The Gauntlet--Frosh 2019

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elcome to university! You’ve probably already received sage old advice from your parents, guidance counsellors and maybe even your nextdoor neighbour on what to expect at university. But rest assured, the magazine you’re holding is much more than generic advice — it’s a piece of campus culture. It contains tips and tricks, along with campus antics from fellow students who were in your exact shoes no more than a few years ago. Your time at university will likely be some of the most unforgettable, challenging and rewarding years of your life. It’s when you are exposed to new people and ideas and discover genuine passions that inspire future endeavors. It’s when you start to figure out this whole “adulting” thing and realize that no one really knows what they’re doing. You will learn a lot more than just that in University. One of the biggest things you will learn is there is so much more to learn about this weird world and where you are in it. Make sure to take full advantage of

to university

what the university has to offer. Study abroad in Scotland, join the origami club, talk to those people in your 8 a.m. lecture. We promise that you won’t regret doing these things, only that you’ll regret not doing them when you had the chance to be more carefree. This is the time to explore and discover! Trust yourself. At times university can be overwhelming and frustrating, espceically at the peak of midterms or when you need to pull am all nighter just to stay on top of everything But remember to try to take time to care for your mental and physical well-being (which is easier said then done!). Go for a run, meet up with some friends for a coffee, pick up a new hobby — anything that can take your mind off of school to recharge your batteries. Feel free to stop by at the Gauntlet anytime. Whether you want to learn some new writing skills or make some new friends on campus, our doors are always open! Mariah Wilson, Frosh 2019 Editor


IN THIS ISSUE 4 // Residence: A place to call home 5 // Navigating your room-ationship 6 // How to textbook 8 // Welcome from the government 9 // Dealing with “the man” 12 // Who’s who in the SU? 14 // Vices 16 // Harm reduction 18 // Essential services 20 // Health and diversity services 24 // Fitness 26 // Dinos 30 // Gauntlet history 32 // Campus etiquette 36 // Staff advice 2 | GAUNTLET FROSH 2019

38 // Entertainment 41 // Study spaces and tips

CONTRIBUTORS Melanie Woods Prince Afrim Nikayla Goddard Derek Baker Curtis Wolff Dawn Muenchratch Louie Villanueva Jason Herring Tina Shaygan


’m sure you’ll be welcomed to the University of Calgary a thousand times this week, peppered with advice and continually lectured about “getting involved.” Let me tell you, as someone whose campus experience is coming to an end, it’s true, but with an important addendum. Get involved in the things you’re passionate about, the things that scare you and the things that allow you to make a difference. This is the time in your life to discover who you are and what you believe in. It’s the time to become informed on the issues that matter most. Seek out opinions different than your own. Debate. Ask questions. Engage in discourse. Be uncomfortable. That’s how you learn and grow. Our team produces this magazine annually in order to give you a student-to-student perspective on what to expect in your first year at the University of Calgary. Some of it is intended to be tongue-in-cheek and we hope you’ll appreciate our humour. We also endeavour to be

serious – to provide students with the most current information on the most pressing issues from a wide variety of perspectives. At university, as well as in our pages, you’ll read and hear things you don’t like, that challenge your existing perspective, and I think that’s great. There’s nothing more powerful than the ability to think critically about issues and formulate your own opinions. Your time in university should give you the skills necessary to do just that. We’d love to have you as a volunteer at the Gauntlet — especially those of you who secretly want to write for us, but think yourselves unqualified. We all started that way, and I’d love nothing more than to help you succeed and surpass your own expectations. At the risk of redundancy, welcome to the University of Calgary. Kristy Koehler, Gauntlet Editor-in-Chief




s your Students’ Union President, I’m so excited to welcome you to the University of Calgary. You’re joining a family of over 25,000 undergraduate students on our campus. While that might seem incredibly daunting, the Students’ Union is here to help you succeed during your time at the University of Calgary. These next four years (or five, or six - despite what it might feel like, there’s no rush) will be some of the most wonderful and most challenging years of your life. Some of you already know what your path will be. Some of you will figure it out as you go. Some of you will have that “a-ha” moment halfway through and discover a new path for yourselves. What happens over these next few years is now up to you — you will learn


just as much outside of the classroom as you will in it. I want to give you one piece of advice as you start your undergraduate journey — find a space on campus to call home. Home isn’t always a place or a building — it can be a favourite study spot, an SU club or a close friend. Finding your home on campus isn’t always easy, but the SU is here to support you however we can. As you read through this year’s edition of FROSH, you’ll learn a lot more about what there is to explore at the University of Calgary and what the SU can do for you as your student representatives. I want to see you succeed ­ — and I’m always open to hearing from you. Feel free to stop by my office and say hi, or send me a message at — I can’t wait to meet you! Jessica Revington, SU President




a place to call home

By Melanie Woods


or most students, moving into residence marks the first tentative steps out of their parents’ home and into the real world. It’s like purgatory — not the heaven of living rent free with a fridge full of food, but also not the hell of paying electric bills and deciding if a Costco membership is worth it. But it’s still a transition, and incoming students will inevitably have some adjusting to do. Every year on move-in day, residence services does everything they can to make residence as appealing as possible. Incoming students get a fancy drawstring bag full of coupons, a bus ride to Bed Bath and Beyond to purchase discounted shower caddies, the promise of frequent floor events and dozens of Residence Students Association members spouting words like “community” and “family.” They make it seem like residence is a summer camp that never ends. In many ways, that’s true. Residence is a place where, if you want to party, there is probably a room full of dudebros doing vodka shots and attempting to illegally play beer pong on two milk crates and an engineering presentation poster. They’ll greet you with a raucous cheer and invite you to join in. Everyone is everyone’s friend at a first-year residence party, especially if you bring booze. For when you aren’t busy drinking, food is available at your fingertips. The Dining Centre does have vegetables. As tempting as it may be to live off of Reese’s peanut butter pops and cup-a-noodles, man cannot live on junk food alone. Take advantage of the thousands of dollars you were forced to pump into your meal plan. There will come a time during your stay in residence when the appeal starts to slip. When you find yourself complaining about how overpriced rent is (which is incredibly overpriced) or how loud your neighbour’s party 4 | GAUNTLET FROSH 2019

is (which is incredibly loud) or how tiny your twin bed is (which is incredibly tiny), remember that residence is a transition point built on convenience. You won’t be here forever. I’ll admit that three years and four different buildings after my first move-in day at University of Calgary, most of the lustre of that first day is gone. I don’t know any of my current neighbours. I haven’t been to a floor event since my first year. The only alcohol in my fridge is a half case of Mike’s Hard Lemonade left over from a staff party three months ago. My shower caddy was purchased at full price on my own time. But I still choose to live in residence. This is a place where I can roll out of bed at 7:50 a.m. and still make it to my 8:00 a.m. critical theory lecture. I don’t have to worry about setting up Wi-Fi or fixing a broken sink because maintenance is always on call. There are a few tips I can impart upon you to maximize residence’s convenience. Learn nearby transit routes. Keep a first-aid kit in your room. Invest in your own shot glasses. Know your neighbours. Never date on your own floor. Buy groceries and use your fridge for more than just Jägermeister — your body will thank you. Find excuses to get off campus. For kicks, you can always laugh at the poor suckers who have to commute on the train for an hour and a half every morning. You might spend only eight months here, or five years and every summer in between. You might become an active member of the RSA or a jaded recluse. Regardless, you will make it through this, unless the Dining Centre food kills you first. And if you ever get duct-taped inside of a dorm room, well, it happens to the best of us. Good luck.


room-ationship By Mariah Wilson


hether you’re living with friends or complete strangers, it’s imporant to set some ground rules since you’ll be living together for the foreseeable future. If there’s a lack of communication, it can lead to hard feelings and unnecessary stress and frustration on top of your schoolwork. You want to be able to come home to a “safe space” where your worries from the day can melt away — believe us, it’s important to have an area where you can unwind and be yourself. To save you having to go through the awkwardness of having the “talk” with your roommate, here are some tips to set a solid foundation from the get go:

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LAY DOWN GROUND RULES A.S.A.P. When you choose to live with someone, whether it’s your best friend from high school or someone you met at orientation five minutes ago, you need to realize that they have different values and tolerances than you. It’s important to be open and accepting of these values to build a solid relationship, but you also need to be honest with your roommate about what your needs are. If these aren’t communicated from the get-go, your cozy little abode can soon turn into a hostile environment.

BUDGETING AND FINANCES Making a budget of your monthly expenses is a good habit to develop, and it will ensure that your student loans and savings will last throughout your time at university. Therefore, it’s vital that you and your roommate have an open and honest conversation about monthly house expenses. How will living costs be split between the two of you? What brands can you both afford? During these converasations, make sure to be respectful of your roommates comfort zone and their privacy. They don’t have to disclose their entire financial situation to you if they don’t want to. Also: Don’t lend out money.



