loud and soft singing and learn P (piano) and f (forte). – Ms. Janet, Music Specialist
ontessori There’s an App for That The iSteps program will start the second week of September and run through May 2014. Of the things students will learn include basic care of electronic devices, how to use various programs, and begin building the foundations of good digital citizenship. Students will be introduced to basic net safety rules and ethical use of the internet. They will learn how to take photos and use basic editing tools. They will use apps that will help them learn to navigate through menus and do basic net searches using the safe settings. We have many Montessori apps to enhance the learning from the classroom. They will also be able to use words and pictures together to communicate and tell a story. I look forward to helping your children blaze into the 21st Century! – Amy Campbell, iSteps Specialist
Hot Lunch Our schools offers a voluntary lunch program that offers fresh, healthy, and affordable lunches to our students. Key components of our program: • Kid favorite menu prepared with select ingredients that maximize nutrition. • We use pure ingredients - no high fructose corn syrup, added trans fats, artificial flavors, colors, MSG, or added nitrates. • Fresh fruits, vegetables, house-made soups, and salads.