Communication is key here, people. If there’s a problem, openly discuss it right away. Don’t let your passive aggressiveness over one dirty dish escalate into a catastropic disagreement. Nobody is perfect and nobody is going to know how you’re feeling unless you express it. If you know that seeing dirty dishes left in the sink for more than a day is one of your triggers, make sure to let your roommate know this. But, always try to be gentle and kind with them as they adjust to your needs and vice versa. Bonus: Schedule a time once a week to meet-up and go over any house-related topics. Whether it’s that you guys need to buy more toilet paper or need to crack down on playing loud music at night, it’s important to check-in with one another.



As your school, extra-curricular and social schedules pick up, it’s easy to put some of your relationships on the back burner. But, it’s important that you make sure to retain the friendship within your “room-ationship.” While I’m not advocating for y’all to hangout 24/7, you should try to set aside sometime for just the two of you. If you were friends first, then this becomes even more important. Without the “fun” part in your relationship with one another, it’s easier to get bogged down by the mundane tasks and trivial disagreements over running a home. You don’t want to develop negative — or indifferent — feelings for one another.


Buying textbooks is the most crooked market this side of the subprime mortgage crisis. Since the consumer — that’s you — doesn’t get to choose the product, textbook publishers can set disproportionately high prices. These are the alternatives to buying new textbooks that keep your coffers full for other university activities, like drinking at The Den, drinking in residence and drinking in public.



This is the easiest alternative to buying new. Reach a few feet over from those shiny new editions to the less pretty and less expensive — but equally informative — used copies. Used copies at the University of Calgary Bookstore are around 20 per cent cheaper than the new ones. Try to find one that someone has marked up with a highlighter. This means they’ve done some work for you, and if they’ve made it past the first few chapters, they probably knew what they were doing.

The library keeps many popular textbooks on reserve and you can book them for a couple hours at a time, which is all the time you’ll need to catch up on the last few weeks of reading. Most people either don’t know this option exists or are too sane to figure it out, so textbooks are usually available. If you’re unsure how often you’ll actually use the textbook, but are anxious about not having access to it at all, this option is for you. This is the most overlap you’re going to get between free and legal.

BUY USED AT BOUND & COPIED Take a stroll down the hall from the U of C Bookstore to the Students’ Union-run Bound & Copied. They sell used textbooks via consignment and are normally cheaper than the used copies at the bookstore. That means more money in your pocket, some other student’s pocket and the SU’s pocket. You can even sell your textbooks back at the end of the semester and keep the scheme going. Taking a slice of profit away from our university and publisher overlords — Marx would be proud.

If you want to ditch the middleman altogether, there’s a Facebook group called Used Textbooks for Sale (University of Calgary). It’s a fairly active forum for both buyers and sellers. Either post what you’re looking to buy or browse through the past few months worth of posts. I’m trying to sell some textbooks on there right now, so not only is it a great way to buy cheap books but also a great place to meet cool people. Seriously though, I’ve been trying to sell this global politics textbook on there for years. Help a brother out.

LOOK FOR AN OLDER EDITION ONLINE Can you spot the difference between the eighth and ninth editions of a textbook? Me neither. Hop on Amazon and buy an old edition, as long as you don’t mind navigating through the different page numbers. If you’re lucky, some professors will even provide page numbers for different versions of the textbook to help smart shoppers like yourself.

STEAL THEM FROM THE INTERNET You kids with your “torrents” and your “memes” and your “Internet.” I don’t know how any of that shit works. But your buddy’s weird roommate who’s majoring in computer science probably does. Check your morals at the door and see if they can hook you up on the “down-load.” Your mileage may vary depending on your major, as most arts students aren’t planning on scanning and uploading entire books out of spite. Math and computer science students will have far more luck.

DON’T READ THEM You know what else is for nerds? Reading. You may consider buying those textbooks, but you know that you’re not actually going to read them. I sure didn’t. You’ll be just fine. My global politics textbook is one of the exceptions. You should definitely buy it.





elcome to both new and returning students to the University of Calgary. I am Jason Copping, your local MLA for Calgary-Varsity. As a former instructor at the Haskayne School of Business for over ten years I am humbled to now represent you and your interests in the Alberta Legislature. You have chosen to attend a university that continues to be ranked as a top research university in Canada and has top ranking programs recognized internationally. This is in part due to the incredible faculty and staff that run the university, but also in part to you, the students. Our government recognizes the importance of education and ensuring students are set up for success when they reach the workforce. This is why we have promised to reduce provincial red tape and mandates on universities and colleges, freeing them to innovate and compete more, complying with bureaucratic mandates less. We are committed to working with universities and industry associations to measure Alberta’s performance against leading global research and government networks in key innovation hubs like California, Texas, Israel, London and Hong Kong. In addition, we are establishing the most effective intellectual property framework for the commercialization and entrepreneurial application of innovative research and development from Alberta’s universities and colleges. These measures, plus the legislation passed during our spring session will ensure investor confidence and bring back jobs to Alberta; jobs that you as students need upon graduation. Alberta’s post-secondary institutions are critical to this; ensuring Alberta is once again open for business. My constituency office is located at 1055 20 Ave NW,

unit 201. If you have concerns of a provincial matter please contact my office at 403-216-5436 or email at calgary.varsity@ I also look forward to being on campus and having the opportunity to meet with students and attend events. Please watch for notices of when I will be available on campus. I wish you all the best as you begin your new year at the University of Calgary. Jason Copping, Member of the Legislative Assembly for Calgary-Varsity


elcome to our community and the constituency of Calgary Confederation. Congratulations on your acceptance to study at the University of Calgary! The coming years will shape you in the most unimaginable ways and will serve as a foundation for the rest of your lives. Yes, you need to study and you will need to do your work, but also take time for yourself. Discover new friends, new experiences and new places. Most importantly, get involved! Become involved in something, anything! This will open your mind, your heart and your imagination. It will provide you with skills and experience; it will provide you with insight and inspiration. Consider being involved in sports, campus clubs, service clubs or any one of hundreds of volunteering opportunities. You could even get involved in politics! When you walk across that stage at graduation, make sure you leave with more than just a piece of paper. It is up to you to determine what it is that you leave university with, but make sure it embraces a broader knowledge of the world around you and the people in it. Leave more than you take, and leave knowing you made a difference in lives other than your own. 8 | GAUNTLET FROSH 2019

Len Webber, Member of Parliament for Calgary Confederation

DEALING WITH “ THE MAN ” By Kristy Koehler and Jason Herring

Politics might seem like a far-away problem, completely divorced from your life as a student. This couldn’t be further from the truth. Every level of government impacts your life on this campus and beyond. Stay informed and active in the issues you care about most. MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT City politics will likely have a huge impact on your day-to-day life. Municipal policy impacts issues important to students like housing and public transit. If you’re a full-time University of Calgary student, a UPass is included in your student fees at a significantly lower cost than regularpriced transit passes. The primary mode of transit in the city is the CTrain, a light-rail train that connects the U of C with the downtown core and communities across the city. There are a few gaps in train service, notably to the deep southeast and far north. Solutions to this problem are a continually debated issue. In the meantime, the city has three Bus Rapid Transit routes which offer frequent, crosstown service. Reductions to transit as a result of city-wide budget cuts will be a recurring issue you’ll hear about. Calgary’s last municipal election took place in October 2017, resulting in a third term for mayor Naheed Nenshi. Druh Farrell serves as the city councillor for Ward 7, where the U of C is located.

PROVINCIAL GOVERNMENT Politics at this level will have a major effect on what post-secondary education looks like for the remainder of your degree. Alberta politics had a major shake-up in 2015 when the Alberta New Democratic Party ended the Progressive Conservative party’s 44-consecutive years in power. The long-reigning PCs now no longer exist, having merged with the far-right Wildrose to create the United Conservative Party. In April’s provincial election, the newly-created UCP under the leadership of Jason Kenney ousted the NDP, winning a majority government. The political swing back to the right is likely to produce some shake-ups. There’s talk of new freedom of speech rules being imposed on university campuses, tuition fees are a provincially mandated issue and funding to post-secondary instutitions are also a provincial matter. And, let’s not forget, the provincial minimum wage is now in the hands of the UCP. Students working either on campus or off to help pay for their education will certainly feel any changes to their wages.

FEDERAL GOVERNMENT This is an election year. While it may seem that federal decisions don’t impact the day-to-day lives of students, they do. A noticeable federal government impact to students is the student loan program. A 2016 change to the program meant that students don’t have to pay back their debts until they’re making over $25,000 a year. The feds also run the Canada Summer Jobs program, which is a good resource for finding work when school’s out. With a number of students walking out of classrooms to demand government climate action, young adults seem more invested than ever in federal politics. Decisions impacting immigration, national defence, taxation, affordable housing, poverty and the environment all rest with the party and person elected to this country’s highest office. The next federal election will take place in October. Until then, it’s the Liberal Party’s Justin Trudeau at the helm as Canada’s Prime Minister. He’s challenged by Andrew Scheer and the Conservatives, Jagmeet Singh’s NDP, Elizabeth May’s Green Party and the People’s Party of Canada, led by Maxime Bernier. 9 | GAUNTLET FROSH 2019

W h o ’s W h o in the SU? Some people dismiss elected officials as people who are only trying to pad their resumés with fancy titles. There’s definitely some students like this, but there’s actually a lot of work that goes into these positions. The decisions they make in the interest of students are to enhance the oft-lauded student experiences at the U of C. If you really want to know what’s going on, drop by Students’ Legislative Council (SLC) meetings every Tuesday night to sit in the gallery with people like me who like to complain about anything and everything. Who knows — maybe you too will become one of the Hyper-Engaged™. The SU’s members are elected by the student body every year. In February, the SU’s annual election campaign will be in full swing. Walls will be plastered with posters and costumed candidates will run around campus begging for your vote. Almost everyone hates this time of year — you will too.

By Derek Baker Photos by Mariah Wilson 10 | GAUNTLET FROSH 2019

PRESIDENT — Jessica Revington The head honcho. The big cheese. Our beloved leader — all phrases that have probably never been used to describe this position. Still, Revington is the public face of the organization this upcoming year. She also maintains official relations with the university and votes on the Board of Governors. Revington will be working hard to represent the organization — and thus, all of us — so give her props if you see her around campus.

VP STUDENT LIFE — Alisha Gordon Also known as “VP Party,” the vice-president student life is in charge of arguably the most important day at the U of C — Bermuda Shorts Day. Gordon also oversees SU-sanctioned clubs, which are a great way to make the most out of your university experience. The position is in charge of events like Clubs Week and Frost Bite. It’s not all fun and games, however — the position also has an important role in mental health initiatives to foster student well-being.

VP ACADEMIC — Kevin Dang The vice-president academic facilitates the relationship between the SU and campus faculty. Dang is responsible for improving the academic experience and promoting undergraduate research through initiatives like the Teaching Excellence Awards and the Undergraduate Research Symposium. As a first-year, unless you have a huge problem with the U of C’s faculty — or you’re caught cheating — you likely won’t be booking any appointments with him.


NAL — Sa diya Nazir

The vice-president external is the SU’s professional schmoozer. Nazir spends more time than any other executive jetting around the country, wearing fancy suits and shaking politicians hands as she promotes student issues at all levels of government. But the most effective way to ensure students’ concerns are heard in government is to vote, and much of Nazir’s portfolio this year will be gearing up student participation in the federal election.

VP OP-FI — Omer Mansoor You pay fees to belong to the SU every semester — and someone needs to sign the cheques. The vice-president operations and finances manages the organization’s budget and policy. They also oversee various SU various businesses in MacHall, bringing in roughly $1.9 million in annual revenue in rent from the space’s tenants, meaning that Mansoor has plenty of responsibility.

TATIVES N E S E R P E R Every faculty at the University of Calgary has at FACULTY

least one representative on SLC, depending on the faculty’s size. Their role is to act on behalf of their faculty to address specific issues that students within that faculty face. If you have any problems with your department or ideas on how to improve the lives of your fellow classmates, track your rep(s) down. They’re happy to help. 11 | GAUNTLET FROSH 2019

What do they do in the SU? By Tori Taylor


o you paid tuition, and some folks wearing blue sweatshirts with “SU” emblazoned on the back have told you to get involved on campus. But what do this blue man group do? What does the whole Students’ Union do and why do your student fees keep it going? The answer — they help make campus-life and frankly, your university-life, survivable. Full-time students pay $32.50 each fall and winter semester, while part-timers pay $14.50 in the fall and winter — with those fees, the SU does some real cool shit. First thing’s first, pet therapy. The SU partners up with PALS to bring in 10 service dogs for you to pet. Sometimes they come dressed in themes — who wouldn’t love a golden retriever wearing a doggie version of a Tommy Bahama shirt and a lei to cuddle? This program runs through fall and winter semesters, so you’ll get an ample amount of time to pet good boys. DeStress kits are given out during final exams, where a little pick-me-up goes a long away. It’s usually an SU blue bag with a couple of goodies to keep you trekking through the hell that is finals season. Sex Week is held annually in February, with many workshops and events happening on and around campus. It’s put on in conjunction with other groups on campus like the Wellness Centre that promotes education focused on sexual and gender wellbeing. There’s also free condoms and period products year-round that you can grab when you want to get a little frisky with that cutie in your PSYC201 class or when Aunt Flo comes to town. If you’re low on power, you can borrow an SU PowerBank at Stör! PowerBanks will charge any USB device like phones, tablets, or cameras. Just leave your ID, take a PowerBank and keep Snapchatting aforementioned cutie. The SU also supports the hundreds of clubs on campus — 323 clubs registered at the time of publishing. So, you can find just about anything your into, and for some reason, there isn’t a club that suits your needs, wants, hopes or dreams, then you can make one too. You like playing D&D? There’s a club for that. You like volunteering for charities? There’s a club for that. You like board games? You bet your ass there’s a club for that. Faculty reps put on events within their respective faculties too. From lemonade stands to three-minute thesis contests, students putting on events for students is a no-brainer. A volunteer tax program, campus food bank, refugee student program and a huge list of services too massive for this page also fall under their purview. So yeah, it’s worth that small percentage of your student loan.







PM to 1:30 P 30


12 :



k e e W s b u CI es ted by Union the Students’

YOGA FREE instructed classes Three time a week





therapy Fall 2019 Friday Oct 25

Friday Sept 27



Friday Nov 22


StressLess Week Monday Dec 2

Wednesday Dec 4



#ClubsWeek2019 #ClubHub #SUClubs

Friday Dec 6

12-1:30pm /clubs

Complete listing of student events, concerts and more:

SUUofCClubs +







(since we know you’re going to do it anyway...) By Cristina Paolozzi

Look, we’re not trying to promote anything here, but we’d be pretty delusional to assume that drinking and recreational drug use aren’t experimented with by university students. If you’re participating, you might as well be as safe as possible while doing so. Here are the common vices every university student is likely to encounter. Have a good time, but don’t be stupid!



here is a good chance that sometime during your stay at the University of Calgary, you will find yourself at one of the campus pubs, completely wasted. Parties in residence happen — despite there being rules in place to curtail them — and the fraternities on campus are active, so there are often frat parties scattered throughout the year. It’s something that is almost unpreventable seeing as these alcoholic institutions are somewhat of a gathering place for stressed and depressed students trying to find another excuse to procrastinate their study sessions. However, it is important to have a plan in place including how to get home safely, and how to reconnect with your friends if you happen to get separated. These environments can be fun, as well as a great place to meet new people. Just make sure to plan ahead!



aving sex on campus is a poor choice all around. The best idea is to wait until you can get somewhere private with a door that locks. No matter what you believe in the moment, it’s certainly not worth having sex in a quiet hallway or empty classroom. Remember the basics. Campus security will not be impressed if they catch you in the act. Verbal consent is mandatory. Free condoms can be found at the SU desk or at the Q Centre, so use them, ya turkey.



on’t bring drugs to campus. They’re better in non-stressful situations around people you trust.

If you didn’t experiment with drugs in high school and you’re trying something for the first time, remember that you don’t know what your reaction will be. Don’t try to keep up with experienced users. Use in a safe place where you can crash on a buddy’s couch if need be. Never take a drug dealer at their word. Chemical drugs like MDMA are notoriously impure. Fentanyl is on the rise in Calgary, so



annabis laws have changed in Canada. Just because it is legal to

smoke doesn’t mean it is acceptable everywhere. Remember, at the University of Calgary, it’s not okay to smoke, sell or advertise cannabis-related paraphernalia. Make sure that you stow these items in well-sealed and scent-proof containers and stay away from trying to grow the stuff on UCalgary property. Make sure that you familiarize yourself with the Cannabis Act passed by the Government of Canada even if you are familiar with smoking weed already, and also take a quick peek at the University of Calgary’s guidelines to possessing and using weed on campus online at



aving somewhere to crash on campus is vital. The University

of Calgary is a commuter school and spending long days with nowhere to unwind but the library is draining. There are couches in MacHall, but it’s difficult to relax with all the noise. Department clubs usually have rooms of their own with couches and microwaves, so check to see if your department has a space you can use. The Arts Lounge is conveniently located on the first floor of Social Sciences. The Science Students’ Centre recently opened up in Science Theatres. EEEL or Scurfield Hall have less traffic and offer a good place to relax. The Gauntlet also has some couches if you don’t mind copy editing or listening to the diatribes of our staff.



he coffee on campus isn’t too exciting, but it’s caffeinated and in abundant supply. Fuel for Gold, found in the MacHall food court, has short lines and is probably the only coffee on campus that holds its own when brewed black. Everything else needs cream and sugar to make it palatable. It’s terrible, but you know you’re going to drink it anyway.

make sure you check with your friends first to find a dealer you can trust. Don’t take unnecessary risks and be smart when indulging.

The coffee shop in Social Sciences is empty when classes are in session, but completely mobbed in between. Time your visit well.

Always remember that you do not need to do anything you feel uncomfortable with. If your gut-feeling is telling you something isn’t safe, it’s probably worth listening to.

Tim Hortons is exactly what you’d expect it to be — cheap, dependable and ultimately mediocre. But there are four locations on campus, so it’s at least easy to find if you’re in dire need of a quick cup.


Harm REDUCTION On-Campus By Cristina Paolozzi

can be an amazing and exciting Unewniversity new experience. There’s lots of new people, information and an increased sense of independence that comes with venturing into a new chapter in your life. However, it’s also true that these new and exciting times can lead to unfortunate missteps or lapses in judgement. Everyone makes mistakes and it’s always important to learn from them. It’s also pretty handy to know that the University of Calgary has many different resources in place to help students cope from everything from drug use to stress. So, whether you’re getting ready to attend your first frat party, or are already overwhelmed by this semester’s schedule, UCalgary has you covered with resources you may find useful.

SAFE WALK We’ve all been there — it’s late, you just finished the last-minute touches on your paper due that’s due tomorrow and its pitch black outside. You’ve successfully holed yourself away in the library all day, but you’ve parked all the way at McMahon Stadium and the feeling of walking alone in the dark is sounding less and less appealing. Instead of accepting the fact that you’ll have to stay in the library until morning, call Safe Walk. This is a resource that safely walks people to, from and around campus 24/7. They walk anywhere around campus, including McMahon Stadium and the University LRT station and the service is completely free. Call them up for a safe and friendly walk by dialing 403-220-5333.


MEDICAL SERVICES // WELLNESS CENTRE The worst feeling in the world is knowing you’re sick, but not having any idea why. Luckily, there is a walk-in clinic located on the third floor of MacHall. Open from Monday to Friday, this is a great option to just check in and make sure everything is fine. If you’re looking for specific appointments, they also offer services to help quit smoking, treat sprains or other physical injuries, address certain skin concerns as well as manage cold and flu symptoms. These services address physical health but help with maintaining sexual health is also important to remember. The Wellness Centre offers testing for STIs as well as pregnancy and prenatal care. Getting tested is a really important step that people sometimes feel embarrassed about or carry some sort of stigma around. With the Wellness Centre’s confidentiality policy, you and your partners can rest easy and have fun knowing that testing for STIs is a little more accessible. From counselling sessions, to injury prevention, nutrition advice or even getting a massage, the Wellness Centre provides many recourses to the campus community. If you would like to know more about all of their services, check them out at

POST-ALCOHOL SUPPORT SPACE (PASS) Created to reduce the risk of alcohol or cannabis related injury, the Post-Alcohol Support Space (PASS) is a safe and judgement-free space where anyone can sleep off the effects of a crazy night of partying on campus. Located in Cascade Hall and completely confidential, volunteers are available to help monitor individuals throughout the night. It’s so important to remember to plan your rides home when preparing for a night out. In the event that you forget — ­ and we all do — never get behind the wheel. Call Safe Walk or the Student Medical Response Team and take the rest you need before heading home safely.

DRUGS // CANNABIS It’s important to remain proactive, especially when experimenting with drugs and cannabis while at university. As a result of the rising opioid overdoses seen in the city, the University of Calgary has made Naloxone kits available for anyone to carry from Student Wellness Services. Non-judgmental and confidential support can be accessed through the Wellness Centre to manage substance use/abuse as well as through their website. The University of Calgary offers many resources and services regarding the mental, physical and sexual health of the community. Find out more at go.ucalgary. ca/reduce-your-harm.html.


By Dawn Muenchrath, Nikayla Goddard, Kristy Koehler and Frankie Hart



This is the most important URL of your undergraduate career, so bookmark it. Log into myUofC to access the Student Centre, where you can add, drop and swap courses, pay fees, apply for program changes, check your email and view your transcript. The Degree Navigator is also accessible here, which is a great resource to keeps tabs on your courses and GPA.

The Student Success Centre lets you book academic advising appointments. You can also use the Student Success Centre to book writing support appointments, get advice on changing your major or sign up for academic workshops and events.


Desire2Learn is the online portal for U of C courses. The website has information about most of the courses you’re registered in. You will inevitably encounter a luddite professor who refuses to use the site, but for most courses, D2L provides links to course outlines, important dates and an assignment drop box. You can also find your grades here, unfortunately.


If you’re anxious to find a good professor, especially for GPA boosting elective courses, this site tells you who’s good, bad and easy. Although the consensus is usually accurate, remember to take these ratings with a grain of salt. Students with an extreme opinion — good or bad — are most likely to post. You can also check out the Universal Student Ratings of Instruction on your Student Centre before choosing your class.



The Students’ Union website has information about employment and volunteer opportunities on campus, the consignment bookstore, campus clubs, locker rentals, study space and a calendar of upcoming SU events. You can also use the website to read about the university’s student government, including your current elected representatives.

OUTLOOK As a U of C student, you get an official email account. This is where you can find all communications regarding your courses, enrolment or general infoamtion from the University or SU. Your email also gives you free access to the Microsoft Office Suite — that means free Word and PowerPoint — and a terrabyte of storage on OneDrive, Microsoft’s cloud storage alternative to Google Drive. If you haven’t yet, you can go to to set up your email.


Your student library account gives you access to the university’s massive database of print and online resources. On the library website, you can search and download PDFs of journal articles and e-books, as well as place holds on any hard-copy books you need. There’s even a map to help you locate your book if you choose to hunt it down the old-fashioned way.

Visit the online booking portal to reserve a collaborative workroom for your group project. No more having those weird kids from your class over to your house! You can book up to a week in advance, for up to two hours in a day and for a maximum of three hours in a seven-day period. Rooms are equipped with all the tech necessary to cast your presentation from your phone screen to the big screen.


Your source for breaking news on campus, hot takes and cool columns. Arts and culture, humour, news, opinions, lifestyle and photography and videos grace our website daily. We’ve also got Instagram, Facebook and Twitter. Polls, quizzes, crosswords and other diversions abound. Bookmark us to stay abreast of what’s happening on campus and the issues that matter to you most. 18 | GAUNTLET FROSH 2019


The UCalgary Subreddit is a vat of toxic waste for people to spew whatever they’re pissed about on campus. Some of it is legitimate information, some is absolutely hilarious and the rest is memes, complaints and people who refuse to obtain actual advice asking questions about their course schedule to strangers on the internet.

RVICES UCALGARY LIBRARY SELF CHECKOUT APP New this year, the Library Self Checkout App is available for Android and iOS systems. Just head to your favourite app store, download and get checking out books. Currently available only in TFDL (this may change), all you have to do is sign in, find your book and scan the barcode in-app with your camera. No more taking the book to the desk or even the self-checkout. Just scan and go.

LEADERSHIP AND STUDENT ENGAGEMENT Want to back up those “leadership skills” on your resumé? Leadership and Student Engagement offers many programs for leadership development, orientation and transition support, community engagement and student life for those who are looking to get involved and learn to lead. Find them on the main floor of MacHall.

CAMPUS FOOD BANK The SU Campus Food Bank is administered through SU Volunteer Services. They provide a seven day emergency food relief service to the campus community. Students can access the service three times per fall and winter semester. Valid campus ID and an appointment are required. The front desk is located in MacHall, room 225.

ADVISING Visit the Arts Students’ Centre on the first floor of Social Sciences to meet with an advisor to help with anything from general questions to schedule building to “What the hell am I doing?” crises. Schedule an appointment at success.ucalgary. ca or stop by during their drop-in hours. Make sure to actually show up to your appointment, though, or you’ll have to repent via email to regain permission to book appointments. Undergraduate science students have their own source of advising. Located in Science B 149, the Undergraduate Science Centre is, as the name implies, the science students’ centre for support and advising regarding programs, resources, co-op and internships, studying abroad, etc.

UNICARD Manage your student ID, also called your Unicard, in person or online. The link for checking your balance is especially handy for students with a meal plan. You can also use a credit card to load money onto your Unicard for books, food and printing services. Plus, it’s helpful to have this bad boy on hand to prove your identity during exams. Your transit pass comes in the form of a sticker affixed to the card. Visit them online at and upload a selfie. 19 | GAUNTLET FROSH 2019

H E A LT H S E R V I C E S By Nikayla Goddard

As a freshman entering university life, you’ll be tasked with creating the perfect balance between work and play. This may seem easy until you take into account attending class, taking notes, studying for and writing exams, completing lab reports, finishing assignments and writing essays and… whew.


You may feel stressed in your first year, but remember that your well-being comes first. The good news is there’s resources at the University of Calgary devoted to making sure that you are at your best. The SU Wellness Centre is dedicated to supporting students. Located on the second floor of MacHall, the Wellness Centre offers regular health services like walk-in medical care, chiropractors, massage therapists, dieticians, vaccinations, STI and pregnancy screenings and more. On top of medical assistance, Varsity Pharmacy on the main floor of MacHall fills out your prescriptions. All of these services are at least partially covered by the Student Health and Dental Plan included in your student fees. While requesting an STI test or talking to a medical professional about problems you’re experiencing may be uncomfortable, it’s their job to assist you in the most constructive way possible. Professionals are there to help and it’s your job to seek help from them when needed. The Wellness Centre has significant mental health resources. As listed on their website, the top reasons students visit the Wellness Centre are relationship concerns, anxiety and stress, depression and grief, academic concerns and career concerns. The Wellness Centre offers workshops and seminars throughout the year to educate students on various mental health topics and to offer support. The best part about the U of C’s mental health services? They’re confidential and free – use them. Beyond the Wellness Centre’s office hours, Alberta Health Link at 811 is at your disposal 24/7, along with the Distress Centre at 403-266HELP (4357). While university life and all the pressures and challenges that come with it can be daunting, there are people here ready and willing to give you a helping hand. Adjusting to a new environment is difficult — take care of yourself.






The SU Centre for Sexual and Gender Diversity, better known at the Q Centre, is located on the main floor of MacHall and offers community and peer support, volunteer opportunities as well as other programs and events for the LGTBQ community on campus and in Calgary. The Q Centre also has a great library and lounge where students can study or socialize. Students are welcome to initiate ideas or proposals to the Q Centre for collaborative improvements of the student experience. The Q Centre’s list of upcoming events can be found on the SU website.

Writing Symbols Lodge is located on the third floor of MacHall above Dairy Queen. It offers a large variety of resources to help support educational success and improve the experience of First Nations, Métis and Inuit students. They offer a variety of leadership training as well as scholarships and funding. Writing Symbols Lodge also works to design post-secondary research regarding indigenous people and their communities. It has a ceremonial room for smudging and their list of events can be found on their online calendar.





The Women’s Resource Centre is located on the fourth floor of MacHall and offers a variety of resources such as workshops, peer support and professionals to speak with. They have worked with other university groups like the Consent and Sexual Education Awareness Club (CASE) to initiate programs and events to help foster a culture of consent and sexual awareness on campus. They offer plenty of volunteer opportunities for students and are closely tied to the Women’s Studies program in the faculty of arts.

The Faith and Spirituality Centre offers Christian, Muslim and Buddhist chapels as well as two prayer rooms on campus. Besides offering community support, the FSC helps students of all faiths with work and exam deferrals for religious holidays or other religious accommodations. The FSC also hosts the Pluralism and Religious Diversity Week, along with their weekly offerings, found on their website. It’s also a good place to find like-minded students to pray or meditate with.

TAYLOR FAMILY DIGITAL LIBRARY Any time other than exam week is a good time to visit this expensive, window-filled building. Levels of the library get quieter as you go up, so be prepared to hush up. Make sure you return your books on time or you’ll be shelling out precious dollars in late fees.



The best place on campus just got even better, as we just finished a huge renovation of our space. Come up to hang out, pick up some stories and play a spirited game of Super Mario Strikers. What could be better?


This busy commuter zone is a central area to get almost anywhere in the city. The CTrain is a student-friendly way to quickly get around Calgary and explore. Walk up the stairs on the right side for top efficiency.


THE DEN PATIO A great place to hang with friends in between classes or drink before your exams. You’ll probably do both at some point in your degree.

If you commute via bus, this is a spot you will become familiar with very quickly. A lot of time will be spent running here so you can get home in time to watch The Bachelorette.






he gym is located on the main floor of the kinesiology building. Your membership is included in your student fees as a full-time student. This facility is over 3750 square feet and offers every type of workout equipment one could want. They have a plethora of free-weight equipment, cardio machines and heavy weight equipment. They have a six-lane, 240m track to run on during the colder months or for quick sprint training. There is a circuit training area and functional training equipment and a variety of wheelchair accessible equipment. There are plenty of certified, well-trained staff members at the gym at all times to help you with the machines or answer questions. As you walk by the gym you will be able to see what a friendly and social environment it is. Gyms can be intimidating and overwhelming — but the U of C does a wonderful job at creating a space where newer and older students can feel comfortable staying healthy.



he campus is great for outdoor cardio. It’s located in a residential area with quiet streets and away from heavily-driven highways. Students can easily tie up their running shoes and find safe pavement to go for a jog. Likewise, cycling to and from school is made easy with plenty of bike racks at most main entrances. Throughout campus, the pathways from building to building are kept wide and bike-friendly. If you live off-campus you may choose to ride your bicycle to school as an active and environmentally friendly option. It will even help you get from class-to-class with a lot more speed. A map of excellent near-by pathways for outdoor running and cycling are offered on the university’s Active Living website and in-person at Kinesiology Client Services.


By Tori Taylor



he U of C has the largest public racquet facility in Canada. We have 13 squash and four racquetball/handball courts that are all regulated international size. This is a free fitness centre offered to all U of C students and members. It’s located on the main floor of the Kinesiology building. Bookings are no longer done online so make sure to stop in to the centre to schedule a playing time.

The University of Calgary is filled with opportunities to keep your active habits alive and thriving. Maintaining a good fitness regimen in your university schedule will help reduce stress and keep your mind and body strong. The university makes it quick and easy to access all sorts of activities and sports on-campus. A lot of the fitness opportunities offered are included in your student fees or made student-budget friendly. With so many different avenues for fitness, you’ll be sure to find your niche on campus.



ntramural teams are designed to be fun and inclusive. Of course there is a competitive edge added in — at whatever level you and your team are comfortable with. You do not need to be overly athletic. You don’t need to have experience in volleyball or basketball to feel like you will be accepted. These leagues are made for students that want to stay active and enjoy the social aspect of team sports. Intramurals are quality sports teams with a focus on participation. You aren’t limited to just one sport. The U of C offers these teams to support students in trying a variety of sports. Staying active and meeting new people on campus can be difficult and overwhelming. The U of C hopes to engage students and support them as they balance studying, building friendships and keeping their mental and physical health strong.



he university has an olympic-sized swimming pool that’s access is included in your student fees. The aquatic centre offers lane swimming, group classes, open recreation activities, tailored fitness programs, swimming lessons and certification programs for all ages. Although the pool caters to university students, access is open to the general public so you can bring family or friends to enjoy a swim with you anytime. This pool is the home of many Canadian Olympic athletes. It’s a pristinely maintained facility that students should take advantage of whenever they can.



he University of Calgary is home to the largest outdoor centre in Canada. It offers every type of outdoor activity you can think of enjoying in and around the Calgary area. It’s located on the main floor of the Kinesiology building through the Olympic Oval main entrance. Staff are friendly and enthusiastic to help you pick an activity you’ll love. There are rentals offered for more than 30 different types of outdoor activities — backcountry skiing, bouldering, camping, canoeing, fishing, cross-country skiing, kayaking, paragliding and ice climbing are just a few exciting examples. As a student at the U of C, you have an opportunity to enjoy the unique, mountainesque outdoor lifestyle that many Calgarians love.



he gymnastics centre at the U of C was built in 1987 with Olympic facility funding and is one of the best facilities in Canada. It is located in the Kinesiology Education building. This centre offers several programs. All equipment is Olympic-standard. There is a spring gymnastics floor and a spring tumbling floor. There are trampolines, foam pits, bars, vaults, rings and beams for students with a range of skill-level to utilise. Whether you are an experienced gymnast or a beginner looking to try something brand new — the gymnastics centre is a great part of campus life that is available to you.



he Olympic Oval was built for the 1988 Olympic Games. This facility is internationally famous and available for students, families and friends most weeknights. World-class level athletes train here on a regular basis. Skate rentals are offered for those who might need them. There are several different skating programs offered annually. The U of C’s Active Living website offers a weekly schedule for open skating times and classes available. Make sure you take advantage of such a top-quality facility right on-campus. There is also an air-conditioned running track for those who don’t love the summer heat.




By Kristy Koehler

arsity sports are a quintessential part of the university experience. The University of Calgary is home to the Dinos and features some of the most talented athletes and coaches in the country. Attending sporting events is a great way to foster school spirit and feel involved with the campus community. The Dinos compete in 10 different sports at the varsity level — basketball, field hockey, football, ice hockey, rugby, soccer, swimming, track and field, volleyball and wrestling. As part of the Canada West Conference, the Dinos play against teams from British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba. Regular home games are free for students to attend and provide a lively atmosphere. In addition to the home games, there are three must-attend marquee events throughout the year. Marking the end of orientation week and ringing in the academic year is Kickoff. An annual tradition, Kickoff is a football game that takes place at McMahon Stadium. Tailgating, a carnival fun zone and a rowdy crowd make for a great introduction to varsity sports. Every year, Calgary’s two universities go head to head in the Crowchild Classic. The U of C Dinos and the Mount Royal Cougars compete during the regular season across ice hockey, basketball, soccer and volleyball. The winner of the most games is awarded ‘The Medal’ – a 68-kilogram City of Calgary manhole cover. The biggest event of the competition is an ice hockey game that takes place every winter at the Scotiabank Saddledome. Billed as the Ultimate Crosstown Smackdown, the ‘Dome sees Dinos and Cougars fans take up opposite sides of the arena, creating a sea of red versus blue. The event is a hometown rivalry not to be missed. Pack the Jack brings thousands of students to the Jack Simpson Gym to watch the Dinos in basketball action. Normally taking place in February, there’s usually free Dinos swag to be had if you get there early. The atmosphere is intense and the competition is fierce! In 2018 the Dinos mens basketball team won the

National Championships and an undefeated season followed in 2019. Success on the basketball court was just one of the achievements the Dinos have found over the last couple of years. Last season, Calgary hosted the U Sports national wrestling championships in February, winning five medals on home floor. At the U Sports national swimming championships, also in February, the men’s swim team closed the gap between the Dinos and rivals the University of British Columbia Thunderbirds, taking home team silver and winning an impressive array of hardware in the process on track to usurp UBC next year. Women’s varsity rugby brought home a Canada West championship banner for their third consecutive season and in cross country, the Dinos won their first U Sports national championship. The football team had an undefeated regular season, making it all the way to the Hardy Cup and setting records in the process. Quarterback Adam Sinagra became the record holder for single-season passing in U Sports football while kicker Niko DiFonte tied the Canada West record for field goals in one game. Both men’s and women’s volleyball entered the post-season, with the men in the Canada West playoffs and the women in the U Sports national championships. The women’s soccer team finished fifth in the country at the U Sports national championships while the men’s soccer team advanced to the Canada West quarter-final. The Crowchild Classic was dominated by the Dinos and both the men’s and women’s hockey team defeated the Mount Royal University Cougars at the Scotiabank Saddledome. The Dinos are well-positioned to build on their success again this year. It’s impossible not to be proud of the sporting tradition at U of C, whose athletes have brought home 46 national championships in 10 sports. Action-packed and full of school spirit, Dinos games are a must for any U of C student. Check out the schedule and up-to-date scores at



Like most respectable post-secondary institutions, the University of Calgary has a few media outlets. Dubbed the tri-media alliance, CJSW, NUTV and the Gauntlet all offer volunteer, training and employment opportunities and are located above the Black Lounge on MacHall’s east third-floor. These organizations rely heavily on both student levies and volunteer contributions to thrive and are great sources of information and entertainment. By Jason Herring




CJSW 90.9 FM



he best-known of the U of C’s media outlets is CJSW 90.9 FM, the school’s community radio station. CJSW is entrenched in Calgary’s arts scene, broadcasting music, spoken word and multicultural programming created by and for students and Calgarians. You’ve probably seen their presence at music festivals like Calgary Folk Fest. Programming on CJSW is eclectic, with its shows capturing everything from campus life to feminist and queer punk music to rockabilly and country tunes. You won’t enjoy everything on the station, but there’s a good chance that there’s a show or two you’ll adore. If you want to listen away from the radio, CJSW now saves and streams all their shows on their website. CJSW volunteers have the opportunity to learn about sound engineering, writing for radio, maintaining music libraries and more. Dedicated volunteers even have a chance to host their own show.

f you’ve ever noticed the TVs hanging around MacHall that provide both campus information and short videos, you’ve seen part of what NUTV does. The campus television production organization runs and produces content for those screens, but also hosts a wide range of events and offers top-notch training opportunities. For those interested in visual media — both in front of and behind the camera — NUTV hosts workshops and training sessions teaching students how to shoot, edit and direct video. A $10 yearly membership grants you access to all of those services. There’s also writing and acting opportunities for the station’s mini-shows. NUTV also holds several film festivals and competitions throughout the year. Screenings are usually on campus — it’s well worth it to stop by one of them to see what your peers are creating.

hat’s us! We’re the third member of the tri-media alliance. We’re an independent, student-run publication that releases biweekly print newspapers covering news, opinions, arts, sports, humour, lifestyle, politics and photography. We also release stories on every day of the week during the semester. This supplement — and the magazine that it came in — showcase what we pride ourselves on doing, which is creating content that’s unique and relevant to Calgary postsecondary students. We cover everything from U of C administration to on-campus art and from the Dinos to student politics. If writing, editing or photography is up your alley, we’re always looking for more contributors. We teach volunteers how to structure stories, take high-quality photos, copy edit, conduct interviews and more. Come and see us to get signed up for a volunteer orientation — we’d love to see you around!






60 Years of Stories


B y N ikalya G oddard

he first issue of the Gauntlet was published on September 23, 1960. Themes, lore, recurring stories, conflicts and trends emerged naturally through the decades as editorial staff came and went. Everything around the Gauntlet grew alongside it — the university, the city, the world. While our pride in holding higher powers accountable and providing stories and opinions to the U of C masses hasn’t changed, much about our independent, student-run newspaper has. The Gauntlet started out sharing space with the campus yearbook staff, getting our own space in late October of 1960. We’ve been moved through various buildings and rooms — even into the Dining Centre at one point! In the winter of 1967 we packed up and moved to the SUB (Students’ Union Building), which today is MacHall. In 2001 we took up residence in room 319, right where we are today! A $492,694 Quality Money Grant over the summer of 2017 allowed the Gauntlet to be upgraded from a dim-light, albeit cozy, office to a professional, clean business operation. Our first publishing year — Volume 1 — from 1960-61 consisted of 25 issues that averaged eight pages each. The peak number of issues over a regular season was Volume 15 from 1974-75, when the Gauntlet published between two to three issues per week, hitting a total of 49 issues over that edition with an average of 12.2 pages. In contrast, as the Gauntlet opted to publish larger issues once a week in 1999-2000 and Volume 40 had only 27 issues but they averaged 37.3 pages per issue! Two years ago, the Gauntlet moved from traditional newsprint to a magazine format, publishing once per month. This year, the Gauntlet has returned to newsprint, opting for a bi-weekly format. 30 | GAUNTLET FROSH 2019

Sixty years of history means 60 years of stories, and a lot of things have happened over the last six decades. Through huge historical stories like Cold War, the FLQ Crisis and 9/11, to local stories like yearly elections, corruption in university administration, and local tragedies and success stories alike, there’s never been a shortage in breaking news and our archives reflect the events and issues of most importance to our readership. What started out as a strongly right-wing, arguably controversial and shit-disturbing rag evolved into a relatively left-wing... occasionally controversial and shit-disturbing rag. Our politics may have changed throughout the years but our committment to freedom of the press, uncovering the truth and providing coverage of important events has not. This year, as we celebrate our 60th anniversary, we aim to bring you a wide variety of political opinions, from both ends of the spectrum. All voices are welcome to contribute to the Gauntlet. We hope you’ll bring your perspective to our pages. Here’s to 60 more years!

RADIO CJSW RADIO is Calgary’s only campus & community radio station and one of Calgary’s only independent media outlets. We tell stories and play music that you won’t hear anywhere else, and we strengthen relationships among the arts, business, intellectual, and cultural communities of the University of Calgary, the city of Calgary, and beyond! We broadcast music, spoken word and multicultural programs on 90.9 FM in Calgary and online at around the world.


Volunteers make up most of what happens at CJSW Radio. Every time you tune in to 90.9 FM, you’re hearing a volunteer on air. From helping to maintain our massive music library, writing radio scripts, interviewing cool people, to reviewing music, volunteers do a lot here. Put simply, without volunteers, there would be no CJSW. Does volunteering at CJSW Radio sound like fun to you? Find out more at!


The Friends Card is everybody’s favourite wallet-stuffer. This discount card is a treasure map to dozens of amazing local & independent businesses across Calgary and beyond, like UNA Pizza + Wine, Rosso Coffee Roasters, UCalgary Dinos, Market Collective, Blackbyrd Myoozik, and more! Friends Cards are FREE for UCalgary students. Don’t have one yet? Stop by Room 312 MacEwan Hall and grab yours today! Visit to see the full list of friends!

PROGRAMMING CJSW Radio programs a 24/7 radio broadcast that features over 100 shows in more than 10 different languages that cater to a wide variety of tastes. Our programs play a vast array of different genres, including alternative, indie rock, punk rock, blues, roots, folk, jazz, experimental, metal, hip-hop, rap, reggae, soul, electronic, country, classical, and psychedelic/garage. Head to to check out the full schedule!

403.220.3991 31 | GAUNTLET FROSH 2019

L i b r a r y, L e c t u r e a n d Welcome to university! You now get to spend time with hordes of like-minded individuals in pursuit of higher education. Congratulations — you are officially an adult. Time to start acting like one. By Derek Baker and Kristy Koehler

As a fourth-year student, there are two main places where I feel many people lack basic common decency — lecture theatres and the library. There isn’t a strict, legally binding code of proper campus conduct, but there are certain things you should do to prevent scornful glares from your peers.



he TFDL is a place where you go to get shit done. This building is full of resources to help with your schoolwork. However, since it is one of the busiest places on campus, there are a few rules you should follow out of respect for the people surrounding you. If you sit at a desk with a library computer and have your own laptop open, you are the worst type of person. Believe it or not, university is expensive and some people choose not to purchase a laptop, so they may need these computers to finish assignments. The same goes for using work computers to watch shows on Netflix. Leaving your stuff at your workspace is okay if you need to use the washroom or get a quick snack. During busy times when space is limited, however, leaving your stuff out for hours is inconsiderate and entitled. If you see a spot that remains unoccupied for more than half an hour, it’s perfectly reasonable to ask a staff member to clear it off so you can take it.


Chatting quietly to your friends on the first two floors of TFDL is fine. Unless you’re in a quiet study room, those floors aren’t restricted to silent study. The third floor is especially noisy and is where many group projects get done. If you’re someone who needs quiet to study, don’t get pissed that people are talking on this floor. However, anything higher than the third floor is meant for silent study — and the higher you go, the more intense the silence gets. Snagging a spot by the window on the sixth floor can be perfect for cramming some notes into your head between classes, as long as you don’t mind being quiet as a mouse.

e should not have to say this, but every day, people break the cardinal rules of existing in public spaces. We’ve already alluded to the massive congestion in hallways between classes. People are in a hurry — often, you have 10 minutes to get from one class to another and, if you’re an unfortunate arts students without a building to call your own, you might be running clear across campus. If you’re one of those people who isn’t in a mad-dash to the next lecture, do not hold up the people who are. If you want to look at your cell phone, move the ever-loving-you-knowwhat out of the way. Do not stop in the middle


HALLWAYS of the hallway to read your text messages. Head up. Eyes up. Walk. Do not stop. This also seems like a good time to explain how doorways work. Generally, there are two of them. One on the right, and one on the left. For whatever reason, sometimes only one of those doors is open – that doesn’t mean it’s locked. Watching people walking on the righthand side towards a locked door and then veer toward the open lefthand door and into oncoming foot traffic is like watching lemmings walk off a cliff. Just open the damn door!

Hallway Etiquette




roper lecture etiquette begins before you even enter the classroom. Since you’ll most likely be in courses with a bunch of other first-years — who seem to think it’s necessary get to class 20 minutes early — a whole swarm of students usually crowd the doors to a lecture theatre between classes. This results in massive congestion with people entering or exiting rooms. If you are going into class, wait for the previous class to filter out before entering, just like getting on the train. Once you’ve entered the theatre, you’re probably looking for the best seat. Maybe you like being up front, maybe you want to sit in the back row or perhaps you want to be in the middle. Though there obviously isn’t a seating plan, after about a week of classes, the spot you sit in becomes your unofficial assigned seat. People will be uncomfortable if they come to class one

day and find you in “their seat,” so pick a spot you like right away. If you are late to class, sit at the first seat available from where you enter. Do not walk down the stairs towards the front or to the middle of the row and disturb the entire class. During lecture, keep unnecessary questions to a minimum. There are no stupid questions, but there are stupid times to ask them. The professor needs to cover all the material and stalling class with unneccesary questions makes everyone else frustrated. If you’re really stuck, go to office hours or ask after class — your prof would actually love to see you! And for the love of god, do not ask ‘good questions’ that foreshadow where the lecture is heading just to appear smart to the prof. We get it — you did the reading.


DO’S AND DON’TS OF YOUR FIRST Y E A R As you spend your first week at university bombarded by well-meant, albeit excessive advice, you might wonder how to make sense of it all. What are the rules? How do I avoid looking out of place? Well, we can help. Here’s some unwritten rules for your first year and beyond. By Frankie Hart

DO order from Tim Hortons properly


he line starts back by the pillar to allow for passing through. If you attempt to walk straight up to the cashier, you will be hunted for sport. Also, check out what items are available at the Tim Hortons Express to ensure you’re not waiting in the longest line for no reason.

DO enjoy your time at university


hat you learn in class isn’t necessarily going to be your most important takeaway from university. Besides the Special Piece of Paper, there’s a lot for you to gain from the university experience. Be sure to make meaningful connections, whether they’re with people in your classes, your res building, clubs, volunteering, etc. If you’re finding that your time and energy is only revolving around your classes and grades, try to take a step back and balance where you can. You don’t want your only memories of university to be of burnout!

DON’T be that student


lease don’t ask questions during a lecture unless it’s information you missed that you can’t otherwise access, help for understanding content or otherwise very important. Everyone catches on very quickly if you’re ahead in the readings and start asking questions that are just poorly-disguised flexes. I’ve witnessed a student put their hand up just to say information that was just about to come up in the slides. Why? Why do you exist just to make us suffer? Do you not pay tuition for this professor to teach? This also goes for playing devil’s advocate in a debate, or anything else that similarly wastes class time. Tip: if your sentence begins with “Well, actually,” that’s a bad sign.


DO use proper TFDL etiquette


he rules are simple: don’t sit in front of a computer unless you’re going to use it, don’t trash workrooms, don’t leave your stuff behind to take up a spot for more than half an hour and talking at a reasonable volume is okay for the first three floors. Higher floors are meant to be silent study spaces, getting quieter the higher you go. I once carried around a bag of chips to the fifth floor while quickly retrieving a book. Have you seen A Quiet Place? I’m lucky to be alive.

DO find a way to get to class while staying inside


inters in Calgary suck ass. But even if your bus didn’t come, even if your car broke down, there’s no excuse to stop “hustling”! Familiarize yourself with the tunnel and +15 system and the “grind” will never stop.

DON’T spin the Zipper if you’re in engineering


egends recount a crime most foul — one committed by engineering students against the beloved Zipper. Due to this transgression, it is said that engineering students mustn’t attempt spinning the Zipper, lest they be cursed. Or do what you want. Whatever.

DO sell your soul to the Gauntlet


or years, U of C students have been asking, “Why do Gauntlet volunteers all seem to have such huge brains and endless clout? How can I become the embodiment of charisma and charm like them?” The answer is simple: just become one! The benefits are as rewarding as they are endless. Volunteering at the Gauntlet is a one-way ticket to debauchery, pizza, copy editing, banter and the inability to feel pain!



Frankie Hart

For many, university will be the first time that your time management skills are really put to the test. On top of this, a lot of students are dealing with uncertainty over their majors and overall future path. No matter what classes you’re taking, make sure that you’re making time for something that gives you a feeling of purpose and fulfillment. This might sound obvious, but it can be very easy to get tunnel vision during exam seasons.


Troy Hasselman

The best advice I could give to freshmen is pretty obvious and goes without saying — use the resources available to you. In university, professors don’t take attendance and it becomes very easy to convince yourself that you don’t have to attend class. The first couple weeks of the semester can have you convinced that you have all the time in the world before midterms and you can afford to slack off on your readings for the first little bit. Don’t convince yourself of either of those things. It’s obvious, but actually going to class is the best thing you can do for yourself. Keeping up with your readings from the start of the semester can save you from memorizing an entire textbook the night before a midterm. Office hours are also handy and professors are there to help you. All of these resources are there for a reason, use them.


Tori Taylor

My best advice for new students is to set up your student benefits and figure out how they work. I finally listened to a friend about looking into what is covered under student benefits. It could have saved me a lot of money over the last few years if I’d been paying attention to the things could have had paid for with my benefits plan. I’m getting much-needed glasses this semester and I barely have to pay a thing. The on-campus pharmacy direct billed the plan for the bulk cost of my IUD and I can just walk right upstairs to the Wellness Centre in MacHall for my doctors appointment. It’s a huge time-saver to take care of medical needs without having to leave campus. I had no idea for the longest time that I could be saving money and time by looking into the student benefits available. It takes very little time to set up your online account and the professionals on campus are wonderful.



Kristy Koehler I’m the Editor-in-Chief, so I’ve decided I get to dispense two pieces of advice. Perks of the job right? ;) Not only is this advice for your first year, it’s advice for life. VOTE. There are two elections for you to participate in this year. The first is federal election coming up in October. Get engaged with the issues. It might seem like it doesn’t matter now, but when you leave this building — ­ and even while you’re here — the policies put in place by your elected officials have far-reaching impacts on every aspect of your life. Secondly, the annual Students’ Union General Election takes place in the spring. Make sure you stay engaged with what the SU does for you, listen carefully to the platforms and select the person you think will make the University of Calgary a place you want to be!


Kristy Koehler

Professors post office hours for a reason — for you to attend and get advice and assistance. Well, and because the university makes them... However, if you didn’t show up for help, they’d be twiddling their thumbs for an hour. It can seem intimidating to walk into the office of someone with a snazzy PhD and sit yourself down for help, but they’re paid the big bucks to be there. Plus, the professors at this university genuinely like connecting with students. They often have interesting insights and information to share that didn’t come out in class. If they know who you are, that late-night email you send begging for an extension just might get answered. The downside — when they know who you are, you’ll need to actually go to class or your absence will be noted. But seriously, you should be going to class anyway.

Food Recommendations MOZZA BURGER // A & W


Frankie Hart

Tori Taylor

A&W’s Mozza Burger is just my default MacHall food order. Sometimes my stomach grumbles and a burger suddenly appears in my hands. Is it a good habit? No. But I’m speaking my truth. Have I conditioned my brain to crave mozzarella in times of academic stress? Maybe. Is the tendency to get lost in the (Mozza®) sauce not what it means to alive? To be human? Also, despite the line looking a little long at times, it moves relatively quickly.

I am not always a big pizza person but when I find a spot that makes fresh pizza and doesn’t shy away from a generous sprinkling of cheese, I end up hooked. The Den is an awesome place to stop for lunch. You can study at your table or booth while you eat with plenty of elbow room. The servers are friendly and quick to help. I highly recommend the BBQ pineapple chicken pizza — if you’re a vegetarian just hold the chicken and ask for extra veggies. There’s the perfect amount of sauce and enough cheese to attractively dangle off your chin with every slice. Plus, it’s huge and priced for the precarious student budget.


Troy Hasselman

I’m one of those people that is pretty much always hungry, I carry snacks with me nearly everywhere I go and can become borderline non-functional if I go too long without feeding myself. Whenever I am looking for a meal in MacHall I tend to go big, which is why my favourite place in the MacHall food court is Korean BBQ. A typical Korean BBQ meal provides enough nourishment for a small family and it’s rare that you’ll see someone finish an entire order in one sitting. While I have branched out occasionally, my order from Korean BBQ has remained pretty much unchanged since first year — spicy chicken, vegetables, honey potatoes and rice — but there are tons of other options you can choose from at the MacHall institution. Regardless of what you order the entire menu is consistently filling and delicious.


Cristina Paolozzi

Easily the greatest food item on campus has to be a Vietnamese sub from Bake Chef. This magnificent, yet unassuming store front could initially give a misleading first impression, but the constant line ups gives an indication that everyone here will agree with me--they are magic. They’re quick, efficient and super kind making sure you’ll be able to fuel up between study sessions. Not to mention the fact that they’re open late. So whether it’s celebrating that final presentation you just nailed, or in need of some comfort food after the mid-term you know you bombed, Bake Chef will always be there for you.


A R E YO U N OT entertained? By Troy Hasselman




here is a full-fledged art gallery on our campus tucked away on the first floor of the Taylor Family Digital Library. The gallery houses pieces ranging from antiquity to the modern day in its constantly changing exhibitions. Admission is free to the galleries and is always worth a look, whether it be putting aside an afternoon to take in its exhibitions or to do a quick glance through on your way back from class. This gallery space compounds the stellar work being done in our arts department with student work also on display in the seventh floor of the arts parkade, showing another layer of the wonderful artistic community that calls our campus home.



alleries can be found throughout the city, displaying art that is both local and international, obscure and renowned, new and old. The Glenbow Museum is a great place to view work from renowned artists and different cultures in one, large space that can easily take a full day to get through. As well places like The New Gallery, The Esker Foundation, Contemporary Calgary, Newzones Gallery and many others all showcase works from local and Canadian artists. Calgary’s art scene is quickly growing as it slowly sheds its reputation as a city only for oil and cows.



here are only two places to grab a beer on campus. The Last Defense Lounge, whose clientele is mostly graduate students and professors, has standard pub food and a pool table that’s free to use. The bar is often quiet enough to hold a conversation and the beer selection isn’t bad. The other option is The Den. It’s mostly students who have come straight from class to have a beer, so the atmosphere is relaxed. Upstairs, the Black Lounge serves the same food, but is a little quieter. On Thursday drinks at The Den are cheap and the line is long. Thursden parties are a campus tradition so you’ll probably end up there at some point in your university career. Happy drinking!



f you’re looking to venture out, Calgary has an incredible food scene The restaurant varities reflect the diverse makeup of the city’s population and cuisine from all over the world is represented. If you’re looking for wings nearby, Jamesons Pub and the Kilkenny both offer wing nights and are just a quick few minutes away from campus. For fine dining, head to Stephen Avenue or 17th Ave. to experience innovative gastronomy and upscale nightlife. There’s also a burgeoning craft beer industry in the city so there’s never any need to throw back a half-warm Corona again.





here are plenty of exciting sporting events taking place on-campus weekly. The University of Calgary Dinos are some of the best athletes in the country. Our teams have been to more national championships in the past few years than any other university. If you can’t find what you’re looking for in an official Dinos team, there’s probably a club dedicated to it. Student clubs exist for cricket, Aussie Rules Football and Quiddich. If skiing and snowboarding are more your jam, the U of C Ski an Snowboard club has been around for fifty years and are famous for their cheap lift tickets — and epic parties.

algary is home to several professional sports teams. The Calgary Flames are the local NHL team and the Calgary Hitmen are their WHL counterpart. The Roughnecks provide hardhitting lacrosse action and the Calgary Stampeders are the defending Grey Cup champions of the Canadian Football League. All of the venues to watch pro sports are accessible by CTrain.



wo of our city’s best concert venues are located right here on campus. MacEwan Hall and the smaller Ballroom upstairs have played host to some of the most memorable and fun concerts I’ve attended in this city with shows from up-and-coming bands, legacy acts, underground favourites and even the occasional comedian or live podcast. These are also two of Calgary’s most egalitarian venues, with nearly every ticket for shows being General Admission, meaning that all tickets cost the same and the way to get the best seats you can for a show there is to just show up early. They are also two fantastic all-age venues in a city that is sorely lacking in them. The University of Calgary plays host to a thriving arts community with degrees in music, drama and dance all offered by our School of Performing Arts. These three on-campus venues all offer chances to see performances put on by students from across these three fields. Every spring, the Alchemy Festival of student work takes place on campus with a wide range of student-created works that range from plays to dance recital to musical performances to reading that all serve to showcase the impressive array of talented students that populate our campus. Admission is usually free with a student card.



algary offers a ton of venues to catch live music, with shows happening virtually every night across venues scattered throughout our city. Bigger venues like the Palace Theatre and Jubilee Auditorium attract global-touring acts. While smaller ones like the Palomino Smokehouse, Commonwealth Bar & Stage, Dickens Pub, The Hifi Club, The Ship & Anchor, Festival Hall and countless others offer local acts a place to play. For aspiring artists looking for a chance to perform, Koi offers a great open mic every Tuesday night. Summertime also brings a chance to catch live music in some of our internationally renowned festivals like Sled Island or Calgary Folk Fest. If you’re looking to catch a movie, Calgary has many options as well. Aside from the numerous Cineplex locations scattered across the city where you can catch the latest blockbusters there are independent movie houses also. The Globe Cinema on 8th Avenue and the Plaza Theatre in Kensington offer the latest independent movies, documentaries and frequent screenings of classic films with the added charm of a movie house that you just can’t get at a multiplex. The Cineplex location in Eau Claire offers a nice mix of all types of cinema, showing foreign films, blockbusters, indies, classics and livecasts of whatever you’re looking to see.


Real Study Tips

Favourite Study Spaces HOME


hey say that the best way to study is to try to simulate the testing environment the best that you can. This helps to recall information. Theoretically, the best thing you can do is to study quietly at a desk with as little outside disturbance as possible. I’m aware of this, and yet instead I will go home, immediately change into pajamas, blast Lizzo and do my readings lying down. And if my cat happens to decide to lay down on my textbook, who am I to tell him not to? Sue me.

Frankie Hart



y real answer is anywhere that isn’t the TFDL but the atrium in the Administration Building would have to be my top choice for best on-campus study spot. I have spent countless hours in this cozy and green space over the course of my degree, perched in one of the comfy and geometrically-shaped chairs that dot its floors. The atrium has an ambience and character that I find lacking in the other study spots on campus. If I’m going to spend hours locked in a room cramming for an exam or project I would much rather it be filled with tropical looking plants and statues of Greek philosophers than an empty table with a computer. This aesthetic preference falls in with my deeply held belief that more coffee shops should ditch the trendy minimalist look and model themselves after a Rainforest Cafe location.

Troy Hasselman



do my best book-learning when I am comfortable and warm. I don’t love sitting at a desk and I can’t concentrate on anything but my goosebumps when I am cold. Thankfully, I discovered the perfect area to hunker down and study in the Taylor Family Digital Library. On the second floor of TFDL, there are several bean-bag chairs that make perfect study-nests. I can cross my legs, lean back and put my laptop in my lap — where it is meant to be. The library is always nice and warm. During the winter months, I can find a beanbag chair and move it in front of the large windows. I can study in a cozy place with lots of natural sunlight and a view of the snowcovered campus. Good Earth is on the bottom floor of TFDL and I love being able to quickly grab a drink on my way up to grind out whatever work I have ahead of me. Tori Taylor



he best place to study on campus, for me, would have to be the Taylor Institute for Teaching and Learning. Located between ICT and Mac Hall, this stand-alone structure is a fairly modern addition to the campus. Its huge wooden staircase and glass classrooms allows for tons of natural light while studying. The gallery on the first floor also has a piano that is open for anyone to play, which gives the space a relaxed atmosphere. It’s almost as if you can envision yourself in an ambient café instead of at school cramming for your next exam…. Cristina Paolozzi

++ Coffee? Red Bull? That’s baby shit. Take the pills that weirdo in the library keeps trying to sell you. But be careful! If you take too many, you’ll die.

++ Positive

reinforcement works wonders. Hire an assassin that will kill you if you do poorly on your test. That way, you will have something to work towards.

++ Have a question during class, but it doesn’t have anything to do with the current topic? Ask it anyway! Everyone wants to hear your dumbass ramblings about how you’re an anarcho-libertarian or whatever. Your professor will give you bonus marks if you mention Hitler more than twice.

++ All-nighters

are not good for your health. Instead of spending the night studying, spend it staring out of your window thinking about how it’s too late to stop the assassin you hired from completing his dark task.

++ After you’re done reading a chapter of your textbook, write a summary and tattoo it onto your body. The excruciating pain will serve as a reminder of what is to come.

++ Need some peace and quiet? Book a private study room in the library where you can scream as loud as you want without anyone calling the cops.

++ Don’t forget to get some exercise every now and then! It helps keep the blood flowing to your brain, but don’t for a second think it will help you escape the Black Adder when he descends upon you in the night.

++ Eat a balanced breakfast on the day of your exam. Enjoy the taste of food. It is such a simple joy in life, and you may never have the opportunity again.

++ Colour-code your notes!!! 41 | GAUNTLET FROSH 2019






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